World Peace!
"Honey please, I know you are scared, just let me explain," I pleaded.
"I don't know if I can. How did this happen? What are we going to do?
There are people telling me to pack up some clothing and send it to you.
They are ordering me about, and I....I....just want you home," Tiffany
cried into the phone.
"I know Hun. Please, just do as they ask and listen. I only have 17
minutes left to talk. Here is what I know and what has happened so
far," I said. I began remembering the events that lead up to this
The rain poured though a typical evening on Guam. A low rumble of
thunder sounded as if it were offset in the distance which gave ambience
to the coming storm. "Just another day in paradise," I thought. The
storm shudders reverberated against the concrete houses they stayed in
making an awful racket. An ominous sign for only being half way through
a deployment. The sixty ninth bomb squadron was tired and sick of
wasting another holiday on the other side of the earth. The sixty ninth
was a B-52 unit from Minot, ND who were deployed to the Pacific as part
of a deterrence mission. The tropical weather was a welcome respite
from the lethal cold of a winter in Minot. I, a radar navigator, and my
crew were a week away from Christmas. I like most of the officers in my
squadron had just finished up another class towards our masters degrees.
We would enjoy three weeks of relaxation and depression. It was a
bitter mix of relief and pain. The only good thing about working on
master's homework was that it kept you from thinking about how much one
missed home. I was thinking about the hard work my wife was putting in
to make due without me home. I would still give anything to be back
there taking care of the kids then stuck here.
The snow would pile up in front of the garage, and even the neighbor who
volunteered his snow plow could not get it all. It would freeze in
front and eventually need to be broken up and removed. It was my least
favorite chore in winter. I cringed when I thought of my wife leaving
the kids inside crying while she worked at the ice with a shovel. "Why
is this mission so important anyway," I thought. I could not bear the
thought of my wife suffering through without me. I grabbed the remote
from my PS3 and started up Modern Warfare 2 to try and find some escape.
Chris my co-pilot entered the house drunk again. He locked the door to
the house behind him.
"We have to be sure none of those zombies get in," Chris slurred.
The zombies Chris referred were other members of our squadron who would
get drunk on the days off and trash our house if they got inside. It
was not much of a life for anyone, but to deal with the pains of being
away from the ones we loved some of us would imbibe vast amounts of
alcohol. I laughed at Chris's behavior, but privately despised his
unprofessionalism. At any other house Chris was one of the zombies. He
was another drunken mindless fool with no consideration for others.
Chris left the living room and went to his room and pass out. I felt
resentment towards him. Chris was two faced and a terrible person to
ever call a friend, but we were housemates and more than that,
crewmates. In the air, I depended on him to keep me alive, and he
depended on me to kill the enemy and make risking our lives worth it. I
still had a hard time believing that a man in his mid thirties could
behave like this. It was not too difficult of a thought considering
that the commander of our squadron was most likely passed out drunk too.
I wondered if he made it to his house tonight. My roommate Tim was an
electronic warfare officer. He defended the B-52 from an attack when
flying. While on the ground, Tim spent all of his time behind his
computer playing online video games. "Such a waste of life," I thought.
I may play some games on the PS3, but I never played more then a couple
of hours a week. Tim never saw sunlight, unless it was forced upon him.
He had the socialization skills of a rock.
It was only 10:30pm on a Friday night, but I was done. I had only
played my PS3 for ten minutes and turned it off. It was just not
appealing. I knew Tim, my roommate, was not going to bed for another
five to six hours. I left the common area and walked into our room. It
was pretty plain with white walls and two basic twin beds on each side.
A pair of two drawer dressers separated the beds and lined the wall
opposite of the door. A lamp was on one end and an alarm clock was on
the other. My laptop was flashing a blue light next to the alarm clock.
The window above the dressers was dark due to the storm shudders closed
behind it. Several typhoons had come close to the island and it was a
pain to open and close them so they remained closed. Plus the storm
shudders blocked out all the light, which was ideal for the guys and
their irregular sorties. I was a light sleeper and liked being able to
make the room dark like the night in the middle of the day.
I did not even bother to turn on the light. I shut the door behind me
and threw my dirty clothing under my bed. I would need to wash the pile
of dirty laundry tomorrow. My bed was the one on the right, and was
topped with a $40 memory foam mattress topper I bought at the Navy
exchange when I first arrived. The Base Exchange on Andersen had a
terrible selection. The mattresses were worn out and the springs all
but poked through, from years of overweight crewdogs sleeping on them.
The mattress topper only made the bed tolerable. I also bought a fan
for ambient noise. I flipped it on and lay in bed waiting for sleep to
take me.
The wind blew hard against the house with a gust that shook the
shudders, but nothing else. The house's concrete structure never
buckled or made any noises against the gusty winds. The houses the
crews stayed in comfortably held four. They were two bedroom/one
bathroom houses. The building was made of moderately sized concrete
squares with a flat roof, affectionately named the "Flintstone houses".
All the houses were lined up on one street and each and every single one
was as identical as the last. The same furniture all fitted into the
same rooms. The accommodations were not bad, but we still found things
to complain about.
As I started to drift into sleep my thoughts drifted towards my family.
The worse part about being quiet and alone with your thoughts was the
depression and the longing to be gone from this place. Guam is a
beautiful tropical island in the Pacific. Japanese tourists spend
thousands of dollars to vacation here, but to the aircrew it was "Third
World America". Other than Tuman Bay, the place was run down and
overrun by boonie dogs. There was graffiti on almost every other
building and while driving it was very common to see broken down cars
rusting away being absorbed by the jungle. Despite its appearance, Guam
was rich in history and was home to beautiful dive sites, stunning
waterfalls, sandy beaches, and a diverse mix of cultures. It was an
American territory that the Pacific Air Force used to deploy their
bomber fleet. I and the rest of my squadron were sent here as a
deterrence force and to protect American interests. We practiced the
same missions we did back home and did nothing on the island that we
were not capable of doing from Minot. Overall we felt as if our
presence here was worthless.
It was difficult to even call this a deployment. Military men and women
who were deployed slept in tents and fought bad guys. All I did was
watch my crewmates get drunk every weekend and make fools out of
themselves. Being in a bomber squadron was like being in a
fraternity.... except the immature drunks had more money. "Any minute
now," I thought and I was right.
"Boom, boom, boom"
I heard Tim get up and answer the door. The two of them had become
accustom to locking our doors at night. The drunks would barge into our
houses, and with no regard for privacy take or do whatever they wanted.
I had found an entire care packages sent from my wife and daughters
eaten without me even getting to try a thing. Tonight was no different.
