Felicity Ch. 62 free porn video

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Chapter 62: The Cat

Somewhat early on a Saturday morning I was having a cup of coffee on my patio when I noticed a large cat looking at me.

It was between two of my flowerpots towards the back but my pots are placed in such a way I could see each plant well from my chair. I could see the cat. The cat could tell I could see it.

It was a semi-longhaired charcoal grey cat that was a bit overweight. By the time I took my first sip of coffee it had relaxed. By the time I had finished half my cup it was sound asleep. It was definitely somebody’s cat, stray and feral cats would be on alert or gone.

When I finished my coffee and stood it opened its eyes and watched me go inside the house. About an hour later I saw it go through my picket fence and away from my patio. I had no idea how long it had been taking naps on my patio or if it was a first time for it but I kind of hoped it would come back. I live alone and sometimes any company at all is better than none.

I did my usual things on Saturday but did not see the cat the rest of the day. Sunday morning it was back. It raised its head when I sat in my patio chair then went back to sleep.

I felt insulted. All I merited was barely a glance?

I told it of my displeasure but all it did was tweak its ears.

‘You are lucky I’m used to being ignored,’ I said to it.

That didn’t even merit an ear flick. I resumed drinking my coffee and watched the bumblebees and butterflies visit my flowers.

Soon enough it was Monday.

I was a schoolteacher and my first class isn’t until nine so I have time for coffee in my patio each day although earlier than on weekends. I was usually dressed and on the patio around seven fifteen and on my way to work by seven forty five. We did not have to be at work that early but I had a ten-minute drive, (all drives in Felicity were ten minutes or less,) and needed time to get ready.

The cat came sauntering in just as I was finishing my coffee. I said good morning and asked it to watch the house for me then left.

That went on for the whole week until the following Saturday when I went out at my usual eight AM.

The cat greeted me with a meow then went back to sleep.

‘Yeah, what you said,’ I answered its greeting and drank my coffee.

That next Sunday morning’s schedule included feeding the plants. I do that one at a time and have to walk past all the pots to do so.

I talked to the cat as I did but by the time I got to the cats usual spot it was gone. I finished my task without giving it a thought, well I did fell a bit silly talking to a cat that had already gone home.

After putting everything away I got another cup of coffee and went back to my chair on the patio.

The cat was in it.

‘Hey, that’s my chair. Use the other one, ‘ I ordered.

‘Meow,’ she said.

Her indelicate position told me it was a female. I also saw that beneath the thick fur there was a collar with a tag. She had an owner.

I pulled the back of my chair up a bit and she spilled out of it and after another meow wandered back towards her usual spot. Water was seeping from beneath the pots so she turned back and jumped into my second chair. She was asleep in seconds.

I drank my coffee then went inside the house to write a story about cats. I did not notice when she left.

On Monday when she came over she jumped directly into the second chair and began some grooming.

‘Must be nice to be able to reach down there,’ I said.

She paused long enough to look at me and said, ‘Yes it is.’

At least that’s what I thought that meow meant.

She was asleep in the chair when I left.

The week continued like that until I made a mistake. That Friday I bought her a cat toy. It was a silly windup mouse I got at the dollar store that scooted along the patio floor.

I presented it to her the next Saturday morning and she loved it, pounced on it and waited for me to rewind it then pounced on it again.

That was when I realized I had made a mistake.

I got tired of being her servant and wound it up one last time then went into the house.

The following Sunday I looked around the patio but never found the thing. The cat stayed in the chair, apparently she knew I would not find it.

The following Friday I got her another toy, this one was a stuffed mouse with catnip inside.

She ignored it.

The mouse stayed on my patio until a heavy rain that following Tuesday then it must have been washed away. I never found that one either.

I noticed that most of my conversations outside of school were with her. I noticed I was a bit more relaxed in my relaxedness. Cats have that reputation.

Two weeks later I bought her another toy, a feather on a string on a stick. Yes I knew I had to actively play with her but I got it anyway.

I spent a longer time playing with her on weekends and after the first feather thing unraveled I got another one.

Then she stopped coming over. I said fine and just sat in my patio chair. Two days later I walked around the neighborhood hoping not to see a squashed cat on the street. I got that wish but not the other.

A month passed then one Saturday morning there she was on her chair. I said, ‘Where have you been? You didn’t write, you didn’t call.’

