- 4 years ago
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Chapter 17. A Concert Pick-up
I was at a Friday night rock concert at the House of Blues and as usual it got very crowded very quickly.
I decided to head towards the back wall thinking that if I was not going to get a good view I would at least have something to lean on. I had just gotten to my spot when I was jostled from behind by a small redheaded woman in her late twenties.
She apologized and I saw that she had been ducking away from an altercation of some kind behind her. I immediately gave her more room and she nodded and smiled her thank you. Two tall blonde girls soon stumbled towards us behind the redhead. One of them asked her what the hell happened.
The redhead said, ‘Two assholes fighting over the same square foot on the floor.’
After both guys were escorted out things got back to normal but I found myself somewhat jammed between the redhead and the blondes in front and a wall behind me. We had a short entryway wall jutting out to our left and after I leaned on it the girls had more room and I happily found that could I see over the crowd from there.
As the band came on it became obvious to me that the redhead could see very little. She was very likely working her way to the front when the altercation forced her to detour towards me. I saw her look to see if there was a path to the stage but did not see one. I did not either.
The band had started the show with one of their more popular numbers and the redhead was frantic.
On a whim I leaned over to her and said to her ear, ‘If you don’t mind,’ then I put my hands on her hips and lifted her off the floor and put her butt up to my chest for her to get a clear view. I manage to keep her there until the first number was over then set her down as the band gave us the obligatory ‘We are happy to be (insert the name of the city here) speech to which the fans gave their obligatory cheer.
The redhead jumped into my arms and gave me a big hug and a hard kiss.
Her blonde friends gave me grief for being an easy mark for redheads and demanded that they get a turn. I pointed out that I was an old man with no muscle and that the small redhead had taxed my limits. I got a ‘yeah right’ look from them as the band started their second number. The redhead kissed me again, a soft sweet kiss that time.
I was perhaps five years older than them and although I was strong I had no bulging muscles to prove it. I looked like your ordinary bookish nerd although my glasses were semi-stylish and in good repair. Holding the redhead up had not been much of a challenge since she certainly weighed less than one hundred pounds, probably less than ninety.
For the next two songs the girls paid more attention to the crowd than the band until they heard one of the three ballads that had briefly made the hard rock band into stars.
The smaller of the two blondes joined the cheers for the number then turned to me. She placed my hands and arms together as a sling, had me bend forward, and then sat between them. I locked my arms together then lifted her up so her butt was at my waist and her head was above my shoulders. She could then see the band without obstruction and sing along with them.
When the song was over I allowed her to slip down and as soon her feet were completely on the floor she turned her body towards me and gave me a deep kiss complete with darting tongue. She hugged me and said to my ear, ‘But don’t get you hopes up, we are lesbians.’
I kissed her cheek and said, ‘Hmm, apparently I like lesbians.’
She giggled and told the other two about our conversation. The redhead jumped into my arms and kissed me again. The taller blonde came to me and gave me a nice soft kiss then pulled the other blonde to her and gave her a deep kiss as she fondled her ass.
Apparently she had not believed that I understood they were lesbians. As soon as their kiss ended I said to her, ‘It is not that difficult for the world to see you two are a couple.’
The smaller blonde gave the taller one an ‘I told you so’ look.
Suddenly the redhead was trying to climb up my body as if I was a tree. The band had just started one of ‘her songs.’ I turned her around, put my hands on her hips, bent my knees and lifted her up onto my shoulders.
That is usually not allowed but since the only thing behind us was a wall I thought we might get away with it. I did see a couple of security guys look at us apparently trying to decide what to do. The redhead suddenly decided that she could dance while on my shoulders and I started to get battered around. I looked at the security guys and with tongue in cheek pleaded for them to get her off me but they just shook their heads no and laughed. The redhead stayed on me the rest of the concert.
In my everyday boredom I had worked out at a gym everyday. That paid dividends twice more that night as the smaller blonde sat in the arc of my arms for two more songs while the redhead remained on my shoulders. The taller blonde put her arm around my waist and swayed with me through both songs. I was the focal point to a gang of lesbians. I kind-of enjoyed it. No, I loved it. I got my kisses from all three so I was being amply rewarded.
The redhead almost crashed when she first leaned around my head to kiss my lips. She slid partly off my shoulders and wrapped her arms around my neck but needed to let go with a leg to accomplish this. She had expected me to hold her up and did not seem to have ever been concerned that I had been a fraction late to realize what she wanted to do. I did manage to hold her steady by placing my hands under her ass while she kissed me.
