Masquerades 101 - Chapter 7 - Shower Thoughts free porn video

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Nicole Ugh. That was a crazy dream. Having to spend an entire day as a guy. I stretched and rolled over and opened my eyes. I looked around. Oh no. I'm still in Victor's bedroom. That wasn't a dream. My head was buzzing a little from last night's beers. I rubbed my forehead to try to soothe the throbbing.. Uh oh. I forgot to set an alarm. I picked up Victor's cell phone and checked the time. 7:12 AM. Oh no. I overslept. I grabbed a clean t-shirt, some cargo shorts, and socks and shoes from a drawer and stuffed them into a duffle bag I found. I was still dressed in yesterday's clothes and I could tell that I started to stink. I slid on the flip flops, dashed into the kitchen, opened a few cupboards and eventually found a bottle of advil. I washed the pill down with one of the dirty cups in the sink and dashed out of the apartment. I arrived back at my apartment. My head wasn't throbbing as much anymore. Now I'm just tired and anxious about class. The door was locked. I knocked on it. Lexi answered it. "We need to get you a key," she said, walking back to her room. "But this is my apartment!" I said frustrated. Lexi isn't a morning person and just waved my comment away while trudging back to her bedroom. "Turn off your alarm clock, Nicole." I walked down the hall to my bedroom to find a sleeping Victor, oblivious to the alarm clock going off. I turned off the alarm. "Victor, wake up." Victor rolled over and groaned. "My head hurts." "How much wine did you drink last night?" I asked. He sat up in bed and looked at me and put his hands over his head. "We didn't swap back. You're still me." "No shit," I said. "We need to get you up and showered." "Do I have to?" he groaned. "I thought we were going to our own classes today. Why do I need to get ready?" "Because people might recognize you. I have an image to maintain. I don't want my body walking around looking like a hobo. Plus. Neither of us have showered in 2 days. I know I can smell B.O. coming off of me. I bet you don't smell like roses either. It's nasty, Victor." "You go first," he said. "I'll go back to sleep," He laid back in bed. Argh. We don't have time for this. I checked the clock. It's 7:35 now. No, no. I wasn't even sure how I was going to handle this anyway. In my head, I figured we'd have plenty of time to come up with a plan on how to take showers. I was still cautious about sending Victor into the shower with my body. But neither of us have time to debate this. There's only one solution I can see - we can take one together. I can keep him from being handsey and I can teach him how to shave. "Come on, Victor," I said shaking his shoulder. "We don't have time for this. We'll shower together." "You can't be serious," he said, opening his eyes. "Very," I said. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to a sitting position. "Let's go," I said, pulling him into a standing position next. "Did you get dressed into these PJs yourself?" "Yeah." "Good job" I said. "Maybe you can handle getting dressed today yourself." "I doubt that," he said. "Let's go," I said taking his hand and heading into the bathroom. I shut the door behind us. I took off the t-shirt I was wearing. "You weren't joking?" he said, rubbing his eyes. "No. Let's go. The quicker we do this, the quicker we get it over with." He groaned again. "I have a splitting headache." "That's probably because you didn't eat anything last night after you ate too much at lunch," I sound like a hypocrite right now, since I woke up with a hangover too. Should I even tell Victor that I drank last night? He groaned again. I reached into the shower and turned the water on to let it heat up. I turned back around to see Victor take the cami off. I noticed my breasts out of the corner of my eye. I hope I don't regret this. I closed my eyes and dropped the shorts and boxers I was wearing, trying not to look down. When I opened my eyes, Victor too had his eyes closed and was standing there naked. I didn't even ask him to do that. I looked away. Despite that being my body, I remember what happened last time I got a good look at it. I felt the water to see if it was warm enough. It was and I pulled him into the shower with me. "OK. You can open your eyes'' I said. We were both facing each other. "I figure if we just maintain eye contact, we can avoid looking at each other's naked bodies." "OK," he said. "If you insist." I grabbed my conditioner and shampoo from the shelf. "Wet your hair," He did as he was told then I handed him the conditioner. "Nicole, I know how to take a shower," he said, taking the conditioner. "Fine," I said, squirting my shampoo into my hand and into my hair. "What is this scent?" he said. "You're putting your girly shampoo into my hair." "I was in such a rush, I forgot to get your manly shampoo. Sorry." He closed his eyes as he was rinsing his hair. "Have you ever had long hair?" I asked. "No," he said. "Here," I said, showing him how to make sure he properly conditions, shampoos and rinses longer hair. He was a quick learner and took to it with ease without complaining. "Body wash?" he asked. "Yeah," I said, handing him the bottle. He took a squirt and started lathering up his shoulders. He paused with his hands right below his neck and looked at me. He was waiting for permission. I nodded and then watched him lather up his... my... breasts. Oh no. I felt an erection coming up, I turned around quickly to face the wall. No. No. No. This is embarrassing. This is gross. "Nicole, you OK?" "I'm fine." No, I'm not fine. I'm stuck in a male body and have an erection. "You don't have to hide it, you know." I turned my head to see him. He had a sympathetic look on his face.. my face. "I just," I said, turning completely around. My erection hit his leg. His smooth leg. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry," I turned back around to the wall. "I'm sorry. This was a horrible idea." "It's OK." He put his hand on my shoulder. "We'll get through this." "How are you so calm?" I said, talking to the wall. "You have a dude's peen hitting your leg!" "Because it's mine. I know what it looks like. We're intimately familiar." "Ew," I said. He chuckled at that, and I found myself smiling. I'm glad he's laughing about it. His laugh might be infectious. And he's laughing with my voice too. "Here," he said, holding up the body wash. I turned around. "You should do it yourself. If I do it for you... Well... it's gonna make things worse." I held out my hand and he squirted the body wash into my hand. I looked down at the erect penis I've been avoiding looking at. Since I was now in possession of it, I should start treating it as a natural appendage of me. I lathered it up and tried to think of unsexy things as I cleaned it. Nothing was working. In fact, it felt kinda good. But I wasn't about to masturbate in front of Victor so I stopped and let the water rinse the soap off. I should ask him how he takes care of erections, but I didn't want to talk about it. Instead, I turned my focus back to him. "I haven't shaved my legs in a few days," I said to him. "You're gonna need to shave today, or do you want me to help you?" "Maybe some pointers," he said. I handed him the shaving cream, then my razor and showed him which direction I like to go, and which spots to pay attention to. After a few minutes, I realized we were very comfortable with each other. He was looking down at his new body, and I was looking down at mine. My erection wasn't going down because I kept getting turned on Victor shaving my own body, but at least it wasn't freaking me out like it did earlier. Victor seemed to be most comfortable. We made eye contact. "Nicole, how are you holding up?" "I'm OK. I think I'm better." "Good," he said. "We're both going to have to rise to the occasion," He looked at me and started to chuckle. It was infectious, and I chuckled. He started laughing, and I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing too. We were both laughing loudly and our laughs were echoing off the shower walls. I mean - this was utterly ridiculous. We were two strangers taking a shower together in each other's bodies. And this was my idea. "Thank you Vic," I told him when I was able to stop laughing. "I needed that. Really, I did. I was on the verge of a meltdown there. How did last night go?" "It went well. I had a lot of fun with your friends. I'm sorry that Alexis kicked you out. I would've liked to have hung out with you too." "Thanks Vic. I was angry at first," I decided to fill him in on the good news. "But some good did come out of it." "How so? Did you find that totem we were looking for?" "No, but I got you a date for Friday." "Wait - what now?" "Yeah," I smiled. "That cute girl - Stephanie. I set you up." Victor stopped shaving for a moment and looked at me. "You set me up with Stephanie? She's... not my type." "What are you talking about? She's cute, attractive, and clearly got the hots for you." "I..." he said. "I don't know. I'm not really ready to date. I haven't dated since..." I explained by dating woes with Alexis and Madison last night and I really didn't want to rehash it again. "Now's your chance. Get back out there. Get back up on the horse. Go to the sea and fish. Or whatever guys say to get over heartbreak." "I dunno, Nicole," he said, continuing to finish shaving his legs. "I've been burned in the past. I don't really trust anyone enough to start dating." "How will you ever learn to trust anyone if you don't get to know them? Do you trust me and Lexi?" "I guess. But you both are friendly with me because of the situation we've been put in. The moment I'm back on my body, you'll both move on with your lives and leave me behind." "You don't know that, Vic." He shrugged and continued to shave. "But anyway," I said. "Back to Stephanie. I figured a selfless act could help us out. I bet if you do something for me, we'll swap back before Friday." "That defeats the purpose of a selfless act," he sighed, handing me the razor. "And if you're stuck going on that date?" "Then I'll hit out of the park, make you look like the stud you are and we'll swap back Saturday morning." "You think I'm a stud?" "Victor, I have a boyfriend." He chuckled and rinsed his legs clean of all of the soap and cream. "Wow, I can't believe how smooth these legs are." "If you like em, I can shave these too." "No," he said and laughed. "I just hope all of this works out." "It will," I said. "I have every confidence in us," I smiled. He smiled back. "Hey Nicole," he said. "Do you worry that we're turning into each other?" "What?" I replied. "No. We're not turning into each other." "It's just something Alexis mentioned to me last night. And then I was finding it way too easy to be you and talk to your friends. I was enjoying it." "You were enjoying having friends? That doesn't mean you're becoming me. It just means you miss having friends. Maybe you are opening up to