- 4 years ago
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Chapter 56: Fred and Daphne
They were stepbrother and sister only they weren’t. Both were over twenty-one when their parents married, in fact he was twenty four and a science teacher and she was twenty three and an English teacher.
They worked in the same school district but at different schools.
They did not know each other.
They hated their parent’s new spouse and knew the reason was because they no longer were the apple of their parent’s eyes. But neither would admit to crass jealousy so they invented character flaws for their parent’s new love, even though they had never met them.
Fred and his Mother Velma clung to each other for six years after their husband abandoned them when Fred was just in intermediate school.
Velma had sworn to become self-sufficient and had become somewhat wealthy in real estate. She had financed and supported Fred through college.
They were as close as a mother and son get.
Yet they had not lived together in five years.
Daphne and Mike managed to make it through the death of their mother and wife. Samantha had become ill when Daphne was only eight years old and died three years later.
The slow and inevitable death of the most important person in their lives had bonded them together as tightly as a father and daughter could be.
They had not lived together in four years.
The kids were living on their own and only visited with their parents on rare occasions although they kept in regular touch.
Fred lived eighty miles from his mother and Daphne lived eighty four miles away from her father.
The small First Felicity Bank had just hired her father Mike as first vice president, coincidentally in the town Velma lived in. When Mike decided to buy a patio home he used Velma as the realtor.
He had come to accept the love of his life was gone and would not return. However it had been more than ten years so he was looking around, not for her replacement but for companionship.
When Daphne went off to college several women had targeted him as their next, he got laid often.
He had changed careers and began to make better money. He was handsome and considerate.
Yet he felt like a sitting duck so he decided to flee and moved to the coastal town as soon as he had secured a job.
Velma knew his loss was very different from hers but was at least as traumatic. She had lived in fear her ex would come back and had moved to the coastal town when Fred graduated from high school.
She empathized with Mike and dropped her saleswoman persona for him. She had not had sex with a man in nearly ten years and was horny for one.
The problem was that she did not trust them.
The first home Velma had shown Mike he had decided would do just fine but became unavailable when the owners decided to reconcile.
Mike and Velma knew then that if he had bought the house they were not likely to meet again.
Both voiced disappointment and frustration but were secretly happy they would need to continue meeting. They had gotten along well from the start.
She began to show him properties that had major drawbacks explaining that was all that had come up for sale. She made a point of showing him the problems and gave him estimates of what it would cost to fix them. She may have exaggerated the problems and the cost a little bit.
He suspected she was exaggerating the problems but praised her for working so hard for him. He began to kiss her cheek at each greeting and farewell.
At least once a week she needed to talk to him about something. She would see him at the bank just before noon and take him out to lunch.
At least once a week he would go to her office after work to go over something. He would take her out to dinner.
She was charmed by his humor and demeanor and she loved that he treated her with respect. She loved when he put his hand on the small of her back when he opened doors for her.
Two months into the process she showed him a home that was just two doors from her own patio home but he found something or other he did not like. She had been hoping he would buy it and was disappointed, feeling like she had been rejected, until she realized he did not know where she lived.
‘He had found problems because he did not want our relationship to end,’ she thought, she hoped.
Velma decided to take a chance and invited him over for dinner. He was very surprised when she left the car on the driveway of the home for sale and walked past one house and into the next.
He saw they would be neighbors
.He helped her prepare dinner, the first man to ever do so. After a very fine dinner he asked to see the property again the next day.
She was so happy she kissed his cheek. His kiss to Velma landed on her lips. She had turned her head as she saw it coming.
He didn’t want it to end and she didn’t want it to end it so the kiss continued until they were naked in bed.
That night ended up with them just ravishing each other.
She stopped searching for homes for Mike and he had begun to stay the night at her house now and then. They held hands while in public.
A month of long and sometimes tearful talks inter-sped with gentle lovemaking and wild sex later he asked her to marry him.
She went into a long rant on how it would never work between them but she was just arguing with herself. All through her rant he held her hand and never said a word.
‘Do you really love me?’ She finally asked.
‘Yes, more than I could imagine I would love anyone again.’
‘Promise you would never leave me.’
‘I can’t, I might die first.’
‘Asshole,’ she said and kissed him. ‘When?’
