A Very Happy Birthday free porn video

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I realized then why a huge black cloud had been following me for the past month; I was gagging for sex and with no one to give it to me. I felt pretty damn sexy in my new lingerie. I was wearing a baby doll, which is a see through dress with a 34G bra attached. The black fabric was weightless and it showed my perfect hourglass figure. The black fabric of the bra was soft and lined with pink ribbon and I loved it. The matching thong was somewhere to the right of my bed. As my fingers lightly traced over my soft, shaven pussy I played and I knew just how I liked to be played with. I slowly pushed my long, manicured fingers in and out knowing where my pleasure spots where and how hard to push them. I closed my eyes biting my lip, oh how I loved this feeling. I reached into my bed side drawer and pulled out a medium sized, pink vibrator and began to slide it deep inside me before turning it on. I gasped, like every time, as the vibrations stirred deep inside of me. I began to purr as I moved it to my pleasure. It was not long till my fingers were covered in the hot juices of my orgasm.

I awoke the next morning feeling the black cloud heavier than ever. The single session last night had only worsened my desires for a male cock deep inside me. I looked at the calendar as I stepped out of my steaming shower.
“Another five days till he returns,” I said aloud. My husband was away on a business trip and I wasn’t dealing with it all too well. I sighed and ran my fingers through my long blonde hair. I turned and walked into my large master bedroom. The cream walls shouted ‘newly weds’ to me and the bed screamed ‘fun alone time’ from the mass of duvets in the center of the bed. I slipped out of my towel and allowed it to drop to the floor not bothering to pick it up. I walked towards my mirrored wardrobe, my naked reflection greeting me with a sexy grin. I pulled a stupid face and then opened one of the doors. I slid my hand over the many different garments it held till it landed on one of the slinkiest red dresses I owned. I pulled it out and held it against my self. I was going out for a meal and to have a laugh with Daniel’s friends; Colleen and Mark. They were a couple and had invited me out tonight for my birthday. Mark and Daniel worked together at a large firm; Mark had a firm ass too! I mentally slapped myself for thinking that about my husband’s best friend. I shook my head and then nodded; this dress would be perfect. I dried my hair allowing the blonde curls to rest naturally on my shoulders. My baby blue eyes shimmered and stood out as I framed them in perfectly thin black eyeliner. I had a natural glow and amazingly good skin so I didn’t bother with much else on the make up side. I looked at myself in the mirror again; I was comfortable being naked; especially in my own home. I had a size 10 figure but my huge breasts meant that I had to wear large tens or small size 12. My hips were also a size ten. I had a firm, round butt and shapely legs. My pussy was always shaved or nicely kept as any unwanted hair made me feel rather icky. I wasn’t very tall; only 5’4 at the age of 25 but I was quite happy with my size. I had large, perky, and natural 34G, breasts with large sensitive nipples. I was owner to a small, delicate mole just under my right breast; it was Daniel’s favorite feature on my body.
I reached for my thong and pulled it on slowly, the black material covering my perfect pussy. I didn’t bother with a bra. I pulled on the dress zipping myself into it; it fit me like a glove. The fabric was very thin and hugged my body, each and every curve. It pulled my breasts even closer together giving me a great cleavage, and I know it will show my nipples in the cold. It wasn’t very long and reached just above my knees. I decided to go with stockings as the snow was beginning to fall out side but I hated tights; they were just uncomfortable. I pulled on my stiletto heeled boots and zipped them up before pulling on my long black coat just as a horn pipped outside. It was the taxi. I flicked off the lights and trotted downstairs taking a last look in the landing mirror and applying a thin coat of lip shimmer and picking up my bag before exiting my house.