us." "You're probably right," he said. I heard the door open. I poked my head around the shower curtain. Lexi was standing in the doorway. "What's going on?" she said. "I heard laughing and giggling. You're both taking a shower together? This is totally awkward. Even by Nicole standards." "We didn't have time for two showers," I said. "It was my idea." Victor poked his head around the other side. "Were we making too much noise? Sorry Alexis." "You know what? Call up Tyler and dump him. You two are perfect for each other. Miss Bad Ideas and Mr No Ideas." I saw Victor blush and return his head back behind the curtain. I stuck my tongue out at Lexi. She chuckled and closed the door on us. "I'm sorry, this is weird," Victor said. "Vic, rule number one about being Lexi's friend. She tells you she hates drama, but secretly she loves it. She loves complaining about it. Try to put her in the most awkward moments ever and she'll love you back. The three of us. Me, Alexis and Madison, we get along so well because we're so different. Lexi is the serious one, Mads is the not so serious one, and I'm the one that makes them both look good because I'm always so awkward." "Really? I thought you were the one who had everything so put together." I sighed. A moment of truth. "Victor. I would be nothing without my best friends." * * * Victor Nicole taught me how to wrap my hair in a towel and led me back to our - I mean her bedroom. She quickly changed into the spare clothes she brought from my apartment. Lucky. That was quick and easy. I never considered how lucky I had it. I, on the other hand, was staring at her closet like a deer in headlights. So many tops and dresses. Are there rules about what to wear and when? "Think you can handle this by yourself?" she asked me. I wanted to say no. But after our conversation in the shower, I feel that we're ready to open up and start trusting each other. This was an important step in our... friendship. "I... I guess," I said. "Wait - Help me with the bra." "Let me show you," she said, pulling out a light blue bra from her drawer. "Find the top," She showed the shoulder straps. "Then twist it around so you can see the clasp. Clip it, rotate it back around. Put your arms through the straps, pull up. Then you may have to adjust the boobs so they're sitting nicely in the cups," She handed me the bra. I did as she told me. I clasped it, rotated it, pulled it up, put my arms through and adjusted it. I felt a little weird grabbing the boobs in front of her. But I think we're past that stage with each other now. Nicole smiled at me. "You're doing great Victor. You're a quick learner. Now pick out an outfit and get dressed. I'll get our breakfast ready. We have 20 minutes to get out of here." Oh God. Not another yogurt. I pulled out a pair of panties and put them on. I appreciated how they felt on me yesterday. So soft. They clung to every curve. I admired myself in the mirror. These are certainly more sexy than the boxers I typically wear. I then turned my attention to the closet. I scanned the closet and at the far end, I found t-shirts. Oh look Nicole, you do own t-shirts. I pulled one out. It was a t-shirt that had a picture of sandals on the front. I pulled that shirt on and found a pair of jean shorts and pulled those on as well. I walked out into the living room and Nicole saw me. "Victor. You're going to class, not the beach. A dress please." I put on my grumpy face, but it might have come off more as a pout. I wanted to put up more of a fight here. After all, I see plenty of girls go to class like this. Hell - I've seen girls to class in their pajamas. Why can't I? If I was still in my body, I'd be wearing... the same thing Nicole is currently wearing. That concern about becoming each other entered my brain again. I shook it out. That's absurd. I pulled off the t-shirt and shorts and tossed them onto the bed. I then pulled out a maroon dress. I pulled it over my head and smoothed it out. Wow. That hugged all of the right curves just like the panties did. It's a little warm though. I returned to the kitchen. Nicole's eyes got wide. "Whoa. No. That's what I wear when I go out clubbing." As I passed the mirror, she was right. It had a plunging neckline and not only could I see cleavage, but I could also see the bra. Fail. I took off the dress, tossed it aside and found a navy blue dress with flowers on it. It hid the bra, didn't show too much cleavage, and was a decent length. It even felt lighter and let more air in. That previous dress would've been too thick for the late summer heat. I returned to the kitchen. She stared at me. I decided to do a twirl for her. She was still silent. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing," she said. "I just hadn't worn that dress yet. Come here," I walked closer to her. She opened a kitchen drawer and turned me around so my back was to her. She grabbed something from my back that was itching me. A tag. She cut it off. "I bought it a few days ago. I was looking forward to wearing it." "I didn't realize," I said. "I can change." "It's OK," she said, trying to hide tears. "It looks great on you. Here," she said. She handed me a plate and a glass of orange juice. On the plate was scrambled eggs and two pills. "What's this?" I asked. "I knew you didn't like the yogurt, so I made you an egg. The Motrin for your wine headache. One pill is a multivitamin and the other is... well.... you... I... we.. missed our birth control yesterday." I nodded my head. "Oh. Thank