Devlin's StoryChapter 6 free porn video

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"It always amazes me," Devlin said as she fished Danny's cock out of his pants, "how this thing can be so small it fits in my hand, and yet grow so large I can't hold it in both hands." She sucked the head of his cock. Danny, who'd been surprised to find her waiting naked for him in the bedroom, continued to undress.

"Um, that's good. We, uh, we don't have much time tonight."

"Sue told me," Devlin said. She gently sucked Danny's balls, and then nibbled her way down his length. She ran her other hand across her breasts, feeling their fullness. She dipped a finger between her legs, rubbing herself gently. Sue and Danny were going out tonight, and if the two of them were going to get anything done here she had to be ready when he was.

She rubbed the thick head of his cock across her face. He was getting nice and hard. She ran her hand over the muscles of his tummy, cupped his balls and bobbed her head back and forth on the bulbous head of his cock. She dug the tip of her tongue into the little hole in the pink helmet-shaped head, and then teased the little wrinkled skin under it.

"You do that so well," he said.

"I can do anything well if I enjoy it," she said. She gave his cock one final lick. She wrapped her hands around his thickness and led him towards the bed. He'd finally gotten his clothes off. He joined her on the bed.

She opened her legs and he settled happily there. She guided him down to her sex. He rubbed the thick head of his cock up and down, coating its head with her wetness and making her croon with pleasure.

"I think you're ready," Danny said.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

He grinned. Bracing himself with one hand he put his hand over hers and pushed himself down to her entrance. She arched up into him when she felt him push his tip into her. One thrust, another thrust, a deeper one, and another one that lodged him most of the way in. He pulled back and thrust again just as she did and finally slid all the way in.

"Ah," she said. She ran her hands up over the muscles of his chest and shoulders. She entwined her legs with his. She felt full, completely stuffed with this man. "This is so good."

He drew back slowly, pulling back almost all of the way before thrusting forward again. She rose to meet him. The friction of his thrust sent a wave of heat washing through her. He repeated, and in moments she was matching him thrust for thrust. The bed moved slightly beneath them, and she could feel her breasts wobbling back and forth as they moved.

"This was so unexpected," he murmured. He bent to tongue her nipples, sending little jolts of feeling through her every time he sucked.

"By the time the two of you get home it'll be too late," she said. She began to tighten her tummy muscles with each of his thrusts. She knew she was having an effect on him, she could see it in his eyes. He was focused on her, focused on the pleasure of their bodies, focused on the passions of the moment.

He began to speed up. Each thrust was just a little harder. His belly slapped against her bottom with a meaty sound, and she could feel his balls nudging her now. She tightened her legs, gripping his arms as she felt the heat rising deep within her. She was losing her own focus. Everything seemed to be coming down to him and the marvelous feelings deep inside her.

She could feel Danny's arms tightening. His whole body tensed as he drove himself home as hard as he could. As he shuddered through the first moments of his climax her own awareness faded except for the insistent need of the moment when everything else strained forward in a timeless moment of pure feeling.

She came back to Danny lying half on top of her. His body pressed her down, warm and solid, something she could anchor against. Like him, her breath was coming in gasps. But it was slowing as she relaxed. He kissed her, a deep passionate kiss as a thank-you for these few moments together when there was nothing else but the pleasure they made together.

He finally rolled off to lie beside her. She stretched, full of peace and energy at the same time. She ran her hand up his body, enjoying the feel of him. He caught her hand in his.

"Let's not start any of that," he said. "If you do we might be here all night."

She laughed. "Yeah, we just might." She got off the bed and sat on the chair, legs apart, brushing her hair out. "Well, if you're going out you'd better get dressed."

"I'd better clean up, first," he said. He got off the bed, collected his clothes and carried them into the bathroom. Moments later he started the shower.

Devlin leaned back in the chair. The trouble was she felt absolutely wanton. She wanted to spend all evening in bed with him, riding his nice hard cock to one climax after another. Sunday afternoon she and Jeff had gone to a family picnic and had to keep their hands to themselves. She'd worn tight jeans and a respectable top, but she caught him eyeing her repeatedly. That was okay, she'd kept her eye on him all afternoon, too.

In school she kept thinking about him. She wondered if they'd have time to get together after she started her job. She laughed to herself. It would be very ironic if they had to be chaste through sheer lack of opportunity. Well, if she couldn't have Jeff's body, and that 10" piece of pure maleness that hung between his legs, she would make do with what she had.

Gym class was right before lunch, consequently most girls took a little more time to dress. Today she had lingered even more than normal, brushing out her hair. It was long enough that the other girls didn't mark on this. But when she was alone she hooked her fingers up under her dress and peeled out of her panties. They went back in her locker. She smoothed and tugged at the short black skirt she was wearing until she looked presentable. Too bad she couldn't do that with her top. If she was as small as Sabrina she might be able to get away without wearing a bra, but with her boobs that was just flat out impossible. They'd bounce around so much, and they'd hang low enough, that inside of five minutes every girl in school, and even some of the boys, would know she wasn't wearing one.

When she'd been 14 she'd thought that not wearing any panties would somehow feel different. Then she'd tried it and realized it was the thought that counted. It was the thought that counted. One very thin layer of fabric was the only thing covering her sex from all of the eyes around her. One little accident would reveal her move female place. One careless moment on the stairs, or incautiously bending over instead of squatting and everyone would see her 'womanly charms'. That was part of the excitement. Only she was careful, she did nothing any other girl wearing a skirt wouldn't do. But the thought that she could teased her all afternoon.

Jeff had asked her about what it felt like wearing a skirt. Butch, the first boy she'd ever had sex with, had asked that, too. She'd tried to explain it. A skirt was, well, it was a skirt. It wasn't like shorts. You really couldn't see up someone's shorts. A skirt was dressier than slacks, but not as dressy as a, well, as a dress. And you felt your legs, something you didn't get with slacks or shorts. She'd run out of words before they'd really seemed to understand. It was like answering the question what it felt like to have a dick hanging between your legs. They couldn't explain it because they'd always had one. She couldn't explain what it felt like to wear a skirt because she'd always worn a skirt.

