Hobo Chapter 10 11
- 2 years ago
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"Are you sure she's worth this much" he asked as he handed me the five twenties.
"How should I know. I don't make a habit of fucking the help. She gets a lot of repeat business so some guys think she's worth it."
I put the money in my pocket and told him, "Room 116. Knock twice, wait two seconds and knock twice again. Have fun."
As I watched him walk away I thought about how I'd lied to him when I said that I didn't sample the hired help. I'd spent two hours earlier in the day rolling around on a bed with her. She was worth it all right, well worth it.
I went back to the bar, ordered another Bud Light and watched the basketball game on the TV while I waited to see if anyone else wanted some pussy. The bartender and half the guys in the bar knew I was a pimp and if any of them needed sexual relief they knew they could come to me and over the last month a goodly number of them had. Five of them had done business with me so far that night, which was about average, but it was getting late and I didn't think that I was going to have any more customers.
Jerry, the bartender and the only other guy besides me who got a free ride, slid another Bud in front of me and said, "You need to switch to soda water or something like that. Sitting here and drinking beer all night while you wait isn't good for you."
"I know Jerry, but I'm a young guy and appearances are important to us young guys. Sitting here sipping soda water or ginger ale would be just so uncool."
"Why sit here at all? Mona doesn't really need a business agent (can't say Jerry wasn't a sensitive guy - business agent instead of pimp?), she could just come in here and sit down and she would be hit on in less than three minutes."
"You know that Jerry, and I know that, and I'm pretty sure that Mona (not her real name) knows that, but this is the way she wants it."
"Well, that's not what I really want to talk about. Will Mona do a really big group?"
"What do you mean by a really big group? She did seven at Ralph's birthday party."
"My son is getting married and I'm throwing a bachelor party for him. I figure about twenty to twenty-five guys will be there. I got a stripper coming but she told me that anything over ten is too many for her. Would Mona go for helping out?"
"I don't know, I'll ask her and let you know."
Just then my cell phone rang. I answered it, "Hello? Okay, I'm on my way." I got off my stool, said goodnight to Jerry and went to pick Mona up at the motel room. I knocked twice, waited and then knocked twice again. The door opened and I said, "Come on mom, let's go home."
How did I ever get to where I was pimping for my own mother? Several months back my sister and I had gotten crossways to each other and I ended up taking revenge on her by setting her up and then selling her for money. By the time I'd gotten my need for revenge out of my system and told my sister that I wasn't going to pimp her out anymore she had decided that she liked it. One night after driving Roxy home from a gangbang I came home to find my mother waiting up for me. She told me to sit down and then she said, "I know what you and your sister have been up to young man, and when your father leaves on his trip tomorrow you and I are going to have a little talk. Now, run along to bed and plan on staying home tomorrow, at least until I'm done with you."
I didn't sleep all that well that night as I lay in bed wondering just what mom knew and just how she had come by it. And if she did really know had she found out about it from someone or some place where Roxy's husband could find out about it too?
Dad was at the front door, suitcase in hand, getting a goodbye kiss from mom when I came down stairs.
"Take good care of your mother while I'm gone" he said to me as he turned and left.
Mom and I watched him get in the car and back out of the drive and then mom turned to me and said, "In the kitchen young man."
I followed her into the kitchen and she pointed at a chair and said, "Sit!" From the curt way she was speaking and from her tone of voice I figured that I was really in some deep, deep shit and it seemed that I was right when I heard her say, "How in the world could you be so despicable as to force your sister into becoming a whore?"
How was I supposed to answer that? All I could do was look down at the table and shrug my shoulders.
"Oh no young man, no silence and no shrugs. I want an answer to my question and you are not going to leave this room until I get one." It took her ten minutes of brow beating me before I finally told her the story of how I became Roxy's pimp.
"And now she is doing it because she wants to and she likes it?"
"I guess so. She keeps making me set her up with dates."
"How much do you get for her?"
It was weird talking to my mother about this kind of stuff so she practically had to drag every little piece of information out of me. I explained how I had arrived at Roxy's price and mom said, "She only does gangbangs?"
I shook my head yes and mom asked, "How much would you get if she only took one customer at a time?"
"Since she is limited where time is concerned - she has to be home by the time Dave gets home from bowling - a hundred to a hundred and fifty. If she could do an all nighter maybe five or six hundred."
And then mom floored me. She opened her housecoat and said, "How much could you get for me?"
