Collin Doe free porn video

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Collin Doe stood for the third day in a row with his back straight, his hands to his side. His fingers straight, the tips barely touching the hem of the light colored flower print skirt he was currently wearing. He had on a pair of whiote tights, and little Mary Jane shoes, and across the front of the V neck Tee shirt was printed Princess. He didn't care how much humiliation they heaped on his twelve year old shoulders. He wasn't getting his hair cut, and he wasn't going to stop wearing the skirts and dresses or the other things his last Foster mother had dressed him in on a regular basis. She'd discovered he wanted to be a girl and indulged him to excess. Then there had been the accident. And he was now back in the states care. He'd ended up here to begin with after his own mother had been caught dealing drugs. He'd never met his father, his mother seldom talked about him. When she did it was with some degree of regret. Not that they had been together, but that she'd never told the man about being pregnant. As soon as the bell rang Collin waited until all the other children had gone inside, many hurling insults. But as he started to head for the door he saw her lingering there waiting. "We have to get out of here Collin, you know that don't you?" she said. Looking around he said, "I know Tammy, but first we have to find a way to get into the records office. And get Mrs French back for you. Tammy was eleven, and an orphan. She'd been there only slightly longer than Collin. But the two had become fast friends, almost inseparable. The first night he'd heard her crying, and found out how to jimmy the lock on his door. Then he'd gone next door and comforted her. She was crying because they'd taken away her Doll, Mrs French. "I don't know how much more I can take Collin, and the food is awful. I'd rather eat mud pies." "I know Tammy, but I've got a sort of plan. Just be ready after they turn out the lights and lock our doors." They went in and sat down at the long wooden table, then started to eat after they were told to begin. The other children around them were like rabid animals devouring everything in sight. That night Collin waited until he was sure everyone was asleep, then he jimmied the lock and crept out into the hallway. He found the administration office and crept inside to the filing cabinets. There was just enough light coming in through the window for him to find what he was looking for. He grabbed both his record and that of Tammy. Then cracked open the closet door. There he found Mrs French and a host of other dolls and toys. In the corner was the backpack he'd come with. He quickly stuffed everything into the pack then snuck back out into the office. Beside the door stood the safe, and he was shocked that it wasn't locked. Peering inside he saw a stack of money sitting on top of some pictures. The picture on top was Tammy. Without a second thought he stuffed both the cash and the pictures into his pack and hurried as quietly as possible to Tammy's room. "Tam, are you ready?" he whispered. "Yes," she said beside him taking his hand. "Where are we going?" "I don't know yet but any place is better than here." He lead her along the hallway toward the showers. Then turned the corner toward the laundry. The door wasn't locked, they slipped through. Beyond that was another room, but the door was open already and dim light shone from an office close to a door leading outside. "Look I already paid you for the girls. Now I want that little one or you can keep all of them and give me my money back." Said a heavily accented voice. "I told you she's only eleven, wait four more months till she's twelve and you can have her. Now take the rest and go before someone sees your truck." Said the voice of the Head Mistress." Maybe your boss has a place for a very Effeminate boy. Here's his picture, he calls himself Colleen." "No just the girl, here's another five grand." "Wait here, I'll go get her." They hid behind some boxes until she left the room. then both hurried through the door out into the night past the truck backed up to the loading dock for the kitchen. Just outside the open gate Tammy stopped. "I'm scared Collin. What about the others?" They both looked toward the truck, there were five men there and they could see at least one had a gun. "Look Tammy, we'll stop and call the police, tell them about the truck and the others. I think I got all their pictures. But we can't stop Tammy," he said pulling her along behind him. "Why not?" she wanted to know. They ducked into some bushes as a car passed by. "Because that eleven year old girl they were talking about is you." He dug out the pictures, "They've been selling the girls Twelve and older Tams. That's why there aren't any older girls." They found a pay phone and he called the police. He told the officer about the truck and the girls and said look I'm leaving the pictures here in the booth for you. He gave them the name on the side of the truck. Then he and Tammy ran as fast as they could so they wouldn't get caught again. Near daylight they found a house that the young couple had just left for work. Then before the garage door fully closed he stopped it and let Tammy in before pushing the button beside the inner door. "Are we like the boy and girl in the song now Collin?" she asked. "You know Jack and Bobbi Sue?" He giggled, "You mean Billie Joe and Bobbie Sue. No we aren't robbing anyone. Just hiding out for a while and maybe getting something to eat." "Oh," she giggled. "Can I watch TV?" "Sure Tams, I'll find us something to eat." He headed into the kitchen and she sat down in front of the TV. He was almost finished frying the eggs when she yelled. "Collin, they got our pictures on the tv, and, and the other girls, Jane and Laura and Beth." "authorities are looking for two children still unaccounted for from the Day County Children's Home after one of them allegedly notified officers that a child