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by Alex Greene writing as ‘Fiat Knox’

Copyright © Alex Greene. All rights reserved.

Brazil. September, 1982.

‘Doctor Sharpton?’

Hot, humid, sweaty, the ancient hotel room with its crumbling walls and ratty-looking mat on the rough wooden floor to its uneven, lumpy bed smelling of sweat, had never seen better days.

Dr Thomas William Sharpton looked up from his book. Paolo had entered the room and stood in the doorway, batting away insects with one hand while holding an object in the other.

Dr Sharpton stood up from the chair on the balcony where he’d been sitting. He crossed over to the barefoot young lad, and looked down at the item in his hands.

‘Good lad,’ he told Paolo. ‘How much did this set you back?’

‘One hundred cruzeiros,’ Paolo replied. ‘All the money you wired to me.’

Dr Sharpton nodded, and crossed over to his bed. Taking out the wallet from his coat, he counted out a couple of bills and proffered them to the young boy. ‘For your troubles,’ he said. Taking the bills in hand, the boy handed over the object to Dr Sharpton and left the room.

Dr Sharpton went back to the balcony chair. Sitting down, he picked up his half-consumed sweet caipirinha and sipped it, turning the item over and over in his hand.

It was a small stone, fitting snugly in the palm of his hand. A stone bearing distinctive markings etched into its surface.

A stone which offered conclusive proof of the existence of the people he had been looking for.

The present day.

Julia opened the door, and peered out at the strangers.

The taller one was slim, clad in a full length red leather catsuit. Red hair, red heart-shaped sunglasses, red stripper heels. Her smile was natural, as she lowered her shades, Julia could see that the smile actually did reach this woman’s eyes.

‘Hi,’ the woman said. ‘The name’s Tamsin. Dr Henderson’s office sent me here. They say there could be some … fun.’

Julia frowned. ‘Mandy? Is that you?’

Tamsin stared. ‘Julia?’

Anna peered around the door jamb and into the corridor. ‘You two know each other?’

The other figure stepped forwards, looking at Tamsin/Mandy. ‘Mum?’ she asked.

‘It’s okay, Jenny,’ Tamsin said. ‘Look who it is.’

The second woman glanced at Julia. ‘Oh my God. Auntie Julia?’

Anna slowly backed into the living room.

The Sharpton Institute.

The reception area was a clinical-looking expanse, with a vast, imposing reception desk at the far end. It smelled as clean as it looked, a place where dust particles dared not settle.

A couple, a man and a woman, stood and chatted casually, smiling and laughing, in front of the desk. The man was tall and red-haired, the woman was petite, her blonde hair in pigtails.

Both were stark naked. The woman held a gas mask in one hand, and the man’s erect penis in the other. They were both hot and perspiring, as if they’d just finished some vigorous exercise.

Alicia, the receptionist, sat listening to Anna on the phone. ‘Okay. Got it. Thanks, Anna,’ she said, putting the phone down.

‘Okay,’ she said, ‘now that was freaky weird.’

‘What is?’

She looked up at Dr Henderson, who’d approached the desk while she’d been talking to Anna.

‘That was Anna,’ Alicia replied. ‘Something unexpected has happened.’

‘Report,’ he said.

‘Did you know that Julia and Handler One are sisters?’ Alicia asked.

‘What happened to you?’

The lighter snapped. Blue cigarette smoke wreathed Tamsin’s face. ‘There was this chat room,’ Tamsin said. ‘Amanda … I … joined it. The details are fuzzy. The way I figure it is this. There was a link, I think. I clicked on it. There was a page. Something on it – I don’t know what it was – caught my attention, and the next thing was, I had accepted an invitation to visit the Sharpton Institute.

‘And they processed me.’

‘Me, too,’ Jenny replied, sucking on an electronic cigarette and blowing out a cloud of white vapour.

‘I didn’t know you smoked,’ Julia said to Tamsin.

‘Not till the Sharpton Institute recruited me,’ Tamsin replied. ‘When I go back to being Mandy, I don’t smoke.’

‘It’s the nicotine,’ Anna said. ‘It enhances the effect of the reagents we use in conditioning you.’ She said this with a cold matter-of-factness, yet the other women just seemed to accept this fact. They were conditioned. They knew that they were conditioned. But they had been conditioned not to get worked up over it.

The living room smelled of Febreze, and the window had just been closed to clear the cigarette smoke, so the air was cool.

The face in the photo on the coffee table, belonging to some aging, bald, jowly man in an expensive suit, was vaguely familiar. Beside that photo was another, a stern-looking mature woman with a mane of blonde hair.

