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Chapter 63: Clara and the Aliens
Several years had passed since Clara’s return to Felicity and her marriage to Fiona. The years had been happy until recently. Clara found herself grieving for family members that had ceased to be.
Clara was disconsolate from the death of her Aunt Martha and her Uncle Jim, she knew they should not have died. Clara had given them a large cup of her chicken soup and both should have remained healthy for another fifty years.
The rapid deterioration of both her Aunts Allison and Sophie forced Clara to decide that every one she loved would drink the magic potion in her presence.
However when Clara and Fiona got to her Aunt Allison’s house they found both dead in their bed. They were in very fine night gowns and were in an embrace, smiling at each other. Fiona went across the willows to get Aunt Wendy and Clara went up two houses to get her Mom.
Neither was surprised. Sophie had become more and more demented and had gotten to the point she did not always recognize Allison.
Allison had hinted to her sisters that the next time Sophie knew who she was and remembered their life together they were going to celebrate with a special tea. Both were seventy-seven years old.
Their sisters took the tea cups to the kitchen and washed them then called their little sister Amanda. The three then talked to Allison and Sophie for about twenty minutes before Wendy called Allison’s son and daughters. They were not surprised either. Connie and Joe came over and they all told stories about the loving couple until the coroner came to get them.
Clara was devastated because she had not visited with them for a long time and did not know the extent of Sophie’s condition.
It made her more determined to make sure no one around her would die, ever.
She began before Allison and Sophie were taken away. She made Aunt Wendy and Aunt Amanda drink the soup she had brought for Allison and Sophie. She knew her Mom had drunk hers, she had watched her do so.
Both Amanda and Wendy said it was not as good as it had been the first time they tasted it. Clara learned that was her Aunt Wendy’s third cup.
‘Did Uncle Jim give you his?’ Clara asked.
‘Yes, I had broken a cold and he said I could use it more than he did. That was just before Die Fliedermaus.’
Clara decided not to tell her about the potion. If she knew her Jim had died because she had a bit part in an opera she would drink whatever tea Aunt Allison had brewed.
Clara made sure that everyone she or Fiona loved was now protected from illness and would live a long life. But they also knew that they had been too reserved in their friendships and knew that there were many her sisters and her cousins knew and loved they had little contact with.
The began to attend every get together they had been invited to. The more get togethers they attended the more they were invited to attend.
They attended a Christmas party at the home of Fiona’s little sister Bobbi. All there drank the soup. One of the guests was pregnant and Clara gave her a second but smaller cup telling her it was for the baby.
Before Clara and Fiona left Clara loved all of them and was happy they had attended.
Soon over eighty people had been dosed, she would not need to attend any funerals for a long time.
All were aging on average one year for every five. Her Mother Mo and her Aunt Wendy were doing much better than that. They were both in their mid sixties but looked and acted as if they were in their mid forties. She and her partner Fiona looked and felt like they were in their late twenties but were already in their late-forties. She and Fiona were happy.
Then Clara had surprise visitors, Grandma and Grandpa from the planet Akkad. She was very happy to see them, it had been years since their last visit. Grandma was a cousin of Empress Ohm who Clara had loved dearly and had led the rescue expedition to her lake house.
Fiona had met them while they were attending the succession ceremony for the present Emperor. She and Fiona had sex with four alien species and had a lot of fun which abruptly ceased when they learned the ceremony required for the Empress to cease to be.
They had not felt like playing with others after the ceremony and had requested to be taken back immediately. Grandma had commanded the ship that did.
In fact the memory of the event brought Clara to tears for several years afterwards.
She decided that this time she was ready to resume the love making. The Akkad had amazing tongues that sent Clara and Fiona into orgasmic spasms easily. The four spent a day making love and catching up with gossip.
On the second day Grandma filled them in on the future of Earth. It was as grim as could be, an almost complete extinction episode. She told Clara that as First Friend the Emperor Ohnling had commanded that she and all she designated would survive.
‘That would be all of Felicity,’ Clara said.
‘The Emperor loves everyone you love, especially your Aunt Wendy, your Mom, Martina and Paloma. He however wishes for you to decide who you would be happy with living inside a bubble because that is what you will be doing. He also wants you to think in terms of genetic legacy.
