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We'd been dating about 3 weeks when we were intimate on the 6th date. She was a 23 year old Senior at Colorado State University, majoring in Animal Feed Science, I was a 28 year old grad student, with a BS and MA in Veterinary Medicine and was about to get my Doctorate in that same vocation. I did not have her in any classes, but our fields of interests were similar enough that we were often in the same area of campus many times per week. We inadvertently had met and knew each other for two or three years before we actually dated.

She, the svelte and tall, willow swan, dark haired, blue eyed with straight, white teeth, an air of class and ornery girl machisma. She was a tall 5'10", 140 fit pounds; very perfect 'C' cup breasts with a small round, athletic tight butt that makes men forget their whereabouts as they watch her move about, bend, stoop, walk and pose for her admirers.

She was an easy 3.5 GPA student and never really tried to do any better. Her name is Audrey. Audrey Nichole Neville and she descends from British Royalty. Often I'd playfully call her Annie (Audrey Nichole Neville, initials A.N.N.) as a nickname, even though she didn't like it.

Me, the relatively average looking guy of 6', 175 lbs, Sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. I wasn't, am not, ugly but not super looking either. I am bright, but not brilliant. I had no real athletic talent, but I wasn't out of shape, I had few social skills but I wasn't a wallflower either, just sort of an average type of guy, nothing special.

My GPA was 3.3 and I had to work hard to keep it up that high. But, I was well on my way, almost there; to becoming a veterinarian. Veterinary Science and practicing vets have a reputation for earning a solid living with lots of job security. So, I wasn't exactly a throw away, but, not really the grand prize either.

It seems now that I always kind of knew that Audrey was just stopping off in her life as far as her relationship with me was concerned. It seemed like she knew she could do better than settle for someone like me, but that right guy hadn't quite come along yet, so I was the stand-in for a real boyfriend/fiancé until the perfect one came along. She almost always kept a distance, some sort of protective shield in place. Occasionally after an ardent fucking, she'd let her guard down and gush some wonderful sharing of her life with me. But, it was not often and not for long periods of time when it did happen. She pulled back and stayed back most of the time.

I guess I kind of forgot that little detail along the way and I fell in love with her. Hope springs eternal, doesn't it? Or, is it, "Love is Blind?" I think it is both.

She was mostly good to me, kind and even loving at times. But, she never really made the leap, never committed that last ounce of her heart to me, always holding something in reserve, hoping that her 'Lance-Lancelot' would make his appearance and save her from the dull drudgery of a life with such a common one as I.

As I turned 29, I was to receive a trust fund set up for me when I was born. I'd lost my parents when I was 15. They died tragically on a luxury cruise ship when it lost power and became disabled in the middle of the sea, drifting for days before rescuers were able to respond to their ship's location and tow it to shore for repairs and offloading of the passengers. Fresh water became scarce; frozen and refrigerated food spoiled, raw sewage was running in the ships hallways. My parents caught some infection and died on the ship before they ever made shore. They were on their 20th wedding anniversary celebration and took a cruise as their gift to one another.

I was 15 and they trusted me to stay home alone that two weeks during the summer, with the supervision of neighborhood families and friends looking in on me every day.

My parents weren't wealthy, but they both had jobs, both had income, left their Last wills and testaments, life insurance policies and an estate and had set up a trust for me, contributing what they could to it since I had been born. It matured when I was to turn 29. It was substantial.

The cruise company had paid One million, fifty thousand dollars each for my parent's deaths, as my share, in settlement of a five hundred million dollar class action lawsuit the surviving passengers brought against them. It seems negligence on their part was proven to the satisfaction of the courts and a judgment rendered.

The judge in my case in juvenile court, ruled the money be put in my trust fund, with living expenses and college fees to be doled out to me as needed until I attained that age, under the original terms of the trust as set up by my parents at the time of my birth. Since I had no family, or legal guardian, the judge appointed a lawyer to handle my finances and sent me to a foster home until I reached 18. Regular monthly checks kept my life bearable, because the foster parents did not want to halt the gravy train.

Additionally I had their life insurance proceeds, their savings, and even the house was paid for on their death by insurance. But, I had to move into a foster home until I was at least eighteen.

