Collin Doe free porn video

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Collin Doe stood for the third day in a row with his back straight, his hands to his side. His fingers straight, the tips barely touching the hem of the light colored flower print skirt he was currently wearing. He had on a pair of whiote tights, and little Mary Jane shoes, and across the front of the V neck Tee shirt was printed Princess. He didn't care how much humiliation they heaped on his twelve year old shoulders. He wasn't getting his hair cut, and he wasn't going to stop wearing the skirts and dresses or the other things his last Foster mother had dressed him in on a regular basis. She'd discovered he wanted to be a girl and indulged him to excess. Then there had been the accident. And he was now back in the states care. He'd ended up here to begin with after his own mother had been caught dealing drugs. He'd never met his father, his mother seldom talked about him. When she did it was with some degree of regret. Not that they had been together, but that she'd never told the man about being pregnant. As soon as the bell rang Collin waited until all the other children had gone inside, many hurling insults. But as he started to head for the door he saw her lingering there waiting. "We have to get out of here Collin, you know that don't you?" she said. Looking around he said, "I know Tammy, but first we have to find a way to get into the records office. And get Mrs French back for you. Tammy was eleven, and an orphan. She'd been there only slightly longer than Collin. But the two had become fast friends, almost inseparable. The first night he'd heard her crying, and found out how to jimmy the lock on his door. Then he'd gone next door and comforted her. She was crying because they'd taken away her Doll, Mrs French. "I don't know how much more I can take Collin, and the food is awful. I'd rather eat mud pies." "I know Tammy, but I've got a sort of plan. Just be ready after they turn out the lights and lock our doors." They went in and sat down at the long wooden table, then started to eat after they were told to begin. The other children around them were like rabid animals devouring everything in sight. That night Collin waited until he was sure everyone was asleep, then he jimmied the lock and crept out into the hallway. He found the administration office and crept inside to the filing cabinets. There was just enough light coming in through the window for him to find what he was looking for. He grabbed both his record and that of Tammy. Then cracked open the closet door. There he found Mrs French and a host of other dolls and toys. In the corner was the backpack he'd come with. He quickly stuffed everything into the pack then snuck back out into the office. Beside the door stood the safe, and he was shocked that it wasn't locked. Peering inside he saw a stack of money sitting on top of some pictures. The picture on top was Tammy. Without a second thought he stuffed both the cash and the pictures into his pack and hurried as quietly as possible to Tammy's room. "Tam, are you ready?" he whispered. "Yes," she said beside him taking his hand. "Where are we going?" "I don't know yet but any place is better than here." He lead her along the hallway toward the showers. Then turned the corner toward the laundry. The door wasn't locked, they slipped through. Beyond that was another room, but the door was open already and dim light shone from an office close to a door leading outside. "Look I already paid you for the girls. Now I want that little one or you can keep all of them and give me my money back." Said a heavily accented voice. "I told you she's only eleven, wait four more months till she's twelve and you can have her. Now take the rest and go before someone sees your truck." Said the voice of the Head Mistress." Maybe your boss has a place for a very Effeminate boy. Here's his picture, he calls himself Colleen." "No just the girl, here's another five grand." "Wait here, I'll go get her." They hid behind some boxes until she left the room. then both hurried through the door out into the night past the truck backed up to the loading dock for the kitchen. Just outside the open gate Tammy stopped. "I'm scared Collin. What about the others?" They both looked toward the truck, there were five men there and they could see at least one had a gun. "Look Tammy, we'll stop and call the police, tell them about the truck and the others. I think I got all their pictures. But we can't stop Tammy," he said pulling her along behind him. "Why not?" she wanted to know. They ducked into some bushes as a car passed by. "Because that eleven year old girl they were talking about is you." He dug out the pictures, "They've been selling the girls Twelve and older Tams. That's why there aren't any older girls." They found a pay phone and he called the police. He told the officer about the truck and the girls and said look I'm leaving the pictures here in the booth for you. He gave them the name on the side of the truck. Then he and Tammy ran as fast as they could so they wouldn't get caught again. Near daylight they found a house that the young couple had just left for work. Then before the garage door fully closed he stopped it and let Tammy in before pushing the button beside the inner door. "Are we like the boy and girl in the song now Collin?" she asked. "You know Jack and Bobbi Sue?" He giggled, "You mean Billie Joe and Bobbie Sue. No we aren't robbing anyone. Just hiding out for a while and maybe getting something to eat." "Oh," she giggled. "Can I watch TV?" "Sure Tams, I'll find us something to eat." He headed into the kitchen and she sat down in front of the TV. He was almost finished frying the eggs when she yelled. "Collin, they got our pictures on the tv, and, and the other girls, Jane and Laura and Beth." "authorities are looking for two children still unaccounted for from the Day County Children's Home after one of them allegedly notified officers that a child