Surviving 3Chapter 27 Peace
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After a Christmas feast and some more waiting, the army set off in several columns towards Montgomery. Ab saw no Confederate soldiers attacking them, although he did hear some gunfire off to their left. Once, too, he saw some prisoners being marched along by infantry guards. When they got where they were headed and the battery dug in, they told him that it was Montgomery. He had seen Montgomery, and it didn’t look like Montgomery to him. What if all these smart generals were going to shell the wrong city?
Then, as the sun went down, he found he’d turned himself around. The city was south of them across the river, and he’d never seen Montgomery from the north. The smart generals were probably right.
After supper when he was headed to check on the horses one last time, Captain Jackson came up to him. He owed the Captain. He’d wanted to know about Tammie, and the Captain had helped him learn. If he didn’t like what he’d learned, that wasn’t the Captain’s fault. The Captain had taken to explaining things to Ab, and Ab listened when he did. When white men wanted to do things with you, you let them. Listening to explanations was no problem at all; sometimes, he learned something.
“The war isn’t going to be won on this side of the river,” the Captain said. “But we have more troops, more artillery, and – especially – more ammunition than the Rebels do. Come tomorrow, some of our guns are going to concentrate on the Confederate trenches. Artillery hasn’t ever destroyed a system of trenches, and we aren’t going to. We’ll blow some holes, though, and kill some troops. Then Johnny will ask, ‘Why ain’t our guns doing squat?’ So, then their artillery will shoot at the first batch of ours. But we have two batteries assigned to counterbattery work for every battery that we think they have this side of the river. So, those will start in, and their guns will be too busy dueling with the counterbatteries to shoot at our guys who are shooting at the trenches. Then, they’ll need supplies. That means crossing the bridge, and that’s where your battery comes in. Battery D is in a direct line with the bridge. and battery E is behind you. When the Rebs send a supply train north over the bridge, there will be shells flying south to burst over their heads. We got a bit of a problem setting fuses to the right times. Well, we can get the length good enough to make them all explode somewhere over the bridge.”
The guns started firing right after breakfast. Soon after that, the wagon Ab drove was one of a whole bunch which were sent back for more powder and shells. The sun hadn’t climbed very high when the crossed the river and met a railroad train. They loaded two wagons at a time from two freight cars. Twice while Ab was waiting for his wagon’s turn, they kept the wagons back while they move up the train. They took more time loading than they had taken on the trip there, but they got back and unloaded by dinner time.
They didn’t unload the wagon at the battery, but at a place well back from the guns. After dinner, they did the whole operation again, but the next day they made only one trip, and they didn’t even make one every day after that. Ab took care of the horses. When he didn’t need to drive to the train, he sometimes visited the battery after dinner. D Battery was assigned to covering the bridge, and when the Confederates didn’t try to cross the bridge, it was silent while most of the other guns on this side of the river were firing. Sometimes, when the guns on the north side of the river fell silent for dinner or supper, they could hear the guns on the other side of the river still firing.
One morning after Ab had tended the horses, he was visiting the soldiers in the battery. An officer galloped up.
“Don’t fire on that rider,” he said. “He’s carrying a flag of truce.”
“Yessir,” the captain said.
“We never fire on single riders,” a soldier told Ab. “Waste of powder.”
The captain did use his spyglass, and later he passed it around among the lieutenants. The soldiers, much less Ab, never got a chance to look.
Later, the soldiers passed around a rumor that the Confederates were surrendering. Even later, a lieutenant with the spyglass said, “I can see the flag over the capitol.” he captain reached for the spyglass, and he handed it to him. Just before dinner, a column of prisoners started marching past. Neither they nor the escorting Union infantry looked like they were in a hurry.
“Don’t worry, Johnny,” an officer called out. “The United States feeds its prisoners.”
“We’re closer to Florida than Meade is,” Captain Jackson said to him the next morning while he was watching another contingent of prisoners go past, “and one hell of a lot closer than we are to Texas. Still, the War Department will probably send us to Texas. The major cities in Florida are already ours, but Texas is huge, and our bridgehead at Brownsville is tiny.”
He had seemed to be finished when the band of prisoners had gone past. Ab said, “Sir,” and hurried over to the horses before the next band came close.
Despite what Captain Jackson had said, though, the artillery didn’t seem to go anywhere. Ab took care of the horses, and Jair came with him every few days to see that they looked all right. They ate with the battery. For that matter -- when the month was over – they got paid, too. The paymaster had an order, signed – if not read -- by the colonel to pay the teamsters. He didn’t have an order to stop paying them.
