Felicity Ch. 10 free porn video

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Ch.10: Travels with Lucy

I was on a trail in Big Bend National Park on my way back to my Chisos Mountain campsite when I had to stop for traffic. A rattlesnake was parked in the middle of the trail.

‘Anytime you are ready, sir or madam,’ I said to the snake.

Of course since snakes cannot hear airborne sounds that urging was ignored. I was close enough to merit its attention but far enough away to keep it from panicking. Its rattle was silent. It was warming itself up in the morning sun so I was just going to have to wait. I busied myself taking pictures of it.

A couple of hikers were suddenly about to continue past me down the trail, they had not seen the snake. I put my arm out and stopped what turned out to be a woman and her young daughter.

Their concern for my action was quickly forgotten when the snake made its presence known to them, its rattles were no longer silent. The woman and her kid had scared it. The snake in turn had scared the woman and her kid.

‘What should we do?’ asked the woman.

‘I was going to wait until it remembered where it was going.’

‘Oh, we can’t wait too long. We were hurrying to the bathroom.’

‘OK, step back a little. I will insult it, call it names.’

The two looked at me as I expected, they though they were dealing with a lunatic.

‘You are fat and your rattle is off key,’ I said loudly to the snake.

The snake almost immediately hurried down the mountain slope and off the trail. The woman said that might have been the weirdest thing she had ever seen. Her daughter seemed to think it was the coolest thing she had ever seen.

We resumed our trek down to the campgrounds and even though I liked their admiration for my feat I soon confessed that my insults had nothing to do with the snakes withdrawal. What triggered it were our three steps back, which gave the snake the opportunity to make a dignified retreat.

‘We had to convince it we were not going to eat it,’ I said.

The kid thought that may have been the funniest thing she ever heard. Her mother, however, nodded after apparently deciding that what I had said made sense. I was impressed by that.

The purpose of my ruse was to keep the snake from become and evil creature in their minds. I thought the snake owed me a thank you note.

As we neared the campgrounds I mentioned to the mother that there were restrooms at the lodge just past the gift shop that would save them a few hundred feet. They were grateful for the information and peeled away towards the lodge. I continued to the campgrounds and my tent.

I had been roaming for six days and this was the second day of my third trip to Big Bend. My campsite was among the first as you got to the grounds, close enough to the restroom in case of emergencies but far enough away not to be bothered by traffic to and from it. I had erected my tent near some shrubs and pointed it down the right side drive so headlights never hit my site at night. I was an experienced camper.

I camp with the largest dome tent one person can put up. Mine was roomy enough to set up an inflatable full size bed and some furnishings. I had a two-burner gas stove and enough utensils and gadgets to cook-up anything my stomach desired. Normally if I pitched a tent anywhere it was going to be for at least three nights, any one or two night stops were in motels or lodges.

I had just finished downloading the morning’s pictures to my laptop when the mom and kid walked over to my campsite.

‘Thanks for saving us twice today’, she said, ‘once from the rattler and once from wet pants. We got you a present,’ she added as she handed me a package of Oreo cookies.

I love Oreo’s and told the woman she had made an inspired guess with her selection. I had started a pot of coffee and it was now ready so I invited them to stay and share the cookies.

She seemed to hesitate but before she could answer the daughter became very enthused over the photo of ‘her rattler’ on my laptop. I allowed the kid to sit in my spot on the picnic table and started a slide show of my pictures from that morning. While she and her mom admired them I prepared coffee for two and soft drink for one.

I had wanted my stepson to accompany me on that trip but his love for the outdoors had been supplanted by a love for girls. He was thirteen. We had been on several trips over the years but his enthusiasm for camping had waned. When my ex-wife’s parents offered to take him on a cruise he acted properly torn by indecision but eventually opted for the cruise as I had expected.

Even though this was to be the second consecutive year I would be wandering alone I had nevertheless packed for the two of us hoping for a miracle. I had plenty of everything. I had even packed my stepsons inflatable bed.

It felt nice to have company so I invited the lady and the kid to join me for dinner. The woman again hesitated but the kid immediately asked what was for supper.