Four drunks from another crew wanted a ride down to the bar, Bamboo
Willies. The only sober people in the squadron were Tim, I, and the few
members in the squadron whose religious beliefs kept them from drinking
alcohol. The drunks were persistent and would not except no for an
answer. Uncharacteristically, Tim gave in and left with the keys
locking the door behind him. I sighed with relief. It was hard to
believe that groups like this were the professionals who deterred our
fiercest enemies.
I turned to my side and folded my hands to pray.
"Dear God, please forgive me for the sins I have committed today. Thank
you Lord for sending your son who died on a cross that I might live.
Holy Spirit please continue to work faith into my heart and help me
follow the narrow path. Lord, please watch over my family and keep them
safe while I am away. Thank you Lord for loving such a creature as I,
who is incapable of returning such a perfect love."
I paused to think. I wanted to ask for many things, but searched my
heart for what mattered most. All I wanted was to be home raising my
girls and cherishing every moment of our lives. I wanted to hold my
wife and make love to her every night. It is strange that those desires
were so fleeting or taken for granted when I was home. "If the world
was at peace I would not have to be here," I thought.
"Lord God, please end the aggression of the world. Please change our
militaries so that they are more suited to go home and take care of
their families than act as instruments of war. Please temper our
enemies, even those who live within. May your love cover the Earth and
bring true peace. Amen."
With the end of my prayer another strong gust of wind raddled the
shudders. I rolled to my side and closed my eyes. Exhaustion set in.
It had been a long week for me. I had flow two sorties this week and
logged over 32 hours. That is long time to fly in a 50 year old
aircraft that did not have a toilet on board. I turned to find a
comfortable spot and fell asleep.
"Ahhhhhhhh," a high pitch scream echoed off the concrete walls.
I was shook from his sleep by the sounds of a woman screaming. I looked
up at the clock, but my vision was blurry. Squinting hard I focused and
saw it was 6 am. The shouting was coming from Chris and Kyle's room.
Chris said he was getting up early to go run a holiday 5k race. I did
not know how a guy could drink and smoke till 1am or later and wake up
at 6am the next day to race. I had no desire to find out what the
yelling was about, or identify the girl, whoever she was, cursing like a
sailor. I looked around the room, but everything still seemed out of
focus. I reached up and rubbed my eyes trying to rub the sleep out. I
had always had 20/10 vision which was one of the reasons why I was
selected by the Air Force to be a rated officer (operator on an
aircraft). I looked at the alarm clock again, but still found I could
not focus. I heard the door to the house slam as the girl who was
shouting left. I closed my eyes and drifted in an out of a weak sleep.
My roommate Tim would sleep in till noon. Tim's internet social life
kept him up till late at night. At 9am I gave up on anymore sleep and
sat up. My body did not feel right. The room was completely dark, and
I was going to keep it that way out of respect for my roommate. Habit
had taught me where my dresser and towel was. I leaned over my bed and
opened my dresser. I took out a pair of boxers, a pair of gym shorts, a
pair of plain white socks, and a t-shirt.
I stood up out of bed feeling something tickling my back and tugging on
my chest. The tugging on my chest was strong and my balance was
severely off. "Shit," I whispered staying quiet to not disturb his
roommate. I grabbed my towel off the end of my bed and quietly opened
the door, sneaking into the hallway. The house was completely quiet.
Chris was still gone from his run, but Kyle was surprisingly absent as
well. I expected to find Kyle awake sitting on the couch watching Fox
News. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I still
could not seem to get my eyes to focus. It was if I suddenly had vision
like his wife's.
The florescent lights turned on with a flick of a switch and I relaxed
while my eyes adjusted. I placed my clothes on the counter and reached
up to take my tooth brush out of cupboard which was behind the mirror.
My eyes saw a blurry version of my reflection and I froze in fear. I
focused my eyes and squinted seeing my wife staring back at me.
"What is going on," I asked in my wife's voice.
I reached up and touched my feminine face. I was unable to keep my eyes
focused very long, but I was beginning to understand the physical
differences I had been feeling since I woke up. "How did this happen
and am I the only one," I thought to myself. An epiphany came over me.
The reason for the women screaming this morning was because Kyle and
Chris must have woke up to the same thing. I shook my head feeling my
blonde hair dance across my shoulders. My hair was cut shoulder length
and I had bangs in the front. I was extremely turned on. I had not
seen my wife's body in three months, and had been craving sex for a the last 2 months and 29 days.
I hungrily reached up and felt my breasts, caressing my nipples. The
pleasure from rubbing them was heavenly. My wife always had a 36C/D
bust, depending on which brand of bra she wore. I moved my hands over
my arms and stomach feeling my soft hairless skin. My skin felt like
silk and was extremely responsive to my touch. My fingernails stuck out
a ? of an inch and were neatly filed; therefore they did not scratch me
while my fingers danced over me. I reached behind and grabbed my, now
larger, ass. There was some extra padding back there I was not
accustomed to carrying around with me. I was eager to feel my new sex
and moved my right hand to explore my crotch. As expected I first felt
the pubic hair surrounding my new sex. I pushed my fingers past that
and found my expected slit.
"I cannot believe this is happening. I have breasts and a vagina. I am
a girl. I must be dreaming, but it feels so real," I said in his wife's
singsong voice.
I could taste my morning breath and decided to go about my routine and
see if I woke up from this dream. Grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste
from the cupboard I turned on the water and began to brush. The sound
of the water alerted me to my full bladder. I held back the feeling and
finished brushing. After wiping off my mouth I turned and stood in
front of the toilet and pulled down the front of my boxers. Using my
thumb I flicked it in between my legs to pull my penis out, but grazed
nothing. Slightly perturbed I turned around and after putting the seat
down, settled on the toilet seat. Without knowing what to do I pushed
like I did as a man and thankfully, urinated. I basked in the relief.
After allowing myself to drip some, I grabbed some toilet paper and
wiped front to back, just like I had when I use to change my daughters
I stood up and flushed. I stepped out of my boxers and turned on the
shower. Everything I did was more difficult due to my reduced vision,
but I pressed on. I really did have horrible vision. The water warmed
and I stepped in. The hot water flowing over my breasts felt wonderful.
I grabbed the soap and rubbed my nipples enjoying the pleasure it gave
me. My nipples felt nothing like they did as a guy. They were three or
maybe even four times more sensitive, but even better they were
connected to more than just my chest. The stimulation from rubbing my
nipples caused me to feel sexual tension building in my love box. I
understood now understood how a girl's breasts were part of her sexual
nervous system.