Of course the moment she'd gotten home she'd changed into jeans, with panties; her mother would see the panty line if she didn't. Of course the moment she'd gotten upstairs at Danny and Sue's, both panties and jeans had gone on the chair, along with her blouse and bra.

Now she sat on the chair, one leg up, looking at those clothes. She didn't want to put anything on, but she was going to have to. Her finger stole down between her legs. She could feel a trace of wetness on her thighs. She touched it and licked her finger - Danny's semen. Well, that wasn't unexpected. Normally he didn't shoot that much when he came. She could often pull on her panties and not think anything more of it. But these last few months she'd had to start cleaning up after him. She wondered if he was making love with Sue. Sue had just had a baby a few months ago, maybe Danny had more jism because he wasn't giving any to Sue.

She glanced at the clock. It wasn't that long ago, barely 90 minutes, when she was sitting in Mrs. Murphy's Civics class, all prim, proper and appropriately studious. Now she was sitting in a bedroom, touching herself and feeling Danny's jism ooze out of her. It was quite a change, especially if you figure that in that 90 minutes she'd ridden a bus home, seen her mother off to work, and had sex with a man until they'd both cum.

Reluctantly she got dressed - tee-shirt, jeans and sandals. Danny was done with his shower, so she wandered downstairs to see if there was anything Sue needed.

"Not really," Sue said. "We should be home about 11."

"All right," Devlin said. The baby was nearly ready to go to bed, and the other one would be following in a bit. That just left her, her homework, and possibly the television for the rest of the evening. Oh, and fixing herself something to eat.

"You two have fun. You should get out more often than you do."

"Maybe we will," Sue said. "Now that the baby is sleeping a lot longer, maybe we will."

She saw them off, played with the eldest for a while, fixed herself a sandwich, and settled in for some serious studying. She still felt aroused from their brief time upstairs. But she knew no amount of touching herself would make up for it. She wanted to feel Danny, or Jeff, penetrating deep inside her. No rubbing of her clitoris would make up for that.

Tuesday she woke up early, all turned on from some erotic dream in which Jeff, with a monster cock twice the size of the one he had, spent all night putting it to her in a variety of ways. She felt her panties - they were soaked. She took out the vibrator Sabrina had given her. It was worth a try. She peeled off her panties, pulled up her nightgown, and spread her legs.

She started with it on her tummy, just moving it around, letting it work at its lowest setting. This felt good, kind of nice and relaxing. When she dipped it lower it seemed like the vibration was stronger. She hadn't changed the setting, she was just a lot more sensitive to it than she'd thought. She ran it over the insides of her thighs and around the base of her tummy. The vibrations seemed to slip into her, making her more aware of herself.

She toyed with it, trying it in different places - her nipples felt really tight after she passed it over them. But when she pressed it between her legs, when she pressed it up against her clit, that's when she felt it. It was like it set off something deep inside her. She pressed it harder, moving it around a little, trying to find where it felt best. But that spot kept changing. And moving it around like that felt good, too. She concentrated on it, concentrated on the place where it was touching her, concentrating on the spot where everything seemed to be concentrating.

Suddenly she knew she was going to cum. This wasn't the gradual build-up she got with most guys. This was a sudden, urgent feeling that everything was drawing together in one huge... big... one tremendous... rising... hot... ohmyGodthatissogood... and again... and again.

It was too much. One wave after another, she tried to pull it into her, she tried to push out at it. Everything was gone in one tremendous moment that kept going and going and going.

She caught her breath, pulling the vibrator away and dropping it on the floor. She felt totally relaxed. She felt like all of the tension had drained out of her and she was filled with the peace of completion.

She lay there for a bit, just drifting in the last washes of pleasure. This had been good, this had been very good. Oh, it wouldn't replace a man, but there was no comparison. With a man it was something the two of them did together. Here she had been responsible for everything. She could control it as the need took her. In that way it was good. But she missed having a man with her as they snuggled afterwards.

She took a deep breath, letting it all out slowly. Well, maybe that would come tonight with Danny. She got off the bed and put the vibrator away. She'd have to buy more batteries for the thing, but in the meantime she had her morning exercises to do, she had to shower, dress, do her hair and make-up, and get ready for school.

She put on the one exercise bra that had survived her purge. Slowly, carefully she stretched out, warming up her muscles. She selected a tape at random, slipped it into the player, and assumed the first position. As the music played, as she went through the warm-ups and exercises she had done every day since she was 7, she studied herself in the mirror.

Height, weight, she was still keeping it off and looked nice and trim. Legs, nice and flexible, back, firm. Boobs, too big, of course, and maybe they'd finally stop growing. Waist, very trim, almost that hourglass figure she wanted. Tummy, nice and flat, well, maybe with a little roundness to it, enough that her bones didn't stand out like they did with some girls. For a moment she eyed the triangle of hair at the base of her tummy. What would she look like without it? She wasn't that sure she wanted to know. It'd seemed so strange seeing a grown woman without hair down there, but maybe she should trim it. Bathing suit season was coming up, and she should do something about that. Boys had it easy, they didn't have to do any trimming or cutting. A girl had to get as close to naked as the law would allow, and the suit she'd been thinking about was smaller and tighter than any she'd ever worn.

Exercises over, she took a quick shower. When she stood in front of her closet she considered her options: could always wear a jumper and knee-high socks, or do the same with a skirt and top. She decided to go with slacks. Panties? Um, she had gym today so that was not an option. At any rate her demi-cup bra. And with a couple of pads in the cup she could really push herself up. Have to wear a high-buttoned blouse with it, preferably something solid so she wouldn't show much even through the fabric. Did she really want to do that? She looked through her closet, considering alternatives.

"You look nice and chipper this morning," Sue Ellen said when she met her at the bus stop. Sue Ellen was wearing white slacks and a white blouse.

"I woke up in a good mood," Devlin said.