I replied, ‘Well, it’s Tuesday so the park rules say we have to eat hot dogs. Lots of them.’

The woman knew that she was defeated before the daughter made her argument and simply asked, ‘What time do you want us back?’

‘Right after sundown. I am going to see if I can get a decent picture of the sunset at The Window tonight. I will be back here right after that.’

‘What is The Window?’

‘A space between two peaks that form a nice frame for sunsets. It is a twenty-minute hike from here to the spot where I want to go to take my pictures. It is forty minutes to the gallery but there are usually many people there so I take a short detour on the trail to a spot which although it has a much smaller viewing area has just as impressive a view.’

‘Can we come with you? Will you show us?’ asked the kid. Her mother nodded echoing her daughter’s request.

‘Sure. Come back here as soon as you see the sun about to duck behind that mountain. ‘

They thanked me and started to go towards their tent but the mother suddenly stopped and came back to me.

‘Hi. I am Lucy,’ she said extending her hand. ‘This is Jamie’.

I shook each hand as I introduced myself as James. They then resumed their trip towards their tent.

I had been up since five AM so I took a short nap before I got the prep for the hot dogs ready and prepared three small salads. I set up the necessary items for hot chocolate but I only had two coffee mugs so I took a quick trip to the gift shop and purchased a souvenir cup.

By the time I had my big camera and tripod ready they were back, at least thirty minutes before they needed to be. I think they were eager for what was apparently going to be an unexpected treat for them. I grabbed my stuff and a flashlight and off we went. The hike to the viewing area is mostly downhill so it was not a difficult trek for them. We lucked out and found ourselves alone in the small viewing spot.

While we waited for the sun to slide between the peaks I took pictures of the girls. I took a few of Jamie and was reminded that all five-year-old girls are adorable. Of course my redhead niece Samantha was the only other five year old I knew and she was adorable so my conclusion was probably a result of small sample size.

Jamie was bright with an extensive vocabulary, she was also a bit of a tomboy.

When I turned the camera on Lucy she playfully posed for me as I snapped away and I urged her to ‘Work with me, work with me.’ I could see where Jamie got her adorableness.

What a revelation. In my viewfinder Lucy was funny, cute, beautiful, and sexy. I lowered the camera and took my first really good look at her. She was tallish, with short blonde hair, big blue eyes, and an athletic body. She had beautiful smiles and a nice big grin. She was also braless.

Jamie announced that the sun was between the mountains and I was distracted away from whatever and got back to my original p
urpose. I attached the SLR camera to the tripod and snapped away every thirty seconds or so. I wished for a deep red sun.

The sunset was as good as I hoped and I knew at least a few of my pictures would show that. Lucy and Jamie were fascinated by the changes in the color and size of the sun as it sank over the ‘edge of the world’.

The problem with a downhill hike is that the return is uphill. Jamie was having no problem scrambling up so I gave her my flashlight and told her to make sure her mother could see where she was going. My real purpose in giving her that job was to slow her down. I did not want Jamie to rush ahead and run into a creature with no sense of humor, like a javelina, or a skunk.

Back at my camp the hot chocolate, the hot dogs, even the salads, were quickly consumed. The last of the Oreo’s disappeared.

Lucy and I divulged some information about ourselves and were duly surprised and delighted to learn we lived ten miles apart in small towns to the southwest of Houston. We were both teachers, she third grade, me high school Biology/Ecology.

This was their first real camping trip and the previous afternoon they had pitched the first tent in their lives that was not in their back yard. Their first stop had been Sea World in San Antonio. The second stop was to be Big Bend but she had severely underestimated the driving distance and barely made it to a Marathon motel for her second stop. They had no timetable but expected to start towards Lake Amistad, Mustang Island, and back home after a week.

I had no hard timetable either but did not expect to go back home for at least a month. I fully expected to make camp in Yellowstone National Park for a week before heading back.

I was quizzed about my summer camping adventures and they seemed to be considering extending their own trip. Like me they had until August before they had to be somewhere. It was just the start of the third week in June.

