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Monday, November 25, 2013
Felicity Ch. 03: Helen
It’s odd how people bond sometimes. I am a man rapidly approaching middle age and my best friend for the last few years has been a lesbian. I am nearly fifteen years older than she is, only seven years younger than her father, four younger than her mother.
That I was her best friend there was no doubt as it was me she called at three AM on a Saturday morning to come bail her out of jail.
Her former lover’s new girlfriend had taunted Helen at a lesbian club causing her to do considerable damage to the new girlfriend, and minor damage to a bouncer.
Not that Helen was a formidable specimen, she was small of stature and weight. But she was a redhead.
I took care of bail for Miss Helen MacDuff and took her to my home, I did not want her to spend the night alone. The love she lost was the third such disaster in four years. Helen had again gone past the self-preservation mode and thrown herself wholeheartedly into the affair. She had apparently reached her limit of hurt that night.
She had hugged me tightly when I met her as she was released but did not say a word on the ride home. I sent her into the shower while I fixed sandwiches and hot chocolate for us. I heard her come out of the bathroom and called to her. She joined me in the kitchen after a minute wearing one of my t-shirts, not a rare occurrence.
We ate mostly in silence, her face alternating between helpless despair and anger. After putting things away I took us to bed. I had a one-bedroom condo and a queen size bed. I had a sofa bed but decided I still did not want her out of my sight. Her mood scared me.
We settled in bed and I quickly molded my body to her back and put an arm around her. I kissed her cheek. I told her I loved her.
Suddenly she was wracked by sobs. She tried to flee the bed but I held on to her and turned her to me so she would literally have a shoulder to cry on. Amid the sobs she vented her frustrations, regrets, anger. Her rants continued for nearly an hour, her tears for half an hour after that. Eventually she was drained and fell asleep in my arms. I dozed off soon after.
A creature of habit, I was having my coffee by 7 AM that morning. Helen was in deep slumber. She needed it.
I dressed and called a cab. When it arrived I picked up Helen’s keys and went to get her car. When I returned she was still asleep.
Going without sleep was a skill I had lost years before so I undressed and crawled back into bed with her.
I awoke when she stirred, it was noon. I wore only boxer shorts to bed and my dick was out and hard, jammed between Helen’s ass cheeks. It was looking for a pussy it sensed was near. Helen had worn only my t-shirt to bed and it had crawled up to her waist during the night. She was awake.
‘That thing better not be thinking it can crawl into any hole of mine,’ she said.
‘Don’t mind it. Even though it has a head in does very little thinking.’
Helen giggled but did not move away. My dick jumped.
‘Tell it to stop that.’
‘Leave her alone you thoughtless monster,’ I told it.
‘I see your hand does very little thinking too.’
My hand had crawled under the shirt and was gently caressing a fine tit.
‘Oh, no. I meant to do that. I’ve always wanted to.’
She giggled and pulled herself away just enough to lie on her back.
‘Damn I wish you were a woman sometimes.’
‘I wish you were a woman too,’ I said.
That won me an elbow in the ribs and a bite on the shoulders. A short wrestling match later her body lay partially over mine and we were in a soft embrace. I kissed her softly and said, ‘Lets do lunch.’
‘Afraid of me huh? You pussy.’
‘No. You pussy. Me dick.’
That got me pushed off the bed. Eventually we dressed and I took her out to lunch. She was in a much better mood than I expected all day. I took her to a restaurant by the bay and we walked on the boardwalk as we ate ice cream.
It was late afternoon by the time we made it back to my condo. She dressed and went home only to return an hour later with a suitcase and some dresses on a hanger.
‘My apartment was trashed’, she said. ‘I had forgotten that the slut still has a key. The manager said she would have the lock changed but it will be next week. In the meantime you have a roommate.’
I helped her carry her stuff in and helplessly watched her take over half my closet and over half of my dresser.