you Nicole," She was going out of her way to be nice to me. I think I may have judged her too harshly. "You're welcome. We're in this together. We'll get through this by supporting each other." She had yogurt, I had the eggs and pills. I thought crossed my mind. I wonder how our bodies are going to react to this abrupt change of diet. It's very likely Nicole in my body will start losing weight. I in Nicoles may start gaining it. Maybe I should watch what I eat in the future. "Victor," she said, moving her tongue around her mouth. "Did you know you're missing a tooth? In the back of your mouth." I laughed. "Yeah. I had a tooth abscess last year. It was so painful. I was on codeine for a week for the pain. I eventually just told the dentist to take it out." "Ouch," she replied. I was curious and ran my tongue over my teeth too. "Your teeth seem smaller yet smoother than mine. You have a tooth out of alignment on the bottom." "Yeah, that tooth shifted after I got my braces off," She chuckled and looked at me. We were both smiling at us checking out each other's teeth. "We're weird." When we were done with breakfast, she took me to the mirror and did my makeup. This time she narrated what she was doing. "Is there going to be a quiz on this?" I asked. "Not yet," We don't have time for a real makeup lesson. Maybe tomorrow - assuming we both don't get drunk and oversleep. I chuckled and we both returned to the living room. I sat down on the couch and she sat next to me. We both looked at the schedule grid that we made last night and took notes of where each of us will be this morning and afternoon. Alexis came out of her room fully dressed and ready for class. She looked at us. "OK. I have some suggestions for both of you." "Like what?" Nicole asked. "About how you hold yourselves. Look at each other. Victor is slouched back with his legs spread eagle giving me a show of his panties. Nicole, you sitting up straight as a board with your hands on your knees. All prim and proper. It doesn't look natural with Vic's body." We looked at each other with embarrassment. I immediately closed my legs. "Why don't you try doing what the other was just doing?" she asked. I looked at Nicole. I straightened up my back. I put my knees together and my hands on my knees. Oh fuck it. I crossed them. "Nice work Vic," Alexis complimented me. The compliment made me feel good. The posture change actually made me quite feminine. We looked at Nicole, who leaned back on the couch with a half smirk. Alexis kicked one of Nicole's legs out to get her to open her legs. "Now what?" she asked. "Do I just sit and scratch them?" "That's tomorrow's lesson," I said smiling. All three of us laughed. * * * Tyler I was in the shower getting ready for class. I think tonight is the night that I go pay Nicole a visit. She asked for a few days of space last night, and I figure 24 hours should be more than enough. I was worried I really hurt her. I also missed her. We've never had an argument that lasted longer than a day, and it's already been a day and a half since our fight. I feel awful for calling her out in our fight. It was mean spirited of me. I got out of the shower and dried off. My clothes were neatly set out beside the shower. I put on the t-shirt and shorts and walked out of the bathroom. Much to my surprise, my roommate Josh was walking down the hall naked. "Dude!" I said. "What's wrong?" he said, turning around to give me a full shot of his package. I turned away. "I don't wanna see that," I said. "Don't knock it until you've tried it," he laughed. "No thanks, dude," I said running into my room. "I'm not your type. I see the types of guys you bring home." He chuckled. "I will make an exception for a cute thing like you," he said from the hall. "Josh, seriously," I said. "When I agreed to be your roommate, you promised you'd stop hitting on me." "It's just flirting. I love seeing you get flustered." I grabbed my socks, shoes and backpack and walked back into the hallway. Thankfully, Josh was now dressed in a polo shirt and khakis. "On another note," Josh said. "When do you think you'll have my campaign website ready?" "I worked on it last night. I was planning on seeing Nicole tonight. I estimate I can get you something by the end of the week." "Nice," he said. "I want to be the first one to put my candidacy for Student Body President. The first one always gets more publicity. A website with my platform and message will help." "Of course." "Are you and Nicole still not speaking?" "She needed some space." "She'll come around." "Thanks Josh." "Have you thought any more about my offer to be campaign manager? I know you'd do an awesome job." "No thanks, Josh. I'm just not interested. I'm a comp-sci major, not a poli-sci major." "Your loss," he said. "Hey - I have a stack of flyers in the kitchen for Thursday's pool party. You should hand some out to your friends." I walked into the kitchen and looked at the flyer. "Welcome Back Pool Party. Sponsored by Josh Rivers for Student Body President" Typically, this type of event would be a given for both Nicole and I to show up at. I hope we've forgiven each other by then. "Do you think I should bring flowers?" I asked. "To the pool party?" "No - when I apologize to Nicole" "Ty," Josh replied "You know your girlfriend better than anyone else." I sighed. Was it bad that I didn't know? I was bad at gift giving. I was even bad at make-up gifts. I'll make it a point to pick up some flowers before I head to her apartment this evening.

