Masquerades 101 - Chapter 3 - A Mile In Someone Else's Shoes free porn video

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Victor The walk from Nicole and Alexis’s on-campus apartment to Nicole’s first class was pleasant. It was already warm outside and I could tell that it was going to be a hot day. I was keenly aware of a cool breeze traveling up the skirt I was wearing. I’m not going to lie, it was actually nice and a nice reprieve from the late summer heat. It kinda makes me wonder why skirts don’t appear in men’s wardrobes at all. I also noticed the way I walked was different. My legs were shorter so I had to take more steps. I also noticed I swayed my hips as I walked. It was distracting at first, but it eventually faded away as I got used to it. As I walked to class, I still felt awkward. After all, I was wearing a dress. I was also very aware of guys checking me out. Normally, I keep to myself and I didn’t make eye contact. Me in my own body is typically invisible to the rest of the world. But I noticed every guy I walked passed tried making eye contact with me. I smiled, looked down at the sidewalk and kept walking. I could see the Business building up ahead. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl right behind me trying to get my attention. "Nicole, wait up," she said. "I was calling your name." Was she? I forgot to listen out and answer to the name "Nicole." "Hi," I said unsure how to greet her. She looked familiar. I think I was in the same art class with her freshman year. We never spoke a word to each other. This "Hi" might actually be the first conversation. "So where were you last night?" she asked. "Why didn’t you come out with us? I’ve missed you all summer." Shit? How do I answer this? "Wait hold, on - I got a text," I told the girl. Quickly I retrieved my cell phone from the purse and quickly texted Nicole. I texted "Quick, why didn't you go out last night?" I resumed my attention back at the girl. "Sorry. I guess I just wasn’t feeling it. You know, a rough night. Lots to do today." My phone pinged back. "Had a fight with Tyler." "And I had a fight with Tyler." I added this piece of new information. "Yeah," she said. "I heard about it. Who’s texting you?" "My roommate," I responded quickly. "Your roommate? Lexi is my best friend too. Why are you acting so strange?" I felt so unprepared right now to pretend to be a complete stranger. "I don’t know," I said. "Ever since I got back.... I... uh." "Had anxiety?" she said. "Yes!" I said agreeing with her. The girl had a concerned yet...annoyed look. Did Nicole use that excuse a lot? Just then a girl walked right past us, smiled and said "Hi Nicole, Hi Madison," She kept walking to class. Oh, so this must be Madison. I remember Alexis saying something about her. My phone buzzed again and I looked down to see the next text. "You need to get to class!" "Who’s phone is that?" Madison asked. "Mine, I got a new phone." "Really?" she said putting her hand on her hip. "Miss ‘"I have to have the latest iPhone" changed to an LG?" "Hey now, it was the best value for the money," I defended myself. I realized that’s probably not what Nicole would say. Shit, I need to correct myself. What would Nicole say? "I mean, it’s a loaner. I dropped my phone. The screen cracked. It got wet. They gave me this..." I looked down at my uninspired yet very functional phone. "...ugly... thing." "Oh," she said. "Listen, Madison," I said. "I really need to get going to class." "Of course," she said. "Talk to you later? Tell me about your summer?" "Absolutely," I responded. We parted ways and I sped-walked to Nicole’s class. Hopefully Madison will forgive Nicole for acting a little strange later. Madison certainly seemed annoyed at me - or rather at Nicole. I’ve seen enough body swap movies to know that sometimes you have to improve the other person’s life. Maybe I need to make Nicole less annoying to her friends. I walked into the classroom and sat down at the desk farthest from the teacher. I texted Nicole back. "I suck at this. It’s hard being you. I ran into Madison. She was questioning everything." When class started, the teacher passed around the syllabus then took "role". As the professor was calling names alphabetically, it occurred to me I didn’t know Nicole’s last name. I could accidentally respond as "here" to the wrong Nicole. I quickly fished Nicole’s ID from my wallet. "Nicole Rosch." Just then the professor called Nicole’s name. "Here!" I responded. OK. Mission accomplished. Maybe I can sneak out of class now. * * * Nicole Since I had time to kill, I decided to walk back to Victor’s apartment to change the clothes I was wearing. I was feeling self conscious in these day-old