I ran the soap over my arms and torso, but returned to my breasts to
continue my stimulation. I could tell where this was going. I used my
opposite hand to rub my crotch. I knew I did not have to penetrate
myself to get off. I, in my old body, had rubbed my wife's crotch till
she came before. I was surprised how much further south my female sex
was. As a guy my hands had been all over my wife's body, but nothing
like this. Rubbing the top of my vagina was astonishing. I applied
just a light amount of pressure at first; not knowing what I was going
to get back in response. A continual build up of sexual energy filled
my abdomen and I could feel myself begging for release. My hand
accelerated rubbing my crotch in 3 second bursts and then I rubbed it
slow for a second pressing much harder. My fingers, lubricated by the
water and lather falling from my breasts would penetrate me every time I
pressed hard. My breathing quickened and my moans were echoing off the
bathroom tile. The sound of my moans stimulated my male mind. The
sound of woman's sexual passion is a beautiful thing.
The sexual pleasure was already greater than anything I had ever
experienced as a guy. My knees were shaking from the tension and I was
beginning to feel exhausted. I was getting frustrated that I could not
release, but I was still enjoying the sensations. I consciously focused
on the feeling of my breast moving up and down as my hand pushed into my
nipple. It was like nothing words could ever describe. My fingers were
beginning to cramp and I was not going to be able to keep this up much
longer. Suddenly, as if a balloon popped from within or a dam burst, I
experienced an orgasm like nothing ever before. I heard a scream echo
off the walls, but could not be certain it came from me. My knees
buckled and I slid down the wall to floor unaware of anything but the
bliss inside me. The shower was spraying water my face, but I just lay
there basking in a pleasure greater than anything else in the world.
After a short time I whimsically pushed myself to my feet. The energy
from the orgasm was still dancing around inside me, and it made me feel
giddy. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I was filled with
elation. My hair was wet now and pulling on the back of my head. With
a head flip my wet hair laid towards the middle of my back. I used the
manly scented soap to wash the rest of my body. As I was washing I
noticed that my pits and legs were prickly and had visible hair. That
made some sense. It was winter back home and Tiffany would not have
shaved very often in the winter. Who was going to see it anyway?
Unfortunately, I only had shorts to wear in Guam. I decided for the
dignity of my wife, I would shave. I got out of the shower, dripping
water all over the floor, and grabbed my Mach 3 Turbo from the cupboard
and some facial shave gel. In the shower I lathered up my legs, and
shaved from the bottom up. After being married for 5 years and sharing
more than a few showers with my wife I knew how to shave a girl's legs
and pits. In a short time my legs and pits were smooth and soft. I
grabbed some head and shoulders shampoo with conditioner and started on
my hair. It took as long as I expected to rinse out all the soap.
I turned off the water and toweled off in the shower. I decided to
leave my razor in the shower; thinking I was not going to have a need
for it anywhere least till I changed back. Stepping out of
the shower was a shock. My skin was much more sensitive to the cold. I
coiled up protecting my breasts from the ambient air. I rushed to the
counter where my male clothing laid and put on my shirt. The protection
from the cool air was instantly relieving, but my erect nipples were
visible through the shirt. Once again I struggled to focus on the items
in the cupboard due to my uncorrected vision. I was finding it
difficult to strain my eyes and was getting aggravated.
I saw my hair was in need of brushing, but all I had was a comb.
Brushing out my hair was a painstaking task. I felt as if I had pulled
out half of it, but I worked through. I then grabbed my male deodorant
and applied half of what I normally did. I grabbed my boxers and gym
shorts from the counter. My hips were luckily wide enough to hold them
up, because my waste itself was impossibly smaller then before. The
boxers and gym shorts hung eerily loose, and the absent of a penis and
scrotum unsettled me. "I have got to go see the commander and find out
what is going on," I thought. I heard the door to the house slam and
heard two girls talking.
I left the bathroom to see who was at the door. I instantly identified
Kyle's wife's body, and was fairly sure I recognized Chris's wife's body
as well.
"Ah, you woke up," Chris said.
"Yeah, I meekly replied. What is going on," I asked.
Kyle pushed past me into the bathroom with a bag full of clothing and
items from the Base Exchange.
"Don't mind her. She is just dealing with her new anatomy in ways I
don't even want to think about right now. Kyle woke up this morning
with a mess in her crotch. Kyle's wife use to get the shot as a form of
birth control, but she stopped getting it last month, because they want
to try for a kid when Kyle gets home. Her gynecologist suggested
stopping the shots at least three months out to clear up any side
effects. The shot was nice while she was on it. She did not have any
periods and did not have to worry about getting pregnant, but now it is
an entirely different story. Kyle's wife has been having a period for
about 3 weeks now and her gynecologist said it could last for a couple
of months or longer. Well, now Kyle is dealing with it. As you can
imagine we don't have anything in this house she could use so we went to
the BX," Chris explained.
I thought about how lucky I was that my period was not happening right
now. "Wait, why did I just say my period...I mean my wife's period," I
thought. Chris took a bag of clothing she bought and walked into her
room shutting the door behind her. Chris had changed the most out of
everyone. As a guy he was 5'11" and weighted close to 200lbs, however
he was not fat. Chris was now 5'1" and barely weighted 100lbs. She was
a brunette and was of American Indian heritage. Kyle, who my family
knew well from socializing, was in an athletic body. Kyle was always
athletic before, but as a girl it was totally different. Rather than 6
pack abs and powerful legs, she had a tone body and barely A cup size
tits. I was never really attracted to her. I liked a girl who,
although tone, could fill out a shirt. That very nature was partially
the reason why I now had large breasts filling out my shirt.
I could hear sobs and tears from the bathroom, but decided Kyle wanted
her privacy more than anything else. Kyle came out of the bathroom
wearing a yellow woman's tank top with a built in bra, even though she
did not really need it. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts and
carried with her the bag she carried in. Kyle had tied off the bag,
which now contained the clothing she was wearing earlier, and threw them
in the garbage. Chris came out of her room next. She was wearing a
white short sleeve shirt with three buttons at the top. They were all
opened and showing off her cleavage. She was clearly wearing a red
underwire supported bra underneath. The red bra was easily discernable
through the white shirt. Chris was wearing a jean skirt to go with her
top. "That is a bit much," I thought.
"Ok, is everyone ready to talk? What is going on," I asked.
"First off, the boss says we are restricted to a 100 yard area around
our house, but we got permission to go to the BX for Kyle's sake," Chris
said. Kyle blushed.
"That is all fine, but why are we in our wives, bodies," I asked again.
