Masquerades 101 - Chapter 5 - Contradictions free porn video

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Victor Great. Just when I thought I did a good job at evading Madison this morning, Nicole wants us to go visit her now. I feel like I barely got by last time. "Do we have a game plan?" I asked Nicole. "Are we just going to walk up to her and tell her we swapped bodies?" "No," she replied. "If she's the cause of this, I don't want her to know it worked or give her the upper hand." "The upper hand?" I replied, confused at where she was going with this. "I thought she's one of your best friends." "Victor, you have a lot to learn about girls and their friends. It's always a competition." Nicole left my side to poke her head into Alexis's room. I rolled my eyes and said under my breath. "That sounds shallow and tedious." "What was that?" she said looking back at me. "Nothing," I replied, following her to Alexis's room. But seriously though, Nicole doesn't appear to be the best friend in the world. It's appearing that Alexis is tired of putting up with her shit too. "Lexi", Nicole said to her roommate. "We're going to go over to see Mads. Wanna come?" Alexis raised her eyebrow at Nicole and then me. "Are you gonna tell her the truth?" "No," Nicole replied. "Not yet at least." "Then I want no part of it," she replied. "I'm not a fan of you lying to our friends." "Just until we swap back," she said. "Then we can tell everyone, go about our normal lives and have a good laugh." Alexis looked at me with a disappointed look. Was she expecting me to be the voice of reason to Nicole? I barely know her. I feel like I'm a dog being pulled on a leash when I'm around Nicole. Nicole turned back around and looked at me. "Let's go Victor." See what I mean? We both left her apartment and started walking down the steps and out of the building. I turned to my new acquaintance. "So if we're not telling her the truth, then that means, you want me to do all of the talking" "That's the idea," she replied. Oh great. I'm going to have to pretend to be Nicole even longer - and try to do it in front of one of her best friends. I was barely able to get out alive when I ran into Madison this afternoon. "So you're just going to sit there while I have a conversation with your best friend? Nicole, I suck at this. I can't be you." "If we don't fix this, you're going to be me even longer." I sighed. "This isn't like the phone calls from earlier. You can't just feed me lines when we're talking to someone in person. What about your inflections, or mannerisms? It's one thing when I was in a rush to get to class, but to actually hang out with her at her place? She's going to know you're not acting like yourself." "How about I sit in your sightline?" she suggested. "Just mimic me." "You want me to mimic your moves?" She nodded. "You're the one who asked about mannerisms." The deeper we go with this lie, the more I'm starting to agree with Alexis that we should've just been honest with everyone from the start. "We should've practiced this earlier," I stated. "It'll be fine," she said. "Madison is cool." If she's so cool, why are you deceiving her? We walked into Madison's apartment building and I followed Nicole down a hall. We stopped in front of the closed door. Nicole put her hand out and motioned me forward. "After you." She looked at me and smiled. "I mean, ladies first." "No," I said. "Let's not start that." She chuckled. I stood at the door and shook out the nerves. OK. I can do this. I'm a painter not a performer. I only enrolled in that theatre class because I needed an additional Fine Art elective. I've done some performances before, but I was never great at it since I can't sing. Why do all plays at schools require singing? But I can improv and put on a small-bit acting performance. I closed my eyes. "OK. Be Nicole. I am Nicole," I sighed in frustration. All I know about Nicole is the stuff I've learned today. Which isn't much. I've only seen her interact with Alexis. And she was kinda a dick to her roommate, and she wants me to lie to Madison's face. She's got a vulnerable side she only seems to show to her boyfriend. "We don't have all afternoon, Victor" she said. She's also a dick to me, too. "Patience," I said and looked at her. "Victor." I took a breath and opened the door and walked in. It's game time. Nicole and Alexis call her "Mads," so I can do that too. I put on a fake bubbly smile. "Hey Mads!" I said cheerfully. Madison came out of her room and opened up her arms for a hug. "Hi Nicole!" We hugged. It was a long hug. Much longer than I expected. Long enough to notice our breasts were touching and the sweet smell of some fragrance she was wearing. If I was in my own body, I surely would've gotten turned on being in Madison's embrace. It's almost as if she was doing this on purpose. Maybe she knew I was a dude trapped in Nicole's body. She let go and smiled. "How was your summer?" Crap. She went right for the hard questions. I need to back track. Stick to the plan. "But first," I said. "This is my friend Victor" "Oh hi," Madison said looking at Nicole, sizing up this strange guy standing in her apartment. "I think you may have had a class together," I