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Chapter 48: The Intruder
I was now forty years old and single. My wife and I had divorced six years before but we had remained friends even after she remarried. I had dated and gotten laid often enough but the women soon saw me as a potential high income husband and began to demand my undivided attention. I had no intention of getting married again.
Months between fucks became the norm followed by three months of frantic bouts of passion followed by months of celibacy as I tried to break a relationship. My fascination with a woman ebbed quickly after about three months. Each woman had often heard my mantra of never getting married again but most had decided it didn’t apply to them. I rarely got a clean friendly break from a relationship.
Eventually the resentment of my former lovers got to me and after I walked my daughter down the aisle I moved to the city. I bought a nice patio home in the suburbs and concentrated on my job. I am a dermatologist.
My new home had two bedrooms and two baths. The second, smaller bedroom became my office but had a comfortable futon for surprise guests.
It was just a few weeks later when I began to feel my new home was haunted. I did not believe in ghosts and there were no manifestations but I felt that someone had been there when I was at work. I had a dog, a yellow lab named Patty and she did not seem to be upset so I chalked it up to my imagination. But the feeling persisted.
I changed the locks on the doors and made sure my windows were locked but that did not help. I was convinced someone was coming in.
I spent a weekend installing cameras throughout the house then on Monday I tapped into them from work.
There was a woman in the house petting my dog.
She looked like she was exhausted and was soon on my sofa sound asleep with my dog by her side. She was a small woman, with short red hair hair, in her late thirties maybe, a bit skinny. She was dressed normally although I could tell she wore no bra. She appeared to have nice tits.
I decided not to call the police, after all nothing had been missing and my dog did not view her as a threat. Plus she obviously needed the sleep.
I checked on her periodically and watched her sleep for about five and a half hours before she got up and went to the second bathroom. I had not put a camera in there so I did not know what she did but my dog followed her.
It took more than half an hour for her to re-emerge and when she did she was carrying her clothes, she was nude. She was the first nude woman in my new house. She looked nice.
My dog was still with her and followed her to the kitchen. I lost sight of her there, my camera was aimed towards the refrigerator, but when she re-appeared she was dressed except for her jeans. She gave my dog a treat, which she must have brought, I was out of treats and had been for a few days. The intruder put what appeared to be a cup of ramen soup into the microwave then sat on the floor to pet the dog. It was clear to me they liked each other.
She stood and ate her soup while standing then disappeared off camera. I panned to the other cameras but there was no one there. After about thirty minutes I saw my dog asleep on the couch where she had slept. The woman was apparently gone. She had made herself at home in my house for almost seven hours.
When I got home there were no signs anyone had intruded but now I knew someone had. I saw her in my house everyday that week but never saw how she got in or left. I needed more cameras.
That weekend I installed four more, another in the kitchen, one on the patio, and one in each bathroom.
The following Monday she was again in the house before I got to my desk at work and was asleep on the couch soon after. This time when she went into the bathroom I had a camera to follow her and saw her get nude and go into the shower. She was definitely skinny.
She definitely had fine tits.
She emerged and used paper towels to dry herself and the shower walls, the roll was under the sink. I wondered if I was missing one or if she had brought it.
In the kitchen I saw a backpack by the washer/drier I had not seen from the other camera. She stuffed her dirty clothes in my washer and ran it without detergent. She then pulled out panties and a t-shirt from the backpack and put those on. She pet my dog then pulled out her cup of ramen soup and put it in the microwave.
Her clothes had been in the washer only about five minutes when she moved them to the drier and put her jeans in with them. She again ate standing up then she and the dog went out to the patio. They played. My dog adored her. She adored my dog.
Twenty minutes later she got her clothes out of the dryer, stuffed them into her backpack then locked the back door with the dead bolt. My new patio camera showed her and the dog going out through the doggy door. It was a tighter fit for the dog.
After petting the dog one more time she went out through the yard gate to the front of house.
By the end of the week I was watching her only when she got in and out of the shower. I worried about the fact that she seemed to be undernourished. I worried about where she was on weekends. I worried about how much I really wanted her tits.
The following Monday I left her two towels in the bathroom with a note asking her to please give the dog a bath too.