"We don't know, but A2 personnel, our Intel Officer, say it is happening
all over the world. Every military or armed organization around the
world has undergone a change. Even the president got changed," Chris
I sat down on the couch next to Kyle who was holding her stomach. She
was clearly not enjoying herself. I grabbed the phone from the table.
It was about 7pm back home. The phone did not connect. The circuits
were being blocked. I put down the house phone and grabbed my iPhone.
Lucky for me not all the internet ports had been shut down. I used my
Skype account to call. A frantic voice appeared on the other end.
"And that is all that happened so far," I lightly explained. I was
doing my best to keep the situation light. I was not sure how Tiffany
was handling things.
"Oh my God, so you are in my body. The news is saying that every
husband and wife in the military and police department changed bodies,"
Tiffany said in my voice.
"Yeah it is me. I am in your body. How are you and the kids holding
up," I asked.
"We are fine, except that I have only your old clothing to wear and the
kids think daddy is home. Thankfully you left enough behind. The base
sent over a small cardboard box and told us to fit as much in them as
possible to help you with the change. I need to bring mine to the
squadron by 8pm tonight. I am driving over there now. I put in some
basics, some panties, bras, socks, hairbrush, my contacts, and glasses.
They are saying it will take 1 to 2 weeks before it gets to you though.
You are going to need to buy some things to get you through. Just get a
couple of pair of panties, 2 bras, and a pair of flip flops. You should
be able to wear your boy clothes and be fine too. Please don't
embarrass me or dress me in a manner that looks stupid," Tiffany said.
"I will try. I am going to leave for the BX soon so I can buy it before
they sell out. Have you heard anything about what caused this," I
"No one knows anything. The whole world seems to be in a panic. I was
eating breakfast with the girls when in an instant I was in your body.
The kids screamed and then started to cheer that daddy was home. I had
to take my contacts out right away so I could see. Your penis did not
fit well in my panties either. I really hate having this thing between
my legs. I liked it better when I have it permission to be between my
legs and only on a temporary basis. It is always sweaty and
uncomfortable. Please come home as soon as you can. I do not know how
long I can do this without you," Tiffany pleaded.
"I need you pretty badly too. I have no idea what I am doing. Anything
I should know about right now," I asked.
"Hey, I am driving up to base now. I will have to call you back later
when I am on my way home. I love you, bye," Tiffany said as he hung up.
I was stunned. Kyle and Chris had a hundred questions. I tried to do
her best to answer them.
The sound of screaming came from my roommate. My roommate must have
just woken up. We were all curious to see who she had changed with.
Tim was never married and wasn't the type to socialize with a girl,
unless she was a level 45 dwarf in his latest online game. Tim bust
through the door in nothing but the boxers she put on before going to
bed. Tim's body was ridiculous. Chris started to laugh as she realized
who Tim had changed with. Tim was in the body of a stripper from Club
USA, the local strip club. Standing before us was a girl with
ridiculous proportions. Her boobs must have been an F cup and were
clearly fake. Her nipples were giant and equally massive. Tim was now
African American and had a huge ass to go with her gargantuan boobs.
She was on the heavier side too. A plus size model might be the polite
way to say it. Her hair was raven black and spread out like a fro. It
would take girl hours to tame that hair. Tim reached up feeling her
breasts and screamed again. Her voice was a soprano high that pierced
our ears. We calmed Tim down and explained everything that we had been
told so far. Thankfully Tim went back into her room and put on a t-
shirt. Sitting in the living room talking to each other I kept noticing
how nice the other girls looked in their feminine clothing with their
boobs held up. Mine were sagging 3" lower and my nipples were pointing
slightly downward. That was nothing compared to Tim's boobs which were
in her lap.
"Who is making sure we don't leave the houses," I asked.
"No one is patrolling the neighborhood if that is what you mean. The
boss is just calling the houses at random times making sure we are all
still here, but if you want to go shop and get some clothing I recommend
you do. We can fake your voices till you get back. It isn't like she
knows what you sound like. The BX will be sold out of essentials soon,"
Kyle said.
Tim looked at me with fear on her face. She did not want to go out in
"Hurry up and get dressed Tim. You must want to get into some clothing
that can support your new assets," I said.
Tim tried to protest but the other girls pressured her into leaving. I
went back to my room to put on some socks and shoes. My feet were now a
woman's size 7 and were swallowed up by my men's 10.5 shoes. I did the
best I could and tied them off tight. Tim put on a pair of gym shorts
and suffered the same fate trying to walk in her men's 11 size shoes.
The Nissan Quest was waiting for us in the driveway. I jumped into the
driver's seat feeling my boobs jiggle and bounce as I did, this was
nothing compared to the jiggling Tim's body was doing. The seat was
moved all the way forward. I guessed Chris must have been driving,
which made sense given Kyle's condition.
I had to move the seat back; I was still roughly the same height as I
was before. Moving my blonde locks out from in front of my face I
started the van. My vision was terrible up close, but I could do
alright seeing things at a distance. We both were on pins and needles
walking into the BX. We showed our IDs to the contractors, who had not
changed, and were given a scrutinizing eye. Their photos obviously did
not match. The contractor let us through and told us they were low on
supplies. Tim and I hurried to the women's clothing area. The
contractor was not kidding. The entire Hanes display was devoid of all
its underwear. I sighed. Looking around there did not appear to be any
undergarments left in my size. Tim seemed to be alright. In the corner
were some XL panties and size F bras on display. They had probably been
there for a while. Tim grabbed all she could find and walked toward the
tops and shorts. Alone, I walked through the isles loosing faith as I
went, but then saw something I was not expecting. On the display, under
a picture of Miley Sirus were two C size bras. One was red with black
striped print, and the other was a powder blue. I held them up to my
chest and decided they would do. I still needed bottoms, and then saw
something that would work.
The lingerie isles had not been touched. I saw all kinds of bras and
panties. They were over the top and did a poor job covering up (if they
covered anything at all), but they looked like they would manage.
Hurrying to make sure no one else saw me, I grabbed a couple of corsets
with matching thong panties and a baby doll set to give me at least an
one extra pair of panties. The cost of these items was going to hurt,
but at least I would have some female undergarments.
Tim and I were able to find novelty tank tops in their size. They said
things on them like, "Too cute for you". We both did not care and did
not even bother to unfold them. To our dismay, there were no shorts
left. Tim had enough and grabbed the clothing she had and checkout. I
laughed as she walked away. Her ass was so big it was hanging out of
her gym shorts.