“Erin!” A voice called over the din. I turned towards it to see Daniel’s two friends stand and wave me over. I walked over and greeted them.
“Colleen, you look so gorgeous!” And I wasn’t lying. Colleen had long iron straight, black hair, with vivid green eyes. Her olive skin glowed from under the tight black cocktail dress she wore. It too hugged her body, but only her upper torso, she had beautiful 32D breasts and a flat stomach, before the skirt spread out in soft floaty material. She was radiant.
“Hello Erin, you look fantastic,” Mark said. He wore a simple white shirt and black trousers but the shirt showed that toned muscular body beneath it and it was well toned. He smiled and held out his hands to take my coat. I quickly unfastened it and let him slide it off my arms. I could hear him gulp behind me and I couldn’t help but smile.
“Oh I just adore that dress.” Colleen gasped.
“Why, thank you” I smiled. Colleen was 27 and Daniel was now almost 30 but they were so gorgeous I believed they always would be.
We all ordered our food and some alcoholic beverages to get us started.
“So, how are you coping without Daniel?” Cole asked whilst sipping upon her red wine.
“Oh, fine, obvious desires going unattended to but nothing new there.” I giggled along with Cole as she rested her hand on Mark’s knee. Mark just grinned as he picked up his glass of red wine. I had a cocktail, I couldn’t stand wine.

And that was it, we finished our meal and went to a bar for a few more drinks and a dance. We had all had just a little bit too much to drink and I was just about to call it quits and go home when Mark came up behind me, so close that I could feel every muscle of his stomach and chest against my back. His hand slid over my tits and his other hand around my stomach.
“Mark! I don’t think Cole would be very happy” I slurred giggling.
“We were just thinking; we were wanting to experiment, Cole and I, for a very long time. Now would be perfect.” He said in my ear. I was confused but continued dancing; well moving my hips (which just rubbed my ass against his cock).
“I don’t understand Mark.” I said honestly.
“Well, we want you,” his hand that was on my stomach slide down and under my skirt, “to join us tonight.” His fingers pushed against my pussy. I bit my lip; a threesome had always sounded for fun but Daniel wasn’t into that kind of thing.
“Daniel will never know?” I asked.
“Daniel will never know.” He confirmed. “So, are you in?” He asked. I turned to face him.
“I’m in.” I grinned.

