RhykovChapter 6 free porn video

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Slutsk was predominantly a Jewish town of about 15 to 20 thousand in 1900. In 1920, near Slutsk, Belarusian Nationalists had fought losing battles against the Red Army's Omsk Brigade in the Civil War. Many of the inhabitants had fled to Poland who'd, traditionally, a relaxed attitude to Jews compared to many European countries.

The countryside was one of the poorest in Belarus, but the citizens had been adept for centuries at looking after themselves. Any arable land was used for cultivating vegetables and most citizens kept pigs and chickens.

Slutsk's population had swelled with Russian immigration during the twenties and the Jewish population declined sharply in consequence. When the Germans arrived in 1941 any Jew who had not fled were gathered up and transported to camps in Poland and Germany. Any Communist Party Official who was foolish enough to let themselves be captured was executed immediately.

As the months rolled on, men who had a useful skill were rounded up and transported West to work in German factories by Organization Todt.

Slutsk, itself, eventually ceased to exist as a useful town. Its few factories had been comprehensively destroyed by the Red Army. The Germans had attempted to restart the brewery, something of a landmark in the area, but, in the end, had given up. Hops, in any case, were impossible to be had as the Red Army had poured diesel oil onto the fields as they'd retreated.

The remaining inhabitants had carried on, trying to make a living as best they could. Some hired themselves as servants to the German garrison and, generally, these Wehrmacht troops didn't treat them too badly. But, over time, things began to change as the partisan war intensified. German reprisals on the population got heavier and heavier and, for the few that remained in Slutsk, life became intolerable under occupation.

Risa explained all this to Rhykov, even though it all had a ring of familiarity about it. True, because of Slutsk's Jewish influence, the Nazis had been particularly savage in the area, but such things were happening all over occupied Russia.

The sisters lay beside Rhykov in his small cabin on simple straw palettes. They each were encased in woollen blankets as impenetrable as if there was a wall between them. If he believed they were going to have a 'party, ' Rhykov was quickly disillusioned.

Her husband, she explained, had been 'insistant' and cruel to her. She'd married young, as was the custom, in an arranged marriage. Her husband had been much older and, having lost his first wife, the community thought it 'proper' that he marry again. His alcoholism was well known and, it was thought, a new wife would divert him from the bottle.

But it hadn't worked out that way and he continued drinking heavily during their life together. Risa described him as 'a bitter man' plagued with 'inner devils.' In one of his rages, he'd knocked one of her teeth out and broken a rib. Despite these injuries, she still had to continue with the household chores or risk another beating. A year later, she'd miscarried, having suffered another beating.

The Community Council had told her to 'be patient, ' but, if the war hadn't intervened, she was certain she'd have to leave him or be killed.

When the Germans arrived, everyone was required to 'register' and the Jews were promptly taken away. Ostensibly they were being sent to 'Colleges' to be educated and to farming communities in Germany. The Germans explained how life was to be so much easier for them and many of them were singing with joy as they were loaded onto buses and lorries.

Risa's husband was picked up soon after by the Todt Organisation because he was a skilled craftsman, a die maker. The fact that he'd been unable to carry on his craft for some years due to his drinking wasn't told to the Nazi Officials. Her husband had been happy to go. The Nazis had promised him a fat wage packet and idyllic accomodation in one of their new workers' hostels.

Risa had moved back to her parents' house. However, German soldiers had been billetted on them and she found her Mother had to cook and do their laundry for them. Soon, Risa found that they looked on her and her sister as 'available' and she was afraid that one night they'd be raped. It was then she decided to take her sister and go into the forest.

Rhykov, however, suspected some more serious event had taken place before they made the decision to flee. He didn't push the questioning, being content to allow them their secret.

He listened to the sisters' breathing until it was shallow and rhythmic with sleep, then went back to the radio monitor.

Rhykov was turning himself into something of an amateur radio expert. At first it had just been a hobby, an interest, sparked when he was initially shown the latest generation of sets developed before the war.

The surest way to establish the location of a signal was by triangulation, using two monitors at different fixed locations. That was not always possible, so the next best thing was by using 'signal attenuation.'

But the strength of a signal depended as much on transmission power and atmospheric conditions as distance so Rhykov used a great deal of intelligent guesswork when trying to figure out the location of an enemy signal.

Large German transmitters were based at Minsk and some of the main bases. He'd plotted these on a map, then compared other signals in relation to these known values. Thus he was able to build a rough picture of German units in the area.