I wanted to show respect to my wife's body, but at what cost. There
were some skirts left, so I grabbed a black one and a white one, size
small, to fit my new waist. I took a quick detour down the shoe isle
and found a pink pair of flip flops that worked. With an arm load of
women's clothing, I walked to the checkout. On the way there I walked
past the toiletry isle. I decided to get some women's deodorant, a
bottle of my wife's shampoo and conditioner, and some body lotion. The
final bill rang up at 195$. Lucky for me they did not want to see my ID
when I used the credit card.
Tim was pacing outside the store and kept telling me we needed to leave,
but I had one more thing I had to do. I walked into Vision Masters to
get a new pair of glasses. The place was pretty much deserted so I was
treated like a queen. The optometrist seated me in the back and had me
look through a special device to find out when prescription lens I
needed. 5 minutes later I was led to the front of the store and asked
to pick a frame. I found this amusing, because my ability to see the
frames was very impaired. I found a light bendable wire frame pair that
had a hint of purple to it. They were comfortable enough to wear, and
purple was my wife's favorite color. The best part was my lenses were
in stock and within minutes I had a pair of glasses. I was elated when
I put them on. Everything came into focus, I was however upset that I
had to rely on something like this. I paid over $150 for the glasses
too. Tiffany is going to kill me, I thought. Tim must have seen me
paying, because when I exited the store she was already gone.
I found her waiting by the car, and appeared as if she were hiding so no
one could see her. We drove back to the houses. Kyle was in the
bathroom crying again, and Chris told us that we had a wing commander's
call for all officers at 1400 today. Tim knocked on the bathroom door
and Kyle came out. Tim rushed past her to get a shower and change for
the day.
"What is the uniform of the day," I asked.
"Civilians, I guess. I cannot imagine they expect us in all our
different shapes and sizes to fit into our uniforms. Imagine how hard
that would be for the girl's next door......or should I say boys next
door," Chris replied.
Our squadron only had 4 girls; which worked out conveniently due the
houses only supporting 4. I suddenly thought that I should go next door
and trade clothing. The boys in that house must be miserable trying to
find clothing that fits. I took my bag of clothing from the BX to my
room and shut the door for privacy. Laying out the clothes I saw my
color scheme was terrible. I really just wanted a bra, but the shirts I
thought were tank tops were actually tube tops. I cursed to myself for
never unfolding them and checking. I was so happy in the store when I
found something in my size I just snatched it up. The two regular bras
I bought had straps so my only option was the corset. I took off my t-
shirt and threw it on the floor. My bare breasts hated the cold air. I
grabbed the white lacy corset and positioned it up to my chest. The
back was laden with 20 or more bra hooks. After getting a few I got
impatient and lowered it off of my breasts and rotated it to the front.
From there, I fastened the hooks and used all my strength to rotate it
back and pull it up into position. The corset squeezed my torso tightly
and firmly lifted her breast. My boobs were squeezed together rigidly
creating a valley of cleavage. I jumped up and down remarking at how
stiff the support was. The corset barely covered the top of my nipples
The pink tube top matched my sandals. I pulled it over my head and
positioned it over the corset. Luckily the tube top covered the entire
length of the corset. I grabbed the matching silk panties and pulled
them up. They felt remarkable comfortable but oddly different. The
fabric around my crotch and over my butt was very loose, but the elastic
straps were firm and held everything tightly in place. I rubbed the
silk panties against my vagina and loved the soft texture and the
pleasure I got. "I will have to play more with this later," I thought.
I also, however, remembered that there was nothing between my legs. All
I had for shorts was my male clothing or the skirt. The skirt was white
but was only 6" long. If I was a guy this would not even hide the tip
of my penis, I thought. I pulled it up, zipped it, and fastened the
clasp after sucking in my stomach. It was a tight fit. I sat down on
the bed to put my flip flops on and with nothing more than a glance
noticed that I need to cross my legs or hold them shut to avoid a peep
It was 1100 when I walked across the street to see the girls. I saw a
HUMVEE role by filled with women in oversized armor securing the western
perimeter. It was clear that panic and paranoia was setting in, even
though there was no threat to the island. I was greeted at the door by
familiar faces. The girls had been changed, but had swapped bodies with
single male members of the squadron. We had more single guys than we
had girls, so I figured my roommate just got the short end of the stick
with who she swapped with. Poor guy I thought.
"Do you have any clothing to spare," I asked.
"You are too late. We already traded away most everything we had. The
only thing I have left is my Sunday dress and some heels. You are
welcome to them if you like, but if we end up getting our bodies back
you better bring them back," the man replied.
I resentfully accepted the dress and heels. I had no immediate use for
them. I hung up the dress and put the shoes in my closet. Ironically
they were just about my size.
The other girls in the house were getting eager to leave the house and
decided to rush the chow hall 30 minutes early. The walk to the chow
hall was short, but miserable in a corset. The clothing I was wearing
was clearly meant for nothing, but temporary bedroom attire. Chris and
Kylie looked comfortable in their bras, but mine was so rigid it hurt.
The stifling humidity from the tropical climate caused me to sweat, but
thankfully the air rushed between my breasts and ventilated.
The chow hall was typically filled with 90% men in uniforms, but this
time it was totally different. Rather than the baritone sound of the
men's collective voices, the chow hall was filled with the soft melody
of female women chatting away. Most of the women were dressed in
oversized t-shirts and gym shorts. Their hair was disheveled and they
had a look of misery on their faces. I will say that makeup is a
necessity for some girls. The girls and I from my crew stood out like a
sore thumb. Consequently we caught a lot of stares. I decided to get
my food to go, and left the girls behind to talk with other members of
the squadron.
Alone at the house I finished my grill cheese sandwich and water. My
wife had very peculiar tastes, which now were mine. I use to love
getting a root beer at lunch, but as I found out immediately after
taking a sip I did not like carbonated beverages. Just another thing to
be frustrated about, I thought.
Finally, alone I started to think about the severity of the changes that
had occurred. I went into my room and locked the door to give me time
to recover if my roommates came back. I still had a couple of hours
till the commander's call. The only mirror we had was in the bathroom,
but I did not need it. I knew every inch of my wife's body intimately.
I just did not know it from this perspective.
I kicked off my flip flops and first stared at my feet. I wiggled my
toes and compared my now feminine foot to my boot. My foot was half as
large as it previously was. Moving up from my feet I felt my smooth
legs. My hands traveled up from my delicate ankles up to the bottom of
my skirt feeling skin as soft as silk. I reached behind me and undid
the clasp letting the skirt fall to the floor. I stepped out of it
stared at my crotch. I have been deployed for almost 4 months and the
little bout in the shower was not enough to satisfy the sexual urge
inside me. I have wanted to make love to wife for some time now. I
pulled my tube top off over my head and threw it on the bed. The corset
was too much work to take off and put back on so I pulled down it
releasing my nipples free to be touched. The delicate lace and elastic
prowess of the corset tickled and squeezed my torso. I reached up to my
nipples and started to rub them, but I did not really get much in
response. They were still more sensitive, but it felt inappropriate.
