Felicity Ch. 73 free porn video

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Jordan and Carmen had not found a way to keep many of the largest creatures on Earth captive within their protective reefs. The Cetaceans where air breathers and would not survive the aftermath of the bombardment.

They decided that any saved was better than none so blue whales, Narwhals, and white sided dolphins were placed in the area between the outer an inner reefs. The ratio was three males and nine females. Manta ray, whale sharks and basking sharks were added in the same ratio.

Seals of three species were added as well as elephant seals and walrus. Spinner dolphins and sea otters completed the seeding, nine males and twenty seven females of each.

The lagoon between the inner reef and the outer reef was extensive. It went all around Cel, a one hundred kilometer diameter island, and in some stretches was five kilometers wide. There were four islands within the lagoon for the pinnipeds to sun themselves and hopefully reproduce. Sea birds soon colonized the islands.

The average depth was a hundred meters but there were stretches down to five hundred meters.

Fresh water dolphins and pink dolphins were placed in the lower portions of the four rivers as were the manatees. Only the manatees would venture into the sea and that was for quick trips to Mr. Wu’s and back. They had learned that heads of lettuce and cabbage floated nearby at times.

Food for the ones in the outer lagoon required a major project, the whales needed krill and krill needed plankton and the plankton needed nutrients so an upwelling current was created for the inside of the outer lagoon.

It was a long somewhat wide tube drilled through the outer reef that opened at five thousand meters below the surface into a natural upwelling outside the reef.

It was not left open as barriers were placed at its entrance and the tube itself was porous so nutrients and small fauna could be drawn into the upward current through its sides. Powering it was a large propeller adapted from an ocean liner and run by the electricity produced by the rods surrounding the outer reef. It was designed and built to run at least a hundred years. It could also be shut off and had three speeds.

The speeds were set to coincide with the speed of the upwellings of the Galapagos islands. The opening at the base of the outer reef was pointed clockwise and there was soon a clockwise current within the lagoon. Soon all the denizens began to swim counter-clockwise in the circular lagoon.

Most creatures stopped and stayed by the output pipe, that area became a tourist attraction but that was not what the rangers had hoped for so the fan was turned off.

Some creatures turned back but most continued to swim counter clockwise, that was where the food was coming from. When the bulk of the creatures was halfway around the island the fan was turned back on. As they neared the opening it was switched off again.

When the upwelling was first turned on it took two months for the waters between the reefs to appreciably cool. The three stands of giant kelp had survived the period and all the denizens had time to adjust. The water temperature was down to seventeen Celsius.

The rangers noted the increase in activity from the Cetaceans and the Pinnipeds. The also noted there were creatures in the colder water that had not been placed there. Soon submersibles were in the waters between the reefs surveying the population..

Many benthic organisms had begun to populate the bottom and the lower sides of both reefs. The nightly migration from the bottom to the top by many organisms had also been established. Both of those findings gladdened the rangers.

Several species of fish that had not been part of the original seeding were also present but the rangers were fine with those.

One item of concern was the the booming call of an underwater creature no one recognized. There was also a soft singing call that instruments told the scientists came from the same creature.

The habitat was established before the protective dome had ever been deployed. During that time period several high tides had covered the outer reef but only to about four centimeters. Still two seals had crawled over the five meter wide top and gone into open ocean. The new creature could have come in at those times.

The loud booming sound was heard only as high tide approached and only the song like sounds at other times. Soon there were several booming calls from the lagoon and they were now heard at every quadrant of the reef.

Before the Gulf impact the shield was raised and Cel was no longer in contact with the environment outside the outer reef. The booming calls continued before each high tide but the number of individuals making them diminished until the Bombardment then all such calls ceased.

The rangers and Cel were soon going from crisis to crisis, the shield stayed higher than the reef for ten years.

The ecologists decided to allow some of the upwelling waters to invade a shallow lagoon inside the first reef.The break would be up current from an area populated by mangrove trees. An opening a quarter of a meter wide was made between the inner and outer lagoons at the base of the inner reef.

The reasoning was that the mixing of the waters would enrich the mangrove basin and increase the yield of food forms to the inner lagoon. The fish and crustacean creatures there were close to dropping below sustainable numbers.

In the inner reef the bottom was only one meter deep close to the shoreline and two meters deep at the reef.

