WKRP Bailey s First Date with Johnny
- 3 years ago
- 35
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‘Why did I take a job at the local prison?’ I thought as I sat at the table eating my lunch.
I had to be crazy being around all these men all day. Barry my husband of twelve years wanted to kill me when I decided to work. He felt a woman was supposed to be home and pregnant. Well it was twelve years and we didn’t have any children, to tell the truth we only had sex once a month for the past year. I tried everything from sexy clothes to romantic dinners. Finally realizing that this woman wouldn’t be sitting at home waiting on a man that didn’t want to touch her, so I found something to keep my busy.
A week after I started to work at the prison I was sent home because staff was short and there was no one to pair off with me. The prison superintendent said something about the prisoner not being use to me and she didn’t want anything to happen to me. It seems that a week before I was hired they were once again short and she let a rookie go out alone, they found her stabbed in the stomach. She survived but she resigned as the paramedics were taking her out on a stretcher.
I walked in the house with my dinner. I looked around the living room as romantic music was playing from the CD player there was two glasses on the table and a beer bottle.
My first thought was ‘this asshole got a woman in my bed.’ I crept down the hall way to the bedroom, the door was cracked a little and I could see in. I rubbed my eyes thinking I was tripping, everything seem to move slow around me. I pushed the door open more what I realized I was looking at would have killed a weaker person.
My big strong, manly husband giving head to one man, another man was standing behind him fucking him in the ass. I screamed dropping my food and made a hasty retreat to the front door. Barry caught me before I could walk out.
‘Carol Ann, it’s not what you think,’ Barry said walking me to the couch.
‘Yea, Carol Ann it not what you think,’ I heard a deep voice say. When I heard someone chuckle I turned around to see who it was Jesse and Thomas where standing behind me.
‘Man we’ll catch you later,’ Jesse said rubbing Barry’s arm.
‘Barry it might not be what I think but I know what I saw,’ I said trying to hold back the tears. ‘How long?’
‘What!’ He replied not even looking in my eyes.
‘How long you bastard!’ Tears were now streaming down my cheek.
‘A year,’ He mumbled.
‘Why, when and how?’ I asked.
I didn’t know the reason for all the questions but I did know I felt responsible for his actions. Maybe I wasn’t pretty or sexy enough. Maybe I should have gone to some of those sex parties he always wanted to go to. Maybe I should have been a little more open-minded when it came to sex.
‘I went to one of those parties,’ He said breaking into my thoughts. ‘I wasn’t going to fuck anyone I just wanted to see what it was all about. I was sitting in a chair when I felt hands massage me from the back. I closed my eyes as the hand moved around my chest and down to my pants. I didn’t open my eyes until the man started sucking my cock and when I opened them back up I was giving into the biggest orgasm I have ever had. As I tried to grasp what was happening it was too late I was hooked. Jesse and Thomas watched the whole thing from across the room and we hooked up two weeks later.’ He sat in the chair across from me with his face in his hands. ‘I love you but it’s just something I can’t explain about how I feel with a man.’
I sat with my mouth open, speechless. What my husband just told me was he was gay. I shook my head as the sight of Barry being fucked kept popping in my head.
‘Baby, say something,’ He said.
‘Get out my house!’ I yelled, ‘Get out!’ I ran to the bedroom snatched all the covers off the bed and threw them at him. I started grabbing his clothes out the closest and out the drawers.
‘Carol Ann this is my house too!’ He yelled
‘Not if you don’t want your little secret out!’ I yelled back pushing his clothes toward him. ‘You’re going to give me what ever I want!’
I couldn’t sleep that night so I sat on the couch and cried. Two days later I was back at work, my eyes where swollen from lack of sleep. I went through the motions of getting dressed that morning. After I went to have an AIDS test done, I talked to my sister who knew something was wrong.
‘He better not had put his hands on you,’ She yelled into the phone.
‘Bye sis, I have to go to work,’ No he hadn’t hit me physically but emotionally he had TKO’D me.
As I walked through the dorm the woman that was with me introduced me to the inmates.
‘Hello, Mrs. Roberson,’ A young man said.
I turned around to see Little Johnny. Little Johnny use to cut my grass and do odd jobs around my house years ago. Now here he was standing in front of me in prison. I wonder what happened in his life that he ended up in jail.