After some disappointment I lay on the bed and started to rub my pussy
through my panties, but once again I did not get much from it. It was
somewhat pleasurable, but nothing like before. As a guy it is extremely
easy to masturbate. It is nothing more then a physical act, but as a
woman it is totally different. I could not seem to arouse myself enough
to enjoy the physical stimulation I was creating. I decided to go for
the gold. I pulled off my panties and remembered the smell of my wife
as it filled room. I reached between my legs feeling the lips of my
vagina. I was still shocked at the lack of a penis. I pushed hard on
the top of my vagina to stimulate my clit, but like before I only got a
moderate amount of pleasure. I moved the tip of my index finger around
the inside of my lips to lubricate, and penetrated myself. There really
wasn't anything to it. I could feel my finger inside me (weird!), but I
was not aroused. I tried moving it around and felt out the unfamiliar
cavity. I tried moving further north toward my naval and found my
bladder. I quit putting pressure their quickly. I even rubbed the
ribbed area just inside that most girls call the g-spot. I was starting
to get frustrated. I then got an idea. I took my lap top from my night
stand and went to
I picked some of the recommended videos and watched the streaming of a
flaxen girl giving some guy head. I fast forwarded past that part and
went to the sex. I watched as a bald guy penetrated the blond. She was
on top of him and was pulled into his crotch. Her face scrunched as he
pushed himself inside her. I watched the girl's boobs bounce up and
down with each thrust and tried to let the feelings arouse me. I got
aroused, but not from lusting after the girl. I started to imagine what
it would feel like to be filled and I found myself wanting a man with
powerful arms pulling me into him.
I tried rubbing my nipples and my engine came to life. I felt the
energy build within me again. I knew how fickle a woman's arousal can
be so I did not hesitate and rubbed my clit feverishly. I moaned and
bucked as I pleasured myself. I found myself once again using a series
of small quick rubs followed by a longer 3 second hard rub on my clit.
The process reminded me of boxing with some quick jabs and then an upper
cut. My nipples liked to be pulled on to the point of hurting and then
let go. I came and rolled in the bed with my fingers still stroking my
nether region. It was heavenly to release and I could make the pleasure
last longer by rubbing myself through it.
Once the moment was over, I felt awkward. I was semi-naked and laying
on my bed. I don't know if I was embarrassed or just weirded out by
once again masturbating as a girl, but I quickly rose out of bed to
dress. I reluctantly pulled the corset back up, which smashed my boobs
together and lifted them as high as they could go. I pulled the tank
top back over my head, and pulled my panties back up. The skirt was
easy to fasten, and I stepped back into my flip flops. I unlocked and
left my room to use the bathroom. I was pleased that urinating after
self pleasuring was easy. As a guy your urine might spray in any one
direction, but where you want it. As a girl there is no aiming. You
just sit and go. I did however find the smell of my sex stronger then
before. I cleaned up and fixed my hair. Just as I left the bathroom,
my housemates came back.
My housemates spent the next hour in a period of brief acceptance. They
began to talk like they use to, and many of their personal mannerisms
began to resurface. I even laughed when Kyle pointed out how we were
all sitting with our legs spread on the couch. We laughed about it,
till Chris started to call out what color our panties were. I have got
to be more careful while wearing a skirt, I thought. The girls and I
stepped outside to continue our conversation. Chris's wife smoked and
consequently she had an addiction. Chris hated it, but could not deal
with the headaches, so she indulged. The military use to be filled with
smokers, but since knowledge of what smoking does to a person is so
public most don't. In the rated field it is difficult to explain to
your supervisor why you cannot get an excellent on your physical fitness
test when you put away a pack a day.
We left in out Nissan Quest up to hangar 6 for the commander's call.
The base theater would not be nearly large enough to accommodate
everyone. We arrived 15 min early and were lucky enough to get one of
the last parking spots available. I was relieved, because the cheap
flip-flops I bought were working a blister into the top of my foot. I
always wondered why my wife wore a Band-Aid on her foot during long
walks. Why do girls put up with this not just wear comfortable shoes, I
asked myself? We saw a similar picture to what we saw before. 95% of
the people in the hangar were female, and of them only a few were
dressed in comfortable feminine clothing. Like me there were plenty
trying to wear appropriate clothing, but only scavenging what was left
at the Base Exchange. I was careful to keep my legs closed and together
while I sat. The hangar door was open to allow ventilation. The island
always had a 15 knot breeze, so we stayed relatively comfortable. The
way we were facing shot the breeze right up my skirt and cooled my
crotch. I actually rather liked the feeling, but it reminded me of my
changed sex in a displeasing way. The girls in our group started to
make jokes about the way some of the girls were dressed. "They look
like drowned rats," Kyle joked. Her comments were not far from the
truth. Many of the girls did not have the money to be able to just buy
new clothing. Enlisted folks barely made much and the little they did
make many would irresponsibly blow it on fancy cell phones and cars. To
expect them to be able to have $100 on any day but pay day would be a
stretch. Many of the girls showed up in their uniforms and oversized
shoes. It was a little humorous to look at them. The girls that turned
into guys were even better. Some wore pink t-shirts that were far too
tight and gym shorts that left little to the imagination. We tried to
look away from them. We might be in the bodies of girls, but we were
all smooth talking guys at heart.
The commander or a woman who I now believed was the commander, stepped
up to the podium.
"Warriors, I have much to tell you and I am sure you have many
questions. Let me start by saying thank you for being patient with us
and helping us prevent a panic. Last night at 0200 local time every
member of an armed force around the world found themselves swapped with
the body of the opposite sex. If individuals were married or in a
serious relationship with someone, they swapped with them. If there
were single, they swapped with other members of their unit who were
single. If the ratio of single men to women was not even they swapped
with people of a risqu? type in the local area. Our intelligence
reports that this attack was indiscriminant. There are many theories;
some believe this attack came from world peace organizations and others
believe we have been attacked by extra-terrestrials. Please do not fear
these things, as we speak the leaders of all countries across the entire
world are uniting against this unforeseen threat, and determining how to
right things. The North America, Europe, small parts of Asia, and most
of South America is remaining stable throughout this attack. However,
many countries who do not have equal rights for women are suffering.