selling ring was buying young girls to transport out of the country or elsewhere. The two children Collin and Tammy are said to have been abused while at the home, and believed to have run away. If you see them please call the child services office." A pretty young woman came on the news next, "Mrs Newman of Child Protective Services, Ma'am?" "Oh Yes Karen, we want the children to know that they are not in trouble we just want to help them. As we understand it the young boy Collin, dresses like a girl, and because he has been diagnosed as transgendered is very convincing. She uses the name Colleen. Please if you see them call right away." "Tams, that's the lady that lives here." he was looking at the pictures on the wall. The young woman in a wedding dress, and the man in a police officer's uniform. They were now watching the news intently, and eating the scrambled eggs and fried ham. So they didn't notice the door behind them open. It didn't matter either way, they were trapped now. "Excuse me, I forgot something when I left earlier," said the man. "You kids go ahead and finish eating. The cartoons on channel 342 are better than the news though." They both stopped and stared at him in terror. "I won't hurt you, honest I won't. I won't even tell anyone I saw you." "But your wife works for CPS, and you're a Cop," Collin said. "Yes and your name is Colleen, and your friends name is Tamara. And you've both been through way too much for me to lie to you." He reached for the phone, "I'm going to call Stacy and ask her to come home right away. And then we'll all decide how we can help the two of you stay outside the system. How's that sound?" when the nodded suspiciously he said, "I'm Tim by the way." He pushed a button on the phone so they could hear both sides of the conversation. "Yes Tim, oh why are you at home? There are two children out there that need our help." "I know Love, I forgot my vacation request and came back. But I need you to come home right away. I think someone wants to talk to you." "Honestly Tim, didn't you have enough fun this morning," she giggled. "Stacy listen to me. T and C are here waiting to find out how we can help them." "T and, oh shit. Where'd you find them? No don't answer that. I don't want to know. Those two have been hurt enough as it is. I'll be home as soon as I can send my staff on a few wild goose chases." After a few more minutes of just saying nothing Tim broke the silence, "Tam, would you like some more milk?" "Umm, yes sir." She answered. "How about you Colleen? Would you like anything?" "Why are you helping us?" she asked. "This is why," he opened a drawer next to the television set and took out a photo album. He flipped all the way to the back and took out a picture from behind a picture of his wife. Then handed it to Colleen. Looking at the picture of the teenage boy barely older than Colleen herself he asked, "Who's this?" "That's Stacy when she was just a little older than you are Honey," he smiled. Before long they were sitting down together on the couch going through the album. "This is Stacy when we graduated high school." "Tim?" they heard her say behind them. "Hi Babe, in here." he called. Colleen looked up from the picture to the woman, then back and forth. Then finally smiled, "Hi Ma'am." "You two look like you've been through hell, but don't worry a good night's sleep and a long hot bubble bath and you'll both feel much better," she beamed at them her eyes sparling with delight. "Collin? I mean Colleen," Tammy giggled. "I can really call you Colleen now can't I?" They both giggled, "I guess you can." Then Colleen looked serious. "What are you two going to do with us?" "I don't blame you for being suspicious, you've both been through a lot." She went to the writing desk beside the front door and took out two folders. They could tell one was a few months older than the other one, it was fuller. She said, "After you both have had some time to rest we'll go down to the court house and talk to the judge there." She laid the folders down in front of them on the coffee table. One was labeled Tamara, the other was labeled Colleen. Colleen took out the two folders she'd taken from the files and placed them next to the two on the table. Tamara, and Collin were the labels. "We've been trying to adopt you for the last six months, but they kept turning us down. Judge Ferris will be the one to make the decision now though," she smiled happily. "Oh, who's he?" Colleen asked. "She's the one who helped me become Stacy instead of Stanley." Stacy said. The phone rang, and Tim answered it. "Yes I'm sorry I think I'm going to start my vacation a little early," he said to someone on the other end. "Yes we did, yes thank you." He held out the phone to Stacy. "Hi Daddy, yes they're both right here. I'm sorry Daddy yes we should have let everyone know. But I wanted them to feel safe and know how we feel first. Of course Daddy, but why don't we let them get settled in before we flood them with family. Thank you Daddy I love you too." she handed the phone back to Tim. "I'll ask them, please tell everyone not to make a big deal out of it if we take them out for dinner or shopping. Thank you sir, give our love to Mom and tell her we'll by this weekend." He hung up. "Ask them what Tim?" Stacy asked. "Girls, my father in law is the chief of police. He was wondering if you had any idea about what might have happened to the money that was paid for the other girls." Colleen looked scared, "I, I thought we might need it to eat on and find places to hide." She dug in her backpack and pulled it out. "It's all there, we didn't use any of it, honest." Tim smiled, "Thank you Sweetheart. Now there's no way they can get off we have all the evidence we needed." "Tim there's sixty thousand dollars here, that's ten grand a kid." Stacy was shocked. "No wonder they kept refusing Adoptions then the kids would be mysteriously moved to some other place with no records." Tim picked up the phone again, "Sir, they were keeping it safe