She was panic-stricken at first and ran out of the bathroom but soon calmed and began to search for cameras. She found the first four I set up, they were in plain sight behind little domes on the ceiling, she had not noticed them until then. She realized I had been watching her for a while.
She did not see the last four as I had hidden them. She did look for one in the bathroom but that one was behind what was now a two-way mirror.
I saw her give me a small smile from the camera in the living room then walk to the bathroom with the dog. I had bought shampoo and conditioner for her hair, nice smelling soap, and a toothbrush. The dog shampoo was also in the bathroom.
Labs love water and mine was very pleased when she was allowed into the shower. When they emerged they were both very happy. After drying herself and the dog she hung both towels on the hooks behind the door and dressed in the bathroom. She likely knew I had seen her walk around naked and decided to be modest. I was very glad for the camera in the bathroom.
The scene in the kitchen was as usual except she threw her empty soup cup in my trash.
She was definitely skinny.
The next morning when she got in she found a box of cereal on the counter, a bowl with a spoon, a carton of milk next to a glass, and a bottle of women’s multi-vitamins next to it. I left her a note that said her lunch was any frozen dinner in the freezer.
She looked up to the camera in the kitchen and gave me a very nice smile. That afternoon I found a cup of ramen soup on the counter, unopened. In the trash I found the box to a fried chicken dinner.
The following day I had a note for her on the couch that told her I had a comfortable futon in the office that had enough room for her and the dog. She had a gorgeous smile.
Things stayed that way for about eight weeks. I saw her gain weight and become more radiant. I saw her load and run the dishwasher, vacuum and dust, I was not a good housekeeper.
I saw her look through a photo album I had on the coffee table that my daughter had given me. It had photos of the two of us from the day she was born through the day she married. It was my most prized possession but I knew it was safe in her hands, her smile was brilliant as she looked through it. I thought I saw her eyes moisten. I had already decided I liked her.
The intruder walked through my house wearing just a t-shirt when she wanted to wash her jeans too. She would put all her clothes in the washer when she came in and in the drier af
ter her sleep.
Apparently she had decided I had already seen her nude and it didn’t matter or had decided to thank me for my hospitality. She undressed in the kitchen. Then I reminded myself she did not know I could now see that end of the kitchen, she likely just though she was out of my sight.
She signed for FedEx packages and got the mail for me. Had I had any neighbors at home at that time they would have assumed she lived there. It was then that I realized that she indeed lived there.
I seldom left notes for her over those weeks and the intruder had never left notes for me until my dog Patty got sick. She left me a note describing the symptoms, (vomiting and confusion), and asked me to keep an eye on her that evening but she was sure whatever caused it was out of her system. She had rinsed her mouth with the hose and had left her with plenty of water to drink.
She ended the note by saying, ‘Thanks for everything. Hanna.’
I now had a name for the intruder. I liked the name Hanna.
That evening I saw no signs of vomit in the house or patio but my dog seemed to be a bit frazzled and drank a lot of water. I checked around my patio and saw that a neighbor’s oleander had stuck a small branch between the slats of the fence. I decided that must have been the problem and shoved the branch back through. Then I saw the dead chewed up toad.
The mouth hose rinse Hanna had done to my dog possibly saved her life.
I had begun to suspect she was a homeless prostitute. Twice during those weeks she had come in with a black eye, once she had cried herself to sleep. I had not asked but suggested in a note that after rough nights she could use the tub in my bathroom.
My bathroom had a separate tub and shower but I seldom used the tub even though it had water jets. She used it the next time she had cried herself to sleep. I saw an angry welt just under a breast.
That drew a surprising amount of ire from me, I wanted to kill the bastard that would punch a woman that hard. It took three weeks for the bruise to fade.
Three months after I had discovered her in my home I left work early one Wednesday afternoon and waited for her to leave my house. I followed her to a bus stop and followed the bus into town. She got off near the Greyhound bus station and I saw her put her backpack in a station locker. She then walked to an area full of bars and go into the first one. That bar advertised it provided free appetizers. It was dark by then.
Forty minutes later she walked to the next block and went into another bar then came out with a guy and followed him behind a dumpster. Their movements told me she was giving him a blowjob.
She was putting a bill in her jeans when they emerged but she stayed by the dumpster. A different guy came out and found her, both went behind the dumpster and she gave another blowjob.
