Felicity Ch. 17 free porn video

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Chapter 17. A Concert Pick-up

I was at a Friday night rock concert at the House of Blues and as usual it got very crowded very quickly.

I decided to head towards the back wall thinking that if I was not going to get a good view I would at least have something to lean on. I had just gotten to my spot when I was jostled from behind by a small redheaded woman in her late twenties.

She apologized and I saw that she had been ducking away from an altercation of some kind behind her. I immediately gave her more room and she nodded and smiled her thank you. Two tall blonde girls soon stumbled towards us behind the redhead. One of them asked her what the hell happened.

The redhead said, ‘Two assholes fighting over the same square foot on the floor.’

After both guys were escorted out things got back to normal but I found myself somewhat jammed between the redhead and the blondes in front and a wall behind me. We had a short entryway wall jutting out to our left and after I leaned on it the girls had more room and I happily found that could I see over the crowd from there.

As the band came on it became obvious to me that the redhead could see very little. She was very likely working her way to the front when the altercation forced her to detour towards me. I saw her look to see if there was a path to the stage but did not see one. I did not either.

The band had started the show with one of their more popular numbers and the redhead was frantic.

On a whim I leaned over to her and said to her ear, ‘If you don’t mind,’ then I put my hands on her hips and lifted her off the floor and put her butt up to my chest for her to get a clear view. I manage to keep her there until the first number was over then set her down as the band gave us the obligatory ‘We are happy to be (insert the name of the city here) speech to which the fans gave their obligatory cheer.

The redhead jumped into my arms and gave me a big hug and a hard kiss.

Her blonde friends gave me grief for being an easy mark for redheads and demanded that they get a turn. I pointed out that I was an old man with no muscle and that the small redhead had taxed my limits. I got a ‘yeah right’ look from them as the band started their second number. The redhead kissed me again, a soft sweet kiss that time.

I was perhaps five years older than them and although I was strong I had no bulging muscles to prove it. I looked like your ordinary bookish nerd although my glasses were semi-stylish and in good repair. Holding the redhead up had not been much of a challenge since she certainly weighed less than one hundred pounds, probably less than ninety.

For the next two songs the girls paid more attention to the crowd than the band until they heard one of the three ballads that had briefly made the hard rock band into stars.

The smaller of the two blondes joined the cheers for the number then turned to me. She placed my hands and arms together as a sling, had me bend forward, and then sat between them. I locked my arms together then lifted her up so her butt was at my waist and her head was above my shoulders. She could then see the band without obstruction and sing along with them.

When the song was over I allowed her to slip down and as soon her feet were completely on the floor she turned her body towards me and gave me a deep kiss complete with darting tongue. She hugged me and said to my ear, ‘But don’t get you hopes up, we are lesbians.’

I kissed her cheek and said, ‘Hmm, apparently I like lesbians.’

She giggled and told the other two about our conversation. The redhead jumped into my arms and kissed me again. The taller blonde came to me and gave me a nice soft kiss then pulled the other blonde to her and gave her a deep kiss as she fondled her ass.

Apparently she had not believed that I understood they were lesbians. As soon as their kiss ended I said to her, ‘It is not that difficult for the world to see you two are a couple.’

The smaller blonde gave the taller one an ‘I told you so’ look.

Suddenly the redhead was trying to climb up my body as if I was a tree. The band had just started one of ‘her songs.’ I turned her around, put my hands on her hips, bent my knees and lifted her up onto my shoulders.

That is usually not allowed but since the only thing behind us was a wall I thought we might get away with it. I did see a couple of security guys look at us apparently trying to decide what to do. The redhead suddenly decided that she could dance while on my shoulders and I started to get battered around. I looked at the security guys and with tongue in cheek pleaded for them to get her off me but they just shook their heads no and laughed. The redhead stayed on me the rest of the concert.