added. "Right," Madison said, seeming uninterested. That's not surprising since we never spoke any words to each other during that class. Time for some BS. "So, Victor here- is in a program that requires him to shadow a complete stranger around campus for a few days." Nicole looked at me, surprised at the cover story I just came up with. She nodded in approval. "That's kinda weird," Madison replied. "You have no idea," I agreed, forcing a chuckle. "Let's sit. I'll tell you all about my summer. I want to hear about yours too." Nicole gave me a thumbs up. So far, I'm doing good. Madison and I sat down on her couch and Nicole sat in an adjacent chair, but behind Madison's sight line. "So my summer was OK," I started. I glanced at Nicole who attempted to cross her legs, but realized she couldn't. So I crossed my legs. Wow. That was incredibly easy. And sexy. I nearly forgot I was wearing a skirt until I felt my smooth bare thighs rub against each other. It took me out of the moment. The recent hug with Madison was continuing to make me flustered. What was I talking about? My summer. Wait. Nicole's summer. Nicole was staring at me to continue. "I was bummed that I never got a chance to see Tyler," I finished. "That sucks," Madison said. "I'm not sure what his deal is." "Me neither," I agreed. "I'm still not sure what you see in him," she quickly said under her breath. "Same," I agreed again without thinking. Both Madison and Nicole shot me glances. Nicole looked pissed. "I uh," I said. "He's cute." Nicole shook her head. "He's smart." Nicole rolled her eyes. "Sorry Madison - I can't explain my love for Tyler. Sometimes - you just know." Madison looked confused at how I was acting. "I'm sorry I brought it up again" she said. "All that matters is that you love each other," She made a zipper motion with her lips. Again? Is Tyler a common topic amongst her friends? Nicole is going to need to fill me in on these things. Well, that's it. I've run out of knowledge of Nicole's life. Oh, I can talk about last night. "Hey, Mads, I'm sorry about last night. I came back to campus, expecting to have a fun first night back and spend some time with my boyfriend only for him to..." I paused. Wait. What did they fight about? Nicole made a motion, cupping her hands and moving her thumbs around. As if she had a video game controller. Video games? " video games." "Boys" Madison shrugged. She turned to Nicole. "No offense... Victor was it?" "No offense taken," Nicole chimed in and ran her finger through her short hair. I mimicked her and brushed my long hair back too. "So, my summer was eventful," Madison said. I started to lean back, but Nicole shook her head, leaned forward and laid her hands upon her almost crossed legs. I leaned forward too. Madison started talking non stop about her summer. A trip across the country with her family. Some friends she made out there. Nicole nodded and smiled, and I mimicked it. This was excruciating. Madison talks fast and she adds way too many details. This reminded me of hearing my sister talk on the phone with her friends. I tried to retain as much info as I could. In some ways this was harder than listening to some of Nicole's business teachers. When she was done, I replied, "That's very cool, Madison. I need to do some of that. Getting away sounds nice." Madison smiled. Nicole gave me a smile and thumbs up. It's my turn to talk again. What should I ask about? Oh wait, I need to see if she's holding a grudge about last night. "Oh," I added. "I forgot to ask. How was last night?" "Lexi's new guy?" she asked. "Brandon. He was OK. I'm not sure about him. But I'm not sure about most guys." She chuckled. I laughed with her. "I wish I would've come out with you both. I bet I could've sized him up and gave my opinion." Madison laughed. "That's funny." Was that sarcastic? I couldn't tell. I don't know Madison that well to know. Nicole wasn't laughing. Nicole made a "wrap it up" motion. "So you're not mad about last night?" I inquired. "Not at all," she said placing her hand on my crossed knees. "I miss you Nic, I just really wanted to see you. And Lexi." "Aw," I said faking concern. "Missed you too Mads." I had to take my mind off of her hand on my knee. She removed her hand. Thank God. It was time to cut to the reason we were here. I hope this isn't too abrupt of a conversation change. "So, Victor was telling me that last time he ditched his friends, one of them put a curse on him. Witchcraft. How stupid does that sound?" I chuckled. Nicole didn't look amused that I was making fun of her for calling her friend a witch and cursing us over the phone. "That does sound stupid," Madison said laughing. "What was the curse?" "A small dick," Nicole deadpanned. I stopped laughing at Nicole's barb. Did she just say I had a small dick? Does that mean she looked at it? Madison found it funny though. "Victor, you're a funny guy," she said. "I like that." The phone in my purse - I mean Nicole's purse buzzed. I looked at it. It was a text from Alexis. "Tell the truth." Was that message for me or for Nicole? Does Alexis know we swapped phones? "Who's that?" Madison asked. "Lexi says hi," I replied. "She couldn't come out and was busy working on something." "Oh," Madison