‘I need a place to live in this town so tomorrow would be good.’
‘Asshole,’ she said and kissed him again.
She knew he had the money to buy anything he wanted anytime he wanted but he had been living at a bed and breakfast for three months. He had been waiting on her.
‘Where would such ceremony take place on such short notice?’ Velma asked.’
Vegas, several people have told me stories about couples going to Vegas and marrying on the spur of the moment. All of those marriages seem to be working well. That and I have always wanted to see the Cirque shows.’
‘I know those people and all of them are younger than we are.’
‘So we have a better chance of making it work. Maybe the Blue Man Group show too.’
‘You would need to add Celine’s show to that list.’
‘Aww, do I have too?’
‘Yes you do.’
‘Well OK, you bully. I will leave you to pack and I will return in ten minutes. I will call Southwest and see if they have a couple of seats.
I love you. I will always be the husband you have wanted.’
They kissed and she packed a bag then called her associate Amanda and left her a message that she would be gone for a week.
She was dialing her son’s number when Mike ran in and said, ‘Let’s go. Our ride leaves the airport in five minutes.’
Mike had called the bank president to tell her he was running away to get married and when he said Vegas she told him there was a plane at the Felicity airport getting ready to take townspeople to Vegas for a concert.
They made it in seven minutes but the plane was still waiting on them.
Velma knew everyone on the plane and she introduced Mike to all as soon as the seat belt sign went off. All her friends enthusiastically approved of their impending marriage and all promised to attend the ceremony before they were asked, even the two women she admired and trusted most.
A good friend told her, ‘It’s about fucking time. Another week of cowardice on your part and I would have gone after him myself.’
Before they returned to their seats she knew she had made the right decision.
As the plane was makin
g its approach to Vegas it occurred to Velma she had never agreed to marry him.
‘You know, I haven’t accepted your marriage proposal.’
‘Oh no, people will think we got the plane ride for evil purposes. You better not say anything and marry me anyway and avoid a scandal.’
‘That does seem to be the safest route to take. OK, I’ll marry you.’
They kissed until the plane pulled up to the gate.They were at their room in Caesar’s before they called their children. Both told their parent they could not make it to their wedding.
Mike and Velma understood their children were upset over being ‘the last to know’ and simply expressed their disappointment to them.
Their children were very hurt they had not been consulted and been given veto power. They had felt it was their duty to protect their parent and had been bypassed.
Daphne cried for nearly an hour. Fred almost did.
Mike and Velma invited them to come to the town and meet their new spouse when they were ready. Neither of the children was ready until Christmas.
Daphne and Fred were polite to each other and their parent’s new spouse but all could see it was an act. They left for home the same day.
By then Daphne and Fred could not in good conscience blame their parents, they had lived alone for years and they now lived eighty miles away. Still their resentment remained.
During the short visit Daphne and Fred were very surprised when they learned that they worked in the same school district and lived just ten minutes apart from each other. Each had already resolved to never see the other again.
Velma called her son and spoke to him every week.
Mike called Daphne every week.
Neither came to visit until summer vacation and coincidentally came on the same weekend. They were very surprised to see the other when they met their parents at an Italian restaurant.
‘Oh, did you two come together,’ Velma asked.
‘No,’ was the emphatic response from each.
‘I see,’ was Velma’s response.
Fred and Daphne knew she had not liked the tone of their answer at all.
Mike said, ‘Well at least we are together. Try the shrimp linguini, it is our favorite.’
In an effort to keep the peace both ordered it.
During dinner a lot of people came by the table and kissed Velma and Mike with love. They introduced their children to all and all of them welcomed them to the town.
Fred was about to say they were not moving to the town but his mother’s glare told him he better not. Daphne saw that same look on her fathers face and decided to be polite and pleasant from that point on.
They all were still enjoying the dinner when a tall woman ran in, picked up an order then ran out.
‘That was Melody,’ a stunned Daphne said.
They all looked out the window and when Melody saw Mike and Velma she waved at them and jumped into a car and sped off.
Velma and Mike were chuckling to themselves. ‘I wonder how long it will take for her to realize she is still in costume,’
Velma asked no one in particular.
‘Why is Melody here? In this town,’ Daphne asked.