She had almost knocked my glasses off when she slid down but caught them in her hand. She started to give them back to me but opted to kiss me again and put them inside her shirt, then kissed me again. I had to push her butt up when she wanted to get back up to my shoulder. My hands loved having her butt in them.
She began to kiss me after every song and if she was not a fan of the following song she to stayed cradled in my arms and continued to hug me. I really loved that. As the encore was winding down she slid off my shoulders completely until her arms were around my neck and her legs were wrapped over my hips. I cradled her ass on my locked arms as she just kissed me over and over. Passionate kisses alternated with sweet soft kisses at random. I ate them up.
As the lights went up she snuggled to my neck and asked, ‘Do you have someone waiting for you?’
‘Not for years,’ I said.
‘Feel like fucking a lesbian?’
‘No. I would much, much rather make love to you.’
She gave me a bone-crunching hug and said, ‘OK.’
I carried her out of the building still in my arms and did not put her down until we had crossed the street. We held hands as we walked. The blondes seemed to understand what the redhead had in mind and just waved us goodbye as they went down to the underground parking.
‘How far did you park?’ she asked.
‘I did not drive. I am staying at a condo five blocks from here. When do you need to make an appearance next?’
‘Monday morning in my classroom.’
‘Very good to know. Let’s stop at the Hardrock and get some long lasting energy. A big hamburger should help us make it through tonight. Maybe the Vietnamese tomorrow night.’
‘Sounds like a good plan. Lets do it.’
‘Here?’ I asked incredulously.
I got my ass slapped, which was the proper response for a smart-ass comment.
As we approached the Hardrock she remembered my glasses and unbuttoned two buttons of her shirt and said, ‘You will need your glasses. As you get them make sure you squeeze a tit on your way in and again on the way out.’
I made sure of that.
She did not button up her blouse so I could see most of a tit as we ate our hamburger and fries. Several times she announced, ‘Kiss’ and kissed me, often while we ha
d food in our mouths.
She found an extra long fry in her basket and decided we should re-enact a scene from a Disney movie, we chomped on it from each end until our lips met. While we finished our beer and waited for the check her hand went to my crotch and gave my already hardening cock a squeeze.
While we walked hand in hand towards my building it occurred to me that if the evening had been a date and had ended right then it would still be number one on my list. I loved the redheads company. As we neared my condo she jumped into my arms and said, ‘Carry me home.’
I did but since she was kissing me from the sidewalk through the elevator ride up I could barely see where I was going.
About thirty minutes later later we were naked on my bed and she was undulating her hips as my hard cock and her tight pussy provided the focus for her movements. She had already had several orgasms the last two of which she had insisted were just for me. Her phone rang and she reached for it on the nightstand and got it without losing her rhythm on my cock. She put it on speaker.
‘Hi, where are you two.’
‘Inga’s place. What are you doing?’
‘Fucking. He has been very nice to me so far, two orgasms with his tongue and three with his cock.’
‘What’s his name?’
‘Wait. I’ll ask. What is your name?’
‘I am Helen. The blonde on the phone is Jana, the one you let sit in your arms. She is a cousin. The taller one is Inga. She lives in The City.’
‘Helen, what are your plans?’
‘I plan to keep fucking him.’
‘No doofus. I swear you are more blonde than we are. I mean for the rest of the weekend. I assume you will be with us for shopping tomorrow and at the club tomorrow night. I am still taking you home Sunday I assume.’
‘No on tomorrow shopping, no on tomorrow night clubbing, and yes on the ride late Sunday. Hold on for a sec.’
Helen slammed her pussy over my cock four or five times in rapid succession and again loudly groaned through an orgasm.
‘Wow baby. You are almost as loud as your sister in law,’ Jana said.
Helen waited a second to catch her breath then said, ‘No one is as loud as your sister.’
I now understood the closeness between the two, I thought. I later learned it was closer than that, they had each been each other’s first lesbian lover.
Jana said, ‘OK, we will not worry about you until Sunday but please be advised that I will tell Cindy her biggest fan is fucking somebody else. She will not appreciate it. Listen, Inga just came out of the shower and is standing naked in front of me. It’s time for my fun to start. Take care of her Roger. You are a very rare treat for her. Love you Helen. Call me Sunday.’