‘His name is Arthur Michaels. He’s a spad. Er, special advisor,’ Tamsin said. ‘They say he’s in line for a Lordship some day. The woman in the photo next to him is his wife, Diana. She’s not the second subject.’

‘Who is?’

‘I’ll come to that in a moment. Look here.’ Another photo skidded across the table. Arthur Michaels in a photo with the Secretary of State and the Prime Minister.

‘There was an article on him. Something about exerting undue influence over the PM. Too much influence. A chance just arose to correct that.’

‘Which is why we’ve got to do the p2p thing,’ Julia replied.

‘d2c,’ Anna corrected.

‘So who’s the second subject?’

Tasmin slid another photo across the table. Julia saw a pretty Middle Eastern woman smiling in the photo. Long, straight hair, dark brown eyes, high cheekbones, full lips. ‘His mistress, Sahirah Farah Shamima,’ Tasmin said.

‘Interesting,’ Julia said, looking at the photo. ‘Why do we need her?’

‘As much as he enjoys being married to his wife Diana,’ Tamsin said, ‘he loves Sahirah. We need that knowledge to turn him.’

‘That’s all well and good,’ Julia said. ‘But how do we do that, Mand- I mean Tamsin?’

‘We start,’ Tamsin replied. ‘with a phone call.’ She held up her smartphone.

The phone rang. Diana Michaels, dressed in her gardening overalls, Wellington boots and gardening gloves, still carrying the scent of the garden with her, picked it up.

‘The Michaels residence,’ she said, her voice plummy and cultured.

‘Hi,’ came the voice over the phone.

‘Who is this?’

‘Time to sleep.’

‘Diana’s face went slack. She let out her breath. Her eyes glazed over.

‘Unconscious mind,’ the voice said, ‘say hello.’

‘Hello,’ Diana said, her voice a hollow monotone.

‘Begin,’ the voice said. ‘Follow your instructions.’

The line went dead. Diana blinked and looked at the phone. She shrugged and put the receiver down. ‘Wrong number,’ she said to herself.

She turned to go back to the garden, then checked herself and turned to go upstairs.

In one of the spare rooms, Diana opened a Victorian armoire and reached for a heavy shoebox on the top shelf. Inside were two silvery metal gas cylinders, held together by a rigid frame, capped with a grey triangular device. Diana attached a short, transparent plastic hose to a nozzle on top of the device. Then she flicked a switch to arm the device – a red LED came on – and put it back in the box.

In the echoing garage, she unlocked the Jaguar and opened the door. Diana reached beneath the front passenger seat and pushed the device under the seat, out of sight.

Then, closing the door and leaving the garage, she returned to the phone. Dialling 1471, she let the number ring twice and hung up. A moment later she shook her head in confusion, unsure what she was supposed to be doing. Sighing, she returned to the garden.

Tamsin looked at her phone. She looked at Julia, Anna and Jenny. ‘Done,’ sh
e said. ‘We’re good to go. All we have to do is wait for Arthur Michaels to pick up his woman.’

‘And what makes you so sure he’s going to be taking that car, to pick her up?’

‘Diana’s been of great help,’ Tamsin replied. ‘None of his other cars are working right now. Various mechanical problems.’ She smiled. ‘Also, today is Friday night. Arthur always takes Friday afternoon off to pick up his woman and head off to his country house in Hampshire.’

‘Does his wife know about their affair?’

‘Oh, she does,’ Tamsin replied.

Anna chuckled. ‘When do we move?’

‘Twenty minutes,’ Tamsin said. ‘We need to have all the pieces in place by the time Arthur rolls.’


Stephanie Sharpton looked closely at the delicate flowers, each isolated from the other under glass.

‘What are they?’

Dr Sharpton turned to Stephanie. ‘Orchids,’ he replied. ‘Brazilian orchids, from the deepest part of the rain forest. Unheard-of outside of their tropical environment.’

‘Are these what all the fuss was about at Customs?’ Stephanie asked.

‘They are,’ Dr Sharpton replied. He crossed over to stand beside Stephanie. ‘They are very important to my research,’ he added.


‘Don’t worry about that,’ Dr Sharpton replied, patting Stephanie on her shoulder. ‘Let’s just say that my research into human behaviour modification just took a massive step forward.’

The present.

‘We’ve set up the collection for this point here,’ Tamsin said, pointing to the map. ‘On the B3420, before the Three Maids Hill roundabout here.’

‘How are you arranging it?’