‘Home, I’ve been home.’

At first I was astonished to hear her speak then it occurred to me to look behind me. A nice looking lady was standing there smiling at me,

Nobody smiles at me unless they want a tip or a higher grade on their report card. I just stared at her until the cat said, ‘Meow.’

‘Oh, thank you for reminding me of my manners,’ I said to the cat. Then to the woman I said, ‘Please come in and join us. Would you like some coffee?’

‘If you already have it brewed yes please, one cream one sugar.’

On my way back to her with her coffee I noticed my hand was shaking and wondered why.

The cat was on her lap when I rejoined them. We sat in silence for a few moments as we enjoyed the brew then she said, ‘You have twenty two pots out here, and I have four. My patio looks like a cement patio with four plants. Yours looks like a tropical forest should.’

‘Thank you, that was the plan. The two back rows are hibiscus, then gardenias, firecrackers, and vincas in front. That side of the fence has esperanzas and plumbagos. The other side has azaleas.’

‘It must hurt the eyes when they are all blooming at once.’

‘Don’t know. That has never occurred, not even just the hibiscus. I keep hoping though.’

I saw it happen but it did not register until it had already happened, the cat got off her lap, walked across the patio table, then settled on my lap.

‘Wow, she has never done that. She hides when anyone is around especially men. Have you been feeding her?’

‘No. I didn’t know what her diet was.’

‘But it was you that got her the wind-up and the catnip mice.’

‘Yes I…..how do you know about that?’

‘She brought them home.’


‘Her name is Lady by the way and she is not supposed to get out of my house. It took me three weeks to find how she did that and now she can’t. This morning I decided to see where she was howling about she needed to go so I followed her. I just knew she had a boyfriend.’

‘She does but she is safe here.’

‘But I don’t want her to… Oh, you mean you. Sorry.

My name is Felice by the way.’

‘Hi, I’m Fred. I take it you two live close by.’

‘Yes, two carports that way. Do you know the ladies that live between us?’

‘No. I say hello to my next door neighbor and move her trash can into her carport when it is on the street but the one past her I wouldn’t recognize if I saw her.’

‘You are not a friendly person?’

‘No, I’m not but I am not unfriendly. My colleagues ca
ll me reserved.’

‘What do you do?’

‘I’m an intermediate school science teacher.’

‘Really? Me too. You must be at the new one. I am at the old one.’

‘On Monday do me a favor and tell Jim he is still uglier than me.’

‘I’m not getting into that kind of argument. I like Jim even with that ugly beard anyway.’

‘Ow. Lady bit me.’

‘You stopped petting her. She might be a bit spoiled.’

‘Yes, she might. More coffee?’

‘Yes, please. This is good stuff. What is it?’

‘Café DuMond.’

‘Did you get it in New Orleans?’

‘No, at the Hong Kong market in the city.’

‘Now that is weird.’

Soon the three of us were in my living room and both Lady and Felice went straight to my marine aquarium.

‘Please sit in the rocking chair while I brew another pot of coffee.’

When I got back Lady was pawing at my large Queen angel that was gliding past her just to irritate her.

‘That is a gorgeous queen angel. How long have you had it?’

‘Five years. In fact the last fish I put in there was three years ago and that was the green scat. He was about the size of a nickel then.’

‘He is as big as a saucer plate now. I thought they were freshwater fish.’

‘Brackish water as juveniles and marine as adults but it has been fine in there since he was little and he still has some growing to do.’

Somewhere along the day we had lunch at my house then walked to her house and had some wine as we sat on her patio.

‘Do you have a girlfriend that is going to kill me when she finds out we spent the day together?’

‘No, You are safe in that regard. Am I going to get punched out?’

‘No, you are very safe in that regard.’

In the ensuing silence our hands accidentally touched. Neither of us withdrew them.

After an hour or so of revealing minor embarrassments about ourselves I said, ‘This has been the longest conversation I have ever had with anybody. You now know more about me than anybody else knows. I better go home before I start on the sordid stuff.’

‘Ooh, can’t wait until you get to it. I have enjoyed your company all day too and I see why Lady loves you.

You now know more about me than anyone else in this town does but I will wait to reveal the sordid stuff until you do.’

‘In that case it will be at my earliest opportunity. Good night,’ I said.