‘Love you. Have fun. I will call you if anything changes. Bye.’
After she put away the phone Helen looked at me and asked, ‘Do you expect anything to change?’
I guessed that she was wondering if my talk of keeping her with me through Sunday had just been a line. It had in fact been a line when I said it but it had already become my fondest wish. I also learned that Helen took things at face value and I needed to be careful with what I said to her.
‘Maybe, you might need a sub on Monday,’ I said.
She smiled and kissed me tenderly then resumed her long slow fuck. As she was in the midst of her umpteenth orgasm mine arrived. It had been a volcanic surprise to me and to her. My cum seeped past her pussy lips and sent her into another orgasm.
Without dislodging my cock I turned us over and plowed my cock into her as hard and as fast as I could before I lost my erection. In less than a minute I took her to a monumental orgasm that first had her whimpering as she gasped for breath then groaning as her body plunged into spasms. I was proud to be able to do that for her. I slipped to her side and covered us up. I kissed her lips softly and said ‘Good night.’
She whispered ‘night’ and fell asleep within seconds. I turned off the lamp, scooped her into my arms and went to sleep.
She was already fucking me when I awoke the next morning. I waited for her to get an orgasm then flipped us over and again fucked her hard and fast. Her next cum was not as dramatic as the one the previous night but it was definitely in the neighborhood. Mine was even better.
I turned us to our sides and we just held each other for a while. I then sat up with her on my lap, my cock still in her pussy then stood up. She put her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around me exactly as we had done the night before except for my dick in her pussy part.
I took us to the bathroom and turned on the shower then went to the cabinet and put toothpaste on my toothbrush. Her grip on me was secure enough that I could use both hands without her needing to step on the floor. I loved how her naked body clung to mine.
I walked us into the shower and I offered the toothbrush to her first. She brushed her teeth then offered to brush my teeth for me since my hands were on her now wet ass holding her up. I foolishly agreed and just put up with it as she brushed the roof of my mouth, my tongue, my teeth and my eyebrows.
She then kissed me while our mouths were still full of foamy toothpaste. She swirled her tongue in my mouth so I swirled mine in hers. By the time our kiss ended we had probably traded toothpaste foams. I thought it was probably the most fun anyone could ever have brushing their teeth.
Eventually we had to separate so we could wash the rest of our bodies. As soon as she was standing she helped things immensely by softly batting around my limp cock as she yelled at it ‘Wake Up’ whenever she got the urge. I let her do that without comment.
We eventually emerged from the bathroom clean and dry. As she put on some minimal makeup I picked up our clothes that had been strewn for the door to the bed as I went to the kitchen.
We remained naked as I prepared Cafe DuMond, which she loved, and microwaved sausage biscuits, which she hated. I made her toast.
As we sipped our coffee on my love seat she said, ‘My cousin Allen used to live in this building, a big tall redhead. Did you know him?’
‘No, I do not know anybody in this building. The company I worked for put me up in here when I was sent to take care of several clients’ problems with our machines. I managed to do that to a couple of them but the problems with the machines were market wide and my company went under. I am now unemployed but this place is paid for until the end of the year so I have no worry on that end for a while.’
‘Do you need money?’ Helen asked.
I smiled and kissed her lips tenderly. I really liked this redhead.
‘No, I have saved enough to take me through a couple of years, more if I stay in Texas. I live alone and I have not had a vacation in seven years so I am counting this little stretch as one. I have not been able to convince myself to go back to Chicago since I have no job there. I did not re-new the lease on my apartment. Technically I am unemployed and homeless.’
‘Don’t you have family you can live with?’
She asked the question in astonishment.
‘My only relative is my sister and she is now in New York. She worked for the same company I did although our parent company is temporarily keeping her on as a consultant. She is moving to Texas sometime soon, she fell in love with a guy from Austin. It would be silly for me to move to New York and find a job there only to see her come here.’
‘What is your degree in?’
‘Physics, optics mostly.’
‘In Texas you can teach while you work on a teachers certificate. My Aunt Martha is superintendent of schools in my hometown. If you continue to fuck me nice I might put in a good word for you.’
‘I do not see me as a school teacher but thanks. I will continue to fuck you nicely though.’
‘Good. Thanks. When?’
Her hand was checking out my cock for firm
ness about the same way I had seen women check out avocados,
‘A couple of hours at most. Want to get a real breakfast while we wait?’