She was naked underneath the housecoat and she did a slow turn in front of me. "I know I'm not as hard bodied as Roxanna, but I'm not in bad shape. Come on, what could you get for me?"
I just sat there and stared at her, stunned by what was happening. I'd never seen my mother naked before and I'd never had an incestuous thought where she was concerned, but the lush body that I was looking at changed all that.
"Well," mom said, "It looks as though I still have what it takes" and I saw her looking down at my crotch. I sleep naked and all I had put on to come downstairs was a bathrobe and sticking up out of the bathrobe closure was my hard cock.
"I guess that answers the question of whether or not I can appeal to a male customer base, but you still haven't told me what you could get for me."
I just sat there too astonished to speak. "What's the matter, do you have to sample the merchandise first to establish a value? Well come on then" and she took my hand and pulled me up off the chair. I meekly followed her to her bedroom and watched as she shed her robe. Then she came over to me, slipped my robe off my shoulders, took hold of my cock and led me over to her bed.
I finally managed to shake myself out of the fog that I was in and I said, "Look mom, I don't think that this is a good idea."
"Don't call me mom. You are not my son, you are my pimp, and a pimp has to have a good knowledge of what he is selling." She laid down on the bed, "Come on. If you could fuck Roxanna you can fuck me. Now get up here and lets find out what my price should be."
As I said, I'd never thought of my mom that way before, but spread out on that bed and looking up at me was all it took to get me thinking that way. My cock was rock hard and I moved between her spread legs. She looked at me and said, "Aren't you going to spend a little time getting me ready?"
I still had no idea what game she was playing here, but she had been shocking me since the moment dad left and I felt that it was time to push back.
"No. If you are going to be a whore you need to get used to doing without foreplay" and I pushed my cock between her pussy lips and shoved. She gave a little cry as half my cock drove into her. She was tight; God but was she tight. I pushed a little more and got another little cry. One more push and I was all the way in and then I settled down to just fucking her. Was it weird fucking my mother? Yes, but no weirder than what had taken place to bring me to her bed in the first place. I'd been doing my sister for some time and hadn't been hit by a bolt of lightening. What I did think about was what it was going to be like living in that house from now on and I wondered if I could handle that.
On the bed under me mom had stopped making her sharp cries and she was staring up at me with an unreadable expression on her face and I just had to take another shot at her.
"If you want to make money as a whore you will at least have to fake it. Nobody is going to want to pay good money for a whore that just lays there."
I saw anger flash in her eyes and suddenly everything changed. Mom's legs came up and locked behind me and she hissed up at me, "Fuck me damn you, just fuck me!"
Those words, coming from my mother, flipped a switch somewhere in my head and suddenly she wasn't my mother any more; she was a piece of ass wanting a cock and by god I was going to give it to her. I drove into her and her hands grabbed at my ass and pulled me to her as she mouthed obscenities in my ear.
"Fuck me damn you, slam your cock into me. Come on motherfucker, make me cum you bastard, make me cum."
I responded, oh Jesus how I responded. I was slamming my cock into her as hard as I could and I wanted to both cum so hard that I would blow the top of her head off and not cum and just fuck her forever. Her obscenities turned into moans and then cries of, "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh god don't stop, please don't stop" and then she had a loud orgasm and her nails dug into my ass and she urged me to cum. "Give it to me baby, give it to me" and I did. I thrust in and held myself against her as I emptied my balls into her hot cunt.
There was silence between us as we lay side by side on the bed. Possibly because neither of us knew what the hell to say. Finally the silence got awkward and I broke it, "Just what the hell was this all about?"
"Why, didn't you like it?"
"Of course I did."
"So then, how much could you get for me?"
"Not near as much as you would be worth but you haven't answered my question. What is this all about?"
She laid there quietly, staring up at the ceiling for several moments and then she said, "I was desperate. Your father hasn't made love to me in over a year. I don't know if it's because he doesn't love me anymore or if it is because he is always so tired from his work and the traveling. Maybe he even has a girlfriend out there on the road who is getting what I need. I'm still young and I'm healthy and I need sex."
"But why this way? You could have an affair on your own."
"No I couldn't. An affair would mean an emotional entanglement and I don't need that. I still love your father."
"Well you could just go out one night for a drink and let yourself get picked up. There wouldn't be any entanglements in a one night stand."
"I tried that, several times, but at the last moment I always chickened out."
"So the question still is why this?"
"Because I found out about you and Roxanna and I figured that if you were nasty enough to do your own sister you would be perverted enough to do me. And I was right, wasn't I?"
