SwapChapter 28 free porn video

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Dad muscled the cork out of the bottle of champagne without spilling a drop and poured the bubbly into three flutes.

"That's an illegal substance for me," I said.

"It's a celebration, Eric," Maureen said. "One glass of champagne won't hurt you."

I shook my head and said, "But breaking a personal vow will. Do you have any iced tea, Maureen?"

"I do." She hopped up and in short order I had a tall glass of tea in front of me.

"To the future," I said and raised my glass. Dad and Maureen joined the toast, Maureen sipping the bubbly, and Dad gulping.

He chuckled when Maureen looked at him as if he were a glutton. "I was thirsty. Speechifying makes me thirsty," he said.

"You wanted to talk about our future," Maureen said to me.

"I do. Dad told me he doesn't like his work. He wants to be a landscape contractor instead of doing landscape maintenance."

"This is true," Maureen said.

"Then that's what I think he should do. A man should be happy with his work," I said.

"Just like that?" Dad said. "What about... ?"

"Just like that, Dad," I said, interrupting him. "Oh, you'll need to make a business plan including milestones, or goals that you must meet along the way, but if you do, it'll happen. Do you want to know why I believe this?"


"Because you are overqualified for what you do," I said.

"What about the jobs I have?" he said.

"Sell your business to a competitor," I said.

"Humph, easy for you to say," he grumped.

"He's right, you know," Maureen said.

"What about putting food on the table?" Dad said.

I grinned. "I'll buy the groceries and pay the bills until your new business is up and running. What are kids for, after all?"

"I don't like that," he said.

I looked at Maureen. "He's being the man of the house now, isn't he?"

Maureen laughed and said, "He is, and he's being grumpy about it."

"Should I hit him with everything I have in mind all at once, or should I divvy it out in small chunks?"

Maureen's dark eyes twinkled when she said, "Sock it to him."

I looked at Dad and said, "Are you ready?"

He laughed. "Maureen let me win once in a while when you weren't a factor, Son. Now the two of you are ganging up on me. I see a bleak future ahead."
"I don't," I said. "I see an amazing future ahead for all of us, a future where each of us in our own way will become all we can be, a future where we support each other with love to make our dreams come true."

Dad nodded and said, "I want that."

"You'll have to put your man-of-the-house hat in your pocket," I said.

"In what way?" he said.

"As the bread winner, at least until your new business is profitable," I said.

He gave me a hard look and said, "Poker?"

"Poker," I said. "Part-time."

"What about your education. You'll have to go back to school in the fall—somewhere. The high school you were attending won't let you return. I've been worrying about..."

"Sometime this summer, I'll take the G.E.D test and pass it," I said. "I know this, Dad, like I knew I could draw like a professional artist and play hold 'em poker."

"Now I know what you meant, Johannes, when you said you felt like a punching bag as blow after blow hit you every time the old Eric changed in front of your eyes to the new Eric," Maureen said. "You can do this, Eric, pass the G.E.D. test?"

"I believe I can, and if I can, going to high school would bore me to tears. Dad, if I don't pass the G.E.D. test, I'll go to a charter school this fall, okay?"

He nodded and said, "In the future you envision, you said each of us in our own way will become all we can be. Let's start with you, Eric. What do you want to be?"

"A respected artist," I said, which had always been my life goal, even as Aaron MacDonald. "With hard work and tenacity and loving support from you and Maureen, I can achieve this goal."

"I'll support that goal," he said.

"As will I," Maureen said.

"And I'll support your goal of becoming a landscape contractor," I said.

"I will, too," Maureen said.

I grinned at her. "What goal would you like to pursue?"

She hesitated and said, "I want to be a wife and mother."

"She's talking about being my wife and a mother for you," Dad said. "But she has other dreams. Tell him Maureen."

"It's silly," she said. "I'm too old."

"Tell him, or I will," Dad said.

"I want be a potter," she said.

"She's taken classes at the community college, Eric, and I think her work is very good."