Mike said, ‘Because her recording studio and her money are here. She is shooting a video today.’
‘Wow. Can we see the taping?’
‘No. You need a pass and only Ruthie and Sean give those out,’ Velma said.
‘Who are they?’
‘Her personal manager and her husband, the band manager. My guess is that they just finished the video and we know they are addicted to shrimp linguini. He would be busy setting up playback and she came to get it so they can have lunch while they watch.’
‘You two sound like you know her.’
‘We do,’ Velma said. ‘When we went to Vegas to get married we ended up on a plane from here taking a lot of friends to her concert at Caesar’s. Our friends took us to the show then back stage after the show and we met them and the whole band.’
Velma did not say that their children missed the same opportunity but saw that both realized that.
Mike said, ‘All of the people that came by to say hello to us have gone there too. This is the friendliest town in the world, we love everybody here.’
‘You know, this shrimp linguini is excellent,’ Fred said.
Daphne shook her head in agreement and finished hers quickly.
The restaurant’s manager/owner came by and Daphne and Fred were introduced. She said hi to them then kissed Velma and Mike on the lips.
‘Did you see the dingbat in costume?’ She asked.
‘Yeah, we don’t think she will ever notice when she does that. I have lived here for seven years now and have seen that three times,’ Velma said.
‘Who made today’s tiramisu?’
‘Julian did.’
‘Bring us two for us to share, please. And tell Julian we love him.’
‘Flirting with my husband again I see,’ she said, kissed Velma on the lips again then walked to the kitchen area.
A tall handsome man looked up and waved at them from the kitchen. Velma and Mike waved back.
Velma told the children, ‘His tiramisu is so rich we can not finish one by ourselves so we share. We figure that would be true for you too but if you wish your own please order a second.’Daphne said,
‘If it’s as rich as you say we better taste it first’
‘What is tiramisu?’ Fred asked.
‘A pastry of sorts, here they come, a bite will tell you all you need to know.’
Without being aware of it Daphne and Fred had relaxed and were now a bit more than civil to each other.
They shared the dessert but Fred could handle only a third of it. Daphne gladly ate the other two thirds.
Both noticed that their parents had done the same.
When they left the restaurant Daphne reminded her father he had not paid. Velma explained that they were among many people that had an account that automatically deducted their bills plus fifteen percent from their checking account.
‘They must know you well,’ Fred said.
Mike answered, ‘They do now but they suggested I set that up the first time I came here with your mother. They decided that if she liked me they liked me.’
Most of the resentment Fred had for him vanished.
All of Daphne’s resentment for Velma vanished.
They also found it difficult to hang on to their resentment of each other.
Velma and Mike led them on a walk to the resort. Both were kissed and hugged several times and they had introduced their children.
Two young ladies kissed Daphne on the lips when introduced.
‘Don’t worry about it,’ Velma said to her as they walked on. ‘Yes those two are lesbians but you noticed they kissed your father too. Like most people in this town they don’t hold back their feelings for anyone. If they like you they will kiss you. If you are new to town they will kiss you unless you stop them. You didn’t. Expect every lady to kiss your lips.’
‘Mom, I didn’t get kissed,’ Fred said.
‘That’s because they assumed Daphne was your girl. They will ask her permission first then if Daphne says OK they will kiss you too.’
‘You better say OK,’ Fred said to Daphne.
‘I’ll think about it,’ she said with a mischievous smile.
‘I had wondered what the look they gave me was about.’
As they walked past the studio Velma pointed it out to the children then as they walked past the next building Velma said, ‘The top floor of this building has a nightclub. You two may wish to come here tonight, Mike and I can loan you our VIP passes. Melody’s video was recorded up there. The smaller of the two blondes that just kissed you owns the club.
The club is a fun place even for old people,’ Velma said.
Fred and Daphne tried to picture their parents at a dance club but could not.
Their parents kissed their way through the resort then sat on the covered porch and joined others watching Melody’s video on a big screen TV.
and Velma ordered mojitos for themselves. Fred ordered a beer and Daphne ordered a red wine.
It did not take long for the children to see they were watching a raw unedited video. There were flubs, unaccounted noises and lots of laughter among the performers and viewers.
They had to start over three times, once after Melody made up the lyrics as she sang the song.