While I was uploading and editing that nights pictures Jamie squeezed herself onto my lap and proceeded to watch the process with interest. Lucy asked me if she was in my way and I said, ‘Huh?’

That was apparently a good answer as she then stood behind me and joined in the process.

The sunset pictures were indeed spectacular but for the three of us the best pictures were of the girls goofing off for the camera. I was a bit embarrassed when I realized that instead of the twelve to fifteen pictures I thought had taken in total of both of them I had over fifteen pictures of just Jamie and nearly forty of Lucy.

Once as Lucy demanded I delete a picture of her making a funny face that her daughter and I thought was terrific she leaned well over me to try and hit the ‘move to trash’ link. There were blocking moves from Jaime and me and lots of laughter from the three of us. I felt her breasts on my neck and I thought I felt her nipples harden. After she gave up the struggle her body stayed in contact with mine and her hands stayed on my shoulders. I could not believe how good, how right that felt.

I finally managed to give the set a rough edit and started a slide show. I re-filled their chocolate, (adding a small surprise to Lucy’s, a splash of Kahlua), as they watched the slide show twice. They stayed long enough to join me in one more cup of chocolate, (Lucy asked for hers to be just like the first but more so), as we talked about anything and everything and nothing in particular. We laughed a lot.

As we said our goodnights Jamie stood on the bench and hugged me. Lucy hugged me too. I grinned for a while after they vanished in the darkness noting that I had enjoyed the hugs to a much larger degree than expected. They had given me real hugs.

Later that night, after I decided I would not get to sleep unless I did so, I masturbated for the first time in over two weeks. Then with the memory of the warmth of Lucy’s hug to lull me to sleep I slept well.

Sleeping comfortably in general allowed me to get up earlier. The best wildlife viewing comes in those hours before and after the sun breaks over the horizon. That next dawn I again set out for a gully located below where we encountered yesterday’s rattler. It flattened out into a small valley were it met a gully that was a mirror image of itself on the opposite mountain across the valley. All that gave me a long field of view.

Tracks of Mexican wolves had been found in the area and the park rangers were hoping as much as I was that I would get photos of what may be a resident pack. For the second consecutive morning I sat and waited.

I gave up when the sun made sweatpants and sweatshirt too uncomfortable a wear. Again no wolves but some nice shots of the mountain as the sunlight ran down its flanks. I took some pictures of what may have been yesterday’s rattler as it crossed ten feet in front of me. I said, ‘Good Morning,’ but the snake ignored me, probably still stung by my insults the day before. I decided that it would be best not to expect a thank you note.

I also got shots of what may or may not have been a bear in some low shrubs across the valley. iPhoto would tell me later. In the four hours of my stakeout I did not see a single coyote, which made me think that wolves in the area were a possibility.

During my vigil at the gully I became concerned by the fact that all my stray thoughts had led to Lucy. My divorce was now nearly five years into history and my ex had re-married her son’s biological father almost immediately. I had been loyal to my ex-wife beyond all reason and I felt betrayed. I had in fact been betrayed. Any trust I had in women vanished as soon as she filed for divorce. I knew I was loosing my stepson, he no longer called me Dad. I still lived in our house, too lazy to sell it, too embarrassed to go back home. I didn’t need to move closer to work, it was a short ten minute drive on the state highway.

Apparently I was not ready for a real relationship. I was a very confirmed bachelor and over those years none of my relationships had lasted over six weeks and those were basically ‘friends with privileges’ relationships. Which made me wonder even more why my mind kept going back to Lucy.

I did not expect to see them often, in fact I would not have been surprised if I never saw them again before I left.

Yet that morning they were at my campsite waiting for me to return to ask me for suggestions on places they could explore.

They said they had just gotten up so without even thinking about it I prepared breakfast for three. We ate together as I related to them why I had been out on a trail so early. I suggested to them that the trail where the desert and the mountain forest met would be a good place to start. After coffee for Lucy and me and chocolate for Jamie I volunteered to be their guide that day and it soon became clear to me that was exactly what they had hoped I would do. I was very flattered.