She seemed to expect a kiss so I kissed her cheek. She blushed and said good night as I walked out her gate.

That night I masturbated for the first time in weeks then jacked off a second time for the first time in a couple of years. That one was because it dawned on me that she blushed because she felt my erection when I kissed her. She had not backed away from it.

She was short, salt and pepper hair, wore no make-up but was very cute. She wore glasses that made her look older than she was which I had decided was her early forties just like me.

I was by no means a hunk but I was better than I had been five years before. Having a garden and a low carb diet had taken away my beer gut and lard ass. I had resumed pacing the classroom all through each class.

I still had all of my now somewhat graying red hair.

My glasses were stylish my daughter had said when she picked them out for me at the optometrist.

That same day she told me she knew her mother had cheated on me often and loved me a lot for staying home until she went away to college.

She had not invited her mother to her wedding.

‘She would like Felice,’ I thought.

That Sunday morning Lady was back and sat on my lap as I drank my coffee. Felice joined us about thirty minutes later. She kissed my cheek before she took my now empty mug and went into the house. She returned with two cups.

Somehow that felt normal.

We sat and drank our coffee and talked about our jobs and how bored we were before school resumed and commented on how that contrasted with the previous May when we wanted school to end more than the kids did.

We talked about the neighbors and mutual friends at our schools. I learned that she loved baseball.

I told her about my daughter.

‘You look nice,’ I said perhaps two hours later. I had meant to say it as soon as she had come over but had delayed it for some unknown reason.

‘Thank you.’ she said, ‘Take me to lunch at one of the bay restaurants. I never go out to restaurants alone so I seldom go out to eat and I feel like staring at the sea.’

‘I will get dressed,’ I said.

She was wearing a white sundress and sandals. Her hair looked nice and she may have been wearing make-up.

I put on slacks and a polo shirt and wore the sneakers that looked like shoes. When I came out of the bedroom she was in the kitchen rinsing out the coffee mugs.

‘I took Lady home,’ she said.

I nodded and asked, ‘Ready?’

She nodded, kissed my cheek and went out the door. I opened my car door for her and we drove to the restaurants.

‘Either in particular?’ I asked.

‘Either. They are both owned by the same guy so the food is the same.’

I took us to the one furthest from the bridge. It was early enough we could choose our table. We ordered sweet tea and looked at our menus.

‘What is good here?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know, this is my first time in this restaurant. I am going to order the grilled mahi-mahi and shrimp, it fits my diet.’

‘I am going to cheat on mine, I want the same thing except fried.’

‘You are a risk taker.’

‘Only at the oddest times,’ she said.

We ordered then I asked her, ‘How did you know I would take you to lunch?’

‘I think you like me as much as I like you and I already know you do your best not to disappoint anyone, but I have to tell it took every bit of courage for me to ask. Thanks.’

She then gave me a soft kiss on the lips. I guess I showed surprise because she said, ‘What? I’m on a winning streak.’

I laughed and held her hand in mine.

The girl bringing our tea was a former student of hers and was flabbergasted to see her teacher on a date.

Felice said, ‘She is surprised because the rumors at the school say I am a lesbian.’

‘Well that rumor is in jeopardy now.’

‘I don’t know about that. I love eating pussy.’

‘We have that in common,’ I said after not too long a pause.

She smiled and kissed my lips again. ‘Yes, but are you any good at it?’

‘Don’t know, my ex seldom allowed me to eat her. I later learned it was because she had another man’s cum in her so I stopped everything.’



‘For how long?’

‘Three years, until our daughter graduated from high school.’

‘Then you went crazy.’

‘No, by then my urgings had been transferred to food and beer. I was too much of a slob for any woman.

Three years later my daughter told me that when I walked her down the aisle I had to look as good as she did.

I tried my best but she still was the most beautiful person there.’

‘So I’m your first date in six years?’

‘Longer than that.’

‘Are you going to ravish me?’

‘Oh I hope so.’

She giggled and we made room for our plates.

Neither of us were happy with our lunch. I had eaten less than a quarter of the fish and just one shrimp. Felice had eaten less than me.

‘The fish place downtown is open today. Let’s go there,’ I said.

‘As soon as possible please,’ she said.

