Felicity Ch. 57 free porn video

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Chapter 57. Brenda

I am an intermediate school teacher, that is the school to which the demented ones go, ages eleven to fourteen. I liked it there because that was the last age group a teacher could influence kids on how to treat a planet, or each other, or themselves. That is also the group that begins to become aware of the opposite sex so getting their attention is impossible at times.

Once they leave for high school their minds are pretty much hardwired and there isn’t much anyone can do.

At home my patience was tested too. My wife was a sales representative and traveled often. Soon I became superfluous to her, like earrings she never wore. I suspected she had a lover so I contacted a private investigator with ties to offices in the Midwest were she travelled to check up on her.

When their report came in I was deeply saddened and knew it was hopeless but I gave her and our marriage another chance.

Our sex lives had been good, she loved the way I treated her in bed. She loved our long sessions and her multiple orgasms. She suddenly decided to just wait for me to get done. I decided to stop all my advances. She was never curious of why I did so.

I went to our towns only real divorce lawyer. We talked and she asked if I had tried counseling and I told her no, that I did not want to be married to someone that did not respect me.

I mentioned that I had proof of her infidelities. Brenda, my lawyer, said to hold on to it until it appeared that we would need them.

My wife was served as she left the house for a trip to Chicago. I was told she became very angry but went ahead on her trip.

I called the investigators and asked them to follow her in Chicago and if possible photograph her activities. I got pictures of her having sex with her usual lover and two other men before she got back home.

I had by then moved out and there was a for sale sign on our front lawn. It was my house, not ours, and I knew I could never live in it again. I rented an apartment and had already moved in.

The only one that knew where I was, my lawyer, told her she didn’t know where I was.

My wife told her she would fight it to the end.

I took the folders of photos to my lawyer and she looked through them. She began to cry.

‘Her principal lover is my husband,’ she said amid her tears.

I quickly took the photos away from her and apologized over and over. I told her I did not know the guys in the pictures.

She asked me to mail one photo to my ex, she kept one and asked me to come back the following week.

That following Saturday I took Brenda to lunch where she brought me up to date. She admitted that she had suspected her soon to be ex had a lover for months but they had a child so she did not press it. We sympathized which each other.

Three weeks later the lawyer and I were both single and our former spouses had left town. She had gotten sole custody of her daughter and was not surprised her father did not put up a fight. She said he had been an indifferent father.

I took my wedding band off after the last day of school and went on my usual camping/baseball stadium trip. My ex had refused to accompany me over the last two years but had encouraged me to go. I now knew why.

I got back home in mid June just in time for our towns celebration day. I had always helped and did so again that time for Larry and Doris, I loved their fish restaurant .

A friend named Wendy was the first to notice I no longer wore a wedding band.

‘How are you doing,’ she asked.

It was not a casual question, she wanted to know how I was handling it.

‘I am at the acceptance stage already. I was not very surprised too learn of her….adventures.’

‘Good, glad to hear it. Brenda is not there yet, she has been moping for a while but pretends she is OK. Do me a favor and give her a kiss on the cheek whenever you see her. If she asks why tell her I told you to do so then kiss her cheek again before you walk on.’

‘I’m not ready for a relationship.’

‘And neither is she but you need to remind her she is not the only one suddenly alone. You went through the event together. And she is very pretty.’

‘Yes, she is. OK, I will unless she slaps me then I will tell her it was your idea.’

‘Good enough. Do me a favor and get us some empanadillas, I’ll cover for you.’

I did and found Brenda there. I nodded with a smile, asked for two and as she handed them to me I kissed her cheek. I saw the look of astonishment before I turned and left.

‘You know, you are a lot more devious than you look,’ I said to Wendy.

‘Thank you,’ she said as she treated me to her remarkably musical giggles.

I did not see Brenda again until the July Fourth fireworks show. I was headed for the ice cream truck as she walked away from it. I stepped in front of her and as she stopped I kissed her cheek then walked on.

I could not tell if she was irritated or concerned. I decided neither of those would be enough to stop me. I had started to enjoy kissing her.

A wedding brought us together the following weekend. I was an usher and she was a bridesmaid. After I led her to the altar I kissed her cheek. That time she was blushing.