"That's because you're prejudiced in the extreme," Maureen said.

"I'll support you in your goal to become a potter," I said.

"So will I," Dad said.

"Okay, were making progress," I said. "Dad will become a landscape contractor, Maureen will become a potter, and I'll become an artist. To meet these goals, Dad will need storage space and a lot of it, equipment, rolling stock, office space and a contractor's license. Maureen you'll need a potter's studio, potter's wheels and other equipment, kilns, whatever. You'll have to make a list. You, too, Dad. I'll need an artist's studio, art supplies and equipment. I'll make my own list. You know what this means, don't you?"

"What?" Maureen said.

"A new place to live. Two acres for the houses and outbuildings ought to do it. Next question, should we build or buy an existing house on acreage with outbuildings that comes close to what we'll need if we remodel and do some additions?"

"Jesus," Dad breathed.

"If we elect to build from scratch, which I think is the best option, but I'll listen to arguments to the contrary, we'll need to rent a house to live in, warehouse space for Dad, and studios for Maureen and me. I don't know about you guys, but I think we should pay cash for everything except a mortgage, and we'll pay off the mortgage as soon as possible, say a couple of years. What does acreage go for in Santa Fe, do either of you know?"

"You're talking millions, Eric," Maureen said.

I nodded. "More than one million, less than five, let's say three million as a wag. It'll take me about six months to make that much playing poker, but I'll have to keep playing for another two or three months to pay the taxes. Let's call it a year so I have time to start being all I can be with art."

"That's crazy!" Maureen said. "You can't do that."

"Maureen, he made more than $30,000 in one day," Dad said. "At that rate, he can make $3,000,000 in 100 working days."

"I won't win every time I play; that's why I said six months," I said. "Playing poker can be a grind. If it's like everything else that can become a grind, it'll get old fast. That's why I said a year. I don't want to become a poker burnout until we have the investment money we need." I rubbed my hands together. "Okay, we have the bare bones of a plan for our future, but the most important future event hasn't been discussed. When are the two of you going to get hitched, and where do you want to go on your honeymoon? The honeymoon will be my wedding present, by the way."

"How much time do you need, Maureen?" Dad said.

"A couple of days," she said, her dark eyes full of fireflies. "Hmm, on second thought, make that a week."

Dad looked at me, "Hawaii, Eric. Our dream honeymoon is in Hawaii."

"Good choice," I said. "Maureen, do you have a car?"

"Yes," she said.

"I've got to buy a new car, and Dad needs a ride to the radiator shop."

"New car?" Dad said.

"Yes, nothing fancy, a new Honda Accord will do," I said. "My Civic is shot to pieces, Dad, and heaven only knows when the police will release it."

Johannes Kleiner and Maureen Holland became man and wife in a civil ceremony in front of a Justice of the Peace. I was the best man, and a friend of Maureen's named Eleanor Fry, was the maid of honor. After the wedding, I drove the newlyweds to the airport in Albuquerque, and they flew away for their honeymoon in Hawaii.

I'd been playing poker like a mad man almost to the point of burnout, so I decided to spend the night in Albuquerque, a city I'd hadn't experienced in any of my lives. After I checked into the Best Western Rio Grande Inn close to Old Town Albuquerque, without even going to my room, I strolled out of the hotel and down to the plaza, where I looked inside the shops and galleries around the plaza without going into any of them. I wasn't dressed for what I was doing, and although I looked good, I also looked out of place. I still wore the new suit I'd purchased for the wedding.

The Agape Southwest Pottery gallery interested me, probably because my new mother wanted to be a potter, so I stepped inside. The shop was well-named. All the pottery was Southwest in design, mostly Native American, and mostly very well executed. I made a mental note to tell Maureen about the gallery. After that, I went in and out of galleries looking at pottery and paintings.