She moved down the street past the next two bars and went into the third. A blowjob later she continued down the street.
She gave seven blowjobs that evening before returning to the bus station and resting around three AM. She dozed intermittently but she got less than an hours sleep.
The guy that appeared to be the station chief ushered her into his office when he came in at about six. She was back out after five minutes and went straight to the ladies room. When she emerged about twenty minutes later, she got her backpack, got a coke out of a vending machine and walked two blocks to the bus stop. It was nearly seven AM when I watched her get on the bus to my neighborhood.
I got home first and was waiting for her in my kitchen when she came in.
I said, ‘I have been following you all night and I am as wrung out as you are. Eat your breakfast then get some sleep. We will talk after your shower.’
I kissed her cheek and went to bed. When I woke up I wondered if she was still in the house but found her sound asleep on the futon with my dog.
I stopped myself from kissing her and walked away then realized I had already kissed her so I turned around and kissed her cheek again.
I took a shower then went to the kitchen and cooked a late lunch for us.
She sat with me and we ate in silence.
As soon as we finished she said, ‘I will not come back here. I am sorry.’
‘Why would you stop coming here? You would be homeless otherwise.’
‘I though that was what the talk was all about.’
‘Oh, no. Sorry. It’s just that I saw you make a hundred and forty dollars last night and you likely make more on weekends. You make enough for a cheap apartment of your own and a much better diet. Where is the money going? Drugs?’
‘No. To Mom and my daughter. My daughter has a condition and her medicine is expensive. What I make barely covers the prescriptions. I also made the mistake of stealing from work and I am paying that back too. I can’t get a decent job.’
‘Do you enjoy giving blowjobs?’
‘It’s a living,’ she answered with a rueful smile.
I waited for her to continue and she added, ‘Yes, I like sucking off a clean, gentle man. I really like the two that kiss me before and after the blowjob. Both of those men are gay. They like me. Unfortunately I rarely see those men. Most nights are like the one you saw, I was just happy everyone paid and none hit me.
I did see you as I walked from the third bar to the next. It took me a while to realize it was you since you stayed at the opposite side of the street. I continued my rounds so you would understand what I was.’
‘You stayed at the first bar for a while. Where you busy?’
‘No, I eat the appetizers there then drink a glass of coconut rum over ice to help me get started. I don’t do business there.’
‘Do you fuck any of them?’
‘No. Never have, and in fact I have never been asked. I don’t seem to appeal to men that way. Most do want to see my tits but just as you saw I always wear jeans.’
‘You do have fine tits,’ I said as I poured coffee for us.
‘Thank you.’
‘Where do you go on weekends?’
‘The bus station mostly. Sometimes I spend the day riding different busses. I have a pass. That’s how I found your house and this worthless watchdog.’
She was softly petting my dog that I suspected preferred her to me. It had been my daughter’s dog in the first place.
‘How much do you need to send home each week?’
‘Five hundred.’
‘I will pay you five hundred a week for you to be my live in maid, cook, and dog sitter.’
‘What? Wait, you want me to stay here?’
‘Yes, and give up cruising for blowjobs. That will eventually get you really hurt and or arrested.’
‘Deal,’ she said as she jumped into my arms and gave me a ferocious hug.
I had surprised myself when I made the offer. I had been thinking about her safety and truly did not want her to get hurt. Her reaction told me she really wanted to escape that life. It told me my rash decision had been the right one.
‘Lets go shopping,’ I said.
I took her hand and led her to my car and took us to a large merchant cube. She bought panties, shorts, blouses, make-up, hairbrush and fingernail polish. No bras. We bought chicken, steak, pork chops, and big bags of frozen mixed vegetables. She got dog treats. I had my house key duplicated and bought her a key chain to put it on. She gave me another ferocious hug.
It was our first day of personal contact but we felt we had known each other for a while. She was amazed I liked her.
When we returned home we to put everything away then she cooked us a very nice dinner even though she kept apologizing that she had not cooked anywhere in nearly five months.
After dinner I went to my bedroom and changed clothes putting on gym shorts and a t-shirt. After she cleaned the kitchen she joined me in the living room wearing the large t-shirt she slept in. I knew she wore nothing underneath.