‘You like doing that don’t you,’ Wendy said as I got back to the head of the aisle. I kissed her cheek. She giggled.

My next escort was a teacher and very good friend, I kissed her cheek after I took her to the altar. I had kissed the woman on the cheek for years so she simply accepted it as if it was her due. Her name was Angie and she was a lesbian recently left partnerless.

My job as usher was done so I sat at the back of the grooms section. The groom was my assistant principal. The bride was one of our teachers.

At the reception Brenda came to me and put her cheek out for a kiss. I kissed it.

‘Well, do you think this marriage will last?’ she asked.

‘Yes, these are much better people. Their not so secret love affair is now in it’s seventh year. They were afraid that if it was found out one of them would have to switch schools. Mo set them straight last Christmas.’

‘That is so nice to see.’

‘Yes it is. The buffet is open.’

‘Good, I’m starved. Oh, prime rib.’

‘I wonder which of them has the money for this spread?’

‘His father. He is a big corporate attorney in the city.’

Before we sat at the same table I kissed Mo and Wendy on the cheek as they came by then kissed the groom on the cheek as he came by much to the amusement of all.

Brenda and I danced a couple of times and I walked her to her car when she decided to leave. I decide why not and kissed her lips before she got in her car.

Wendy saw my big smile when I walked back in and interrogated me then Mo interrogated me.

I told both we were now friends but that was all.

‘Did you kiss her on the cheek?’

‘No, I missed,’ I said and walked away.

Two hands swatted my butt. Their giggles were in harmony.

I did not see Brenda again until school open house in August. I asked her if her daughter was in my class and she said no.

‘I debated whether to have her schedule changed so she would have you but thought that would cause too much gossip. I came over to hear your spiel to the parents. Most likely many now think you must be demented.’

‘Actually all of them do especially the ones that had a kid in my class before. They just put up with it.’

She said, ‘I have heard that everyone is very happy the old you is back. They are happy the witch is gone.’

‘I’m not surprised, she did not like any of my friends.’

‘I have to go find my semi-terrified baby,’ she said and waited for her kiss.

I kissed her cheek.

She said, ‘You missed, you will need to make up for it with two next time.’

She walked away leaving me a bi
t dumbfounded. She liked me. She liked my kisses.

As the event ended she came to me with her daughter and introduced us. Brenda told her that if she got in trouble to come to me and I would make her troubles infinitely worse. Her very cute daughter Penny giggled.

I kissed Brenda’s cheek and she whispered, ‘That makes four.’

I went home happier than I had been in years.

We did not see each other again for nearly three weeks. It was a Thursday afternoon and several of us had gone to Doris’ place for the all you can eat catfish special.

Brenda and Penny came in as I got my third basket. The place was crowded and the only table with two chairs was mine. I waved them over and kissed Brenda’s cheek as she sat. She had presented her cheek to me.

Penny giggled. So I kissed her cheek too. We were soon digging in on the fish.

My companion was Angie. I introduced them and learned Angie was Penny’s math teacher so they had already met.

‘No parent teacher talk while we eat please,’ I said.

All giggled.

Angie left and kissed my lips which caused nary a stir since everyone kissed everyone anyway.

I was left with Brenda and Penny. I was full and was just drinking tea but I was enjoying their company so I stayed until they surrendered.

I waved my napkin and Doris nodded and rang me up then I nodded again and she put Brenda and Penny’s charges on my tab. I kissed Doris on the way out and walked them to their car. We didn’t pay our bill,’ Penny said with some alarm.

‘I have an account there, she put us on it. They take it out as a debit at the end of the month plus fifteen percent tip,’ I said.

‘Oh, nice,’ Brenda said and kissed my cheek. A first.

Penny giggled. I kissed her cheek.

After Pennye got in her car I kissed Brenda on the cheek and she whispered, ‘Six.’

I noticed that Penny had no clear view of us so I kissed Brenda’s lips. It lasted a lot longer than I intended but Brenda did not seem to want to end it.

It wasn’t until the kiss ended that I noticed I had a hand on a breast. I did not notice I had an erection until Brenda’s hand slid over it.

I decided we needed to go on a date.

During lunch that Friday I called her and asked her to tell me when Penny would be at a slumber party, that we needed to go on a date.