I paid the bill as Felice voiced our disappointment with the food to the manager and we left. I had heard that that the quality of the place had diminished but I was surprised by the nothingness of our food. I wondered how long they would last. The answer to that was just six more weeks.

When we got downtown finding a parking place was difficult. I asked Felic
e to go in and try to get us a table and ended up parking past the bakery.

When I walked in my name was being called. We were led to a table for two and ordered the same thing we had ordered at the bay front restaurant. The differences were like night and day. We gushed about our food then gushed about each other’s food.

The chef came over and asked us if we liked his cooking. Felice stood and kissed his cheek and I thought, ‘Why not’ and kissed his other cheek.

‘I though you were not going to do that anymore?’ the other chef asked him. Her smile told us she was just kidding him so Felice kissed her on the lips.

‘I thought you said you were not going to do that anymore?’

‘No, I would never lie to you,’ then kissed Felice right back.

Then she said, ‘By the way I cook all the fish here.’

The other chef growled at her and she swatted his butt and ran.

As we sat back down I noted that our public display had caused little stir in the place except somebody threw a french-fry at him as he chased after her.

Felice said that the restaurant was full of people that are regulars there and the place is full of women that eat pussy, including the ones with their husbands.

After our lunch I asked our waitress if the chefs were husband and wife and said, ‘Yes, sickenly so.’ She said that with a grin.

After we were outside I took Felice’s hand and walked us to the resort. We sat at the patio overlooking the gulf and ordered drinks, she got a margarita and I ordered a beer. We drank our beverages in silence as we stared at the sea. We were still holding hands.

‘Do you want to wait for us to get to know each other better before we have sex?’ I asked.

She removed her hand from mine and laid it on my erection.

‘No. When we get back I want to test your pussy eating skills. Then I expect you to ravage me as you promised.’

She squeezed my cock and smiled. ‘Nice,’ she said.

‘Check please,’ I said.

We went to my bed and I kissed my way from her lips to her pussy. Her smallish tits had gorgeous puffy nipples but I only stopped to love them briefly. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed and I rubbed my face on it before I kissed her pussy.

I ran the flat of my tongued over her pussy lips but stopped before getting to her clit. She had a prominent clit I was happy to see.

I repeated that again several times but more slowly each time. My tongue began sliding in between her pussy lips and I got closer to her clit each time. I got my arms under her thighs and began to insert my tongue as deeply as it could go.

Felice had been moaning from the start but it was now more of a groan. On my next trip up I clamped my lips around her clit and began writing the alphabet on it with the tip of my tongue. She bucked hard and pressed my head down. She suddenly gasped for breath and I felt her fluids bathe me.

I was just to the letter F so I continued. The letter M produced another orgasm and so did the letters Q and Z. I went back to the letter M and stayed there until she pushed my head away.

I dried my face on her thighs and her pubic hair and kissed my way to her tits. I loved them until I felt she was breathing as normally as she was going to then slid my cock into her as I kissed her.

She wrapped her arms and legs around me hard and had another orgasm.

As soon as she recovered from that one I rolled us over. She began to fuck me immediately and hard. I was not going to last long at that pace so I slowed her down by pressing down hard on her ass. I kissed her lips softly and she slowed down for almost a minute but then resumed fucking me.

Her next orgasm squeezed my cock hard and it erupted with as much force as it ever had. I’m sure she didn’t notice until she had come to a stop. She pressed her tits to my chest as she tried to regain her breath.

She then devoured me with a kiss and said, ‘Please tell me we’re a couple, please, please.’

We had met just yesterday. The safe and prudent thing to do was to slow her down, say something like ‘you must have been horny’.

But what I said was, ‘We are most definitely a couple.’

She resumed devouring me with kisses until my cock slid out of her. She moaned.

We got up and went into my shower. We kissed and caressed until we were clean then she put my polo shirt on and said, ‘I will be right back.’

She returned with clothes on hangers and a small travel bag.

‘These will do through tomorrow. Tonight we will fuck on the couch between innings and when we get back in bed we will re-do this afternoon all over again.’

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Wife Loves my Bi Side PT2

"In the meantime," my wife said coyly, "why don't you crawl over here and suck on my finger the way you sucked on Scott's cock?"I did as I was asked, closing my eyes, just imagining his firmness in my mouth. After a few minutes, she said, "I like the way that feels on my finger." He continued, almost giggling, "He must have really enjoyed it."I stopped working my tongue for a minute, looked up at her and said, "By the amount of cum I swallowed, I would say he did." She then told me how good she...