A tall handsome redheaded guy walked up to her and pretended to strangle her as a former top star swatted her butt. Daphne was about to be concerned then saw everyone was laughing their head off.
‘That’s Sean. Her popularity has soared since he took over the band. Her demeanor has also changed, she used to be a diva, a Prima Dona and a perfectionist.’
‘Ooh, Sean just kissed her,’ Daphne exclaimed.
Her father and his wife did not make any comments, the porch was full of tourists.
After the video playbacks ended the children answered their parent’s questions about their lives.
No one said anything but it occurred to all four that the youngsters led a boring life.
A woman and her daughter came by and both kissed Velma and Mike lustily. The daughter then kissed Daphne lustily and introduced herself. She then gave Daphne a somewhat quizzical look and Daphne nodded.
The girl then kissed Fred on the lips before going back to give Velma another kiss and quickly catching up with her mother.
‘The mom is one of Melody’s agents. The daughter is the math whiz at the CPA firm your Mom uses. We love both of them,’ Mike said.
‘Are both gay?’ Daphne asked.
‘Yes. Both have partners they live with. We love them too,’ her Dad answered.
‘That was some kiss the Mom gave both of you,’ Daphne said.
‘Yes, we love those too,’ Velma, said with a giggle.
‘You two are never growing up are you?’ Fred said.
‘I did that once and didn’t like it much so no, I’m not,’ Velma said. ‘
He can play a grown-up well enough for both of us.’
They had finished their drinks and the video playback was back to where it started so they began the walk back to their cars.
On the return walk the ladies decided they needed to go to a restroom. They went into the entertainment building and walked to the restroom in the bar. After they washed their hands Velma took Daphne into her arms and kissed her lips.
Daphne then stared at her for a few moments then kissed her back. When they rejoined the men Mike and Fred walked behind the ladies and noted that there were holding each other’s hand.
Fred said to Mike, ‘You are very different from Dad. He would not allow Mom to have such close friends much less allow women to kiss her lips. You seem to be relaxed and you seem to adore Mom. You have already kissed her today more often than I remember Dad ever did in total. More than I ever have.Excuse me a minute.’
Fred caught up with his mother and kissed her lips, told her he loved her then kissed her again.
Daphne turned and kissed her father on the lips told him she loved him then kissed him again.
Daphne and Velma resumed holding hands and walked on with tears in their eyes.
The original plan of the young ones was to eat lunch and go their separate ways back to the city. But Daphne and Fred were now searching their minds on ways to prolong the visit and had decided independently to just follow their parent’s home.
That evening the children never managed to leave their parent and did not go to the club. Each parent told a story that embarrassed their child. They laughed a lot. They spent the night in the townhome with Fred sleeping in the sofa bed and Daphne sleeping in the spare bedroom.
The following morning their parents loaned them clothes to wear and they went to a non-denominational church with apparent Episcopalian tendencies.
All were hugged and kissed by everyone.
The priest gave everyone a life pep talk then asked for volunteers to help with various projects. Everyone volunteered for all of them.
Daphne and Mike noted that there were several gay and lesbian couples among the congregation including some ladies from Melody’s band.
Daphne was very happy to be introduced to them. She almost fainted when they kissed her lips.
The blondes and mom and daughter that kissed them the previous day were also there and kissed them again.
She and Fred noted that the gay and lesbian couples were as loved as everyone else.
After the service the priest thanked everyone for their attendance and invited all to the yard behind the church for a fish fry.
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We had gone for honeymoon after our marriage to Bombay. We used to see movies and in the evenings sit in public parks. One evening we went to a large Park in the heart of city. all the benches were occupied and there was no vacant bench. On one bench there was a old man sitting with an umbrella in his hands as it was slightly drizzling.We sat on the bench.My hubby was sitting between me and the old man.As soon as we were comfortable, we started caressing each other. My hubby started kissing me...
It was the morning of February the thirteenth and even though he should have been busy with Valentine’s Day preparations, Cupid was bored. Sitting at the breakfast table, he contemplated his situation. Ever since the rise of technology, his job as God of Love had become easier than ever. Instead of having to fire golden arrows to make people fall in love, he just had to press a shiny red button in the Palace Control Room at 00:00 on the fourteenth of February every year. The button would...