I took a shower while she made up the bed. After that was done I ordered pizza and a cable movie while she took a shower. We settled on the sofa to watch the movie and eat pizza and drink cold beer. Me in my boxer shorts, she in my t-shirt. A perfect Saturday night between buddies.
I had ordered a romantic comedy, thinking it would keep her mood light but not knowing the film had racy sex scenes throughout. Soon the pizza was forgotten and we were taking large gulps of our beers. Thanks to the pause button I was able to take trips to the fridge to replenish us.
On one such trip, as I was placing Helen’s beer in her hand, my dick jumped out of my shorts. She took little notice of it although she did look. She had seen it and felt it that morning so she was apparently OK with my exposure.
When I sat I decided to let my cock stay out and get some air, it had been suffocating inside my shorts. Helen did take note of that and raised her butt off the sofa pulling the t-shirt to her thighs. My dick saw her shaved pussy and jumped.
‘Tell that thing to not get its hopes up,’ Helen said as she traced her pussy lips with her fingertips.
I began to assuage my disappointed cock as she lost herself in her masturbation. As time went by I found myself looking a lot more at Helen and she spent more and more time looking at me. I saw her eyes flutter and her body tense. She groaned so deeply, so loudly, that it seemed impossible that such a sound could come from such a small body. I watched in awe as a second then a third orgasm followed the first. It ended with a gasp for breath.
I had been so fascinated by her orgasm that I had stopped masturbating. Helen had recovered enough to give my dick and me a plaintive look. I resumed stroking and, probably because of Helen’s intensive gaze, I was soon erupting on the carpet, my leg, and my hand. I had to take my own gasp for breath.
‘Men are such slobs, so messy,’ Helen said on her way to the bathroom to get a towel.
As soon as she returned I pointed out the very wet spot on my sofa. ‘Speaking of messy people,’ I said.
She started to wipe that up first but I stopped her and said, ‘Wait, wait a second,’ as I buried my nose in the cushion and sat up with a smile, licking my lips. Helen jumped on me and tried to push my face into the cushion. In the ensuing wrestling her juices and my cum became smeared on both of us.
We came to rest with her on my lap. I kissed her tenderly.
Lip to lip kisses were common between us but this was one of the few soft lingering kisses.
As she hugged me she said, ‘Watching you was neat. That was the first dick I have ever seen erupt. Had you masturbated for a woman before?’
‘Yes, it seems to be a standard request. Have you masturbated for women?’
‘Yes, it seems to be a standard request,’ she said with a smile. ‘You are the first man to watch me. Have you masturbated for a man?’
‘Not yet,’ I said with a mischievous grin.
‘I loved watching you. Feel free to masturbate in my presence anytime,’ I said.
‘We need a shower, you want to go first?’
‘Together’ she answered as she pulled me up from the sofa.
We bumped into each other in the shower often but neither took liberties with the others body. She liked the water hotter than I was comfortable with so I did not linger. I did softly kiss her again as I stepped out.
I put t
he pizza in the oven and wiped the evidence of our session from all surfaces. I had not put on any clothes and when Helen rejoined me she was nude as well. She had two towels and placed them on the sofa.
I hated to tell her about old men but said, ‘Sweetie, it is highly unlikely I will need the towel again tonight. One of the penalties of getting old is the extended recovery time. I have in fact become jealous of women’s sexuality. Multiple orgasms and fast recovery only for women is just not fair.’
‘Poor old man. But you did say I could do it anytime. We have not seen half the movie. I’ll try not to distract you from it. Pretend there isn’t a beautiful naked woman sitting next to you with her fingers in her pussy.’
‘Right,’ I said.
I pressed the button on the remote and for a while we were content to just watch the movie. After the pizza had been consumed I paused the movie again to get rid of the box and crumbs and replace our beers. We settled on the sofa closer to each other than we had been previously. Our thighs were touching.
When the movie reached the climactic romantic love scene Helen put one leg over mine and began to tease her clit. I had already lost interest in the movie so I turned towards her and watched her. My dick was still too groggy to be of use but it did achieve some fullness thanks to the erotic vision next to me. I really did love watching her.