So, in just a few weeks, I was to receive three million seven hundred thirty three thousand dollars as the fund matured and I became of age to receive its' bounty. Interest, dividends and stock price increases had grown the fund to a substantial fortune, in spite of my cost of living draw and administration costs through the years For a very young man I was about to be quite wealthy.

Money would be no issue, but I never mentioned this trust fund to Audrey. She had no idea of my soon to be wealth. She knew only of my monthly check that it was enough to cover my expenses while in school.

I must have had a protective mechanism that triggered inside me and, because she never committed the last ounce of her heart, I didn't either. Though I was in love and devoted to her, I had dreams of buying her a beautiful home and making a wonderful life together with the money. I just never told her about the trust fund.

We hung out together on the weekends when we had free time and even in the evenings some times during our last year of schooling there in Fort Collins. We got married after 4 months of dating in a private ceremony in the District Judge's office.

There was always plenty to do, skiing was close, lots of bars and restaurants in the college town dotted every corner almost. There were plenty of farms, ranches and feedlots we could visit together to enhance our college majors with some hands-on experiences. We did many things together.

We had a fairly good sex life, in my estimation. Her favorite position, and actually it is a favorite of mine too, is when she'd lay on her right side, I'd spoon up behind her and play with her clit as my cock would nudge her from behind. I could boink around on her rosebud a little and then finally insert my cock into her pussy while playing with her clit. As I pistoned in and out of her, I'd push the top of her pussy so that my cock would be rubbing on her g-spot from inside, all the while rubbing her clit from the outside. She was explosive when we did that. Actually, I was explosive when we did that, too.

We had oral sex a lot too. We both did love to give and receive oral sex. I felt like I was better at it than she was. She'd nearly break my neck or cut off my air supply sometimes when I'd lick her and finger her at the same time to wild orgasms. But, when she gave me oral, she'd never swallow; she always held onto my cock and only took the tip into her mouth. It wasn't the best, but it was ok and I did usually come, just that she'd have a napkin or towel ready to catch my load.

Our sex life was good, I did not complain. We were married but four months, not time to really have anything to complain about yet.

But, Audrey seemed forever slightly perturbed with me. She wasn't ever satisfied with the direction "we" were taking. Actually, it was 'my' direction with which she wasn't satisfied I determined later.

One day we were at a feedlot east of Greeley helping them out with our individual expertise in our respective areas of study. The feedlot had received a load of supposedly 'open' heifers. That means females guaranteed, "not ever to have been with a bull, therefore not pregnant".

At final count, 45 of the animals were pregnant when they were off loaded, and some started delivering their premature calves right there in the feedlot, after the stress of their trip. I was assisting the lot's cowboys and feed truck drivers with the delivery of the calves. The feedlot didn't want the calves but we needed to save the mothers because of the initial investment. We were duty bound to minimize the loss of life because the settlements against the ranch that sent them to the feedlot, would be substantial. But, we had no way to care for the live birthed calves, so they were all stillborn prematures or they did not survive their first night in the harsh environs of the feedlot.

One of the young cows was having a tough time delivering her calf. It looked like she wouldn't be able to get it done, so I decided I had to take the calf by force from her exhausted body.

With bare hands I reached up inside that cow, who'd been in labor for about 30 hours, I got ahold of that calf's back feet(it was a breach birth), then I pulled. I put one foot on her butt, the other on the top of her thigh and pulled with all my might. She shit all over me, and when the calf came out, blood and placenta squirted on me and all over the back end of the cow. I was laying in blood and shit and had it squirted all over me from head to toe.

The calf was dead and would have never delivered, the mother would have died in labor had I not done what I did.

Audrey was in the office at the time of this event when I came into the office to grab a shower and clean up. She saw me, she looked at my shit and blood covered face, hands and clothes. She shook her head in disbelief with disgust. As I walked somberly down the hallway to the men's room and the showers, I heard her comment to the secretary, "I can do better than this."

Audrey left me that following weekend. "This isn't going to work, Bill, I just need to keep looking, see who's out there", she explained to me. "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." "I'm filing for a no fault divorce. You don't owe me and I don't owe you, just let's quit this." That was her words. No tears, no emotion, just resolve.

I was stunned; thought I may have read that in a story somewhere. No matter, she'd said it and it was to me that she was talking. I was alone in life. I did have my millions intact. But, money makes a poor substitute for someone to love, and someone who loves back.