In my everyday boredom I had worked out at a gym everyday. That paid dividends twice more that night as the smaller blonde sat in the arc of my arms for two more songs while the redhead remained on my shoulders. The taller blonde put her arm around my waist and swayed with me through both songs. I was the focal point to a gang of lesbians. I kind-of enjoyed it. No, I loved it. I got my kisses from all three so I was being amply rewarded.

The redhead almost crashed when she first leaned around my head to kiss my lips. She slid partly off my shoulders and wrapped her arms around my neck but needed to let go with a leg to accomplish this. She had expected me to hold her up and did not seem to have ever been concerned that I had been a fraction late to realize what she wanted to do. I did manage to hold her steady by placing my hands under her ass while she kissed me.

She had almost knocked my glasses off when she slid down but caught them in her hand. She started to give them back to me but opted to kiss me again and put them inside her shirt, then kissed me again. I had to push her butt up when she wanted to get back up to my shoulder. My hands loved having her butt in them.

She began to kiss me after every song and if she was not a fan of the following song she to stayed cradled in my arms and continued to hug me. I really loved that. As the encore was winding down she slid off my shoulders completely until her arms were around my neck and her legs were wrapped over my hips. I cradled her ass on my locked arms as she just kissed me over and over. Passionate kisses alternated with sweet soft kisses at random. I ate them up.

As the lights went up she snuggled to my neck and asked, ‘Do you have someone waiting for you?’

‘Not for years,’ I said.

‘Feel like fucking a lesbian?’

‘No. I would much, much rather make love to you.’

She gave me a bone-crunching hug and said, ‘OK.’

I carried her out of the building still in my arms and did not put her down until we had crossed the street. We held hands as we walked. The blondes seemed to understand what the redhead had in mind and just waved us goodbye as they went down to the underground parking.

‘How far did you park?’ she asked.

‘I did not drive. I am staying at a condo five blocks from here. When do you need to make an appearance next?’

‘Monday morning in my classroom.’

‘Very good to know. Let’s stop at the Hardrock and get some long lasting energy. A big hamburger should help us make it through tonight. Maybe the Vietnamese tomorrow night.’

‘Sounds like a good plan. Lets do it.’

‘Here?’ I asked incredulously.

I got my ass slapped, which was the proper response for a smart-ass comment.

As we approached the Hardrock she remembered my glasses and unbuttoned two buttons of her shirt and said, ‘You will need your glasses. As you get them make sure you squeeze a tit on your way in and again on the way out.’

I made sure of that.

She did not button up her blouse so I could see most of a tit as we ate our hamburger and fries. Several times she announced, ‘Kiss’ and kissed me, often while we ha
d food in our mouths.

She found an extra long fry in her basket and decided we should re-enact a scene from a Disney movie, we chomped on it from each end until our lips met. While we finished our beer and waited for the check her hand went to my crotch and gave my already hardening cock a squeeze.

While we walked hand in hand towards my building it occurred to me that if the evening had been a date and had ended right then it would still be number one on my list. I loved the redheads company. As we neared my condo she jumped into my arms and said, ‘Carry me home.’

I did but since she was kissing me from the sidewalk through the elevator ride up I could barely see where I was going.

About thirty minutes later later we were naked on my bed and she was undulating her hips as my hard cock and her tight pussy provided the focus for her movements. She had already had several orgasms the last two of which she had insisted were just for me. Her phone rang and she reached for it on the nightstand and got it without losing her rhythm on my cock. She put it on speaker.

‘Hi, where are you two.’

‘Inga’s place. What are you doing?’

‘Fucking. He has been very nice to me so far, two orgasms with his tongue and three with his cock.’

‘What’s his name?’

‘Wait. I’ll ask. What is your name?’


‘I am Helen. The blonde on the phone is Jana, the one you let sit in your arms. She is a cousin. The taller one is Inga. She lives in The City.’

‘Helen, what are your plans?’

‘I plan to keep fucking him.’

‘No doofus. I swear you are more blonde than we are. I mean for the rest of the weekend. I assume you will be with us for shopping tomorrow and at the club tomorrow night. I am still taking you home Sunday I assume.’