for us. We'll swing by and drop it off on our way to dinner. Yes sir just a moment." He held the phone out to Colleen. "Colleen?" "Uhh, yes Sir." "Thank you for everything you've done. I'm sure there won't be any problem with the adoption for you or your new sister Tammy." "Thank you sir, I, I really, I, thank you," she was crying tears of joy now instead of the ones she'd shed over the last six months. After a bit Stacy asked. "What would you two like to do first? Have lunch or go shopping?" "Shopping? Like real shopping?" Tammy asked. "You mean for clothes?" Colleen asked. "well you'll both need beds and furniture in your rooms," Tim said. "And my girls need Pretty clothes, something pretty to sleep in. And, oh my you need so much. My heavens this is going to be so much fun Tim." She was crying as she said, "I really get to take my girls Shopping." Laughing and crying himself he said, "Our Girls Love, our Girls." He wrapped his arms around all three of them. Wiping her tears Stacy picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Oh Vivian, please tell me you have three opening today." "Yes the works, Hair, Nails, and I think Colleen is old enough for a touch of makeup. Yes thank you, thank you." The girls were looking at her curiously now, "Have either of you ever been to a Beauty Salon?" They shook their heads no. "We have appointments for Two Thirty. You are going to love it, trust me. It's the ultimate in Mother and Daughter experiences." "Stacy, don't you think you're going a bit too fast, you don't want to overwhelm them on their first day," Tim said. "Oh but just think how much nicer they'll look for Judge Ferris in pretty dresses with their hair done up." She said. "My girls are not going to go into the courthouse wearing these rags from the Orphanage." Laughing he said, "Sorry Love I just wanted them to see how passionate you get about them being your girls. But don't forget they're mine too, and I get equal spoiling rights." Smiling he said Justine's Jewelers is right across from the salon you know." They took Stacy's car and made a fast stop at the station where they asked Colleen to make a statement about where and how she came into possession of the money. Then as they pulled into the Mall the girls were assured that they needn't worry about how much things cost. But Stacy wanted to be sure that everything fit them properly. As they picked out a few things Colleen got nervous, "What's wrong honey?" asked Tim and she blushed. Stacy had been picking out underwear for them. "I, I don't have to come out and show you how they fit do I?" she asked. "Tim we'll be out in a minute, come on girls lets go in the fitting room a minute." She lead them both into the same fitting room. Tammy tried on several pairs and they all fit. So Stacy pulled the tag off the ones she liked most, "You can wear those out of the store I have the tag so we can pay for them. Now Colleen how about yours?" "They don't look right," she said. "Oh, let me show you how to fix that." Stacy pulled the panties down a little bit then helped her tuck herself so she didn't show. "There now doesn't that look better?" "Yes Ma, umm Momma." She smiled. "It doesn't hurt like I thought it would. Not like the last time I tried it." Stacy whispered into her ear, "I'll teach you how to do it for yourself when we get home ok?" she kissed her cheek, then kissed Tammy's. Cracking the door open she asked, Could you pass us in a couple of those dresses please?" They spent several minutes trying on and picking out dresses and skirts and outfits. Then Stacy helped them pick out nities. "I never wore a nitie before, they always just made us sleep in night shirts." Colleen said. At twenty after two they found their way to the Salon, "How long do I have?" asked Vivian. Stacy looked at Tim, "Two hours." "Plenty of time." They started off with a wash and rinse, then conditioning. All three at the same time. Then as they were being blow dried, Vivian took her scissors and evened up the ends of both girls hair. "Ok now how would you like it styled?" they were asked. "Do you want to look like your Mommy?" asked one of the other Girls working on Tammy's hair. Smiling and with a giggle she said, "Yes Please." "Me too, I want to look like my Momma," Colleen said. "Now, now," Vivian said to Stacy. "No crying in my shop." "Vivian, you have no idea how long I've waited to be a Momma. And now I have the two prettiest girls ever." "Well you just wait till Tim sees the three of you," said the stylist. In all there were six stylists working the three of them. As they were getting their hair styled. Another was working on their nails. When they were done Colleen held her hand out spreading her fingers looking at her nails. Stacy hugged her, "You do that just like any other girl. She giggled, "Ask Tim to look at his nails sometime, you'll see what I mean." Colleen giggled, "Boys curl their fingers up like this." Then showed Tammy how boys look at their nails. He met them at the register with three long boxes. "Sorry Stacy, we talked it over and this round is on the house," Vivian told her. Tim handed each of them a box then stepped behind them as they opened them. He was beaming with joy as he fastened the matching necklaces around their necks. Later when the judge signed the preliminary adoption papers both girls and parents were crying. "Colleen, we got a Mommy and Daddy now." "And we have the sweetest prettiest girls in the whole world." Judge Ferris walked with them out of the courthouse. "Now that makes working late worthwhile," she said to the Bailiff on duty at the door. "If I hadn't seen the name change papers myself I would never know the older one wasn't born a girl. She sure is going to be just as pretty as her new Momma." "I'll be sorry to lose her, but Stacy is going to a much higher calling," remarked the Judge. "What do you mean?" he asked. Handing him another set of papers she said, "That's her resignation. She wants to be a full time Mommy. Don't worry they can afford it."