I bought a small painting in the R.C. Gorman Nizhoni Gallery, although it wasn't a painting; it was a scratchboard, an old, but little used medium. A scratchboard is a smooth, thin surface of hardened China clay applied to a board. The artist—in this instance, Judy Larson—paints the subject on the board with black India ink to create a silhouette, and then engraves the image into the surface of the board with sharp blades. Once the subject of the artwork is totally scratched, the artist applies color, and then usually re-scratches the board for detail. My scratchboard was titled: The Defiant. It depicted three proud horses in a marvelous composition showing only their magnificent heads and strong necks. In my opinion, the piece of art was worth much more than the $250 that I paid for it.

I asked the salesperson if she'd have the scratchboard delivered to the Rio Grande Inn in my name, and she said she'd be happy to do that for me, and added a courier charge to my bill.

When I walked out of the gallery and turned right to continue my looking and shopping, a young woman ran into me—literally. I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from falling, and then stood her back on her feet. She was beautiful. She was also terrified, but not of me. She looked back over her shoulder. I followed her gaze and saw two men striding toward us. They didn't look happy.

I remembered my experience with Darlene and her step-father. If I helped this young woman, would I be getting myself in trouble?

I didn't have time to continue my one-man debate. I'd unconsciously moved the woman behind me, putting myself between her and the two men. They were Hispanic, probably Mexican, mid- to late-twenties, both shorter than I, both heavier than I. I knew nothing about gangs, but they looked like gang members. I don't know why. Maybe it was the blue and white bandana tied around one man's head. Maybe it was the homemade tattoos in view on both of them.

"Out of the way, joto," the man wearing a bandana for a hat said.

The other man said nothing; he flipped out a knife, a switch blade. I remember thinking it should have been called a flip blade, because a flip of his wrist opened the knife. He'd used a knife before, knew how to use one. That was apparent. He didn't hold it to strike down at me. He'd thrust forward using more than his arm. He'd twist his torso and shoulders, and his chest was deep and his shoulders wide. The knife would penetrate my body to the hilt.

As I said, the one-man debate was over. The choice had been taken from me. By happenstance, I was now protecting myself, not the woman.

Bandana man tried to distract me so the man with the knife could strike a lethal blow. Why they'd want to unnecessarily kill an innocent, I didn't know. Was I misjudging their intent? Perhaps they were high on something. PCP or meth.

I ignored bandana man, and when the man with the knife thrust forward, I moved my torso back and twisted, kicking the side of his knee without pulling the kick, grabbed the wrist holding the knife, kneed him in the stomach, and punched his neck below his chin while turning the wrist I held back on itself, which is painful and can break bones. I heard bones snap, and the man dropped the knife and fell to the sidewalk. Bandana man swung at me. I stepped inside the swing, head-butted his chin and kneed him in the balls. As he bent over, my elbow struck the side of his head with a forceful blow.

When I walked away, my assailants were writhing on the sidewalk. The young woman was nowhere in sight. Others had witnessed the altercation, though. Tourists, mostly. Even at the odd hour during a weekday, tourists like me strolled the plaza, moving in and out of shops, experiencing the flavor of Old Town Albuquerque. I'd experienced all the flavor of Old Town Albuquerque I wanted, so I crossed the plaza and headed toward the Rio Grande Inn.

I glanced back once, but my view was blocked by a church. I crossed Romero Street to walk along shops I hadn't seen. I'd walked the other side of the street when I'd walked to the plaza from my hotel. Suddenly, the young woman stepped out of a shop in front of me.

"Will you help me?" she asked.

I'm a sucker for a damsel in distress, always have been, always will be, and this character trait more often than not gets me into a heap of trouble. That she was so beautiful made me a bigger sucker than I would have been otherwise.

"Walk with me and tell me your story. When you're finished, I'll either help you or walk away from you," I said. "Start with your name."

"My name is Alana Perez," she said as she matched my strides. I'd shortened them so she didn't have to hurry.

"Who are the men who attacked me?" I said.

"I don't know their names. They're members of a prison gang, the Sindicto Nuevo Mexico, or New Mexico Syndicate. I've been marked for death by the gang."

"Why?" I said.