‘My birthday is next week, Ms. Henderson,’ He said walking on the side of us.
‘That’s good,’ She said. ‘Does that mean you will be going home?’
‘Yes!’ He smiled. ‘Well, what home I have left.’
He looked off with a sad expression.
‘You talked to your grandmother?’ She asked.
‘Yes she said I could live with her until I get on my feet.’ He replied, ‘Well I better get back, before the other C O start tripping. Nice seeing you Mrs. Roberson.’
I nodded my head.
‘How long has Johnny been here?’ I whispered to my co-worker.
‘Four years for stealing food.’ She said.
‘Come on, you’re kidding.’ I replied.
‘No, I’m not. The state wanted to make an example out of him so they gave him four years.’ She said.
The last time I had seen Johnny he was a skinny little boy always asking could he do extra things around my house. Barry would run him off I would find something for him to do.
I remember one day I turned around to find him standing in the kitchen behind me. I had on some hip cut jean shorts and a halter-top. I was in the house so it was all right.
‘I’m all done Mrs. Roberson,’ He said looking me up and down. I had seen that look before in Barry’s eyes years ago. It was a look of lust, I looked down and noticed he had a hard on, I looked back up just in time to see him lick his lips.
‘Anything else?’ He asked.
‘No baby, that’s all.’ I said
He never took his eyes off me as I walked over to my purse to give him sixty dollars for cleaning out my basement.
‘Thank you,’ He said as I handed him the money when he touched my hand a warmth feeling went straight to my nipples, I could feel them pressing again the fabric of my top as he stared at me.
‘I’ll be by to cut your grass next Saturday,’ He said walking out the front door.
Barry had a fit when he walked in the door a couple of minutes after Johnny left out. He didn’t trust him around me.
‘If he seen him now, he wouldn’t trust me around him.’ I thought as I starred at him.
Little Johnny wasn’t quite little anymore. He was five foot nine, built like a body builder and from what I could see from his prison issued boxers he was hung like a horse. His hair was in braids and he still gave me that look that made my nipples hard.
I went home that night to an empty house, I thought about setting it on fire but then I would end up where I was working. I tried to eat something, I even tried to watch TV but I couldn’t so I drank a glass of wine, found myself in the bedroom looking at the bed, I went to the closet and started pulling things out of it. I found our camcorder, I went in the living room and plugged it up to the TV. The first thing I saw was Barry’s ass in the air, a man was standing behind him laughing I ran to the bathroom to vomit. I threw my glass of wine at the TV screen and fell asleep on the floor.
‘Mrs. Robinson, is there anything else you need done today?’ Johnny asked as I stood at the stove
preparing a meal for my husband.
‘Yes, could you get the ladder for me, I need that dish off the top shelf.’ I said never turning around. I knew he was staring because of what I had on, a bright red mini skirt, with a white top that tied across my breast only. Plus I always caught him looking at me.
He retrieved the ladder and I climbed up, I looked back as I was coming down to see where he was. Johnny was standing behind the ladder holding it on both sides so if I were to fall he would catch me.
‘Thank you,’ I said coming down my ass was right in his face.
I was stuck mid ladder until he moved, I knew he was looking up my skirt so I turned around.
‘Can I get down please?’ I asked.
I stepped down two more steps when he grabbed me, put his head under my skirt, throwing my legs over his shoulders at the same time. I could feel him biting at the sheer fabric of my thong. He carried me over to the kitchen table and laid me down. Barry would be home soon something I didn’t think Johnny cared about at that moment.
‘Mrs. Robinson, I’m going to give you what you need,’ He said dropping his pants.
I laid on the table not moving, when he raised my legs up and inserted his cock, I got a surprise he was way bigger than my husband and was hitting my spot.
‘My husband will be home soon,’ I whispered.
He grabbed my hips and continued his assault on my pussy. Once I announced I was coming, he began to move rapidly, sending me over the edge and just seconds before my pot boiled over. I regained my composure and watched as he put his cock with the condom still on back in his pants. He looked around to make sure he didn’t leave any evidence.
‘Until next Saturday,’ He whispered in my ear as I handed him his money. I heard Barry at the front door as Johnny closed the patio door. I ran to the bathroom to clean myself up.
I woke up the next morning feeling ashamed for dreaming about Johnny.