‘No on tomorrow shopping, no on tomorrow night clubbing, and yes on the ride late Sunday. Hold on for a sec.’

Helen slammed her pussy over my cock four or five times in rapid succession and again loudly groaned through an orgasm.

‘Wow baby. You are almost as loud as your sister in law,’ Jana said.

Helen waited a second to catch her breath then said, ‘No one is as loud as your sister.’

I now understood the closeness between the two, I thought. I later learned it was closer than that, they had each been each other’s first lesbian lover.

Jana said, ‘OK, we will not worry about you until Sunday but please be advised that I will tell Cindy her biggest fan is fucking somebody else. She will not appreciate it. Listen, Inga just came out of the shower and is standing naked in front of me. It’s time for my fun to start. Take care of her Roger. You are a very rare treat for her. Love you Helen. Call me Sunday.’

‘Love you. Have fun. I will call you if anything changes. Bye.’

After she put away the phone Helen looked at me and asked, ‘Do you expect anything to change?’

I guessed that she was wondering if my talk of keeping her with me through Sunday had just been a line. It had in fact been a line when I said it but it had already become my fondest wish. I also learned that Helen took things at face value and I needed to be careful with what I said to her.

‘Maybe, you might need a sub on Monday,’ I said.

She smiled and kissed me tenderly then resumed her long slow fuck. As she was in the midst of her umpteenth orgasm mine arrived. It had been a volcanic surprise to me and to her. My cum seeped past her pussy lips and sent her into another orgasm.

Without dislodging my cock I turned us over and plowed my cock into her as hard and as fast as I could before I lost my erection. In less than a minute I took her to a monumental orgasm that first had her whimpering as she gasped for breath then groaning as her body plunged into spasms. I was proud to be able to do that for her. I slipped to her side and covered us up. I kissed her lips softly and said ‘Good night.’

She whispered ‘night’ and fell asleep within seconds. I turned off the lamp, scooped her into my arms and went to sleep.

She was already fucking me when I awoke the next morning. I waited for her to get an orgasm then flipped us over and again fucked her hard and fast. Her next cum was not as dramatic as the one the previous night but it was definitely in the neighborhood. Mine was even better.

I turned us to our sides and we just held each other for a while. I then sat up with her on my lap, my cock still in her pussy then stood up. She put her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around me exactly as we had done the night before except for my dick in her pussy part.

I took us to the bathroom and turned on the shower then went to the cabinet and put toothpaste on my toothbrush. Her grip on me was secure enough that I could use both hands without her needing to step on the floor. I loved how her naked body clung to mine.

I walked us into the shower and I offered the toothbrush to her first. She brushed her teeth then offered to brush my teeth for me since my hands were on her now wet ass holding her up. I foolishly agreed and just put up with it as she brushed the roof of my mouth, my tongue, my teeth and my eyebrows.

She then kissed me while our mouths were still full of foamy toothpaste. She swirled her tongue in my mouth so I swirled mine in hers. By the time our kiss ended we had probably traded toothpaste foams. I thought it was probably the most fun anyone could ever have brushing their teeth.

Eventually we had to separate so we could wash the rest of our bodies. As soon as she was standing she helped things immensely by softly batting around my limp cock as she yelled at it ‘Wake Up’ whenever she got the urge. I let her do that without comment.

We eventually emerged from the bathroom clean and dry. As she put on some minimal makeup I picked up our clothes that had been strewn for the door to the bed as I went to the kitchen.

We remained naked as I prepared Cafe DuMond, which she loved, and microwaved sausage biscuits, which she hated. I made her toast.

As we sipped our coffee on my love seat she said, ‘My cousin Allen used to live in this building, a big tall redhead. Did you know him?’

‘No, I do not know anybody in this building. The company I worked for put me up in here when I was sent to take care of several clients’ problems with our machines. I managed to do that to a couple of them but the problems with the machines were market wide and my company went under. I am now unemployed but this place is paid for until the end of the year so I have no worry on that end for a while.’