"For the accident of my birth," she said. "My brother, Paul, is a member of the gang. Some gang members murdered a police officer, his wife, and their twelve-year-old daughter. Paul is cooperating with the authorities regarding these homicides. Like me, Paul is marked for death. Yesterday, my parents were murdered. I escaped. I don't know how I was located; perhaps someone in the Syndicate or someone from one of the street gangs affiliated with the Syndicate saw me here earlier today. It doesn't matter how they found me. They did. I have no money. I have only the clothes on my back. If I go to a friend, they will kill my friend and my friend's family. I can't go to the police. Some police officers are in the Syndicate's pocket. If I went to the police, I'd be dead before the day ended."

We'd walked out of the plaza by the time she'd told me her story.

"I'll help you. I have a room in the Rio Grande Inn, but from what you told me, you might be spotted if you walk into the hotel with me. My car is in the parking garage next to the inn. I live in Santa Fe, not Albuquerque. If you want, I'll take you to Santa Fe with me right now. I checked in with no luggage; it was a spur of the moment decision to stay overnight in Albuquerque. I can call the hotel to check out during the drive to Santa Fe."

"I'll go with you," she said.

Alana Perez was eighteen years old, a recent graduate of an Albuquerque high school. She lived with her parents and planned to attend community college in the fall to start coursework for an associate's degree. She wanted to become a paralegal or a legal assistant.

When I'd first seen her, I'd put her age in the early twenties. She was stunning with long black hair, dancing black eyes, and a Mediterranean complexion. Her hips were narrow, an indication of her youth; her waist was tiny, her stomach was flat, her legs were long and shapely, and her breasts looked heavy under her clothing. She wore low-rider blue jeans, a t-shirt under a blue blouse, and open-toed sandals with a clunky two-inch heel. No tattoos or body piercings that I could see, except for her ears that displayed one normal earring each. I guessed her height at five-eight or —nine.

I asked about her brother. Paul was five years older than she. He'd joined the 18th Street Gang as a boy and had been in and out of trouble since, mostly in. He was sent to prison when he was twenty for dealing drugs. The Sindicto Nuevo Mexico recruited him into their gang in prison. According to Alana, the Syndicate is led by a don, or general, and a group of respected inmates called "the Panel." Other gang members are called soldiers or carnales. Paul was a soldier.

"How old are you?" she asked me.

"I'm sixteen," I said. "I live with my father in a double-wide trailer, but we'll be moving soon. I was the best man in his wedding this morning. I put him and my new step-mother, Maureen, on an airplane in Albuquerque after the wedding. They're honeymooning in Hawaii for two weeks. We'll have the trailer to ourselves. Until my parents return, you can use my father's bedroom."

She didn't comment on my age, so I said, "You'll need clothes. We'll shop before we drive to the trailer."

"I don't have any money," she said.

"I do. I'm a whiz at online Texas hold 'em poker. This is my car, not my father's. I paid cash for it a week ago. I'll buy some clothes for you. Can you cook?"

"I'm a good cook," she said.

"Good, you can pay me back by cooking while you stay with me. Okay?"

She nodded and then smiled. "Okay."

"We'll shop at Santa Fe Place. The mall anchors are Sears, Mervyn's, Dillard's, and J.C. Penny. Besides clothes, you'll need toiletries and makeup, maybe some things I don't know about because I'm a guy not a gal. I'm sure we'll find what you need at the mall. When did you eat last?"

She blushed and said, "Yesterday."

"Then dinner will come before shopping," I said.

Alana was not a vegetarian. We ate at the Outback Steakhouse, sharing a Bloomin' Onion, and she demolished a dinner salad and a filet. I wiped out a New York strip, and we shared a tall slice of chocolate cake with raspberry sauce and vanilla ice cream.

Then we hit the mall.

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That morning, I was in the mood to impress. After I showered and put on a lacy bra and matching thong I slipped on a super low cut blue blouse that almost expose my areolas and tight black dress pants that let my ass jiggle with every step. I just pull my hair up in a messy bun that makes my hair look like I just got through having wild hot sex and put on a little bit of makeup: lip gloss and eyeliner, I don’t need blush, my cheeks are always just a little bit pink. Though I’m not...