‘What would he want with at thirty year old woman?’ I said out loud.
It was funny how time at slipped past me.
I was now being paired up with Ms. Vicki Henderson whenever I worked, at first I didn’t know why until she told me how she insisted to the superintendent we be paired up.
She actually became the only friend I had.
I began to get some control in my life when Barry decided to visit. I still wasn’t sleeping in the bedroom.
‘Carol Ann, I miss you,’ He said touching my cheek. I jumped and pulled away.
‘What do you want?’ I replied.
‘I made a mess of our lives, didn’t I?’ He said.
‘No you made a mess of your life!’ I replied.
‘I want to come home better yet I’m coming home!’ He yelled, ‘I don’t care if you tell the world I’m gay. I worked hard for this house and you did nothing!’
For some reason he acted as if he knew I wouldn’t say a word.
So I jumped up.
‘Oh, you’re going to care when I show the tape that I found in the closet!’ I yelled back.
He walked back out and I began to cry again. When I finally stopped crying it was time for me to go to work.
‘I’m going home in two days,’ Johnny announced to Ms. Henderson. He ran back to his cell to finish packing.
‘Carol Ann, what’s wrong?’ Vicki asked pulling me to the side.
‘My husband’s trying to come home, I put him out after I caught him cheating.’ I cried.
‘Don’t tell anyone I told you this but my husband did the same but I didn’t get mad or depressed I got even. Change all the locks and get you some new dick.’ She said, ‘That’s what I did!’
‘Really,’ I replied.
‘I’ve been sleeping with a man that was released from here a year ago.’ She laughed. ‘Every night when I get off I go straight to his house lay with him for the night, if my soon to be ex pops up at my house I give him some lame story about being with a friend from work.’
‘Can’t you get in trouble,’ I whispered back.
‘For what, he’s not in here anymore not even on papers, like Johnny won’t be,’ She smiled. ‘I see how he looks at you and he knows how to get in touch with you.’
I was shaking my head no.
‘Girl, don’t let that dog ass nigga at home stress you, find you a stress reliever before you go crazy.’ She walked away laughing, ‘I did and so did the girl that was stabbed only difference is she was sexing more than one man and they both was in this place. One felt betrayed, they both wanted her dead but only one acted on it. You can’t sleep with more than one man in this place and not think it’s going to get back to the other.’
‘What if the superintendent finds out,’ I asked.
‘She’s doing the same thing,’ Vicki laughed. ‘She got a couple in here but they don’t trip with her because they know she can have their ass transferred out and some of these men ain’t had sex in twenty to thirty years. I walked in her office on her one time, for an old broad she got some skills, that’s who hooked me up.’
I looked back over my shoulder and noticed how some of the inmates looked at me, it was if I was the fresh meat. A couple of the guys standing with Johnny whispered something to each other that made Johnny’s facial expression change.
‘Johnny! Are you all packed?’ Vicki asked.
It was time for him to be moved out of population, that’s how they did thing so that he wouldn’t get hurt by some jealous inmate. Vicki had me walk him over and she stayed behind.
‘Why are you so quiet?’ I asked him.
‘I know what’s going to happen when I leave.’ He said.
‘Things won’t be that bad at home,’ I replied.
‘That’s not what I’m talking about.’ He was trying to keep his voice at a whisper. ‘I kept my boys off you so I could have you but tomorrow I will be gone and they are like dogs in heat.’
‘What do you mean so that you could have me?’ I replied.
‘You still live at the same place?’ He asked ignoring my question.
I don’t know why I shook my head yes but I did.
‘I’ll see you around.’ He said as I locked the door to his new cell for the next twenty-four hours.
On the way home I made a mental note call a locksmith to change my locks on the front, back and patio door.
I laid on the floor that had quickly became my bed. Just like my life my house was in disarray, since I was off work for the next two days I decide that I would clean up after seeing my divorce lawyer. My plans quickly changed when I returned home with a bottle of wine, I drank and fell asleep on the floor.
For the next two months things where quiet in my life, I didn’t see or hear from Johnny or Barry. I had taken to drinking alone every night and only looked forward to going to work.
‘You didn’t do what I suggested?’ Vicki said one day.
‘I go to court in a couple of days.’ I said
‘Do you want me to come with you?’ She asked.
‘I’ll be fine,’ I said.