"All of this whore, pimp, and how much could I get was all show?"
"No baby, it is what I really want to do. I overheard your friends talking one night while you were playing cards and you thought I was out. I heard about what they were doing with Roxanna and it excited me. The more I thought about it the hotter it made me feel and finally I got to where I wanted to try it. To try it I need a pimp and I only know one pimp - you."
"You are really serious about this?"
"Yes I am."
I was silent for several moments as I looked at her and then I thought, why the fuck not. I was asshole enough to do it to my sister when she didn't want to, why not my mom when she did. "Well okay then. Just how do you want to do it?"
"I don't know; that's why I need a pimp."
"Well I have news for you mother; I don't know how to be a pimp. Just arranging for my friends to bed Roxy doesn't qualify me for my pimping license."
"I'm sure that you will find a way dear." Her hand moved down to my dick, "Meanwhile, I'm a little out of practice and I need to be ready when you bring me my first customer. Come along baby, help mommy practice."
It was a long day and an exhausting one. I feel asleep in mom's bed, but I woke up alone in the next morning to the smell of frying bacon. I took a shower, got dressed and headed down the stairs. Mom gave me a big smile when I came into the kitchen, "Good morning sweetie. I'm fixing you a big breakfast before you go to class. I want you to keep up your strength. You will hurry home from class, won't you?"
I nodded a yes and wondered just how I was going to be able to keep my strength up in order to stay up with mom and Roxy. I was going to have to come up with some way to get mom a few customers just to keep the pressure off me. And I knew that there was going to be a lot of pressure if yesterday were any indication. Mom said she had gone without sex for over a year and it sure did look like she was trying to make up for it all at once.
As far as getting mom customers I was stumped. My buddies were no good for it for a couple of reasons. One, they weren't rich and they couldn't afford both Roxy and mom. Second, if I sent them to mom and thereby deprived Roxy she would be pissed at me. No, I had to find another way to take care of mom.
Two days later I was still no closer to knowing what to do and I was almost a physical wreck. Mom met me at the door when I got home from class and didn't leave me alone until I left for school the next day. Besides the physical exhaustion I was also falling behind on my studies. Just when I thought I was never going to solve the problem I was given a gift from the gods. I was giving Mike a ride to class and he asked me if I thought Roxy would like to do a couple of guys not in our immediate circle. I asked him what he had in mind and he told me that his uncle usually had a poker party every Friday and this coming Friday was the birthday of one of the guys.
"My uncle is looking for a girl to give Ralph as a gift and then of course the other five guys will want a taste."
"Sorry dude. I'm sure that Roxy would like to do it, but that's not one of the nights that she can get out."
"Shit! I told my uncle that I thought that I could get him a girl."
I didn't know if mom would go for a group for her first time, or ever for that matter, but I would sure find out. "Don't panic just yet" I told Mike, "Maybe I can still help." I took out my cell phone and called home. When my mom answered I said, "Mona? When is your significant other due back? Saturday morning? Good. I may have something for you." I described the situation and asked her if she would be interested. I was surprised when she said yes. Some how I just hadn't thought that my mom would go from no sex for a year, to just me and then right to a gangbang. I hung up, "All set" I told Mike. "When can I talk to your uncle?"
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Authors note: Okay so first I apologize for the long forward. I’d like to start by all thanking all of you for the comments you made, the votes you submitted and for just generally reading part one! It was a lot easier writing chapter two knowing you wanted more! (on that note i advise you read chapter 1) Like before, it is a bit slow but it does pay off at the end! Okay so something that should be noted for consistency: I was watching tv at 1:47 am the other night and a stroke of...
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The Girl From Ipanema By Anon Allsop I sat alone on a tall stool at the end of the bar and watched the passersby on their way down toward the Ipanema beach. I was barely past my twenty-fifth birthday and on a whim took a trip down to Brazil to contemplate whether I was cut out for the hustle and bustle life that my father wished of me. The Cachaca I was drinking made from fermented cane sugar and lime was smooth yet sweet, and going down way too easily. I gave the tender a high sign...
One night in bed after having sex, my husband confided in me that he had a fantasy of watching me with another man. My initial reaction was one of hurt; if he loved me, how could he want me to be with someone else? I couldn't bear the thought of seeing him with another woman. I just didn't understand. He tried to explain that he had strong voyeuristic tendencies and that he thought I was so beautiful and it would be an amazing thing to watch. He said it would be like having his own private...