‘Collection van here,’ Tamsin said, pointing. ‘Fake traffic lights here. Cones here to narrow the road and create a bottleneck. B team wagon here, out of sight, ready to move in and clean up once the deed is done.’ She looked up at the team. ‘Does everybody know what they are doing?’

The others replied in the affirmative.

‘Then let’s do it,’ Tamsin replied.

The Jaguar passed by the young Lycra-clad cyclist, forcing her to stop at the side of the road.

‘Target acquired,’ Jenny said, to her mic pickup. ‘He’s on his way.’

‘Acknowledged,’ Tamsin said, some way up the road. ‘Get ready.’ She called up an app on her smartphone, and remotely triggered the lights.

Presently, the Jaguar hove into view, slowing down and stopping at the temporary traffic light. The collection van bore the livery of the local council. Sitting in the driver’s seat, wearing a council worker’s uniform and signal orange tabard, her face half-concealed beneath a cap, Tamsin could see Arthur and Sahirah sitting in the front seat. Arthur clearly preferred to drive his own car, rather than have a chauffeur.

Tamsin waited for the right moment. Then she remotely activated the gas cylinders underneath Sahirah’s car seat.

‘What’s going on?’ Arthur asked. The lights had been red for what felt like an eternity.

‘I don’t know,’ Sahirah replied. She looked up from her phone, where she’d been tweeting about how the journey always seemed to take forever. She blinked and shook her head. ‘Is there a problem?’

Arthur rubbed his eyes. ‘Not sure,’ he said. ‘The lights are stuck on red, I think.’

Sahirah nodded and began to yawn. Her head and arms felt heavy. ‘Oh,’ she said, as her phone slipped from her fingers.

Beside her, Arthur yawned, beeping his horn for attention. It didn’t look as if there was anyone around, apart from that one workman sitting in the council van. Arthur tried beeping the horn again, but there was no response.

A creeping lethargy stole upon him. His hands slipped from the wheel onto his lap.

Sahirah fumbled beneath her chair for her phone. She felt it, but she could not gain any purchase, her fingers were really clumsy. Unbeknown to her, her bending down to reach beneath the seat was bringing her face closer to the end of the hose, exposing her to a greater concentration of the releasing gas.

‘Wait,’ Sahirah said, yawning, her eyes half-closing. ‘I’ve got it.’ Her hands closed around something hard. ‘No, that’s not my phone,’ she said. She coughed. Beside her, Arthur also coughed, followed by a huge yawn.

‘Oh, this is taking forever,’ Arthur said, irritably. For some reason, he could barely move his limbs. ‘What is going on?’ he said, the words slurring.

‘What the hell’s this?’ Sahirah said, slurring her words. She pulled out the gently hissing gas bottles and the hose, and tried picking up the device with leaden hands. She only managed to pull out the hose from the device, gas rushed into the compartment, blowing into their faces.

Sahirah’s eyelids felt heavy, and her body was becoming unresponsive. She found herself staring at the device, wondering what it was and why it was making that noise, as she thought that, she passed out as Arthur succumbed to unconsciousness beside her, his head lolling back as his eyes closed.

‘They’re under,’ Tamsin said, as the targets slumped in their seats into unconsciousness. She shut off the gas flow in the device, and remotely unlocked the Jaguar. ‘Pick them up.’

The back of the van opened. Julia and Anna emerged from the van, wearing council uniforms and tabards, their faces concealed behind gas masks. They were carrying more gas cylinders like the one in the Jaguar, but with tubes ending in medical masks. Quickly, they made their way towards the car. Opening the doors, they got to work, undoing the seat belts holding Arthur and Sahirah and strapping the medical breathing masks to their faces.

‘Let’s get them in the back,’ Anna said. ‘We’ve got to drive the car to Arthur’s country house and leave it parked there for the weekend.’

‘Is that where the second unit is?’ Julia asked.

‘Yes,’ Anna said. ‘They’re waiting to take the targets to the Institute.’

They hauled the couple into the back of the car. Anna got into the driver’s seat. ‘Julia,’ she said, ‘you go on back to the Institute with Tamsin. Take the payload here with you and secure it.’ She gave Julia the gas cylinders which had been planted under the car seat.

‘We only need one driver for this,’ Anna said. ‘Go. It will be fine.’

Julia made her way back to the council van, as Jenny arrived on her bicycle.

‘Let’s go,’ Jenny said, hauling the bike into the back of the collection van. Already, the lights were on green and the Jag was pulling away, the two unconscious targets slumbering in the back.

Julia and Jenny closed the back doors of the van, and Tamsin began to pull away. Even as the van drove away, Julia could see a lorry coming along to pick up the cones and traffic lights.