While Jamie and I looked at my morning photos Lucy took five minutes to go get Jamie’s car seat and their backpacks.

Over the next week we explored trails together every day. I taught them to slow down on their hikes and speak in low voices. I taught Jamie the perils of rushing ahead, mainly because it surprises creatures that don’t like surprises, like the rattlesnake, but also because it ruins the chance of seeing the creatures as they do their thing, if we got to see them at all.

The lesson was soon driven home when we had the chance to watch a coyote work for his lunch not a hundred feet from us. It knew we were watching and seemed to show off for us by taking showy leaps at whatever he was hunting until it got his lunch and strutted away. We never did see what he was after but it did get something. I assumed it was a small rodent.

We also saw roadrunners but Jamie was disappointed that she never saw a beep-beep chase. I explained that they really don’t happen in real life since roadrunners can fly.

We saw lizards run on th
eir hind legs like miniature dinosaurs. We saw snakes, tarantulas and javelinas and mule deer. We searched for lions and bears and I had to endure both girls ‘Oh my!’ exclamations all day.

We did find bear tracks on the far side of the gully of my morning vigils. After I cropped and enhanced the picture of what I suspected was a bear walking through shrubbery I saw it had in fact been a bear, so on one hike I led us to the spot.

When I asked Jamie to put her hand in the middle of the paw track so I could take a picture Lucy shuddered at the size difference. They both gained a lot of respect for bears that day.

The next morning less than a mile from the campgrounds, near where we had seen the rattlesnake, we found cougar tracks.

Funny, they did not say ‘Oh my’ after that. The realization that we were in the same area as wild bears and lions had apparently made an impression on them.

I noticed that in the nearly four hundred photos I had taken over those days at least one of the girls was in ninety percent of them. They posed next to flowering cacti and in the foreground of geologic features. I took pictures of Jamie holding snakes, lizards, and false scorpions.

I convinced Lucy that a few pictures of her holding such creatures would give her much credibility with third grade boys so she posed with some of the animals too. A Texas rat snake gave us a fine memory when as soon as Lucy draped it over her neck the snake darted down into her shirt. I was impressed that she did not panic but she was very concerned that the snake did not seem to be in a hurry to leave. A small section of the tail was still over Lucy’s shoulder so I gave it a gentle squeeze prompting the snake to exit down her shirt. I grabbed it as it emerged and handed the snake to Jamie for her picture with it then placed it back where we found it and we said bye to it.

As we resumed our hike Lucy asked me why the snake would do such a thing to her, stay in her shirt. I said that very likely it was just enjoying the view inside her shirt so I could not blame it. I got swatted on the ass for that remark but took comfort in the fact that after Lucy’s hand made sharp contact with my butt her hand caressed it before moving away.

The swat got Jamie’s attention and I took the opportunity to whine that her mother had hit me. Lucy denied the claim and we carried on a ‘Did not-did too’ war of words for a while which ended with each of us sticking their tongue out at the other. After getting her giggles under control Jamie said, ‘You two behave’. Less than ten steps later Lucy and I found ourselves holding hands.

I took a short video with my small camera of Jamie talking to a mule deer. The mule deer seemed to be fascinated by what Jamie was telling it. I told Lucy that since the deer probably only spoke Spanish it was likely just enthralled by Jamie’s voice. That line won me my first kiss and a giggle. There is no accounting for taste, thank God.

By the end of that third day Lucy and Jamie held my hand as a matter of course.

They joined me on my sunrise wolf vigil and thanks to Jamie’s keen eyes, we saw a pack of five wolves in the valley below and I got some useful photos from the encounter.

As much as I had wanted those pictures the highlight of the morning for me was when, after I found a comfortable place to sit, Lucy sat immediately in front of me and leaned back onto my chest. She did not seem to mind when I forgot myself and put my arms around her waist. Jamie sat immediately in front of her mother and the three of us enjoyed the sunrise together in comfortable silence.

Over the first couple of days I had learned from Lucy that she had been divorced for three years and that Jamie’s father did not have a relationship with either of them. When Lucy told me that I blurted out, ‘What an idiot!’ before apologizing.