German radio discipline was good, but entirely predictable he found. A flurry of signals usually heralded a major operation, overlaying routine situational reports. By attenuating the signal as it moved he could roughly calculate the distance and direction of a column on the move. What was more difficult, however, was to estimate the size of the enemy force.

South of the Neman, near the railway North to Lithuania, was the small town of Novogrudok. For several days Rhykov had been tracking a number of converging German columns in the area. He was now sure what their objective was.

Novogrudok was an important strategic position protecting a German supply line. It had been the subject of partisan raids for some months, and Rhykov figured the SS were launching a major clearance operation.

The Red Army had only recently crossed the line of the Desna, and thus were too far to provide air support. Novogrudok was beyond his operational area and, in any case, Rhykov was in no position to intervene in the coming battle. He radioed STAVKA with the information, however, they'd been monitoring the operation already. The Novogrudok partisan Brigade was ordered to hold on. Rhykov thought it suicidal and condemned the fighters to destruction.

The whole point of guerilla warfare was to strike when you're strong and retreat when you're not. Russian partisan forces were singularly ill-equipped for pitched battles against major German ground forces backed by aircraft. Stalin and Viroshilov were asking the partisans to take on costlier and costlier operations against vastly superior forces. Any small success was seized on by STAVKA as an excuse to demand even greater efforts.

The partisans had no heavy weapons and their only transport was the horse. STAVKA seemed to regard them as regular units. Rhykov thought it criminal.

He listened to the drone of an aeroplane overhead. By the sound he concluded it was a Heinkel He-177 on a reconnaisance flight. The plane had a very distinctive exhaust note and whine from its two massive propellers. It didn't alarm him, there was nothing to see below. His men were a true guerilla force who knew how to remain invisible.

"Polkovnik... I mean, Rhykov?" came a small voice behind him, "you've been up all night? Would you like some breakfast?"

"Please," he replied, pulling off his headset, "there is some mutton stew from last night, I believe."

"Won't the smoke from the fire..."

"It's foggy outside, dull and grey. The smoke will not go anywhere."

"Y'know," Risa said, as she busied herself with the fire, "I don't think I've ever eaten so well."

"We take care of ourselves out here. In this climate you must eat well or you cannot survive the Winter. A good layer of blubber is an asset... insulation!"

"You don't appear to have much blubber?" she laughed, "rather the opposite. You are tall and strong... well-muscled. Unlike my husband who..."

"Let's not talk about your husband," Rhykov replied, "after what you said last night, I think I've heard enough of the man."

"Rhykov, I'd like to thank you for last night. It was a relief to unburden... to tell someone about my life and to have someone listen. It was important someone understands."

"Quite all right."

"I know you... perhaps was thinking I'd... we'd, um..."

"You'd what?"

"That we'd... entertain you, as a woman entertains a man. Thank you for not being insistant."

"Madam, I have no need of 'insistance, ' nor am I a rapist. You came to me for protection from such things. I made a promise, I don't break promises."

"My sister Katya, she's never laid with a man. I want to spare her that until..."

"'Spare her'?" Rhykov replied, looking up from the radio, "it doesn't have to be an ordeal. Perhaps if you two find some good men who will treat you properly, you won't find it such an ordeal?"

"My husband was cruel," she sniffed, "he hurt..."

"Your husband, madam, is a poor example of a man. A good woman deserves a good man with whom she finds it a joy to sleep with."

Risa came up to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you for saying such things," she told him, with moist eyes.

The daily routine involved the necessities of living. Rhykov collected firewood, some went hunting, and others took mules down to collect meat from one of the small forest communities.

The two sisters helped Rhykov split the firewood and stow it in the shelter. It was wilderness law that the firewood should always be left well-stocked. It was hard work in the freezing conditions and Rhykov was blowing gusts of foggy air as he returned inside.

Risa and Katya had got a roaring blaze going in the stove. He immediately began to sweat, so Rhykov doffed his overcoat and uniform jacket. Risa saw he wore the uniform of a Polkovnik of the VLV. She asked him about it.

"Convenience," he explained, "OSNAZ has no uniform to wear in battle, only for parades and such other bullshit."


"OSobovo NAZnacheniya [Special Purpose]. It means nothing, just a name. We come under the administrative control of the GUGB but the operational control of the NKVD. In action, we fight as part of the VLV Airborne Brigades. [Sometimes called the 'VDV, ' Vozdushno-Desantnye Vojska: Auth]."

