Felicity Ch. 11 free porn video

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She was very cute. She was not very tall, barely five feet. She had the body of an athlete and moved like a cat. She had somewhat small breasts but more than compensated for that with the most delicious, heart shaped, world-class ass I had ever seen.

She was gay.

We were co-workers but rarely saw each other there. We were, however, both members of ‘the gang’, a group of fifteen to twenty that would at times meet for fun at a club, beer garden, or a home for socializing.

The gang was mostly women, only five of us were men and two of those were married. A third of the women were also married and that group would usually leave our affairs early. This left a mostly hardcore group of about ten, three guys and seven women, including Connie.

The guys used to think this was an even split because three of the women were gay and one, Teri, was bisexual, but going through a phase in which she preferred women.

I liked the single women well enough and flirted with them. I had, in fact, experienced an intense but brief lust-a-thon with Teri, our friendly neighborhood bisexual bombshell and Connie’s best friend.

The problem was that my favorite person there was Connie. I liked her voice, I liked the way she moved. I liked her smell. I liked her sense of humor. And I really loved her ass.

Every time she would move past me it took all my strength to keep my hands away from it.I took to emitting loud sighs when her butt would cross by my face while I was sitting, thus making my admiration for her ass public knowledge.

It became the focus of some humor in the crowd. The two guys and Teri joined my sighs.

At first Connie was a bit embarrassed by the attention to her rear. She thought it was too big and that our actions were a confirmation of that.

We made sure she understood that we thought her butt was a work of art and if anything she needed to put it on display at a museum.

Her fears calmed and soon added to the fun by shaking her butt in response to our sighs.

The first time she did that it was aimed in my direction and I made a point of falling back in my chair with a loud groan. This produced one of the better laughs of the evening.

I managed to keep to myself that it was not all an act.

I had tickets to each Saturday game of our local Major League Baseball team. I would give the single women first shot at keeping me company for the games. If none were interested one of the guys would come.

Most of the games are in the afternoon, but the next Saturday game was a night game. I had no luck finding a companion, everybody had dates, except me.

I saw Connie as she came in to work Friday morning and asked her to keep me company. Without saying so, I tried to make it clear I was not asking for a date.

She knew I knew she was gay but she had never confirmed it and I had never sought confirmation.

She seemed to be hesitating so I mentioned who the pitchers were.

She already knew.

I tried not to show how happily impressed I was by that. All my other companions were fans of the game and liked going to the park but none would have kept up with pitching rotations.

After taking a hard look at my face she said, ‘OK,” and walked into the building.

Later in the day she e-mailed me with directions to her apartment and a suggestion for time of pick-up.

The time she suggested was quite early but I immediately agreed.I found myself looking forward to this ‘non-date’ with great eagerness.

I reminded myself this was just a ball game with a friend. Still, when Saturday night came I was dressed a bit better than I would for a ball game.

The game was great. We argued over strategy. We made a mess with mustard and relish.

Once during the game, as she squeezed past me to go to the restroom she seemed to hesitate directly in front of me, then went on. On her return she did it again before she sat down.

Next time I looked at her she was wearing a very lovable pout on her lips.I asked her what was wrong.

She said, ‘You don’t’ love my butt anymore’.

I laughed and replied, ‘My tongue is bleeding because I wanted to lick your butt so bad I had to bite it to stop myself’.

She said, ‘That’s disgusting’, and then threw peanuts at me. She was, however, grinning.

One thing became obvious, she was having as enjoyable evening as I was.

We lingered after the game, waiting for the crowd and the traffic to thin out then I drove her home. We sat in silence most the way but it was a comfortable silence. I know I was smiling all the way and when I glanced at her she was also smiling.

I pulled into her apartment complex but could not find a place to park near her unit. She told me to just stop in front, that I did not need to walk her to her door.

I turned that statement in my head and concluded that it was not that she did not want me to walk her to her door, but she wanted to make things easy on me.

I would later learn that I had arrived at the wrong conclusion.