There will be just four shelters one of which will be a large island with a smaller bay island reserved for the people of Felicity. He hopes you will find at least two hundred people to bring with you but there is room for five hundred.’
Clara thought about it for a couple of minutes then said, ‘Right now I can think of only about eighty people. I will need help on this.’
‘My daughter Ahn, Sehel the daughter of your Devl friend Tal, and the Sprite Ashel will be here tomorrow to help with that. The Kindred Rah may be with with them since her father Pehr will be working here in Felicity.
You need to recruit others to help you, think of the people that know JB’s, Ruthie’s Fiona’s and Paloma’s secrets. We know they can be trusted.’
‘How many people total will be saved?’
‘We hope at least half a million. We are meeting with the recruiting team next week. We hope we may all stay here with you until then. Our daughter and Sehel will be upset if you don’t invite them to stay with you.’
‘We have room but I better put bigger beds in the two other bedrooms,’ Clara said with a giggle.
‘We will try to find recruiters starting today. I request that you two give them the news and their tasks. They will believe the seriousness of the situation much faster that way.’
‘Well, Grandpa can do that. I’m a bit leery of humans,’ Grandma said.
‘Right,’ Grandpa said.
Before their argument began Clara said, ‘Do us a favor and visit Felice, we know she has had contact with others, we know her son is special.’
‘How do you know that?’
‘We are friends. We assume her son is part of the plan for the event and that she knows about it. I am sure she has already done some selections.
Her son called her and told her he had just met his wife and will be in Vienna next week. I assume you will be there too.’
‘I am again surprised by how much you can deduce from small tidbits of information. I will go talk to her now,’ Grandma said.
‘My guess would be that talking will be just one of the things you will do while there,’ Clara said with a giggle.
Her butt was swatted for that remark then was gifted with a kiss from Grandma and her remarkable tongue.
Clara drove her to Felice’s home but was amazed she had disappeared before getting in the car.
‘You had never seen us cloak before?’
‘No. No Akkad has ever bothered to do so for either me or Fiona.’
‘Akkad have been on Earth often since you returned. So have Devls. We cloak and they shape shift. This is my fourth trip here but my last two were all work and I did not have time to visit you. Tal came
with me the last time and has not spoken to me since. I was supposed to take her right to you but my schedule didn’t allow it.’
‘She was here? Now I’m considering not talking to you either.’
Grandma stayed the day with Felice, even following Felice’s cat to learn where it was going each time it escaped.
That evening after dinner Clara asked Wendy, Mo, Marie, Martina, Paloma, Marti and Maddy who in the town they would ask to join them in a secure storm shelter during a hurricane that would leave them trapped for months in the enclosure but with all needed supplies.
‘Well our families of course, including Audrey and Hanna, Shawna and Sammy, Patrick and Lauren, Ruthie and Sean, Rob and Vicky.’
‘They are family,’ Mo said.
Clara interrupted and said, ‘OK. let do this from a different angle. Who would you definitely not invite into the shelter with you?’
‘You mean leave outside to die?’
‘No, the would all go to Denver or Nashville.’
Over fifty names were mentioned although a few of them had tenuous support from at least one of the women. More names came up after a second bottle of wine was consumed and many more after the third bottle was emptied.
Some of those names were surprising but the person that brought it up had a specific piece of information that made them potential unwanted roommates.
All had a good time in what they thought was a fine gossip session and Fiona drove them home, none were in condition to drive.
Grandpa said to Clara, ‘I think Paloma could hear us. She sensed there were others in the room and I think Wendy did too.’
‘I would not be surprised. Both have untapped abilities. Their friend Marti may have them too. How many no votes did you count?’
‘A hundred and forty-two.’
‘That was over twice what I would have guessed. The allegations against two of them shocked me. Martina did get the data from Shawna and she would know. But in a town of over nine hundred it means more than seven hundred would qualify.’
‘We need to give all a test for a tragic flaw, xenophobia. You probably need to hire a couple of psychiatrists to ferret those feelings out,’ Grandma said.
‘True, many don’t like others with a different color of skin among humans and they are unlikely to accept, Dorans, Devl, Akkad, much less Saurians. Florans and Cephalons.’
‘Did you know the entire planet Hahdes is in love with you?’ Grandpa asked.