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After dinner, I finally got time to look at the new book my mysterious benefactor had given me. It was a far cry from the old magic textbook I had been reading, and I could see right off that it was going to be very useful! ‘So, you want to be a magic user? Maybe you cast a spell accidentally, or maybe you noticed the Ley lines that shine like rivers of fire? Let’s get a couple of things out of the way first. You are not the oldest child in your family. Magic users never are. You might be...

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Fooling Around 101 Version AlphaChapter 3

Once I had agreed to give her “lessons”, then we had to figure out when to do that. It wasn’t like we needed a regular night to fool around. I figured I could pretty well show her the whole ball of wax in one twenty minute session. It was just a matter of getting those twenty minutes in circumstances where her squealing, which I was dedicated on producing, wouldn’t get me thrown in jail. The opportunity came without warning. Jill was baking cookies one night, and ran out of brown sugar. She...

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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 3

Now, you may think that, once this unorthodox arrangement had been worked out, I would have jumped in with both feet. After all, I had just been given access to titillating teenaged titties, and lush lips to lick, along with pretty, pouty pussy petting, and, for you English majors out there, all sorts of other opportunities for alliteration. But it's one thing to get involved with a woman in a natural way, on a date, or after spending some time together. It's completely another to say...

4 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Unexpected Shower with Daddy Part 1 of 3 Chapters 1 3

Chapter 1How did my father and I unexpectedly end up in the shower together? Let me give you a brief history and you’ll see.I’d just finished my first year away at college and had come home for the summer on an early Saturday morning, one day earlier than what I’d told my parents. I’d planned to spend Saturday night with my girlfriends, but I’d been homesick and woke up at the crack of dawn Saturday and just decided to drive home.I really wanted to see my father, who I still called “daddy,”...

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Sex Kop 101

Los Angeles, 2070. The city is in the terrifying grip of a new d**g called, 'Vein'. The prolonged 'high' gives the user an enhanced euphoric hit; both men and women are suddenly gripped with massively enhanced libidos. Once repressed sexual urges are now rampant and people are seen openly engaging in gangbangs and depraved sex acts on sidewalks. The City Council set up a squad to tackle this; they are called, 'Sex Kops'...All Sex Kops were specially selected for their physical attributes. Sex...

1 year ago
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Sex Kop 101 p2

101 screamed out loud as the thick shaft went up her, filling her twat with hard angry meat! "I...I ain't...drained me balls...for quite a while...Missy..."! The old man had gripped her firmly by the hips and watched as his cock slid slowly into 101's hole. 101 gasped as the man's bulbous knob pushed against her cervix and paused. 'Fuck! Maybe I shoulda just used the stim kit on him...this fuckin' hurts...' as if reading her mind, the controller's voice in the helmet, "Jesus, 101...that's quite...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 7 Dees Diary Consequences of a Shower

Don't you just hate it when you're reading a book, and long about Chapter 6, just as you're hoping the author is going to shed some badly-needed light on the subject, you encounter the words: One Year Later. Still, that's just what is about to happen here, so please try not to choke on your disappointment and let's just muddle on. The truth of it is that I wrote the first part of this little venture never planning to go any further, and certainly never planning to publish it on line...

2 years ago
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Hello followers! it has been few weeks since my last post, when I told you about virgin-twink-Thomas and our oral sex session and how motivated I was to pursue being the first man inside his ass. I also told you about my friend Tina and how drunk sex after Saint Patrick turned us to regular lovers. And this is what my last 3 weeks have been: sex with Tina at least once a week and helping Thomas get off when he is stressed with school, still no ass he "saves it for someone special". And...