I stopped as close to her door as I could and Connie opened the car door to get out. She turned and thanked me for a fun night, squeezed my hand, and stood to leave. As her butt turned in my direction I let out my signature sigh.

Without turning or breaking stride she moved a hand behind her back and gave me the finger.

I waited until she was safely in her door before starting to pull away. She watched me as I pulled out. She was wearing a big grin when she waved goodbye.

I was as pleased with the evening as could be. I found myself thinking that this would be a worthwhile relationship. I had never had as much pure fun on a date as I had that night.

Then I mentally slapped myself, hard. My mind shouted, ‘You idiot, this was not a date. She is gay! She has had more women than you ever will’.

I hate putting me in my place but I felt I had to.

I managed over the following week to get myself back to an even keel. The gang met at our favorite beer garden that Friday and we enjoyed each other’s company. No one noticed that I had stopped making references to Connie’s’ ass.

She mingled and I mingled but we did end up sitting next to each other. I bought her beer and she bought me one. I ordered onion rings and we shared. Yet, we did not have a conversation.

I was happy just because she was sitting next to me. Apparently she was comfortable sitting with me.

No game that weekend but the team would return the following week for a game against the team with the games premier slugger. One of the guys asked whom I was taking to the game.

I answered that I had not decided while giving my best wolfish leer to Carmen, one of the married ladies. This was greeted with howls and cautions about my physical safety.

I knew who I wanted to take, but was convinced it was a bad idea for me.

This thought was immediately confirmed when Connie got up to leave saying she had a date. One of the other gay ladies came to her and asked in a whisper, ‘with Linda?’

Connie answered, ‘Yes’, and was gone.

I had a date for that Saturday night. She was good looking and pleasant company. I tried my best but could not get any real enthusiasm going. I made a token effort at getting laid but my heart was not in it and gave it up. I left my date at her front door with a perplexed expression on her face. I likely had the same expression on my face.

The following week was hectic at work, which had the beneficial effect of occupying my mind. It was not until Thursday that Connie and I crossed paths, this time on our way out of the building after work.

We said hi and I asked her how her weekend had gone. She said, ‘It was OK, and yours?’

I said, ‘It was OK’.

We walked out to the parking lot and I found myself walking her to her car.

‘Listen’, she said,
‘I need to warn you. When you implied last Friday that you wanted to take Carmen to the ball game I know you were kidding. But, I happen to know that if you asked her out in private she would go out with you anytime.’

‘Is her marriage over?’ I asked.

Connie said, ‘No, but she does fool around sometimes and you are at the top of her want list. Are you going to ask her out?’

I answered, ‘No, I do not fool with married women, I wont interfere in a marriage’.

She gave me a look that I could not decipher. We walked in silence until we reached her car. As she opened her door she turned to me and said, ‘Take me to the game’.

I said ‘Deal’.

She smiled widely, got into her car and drove away.

As I walked to my car I felt happiness and chagrin. I craved her company but this whole thing was just not good for me. I was convinced I was stupid.

Our Saturday was fabulous. Before I had a chance to park my car near her apartment she was out the door coming towards me. She was wearing a sleeveless sundress that accentuated every curve of her body as she moved within it.

I was glad I had chosen to wear slacks and a polo shirt. I always felt that when a man is dressed to a lesser level than a woman it looks disrespectful, if not insulting.

Because it was a day game we started out in the morning. I took her to brunch in the theater district and afterward we walked to the ballpark. We filled each other in on our lives up to that point, leaving out some details for later.

After the game we walked back to the theater district and had dinner at a restaurant that featured light jazz music. As we walked past the dance floor on the way out we danced to the end of a song. On the way back to the car we held hands.

By the time I took her back home we had been together over twelve hours, and it didn’t seem anywhere near long enough for me.

This night there was a parking spot near her door. I stopped and started to get out to walk her to her door but she stopped me. She was looking towards her apartment. We could clearly tell there was someone there.