‘Do you need money?’ Helen asked.

I smiled and kissed her lips tenderly. I really liked this redhead.

‘No, I have saved enough to take me through a couple of years, more if I stay in Texas. I live alone and I have not had a vacation in seven years so I am counting this little stretch as one. I have not been able to convince myself to go back to Chicago since I have no job there. I did not re-new the lease on my apartment. Technically I am unemployed and homeless.’

‘Don’t you have family you can live with?’

She asked the question in astonishment.

‘My only relative is my sister and she is now in New York. She worked for the same company I did although our parent company is temporarily keeping her on as a consultant. She is moving to Texas sometime soon, she fell in love with a guy from Austin. It would be silly for me to move to New York and find a job there only to see her come here.’

‘What is your degree in?’

‘Physics, optics mostly.’

‘In Texas you can teach while you work on a teachers certificate. My Aunt Martha is superintendent of schools in my hometown. If you continue to fuck me nice I might put in a good word for you.’

‘I do not see me as a school teacher but thanks. I will continue to fuck you nicely though.’

‘Good. Thanks. When?’

Her hand was checking out my cock for firm
ness about the same way I had seen women check out avocados,

‘A couple of hours at most. Want to get a real breakfast while we wait?’

‘Lets do lunch since it is almost noon. Any idea where my clothes are?’

‘I put them in the dryer on fluff. They should be OK by now.’

Helen gave me directions to a place I had never heard of in an area of the city I had never been. She ordered pastrami on rye sandwiches for both of us. They were huge and delicious. It occurred to me we may share the same metabolic trait, I could eat anything in great quantities and not gain weight and apparently Helen could too. She ate as much as I did. We could be twin terrors at a buffet.

After lunch I let Helen drive and she took us on a tour of that part of town which she referred to as the artistic district and eventually stopped in front of a closed nightclub.

‘This is a lesbian dance club. I used to come here a lot and I used to get thrown out of the joint at times. Not for drunken behavior, my drink limit is two per day. Jealous tantrums just ate my lunch. There was a fight once.

I have not been back in two years and I moved back home this past summer. I am amazed that I have not missed this place. My family is scandalized, they think I’m growing up.’

I kissed her softly and she kissed me not as softly. I caressed a breast. She searched for my cock and gave it the avocado test.

‘Home Sigmundo. You are almost ready.’

Once in my bed we slowed down. There were a lot of kisses before my cock slipped into her pussy and a lot of kisses after it was firmly embedded in it. But when the fuck actually started it quickly became savage. She bit me, dug her fingernails into my back and growled at me. I tried to fuck her into the twilight zone. We both won.

‘I never would have believed I was capable of acting like that,’ Helen said. ‘Especially with a guy. I am stunned.’

‘I am stunned too, about my own behavior I mean, ‘ I said. ‘I enjoyed yours. You must be a bad influence on me. Thanks.’

‘Now would be a good time for you to kiss me a lot.’

‘My pleasure,’ I said and began to kiss her a lot. We dozed off.

When she woke up about an hour later I was eating her pussy. I had seen that her body was reacting to that fact long before she woke up so I was not surprised when she screamed into orgasms within a minute.

I was surprised by how hard I had to work to keep my mouth in contact with her pussy while she was in the throes of an orgasm. The night before she had come close to giving me a concussion.

I crawled back up to her and kissed her while I waited for her to return to Earth.

‘You must injure a lot of your lady lovers. The next time I go down on you I am wearing a helmet.’

She sighed and cuddled up to me. She said, ‘I really hate to tell you this because I don’t want to inflate your ego but my biggest orgasms ever have come in the last fifteen hours or so.’

‘So a woman has not satisfied you orally as much as I have?’