On court day Barry gave me the house and offered a generous amount of money for the videotape. I gave him the tape but made sure I had a copy in case he tried to pull something.
I went straight home with my bottle of wine to celebrate. I was lying on the floor drunk when the doorbell rang.
I stumbled to the door and threw it open.
‘Hello Mrs. Robinson,’ Johnny said with a smile.
I just walked away from the door and fell on the couch and rolled on to the floor. He closed the door behind him and looked around the room.
‘What happened?’ He asked as I rolled around on the floor trying to get up.
‘My life just like this house is a mess,’ I laughed.
I went to sleep before he could ask me another question. I woke up around five in the evening to a clean house and food cooking in the kitchen.
‘I figure you would be hungry when you wake up,’ Johnny said setting plates on the table. I just looked at him trying to figure out how long I had been asleep. I walked through the house lookin
g around he had made the beds and cleaned the bathroom’s.
‘How long had I been sleep?’ I asked.
‘Since nine o’clock last night.’ He replied.
‘You’ve been here all night?’ I asked.
‘Yes and I called off work for today,’ He said sitting at the table.
I just looked at him and wondered why he was there.
‘I came to see how you were doing,’ He said, ‘How things were working out at the prison.’
‘Johnny what did you cook? I didn’t have any food here.’ I said.
‘I borrowed your car and went to the store.’ He said ‘I also got some movies for us to watch.’
I just frowned and starred at him.
I went into the bathroom and noticed there was water in the tub with bubbles.
‘You take a bath call me if you need some help.’ He said with a smile. I did as he said and got in the tub. The warm water was comforting I almost forgot he was in the house.
‘Mrs. Robinson!’ He called.
‘Please call me Carol Ann!’ I yelled.
‘Are you alright?’ He laughed.
‘I’m fine,’ I said washing my body then I made sure I washed my pussy real good. I didn’t know what to expect but if anything happened like in my dream I wanted to be extra clean.
I wrapped the robe I had hanging behind the bathroom door around my body. I walked out the bathroom to a set table. Johnny was standing at the stove with his shirt off I looked at his back, the muscles moving as he stirred what was in the pot. My nipple rubbed against the fabric from the robe. He turned around looking me straight in the eyes.
‘Hungry?’ He asked.
I didn’t say a word just sat at the table and let him serve me.
‘You don’t have to do this,’ I said.
‘I use to dream about you when I was younger, when I was locked down,’ He said sitting at the table across from me.
I smiled at him before sampling some of the food on my plate.
‘Good ain’t it,’ He smiled ‘My grandmother taught me how to cook at a young age.’
We ate in total silence, after he washed the dish and cleaned the kitchen we sat on the couch in front of the TV.
We didn’t say a word to each other but while the movie was playing. He leaned over and whispered in my ear ‘I want to make love to you.’
I didn’t blink I just stared at the TV, when his hand brushed across my breast, my nipple got hard.
‘Say something,’ He whispered again this time I could feel the warmth of his breath on my ear.
He brushed his lips against it before tracing his tongue down my neck. I still didn’t move Barry was the last and only man I had ever slept with, since his betrayal I felt no need to sleep with a man. I put my sexual desire on the back burner but now here I was in the presents of a young hot-bodied man that wanted me. The kiss on my neck broke me from my trance, his fingers danced around my nipples making me wet. He pulled the tie to the robe and it fell open, I stood up and went into the kitchen.
He followed behind me, as I tried to tie the robe back up I felt him pull it. He snatched it off. I was standing in the kitchen nude and trying to cover myself up.
‘Don’t!’ He said grabbing my arms I looked up at him.
‘Please Johnny! I haven’t been with a man in a while.’ I mumbled looking in his eyes.
He pulled me close kissing me deep, his tongue was soft as it darted in and out of my mouth. Then it began to drive me to another level my arms were around his neck pulling him towards me. The way he twirled his tongue pulled me deeper into the kiss, I felt my knee buckle but didn’t have to worry about hitting the floor because he had a firm grip on my body. I never heard his pants hit the floor, he picked me up putting me on his cock. We stood right in the kitchen as I rode up and down on cock. He never once flinched from my weight he never stumbled he held his ground. As he held me with one arm he lifted my breast to his mouth.