"Like your outfit. Is this Slacks Day?"

Devlin smiled. "Didn't you see the notice?"

"Sabrina's wearing a dress."

Devlin turned to look. Sabrina was wearing a bright red dress with white stockings. She saw them look and waved. "Everyone looks so colorful today."

"Looks like it," Devlin said.

"Well, I think it's funny," Sue Ellen said. She saw the bus turn the corner, and adjusted her purse strap. "I'm sure people will comment."

"We'll tell them we planned on being patriotic," Sabrina said.

"If we planned it, why are you wearing red?" Sue Ellen asked.

"Because this is the only clean dress I have," Sabrina replied. She tossed her hair with a practiced twist. "Red goes well with blonde hair."

"Depends on the blonde," Devlin said. "That sophomore girl, Marcia Bronson, she's got blonde hair, but most blonde clothes don't look good on her."

"Her skin tones don't say blonde," Sabrina said. "Personally I think she and Miss Clairol work together for her blonde hair."

"Could be," Sue Ellen said as the bus stopped and opened its door. "Could be."

The first comment any of the heard was during lunch. "Devlin? Are you wearing a bra?" Hannah Reynolds asked.

"With boobs that size she has to," Annalee Carter said. She glanced pointedly at Hannah's chest. "Some of us can get by without one."

Hannah blushed, but she refused to be diverted. "No, really, are you? You seem to be, well, moving more than usual."

Devlin dug her fingernails under her bra strap, pulled it up a fraction of an inch and let it snap back so everyone heard it. "Answer your question?"

"Well, yeah, I..."

Devlin gave the girl a patient look. "Do you always go around looking at other girl's bosom?"

"Uh, no, I... uh..."

"Annalee's right," she said. "When you're as big as I am you have to wear a bra, otherwise your back kills you by the end of the day. These things are more of a burden than you'd believe."

"I know, it's just... well, uh..." Her voice trailed off in an embarrassed silence.

"I've thought of maybe having these trimmed back a bit," Devlin said in the silence. "Two weeks ago I had a physical, and the doctor weighed them for me." She looked down at her chest. "These things weigh like 5 pounds each. I don't weigh much more than a 100 pounds, so 10% of my weight is in my boobs." She shook her head. "That's just plain silly. Some days I feel like a freaking cow."

"Reduce them?" Hannah seemed appalled. "But..."

"And when I go on dates, that's all the boys want to do," Devlin went on as if Hannah hadn't said a thing. "You wouldn't believe how much groping I get. Most guys see my boobs, and forget that there's a person here, too."

That was greeted with silence. "So that's why you don't date much," Marilee said. "I wondered if it might be something like that."

"Jeff doesn't seem to want to grope me," Devlin said. "He's the first guy I've dated who's kept his hands pretty much to himself." He only puts them where I tell him to, she added silently to herself.

"Part of it is his family," Sue Ellen said quietly. "He's got like four sisters, and his whole family belongs to one of those fundamentalist groups."

"Still, it was a relief to dance with a guy who didn't seem to be spending half his time trying to feel me up," Devlin said. "I'm not too keen on his religious beliefs, though."

"So he didn't try to feel you up or something?" Annalee asked.

Devlin shook her head. "And he can dance. Oh, not very well, but he doesn't have two left feet, so that's two things in his favor. Well, plus he's kind of cute in a puppy dog way."

All around her she could see the other gals rethinking their opinion of Jeff. It was like she'd given him some sort of stamp of approval, and now they would check him out again. It was almost too predictable.

"Is he a good kisser?" Marilee asked.

"Mari!" Anna reproved her twin.

"If he is I'll let you know," Devlin said.

"Well, the world certainly has changed," Jaci Anderson said. "First Devlin starts dating, then we go a whole week without a rumor about Sabrina seducing the boys wrestling team, or junior varsity football team..."

"Chess team," Sabrina said. "I love nerds in glasses."

Everyone laughed. "All right," Jaci said, "and chess team. All of them?"

"There's only five of them," Sabrina said, trying to look sweet.

Everyone laughed again. "Is there an Automotive Maintenance Team?" another girl asked, laughing.

"Ugh," Sabrina said. "They'd have grease under their fingernails all the time. And their hands would be dirty. That'd be a real turn-off."

Annalee looked around and then leaned forward. "Tell me, Sabrina. When guys walk, does their thing wiggle back and forth."

Sabrina nodded. "Yeah, it does. But that's not what I look at."

"It's what I'd look at," Marilee said in a low voice.

"A guy can't help the size of his thing," Sabrina said. "No amount of exercise or anything else will make it bigger or do other things. No, I look at his shoulders and, if he turns around, I look at his butt. A guy can do something about those. And you don't need to spend your summers at a Nudist Park to see those."

"That's true," Devlin said. "I saw something on ESPN the other night..."

"Sports?" one gal asked almost in disbelief. "You were watching sports?"

"Men's professional beach volleyball," Devlin said. "Hard bodies in tight Speedo's. I thought I'd about died and gone to heaven."

Several girls smiled at her assessment. "I may have to watch more ESPN," Hannah added.

"Turn the sound down," Devlin said. "All those announcers talking kind of distracts you from the important things."

"I think I saw part of that," Jaci said. She fanned herself. "Devlin's right. For some reason it got very warm in the living room and I don't understand why." Everyone laughed, and somebody changed to subject to something else.

Devlin was about to change for gym when Annalee approached her. "Devlin? Don't mind me asking this, but are you wearing any panties?"

"What kind of question is that?" Devlin said. "That's awfully personal."

"I - I know," Annalee said. "But a couple of the girls were wondering. They couldn't see any pantylines, and, well, you know..."

"No, I don't know. But if you must know, yes I am." She pulled down her slacks. "I found these in a lingerie shop Saturday. See, they're smooth. No elastic bands."

Annalee looked surprised as she stared at Devlin's panties. "Oh. But how..."