‘No. Well my first one ever was memorable but part of that was that I didn’t know I was a lesbian then. I do enjoy being eaten but I am, as some say, a top. I am the one doing the seducing. I am the one eating pussy, mauling tits, biting ass. Before you my top cums had come from Jana’s mouth and my stepfathers cock.’

‘You fucked your stepfather?’

‘Yes but he wasn’t my stepfather then. He was my best friend. An unfortunate incident at the club put me in his condo for a week. We began masturbating for each other and ended up fucking a few times. He was the one that made me realize that it was possible for me to enjoy being fucked by a man although Mom pointed out that the major factor with that was that I loved him and he loved me.’

‘Your mom knows you fucked her future husband?’

‘Yes, she was the one who told me that if I was going to give any man a chance at sex it should be him. She told me how much she had enjoyed the time they spent an entire Memorial Day weekend fucking.

She and Dad were still married then although they had been separated for years. Right after I moved out of his condo he took Mom to Playa Del Carmen for a week. Mom filed for divorce right after they got back and six months later they got married, then they got married again three months after that.’

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Climbing out of a car clogged with dust once again, Alex took in the quaint little village laid out before him. It was a small community, with small structures built much like they were long ago, with red stones and the old style adobe, as well as a few scattered newer structures which stood out in sharp contrast. There were several people sitting out, including a few young children. One looked up and called out to a friend, watching Alex and his cohorts. "Look, it's him." Soon both boys...

1 year ago
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An Affair To Remember

I was 17 when I graduated from highschool and I immidiately joined the navy to see the world free. Free indeed and 6 months therafter I was in a Philippine naval base in Subic to be stationed there after touring for days in Okinawa and Taiwan. I had girlfriends before but nothing was realy serious and like what all the soldier boys do at liberty, or off days, I have visited all the houses and nude clubs around the base. The girls there have gorgeous bodies but no offense intended almost all of...

2 years ago
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Good Will

Renee hung up the phone and leaned over the desk, cradling her head in her hand. The day at the office had been bad enough, and this was just the icing on the cake. Somehow, the computer at the thrift store had picked up a virus. Without it, she couldn’t print tags, enter anything into inventory, scan it out when someone purchased something, or keep up with the government paperwork. The weekend would be here in two days, and she had to send the volunteers home without getting anything done...

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I Called Her Cat

I called her Cat. I don’t know what her name was, and I never heard her speak or for that matter make a sound, not even when she burnt herself on the stove one day. She was probably in her mid thirties, blonde in a washed out kind of way and neither particularly pretty nor exceptionally ugly. In fact you wouldn’t even have noticed her, quiet as she moved, if it weren’t for one little quirk. She hated clothing. I had tried on a couple of occasions to get her to wear at least panties and an...

2 years ago
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As always: Thanks to rf-fast for the editing work. Your insights are what takes this story from mindless drivel to readable. Happy Reading! ***** Reputation: Reputation: an act or a series of acts that defines the perception of yourself in others. Now that is not Webster’s definition but one of my own, as at the moment I do not have a dictionary in front of me. The results could be positive or negative and the effects are long lasting. The acts could come from years, months, or weeks of...

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Saturdays at Marys

A lot has been written about adult/child sex. Most of it assumes the act involved is sinful and it is, in most places, illegal. I agree that forced sex in any form should be illegal, regardless of the age of the parties. Yet, when sex is initiated by an underage girl; or in almost any situation with an underage boy and an older woman, there may be no harm in it as long as the adult is caring and careful. It may even be beneficial to both parties. Especially when the underage participant is...

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cuckold lifestyle 27

Saturday afternoon...I'm done with all my yard work and headed to a nice cool shower. As soon as I get inside my wife called me into the kitchen, I walk in and she is standing at the door going out to the garage , she's wearing a short little sun dress and high hill pumps. Do you want to go with me shopping she asked. My first answer was "nope" , she said are you sure? I didn't say anything right at first..then she said I'm going shoe shopping and look, then she raised her dress to show me her...