Connie looked at me and said ‘That’s Linda. I was supposed to be back three hours ago’.

I tried to keep my heart from breaking, reminding it that there had never been anything there to hold.

I apologized about bringing her back so late. I told her she only had to ask and I would have brought her back at any time she wanted. I did not want her to be in trouble.

She looked at me, smiled, and said, ‘I did exactly what I wanted to do tonight’. Then she leaned over and kissed me, turned and walked out towards her front door.

I stayed until she was inside her apartment. I could not hear what was said but through the shadows on the shades I could see that there was an agitated conversation, which lasted a few moments. It ended with an embrace.

As I drove home two thoughts kept crashing into each other in my head. She was gay. She kissed me.

We slowly became best friends. She was in fact my very first best friend. If anyone noticed that we arrived at the gang socials together and left together I did not notice. (I later learned that Connie was getting the third degree from all the women).

The guys looked at me like I was a dumbass with an impossible dream.

With the baseball team making its usual exit at the first round of the playoffs our outings became more varied.I took her to her first opera, La Traviata. She cried.

We went to symphonies and outdoor rock concerts. We went to basketball games and honky tonks. We most often went as a group, but at times it was just Connie and me. We did not refer to them as dates, but they were.

Yet, always, somewhere in the background, I felt the specter of Linda.

When we went with the gang we would meet at one of their homes. When it was just the two of us she would come to my place and get me. I never drove to her apartment again.

Connie and I were routinely holding hands, sometimes in front of our mutual friends, (much to their amusement). I was allowed at times to softly and briefly caress her butt. Each greeting and each departure merited a kiss.

Even though they were not the kisses of just friends, neither were they the kisses of lovers.

Well, except mine were. I put a lot of emotion into each kiss, however short they seemed to be.

Several months later I had come to the conclusion that my friends were correct, I was a dumbass. Like a drug addict I knew this was the worse thing that I could do to myself.

But I could not help it. I was very much in love with Connie.

One night Linda made an appearance at the home of gay partners that had volunteered to host our get together. Our hostesses greeted her at the door as an old friend. Connie, however, did not move from her seat on the sofa next to me.

When Linda spotted us she gave Connie a nod and a small smile, then she seemed to spend a long studying me.

Linda seemed to be under interrogation from several of the ladies. I saw her shrug her shoulders in response more than once. She never approached Connie.

Our party progressed at nearly normal levels when I noticed that Teri, our bisexual lady, was openly flirting with Linda. I noticed, and so did Connie and the others, that Teri was making a lot of headway. We saw a lot of touching and a few whispers. Linda left after a couple of drinks and Teri immediately followed. Not the subtlest move we had ever seen.

Everyone looked at Connie for her reaction. She stood with a smile and stepped next to me and wiggled her butt. As had become our custom, I reached out with one hand and gave it a small caress. She stepped away and said, ‘That’s enough for now,’ and headed to the bathroom.

Most of the group laughed but our hostesses followed her to the bathroom, obviously to check on her.

When they returned they were giggling like schoolgirls.

One of the guys said, ‘Oh shit. They have a secret’.

Connie blushed and gave me a very quick glance before she veered towards the kitchen.One of the women that had accompanied Connie to the restroom sat next to me in on the sofa. She leaned towards me and kissed me on the cheek.

She then whispered in my ear, ‘You hurt her and I’ll rip your balls off’, kissed me again and then made room for the returning Connie.

I am considered to be very intelligent. But now I knew exactly what dumfounded meant.

Somehow everyone sensed something interesting was going to happen. They gathered in front of the couch, some of the women looking as if they were fighting back tears, the guys just as clueless as I was.

Connie sat on my lap.

All eyes were on us.

She bent her head so we were face to face.

She said, ‘I asked Linda to move out over a month ago’.

She kissed me, pulled back locking her eyes on mine and said, ‘I love you’, and kissed me again.

I kissed her over and over.

I thought I heard cheers and applause. Connie was in tears and I may have shed one or two. We were besieged by the others, hugged, kissed, congratulated.