It was only a short walk to their house and the cool air was nice in sobering me up slightly so I would remember the experiments of tonight. It didn’t take us long to get into the swing of things, Cole quickly grabbed me and pulled me towards her; her tongue demanding entrance into my mouth. I granted her permission as she began to squeeze and massage my tits. Mark stood there gawping before grinning and hanging out coats up in the hallway. Cole grabbed my hand and led me into the living room where there were two sofa’s, a long table, a tv and a camera. Cole smiled at me sheepishly.
“Me and Mark had a photo shoot last night.” She giggled “but we’re not using it tonight.” She promised me. I nodded before watching Mark stroll in. He stood behind me and I could feel that he was already slightly turned on. His wife took a step back before sitting back on the sofa and watching us. Mark held me like he had earlier; his hand on my tits and one on my waist. He began to massage them as he nibbled on my neck and collar bone. I shivered slightly in pleasure. My nipples were obvious through the tight red dress and stood erect begging to be played with. He unzipped the side of my dress slightly granting him access to my tits without the dress falling away to the slightest. His icy hand slipped into the dress and began to massage my breast. His fingers twirled my nipple and pinched them and I loved every second of it. Then his other hand did the same before popping them out to reveal to Cole. I looked down to her, remembering she was sat there to see her massaging her own breasts through the fabric of her dress. His over sized hands were rough and tough skinned as they scrapped over my breasts sending thousands of sensations through them. One hand continued to play with my breasts as his right hand slowly slipped over my body and under my skirt. All the while he was commentating to his wife.
“Do you want me to baby? Do you want me to tease her like I’ve teased you all night?” And she would reply to him, “Yes, I want you to. Show her just how mean you are.” And I realized he was the dominant one of the two, but she loved it, man, I loved it! And then I gasped.
His fingers lightly ran over my pussy lips and over the fabric of my thong. He barely applied pressure; it was like butterfly wings brushing over your most sensitive areas. I purred and he continued, never adding more.
“Please.” I whispered and he just laughed.
“Go play with Cole.” He said pushing me lightly towards her. “Don’t you touch her pussy though Cole.” He warned and she nodded.
“Straddle me Erin,” she said and I did as she told me. I straddled her as she licked her lips. She began to gently massage my breasts as one mouth slowly came up and sucked on my nipple. Her hand instantly began to play with the other nipple. When her tongue rolled around the right nipple her fingers would roll around the left. It was a wonderful sensation and it was driving me crazy. I began to massage her breasts allowing my nails to scratch over them and nip them; her moaning only drove me on to do more. She began to change breasts and she would venture from the nipple, biting and sucking the fleshy parts of them. Her face was buried in my cleavage as she licked along the crease and biting the taught skin just above them leaving a little mark.
“Strip for me girls.” Mark said from the other sofa. I turned my head to look at him, he was sat stroking his cock over his trousers. I stood along with Cole as she slowly began to unzip my dress allowing it to fall to the floor. I stepped out of it only wearing my thong, stockings and boots. Cole turned and moved her hair out of the way allowing me to slowly pull down the zip of her dress. There wasn’t a sexier sound than the sound of the dress being unzipped. She also let it slip to the floor before stepping out of it.
“Leave the shoes and boots on, and your stockings Erin.” Mark said as his eyes devoured us. Cole dropped to her knees.
“May I?” She asked Mark and he nodded. She looked up at me with lustful eyes before allowing herself to lean in and kiss the top of my thighs. I watched her curiously. She kissed up my thighs before pressing her lips to the front of my pussy then on my pussy and my legs quivered slightly. She smiled proudly before pushing me to sit back down on the sofa. Her hands spread apart my legs as she ran them up them. Her head came back down to my pussy as she kissed it several times before looking up at me.
“Relax” she said, and I did. I let myself lay back into the plush cushions as her finger ran up my slit, slightly pushing up my thong to show the parting of them. I closed my eyes as she protruded her tongue between her lips letting it slide along the slit and over my thong.
“She smells so delicious.” Cole purred before continuing. I slowly raised my arm to play with my breasts but Mark told me to stop and ordered me not to touch myself at all. So, I didn’t. Cole slowly hooked her fingers under my thong and pulled it down revealing my shaved, slightly wet pussy. Hey, the girl was turning me on.
“Please, Mark, can I?” She begged and I was just about to open my eyes to see his reaction when I felt her tongue on my slit beginning to lap and twirl against my clit. My entire body was highly sensitive and those slight actions had my clit huge and ready to be played with. She slowly prodded it with her tongue before sucking on it passionately. I purred with pleasure as she played with my clit sending shocks of pleasure up my spine.
“Enough.” Mark said and she stopped immediately, much to my disappointment. “You have to give what you take Erin.” Mark said before Cole helped me up. Cole smiled sheepishly before pushing down her thong revealing the equally shaved pussy but she was dripping with excitement.