clothes. It was also getting hot outside, and these baggy jeans were hot and unflattering. I’ve only been gone from my own apartment 5 minutes when I got a frantic text from Victor asking what I did last night. I suppose he must’ve run into someone I know. I reminded him to get to class and stop socializing. I approached Victor’s apartment complex and looked at the apartment doors. Which one is Victor’s again? They all look the same. I took the key out and tried the first door I came to. Didn’t work. I tried the next door. That one worked. I walked into the apartment and I looked around, eyeing the mess that Victor left me. I picked up the day old pizza and threw it into the trash. At least I think it was a day old. I walked into his bedroom and took an inventory of his clothes closet. Mostly T-shirts. A few button down shirts. I scanned the t-shirts. Sports teams and video game shirts. All were various neutral-earth-tone shades. Ugh. Guys’ fashion is so bland. I found one plain dark grey shirt and pulled that out. I opened his drawers looking for shorts. I found his underwear and sock drawer, then his jeans drawer, before finally finding his shorts drawer. I changed into the fresh shirt and cargo shorts and deposited the dirty clothes into his hamper. I emptied the contents of my pink wallet into the cargo shorts. I figured if i was going to be a guy for a day, I might as well take advantage of having pockets. I know I didn’t want to walk around campus in flip flops so I took out a pair of low-cut white socks... ok. All he had was white socks. On the floor were a pair of cross trainers, I put those on and tied them. I felt better. I’m sure I could use a shower, but I just wasn’t ready to do that yet. I stopped in the mirror to admire my hand work. Yuck. Victor’s clothes are so uninspired. As are most guys' clothes. How are you supposed to show off your figure if it's hidden behind saggy shorts? I had nothing to do. Everything I needed to get accomplished today was in Victor’s hands. Hopefully he was able to do the simple task of not getting me dropped from my classes. It felt weird to have nothing to do and be bored. I should really finish that internship application, but my laptop is back at my apartment. I paced around Victor’s apartment. He had some pictures hanging up in his bedroom. It looked like Victor’s family. Victor was in it, with what appeared to be his parents, and maybe a younger sister. I looked around and saw no evidence of friends. Does Victor have any friends? If there’s a reason for this body swap, so far that’s my leading contender. Maybe I need to help him make friends. He had an old bed sheet covering something standing up in the corner of his living room. I lifted the sheet to see a canvas on an easel. I pulled the sheet completely off to get a better look at it. It was an abstract painting. I suppose Victor is into painting. He’d get along with Madison. I laid the sheet back over the painting. I turned back to the mirror again. Victor certainly isn’t bad looking. He could totally be cuter if he took better care of himself. He’s certainly not my type though. In his fridge was a case of beer, a case of soda and some packages of lunch meats. "Typical guy" I said to myself. My phone started ringing. Is it Victor again? Oh wait - it’s Tyler. I couldn’t answer the phone with Victor’s deep voice, so I didn’t pick it up. Seconds later I saw a text message from him. "Hey Nikki. I’m sorry about last night. Please call me," the message read. I took a deep breath, and texted back. "Can’t talk right now. Still angry." Then it occurred to me that I should be in class. I added "I’m in class right now." Hopefully that holds him off long enough for Victor and I to switch back tonight. Speaking of, I hope Victor is doing OK in my class. I glanced at the time. It’s time for me to head to out to class too. * * * It was a 20 minute walk to the Fine Arts building. I honestly can say I’ve never been to this building so it took me a while to actually find it. I was prepared for people to recognize me, just as Victor said happened to him earlier. I was able to walk to the building and into the classroom unnoticed. I tried to present myself as a confident male. I would try to make eye contact with people. Nobody noticed me. I sat down finally. I think this is the first time I’ve sat down since I woke up today. My legs were killing me. If the key to swapping back is walking a mile in someone else’s shoes, then I think we have that one covered. I then felt something uncomfortable in my groin. I adjusted my butt in the seat, but it hurt more. I think I realized...I was sitting on my um... balls. I looked around and nonchalantly tried to adjust them