3 years ago
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Tales of Arkham More Dreams in the WitchHouse

Author's note: For those of you wondering where Arkham is, it sprang from the imagination of H.P.Lovecraft, one of the greatest horror writers. The characters in this story were borrowed mainly from Dreams in the Witch-House, written by Lovecraft and published in 1932. I apologize for borrowing Lovecraft's characters without being able to borrow his talent, but we work with the talents we're given. That said - I hope you enjoy! Kate Baptista Walter Gilman awoke screaming...

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English Rose Ch 02

The first chapter of this series appeared under Nonconsent/Reluctance, however, the rest of the series will most likely appear under Romance. Thank you to everyone that commented on the first chapter, as always, it is appreciated. * London, 1800s… A year and a half after her abduction found Sabrina preparing for the end of her second Season in London. There were still a few weeks left but after the final round of balls, soirees and luncheons she would be retiring to the family’s country home...

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Lady Rotherhams Escapades

Lady Rotherham, first name Alice, was considered by many around her to be the model girl. Along with having an immaculate appearance, she was intelligent and pleasant to talk to. Her parents had never minded what she got up to, as long as she wasn't causing any trouble. This often meant that no matter what she did, as long as her parents didn't catch her, she would get away with it. This would include being naked. It was the evening of the Rotherham Annual Gala, an opportunity for wealthy...

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the meeting

As I sat there in the middle the night thinking about her and I'm just wondering is she thinking about me so I get out my toy and start rocking my hard cock in and out in and out as I Morn with joy but just 10 miles away she is also up at night with her rabbit in hand as she slowly rub her clit her pussy wet and juicy as she rubs her pussy lips .with her other hand she gently rubs her breasts ever so slightly then she starts to suck on her own nipples as they stood out .then she slowly puts her...

1 year ago
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The Solution to Eddies Problem

I showed Eddy the videos we had made a couple of days back and he seemed convinced that we were on the right track but he said, "I still can't get a hard on." "That will be taken care of later today and I will also demonstrate that the woman you are thinking of marrying is not what you think. No. One she is not forty three years old as she says, she is sixty eight. No. Two she just wants to use you as a sex toy for the men she brings in. No. Three she is a nymphomaniac that does not care about...

Group Sex
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Sophies frustration part 2

. Her cheeks are still red from the spanking that I gave her earlier and now she is excited to hear her friends downstairs in the beer garden laughing and joking as she is being punished and teased by her 40 year old boss. As my fingers continue to rub her pussy lips I whisper in her hear, ‘What would Ellie and Emily think if they knew what you were doing?!’. She’s gagged and can’t answer but I can see in her eyes how excited she is. ‘Would they be shocked to find out what a dirty slut...

3 years ago
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Pleasurable Massage For Pretty Colleague

Hey all, this is the story about how I made my way to a woman’s desires through my massaging skills. To give a short intro about myself, I am from Bangalore, I am 32 and married, well handsome too. As I had mentioned in my previous story, I won’t exaggerate, but I have a decent sized tool to satisfy a woman and apart from my tool I have a pretty good tongue and flexible hands to squeeze the pleasure out of a woman. Well about the lady in my story, she is a colleague of mine, married and has an...

2 years ago
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Whose Fantasy is it

Kathy Olsen has been at the club dancing when she realized there was some paper work that has to be on her boss's desk before Monday morning. She has been working as a temp for this office manager for a week now and she can’t afford to lose her first real job out of high school. When she gets to the building she use her pass key to get inside and she notices the front desk is unattended, there is normally a security officer there all the time. She gets on the elevator and goes up to the...