Although there was an average of a one hundred meter gap between the beaches and the inner reef there were areas with two hundred and fifty meter gaps which included the mangrove shelf.

By the time the shield had begun to be lowered the numbers had recovered enough to once again allow fishing in both lagoons.

The top of the inner reef was covered with a solid pathway as wide as a two lane highway that all could walk, in fact an annual race around the island had been initiated and over one hundred had participated in the long race. Regardless of where they started all the competitors ended their race in Felicity. None had actually run all the way around, that distance was over six hundred kilometers,

The inner reef was connected to the shore about a thousand meters apart. The bridges from beach to reef had wide spaces underneath to allow the free circulation of the waters. Wide steps on the reef allowed citizens to got to the top. Suspended fishing piers extended ten meters away from the reef on the outer lagoon side as did ten meter wide diving platforms on both sides of the reef.

All structures were made of the same material as the reef and creatures attached themselves to it. The junction of bridges and reef were popular snorkeling sites.

They also provided Cel with a big surprise, mermaids.

As she shield came down and the Earth warmed people began to see creatures sunning themselves on the inner diving platforms. They normally slid into the water if they saw someone.

Ahn decided to put up cameras on the veranda of the resorts balcony facing the sea. Sehel, Sammy and the Sprite Lu helped her.

It was not commonly known but Sprites did not fly over large bodies of water. Like the male Mur they could not swim.

The diving platforms up the reef were too far away from the resort for anyone to notice anything from its veranda but Ahn’s camera lens had enough zoom power to be able to see anything sunbathing there. As most people she expected them to be monk seals, the only ones inside the inner reef.

Nothing happened for the next two months, not surprising since Felicity had the most number of people of any shoreline on Cel. But Ahn and her friends knew it was almost the equinox and the herring would be migrating past the resort soon on their way to the mangroves in the next bay.

Large fish would be foll
owing the herring and seals would be following them. They were right in that regard but the seal were not the ones directly behind the larger fish, whatever they were they had tail flukes like porpoises and whales and a long sinuous dorsal fin that shone like gold.

They got no good videos of the creatures but knew the herring run took two days to go past Felicity

That night they had the video they wanted. A creature was sitting upright on a platform. It seemed to be holding something. Another creature surfaced near it and they sang to each other.

They surmised the creatures were as small as the Akkad, the two meter depth by the platform was more than ample for the second creature.

The creature in the water suddenly dove and soon surfaced again. It swam towards the one on the platform and handed it a small lobster.

It took a while for the friends to comprehend what they had seen. The creatures had arms and hands.

The one on the platform took the lobster and ate it shell and all. Then it sang as it moved what it was holding to the creature in the water. It was a baby and she had been nursing.

The one in the water played with the baby a bit and as soon as the female went into the water they swam away with the baby holding on to a parents golden hair.

The next morning they went to Lord Jim’s compound and asked him to summon every ranger. After they all gathered she showed them the video.

Everyone was too stunned to say anything after the video ended so Ahn played it again.

‘I can’t believe they are real,’ is what they all thought and said.

‘Told you,’ Jordan said to Carmen.

‘I still don’t believe it ,’ Carmen said.

‘Play it back from after the father appears and increase the volume,’ the older of the two marine biologists said.

‘We heard that, we recorded it,’ the younger marine biologist said.

The oldest said to the gathering, ‘They have been here since before the shield was raised the first time. There were booming calls too, apparently calling the family to come over. Those calls stopped after they figured out they would no longer be any life past the outer reef.’

‘All the calls we heard came from the outer lagoon. They must come to the inner lagoon when they have babies,’ the younger one said.

‘Is the gap to the mangrove large enough to go through?’

‘The baby and the Mom probably, the father would be unlikely to fit through. Of course the water to the top of the reef is only half a meter, they could crawl across.’

‘What do we do about them? Sehel asked.

Lord Jim said, ‘Well, we need to protect them but people are swarming back to the beaches, someone will see them sooner or later.’

Mizuki said, ‘They have doing fine for twelve years now, they seem to know to avoid us. But I am afraid they may scare someone into doing something rash. I think we should release the video.’

‘And make sure every understands how miraculous this is. Remind them to smile without showing teeth.’

The speaker was the woman in charge of primates. All in the room finished the last sentence with her.

‘Lin, sweetie, those creatures are primates, they are your responsibility. You better learn how to swim’ Lord Jim said to her.