Lucy told me not to bother apologizing, that I was right. She told me that less than three months after her wedding her family referred to him only as Asshole, even in his presence. Lucy admitted that she was probably the only one that did not see him for what he was, a very selfish, self-centered, lazy, pretty boy. ‘Not that I’m bitter,’ she added with some bitterness.

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Modelling Madness by Throne I used to be Billy John. Now I'm Belle Jean. In the past I favored worn jeans and T-shirts. Now I'm stuck in girly clothing all the time. What's worse, some of the fashions I have to wear are bizarre, to say the least, and lots of people get to see me in them. It all started because my wife Melinda took Art classes. She met this young woman who called herself Shadow, whose creations were weird fashions. Her current productions were all knitted. She...

4 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder the reboot

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. http://tgcaps.com/caps/fanart/fraylim/robin01.jpg.php if the link...

1 year ago
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ThatSitcomShow Bunny Colby Ella Knox Quinn Wilde Truth Or Dare

Nat and Jo are playing Truth or Dare and Jo has picked truth. Nat asks how many guys Jo has had sex with and Jo admits to fucking her boyfriend. Blair finds them and mocks them for playing Truth or Dare without any boys because it’s a game that’s only played if you want to get laid. Blair asks Nat if she’s trying to have sex with Jo and Nat denies nothing. Jo is confused about how two girls would have sex, so Blair joins in on the game and asks Jo if she wants Truth or Dare....

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Undercover Investigator

Katherine "Kat" Cranston walked down the hall towards the launch bay at The United Earth Investigative Service Head Quarters with pride. The young twenty-two year old brunette was tall with an athletic build, long straight hair, and bright blue eyes. Only two months ago she had graduated the academy at the top of her class and now had been selected to be part of a major undercover investigation. The investigation focused on The Amazons of Tython. An all female race of slavers that specialized...

3 years ago
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The Professor

 It was an unseasonably warm day in mid-October as I strolled up to our usual meeting spot at the southeast corner of the university quad. I was the first of the group to arrive, so I snatched up a seat at the picnic table, at the far end, that was excluded from the shade of a nearby tree.I took off my jacket, exposing my shoulders to the late afternoon sun. Let the warmth wash over my body, knowing that this would be one of the last balmy days before the weather chilled for fall.I pulled out...

College Sex
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ATONEMENT This is a story just possibly based on reality.  A story of a betraying wife, her circle of manipulating, cheating friends and their influence on her.  Forming a pact to separate from their husbands, the consequences of her breaking the vow is painful; humiliating as she struggles with her own conscience, chooses the wrong path, passes the point of no return and pays the price in more ways then one. The first chapter of the story begins with Bonnie submitting to a discipline session...

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Weekend 1

I read on my Graduation Card. I looked up and seen her eyes smileing at me it was kind of special to me. Ali was a very toned and shapely young ladie. She was as old as me but one year behind in school due to late birthday. she and i planed to go to community college and all of our friends were going north for school. It was rather disapoiting all my best buds gone for the school year but hopefully i will transfer there after 2 years but we will see? It was that time when everyone was...

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The Cursed Cock

The woman yawns and stretches out on her bed. She rubs the sleep from her eyes and looks around. The bed is empty aside from her. The man she was with is gone. She closes her eyes once more and listens, expecting to hear sounds from the bathroom or kitchen. Nothing. She frowns. She remembers the evening before. The man had been so charming. He swept her off her feet and whispered sweet nothing in her ear. Oh, sure, she knew he was using her for sex. Still, she expected at least some company the...

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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 2

Back out on the village street, we continued toward the Wat, as the sun was close to setting. We reached the masonry walls around the Wat while the sun was still visible, making it about 1815 hrs. The walls had been painted or whitewashed at some time in the past, but portions of the paint was now peeling. There were gardens of various types of vegetables on both sides of the Wat and presumably behind it also, which were tended by the monks. We passed through the gate into the Wat and looked...