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BrattySis Avi Love Selena Stone Lets Cum Together

Avi Love and her best friend Selena Stone are spending the afternoon reading erotic stories. Selena finds herself so hot that she can’t help but slip her hand down to start masturbating. Avi eventually notices and finds her friend’s pussy diddling super hot. She suggests that they try to masturbate at the same time and cum together. Selena agrees, and so the two girls lay together while each working themselves up to a climax. Unbeknownst to both of them, they’re being spied on...

1 year ago
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Real Incest Untouched 8211 Part I

Hi this is Sanjumohan, writing my first story to ISS. Well hope that you all enjoy. Leave your comments r suggestions to mail id: Well it’s about me n my cousin sister, she was recently married, but her hubby had gone missing, soon after their marriage. Complaint had been lodged at police station, but still no result. Well coming to story, after all this bad incident she was feeling bad n even worse. She decided to continue her studies; she wanted to do her masters (MS). So my mom suggested...

2 years ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 45

Heather shooed her brother from the helm, telling Ziggy she would take over. Paul chuckled as he moved out of the way. He sat next to me, watching Kelly fight the first fish of the day. “I think we’re going for a boat ride today,” Rob said as he kept the camcorder pointed at Kelly. “Yeah, so it seems. That’s okay though, watching the girls will be fun,” I said. I used Kelly’s camera to take pictures of the action. When I pointed it at Heather, she smiled at me. A few minutes later, Jenny...

1 year ago
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Easter fun with Kellykins2u

http://xhamster.com/user/kellykins2uhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/1036040-49986037.htmlIt’s a lovely Easter morning in the park and everyone has come out for the yearly Easter Egg Hunt. I have been waiting for this day all winter. I see you across the park. You are in a thin sundress that clings to your body like a second skin. As the k**s run off to find the hidden eggs I work my way over to you and grab your hand pulling you aside. I bring you in to a small stand of trees and bushes that no...

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Victorias Future

Victoria's Future London, 1806 Henry was scolding. "That little love pat was nothing. When I really spank you, I will place you across my lap with your drawers down to your ankles, your dress and petticoats, if you're wearing any which is doubtful, up to your neck. I will spank your bottom without mercy from your knees up. You will scream and cry, sob and beg, tell me how sorry you are and how you will do better, but I will keep spanking until your cheeks are the color of a ripe plum. Then I...

4 years ago
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My Initiation

Two days after celebrating my eighteenth birthday, a group of friends took me out for dinner to a Mexican restaurant, Casa Guirado. After eating, I hung out near the bar to watch the hot woman. Most of the bar area people were gathered for a Friday night meal and used the bar while waiting for a table to open. Most of the patrons were in their forties or older, married, and looked like my parents. But, a few of the women were hot. I made eye contact with one lady, who I thought was super sexy....

1 year ago
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Bobby to BobbieChapter 2

Ear pressed against a water glass held tight to the bedroom door, Wendy laughed when she heard Bobbie's little fib about never again! She stuck out her hand. "I told you! There isn't a guy on Earth who could resist going for a little 'test drive' if he ended up in Bobbie's shoes! Now pay up!" With a sigh, Alyssa handed her daughter a fifty dollar bill. "You win! I thought she would hold out because it was such a traumatic change for the poor dear!" She removed her own glass from the...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Fantasies

It's finally happening. You and I both found time to meet. We had met onlinne and had been chatting for a year, sharing our fantasies with each other. We finally decide to meet at an area restaurant where we plan to have a drink or two, though we assume we'll drink them fast so we can go somewhere to be alone. We gulp down one drink and you suggest we leave. Little do you know that I have a hotel room waiting. As we're driving, you start talking about how you looked forward to this night and...

4 years ago
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Swimsuit Bitch

When racing the rule is: never wear anything new. I jumped into the pool in a neck-to-knee triathlon suit and I started my set. After a few lengths, I noticed a women holding a towel around her walking over to the fast lane. She was wearing a white swimming cap and goggles. She dropped her towel and placed it on the side. She was wearing a Speedo hydra-suit, all black. High-legged, but covered the body up to the neck with a zip down the back. She was a slim sporty build, with tall powerful...