I was in a state of shock and was caught in the whirlwind of the moment.

Someone asked for a speech. I had not said anything during the tumult. As the group became quiet I looked at their faces, all good friends. All beaming with happiness at the turn of events, happy for us.

I stood next to my best friend, held her hand and said the only things that came to mind. ‘ Connie I love you. Marry me please’.

She answered brightly, ‘OK’, jumped onto my arms and hugged me as tightly as she could.

Pandemonium resumed.

I could feel the stupid grin on my face as Connie drove me home from the party.

After a year of thinking I had lost my mind for falling in love with a gay girl she had told me she loved me, she had agreed to marry me.

As I looked at what was to
me the world’s most beautiful woman I saw a reflection of my grin on her face.

Slowly, however, her expression changed. Deep thought and flashes of anxiety crossed her face. That was followed by a look of decision and resolve.

I tried not to panic. I told myself that she had not changed her mind about us and that it was probably something trivial, like the cars transmission.

We pulled up to my townhouse and without saying a word she exited the car, walked to the door, unlocked it with her key, and strode in.

I followed, closed the door behind us and turned fearing the worst.

What I saw made me jump out of my skin. Connie was headed to the bedroom and she had already peeled off her t-shirt and thrown it on the floor. Her bra, her shorts and panties soon followed. By the time she reached the bed she was naked.

I had never seen Connie completely naked. We had never had sex. Sure, we had shared some intimacies, but we had not been lovers until that day.

Now we’re going to make love, have sex, fuck.

She lay on her back on the bed and asked, ‘Why are you still dressed?’

There was anxiety in her voice.I realized this was to be a deciding moment in our lives. We were both wondering if she could give herself to me fully after many years of loving only women.

I knew her few experiences with men had gone badly.

But that was many years before.

We had something special.

But still.

What if……..?

We were going to find out now.

My hands shook as I quickly undressed and joined her in bed. We were both very tense. I did not have an erection.

I lay by her side, pulled her to me and began kissing her with as much love and tenderness as I could manage. I was going to make sure that she knew that with me she would always be safe.

Her naked body against mine was intoxicating. I kissed her everywhere and slowly worked my way down her body. By the time I reached her breasts she was beginning to respond.

I lavished attention on her tits.I would engulf one of her small but perfect breast completely into my mouth and slowly pull back so that the only contact was the tip of my tongue to a nipple, flick it, trace around it, then repeat. I would alternate between breasts, squeezing them together on my face as I trailed kisses across her chest. Her nipples strained upward to reach my lips. They loved me.

I was now sporting a very stiff hard-on.

I reached down and found a very wet pussy. As I continued to work on her breasts I traced the outline of her pussy lips with my finger. She was so slick and so anxious that a slight movement of her hips plunged my finger deep into her pussy.

I let my finger rest in her love canal for a few moments then started a slow motion finger fuck.

Connie shuddered and moaned.

A small climax.

I changed the angle of penetration and started making passes over her clit. She reacted as if to an electric shock.

A small spasm, a gasp for breath.

A bigger climax.

I slowly worked my kisses down her body, licking and kissing my way to her navel, her hips, and her thighs, while keeping a slow action on her pussy with my finger.When my mouth reached her pussy it was greeted by a moan and a shudder.

She made a small sound of protest when I took my finger out of her pussy.I was, however, just making myself comfortable. I put my arms under her thighs so her heels were resting on my back. She was now fully open to me.I kissed her pussy lips.

She started making a purring sound with a guttural tone.

I ran the tip of my tongue from her rosebud to the top of her slit. I repeated the motion over and over.

Sometimes I would thrust my tongue deep into her pussy, sometimes I would flick her clit with the tip of my tongue.

After a while, each round trip from ass to tip of slit produced at least one small orgasm.I was satisfied that if nothing else I knew I could bring her pleasure.

But I wanted a lot more.

I grasped her clit with my lips and began to work it like I was sucking a dick.