"They're made out of some sort of artificial fabric that clings to you," Devlin said. "The piece between my legs is a natural fiber, of course, but the effect is sort of like pantyhose. I thought I'd try these because they're supposed to be smooth. She took a fresh pair of cotton panties from her locker. "I guess they were right. And now if you'll excuse me, I want to finish changing."

Annalee blushed. "Sure. Uh, I hope you didn't mine me asking like that."

Devlin did, but she decided not to make an issue of it. "That's all right."

After gym, after she'd showered, several of the girls wanted to see her panties. Feeling a bit self-conscious, Devlin modeled them. The other gals, especially one or two of the snippier ones, nodded when they saw.

"I thought you weren't, like, you know, you weren't wearing anything underneath your slacks," Tammi Johnson said. "I didn't think you wore a thong, so, you know, I kind of wondered. You have to admit, Devlin, it sure didn't look you were wearing anything under your slacks."

"And now you know better."

"Well, yeah. I don't see how anyone could do something like that, especially if she wore a skirt or dress."

Devlin thought of several of the women at Emma's. "Well, if the guys think I'm not wearing any panties, just think what'll be going through their minds."

"I hadn't thought of that," Tammi said, giggling. "Oh, my goodness, yeah. Of course not much goes through their minds anyway, but..."

"And when I run my hands down my sides it even feels natural," Devlin said. "I'm not sure I'd dare wear these to a dance or something. I get enough hands all over me."

"Yeah, I bet," Tammi said.

Devlin finished dressing in peace, and the whispers behind her back changed

When she got home she skinned out of her slacks and blouse and put on an old casual dress she liked to just bum around in. It was a dark green with horizontal black stripes and managed to convey the air of being casual. She deliberately left off her underwear; she could feel her breasts really moving around on her. Her mother was getting ready for work and didn't notice.

"I may be a little late getting home," her mother said. "This is Cindy Cornwell's last night and we're going to go have some drinks after work."

"Don't have too many," Devlin said. "I'll see you when you get home."

"Well, don't wait up for me," her mother said. She gave her a kiss. "At any rate, I'll see you in the morning."

"See you in the morning," Devlin agreed.

She got her books and a sweater and headed over to Sue and Danny's. Sue had dinner already in hand, and the kids were playing in the back yard, the oldest with a doll, the younger on a blanket while Sue tended an ice cream maker.

"Danny's already home," Sue said. She carefully poured a cup of milk in the ice cream maker. "Dinner won't be for a little while, maybe an hour or so."

"You sure you don't need anything?"

"No, go on up. I'll see you in a bit."

She put her books on the kitchen table. Danny wasn't downstairs. She took the back stairs slowly, wondering if she should take the dress off right then, or wait until she got upstairs. She decided to wait. That way she could get Danny to help her.

Danny was in the bedroom wearing only his tee-shirt and a pair of denim shorts. "You look happy today," he said by way of greeting.

She walked over and kissed him, running her hand up his chest and scratching lightly at his nipples. "It's warm outside, much better than last winter." Her hand slid down to his butt. "You seem pretty chipper yourself."

"I prefer summer to winter," he said. He slid his hand over her body. "Umm, no underwear. Is this a hint?"

"A lot more than a hint," she said. "I start my new job tomorrow, so I don't know how often we're going to get to do this." She slid down his body, unfastened his shorts, and reached for his cock. It was already half-hard. "Something else seems happy to see me, too."

"Well, as you gals keep saying, it has a mind of its own."

"Yeah, I guess." She lifted his cock and began tonguing his balls. Her other hand pulled his shorts the rest of the way down. She sucked one ball gently, and then the other, feeling them move in their little sack. With her free hand she reached between her legs and began rubbing herself gently.

"That should do for starters," she murmured, and sucked his cock directly.

"Um, you cut right to the chase."

"Well, yeah."

She rubbed his nearly stiff cock against her face, feeling its strength. When they were first starting out she couldn't get enough of it. She'd play with it for what seemed like hours. She was fascinated by the way it wobbled, the way it would shrivel up or stretch out, the way it seemed so much a part of him, and yet so independent, too. And she'd learned that it didn't get hard automatically when he saw her naked. She'd asked him about that.

"Guys are turned on by visual things," Danny admitted, "but part of it is mood, too. I can look at a naked girl in a magazine, and it doesn't do that much for me. But if I see a fully-clothed woman while I'm in the right mood and I can get a hard-on that won't quit."

"You're dispelling a myth all of my girlfriends hold dear," she said.

"Oh? Which one's that?"

"That men are simple creatures. Show a bit of tit, show a bit of thigh or hip and a guy is reduced to uncontrollable lust."

"Part of it is mood, part of it is timing," he said. "If you see what you can't have, well, that's titillation, and there are guys who respond to that. But there are guys who'll look at that and shrug. We're not all alike, Devlin. We're not all automatic sex machines, no matter what gals may think."

"It just seems like it," she said. "Guys are always looking."

"Yeah, and you play up to that, too, don't you?"

"Well..." She finally had to nod.

"My point exactly. If you're going to tease us all the time, then there are guys who are going to respond to that sort of thing. The trick is learning to read the guy, find out how much teasing he'll take, and find out just what teasing will do the most for him. When you learn that you'll be a lot more advanced than your girlfriends who think guys are simple.

"Remember one thing: sometimes it isn't what you show that's the tease, it's what you don't show that's the real turn-on. And there are guys, the smarter one who aren't ruled so much by their hormones, who will find the whole package attractive rather than any one piece. If you find a guy like that, hang on to him. He'll love you for all of you, not your boobs or your legs or hair or whatever, but all of you."

She'd kept that advice in mind as she began to date. And very quickly she decided that most of the guys were more interested in her boobs than anything else. Danny had chuckled when she told him that.

"Of course they are. I hate to say this, but it's true. Guys at that age are ruled by their hormones. They're thinking with their dicks. Guys can't help it."

"Is there anything I can do about that?"