3 years ago
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I Dig Brainy Chicks

Derek felt on edge. It was his first day at St. Calvin, one of the larger high schools in Rhode Island, and he had the nagging vibe that he was ill-equipped. "Now remember, Derek," his mother said as she dropped him off on the curve. "First impressions are everything. Be nice to the girls, don't get in trouble with the boys, and pay attention to your teachers." Derek shouldered his backpack. "Uh-huh," he muttered. "Please, Derek, listen to me this time," she called out as he...

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Adventure Down South

MARCH 2010 Comanche smoke signals of dust rise from an uneven dirt road, a half mile away. Beth’s bouncing pickup emerges from the cloud, an arrow aimed at Jim Ed’s southwest pasture barn. Beth and Jen stagger from the barn, loaded with gear. Jim Ed Andrews, III leans against his white crew cab pickup. He grins at the pony-tailed brunettes, who are irritated at our lack of assistance. The two girls are roughly 5-5, 120, with nice chests. Both are athletic and bright. Beth is dark skinned....

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Real Wants

© Copyright 2003 "So," she said, "if I understand you correctly..." She paused. And stood. Instinctively I stood as well and she came out in front of the desk. My heart sank. It seemed certain she was escorting me out. "What you want is to do a case study--on us." "Yes," I said, having backed away a bit to give her room. She leaned back on the front of her desk, and once again I couldn't help but be aware of the way she was dressed, the killer suit, as opposed to me, in my...

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All for his job

Finally she remembered giving in and was shocked when Mike said his boss had sent over the outfit for her to wear, looking at it she almost laughed thinking Mike was joking but seeing his worried face she realised it was really what she was expected to wear. The dress, if you could call it that was Black and almost see through to start with and then she saw it was split up the side high to the waist, then there was the underwear, a bra that would barely hold her 40E breasts and a pair of...

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Rubys New Life Ch 14

A man appeared in scrubs and closed the door behind him, “I’m here to get you cleaned up and ease some soreness for you. I hear you had an eventful evening.” “Yes, I did.” I eyed him up and down. He looked different to me somehow, not like the men I had dealt with tonight. “Are you from the outside?” He raised his eyebrows, “Yes I am, how did you know?” “I grew up on the outside, and you don’t look like the men in The Lifestyle.” “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He moved to the tub...

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Broken Vows

The wind howled throughout the island as it was accompanied by descending torrents of rain that lashed mercilessly against the sodden ground. As the storm raged above, a shadow could be seen through a small stained glass window as the candle flickered wildly. Sister Alison was knelt down in front of the altar as she finished her evening prayers. Upon uttering her final words she stood up and began to diligently extinguish the candles. Sister Alison wandered toward the door before grabbing her...

2 years ago
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OliviaChapter 17

"Do you really need to go home? I wouldn't mind splitting outta here with you and seeing what you're really capable of," Joey suggested as he watched the gorgeous blond nymph toying with his manhood. He'd been fucking for nearly two hours between the brunette Katy and now this girl, and she was doing an amazing job at getting his cock back to rock-hardness. "Well, I can call and see if it's ok. I can say I'm hanging out at my friend Stacy's house," Olivia said after pulling the...

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Play With Them All You Want

Play with them all you want. My name was Karen Heath and this is the story of the most eventful days in my life. I don't expect you to believe me. I wouldn't believe this story either, but you can decide for yourself. It was Thursday night and Sylvia and I were ready to try the body swap spell we had been studying as part of our witch training. We both had been training for five years and were now deemed advanced enough in our powers and knowledge to learn this lesson. We were to...

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Tina could not believe what she was seeing out her window. From her bedroom, where she had been making the bed, she had a clear view into the room of the house next door. The houses were only 3 or 4 feet apart and normally she kept the drapes fully closed, but today she had cracked them a foot or so to let in the some light. She was smoothing the bedspread over the bed when she glanced through the opening and saw a naked young man with an enormous erection. She was drawn to the view rather than...