2 years ago
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Scheduled Delivery

After work, I dashed home for a quick shower and change. Just before six o’clock, I was on her doorstep with a take-out bag and a six-pack. A thunderstorm had cooled the afternoon, and she was wearing a silky blouse loose over another pair of baggy cotton trousers. The TV was on in a corner of the living room.We looked at each other a little awkwardly, and I leaned down to peck her cheek. This was feeling like a first date.“Star Trek,” I said. “Voyager is my favorite.”She took the bag from my...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 14 At Fort Reno

The wobbly farm wagon and its happy outrider proceeded up the long hill to Tennallytown at Ben's steady pace and then, at what was called Gloria Point, turned a sharp left across the Georgetown-Rockville Pike by the old tavern. The sporadic firing had quieted again, and the only sounds Seth could hear were the familiar creak of the wagon and the clip clop of the mule and horse. Now I'm in the other army, he thought as they arrived at the huge fort's impressive back gate, Robert's army,...

2 years ago
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Have You Put The Condom 8211 Part V

Hi all , I m going to narrate a true incident happened to me about 18 months ago. Let me introduce my self I m Siddartha,5’11.I m born and brought up mainly at Kolkata and in North east states ,right now I works in an IT company in Kolkata sec-V. Any female and ISS reader from Kolkata can contact me at my email:- After getting a placement from college I went to Noida . I was really excited with new place n so called I m of my own. Usually my office remain closed on Saturday & Sunday .First few...

2 years ago
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Needed Experienced Landscaper

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself that I managed to get my husband to hire you to trim our shrubs and trees. Even better, he got a phone call and had to leave before you finished your work. I stand at the window, watching your movements, hoping you can finish quickly so that we'll have some time together before my husband returns home. I walk out and whisper quietly, so that the neighbors can't hear, telling you to hurry up because I have big plans for us. I purposely lean over so that you...

4 years ago
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A Point of Honor

Last summer, a group of us got together after too many months apart. The place was my hometown, a Texas tourist Mecca on the Gulf of Mexico. We started at a little beach bar drinking beer, listening to acoustic guitar and watching the sun go down. An excellent dinner of fresh seafood and wine followed, then on to the nightclubs for dancing. Around eleven we arrived at the biggest club on the beach, and it was jammed. We made our way inside and to the bar where the serious imbibery began. We...

2 years ago
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You say i am A chuck I do not think so part 1

When I first met my wife Toni of over 27 years she was a novice at sex yes she was married before had a child but really no experience. She had never had oral sex of any kind no foreplay ahe never gave a blow job did not even trim or shave her pubic area ,yes I mean her pussy lol. So after we met I introduced her to these things I pleasured her with oral sex bring her to many orgasms , taught her how to suck my dick she has become a deep throat specialist although she still to this day does...

4 years ago
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MageChapter 18

With power readily available, we could break up into smaller groups and work an many small projects. Sonya worked on our present location and mapped out the bay and the surrounding land. This was put down on charts we made for this purpose. Some of the crew were very interested in this aspect because the bottom of the harbour was charted. She demonstrated how magic could be used to search out physical details but its range was limited. The smaller snakes were now called Bomas. This was a...

4 years ago
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Stewarts Second MissionChapter 9 Nights on the Town

Celeus Township’s Civil Services hostel was located, as were all the important civic buildings, near the township’s center. It was just a few minutes’ walk through a light drizzle to reach its front door. While it had been late night back in Diocles Township, it was early evening here. Some off-duty Marines had gathered in the bar of the hostel. From the street I could hear music and laughter. I felt awake and jittery. When I walked in the front door, there was a lull in the voices as they...

2 years ago
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Not Just Grannies GREAT Grannies III

Now, they'd both stopped dancing and got very serious. "Young man, come over to the bed!" They sat next to each other on the foot end of the bed and instructed me to pull out my cock. At this point, I thought to myself "Fuck It - let THEM take out my cock" and told them so. I figured they were both "tipsy" enough to fail at the attempt. Not So! Lucille grabbed my belt buckle and opened it in nanoseconds. Next, the waist hook, then the zipper. Down went my pants and boxers in one motion. Believe...