‘Lets do lunch since it is almost noon. Any idea where my clothes are?’
‘I put them in the dryer on fluff. They should be OK by now.’
Helen gave me directions to a place I had never heard of in an area of the city I had never been. She ordered pastrami on rye sandwiches for both of us. They were huge and delicious. It occurred to me we may share the same metabolic trait, I could eat anything in great quantities and not gain weight and apparently Helen could too. She ate as much as I did. We could be twin terrors at a buffet.
After lunch I let Helen drive and she took us on a tour of that part of town which she referred to as the artistic district and eventually stopped in front of a closed nightclub.
‘This is a lesbian dance club. I used to come here a lot and I used to get thrown out of the joint at times. Not for drunken behavior, my drink limit is two per day. Jealous tantrums just ate my lunch. There was a fight once.
I have not been back in two years and I moved back home this past summer. I am amazed that I have not missed this place. My family is scandalized, they think I’m growing up.’
I kissed her softly and she kissed me not as softly. I caressed a breast. She searched for my cock and gave it the avocado test.
‘Home Sigmundo. You are almost ready.’
Once in my bed we slowed down. There were a lot of kisses before my cock slipped into her pussy and a lot of kisses after it was firmly embedded in it. But when the fuck actually started it quickly became savage. She bit me, dug her fingernails into my back and growled at me. I tried to fuck her into the twilight zone. We both won.
‘I never would have believed I was capable of acting like that,’ Helen said. ‘Especially with a guy. I am stunned.’
‘I am stunned too, about my own behavior I mean, ‘ I said. ‘I enjoyed yours. You must be a bad influence on me. Thanks.’
‘Now would be a good time for you to kiss me a lot.’
‘My pleasure,’ I said and began to kiss her a lot. We dozed off.
When she woke up about an hour later I was eating her pussy. I had seen that her body was reacting to that fact long before she woke up so I was not surprised when she screamed into orgasms within a minute.
I was surprised by how hard I had to work to keep my mouth in contact with her pussy while she was in the throes of an orgasm. The night before she had come close to giving me a concussion.
I crawled back up to her and kissed her while I waited for her to return to Earth.
‘You must injure a lot of your lady lovers. The next time I go down on you I am wearing a helmet.’
She sighed and cuddled up to me. She said, ‘I really hate to tell you this because I don’t want to inflate your ego but my biggest orgasms ever have come in the last fifteen hours or so.’
‘So a woman has not satisfied you orally as much as I have?’
‘No. Well my first one ever was memorable but part of that was that I didn’t know I was a lesbian then. I do enjoy being eaten but I am, as some say, a top. I am the one doing the seducing. I am the one eating pussy, mauling tits, biting ass. Before you my top cums had come from Jana’s mouth and my stepfathers cock.’
‘You fucked your stepfather?’
‘Yes but he wasn’t my stepfather then. He was my best friend. An unfortunate incident at the club put me in his condo for a week. We began masturbating for each other and ended up fucking a few times. He was the one that made me realize that it was possible for me to enjoy being fucked by a man although Mom pointed out that the major factor with that was that I loved him and he loved me.’
‘Your mom knows you fucked her future husband?’
‘Yes, she was the one who told me that if I was going to give any man a chance at sex it should be him. She told me how much she had enjoyed the time they spent an entire Memorial Day weekend fucking.
She and Dad were still married then although they had been separated for years. Right after I moved out of his condo he took Mom to Playa Del Carmen for a week. Mom filed for divorce right after they got back and six months later they got married, then they got married again three months after that.’
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Love StoriesThe Favor by Miss Anonna JoAnn called me early one Friday and asked if I could do her a favor. Her boss was having a game party at his home office and all I had to do was dress business like but hot and sit at the secretary chair looking good and answering the phone. I had met her boss and he was a doll so being that I would see his house along with getting paid $500.00 I told her to count me in. I got out a nice black bra and semi see through black blouse, a tight leather mini and my arctic...
Note this story is completely based off a dream I had. I don't own the characters that will appear in it, except me , Bryce, and a couple others that might appear. The characters I don't own , you may or may not recognize. Theirs a couple from gravity falls, a true blood one, Buffy the vampire slayer character, or characters. Are deffent, Plus all are at least of 18 years of age, so with that said , let's begin ........................................................................... THE...