through my shorts. It took a few seconds but I was able to relieve the pressure. How do guys deal with this? Just then a girl in a cute dress walked by. I smiled at her as she passed me. She smiled back. I was jealous. I wish I had her figure. Then I felt it. I was getting another hard on. Arg. I cross my legs - only to realize I couldn’t cross them. Since I didn't have the ice pack with me, I decided to try to take my mind off of it, by reading... anything. The only thing I had on me was Victor’s schedule. Victor only wrote down the times and the classroom numbers on this paper. So I actually had no idea what class I’m sitting in until the professor started class. "Welcome to Introduction to Theatre," she said as he closed the door. Seriously? This was his class? I came to college to get a degree in business and find a good job well paying after college. What did Victor come to college for? I expected the professor to pass around a syllabus. Instead, we went around the class giving our names and favorite play. I hated classes like this. I hated being put on the spot like this. Why do teachers insist on doing this to us? It was 2 people away from my turn. My breathing picked up. This was a bad idea. Lexi was right. I was wrong. I can’t do this. The person next to me went, "Hi, my name is Joe. I’m a Studio Art major, my favorite.." OMG. I need to get out of here. Fight or flight. What am I even doing here? The guy next to me finished, and the attention of the class just turned to me. "Umm," I said. "I’m Nic-" I froze. No. That’s my name. That’s not.. Shit. What’s my name supposed to be? "Hi Nick," the professor said sensing I was having stage fright. "What’s your major?" Arg. I don’t know Victor’s major. "I’m a Marketing major," I said, using my own major to just get through this awkward moment. "Do you have any favorite performances?" "I uh," I’m sweating. "I haven’t been to a professional performance." "That’s more than OK," the professor said, smiling. "That will change over the course of the semester. Thank you Nick," Her attention turned to the student beside me. I sat down. I wanted to vent. I needed Tyler. Or Lexi. The only other outlet I had at this moment was - my phone. I texted Victor. "I just had the most awkward experience in my life." The rest of the class was a blur as I came down from my anxiety. The professor dismissed the class, and I got up to flee. I was about on my way out of the classroom when the teacher stopped me. "Nick?" "Yeah?" I said sheepishly walking to her. "Is stage fright a common problem for you?" Actually it was. I’ve always had problems giving presentations in my business classes. "Yes it is," I admitted. "Have you considered taking Public Speaking?" she asked. "Since you’re a business major, there’s a Public Speaking elective you could take." "Thanks. I had considered it in the past, but I’ve loaded my schedule with other electives." "Well, then you’ll get your work cut out for you in this class. See you Wednesday, Nick," she said. She keeps calling me Nick. Wait a second. The whole reason I came here was to make sure Victor was counted in the role. It would suck if I just wasted all of this time and anxiety. I turned back around and asked, "Did you take attendance?" "Yes I did," she said. "I did it as everyone was introducing themselves." "Oh - um, my name is - Victor," I said. "I figured as much," she said. "Since I didn’t see a "Nick" or "Nicolas" and the only other person whose name wasn’t called was Victor. I assumed you went by your middle name or a nickname. Thanks for checking with me, though." I smiled and left the classroom. That was harder than I thought it was going to be. I leaned against the hallway wall catching my breath. This is the second time today I’m having an anxiety attack. Of all days to not have Tyler by my side. * * * Victor Nicole’s first class was boring. The professor read verbatim from the syllabus, making me wonder what I was even doing in there. There were a few times I considered getting up and leaving, but the door of this particular classroom was up near the professor. I spent the time staring at Nicole’s class schedule. I assumed from this schedule she’s some sort of business major. This class I’m in right now is a Business Statistics class. The professor was using a whole bunch of math terms that went way over my head. Then he started talking about probabilities. Every time I heard the word probability, my mind went to how unlikely it was to body swap with a complete stranger. Maybe the professor can shed some light on the probability of that happening. I was also hyper aware of the bra I was wearing. It was too different. It itched, the wire was digging into my chest. I was