The speed of the finger on her clit increased. Two fingers on her other hand were buried deep in her pussy. Without thinking I reached for a tit and rolled the nipple between my finger and thumb. ‘Harder,’ she said.
I complied while putting an arm behind her shoulder, leaning over and nibbling gently on her neck. I felt her orgasmic groan before I heard it. As she lost control she turned her face to me and I covered her mouth with mine. Our tongues met and slid past each other. I felt her spasms on my thigh. I softened the kiss until she pulled back for a gulp of air. I hugged her to me and kissed her cheek, her ear, and her neck. She slumped against me with a sigh. She was shaking.
‘I have not had a cum that intense in ages, ‘ she said.
‘I haven’t seen a cum that intense in ages,’ I said.
We held each in silence for a while until Helen stood and said, ‘I’m going to bed. I am exhausted.’
I cleaned up and put her pussy juice soaked towel in the hamper. By the time I crawled into bed with her she was in sound sleep. I kissed her cheek and her shoulder as I molded my body against hers. Although we were both still naked I slept soundly too.
The soft touch of hands on my groin awakened me. My eyes found Helen sitting between my thighs, inspecting my balls.
‘Good morning,’ she said. ‘Just looking. I have never had the chance to look at these things before. The only dick to fuck me was after the prom and I never saw it.
When the guy dropped me off Jana was waiting and followed me out of the car. She had told her mother we were having an after prom slumber party and followed me into the house. My parents were asleep in their downstairs bedroom so we tiptoed up the stairs to my room. I had no sooner closed the door than she pulled me to her and kissed me passionately. I was returning her passion in a millisecond.
We undressed quickly and I soon had her naked body under mine. I feasted on her tits. I loved the feel of an aroused nipple in my mouth. I rubbed my face on her pubic hair. I kissed her pussy lips. It was intoxicating.’
By this part of Helen’s narrative my cock was as hard as ever, Helen was now straddling my thighs, her pussy over my balls. She was slowly masturbating my cock as if it was hers.
‘Jana knew she was gay by the time she was fifteen. She knew I was gay before I did. She had told me that we would lose our virginity twice that night. She had been with my dates brother in the front seat. Now I understood what she meant.
I was so proud I could get her off again and again. I wanted my mouth at her pussy forever. She pushed me away eventually, telling me she had no pussy left, that I had eaten all of it. I kissed her lips so she could taste herself. She wanted to taste me.
She did not eat me up as I had done her. She made slow gentle love to my pussy. She brought me to the edge of orgasm then pulled back just enough that I teetered on the edge then fell back. I was begging her, pleading with her to please finish me off. She suddenly picked up speed. Her lips clamped down on my clit as she plunged two, then three fingers into me. I felt a finger go into my ass. I came so hard I really did see stars. I may have blacked out. I was trembling.’
When Helen described her journey to orgasm with Jana she acted out the narrative on my dick. She was stroking me slowly when Jana was eating her slowly. When Jana picked up the pace so did Helen. When she described her explosive cum I erupted into mine, my most satisfying in years.
I was coming back to Earth when I noticed Helen was finishing off a cum of her own. She was still stroking my dick and I saw that her clit was rubbing against the underside of my cock. She had masturbated with my dick.
I reached for her and pulled her up to me, smearing the cum covering her chest and mine. As her pussy slid past my cock its head briefly slid in.
‘Can’t you get that thing to behave?’ she said before kissing me. She adjusted her body so that the head of my cock pressed on her clit as my cock rested between her pussy lips. I began to suspect she liked how it felt.
‘So what happened after Jana finished getting you off?’ I asked.
‘She came up and after kissing me fiercely she said that was the most beautiful moment in her life. I knew it was the most beautiful moment in mine.
We remained lovers until the second semester of our freshman year in college. By then our lust for each other had cooled so we started out to seduce as many other girls as we could, as you may have noticed,’ she added with a giggle.