She kept repeating, ‘ Oh shit, oh shit’, then her body started to thrash so violently I would not have been able to keep my mouth on her pussy if Connie had not helped by grabbing the back of my head and holding me there.

I worried about passing out from lack of oxygen but I was being treated to the best orgasmic result of any effort I had ever made.

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Sergey Stalokavich rolls over and begins kissing Talilith’s back. She moans but continues to just lie there. “You keep that up and we’ll have to go another round,” she says with a giggle. “I’ve got all the time in the world,” Sergey replies. “Aren’t you expected back in Morhotlong today?” “Maltaus can wait on me for a change,” he answers with a groan. Talilith turns around, pushing the man off. “Don’t piss him off or blow this,” she says, anger flaring on her face. It is Sergey’s turn to...

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A different kind of courage

March 07 2010 Trace Willard sat in the center of the canvas lined bench in the troop compartment of a UH60 Blackhawk. It was coming in low and fast over the Tora Bora Mountains on a Sweep and clear mission hunting for Taliban militants in Afghanistan. Trace had been here fighting the war on terror off and on for nine years. He was the Platoon Sergeant of his unit and was fully committed to the war. Twice over, he had re enlisted. He was committed to crushing the Taliban; he...

4 years ago
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You Are a Meany Part 1

You are a Meany Author's note: This story is about the ramifications of someone doing petticoat punishment to their son. I am putting out there self-edited to see how far I have come in being able to catch my writing mistakes. Please be gentle with the criticism about the bad grammar, just point out how much help you think I need. Luke Zahn could not believe what his mother was doing. "She started it, and this is so unfair!" he said in protest to the punishment which his mom was...

2 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 4

Thursday morning, it is supposed to be Dahlia’s tern to wake me up, but she is under punishment. Instead it is Carol’s mouth I find wrapped around my cock when I wake up. Carol was my reluctant girl. I had to be careful not to push her too far. That isn’t the case anymore. Ever since the jocks tried to kill me and I fought my injuries to stay conscious and make sure she was taken care of, she has become a new woman and gave herself to me mind, body and soul. As soon as she sees my eyes open,...

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The Silencers DaughterChapter 22

Max arrived back at Lanchea's mansion. Devlin called him into his office. Devlin said, "Max, how did it go?" Max said, "Beautifully, Spider's crew is fantastic." "Good. I need some more information." "What would you like to know?" "I have got as much information on Hammer as I could get. What I want to know now is about this team of his." "I don't know much about Cal Thomas. I know him and Nick are best friends." "What about the rest of them?" "Raven Walker is the...

4 years ago
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Unique And Real Experience With Batchmate In College

I was coming of age when i got an admission in a reputed MBA institute at Bangalore. College bus was already packed to full on day 1 and everybody was looking at me as late. Latif and i felt embarrassed and tried to find nearest available seat and bury in that as fast as possible. Soon i got settled and bus started with a mild thrust. Just then i heard a gentle little voice saying “excuse me, mera dupatta aapke neeche aa gaya hai.” o my gosh! I imagined in my mind after gazing through those...

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first girl on girl

It all started when i was 15 id been going to an all girls school for the last few years but at the age of 16 i started to notice how i wanted to be with another woman sexually.Me and my best mate kay were out at a party and drinking i was staying at her house after the party when the party had finished we got a taxi back to her house and stumbled through the door and we went stragiht to her room as we didnt want to wake her parents.We had got ourselves ready for bed but we wasnt tired so we...

1 year ago
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The Power of BBC over her AND her husband

You walk towards the building – it is smaller than you have anticipated. Your hand reaches for the railing as you approach the stairs, you pause a moment looking up towards the door. Your mind wonders for a moment wondering what will happen tonight behind this heavy wooden door. You are excited with anticipation at what you are hoping to encounter. Will she be here, what will she be wearing tonight?? You hope it will be something very sexy. Perhaps stockings, you glance down at your watch – it...