We parted company and went our separate ways. I was broken hearted, but I did not let her see it, or I tried not to let her see it. She's no dummy, so I'm sure she did know how this had hurt me. She just didn't care.

Still, I realized that to try and corral her would never be the answer. If she wasn't happy, she'd never be a good mate and life partner, no matter what my own level of love for her was. It takes two to make a happy marriage, a life together, a partnership. We were but one ... me.

Graduation day came and went; she got a job with Cargill Foods and moved to Wichita. She was going to work in the lab, testing cattle and hog feed additives, looking for ways to put more weight on the critter, while using the same amount of feed, and in the same amount of time. It was a good job, and she had a bright future. But, Wichita? Not so great.

After graduation, I applied to several veterinary clinics around the Front Range and finally accepted a surgery position in a well-known and successful practice around Brighton, concentrating my practice on large animals, like cattle and horses. I performed surgery to save the lives of expensive horses or prized beef and dairy cattle. It was extremely lucrative for me. I would make $80,000 in my first year as a large animal surgeon. With time and experience would come huge income increases, eventually to become three hundred to four hundred thousand dollars per year most likely.

But, I was all alone and lonely. No parents, no brothers or sisters, no aunts or uncles dotted my horizons that I knew of and I just had nobody who I was close to.

I was an eligible bachelor; lots of MILFS and older unmarried women were always sniffing around and trying to land a date. I did go out some, but I had no favorite. I just went out because I sometimes needed something with flesh on it to talk to, other than horses and cows. My sex life was conservative. I could have gotten laid morning, noon and night if I wanted, but I didn't. So, only occasionally did I treat myself to a day and night in bed with one of the cougars that prowl the jungles of our Queen city of the High Plains.

It was in the week between Christmas and New Year's, just 7 months after we'd graduated, and 5 months since our divorce was final, that a knock came on my door late at night, around 11pm. I lived in a condo in Brighton, I just was renting it until I found what I wanted to buy. Brighton is a town of 33,000 Northeast of Denver 20 miles or so on US Highway 85.

I was laying on my couch, kind of zoned out, half asleep and half listening to Letterman. I like to sit around in my jockeys and turn the heat up in the apartment to where I'm comfortable without much on, even in winter. Money for utility bills was no issue.

When I heard the knock, at first I wasn't sure I actually had heard it, or if it might be next door. Then, a little more sharply came a rapping and I stumbled to my feet and went to the door opening it without covering up, standing there in my Jockeys.

There stood this tall, once lovely, creature who looked like she'd been fighting with a sock full of silver dollars. She was beaten and bruised, her right eye swollen shut, her lips, both of them, top and bottom were split and bleeding, she had a patch of hair missing in the top center of her head, it looked to have been pulled out by the roots, bleeding. Her cheeks were bruised and swollen and she just stood there, dry eyed, looking at me.

"Audrey, for cryin' out loud, what is going on? Come in here" I grabbed her upper arm gently, but she winced when I squeezed just a little to urge her inside. It was bruised too.

I was so surprised to see her. She seemed unwilling to talk. She just sat on my couch with a haunted expression. Not crying, nor whimpering nor talking, she just sat there bleeding and suffering.

"Have you been raped? Who did this to you? Audrey, what has happened here? Talk to me, Annie." I said.

She only said these words, "Not raped, boyfriend beat me up. He's stoned and lost it with me." She offered no other words.

I guessed they had come back to Colorado over Christmas and probably had mixed it up some after smoking some weed and drinking too much at one of the many parties.

"I should call the police, this guy needs to go to jail" I said.

"NO, NO POLICE!" she shouted without any other words.

"Ok, no police." I said.

I told her I was going to draw a bath, that I'd be right back. It took me 6 or 7 minutes to start the bath, get out my best shampoo and soap and pick the bathroom up a bit.

I went back to the living room, she had not moved. I helped her very gently into the bathroom, and told her I was going to bathe her in warm water, that I'd be removing her clothes. She did not acknowledge me, nor did she resist.

She just stood there as I removed her shoes and socks, shirt and jeans, then her bra and panties. Her black and blue, lithe and beautiful, but, ugly bruised body was on full display. I did not recognize where I'd once played so contentedly.