‘One of those girls could not accept her experience with us. She had orgasm after orgasm for us. She ate both of our pussies. She kissed us passionately on her way out of our dorm room.
But she could not accept being a lesbian. She confessed her distress to her mother, who called the dean, who called my parents, and my father has not welcomed me home since.
Jana decided to ride out the storm and outed herself, her mother backed her up but she already knew Jana was gay anyway. Jana’s mother helped my mother understand that I was just different, not good or bad, just different. I am sure Mom would have been fine with the whole incident had my Dad had allowed her. She is my biggest supporter now that she is separated from Dad.’
I kissed her tenderly. I had correctly guessed the cause of the rift between her and her father.
Helen lay her head on my shoulders and was soon asleep. I enjoyed her bare breasts on my chest.
All three girls had been students in my freshman Biology class that semester although the third girl, Dawn, was a junior catching up with a requisite class. I had seen their byplay. I had over twenty female students in that class but it only took Helen and Jana three weeks to seduce the first one and by Thanksgiving every girl that did not mind being seduced by them had been seduced including Dawn.
They both knew I found their antics amusing and they had started flirting with their old science professor.
Dawn had presented herself to Helen while in my lab. She had volunteered herself to her and I reported it as so to the dean.
I did not need to do anything further since the girl readily admitted she had done just that. No penalties were administered to Jana or Helen or Dawn by the university and Jana’s life barely registered a blip.
But Helen’s grades and attitude plummeted during the second semester. In an attempt to get her out of her funk I had befriended her and made her a lab assistant for the summer s
ession just to keep her busy and give her the opportunity to stay in her dorm.
Her music tutor was at the university during the summer conducting camps and Helen became his assistant too so she was very busy.
Her mother came up to see her twice. We met.
By the end of the summer Helen had returned to her usual bouncy self and had proclaimed me her guru. Three years later after she graduated and secured her own science classroom we had become best friends.
I was also happy that her mother Amanda had again become very close with her oldest daughter. I liked Helen’s mother a lot and Amanda had been the only knowingly married woman I had ever fucked.
I knew why her mother was so anxious to fuck me, I was being rewarded for being a father figure to her baby.
I was reminiscing about my long weekend with her mother when Helen awoke.
‘You are thinking of when you fucked Mom, aren’t you?’
‘How do women do this? ‘ I thought. Then I noticed my cock had been remembering too and had begun to stir.
‘She loved fucking you. Mom still calls it the best three day weekend she has ever had. She may even love you.
She and Dad have been separated for four years now and there is no chance of they getting back together. Why don’t you take her to some isolated resort on the Mexican Gold Coast for a week. That should be enough to tell you two something.
Anyway, wouldn’t it be fun to have a step-daughter that is your jack-off buddy?’
By the time Helen finished her last outrageous statement I had decided a week away with her mother was a damn good idea.
But some father figure I was now. Amanda’s daughter was naked, draped over my naked body and sticky with cum.
‘How is her MacDuff Realty doing?’
‘It is about to pick up. A new firm has decided to build three housing projects in Felicity. She has preferred status with them and has already sold two houses even though a shovel has not been turned.’
‘That’s nice.’
A few minutes of silence later Helen placed her lips on my neck and said, ‘Mom told me that when I decided I wanted to try cock again it should be yours. She loves the way you kiss her. She loves how you make her feel like she is the most important woman on Earth to you.
I now understand why. Thanks.
I do love you in a sort of incestuous way. I know you love me in non incestuous way although I think we have blurred that line this weekend.’
Helen wiggled her hips allowing the head of my cock to slide between her pussy lips. Much to my surprise my cock noticed where it was.
‘How long before this thing works again?’ she asked as she again wiggled her hips allowing the head of my cock to slip completely past her pussy lips.
Five minutes later after a series of soft loving kisses my cock was growing deeply into her pussy.