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GIFT.Today is Hina’s 7th marriage anniversary; her friend called her to wish and told her to take care, as the magic of love dies after 7 years in most of the cases. But, for Hina the magic died in 7 months after her marriage, her husband Sahil was too busy in is work and his friends. Hina was a submissive Indian house wife; she tried to explain her liking for BDSM which Sahil never understood. Her ex boyfriend had introduced her to this life style and she was a natural sub. But, her parents...

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My First Swinging Experience

This was back before everyone had internet and I used to use the telephone chat lines. I had got chatting to a couple who were coming to South Wales for a holiday. They invited me to come and meet them at their caravan so on the day I turned up at Fontygary and found the 'van they had said they would be in.Suzy and Jason were a bit older than I was at the time, at around forty. She was a full figured woman wearing a yellow bikini as she lay on a sun lounger outside the 'van. Jason was also...

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A day at the movies

It was a hot summer day when me and my fiance decided to see an adult xxx rated movie. We were 19 at the time and had to drive to another city to see the flick. When we got to the theatre we decided to sit in the back of the balcony so we could "Make out" if we decided. There were very few people in the theatre so we went up to the balcony. I was wearing a regular short sleeve shirt and my fiance was wearing a blouse and a mini skirt. I decided to take an ailse seat and sat down. As my fiance...

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Creampie Is Best Served Hot

There I was in the kitchen, washing my hands, when I heard the phone ring. I didn’t know where my wife, Jill was. I had been out working on the truck. She had gotten mad at me, because we weren’t going to spend the day together. I needed the truck for work the next day. Well, back to the story. I picked up the phone and was about to say hello, when I heard my wife say, “Hello.” I thought to myself that this was good. She didn’t leave after all. Apparently, she didn’t know I had picked up the...

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Heiszliges Autokino Folge 12

"Zwei Tickets bitte." Ich lächle die Frau am Ticketstand freundlich an und reiche ihr das Geld. Mit einem Lächeln erhalte ich die Karten und mein Wechselgeld zurück. Ich drehe mich zu Sophie um und reiche ihre Karte weiter. "Pass auf meine auch gleich auf, Süße." Mit einem Kuss drücke ich ihr meine Karte ebenfalls in die Hand. Ich lege meine Hand fest auf ihre Tallie und ziehe sie dicht an meine Seite. Ihre Hand legt sich um mich und landet mit einem frechen Klatschen direkt auf meinem Po....

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Antonia Sainz Business Or Pleasure

Max Dior is hard at work when his secretary Antonia Sainz trips while bringing his coffee. She returns with another glass and a roll of paper towels so she can clean up the mess. Max enjoys the view for a moment when Antonia’s short skirt rides up to show off her ass and thong, and then goes in for a taste when he can’t take it any longer. Soon he has unwrapped his prim secretary and settled her on his desk chair for a lusty bald pussy feast. Slipping first one finger and then another deep into...

4 years ago
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Meri Pyasi Bhabhi 8211 Part 8

Pandey sir ki aaj ki class itni hi kaafi thi, aur mera kaam bhi ho gaya tha, aur mujhe favour milne laga tha. Lekin Pandey sir ko mujhe private tutor ke bataur rakhna pada. Jisse Pandey sir ko azaadi mil gayi ghar aane ki. Ab wo mauka paa kar kabhi bhi bhabhi ko kiss kar lete aur touching bhi. Badle mein ab mujhe bhi kayi baar Pandey sir ke ghar jana padta tha, kabhi notes ke liye aur kabhi wahi pe padhne. Pandey sir ne doosri shaadi ki thi Nirmala se. Wo Pandey sir se 15 saal chhoti thi, yaani...

4 years ago
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True to Life II

A Sequel To True To Life Part One The late afternoon sun covered the large bedroom's far wall as the scarlet haired woman finally stirred. A soft hand reached out from beneath the silk blue sheet, turning the alarm clock on the night table so that she could see it. A pair of sleepy emerald eyes tried to focus on the LED display as they formed 10:47. "Well there goes most of the morning." the thirty-four year old thought as she retreated back under the sheets. As she shifted...