2 years ago
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Helped Friend Getting Pregnant

Hi, My name is Ashutosh (name changed). I am married for 4 years and have a 1-year-old son. I reside in Chandigarh with my family (wife and son). My married life is ok, I mean although we have sex regularly but my wife doesn’t like to experiment too much and is not a very big fan of oral sex, which I really enjoy. So, I get a blowjob once in while like on special occasions, b’days, anniversary or other special occasion or when she gets drunk and most of the times she doesn’t allow me to suck...

2 years ago
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The unexpected client

This story is a fantasy, and my first experiment in writing in the third person. Please leave feedback and if you like it I will publish part two. As the doorman opened the cab door she felt his gaze sweep from her 4-inch heels up her ankles, calves and to her well-toned thighs. She saw him catch himself and immediately shift his eyes to meet hers. “Good evening, Miss. Welcome to the Grosvenor House Hotel”. She smiled. “Hello”. After paying the driver she walked the few steps to the door...

3 years ago
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Bradyn My Best Friend

I have known Bradyn all my life. He was my best friend. He was always there for me, and he protected me when I needed to be. I invited him over one night during the summer to spend the night for about a week because my parents were going out of town and I hate being home alone. Bradyn lives right beside me, so no big deal.I'm sixteen now and Bradyn just turned seventeen a month ago.I was fixing my hair when Bradyn walked into my room in light blue jeans, a red shirt, and a light blue hat. All...

First Time
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Loosing my virginity

I was 19 and so was she. Here is the true story of how i lost my male virginity! It was Sheila’s 19th birthday and i had missed her birthday party. The party was over by the time i reached her flat and sheila was a bit cross with me. I gave her the watch that i had brought as a present for her. She liked it, smiled and gave me a ‘thank you – forgive you’ peck on the cheeks. Sheila had an extremely beautiful face, dazzling eyes, and an amazing figure. She was dressed in a fantastic long dress...

2 years ago
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To Whom It May ConcernChapter 5 Techno Magi

Eleric floated in a lotus position, his eyes closed as he focused his energies through the circle and into their leader Zoe Long. The group was attempting to discover the source of the unusual disturbance that had affected them all. They were having difficulties however; one of their number and their main clairvoyant had not arrived. Eleric continued to concentrate on the flow of energies, guiding the energy of his fellow members, controlling the ebb and flow, ensuring that Zoe was able to...

3 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 56

I woke up with the thought of 'did I really make Nancy pregnant?' Was she really ready? Would they really do that? That line of thought would have continued except that a mouth was slowly sucking me. It felt very, very good, but different than Jan and different from yesterday morning. I petted the head of the sucker. Short hair, a smile on her face. Oh my, so good. As I got closer and closer, a dark face appeared over me to smile at me and give me a kiss. When I was swelling to let loose,...

1 year ago
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Terms and Conditions 3

Terms and Conditions 3 The final part of my mini saga, decided to finish it off once and for all, I despise leaving a story without giving it some sort of ending. I guess if I am going to write anything else here it will be some other 'universe' as it were. I do hope you enjoy. Warning - -dark in some ways (not freaky)-, bad language, sex themed, transformation occurred earlier in the series. "WAIT" screamed Al, pulling away and breaking from the huge, grunting form. ...

3 years ago
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The Fairy Stepfather

scene:Manchester 2013:42 year old Caroline Walshe,a single mum,is working in her job on the counter at Tescos-one of the many poorly paid jobs the poor woman has had during her tough life on the council estate-she is slim and redhaired and would be considered attractive but for dowdy overalls-her normal clothes at home are not much better-a smelly tracksuit she got cheap in a charity shop five years ago,like many in the city she is constantly struggling to make ends meet-she is behind the rent...

1 year ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 17 To Make Dreams Truth

Dear love, for nothing less than thee would I have broke this happy dream; it was a theme. For reason, much too strong for fantasy. Therefore thou waked'st me wisely; yet my dream thou broke'st not, but continued'st it. Thou art so true that thoughts of thee suffice To make dreams truths and fables histories; Enter these arms, for since thou thought'st it best Not to dream all my dream, let's act the rest. As lightning, or a taper's light, Thine eyes, and not thy noise, waked me; Yet...