2 years ago
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Bond Fire pt 1

First off got to give a shout out to one of my friends Scribe. If it wasn't for him commenting on one of the pictures and we started chatting about the good ole day then this story would have NEVER been told. This is a true story or what I can remember of it. Hope Y’all like it. I live on a big piece of land about 48 arches and there is a nice sized private lake. I am a huge pothead always have been and always will be. I smoke out with a group of six close friends all huge pothead just like me,...

Oral Sex
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Bhabhi Ko Choodne Unke Gar Gaya

Hello friends.Mera naam bunty hai aur yeh meri pehli “iss” par pehli kahani hai.Aap sab se vinti karunga ki agar koi galti mujhse ho jaye toh mujhe maaf karein. Sabse pehle me aapko apne bare me bata du.Me 23 saal ka ek jawan ladka hoon.Mera ghar gujarat ke navsari city me hai,wese toh me maharashtra ke nasik ka rehnewala hoon par papa ki service ki wajah se me aur meri puri family yahan rehti hai.Mene abhi abhi mumbai univercity se graduation pura kiya hai.Meri height 6 ft hai aur meri body...

3 years ago
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Filipina Wife Goes Rogue

One time when Annie and I were at the supermarket, a group of young guys in their late teens spotted us. Annie was wearing a pair of butt baring short shorts, sandals with 2 inch heels, and a skimpy halter top. She loved to dress provocatively, and I encouraged it. One of the young guys called my wife a whore right in front of me! And I wasn't man enough to do a THING about it! Annie got hired immediately at the black owned bikini bar in Oakland. That wasn't really in doubt because she is a...

1 year ago
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28 February 2007Chapter 6

“Moments later, a loud horn went off that echoed across the grounds. “What’s that sound for?” I asked.” “It means the park will be closing soon and warns people it’s time to leave,” Anne explained.” “It is getting pretty dark out,” I added, becoming aware of the lost daylight.” “Let’s pack up and head for my home. I live in Belleville. The night is just beginning for us,” Anne smiled at me and Dan.” “We put our swimsuits on and loaded up Anne’s car and what a beautiful car it was. Dan...

4 years ago
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The Making of a Sissy Part One

She had known from a very early age that she was not like the other boys; her mother had passed her on to her strict aunt Jane at a very early age, and she had never known her father. Jane's strict regime of making the boy dress in girls clothes at all times when at home only furthered the yearning to be a girl which was already firmly within the soon to be a sissy's mind. Jane's girls took special delight in dressing their sissy brother and loved to take him out to the mall and such...

2 years ago
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Idin NoahChapter 11

Then. It had been six months since I arrived in the city, I had been working my way diligently upwards in the guard. I now commanded a troop of about 20 men, our primary duty was to police the workers building the temple, my goal was to make it to the guards who protected The Sons of Cain during the day. I had arranged a drop off point outside the city patrol for Lilith, I had yet to discover what Cains plans entailed. I was returning from the drop when I was approached by Mathias my second...

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Catching Sis

My name is Amit. At the time of the story I was 18 years old, going on 19 in several months. I was a student at a local public high school, and I was, as I am now, a popular kid. I have black hair, blue eyes, and I played tennis and basketball. I also had a body the girls sure seem to like. I worked out some, so I was a bit muscular, but not overly ripped. I made good grades, but my very strict parents limited my “opportunities” in life. I had a lot of friends, but they always seemed to be more...

4 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Staceys Confession

“I’m Stacey, and I’m a sex addict.” I knew I wasn’t the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer’. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I’d read the mission statement that had been emblazoned on the front of our orientation binders at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. My mind immediately substituted “cum” for “come” and… anyway, yeah I guess I was probably one of...

