Ed BiggersChapter 16 free porn video

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Nora stood beside the bed stretching after a good night’s sleep. The gesture lifted her breasts in an extremely attractive manner. Her body was perfect in proportion, weight, and shape. Even without makeup, her face could have graced the cover of any fashion magazine. A small well-trimmed patch of hair graced her pubic mound, attracting the eye without diminishing the attraction of the region below.

Her status as sex symbol and film star was understandable. Millions of women couldn’t understand how she could turn her back on fame and fortune. Fans, reporters, and co-workers had besieged her with questions over her decision. The people that worked for her and whose livelihood depended on her working were angry at the sudden change in their fortune.

She was homeless now. The house in Los Angeles had been sold and she hadn’t yet bought a place in Pennsylvania. The showy possessions had been auctioned off or donated to charity. All that remained were the few items that meant the most to her. Among them were her acting awards, a few childhood mementos, and her rock hunting gear.

Hearing that Kelly had left with the children, she had stopped by to cheer up Ed, knowing how much he would miss his wife and children. Ed had arrived at home from the airport long after she had come to the house.

Last night had been spent making long slow love. Over the course of several hours Ed had explored her body, touching her in ways and places that she didn’t even know was possible. Her body reacted to just the memory. She was not surprised to discover that her cunt lips were swollen, parted, and wet when she reached between her legs. Standing beside the bed, she looked down on his body studying the individual scars. This long lean cowboy would never be given a role in a Hollywood movie; he didn’t have the androgynous features that moviegoers wanted in their male stars.

Ed shifted in bed, wrapping himself tighter in the sheets, now that the warm body that had slept beside him was gone. Nora watched him with a smile realizing that it would be more difficult to wake him with a blow job. She wondered if he would be able to get an erection after the workout the night before. Her body shivered from the memory of that most wonderful organ entering her, stretching her more than she thought possible.

Putting on a simple sundress, she left the room to get breakfast. She headed towards the kitchen, not sure if the chefs were awake or not. At the door, she paused to smell the aroma of a professional kitchen. The overriding scent was that of bread rising under the action of yeast. Traces of herbs and spices tickled her nose, giving hints of the flavors that would emerge from the room later in the day.

Marguerite and Shuana were seated around the kitchen table reading recipé books, smiling when they found one they thought Ed might enjoy. They looked up at Nora when she entered the kitchen with a very satisfied look on her face. Shuana said, “Looks like someone was well fucked last night.”

Looking back down at the recipé book, Marguerite commented, “I don’t know about that. She can still walk.”

Going to the coffeepot, Nora poured herself a cup and joined the women at the table. Grinning, she said, “I’m glad I’ll be sitting most of the day. Of course, I expect the car seat to be soaked by the time I stop tonight.”

“You are leaving today?”

Nora added some cream and sugar to her coffee. Using a spoon sitting in front of Marguerite, she stirred it before taking a sip. She looked up at Marguerite, she said, “Is this what I think it is?”

“Probably.” Marguerite smiled knowing that Nora probably drank it all of the time. Shuana doubted the former actress actually knew what kind of coffee it was.

Recalling the initial question about leaving, Nora said, “I’m leaving just after breakfast. I’m driving to Pennsylvania to look for a new house.”

“Oh, I thought you were staying for a while.”

Smiling, Nora said, “No. I’m in the process of moving. Kelly called me two days ago and told me that she was leaving yesterday. I decided to stop by here at the last minute. I figured that Ed was probably going to be pretty depressed and could use some cheering up.”

Shuana giggled and said, “You and a dozen other women showed up yesterday to cheer up Ed. Needless to say, the females on staff were quite disappointed.”

“Then I won’t be needed around here. I’m glad to hear that,” replied Nora happy in the knowledge that Ed would be taken care of by the women of his town and in his house.

Ed stumbled into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee fully unaware that he had interrupted a discussion. In his typical morning behavior, he drained a cup of coffee standing at the coffeepot and refilled his cup before looking around. He spotted the three women and mumbled, “Plotting my demise?”