Our leaders are debating if we will aid them, but as of now we are
leaving our forward locations in one month. Those of you who require
special physical requirements to perform your duties must be screened
again to determine if you are still fit for those current duties," the
commander said.
With that last comment there were groans from all of the rated officers
and operators. The military targets people with A type personalities to
operate their aircraft, and met a strict set of physical requirements.
Certain personalities performed better in combat like situations and
they typically get better results when it comes to killing people who
are trying to kill them. This however was a situation that A type
personalities did not do well in. Most the men, now women, in the room
had put in 4 years of college, 2 years of flying training school, and
additional year of hazing at their operational unit to get to where they
were today. Plus it was difficult for the military to send women into
combat zones. Women took a higher risk when entering combat areas, and
if captured suffered unspeakable atrocities. I personally felt
demoralized. I did not know if my wife's body was capable of meeting
the military's standards for combat aviation. I felt weak and less
capable then before. The commander continued after the groaning ceased.
"Further more, the restrictions on internet and phone use will be lifted
shortly. Those were just precautions in case this was an attack from an
enemy nation. We did not want to let the enemy know we had been
affected. We will be providing basic needs, clothing, and feminine
hygiene products shortly. Please meet with your leadership and write
down your sizes. We will provide 2 sets of bras, 5 pairs of women's
underwear, and 2 pairs of your required military uniforms. We have also
arranged for care packages to be sent in from home. I have word that
they will be here in 5 days. The most important thing you can do now is
communicate with your leadership and use the chain of command.
Following my briefing commanders from each unit will reintroduce
themselves. If you fall under their command I wish you to meet them as
they exit the hangar. I want complete accountability. I do have some
bad news for some. If you were expecting a child, it appears that the
pregnancy has been terminated," the commander said with a soft tone.
Once again there was a response from the audience. Some girls cried and
others just looked at the ground with a look of defeat. I could think
of three people in my squadron alone who were expecting to come home to
a wife with a big belly. Charles a friend from weapons and tactics was
working as hard as she could to hold back her tears.
"If you need help of any kind you have to ask. We have so much
happening right now, and we do not have the manpower to solve all of our
problems. I am proud of all of you, and you should be proud of
yourselves. In the Middle East, men and women are slaughtering each
other for religious and personal reasons. In China, women are being
brutally forced into homes while unrestrained military men overindulge
in there new freedoms. We have lost contact in North Korea, and do not
yet know their fate. The US however, has had very few breaches of
command. All state side units report 99% accountability and over 50%
still want to serve. I am ordering all men and women to take the next
week off. The island is small and I am not restricting you to base, but
I warn you that the civilian population, other than the police, have not
had been affected. Most of you are women now and I ask that you be
careful and always take a wingman with you. Security Forces, Wing
Staff, and key personnel, you know who you are, are restricted to base.
Thank you again, Dismissed" the commander said as she finished.
Over the next twenty minutes each commander went up and collected their
troops. We moved off with our commander and met in the courtyard in
front of the ops center. The sun was beating down on us and I was
sweating through my corset again. All I wanted was a real bra and a
tank top. The commander had each of us reintroduce ourselves.
Thankfully my wife was a social person I had seen or knew most of the
wives. We fished our intros and got down to business. We were all
given appointments to see the base physicians to be reevaluated. Mine
was 0700 tomorrow. I guess I won't be sleeping in, I thought.
My housemates climbed back into the minivan and went back to the house.
From there I split with the group. Tim was in dire need of some
appropriate clothing, so Chris and Kyle were taking her downtown to see
what K-mart had. I was alone in the house again.
I grabbed the phone and found my wife or husband....I don't know what to
call Tiffany, had called me 3 times and left 5 text messages. I called
"Hey Tiffany, are you there," I asked.
"Yeah I have been trying to call you. I found out they are getting the
gift package to you sooner," Tiffany replied.
"I heard. I just got back from a commanders call. He did not say
anything confidential, so I can fill you in on some things," I said.
"There is no need. The news has been broadcasting everything. Half the
world is in turmoil," Tiffany said.
I turned on the TV to CNN headline news, because Fox News is bias. The
commentators were going on and on about violence in the Middle East and
bantered on in a paranoid fear over an alien invasion. I knew better.
The tactical advantage of an attack like this would come hours after the
body swaps. The surprise was gone and forces were organizing. This
event was not an attack.
"So what are you wearing," Tiffany asked.
"You have only been a guy for a half a day and you are already a
sleaze," I replied.
"You know what I meant," Tiffany slyly replied. For some reason I
pictured Tiffany licking his lips after asking the questions.
"I could not find much left at the store. Apparently your size is a
popular one among military wives. I am wearing a pink tube top with a
white skirt and some flip flops," I said.
"What are you doing for underwear? There is no way you could be wearing
a tube top and not have on a bra with boobs as big as mine," Tiffany
"Look, they were out of strapless bras in your size. I found a corset
thing in the lingerie section and bought it. It came with a pair of
panties so it was a win-win," I defensively said.
"I bet it is really I mean hot as in warm and uncomfortable,"
Tiffany said. Nice cover, I thought
"You don't have to tell me that," I replied.
We joked on the phone making flirty sexual comments for the next hour
and then Tiffany hung up to go to bed. With click of the phone I felt
very alone. The girls would not be back for at least another hour. I
went to the fridge to get something to drink, but all I had left was the
red bull I bought for mixing vodka drinks.....which suddenly felt like a
good idea. I made my first drink 50/50 with grey goose and red bull.
After two more of those the edge was off and I was feeling great. I ate
leftover pizza from the fridge and feeling flushed and hot took off my
skirt and top. I lounged on the couch in my corset and panties watching
CNN report on the chaos in the world. I was so drunk I just laughed at
it all.
I clicked off the TV and just stared down at my body. My breasts lifted
up and down with each breath straining against the support cups. The
lace on the edges tickled every time I twisted to change my view. I was
done wearing this thing. I reached behind me and painfully undid all
the clasps. With great relief I removed the corset and could see lines
in my skin where the wire supports were clamped to my torso. My boobs
felt free, but uncomfortable. I went back to my room and grabbed one of
my large t-shirts. It was long enough to just barely cover the bottom
of my crotch. If I had seen my wife dressed like this, I would have
screwed her brains out. I stumbled back to the kitchen for a refill.
The red bull was doing its job and making me alert, but the vodka was
doing its job and keeping me uncoordinated without inhibitions....a very
dangerous combination.