Wife LoversThe Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 29 (Saturday - week 4) Whap! Whap! Whap! Even in his dreams Mel was swinging her dreaded stick at him. And even in his dreams his stinging backside hurt, seemingly more and more. All night long he tossed and turned and cringed in his sleep as Mel's stick lashed out at him. Stinging pain after stinging pain urged him to pee... pee... pee! Over and over again... constantly... never stopping. And every time he did manage to pee, it was a...
Dave led me and the others behind me to our room and opened the door. We all filed in and Dave closed the door behind him. I fell into a plush chair near the bed as George and Frank unzipped Pam’s dress and pulled it over her head and they tossed it to me. I let it hit me in the face and slowly pulled it down so that I could see them. At this point Pam was only partially aware of what was happening to her, but she was too drunk to do anything about resisting. I acted as though I was passed...
Butch was a hot black stud I met a few years back . He drove a dump truck for himself and was married and all that. He answered my ad from the C.L. at the time and by accident he thought I was a white female. He sent a pic of himself and his cock and I sent some back....You a guy he said ! .....I replied back yeah did you read my ad good ? After a few minutes he replied back ....Sorry my bad he said...I send back an em to him saying...No problem but nice pics anyway...About an hour later he...
Introduction: my wifes gift *************************************** our anniversary****************************** Last week was my wifes and I anniversary 12 years and still going strong. I asked her what she wanted and she said something different. I told her I had a nice fantasy for both of us to share if she was game.She agreed as long as it wasnt too wild. I started my plan, I put a ad on craigs list for a young guy (under 25)who was hung. After sorting thru bullshit emails I found Greg....
He watches the horse walking toward him. Casey cannot believe his eyes. No, this isn’t a Mister Ed type of thing. Jessie is standing on two legs. The horse is walking like a man. He could pass for a man if not for the head of a horse and the fur that looks like the Appaloosa that he is. Casey is instantly aroused and mortified at the same time. It could be because Jessie has such a human looking cock, that is already hard as steel, and that accounts for the aroused part. The mortified is...
Stacey began to moan slowly at first, but steadily building. The suction cup was flexing on her almost bare pussy, the thing making a dirty sucking noise. Her clit was under intense pressure the sensation like tugging and licking all in one. Her pussy canal had been sucked empty of any remaining air and her walls trickled with juice, that too been slowly drawn from her. She bucked as the anal beads now wiggled 6 globes in. "Oh god!" She though biting her lip," No further up please,...
June lay awake just before dawn thinking about the contraption she had bought for her husband which was tucked away in the hall closet. She felt the familiar nerves jump and flutter in her stomach when she thought of the implications that came with giving it to him. What would he think of her after this? She rolled on her side and watched him sleeping. His strong facial features were softened by sleep and she pretended not to notice his quiet snore. His soft brown hair had started to get a...
We all went to eat after cleaning up and changing clothes. Using Magic more than just casually always leaves one hungry. After the huge amounts of Magic that we had all used that morning, we were all ravenous. Consequently, we all overfilled our plates, and more food had to be brought in from the kitchen for the late arrivals, who were naturally our O’Neill Uncles and our four female Cousins. They had also been the last to return after the battle. Gretchen, of course, was eating for three...
The word maybe has become the single word that ignites extreme passion in me. Let me explain, my wife is a sexy one hundred pound , five foot four hot wife. I made her that way by suggesting that she have sex outside of our marriage. It actually started one night after a bunch of friends that had come over to swim and drink had left. One of my friends was over served and I took his keys, I told him to crash in the guest room. As my wife and i where picking up around the pool I told her that Id...
Here it is, 2549.76, and they still haven't prevented the common cold. I'd been sneezing non-stop for hours. It wouldn't be so bad but at every sneeze MIHA, or Mia as I disaffectionately call it, would demand a 'check' of my carbon based life-form unit. Machine Intelligence Health Assessor. BULLSHIT! I think that the person who programmed this P.O.S (short in the jargon for, you guessed it, Piece of Shit.) had no liking for the human species at all. I'm James Taylor, or Taylor, James as...
I usually never have a problem. Being 23 and fine looking woman, it usually is very easy to sign leases to young bachelors. I am small built and only about 5’3”. I have a nice curvy trim body and big breasts. I have long brown hair and green eyes. Today I decided to wear something sexy, hoping that a horny man comes in and will sign the lease because of my looks. I am wearing a pink bra and panty set, black thigh high stockings, 3” high heals, white silk blouse and a black skirt. Last...