He laughed. "Nobody's found a way to get a guy's mind off girls, except maybe in sports. But even then I'm not so sure. A lot of guys get into sports because of the macho part of it, which gets right back to their hormones. Later, after they've grown up a bit, that isn't so. Guys who stay in sports past a certain age stay in because of their ability. And the really good ones learn to use their heads, too, which makes them even better."

"Sounds like you're ruling out most basketball players. I've heard stories about them."

"And a lot of football players, too, at least at first. The good ones begin using their heads about halfway through college. No, if you find yourself interested in an athlete, pick one in a sport that requires a lot of thinking."

Well, Jeff wasn't in any sports, and she thought he liked her for more than her body. At least he'd originally asked her out because he seemed to like her. Of course who knew when they were going to have a chance to date after she started working. She sighed. That was something else they'd have to figure out.

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My name is Simon, I am married to Louise and have two lovely children Jessica aged 14 and Kieran aged 12. You might think my life was perfect and it would be apart from my sexual perversity, I am bi-sexual with a desire to be the submissive party in rough gay group sex. I am employed by a property consultancy to manage empty and derelict buildings. That was my reason for visiting the run down area of the town and led me to St Luke’s Church. I was surprised to see a church in an area...

2 years ago
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My ldquogirlrdquo Caroline

It has only been a couple days since that amazing night on the beach and then back at Carolines apartment, but I was going crazy. (The story, “A date with Caroline.”) I wanted to see her again. We had made plans to see each other that Friday and hours seemed like days as I waited. When Friday night arrived, I found myself getting hard as I drove to her place. I couldn’t help but squeeze my erection, I could feel pre cum leaking from my tip already, in anticipation.Caroline met me at her door...

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Something Sexy

There's something very sexy about a girlfriend, wife even that will do anything you want. I'm not talking about giving you a blow job when you want, I talking about anything at anytime. I met my wife, Barbra, when she was a sexy seventeen-year-old virgin. Pretty elfin face with a nice, if a bit overweight body. It wasn't long before I popped her cherry and we became engaged. It was at this time that she went on a diet and lost those few pounds that she need. We got married a year later...

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Mistis Adventures Part 161

Unknown to the other men, Dave and Carl had arrived and walked up behind them, listening to what THEY were saying. They were in the right position to see all of the participants, still naked bodies. They just listened until they heard the one man tell Chloe that SHE would have to give EVERYBODY a shot of pussy. Chloe had resigned herself to getting fucked many times, whether she liked it or not. Falina was beginning to wonder if SHE would be told SHE had to give them pussy, as well.Both were...

1 year ago
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Lord of Flames

They say when I was born the fire exploded into a pillar up the chimney. That all the candles in the room melted into puddles. I do know that I have always felt fire or friction heat around me. As a child others were forbidden to play or even be around me. By the time I was five I could bring fire to me as if it was answering my call. I was tested by priests and a mage and both found no sign of evil or magic. My mother was the one to teach me control. I knew she was frightened and that she...

1 year ago
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How I Found My Hot Partner

Hi guys i am Vikram from Bangalore, i just recently started reading iss and thought to submit my story. I am into exports, living alone in a very posh gated community, being alone in Bangalore i always wanted a good partner but never got one as i was always busy with work, i used to satisfy myself by watching porn and masturbating. There is part time maid at home who does all the cleaning and cooking for me when i am in town and it so happened on a Sunday that i was watching porn in TV in my...

2 years ago
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My Sexy MotherInLaw

So, this is my first sex story so please pardon any mistakes. My mother-in-law is a typical north Indian housewife. She always wears saree which I find very hot, as my Father in Law is very conservative. She wears it in such a way that her sexy flat stomach is exposed. Her skin is so milky and hair so silky. She has small boobs but a very bubbly ass. I haven’t measured her but her stats might be 32-28-34. I used to keep eyeing her whenever I and the wife used to go meet her. Sometimes, she used...

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Cosin Sa Masti

Hi Im Sheeba from Sujawal when i m just close to 16 so i meet eith my cousin(fathers sister son) his name is Mustaq he want to friend ship with me i can not understand what he want he say i lots of love with u so first time he meet me with very good atittude v r going to picnic after that i tells him mujhe mobile lana ha us na kaha theek ha sham ko chalta han mujhe jo mobile pasand aya us ka paisa mara pass nahi tha tu us na kaha ma dilata ho phir tumhe mara ake kam kaarna hoga ma maan gaye...

3 years ago
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My Parents Neighbors Part One

It's been a year since this little story began. It was my final year at a large university on the East Coast. My home is in a small community outside a major city in central California. I majored in sports medicine and received my M.D. I assisted the medical staff with the various teams that made up the school's sports programs; football, volleyball, swimming, track, baseball, softball, and basketball. I am a licensed masseuse as well as a physical therapist.I joined a sorority my second year...

3 years ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 5 Competing With the Milk Man

As the season wore on both my partner and I serviced our way through summer tune ups. Most of them were legitimate billable furnace work. There were the occasional tune ups requiring perhaps an entire afternoon’s work of pleasure for one or more of the knitting club members. Personally I liked making adjustments to Mrs. Jordan’s heating system and she liked me working with hers alone. We spent time in her spa and I told her my old Army story about a fellow soldier who reminisced often about...

1 year ago
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Sewing My Oats

These are my sexual adventures in California when I was still in my 20s and thought it was important to label myself as either gay or straight. I was officially single, but there was a woman in the wings who wanted to make a go of it. This seemed like the perfect time to spend six weeks on the road alone to discover which way the wind would blow me.I left the Northeast in my Jeep and travelled down to New Orleans and then across Texas. The land was huge and beautiful. My exhibitionist...

2 years ago
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So You Want To Be A Nurse Part Seven

So You Want To Be A Nurse By Michele Nylons Chapter Seven - Michele Ascending Michele and Polly sat in Michele's lounge drinking tea and smoking. "So? Inspector Burgess?" Michele asked. "Well you know the Matron runs a prostitution ring and that most of the clients are the elite of CMH and the hoi polloi who make up their close circle of friends," Polly went on. "Well us girls and our punters need protection. We need protection from other organisations that provide...