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Sex Kop 101P4

'The dirty little bitch...fuckin' hell, her ass's tight! Feels fuckin' great though...I've already filled her cunt with sperm...big fuckin' load too...ooh yeah...grippin' her hips and giving her a good pokin'...oh yeah, still got it...they've always loved it up 'em...any hole too...fuckin' sluts...married women, so called virgins, even a couple of nuns too...hnnn...ooh...yeah...gonna spunk pull out...if I can...'The old boy pulled his twitching shaft out of 101's ass and quickly...

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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 6 Winter Showers

Please read! These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to combine VIOLENCE, HORROR, and EXTREME TABOO themes, trying to creep myself out as I write. This whole story is told through the eyes of a VILLAIN. If you do not enjoy very dark themes, this is not for you! Please note, every chapter gets more extreme! 9-part story. This...

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Market ForcesChapter 60 Ownership 101

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this first session of our training programme." It had fallen to me to kick off the first of the Slave Owners 101 as it had come to be called. We'd converted a wing of the Sales Centre to provide some lecture rooms and a couple of rooms for practical work as well of course as the cells to provide secure accommodation for our "training aids". We'd brought together a group of five for this first session. Freddie had canvassed some of our existing...

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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 5

I said that nothing new happened over the next three months. What that means is that there was no escalation of our activities. She did not pull back from me or anything, but she was busy at school, and I had some projects that needed extra time to get done, so I spent a little less time at their house. I knew things were okay between us, because she still gave me long, passionate kisses in the hallway, or if we were in some part of the house alone. So I was pretty sure that, if getting my...

1 year ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 101

I saw Oliver standing alone at the serving table. He cut off a piece of steak and with it on the point of his knife, put it in his mouth - just as he looked my way. With him watching, I stood and waved, then walked around the tables to where he waited. “Mr. Oliver, that was a super-delicious steak you cooked, and so tender.” “Thank you, Josey. You can thank Helen and Jessica for the tenderness and for the superb taste. They came up with that recipe, and they love sharing it.” “Helen told...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 2 Circle 101

Nikky was flying around the office wearing a cellphone headset and talking to someone while she arranged notes and papers on Dave’s desk. He waved at her and blew her a kiss. She held up a finger urging him to stand still for a moment as she ended the call. As Dave heard her end the call, she tore the headset from her head and came into his arms for her morning kiss and hug. “I love you.” “And I love you, Nikky Thomas. What are you going to do with me today?” “I’m going to have you meet...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 15 Millie Kids in Circle 101

Millie was truly a beautiful mature woman in every way. She had an aura of beauty around her that wasn’t just physical. She gave off vibes of being loving, friendly, gracious, and agreeable to work with. He knew that if he had the right visual sensitivity, he’d probably be able to see a halo over her head, as well as a beautiful aura. Those vibes carried a spiritual element to them that made him feel deeply connected to her in mind, body, and spirit. Millie was wearing Bermuda shorts and a...

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101 Bell WhistleChapter 3 The Tunnel

Well fed and eager to get back to the basement, I left my neighbor's home and walked to my truck. After taking my Maglight and an armload of boxes out of the back of my truck I entered the house and headed straightway into the basement. My first priority was to tackle the jumble of books that made moving about in the basement almost impossible. It seemed incongruous to see the chaotic tangle of books among the order of the otherwise neatly stacked boxes and furniture. It was if someone had...

2 years ago
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Conflicted Shower Thoughts

Annie felt her heart pounding as the warm water cascaded over her naked body. A moment alone in the shower was a welcome respite from the intense lovemaking that just transpired. Yes, it was intense, it was welcomed but it was so wrong. Lust and desire can cloud the mind. Earlier, she was lying by the hotel pool with her family, palm trees blowing in the breeze, feeling insecure in her sleek new white one-piece bathing suit. She bought it special for this trip. She worked out for months...

3 years ago
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Learning from a New Family Chapter 2 Our First Shower

Introduction: This is a continuation of my story Learning from a New Family, and while I suppose it can stand on its own, it will be better if you read Chapter 1 first. Im open to all constructive criticism and comments, and hope you enjoy! The characters in this story are young. They may be below the age of consent your jurisdiction. If that bothers you, please do not read. Sarahs eyes lit up with glee. Ive always wanted to try that! Hold on for just a minute, I have to find the keys to let...

2 years ago
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Transgender 101

Transgender 101 ? by: GSElvis Why do I try? Imagine something you love to do, and you try the best that your talents allow. As soon as you are done, though, you see the flaws in what you've created. You realize that there is always someone else who can do what you did, only better. It's tough being mediocre. Take becoming a woman, for example, other guys can change their gender, and turn themselves into a beautiful woman--the kind with big boobs, a great ass and legs, and the...