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A Book By Its Cover

== A Book By Its Cover == by RickD1960 Jim and Carol had just celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary, having been married in 2025. Their sex life was good, just not as frequent or as exciting as it had once been. Carol had not been very experienced when they wed. Jim was only her second boyfriend and her first boyfriend had not made it past second base. Recently Jim had begun to feel that Carol may have missed out on some valuable sexual experience by not having dated more before they were...

Wife Lovers
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Bhabho Willingly Fucked By Bhaisur

By : Ms.Chandra51 I am writing on behalf of my eldest brother who fucked the wife of my just next elder brother: My eldest brother said “I had a deep-rooted lust to practically have a fully nude sexual intercourse with the extremely beautiful and sexy wife of my own younger brother (Bhabho). My Bhabho possesses and ever maintains an outstanding figure, curves, postures and ready-to-fuck personality. I internally ever wished during the last over 27 years (ever since she was married to my...

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Carols Limits

Friday Night I followed Reggie to the door for a goodbye kiss. He had spent the night, and we had had a good time. I felt the relaxation that comes from sexual release and wanted him to know that I felt good. He turned just before the door and kissed me gently. “Can we go out next Friday?” he asked. “Friday is good,” I replied. Reggie stepped back and said, “I want to take you to meet some of my friends on the team. Shall I pick you up at 6 o’clock? We can get a bite on the...

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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 7

"Is there anything else I may do for you, Master?" Norlan glanced down at himself and his impeccably neat attire. "Mirror." The slave quickly retrieved a hand-held mirror with a bright, gold handle. She smiled as she handed it to the Ambassador. Norlan took it without glancing at her and peered into it. A steady and slightly aloof countenance gazed back at him. He ran his hand along his thin beard and bushy sideburns. He examined his hair, which the slave had just finished brushing...

3 years ago
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EpigraphyChapter 3 Epigraphy and Teaching

My morning did not go well at all. I was planning to spend time before classes on examining the journal. I had barely started my first cup of tea when Caroline called. "Mitch? I have some good news. I was offered a job at the insurance company that I was hoping for. I will be managing their short-term capital!" Caroline was teaching at the Business School. I knew she was hoping to find a job in the industry, but I knew nothing about insurance companies. "Congratulations! Where is the...

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Taking what i want 6 part 2

Please read part 1 firstMs Kelly is on her knees sucking Mr Dorking's large cock . The phone rings .Uh hello Mr Dorking Alicia Riviera and Danielle Kelly are here for their after school detention class.Thank you Sabrina have them wait outside my office .Ms Kelly has one hand massaging his balls the other between her legs. Her oral skills have him ready to erupt. He pulls out just as he cums on her mouth and cheeks on her tits and torn clothes.Get up and bend over the chair . He cable ties her...

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Dodi the leg juggler8217s 1st time

At sixteen, I was ashamed to admit I was a virgin. Like most teenage males, I put up a macho front. When I was with my best friend Chuck, we would swap stories of our “past sexual experiences.” “Yeah, she wanted me to join the ski club, so we could make love in a snowmobile.” “What happened?” “We couldn’t find a snowmobile, so I fucked her in a sleeping bag. It was intense, man!” “Once, I was with this girl … she...

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Uncle by marriage a nieces pleasure

Sex is fun, it's exciting and yes I get horny, more now than last year and more now as my body is changing and turning me more into the image of my mother.Men want my virginity and if the truth be told, they can have it, because I want to know what it feels like and daddy's blue movies are wearing thin from me watching them and yes my pussy gets sore with constant rubbing.To look at me you could not imagine what I am like alone. I am as bad as the boys and it drives me made to say, 'No', when...

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The Review

Helene Cohen was an older woman. An attractive older woman I might add. She was always impeccably dressed, the way you would expect of a successful woman in a managerial position. One look and you could tell this woman was never inside the local K-Mart. Her hair was always impeccable. Her nails and makeup always perfect. That would be the word, perfect. She was full figured in a way middle aged woman often are. A very good way I might add. Those impeccably tailored business suits never...