1 year ago
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Me And My Father In Law 8211 Part XLV

Rekha told us that Maya was her best friend and she was a good girl and also that they both masturbated together but never did any lesbian sex. She also told that Rekha takes much bigger things in her pucchi but is afraid of getting pregnant with real cocks so she avoids sex. She begged us to forgive her and teach her what sex really is! Rekha! Seema madam taught me everything today and she also gave me instructions for safe sex, fucking cocks without getting pregnant. She gave me those pills...

3 years ago
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Third Times the CharmChapter 17

The next morning, I slipped out of bed early and started coffee brewing for breakfast. I knew where everything in the kitchen was, so I started working on that too while I was at it. Hope joined me a short time later, surprised that I was up and moving. “I thought you might want to sleep in a bit today,” she said when she entered the kitchen. “I’d been thinking the same about you two,” I shot back. “Busted,” she admitted with a rueful shrug of her shoulders as she took one of the four cups...

1 year ago
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Two Virgin Sister 8211 Part III

Please read the part I and II first: I have seen the upper body of both and you seem to have boobs that are like mirror images of each other,both of you have lovely pair of boobs, now the only way to decide is to physically check them’ Bhumika: sir then how are we going to do that.Me: I have a fool proof test, if both of you don’t have any problem with that.Bharti : please tell sir we will definitely go for it Me : I will take your boobs in mouth and then use my tongue to judge that whose...

4 years ago
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To SIr With Love

To Sir with? LoveJames Maynard stared out the window, idly watching the drips of rain running down the glass. The older James got the easier his mind wandered. Tonight was the night ! His once-every-two-months visit to Mistress Kelli. Mistress Kelli was a young single mother who lived on the local council estate. At about 24 she was a lovely dark, powerful West Indian woman. In 10 or 15 years she would probably run to fat, but at the moment she was at the very peak of feminine sexuality. Young...

1 year ago
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AdultTimePilots Dee Williams How Couples Show Their Love

You’ve just arrived home from school and you hear some strange noises coming from upstairs. It sounds like your stepmom moaning loudly, but you’re not quite sure what to make of it. You carefully go up the stairs and realize the noises are coming from your stepparents’ bedroom. You creep to the door and look through the crack to see your stepdad, Brad Newman, fucking your stepmom, Dee Williams, over the edge of the bed. You watch them, totally mesmerized, but they end up...

2 years ago
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My Friend Fucking My Wife Like A Whore

My wife Sara and I have been married for almost five years and we are still as in love now as the day we met. I met her at work and we just instantly hit it off and began dating and a year and a half later got married. Sara is thirty seven years old and twelve years older then me and has two k**s a son and a daughter so I guess she is a M.I.L.F. People refuse to believe how old she is when they hear her age because she looks like she is in her twenty's. She had blond hair with black highlights,...

3 years ago
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Derby Line Marriage Ch 11

It was Saturday afternoon near the end of May. Francis was preparing for a night out with her husband, Patrick, and their friends, the Smiths. As she undressed in the master bathroom, she considered her body in the mirror above the sink. She cupped her ample bosom, imagining what they would be like full of milk. She pressed her hand against her stomach and pictured it swollen with pregnancy. Patrick and her had been trying to conceive for a year now with no luck. The doctors said that a...

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Sara Cristinas first Time

In another place a girl was brushing a stallion. She rode him in the morning and now, as reward for the ride, she was brushing and washing him in his stall. Her mom was been clear for that point: if she wanted ride the horse with her friends, after that she must wash and brush him. She found an agreement with the farm owner and instead the money she was going to pay him with her work. Was not a bad work.. she always liked horses and brush his favorite was good. Seemed the horse...

1 year ago
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Game of DominanceChapter 3

Beth looks down at Janice between her outstretched legs with a wicked smile on her face. The young woman’s hands find purchase on Beth’s ass, pulling her whole lower body to her greedy mouth. Janice’s long red tongue found her and she licks her mistress through an orgasm that has her grasping for something to hold onto. Beth grabs a fistful of black, shiny hair, forcing her slave’s mouth hard up against her pussy. ‘Lick me bitch,’ Beth rasps. ‘Fucking lick me!’ Her head flies back as she...

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Daniellas Date with Jeremy A husband asked

Daniella's date with Jeremy:I would come by your place to pick Daniella up at 7pm. She would have been getting ready and getting dressed in the outfit that makes her feel the most comfortable and sexy. I would be a gentleman and come to the door with flowers. With a light kiss on the cheek, I would greet her and let you know that Daniella and I would be out for the night and that I will have her back after breakfast the next morning. After she blew her loving husband a kiss goodbye she would...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 10 Lets Get This Show on the Road

The last week before the first wrestling night was a busy one at the Delta Alpha Delta house. We ranked our wrestlers, and with the assistance of my brother, Mark, a high school wrestling coach, we selected the six girls we could pre-select. Gabby Hunter, that's me, was our number one wrestler. I'm a 21-year-old junior, an art history major, and a starter on the volleyball team. Rox Green was our number two, a 22-year-old senior, a business major. She was a three-sport high school...

1 year ago
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Hard Core Sex With Neighbor

Hey guys this is santosh again this a very short story with short time this was happen last night In my society, one aunty looking average with big boobs came with 8 year old baby boy to spend some time with his relatives from kerala to pune last week these days in pune also there is so much heat so every day aunty and his son and relatives children are sleeping on terrace every day from last week. Whenever I go to terrace I am taking to children about games movies etc stuff but yesterday aunty...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 10

Just as he got to the bathroom, Kim emerged, wearing the same nightshirt she had on the night she came to his room. She glanced down the hall, then she put her arms around him and gave him a kiss that curled his toes. ‘Good morning, cousin,’ she said after the kiss ended, grinning at this flushed face and heaving chest. ‘Ah…good morning, Kim,’ Tommy croaked. As a result of Kim’s kiss he had a raging hard-on and his hormones were in turmoil. ‘You got in late last night, didn’t you?’ his cousin...