1 year ago
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Possession Christmas Vengeance Chapter 6 Winter Showers edited

Just reuploading this old series with some edits. See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don't agree with his choices, and you're not supposed to either. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky...

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Infidelity 101 Chapter Four

The next morning, as my husband began shaving, I was putting on my robe to go to the kitchen. I thought of Jason, how he'd be waiting for me. Feeling wicked, I stripped off my bra and panties before putting on my robe. In the kitchen, Jason followed instructions today. He waited until we heard the water running for my husband's shower before rushing to press me against the refrigerator. The knot holding my robe shut was untied and my robe was a puddle of fabric at my feet within seconds. Jason...

1 year ago
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101 Reasons Not to Become a GynocologistChapter 2

I. Safe Sex. Unlike my first story where I was explaining my job in this first chapter, I am going to take the time to briefly give you a disclaimer on safe sex. Safe sex for all intensive purposes is a term us Doctors use in respect to your health and safety. Does everyone listen to us? No ... and that is your choice, but as physicians we are doing our job by warning you. Condoms, Contraceptives, Being Monogamous (in relationships and out of relationships) and just using toys/ items that...

2 years ago
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Sex Kop 101 P3

The bike cams detached and flew silently around the scene unfolding; 101 was being spit roasted and the man with his cock in 101's mouth had cum too and now 101 choked as she gagged on torrents of thick sperm! Priapism was also a side effect of vein and there was no loss of libido. Consequently, the old man who had just shot his load in 101's cunt, now stabbed at her anus with the tip of his engorged knob. Gripping her hips firmly, he thrust his shaft between her arse cheeks; the zipper which...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

4 years ago
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Magic 101Chapter 2

The next three weeks were painful. I tried everything I could think of, trying every variation of every idea I had already tried, and failed with and still managed to accomplish nothing at all. There had to be a way to draw in the energy I could see all around me! It had been a month since I discovered the monocle, and I had spent all that time cataloging different types of energy, all tantalizingly out of reach. I had taken to almost obsessively reading that textbook as well, sure that the...

3 years ago
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Neighbor GirlChapter 7 Shower

"What the hell?" I questioned as I stood naked in the bathtub and worked the faucets. First the cold water and then I tried the hot. Neither worked! The faucets produced no results. "What's the matter?" Katie questioned from the other side of the door. "Water's out!" I informed her. "We might have a break. It's probably the City!" The lack of water did not come as a total surprise. This was the third time since we moved in. The first time was a backhoe at new construction site....

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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 2 The shower

About 100 yards from the main entrance there was a side path ending in a one-way gate that was a short cut to the parking lot. This was arranged so it was not obvious from the lot or when walking outward, but when walking back it was clear. A few yards up the side path was a cinder block building on a concrete slab with a sign that said “Shower.” Further up the side path we could see where two more side paths branched off, signs said they led to restrooms and an open picnic area that was...

2 years ago
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The final chapter Amber and Kelly in the shower

The three of us lay there, naked, on the couch for a while, watching the remainder of the porno. I was laying on my back with my head on the arm rest. Amber was on my left with her head on my chest and Kelly was on my right with her head on my stomach. We were, again, telling each other which porn star we would fuck and it what positions. The last scene was a shower scene. There were two girls and a guy. Amber picked her head up off of my chest, looked at me and grinned. I knew that look by...

1 year ago
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Infidelity 101 Chapter One

A few years past - I'll not say how many, a lady never likes to discuss her age - I was married to a decent enough man who was more than twice my age. I was twenty and had just been hired to work as a secretary down the hall from his office. Monday we met, Tuesday he asked me out for drinks after work and Friday afternoon we left work early to go to a hotel where we spent the weekend fucking like demented rabbits. I’m sure my above average height and slender build had much to do with his...

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Infidelity 101 Chapter Three

I woke up restless when the alarm clock rang in the morning. I remained in bed as Hubby stumbled towards the bathroom. I rubbed my hands over my face. I couldn't quite remember the dreams I'd had during the night but, Ohhh, God... From the wetness between my legs and my hard nipples, my dreams had been erotic. Understandable considering what I'd done yesterday with Jason.Just thinking about Jason's huge cock caused me to moan softly when everything between my hip bones sent one single, united...