selling ring was buying young girls to transport out of the country or elsewhere. The two children Collin and Tammy are said to have been abused while at the home, and believed to have run away. If you see them please call the child services office." A pretty young woman came on the news next, "Mrs Newman of Child Protective Services, Ma'am?" "Oh Yes Karen, we want the children to know that they are not in trouble we just want to help them. As we understand it the young boy Collin, dresses like a girl, and because he has been diagnosed as transgendered is very convincing. She uses the name Colleen. Please if you see them call right away." "Tams, that's the lady that lives here." he was looking at the pictures on the wall. The young woman in a wedding dress, and the man in a police officer's uniform. They were now watching the news intently, and eating the scrambled eggs and fried ham. So they didn't notice the door behind them open. It didn't matter either way, they were trapped now. "Excuse me, I forgot something when I left earlier," said the man. "You kids go ahead and finish eating. The cartoons on channel 342 are better than the news though." They both stopped and stared at him in terror. "I won't hurt you, honest I won't. I won't even tell anyone I saw you." "But your wife works for CPS, and you're a Cop," Collin said. "Yes and your name is Colleen, and your friends name is Tamara. And you've both been through way too much for me to lie to you." He reached for the phone, "I'm going to call Stacy and ask her to come home right away. And then we'll all decide how we can help the two of you stay outside the system. How's that sound?" when the nodded suspiciously he said, "I'm Tim by the way." He pushed a button on the phone so they could hear both sides of the conversation. "Yes Tim, oh why are you at home? There are two children out there that need our help." "I know Love, I forgot my vacation request and came back. But I need you to come home right away. I think someone wants to talk to you." "Honestly Tim, didn't you have enough fun this morning," she giggled. "Stacy listen to me. T and C are here waiting to find out how we can help them." "T and, oh shit. Where'd you find them? No don't answer that. I don't want to know. Those two have been hurt enough as it is. I'll be home as soon as I can send my staff on a few wild goose chases." After a few more minutes of just saying nothing Tim broke the silence, "Tam, would you like some more milk?" "Umm, yes sir." She answered. "How about you Colleen? Would you like anything?" "Why are you helping us?" she asked. "This is why," he opened a drawer next to the television set and took out a photo album. He flipped all the way to the back and took out a picture from behind a picture of his wife. Then handed it to Colleen. Looking at the picture of the teenage boy barely older than Colleen herself he asked, "Who's this?" "That's Stacy when she was just a little older than you are Honey," he smiled. Before long they were sitting down together on the couch going through the album. "This is Stacy when we graduated high school." "Tim?" they heard her say behind them. "Hi Babe, in here." he called. Colleen looked up from the picture to the woman, then back and forth. Then finally smiled, "Hi Ma'am." "You two look like you've been through hell, but don't worry a good night's sleep and a long hot bubble bath and you'll both feel much better," she beamed at them her eyes sparling with delight. "Collin? I mean Colleen," Tammy giggled. "I can really call you Colleen now can't I?" They both giggled, "I guess you can." Then Colleen looked serious. "What are you two going to do with us?" "I don't blame you for being suspicious, you've both been through a lot." She went to the writing desk beside the front door and took out two folders. They could tell one was a few months older than the other one, it was fuller. She said, "After you both have had some time to rest we'll go down to the court house and talk to the judge there." She laid the folders down in front of them on the coffee table. One was labeled Tamara, the other was labeled Colleen. Colleen took out the two folders she'd taken from the files and placed them next to the two on the table. Tamara, and Collin were the labels. "We've been trying to adopt you for the last six months, but they kept turning us down. Judge Ferris will be the one to make the decision now though," she smiled happily. "Oh, who's he?" Colleen asked. "She's the one who helped me become Stacy instead of Stanley." Stacy said. The phone rang, and Tim answered it. "Yes I'm sorry I think I'm going to start my vacation a little early," he said to someone on the other end. "Yes we did, yes thank you." He held out the phone to Stacy. "Hi Daddy, yes they're both right here. I'm sorry Daddy yes we should have let everyone know. But I wanted them to feel safe and know how we feel first. Of course Daddy, but why don't we let them get settled in before we flood them with family. Thank you Daddy I love you too." she handed the phone back to Tim. "I'll ask them, please tell everyone not to make a big deal out of it if we take them out for dinner or shopping. Thank you sir, give our love to Mom and tell her we'll by this weekend." He hung up. "Ask them what Tim?" Stacy asked. "Girls, my father in law is the chief of police. He was wondering if you had any idea about what might have happened to the money that was paid for the other girls." Colleen looked scared, "I, I thought we might need it to eat on and find places to hide." She dug in her backpack and pulled it out. "It's all there, we didn't use any of it, honest." Tim smiled, "Thank you Sweetheart. Now there's no way they can get off we have all the evidence we needed." "Tim there's sixty thousand dollars here, that's ten grand a kid." Stacy was shocked. "No wonder they kept refusing Adoptions then the kids would be mysteriously moved to some other place with no records." Tim picked up the phone again, "Sir, they were keeping it safe