We were watching the news that evenin
g when she wondered out loud if any of her customers missed her.
‘I am sure all of them do,’ I said.
She smiled and crawled from the sofa to me on my recliner. Her hand went up into my shorts and she pulled out my cock.
‘You do not need to do this at all. I am not paying you for this.’
‘This and all of the rest you are getting are free, gifts to the finest gentleman I have ever met.’
My cock was erect by then and quickly in her mouth. She made love to it and stopped me from cumming twice. Twice I interrupted her with a kiss and she moaned before resuming the blowjob. Many minutes had passed before she deep-throated my cock and I exploded down into her stomach. She kept on sucking my cock until it went into a deep sleep.
That was far and away the best blowjob I had ever experienced. I also suspected none of her customers had ever received that level of a gift except perhaps the gay men.
She began to stand but I pulled her onto my lap and was soon fingerfucking her. I was right, the only thing she wore was the shirt. She was very wet and very horny so she began her orgasms quickly and they continued for a while. Eventually she pushed my hand away. Then she kissed me. It was a lover’s kiss.
We spent the next twenty minutes with her on my lap just caressing each other and kissing as we watched the late show.
‘You need to go to bed so you can go to work tomorrow.’
‘Right, Will you be able to sleep? Your hours are reversed.’
‘Yes, soon. Will it bother you if I run the washer and dryer?’
‘No. I usually start the dishwasher before going to bed.’
‘Thanks, I always wash my new clothes before wearing them. I will run the dishwasher too, I already loaded it. Good night.’
We kissed and I went to bed.
The following morning I found her sound asleep on the futon. Patty was curled around her. I had lost my dog.
That afternoon when I checked my home video I saw a sign on the couch that said, ‘Call me,’ and had a number. I did and she told me she needed to go to a bank and send a money order home so she was leaving the house for a while.
‘Where is home?’ I asked.
‘Down the coast about eighty miles.’
‘Call your Mom and tell her you will be visiting her in the morning. We can give her the money directly.’
‘You sure?’
I could hear the surprise and elation in her voice.
‘Yes, tell her we are taking them out to lunch.’
‘I’ll call right now. Bye’
Apparently I had not been completely sure her story about her kid was true. Apparently it was. I was happy. I wondered about her cell phone.
That night I got a fine dinner and a fine blowjob. I took her to several orgasms with what she called my magic finger.
The following morning we drove to her hometown of Felicity and her mother’s house. On the way I suggested she call and tell them we were on our way. She said her phone didn’t work outside the city, it was a monthly plan with a company that only served large cities. On Monday I put her on my plan and she was stunned to see that the package she had signed for the following week was addressed to her.
That Saturday her Mom and her daughter welcomed me warmly. Hanna introduced me as her boss.
Her daughter had Turner’s syndrome. She was small for her age, I had assumed she was seven or eight but she was closer to twelve. There were short stretches of time in which she seemed to tune the rest of the world out. Hanna looked at me and whispered, ‘No, she is not autistic. The doctor said she is just a weird kid.’
I like weird kids,’ I said to her daughter, Paris. She giggled.
It was obvious Hanna adored her daughter and her mother. It was obvious they adored her.
We went to their favorite Italian restaurant and Hanna urged me to order the shrimp linguini like she had. Hanna’s mother Amy ordered ravioli. Paris had just the linguini in pink sauce and a very thick milk shake.
‘Paris seldom chews her food, Hanna said. Her sauce is made just for her, it has pureed spinach, carrots, garlic and tomatoes to add nutrition to her food. All that and the olive oil is why it’s pink. Of course since it’s pink Paris will eat all of it.’
Hanna and I sometimes slurped the linguini, which was Paris’ way of eating them. We made her giggle. I found it to be fun.
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Tina stood before the mirror and admired her reflection. What she saw was a sensual, sexy woman. Her dark hair framed her face. Gold dangling earrings added sparkling highlights and directed one's attention downward to her incredible breasts.Her tits were soft hemispheres of erotic perfection, sized like very large g****fruits. A lacy black half bra served to present each breast both visually and erotically. The bra lifted and compressed her breasts forming a deep cleavage and forcing her...