3 years ago
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Bree and her Dad Jeff 5

Jeff awakened in his bed, just as he had every day for more than a decade. Only this time when he awoke he was not alone. As he looked at the back of the woman who had climbed out of his bed as she made her way into the on-suite bath he smiled. At 49 he was looking at perfection. Bree was all youth. Long slender legs, flat belly, just a bubble of butt, strong shoulders, long luxurious hair. Bree was 18… and she was his only c***d.His mind whirled with thoughts as he laid back down and rolled...

2 years ago
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Looking back1

I first saw her running around their yard with her little brother. She had on a frilly bikini and even then her voluptuousness showed. She was sexy. She was cute. She had long light brown hair and a tiny waist set off by a high, round ass. I was to later learn she smelled wonderful, innocent, like baby powder. Her skin was pale and creamy. I was working on a survey crew on a road paving job while home from college when our instrument man spotted her through his transit. We each took...

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Amys Dream Job

It was 4:00am and Amy awoke from the dream she was having of deep throating her husband, sweating from how realistic it had seemed. Eric had finished fucking her hard just a few hours ago, working over her bare little pussy as she had cum and cum in multiple orgasms before passing out from exhaustion. He always fucked her so well. Amy's mind was racing, even in her sleep after such a long session, and the need for more sex had awakened her. Amy loved sucking her husband's delicious cock and...

Oral Sex
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Asian American Waitress

Tasha worked at the club where I was bartending. We always got along well. There was always a lot of flirting going on between us, but nothing ever happened since she was dating Brett at the time. I made it quite clear on many occasions, that I would love to spend some intimate time with her if she ever freed herself of him. She would usually give me a sexy look and wink at me saying something like "I'll keep that in mind, Stud". Tasha was one of the sexiest women I have ever lusted for....

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she loves my sex

tiffany was one hell of a site that night, it was our first time in a hotel room. i spent a little extra money on a king suite. we both looked forward to this for months. her boyfriend was a real asshole. my girlfriend at the time was sexy as hell but she just couldn't please me. this was the first time i cheated on her but it wasn't the last. i had known tiffany for a few years, but when she had admitted to a mutual friend that she gets wet thinking about me- i was all over it. i pick her up...

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Left*o*vers For the hell of it I went on line and typed in the word leftover. What I came up with was both funny and disturbing. There were over 7,000,000 hits. Now, I like to surf the web, but I was not going to waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon going to every link. So I copied down some interesting facts, and thought I would pass them along. The word leftover can be used as an adjective or a noun, either way it means the same thing. ‘A remnant or an unused portion’ It has also been used...

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NuruMassage Riley Reid My Crush

Porn actor Kurt Lockwood is bored, calling his buddies to make plans. But when no one is available, he decides to choke the chicken and searches online for inspiration. He comes across an ad for massage with fellow porn star Riley Reid. He’s always had a crush on this girl so he figures he’ll give it a shot. He gets to the spa excited to see Riley who is a really cool chick in person. She’s excited to offer some fan interaction. He confesses he’s always wanted to work...

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Brians New HousekeeperChapter 9 New Changes

The next morning, Kirstin awoke slowly, her mind slowly remembering where she was. As she tried to roll out of bed, she found her feet twisted in the sheets, and she remembered that Brian had kept her in heels all night while she slept. That was all it took for everything that had happened over the last few days, and weeks, to come back to her. She lay back on her bed, idly running her hand over her bare stomach, and remembered everything. The way she had felt standing naked in the basement...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Kleio Valentien Embezzler Kleios Blackmailed Buttfuck

Busty, tattooed blonde Kleio Valentien is in desperate need of a loan to cover up for her foolish behavior. The wealthy wife has been embezzling money from clients — her own and her husband’s — and it seems the victims are beginning to notice. At wit’s end trying to figure out how to evade discovery, shame and incarceration, the distressed beauty calls upon colleague Bill Bailey for assistance. Dumbfounded by Kleio’s seemingly ludicrous request, Bill realizes something’s...

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Strong Again Ch 3

As he got off his mount, he eyeballed all the men that were roaming the grounds. He saw several that were in the few trees, even more on the roof of the building. It was for sure that no-one was going to sneak in here. A thought hit the man as he slowly walked to the front door. The blond man had moved much like the scouts that the army had employed years ago. The boss thought back to before the whole operation had been moved from the town that they had taken over. It was a lot like their...

2 years ago
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Interview With a PimpChapter 10

"So you the hot mama Ginger was tellin' me about." "Hot enough, I suppose," respnded Tracy. He was sitting at a desk in a back room of his favorite strip club. Tracy was standing in front of the desk where he could "inspect the merchandise," as Spiker put it. She had wavered back and forth as to whether she wanted to turn "pro," but an argument with Richard had tipped the balance and after the husband had left for work she had called Spiker and arranged a meet. "How good are...

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Mistress of Intent

I came across her by chance. Her photo appeared innocently in the side column of the page as I was cruising the net for social activities to enjoy. She was beautiful. Long sandy blonde hair on a petite frame.She belonged to other clubs too. One was a 40 plus club, but from the look on her photo, she was no way near that age. I fantasized that maybe she was a seductress who made a living seducing older men. She looked 32 and innocent. I idly wondered if it was an older picture and she would look...

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A MILF who has fun with Delivery Men

It's really hard being a woman that really enjoys sex. There are lots of names that they call women like this. I happen to like younger men and often am called a MILF. I happen to like that reference and giggle when I hear it. Older women have to become a little creative on how they will find men to fuck them. I often sit in my house thinking of ways to find men. My husband often travels and is not home very much. I'm a very horny housewife and need to get my fix of hot sex and young men. ...

4 years ago
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Landlords unannounced visit

So, this just happened recently, like literally a day prior to me writing this. When I’m home, I’m usually naked unless there is a reason to be dressed such as guests, parents visiting, etc… I usually accept deliveries and uber eats naked and give them a bit of a show. Sometimes they ask to touch and depending on how I am feeling, I sometimes comply. Anyways I live with a housemate who is listed as the person to contact. Before you guys ask if we have fucked, the answer is yes. We are friends,...