3 years ago
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A Change Of Heart

A CHANGE OF HEART by Simon Bee "You want me to what?" He stood there, at the bedroom door, still holding his briefcase. She was sitting on the edge of the bed that was still not made, still only in her nightgown, even though it was already five in the afternoon. An all too familiar sight nowadays, he thought. "You heard me", she said and looked up. "I want you to stop cumming. Forever." Her husband let out a slight, nervous chuckle. "No one can't demand something like that!" His...

3 years ago
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Bicurious Friends Part 1

I was 18 years old and I had never had sex. I had never even masturbated. I felt certain tinglings sometimes, but did not know how to deal with them. I’d had a friend since childhood who invited me to his house one day. We met at his house or mine almost every day – especially during the summer vacation from school. I got to his house at about 1:30 p.m. one summer day and he was alone – everyone else was at work. We went to his room to talk and listen to music, just like always. We had talked...

2 years ago
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Harrys Protg Ch 10

In the cab Sierra called a few people at 7:00 am, initiating the emergency alarm to race to the office. Each person she phoned knew from training they must call the five other persons they were to summon as part of the newspaper’s Emergency Action Group. The code-name she gave was ‘Crunching Black Gold.’ Staff being phoned would know the newspaper was on to something to swat the mining company and its subsidiary Twin Oaks Mining. When Sierra arrived some reporters were already in the...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Kuleana Sexy young Violet Starr cheats on her husband with a hot and hung basketball star

Violet Starr is on her way to a job interview with a big-time basketball star that needs a new assistant but on the way her shitty husband calls to say he wants a trial separation. She’s upset the moment she gets there she can’t help but tell her potential new employer (who is coincidentally a gorgeous black man) all about what’s going on. She feels bad about complaining to him and telling him that she never gets complimented anymore, or laid, but he doesn’t care and...

3 years ago
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NobleChapter 16

We flew back to our main ranch house in the Black Valley Tribe land. Things were starting to get back to some sense of normal. Kevin had checked his message service and found there were three customers seeking his service. The first was another courier job transporting ‘Certified Bonds’ to complete a business sale. The second was from a mother of an up-and-coming young movie star her daughter who has been getting threats and little assistance from the local law enforcement agencies due to...

3 years ago
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Meri Hot Mami

Hello guys kaise ho sab? Mera naam Samarth hai umar 24 saal aur main Bangalore, Karnataka ka rehne wala hun. Yeh meri hoy mami ki sachhi kahani hai, jo 2 saal pehle hua tha. Iss kahani ki heroine meri mami varsha hai (mame changed). Woh mere mom ki bhai ki biwi hai. Unki age hai 32, perfect figure, big boobs ekdam heroine jaisi lagti hai. Aisa koi lund na hoga jo unko dekh ke khada na ho. Mami ke saath meranormal relation tha. Shy hone ke wajah se main kisi se zyada baat nahi karta tha. Yeh tab...

3 years ago
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Chode Amar Bnara

Satyi katha bolte pompa j ekta asto gudmarani bujhini,jedin prothom ami or pechchhap dekhlam gud vorti bal dekhe ami hotobak.bouer sathe sutam paser hisikhanay ki swasuri ki shali pechchhap korte galei kan khara korechhi,swashuri pechchhap korchhe sobdo hochchhe jeno gai jol chharchhe,bouer dnariye hishi koray pore jenechhi gaier moto awaj hoy dnariye pnod tule du’angule gud fnak kore pechchhap korle amon chhr chhor awaj hoy r pompa jokhon pechchhap kore,o jane, ami awaj shunte valobasi,ami...

2 years ago
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Shellys Sex Life

It wasn't my fault. I hadn't meant to cheat on my wife. It's just that my dick took over. It does that sometimes. Mostly I'm in control. I decide what to do and when to do it and who to do it with. I have a firm grip on myself. Uh, perhaps I should rephrase that. But every once in a while it's like my brain gives my penis a four star promotion or something and as it puffs up with pride the rest of my body just does everything my dick says to. You know the feeling. Like you're sitting...