BDSMHi, my name is Jessica, I'm 26 years old, i married my high school sweetheart as soon as i turned 18, I'm a nurse working at a local clinic, my husband Michael turns 27 next month, he is an accountant for a big company downtown, they allow him to work from home as much as he wants so long as he goes into the office once a week. We own a beautiful house on the beach, it has a guest house for when either of our families comes to visit, which sadly isn't often enough. My side of the family hates...
FetishPlease note that my stories are often based solely on my imagination and that I may or may not be a character in them.We met in a chat room one night. There were many conversations going on, just as there normally are. We interacted with each other here and there. There was a lot of flirting and teasing going on in the room and we joined in with the others. After awhile, you whispered something to me. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but it was something very suggestive. I whispered...
BDSMI found this nerd looking guy trying to a flat tire at 3am. He was trying to figure out the tire jack. He was about twenty-five, skinny large rim glasses. I stopped to help. I asked if he needed some help. I could tell he didn’t know what to do. His wife got out of the car. GD, She was a fox. She spoke to me in broken English with a French accent. Thank you for stopping to help. She said her name was Suzette. Suzette was wearing a low cut neckline thin T-shirt and no bra. She was showing about...
“God I’m bored,” I thought as I looked at the clock for the twentieth time. It was two o’clock in the afternoon, and I did not finish work for another two and a half hours. I moved the mouse by my computer and watched the screen blink back to life. I checked my e-mail inbox once again, no new e-mails. I checked the company log, also no new notes. Theoretically that meant my job was done for the day, but leaving work early is frowned upon. I stood up and walked over to the door of my office,...
I love being sexually pleasured by a third person around once a month, a man preferably but I am very comfortable with a woman, so perhaps tonight sexual pleasure from a man and a woman? “Did you know we post stories about our sexual adventures on a website. The number of hits we receive and the approval percentages are our scorecard,” Roger teases. “They also provide ideas for new experiences for us.” “When was the last time you two had sex,” Janet asks as we finish our desert and sip...
This was about my second or third time going to a lesbian bar. I usually just go there when I'm really horny. When I do go there I look for someone who has big tits red hair or a brunette.I'm a blonde so I don't really like having sex with another blonde unless she has big tits or big ass. I like shaven pussy but I don't care. So I walk in and sit at the bar and get a drink. I look around for at least two girls. I'm thinking hopefully o find a red head and brunette w/ big tits.that morning I...
Chapter Twenty-Two: Futa Cuckolds the President By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Athena Pearce I shuddered in delight as I walked into the Oval Office with my mind-controlling panties in hand. This was it. The ultimate moment of my devotion to Mildred Dean. I would put the leader of the free world beneath my power. And hers. “Ah, Ms. Pearce,” he said, this broad smile on his schmoozing face. He had his hair quaffed back. President Meyers swept...
THE LANDLORD PART 5 CHAPTER 1 Over the next couple of months my landlord took more and more control over my life. He wanted me to be available and dressed as Cindy on a much more regular basis now. It had kind of grown by degrees and my life had changed completely. It was kind of like I was used to it and it was becoming normal. I felt like I was becoming more and more conditioned to my landlord's control! He wanted to know my whereabouts at all times and would often send me...
Sabko mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe kaafi khushi hai ki mera gmail aplogo ke mail se bhara hua hai aur aap sab kitne besabri se meri kahani padne ka intzaar kar rahe hai. Isi karan abse har week ek ek episode main upload karunga. Last episode mein aap logo ne Swati aur Teena ka pyar dekha, Teena ke ghar uske room mein. Theek usi waqt Shobha ke yaha kya ho raha tha woh Akash aplogo ko batayega. Hope you enjoy this part too and reply...
Email- [email protected] I'm looking for an assistant apply by emailing. Chapter 2 -- The Choice. Brant Everard was six months younger than I. I haven't seen him for years, but I remember him very clearly. He was tall, slender as a willow, and fair skinned. He wore his dark hair in ringlets and favored lacy collars and cuffs. With a simple handshake between my stepfather and his father, our engagement was arranged. I was livid, but my opinion was of no consequence. The...
Something did happen Thursday evening, but not that way. And not in any way either of us had expected. The day had gone along as quietly and uneventfully as the three before it, with still not a sign of Walter. If he hadn't actually given up he was doing an awfully good imitation of it. I went back to the hotel in good spirits and was starting to put my stuff back in the suitcase when there was a sharp knock on the door. "Room service," came the routine call. I was so used to hearing...