‘As luck would have it she has one tonight. Pick me up after seven. Where are we going?’

‘The yacht club for dinner and dancing.’

‘In that case pick me up at eight. Bye.’

At exactly eight I rang her doorbell. A millisecond later she opened the door, grabbed my hand and pulled me to her bedroom. She was nude.

She was glorious.

She was horny.

I somehow found myself nude and was invited to fuck her. I declined and began to kiss my way to her tits. I adored them for a while and resumed my voyage down. I rubbed my beard on her pubic hair then kissed her pussy. It was very wet.

I exposed her clit and kissed it then slowly ran the flat of my tongue over it. She had an orgasm.

I kissed her pussy lips until her orgasm had passed then returned to her clit which was long enough to pinch between my lips. She had another orgasm.

I kissed my way up and as I began a kiss to her lips she crammed my cock into her. I took slow strokes lengthening them as I went on. I felt my cock leave her pussy completely then slide back in deeply and she had another orgasm.

I rolled us over and she paused for breath then sat up.

‘This has already been my best fuck ever and we are not even done,’ she said.

She rose until my cockhead was kissed by her pussy lips, paused, then rammed down hard on me. She gasped.

She swarmed kisses on me for a while then resumed the fuck.

She slammed her pussy on my cock again but it took three trips to bring another gasp to her. After that she went crazy and tried of fuck me to Albuquerque. Her intense orgasm brought mine.

She collapsed over me, breathless. I caressed her from the back of her neck to her ass. I kissed the top of her forehead. She fell asleep. Minutes later I did too.

I felt her stir. My cock was still in her although inert. I kissed her as she awoke.

‘What time is it?’ she asked.

‘Nine thirty five according to the clock on the night table.’

‘We wont make it on our date tonight. Sorry.’

‘Not a problem. right here right now is just perfect.’

She giggled and said, ‘You are right. It is perfect.’

My cock began to grow into her and we kissed until it was firm and she started a slow loving fuck. After her orgasm she said, ‘I have to pee.’

‘Me too,’ I said.

We got up and she stood behind me and aimed my cock for me. She was not very accurate and most of my piss hit the underside of the cover and seat. She giggled through the episode.

She lowered the wet seat and sat as she slurped my cock into her mouth. It stayed there for several moments after she had finished her pee.

She cleaned up the commode while I adjusted the shower. We fucked as water cascaded over us for a while and washed for a while then fucked some more but neither of us had an orgasm. We apparently just liked being coupled.

We dried then walked to her kitchen naked, we were starving. We made BLT’s with slices of avocado and drank root beers. As soon as we had finished our sandwiches I gave her long kiss.

‘OK, thats two, just nine more to go.’

‘You are not a math teacher, are you?’ I commented.

‘My math doesn’t matter, I know I’m right. Just eleven more.’

I sat her on the table and kissed her as I slid my cock back into her. We made it to three kisses before our fuck was getting out of hand. She had two orgasms before I took us to bed and two more orgasms later I had mine. I finished kiss number four.

‘That’s two,’ she said.

I agreed.

Suddenly it was morning. Brenda panicked about the time and we hurriedly dressed. We were drinking coffee in the kitchen when Penny came in.

‘I am treating you two to breakfast at the resort this morning. Drop you bag and let’s go, we have been waiting for you for a while and we are starving.’

We had waited about a minute and a half. It was ten in the morning. We poured our coffee in the sink as Penny ran to her bathroom. We waited for her at the door and Brenda said, ‘Your windshield is covered with dew.’

I ran to the car and started it and ran the wipers. Brenda distracted Penny with questions about the slumber party as I drove us to the resort.

We ate too much and barely made it to the resorts terrace before we sat down again. Brenda and I had coffee and Penny had a coke. For Brenda and me it was our second cup, our first had been at the buffet.

Penny wondered out loud about her Mom’s third cup that morning. Apparently she had promised to stop at two.

‘I am cutting back but right now this is perfect for after breakfast. No worries,’ Brenda told her.

Penny asked her Mom, ‘Are you two dating?’

‘Yes, well I think so. We are going out to dinner tonight if that counts.’ Brenda answered.

‘Oh, where?’

‘The yacht club.’

‘I want to go.’