‘I do know how to swim, the river just had too strong a current for me,’ she claimed.

All nodded and patted her back holding back giggles. She had known this would happen before she was pulled out of the river after she fell off a boat.

The video was shown at the beginning of each newscast every day for three days. Commentary by Lord Jim, the two marine biologists, King Jordan, or Lin alternatively accompanied the presentation. Ahn, Sehel and Sammy explained how they had gotten the video.

Many cameras were set up pointing at each set of diving platforms around the island. Two captured a family but they were not the same ones captured by Ahn. There were three families in the inner lagoon.

It spawned a new phenomenon in Cel, every family with a baby went to the sea, and sang. All beaches on Cel were nude beaches and many had been reserved for families

First contact was between two little girls, one human, one mermaid. The parents of both stayed back and just watched them have fun.

As the mermaid family left the human parents hugged the air in front of them. Their daughter did too.

It took several moments but soon the two mermaids and the merman sent hugs back. The humans had seen bonobos and Sasquatch do that and thought, why not. They were happy to see it was a universal form go greeting between primates.

The next time the two families encountered each other they immediately hugged the air around them.

The human girl was now an excellent swimmer and both girls began jabbering at each other although neither had any idea what the other was saying.

The mother waded out to the mermaid mother and took off her necklace with a crystal pendant containing a photo of her and her family and showed it to her.

The mermaid was stunned, mystified, overwhelmed. She kept looking at the pendant and the humans.

Her husband went to her and saw the pendant and he was stunned, mystified, overwhelmed. He kept looking at the humans then back at the picture.

Apparently neither had a concept of photos in their experiences.

The woman took the necklace back and gave it to her husband and he placed it around her neck. She hugged herself while looking at it.

The human wife then brought out a similar necklace and handed it to the merman husband. That picture had the mermaid and her family. Their eyes kept going from each other to her daughter to the photo. The humans knew it was the first time either had see themselves. The human husband had taken the photo on their first meeting.

The woman looked to the merman and he understood and placed it around his wife’s neck then hugged her. He then turned to the humans and made sound that likely meant thank you and bowed.

The mermaid was shaking so the woman hugged her. The mermaid clung to her.

Their daughters though their parents were being silly, until they saw the embrace. The girls decided to embrace too.

The merman decided it was time to go. His wife hugged the woman and the daughters hugged each other again. Ten seconds later they had vanished under the gentle waves.

Several cameras on shore had recorded the entire incident. The video was shown on every news channel.

The two families saw each other once more but it was a short meeting. The mermaid’s family was ready to go to the outer lagoon. Their daughters clung to each other until forced to separate. Then the merman had to softly urge his wife to end her embrace with the woman. Then he had to separate the girls again.

They left at high speed, apparently there was a tide to catch.

Contact between species was sporadic and humans never saw one in the outer lagoon but knew there was a healthy population out there.

During the following years herring run there were four mermaid families in the inner reef. Each befriended families with young children.

One family brought out a metal table and chairs and invited the mermaid family to lunch. The terms for eat, salmon, shrimp, cooked, human, mermaids, baby, girl, boy, and good bye were learned. Each family had fun pretending to be grossed out by the others eating habits.

The fathers dared each other and the human ate a raw shrimp shell and all and the merman ate a peeled grilled shrimp. Both said it was OK.

All were fascinated with each others hands, one set with wide webs between the fingers and the other with no webbing at all.

They also learned that it took twenty seven days for the Sea People in the inner lagoon to go around Cel once and then left for the outer lagoon immediately after completing their seventh trip around.

All four of the families we
re waiting for their friends each time around. Humans brought alien friends to join them during the visits. All learned that the Akkad could hearth Sea People better and they could hear the Akkad better. All also learned that the Akkad were very graceful and very much at ease in the lagoon. The Akkad had partial webbing between the fingers and toes when in water.

Soon those get togethers ceased to be news, five years later it seemed every mermaid that wanted alien friends, including humans, had many. They had also learned to kiss.

Every human that wanted Sea People as friends eventually had one, but all had learned that the limit of comfort for sea people was around eight other beings, any more than that they felt uncomfortable and bolted away. All citizens stayed away when the group around the sea people was six.

Immediately after his coronation ceremony six years later King Marc and Queen Natalia proclaimed the mermen and mermaids Beings and citizens of Cel.

No one objected.