I guided her into the large tub and got in with her. I only had my jockeys on, so I was already basically unclothed. I sat behind her, and began pouring water on her hair, then I washed it and rinsed it. It was bloody, where her 'friend' had pulled a fist full of her dark locks from their mooring in her scalp. And, it was sore. The shampoo burned her and she whimpered when soap came into contact with that fresh wound. She had bruises beginning on her back, shoulders and arms down to her butt, but I couldn't see beyond that, because she was sitting. I knew her legs had some bruising, but not as bad as her upper body.

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Ghazzi Pathan Bachacha

Its true story around 8 years ago and I met this boy name Gazz at that time he was 18 years, very cute handsome slim very fair white complexion. He is about 5’8 and 115 lbs very sexy looking and very girlish boy. He is Pathan from Peshawer and newly migrated to Canada. His family is rich and business people. Let me introduced myself and I was 25 years of age at the time of this story now my age is 33 years and I was a university student doing my masters degree in sciences. I am 6’2 tall and...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 3

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-3. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts or divorced or secret relationship girls aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-II completes here…. I went to hall and took my lap. i took my pen that was in my packet. I REMOVED THE PEN COVER. I INSERTED IN THE USB DRIVE. YES, THAT IS A...

2 years ago
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Moroccan Boys

From the curved seat at the fantail of the private, two-masted schooner, “Nevis”, I watched the fourteen-year-old French Jewish boy, Emile, moving about in the rigging overhead like a nimble monkey. He was all deeply tanned arms and legs, moving deftly like a circus acrobat, changing the sheeting to match the change in the wind as the schooner raced down the French coast toward Casablanca, our goal of refuge for Reggie’s exile--or escape, depending on who you talked to. I was along because I’d...

3 years ago
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Bethanys Sins

Bethany's Sins (Pride and Greed in too great a measure) Bethany knew beyond doubt that she was the best. Today, she had waltzed outof her low-paid job with the DeMoeira Investments Company with a cool halfa billion dollars to her name (or rather, names, for she used several to claimit all), and to really prove how good she was, she even managed to carry tenmillion in notes right past the security men. Not all the hundreds of millionshad come from this one operation, of course: she had pulled...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Thangai Anusha 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, en nanbanin thangaiyai eppadi usar seithu iruvarum mater seithom enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal kama ulagathirkul selalam, en nanbanin peyar muthu avan ippozhuthu thaan veli naatil irunthu uuruku vanthu irukiraan, aanal naangal ethirchiyaaga santhithu kondom. Naangal chennaiyil vasithu vanthu irunthom, naan finix maalil aadai eduthu kondu irunthen. Andru en nanbanuku pirantha naal enbathaal call seithu pirantha naal vaazhthukal sollinen, pinbu...

4 years ago
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Nathans Birthday Present

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. This story takes place ten years after the events of Project Phoenix. It's not a direct continuation, but readers unfamiliar with Project Phoenix, may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. Finally, I'd like to thank for the encouraging comments on my first story. Thanks a lot gals & guys :) Nathan's Birthday Present By...

3 years ago
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Nathaniel Janet Stickney [email protected] Nathaniel is 15, a frustrated teenager who is unable to find any solace to his dilemma. He was average in everything. 5' 6" tall, 130 pounds wet, brown hair, green eyes, an average student that did not like sports and did not join any clubs in school. Nondescript and unassuming, he had managed to hide himself from the world, yet stay in plain sight. As his mother, I am worried about him because I could not figure out why he was so shy....

2 years ago
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Candi's story If you don't think this is a work of fiction you are crazy. "Thank you dear that was delightful." I smiled on a post orgasmic haze. Being married for 4 years out sex had become so routine. Its not that we didn't have sex often enough or that I no longer found my wife attractive. Its just the same positions always ending up in missionary position till we both came. "Yes I enjoyed it too." At breakfast the next day I struggled to formulate my wanting to...

3 years ago
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Cannibal Cruise

Notes: { This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself. }Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1.Year 2095 C.E. Cannibalism is now practised, to some degree, in nearly every country. The 2005 aviary influenza epidemic brought a dramatic change to the world's female population. Somehow the virus fired some, hitherto repressed genes in women and female animals bringing a sudden change in their behaviour. Mankind first noticed changes in...