‘What? No, why would they be?’
‘The hug you gave Tal, Sehel’s mother. It lifted a planet wide doubt about their self esteem. When the rumor of your trysts with her reached their planet you became First Friend to them too. The Dorans too most likely, and the Kindred.
All messages you send to the Emperor are broadcast to every planet, including the sex parts. They see all the pictures and they shared your sadness at each cease to be.’
‘Hmm, I should thank all for empathizing with me. And I better tone down my descriptions of the sexcapades, and Fiona’s too.’
‘That is the part they love best especially the events with Audrey in Vegas. Beings were very surprised to note that Fiona had another man, they are happy for her.’
‘We better not tell her, you know how she is.’
Grandpa said, ‘The planets want more pictures and the Emperor seems to think it would be a good idea to send more videos of everyday people doing every day things. Sundays at Jana and Inga’s would be nice.’
Grandma slapped his butt and called him a dirty old Akkad then said to Clara, ‘What the Emperor wants is a video of Saturdays at Martina’s and the parties at Wendy’s. He wants all beings to see that you deserve rescuing.
He has sent you five cameras, and an enhancer/transmitter to the planets. All of them have a visualizer channel reserved for them. As you will see the cameras vanish as soon as they are activated.’
She then had Grandpa set up one to cover Clara’s living room and kitchen then saw it disappear.
‘Do you have ideas for places for the other four?’
‘Yes, Martina’s yard has become boring with the kids all being teenagers. The veranda at the resort will be better. I think most will be mesmerized by all that water. Aunt Wendy’s back porch looking out to the pond. The viewers will see all kinds of creatures from that one.
One at Jana’s place and the other on the front of the resort looking up Felicity Blvd. The one at Jana’s will give everyone a chance to hear Earth music and some concerts. It will also show them how not to dance,’ she said with a giggle.
Sehel the Devl, Ashel the Sprite, Rah the Kindred, and Ahn the Akkad and daughter to Grandma arrived the next evening. The four spent the night in a sexual orgy with Clara and Fiona.
At the resort the next morning all the alien ladies were floored by the sea, only the planet Akkad was covered with water but there were no vast expanses of it. From each island on Akkad you could see at least two more. The Gulf of Mexico would be the largest single body of water on any of their planets except Cephalia. Clara installed the camera so it could see the people on the covered deck and the sea.
They stayed on the resorts deck and visited with new friends for most of the morning. She soon had a camera working at Jana’s club but decided against the one for Felicity Blvd. That one would be boring.
They drove to Wendy’s house and installed one there. Clara was not surprised to see the tub was occupied. Her sister Maggie was there as were their cousins Helen and Charlene and their friends Cicely and Leigh. They were nude and gossiping about every one.
Clara installed the camera so it showed the hot tub and the yard then decided that was as good a time to start. She began to disrobe and said, ‘Girls, I have a secret that all of you need to keep. I mean keep to yourselves, no husbands, no Moms, no brothers, no sisters.’
‘Oh, you’re pregnant!’ her sister said.
‘No, a much, much bigger secret.’
The girls could not conceive of anything bigger until Clara said, ‘Remember those times when all of you thought I had vanished off the Earth? I was off the Earth. I made friends. These are four of them.’
‘There are only three,’ Helen said.
Ahn uncloaked and the girls looked at her in astonishment. Before they recovered Sehel dropped her human form and joined them in the tub. Ashel got nude and flitted into the hot tub with them as Clara, Fiona, and Rah joined them.
Questions and answers flew for about ten minutes before the girls noticed that Fiona and Sehel were making love. Within two minutes the interplanetary lesbian orgy was well underway. Clara, Fiona and her guests remained in the tub for an hour.
After all were content Clara asked them to make a list that included all the people they wanted saved. She told her sister their mother would know that night. She told the girls not to bother listing their extended family, they were already on the list.
As they left Clara was convinced it had been the right place to start, they were already mentioning names of people Clara did not know.
She also knew that her guests were now their friends and lovers and that secret was safe which was good because Ahn and Sehel had stayed in the tub. Clara decided to allow it but reminded them to vanish if anyone came in.