I'm a married man, but I still think about my first nut, I was about 14 or 15, walking down the the street when this guy offered me a ride, I got in, he was a black guy about 25, I could tell he was gay, he pulled into a alley and rubbed my dick and said take out, I did and as soon as he touched it I came all over the place, he said don't worry about it and still wanted to suck it, but I got out and went home, as soon as I got there I went right into the bathroom and jacked off for the first...
Jake licked her pussy over and over again but she just wasn't into it. He asked her if it felt good and she said "um-hmm" rolling her eyes with exhaustion from pretending. Jake slowly crawled up her body kissing and licking her which she thought didn't actually feel all that bad if only he could put that much passion in everything he did while the fucked. Shannon Knew her face probably showed that she wasn't enjoying it so she put on the best sexual face she could muster up. Jake...
Namaskar, Sab hindu bhaiyon aur Muslim chudakkarou ko Shilpa ki choot ka pranam, mai aaj aapko aapko apni chudai ki sachi ghatna sunane jarahi hoon, meri umr 23 saal hai,5.6, rang goora, 36c ke ubhre hue boobs aur lachakti hui gaand 36. Mai aksar tight salwar pahen kar hi bahar jaati hoon, mai college jane ke waqt hamesha raste mein chalte log meri mast jawani ko nangi nazrou se dekhte aur kuch to comments bhi kaste ke ‘ kya maal hai saali ‘ Salwar mein bhi hokar lund ko pagal karrahi hai.....
Yet Another Company of Womenbybyronbgeo©"This isn't happening," said Kyle, almost to himself, although Erika was sitting across from him at her desk. She was very attractive with her raven hair cut short, and a revealing blouse. It was only his first week at the advertising company and twice he'd broken protocol used for filing of forms and memos. His boss, Alexa Martin, said he was careless and wasn't cut out for the job, but agreeing to spare him only if he were willing to massage and even...
The name’s Bristol. Bertie Bristol. I’m a private dick. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “He just slipped that dick in there for a cheap laugh.” Well, if you’ve got a better place I can slip it in just let me know. I’ve had some strange cases in my time, but the strangest of them all was the spate of disappearances of attractive young men on the tropical island of Bazooma. They all went missing in Strangways Valley, an area that soon became known as the Bazooma Triangle. Really...
My mother started to complain the second we were safely back inside our room. Of course I wasn't going to let her get away with that! "You loved it," I scoffed at her first words. "I did not!" "And no wonder, you were the most beautiful woman on the ride or on the beach." "I was not." "Admit it. It was fun." "It wasn't!" "You loved all the attention." We both had and we both knew it. There is something almost inexplicably exciting about showing yourself publicly after...
Ben closed the bathroom door calmly and walked toward the door. He needed some fresh air. Some fresh air and he would be fine.He didn’t get five paces before he dropped to his knees, groaning in pain. His hands shot to his groin. He could feel the hardness fighting against the material of his jeans. His cock was so hard it hurt, hurt right up into his belly with a deep pulsing throb. He had never hurt like this before. He had never been this hard before.Fumbling fingers struggled and fought....
Death happens! First, my dad, then my grandpa and grandma ... and this past year my mom died. Suddenly, I was alone. Alone in this big house ... All by myself! Actually, I had an older sister who lives in the same town, only 35 minutes away. Alone in the four-bedroom home I sometimes find myself rattling around the place. I'm 19, and my name is Robert. My sister lives on the other side of town ... her name is Sarah. She's not married or anything. She just lives right by the college...
ok well .....i met her daughter 5 years ago and got married 3 years ago. the whole family got along fine with me. we went on trips and did a lot of stuff as a family. until a year and a half ago her daughter cheated on me with one of her co workers. her mother (widowed) was ebarrassed at the fact that her daughter cheated on me, and also stated "i didn't raise no daughter to be a slut". she told me i was her best son in law and i didn't deserved to be cheated on. so months later her daughter...
He could see the black bag, half empty now, on the table just fifteen feet away from him. If I can get to it, he thought, it's only another 30 feet or so to the long stainless steel sink where I clean the utensils. I could wash the flour down the sink, and then it would be gone. But he was so weak. He didn't know how he'd be able to get his shaky legs to walk that far, and then lift the bag and tote it to the sink. It seemed like a herculean task. Then he heard the women again, fighting...