As he sucked I screamed, ‘OH Shit! OH Shit! I’m Cumming. Don’t let go please don’t let go!’
He stopped, I climbed down as he turned me around. Pushing his hips forward driving the head of his cock into my wetness as I pushed back.
‘Baby, don’t stop,’ He moaned between pushes. I had no plans of stopping I was just catching my second wind.
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There was a person with learning disabilities in our neighbourhood, a man named Johnny who was nineteen years old at the time of this story, while I was a forty-three-year-old divorced woman who lived alone.Although Johnny was suffering from Down syndrome, he was very kind, polite and responsible. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about some of the guys and girls of his age who usually mocked and bullied him, despite having a healthy brain. I noticed that he is able and willing to learn...
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Hentai Porn SitesIt’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager…. Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him. It was summertime...
It’s been some time since I wrote about my crazy life as a slutty crossdresser so with some free time right now I thought I might tell you about Ricky, one of my early boyfriends when I was a teenager…. Ricky moved into our neighborhood when I was 17 and he was 18 and I had a crush on him right away. He was so damn good looking with dark brown hair, brown eyes and strong athletic body and fantasizing about his cock between my lips made me dizzy every time I saw him. It...
Crossdressing‘JanCarlos Rodriguez!!…come and eat’..i woke up as my mother yelled..went to sl**p late cuz my mom was bitchin at me cuz da kitchen wasn’t clean yesterday round 11 pm. i brushed my teeth, did my hair nd went to eat. ‘pull dem pant up.’ ..’ay ma. leave me alone’, i sat down as my bestfriend joe, came trough da kitchen nd whispered ‘good morning sunshine’ in my ear. i instantly got a hard on. he is so sexy i thought to my self. He had a wife beater on. i didnt want to eat so me and him left for...
Love's Journey -------------------------- The flowers are in bloom In the early weeks of May The little boys chase frogs The girls just sing and play. Above a field of green Beneath a tree of pine Two friends sit side by side Two lovers intertwined Moral laws be damned Let only God lay blame Love shall rule the day Though chromosomes the same. Years and years as brothers Divide by hate and pain Wandering the desert Stuck out in the rain. Separate bearing...
This is the third and final part of my story about my unexpected love for my beautiful neighbour. Links to the other parts are available on my profile page as usual. Love's Awakening A warm wetness was working it's way up my legs. Although I knew I was dreaming, I savoured the sensation as it paused. Roughness followed on from the slippery heat and in my dream, my skin tingled. Again the wetness, higher this time it caressed my thighs both inner and outer. I could feel small fingers grasping...
Straight SexCopyright© 2004 Kyle was having a very sexy dream, one more exciting and vivid than he had ever imagined. Brianna was romping naked and dancing with him in passion and delight. The flashing curves of her breasts and legs, her joyful laugh and bright smiling eyes filled the dream. Kyle gasped as Brianna dominated him for coupling, gasped again as she rolled to let him mount her for a short while, gasped a third time as she turned and reclaimed the mount position. It all seemed so...
Disclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us Universe..............it is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...
I'm awakened to the feel of the silk blindfold being lowered over my eyes. I mumble and stir, and my lover's quiet voice hushes me. "Shh, just you relax. We're going to play another little game this morning," he tells me. "mmmmm" is my sleepy reply. His games are always exciting, and through my grogginess I feel a spark of interest and excitement kindle inside. He shifts on the bed, pulling the sheets from over us. I try to curl up into a warm ball, but his strong, confident hands take hold of...
BDSMHe seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...
My Mistake While I was getting dressed I started to think about what Jay said to Chris. I was to scared to even admit the truth to my self, I really didn’t think that Jay told him. Obviously we didn’t argue, so what the fuck did he tell him I thought. I was completely confused, so I decided that I would try to fool Chris into telling me what Jay said. I sat on Jay’s bed and sighed. ‘I wish you were here,’ I said aloud then walked out of the room On my way down stairs I started devise a...
Warwick Castle, Lancaster Estate England 1815 Kelloch Havisham, Duke of Lancaster, sat on the settee across from his bed and stared at it hard, as he swallowed another mouthful of the rich brandy. There was something wrong with him, he thought. The same dream, over and over again, it wasn’t normal. Not in the least. It wasn’t supposed to happen to him. He was the bloody Duke of Lancaster. Everyone in the Ton trembled when he passed them by, and he was having a bloody reoccurring nightmare. ...