sweating. I kept trying to adjust it without anyone noticing me. The class was over. Finally. I found the nearest restroom. I almost entered the men’s room but stopped before I entered the doorway. That would’ve been embarrassing for all parties. I walked to the next door over and entered the women's room and shoved my hand under my dress to fix this damn bra. I think I got it. Maybe. A girl came in. I took my hands out of my bra and dress, smiled and pretended to be adjusting the dress. "That such a cute dress," this stranger said. I forced a smile. "Thank you." "Where did you get it?" Umm. What do I say here? "I’m borrowing it from a friend," I said. She looked content with that answer. Cool. The truth worked here. The stranger smiled and walked into a stall. I exited the women’s room as quickly as I could. Thankful the bra was no longer bothering me. Nicole’s second class was in this same building in 20 minutes. I was able to find the next room rather easily, which gave me time to sit at my desk and play on my phone. My phone started ringing. I looked down at it. It’s Mom. I certainly can’t answer this right now. I let it go to voicemail. The class started, and like the previous class, the professor handed out the syllabus. I looked down at it. Marketing Strategy using Information Technology. Wow, that’s a title. Unlike the previous class, this professor handed out something else. "What I’m passing around now is a case study. I’m going to give you 15 minutes to read it, and we’ll have a class discussion on it." What? He wants us to do work right now? On the first day of class? Shit. The person in front of me handed me a stack of papers. I took one stapled packet and passed the rest behind me. I looked down at the case study in front of me. A wall of text. I tried to read it. But I got incredibly bored before I finished the first paragraph. Can I fake reading this? Can I get up and leave? I looked around as the rest of the class sat in silence, reading. Shit. I’ll guess I’ll try to read this again. * * * That was painful. The case study was boring. The class discussion after that was boring. I was even called on to give my thoughts. I successfully managed to bullshit my way through an answer by repeating a previous classmate’s answer. During class, Nicole texted me, but I couldn’t respond as the teacher was watching us like a hawk. At least I got through it. I don’t know how Nicole does it. I was frustrated. I was angry. I was starving. Maybe I should reward myself with food. That yogurt was absolutely not enough to get me through the morning. I had time before my third class so I went to the nearest on campus food establishment. The student union’s food court was the nearest to get food. I picked up a nice juicy burger and fries. Actually it didn’t look that great of a burger. It was mass produced for a campus after all, but I was starving. OK. I picked up a second burger too. I was hungry. I pulled out cash from my wallet and I bought my lunch. I decided to sit alone at a table. I quickly unwrapped the foil off my lunch. The aroma smelled so good. I poured some ketchup on the burger and fries and bit into the burger. Oh, this tastes so good. This is like heaven. Nicole must be starving this body. * * * Tyler I was feeling extremely guilty for the way I left things with Nicole. I tried calling her and texting her, but her text message back indicated she still wasn’t speaking with me. I was getting worried that I seriously damaged our relationship. Granted I realize I might be on the fence whether or not she was the one, long-term, I mostly expected us to break up after graduation, not at the beginning of Senior Year. After my morning class, I decided to go see her. I didn’t know her class schedule yet, so I was just hoping to catch her between classes. I hadn’t been to her place yet this semester. I know she was rooming with Alexis this year. Her previous roommate went and moved off campus with her boyfriend. I liked Nicole’s friends. Alexis was very friendly and down to earth. Madison was nice, but I kinda sensed she didn’t like me. I’m not sure why though. I followed a resident into their dorm and went looking for their room. When I got to their floor, I found their apartment with their names taped to their door. I knocked on her apartment door only for nobody to answer. Resigned to defeat, I went to my next class. I hadn’t had lunch yet, so I decided to stop at the student union food court for a snack, maybe I’ll have a full lunch after class. After I picked up and paid for a chicken sandwich and fries I saw her - my girlfriend. Just as beautiful as always. Nicole was sitting at a table all by herself. Now is my opportunity to apologize.