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The club was being raided, as the police stormed through grabbing the patrons, as many tried to escape the club. Michelle, a young woman with long dark and sexy, fiery, pale features; with blue eyes that sparkled in the light, and sexy, fiery features dropped her jaw when she saw the police storm in. She was confused, but she knew if she stood there and waited they were going to grab her and slap the cuffs on her. It was an i*****l gambling club, and she needed to get out of there fast, but...

4 years ago
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Introduction: fictional story about my wife, written for my wife I could hear each of his footsteps as he walked away. The slap of his bare feet on the hard basement floor was the only sound. The lights were low but I could still see his huge dick swinging back and forth. The lights glistened on his sweaty body. He was a muscular man about six feet tall. I glanced over at Remington still sitting in the corner his dick in his hand on its way to a flaccid state. He had a dazed look of...

2 years ago
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White on Black and Black on White

South Mississippi where my white boyfriend I and traveled to look for work,he is 24 and I am 22.. I would say your avg. white couple me 5'4" at 110 lbs, she 5' 10" 205 lbs following a Ad couples needed for deliveries of newspapers to stores, he and I both went to meet with the people to get hired. Before we knew it we woke up in a basement of a old clothing store, they had put something on a cloth and as we inhaled it put us to sleep.They were both African American, claimed to be a married...

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My 1st time with a guy Thanks for the birthday g

So the summer between High school & college I was visiting a family friend, Rick who lived on the other side of town. Rick was about 10 years older than me and married to Amy for about 5 years. I had known Rick for what seems like forever as Rick's family and mine went back for years, as my father went to school with his older brother and Rick was always hanging around with them. Anyway, as I got to know Rick over the years we both had an interest in photography and Rick had become almost a...