2 years ago
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My sisters fluffy robe club

I was a little bit shy and only said Hello and goodbye to her when she was over. My sister and her would have at least two sleepovers a month. Every time they would just walk around the house with their fluffy robes. They called themselves the Fluffy robe girls. Amy wore a pink one and my sister had a blue one. And they both loved to torture me all the time. The pool was finally done. My Dad went over the rules with my sister and I. We had to make sure we kept it clean. And he told us that we...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Anastasia Brokelyn Receives A Huge Load On Her Face After Shower

Stunning blonde Latina, Anastasia Brokelyn, can’t hide her excitement as she takes a dip in the bathtub and runs her hands all over her petite body. The gorgeous babe is about to have a nice dinner out with Max Dior. However, their dinner plan is put on hold when Max suddenly feels horny after seeing Anastasia in a beautiful black cocktail dress. The tattooed stud quickly takes off Anastasia’s dress and eats her pussy on the sink. After the sensual pussy-licking, Max bangs the...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Sloan Harper Stressed Out StepDad

I’ve been having a hard time lately and I hate to admit it but I have been taking it out on my family. I kindly asked my Step-Daughter to clean her room numerous times, today when I went up into her room it was messer then before. I just lost it and snapped on her, I can not believe I yelled at Step-Daddy’s little girl like that. I quickly apologize to Sloan and tell her I have been going through a lot and I am over-stressed! Sloan offers me a hit off her vape pen, I almost coughed...

1 year ago
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Bratty MILF

Bratty MILF sounded like a contradiction when I first heard of it. Maybe it just reveals my pornographic preconceptions because I associate “bratty” with the younger broads of the porn scene, the newly minted legal teens, and bubbly bimbos in their early twenties. MILFs, on the other hand, are old enough to be someone’s mom. Then again, both terms are fluid as hell in the world of smut. Is age really just a number, or is it something the girls make up to fit the role?Well, I guess some...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
4 years ago
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A Great Day Lost

You wake up Monday in the middle of the night, rubbing your eyes and stretching as you look around. You’re in a motel room that you have never seen before by yourself, and it appears to be a cheap room at that. The air conditioner is leaking water and the walls have a brown tint to them where they haven’t begun peeling back. There’s one bed an adjoining bathroom with shower and that appears to be it. A small dresser is next to the bed and you when you try to turn on the light to have a better...

3 years ago
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Lusting While Dusting

I’d been working for Clobber-Free Cleaners for only two weeks when I met up with Dora. Most of the women I worked for just quietly watched me as I cleaned their house naked. Afterwards they might make me a cup of tea and we’d have a friendly chat. With Dora it was different, she took an evil glee in having a defenceless naked man at her mercy. I felt like a mouse being played with by a tiger cub. I should have seen the warning signs on my first visit when I noticed an enormous purple vibrator...

2 years ago
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Wandas and Josies Gangbang Night

Wanda is a pure slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck anytime, anywhere and with anyone. She has been gang banged in every possible place and way with numerous different groups of guys. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and used like a sperm bank. Wanda and another slut friend, Josefina (Josie for short) went to a party...

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Tips for males on first date with a female How t

This is a tip for first dates (or second if you’re with a prude). I am sure that I didn’t ‘invent’ this position, but I’ve never heard any of my friends recount a story with it (until after I told them I used it). But if it is of interest, I’ll share it. I’ve been married for eight years now, but when I was single I used this all the time. Basically, I would lay on my back. So would the female. I would straddle her right leg over my torso and proceed to perform cunnilingus. Not too original,...

1 year ago
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Lauras Birthday

Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An all-dialogue story. Laura's Birthday by Vickie Tern "Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday sweetheart, a very happy birthday!" "Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God! Is that you,...

3 years ago
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nexpected Hot Night With Mom

The stories really got me thinking about my fantasies concerning my mother. I was just curious about i****t when I discovered this site and I had no prior i****t experience to share until last week.visit on http://papasex.org to see full series of these storiesFrom as far as I can remember, I always looked at mom as just regular ol'mom - until I hit puberty. I started noticing all the different things that separated boys from girls: tits, round hips and ass, and of course, their sweet and...