3 years ago
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Candi Coated

Brandi saw her aunt on the street, ran past with a breathless “Hi,” ran up the walk to her cousin’s house, and entered without a knock. She took the stairs quickly, burst into her cousin’s room, and found Candi lying on her back, in bed, her face flushed, her dress pulled up her legs, and her nipples impudently poking peaks in the soft cloth of her top.“What are you doing?” Brandi asked, knowing full well what Candi had been doing.“Nothing,” Candi gasped, having difficulty coming back from the...

2 years ago
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Candi Coated

Without a doubt, Candi has the biggest tits in the neighborhood. Even before she turned eighteen, everyone noticed her huge E cups. It would be a gross underestimation to say her huge tits are her best feature, but that’s what everyone says. In truth, her entire voluptuous body is her best feature.Standing at six feet tall, Candi towers over the other sluts. All that height comes from her long, thick legs, which perfectly match her big-titted body. However she stands, her thick hips and curvy...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Tashas and Bethanys Bathing Bash

"Hey Bethany, how are you doing?" Tasha asked Bethany over the phone. "I'm doing all right. I am pretty bored right now." Bethany responded. "I had a hard day at work today. I am taking a bath to help me loosen up." Tasha said. Tasha worked at a local pizza joint in Foot City. So did Bethany. They had worked there for a year. They also went to school together. They were pretty close friends. "Hey, would you like to bathe with me?" Tasha asked Bethany. After a brief pause, Bethany's answer came....

2 years ago
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Wiccan Rites

The Beginning Incendiumaeger Obscurus Dominusluna was his given name, but Lynx Atratus was his Wiccan Name . He was only seven when his parents died by the hands of the Church. The Clan Ducere, Arg Lunaris, then adopted him. Lynx knew the arts of Juudoo; Kendoo; Jiu Jitsu; Aikidoo; and Nihontsu. He was also trained in the style of fighting that the Romans used, called Genus Hyades. Lynx knew only the Spells of Protection and that of Regeneration. He was Norwegian, and was raised by...

3 years ago
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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 2

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-II. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-I completes here…. “So,… I told her “use my wifi” it will be very speed and reliable. You can download whatever you want. Don’t waste money on data cards. I said this and smiled. She reciprocated with a...

2 years ago
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Akka Thangai Iruvarai Ore Nerathil Oothen

Enaku ore nerungiya thozhi irunthaal aval peyar Sangeetha, naangal iruvarum nerungiya nanbargal. Oru naal avalai parka aval veetirku sendru iruntha pozhuthu avalin uravinargal vanthu irunthaargal. Iruvarum thirumanam aagi irunthathu, pinbu kuzhanthaigalum irunthaargal naan ulle sendrathum ivargal yaar endru paarthen. Naan avargalai paarpathu pol akka thangaigal ennai oru vithamaaga paarthu, thambi nee yar endru ketargal. Appozhuthu naan sangeethavin thozhan endru solli arimugam aanen, avargal...

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Ethans Revenge Part II

Robert Carter, better known as fat Bob, is the owner of the butcher shop, that Ethan frequently visits. He stands 5'11", weighing 425 lbs., with jet black hair and green eyes. Ethan walked up to the counter, grinning wide, "hey Bob, I'm doing pretty good." Fat Bob chuckled, "looks like it, what's with the shit-eating grin?" Ethan's grin faded a little, "well let's just say I had a good day at work." Robert looked down at the meat he was cutting, "uh huh, looks more like a...

1 year ago
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Candi 2

Candi Part 2 I woke up with my finger between my legs enjoying the sensations along with my other hand flicking on my nipple. As warm sensations brought me awake I quickly stopped. I laid there for a few moments then gathered my thoughts. I had to tinkle so putting on my high heeled slippers admiring my red toes peeping out of the open toes. My satin robe was next. I swished into the bathroom. Sitting down to pee a bunch of orders went through my brain. Wiping myself I got...

3 years ago
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Moroccan Breeding Vacation Adventure

[ For A & T once again, and for all those white couples seeking an interracial c***d! ]My name is Khalid. I am from Rabat, Morocco. I am 33 years of age. I have a very interesting experience I'd like to relate that I was part of last year, in early October. I met up with a young European married couple (Hanna, and her husband Krystian) after the three of us had chatted for several months on-line about the possibility that Hanna might become pregnant. Naturally, I inquired as to why Krystian...