Risa shook her head in confusion. "So many different departments and organisations. It's a wonder anything gets done."

"I've often thought the same thing," he laughed, "but we Russians are fond of our bureaucrats. Lately STAVKA have been directing our operations. That is a pity because they treat us like any regular Brigade. They expect us to conduct regular operations, which, of course, we are ill-equipped to do. We are a guerilla force, not an Infantry Brigade. It is unreasonable to expect us to sacrifice ourselves against superior forces. It is waste of valuable resources."

"You must explain it to them."

"I have and I will till my last breath. They tell me of the great battles, the sacrifice, being made by our soldiers at the fronts. That is probably true, but we must learn to fight smart, not by depending on the size of our armies. We are winning the war of technology over the Germans, but still they send young foot soldiers against armour. The Germans have Panther and Tiger tanks. You cannot disable such machines with infantry weapons."

"You did such a thing?"

"Aye, against an old model, obsolete. No side plates on the hull or turret, weak mantlet and poor internal protection. It was simple."

"That's not what I heard."

"Exaggerration! Soldiers always bullshit, you must get used to it."

"They are not the only ones who bullshit."

"Listen," Rhykov told her in frustration, "don't start the hero stuff with me, okay? I bleed like the next man, I'm mortal, a man, and I'm not exempt from fear. Everything I do, and order others to do, is calculated. I've been a soldier a long time. It is a science."

"You're a scientist?"

"Some say an art. Perhaps I'm an artist?" he grinned.

"Then you must paint our portraits?"

"Perhaps? But I see you're wearing too much clothing. I couldn't possibly do you justice. I'd need to view the female form," he teased.

"I'm sure you need to!" she grinned back.

Rhykov was pleased with himself. The woman seemed much more relaxed around him.

It was late, perhaps after midnight, but time had little relevance out here. 'Daytime' was short and dull, the sun being low on the horizon. It barely penetrated through the perpetually grey skies in any case. The wind was a constant moan outside and the men of OSNAZ only moved about if it was strictly necessary.

The pickets had been drawn in for their own safety. It was hovering at thirty below outside, one of the coldest Winters on record, and no-one could remain outside without shelter for long without risking frostbite, or worse.

The horses had been sent South, to be stabled in the outlying villages. Rhykov had sent instructions that they were not food and expected to find them well and uneaten when the weather eased.

The German mechanised columns converging on Novogrudok appeared to have stalled. Rhykov imagined they were waiting for the weather to clear before recommencing their clearance operation. Flying was impossible and visibility was being measured in metres.

With the monotony, depression was a constant companion. Rhykov, like so many others inured to the climate, focussed on the detail and minutae of living as he waited. As usual he stooped over his radio monitor most days, or charged the batteries using a hand-cranked generator.

His cabin was double-walled with the cavity between the two stuffed with straw and other insulating materiel. The iron wood stove was always kept stoked and radiated a ferocious amount of heat. Consequently, it was possible to walk around naked inside.

The two sisters were bundled up, apparently asleep in the corner. Rhykov, at last, grew bored with the radio and decided to get some shut eye. He went and lay down beside Risa.

She turned over, eyes blurry from sleep. She greeted him wearily and said she was glad he was now being sensible and getting some rest.

"I need very little," he explained, "I have trained myself."

"Are you receiving anything?" she asked, but it was in such a way that didn't display any real interest. It was just a question to ask to signal the need to talk.

"Routine stuff," he sighed, "the odd regular report. Perhaps telling their headquarters the radio operator hasn't frozen to death."

"Y'know something?" she said, her voice low. She checked behind her to see if her sister was asleep and, apparently satisfied, continued. "Y'know, I used to see this boy. Before I married my husband, of course..."


"He was Jewish so, naturally, I couldn't marry him."

"I guess not," Rhykov shrugged, "but you were fond of him, just the same?"

"Yes, fond! I was very fond of him. The Germans took him when they came, but then he had married someone else, from his religion."

Rhykov wondered where this was leading, but decided to let her continue. He was very tired and hoped she would be brief. "You must have been... disappointed?" he suggested.

"I suppose so. He was a nice boy, but we both knew it couldn't lead to anything. We used to sneek out... often we'd just talk, dream. He was a special friend. Sometimes, though, we'd... play a little, y'know?"

"Play?" Rhykov asked, suddenly more interested. "Like doctors and nurses?"