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Investigative Reporter Encounter

You are Stephen Mahkes, fall guy, but with the right movie break, you could make it into stunt man legend. You swear you could. Only breaks that have come your way today have been your equipment. You and one of the prop guys, Willie, are looking over the motorcycle you were riding a few minutes ago. Luckily, you weren't between it and the hay bale you two extracted if from after you lost control. Filming some sort of chase scene around an airport for some action film, you don't really know...

2 years ago
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A First Time Gay Story

It was a hot and sweltering summer afternoon three years ago, when I finally worked up the courage to go on my very first sex-date. It was with a man and his name was Virender. Although convinced of my heterosexuality for many years, for the past year I was feeling fairly bi-curious. I guess it all started when I picked up a penthouse which had a gay section. I started reading the stories on a bus ride to Chandigarh and this friend of mine of mine (he’s pretty cute actually) fell asleep on my...

Gay Male
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Moms Massage Super Bowl Orgasm Accidental

I had just completed training and certified in Swedish Massage using my hands and a Swedish Massage that fit the back of my hand.. I was at my Moms house to watch super bowl on her then what seemed to be large 55" Flat-screen TV.. as part of the deal was I was to give her a nice massage..So I show up at my Moms with folding massage table and I asked where she wanted me to set up.. She asked if I could do it in the living room so I could watch the game at the same time.. I said sure and figured...

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He never had a chance Part 1 2 and 3

He never had a chance ( made into the perfect 'little Lady') Part 1 Businesswoman, fashionista and respected member of the local high society, mrs. Zabor had been out of town for a few days, leaving her teenage son alone at the house as he wasn't the sort of kid that would throw wild parties in her absence. This time she had returned a day earlier than expected and when she entered the house and there was a noise coming from her bedroom, she rushed up there to find her beloved son...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Lover John Drops By But She Isnt Home

It was getting late on a Saturday night when I heard a knock at the door. Renee was out with a group of friends so I figured she forgot her keys. I opened the door to see John standing on the front porch.  John was the man my wife recently brought home to fuck. “Where is Renee at?” he asked pushing past me into the living room. “She is out with some friends. I don’t know when she'll be back,” I replied, wondering why he was looking for my wife at such a late hour. “Damn, I was really trying to...

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Michael8217s Odd Job Part ll

Michael had already removes his shirt earlier in the day as the sweltering heat made it stick to his sweating torso, giving the girls the added incentive to stay and help longer. “Wanna join us?” asked Jessica. “We have loads of hot water.” Michael smiled. “Only if one of you will scrub my back!” he said, jokingly. “We can do better than that,” suggested Beth, “we can wash each others.” He could see with the looks on their faces and excitement in their eyes, they weren’t joking. Michael took...

1 year ago
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The Minstrels Tale Part 1

The tired old horse plodded up the street towards the castle. In the saddle sat a man dressed in garish green, hunched over with fatigue to almost match the horse. Street vendors and passers-by turned to look as he passed, their eyes drawn to his bright clothing and the polished wooden case that shone proudly in the early morning sun. Many gave him a smile and a wave, recognizing him as an entertainer, a minstrel. A few, though, noticed the grim, determined set of his jaw and a strange fire in...

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Fantasy Comes True

Being an avid reader of the xhamster site on the Internet I understand the fantasy many men have of sex with their daughter-in-laws. I can under stand since I have the same type fantasy about my daughter-in-law. It is nothing she has ever done that would even give me a hint that she might also have the same feelings for me. I have never said anything out of the way to her to make her even wonder about my secret feeling for her. I just go through life admiring her from a distance; wondering what...

4 years ago
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Coeds Wild AssChapter 5

Lydia sobbed, rolled to her right side and kicked out one leg as she felt a powerful spasm through the length of her pulsing clit-shaft. That dog; that damned, wonderful dog was doing this to her. He seemed maddened and aroused more than ever as he gouged his claws against her thighs and stuck his long nose up and down the flooded slick inner folds of her twat. Lydia pulled herself up against the wooden fence and opened her eyes. Looking down at the Setter she could see that his furry mouth...

3 years ago
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My Wife Becomes A Service Animal At A Ranch

Introduction: My wife and I take our little game too far and she ends up completely destroying her life, as the filthiest whore and its kind of my fault! Disclaimer: This is such an extreme story, I want to warn people before reading it that I set no limitations on how graphic, violent, disgusting or perverse this story would get when writing it. I dont want to read negative comments from the morally superior, Im not posting this to be judged, so if youre not interested, please dont read any...

2 years ago
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Hawiian Cruise

CHAPTER I Long before our 4th Annual Pony Girl Race was scheduled, Mistress Ann had secretly started making plans on her next adventure. She thought that we, as a "Family" would need a rest from participating in these Annual Pony Girl Races. She had spent most of her time secretly planning a lovely vacation for all of us that was her basic "Family Members" ie List Below: Mistress Ann's Family Heather (B TG sub) ( Brunette) ...

1 year ago
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Krista loves strange cock Part 2

Better read part 1 first. After seeing what I had just seen, I had to follow them. After all, my wife of only a few months was naked in the back seat of her bosses Suburban as 2 men I didn't know we're probably getting blow jobs and may even be eating her hairless teenaged pussy or fucking it. I had to know. When Krista had pushed down the skintight micro mini dress and the panties I had given her on our wedding night while sitting at the construction job entrance I knew our lives would never...

Cheating Wifes
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 28

Cal was out of bed before sunrise the next morning. He was looking forward to a day in which he could get himself caught up with his legal work because all the Annex tasks were done for the moment. After his meeting in George’s office the prior afternoon he doubled back to his office to put the finishing touches on the package that he was planning to send to Mr. Tanaka. Delores had it finished and waiting for him. She’d done a good job and there weren’t many changes to make. After that, it...

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