This went on for a long time while the white troops around them seemed to march off every day and then every week. When Ab got to go into Montgomery, he tried to find what had happened to his mother, but he couldn’t find even as much as the little he’d found out about Tammie.
Marjorie Purcell had been tired many times before. These days, she was exhausted.
The way you run a one-room schoolhouse was to have one age of kids recite the lesson for their age group while the others were reading. The youngest children, who could not read yet, would see and hear their elders recite. Sometimes, you could get one of the older girls to hold the youngest together while you dealt with the others.
Now, what did you do when all the children were starting at the bottom. None of them could read. More than that, none of their parents could read. Their fathers were planting crops, and they’d get around to building their shacks when the crops were in the ground. When the mothers would get around to sewing their children some new clothes was a question she didn’t mention.
And then, when he’d struggled with those children all day, the adults came in at night. Or some of them did. Allotments were still being assigned, and the recipients were still learning that there was a school within walking distance. Once they had decided to come, they sometimes came and sometimes were too tired. Considering the back-breaking labor they put in from dawn to sunset, she could hardly blame them. Still, she taught every class with half the freedmen who had seen the last class and at least one who had not seen any previous class—ever. The children, while their attendance was better, were often absent and often brought new children with them. And she could not possibly communicate with the parents by sending a note home. She knew enough history to know that England had once been illiterate. She could not imagine how they had managed.
One consequence of this instability was that she had to take class time – precious to her, and probably more precious to the students who had walked miles after a 12-hour workday -- on administrative details.
“If this is your first time here,” she said as she said every night, “raise your hand” She demonstrated. “Keep them up.” It was not polite to point, but it was unavoidable. She went from her left to her right. “Full name? Have you chosen a last name yet? What do you want to be called? Do you have any children?” She took all that down and added a brief description and a sex signifier if the name didn’t pin that down. If they had children, she got much more specific.
Then, too, it wasn’t only reading that the new freedmen needed to learn. Slaves shirked work except under threat of the lash, and the only thing that the freedmen were convinced of was that they could no longer be lashed. Slaves were bred like animals; many freedmen wanted the stability of marriage, but some preferred the variety of which they had become accustomed.
And, then, there were the outhouses. They, at last, knew what those were, although separate ones for the sexes were strange to most of them. They had not, however, learned to use them as children. They had to be told that they could use them; some of them had to be told how to use them. Marjorie could hardly bring herself to give those directions to young women in private. She had told Messalina on a Sunday that she would use the women’s outhouse, and Messalina was quite capable of telling even men what to do in blunt language. Messalina, however, had to learn her letters in night school along with the others. Marjorie had kept her late other nights, even though that meant that Messalina would walk more than a mile home all alone long after sunset. When a few adults had learned, or she supposed that they had, she depended on them.
Sam Warren wasn’t a particularly pious man. He kept his store open six days a week and closed on Sundays because that was normal store hours. When somebody really needed something, he really needed the business. When the teacher-woman, which was how he thought of the person he called ‘Miss Purcell’ to her face, came by, he was always happy to be of service. He suspected that The Good Lord gave him credit for helping someone whose mission kept her in the schoolroom six days a week; he knew that his customers would. When she came by wearing her church clothes, he was already dressed, if not for church.
“General Warren, “ she asked, “do you stock postage stamps?”
“I have them for my own use, and I’ll sell to anyone who asks. I charge no more than I pay for them, and that’s no way to operate a store.”
“Good! Some soldiers come to me to write to the people that they left. I can tell them that you’ll sell them stamps.”
“Well,” Sam said, “maybe we should have the same rates. I charge 10 cents to a colored veteran for writing the letter; postage is extra.”
“Could you? Can I tell my students to come to you? I just don’t have the time.”
“I’d be happy.” Sam would be very happy. Illiterate veterans writing their illiterate girlfriends weren’t sending casual billets doux. They would be asking them to come to Alabama and marry. Sam carried an entire inventory that appealed to women instead of men, and the more women in his area, the more he could sell.
Then, too, his customers covered an uncomfortable distance to walk. Someday, there would be other stores closer to his. ‘Smith’s store is closer,’ could be countered with, ‘Warren’s store is run by the man who wrote the letter that brought us together.’ That wouldn’t always win, but it wouldn’t always lose, either. That would keep the future competition a good distance away.