Escaping the deathtraps of the lost tomb of Mhuntee had been bad enough, but looking around now Lara Croft reached the inescapable conclusion that things were about to get a whole lot worse. She had just grabbed her treasure--the fabled golden skull of Mhuntee--when the floor of the cave gave way, sending her crashing and tumbling down a tunnel until she emerged into some jungle... ... with ten extremely tall and nearly naked warriors armed with assegais surrounding her. She recognized them...
After Etienne's hilarious telling off that shocked JD and caused a bout of laughter from the others around him including the lovely Princess Nicole, the family went back to riding more rides. All but John went on the rides while he chose to watch the ladies' purses while they went on the bumper cars, just so John wasn't the target for the kids as he normally is. Willie wasn't so lucky, but thankfully for him, Billy was a good driver even if he chose to bump hard into his brother and...
As I ran out of Amy's apartment and down the stairs, I realized that I left my books behind. I decided that there wasn't anything I really needed and hoped that Amy would bring the books to class on Tuesday. I walked over to my house and saw my roommate Walt laying around in the living room. I said "Hi," to Walt and walked toward the stairs. Walt laughed and said, "Why are you wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday? Spend the night with some hot babe, or did you just spend the...
I was a married bisexual 35 year old cruising gay chat rooms again. I had some oral experiences, but really wanted to try getting fucked deeply. I had played with toys but found them boring. I wanted the real thing. I met a black man on line who liked married white men like myself. After some small talk, he invited me to his house for some afternoon fun. I arrived and found a very handsome black man 6'1 210lbs who looked like a running back. We had some small talk upstairs in his kitchen and...
Hi this is Priya again with my promise to share what happened to Pooja afterwards. I told you about my husband and me in my last story and about Pooja’s feelings in her early young life. But Pooja had to grow further and taste real fruits of life. SO far she had been very helpful in making me nurse my child. I had started liking the way she attended me to feed my baby. Even if I could do it myself, I was more in habit of calling her over to hold my breast while I adjusted my baby. I liked her...
It had been a while since I had seen the young lady from the clothing store. I was quite surprised when I received a call from Jaden. She asked me if I knew who was calling. I said that I recognized her voice right off. Just hearing her on the phone was making me hard. She mentioned that I had said to call if she ever wanted to get together. She said she had thought of me often over the last month since the events at the store. She asked if I was able to meet her after work at her apartment. I...
I had just dumped a load in Ganda's ass. I had nothing for Krissell at that moment. OK, but not now. My body is not ready. Come here and just let me hold you. You think you can love an old fat man like me? Opo (pronounced Oh-Po, means Yes Sir or Yes Ma'am.) You are Pogi. (handsome) I am holding Krissell in my arms. Her head rests nested on my right between my arm and my chest. She is lying on her side with her head looking at my chest. My right hand rests on her right hip. Her right leg...
Author : Kshitiz Genre : Straight Hey guys thnks for your mails…….never thought that i will receive such a warm response……..here is another one from the delhi boy kshitiz………read and enjoy……..dnt forget to leave comments on ISS and on ………………. I knew there was something different about him when I first saw him. Most guys that come looking for a girl like me would never get out of their car, they’d just roll down their window, ask me how much and depending on what they thought of the price...
It was a typical August day in South Florida, 99 degrees Fahrenheit with 99% humidity, the air so hot and wet it seemed to shimmer in liquid layers above the pavement as my Honda powered up the ramp onto I-95, a first, small step in a 1400 mile quest to find my missing sister Danielle. 'Danielle, ' I whispered wistfully to the empty car, an indistinct, still blurry vision of a beautiful twenty year old girl drawing me inexorably northward. I hadn't even known she was missing twelve months...
Hi all, this is Rahul here. I am not new to this site but going to write a story first time. This is the story I was thinking to do since long back, couldn’t find enough time for it. My email id is Please leave your comments to encourage me. First let me give you a brief intro about me. I am 25 years old, slim built, more than average looking guy. Basically I am from delhi, but living and working in Hyderabad since 2 yrs. I am working in a MNC here, doing usual software stuff, getting paid...
Introduction: continuing and concluding the story Well, we had been going at each other all morning and I was really looking forward to some real action in the bed between the two of us. He said, now I need some food before I start fucking you, need to replenish my energies so to speak and he winked and grinned at me. So we did a Chinese take-out and came back home. I got plates, water and the required cutlery on the table while he opened the take-away and set everything on the table. We got...