This was a different time - when interracial relationships were not socially acceptable.His dark-skinned hand on my pale-white tummy would make a beautiful painting - the sharp contrast in color. Stirring. Erotic. His name is Reggie. He lifts my chin so I can see the whites of his eyes - another stark contrast to his matte-black face. And lips fuller than my own, kiss me, with a passion previously unknown to me.This is forbidden.Bobby stands behind me and reaches around to unfasten my jeans...
InterracialAny sex lover would love to do threesome/group sex at least once in their lifetime. I always used to think I’m unlucky for such experiences but when I got one such, it was great and I’m going to tell you here what happened. You can reach me at I have had a few sex experiences before and after marriage. It was all one on one. I read a lot of stories in ISS and used to see a lot of porn. I love group stories a lot. So I was getting very much eager to try a threesome or group sex party. Most of...
This is my first attempt at writing so all comments and feedback welcome. My story is all fiction.My name is James and two months ago I moved in with my cousin to help her with the rent, I am 27 years of age, 5'10, 168lbs and I have an 8 inch cock. Mary is 35, 5'5 and 140lbs with nice 36C tits. I never had any sexual feelings towards her before, but since we moved in together my feelings have changed, seeing her around the house, when she comes out of the shower in her towel walking to her room...
IncestHe was a perfect lover. A man of quiet confidence who never gave himself away yet when he was with her he gave all of himself. The world evaporated when he looked at her, undressed her slowly careful to caress and touch her body with his eyes, his hands, his essence. He mesmerized her with his touch, the kisses to her neck, to her cheek, and finally to her lips that sought his. His lips were firm, warm, and sure. His tongue probed her mouth, dancing with hers in the mystery of two people coming...
You see, I have a kink for being their first, it really turns me on, and they definitely enjoy it, so it’s more a mutual satisfaction arrangement. The money is just a nice gift, and helps me look a little less strange. I find people prefer to think your doing it just for the money, rather than you just enjoy taking their ‘innocence’. I don’t advertise of course, but word gets around, and so does my number, and rarely a month goes by without me taking a virgin’s cherry. Male virgin of...
The first person to sleep in the New House of Joy was Martha about three weeks later. Until then she had spent most of her time working hard on getting it ready, while staying at Kate's house, usually alone. Interspersed in this were four heavenly nights spent in pure sexual frenzy with Hugo at his house, but she had never felt at home there. It had an odd feeling, almost like an hotel, where you could stay and you could eat and you could fuck as much as you like but it was never more than a...
I first met my wife when we were college students. We had an instant attraction. She was a freshman and I was a junior. She had come from a very controlling Asian household and had been pretty sheltered before college (she hadn't been allowed to go to sleepovers with her friends or attend sex-ed classes). She and I were living on campus and-without supervision-she was free to explore her new-found sexual identity. It turned out that she has a little bit of an exhibitionist streak... it took me...
Hi friends and I’m Riya wants to share my two day with my cousin. I am fair girl with 5’6″ and my figure is 32c 24 31 and I know everyone admire my body. My story begins when I came to my uncle house that lives with his wife and they had one boy name Mohit who is elder to me and after 10th. I was admitted to 11th class in my uncle’s town and started to live here. I also went for coaching and there I met Rahul who loves me and I also but I have to become doctor for that I don’t like all this so...
IncestDream-timeJenny didn’t usually remember her dreams when she awoke next to her boring husband John – but this one was special. Jenny rolled over trying to suck some life into his limp prick – but the warm bed and with two fingers exploring her warm, wet cunt she fell back into a deep sleep:Jenny was jogging along the nude beach, her faithful Great Dane Toby trotting beside her – head raised to crotch height, breathing in her musky cuntal perfume. The pale blue bikini bottoms were soaking wet –...
I've always a bit of fetish for older women. Perhaps fetish is the incorrest word, perhaps just a preference. I never felt very comfortable around girls around my own age and enjoyed flirting with the older women with whom I encountered. I lost my virginity at the age of s*******n to a waitress I worked with at a little restaurant. Her name was Christine. She was slim, dark Italian woman who had to be in her mid thirties at the time. I worked in the back kitchen doing dishes and various other...