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My Cousin Sister

Hi! Friends I’m Nitesh and I want to tell you about my first experience of sex with someone. I will be telling you all this. So it all started when I and my far-related sister were coming to Jabalpur from Nagpur. We had gone to my cousin sister’s marriage and now were returning from there. Just as we reached the station we saw a donkey and a mare having sex. My sister Amrita and I were both seeing all this. I looked at Amrita. She was smiling with her head held down. We ignored this and got on...

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HandsOnHardcore Romy Indy Exotic Dutch Babe Nailed Hard

When Vince Karter sees his lady, Dutch glamour model Romy Indy, in the midst of painting a naked lady he can’t help but become totally turned on and aroused by his provocative painter and sexy blonde lover. Vince goes in for the grab from behind, taking his babe’s curvy ass and small tits in his hands and making out with his hot little hunny. Be a part of the 4K premium porn action and get off right alongside the interracial couple in this Hands On Hardcore premium porn picture...

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The Awesome Morning

Hello everyone! My name is Abhay aged 25 reside in Mumbai and I am a big fan of ISS. I regularly read many stories and also rate them according to the erotic of the story. This inspired me to post a story on this site. I hope you’ll like this story and rate it accordingly. Let’s start the story. This incidence happened couple of years back. One fine day I was going to my office on bike. Suddenly my mobile rang. I picked the call and was shocked after hearing my ex-girlfriend’s voice. Her name...

3 years ago
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New Girl

I had just managed to free my cock from the slit in my jeans. It was massively engorged and I could not control myself any longer. Blast after blast of cum sprayed out, more powerful than ever before. It splashed against the bathroom wall, coating it in a thick viscous mess. I had no idea what had come over me. It was such a nice family dinner and my daughter Chloe had brought her boyfriend Chris over. They were talking about school and classes. My wife, Sarah, pried into Chole's after...

1 year ago
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What a Night

Introduction: A night to remember! Let me begin by giving a little background. My husband and I have a very healthy sex life and like to experiment. We are not into real BDSM, however, we like to have a little fun and a good sting and a red rosy ass is fun. Thats where the story is…. It had been a long stressful week and I was looking forward to our day off together (my pussy ached with anticipation of how the day would end). We played a fantastic round of golf, even in the 100 degree heat. We...

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Beginningspt 3

"Beginnings" is part 1, "a week later" part 2... this is part 3...So here I was, at work, waiting to get off, and since the only way I knew to meet Walter was to be on the road on the way home, I had no other ride home. Well, 11 pm came and I left the restaurant and started on my walk, taking my time, stopping now and then to take my time. I was about 1/2 way home when a car pulled over and as I looked inside I saw it was my girlfriend Joanne with her sister Marie driving. They had decided to...

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Christmas at the shore part 3

“Uh, hey?” I replied. Lisa was wearing my favorite green sweats and a white shirt, then put my sweatshirt on. She liked it more than I did. “This is Dina, Jane and Cassie. Guys, this is Joe I told you about.” I gave a little salute, and closed my eyes, slightly in disgust. They were all hot, all brunettes, but where the hell would they stay? I wanted to sleep in the same room as Lisa, and it started to look less and less likely. “So, you got them set up? And when did you get...

2 years ago
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You Just Been Angelad Ch 04

The envelope found itself in the mail picked up by William he had been out of town and had ran past the post office. Throwing it in the seat next to his he was ready for getting back home. Living alone for the most part he was excited for the solitude he was enjoying more and more. Making some instant coffee he finally sat down looking through the bundle one envelope caught his eye a cream color velum envelope. He broke the seal and the most intoxicating scent permeated the air. Elegantly...