“Lay down on your back.” I said letting her lay down on the floor. I knelt between her legs and let my nails slide over her pussy lips; the way I liked it, before leaning down and blowing on her wet juices slightly. She shivered and bit her lip. I smiled pleased with myself, this was the first time I’d ever played with another girl before. I slowly leaned my head down and began to slide my tongue from the bottom of her pussy up to the top where I paused on her clit pushing my tongue against it. I lightly took it between my teeth and nipped it slightly causing her to make a sound somewhere between a gasp and a moan. Then it was my turn to make that noise, into her pussy, as two fingers quickly entered my pussy from behind. It was no doubt it was Mark as he expertly began to rub it and thrust his fingers in and out. I was having so much fun.
“See, I told you we could get her to experiment a bit more, you gonna come on in now?” Mark said. I looked to the door to see Daniel there gawping at us. I gasped.
“Daniel!” I said quickly embarrassed at what he had caught us doing. He had caught me cheating on him. Then I saw the bulge in his jeans that he was rubbing attentively.
“If I knew you were up for this Erin, I’d have asked you long ago.” He said beckoning me towards him. I got up from my position between Mark and Cole and Mark continued where I’d left off. I walked towards Dan shyly. His fingers raised my chin as he kissed me passionately.
“Shit, if I knew you would do it so easily I’d have just asked you.” He laughed. “Now get on them knees baby and show them what your good at.” I finished unzipping his jeans and pushed them to the ground where he stepped out of them. His boxers followed quickly as he leant against the wall unbuttoning his crisp white shirt. I was on my knees in front of him as I let my tongue trail up and down his cock slowly. He was a large size of eight and a half inches and I loved every inch. It was thick and swollen and it filled my mouth very quickly. I noticed Mark and Colleen had stopped what they were doing and were watching my performance. As I came for air I quickly looked around to see Mark sat with his legs apart and Colleen between them both facing us. Mark was slowly fingering Colleen pressing all her right spots. Both their eyes were trained on us as I went back to giving my husband head. I began to let it slip down into my throat and a guttural groan came from Daniel as he grabbed my hair up into his fist and forced my head deeper. I gagged and he let me up before forcing me back down.
“Dan, give me a go with Erin, Cole, go continue what Erin was doing.” Mark said. I looked up at Daniel and winked and he looked down at me with lustful eyes before I crawled off to Mark where he was now stood in front of one of the sofas. He pushed down his jeans and then his boxers and I gasped. He was about seven inches semi hard. I go straight to work as he sat down on the sofa. He held my hair back for me as my tongue began to spiral and lube up his cock. I rolled my thumb over the slit of his cock as I heard Daniel moan in pleasure. I wasn’t going to be beaten by Cole, I thought as I let her husband’s dick slide into my warm, waiting mouth. His head passed my lips and into my mouth. He may be longer than Daniel but it was thinner, Daniel had a very thick cock and I loved it as it filled every part of my tight pussy. I let his cock slide deeper and deeper into my throat. He moaned and slowly began to force it down. I began to gag and he held my throat there as I relaxed again determined to deep throat it all. I slowly began to get further and further before my nose brushed against the thin, wiry hairs at the base of his cock. He groaned and released my head up before thrusting it back down several times. It was slow thrusting but I loved it. I heard Cole say “Damn,” with respect as I smiled.
“Mark, give me my wife back now.” Daniel said. I looked up to find him beckoning me over again. “Lay down on your back on the coffee table.” I do as he said looking up at him. “Now this should be interesting.” He smirked as he stood between my legs pulling me so my ass was on the very edge. He gripped my hips and slowly thrust his cock deep inside of me. I moaned loudly only to be cut off by another cock entering my mouth. The vibrations of my moaning sent Mark crazy beginning to thrust deep inside my mouth and down my throat. Cole was on top of me, straddling my stomach as she pushed our tits together our hard nipples grazing the other’s skin. She began sucking and biting them and it was all driving me crazy. All too soon Daniel pulled out as did Mark and Colleen slipped off of me. She bent down and began licking my soaking wet pussy as Mark straddled my chest and began giving himself a tit wank and Daniel was now thrusting in my mouth. I could taste his precum mixed with my own pussy juices, hot and sticky, lacing his cock. Again my body was filled with desire and pleasure as I moaned loudly. But, just like before, it all ended too quickly. They changed again all complimenting my body as Mark thrust his huge cock deep inside of me, I had never felt a cock bury itself as deep as his did. That alone caused me to moan and bite my lip. My hand was moved to hold and massage Daniel’s dick as he massaged my tits just the way I liked them and Cole sat over my face. I used my free hand to drag my nails over her round ass as I buried my face deep within her pussy. She moaned and ground her hips against my face. I didn’t know how much more of this I could handle as I knew any moment they would all pull away and I would begin begging for someone to fuck me hard. And they did all pull away. But Daniel picked me up and threw me onto the sofa. Mark did the same to Cole on the other sofa as Dan leant down and whispered.
“We must do this again,” and winked before thrusting his fat cock deep inside my abused pussy. I moaned in time with Cole as our husbands took advantage thrusting as fast and as hard as possible. His cock felt perfect filling up my tight pussy and my moans mixed with Cole’s, Mark’s and Daniel’s. We all finished in two sweaty, heavy breathing, and sticky piles on each sofa exhausted and very well seen to.
“Happy birthday, Erin.” Daniel whispered.