for us. We'll swing by and drop it off on our way to dinner. Yes sir just a moment." He held the phone out to Colleen. "Colleen?" "Uhh, yes Sir." "Thank you for everything you've done. I'm sure there won't be any problem with the adoption for you or your new sister Tammy." "Thank you sir, I, I really, I, thank you," she was crying tears of joy now instead of the ones she'd shed over the last six months. After a bit Stacy asked. "What would you two like to do first? Have lunch or go shopping?" "Shopping? Like real shopping?" Tammy asked. "You mean for clothes?" Colleen asked. "well you'll both need beds and furniture in your rooms," Tim said. "And my girls need Pretty clothes, something pretty to sleep in. And, oh my you need so much. My heavens this is going to be so much fun Tim." She was crying as she said, "I really get to take my girls Shopping." Laughing and crying himself he said, "Our Girls Love, our Girls." He wrapped his arms around all three of them. Wiping her tears Stacy picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Oh Vivian, please tell me you have three opening today." "Yes the works, Hair, Nails, and I think Colleen is old enough for a touch of makeup. Yes thank you, thank you." The girls were looking at her curiously now, "Have either of you ever been to a Beauty Salon?" They shook their heads no. "We have appointments for Two Thirty. You are going to love it, trust me. It's the ultimate in Mother and Daughter experiences." "Stacy, don't you think you're going a bit too fast, you don't want to overwhelm them on their first day," Tim said. "Oh but just think how much nicer they'll look for Judge Ferris in pretty dresses with their hair done up." She said. "My girls are not going to go into the courthouse wearing these rags from the Orphanage." Laughing he said, "Sorry Love I just wanted them to see how passionate you get about them being your girls. But don't forget they're mine too, and I get equal spoiling rights." Smiling he said Justine's Jewelers is right across from the salon you know." They took Stacy's car and made a fast stop at the station where they asked Colleen to make a statement about where and how she came into possession of the money. Then as they pulled into the Mall the girls were assured that they needn't worry about how much things cost. But Stacy wanted to be sure that everything fit them properly. As they picked out a few things Colleen got nervous, "What's wrong honey?" asked Tim and she blushed. Stacy had been picking out underwear for them. "I, I don't have to come out and show you how they fit do I?" she asked. "Tim we'll be out in a minute, come on girls lets go in the fitting room a minute." She lead them both into the same fitting room. Tammy tried on several pairs and they all fit. So Stacy pulled the tag off the ones she liked most, "You can wear those out of the store I have the tag so we can pay for them. Now Colleen how about yours?" "They don't look right," she said. "Oh, let me show you how to fix that." Stacy pulled the panties down a little bit then helped her tuck herself so she didn't show. "There now doesn't that look better?" "Yes Ma, umm Momma." She smiled. "It doesn't hurt like I thought it would. Not like the last time I tried it." Stacy whispered into her ear, "I'll teach you how to do it for yourself when we get home ok?" she kissed her cheek, then kissed Tammy's. Cracking the door open she asked, Could you pass us in a couple of those dresses please?" They spent several minutes trying on and picking out dresses and skirts and outfits. Then Stacy helped them pick out nities. "I never wore a nitie before, they always just made us sleep in night shirts." Colleen said. At twenty after two they found their way to the Salon, "How long do I have?" asked Vivian. Stacy looked at Tim, "Two hours." "Plenty of time." They started off with a wash and rinse, then conditioning. All three at the same time. Then as they were being blow dried, Vivian took her scissors and evened up the ends of both girls hair. "Ok now how would you like it styled?" they were asked. "Do you want to look like your Mommy?" asked one of the other Girls working on Tammy's hair. Smiling and with a giggle she said, "Yes Please." "Me too, I want to look like my Momma," Colleen said. "Now, now," Vivian said to Stacy. "No crying in my shop." "Vivian, you have no idea how long I've waited to be a Momma. And now I have the two prettiest girls ever." "Well you just wait till Tim sees the three of you," said the stylist. In all there were six stylists working the three of them. As they were getting their hair styled. Another was working on their nails. When they were done Colleen held her hand out spreading her fingers looking at her nails. Stacy hugged her, "You do that just like any other girl. She giggled, "Ask Tim to look at his nails sometime, you'll see what I mean." Colleen giggled, "Boys curl their fingers up like this." Then showed Tammy how boys look at their nails. He met them at the register with three long boxes. "Sorry Stacy, we talked it over and this round is on the house," Vivian told her. Tim handed each of them a box then stepped behind them as they opened them. He was beaming with joy as he fastened the matching necklaces around their necks. Later when the judge signed the preliminary adoption papers both girls and parents were crying. "Colleen, we got a Mommy and Daddy now." "And we have the sweetest prettiest girls in the whole world." Judge Ferris walked with them out of the courthouse. "Now that makes working late worthwhile," she said to the Bailiff on duty at the door. "If I hadn't seen the name change papers myself I would never know the older one wasn't born a girl. She sure is going to be just as pretty as her new Momma." "I'll be sorry to lose her, but Stacy is going to a much higher calling," remarked the Judge. "What do you mean?" he asked. Handing him another set of papers she said, "That's her resignation. She wants to be a full time Mommy. Don't worry they can afford it."