It was close to 9 months from the first time Matt and I became intimate that he got to fuck me on my own husbands birthday. I had made dinner plans for my husband for his birthday, I invited some family over and some of my husbands work collegues to share dinner with us on his special day. I had text Matt and told him about what was gonna be going on that night, so maybe him coming over wouldn't be the best of ideas. He didn't listen to me and got a hold of my son George and made my son invite...
Cheating Wifes“You’d really do that?” Todd asked. “You’d give me a blow job if our basketball team wins tonight? And if we lose I will give you $50 right?” “Sure will, if you win that is. A bet is a bet, isn’t it?” Replied Angie. “Fact is I would be willing to give the team a blowjob if they could ever win a game” Angie added. “If you can pull it off tonight I’ll be ready to suck any cock that helps win the game. Oh, and be ready to pay up. Cause a bet is a bet. And I have a feeling I am going to...
"Abbey, what did I say about touching yourself without permission. I'm going to have to punish you later." I immediately stopped. "But for now, let's get a drink of water. Then you can help me fuck Jeanne!" She whimpered and cried softly. Even though the sun was setting, the shade of the gazebo was a relief. We sat and drank in silence, me water and he a beer. After a bit he told me to give some water to JJ, that's what he liked to call her, JJ. I walked over to JJ and sat by her side...
Love and lust burned my heart. I sent over and hour petting Karen. She sat on my knee and I opened her Japanese bathrobe slowly. Her bra encased tits were my toys and her pussy hidden under silk panties a treasure. I removed K's bra first and kissed her as I felt her up and ran my hands over her tits filling my hand and with perfect tit flesh and her erect nipples. K was breathing into my mouth as I petted her and then she arched her back as my hand entered her panty and slowly traced her...
What Ivan didn’t know was that every time I went with him for a weekend or a few days – and there were several of these interludes – I would always go see Hans in person afterwards, and he would debrief me. Then he would de-pants me, and then he’d fuck me.I was never really sure if he just wanted to be able to quiz me in detail after I’d been with Ivan, whether just he enjoyed having me, or if he got a special thrill of following Ivan into my kitty, mouth, or ass.And, truthfully, I didn’t care....
TrueHi friends mera Naam Puja hai. I’m 18 years old ki hun . mere ghar me mere mummy papa or ek bada bhai(20) hai. m abhi 10th class me hoon mera bhai B.A kr raha hai or mummy or papa govt. job krte hai wo dono subha 8:30 per ghar se chale jate hai or fir sham(6 baje takk) aaate hai mera school time 2 baje takk hai or bhai ka 4 baje college se aata hai.to ghar ki chabi m hi le jati hun. kai baar bhai jaldi aajata hai isliye ek chabi wo bhi rakhta hai. Ek din m jab school se ghar aai to dekha ghar...
As Salam Alaikum, dear readers. My name is Yasmin Aden and I’m a 46-year-old Somali Muslim woman living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. I was born in the Puntland region of Somalia. My family moved to Ontario when I was younger, and I haven’t left the country since. Hell, asides from routine trips to the cities of Gatineau or Montreal on the Quebec side, I seldom leave the province of Ontario. This land is dear to me, ladies and gentlemen. I’ve lived my whole life there, practically. After...
This is a true story. The year was 2008. I heard there was a strip club outside of Toronto that was all shemales. The club was celebrating its 5th anniversary and I decided to take the hour and half drive north of the border. I arrived early in the afternoon thanks to my directions from Mapquest and went down the basement stairs. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by the bouncer/bartender and a beautiful black goddess. I paid my cover, and ordered a beer. “My name is Ashley, want to go for a...
Hello, All - condition normal, as I'm on the road. After a full day of work, I'm ready for some self-indulgence: good meal, hot tub, and relaxation. That's how today happened - like most work/travel days.When I got to the pool area, there wasn't a person to be seen. The surface of the swimming pool was like glass - inviting, but not my thing. The water of the hot tub, on the other hand, had slight movement from the pump and skimmer. I dumped my towels, turned on the timer, and stepped into the...