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Lonely Kerala Housewife Seduced Me

Hello all readers of ISS. Hope all of you are enjoying life. I am Rahul from Kerala back with a sizzling experience. After this experience I came to know that many unsatisfied women suppress their desires about sex deep inside their heart. I feel pity for those women. They always long to get a person to fulfill their sexual hunger but are scared about losing their respect and difficult to get a trustable person. I hope those unsatisfied women will be reading this story. Please send your...

3 years ago
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Sissification Epidemic 3

"Bartender, give me 2 shots of vodka." I said as I sat down. Fuck. The last hour has been rough on me and I don't feel like dealing with it at the moment. My name is Patrick Shumaker, and I just ended it with my girlfriend of a 6 months. I really liked her too. But when you come home after a long week of work to find her in bed with her dick of an ex, there's not much else you can do. I slam the first shot back and hand him my card. I'm a researcher for a well known drug maker. I'm not...

4 years ago
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Sunday Snack

I saw a window of opportunity to get out of the house and away from the husband. I text Mike and asked him if he could get away from the wife as well. He said yes. During our plans, he kept asking me where I was saying I was going, how was it going to work, that sort of thing. I finally had to spell it out for him: Just get a hotel room at 1:30 and be naked when I get there. His response? I can do that! It had been almost two weeks since we have gotten to see each other and we were both so...

1 year ago
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ReturnChapter 10

Next day was Friday, forgetting to turn on my alarm, I woke up late. It was past 9 am. The flat was empty Mario must have taken the bus to college. Making myself, coffee had a few sips to wake me up then I jumped into the shower. Quickly got dressed then left for the gym. On locking my front door, I heard a voice behind me. “Hi, stranger.” It was Vicky. “Hi Vicky, long time no see, what are you up to,” I said. “Got the day off, going to do some shopping, I need to get out of the...

4 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 32

Ben and Eliza were sitting on small boulders with their mates once again, but this time just around the bend from the Finnerty place. The four were watching me with a couple of Confederate soldiers standing next to them. I know that I was nervously shifting my weight back and forth between my left and right feet while waiting for whatever was going to happen. There couldn't be much else, as I've seen the battle and the aftermath, along with the discovery. Ben said, "You know almost...

1 year ago
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Office Chronicles III Closing the HR

Hey guys! Thank you so much for your response to my last two stories. I know it has been a while, but here I am, with the third installment of office chronicles. In this story, I’m going to tell you about Malini, the HR manager in my company that I recently befriended, whilst sticking it to Garima, literally and figuratively, of course. Malini and I got along effortlessly, ever since the first time we met and I knew I could have some fun with her. I was headed for the door anyway, despite the...

2 years ago
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Friendship Changes Mostly Fiction

OK, I'll admit it, it was weird. Well, to start with anyway. We had been friends of a sort for years. Not like, see you every day best friends, but the kind of friends that you didn't see often but you always knew had your back; trustworthy, etc. That really isn't the weird part, the fact he had my cock in his mouth, well, that was. Fresh out of another of my patented failed relationships, I went to my favorite burger joint to grab some lunch. The chick I had been with for the last...

4 years ago
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A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

I Summer and Mia Raines glanced at each other as they exited the large airplane and followed the crowd up a long hallway. Though neither of them had ever seen Wolf Carson, the man who would be waiting for them there, he had assured them that he’d seen both of their pictures and would be easily able to recognize them. As they neared the other end of the hall, Summer was feeling somewhat numb. She imagined she was still in shock after learning of her sister’s sudden death. Before they reached...

4 years ago
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Jim and Stacy Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday morning; Jim and Stacy get to school early like they did yesterday, but this time they decided to wait until the other program boys and girls get there to strip, but the principal gets there before the last two get there. He tells the six who are there to go ahead and strip. They told him that they were waiting for the others. He tells them that they were required to strip as soon as they were on school property. As this fact was not made clear to you I will not punish any of you...

3 years ago
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The Pageant Part 7

Babbs settled back into the sofa as Mr. Darrien slipped his arm around her should. The young man that had been her escort during the early part of the pageant served a round of drinks. Babbs took notice how built and attractive he was. Mr. Darrien pulled her closer to him breaking her line of thought. "You can call me Mr. D if you wish. All my close friends do." he whispered in her ear.A calm had come over her replacing the low voltage electricity that had been going through her body for the...