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Dirty Dancer 2004

We were just married, it was my twenty first birthday and my husband took me out to the local bars. I had a little too much to drink and began “dirty dancing” with my husband, whom I’ll call Dan. I attracted a lot of attention, a little too much attention. I had a hot little body; I still looked like a cheerleader. With long, blond hair, blue eyes, soft skin, perky breasts, nice little ass. My measurements were 34-30-32. I had a hot body and everyone in there knew it. I’d never been with anyone...

Group Sex
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African Pirates Journey into Sex Slavery 3

Now all three were in the captain's quarters below deck, being tormented by Khari and the General's two nubile sisters, Lady Neka and Lady Kunto. Amy's poor husband, Scott, had been tied to a chair naked. Lady Neka had put a cock-ring around the base of his shaft and threatened to cut his balls off if he didn't come in 15 minutes. Then she'd proceeded to mount that shaft, humping him hard with her moistening slit as Amy and Jennifer could do nothing except watch in horror. Kunto knelt...

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My Net Friend

Raipur Mumbai looking out for fun. I am 22 plus and dont mind women frm 22 to 40plus who r eager to have unlimted sex for free will give u the best sex and the lick of ur life. Be free to ask for anything u feel like being dont and i will satisfy you to the maximum. Keep it a secert and enjoy ur +919977004100 ok my story Hi, my name is Nikhil, I’m 22, i’ve got medium hair, Brownish eyes, I’m healthy – about 55 Kgs and 5’8 tall, I am a studant , I have been told several times that my body is...

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Corporate model

I would like to thank my friend Georgia Alice for her help with dressing the main character. I have already published this story on Literotica. Feel free to check my profile there as well at: https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=3470510&page=submissions The phone was ringing again. Eh… shouldn’t all the phone calls be over now that the contract was finally signed? Oh, it was the boss. I might have been working on a position of power, but I was not the top dog yet. But at...

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BackcountryChapter 17

That fall, just after our little rice harvest, the young braves came from the old village they had finally vacated. They brought with them all the possessions they thought to keep, although many of the squaws complained about things left behind that the men hadn’t valued but that the women thought precious. With them came a joyous surprise. The newlywed Eric and Eliza joined them! Eliza’s and pa’s many good words about our cabin, and his own sight of our summer camp and foundry had convinced...

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Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Virgin BrideChapter 1 The Client

The case began as so many do: in our rooms at 221b Baker Street. Holmes was in a dark study and was teasing a melancholy strain from the strings of his violin. Under normal circumstances I would beg him to desist, though having just endured an hour-long tirade on the dearth of intelligent criminal activity in London, I was disinclined to interrupt him lest he resume that broken thread. The sound of hooves on the street below roused me from my study of the newspaper and I moved to the window...

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A b or c

My name does not matter this is the story of what happend to me. one night as i fell asleep i awoke or at least i thought i awoke. i was in a dark room the wall's were made of steel. then a man stepped out of the shadow's. hi there my name is ace im am the host of this show. i asked what show. the dream show called a b or c. i will give you a pick of three door's. door a door b or door c and you will enter that door. i asked what's behind the door's. well when you pick a door there could be...

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Persona 5

This story is a work of fiction. Similarities to persons living or dead in your world are purely coincidental. You find yourself in rolling office chair. Sitting across from you, you are met with the beady eyes of the master of the Velvet Room, Igor. “First off, let us celebrate our reunion,” Igor states with a tone almost reminiscent of delight. Seeing that you are clearly confused and overwhelmed, Igor continues. “I imagine you have many reservations about returning here from your joyous,...

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Master Jimmy His Wenches

Chapter 1 Pam was 56 years old & Jimmy's mom .She was married to Jimmy's stepdad Ernie , currently completely nude & in the doggystyle position Pam was on Jimmy's bed getting fucked up the ass . Six months ago she had been brainwashed & was now serving her well-hung son , master constantly . His 11 inch cock gaped Pam's shithole , before he ended creampieing her . Pam took a shower , before she & Jim left to go next door . So she could perform a camshow with Wanda . The door was...

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