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SixMile High Club chapter 1

Michael looked in the bathroom mirror. He had just turned thirty-two in January, but due to a hectic work schedule of sixty plus hours a week, he felt twice as old. Although it was Saturday, he felt compelled to go into work, at least for two or three hours as he knew that his best friend, college buddy and partner, Jim Hutchinson would be there, as he was every day. Washing his face, Michael felt his chin. He hadn’t shaved in two days but, he detected only a hint of stubble and the fact that...

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Miley Cyrus Brotherly Love Chapter 1

"Goodbye you two, don't get into any trouble while we're gone, no house parties," Billy Ray, our father said as he and my mother were exiting our home. "We won't, don't worry," Miley said sarcastically. With one last wave our parents had left the house and my incestuous adventures with Miley would soon begin. Me and Miley were sitting in the living room watching TV when I heard my stomach start to growl. "Hungry?", I asked Miley, "I can put a pizza into the oven. ...

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As the boy puts his hands under her ass and slides his tongue along her wet lips I commence licking and sucking her nipples. I have a full-on, thick, nine-inch erection as my lady soaks up sexual pleasure from two males. I can’t see our toy boy’s cock, but I know from seeing him in the gym he is almost as big as me. I also know he is bisexual. A week ago, when I first told Sarah about him she was determined to have him. She has a thing about younger bisexual men. “Make it happen, soon,”...

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As the boy puts his hands under her ass and slides his tongue along her wet lips I commence licking and sucking her nipples. I have a full-on, thick, nine-inch erection as my lady soaks up sexual pleasure from two males. I can’t see our toy boy’s cock, but I know from seeing him in the gym he is almost as big as me. I also know he is bisexual. A week ago, when I first told Sarah about him she was determined to have him. She has a thing about younger bisexual men. “Make it happen, soon,”...

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8 Mile

Hey Folks First off, thanks for all of the nice emails about the last story (Leave Her to Heaven). Even the people who thought the story was outside of their comfort zone found something nice to say. This one is more down to earth and firmly rooted in the real world. The only thing controversial about this one is the title. I originally wanted to call it Betty, but AK and Barney-R both thought it should be 8 Mile. I guess to really understand 8mile you have to live in the Detroit area, but I...

2 years ago
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Milena My Wife and Her Uncle

-------------- I froze. My lips were dry, again. My hands kept trying to open the lid of the water bottle, but they were sweating, I was always sweating here. What is happening? I thought. I remembered my step-father, commenting what had become my new personal mantra: ‘You can’t escape the sun there’. I didn’t remember his exact words but I knew that’s what he’d meant. The plastic crumpled as I forced it with more violence than I’d meant to use. The water here had a faint metallic taste....

5 years ago
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Eight Mile

It was the warmest day we’d had in at least a couple of weeks. It was almost thirty degrees outside; and I was outside most of the time. Frankly, it worried the shit out of me. When you live in Michigan, temperatures in the mid thirties mean only one thing; SNOW. Being without residence or independent of domicile as I liked to call it, brought about a completely different view of snow for me. You see unlike people who have some place to go, snow is not a mere annoyance to me. It doesn’t mean...

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PrincessChapter 6 Mile High Club Honeymoon Orgy Kidnapped SuperHero

Carrie's nude body bounced up and down on my granite-hard cock, her knees tucked in tightly against my hips and the posh leather of the jet's rear most seat, which I had in a fully reclined position. Her eyes were mere slits and she had a look of utmost happiness on her face. The words that came from her mouth were full of love and passion, and certainly not what one expected to hear from a royal princess. She used the 'F' word a lot. This was my new wife of only six hours, and we'd just...