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Glorias Daughter Ch 02

This is the middle installment of a three-part novella. It picks up right where the first part left off, which may make it a bit hard to follow for those who haven’t read chapter 1. As a recap: Our narrator is Dennis, a three-times-a-month regular to forty-ish prostitute Gloria, who works out of the renovated garage of her house. When he accidentally met Gloria’s college-age daughter, who hates her mom’s occupation, he became smitten with the younger redhead’s looks and verve, and asked Gloria...

2 years ago
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One Chance for Love

Just by the look in his eyes, I knew he was gaga over me and although it did stroke my ego he was never anybody I’d be interested in. It wasn’t that I lead him on but more like me not telling him to get lost but either way it encouraged him to hang around just waiting for his chance. I had a boyfriend and he knew it but he said I was too good for the boyfriend and that he would wait until I realized it too. John was right and I knew it, Mark was a loser and would always be a loser but the sex...

4 years ago
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Devils Island part 15

The next morning Master woke up with his two slaves busily sucking his cock. He decided Sarah needed a good slow morning fuck and besides he hadn't used her in a while. Sarah was ordered up on all fours and Tina to put her head between her legs lying on her back. Tina started to eat Sarah's pussy while Master gave Sarah a few hard strokes in her ass. Sarah was in heaven it had been awhile since her Master had fucked her. While Master pounded away in her ass Tina was licking and eating her...

3 years ago
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Mera Pyari Si Chachi Ke Sath Thand Ki Wo Raat

Hello doston mera nam Manoj i am from Orissa. Me â site ki continu reader hu ajj me socha kiu na mera pehla sex experience post karu. Me 30sal ka hu now i m working at Bangalore. Mera a story tab ki he jab me college me pad rahatha. Me bahat bf dekha kartatha but kabhi kisi ko nehi chodatha. K app sab ko bore na karte hua direct story pe atahu. Me gaoun me rahtatha tha. Or hamara divided familiy he mera 4chacha he jisme se chota chacha newly married tha. Our mera charon chacha Mumbai me kam...

3 years ago
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The Alpha Male Part I

For about 5 months I've been meeting strange men in restaurants and cafes. This activity is the culmination of years of work-related stress, home-related stress, boredom, sexual frustration and a feeling of impending doom. The doors are closing and the light is fading. I don't know what I'm looking for but I'll know when I find it. I find the men on the internet. The internet is crawling with horny men of all shapes and sizes. They frequent illicit dating sites, erotica sites, internet...

3 years ago
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Victorias Secret Panty Shopping

It was a cold winter evening with light showers that I stepped into after getting off work, a Saturday evening in the month of December. I wanted to take a walk somewhere, a place that wasn't so cold because I despise cold weather, so I decided to take a walk in the mall. I didn't have any intention of buying anything, but I was still a bit too nervous to enter a Victoria's Secret store. I am of Asian descent, Chinese to be specific, 5'8 in height and 145 pounds in weight. I had a fetish for...

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Making The Sale

Well this one is kind of a long one so guys grab you a beer and a bowl of popcorn or ladies, grab you a glass and a bottle of wine and some cheese and I hope you all enjoy! Let me start by reminding everyone that all my stories are true life experiences of my swinging lifestyle and my open marriage! Some of the names have been changed but all the experiences and encounters really happened and conversations are word for word. A note about cock size. Personally my pleasurable comfort size for a...

4 years ago
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I Know Its Wrong

‘Julie I don’t want to alarm you but the sky is falling.’ As soon as I said those words her eyes lit up like embers. It works every time. Jasmine’s nipples were already starting to harden and her hips rolled with each step toward me. ‘Something wrong honey?’ I asked taking a step away from my attractive wife and a step closer to the door. She lowered her head slightly and shook it. Her tongue slithered between her lips to wet them and she continued to prowl towards me. ‘You feeling okay? You’re...

1 year ago
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Chapter 6 Swinging in Mexico

Chapter Sex- I mean Six, A Venture into SwingingAs I traveled down the road of life, so many events happened with each making its unique impact on my life. My contract with our common relative, Uncle Sam, had run its course and I was no longer obligated to serve as an active duty officer. I did join the army reserve and did some contract with part of the government because I offered some special talents to them.Lt. Col North was up to his ears brokering deals here and there and I got involved...