So dakota & the 3 of us returned to our room, on entering our room I had diana & alice strip immediately & take up the Nadu position, I then asked dakota if she wanted to stay or leave, she asked if she could stay for a while. I told her yes that was not a problem, but told her she would need to strip & join my slaves on the floor in the Nadu position.She has never had any formal training in being a slave or a submissive, so I told her my 2 slaves would teach her the Gorean...
Renee struggled against the scorn in Fran's voice. She didn't want to admit it, but her friend was right. She hadn't come to Tijuana to buy bamboo purses or look at moldy old statues of a revolution that was reincarnated in history books and countless Hollywood movies. She was here to FEEL sin, to see it, to touch it and smell it the way she never would in Eureka where it was buried in cellars and blacked-out rooms. She wanted to move through it without being touched. So far, that's...
We walk from the kitchen in to the lounge -- Mick sits in the corner of the sofa and I sit between his legs ... I feel his still hard cock in my back...I have a sheet wrapped around me ---- as I lean back into Mick his hand slides inside the sheet to hold my breast and my nipple is caught between his thumb and forefinger.....Jen sits in the opposite corner of the sofa --- sitting there in her silk vest top and boxer style silk bottoms --- nice and baggy for max comfort ... as we sit chatting I...
Ever since my marriage got fixed, I focused on my mental and physical well being. I started going to the gym and exercise to bring my physique in shape. Along with that, I stopped having sex with either my brother or dad. After three years of our incest relation (me, dad and brother), I finally realized that it was nothing more than sexual interaction. I somehow felt that I could not get either dad’s or brother’s love and neither I could be loved as a lover by them. It was mostly sex with them....
IncestIt started about a month after Jack’s brother Casey started paying off his debts. Amy and Jack had been living together for a year by that time and the tension in the flat was almost unbearable. Jack was so stressed that they’d stopped sleeping together. The thought of having to rely on his brother for financial support was killing him but then the people he’d borrowed from in the first place would have killed him anyway, and Amy too, they’d said as much when they’d caught onto him that night...
Kira Perez is ready for another shoot for Bang Bros, but unfortunately, the director has to inform her that the male talent cancelled at last minute, so the entire shoot will have to be rescheduled. Kira isn’t happy with this, the one day she’s super horny! Peter Green walks in to grab a check before he goes to his next shoot, but Kira catches eyes for him. She asks if he can fill in instead. Peter denies saying he has a shoot in two hours and has to save his nut. Kira is horny and...
xmoviesforyou(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); As I write this, I’m 55 years old – born December 1942. Although, everyone says I look MUCH younger than that. It’s nice to hear, really. If you like, I’ll send a recent picture of myself and you can judge for yourself. I am well-built, I guess, and just slightly heavy. However, most of my extra weight seems to be in my breasts, which measure 36DD, as I mentioned before. I am 5′-4″ tall and...
*** Anyone who enjoyed the first part please give me any feed back or if you would like a 3rd part *** -- Jessica stood leaning forwards against the mirror in the shower, her legs still spread with her feet on the floor against either side of the shower. Alex's Cum continued to flow out of her ass and pussy along with the remains of her virgin blood. When her hands left the mirror two hand prints appeared with the steam from the hot water. She looked at herself deep in the eyes and asked...
I was a virgin until my senior year in high school, mainly because I had little free time, since I played varsity sports and worked part time at a grocery store. Many days were spent fantasizing of fucking older women whose groceries I bagged or carried out to their car. The young high school girls just didn't quite excite me like these more voluptuous cock teasers. Upon graduation I was off to a big-time Pac 10 school on a baseball scholarship. How life would change for me almost from the very...
The icon on the top of the screen is flashing - new messages have arrived! How many? Three-five-ten or maybe just one, the one I was dreaming about during my sleepless nights. Oh, every single one might have a key to open the door to a new exciting adventure I'm longing for. My heart starts to beat faster when I see a new chat window from my good friend I haven't heard for weeks. I thought he already forgot about me or something happened in the meantime that he abandoned me without a single...
Hi friends, this is Rohan from suburbs of Mumbai. I’m a regular reader of ISS. This is my favoret sex stories site. I like INCEST column the most. This is my first story on ISS. My real incident that happened with me at my home itself. I’ll tell the story in 2 parts. I’m average looking guy with 5’8” height. Wheatish skin tone. My cock is of 6 inches long.The incident occurred with me in my summer vacations after my 12th exams 2 years ago.Before going straight to the story, let me tell you...