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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 4 Aussie Jack

I looked at the shower entrance just in time to see a short guy in a swimsuit coming from the other direction turn into the shower. At a glance the guy looked younger, maybe in his early 20’s. He was short and skinny, I’m guessing about 5 foot 4 and 130 pounds, wiry with a cocky walk, he was wearing a really skimpy swimsuit - maybe a Speedo. Thanks to my “encounter with the hot pink bikini” I was out of position and had no chance to stop him. I thought my “nude beach” fantasy was ending...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Shower with Daddy Part 3 of 3 Chapters 6 7 Epilogue

Chapter 6It took a few days to calm Mom down enough to talk. When she’d caught us, we both quickly sat up and looked around for something to cover up with, but we’d kicked the comforter, top sheet, and pillows off the bed. Daddy grabbed the towel I’d used that morning and handed it to me, then he went to Mom and tried to hug her, but she wasn’t having it.“Don’t touch me!” she yelled.“Honey, I can explain if you’ll just listen,” he’d said with his hands up like he was surrendering.“Explain what?...

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Unexpected Shower with Daddy Part 2 of 3 Chapters 4 5

Chapter 4“I understand, Daddy. I really want you to take me,” I said and that was all he needed to hear. His hand went behind my knee and lifted my leg so high that my calf was next to my head braced against the wall. He held my leg in place with his left hand and fisted his dick with his other. Then he positioned his cock against my entrance, looked deep into my eyes, and pushed himself in until his balls hit my ass. He held still and let me get used to his size. I wasn’t a virgin by any...

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GenerationsChapter 40 The Bridal Shower

“Grandpa, grandpa! We’re having a party!” Frank Boscow looked down at his granddaughter. Holly had just opened the door for his wife and Frank had entered after her, his arms filled with shopping bags full of groceries. Shirley had also been carrying a full load of groceries when she had come in, but she had quickly sidestepped the little girl to dump the bags in the kitchen. “Yes, I know. It’s your mother’s bridal shower.” Holly looked up at him curiously, her head tilted to the side....

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Masquerade Chapter 1

We met a couple of years ago at a masquerade party. She was there with a girlfriend and I had gone to the party alone. I had noticed her from across the room when her girlfriend hooked up with a guy for the night and was telling Tracy she was leaving with him. She wasn't real happy about being left at the party, but they had both come to find someone to spend the night with and Tracy's girlfriend had beat her to it. So she sat there at the table by herself. As soon as her girlfriend had left,...

3 years ago
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Learning from a New Family Chapter 2 Our First Shower

Before I could berate her for locking me up without knowing where the keys were, she was off of me and out of the room. I felt her absence immediately. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long for her to return. “You locked me up without knowing where they keys were?” I questioned as she bounced back into the room. Then I did a double take. I had forgotten how beautiful her body was. Her nipples stuck out of her wonderfully perky breasts, practically begging to be sucked. I could clearly see her...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 13 Jerking Off in the Shower

Jessie Harper and Kate Terrence squatted against the tiled wall of the bathroom with their knees wide apart flashing their knickers to Paul Terrence as he began his striptease that would mark the beginning of his life as a Certified Nudist. Paul watched the two wide eyed girls as he started to unbutton his shirt. That shirt was soon flung off his back and thrown across the room and into a laundry basket on the other side. A pair of socks soon followed that shirt then Paul slowly undid his...

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BSC04 Educating KatrinaChapter 6 The Group Shower

After their lunch Katrina said goodbye to her two new friends and carried on with the rest of her day. She even had time for a quick dip in the pool and totally agreed with Carol that the males of BSC should be allowed to swim nude too. She even heard a few men complaining about the time it took to go get their stuff making a nice refreshing swim out of reach because of this time factor. How much nicer it would be for them to be able to strip off on the spot then dive straight in and dry off...

3 years ago
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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 2 Fun in the Shower

It was about a week and a half after Pyx started working, when I made Pyx cry again, but for a very different reason. I was laying in bed, getting a tongue bath from Pyx, with Vonda supervising. It's not like I needed it. I had showered the night before. It's not even a very effective way to get clean. The saliva on your skin, leaves you with a sticky feel, and you need to shower afterwards. But, it is fun, feels great, and is vital training for your new slave. Plus the grand finale is...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 50 In the Shower With Yasmine

Everywhere you looked at Camp Starkers on that eventful afternoon it was just ... spurt, spurt, spurty, spurt! No one missed out. Even the groundsman found himself with the gardener again. This time he was on top. As everyone else was screwing around outside these two were in the back of the workshop again on that same old pile of rags. Bill Snypes was pumping away deep into Tammy Parnell’s warm pussy then unleashing another spurting load of semen as her bouncy tits jiggled and swung all...

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