Putting on a very sweet smile, Marguerite answered, “You’re already dead. You’re just too stubborn to lie down and let us bury you.”

Shuana and Nora laughed as Ed yawned with a roar. He said, “I’ll come up with something witty later.”

Shuana smiled and said, “This I’ve got to hear.”

“Good, at least you won’t bury me until you get my reply,” Ed muttered as he took another sip of his coffee. It was about that time that he noticed that the coffee tasted different from normal. Making a face, he said, “This coffee is horrible. What’s the matter with it?”

Marguerite was about to make a joke until she saw the look on his face. He was serious in that he didn’t like the coffee. She was disappointed that he didn’t like the coffee that she had special ordered for him. Resigning herself to his simple taste in coffee, she said, “I’ll make another pot for you.”


Turning to Shuana, Nora asked, “Do you think he understands that it’s Jamaican Blue Mountain?”

“You really did recognize the flavor?” Shuana had only tasted Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee twice, once when they tried a test brew and this morning. It had been the best cup of coffee that she had ever tasted.

“Oh, yes. It’s a staple among certain wealthy circles,” replied Nora. She had no idea how many times she had been served a cup of coffee with the comment, ‘This is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. It’s the most expensive coffee in the world.’ Such pretension had not bothered her at the time, but the memory of it was distasteful.

“I guess it would be,” replied Shuana. She looked over at Ed, noticing his impatience at the coffeepot as he waited for a fresh cup of coffee. Poor Marguerite returned to the table like she had lost her best friend. She reached out to her friend as she said, “He likes the coffee that comes in a can from the grocery store. We aren’t going to be able to change that.”

Sighing as she watched Ed sip his coffee with pleasure, Marguerite decided that he would never accept a Gourmet Coffee. They had tried a dozen different coffees on him over the past few years and he had rejected them all.

This wasn’t the first time that Marguerite had served him a foul tasting coffee. Ed turned to her and said, “It must have been a bad can. That happens occasionally.”

“Yeah, I guess it was a bad can,” replied Marguerite wondering what he would say if he knew that it cost $40 a pound. Connoisseurs of coffee worldwide would be shocked at his reaction to this coffee. Ed didn’t like the coffee at any of the coffee shop chains, preferring the coffee available at convenience stores.

Her words rang sour, as though she were lying to him. Surprised, he asked, “Did you brew that horrible stuff on purpose?”

“Yes. It’s a very expensive coffee,” replied Marguerite. At the expression on his face, she added, “The most expensive coffee in the world, in fact.”

Standing there, Ed tried to recall what he could about expensive coffees. He remembered something that he had heard on television and stared at Marguerite. Shocked that she would consider serving him that coffee, he asked, “Do you mean this is that monkey crap coffee?”

Nora burst out laughing as she realized what he was talking about. Shuana looked blank at Ed. When Marguerite finally figured out what he was talking about, she giggled at the thought of serving Ed that coffee. He’d never forgive her. Nora said, “Don’t worry, this isn’t the monkey crap coffee.”

Her words were true and Ed relaxed. Shuana asked, “What’s this about monkey crap coffee?”

“Kopi Luwak is a coffee that is made from the beans that have passed through digestive system of a monkey,” replied Nora. The animal that digested the beans wasn’t a monkey, but a marsupial called a Luwak. It ate only the ripest and best coffee berries. Unable to process the bean, it passed through the digestive system and was left on the ground under the coffee trees. It had become one of the most sought after coffees in the world, bringing a high price because of production quantities of 500 pounds or less, a year.

Shuana couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Eyebrow raised, she said, “You’re putting me on.”

Ed shook his head at the thought of drinking coffee from monkey shit. The idea really bothered him and his whole body shivered in revulsion. Marguerite noticed his reaction and, with a smile, replied, “It’s true. Of course, the next time Ed complains about my cooking...”