Three minutes later Audrey came in before Sehel could shape-shift or Ahn could cloak. She was already nude and dove for Sehel’s tits as soon as she was in the tub. The love-in continued.
After another session of sex Leigh asked Sehel why they were bothering to save humans much less Felicity.
She answered, ‘Our former Empress and Clara were lovers. Our Emperor loves her as a second mother.
By the way, on our planets asking someone to be their friend is the highest compliment anyone can give an individual and we never turn that down. That was why Clara asked you to be our friends.
It is a big deal to us.’
A pause was needed then, Helen’s pussy had just been invaded by Ahn’s remarkable tongue. Helen’s groan was loud enough to scatter the doves in the yard. Leigh kissed her then asked Sehel to continue but before she could Sehel had a pussy in her mouth. Leigh shrugged and soon had a pussy in her mouth.
After a loud groan Maggie said, ‘We already loved Clara but now that is no longer the right word.’
‘Adore is the right word,’ Helen gasped.
Ahn had just risen from beneath the waters. She had been submerged for many minutes but the one out of breath was Helen.
The girls kissed and played a little longer but decided they need to go home. Helen gave Ahn and Sehel a ride to Clara’s.
Martina, Paloma, Wendy, Marti, Maddy, Marie and Mo went to Clara’s house to visit with her new guests that evening. Before long Wendy had asked them to please show their true form, that they were friends.
The aliens were shocked but Clara was not surprised and nodded to their guests that it would be OK.
In less than ten minutes interspecies sex was in full progress. Wendy and Paloma had sex with Grandpa twice. Grandma had sex with Martina twice.
Sehel had expected reserve from the humans towards her but like that afternoon she again found herself in the middle of it immediately. Mo made love to her twice. Marti and Ashel could not keep their hands off each other. Maddy devoured Rah. It was long afterwards that it came to Clara that most of the sex began in the living room and that had been broadcast to all the planets. Then she remembered so had the orgy in the hot tub.
‘Oh, well. My ratings will go up,’ Clara said to herself as she shrugged her shoulders and giggled.
She decide the last camera would go in Sean and Ruthie’s back porch looking out to their hot tub and yard gates. It would show the nude traffic to Jana and Inga’s pool and the couples get togethers. The cameras had microphones and they would pick up music being composed in Ruthie’s studio and the orchestral jam sessions.
Before her guests left that evening Clara said, ‘These are our rescuers, we will owe our life to them. Please keep their presence secret until you are sure they will be accepted.
Each Friday evening I will host dinner here and I want each of you to bring one or two people to meet them. Bring Shawna and Sammy. Ruthie and Sean should be back. Carly and Jimmy, Rob and Vicky would be next. Hold off on Shirley, Juanita and Janie until we decide about Charles and Sam.
Helen, Charlie, Leigh and Maggie have met our friends and are already compiling a list.’
Sehel added, ‘And Audrey.’
Clara nodded and continued, ‘Aunt Wendy, we know keeping things private is difficult for you at times but please, this time it’s imperative you do so. You of course may talk to each other about your assignments.
Nobody tell Karen, I will do that eventually. Now kiss your new friends and lovers and think hard about this Friday.’
Paloma stayed, she spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa and would in fact do so each night until the Akkad left three days later.
Paloma was lonely, her husband had been forced to briefly return to the spy business and was back in Europe. His return had already been delayed twice. Grandma and Grandpa provided her with a very fine distraction.
Fiona hired a psychiatrist couple to find the Xenophobic and male superiority adherents and nearly three hundred residents of Felicity were removed from consideration, many of them Asian, Black, and Hispanic.
All had been told it was a screening ordered by Homeland Security because of the safe house and the Coat Guard station. The tests and interviews took less than thirty minutes and families could be done together. Most that had prejudices almost immediately gave themselves away so the process did not take long.
Clara was surprised by the large number to be excluded.
Later Shawna eliminated almost two hundred after doing extensive background checks but cleared Sam and Charles, the guys they beat up had it coming and she had in fact suggested such action to Charles.
Some borderline cases were interviewed by the psychiatrists and nearly all were selected, each had solid reasons for their actions and views.