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My car was in the shop so I was carpooling with the wife. She had come out of the bathroom wringing wet from the shower and had a towel wrapped around her waist. Admiring her still gorgeous body I couldn’t help but to stare as she dropped the towel to begin dressing. Her ample bosom was still high on her chest with only a slight sag. She was only able to bore one child, a daughter that was now a senior in high school. The problems she had at birth caused a complete hysterectomy. My head...

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Candys Story

Candy's Story by Emily Ross Part 1 The afternoon sun streamed in through the windows. Phil and Sarah lay side by side on the bed, getting their breath back. After a long pause Candy turned to Phil and spoke. "Phil, wouldn't you like me to move in here? We've been going out together for six months, nearer seven. Think of the money we'd save on the rent for my flat. We could easily save up the deposit for a house." Phil looked at her, showing no emotions. She carried on, "Well?...

2 years ago
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Pathan Ne Maari Crosdresser Ki

Hello I am Tasha as it is my sissy name.I am 18 and fair color with big kinda butts and a kind of breasts when I lie sideways. Will tell the story in Desi language. Ye kahani h meri m school m thi(tha) un dono. Main yhan apni maa aur baba k sath rehta tha and humaray yhan aik pathan kaam kartay thay kafii salon se. Aikdin papa mulk se bahar chalay gayeee job k liye 5 ssaaal k lite. Meri Ammi Koi Bari sexy hain unki Bari ass hai aur boobs b.tight saari phnnay ki shoqeen kafii.khair pathan uncle...

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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...

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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila

Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...

3 years ago
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Candice Parker Part 1

Candice Parker - Part 1 Chapter 1 - Inheritance "Excuse me?" asked Candice Aileen Parker, in complete shock. "Oh, there's no mistake, Miss Parker. You heard what you thought you just heard," smiled Mr. Adams, the attorney who was acting as executor for the estate. "Mr. Simmons bequeathed his entire estate to you alone, with no conditions attached. Just prior to his death, he decided to liquidate most of his holdings, in order to simplify matters; so aside from the mansion in...

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Candace and Ginny

Note : This story is completely fictional! Candace didn’t know why she let her friends Charlie (Charlene) and Anne talk her into going to this convention. Sundays were her rest days after clubbing on Saturday nights she needed Sundays to recuperate. Now she would go to work tomorrow and be all dragged out. Candace, Charlie and Anne had been walking around the large convention for the past hour when Charlie asked, “Candace isn’t that your Ginny from high school.” That caught Candace’s attention...

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Candice Parker Part 3

Candice Parker - Part 3 Chapter 8 - Game Recognizes Game Three weeks later, Candice was sweeping one of the mansion's many ceramic tile floors, preparing it for a thorough mopping, when she heard Mrs. Belfridge's voice coming from the doorway. "Miss Parker, Ms. Rockwell wants to see you in her office right away. She said that it's something urgent." "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Belfridge." Candice thought it odd that Ms. Rockwell would send someone rather than come herself, but she put...

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Candice 1

She met Max at a play she and her husband Greg had attended. It had been a dumb play where people act as dogs. Max was an interesting man. Bigger than her husband, mustached and far more assertive. He must have spotted her looking at him because he walked right over and introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Max. How are you?” he opened. Candice replied that her name was Candice and her husband’s name was Greg. Greg said hello but Max glanced at him and talked only to her. They talked about the...

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Candice Parker Part 4

Candice Parker - Part 4 Chapter 11 - Veronica in Wonderland The following morning, Candice awoke to the beeping of her alarm clock, which she hadn't set. Startled, she immediately sat straight up. She instantly and clearly recalled every word that was said, every secret that was shared, every weakness that was exposed. "The wine hit me pretty hard, but the tea must've kept my memory clear," she opined. She had been undressed by Ms. Rockwell, who saw her drunk and naked. Candice...