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Skin Deep III Chapter 8 The Last Mile

Chapter 8 The Last Mile Journey's End The sound of Gary's shoes clacked off the distance from the door to the elevator, echoing off with rifle report harshness in the marble tile walled lobby of the Central Pennsylvania News and Information Services building. There were no patrons in the lobby, no security guard or facilities personnel to welcome him or to turn him back. His only company now was his reflection on either side, cast back to his...

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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 17 Lance Needs a New Pair of Shoes

Lance emerged from the landscaper's shed and walked towards the front of the school. He was wearing the new dress he got yesterday. He walked with confidence as his heels clicked on the sidewalk and his dress swished across his legs. Students looked at him and smiled. Just then a girl came by. "Hi, Simone, I'm with the school paper. I'm doing a piece on the prom court nominees." "Hi," Lance said smiling. "I don't think we've met." "I'm Trudy." "Trudy, it's nice to meet...

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Mileys Harem Ch 01

The room was lavishly decorated with beautiful furniture, a large mirror and dressing area, and the bed's satin sheets were lusciously smooth against her skin. As Taylor looked around, she noticed a large closet full of clothing and a luxurious bathroom complete with a large shower and hot tub. As Taylor was trying to figure out where she was, the others were waking up in their respective rooms. Unbeknownst to Taylor, Anna Kendrick, Demi Lovato, and her friend Selena Gomez were all...

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Milena need for seed

After milena posted a request on a cumslut adding site, in order to quench her thirst of cum, she didn't expect any answer so fast.A sex shop owner organize a cumparty for her. During the walk from her condo, she can't stop thinking about semen, thick veiny dick swollen with cum,spurting theirs man juice on her face, in her mouth.When she arrived at the backdoor of the sexshop, it was opened with a banner where it's wroten "Enter here, ye who is cum thirsthy"As milena was aroused by the banner...

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Milena is girl of my wife's sister Janna.She is 21 years old.Her mother was separate from her husband.Milena and her mother Janna was living in Russia.They were not rich.Janna's been working as dance teacher for a long time.Milena is a gymnast and sometimes she joins to gymnastic competition.Some of these competitions were international.Last summer, we went to Russia.Of course, we stayed in their house.My wife and her sister Janna visit very often their friends in the city.If they visit their...

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The Greener Mile parts 4 6

The Greener Mile By Goldie Hunter Parts 4 - 6 as previously posted on Top Shelf Editor note: I am sorry to say that the parts included in this are all that has been completed for this story and more than likely will not be concluded. The reason is, if you don't know about it, Goldie Hunter passed away last November on Thanksgiving evening. She had been my friend for several years before she ever made up her mind to write. I encouraged her as much as I could but didn't force the...

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The Midstate Mile High Aviation Club Episode One

I recently learned that more than a few ladies are curious about the Mysterious Mile High Club.  As a self-employed charter pilot, I usually spend a lot of time at the airport restaurant between flights, catching up on my paperwork.  I must keep the FAA happy as they closely monitor commercial pilots to ensure we are safe pilots, our airplanes are legal and safe, and that we do not violate any of the Federal Rules regarding charter pilots. Ralph, a fellow Pilot, came in and sat down at my...

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Magic 101Chapter 3

After dinner, I finally got time to look at the new book my mysterious benefactor had given me. It was a far cry from the old magic textbook I had been reading, and I could see right off that it was going to be very useful! ‘So, you want to be a magic user? Maybe you cast a spell accidentally, or maybe you noticed the Ley lines that shine like rivers of fire? Let’s get a couple of things out of the way first. You are not the oldest child in your family. Magic users never are. You might be...

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SixMile High Club chapter 6

After calling his Dad, Michael picked up a large Frappuccino at Starbuck's. He should have bought Starbuck's stock when the price was low, he thought. While waiting for his Dad he drank the icy coffee drink, which brought back thoughts of the beach at Santa Monica and lazy summer days. He sat and watched the people going about their business, knowing that the remainder of the trip would probably be rather dull, without Miyoko. It was difficult to believe how much he already missed...