‘In a few minutes,’ Jenny said, ‘it’ll be as if there was no-one there.’

Julia pulled off her mask. ‘Just how it should be.’

Arthur could not remember how he came to this room. As far as he knew, he had always been here and had always intended to come here, to whatever this place was.

The chamber he was in looked like a luxury hotel room. He was sitting on a leather sofa that had to be worth two grand, minimum. There was another one facing him across from a glass-topped coffee table on which rested a small wooden box and a lighter. There was what looked like a coffee dispenser at the far end of the room, opposite from him, situated beneath a large mirror mounted in the wall.

For some reason, Arthur was wearing what looked like a bathrobe of kingfisher blue silk. Underneath the robe, he was naked. He couldn’t remember undressing.

The room felt hot and humid, a greenhouse. It reminded him of his own greenhouse back home, where he kept those marijuana plants growing between the tomatoes. His skin began to prickle with sweat. Persipiration covered his forehead.

‘This is incredible,’ Julia whispered as she peered at the CCTV display on the HD screen in the control room.

In the image on the screen, Arthur could be seen opening his ey
es and coming around.

Anna leaned towards the microphone in front of her. ‘Sahirah opens the door and enters the room,’ she said. ‘She is wearing only a short bathrobe. She crosses the room and sits opposite you, crossing her legs.’

The door opened, and Sahirah entered. She, too, was wearing a bathrobe, short-sleeved, it only covered her to the tops of her thighs. Smiling, Sahirah crossed the room and sat on the sofa facing him, crossing her long legs.

She smiled at Arthur.

‘Wait,’ Julia said, ‘he’s responding to Sahirah?’ On the screen, Arthur turned towards the door, reacting to thin air, as they watched, he turned to follow something only he could see, crossing his legs and sitting back.

‘He’s got a hard-on,’ Julia said, watching as Arthur tried to conceal his erection.

‘Watch this,’ Julia said, leaning towards the microphone.

Sahirah leaned forwards as Arthur watched. As she opened the small box and took out a cigarette, the front of her robe fell open and he could see a glimpse of her breasts.

He watched as she lit the cigarette, blowing a streamer of smoke into the air.

‘You don’t smoke,’ he said, as she looked at him, her robe still lying open, her breasts still exposed.

She took another drag of the cigarette. ‘I don’t,’ she replied. She blew a streamer of blue smoke at Arthur, pursing her lips.

Arthur coughed as the smoke reached his face.

Julia watched Arthur cough and wave his hand in the air in front of him. She looked at Anna.

‘Did he just react to non-existent cigarette smoke?’ she asked Anna.

‘Yes,’ Anna replied.

‘I had no idea the gas could do this,’ she said.

‘No, it just induces hypnosis,’ Anna said, as Arthur shifted uncomfortably in his seat. ‘This is one of the triggers I put into his mind while he was in a deep trance. Watch this.’

She leaned towards the microphone. ‘She is now getting to her feet and approaching you, undoing her robe … she is standing in front of you, opening her robe and holding it open so you can see her naked body …’

Putting out the cigarette, Sahirah then got up to her feet and approached Arthur, loosening her robe.

As he watched, she opened the robe and stood in front of him, exposing her nude body to him.

Then she got to her knees in front of him. Her fingers were warm and firm as she gently parted his bare, hairy legs.

Her eyes never looked away from his.

Julia watched, wide-eyed, as Arthur lay back on the sofa, his erection standing straight up. Presently, he began to buck and writhe slowly, one arm reaching for thin air as the other gripped the base of his cock.

Beside her, Anna sat back in the chair, regarding Julia with the look of quiet satisfaction of a professional at her work.

Arthur kissed and kneaded Sahirah’s breasts. Her skin tasted sharp from perspiration, and had a faint, lingering flowery scent.

Slowly, Sahirah impaled herself on Arthur’s penis, taking it deep inside her with a satisfied sigh. Arthur felt her body press down on his, felt the skin of her thighs, the warmth of her vagina sheathing his cock. He gasped.

Sahirah raised herself the length of the shaft of his penis, and slid down it again. This motion turned into a slow rocking. Arthur began to moan softly, his breaths rising and falling in time with hers.

Sahirah leaned forwards, still smoothly rocking her body on his cock. Arthur reached for her soft breasts and kept kneading them as Sahirah’s breathing became moans of passion.

‘He looks ready to explode,’ Julia whispered. Anna continued to watch Arthur as the subject continued to make love to a companion who existed only in his mind.