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Christening Our New Caravan.Same room, full wife swap, [email protected] old caravan had been a good introduction to the fraternity and a great step up from our trusty old tent but being a second hand (and probably several previous owners) was showing it’s age and it found a new home with a couple who like us were wanting to try the caravan lifestyle without incurring too much cost. We however considered ourselves committed to the convenience of a van and treated ourselves to a...
Twin girls were quite pretty but quite wild. Their mom did not care what they did as long as she was able to drink herself to sleep every night. The dad started noticing how sexy they were and his wife was not giving him any sex. He decided the girls would be a great way to release his sexual fustrations. He knew his twin daughters were sexually active so he wanted to fuck them too. That night he went into the bedroom where they slept. He tied one leg of each twin to the bedpost then stripped...
A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. The Prologue has been on this site for some time. Unfortunately, the censors at Literotica rejected my first and second chapters. I have rewritten them, making sure that no overt sexual activity takes place until the participants are 18 years of age. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with this Chapter. ...
Even though the Char advised me against it, I insisted on watching the battle from their satellite feed. I separated the big monitor screen into several smaller ones, each showing a different view of the conflict. I spent days in that room -- barely eating, sleeping, or even going to the bathroom -- as I watched in horror the people of Earth succumbing to their gruesome fate. I cried, screamed, and beat my fist into the thankfully padded walls, all the while imagining I was doing it to those...
I sit on the bench, enjoying the warm sunlight on my skin, and survey the park. It’s fairly quiet today, with a few families sitting on the benches around the lake further down the slope, a young couple sunbathing on a towel near the big tree, a man in a business suit on the bench nearest to mine eating a sandwich and reading the newspaper. I’m alone on my bench; obviously I prefer to have the whole thing to myself, and I’m satisfied that the risk of anybody sitting next to me and spoiling my...
Mind ControlThe dial up connections have gone and the satellite connection have taken its presence with the high speed service options even in the remote areas. It is irritating to work with the low internet speed that also increases the monthly bills. The direct connections are reliable so if you are planning to select a service for your home or office then there are some factors to consider like check whether the tower is located in the near by area to establish the faster connection, the DSL facility is...
He’s your roommate, I thought irritably to myself. Your relationship is platonic. But somehow, watching him walk out the door with Amelia, the busty blonde from next door, all of that logic flew out with them. I had been living with Max for a year now. We’d gotten close in an AbPsych class our sophomore year. Neither of us wealthy enough to support ourselves and pay for college, we had decided to move in together. We got along well and shared similar interests. Studying was also a lot...
There is a convenience store near my office that I stop at frequently for coffee or a snack. I usually stopped in about once or twice a week, but that changed when Kara moved to the morning shift. Kara used to be the night manager; she's in her late thirties, single and she's a big BBW, not quite SSBBW, but big and big in the right places, she has shoulder length wavy black hair with red streaks in it and she always wears very bright, red lipstick. When I realized she was working days, I...
BDSMHi, Ami Raj,ei site er ami ekta fan,ami santiniketan e thaki ebong ekhane porasona kori,amio amar jiboner e kahani apnader sunabo.kemon laglo amake jannben ei mail address e.kono mohila sex korte chaile mail e janaben ei ghoto nati tohkon kar jokhon ami class 11 e pori.ami khub ekta misuke chilam na.tai kono girlfreind chilo na.notun notun tokhon sex somondhe jene chi.riti moto khub agroho tokhon ei sob bisoy niye.february mas chilo tokhon.sunlam paser ekta gramer er barite ekta biye...
In June of 1975, I made a misguided attempt at a bar pickup in New York. Actually, technically, I did pick her up. I was twenty and she was about twenty-six.Somehow, I convinced Charlotte to take me back to her nearby walk-up apartment. She cock-teased me by doing a striptease, and then she had me masturbate on a couch as she watched. Then, in a very abrupt and unsubtle way, she threw me out.At that time, I had a girlfriend named Michelle up at City College. She got me a job as a paste-up...
SpankingHALLOWEEN BIMBO by Throne "But Haley," I whined, "maybe this isn't a good idea." My wife told me, "Settle down, Darren. Everybody got told what their costume would be for the Halloween party tonight. Do you want us to be the only ones who didn't follow instructions?" "No," I said sulkily. "It's just that this seems so... unfair." "How is it unfair? I mean, with your little crossdressing secret, having to look like a bimbo is perfect for you. And me dressing like a sexy...