Realizing that she was joking, Ed interrupted as he said, “I knew it. You are trying to kill me. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

“And why should I be ashamed of myself?” asked Marguerite knowing that he wasn’t going to say that she should be ashamed for wanting to kill him. Based on the smug look on his face, she knew that his answer was going to be a real zinger. She held her breath, unable to guess what he was going to say next.

“For involving a poor innocent monkey in your plot,” replied Ed with a smirk.

Nora was unable to control herself any longer and burst out into laughter. Ed turned to look at Nora. Holding up a hand as she tried to get control of herself, one look at his face was enough to cause her to laugh even harder. The laughter was contagious as Marguerite and Shuana burst out laughing, also. It wasn’t long before Nora was laughing so hard that tears were coming down her face.

The three women were laughing, all control lost, as Ed watched with a smile. He took a sip of his coffee knowing that he had delivered an excellent exit line, but he didn’t have any reason to exit. Nora struggled to stand while still laughing and cried, “I’m laughing so hard I’m going to wet my panties.”

Barely able to talk, Shuana said, “I can imagine the monkey testifying at the trial. All I did was shit coffee.”

In a voice as if he were introducing a new movie, Ed said, “First it was the Scopes Monkey Trial. Coming soon to a courthouse near you is the Biggers Monkey Trial.”

At that, Nora lost it totally and ran from the room doubled over with laughter hoping to reach the bathroom before she lost control of her bladder. Marguerite and Shuana soon followed her out the door. Chuckling, Ed said aloud, “Cleared the room with that one.”

It was five minutes before Nora returned, still wiping tears from her eyes. Grinning at Ed, she said, “It has been years since I’ve laughed that hard. Not since I started acting.”

“It’s a lot easier to laugh when you are happy,” remarked Ed.

Nora came over to him and gave him a big hug. Since she had announced that she was quitting the movie business, her quality of life had undergone a radical change. She woke and planned her day rather than spending the day responding to a schedule planned by others. Events that once had been obligations, now became welcome breaks in her time. Rather than spending hours reading scripts, she was able to spend the time reading books on minerals. The greatest benefit had been in privacy, since a staff no longer surrounded her at all times of the day. She said, “I’m so much happier than I have been in years.”

With a smile, Ed said, “We can’t have that.”

She laughed and asked, “So what are your plans?”

It was a good question and one that he had hadn’t given much thought. Jerry and Lynn were taking care of his businesses, he wasn’t teaching this semester, and he had not arranged a major rock hunting expedition. Three months at home had recharged his energy and he was ready to do something, but he didn’t know what. A smile crossed his face as an idea came to him. Looking down at her, he said, “I’m thinking about bumming a ride across the country with a retired actress.”

The possibility of traveling across the country with Ed was a total surprise to Nora and she exclaimed, “That would be great.”

“It will take me about ten minutes to pack up.”

Nora jumped up and down excited to know that she wasn’t going to face the long drive alone. As a woman, traveling alone was scary. As a former actress, she had been concerned that her public image would cause additional problems for her. It was comforting to know that a man would accompany her. She cried, “That’s great! I’m so excited!”

Ed looked out the door and realized that Marguerite and Shuana had not returned yet. An idea came to mind and he went over to the table. “Nora, stand at the door and keep Marguerite and Shuana out of the kitchen for a few minutes.”

She looked at him blankly, taken about by the sudden change in subject. Seeing the smile on his face, she went to the door to watch for the chefs. It only took him a minute to clear off the table. He removed the single flower that was in the vase. Lying down on the table with his hands crossed on his chest, he held the flower so that it was standing straight up in the air. Nora looked over at him and smiled realizing that he was going to get Marguerite back for her comment that he was already dead.

Marguerite and Shuana approached the kitchen still giggling about the monkey comment. When they entered the kitchen, they stared at Ed in surprise. As Shuana giggled, Marguerite quipped, “Shuana, go get the shovel before he gets up again. He’s already stinky smelling, and the sooner we get him in the ground, the better.”

Ed couldn’t hold it back any longer and started laughing. Nora said, “Too late. He’s starting to rise.”