I had decided to give Sarah 30 minutes to create the stories she was going to use for her mum and Amy, make her calls, and told her to “clean her disgusting whore face”. The defeated look combined with the tears as I told her was absolutely priceless. I vehemently hated Sarah, and was quickly realizing that breaking her spirt was potentially even more satisfying for me than the sex. Ordering some more fun things off of Amazon for tomorrow, I began to use the rest of the time to edit the...
(MF, couples, swing, inc)You'll remember when I wrote my last story I said that it might be my last since fantasy had finally become reality after I had sex with my younger sister. Well, she's gotten hooked on reading these stories and told me that I should continue to send them and write about what we're really doing.It's been tough getting together much since last month when we finally fucked. Her husband is always around and he's a jealous guy too. s*s and I have managed a couple of quickies...
Look, man, everybody whines about turning thirty in private, you know that. I’m just honest about it with my friends is all. And it isn’t just being thirty. Maybe it’s the city and the tiny apartment and the bouncing from one job to another for ten years. I like it most of the time but it ain’t where I thought I’d be when I was a kid. I never wanted to live in the suburbs like Missy probably is now, but it’d be nice to have the option, you know? And I don’t. I can’t afford that bedroom...
Alice awoke to Missa’s lips on her nipples, and Aidan’s hands scratching up her hips. Moaning awake, Alice pushed her hips back into Aidan’s groin as she registered the sensations and attempted to regain consciousness. Alice ran a hand through Missa’s hair before grabbing a hold of it and pulling her head off her breasts. Smiling at her, Alice pushed Missa’s head towards her pussy and lifted her leg to rest on top of Aidan’s thigh. Then Alice reached a hand back to scratch Aidan’s hips and...
FetishSo i finally move out in to the new flat its been a few busy days but all my stuff is now moved in.I decide to come on here and watch some clips and look at some pics and jerk off.sitting here with my cock out and suddenly the buzzer goes, i get up and answer it "hey b*o got ya a gift let me up" came a soft sweet voice over the intercom its my sister wonder what she wants? i buzz her in and left the door open a little bit, sort myself out and sit on the sofa waiting for her to come in."Hey b*o...
Introduction: The continuing story of the nasty things Ive done. So after Kyle started back to school, I had more time on my hands. So, I was busy fixing peoples cars in the driveway for some cash to help pay rent and of course, score some more tweak. It was something I could do that I knew well and I could be amped yet still know what the hell I was doing. The old lady was glad I was getting more business, but little did she know that all summer I wasnt doing as much work because I had my...
Not until my husband's death did I understand the meaning of the word lonely. For 20 years, I built my life around him. His death, along with that of one of our sons in a car crash almost destroyed my world. I was 38 years old and thought my life was over. If it hadn't been for my oldest boy, Jeff Junior, I don't that I would've survived. Jeff reminded me so much of his late father when he was also 18 it was downright scary. When I saw him in the morning, his dad immediately came to mind....
Helping My Brother Get Revenge----------I suppose that I was lucky in high school compared to other girls; my breasts developed early and I was quite well endowed while others in my class were somewhat flat-chested wenches. The guys, of course, were constantly clamoring after me. Between classes in the crowded hallways must have been where most thought they could get their jollies by 'accidentally' bumping or just outright groping me as they passed. I just smiled and continued on, not paying...
Paul and I had argued again on Saturday evening. Well, to be exact, it was our last argument. I told him I was finished with him. It seemed that we’d got to the point when we didn’t agree on anything. It was just arguments and disputes, one after the other. To be honest, it had been a while since I’d cared anything about him. Paul was a nice enough guy, but a boyfriend? Nah. I’d really given up on that idea some time back. When I’d seriously considered it, I’d realized that I hadn't really...
LesbianWelcome to the second part of my journey into my reminiscences. After that day I didn’t get any chance to enjoy my mom. But my eyes always followed her. Soon I completed my eighth class. I used to hate the summer every year but I loved it because it would relieve us from the school. But that year I hated myself more than the summer. I hated myself than ever. My summer vacation began. I knew that I will not get a chance to enjoy. But I was proved wrong. I did got a chance. One day my father told...
IncestInterlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: It may be hard to believe now, but Aunt Jo was once into the punk/grunge/goth look. She still has a mismatched set of Army boots, which she claims to have worn through six years of grad school. Aunt Jo also claims Aunt Frannie tried to get her to leave them behind and go shopping barefoot. Knowing them both, I believe it. There is also something about Aunt Francine telling a story... Francine: I had not been thrilled when Sheila told me that Sean's...
"I'll have to say I'm in your debt again. I'd really never thought of that but it sounds like sage advice now that you mention it. I'm assuming that you're the Mr Jefferson that Silas told me about before he had to leave for Dallas." "Guilty as charged, Mr Mayor, I'm Bill Jefferson," I said, admitting it. "George Clonnigon, Mr Jefferson. I'm happy to meet you." "I'm happy to meet you too, Mr Clonnigon and I'll bet you are just the person I need to ask about something. I...
The only rule his mother had for him was that he was never to venture into the Fairy Wood as unknown creatures dwelled within. However, one day, when Tobin was not quite a man but just leaving boyhood, he was dared by his friends Corrine to enter the Fairy Wood to prove himself brave. Tobin stepped into the Fairy Wood with ease. Corrine grew annoyed and dared Tobin to not just go in but to bring a magical creature back with him. Tobin was less certain, but he was also incredibly proud, so...
So my wife, Dianne and I are laying in bed on a Sunday morning. The watery early morning sun is coming in through the window. We are snuggling close and she’s gently massaging my semi erect cock. Then she says,“I’ve been chatting to a guy on a swinger site and he’s invited us to his house next Sunday. Can we go?”Well this was a new wrinkle in our sex life. We’d been swinging for a while and we’d met couples at their homes and often played with single men in clubs, but Dianne had never asked to...
Monica (not her real name) pushed me way out of my comfort zone. I was this sweet, Midwestern girl from a small town. For some reason, my college placed me in a dorm room with this alternative girl from New York City. She was tattooed, wore heavy eye liner, had a nose ring, listened to loud music and scared me. I didn’t even know how to talk with her. I just clammed up and tried not to get in her way. I was certain that we would not become friends. I also did not want her angry with me. There...
Chapter Eight: Activating the Incest Protocol By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michael I pulled my truck into the parking lot of the Church of God Assembled. I turned it off and grabbed my cup of coffee, those thoughts of leaving a device at the Stay Awake Cafe burning through my mind. I shook my head. Had to get those ideas out of my mind. This was church. My wife parked her car a few spaces down from me. She climbed out and shot an...
No one knows where it came from, but it spread across the multiverse. A strange force, filled with power. It was hard to explain but could be understood as the combining to two ideas made real. Evil is Sexy. Rule 63. That the force of evil are some how more sexually appealing then the forces of good. Also that no matter what, there is an inverse gender/sex version of all beings in the multiverse. So this is what the force does in the universe... It turns the force of evil into sex woman,...
Hello, iss readers . I m rehan from islamabad.pakistan. I am 23 years old male and you can say i am very lucky. Because i have my sexperience in this age in a conservative society of pakistan. I am also a fan of desipapa and today i am sharing my wonderful experience with your fans when i am 19 years old. I am 5ft 9 inch high and have a good body. I have many friends and there my best friend’s elder sister is kiran. She is very loving and loves me as her own younger brother. I also respect and...
Incest“Thank you Kimberly, send her in. Send all my calls to the service and call it a day. I will see you in the morning,” he responded. He sat back in his leather chair, behind his granite desk. He wondered what he had gotten himself into. His appointment, a new potential pet for him to enjoy. All he knew about her was that she was needy, or that was the deion his friend had given him. The friend was a fellow Dom, however he did not take the lifestyle as serious. He had a steady, vanilla...
Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Sam Agrawal again from Aurangabad. This story is all about my encounter 2 days back with my masi when she happened to visit us in Aurangabad. The incident i am going to narrate is completely a true incident and i am sure you all would love it. Any lady who wants to get in touch with me, can mail me without hesitating on Now coming to the story I am Sam Agrawal from Aurangabad, age 21 years old and a muscular beast. I hit the gym regularly and that is the...
IncestLiam tossed the empty bag in the garbage can, having filled the windshield wash buckets for the last time. He checked his phone, and saw that he only had five minutes left in his last day.He took his time walking back from the diesel fuel island, burning up one of those five minutes. Tomorrow, his evening would be free. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was going to do with it, truth to be told. He had plans for the weekend, but everyone would be busy on a Thursday night.There were only a few...