4 years ago
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Celebration for new year with chut chudai

Again here to make ur cock & pussies wet… 1st of all thanks for all sexy females, aunties & girls jinhone meri pahli story padhke mujhe bohot mails likhe aur mere sath sex karne ki kamna jatai. Mere pahle story mai maine aapko batayaa ki maine kaise ek indian ladki ko america. Mai choda tha.. Tabhi to mujhe bohot maza aaya tha.. Mai ab bhi us ladki ko miss karta hu. Aaj mai aapke liye ek recent story leke aaya hu.. Jo ki 31st night ki hai. 31st night mai hamesha apne group ke sath celebrate...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 7

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! The...

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DevilsFilms Febby Twigs I Caught My Wife Fucking The Help

Rion suspects his wife has been cheating on him. He can tell. She has been acting differently lately. So one day he plans on showing up at his house when she least expects it to catch her in the act. Confiding in his employee Ramon he asks if Ramon has heard anything or seen any suspicious behavior by his wife. Ramon confirms he has not. Little does Rion know that Ramon is the man his wife has been fucking. She shows up at the bar soon after Rion leaves and immediately starts fucking the help...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Interview

The InterviewThe night had been quite a success. My wife, Wan, and I had come to a major hotel in the centre of Bangkok for a job interview. Why did my wife come when it is me when it is I who is the candidate for the job? Well the company has the policy of interviewing both the candidate and their spouse to make sure they fit the company culture.We met the HR Manager in the lobby and we went through to the bar come coffee shop. We ordered a meal and chatted as we waited for it to be delivered...

4 years ago
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The Commuter Day 10

Well Dammit! I said to myself as I boarded the 6:30 AM train to town. I rarely worked Saturdays, let alone worked on a Sunday. But today I found myself heading back in to work to finish what I didn't get done yesterday. The only reason I had to return today I mumbled to myself, was because of you, you fucking rich bitch. You fucked with my head so badly yesterday I couldn't ever clear your image out of my head. Now it's early fucking Sunday morning, and I'm headed to work. Plus, I didn't sleep...

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Black Cock at the Hotel0

I dress and prepared myself before driving over to the hotel. I parked and glanceded at my phone once more to read over the floor and room number one more time. I heard the double beep as I locked my car from the keyfab. I walked toward the hotel, building excitement to what was about to unfold. I walked past the pretty receptionists at the front desk. I head over to the elevators and selected the appropriately floor. I rode the elevator up (luckily no one is in there) and it dropped me...

2 years ago
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The Parking Garage

I hadn't seen Ryan since that last encounter in the hotel but I'd thought about him every now and again in the last couple months. I knew it wasn't going to be an every week deal, and I like for my random hook ups to be few and far between due to the chance of catching a disease so I asked my husband to call him again and to arrange a meet.A few days later my husband said we were going out Saturday night. He said Ryan was very busy but had agreed to meet us on the roof of a parking garage...

4 years ago
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Do you want a Good Grade or not

Mariela and I were as close as a brother and sister could be. We didn't fight (of course we teased) and we always respected each other. Movies, Video Games, Dinner, whatever we could do together, we did it. I was her protector, too. Her being 15 and me being 17, I had to defend her from all the immature little assholes tweaking off of puberty-built testosterone and and an undeniable quench for some hot ass. And that was EXACTLY what Mariela was, some hot piece of ass. Now even though I...

3 years ago
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Sororal Twins Part 3 Dress Rehearsal

Please read Sororal Twins, Parts 1 and 2 before reading this part. Sororal Twins, Part 3: Dress Rehearsal by Miss Michelle Jenny said that she didn't want to pressure me into anything, so she told me to go home and think about our deal. If I still was willing to be her bride at the Halloween party, I should return the next day around two. She sent me home wearing a pair of her pink satin panties. I showed up a little before two. Jenny was waiting for me and we went back into...