"Heh," she giggled, "more like mother and fathers. I hope he's all right. The Germans will look after him, won't they?"

"Probably," he shrugged, although he'd heard some things he preferred not to pass on to her.

"Anyway. He was very kind to me, not like my husband who..."

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Lady Trucker Needed some help with her old man

Another Friday night on the road, only 400 miles to go to deliver my load Monday morning. Nothing to do but cruise the radio. Plenty of time to look for some good, hot man sex. Sitting in my Volvo/White at the 76 In Texarkana. Freshly showered, powdered, and perfumed. 5’9′-185 lbs of Daddy Bear Trucker. I had jerked myself off in the shower but was still more than horny enough to take on any load that my come my way. After closing the front curtains on my rig, I stripped out of my shorts and...

2 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 4

“You know, you’re going to spoil me, with the showers and ... well, everything else. I love the feel of your skin on mine, the way our bodies fit together.” Gwen shook her head. “From what you’ve told me, you deserve every bit of that, and even more. While you were showering, rather than join you this time, I issued Edwards some orders to take three of his best guards and go through the hidden Vault. If you want to roll over and let me out of bed, we can get dressed and go see what he’s...

2 years ago
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Evening Spectacular

My head still spinning, my focus blurred like a child’s finger painting. What have you done to me? The fear of the unknowing only surpassed by the panic of what is to come. My legs are so sore and unstable. A deep ache burns hot embers in my cunt. What torturous play have you put me through? I search for the recollection of the nights events, only to find the erased chalkboard of my mind. How could I have let this happen? You seemed so nice, polite to a fault. I only wished I hadn’t joined your...

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My student

I’m 24 years old, have just graduated from an university for a year, haven’t been married.   Now, I’m a teacher at   a polytechnic in Hanoi. I don’t like my current job much, but, because of having not found another proper job, so still having to do a thing I’ don’t like any more. In the class I’m teaching, there are a lot of beautiful young girls. They are very funny. Each time in the class is wretched time for me because they always disturb me. One of them, there is a most beautiful girl,...

3 years ago
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Pleasure With Matured Cousin

Hello this is NAVEEN again ! Hope u enjoyed my last story which describes my encounter with mothers elder sister.I am a guy with 7 inch rod.Coming straight to story the heroine of this story is my mature cousin,Her name is Rekha she is 42 years old. She is little Chubby. Her boobies are 34 and ass 40.U can imagine how her stats will be with these size.Actually we both are close to each other. I did not nave any intention on her.I use to visit her now and then one day I went to her home casually...

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Angels in love

Hi, Readers of ISS very recently I started writing about the lesbian experience of my college tutor Raji the best female I could have ever fucked during my PG days at the university. Some of the readers gave me a feedback sying the story is short and in this attempt I have given a long one hope you people like it. As already told the lesbian act in front of my eyes at Raji’s residence it was like a dream where two lovely angles were having a love making session & for the first time I realized...

1 year ago
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Seduction Exhibitionism Part IV

Hi, This is Seenu, Dear ISS readers. I am back with a bang, I think so. It’s a long time since I ventured into sharing my sex experiences with you all. This again is a true incident? Yes, you all have to believe and here we go to the actual incident. Yes, from Hyderabad, I was transferred to madras in 2005 and I came, settled in Chenglepet, which is at the outskirts of madras as my factory in located in tambaram. Chenglepet is a sleepy little town where the cost of living is very cheap and i...

3 years ago
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Nurses do it better Chapter 3

We woke the next morning encrusted in cum and saliva. We headed to the shower that was big enough for the three of us and proceeded to wash and scrub our way through multiple orgasms for each. Alese finally said she had to go open the restaurant and had to leave, but I dicked her hard before she left and she was smiling happily on her way out the door.Sunday was long and languid and lurid as we relived the night with Alese and as we prepared to head to work together the next day. We were both...

2 years ago
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I had only lain down on the couch in the darkened interior of my Winnebago, when there was a panic banging at my motor home door. I went and opened it, fighting against the cold icy wind and rain to hold it open. A woman dressed only in a sari, her hair in a mess, and soaking wet, stood there. In poor English "Please let me hide here, bad men want to harm me." She blurted out casting a worried look behind her. "Come in, please," I said glad to get the door closed, and us separated from...