Walking over to the table, Shuana bent over and examined his crotch. Shaking her head, she said, “Nope, no rise here.”

At that point, they all broke out in laughter. It took time, but Marguerite and Shuana recovered and chased Ed out of the kitchen saying, “Get out of here or we’ll never get your breakfast cooked.”

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ldquoJust fuck me Please

The relationship started eight years ago. My sister Anna was 20 and I had just turned 18. We had been close all our lives and always confided in each other. Even the rest of the family (uncles, aunts, etc) had mentioned in the past that we were like best friends or even a couple some times.It was late August when it all began. Every year Mum, Dad, Anna and I would go to Spain to stay with the Grandparents for two weeks as they had moved out there for their retirement. This year though Anna had...

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Sarah 2

the next day sarah and i went swimming but her parents were there so we couldn't do anything. i told her, "my parents were at work so we could go over to my house." with that i gave her a wink and she told her parents that she was going over to my house to watch a movie. (we didn't watch a movie) we went up to my room and we started to kiss. i took off her bikini top and started to play with her nipples. she had decided that she wanted me to be her first sometime between last night and...

2 years ago
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Runway 1

Runway By Arecee Chapter 1 MODEL FOUND MURDERED New York City. World famous model Natalia Breshnekov was found with her neck cut, floating in the Hudson River this morning by two joggers. They had noticed her nude body against the sea wall as they ran by. "I saw this bloated body floating next to the wall and would have never guessed that it was...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 13

Azelia both loves and hates her morning jog. On the one hand, it keeps her healthy and in shape, but on the other it can be difficult to concentrate. Zelena is always on her mind because of their great sex life, and though the alien is committed to her, she thinks constantly of Janae. Of course there is one perk of the jog: any route she takes is often seeded with young women, most of whom are invariably clad in tight, skimpy running short, tight tops and human. This morning is typical ......

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Playing the GameChapter 8 At the Drug Store

For the next three days, I biked over to the Wilkinson house and took Davey and Kip to the park to work on their soccer skills. Every day, they came tumbling out of the house to meet me. Then, the two of them ran nonstop until I brought them back home an hour later. Lori Wilkinson always invited me in afterwards to have some lemonade, and we sat at her kitchen table while the boys ran upstairs to clean up after soccer. Each time I took them out, I could see improvement in their skills. They...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 26

Sunday evening rolled around and Phil was surprised when first Tiffany and then Molly began putting their clothing into their duffels. “I need to sit down with my brother and explain how life is going to be,” Tiffany said. “Then he and I are going to watch a movie.” “I need to make an appearance at home,” Molly said. “Otherwise Suzy might show up here. All the tales of wild sex and animal sacrifices would be exposed.” “Me, too,” Katelyn replied. “My mother thinks I’ve been abducted. She...

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Honeymoon Night

Honeymoon Night by Elizabeth J. McDonald "This is it!" I said to myself as I entered the bathroom. This was the night I would actually consummate my relationship with my lover, my husband, Mark. We would make love tonight and he would take me and make me his woman. He would spill his seed inside my body and I would willingly take it. I closed my eyes and leaned on the door, taking in a deep breath. Tonight I would be his wife forever. I would be his woman forever and ever. I was...

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Pussy Whipped

Introduction November 7th circa 3:30 p.m.: I stirred my hot tea for about fiftieth time. I thought about dropping in another lump of sugar thinking that might make it a little less tasteless. I pondered the other three quarters of the club sandwich I’d ordered but couldn’t eat, “I tell you Bev I just don’t know what to do.” Beverly Camel is my older sister. Ever since I could remember whenever I had a problem, she was the one I could always, and I mean always, turn to. Now let’s see...

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Pierced by Jacqueline Gold It had been a long hard day at the office. Max had been very irritating with his silly jokes and toilet humour, the boss had been as unreasonable as ever and I was exhausted. A long hot bath. A long, hot, fragrant bath - that was what I needed. The advantage of stopping away from home was the extra time to myself in the evening. I walked into the hotel at 5 p.m. sharp and booked in. Room 376. Not too bad for a discreet exit. I humped my two cases up the...