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how to tell your wife you are bi

START BY SHARING YOUR CUM WITH HER, SHE WILL GET SO TURNED ON THAT SHE WILL WANT TO SEE YOU WITH A GUY SOON! I love watching my hubby eat his load! The next step is find a guy that turns you both on and let him start with her...after that hold on because it is going to get did for us!

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291 katies story

291 Katie`s story compendium pt1 It all began with a double date: she had been to the night club with her cousin and his girl and that great dozy bugger from work that had pestered her for a month for a date. Finally, she had given in and at the dance the cousin and his lady had tactfully withdrawn (they left them to it in reality) and he the Gallus beggar had then got pissed out of his head, so she had left him at the nightclub in disgust and set off home across the common on foot. Now that...

2 years ago
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Andy 10

Ich befand mich in einer merkw?rdigen Situation. Ich hatte zuhause nur M?dchenkleider an, w?rde sogar die ganzen Ferien als M?dchen bei meiner Mom leben, und konnte ihr doch nicht erz?hlen, dass ich als M?dchen babysittete. Oder konnte ich? Ich wusste nicht wie. Ich ging ins Bad und schminkte mich ab. An meiner neuen Frisur konnte ich nichts machen. Zudem gefiel mir, was Mom so aufwendig gemacht hatte. Das war deutlich besser als die Per?cke. Nicht nur rein optisch, sondern auch vom Trageko...

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Yarnos Last RaidChapter 3

It looked like the Apaches had left three of their number to ambush me while the rest continued to whatever place they were headed. I couldn't imagine where they were headed, but I figured to follow them cautiously until I puzzled it all out. My horse was walking through a field of sand with rocks scattered about. I was busy watching for Indians and letting him watch where he was going. Suddenly, my horse jerked back and nearly dumped me from the saddle. That's when I first heard the...