2 years ago
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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 3 Toilet Slave

Come Monday, I rode with the moving truck to the girls' house that afternoon. All except Erica were at work, so she and I waited until the movers had stowed my boxes in the storage room in the basement. Erica and I then went up to the master bathroom. "Take off your clothes and slide in there," she said pointing to the bench jutting from the hole in the wall in the toilet alcove. I wondered what was in the toolbox on the floor. I hesitated for a split second about getting naked in front...

3 years ago
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Seducing A Stranger In A Volvo Bus

I had reached Majestic bus stop at 10.30 pm for my bus to Sirsi at 11.40 pm. The bus was yet to come and I was sitting on platform 5 and waiting for my bus. My bus came at 11.15 pm, I went in a kept my luggage on my seat 37 which was aisle seat. Since there was another 25 mins, I went down and stood next to the conductor who was standing near the door. It is then I saw this female coming towards this bus. What caught my eyes was her breasts, they were not very big, but her bra might have been...

2 years ago
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Candid doll sex

Occasionally, my wife & a group of her friends go on sightseeing or shopping trips for a couple of days. Just a bunch of midle-aged, middle class ladies on a jaunt.Of course, I have plenty of notice when this is going to happen so I'm able to plan in advance what I'm going to do when I'm alone. Usually I'm left a short list of things she wants done, and once that's fulfilled the rest of the time is my own.These trips are very useful to me because I normally have to fit my 'hobby' of making...

1 year ago
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A Bit of Fun

The two female bodies rubbed against each other, touching, kissing, moaning, while I watched. My roommate had gone shopping, and I had the place all for myself. Naturally, the best way of taking advantage of the situation was to rent a porn flick and masturbate my ass off.Just as one of the girls went down and started licking her partner's pussy, I heard the door open. It took me a few seconds to react, and when I turned around, there was my roommate. There was nothing to hide: I was sitting...

First Time
4 years ago
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Die Botschaftsangestellte

„ Na toll“, denkt Kristina, als Sie durch Ihr Bürofenster nach draußen blickt. Pünktlich zum Dienstschluss hat es wieder angefangen zu regnen. Sie ist eine 28 jährige Spezialistin für organisierte Kriminalität und in der Botschaft in diesem osteuropäischen Land angestellt. Sicherlich war Ihre Größe von 1,70 m und Ihre blonden langen Haare, gepaart mit der Oberweite von 75D kein Nachteil bei Ihrer Bewerbung. Abgesehen davon, ist Sie auf Ihrem Gebiet eine ausgewiesene Koryphäe. Nachdem Sie den PC...

3 years ago
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Just Being Neighbourly

I bought our house in the country to have some peace and quiet, but wouldn’t you know a developer would buy the land next to us and put up a bunch of new homes. At least he made the lots pretty big so the houses weren’t right on top of us, and he didn’t cut down all the trees. At that time, only one house had been built by ours. A pretty brunette named Kim, and her husband, John, moved into that house in June, and I went over to say hello. They seemed like a nice couple, although we didn’t seem...

Straight Sex
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Hearts Roses

The flight home seemed to take forever. I had decided, with mixed emotions, to spend the first two weeks of February in New Orleans. Granted, I had to endure long lectures and endless role playing for a Certificate in Conflict Resolution but that was still better than enduring snow and mind numbing cold in Minnesota. But spending those 14 nights without Carol was another matter. We had been dating since last summer. We were very close friends and lovers and although we still lived in separate...

2 years ago
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girlfriend goes black

First a little background.....so a number of years ago my gf at the time was just starting to explore her sexuality and one night we got to talking about fantacy celebs we thought were hot....hers was baseball/football star Bo Jackson. She told me that being black she imagined his rock hard body and figured his cock was long and thick.little did she know that i have always been a bit of a cuckold and this was shaping up to get very interesting. i started to probe a bit and after a few glasses...

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Quickie with Jes

Jes and I met online a few years ago. We were both going through divorces at the time and needed sexual satisfaction. I am 6’1” and on the heavy side. He’s was shorter and a sexy BBW. We enjoyed frequent chats on Yahoo, exchanging sexy scenarios that we wished we could play out with each other. But, when the timing was right, I would sneak over to Jes’ little apartment and satisfy our sexual urges. This story is about one of those apartment romps.Jes was entertaining her visiting brother and...