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 16

They pulled up next to a Hair Cuttery. There were some other stores as well. A massive Bass Pro shop dominated most of this side of the mall. Karen made Betty stuff a smaller dildo down her throat and close her mouth around it so she couldn’t speak. It effectively gagged her and forced Betty to slow down her breathing. “I will do all the talking,” she said. Karen had made appointments for all of them to get their hair done. It surprised the girls because they weren’t used to someone doing...

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...Both Donna and her son were breathing hard, as things quieted down. She sat there panting, her breast heaving under her soiled blouse, intermittently looking at his cock, and back up at his face. Her fist still gripped his cock and remained somewhat in motion, pumping erratically, trying to make him shoot more. But it was all over. Panting, Mike looked down, gazing in awe at what she made him do. He looked at his freshly shot jit dripping from her jacking hand and her beautiful, panting...

1 year ago
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8th grader at Borisovos pond Chapter 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Spring arrived early in Moscow this year and everyone was happy to leave -30 C temperatures in the past. Warm days of spring bring a surge of activity to the city. The malls fill with shoppers looking for goods. The beach at Borisovo Pond fills with teenagers ditching school on the prowl for sex. This day in spring was particularly hot in Moscow and it seemed like only a few dozen high school teens had sense enough to enjoy it - despite the fact it...

3 years ago
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My sexy best friend

Angel’s glistening green eyes stared a me. She was quite beautiful and I was glad to call her my best friend. We hadn’t been hanging around very long, just a semester or so but our personalities matched up and we started handing around all the time. She told me she had made out with a girl before, but I didn’t judge because so had I. I had no feelings for her and didn’t worry about the possibility of her liking me. ‘I wish I had your chest, Ashley’ she sighed. ‘Why mine?’ I wondered. ‘They’re...

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Bridget Rising 001

This is my first venture into publishing on Literotica – please be kind! The story is my own, though the characters are not. Well, one of them isn’t. If you haven’t already, you must read Patricia51’s novellas Bridget’s Nights and Bridget’s Days. This story is based around the character Bridget O’Brien, and while it is effectively a stand-alone, it would help to get the background. Patricia has graciously allowed me to take her beguiling heroine into the most tumultuous period of recent Irish...

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Small Beginnings Part Two

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

3 years ago
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Under the table reception fun

A few months ago we were invited to a wedding of a coworker of mine. I wasn't excited about going I usually don't care to go to these types of things, but since we are a pretty close group of coworkers we went. I work with a lady her name is Julie that I have gotten pretty close to she is very good looking and a lot of fun to work with. We do a lot of flirting with each other and I have gotten the impression from her that I could maybe even get into her pants, but up to this point it hasn't...

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Hayley the Tease

I didn’t really even like her all that much. We only knew each other through a few mutual friends, and it’s not that I disliked her, but something about Hayley bugged me. She was always nice enough to me whenever we talked. But she carried herself with a certain demeanor that was just a little too haughty for me. She always seemed to act as though she had a better pot to piss in, which was kind of ironic considering the crappy part of town she grew up and lived in. So when a few of my friends...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 19

Sunday, November 7, 1976 It awoke early Sunday morning. I turned on the TV, but nothing exciting was on. I was not able to do my morning exercise routine, so with the background noise from the TV, I meditated. I concentrated on my plan to become emancipated. I felt rather than heard the door opening, so I opened my eyes, to see a young blonde girl with a candy striper uniform on, she had my breakfast. I was starving, and it smelled delicious. Somehow I knew that this was a trap; hospital...

4 years ago
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The girl in the window a tale of an Amsterdam night

It’d been six months of happy masturbation. Since my return home I still hadn’t gotten any closer to pussy than the wank mags at work. So when the boys’ trip to Amsterdam came up, I decided to give the other side of life a go. I needed to laid, I was noticing myself that I was becoming more unattractive to the opposite sex by the day. It’s like when you’re with a partner and getting laid all the time, chicks can smell it and they want some of that too. But once you become single, they can smell...

Straight Sex

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