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Mile High Club in a Balloon

Mile High Club in a Balloon The morning air was cool but not cold.  The summer heat would come later today, but for now it was just right.  Just a touch of dew sparkled on the grassy in the park and there was a slight haze in the air.  To the east the rocky crest of the Sandia Mountains was just getting touched by the first rays of sunrise.  The sunrays streamed between the peaks like a Japanese fan. The moment was picture perfect. Then the sound of the gas engine of the inflation fan...

Group Sex
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I can spot one from a mile away

The day was bright from the late spring sun and all the joyous people on the dead end street mingling with each other. It was the first weekend of June, so the beautiful day not only came from the weather but also from Oak St having its start of summer block party. Each year the unofficial neighborhood association would get permission from the little town of Elizabeth to petition off their street and use it as a courtyard so the neighbors could have a nice social gathering. This...

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Chapter 2 Becky Joins the Mile High Club


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Beyond Mile High the DreamChapter 2 The Dream

When I got to my house in the mountains overlooking San Diego I made sure that the address, phone number and all other vital statistics about Janice were copied, and copied again and put in very safe places. I didn't want to lose track of that lady. She had written down her work schedule for the next few weeks which is as far ahead as she knew. They rotated flights every week so that the trips didn't become boring or too routine. They were "sharper" that way. Seemed pretty silly to me,...

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Woman In The MirrorChapter 5 A Mile High And A Mile Wrong

Our move to Denver did not see Andrea pregnant as planned. Finding a job for me had been hard at first. However, Aunt Madge had helped along again, with a phone number, to an old acquaintance, of hers. Even though he was retired, within a few days and him making a few calls to people, he set me up with my first job interview. It was with one of the many oil companies in the Denver area. It wasn't a top job, but the pay was quite a bit higher, than our pessimistical expectations, had been....

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LovingChapter 11 Mile High and Jamaica Rounds

The plane finally reached cruising altitude and Carol and I relaxed as we sipped our wine in first class. We spent some time talking over some of the recent experiences at school, what we expected to find in Jamaica and later what Washington DC and our new jobs would bring. Then we simply let the wine take us and thought about having a great time in Jamaica. After a pause in the conversation I noticed the man across the aisle from us looking Carol over appreciatively. He really was enjoying...

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Mile High Sluts Part 2 of 2

Best read in sequence with part 1. The airport at Dubai was modern and clean, and the luxury associated with the premier Arabian destination sparkled in every little corner. I was finally back in my clothes, and Tamara guided me to a VIP lounge and told me to take whatever snacks and drinks I wanted before giving me a quick kiss and heading off to join the rest of the crew for their transfer to their hotel. There were only two other people in the lounge. He was a young guy with a cute, blonde...

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Charlie Miley Ch 05

‘I was afraid to admit that I even had a problem. After my first week here I almost snuck out in the middle of the night. I had a bag packed and everything, but then my boyfriend called. Well, my ex-boyfriend, I guess. He told me how proud of me he was and that he loved me. It reminded me that I still had hopes for our future, you know? I want us to be together, but I realized it would never work if all I did was drink every night at a frat house until I blacked out in some strange guy’s bed.’...

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Vogue Photo Shoot with Miley Cyrus

I just found this very sexy Miley Cyrus Story at the internetCopyright goes to "I Love Miley." I hope you guys like it!Allow me to begin telling this story by giving you a background about myself. I'm a 32 year old British photographer, residing in Los Angeles, California. I've done numerous photo shoots for Vogue, Victoria's Secret and Guess, along with some other high end fashion magazines. I've photographed a legion of celebrities, ranging from the likes of David Beckham to Angelina Jolie....