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Candice Parker Part 2

Candice Parker - Part 2 Chapter 5 - More Meetings Candice continued helping out with the housework, as she and her staff settled into a routine. While Mrs. Belfridge remained uncomfortable with her Mistress working as a maid, she accepted the fact that there was nothing she could do about it. Besides, she had to admit to herself that Miss Parker, while a bit clumsy, was a very thorough and energetic worker. With a little more experience and polish, Mrs. Belfridge thought, Miss...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 21 Nathaniel

The whole thing had gotten completely out of hand. Nathaniel sighed and tried to object for what had to be the fiftieth time since this plan had been suggested. “It’s simply too dangerous, Leliana. I won’t allow you – or anyone else – to be hurt in my stead. This is my problem—” “And this is how you’re going to solve it, yes? You’re going to get help from others who have more specific experience in this area.” He turned to the King, hoping for some support. “Your Majesty, surely you don’t...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ki Chudae Thande Pani Me

Hello dosto kese ha app .Me mahi hu punjab se hu meri hight 6 feet ha me ak simple ladka hu mera lun ka size 6′ ha 3′ mota ha meri email id ha .. ha ager koi ladki aunty bhabi mujse chudwana chahe to muje mail kare . Ye stori ki gatna jo me apko share karrne ja raha hu mere or chachi ke bich ki ha meri chachi ka name rani ha wo ak simple lady ha wo hw ha or chacha govt. Job karte ha iss lie sara kam chachi karti ha ghar ka khet kaka b ab sida story pe ata hu hu . Ye un dino ki bat ha jab meri...

2 years ago
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Candace Part 2

I was the first to speak, “I stayed home from work with a migraine.” Her voice trembled as she replied, “You’ve been home all day?” “Yes.” She came further into the room and sat at the foot at the bed. Her head hung even though there was no definitive confirmation that she had been heard. I sat there and just looked at the side of her face. I could see a tear form and silently run down her cheek. Her body trembled and she started to sob. As a Dad and father there was that inner...

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No matter who it is, everyone always has that one person at work that is just knock out gorgeous. I'm no different, and at my place of work... her name is Candace. She's twenty-three years old, but has the slender and sexy body of an eighteen year old. With her long black hair and pouty lips, she's a sight to behold and a woman that I am sure most men would jump without hesitation. I would sit at my cubicle for hours, watching her working at her own, wondering what it would be like to wave my...

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Cancun with Kelly

It was February of 1998. Six of us decided to make our first trip to Cancun. We arrived toward the end of the month on a Thursday at midday. Our hotel was in the “hotel zone”. Kelly and I had an adjoining room with Bob and Lisa. Yvonne and Daniel had a room on a different floor.This all got started at our New Year’s Eve party. There were five couples there. Tequila was playing a large role in the evening’s entertainment, which somehow led to Mexico and shortly thereafter a decision that we were...

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Candice and Tony Movie Night

Candice is a 43 year old 5’3” brunette with hazel eyes, 115 lbs. 42c chest. A single mother for the past 2 years. Has been that way since her husband of 21 years left her for a younger woman. Her son, Tony, will graduate high school shortly after his 19th birthday in a few weeks. Tony is 5’ 9” tall, 175 lbs, brown hair and piercing green eyes, a shy man and a bit of a geek. He has had a couple girlfriends but none have ever given him the love he wanted. It was a month ago that Tony and...

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Candi 4

Candi 4 I woke up with Mia gently touching my shoulder. "Come on dear let's get you ready for surgery." Mia helped me out of my sleep corset and we went to the bathroom. For the first time in a while I could feel my penis and balls dangling between my legs after having been tucked up inside me for what seemed like forever. Mia filled up my enema bag as I looked at myself in the mirror. My breasts seemed smaller and I figured the saline was being absorbed. A feeling of...

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Candys Daddy Ch 05

Candy and William walked along the beach of Bermuda, enjoying the moonlit night and each other’s company. Never in her life had Candy felt as comfortable with a man as she did with William. The young Adonis was everything a girl like her could ever want and it didn’t even bother her that he was a few years younger. He made up for it in other ways. Only her father made Candy’s little heart pound the way that William did. ‘Penny for your thoughts?’ William asked as he spun the attractive blonde...

3 years ago
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Canoe CanoeChapter 2

“What can I do to help?” Angie asked, as I undid the straps on the car-top carrier. “If you would just stand at the front of the vehicle and gently guide the canoe away if it gets too close, that would be great help,” I answered. “Otherwise I should be able to get it.” I lifted the canoe deftly off the rack and proceeded to walk it down to the water’s edge. “Wow, pretty impressive,” Angie said. I rolled the canoe onto my hip, and then laid it on the sand. “I’ve done this a few times...

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