HASSAN: Sweet to ride forth at evening from the wells, When shadows pass gigantic on the sand, And softly through the silence beat the bells Along the Golden Road to Samarkand. ISHAK: We travel not for trafficking alone; By hotter winds, our fiery hearts are fanned: For lust of knowing what should not be known We take the Golden Road to Samarkand. MASTER OF THE CARAVAN: Open the gate, O watchman of the night! THE WATCHMAN: Ho, travelers, I open. For what land Leave you the dim-moon city...
It was the strangest dream. I was with my college buddies, heading to our usual strip club. I even remember how happy we all had been at finding a parking spot right in front of the entrance. We went up the stairs like the hormone driven men that we were, looking forward to seeing some of the hottest girls we had ever seen strip in front of us to the enticing rhythm of loud music. Not wanting to have anything get the way of our entertainment, we all sat right at the edge of the dance floor....
I sat on the long sofa watching a baseball game on the small black and white television set parked against the opposite wall. It was a cheap model that I had picked up at the police auction of confiscated items a couple of months ago. Consuela’s little girl Maria was watching the baby in the crib and feeding it toys to play with the concentration that only a small child could gather like magic from an invisible cloak. The girl didn’t look anything like her short pleasantly plump mother doing...
An Act of Goodwill Part 2 by Jessica Viblis Chapter 1: Resurgence It was the second day of my experiment, and I had to go shopping. I hid the clothes in the back of the closet and called over Sarah's sister Hannah to watch Rachel for the day. Hannah looked at me as I was leaving. "Did something happen, Zach? You seem to be less tense than usual." She clicked the childproof gate over the door. "Remember, we're still here for you." "I've got to pick up diapers, baby formula,...
I loved this feeling. I loved waking up next to this woman. I loved opening my eyes and seeing her smiling face on the pillow next to me. My right arm felt numb where it was trapped under her body, but I didn't really care. I loved how she stroked my cheek before kissing me. I loved the softness of her lips against mine. I loved her scent filling my nostrils. This was the second night in a row I'd spent the night with Taryn. And despite the fact that I had not been rendered unconscious...
Alan sat heavily on the couch in front of his TV, a towel around his shoulders. Other than that, he only wore a pair of boxers. His legs ached just a little, and he felt hot, so he took a long pull from his protein shake. It actually tasted okay for once. Then the brain freeze hit. As he was bent over holding his head, he heard a soft tap at the door. He blinked, and then looked at his watch. It was Saturday, 11:12 AM. ‘Not expecting any packages,’ he muttered, pushing himself to his feet....
I was torn, on one hand, I thoroughly enjoyed sex with Jim, but I knew I was getting out of control, thinking about his thick black tube of flesh in my mouth, spewing its salty load down my throat, pounding my now forever wrecked asshole, now pussy, and secondly, concerned about my family, my wife, even my job. I was constantly thinking about sex with Jim. It was at the point where I thought it might be effecting my job performance. It took great strength on my part, but I managed to avoid...
She was fantasising about various people pinning her against the door and ravaging her tender young body. One of her teachers. A few different boys from school and just a couple of girls. Her mother’s chauffeur. The delivery boy. Maybe even her recently acquired step-father and his dull but gloriously innocent son. So many people to fuck but so little time to spare for them. Any of them would be good right now if she had one of them in front of her. She kneaded her pussy lips gently...
Alexa Chapter 24: Recuperation After the accident, rather than going to the apartment, Jenny brought me out to her father's house where she thought I would be able to recuperate better. I will admit it was much better than being in the apartment and I had spent enough time here that it felt like a second home. I felt like I was royalty since Jenny had everything she needed or wanted at her fingertips, but I still felt bad. She needed to continue with life and not be watching over...
Katy is your 20 year old sister. Standing at 5 foot, shes slim, with perky C cup tits, a round big ass, with a cute innocent face. She is in a relationship with John and isnt one to cheat. She is as fit as they come, could be a model, flat stomach which perfectly displays her not large, but not small tits, while her ass is a huge asset. Dave is a little younger at 18 and always had a lust for her, he has wanted to fuck her as bad as he wanted to see her get fucked. This has because shes always...