My name is Sarah Case and I live in lower Manhattan, with three guys, Chris Cline, Jason Reed, and Jay Haze. About 10 months ago we opened a club in Queens called M57. It was a big hit and we started to make a lot of money. So they were all pretty happy, but I was miserable. I bet you are wondering why? Well, Chris has been my best friend since we were in grade school. Chris and Jay were lovers for about 3 years, until they decided that they didn’t want to be intimate anymore and became...
Please do not read if you are under 18 or if reading this story is illegal where you live! This is not a quick sex story, if you are looking for that, you will be disappointed. This is a romance story that will eventually lead to sex. This is my first submission, so please be kind! Comments and constructive criticism are welcome. *********************************************** Chapter 1 JOEL Sometimes I think about the images that will flash back to me when that moment comes that I’m...
My absolute best friend, ever. She was, well, perfect. We’d known each other since we were kids, everyone always said we’d end up married with kids of our own, well, they said that till I came out that is. She was the first person I plucked up the courage to come out to, of course. I remember it as though it were yesterday. I was so nervous. We were sitting together on her bed after school watching a movie, I had been planning to tell her for three week, plucking up the courage, then suddenly...
Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It’s like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you’re going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January, it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...
Copyright 2014 by robindavisfiction. This story may not be republished or reposted on other websites without written permission. ***** He warmed the lotion in his hands before spreading it gently on her swollen feet and rubbing each cold toe carefully between his fingers until the chill was gone. Gently, but firmly, he massaged each foot before working slowly up her calves and shins, steadily increasing the pressure with each upward stroke. He lightly caressed her cool, smooth skin with each...
Sirens filled my ears with their screams of urgency. Through the wails and horns I could hear voices, harsh, barking voices. I could not discern the words they spoke through the chaos of sound around me. Slowly the sensation of cold began to flood over my body, cold and wet. I felt wet. A sharp pain from my shoulder jerked my body, my head rolled to the side, my ear being crushed against a cold hard surface. I felt the sterile touch of latex gloved hands roll my head back and lift it slowly...
She should have known better than to trust him, he had done nothing but lie to her from day one. Of course she hadn’t been aware of this fact until it was too late. Way too late. John had asked Melissa out on a magical first date and had completely bowled her over. A whirlwind romance that turned into roller coaster ride that had stopped abruptly, leaving shattered dreams and broken promises. He had made so many promises to her, and had seemed to mean each one. She had lived for those promises...
Kurt is back in town and coming to visit and fuck his wife My wife Gerta had baked chocolate cookies, my favorite, and they were now on a plate on the kitchen table, still nice and hot, their fragrance filling the room. She was sitting there in just a low-cut top that barely contained her huge bust, and shorts that looked ready to burst from the size of her double-wide butt. I had just finished washing all the dishes, which is one of my regular chores, and thought I deserved a reward, so I...
Kurt is back in town and coming to visit and fuck his wife My wife Gerta had baked chocolate cookies, my favorite, and they were now on a plate on the kitchen table, still nice and hot, their fragrance filling the room. She was sitting there in just a low-cut top that barely contained her huge bust, and shorts that looked ready to burst from the size of her double-wide butt. I had just finished washing all the dishes, which is one of my regular chores, and thought I deserved a reward, so I...
Rhonda felt dizzy, short of breath and incredibly aroused. She clung to her boyfriend Eric as they kissed on his couch. He had her pressed back against the arm rest, one hand on her hip the other on the back of her neck as if afraid she was going to pull away. His tongue was deep in her mouth and Rhonda could hear soft little grunts of pleasure coming from deep in his throat. Eric finally broke their kiss but immediately moved his lips to her neck. Rhonda took advantage of the break and...
Love StoriesSo here I was on X hamster not feeling great, having a bout of depression, when I find a post from a guy not far from me. He happens to be on line so we start chatting as you do, swap the odd photo, turns out he likes to take photos, is open minded and likes my nylon pics with me in stockings. Asked if the wife is free which she not as working.We swap a few more comments when he asks if I was free and fancied popping round for a coffee.Well to be honest, I kinda wanted some company, the 3 weeks...