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Miss Jayneys Mile High Boy Toy

P.S. Any resemblance between the sexual personalities of the Jayney and Jack of this tale and the Jayney(Redd) and Jack(assTales) of XNXX are purely intentional! Miss Jayney’s Mile High Boy Toy If I had my way I believe I would ask pants designers to invent a way for teenager boys like me to hide their hard horny dicks so female personages could not become aware of them. I often wonder if those people even know the fact that guys who are sixteen like me can develop a hardon at the...

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Mile High Club in a Balloon

My girlfriend and I had to get up early to get to the launch site before sunrise. Don, the pilot, had told us that we have to start early because that is when the winds are calmer and the cooler air makes the balloon fly better. We hadn’t gotten much sleep at the hotel the night before. In anticipation of our great adventure, we had a long night of lovemaking. So, bleary-eyed and still a little fuzzy in the head, we headed out in the dark morning to have our first hot air balloon ride. A...

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The Mile High Club

I always hated flying. It's not that it scared me or made me sick, it's just that I thought it was a terrible waste of good working time. That time spent in the air and on layovers could be put to so much better use than just sitting there. I didn't mind trains, because you could actually get some work done on them - providing they weren't too crowded. Unfortunately, trains don't cross oceans very well and since most of my business travel was overseas, that posed a problem. But my views on air...

Quickie Sex
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A Gypsy Stage Surprise with Miley Cyru

I just found this very sexy Miley Cyrus Story at the internet. Its one of my favorite miley stories!Copyright goes to "BulletBill2." I hope you guys like it!Sitting here in my car stuck in traffic, began to really push my patience in getting to the arena. And being already late as it is, didn't help the my situation on top of it. I couldn't wait to see Miley. Images of her beautiful complexion blast through my mind every second, causing me even more pain in waiting. Catching myself daydreaming...

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Charlie Miley Ch 02

Haley stared at a painting on the waiting room wall. It was a rural farm scene in pastel colors and she found herself wondering what farmer would paint his barn powder pink. The artwork was terrible and she was curious if the depicted objects were blurry on purpose. Why did all waiting room artwork have to be so terrible? Haley forced her eyes away from it, her head starting to hurt. Jack was sitting next to her, bent forward as he looked down at his lap. One of his knees was bouncing with...

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293 Mile high with Sarah

293 Mile high with SarahSarah was at this time a fairly flat chested youngster of shall we say just under 20, she`s never got much bigger than 32b even now, so no hourglass figure, not catwalk materiel, or a bra advertisement but a bright good looking lass, who like other collage age k**s was up for most things, and there are few on here that would turn her from his bed, me especially! she`s got something that attracts us men, don’t ask me what specifically, but, well… there is something and...

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Miley Cyrus Slut sister

It had been five years since my mother had married Billy Ray Cyrus and I gained my bitchy new step-sister Miley Cyrus. Over the years, I had watched her become a perfectly clean Disney girl and her transformation into the dirty slutty woman she was now.Every night she'd be out with various friends and wouldn't return until at least 3am, if at all. I had seen some of the guys she had been picked up by and there was no doubt in my mind about what she did most nights and I often locked myself into...

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After the show with Miley Cyrus

Disclaimer: This story isn't true.Incase you forgot what Miley Cyrus looks like, here's a reminder: recently had the privilege of working backstage at a Miley Cyrus gig near my hometown, I work as a roadie and generally follow my brothers band around, but when they're not on tour I get thrown a lot of work by local venues. I can't say I'm a Miley Cyrus fan, but I take whatever work I can get. I don't know if many (any?) of you know what goes...

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Hannah Moantana A Hannah MontanaMiley Cyrus stor

Miley stewart had been posing as the teen pop sensation Hannah Montana for as long as she could remember. She knew the basically every guy in the country wanted to fuck her. Some guys had even gone to her shows and begged her to take her top off on stage, but miley knew her dad would kill her if she even thought about that. Miley on a few occasions had found herself rubbing her wet cunt and eating her sweet juices. But one day things changed Miley had walked into the house and threw her blonde...

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