‘He is almost there,’ Anna said. ‘But he’s not going to come until Sahirah says a trigger word. Until then, his orgasm’s just going to build up and build up.’

‘And when he blows …’ Julia said, looking at Anna.

‘Oh, yes,’ Anna replied.

‘So just one thing,’ Julia asked. ‘Where’s Sahirah?’

‘She’s being conditioned herself,’ Anna replied. ‘We’ve got her in a room with a real person.’


‘Where else?’ Anna said, smiling. ‘Your favourite. Room A 101.’

‘Huh,’ Julia said. ‘Who’s the person that she’s with?’

‘You’re going to love this,’ Anna replied, flicking a control. The big screen changed, and Julia saw Sahirah inside Room A 101 – the room where Julia herself had been conditioned – and a woman whom she did not know.

Same as A 101 – d2c Videos

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LSo one afternoon about a week ago, Betty had to run to the store to pick up a couple of staples for the house, milk, bread, and stuff.“I’m running to the store baby, won’t be gone long”“OK Mom” said 20 year old Sophie. Sophie still lived at home with her Mom Betty, and he Step Dad Mike. They were a pretty open family, all of them walked around the house in their underwear. Threesomes were known to happen and while not out in the open, it was a relaxed atmosphere. Sex was never thought of as...

3 years ago
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Ye Olde Book Shoppe

J.D. SalingerHe did not disclose his name or provide any means for Genevieve to contact him directly. It had been nine months since he had retained Genevieve’s services. His introduction was in the form of a short, hand written letter along with a ten-thousand dollar bank draft as a down payment. The letter requested that Genevieve procure a first edition printing of J.D. Salinger’s, Catcher In The Rye. It also informed Genevieve that the price she would ask would not be an issue if the book...

Straight Sex
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Jennifer Lopez Ass Fucked

I'm well aware that JLo thinks of me as having saved her life, and it's quite possible she's right. One day I found her stranded on the side of an almost deserted road in California's Central Valley. Jennifer's car had broken down and her cell phone no longer worked either, and I gave her a ride in my van. That day was one of the hottest on record and, had I not come along, she might very well have died of heat stroke or dehydration, and she has been grateful to me ever since. Personally, I...

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Sharon Does the Swing Club

When my wife wants something, I can sometimes find it impossible to refuse her. We'd just got back from a weekend away where we'd met some friends and swapped partners. I'd always suspected that my wife, and mother of two children, was a whole lot hornier than most women. She was kneeling on the bed wearing nothing but a smile and casually stroking my cock to hardness when she asked me the question. "Do you know Lisa from work?" I had never met Lisa but had heard all about her break up...

4 years ago
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Gaand Ka Garam Halwa Choot Ka Sherbat

Hello sex ke deewano dosto, Aaj jo mai aap sex pujariyo ko kahani batane ja raha hu ye meri apni zindagi ka experience hai. Ye kahani bahot vulgar hai kyun ki mujhe dirty and nasty sex bahot pasand hai isliye ise sirf wo hi padhe jise ladki ke jism ka har body part pagalo ki tarah pasand ho,jo ladki ki body se nikli har chiz pasand ho jaise uska pasina,moot,tatti. Maine aaj tak kai girlfriends banayi aur unki aisi dirty chudai ki aur wo aaj bhi mere sex karne ke andaz se darti hai. Kahani shuru...

3 years ago
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Best start of the weekend ever part 1

It had been a rough week at work and I was looking forward to a relaxed evening in front of the tv. When I pulled in the drive way I noticed the house was dark, although my partner was supposed to be home. She normally finishes early on Fridays, so I got a bit worried. A bit angry too, because I don't like her to disobey. Although we are not in a "regular" Dom-Sub relationship, she mostly acts submissive and I like being in charge. I really consider my partner a she, despite her having a fair...

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Dave and Sugar ch 1

That morning, I couldn’t stand to be in that lonely, empty, bed anymore. With hubby gone, I had no reason to stay in bed, if you know what I mean. I consider myself a very sexual person, and I’m always horny. However, I did not feel like playing alone this time. I got up, didn’t bother to change, went into the den, and logged onto my computer. I decided to answer a few emails, to let my friends and family know I was handling things okay, one day at a time. One email perked my interest, it was...

2 years ago
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Invisible Woman in the Savage Land Adult Story

Sue was disoriented. She had been separated from the rest of the team. She had fought a piece of the strange alien robot Reed warned them about. To her utter horror, a dinosaur like creature had lifted her off the ground in mid-battle. When she finally reacted with her force powers, she was dropped miles away from the team. Unfortunately, the fall broke her communicator and locater. It would be hard for Reed and the team to find her. To her own dismay, she decided to trudge out into the forest...