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This story is fictional. All the names have been changed to avoid any similarity there could be with real events. English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes there may be! I look forward to your reactions! Enjoy my fantasy! ___________________________________________________________ Hi, I am Andrea and I was 18 years old when this story happened. I live in a small town in a small european country and I had just entered my last year of high school. I was always...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, everyone. My name is Ram Prakash and I am from Hyderabad. I always dream of losing my virginity in a femdom act. So I posted an ad on a dating site explaining my fantasies regarding the femdom act, how I like to get dominated by women. For the first 2 weeks, I didn’t get any response. Later, I received a message from a woman named Swapna(name changed) from Hyderabad. She is 34 years old and has 2 kids. We started with...
Mujhe aisalaga ke hamare bich mein jo ho raha hai woh sahi nahi tha. Ab main uske messages aur calls ka koi jawab nahi de raha tha. Uske har sabah 5 calls aa rahe the aur messages continue kar rahi thi par main is raastein jana nahi chahta tha. Ye dono ke liye accha nahi tha. Aisehi 1 week chala gaya. Main mere routine kaam me busy tha. Ek din subah 8.15 baje hamesha ki tarah main ghar se nikal gaya. Sidhiya utar hi raha tha to Seema bhabhi waha gusse se aankhein laal karke khadi thi. Maine...
This is my first attempt at writing, so be gentle okay? Roadside Assistance By Destiny Max Sheldon was not enjoying his current business trip, he swore again under his breath as he took another sharp turn at much more than a safe speed, he would not have felt any better if he knew how interesting it was about to become. At 21 he was the youngest of his company's salesmen and was therefore given the worst jobs, sometimes he wished that he was one of the female sellers just...
After another night of sleeping like the dead, I woke alone. I was actually a little disoriented by this condition, after twice waking up with my arms filled with beauty. For a moment, I laid there pondering a life with a companion in my bed, and decided I that I much preferred that state over the alternative. Deciding not to take my morning erection in hand, but to save it for something potentially much better, I finally got up, went to the bathroom, and pulled on a t-shirt and shorts. As I...
The SEC came in, but I was expecting a team of fifty guys demanding files, and intimidating everyone in the office. It was much more subdued. We all gathered in a conference room, and learned that they planned to record the meeting. I missed John when Steve Milton the new Chief Legal Officer came in. It was boring. Karen had all the trades for our accounts. Many were available as we used the model from the contest. The examiner asked Karen about specific trades. We were near the end when the...
It had been six months since we started dating, and he said he was going to take me out somewhere nice for dinner. I fumbled around on my bed, trying to uncover my phone that had been buried in the sheets when he had gotten up this morning. I pulled my contacts list up and clicked his name, calling him “Yes?” a voice answered. “Where are you?” I asked as I pulled my panties up. There was silence for a few seconds “Still there?” I asked impatiently “Yeah I am, sorry. Someone was saying...
It was late when I arrived home but my husband was not the least bit upset because it was all pre-planned. Rushing up the stairs and into the dark house I could feel the wet spot in my skimpy panties growing. Hopefully it wouldn't all trickle down my legs and spoil my little boys good fun. I made my way to the bedroom where my husband was eagerly awaiting me in our bed the covers nearly folded at his waste and his bare chest slowly rising and falling with his labored breathing and a big smile...
I was having a cup of coffee at a local diner in my area, I had woke up early and was too lazy to make my own, as I read the morning Daily News, I had the strange feeling someone was watching me. I looked in the mirror behind the counter and notice this older woman watching me, as I returned her stare, I realized I had seen her in my building before, as she caught my return stare she smiled softly at me and I smiled also. She was a very sexy lady, I mean she was up there in age but still...
Hi everyone this is mike here this is a series of my story there are main three characters as follows Mike- with 7-inch cock Jessy- 35-30-36 Rani-30-28-30 Soniya-28-28-28 We all work together and stay in the same house this story is about how sex fired between us. In this part, I’m going to tell the story of how I found Sonia fucking her boyfriend. That day I and Jessy went to office but as I forgot my id card I had to get back home as I have my own key I opened the house and found no one to...