I went to back to my room and lay on my bed while the room spun. My
hair was in my face and no matter how I turned my head it always got in
the way. My boobs would fall from side to side as I rolled, and my
crotch was damp. I really do not understand girls at all, I thought. I
am drunk as can be, not trying to be aroused, and my body is begging for
sex. However, earlier when I wanted to have fun I could barely get
going. I sat up and pulled my knees up to my chest. I spread my legs
and looked down at the silk panties covering my crotch. I could feel
myself yearning to be touched. With my delicate fingers I rubbed the
outside of my panties. The loose silk easily slid up and down
stimulating the lips of my vagina. I pushed harder to satisfy my clit.
I have a clitoris, I thought. The rest of the night vanished from
memory as I downed another red bull and vodka.
I woke up early the next morning with a slight headache, but not too bad
all things considering. My wife's body was remarkably resilient to
vodka. I saw Tim asleep on the couch passed out from her own night of
drinking. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a couple glasses of
water from the Brita pitcher. I was surprised that I was not hungry.
As a man I woke up famished and would shower and go to the chow hall
immediately, but as a woman I was still content. I went back into my
room and grabbed a pair of panties, one of my old shirts, and the Miley
Cyrus bra. I walked into the bathroom and locked it behind me. I began
my normal routine and stopped myself when I reached for my electronic
razor. I don't have much need for that, I told myself.
I took off my shirt and dropped my panties. I turned and looked in the
mirror. I once again yearned for the soft touch of my wife. I wanted
so badly to hold her and kiss her soft lips, but all that seemed
impossible now. The experience was proving to be extremely taxing on my
psyche. I tucked my hair behind my ears and looked back at my
reflection. I was trapped in the body of my wife. It felt like a
carrot was dangling just out of my reach. I had a slight tan line from
my tube top I wore yesterday. The curves of the tan line curving around
my breasts were unsettling. I looked up at the mirror and shook my hair
back and forth. I felt the swish of the shoulder length hair tickle my
neck and back. I moved closer to the mirror and looked at my face in
detail. My eyes were wider then before and my nose was much smaller
with a slight up turn. My lips were fuller then before and my cheek
bones were situated higher. My blue eyes were so foreign especially
while looking through a pair of glasses. I was use to my brown eyes,
and free from any optical correction. I smiled and looked at my teeth.
Tiffany's body had perfect teeth, which she had paid for with 4 years of
braces and retainers.
It was easy to look down and get lost staring at my breasts. They were
by far my wife's best feature, or at least they were two kids ago. My
areolas were about 2 inches in diameter and my nipples were about 4
times the size they were as a man. They were so sensitive to the cold
and texture of the materials that touched them. The lack of body hair
was amazing. I use to have hair growing from everywhere, but now there
was nothing but peach fuzz. I loved it. I looked amazing. I tried
shaving my chest as guy to appear more attractive to my wife, but all I
got was ingrown hairs and an itchy chest. I lifted up my breasts and
felt the way the weight shifted from my chest to my hands. I cupped
them and moved them in a circular motion. Holding them up high they
looked perky like they use to, but when I released them they sagged
about an inch lower. I was starting to understand why girls were so
self conscience, and even I was indulging in it. My skin was tan on my
shoulders and arms, but the rest was colored like a fading tan. My
white skin looked healthy enough.
I stepped back in the mirror to get a good look at my crotch. It was
the one region I was most afraid of. I kept wondering if I was going to
wake up the next day having a period like Kyle, but to my relief this
morning brought no surprises. Despite my wife's blonde head of hair,
her eye brows and thatch were a dark shade of brown. I reached down and
felt my pubic region. The hairs were not as course and fro-like as my
old ones. These were almost soft and did not curl as much. I could run
my hands over them without getting entangled too. It was clear that
this area had been groomed. They abruptly stopped in a triangle like
manner. The transition to smooth skin was instant. I liked how even my
skin felt and even more how good it felt to run my lotion soft fingers
between my legs and around my nether region. I spread my legs and used
my fingers to widen my vagina. There was not much I could see so I
leaned back against the shower door to change my angle. It was dark and
difficult to grasp much from my new sex. I do not know what I was
trying to see, but I found it all very interesting. I gently pulled the
skin apart at the top and exposed my clitoris. I began using my index
finger to see how it felt to be touched. It was extremely educational.
My clit was far more sensitive that I could have ever imagined. How
could such a little bump provide so much stimulation? It was almost too
sensitive to be touched. I traced my fingers around the moist area of
my slit. I marveled at the how each area felt to be touched. I wish I
had this knowledge back when I use to give my wife foreplay. Some parts
of my vagina adored the attention and others places felt as pleasurable
as touching my arm. Through some effort I even found where I pee from.
It was not that exciting. I probed deeper inside me and found that
there was not much pleasure to be had from having a finger inside me.
It really depended on where I pushed inside and how much friction I
produced. Pushing up towards my hips was always the best option, but
everything I did seemed to stimulate my clit or affect it in someway.
My clitoris was growing too. I laughed and thought of women as having
mini boners. I also noticed that my vagina was very tight when I
started, but the more I stimulated the region the more my muscles seemed
to spread the cavity. I also slightly controlled the muscles in my
vaginal cavity that were completely foreign to me. Women's bodies are
truly remarkable. I was not in the mood to pleasure myself, so I
showered and dried without much delay.
The underwear I picked was a shiny pink thong with see-through black
lace overlapping. It was the bottom to the teddy I had previously
purchased. The contrast between the black and the pink was sexually
pleasing on the eyes. I gulped. They tangled as I pulled them up my
legs. I had to stop before pulling them up to my crotch and untwist it.
I pulled it up tight feeling the elastic cloth slide up my ass. The
elastic bands held the thong firmly in position, but my butt swallowed
the thong in the back. The only proof there was anything in there was
the t at the top and small amount of pink covering the bottom of my
crotch. I turned to look at how they fit me in the mirror. The panties
were impossibly small and somewhat see-through. They were obviously
made to be seen for sexual purposes. The thong rode very low and I
could not pull the straps over my hips without making it extremely
uncomfortable. Men's boxers cover our hips and wrap around our waste,
but this thong was a good 3 inches below my waste. I could have worn my
wife's lowest cut jeans and still not shown off this thing off. I
grabbed my red bra with black stripes and pulled the cups up to the
bottom of my breasts feeling the underwire support them. I placed each
arm through the straps and with remarkable flexibility fastened the bra
on my first try. The bra was definitely a push up with a small pillow
like pouch in the bottom of the bra cups. Like the previous day my
boobs were forced up and held firmly together, but unlike the previous
day I had more freedom to move my torso and my boobs still bounced when
I took a s