I said, ‘Well, I guess you can. But you will need to close your eyes often.’

‘I will like to see you kiss so no, I wont close my eyes. Don’t let me stop you though.’

I smiled at her then kissed Brenda on the lips.

‘Oh, gross, I changed my mind,’ she giggled.

Brenda slapped her shoulders and we kissed again then stuck out tongues out at her.

Penny was peeking between her fingers and giggling.

We went for a walk along the beach, Penny took my hand as she filled us in on the details of the slumber party. I loved that and kissed her cheek. Brenda growled so Penny and I stuck our tongues out at her then ran.

We left the beach by the side of the Gallery and Wen
dy’s jewelry. Mo, Marie and Wendy had apparently been watching us and came out and gave Brenda and me exuberant kisses then gave Penny cheek kisses then walked back in their stores without saying a word.

Penny giggled, ‘Well they approve.’

‘I better take both of you home before the rumors begin,’ I said.

‘Too late, here come Ruthie and Edie,’ Brenda said.

We were assaulted with wild kisses by others all the way to my car. The kiss Brenda and I shared at the door told Penny all she needed to know. Apparently Brenda and I were now a couple.

We went out that evening and took Penny with us. I danced with both. Brenda and I behaved…. at times.

While we danced to a slow song Brenda said, ‘Penny asked me to please make us work. She wants a real Dad and thinks you would be perfect. She also said you have kissed me a lot more times than her Dad ever did. She also said you have kissed her more than her Dad ever did.’

‘No pressure there,’ I said then kissed her until the song was over.

After I took them home Penny kissed my cheek and after an exaggerated a yawn went to her bedroom.

Brenda and I kissed and talked for about an hour before Brenda checked on Penny.

‘She is sound asleep, love me,’ Brenda said.

I managed to get home by four AM.

Two weeks later I was spending nights there. Penny saw that as just a normal progression.

Two weeks after that I lived with them.

It was late November when Penny asked us if we were going to get married.

‘Huh?’ Brenda said.

‘Yes,’ I said.

‘Huh?’ Brenda said.

‘When?’ Penny asked.

‘Next month,’ I said.

‘Huh?’ Brenda said.

‘I have dibs on Maid of Honor,’ Penny said.

‘Uh, what, who, wait. Who decided all this?’

‘Wendy,’ Penny and I said.

‘I’ll kill her!’

‘You will have that opportunity soon. That’s where we are going. It’s time for you to pick your rings.’

Her expression was…priceless.

There were maybe eight people there already. Wendy took her hand and led her to the office as I sat and Penny sat on my lap.

For all practical purposes and appearances Brenda was already my wife. I decided it was time to make it true and Penny agreed with me. Wendy had done all the preliminaries and it was time to just do it.

It took Brenda just over four minutes to pick her ring, it was the one everyone wished she would choose.

I went to the register and twelve women took her across the street. Penny stayed with me and after I paid for the rings we went to the arcade next to where the women had taken Brenda.

It was about an hour before Brenda joined us. She gave us voracious kisses and said, ‘It was a nice surprise I will grant you that but if you try something like that again I will kill you both.’

We smiled sweetly at her, took her hand and I said, ‘Your ring should be ready by now.’

It was and she cried, then got mad, then cried again, then became very loving.

Penny asked, ‘Are you sure you want to marry her? She is a basket case.’

‘Now that you mention it…..’

We did not begin to run until it was too late. We got our butts slapped hard.

We took her hands in ours so she couldn’t swat us again and walked to Julians. We got applause when we went in.

Mo came in and sat with us. After kissing everyone she told Brenda her first day of work was after Christmas break and her office would be ready the week winter break began.

‘Go in and make yourself at home. Some of us will still be there.’

‘Huh?’ I said

‘Huh?’ Penny said.

‘You hadn’t told them?’ Mo asked.

‘No. I was waiting to see which name was going on the door and now I know. It will be Lee. Eat with us.’

‘No thanks. Marie wants us to go to String of Pearls. We need to rehearse. We will be dancing at a quarter to nine tonight if you’re interested.’

‘We will be there.’

Mo was still kissing her way out before Penny and I asked, ‘What?’