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The White Mini Skirt loyalsock

Christy knew all too well that her love, Dusty, loved exhibitionism. One day she was shopping for a new skirt when she spotted a semi sheer white cotton skirt that was short enough that if she sat directly across from anyone, they would have a clear view up her skirt. She modeled it for Dusty later that day. He was pleased with her choice naturally!That weekend Christy lost a bet with Dusty and the consequence of losing that bet was that she had to do whatever Dusty wanted for a week. Of course...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Part 1

Last week me and my girlfriend seemed to be in a bit of a slump in our sex life, which doesn't happen very often at all. We have tried many things, and done so in many different places. Our sex life is more than healthy, but we had both been incredibly stressed out the last few weeks and hadn't had much creative thought. One night after spending the evening watching movies, holding eachother close on the couch, we both started to get hot. I was kissing her neck softly and rubbing her tummy,...

3 years ago
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Taylors College Adventures Freshman Year Part 2

She drove back to dorm where her friend Abby picked her up. Abby was her best friend during elementary school but she was a year older than Taylor. When Abby went to high school they grew apart but had renewed their friendship since Taylor started college. They arrived at the party and Taylor immediately went for the beer. She wasn't big on dressing up but Abby was. Taylor was wearing a thin dress a little tight around the hips and chest. Abby was dressed as a sexy French maid at her...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot Boss Wish Chapter 3 Ms Kims Futa Reward

Chapter Three: Ms. Kim's Futa Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My eighteen-year-old daughter popped up before me, her long, silky-black hair swaying about her shoulders, and planted a kiss on my lips. Now it wasn't a normal mother/daughter kiss. Not with her tongue plunging into my mouth, her body pressed so tight against mine, her lips tasting of my spicy pussy. After yesterday, when my daughter walked into a staff meeting at my cosmetic business, Mizzytique, and found an orgy...

3 years ago
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What Was I Thinking Ch 02

What was I thinking? I’d gone out with Charles the night before planning on dinner and either a party or a movie, ending with me heading home alone. Instead, I woke in the morning naked with Charles’s arm draped over me. His eyes were already open, and he smiled when he saw I was awake. ‘Good morning, sexy.’ ‘Morning.’ I gave him a peck on the lips. ‘How are you this morning?’ ‘How am I? Hmm. I’m waking up with a hot, naked woman in my bed. I think I’m pretty good. Did you sleep well?’ ‘I...

1 year ago
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Anns surprise from Santa 2

© Hitchhiker 2002 Milady was in a dream world; two strangers from England had come out of the snowstorm and were now making beautiful love to her. She was experiencing sex, like she had never had before, and she’d just been told there was much, much more to come! “Now we will turn Milady over” Said Don. They released her bonds and turned her over. Kissing, fondling, stroking, and massaging her as they did. “When are going to let me touch you?” She said, as she was turned to lie on her back....

Group Sex
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Shobana With Old Man Ramu

Hi Friends, My name is Shobana, and i am 28 years old. This is a story about how i fell pray to a old man and enjoyed my sex venture with him. I am married and have a 2 year old son. My hubby works in a Chennai Port. We all moved to a new house for rent. For the first week it all went normal my hubby would go to work by 8.30 in the morning and return by night 9.00 pm. I would get up early and make him lunch then i would play with my son and chat with some friends and family. But after first...

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In the Name of Science

100% fiction!I have always been one to push the envelope when it came to debating social issues, so it was no wonder that, when I entered college twenty-five years after graduating high school and "finding myself," I was writing papers in my English class such as "The Socioeconomic Ramifications of Paying Reparations to Descendants of Slaves" while my classmates were writing "My Baby's First Steps" or "The Day My Dog had Puppies." This point was driven further home the day my Psychology...

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How I Got Hooked On White Pussy

Dreama was the first white girl I ever noticed. She was two years older than me, blonde, about five feet three inches, slim and had perky pear shaped tits with big nipples that showed through her shirts. She worked at Wilson's Market, which was the corner store that sat between a black neighborhood and a white neighborhod. Of course, I lived in the black neighborhood and dream lived with her grandmother in the white neighborhood. There was not a lot of tension between neighborhoods, but people...

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Its the start of a new day.The morning is cold as you cherish your morning coffee.The sun warms your soft skin through the window and makes the mirror catch your eye,You admire you athletic body.wearing nothing but small boy short panties and nothing else you smile at your lean body.Nipples perky in the morning air you feel sexy and naughty.Turning around your soft ass is tight from gym but still soft enough to move when you twirl.You giggle,Feeling an urge to use this body for more dirty...