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Divas ass fetching part 1

Diva exited a lot as she walkd to her anal trainers room..she was just 18 with a tight pussy opend a very few times-not properly-n wth an unopend anxious ass...she enterd th room..she lukd for james,she knows his bathroom door opnd a macho man cmpletly nakd wth a 10inch cock hangin down..reachd her.without any bullshit talks he kissd her with palms undr her bare buttocks..remvd her top,bra..her cherry nipples shown.he startd tenderly kissin it thn turnd in 2 suckin hard ,rubbin hard...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ke Sath Ras Bhari Chudai

App logo ne meri bahut sari stories padhi aur muje dher sare app ki taraf s email aaye uske liye sukriya. Aj mein appke samne nyi story leke aaya hun. Padh ke muje batana kaisi lagi app logo ko. Meri mail id hain “” and “”. Meri aunty ki age sirf 32 saal h…and unka 4 saal ka ladka h…bhot modern aur kaafi padhe likhe hone ki vajah se khafi frank h…ab tak main unke 18 bar chod chuka hua. Starting aise h ki…last year mainre gharwale bhar gye thy…sirf main and mainra chota bhai ko chodke 2 din k...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Awakening

This is the true story of my first relationship with another woman. Ironically, it all started with me trying to please a man... After almost ten years of marriage, the passion that had existed between my husband and I had started to diminish. We both tried to rekindle the magic in various ways, but it became obvious that something was missing. I maintained an unrelenting sex drive that I increasingly satisfied with fantasies, porn and my vibrator which I took with me everywhere I went. One...

1 year ago
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Susan is Complete

Like most of us, my cross dressing started with wearing pantyhose. This is a true story. My older sister (she was 14 and I was 9) would wear them to school (private school with uniforms) everyday. She started to notice that I would stare at her legs when she wore them. To this day I don’t know why, but she would tease me trying hard for her not to be obvious about it, letting her skirt hike up to the point where I could see her reinforced band of the pantyhose, clicking her heels on and off...

3 years ago
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mum sis and me the next evening the third part

We sat there eating dinner in an awkward silence, none of us had really seen each other all day and we certainly hadn’t talked about what happened last night. I didn’t know if mum was cross with me or not following her finding out l had sex with my sister or if my sister had had second thoughts about finding out that l was fucking mum and that had led to me fucking her.   ‘so’ mum said suddenly, ‘we have a problem, don’t we?’   I didn’t know what to say and started...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend

Introduction: a story about the perfect girl.. My names Kevin, Im the quarterback of the football team, straight A student, and quite the ladies man (if I do say so myself). Im used to getting any and everything that I want (seen as how my parents are the richest people in town). But as much as I would love to tell you Ive always been a good looking guy&hellip,.I cant. In the fourth grade, I was the tall nerd kid who sat by himself because he had no friends. And thats just how life was, no...

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GirlsDoPorn 19 Years Old E495

This gorgeous, exotic, super horny 20 year old amateur chick has returned and she’s about to push her limits and have a damn good time doing it lol! As I’m sure you guys already know, when a girl comes back for a repeat visit here on Girls Do Porn she generally pushes her envelope and tries something new to keep things fresh, and for this beautiful girl that means taking on two cocks at once…including double penetration, with anal sex and pussy fucking at the same time! If you...

3 years ago
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My First Threesomes

Let me tell you about my first times in a threesome. I say first times because I consider there to have been two of them. My first first time was when I was part of a couple and we brought in another guy; my second first time was when I joined another couple as a single guy.So my first first time was with my girlfriend at university. It wasn't something we'd discussed. We hadn't talked about fantasies particularly. We were just really young and really into each other. And she was beautiful, of...

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A Just RewardChapter 16

Although the meal at the Yew Tree was very good it was a quiet meal. Becca may have forgiven Steven but she was still badly shaken. Steven, despite that forgiveness, was still wracked with guilt at what he had allowed her to be subjected to. Becca insisted on them sitting side by side on the bench seat rather than opposite. She did not crowd him but her knee was pressed firmly against his thigh throughout. She needed bodily contact and Steven was thankful that she was still prepared to seek...

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Vicious Days Insane NightsChapter 3

She sat across the table from me; dark brown hair cascading to her shoulders, her face, her curves, her hollows, her shadows ... I fought back those thoughts that we never got too close to discussing. Meredith was my treasure, always had been. I loved my son, no doubt about that, but he was such a different animal than Meredith and I – he was more like his mother, Betty, in temperament. When it came to my daughter... "Meredith, you remind me so much of your mother." "I don't think...