replied. "I see you got your phone back." "Right" I said, holding up Nicole's iPhone. "Thank God the repair company has a 2 hour guarantee." "So what brings you and... Mr. Shadow here to my humble abode?" "I wanted to see your new place," I said. Nicole shook her head. "Nic," Madison replied. "This is the same apartment as last year." Duh. Of course it is. "Oh I mean, I wanted to see if you decorated it differently this semester." "Well, as you can see." She motioned to the mostly empty apartment. "I haven't gotten around to putting stuff back up." Madison had a very concerned look on her face. I felt she was on the verge of staging an intervention. I just needed to keep the conversation moving so we can get out of here. "Well, you put that painting up," I said uncrossing my legs and standing up to get a closer look at the lone piece of artwork on the wall. I examined it. It was a picture of a desert sunset. "Madison, did you paint this?" "Yeah, over the summer," she replied. I stared at the painting and got sucked into it. "It's beautiful," I said. "You really captured the lighting." I motioned the rays of light. "The reflection on the sand and the colors are perfect. I love the contradiction. That despite it being a desert, you can feel the warmth and lack of isolation." I paused and tilted my head and examined the warmth colors a little more. "You weren't alone. This was a good time and place." Upon further reflection I think this reminds me of the stories she was just telling. "Oh - right - this was from your summer trip." I stopped talking to see both Madison and Nicole staring at me with surprised looks on their faces. Oh shit. "Wow, Nicole," Madison said, looking stunned. "I mean - wow - you've never taken an interest in my art before." "Sorry," I said, shooting Nicole a glance. "This really got through to me for some reason." I smiled. Maybe when we swap back, I can show her some of my own stuff. I wonder if she's single. "Nicole," Nicole chimed in. "We should probably get going." I'm not sure what Nicole's thought on the matter is, but this conversation was enough to convince me that Madison isn't the source of the body swap. So I suppose it's prudent to leave and continue our search. "Right," I said. "Victor," I said to Nicole. "Are we gonna tell her?" Nicole lightly shook her head. Crap. She wants us to keep lying. "Tell me what?" Madison asked. "That umm..." Think fast, Victor. "That we should all go out to dinner tomorrow night," I said, thinking of the first thing to come to my mind. "To make up for last night." "We'll see," Madison replied. "Depends on how much work I get done tonight and tomorrow. Tuesdays aren't really the best night to go out for me." "Of course," I said, walking towards the door. "See you later, Mads." Nicole followed me outside the apartment door as Madison waved goodbye. As the door shut behind us, I turned to Nicole. "Why didn't we tell her?" "I'm just not ready to let everyone else know that we've swapped bodies," she said. "It's kinda embarrassing." "What's so embarrassing about it?" She shrugged. I stopped at the door to the outside. "Are you embarrassed to be me?" Nicole paused for a minute. I heard all I needed and kept walking. "No wait, Victor," she said. You didn't give me a chance to respond." "Whatever, Nicole," I said. "Let's find a way to swap back and you can get your life back." "Victor, stop. You do seem like a nice guy. You've been taking this whole thing much better than I have. You actually did awesome in there with Madison. You overdid it on the bubbliness and stuff about her painting. But I'm pretty sure she believed you." "OK, fine. So where do we go from here?" "What did those stories say about swapping back?" she asked. "I don't have my notes with me. But mostly it's about doing something selfless for the other person or improving their life in some way." "So what if we do something nice for each other this evening?" "It's worth a try, though it's not really selfless if we're doing it just to swap back." "Well, I'm all out of ideas." * * * Nicole We returned to my apartment. Victor and I didn't really speak to each other on the walk back. He must've still been upset about me being embarrassed being in his body or maybe he's upset we're still pretending to be each other. Or maybe he's upset at being in my body too. I was impressed at how he was able to just talk to Madison with ease despite not knowing our backgrounds. I could have never improvised like that. This made me think about Victor's Theater class I attended earlier. I do need help with public speaking. A small part of me actually wants to keep attending that class. When we entered my apartment, he finally spoke up. "OK," he asked, "so what's the next plan? Are we pretending to be each other? Are we completely switching lives? Do we go to each other's apartment for the night?" I thought about this for a moment. I found it incredibly annoying to go to Victor's classes. No doubt he thought the same thing about my classes. I don't want to go to Victor's classes. I want to go to my own classes. "Well, it's clear we should go to our own classes," I said. "No one should notice. This way we get the benefit of actually learning from the classes