2 years ago
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Off to a Good Start

The headmistress had warned me that I might be getting a visit from a committee of upperclassmen so I was not surprised when three very pretty young woman came to my door while I was still unpacking. I invited them in, and they sat on my bed since there was only the one chair. I shook hands with Gail, Scott and Tiffany, and they smiled at me. I was shocked, well at least surprised, by how short their skirts were as well as by how tight their polo shirts were. My cock enjoyed the scene. “Welcome...

Group Sex
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The Devils Jungle

 A work assignment had pulled Sai into going to a country that was starting to prosper but riddled with crime. The country that Sai was in led the world in murder rates and was a hotbed for all kinds of debauchery. Not trusting the drivers, Sai drove his own car which had malfunctioned in the middle of a road covered by forests. Hours had passed, the cellphone was not getting any reception, and so Sai decided to head into the forest and see where that would take him.“Damn hellhole,” shouted...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 54 Kajri Cooke

February 1, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Pull up to the valet,” Kajri said as I crossed Goethe Street. I did as she asked. She reached into her purse and handed me a guest parking card for the building. I handed it to the valet and we went up to the doorman. “Miss Cooke and Mr. Adams to see Miss Lundgren,” Kajri said. “She said we don’t need to be announced.” “You’re on her list,” the doorman said, consulting a small leather-bound notebook. He opened the door for us, then walked us to the...

1 year ago
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my cousins girlfriend

Also true I love my cousin i really do but he started dating this girl named Kayla and things began to change. She had 36 dd (told me herself) a beautiful ass and she was pretty. They began to have problems and my cousin moved away to Utah, why i don't know but he did and that's that. I saw my chance and i asked her how she was taking this. To my surprise she said she was glad because she actually liked me instead. We began to talk about sex and what they did she told me they never had vaginal...

1 year ago
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I Fucked a MILF MailLady

It was the summer after my senior year in high school. I was just sitting in the house with nothing to do, it was a blazing hot day in my small town and I was super horny. It was just about mail time and no one was home. I'm looking out the door just waiting for the mail to come when a sexy, long, 36 DD, blonde phat ass, substitute mail lady. She was so beautiful, wearing her "short" mail shorts and her mail shirt with the button undone showing her cleavedge, sweat dripping from her perfectly...

1 year ago
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Black Pebble

I don't know where it came from, stolen from some secret government laboratory I expect, but I did know what it could do. Twice now I've seen it in action, but the person using it was too flashy to stay alive long enough to enjoy it's pleasures. He had six of the female staff dancing around with their breasts bared, not something that would go un-noticed and it wasn't. While he slept, his throat was sliced and the pebble gone. It didn't take me long to find out that the club owner had...

3 years ago
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MLK day

As I walked up to Cindy and her husband Steve's front door that warm Spring afternoon, my cock was already starting to get hard; and the fact that this older white married couple had invited me there, and on Martin Luther King Day especially, made me all the more excited to fuck this still rather attractive older woman!The thought had already occurred to me that, whether King had intended it, or not, his civil rights activities had definitely yielded one very tangible result---and that was the...

3 years ago
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Summer Fun In Varanasi On Terrace

Hello Readers, This is Raj from Mumbai this is my first story, you all will enjoy it, Feel free to contact me for more stories. Let’s begin with the story, This happened when I visited my dad’s friend in Varanasi during the Summer of 2012. Simmi (Name Changed) is the female character in this story. She was 21years of age that time, Little chubby and totally fair like milk and Spicey like Schezwan. I reached her house by 1pm, climate was very hot that day, temperature was showing 40 Degree...

2 years ago
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A Policemans Story

I still can't believe what I did last Friday. I have been the deputy sherifffor the Middle Water Texas department for the last 8 years. Middle Water isa small town near New Mexico. Small town doesn't really cover it. We have atotal population of 43 with a police department of 2 people. Downtown, thereis a restaurant, a liquor store / general store. Being a small cattle town,there is hardly any need for a sheriff and deputy sheriff so other than oldTimmy Jenkins shooting off his shotgun when he...

1 year ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 12

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 12: We arrive at the gates of Patashqar and deliver the Lady Sakkara to her Free Companion to be. The great gates of Patashqar stand as tall as twelve men and broad enough for eight kaiila riders to pass through in line abreast. It is said that 1,001 spear points guard the gates and that there are only two ways in which a woman may pass through into the city: firstly if she is a collared...

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