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Fantasy Flight Book 3Chapter 18

So which tech is Chris? Might as well at least offer a bed instead of the concrete floor in the basement. If they have to sleep down there then I can offer them a cot. The techs finished up around nine and started taking out the older video and security system gear. The new gear was already taking up the old duties, it was just the new features and horsepower that needed to bake in before they connected it all together. I still hadn’t been told who Chris was, but someone was in the shower as...

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It seems not all that long ago daughter Christina turned eighteen so wife Sarah booked the function room at our local east London public house plus a mobile disc jockey to entertain the five female and male friends Sarah had limited the invited guests to. Sarah and a friend Lynn were in charge of the food catered by the pub. Money had been put behind the bar for beer, but no spirits and Sarah had mixed a tropical fruit punch for those who Didn,t like alcoholic drinks. My job was to look after...

1 year ago
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Losing My Virginity To My Mom

A little bit of background is necessary for you guys to understand how an Indian guy got a chance to fuck his mother..So I start from describing our family.My parents have a huge age difference of 15 years. My father is 59 and mother are 44 years old. I have an elder sister and younger brother. My sister got married recently so we four stay in Mumbai. I am sure that my father hasn’t fucked my mom for 2 to 3 years as he always has some health issues. I am 23 years old and always sleep next to my...

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Michelles Story Part 7

Michelle's Story - Part 7 There was no doubt that Michael wanted to go to school as a girl. But John had told him that while Billy was around, it was not safe for him to do so. For now, John was prepared for Michelle to make her school entrance in September. "Anyway, you've got a party to look forward to now," said Liz. "We've just got to find you some dresses." Michael at least could dream of being a girl without trouble now. What had been a nightmare was now anything but. He...

1 year ago
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Bridgets DaysChapter 4

(The West Coast of Africa, 1684) I frantically dug into the soft floor of the jungle, one eye fixed on the growing light appearing in the Eastern sky. My hands scooped dirt, rotted vegetation, fallen branches and anything else they encountered, flinging it in a pile beside the shallow trench I knelt in. The triple canopy overhead was thick enough to filter most of the day's sunlight. I just prayed it would filter enough. I was out of time. I took the woven mat of branches and leaves I had...

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Adam Martin The Pupil Ch 01

Edited by Sherry November-10-2009 Please let me know if you like the story so far. By leaving a comment or sending me a message. DISCLAIMER: This story is copyright © 2009 by Christian G. Kay. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The characters, concepts, and plot are original, and are the property of the author. All rights...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 555

My trip home was diverted to AAGH again; Lorrie and Mindy were both there in next door rooms. I walked in to see Lorrie in the middle of a big contraction, clearly painful. I walked to the bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “You know I would do that for you if I could,” I said. As the contraction passed she pulled me by the neck to return the kiss and whispered in my ear, “I know, all of you would; that’s why we are family,” as she relaxed and lay back. “The contractions are ten...

4 years ago
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My Stepmother Was A B Pt 4 The Last Time Alone

The next Fall, I started college and these events started to be fewer and farther between. Seeing her naked or, nearly, in person-was not happening as often as before. They still went camping and on short vacations and I would come home and house-sit for them.Now, dad had just got a satellite dish, one of those eight-foot-diameter, big, beastly eyesores, but it got Playboy Channel and many other adult broadcasts on the “big end”, some of you will know what that means. I would gladly go over and...

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Never Been Fucked Like That

That spring I started work in a hospital, I went in seeking a part-time position, after interviewing they offered me full time night shift. I was taking a full credit-load that quarter but I decided I could balance it somehow. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed, and working nights gets lonely fast. I remember meeting him, he was wearing dark blue scrubs and an alarmingly sexy smile. I’d never met someone that I was so instantly drawn to. No we’re not talking soul mates, we’re talking I wanted...

1 year ago
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138 A favour for Misty

138. A favour for Misty She is 70 now stands 5feet 7” has a body well overweight, a pretty face, nice personality, fantastic cook and a caring wonderful mum. A neighbour of mine for some years and a good one at that, she was never the sort of soul that a man had fantasies about being not what a chap would call attractive. However in view of the sexual desert in my house this last year, I must admit to feelings of any port in a storm and even the old bird on the school crossing get`s a second...