1 year ago
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You Should Try A Cock Ring

What if I told you I had an item that could make your erection harder, make your sexual sessions last longer, make sex feel better for both you and your partner (male or female) and would only cost you about $10 to $25 one time? Would you believe me? You should because it’s true. Let me tell you about the joys of a simple device, the Cock Ring.My adventures with this wonderful toy started with a simple gesture by my girlfriend. She wears about 12 industrial rubber belts around her wrist as...

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I Left My Heart in San Francisco

I encouraged my father to reconcile with Uncle Tom and Cousin Emily. Daddy had ostracized my uncle and cousin because of their incestuous relationship. It took far more than words to persuade Daddy to mend fences but the important thing is that they are speaking to one another again. And Daddy and I have become even closer as a result. We all just had a simply wonderful time up at Uncle Tom's cabin. The latest dilemma in my life had just been resolved more than favorably. Feeling better about...

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Alpha Omega

I wasn’t just a little nervous, I was in absolute panic over the unknown that I was about to face. My name is John and I’m a freshman at Grayson College. Most people haven’t heard of Grayson, but it’s existed for over fifty years. The college is located in the Northeast and has demanding entrance requirements—high grades in high school, very high SAT scores, extra curricula activity a definite plus. The only exception to a purely quantitative admission or rejection is that past family alumni...

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QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS When she got to work she rushed to the restroom to check if she had gotten her period, thank God she hadn’t, but why was she so wet down there? Through out the day Rose had all of these questions in the back of her head, so mush so that she had a hard time focusing. Why did he want her? She isn’t pretty why is he interested in her? What should she tell her mother and father, no she can’t they will think she was out there looking for a boyfriend! And so this is...

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Best Friends Forever Part seven of thirteen

CHAPTER 13:“Well, dare I hope that the worst is behind us?” said Claire.“Not by a long shot. He’ll be looking for evidence that everything we’ve proposed was a sham, but over the long haul maybe it’ll all work out,” he said. “And, he didn’t ask for a lawyer to get involved yet, but he still may, so that’s a small concern.”“Yes, well, all we can do is hope I guess,” she said.“That cab, van, he’s always using to get around in that has got to be a super hassle for him. There are cars that have the...

Wife Lovers
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Finger Training Emily

Finger Training - EmilyFinger training was just the beginning for sweet Emily. He held out his large powerful hand with the palm up. Emily looked at him shyly; she flushed. Her face was pink and warm. It glowed with health… and with shame. She had never been nearly naked before with a man and the fact that he was completely naked, caused her to lower her eyes. Her downcast eyes immediately rose. She was startled. She had caught sight of him; an important, very scary part of him. His...

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Service with a Smile

Hannah couldn’t say anything. Her tongue was too deep in Chloe’s ass to speak. Instead, she forced herself to push deeper, to lock lips with her roommate’s dainty rosebud and put as much enthusiastic energy into the ass-eating as she could. “You said that there were other expenses, yes? Tuition, textbooks, food, other such things? If you need more money, don’t feel afraid to ask. I’d be more than happy to loan you a little more. I know that country girls like you can find living in the city...

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Mother8217s Lustful Incest Relation With Her Two Sons 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, I am Siva 23 years (2016) from a Town near to South Indian City Kurnool. I have been looking to write the sex life of my mom Ramya Reddy (we call her Ramya) with Kiran (Elder brother) and me (Siva) since 8-9 months but got time to write now after mom’s approval. Ramya agreed with me to share our life with everyone to encourage you all to have strong Incest relation with your own mother’s as that we have with Ramya.We have the best sex every day with mom and I have to say that,...

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Hello College Part 2

As Aidan kissed his way back up my body he made sure to stop and pay special attention to my neck. Slight breaths escaped from me as I continually felt pleasure from him. All I wanted to do was return the favor. I pulled his face to mine and as our tongues met, I began to spread my hands over his body. I could feel his tense muscles, not only on my fingertips but also on top of my body. I reached towards his member, slowly stroking his erect shaft. In order to fully take control, I decided to...

College Sex

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