we enrolled in. It should be easier to learn and to participate in class too." "Except for not being ourselves." "Once we get past that mandatory first day of attendance, nobody will really care right?" "So where do we spend the night? Our rooms or our bodies' own rooms?" I thought about that. All I really wanted to do is sleep in my own bed. "Ew. your apartment is filthy," I said. "I want to sleep in my own bed." "OK," he replied, rolling his eyes, "I can go home. But, all of our bodies' clothes are in our respective places. Do you still want me to come here in the morning to get dressed and get... made up?" What's his aversion to looking good? "Yes. You know what? Why don't you spend the night here? You can sleep on the couch. We can take a trip to your place real quick to get me a change of clothes." "Are we telling anyone else of our situation? "Not yet," I replied. I was lost in thought, trying to figure out this body swap thing. There has to be an answer. I turned to him. "So if a person didn't do this, you suggested an object? What kind of object would we be looking for?" "Yeah," he replied. "A magical totem of some sort. Most body swap movies have a magical object. Sometimes it's some cursed ancient thing, sometimes it's just an absurd plot device." "So let's find this... totem. It should be somewhere near one of us. We switched in the middle of the night in our bedrooms. So it would have to be in one of our rooms right?" "Maybe." I walked into my room. I had only just unpacked yesterday. "Let's see if we can find anything." I started going through my dresser drawers. Victor started going through the desk. I turned to look in my closet. I moved clothing away. I stood on a chair to see the top shelf. Nothing. I pulled back the sheets in my bed. I checked under the bed. Behind the blinds. Still nothing. Victor was trying to move the desk but was struggling. I gave him a hand and moved it easily. He looked embarrassed about not being able to move it. There was nothing behind the desk. We both returned to the living room and both sat on the couch, dejected. "Now what?" Victor asked, staring into space. "We check your place," I suggested. "We have to go there anyway to get me some stuff to wear. But first." I had an idea about how to plan out the rest of the week. I had a white board I usually kept hanging up on my wall. Currently, it's leaning up against the wall since I hadn't hung it up yet. I quickly returned to my room, grabbed it, and a dry erase marker and brought them to the living room. I started drawing a grid. "What's that?" Victor asked. "This will be our combined schedule," I answered as I filled in the days of the week and the time of day. "Can you look your schedule up?" I took my schedule from the binder and started filling in my class schedule. I then handed the marker to Victor. Victor, who was looking at his class schedule on my phone, proceeded to fill in his classes as well. When we were done, we both took a step back from it and stared at it. There were many places our schedule overlapped. "So, I'm going to go as myself to my own classes?" Victor asked. "Yes," I replied. "And I'm going to go to mine," There was something gnawing at me. What was it? Oh right - it was that theater class. "Umm... your theater class. Your teacher is going to expect me though." Victor looked at me in silence. "She encouraged me to practice my public speaking," I added. "Do you want to go to that class?" he asked. "That's not the worst idea in the world. But- I also have a class at the same time." "So what if I took your... " Victor swinted at the board. "Fuck. Marketing and IT?" "Yeah," I agreed. "Fine," he said, sitting down on the couch. He looked at me. Our eyes locked. "Nicole - how long are we going to do this?" "As long as it takes." I made the adjustments on our schedule to denote that we would be exchanging those two classes. "OK," he said. "Let's go to my apartment, look for a magical totem, and if we don't find one, we'll get you a change of clothes." "Let's," I agreed. I heard the door knob turn and the door open. * * * Victor We were about to walk out of Nicole's apartment when Madison barged right in and into the living room where we were sitting. She was wearing flannel pajamas and was holding a brown paper bag. "Malbec Monday!" she announced with a cheery smile. Alexis came out of her room and echoed, "Yay! Malbec Monday! Count me in!" "First one of the semester," Madison said. She glanced at Nicole giving her a "what are you still doing here" look. "Let's do this!" Alexis said standing right beside me. "Victor, it's time to go home." I sighed and was about to stand up, when I felt Alexis push down on my shoulder to keep me seated. I looked up at her, confused. Alexis looked at Nicole and repeated, "Victor, It's time to go home." Nicole looked surprised and pointed at herself. I could see her silently mouth, "Me?" "Yeah, we'll see you bright and early in the morning," Alexis cheerfully decreed. Nicole hesitantly stood up, looked at the 3 of us and walked out of her own apartment. She is not going to be happy. "Now that the boy is gone..." Madison cheered, removing the bottle of wine from the brown bag. "Ladies, get into your PJ's!"