And any recommendation from the teacher-woman, however particular, would enhance his reputation. When there was another customer in the store, Sam made the veterans wait for his service as scribe. Despite this, he got more and more veterans come in as the year went on. He took the letters with him on his trips to Montgomery and mailed them there. He also visited the Freedmen’s-Bureau agent and copied a list of agencies throughout the south. The letters were addressed care of some agency.
Marjorie got a letter that made her happy. Three more teachers were on the way. She took a Sunday to plan. The plan divided the children in half by age. The younger children were again divided into the very youngest and the not-so young. She divided the older children into boys and girls. She thought that many of these were paying more attention to the opposite sex than to her teaching. She had four downstairs rooms that would hold classes of that size, if not the mobs that were coming now.
Nobody would teach Saturday nights. every teacher would get one more evening off. She had divided the adults into sections by geography and would keep that division. Each section, though, would have two different pairs of class days. Then the couples with children could attend on different nights and have one stay home to mind the children.
That left several evening sessions unassigned. One would be for the freedmen who lived very far away. Another would be lessons for the tiny minority who had already known how to read in 1865. Those would learn other things; schooling wasn’t only about literacy. A third was for soldiers – and any others – who had received significant amounts of instruction before they showed up at this school. The fourth session, Marjorie assigned to herself for administration. It would probably spill over into something else, but it was administration for now.
The new teachers showed up, and they were dreams. Their names were Diane Rawlings, Jane Newton, and Deborah Kendrick. They had already met and become friends. She explained her suggested changes. They accepted them, and she started the next morning. Evening was harder. With the other teachers giving up their free evenings and her decision not to start the new classes until the earlier students were sorted out, she stood in the entranceway for three weeks. As a student came in, she told him, or her, the new days that they would be attending, the room they would study in, and the name of their teacher or teachers.
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A year ago the virus hit. No one realised quite how serious it was until it was too late. It spread quickly and killed quickly, and there was still no known cure. The virus spread around the world rapidly, destroying families in its wake. The main hit seemed to be over for now. Experts estimate around 50% of the population had been wiped out, both in rich and poor countries. No one was unaffected. But now was not the time to dwell on the past. Humanity had to be saved, and quickly. While...
Teen“Do you think anyone else made it?” asked Jess, lying down by the far right corner, opposite of the door. “I don’t know,” replied Jacob, sitting next to the door of the bomb shelter. He raised his head and faced his little sister, but he couldn’t see anything. It had been about two months since they ran out of fuel for the generator, leaving them in total darkness. Since then they were left with nothing to do but eat, sleep, and talk. Lately, however, there wasn’t much left to say to each...
IncestByleth Jeralts mercenaries had just gotten reports about a bunch of kids being attacked by bandits. Jeralt and byleth didn't hesitate for a second, grabbed their weapons and ran to the students aid. There was a lot of bandits, they probably thought they could defeat the students if they had larger numbers, but they didn't take the mercenaries into account. Byleth swung her sword around, killing the bandits mercilessly, just like her father taught her. Even though she was a cold-blooded...
This time we found Kaden, dressed in a yellow t shirt, red shorts, blue shoes, blue hair and a huge ass, it was impossible not to approach her, I found out she was going to a rave, so I offered her a ride, she said no, but after a few hundred dollars we convinced her to step inside the bus, there she told us that she was a stripper so obviously we offered her more money so Jmac would have a lap dance, then everything escalated, she started sucking dick and was pounded all over the bus, we were...
xmoviesforyouOnce I had a summer job working for a warehouse doing inventories. It was a boring job and I hated it, but had to make money which wasn't much. All day I would go through the warehouse and count the boxes and write them down. The best part of the day was at the end of the day reporting to the office my papers and going through them with the company secretary.She was a few years older than I was. A bit chubby, but cute. Always had a skirt and pantyhose, lots of makeup and cleavage you couldn't...
Despite having slept for 12 hours after our ponygirl experience with the Sapphics, Caitlin and I were still exhausted, and would willingly have gone to bed early and slept round the clock the following night. However, our descriptions of the experience as ponies had really excited dear Lily, and it was clear that Caitlin and I would get no sleep unless we satisfied Lily. So early in the evening we took Lily upstairs and Caitlin and I put on two large strap-ons and proceeded to take turns...
Her lounge was brightly lit by drow standards although to a human it was dimly lit and indeed that was important as seated in a chair reading a book was her Iilafay’s personal body slave for the last eight years a young human called Sophia. Sophia was stood about 5 foot 8 inches tall , she had long curly red hair reaching down below her shoulders, her skin would have been pale under any circumstances and after a decade without seeing the sun her pale whiteness was a startling contrast when...