‘As you know I was not making much money as a lawyer, not enough juicy divorce cases lately. Mo told me the school districts legal department head was retiring and asked me to apply for the job. I did and was hired.’

‘Do your work days match the school years?’

‘Not entirely. I work half of June and half of August but I have all the other holidays. I really hated leaving you two to come up with Thanksgiving dinner but you did a great job. Still I would not risk that again and now I wont have to.’

Penny and I kissed her repeatedly until interrupted by dinner.

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Hi ISS lovers, I’m Deepika and this is my story that changed my life for ever. To tell you about myself, I was a normal 21 year old girl who had just finished engineering and was searching for a job. I wasn’t having much of a success in finding a job due to my average grades. But I didn’t care much and took this opportunity to hang out with my friends. Then one fine day my brother Nithin, who was working in a modelling company, offered me a proposal to model for an Italian fabric industry that...

1 year ago
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Ass 4 All! If you like the anal sex niche, then Ass4all.com may just be what you have been missing. This site proves that you don’t have to find a fat chick to enjoy some plump behinds. The women here are far from BBWs and range from the slim to the ones with extra meat, but they have something in common; they all have sizeable booties and like taking huge meats in their butt holes. If anal fucking gets you going, then you will enjoy the amount of hardcore fucking, gaping and licking taking...

Anal Porn Sites
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Ronni and Ruthie

Ronni and Ruthie By Dixie Michaels Chapter One?Homeward Bound As I dialed the number, I glanced nervously around the Madison bus station. "Wes? Hi. It's me, Ron. Yeah, I know it's been a long time, buddy. Listen. I can't talk for long. Can you meet me at 6:35 in Cherry Hill, at the bus station? Yeah, Wes. I know the bus still stops in Pinewoods, too, just twenty minutes later. But I'm kinda in trouble, and I don't want anybody to see me. No, not the police, but trouble ...

1 year ago
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Devil In Her Eyes

5/23/99 She came to him in the dead of the night. Darkness covering her movements. A long, black leather coat covering her body. Black boots sticking out just below the coat. Dark hair framing her Indian looking features, the high cut cheekbones, the dark eyes, aquiline nose. She neared his bed and stopped as he lay in a deep sleep. She reached out to touch his forehead, brushing back the locks of sandy-colored hair from his forehead. She then bent to touch her lips to his. He roused...

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Our Vacation

Our Vacation Story   It’s a cold windy day and Sherri and I are at the airport ready to leave for a warm vacation at a beautiful all inclusive resort in Aruba .   While sitting in the waiting area for loading onto the plane you start talking to the woman next to you to find they are also going to the same resort and like us so happy to get away from our miserable winter.   She introduces herself and husband Frank to us and tells us this is their 12 th year anniversary and are looking so...

2 years ago
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Mom Fucked By College Friends

Hi friends mera naam rehan meri ghr me 4 members hai mummy papa sister or mai meri mummy ka naam archana hai unka figure 36 28 36 hai vo bhot sexy hai unke boobs khade khade hai or puri body slim hai vo ek teacher hai school me mere papa servic krte hai ye story meri mummy ke bare me hai ki kaise mere dosto se chudi. Mera ek dost aman vo sardar hai or bhot tharki bhi hai ye story 3 saal pehle ki hai tabh me 18 saal ka tha or vo mujhse ek saal chota hai uss time meri mummy ki age 35 thi meri...

3 years ago
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True Love With My Forbidden Super Hero 8211 Part 6

Hi, I am Shweta with the next part of my story , the honeymoon week was going excellent at ooty with amit. We were really enjoying our wedding days with all couples Continues… The days in ooty were slowly counting down and my wonderful honeymoon days would end soon. Me and amit were enjoying each and every moment we spend there. We were not bothered about my mother-in-law and I felt that I didn’t had to respect her as a daughter as I also hold the same position now which she does and I was...

3 years ago
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Emily in the DarkChapter 3

We were a couple of dozen meters from the road we had been paralleling. Creeping, we edged closer to the intersection of the railroad and the roadway, and soon could hear snippets of conversation. We had nearly crunched past a roadblock. The folks manning the post did not seem well briefed on noise discipline, as well as light and smells. Breathing quietly, we could hear them conversing about the power loss, bitching about night guard duty, particularly irritated at being assigned the...