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101 screamed out loud as the thick shaft went up her, filling her twat with hard angry meat! "I...I ain't...drained me balls...for quite a while...Missy..."! The old man had gripped her firmly by the hips and watched as his cock slid slowly into 101's hole. 101 gasped as the man's bulbous knob pushed against her cervix and paused. 'Fuck! Maybe I shoulda just used the stim kit on him...this fuckin' hurts...' as if reading her mind, the controller's voice in the helmet, "Jesus, 101...that's quite...

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Sex Kop 101P4

'The dirty little bitch...fuckin' hell, her ass's tight! Feels fuckin' great though...I've already filled her cunt with sperm...big fuckin' load too...ooh yeah...grippin' her hips and giving her a good pokin'...oh yeah, still got it...they've always loved it up 'em...any hole too...fuckin' sluts...married women, so called virgins, even a couple of nuns too...hnnn...ooh...yeah...gonna spunk pull out...if I can...'The old boy pulled his twitching shaft out of 101's ass and quickly...

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Market ForcesChapter 60 Ownership 101

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this first session of our training programme." It had fallen to me to kick off the first of the Slave Owners 101 as it had come to be called. We'd converted a wing of the Sales Centre to provide some lecture rooms and a couple of rooms for practical work as well of course as the cells to provide secure accommodation for our "training aids". We'd brought together a group of five for this first session. Freddie had canvassed some of our existing...

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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 5

I said that nothing new happened over the next three months. What that means is that there was no escalation of our activities. She did not pull back from me or anything, but she was busy at school, and I had some projects that needed extra time to get done, so I spent a little less time at their house. I knew things were okay between us, because she still gave me long, passionate kisses in the hallway, or if we were in some part of the house alone. So I was pretty sure that, if getting my...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 101

I saw Oliver standing alone at the serving table. He cut off a piece of steak and with it on the point of his knife, put it in his mouth - just as he looked my way. With him watching, I stood and waved, then walked around the tables to where he waited. “Mr. Oliver, that was a super-delicious steak you cooked, and so tender.” “Thank you, Josey. You can thank Helen and Jessica for the tenderness and for the superb taste. They came up with that recipe, and they love sharing it.” “Helen told...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 2 Circle 101

Nikky was flying around the office wearing a cellphone headset and talking to someone while she arranged notes and papers on Dave’s desk. He waved at her and blew her a kiss. She held up a finger urging him to stand still for a moment as she ended the call. As Dave heard her end the call, she tore the headset from her head and came into his arms for her morning kiss and hug. “I love you.” “And I love you, Nikky Thomas. What are you going to do with me today?” “I’m going to have you meet...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 15 Millie Kids in Circle 101

Millie was truly a beautiful mature woman in every way. She had an aura of beauty around her that wasn’t just physical. She gave off vibes of being loving, friendly, gracious, and agreeable to work with. He knew that if he had the right visual sensitivity, he’d probably be able to see a halo over her head, as well as a beautiful aura. Those vibes carried a spiritual element to them that made him feel deeply connected to her in mind, body, and spirit. Millie was wearing Bermuda shorts and a...