It was 10:00 hours the next morning when the Iridien, Monque, Atewa, and Órarduine delegations settled into their seats for their first full day of discussions. “Good morning,” said those from Sarah’s Clan. Judy continued with, “We hope you had as an enjoyable time yesterday evening as we did. Please remember that the dining area is available for meals whether we are there or not. This morning will begin with a presentation of our plans for this area by Eibhlin of Maureen’s Clan....
They came toward her slowly, their eyes wary, as if they didn't believe what was on the verge of happening to them. Face it. How many times in real life do you walk into a situation like this? A lushly built, totally slutted-out woman with blue hair and 38-Cs offering a no-strings blowjob in the crapper of a lowlife hillbilly bar? "I mean it," she said, flashing her blue eyes at them, squeezing down on the plush mounds of her tits. "I really mean it." "I don't fucking believe it,"...
Luke was a crewmember at a fast food store called Hungry Jacks. He had short brown hair with blond tips, ocean blue eyes with a handsome well-rounded face. He was 5"9 with a solid build. The thing he was most proud of though was his nine-inch schlong. He was no longer going to school and being seventeen he was the youngest full time worker. He was very popular with the managers and the crewmembers alike and with his outgoing personality everybody loved him. Now Luke had been at HJ's for...
On Saturday morning, Elizabeth was still excited about the party they would be hosting the next day. She had a local guy install ‘surround sound’ speakers so they could ‘feel’ the game as well as see it. As they were sitting at the breakfast table, she told Tommy that she had ordered a popcorn machine that would be delivered before noon.“What kind of popcorn machine?”“It looks like one you’d see at a carnival. It’s about six feet tall, and is on wheels,” she told him. “Here, let me show you a...
SpankingWe've been married for several years in like all things our sex life had become oldWe had gone from fucking like rabbits when we were first married to now barely once a month if that. She had her own collection of vibrators which didn't bother me and I would you know take care of it myself because let's face it guys jerk off.Like all married couples we all had chores one of my chores was to take out the trash every week but my wife always did the bathroom because it had you know that's...
The first thing he felt was the burning, the rawness, wherethe ropes bit into his wrists and ankles. Next was thethrobbing. Though he was lying stiffly on his back, limbspulled taut, he felt as if he were riding a roller-coaster, hishead reeling. When his eyes fluttered open, a blur ofshapes and colours stung his corneas, and it took severalminutes before his vision sharpened enough to distinguishobjects.His eyes darted around the room. When he saw theDouble Indemnity poster, there was a spark...
In one of those strange quirks of fate, I found myself on a date with a decent looking twenty-something typing pool girl called Linda Kaminski. She was one of those big-boned girls with long shapely legs and hips that belonged on a farm-girl and not a girl working in an office. I had hesitated to ask her on a date because she was really what I could only describe as a "Loud-mouth" with a laugh that would put a hyena to shame. To her credit, she was definitely easy to look at with her...
Even as the evening crept on the heat was palpable, a smothering blanket of energy sapping misery, dry and acrid. The only reprieve from the heat was the caress of the wind sweeping down the crags and valleys and rock formations, swirling along the brief stretches of flatlands that reached out between the red stones, or whipping along jagged, flinty corners of standing stones, clustered cliffs, and miniature mountains. The wind whistled a plaintive lament through the land’s many cracks and...
NovelsHi friends I’m Swati I’m 25 year old with a very sexy figure of 34 29 36 and very fair color and today I’m going to write the incident of my life at the age of 20 years. I was living with my maternal grand parents in and was studying there I was so young and sexy that every guy was crushed upon me and I was crushed upon my classmate lets call him Janu. He was 6 feet tall with good muscular body and a very cute face in fact he was a real dude in 2nd year. We both got to know that we like each...