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Shocking Times

I was in a state of shock - Sam, Bill's supposedly staid wife, friends of some fifteen years was sat astride me, facing me, a look of pure pleasure on her face and sinking one very hot, wet, cunt onto my very erect penis. She moaned softly as she took me into her, her dress bunched up and covering our 'joint' situation - the sight of her silhouetted against the bright sunlight of the garden, and the realisation that she had no briefs on were what had given me that almost instant erection in...

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The Nose Knows

The banshee-like howl from the other room brought me instantly wide awake... again! "Eeeeeiii-YA-A-a-hhhhh! FI-ILL me U-U-up!" Wild grunts and squeals accompanied my confusion as I rolled off the lumpy old couch and scrabbled, half awake in mortified shock, to stuff my few possessions in my bookbag. Still dressed from the night before, I scrunched into my shoes as the gasping and growling escalated, and fled out the front door with a little sob catching in my throat. Tangled hair was...

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The Watchers And The Watched

It was a sultry, hot, August evening in the west side of Chicago. Not many of the run down shanties on that side of town had any air conditioning and the residents had to use any means available to keep cool. That is why Jason decided to take a walk at 10:00 PM at night. At that hour his wife, as usual, had already gone to bed. He had been watching television and was thinking about joining his wife in bed but the heat was getting to him in such a way that he thought that a stroll out into the...

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Sam was excited, more than ever he has been in his 29 years of existence. He got married today and to the most beautiful lady he has ever seen, to one he was deeply in love with. He fell in love with Rashmi the first time he saw her about six months ago in a party thrown by a common friend. Where he was besotted by her perfect Indian beauty he was enamored  by her elegance, intelligence and a confident aura around her which was almost captivating and yes captivated he was from the moment he...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 11 Life Is Never Boring Part III

February, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I returned to the apartment just before 7:00pm to join my friends. Kathy and Elyse had made dinner, and left a plate in the oven for me. I ate quickly, then grabbed a glass of bourbon and sat with Stephie in the bay window where I’d earlier sat with Karin. The conversation that evening was light and fun. Nobody seemed to want to delve into deep topics, and that was fine with me. “Next weekend I’m going to Milford for the three day weekend if anyone wants a...

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Indian gfs mom

100% fiction! Heya people!!!This is the first time I’m writing about this incident and posting it online. I have changed the names in order to protect identity. I’m Ram, 23 years old, working in an IT company. I got a 5.7inch cute cock with lil public hair as my girlfriend’s wish. So, it just happened that I fell in love with this beautiful female, and get to fuck her quite often. This incident which I’m gonna narrate today happened recently. My gf is an Anglo-Indian with good English accent...

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My Alcoholic Daughter

This story is short but sweet! +++++ Birthdays are not a very exciting time for my daughter. On Bethany’s twelfth birthday her mother was killed in a car accident as she was on the way home after buying a birthday present. Since then I have noticed that Bethany has had a slight drinking problem. I myself drink more than I ever did before. I have way too much alcohol in the house and it is very easy for Bethany to get a hold of. I usually drink a little extra on her birthday...

1 year ago
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But Who Am I ReallyChapter 3

Hugh sat uncomfortably in the departure lounge. "How do you stand it?" "How do I stand what?" Erin looked up. She was going through Hugh's wallet, minutely examining every credit card, ID, and slip of paper. "This!" Hugh gestured towards his chest. "These clothes are so uncomfortable!" Hugh looked left and right, leaned in towards Erin and whispered "it's like a pair of hands are constant cupping and holding my tits. And the panties are constantly riding up into my crotch. I'm...

3 years ago
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Incest FamilyChapter 8

Betty was very quickly going bananas. It seemed that everybody was having a ball except her. Just when she thought she'd had Billy in her little hot pocket, he'd gotten vague and spaced out and all tangled up in her mother's clutches. "My own mother! It's enough to make you puke." Actually there wasn't anything particularly sickening about it. Betty was just plain old jealous. And now she had the added guilt of what she'd come to with her own brother. Mere hours of their old little...