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101 Bell WhistleChapter 3 The Tunnel

Well fed and eager to get back to the basement, I left my neighbor's home and walked to my truck. After taking my Maglight and an armload of boxes out of the back of my truck I entered the house and headed straightway into the basement. My first priority was to tackle the jumble of books that made moving about in the basement almost impossible. It seemed incongruous to see the chaotic tangle of books among the order of the otherwise neatly stacked boxes and furniture. It was if someone had...

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Transgender 101

Transgender 101 ? by: GSElvis Why do I try? Imagine something you love to do, and you try the best that your talents allow. As soon as you are done, though, you see the flaws in what you've created. You realize that there is always someone else who can do what you did, only better. It's tough being mediocre. Take becoming a woman, for example, other guys can change their gender, and turn themselves into a beautiful woman--the kind with big boobs, a great ass and legs, and the...

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Infidelity 101 Chapter Four

The next morning, as my husband began shaving, I was putting on my robe to go to the kitchen. I thought of Jason, how he'd be waiting for me. Feeling wicked, I stripped off my bra and panties before putting on my robe. In the kitchen, Jason followed instructions today. He waited until we heard the water running for my husband's shower before rushing to press me against the refrigerator. The knot holding my robe shut was untied and my robe was a puddle of fabric at my feet within seconds. Jason...

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101 Reasons Not to Become a GynocologistChapter 2

I. Safe Sex. Unlike my first story where I was explaining my job in this first chapter, I am going to take the time to briefly give you a disclaimer on safe sex. Safe sex for all intensive purposes is a term us Doctors use in respect to your health and safety. Does everyone listen to us? No ... and that is your choice, but as physicians we are doing our job by warning you. Condoms, Contraceptives, Being Monogamous (in relationships and out of relationships) and just using toys/ items that...

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Sex Kop 101 P3

The bike cams detached and flew silently around the scene unfolding; 101 was being spit roasted and the man with his cock in 101's mouth had cum too and now 101 choked as she gagged on torrents of thick sperm! Priapism was also a side effect of vein and there was no loss of libido. Consequently, the old man who had just shot his load in 101's cunt, now stabbed at her anus with the tip of his engorged knob. Gripping her hips firmly, he thrust his shaft between her arse cheeks; the zipper which...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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Magic 101Chapter 2

The next three weeks were painful. I tried everything I could think of, trying every variation of every idea I had already tried, and failed with and still managed to accomplish nothing at all. There had to be a way to draw in the energy I could see all around me! It had been a month since I discovered the monocle, and I had spent all that time cataloging different types of energy, all tantalizingly out of reach. I had taken to almost obsessively reading that textbook as well, sure that the...

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Infidelity 101 Chapter One

A few years past - I'll not say how many, a lady never likes to discuss her age - I was married to a decent enough man who was more than twice my age. I was twenty and had just been hired to work as a secretary down the hall from his office. Monday we met, Tuesday he asked me out for drinks after work and Friday afternoon we left work early to go to a hotel where we spent the weekend fucking like demented rabbits. I’m sure my above average height and slender build had much to do with his...

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Infidelity 101 Chapter Three

I woke up restless when the alarm clock rang in the morning. I remained in bed as Hubby stumbled towards the bathroom. I rubbed my hands over my face. I couldn't quite remember the dreams I'd had during the night but, Ohhh, God... From the wetness between my legs and my hard nipples, my dreams had been erotic. Understandable considering what I'd done yesterday with Jason.Just thinking about Jason's huge cock caused me to moan softly when everything between my hip bones sent one single, united...

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Masquerade Chapter 1

We met a couple of years ago at a masquerade party. She was there with a girlfriend and I had gone to the party alone. I had noticed her from across the room when her girlfriend hooked up with a guy for the night and was telling Tracy she was leaving with him. She wasn't real happy about being left at the party, but they had both come to find someone to spend the night with and Tracy's girlfriend had beat her to it. So she sat there at the table by herself. As soon as her girlfriend had left,...