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Happy 18th Birthday

January 26 It was the night before my birthday and as usual I was stuck doing homework for hours on end so I had barely any time to talk with my girlfriend Nicole. It was nearing 11 o’clock when she gave me a call. “Hey daddy. Are you almost done with your work? I need you to be awake for my surprise tomorrow.” She said as I could hear her giant smile over the phone. I smiled and laughed at her concern and said, “Almost baby. I should be done by 11 or 11:30. Alright? And then I’m gunna...

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My 19th birthday fell on a Friday. It was 2 years ago when I was 17 that I noticed this weird attraction I had. I knew it wasn't right immediately, but I liked the thoughts I was having. I always liked welcoming different things into my life, especially if I didn't know what the outcome would be. That was the thrill of it.My mom had me when she was a teenager. I think she might have been 18, which was the age I was about to leave behind. My dad ended up not sticking around back then and I've...

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Happy birthday

For my girlfriends 30th birthday i decided to throw her a special surprise!We have an amazing sex life and often tell each other our fantasies and thoughts during sex,one of my gf favourites is a gangbang...we've never acted out our fantasies but seen as how it was a special occasion i decided to make one (or a few! ;) lol) come true for her!I had been on a swingers site and had been talking to various guys about my plan,it was harder than i thought because of how i wanted some of the guys to...

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Happy Birthday

January 26It was the night before my birthday and as usual I was stuck doing homework for hours on end so I had barely any time to talk with my girlfriend Nicole. It was nearing 11 o’clock when she gave me a call.“Hey daddy. Are you almost done with your work? I need you to be awake for my surprise tomorrow.” She said as I could hear her giant smile over the phone.I smiled and laughed at her concern and said, “Almost baby. I should be done by 11 or 11:30. Alright? And then I’m gunna go straight...

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Happy Birthday

It was a hot summer day, and it also happened to be my in laws birthday. My daughter called me and told me he would be stopping by to see her when she got home from work at 7, but she had to work a little later and wouldn't be home till almost 11. I told her I would give him the messege and tell him to maybe stop by and say hi there. Well I decided to take a shower and wash off since I was sweating all over the place, I couldn't look this sweaty and dirty when my son got here. I hoped into the...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday

The low rumble of the car engine felt almost synced with the thumping of her heartbeat. Was she really going to go through with this? The icy blue sky feigned a hot summers day, however, the piercing chill reminded her that it wasn’t. Pulling the belt of her winter coat tighter, Alicia waited. Ten minutes more. He was never late.Turning the key, she silenced the engine. Her heart rate increased. Exhilaration. Nerves. Arousal. She knew it was everything. He was everything.Clasping the golden box...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday

I have written a few stories about Pam, my friend with benefits. I have known Pam for about 30 years and we have been fucking on and off for all these years. When I first met Pam she was in her late 30’s and recently divorced. She was looking for a good time coming out of a bad marriage. As is the case with most women in their late 30’s, her sex drive was phenomenal. I am about 10 years younger than Pam, so our libidos meshed very well and we started having sex regularly. She had primary...

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An Unhappy Birthday

                                               Epilogue                Two years later, on a similarly cold and wintry day, the Lady Susan Brisbane endured her last birthday whipping.         Tommy Parkins was not present for the contrite noblewoman’s final shaming penance.  He had left the Earl of Brisbane’s employment the previous year and was working his own plot of land in a neighboring province.          Sir Charles would not have chosen the handsome young horseman as one of  his...

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E and Ls Adventures Part 3 Happy birthday

It’s now been a week or so since our last adventure. You haven’t quite had the courage to call them. Out of the blue you get a text.Planning something for my man.Need your help.Curious, you text back. Her response catches your breath. Could you do what she asks??Nothing’s said to me. A couple of afternoons later we’re invited around to their place. Xavier is out at work and Yvette is home alone. You wonder off to the kitchen with Yvette as she makes us some tea. I wonder what you’re talking...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday

Here's a story loosely based off a true story a friend told me he did. I say loosely because I can't remember exact details haha. If people enjoy this I might post more. I hope you enjoy.It was Sean's birthday. His friend was throwing him a party. Jim showed up too. When he arrived Jim gave him a "brohug" and whispered in his ear.''I'll give you your present later."Later after the party broke up, Sean and Jim left together. They were both going the same way. They went down a dark alley. Jim...

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Happy birthday

“Seems like another warm day”, I thought and opened my eyes. Maybe I would go to the beach. Nothing to do anyway. No places to be, no people to see. Ignoring my aching body I got up, checked my few belongings. Not that I wouldn't have woken up, if anyone had tried anything but it was something to do. With only enough loose change in my pocket for a coffee I walked towards the beach. Even though it was early morning it was already warm. Wiping the sweat from my brow I stopped, took off the...