TeenIt was Monday afternoon, a little over two weeks since Mary had been raped. This was her first time out since she'd come home last Thursday. John was driving, I was in the front passenger seat. Mom and Jill were on either side of my sister. We were going to see Dr. Bartlett, the doctor who examined Jill and prescribed the pill for her. The reason Mom was in the back seat instead of me was simple. Mary would freak out if a male was near her for any period of time. She would talk to me if I...
Trevor was just finishing tying his tie as he walked down the stairs, hurrying to get to work. His foot caught on something and he tripped. Fortunately, he was near the bottom of the stairs and was able to catch himself before he crashed into the hardwood flooring. He looked back and saw the culprit – Kami had left her gym bag on the steps. Again. He was angry and wanted to run back upstairs and yell at his beautiful girlfriend, who was still curled up in their bed asleep. But he wasn’t...
In the morning I woke to Marcy stroking my cock. I was hard as a rock, and as soon as she saw that I was awake, she quickly stradded me and slowly lowered her cunt onto my cock. She was soaking wet already, and she slid her cunt right down on me. She looked at me and said "I woke up horny, thinking about last night, and I almost played with myself, then I figured that was crazy, when I had a cock right here, I just had to get it hard." I smiled at her. She said "You don't mind do...
Your sister has always been a bit wild, but she seemed to settle down when she got married. Now however, she’s been divorced and left alone to raise her son. Things seemed rough but now, now something isn’t right. And so you’ve found yourself poking around her place while her son and her went on a trip to NYC, looking to see if your haunch was right. when you found her journal. With shaking hands you open the journal to the start and look at the date, it seems like she started writing a few...
IncestTaliban - a Rape Pillage and Plunder Story Written By Alebeard This story was inspired by several stories on this siteincluding , Pooch, The Inmate, POW, The Chair and Diana as well as bitsand pieces of other tales. This is a fictional tale for adults only, ifyour under age please don't read this. If ya don't understand the differencebetween fantasy and reality please seek help, if you are a victim of rapeand torture you may find this tale disturbing. You Have Been Warned Chapter 1 -...
Thank you, everyone, for your comments and suggestions. I love hearing those, and it means a lot to me as well. I appreciate that you take out time to comment, so keep them coming. Any new readers can send me their suggestions, feedback, or thoughts on [email protected], and please don’t hesitate before writing. Also, read the previous parts. “So, how are we going to do it?” I asked. “Umm, I am making lunch for us right now. We can discuss it while we are eating,” she...
I asked Dorothy if we were going to be subtle about this, or if we were going to "go for it!" She responded with a quick "I think there was enough foreplay in the hot tub, don't you?" I agreed, and led her to her king size bed. There, on the night stand, was a split of wine on ice - and two stemmed glasses.I laid her down on the bed, cracked open the wine, filled the glasses and served her in bed. We quickly downed the wine, then fell into each other's arms. Her pegnoir was open, revealing...
A couple of nights ago I was horny and decided to go to the ABS to check out the action. I really needed to taste a big Cock and hopefully have one fill up my sissy fuck hole.I slipped on my favorite crotch less panties, some fishnets, and a pink lacy top, covering up with a sweatshirt and sweatpants.My ass was well lubed and ready for a good fucking. The parking lot was full which made me so excited...I knew there would be lots of Cocks that needed service.I went into the seedy arcade which...
You look up to see a tall, handsome man walk in, wearing a fine suit. You feel your knees go weak, the only thing that keeps you upright is that you haven't been commanded to kneel. You hope he picks you.You watch as the man walks up to you. He towers over you, and for a moment you feel yourself shrinking. He looks down at you, his sharp eyes peering into your own.You swallow thickly, then bow your head in submission. You're already so hard it hurts. His dominant energy is overwhelming and...
BDSM"Well, old friend, we have two mysteries solved." Esfalan was speaking to Verothlen, seated on a hard bench in front of Cormorlan's working desk. Verothlen was helping himself to Cormorlan's wine. "Which mysteries would those be?" Cormorlan did not seem pleased with Verothlen's free manner with his wine decanter. "The year, or rather how long I was away, and the year, or how long it has been since Mindia was home to the Mindirrim. They had left, due, I would hazard a guess, to a...