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Feminism 101

Feminism 101 It started when I realized I was one credit short of graduation ..... ****** "I can't believe this!" "What happened, Alan?" my best friend Kate asked. "They're saying I'm missing a credit. I gotta pick up an extra course next term, or I wont graduate!" "That's not going to be easy." "No kidding. I better look and see what classes I could get into. Hey, here's one. Feminism 101. I could get into that one. My mom was a big feminist, I could do okay...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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E101 Somethings blue

Similarly, Donald knows that Emma likes the anal sex, her longing for plug up in her seems to be a regular thing now.  So like Emma with her strapon for Donald happening every several weeks, more regularly, Emma will enter the bathroom to see the enema bag set out for her.Each times delight runs through her knowing what this is going to lead to.Sometimes Donald will come in to help her.  Then it would be at least three bagfuls filling her abdomen so completely that Emma feels like she will soon...

Love Stories
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Mistis Adventures Part101

Patti and Rick went up the stairs, Patti giggling about something she had failed to share, SO FAR. Rick figured, rightly, that she would tell him sooner or later. The main thing they all shared was that besides all being beautiful girls, they were all chatterboxes. They could hardly go a minute, unless their mouths were otherwise occupied, without saying something. They all, he noticed, loved sharing their most intimate stories of each other, regardless of whether it might be embarrassing to...

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A TRYST with wen2dreamaol michellekelly101

In 2001 or do I was fed-up with not getting any pussy –so I decided to advertise myself for casual Sex on the ol’ “INTERBOT”I posted some good-looking nudes of me with an erection, on Craigslist>Personals>Casual-Sex and didn’t think anything would come of it –but, well,…yeah…I got a bunch of spammers responding, Also a few gay men responding who wanted to “suck my gorgeous cock”.So I was near giving up hope, when I saw one from a woman named Wendy –she said she was up in the 45yr-50yrs...

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Casefile 6101 Synergy vs Sanura

Casefile 6101 October 2058 Case file 6101 "Sanura, would you mind if we went out to dinner? I've heard so much about that new place 'Everybody's place'. They advertise that you can even take children of all ages with you there" Sanura frowned at Amy, "You mean you want to go there with Faline and Blaze? I don't know, should we? You know how Faline gets when she's excited." Faline walked up and commented in her high child's voice, "I promise to be on my best behaviour. My friend...

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Everyone knows that OnlyFans has taken the world by storm. These days, it seems that everyone has an OnlyFans account! Well, except for people with real jobs. Nonetheless, it appears that some of these girls are really having a hard time breaking through the endless onslaught of new OnlyFans accounts. How can chicks manage to stand out in this saturated market? Well, no matter how many girls there are who have an OnlyFans account, there are always dudes who are ready to start paying up to see...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1224

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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A 101 d2c

by Alex Greene writing as ‘Fiat Knox’ Copyright © Alex Greene. All rights reserved. Brazil. September, 1982. ‘Doctor Sharpton?’ Hot, humid, sweaty, the ancient hotel room with its crumbling walls and ratty-looking mat on the rough wooden floor to its uneven, lumpy bed smelling of sweat, had never seen better days. Dr Thomas William Sharpton looked up from his book. Paolo had entered the room and stood in the doorway, batting away insects with one hand while holding an object in the other. ...

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Horsecock 101

When she had explained being too overwhelmed by stress to retain anything she was studying for an upcoming Calculus exam, her friend Emma's eyes had lit up, She had been so enthusiastic about telling her to be at Arthur Hall at eight that he had scampered away before Linn even had the chance to ask why. Why did she tell me to come here of all places Linn thought to herself as she carefully padded barefoot across the campus lawn. Arthur Hall rarely had classes during the day, let alone...

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blowjob 101

“Who was that Mom”, I ask. Mom smiled at me and said, “The principal, he wants to come over tomorrow, and give you some more tests”. Mr. Walker smiled saying, “more tests my ass, I think he wants you go over blowjob 101 again, we will be seeing a lot of him. Kalynn you need to be ready for all this, are you?” “Yes I think I am”, I replied. “Okay, then we all know tomorrow is Saturday, and school will not be in session, Kalynn I want you up early, and you need to wear the black panties, with...