3 years ago
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My Husband with me and my sister

Hi main steamy girl naghmana phir apki khidmat main apni sachi aap beeti ke saath; is baar roman english main taa kay aap sub sahee lutaf lay sakain. Main pentees saal ki chhurary badan wali shaddi shuda aurat hoon aor mera beta sola saal ka hay. Meray patti middle east may rehtay hain aor saal main sirf ek bar tees din ki chutti par atay hain jab main dil khol kr un par apni choot, gaand aor mummay nichhawar karti hoon. Wo meri choot ko choostay hain, mera garha pani pee jatay hain aor meray...

3 years ago
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Sexy bhabhi ki dusri chudai

Sabse phele, thank you meri 1st kahani ko itna sara pyar dene ke liye. Maine nahi socha tha ki main next part likhunga. Par kuch logo ke mail aane lage. Bhabhi ke bare mein aage puchne lage. Toh maine aage ki baat ye story mein likhne ka socha. To ab story pe aate hai. Bhabhi ke sath sex kiye hue 2–3-month ho chuke the. Bhabhi fir se sex karne ko machal rahi thi. Par humne khabhi fir kiye nahi kyoki koi mauka mila nahi. Bas 2-3 baar chori chipe unke car mein kiss kiye the. Ek baar aise hi Big...

2 years ago
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Terror Track

Author’s Note: This story takes place between the CATU novels Ghosts and Russian Winter. The train has only been away from the station for forty minutes when the terrorists strike. Melissa Dupree sits three cars away from where the terrorists begin their attack, but being a CATU agent, she sees the signs well in advance. Alone, she can’t do much for the people on the train. She gets up from her seat and proceeds to the next car. Dupree looks over her shoulder as she enters the car to see two...

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Fun at Bangkok

On Holiday and Pick up A ladyboy Hooker for some sexy funAs I drove my rental car through the crowded streets of Bangkok, Thailand I stared at the dozens of ladyboy hookers touting for business on the streets. I have always had a thing for transsexuals. Ever since I can remember I have trawled the internet for pictures of shemales and trannys. I just love to look at their huge dicks and big shemale tits. I spend almost every night either looking at pictures or watching pornhub videos of shemale...

2 years ago
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Girlfriends Mom

Girlfriend's MomMaverick1999I met my girlfriend Tina at a computer conference in Chicago. We were seated next to each other and there was a natural attraction between us. She had graduated from college recently and working in information technology. I was a divorced 35 year old male and managed a IT group. After talking to her, I found that she worked in Seattle , the very same city I lived in. We spent some time together in Chicago and when we got back to Seattle we started to date.Tina, a...

2 years ago
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Uncle aur anty dono ki chudai

Dear readers how are you? Aaj me jo aapko story sunane ja raha hu vo aaj se karib six month pahele ki he.Me bihar se hu meri age 26 year he.meri cheast 38″inch kamar 30″ he.mera lund 8″ ka he.aaj me aapko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu vo ek uncle ,anty aur meri he.ye sachhi kahani he.Aaj se karib 6th month pahele me chpra mere ek kam se gaya huva tha vahape mere ek dost ke flat me ruka huva tha.chapra me bahut garmi padti he rat ko khane ke bad mene apne dost ki biwi se kaha mera bistar terrace...

3 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 14 Reno

Five hours after leaving San Francisco, they drove over the last hill and looked down on the sprawling cities of Reno and Sparks. In the distance, a jumbo jet was descending towards Reno's Cannon International Airport, while over near Highway 80, the towers for the casinos reached high into the air. Cars raced past them as they drove further into the valley and the city vanished from sight. Davy and the two girls were curled up in the back seat of the Escalade. Both girls were hugging Davy...

1 year ago
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Emma Kirsty and Rachel What a threesome

Hi, my name is Emma. I am 18 years old. I am 5 foot 9 and have long black hair. My boobs are 34 DD. Recently I have been thinking about lesbianism in my life and luckily I think I have some girls in my High School who are thinking the same thing. The first is Rachel. She is 6 foot exactly also with black hair and 36 DD breasts. She is a year older than me and someone who I don't talk to that often but is absolutely stunning. If I got the chance i would devour her all night long. The other girl...

1 year ago
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Morning LightChapter 31

The rest of the morning and early afternoon was spent preparing for Rhonda and Robert's arrival. Jimmy had to vacuum the pool and the hot tub, set up the grill and finish up outside. Jennifer straightened up the house and prepared dinner. Robert and Rhonda arrived at 4 PM. Jennifer greeted them at the door and kissed Rhonda, giving her a big hug. She turned to Robert and smiled, then kissed him briefly on the lips in a friendly manner. It was easy to tell that he was still nervous about the...