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Secret Love The Beginning Part 1

Delilah and Anthony have been in a great relationship for almost two years. No one expected it to change, not even Delilah and Anthony themselves. Everything about their relationship was so perfect. They got together at the end of Senior year in high school, during the last month of school, right after their prom. Delilah wanted to keep their love a secret at first, because she didn't want the whore of the school Jessica to find out. She knew Jessica would probably be all over Anthony if she...

Straight Sex
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My name is Kate, I am twenty-four years old and work in a local bank. After completing my studies, I moved to the city and for the first few months, I lived here alone. Jason is my neighbor’s son. His mother owns a company and spends a lot of time away from home conducting business tours. Whenever she is out of town, Jason, who is younger than I am, moves in with me and I take care of him. To be honest, if I calculated the number of days he’s in his home, it would probably equal two or two and...

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Wild Girl In Train

This is a fantasy. It all starts at Secunderabad railway station, time was around 8:30 pm I guess. My train was already on the platform ready to leave in 15 min. I bought a parcel of chicken biryani and got into the train. Since it is monsoon season there are only a few passengers on the train which is entirely ac. So I was one among the 6 people in my coach, all of us got different seat numbers. So from my seat, none can see me and curtains played their part too in shielding me from activities...

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A Trip To The Store

Jim took off from his house to get a few things at the local Walmart. Just a few grocery items. It was about noon, and he was home because he had recently retired from a government job after working there almost 35 years. Since he was only 55, he still felt young, but, better yet – his mind thought young. He may have matured and even gained some wisdom through the years, but sometimes he was no different than a horny teenage boy. His mind was still sharp, and it seemed to always focus on sex –...

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daddy daughter duo

So, it all started when my daughter turned 16, it seemed like all of a sudden she became full, gorgeous and most of all- sexy. Now I understand it is quite wierd to have a infatuation with your teenage daughter, but I did. And here is my story."Daddy! We have to go out and pick Jason up now, he's waiting." said my daughter, Eva."Just gimme a seconds angel."As Eva and I were about the go pick up her boyfriend, I saw her slip a condom into her 32B cup bra. When we pulled into Jasons driveway, Eva...

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A Knock At The DoorChapter 4

In the middle of the night Joel drifted in and out of sleep. He was spooned behind Janie and they both slept naked. Joel's cock was hard, nestled between the cheeks of her boyish little ass. His arm was around her, holding a tiny breast, his fingertips rolling a nipple into a hard nub. Joel wished he were sucking that nub, as he drifted back asleep and into a dream. In his dream Janie took his cock into her mouth and nursed on his precum. He dreamed that his cock, still wet from their...

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Unexpected First Anal M2M

I was in Boston for business and went to a local adult bookstore to score some action. Unfortunately, there were only a few people there. I decided to look around at the movies that were available to see if something would be good to take back to the hotel room. I started in the straight videos but soon moved to the bi-vids. After looking at a few movies and deciding against them, I heard a voice say “you know the real thing is better than the movies”. I looked up a little embarrassed...

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Alices Life Changing Experience

Prolog Prolog Leaves danced around on the bare dirt ground outside the farmhouse, as Alice tip toed over to the water bucket by the stables. She had to be quiet, making sure she made no noise; else wake her father, who was dozing under an apple tree out front.  Her father? Six months before on her sixteenth, she would have gladly called him her father. By her understanding up till then, a father was someone who cared about their daughters. Someone who tucked them in at night, reading...

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Breaking Point RickChapter 2

"Can we have Rick come out again?" the twins asked almost in unison when he had biked out of sight on his way back to campus Sunday evening. "I'd like that, too," Naomi assured them. "I'll bet he shows up at some of your games." "I hope so! Say, what was that shouting when you were talking to him and we were in the pool, Mom? You were going to tell us something, then he stopped you." "Oh, I was just teasing him," Naomi said, trying to sound nonchalant. "Mo-om! We don't...

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My Give Away WifeChapter 2

We talked a little more while we waited for Lea to return. I couldn’t get him to tell me what happened in the kitchen. I imagine some day he’ll break down and fill me in. But the son of bitch has a lot of tease in him. Lea finally returned with three more beers. She handed one to me. Then she went around the table. She held out her hand to give Jim a beer but instead of taking the beer he pulled her down into his lap. She smiled and put one arm around his neck. She’s obviously happy the fun...

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