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The Four Fs of Driders

Something was terribly wrong with my legs. More concerning was there was something terribly wrong with the number of legs I had. I was born with two, which I have never complained about. They had served me well, from getting up in the morning, to running away from bullies, to my morning jogs to keep me in shape. I was pretty happy with my legs, they were probably one of my only good features, second only to the long curly black hair I got from my mom. I had eight of them now. Normal girls...

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3rd Chromosome The Real Party

Hello again. Another tale for your enjoyment. This one came together surprisingly fast. A combination of requests here but thanks goes to Donut plains for their suggestions/support. Go read their writings…I’ll wait. Back? Ok…this contains: Futa, celebs, sex, dancing, etc. Everyone is over 18. Comments and feedback are welcome. Enjoy! *** Dull. That was the word to describe this affair. Mind numbingly dull. Dominique Tipper continued adding adjectives in her head to describe the party she was...

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Aftter The Party

       Lee lay on the bed and a master bedroom.  She drifted in and out of sleep.  When she finally woke it was as if she was in one of her fantasy dreams.        Her head was encased in a tight discipline hood. With an opening for her face.  Over it was a bishop's penis gag forcing her cheeks in an attempt to bulge.  A blindfold made sure no light came in at all. It was laced so tight as to feel like a second skin.        She tried to wiggle her neck but soon realized that a thick posture...

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Mistaken Identity

Once upon a time, you actually went to a theatre to watch an adult, or X-rated movie. Not many exist anymore, certainly not where I live, though there used to be. Long before the advent or introduction of videocassettes even, about the only other way you saw or watched a dirty movie was on your father's 8mm reels. At least I did anyway. At the time, there just so happened to be a theatre not too far away from where I lived. I'd been there a couple of times before, both times all by myself....

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Bi Hubby Busted at Bookstore

Disclaimer: All events and persons in the following story are ficticious. It was the first day of some well-deserved time off. My wife let me pick the hotel (which just happened to be across the street from an adult bookstore). I knew the ‘ABS’ was there, as I had done some research on it before arriving on our vacation. Through the wonderful internet, I knew that the bookstore had a theater, and a video arcade with glory holes. I also read that construction workers, college students (both...

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Birthday Night out a different style of writing

So we finish at the restaurant and the driver and bodyguard are waiting, The Driver ask you what’s next? You hesitate and look at me, I tell you this is your show and my birthday so you better hook it up! Smiling you tell them to the party! We get comfy inside the massive SUV and your feeling even more horny and have recovered from our public session! You ask me if you can remove the toy and you promised to put it back before we reach our destination. I just smile and you remove the toy and...

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Sister and I take a break

*** 100% Fiction Last summer holiday my sister and I decided to go and visit the countryside as we were getting bored at home with not much to do. We both packed our bags and decided to head south, taking the train from the city centre. After heavy delays, we reached the south and decided to check into a motel as we were both in need of a shower. The hot summer’s day and the walking around from one station to another had taken its toll on both of us. The receptionist took my name down and...

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Did you have an aneurysm, or did you cum so hard yesterday that you’re randomly seeing gibberish words in front of your eyes? ThePornDude is not a medical professional, but because I am an expert in all things porn, I can tell you that Reddit.com/WtSSTaDaMiT is, in fact, a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) subreddit that exists. Go ahead and click it – you won’t see a subreddit filled with dumb fucks crying over their broken porcelain hentai dolls or cats wearing twelve pieces of toast.It's much more...

Reddit NSFW List
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KirstyChapter 2

From that moment on, her feelings for Moo had subtly changed. In her eyes he no longer was a pet. At night she no longer wore panties and a nightie. She much preferred to lie naked against Mooblis fur. She enjoyed feeling his heartbeat against her. As winter progressed, she loved to go out into the snow and cavort with him in the drifts. She threw snowballs for him to chase and threw snowballs at him. He retaliated by jumping on her and burying her in the snow. They chased each other around,...

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