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Love and Inheritance

Edited by the incomparable “Wires”. His assistance improves my work drastically. I appreciate all he does for me. Jason Lowery IV moved quietly down the hallway that connected ‘the children’s wing’ to the rest of the house. He snorted when he thought that. Both of his parents liked to put on ‘airs’ as his grandmother called it. They did live in a somewhat nicer house than some but it was still a house, not a mansion. It had a split bedroom design with the master on one end of the house and the...

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Mindy And Me Continued

As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...

Group Sex
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Threesome With Sheila Radhika 8211 Part II

I am a 25-year-old guy working in an MNC with a handsome salary. My height is 5’10 and I am having an athletic build, which makes me look sexy. I date women who are looking for some kind of fun. I also come across various women who just want sex and I serve them as well. If you feel like having a great massage and/or something more than that, mail me at I keep traveling due to my job and this gives me access to most Indian cities. I am a bodybuilder and while in the gym, I learned the art of...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends aunt

I'm awakened by a text from my girlfriend who was already at work saying something about her aunt was going to stop by and pick up a pot thatshe had left after a family cookout a few weekends back. I'm all groggy and half ticked because this is one of the few days off I get and I'm awakened by nonsense pretty much.I respond with an ok, rolled over out of bed making my way to the bathroom with that morning wood bulging of course through my sweats when the door bell rings. I finish my business,...

1 year ago
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The Lady and the Cowboy Ch 08

I hate him, I told myself. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. Perhaps if I repeated it enough times in my head, it would suddenly become true. I tried to focus on all the bad things about the man who had robbed me of my sense for the past two weeks. He was overbearing, overconfident, and completely unnerving. How could I even consider being with someone like that, someone who was wholly able to reduce me to an illogical, quivering mess? I ached. I didn’t hate Tripp. What I did hate was being...

4 years ago
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InterfaceChapter 5

I almost didn't want to get out of bed on Monday I entertained ideas of pretending to be ill and staying home. With the state my parents were in worrying about me, I suspect they would have let me get away with it too. Only the fact that Tara would see my staying away as a victory kept me from doing it. I mentally braced myself for the day ahead and was soon sitting in my classroom awaiting the inevitable attacks. I noticed there was a new girl in the class today. She was small like me,...

2 years ago
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Weekend Plans

"Thank you for meeting me, Bryce." "What do you want, Patrice?" He was always sharp with me. Always mean and nasty. It was because I was ugly, I know. My hair was short and wiry and steel gray since I was 23. I had no figure. I was tall but pear-shaped. My butt was too wide, my chest too flat. My teeth were my only good point — white, straight, perfect thanks to years of braces. But my nose was crooked and my eyes were set too close together and noticeably uneven. Still, I was...

3 years ago
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Andy TaylorChapter 17

Anita Lucas Taylor was leaning back in her executive chair with her eyes closed, reflecting on the events of the last few days. She thought about the dinner at home the night before, smiled warmly to herself, and opened her eyes to look at the new watch on her wrist. It was an 18-ct. gold woman's Rolex that had been presented to her by her brand-new parents. Actually, it had been an embarrassment to both Kelly and her. They had been planning for an anniversary celebration for their...

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Stepmothers LoverChapter 5

"Don't you see, darling?" Joyce explained to her frowning husband. "I have to do it." Ralph Porter began an angry protest, but halted it with a long sigh. His broad shoulders slumped and he sat down heavily on the bed, watching his wife check her reflection in the dresser mirror. "I'm beginning to wonder," he said dejectedly, "if we shouldn't have stayed at home." Joyce turned, giving him a wet-lipped smile, happy at what she had just seen in the glass. Whatever else Ted's...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Candice Dare Stepsisters Anal Overdose

Candice was preparing for her daily asshole stretching regimen. First she likes to play with her pussy for a bit to open her holes up and get loose. Then she begins to gape her tight butthole with her favorite glass toy. Little did she know, her stepbro was filming the whole thing! What a perv. She caught him but wasn’t too mad about it. She even invited him to watch her stretch her hole, which was a bad idea. Watching turned to touching then touching turned into full blown anal penetration....


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