Ana Foxxx was just trying to have a calm day after work. As she taking a bath for relaxation, her step brother started playing his guitar super loud from the other room. Ana rushed out in just a towel to confront him. However, he did not want to stop playing. This is when Ana had a great idea. She asked him to pull out his cock so that she could suck him off to make him stop playing. Ana’s step brother shoved his cock deep inside her throat and soon he was stretching her pussy in several...
xmoviesforyouRoxanne touched her lips as she stared into the bedroom mirror. It was as if the ghost of his kiss lingered through the nights between their dates. Each time he held back. Each time she pressed him harder. Talked dirtier. How long am I supposed to be cool about this before I jump his bones?She looked into the mirror at her body. Arms covered in tattoos with two big pieces on her thighs. Her hip bones stood out just above her lacy black panties. Collarbones prominent under the black...
MatureOK, here we go again. This happened last night. I really have no idea what’s going on with mom. It’s like she developed a mean streak and wanted to take out her frustrations on me.After defeating her in that crazy wrestling match, I wasn't sure what would happen the next time. Mom is still staying at our house, even though they finished clearing the bugs out of her place last week. She’s not sleeping with me, Janice or Ginger (although Ginger has spent a few nights in her bed). I mean, it...
Brody dropped the case files on Rebecca Johnson's already buried desk and laughed. "Here you go, busy-bee. You got some catching up to do." She could smell the cloud of body spray following him when he moved. Eau de Asshole, she thought and smiled, her eyes stinging from his acrid musk. Brody had been in her law school class, but now he was her superior at work. It was unfair, but she knew he'd ended up as second chair on some important cases purely because he went out with the guys after...
ReluctanceIntroduction: … the way things ended. I have had my eye on her for a very long time. Oh my god, those luscious petite little tits, tight little ass. I can just imagine her red wavy hair hanging over her pale naked body hiding her breasts. Her lips so small that I doubt that shed be able to fit my cock inside … and oh god, I can only dream of her cunt. Does she shave? Does she even need to? Shes only fucking young. I swear, right now, if I ever see her again Im going to take her, and keep her to...
Foreword: This is the first story that I have written that I felt worthy of being read by others. Your comments and criticisms are more than welcome. I would like to thank Marina Kelly for her assistance in improving this story from its dry, clinical origins into is readable state. Her stories have been a valuable guide for me. Thank you - Monica Rose. SRU - The Engagement Ring Linda began to tear-up when the wizard told her, "I'm sorry Linda, but I can't do anything...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chad drove to his grandmother's house. It was dark when he got there. Dottie became a drunk after his grandfather died. She opened the door and greeted him. She was drunk as usual and her robe was open. He could see her sagging breasts. "Do you want a drink Chad?" she said bleary eyed. "No thanks" said Chad politely. "Please Chad, drink with me" Chad decided that he would humor her. She poured two glasses of whiskey and sat on a chair. Dottie wasn't...
IncestThis is just a story, okay? Nobody is advocating you to enjoy sex with under-age people and most cross-dressers probably aren't gay. Yea, and most females who choose to hang around gay dudes aren't evil, either. Most 'fag-hags' seem to be actually be nice people and some may even resent that term of endearment. And it never was my intention to slander the Vegan lifestyle, Wicca, Druids, the rest of the occult and all the other great religions of the world. This is just a story, okay?...
The Prosecutor"Where am I?" she screamed. "Why am I naked? Why can't I move?" As the drug wore off, shebecame more aware of her circumstance. Ann waslying, naked, on her back, on a hard surface, herarms and legs outstretched, held by some sort ofcuffs around her wrists and ankles. It was dark. Itwas quiet. She had no idea what time, or even whatdate it was. She had got off the cruise ship atCozumel, Mexico, taken the free cab three milesinto town, and shopped for unmounted gems. Oneof...
Cute, captivating blonde Kenzie Reeves playfully teases in tight shorts and a stylish fishnet top. The sassy teen flaunts her bubble butt and perky tits, soon spreading her fat cunt for Ramon Nomar’s big cock. Kenzie whimpers as Ramon’s meat steamrolls her tight slit. She chokes on his rod and laps his balls in a blowjob. Kenzie opens her tight rectum and Ramon wrecks her rectum, blathering sweet nothings through intense buttfucking. Savage anal action features drooling,...