*** Chapter One My wife and I have been married for 9 yrs. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that’s why I have hung in there. She was sexually abused from the time she was a little girl and that has caused her a lot of issues when it comes to sex. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can’t because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. Its...
Group SexDear Readers, my mother in law has always been quite pushy with me but her visit was like living hell and now I wonder where this story will end. In any case, please enjoy! Mommy Adriana convinces Andrea to take over By Greta When they finally stopped their embrace I minced towards my wife and Mommy Adriana, head bowed, avoiding to look into their eyes. I held out the tray and waited for Andrea to take her breakfast. "Greta, you are dumb like...
I do love sucking cock and because I do love doing it so much most guys tell me I am very good at it. And I do love hearing that! I try to adjust what I am doing to a guys cock depending on how he reacts to what I am doing or if he is into telling me what to do to please him. Slow, fast, deep, just suck on the head, change things up, whatever it takes to pleasure him. So I can to get him into shooting his hot tasty load into my mouth. The reward for doing a good job is getting the load, but I...
Copyright© 2005, by Arthur Ellis. All rights reserved. I was standing at the sink washing my hands when I heard the door to the washroom open. Glancing over I noticed a young chap come in. A bit odd - about half of this floor of the office building was vacant, and other than my one-man show, the rest was a doctors' office, staffed entirely by women. So it was a bit unusual to see someone else in the men's room. Being fully aware of men's room etiquette, I concentrated on my hand washing,...
The last three days had seemed interminable for Sondra. She had busied herself with the usual housewife types of chores, the kids and Brad, but her mind kept coming back to Joubert and the council vote. Of course that would only give her the opportunity to prove herself to the members which would ultimately decide on whether she would be granted membership. However, she knew that a single negative vote and she would never hear from the society or Joubert again. The few times the phone had...
Hello Everyone. Welcome back to the 2nd sex encounter with Jyoti Bhabhi. This is how I fucked Jyoti bhabhi again, but I made her like Madhavi Bhabhi from TMKOC. I hope everyone has read my previous story regarding Jyoti Bhabhi. If not, I would recommend you to read that first as it will give you a brief idea and introduction to Jyoti Bhabhi Bhabhi. It would help you understand how our first sexual encounter was. I am coming back to this story. You all know how passionate I am about Jyoti...
IncestGirl gets fucked hard by 2 menI am a 22 year old girl weighed 56 kg and have long blonde hair. My name is Nancy. It's a warm sunny summer afternoon. I lay on the terrace and sunning myself. While I had read a book while I noticed how there was a rustling in the bushes. I thought nothing of it at first, thinking it might be a cat, and read my book on. But again and again there was a rustling in the bushes, so I was intrigued, and then ran to the bushes. But I could not see. Put me back on my...
At least it wasn't snow, Samantha thought as she hurried across the wet grass and into the student center. She rushed down the hall trying unsuccessfully to juggle all of her books and papers. Several times she had to stop and pick up papers as they fell from the folders under her arm. Samantha took a deep breath and pushed open the door with her shoulder, preparing for another long day. "Alright class, let's get started. I assume that everyone has read the assignment?" Samantha said as...
bio - I'm writing this because Cathy can't even keep her lies consistent. Every time she gets the fancy you'd think she was a different person. She just tacks on a new last name and now she's a 24 year old with oversized breasts. Anyway, she's unusual in my experience, a young woman who not only likes porn but also likes writing it. By the way, to me most women are young, even Cathy's mother. I'm 58. I think Cathy's stuff is often a bit tame for xnxx, though some of it's...
Annette looked at Deborah covertly the next morning. Her mother appeared happy and well rested. There was also a slight look of smug contentedness. "Oh well," thought Annette. "She can't have been hurt but it was odd she should scream." Deborah noted Annette eying her and suddenly realised what was up. She and Richard had completely forgotten about Annette and had made a lot of noise last night. She turned back to the cooker to hide the blush and the grin on her face. Richard breezed...