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A Womans Clothes III

A Woman's Clothes III ? by: Donna Williams I had a rough night and it showed when I got up the next morning. My wife told me to return to the bathroom and wash my face real good in cold water and shave any little hairs I may have grown, real close. During breakfast, she said, "Sara, honey, you seem a little down today. I think what you need is a little pick-me-up. I want you to change into one of your sundresses, one with flowers and straps that go over the shoulders, no bra,...

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Wendys Story

Ben is a very good friend of mine. We met in scouts when we were younger and became fast friends. As well as all the normal scouting trips, we also would get together during the summers whenever one of our moms was willing to give us a ride across town. Ben went to a private school so weekends and summers were the only times we really had to hang out. Wendy is Ben’s little sister. Wendy was always the cutest little kid. When I first met her she was maybe six years old, and she was always...

2 years ago
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Celestial Nirvana Part 5

Jack stepped into his living room, where his father was crying on the couch. Victoria was standing in the next room, trying to think of something to say when Jack returned. “So is it true?” “Yes, she died on impact. From the tire marks on the road, the other driver had definitely been swerving and the smell of booze was clear. To think, this happens right before your birthday…” “It doesn’t matter when it happened, the pain is all the same. We should not dread or loathe the...

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Harrys Ladies chapter 5

After reading the list once again, Harry heard Hermione come bounding down the stairs. “What's all this commotion about?” she asked. Harry shifted uneasily. “I uh- got the results of who's affected by my end of line cause.” explained Harry. “Well, that’s wonderful! Let me see the list.” Harry handed her the list and looked away. Hermione’s eyes widened in shock when she saw her name on the list. “Oh well if it's you I have no complaints.” Hermione said. Harry sighed and looked like a huge...

2 years ago
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The ForcePart 1B

When the movie ended, all of us were laying on the floor, our sides sore from laughing so hard. As the VCR switched over to rewind the tape, I said that I was a little warm, and that I was going upstairs to change into something cooler; Holly and Diane both said that they were going to go ahead and change for bed - they didn't want to waste any time between when the movie ended, and when they felt nice and safe in Holly's bed. I said I'd probably stay up for a bit after the movie, but...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 54

Jack and Charlie looked at me like I'd grown another head when I came out of the bedroom. "What?" Jack said, "Did you just say twat?" "Oh, come on, Jack. Don't tell me you've never heard the word." "I've heard it. I'm just surprised to hear it from you." "Girl talk, Jack. Girl talk." Charlie decided it was time to check in with Mary and Jack needed to finish copying his notes. "I'm going to take Bozo out and then I'll probably spend some time with Laurie." "How are...

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College life 27

The next morning Saturday, my phone alarm woke up me and Corey. Coreyjumped out of bed and leaned for a short kiss before he put on hisunderwear and jeans to head out. I lay there a moment and inhaled hisscent on my sheets before returning to a nice sleep. I woke for good ataround ten to see Kris still sprawled out on his bed fully dressed. Itdidn't appear as though he moved an inch. I played on the computer in myboxers and sweats before Kris woke just before eleven. He stretched outhis body...

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REMODELLED By Geneva Ephraim, a wealthy businessman, takes his revenge on an old enemy, James, using an old magic book to make him into Natasha, his female slave. Natasha resists unsuccessfully, but escapes to a new life. This uses the theme of my earlier story, "Plaything," but is written from the point of view of James/Natasha. START The mail has just dropped off two packages. I am curious when I see they have Dutch stamps. When I open them I stare at the contents and I have to...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 33 Summer Vacation Part VI

May-June 1983, Milford, Ohio When we arrived back at the Spencers’ there was a phone message asking me to call Ruth. I was sure what that was about, so I picked up the phone and dialed the number. “Sandy had her baby!” she said. “A girl and she named her Hope.” “Are they both doing OK?” I asked. “Yes. They’re at Clermont County and Sandy wants to see you.” “You realize that if her dad is there, it’ll start World War III? That just doesn’t seem like a good idea.” “He works tomorrow, and...

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A New LifeChapter 7

June 12, 1848 We have decided to leave tomorrow to buy cattle since we have cleaned out the easily accessible gravel beds of gold. We have found a total of four pockets in the gravel beds holding a lot of gold. After five days of work we managed to find around 15 pounds of gold. Luckily we haven't run into any of the Shasta or Klamath tribe while on the river. This is their territory and they are not friendly toward small parties. We agreed that we would tell no one where the gold came from...

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