3 years ago
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Celibate and then

This is my first story and it is a true experience.I had for over two years been celibate for various reasons; change of employment loss of parents, finding a home and balancing work and education/study/research.I would occasionally feel the need to masturbate but went for months without feeling any particular need. My experiences previously had been typical for a woman in her twenties some exciting holiday one night sex some disasters and not seeking a commitment to one man.In December 2012 I...

2 years ago
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Under The Double Ego

Still feeling as though I was being set up, I looked across the street and saw another smallish brunette standing by an old oak tree. Her outfit was less daring than the one standing before me. She was wearing full cut blue jeans and a red plaid shirt. She briely waved as I looked her direction. Carefully, I looked up and down the street, making sure there were no visible black and white units or the ever dangerous unmarked cruisers.. I told her, "I am going in to get a bottle of Tequila Gold,...

2 years ago
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A Friend Lends Me Her Husband

After the c***dren left home and went to university, my life disintegrated, well at least my marriage did. Without them the sheer loneliness and boredom of a financially secure relationship began to haunt me. It didn't seem worthwhile being with a man who travelled endlessly on business and worked the most horrendous hours in his pursuit of a partnership with one of the world's leading law firms. I became disillusioned and bitter that Richard wanted to work or travel rather than be with me and...

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Thats My Wife

That’s My Wife I stumbled upon a web site where pictures of girlfriends and wives get posted for the entire World to view. I looked through the previous weeks worth of postings and found one girlfriend that was the spitting image of my wife. I said to myself, “That’s my wife.” Then I wondered…if she is my wife, then who took the pictures and posted them. I decided to check back through the previous weeks that were displayed and found that her pictures were posted once a week and...

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Reddit ExtraMile, aka r/ExtraMile! You guys know how I usually like to mess with you all a bit, and it's all in good fun. That's how it goes every time. I say some funny shit, and then I take a jab at the fact that most of you are virgins or something like that. And you all laugh and then come back for more of this shit the next day. But, now, I saw some shit that genuinely made me laugh. It's the topic for today's review, and it's called the Extra Mile. It's a section on Reddit, and it's about...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sujit Aur Nisha Mausi Ki Chudai

Hi guys mera naam Raj hai aur main iss ka bahut bada fan hu. Meri age 23 saal hai aur main Delhi ka rehne waala hu. Mujhe shuru se hi badi umar ki bhabhiya aur auntiya hi pasand aati hain. Par meri kismat itni achhi nahi hai kyunki maine aaj tak kisi bhi badi umar ki aurat ke saath sambandh nahi banaye. Par humesha se banana chahta tha kyunki aksar mere dost batate the ki badi umar ki auntiya bahut horny aur mazaa deti hain. Main humesha bahut try karta tha unhe patane ki par ho nahi pata. Mere...

3 years ago
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THE COUSINS Author’s note:  Clearing my computer space while wrapping up my writings, I found this little one chapter story I roughly put together early on.  Cleaning it up a bit, for what its worth, here it is. Girl cousins spending a night together decide to get the younger a tattoo and maybe a couple piercings to match the older’s.  After sending him images over the camera phone, the older girl’s boyfriend agrees to offer his services? With a twist. Chapter One        Snapping the photo as...

4 years ago
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DchasChapter 29

Rusty monitored their approach to the home of Leann's group. When their shuttle was about a kilometer away, the C&C drone reported 8 people entering the outside door of the garage. Rusty thought, "I don't like this," as he shifted their approach. Their cloaked shuttle was soon hovering several feet above the driveway. Sensors were showing the only people outside in the immediate area were sitting in a car across the street. "We have now just added 8 unknowns to those in the...

1 year ago
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Natalies Truth

If you are new to my stories, WELCOME, this story might be read before or after Alone. It is based on the same characters but with a new perspective. Notice: the facts indicated in this story are not real. To my knowledge, they are occurring solely on my mind, although I do have knowledge regarding medical terminology, the names or medical conditions indicated are those of no one I know of. * Another night alone, once again thinking of you but here I am… ALONE This is my life, a boring...

2 years ago
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A Porn Star is BornChapter 2

Kris laughed, "Why not? I am sure Saheb will not have any objection. You can check out his cock after you have made this girl look fourteen year old." "No problem," she said looking at Amita, "now you both get out. Give me half an hour and I'll make her look like a thirteen year old kid." When we were outside, I asked with a naughty smile, "You seem to be fucking Meera." "Oh yes, I fuck all of them," he laughed. "They don't mind," I asked. "Of course not, On the contrary...