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Tim kate Love StoryChapter 2

Tim was served divorce papers the next day citing irreconcilable differences. He counter-sued, claiming infidelity. Both agreed through their lawyers to sell all of their mutual assets and split the proceeds, keeping their businesses separate. When he saw her in court, she refused to look at him. The proceedings were a whirl for him, ending before he could think rationally or apologize in person. When the hearing was finished, she ran out of the room as if she couldn't get away fast...

2 years ago
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Matt And Lilly Rainy Horseback Ride

For several minutes, Lilly nuzzled against Matt, their naked bodies entwined, her head on his chest. Her racing heartbeat slowed down. A tear dripped from the corner of her eye, the product of an emotional release from the intensity and intimacy of their coupling. Matt had her wrapped up in a cocoon that felt safe, sensual and warm. Matt’s thumb wiped the tear from Lilly’s cheek, and they kissed softly. After they had recovered and snuggled, it was late. The moonlight shone brightly in the sky....

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A cuckold incident soft and hard

Soft Version:Here I was sitting in a chair in our bedroom, my wife was lying on her back on our marital bed.My wife of 10 years was spreading her legs far apart and presenting her pubic mound to another man who was bending above my wife at that moment.He was holding his erection very close to my wifes swollen slit.This whole scenario that was unfolding in front of my eyes were all alone my fault.I was the driving force behind it, I pushed my wife into the arms of another man.It was a hard...

2 years ago
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All in Her Mind

Edited by Barney R. Messed with and tweaked by me, all mistakes are mine I was sitting on the deck sipping my morning coffee thinking over the conversation I overheard at the barbeque we hosted last evening. I’m thinking over the conversation because the two women I trust in my life are plotting to betray me. They had both gotten drunk, even though I asked that no alcohol be served. I am John Carmody, I am 33 now, almost 6’ tall, slightly underweight at 145 lbs. I am a very successful...

2 years ago
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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 6

When I drove into work on Monday, I felt thoroughly refreshed. I'd skipped the decorating just long enough for a haircut and to add a few additions to my wardrobe. My hair, or what is left of it, had remained unsuitably long for too many years. My casual clothes were modern enough, given my age, but work wise, I always stuck to dark suit, white shirt and plain tie. It was on the latter outfit that I'd splashed out; buying half a dozen brighter shirts, each with a matching tie. I'd ditched...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 191 Clan

I finally hung up the phone with Rhonda's words echoing in my ears. "Now you understand what it means. It isn't a choice. It changes us forever. We can never be innocent again. We're different from other people, Brian. None of them truly understand what it means to do whatever is necessary. I'm still doing what is necessary. God bless you, Brian. I love you." I set the bread to rise and went to the horses. They were a little surprised to see me so early but they were happy to have hay...

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In the city I went to high school in there was three parks in walking distance of my home, I mean you could walk to the parks which was between one to two miles from my home. One of the parks is small with a basketball court and baseball, softball diamond and numerous walking paths. Doing the weekdays this park is pretty much empty of people until about two in the afternoon. It was near eleven in the morning and I was bored at home so I went to this park to walk the trails and do a little...

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BetrayalChapter 4

Liv threaded her way through the rustic town square of Eagles Landing. Soon the small town, high in the Colorado Rockies, disappeared from sight as she raced along her favorite winding mountain road. "Sorry Johnny," Liv pushed the skip button on the small mp3 player, "but sometimes a girl needs some bass." The distinct voice of Johnny Cash faded, replaced by the thunderous intro to Metallica's "Enter Sandman." As if possessed by the thumping subwoofer, she pushed harder on the gas...

3 years ago
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Indian Fighters Cock CutterChapter 4

John was afraid that they wouldn't be in business much longer if they couldn't find more Yaquis to fight. It was now nearly 2 weeks since their fight with the 4 Yaquis at the isolated ranch, and they'd had no action since then. They were actually getting bored with just riding around in the hot sun with nothing to show for their efforts. They had stopped in the shade to eat their sandwiches that Abigail had fixed that morning and finish the cold coffee that was left over from breakfast....