A true and enhanced telling of my first time being had by another man in the presence of my current husband. Raymond and I have been married for thirteen years and have a nice home and family life together. This episode took place about three years ago shortly after our ten year wedding anniversary. Ray has always had some interesting ideas about sharing me with another man. He is very keen on role play and scenarios and I do not mind indulging them sometimes. We have a small collection of toys...
Fresh-faced porn cutie Jesse Pony’s tan, tattooed body looks splendid in colorful lingerie. The delectable doll poses, showing her ultra-fit bod and the butt plug wedged in her booty hole. Chatting with MILF director Francesca Le, Jesse talks dirty and masturbates. The young vixen knows just what to do with hung porn veteran Mark Wood’s diamond-hard dick: Jesse drools and chokes as she gives a raunchy blowjob, smiling proudly as Mark moans. On the stairs, she spreads her twat,...
xmoviesforyouThey’re cleaning up after lunch when Superintendent Smith walks in the room to speak to Matt. He calls Joe, Alice, Paul, and Dorothy over too. Naturally the rest also gather around. Smith looks at Matt, glances about him at the others, and says, “Matt, I think you should be aware Jacobs was involved with other local organised crime people than Mario. We’ve no idea how they’ll feel about him being locked up. I suggest you get some armed guards to help protect you. Until you have some guards...
I woke up that morning with a dull ache in my back. It wasn’t from the time I had followed the mine sweep team right into a nasty anti-tank mine thinking how nice it was to have guys out in front risking their lives to keep me nice and safe. It wasn’t even from the time the helicopter had gone down half in the water and half out of the leaving us in a muddle of choosing a life preserver or a flak jacket as we scrambled out of the chopper. I remembered it was one of those big mother-fuckers...
Hi everyone, this is my first attempt at writing a story based on sexual escapades that I have experienced throughout my life. There is a element of truth in this story as this is based on an event that happened as close as yesterday.It was just past 7pm and the office had a deserted look to it already. Being the middle of summer most of the employees had already left on vacations and the remaining few unlucky souls had left for the day. I could feel the sharp spikes of pain resonate through my...
? ? STANDARD DISCLAIMER The following story is fiction is intended as ADULT material. This story has been submitted to an adult group on the Internet. If the story is found in any other location, it is not the responsibility of the author. All characters in the story are fictitious; any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. The author does not condone or endorse any of the activities detailed in this story, many of which are dangerous and or...
We were all naked. Hazel told Natalie to sit next to me. My dick hardening by the second. "Ok Nat watch and learn" Hazel said as she took my cock in her hand and slowly started wanking me. "My Mrs Wilkinson ! It's so big !" Natalie said with a look of wonderment on her face. "It is and it's Hazel or Haze Natalie please, not Mrs Wilkinson, Ok ?" I was in a daze and a Haze ! Hazels hand tossing me and Nat looking on. "Right take over Nat" "Erm " "Come on put your hand around it and do what I was...
It was a nice evening and I find myself in a familiar position. I was laying on Kim's bed. Kim just happened to be my ex-girlfriend. We were in love for like 10 years and for whatever reason, it didn't work out. I know the reason, but I'm not writing a book right now. Over the last few years, Kim and I have become good friends. We even talk to each other about our dating lives. Well, her dating life and my lack there of. So here I am, laying on her bed, just talking, and watching funny videos...
"You have two minutes left and you have to score seven; three isn't going to cut it. You understand?" the coach shouted at his players. "Loud and clear coach," Jesse, the star quarterback of the team said. "This is for the championship. We win this game; it will be part of school history," the coach reminded them all. "We'll get that touchdown for sure," Michael, the leading running back said with a determined expression. "Remember, once you get the ball you run to the outside...
My pretty blond wife Amie I have been married for 9 years and I am writing this story to tell you about an adventure we had a few years ago. Let me start by describing my wife, she is 30 years old, 5' 2", 112 lbs, and her measurements are 34c-24-34, Her blond hair has natural curls that cascade over her smooth shoulders. She has stunningly pretty blue eyes and she turns many a man's head.Our adventure started with her telling me about how she had some black lovers before she met me. For some...