1 year ago
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Speechless with Teeth Ch 10

I was on vacation when we met. Thomas Scarlett. Charming little bastard he was. He was tall, dark, and handsome, just like in the movies. When I first saw him, I was put off. ‘A little bit too dark for my taste,’ I remember thinking to myself. I had gotten so used to men like Jake, with his pasty-colored skin and bright eyes with an average height. Thomas was the total opposite. He was also wealthy, having made a small fortune in a short time buying out real estate and a little bit of trading,...

4 years ago
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A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 4A Acceptance

Sherri awoke to a tapping on her door, light, polite, but present. Sherri upon waking thought to herself Robert, it was Robert. There was no sense of confusion, that normally accompanies a night in a strange bed, in a strange place, she was instantly aware of who she was, where she was, and him. The clock said 6:30 and he was at her door. She answered the tapping "Yes?" "Sherri, it's time to get up and exercise. I'm rather insistent about it I'm afraid, the workout gear is outside the...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Jeffs Story Part III

Jeff never wanted Philip to visit them, there were too many dangers. He feared that Elle might fall in love with him, for one thing. He knew that she would enjoy Philip in bed more that she enjoyed him. He had no doubt that breaking the taboo of sleeping with a black man would make the sex more exciting but would she want more and more of it? He knew the saying about ‘Once a girl goes black’! There was also the fact that no other man had touched her apart from himself. Once that boundary was...

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Train station affair

The Train Station After innumerable texts back and forth, arrangements were made for the want to be lovers to finally meet and give into their lustful and sensual desires. When her mother asked where she was going the answer, as planned was to a friends’ for a school project, which of course wasn’t true. He told her to meet him at the train station. She arrived in the afternoon as planned with a backpack over her shoulder. Within it not a single book. Being careful to get to the station...

1 year ago
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I Know Hes A KingChapter 11

They gagged me, blindfolded me, and tied me. It would have been better if they had just blindfolded me, but they manhandled me like a carcass. That was where my killing power laid. If eyes could kill, they called it. I definitely could. Still I slapped myself mentally, because I had not even tried to get mad at the Wilijies, not attempted to protect Lex and myself. They came, knocked Lex out, and took me away. I tried to reason with myself that it was too a small amount of time for me to...

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Mothers Submission Chapter 15

Alex knew that there wasn't much point in denying it any longer, since she'd obviously caught them. "It started when I got back to town", he said and told her the story of how he and his mother had started their relationship. If he were honest with himself, it felt good to tell someone his secret. As he talked, he watched Lauren's face, expecting to see disgust. But it never appeared. "You don't seem bothered by all this", Alex said, surprised, when he finished his story. "Not at...

3 years ago
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A First

Had an "Experience" a few years ago. Was drinking in the bar with my then wife. We friended a guy who we always saw there and invited him home after last call. At home we decided to watch porno's and all filled our glasses. After an hour and feeling No pain, I asked my ex to go and put on her favourite Nighty and Stockings and Not say anything when she got back. She sat next to me on the couch and we put a new vid on. I could see the other guy was looking at her from the corner of his eyes. She...

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Hello friends. I hope everyone is ok and hope understanding my stories. I like to tell some more stories of my first experiences with jerking and sucking when I start to be little slut in beginning. I will tell different short stories that I remember the most.Please read my other stories so you can understand my background.THE SECOND TIME I SUCKED COCKAfter I had my first penis in mouth with Leon, I went home with little taste of sperm in mouth. Me and Leon talk at night on internet and he show...

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BarbaraEpilogue I

It was five years later and John Callaway was in his chambers. Although he had returned to the appellate bench, by coincidence he was again serving in a special term of the Superior Court. He had just arrived, hung up his coat and was now checking his calendar. Seeing the notation penciled on it, he smiled. Today was the day Gloria Smith was to appear before him again. Just then, there was a knock on the door and he invited the visitor to come in. The door opened and Martha Bradford Garfield...

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Mature Man fucks Teen Girls In The Press Box Adve

This was a true story that caused me to have a fascinating dream. It started off with a situation that happened to Mike and I guess it was buried deep in my subconscious and I had a dream about it in a scenerio type of form.Mike told me that during his evening football practice,(he is the coach)two young girls approached him. They were young and seemed to be harmless. They walked up and the first girl asked him if he had 5 dollars. Mike ansered back no and walked away. The girl approached him...

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