1 year ago
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finger in my wet pussy and on tha phone

one day i was on facebook and i was talkin to my boyfriend so he emailed me and told me to go on skype so we could have cam sex. i replyed back say daddy you know ill do anything to see that big fat juice dick. so i got on and then he said stay on video chat and call him cause he wanted to hear my sexxy voice so then i call him and he picked up and i said daddy you goin to do that thing you said you were going to do and he said yes he got in tha bathroom with his laptop had thecam facing his...

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Something in CommonChapter 3

I can safely say that any moral reservations that I might have been harboring regarding the seeking of mutual sexual pleasure between first cousins pretty much went “POOF” that day. For the next few days, the thought that most occupied my mind was picking up where we had left off. And yes, I’ll admit it was entirely selfish on my part. I had no interest in Laurie as a girlfriend or anything like that - hell I still didn’t even like her all that much because she acted so weird, yet I was...

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Hollys 8 blackman gangbang pt 2

FUCKING JESUS YOUR ALL THE WAY IN, And started laughing, In her belly you could see the huge bulge of it with her running her hand up it, Then she started rolling her hips around and thrusting forward why grabbing his ball sack underneath and pulling it up so every last bit was in her, FUCK YEAH THIS IS MEGA, She could put both her hands on it on top off each other and wank it, He then picked her up and lobbed her on the bed’ I know Holly said she can take wot you got but fuck how is she...

2 years ago
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Narnia Part 3

Edmund followed his siblings through the wardrobe to the other side. To Narnia. And now there was no mistaking it and all four children stood blinking in the daylight of a winter day. Behind them were coats hanging on pegs, in front of them were snow covered trees. Peter turned at once to Lucy. "I apologize for not believing you," he said, "I'm sorry. Will you shake hands?" "Of course," said Lucy, and did. "And now," said Susan, "what do we do next?" "Do?" said Peter....

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Aerobic Erotics

"Okay, ladies, let's cool down with a couple of stretches." I hopped onto my tiptoes and reached for the sky, unconsciously thrusting my small but high-riding breasts forward. My nipples puckered in the cool breeze from the air conditioning vent which I had strategically aimed my way before starting the aerobics class. "Now bounce downwards until you touch the floor. That's right. Bounce, two, three, four, bounce, two..." The spandex dug between my legs as I finished up the exercise...

4 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 63

I woke up to the murmur of voices and saw Kat and the Captain quietly talking. When I went to sit up, both of them noticed and came over to the bed. Kat leaned down and kissed my cheek and the Captain stood by with a big smile on his face watching her. "How do you feel my love?" "Better now that I see you're not crying and mad at me." "I was never mad at you, but the sight of you lying on the beach with all that blood all over you scared me half to death. I will speak to you about...

2 years ago
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Ecstasy and the Black Man

Twelve years ago, long before my wife, Laura, and I married, and when we were both still in college, we were little more than fuck buddies. Sure I would buy her drinks and we would flirt, but there was no way any thoughts of "long term" had crossed either of our minds. The sex from the beginning had been great and a couple weeks later, it had gotten even better. I remember one night we got back to her place, and I don't know who started it, but we both were slapping the shit out of each other....

Group Sex
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Happy Wife Happy Life Cuckold

This story is about the love between a small cocked husband and his beautiful wife. *****Let me start out by introducing my wife Kim, she is the love of my life. Kim is a petite big breasted blonde with sex on her mind 24hrs a day. She has total control over me, which I enjoy. She makes all the decisions in our marriage. We have been married for over 20 years and we still love each other like the first time we met.She can also be one of the nastiest slut's you have ever met. The biggest problem...

3 years ago
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Caught and Punished

I was home alone, supposedly catching up on a few jobs around the house, but not really in the mood to apply myself energetically to anything important.To avoid completely wasting my time, I decided to stick some washing on. I was rummaging through the laundry basket when I came across one of J’s lacy white thongs.I love the smell of her used panties, and holding them up to my nose, I breathed in her powerful scent, and immediately felt my cock stirring.I put the thong in my pocket, stuck the...


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