Hey everybody, as an infectious disease epidemiologist, at this point I feel morally obligated to provide some information on what we are seeing from a transmission dynamic perspective and how they apply to the social distancing measures.Like any good scientist I have noticed two things that are either not articulated or not present in the "literature" of social media.Specifically, I want to make two aspects of these measures very clear and unambiguous.First, we are in the very infancy of this...
“I’m home,” Alex yelled as she closed the door. “In the bedroom,” Kevin called distantly. Alex put her briefcase down on the fourier table, then headed to join her future husband. She thumbed her engagement ring, loving the novelty of it. Alex found Kevin toweling off his head leaving the rest of his lean muscular body wet. “Mm, dripping man. Just what I need,” she said, hugging his moist body from behind. “Careful, you’ll ruin your suit,” Kevin cautioned. “Casual Friday at work today,...
“Last minute of play in the third period!” Was announced, and the Kingston players sighed, wanting their nightmare game finally come to an end. The fans stood and cheered for their team as the seconds counted down. The face-off was at the Falcon’s blue line with twenty-five seconds remaining. Coach Stanton rewarded Brad’s effort by finishing off the game with him, Mike, and Jake on the ice. Mike won the face-off, passing to Mario. He had no play, so he shot the puck off the boards to clear...
It was a normal day at work. I was sitting at my desk doing what I do every day. For the past three months I had been fantasizing about a girl at work. I didn't want to have sex with her; I just wanted to know what her feet looked like. She had always worn closed shoes, as specified in the standards of the office. I had no idea what her feet looked like, which made me want them even more. One day while she was sitting at her desk I looked over and she had kicked off one of her shoes. I could...
FetishIt was early afternoon and Sherry was driving home after having worked through the night and the morning on her research project. She was tired, but pleased with the results she had obtained. She stopped at the stop sign on the corner, and glanced over at the house there. At first, she thought she was so tired that she had to be hallucinating. She slapped her own face, to see if that would wake her up. It had no effect on what she was seeing. Alex Cage, dressed as though he were at the...
Jane walked through her front door and slammed her case down in a huff. Her flight had been set back two days and she wasn’t sitting in an airport shopping mall for all that time. ‘Bastards!’ she hissed. This would cause problems at the office but that wasn’t her fault. Who wants to stare at perfume that smells like donkey piss for forty-eight hours? She struggled upstairs with her case, placed it in the spare room and decided to get a shower. It was still morning so her husband...
My good friends daughter told me a story and I thought it good enough to embellish, but retain the juiciness, at it refers to her and her reaction, her openness and willingness to express herself to men, like you, how even girls can be induced to commit sexual acts, even when their brains scream, 'No'.Felicia, is 19 and she recently was hired on for the Summer vacation period, to cover for the others taking holidays.Felicia is in her second year at university, studying computer science, and...
Cute blondies Katie Kush and Bella Rose planned to have a fun time out in the sun, but the forecast shows rain! To salvage the day, Bella suggests that they watch some movies on her laptop. Katie heads into the bedroom to set up some flicks, but stumbles upon some videos that are a little more… interesting. Turns out Bella has been watching lesbian porn in her spare time! Katie is curious, so she lets Bella lick her tight, young pussy as it gets wetter and wetter. Her clit is super...
xmoviesforyouIntroductionHi I’m Annie, although the pathetic sub ‘nochance dave’ who I allowed to write this piece has to call me Mistress Anna:SmannellAnnie was quite used to being touched up at the bar of her local - The Oak, but this smartly dressed diminutive stranger wasn't one of her usual matches on a quiet Friday night.His subtle stroke up her bare arm made her shiver as Annie felt her nipples hardening inside the thin silk blouse clinging to her pert braless breasts.The phone in the back pocket of...
Future Shocked, Really Shocked By Ayla Jaxxon "Damn." The truck slowed, coasting until the driver pulled over to the side of the road and came to a stop. "Damn, damn, damn." Ayla Jackson let out a deep sigh and unbuckled her seatbelt. She got out and opened the hood of the pickup. "Shit. I have no idea what I'm looking for." She looked at the engine, it wasn’t smoking, all the tubes were attached to something or the other, the battery had cables hooked to it. The truck had...