1 year ago
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BreakdownChapter 4

This is a first! Galen observed, grimly, as Justine lay unmoving on the floor. I've never had a lover pass out before. A glance at Angel revealed a grin that almost split her face. "What's so funny?" he growled. "You!" she popped off, then went on, "You act so worried! She's going to be okay ... she just hasn't had sex with a guy for a very long time. It's different enough to be something of a shock, especially if you mistakenly thought you were a dyke." "Well, help me get her...

2 years ago
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Hello my friends of his page. You are the great that you narrated your experiences in this page. I don’t care that these are true or fantasy. I only appreciate your courage. Thus I will try to share one of mine. Samina is my aunt my means my stepmother sister. As my mother has died and my father has been married a woman. Samina is the younger sister of my stepmother she is just 18 years old. She often living in our home as her sister my mean my stepmother is all alone the home and no other...

4 years ago
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Screwing Around a Nis StoryChapter 4

Tuesday Afternoon We went back to the same room for Advanced Human Sexuality. When we were in the classroom, Becky made the girls who had removed the clothespins reattach them using other students to put them on their nipples. Sandra lay across the teacher's desk. Becky slapped her butt a few times. Sarah was called up and told to lie beside Sandra. I came up behind her and pushed my cock into her ass and began to fuck her while slapping her butt cheeks hard. She came quickly and hard. I...

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In the Shower

This is the third in a series of Robert and Juliana stories written by Alphamagus and me. We will continue writing them so long as there is fun to be had and a story to tell. Juliana and Robert finished their Friday night dinner but not quite as planned. There had been a mishap with the Eton Mess that Robert had prepared and they ended up wearing as much of it as they ate. It was all over them and the dining room table. They had taken their clothes off and made love right there. Rather than...

Love Stories
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 07e

She looked absolutely ravishing. Now at the restaurant, the hostess brought us to our table. To my delight, she walked us up to a one-sided semi-circular booth where we would be sitting side by side. We were seated and we started to look at the other customers, they were the rich and we'll off. I had enjoyed my weekend Friday evening displaying Janice's body and a night of passion with her, a foursome on Saturday, today Sunday Jane had visited my house in the morning and I had an arousing...

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Caribbean Adventure

Last summer my wife and I decided to take a week vacation to a small Caribbean Island. We were taking her younger sister as a High school graduation gift. As background, I am a 28-year-old Stock Broker, my wife is a gorgeous 24-year-old Marketing researcher, and her 17-year-old sister was getting ready to go to a small Eastern College.Both my wife, Ann and her sister Dawn are blondes with great athletic bodies. They are very close despite the age difference, and I honestly had never looked at...

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Shadowrun The Princess Lovers Other Tales

It is August 15, 2057. Dunkelzahn the Great Dragon, the first Non-Human to hold the office of President of the UCAS (United Canadian and American States) had just been in office for a whole nine hours before some unknown assailants assassinated him. The reading of Dunkelzahn's will six days later was the start of this story. The last line in the will to be exact. "To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up...

3 years ago
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Earth Mother The Ritual

Earth Mother – The Ritual My name is Perl, and I belong to a community of Pagan’s. Even at my tender age of nearly sixteen and a half I have come into contact with other communities that do not follow our ways or join in with our rituals. We are a small community that live on the western isles of our mainland. We are true to our Pagan beliefs and celebrate them with vigour.  Mabon is the Pagan ritual of thanksgiving for the fruits of the Earth and is a recognition of our need to share them....

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A Workday surprise

So Cherie was having a pretty awful day at work and Dave decided to give her a treat during her break. He had me slip on a spare set of her scrubs over some skimpy, flimsy lingerie I bought to tease them and smuggled me into her work. We knew she was about to go on break and Dave had messaged her suggesting she go to the night-shift breakroom for some "peace and quiet".I quietly walked in there and saw her; she was leaning on the counter, rolling her neck trying to stretch it out and ease some...

4 years ago
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After a long day at work

I was in the office finishing up some odds and ends, it had been a long day, and I was taking a leave of absence for the next two months. I had a lot happen all at the same time, a death in the f****y, my husband and I were temporarily separated, not to mention that I had been working 12 hour days for the last three weeks. I was the last one in the office, and it was quite, and most of the lights were already off. Everything was quite, and slightly eerie, I hate being by myself. So I put my...