2 years ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 23 Happy Birthday

The twins were at the airfield in their new white convertible limo. That limo was a sweet ride, especially from all the buttons. I love buttons. The twins had been using my dad’s convertible while I had been gone, so having the top down was nothing special for them or our friends. I was momentarily a little jealous of how they had spoiled our friends with that without me, but it was to help cheer them up rather than show off. We rode with the top down. I thought it was cool, and not just...

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Andreas Birthday

Andrea’s Birthday An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki and Ty Blaze Special Guest Stars Andearl Andrea gasped as she came. “Fuck me with your big Black cock.” she moaned, as her body shuddered. She rammed the big black dildo she had been fucking herself to orgasm with deep into her asshole while she fingered her...

1 year ago
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Lauras Birthday

Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An all-dialogue story. Laura's Birthday by Vickie Tern "Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday sweetheart, a very happy birthday!" "Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God! Is that you,...

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L007 Lizzys Story Lizzys Birthday

The next couple of weeks, while still crappy at work, fly by. Every night is bliss, and when the weekends come I’m in paradise as I am my Daddy’s little girl full-time. We don’t go out much. We will occasionally stop for a drink at the bar we had met at on the way home from work. But I am usually too anxious to get home and into my diaper to want to stay long.You know I’m in torment on these occasions but tells me that I will always need some outside adult interaction to keep me balanced in my...

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It Started With My Birthday

It Started With My Birthday I was having a ball. Well, surrounded by three beautiful girls on my birthday, all a little high on some killer cocktails, at a club in San Francisco, which male wouldn't be on a high. My girlfriend Kelly had two of her college friends visiting and inevitably I was invited to hang out and be their chaperone - especially today, on my birthday. It worked well as her friends were staying in downtown, not too from where we had our apartment. Kelly and I had...

2 years ago
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Wendys Birthday

Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...

1 year ago
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Happy birthday

So it was Tom birthday. Hmm thought Tom, what was Sarah going to give him?. He liked her very much. He was planning to ask Sarah out. He did not when. He knew Sarah liked him too. The way she smiled when she saw him.... 'Tom' she called. He got up swiftly and saw her standing at the door. 'Yes what is it?', he said nervously. 'Nothing I just wanted to see where you were', she replied shrugging. 'Right', he answered. Come on he urged himself, ask her out.... 'I've got you a present but we'll...

First Time
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My Birthday

She’s actually been sucking my dick nightly for years. I say “nightly” because she primarily does it when she comes in to say goodnight, but she’s always been willing to give me a quick blow if I asked and no one was around. Once, I was particularly horny one summer afternoon, so I went and found mom sitting at her computer doing some work. I walked up.. “Mom?” “Yes honey?” She said, turning to look at me, “What’s up?” But her eyes quickly caught sight of the tent in my shorts, and she...

4 years ago
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OSL New YorkChapter 5 Merry Birthday

-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...

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Renees Birthday

Renee's Birthday By Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 There are some definite problems associated with being a single mom who is trying to raise a teenage son and work full time. The other day is a case that best exemplifies this point. It was my son Richard's fifteenth birthday, and he and I were supposed to be going out to dinner to celebrate this occasion. However, at the last minute, I found out that I had to work late in order to complete a rush project that absolutely...

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Daves Birthday

David made our anniversary quite an event, and while I knew I could never top that, I knew with his birthday coming I needed to do something a little special. it took some planning, even some courage on my part, but this is how things went. Jess I told me we were going out for my birthday, said she had a special evening planed. I was looking forward to it, she had arranged the babysitter, reservations, it was going to be fun. I had no expectations of repeating our anniversary, that was kind...

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Susans Birthday

Susan's Birthday By Susan Fraser Chapter 1 - My birthday It was the morning of my 18th birthday and I woke up early and lay there thinking. Today I would be man and the thought depressed me. I lived with my parents and my older sister Ann and in two days time we were due to move to live in the Lake District. My father, who was an architect, had decided to move his business there and I was going to start working for him. My mother and sister were going to open a...