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101 ideas to make Your slave feel Owned

101 ideas to make Your slave feel Owned (i.e. loved)1. Have her wear slave bells. The constant soft jingling of the bells is soothing and a certain reminder of her submission.2. When she has broken a rule, talk to her as you punish….and make her speak in detail about why what she did was wrong.3. Make her take her shoes off every day as soon as she enters your house.4. A beautiful, special collar will make any slave joyous. Take the time to select the right one, and have her wear it as often as...

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Akane TwoRanma 3 101

Akane Two-Ranma 3: 101 By Ron Dow75 Akane Tendou dreamed. She dreamed of falling into her bathtub at home in Japan and coming up in a spring in the wilds of China. Only it wasn't HER body she'd come up in. It was a petit redhead with a size D bust! It was all part of her test to become a true warrior: If she could make a warrior out of that cute thing, she would prove herself worthy of greater challenges. Or was there another reason she had ended up in Juusenkyo? Had it all...

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101 nights of great sex

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek , 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

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Infidelity 101 Chapter Two

Looking at Jason after I'd hung up the phone, I thought back to when I was his age. Remembered what it had been like when I’d been a teenager screwing boys in cars on dates and in beds when the parents weren't around. Sex back then wasn't the practiced love making that age and experience brings, but it was always energetic! Looking at Jason's lean, muscular, toned body, I knew that sex with him would be energetic as fuck! Knowing what I know now... What I could teach a boy... I knew it wouldn't...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 66 Economics 101

Thoughts Over time the barrage of lawsuits eventually tapered off. Perhaps they were running out of resources to keep taking us on — or out of lawyers willing to try. Robert Steel IV told me that by stopping them here, we alone had greatly blunted our opponents attacks overall. Had they managed to steamroller us into compliance with their warped wishes here, it would have freed them to run wild against the rest of the parts of society they opposed. I informed him in return that I now felt...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 101

We got to the college early. I wanted to ensure that we got good seats in the front row. The range on the vibrator was plenty long enough but I needed to be fairly close to the front for Brent to be able to see everything. The cellphone camera had no “zoom.” And I suspected there would be lots to see. We sat down and got comfortable. There were a handful of other families in the room but it was a large auditorium so there wasn’t anyone directly on the side of us. I pulled up my contacts...

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Learning CurvesChapter 101

Phil and Hailey spent the evening strolling down the beachfront, holding hands and talking about whatever came to mind. They had spoken to Katelyn, Molly and Tiffany, of course, and they had checked in with Phil’s parents and Hailey’s father. They had called Cassidy and Mira to beg off on socializing for the evening. Hailey was more than a little interested in a repeat of the afternoon. She had decided that Phil was like a narcotic – only better. She was addicted to him but instead of...

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Deputy PorterChapter 101

I had my plane ticket for the flight to Atlanta to meet the tour bus, but at the last minute Colonial Martin called. He informed me that I would be picked up by my tour partner in a company SUV. We would be driving to the first venue. The band would be arriving on the tour bus. First stop was Atlanta. The pickup suited me just fine. It meant that I could carry the Glock 40mm that I had test fired, as well as my own .38, and all my other toys. I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking my...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 101 Skating For Gold

"So, have you set a date?" Mrs. Kelleher asked Warren and Sophia. They were getting a late supper after the OD. "Well, we've got two possibilities. We have to get married in the summer. Late July or August," Warren said. "After the tours end, so all our skating friends can be there," Sophia clarified. "So," Warren continued, "We have two choices. We can get married this summer, which means we'd get married before the baby came, but Sophia would be walking down the aisle very...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 101

Sandra was suddenly aware that she wasn't alone anymore, she opened her eyes and saw a guy sitting in the waiting room with her. He was as naked as she was and probably about the same age as well. "Um ... Hi." Sandra said when she noticed he was looking at her. "Hi," he said back, timidly. "How long have you been sitting here?" Sandra wanted to know, just to get an idea about how long she had been asleep. "Maybe five minutes," he answered. Sandra noticed that he was starting to...

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