Pale moonlight filtered through the trees, and I sniffed the light breeze that brushed my face. Moss, pollen and the other smells of the forest registered, but I ignored them. I caught the faint traces of something flowery, something that had no business being here. The source was upwind, and I made my way along a low spot in the forest where a small stream ran in the rainy season. This was elven territory, where I was not welcome, so I moved carefully through the trees and brush. I gripped my...
The Dog Days of August were finally at an end. Dave let out a sigh as he stepped off the jetway. He was finally on the journey home. It felt like he'd spent more time on business trips than in Colorado during the past month. After doing a quick mental calculation, he chuckled and shook his head. He had, and it wasn't even close. It'd been over six weeks since he'd spent three consecutive nights sleeping in his own bed. And the days he'd been home hadn't been all that great either, he...
Copyright© 1996-2003 "There once was a lady named Carter, Fell in love with a virile young Tartar. She stripped off his pants, At his prick quickly glanced, And cried: 'For that I'll be a martyr!'" -author unknown "Love Eternal" Those were the words we spoke to each other on our wedding day. In fact, standing at the head of the church, we had almost a hundred witnesses to those phrases, including the priest who pronounced us married. I can still remember the echo from...
The windshield wipers on the black SUV swept frantically back and forth, valiantly fighting a losing battle with the ever-thickening snowfall. Jennifer Love Hewitt brought the overmatched vehicle to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road; or at least she thought it was the middle of the road, the blizzard conditions made it nearly impossible to distinguish anything outside the truck. She turned on the interior light and reread her directions for what seemed like the hundredth time. The...
Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It's like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you're going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January; it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...
I spent less than twenty minutes on the phone with my dad as we came up with a plan. He was very happy to hear from my mom I was free of the commands Father Xavier had given me, and even more pleased to hear I was interested in going to the Crow Academy, a coed boarding school for teens with the telepathic ability. Troublesome telepathic teens from all over the continent were sent to the Crow Academy to knock off their rough edges and learn self-control, coexistence and humility. Weekly...
After spending Friday cleansing seven girls, I had the rest of the weekend off as the rest of the girls weren’t ready. So what did I do with my time? I spent part of Saturday afternoon haggling with my parents about the future of the Hamilton mansion. Like my father, I had formed a sense of resentment towards the south wing out of what I had done there. When my dad suggested tearing down the south wing, I was perfectly okay with it. My mom didn’t like the idea, but she really didn’t have a...
That Jack would actually call her within a week was really surprising to Ariel. He called her three days later and they met at a local coffee shop called Café Z. They sat at a corner table drinking coffee and talking about many topics, the weather, sports, music, current events, and their families. They were there for 3 hours enjoying each other's company when Ariel asked him to come to her house for dinner the next night. He accepted right away, saying, "I'll even bring the wine,...
Ariel went into the kitchen to stir the pasta, which was almost done. She put the wine in the freezer to chill. Jack came into the kitchen and placed the long white box on the table. He walked up behind Ariel and slid his hands around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her neck. Ariel laughed and gently pushed Jack away, saying with a laugh, "Dinner's gonna burn if you continue doing that! Here, make yourself useful and toss the salad." She handed him the salad tongs and he took the...
Making love to an eighteen-year-old, a seventeen-year-old and three fifteen-year-old girls was, for the first time, not a chore for me. Belinda Graves, the junior, was especially fun. My first titty fuck. I thought about having a painting made up for it, but later decided it would be kind of creepy. I was using the RVs again since the south mansion was now closed. Adam and Jessica helped out at the RV, but my mom was pretty much running the show. Jessie was there too, though she wasn’t aware...
Ariel stepped away, took Jack's hand and grabbed the wine bottle. He grabbed the glasses and they went into the kitchen, then Ariel led him up the stairs to her bedroom. She placed the bottle and glasses on the dresser. Then she walked over to her bookshelf and turned on her stereo to some soft rock music. When she turned around, Jack was sitting on the bed smiling at her. She smiled back at him then walked to the bed and sat beside him. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Jack...
The twins were at the airfield in their new white convertible limo. That limo was a sweet ride, especially from all the buttons. I love buttons. The twins had been using my dad’s convertible while I had been gone, so having the top down was nothing special for them or our friends. I was momentarily a little jealous of how they had spoiled our friends with that without me, but it was to help cheer them up rather than show off. We rode with the top down. I thought it was cool, and not just...