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Cheryll Birthday

100% fiction! Cheryll was taking a shower in my bathroom because the shower in her room had lost water pressure the night before. She is a beautiful 18 year old who looks just as her mother did when she was her age. She has a beautiful caramel color, with shoulder length hair and piercing grey eyes that she had gotten from me. I stood there staring through the shower doors watching as she slowly soaped her body, enticingly bending to wash her legs so that I could see the soap sliding down the...

4 years ago
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It is Thanksgiving vacation, school’s out and everybody is coming to the house tomorrow for the big feast. Me and Mommy grocery-shopped and we have everything ready for tomorrow morning in the kitchen, with a 16-pound turkey thawing in the fridge. But the most exciting thing isn’t that all the family is coming, or the delicious meal and seeing everyone again, but that it will be Daddy’s birthday! Mommy and I have big plans! BIG plans!! Cassy had come up with the idea to give HERSELF...

3 years ago
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My Special Birthday

Don't get me wrong though, it started crappy like my last three birthdays, but it ended in a way I couldn't ever anticipated. My name is Stephanie, and, as I mentioned before, I am eighteen years old. I have long straight black hair, don't call me a brunette though cuz it annoys me, it's black, not brown, with sparkly blue eyes. People usually make fun of my height, when you're only five foot two, it's bound to happen I guess, and I am a measly one hundred and ten pounds and on my...

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Jasmines 35th birthday

    I have 2 guys that wants to take me out somewhere for my birthday. Benjamin and Stephen. I'm so confused right now. I don't know what to do. I really like them both. I been talking to Benjamin for 3 years now. One year after I moved here. I meet him at the local grocery store.     He was hawking me as I was doing my weekly grocery shopping. I was shocked by the way he was checking me out all over the store. I'm not the prettiest woman on earth or have the greatest body. I'm 5'6 197...

2 years ago
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Patchwork People IIIToday is Your Birthday

III. Today is your birthday. "So what are you doing tonight anyway?" Grace asked as they closed the Blue Cat for the day. "Please tell me you have something planned. That you aren't just going home and watching reruns of House." "You know I only watch reruns on the Food Channel." "Then tell me you're doing something more special than that." "I really don't think I could bear anything more special than that." "Let me at least take you out to dinner. I promise I won't tell the...

1 year ago
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First Time For Her Birthday

"What do you want for your birthday?" Amelie asked me.I looked up from my laptop and frowned. "That's a good question. And a really annoying one. Because I have absolutely no idea.""It won't be long now, Lena. Only three more weeks. I have a few ideas, but I still lack the one big gift that makes you really happy." She nudged my foot with hers. “You must have a special wish, right? ""May I think about it until tomorrow?" I asked.Amelie pressed a big kiss on my cheek. "I'll even...

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Getting Even 2 Grants Birthday

Zane walked up and down the wine aisles of his favorite liquor store. Tonight was Grant’s birthday party and he wanted to give him a nice bottle of wine. The problem was, he didn’t know much about wine as it wasn’t his drink of choice. He had only bought one bottle of wine and it wasn’t that good. That mistake was made about four months ago when he got news that changed his life forever. Six months ago, Zane had met Grant’s lovely wife, Bella, at a local bar. Their meeting was prearranged by a...

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Girlfriends Threesome Surprise On My Birthday

My girlfriend decided to fly from Bangalore on my birthday night. It was pre-decided that we will stay in my apartment and fuck each other as my birthday gift. But it turned out to be the best sex experience. We had an amazing threesome and a sex tape recorded by my girlfriend’s hot friend. I have a black tinted Honda Civic car, which I drove down towards the Mumbai airport in the evening. Vania, my girlfriend’s flight landed on the eve of my birthday about 7. She was coming to Mumbai for the...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 33 The Holiday Stories Paulrsquos Birthday

I fell asleep after Lynn used her mouth, ass, and pussy to give me a brainectomy. I woke to the sensation of three women giving me a breakfast blowjob, it felt like my brain was never going to go back to normal. When they knew I was awake, the three looked at me and sang Happy Birthday and then took turns trying to blow out my birthday erection. I responded by blowing my birthday sauce all over their faces. In the shower, Lynn and Erin both took my ass with their strap-ons, and then Blossom...

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