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Turn Of Events

Turn Of EventsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Who the fuck knew, how to get the lost file back on the computer. Austin was not computer expert, nor did he study computers as his major in college. Frustrated and distressed that his English Literature assignment and the report which he finished after almost working 4—5 hours till well past midnight was missing now and he had to do it all over because it was already late and due ASAP. Austin decided to take a shower and get fresh before sitting back with his...

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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Testify

Hello, fair fans, and welcome to another one of my literary orgies of wild, unbridled sex. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: TESTIFY! ? by: Brett Lynn "Yum! Barbeque!" Miss K said...

2 years ago
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My First Experience With A Girl From Jee Coaching Centre Bangalore

This is my first story here, so I was quite scared while I was making an account on this site. You can call me sid, with age of 20, I have a fairly good complexion and good looks but I’m really shy as fuck, I’m sharing this story as I wanted to tell the world in a confidential way that I finally lost it. I’m from Bangalore and this incident happens in the year 2014. I had joined coaching class for my JEE preparation, I was really studious and attended all the classes with great enthusiasm, I...

1 year ago
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An Unusual WeddingChapter 3 The Wedding and Day After

It was well and truly mid morning before Dave woke up, slightly worse for wear, but glad he had been able to sleep in. He realised that today was the day he got married for the second time, but that there would be two husbands and only one wife. A year ago he would never have dreamed of sharing a woman with another man - now he had done it with three different girls. What's more, he had also shared his bed with one pair of girls and done it again with another pair. But the girl he was...

3 years ago
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MotherinLaws Mission of Love and Lust

It was Ricky, out there in the world on his own in a small town where reputation was everything, 20 years old, and damned good looking. Margaret knew about being young, and she knew about temptation. She was worried about what kind of trouble he might get himself into with all that time on his hands. She’d taken to checking in on him now and again. She’d do laundry when he needed and take over leftovers as often as possible. Today she’d let herself in with the spare key, figuring...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 93 A Breakthrough Technology The New Julie

Mark Elsa coached me through the sixth checklist as she did it with me. This time we prepared and tested the back up hydraulics on the Boeing 737-700. I was again sitting in the copilot’s seat with Cindy in the jump seat as Elsa flew PIC – pilot in command. Both engines were idling and we were about to get our clearance, taxi, takeoff, and fly back to the mainland. Behind us in the passenger compartment rode the rest of our family and friends. I read back the status lights from the...

4 years ago
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“Come on, Steph, we’ve got to get going,” her roommate, Amy, called to her through the door to her room. “Just a minute,” she called back, taking one last look at herself in the the full-length mirror as she buttoned up her white silk gloves. At 5’3” and 110 lbs, she was a slight girl, with a slim Asian figure. She felt her face warm as she looked at the costume she had chosen. Her neck was encircled by very simple, plain white silk chocker, offsetting her black hair and dark eyes beautifully....

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The Towns SlaveChapter 4 A Visit to the Doctor

"You know mom I think we need to go down and see how Nancy is doing. She's been down there for close to four hours." "Yes MASTER." "MASTER may I ask you a questions?" "I guess." "Why did Nancy want to be on the rack? Your father had me on it a year ago for a few minutes and I didn't like the feeling of being stretched that way." "Maybe I shouldn't answer that question at this time. You will find out why soon enough." "Yes MASTER." I followed MASTER down into the...

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Spanish holiday

Puerto del los Americas, ( about 20 minutes from the Airport ), will cater very well for most peoples idea of what a Spanish Seaside Holiday resort should be like. Particularly so if you're the sort who is quite content to stay in the one place and have Hotel pool, beaches, bars, restaurants and shopping all close to hand. As Tenerife is part of the group that make up the Canaries Islands off the West African coast the temperature averages 20 C all year. The Islands are volcanic and Tenerife...

1 year ago
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After school sex

It was a typical day. We all usually have lunch together. Misty looked at me. "Hey could you come over this afternoon and cut our grass for us?" "I guess. What happened to the lawn service?" "Momma fired them. They cut her flowers down and blowed grass in our pool." "Oh that sucks! I'll get right on it after school." "Thanks the weed police have been on mommas ass about it." After school I went home and changed in to some shorts and a tee shirt. I loaded my lawnmower up and went to Misty's...

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