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Behind The BarnChapter 8

Sandra wished the ground would open up and swallow her. Shame and mortification flooded through her, crimsoning her downcast face. She was paralyzed with fear, too terrorized even to pull her skirt down over her still lewdly splayed thighs. She was painfully, desperately aware of her husband standing over her, his eyes traveling over the naked plane of her vagina, over her white nylon panties so casually discarded, over Sam's cowering, abject figure. Unable to stand it any longer, Sandra...

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Basement Surprise

It was another dull day for Rick going from apartment to apartment measuring up for curtains and carpets in  his estimating job.Still it was the last one of the day - in a large mansion block in Chelsea.He had been asked to contact the housekeeper in the basement flat to obtain the key to the apartment and had phoned ahead to confirm access with the housekeeper. As he descended the steps to the basement he noticed the curtains were closed, presumably to stop people peering in and being nosy. He...

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Thursday NightsChapter 2

The children weren't expected home from their overnight stay with the Hanson's until around noon. I'd tried to sleep, but had given up and got up about six, but I still didn't know what I was going to do. Nor did I know how I could explain anything to my children. I just knew I was not going to live with a woman who would make a cuckold out of me. Either she was going to leave, or I was, but I didn't want my children to live with a slut either. I wasn't really operating on all...

2 years ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 7

"You're looking better," said Officer Connel. The hospital room didn't look any different. "I feel better ... mostly," said Kris. "I have lots of questions, but I feel better." "I've still got lots of questions, too," said Mitch. "Why didn't you tell me I got shot?" "I was hoping you'd tell me about that." Mitch watched for signs of stress, but didn't see any. "I'd love to tell you," said Kris. "I'd love for you to put whoever did this to me behind bars for the...

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A Teachers Story Ch 02

Once again I must thank HONEYWLDCAT for her patience and help with this story. Her editing is thoughtful and always encouraging. Thank you so much. * On the second Saturday in March, Grant High School held its annual fundraiser. They had a carnival in the gym of the school. There were food booths, games of chance, games of skill and crafts for sale. We rented the games from a local contractor and manned them with students and teachers. Local restaurants and diners would rent the food...

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Older Lady From The Resturant

My family and I were eating at a buffet on Easter Sunday this year. I was in town from school and was headed back after we finished eating dinner. As I am talking, I look up and spot this older 40 something year old white lady checking me out from across the restaurant. She quickly turned away and acted as if she wasn’t. It was her and I’m guessing husband or boyfriend sitting at the table. I act like I didn’t see and kept eating my food. Slowly but surely I see her out the corner of my eye...

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"Hollie! You little bitch, come in and help your daddy." She heard him bellow. She loudly dumped her bag into the hall and reluctantly walked to him, trying to keep her bottom lip from trembling. In the living room, she could see her father, John naked and stroking his 7 inch cock whilst watching something from their massive television screen. As Hollie got closer she realized it was the video John had made when he had first raped her at age seven. She was dressed in her primary school...

4 years ago
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A Change of Life Part 13

A Change of Life, Part 13, by LaShaunda The fact that I had been arrested and booked at the Police Station, thanks to my dubious "dual identity," had been a most unfortunate understanding. That was all. Fortunately, James was able to come over and smooth things out, which meant I didn't get slapped against the wall like many of the other tranny hookers or petty identity thiefs that cops (such as my father) routinely incarcerated in this city. Thanks to James, I had been...

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>>>>>> I did talk to the girls, lining them up as I cooked a pound of bacon before frying two eggs for each of us. After my “discussion” they all understood to mind their own business and not Amy’s and mine. I kissed everyone goodbye afterwards and drove off to work. Fridays are always hectic. The men turn in their time sheets then Carolyn and her assistant Barbara review them, compute their wages and withholding for taxes and benefits using a payroll program I had bought last year. ...

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GirlsWay Lena Paul Jade Baker Showcase Jade Baker

Lena Paul is down on her luck after her boyfriend dumped her for her best friend. Spurned, she contacts a local witch, Jade Baker, to help put a curse on him. Although it seems a little far-fetched, Lena’s eager to make him pay… When Jade shows up, dressed in all black and looking mysterious, they immediately start discussing what can be done to make the cheater’s life a little more… difficult. As more and more ideas are tossed between them, gradually escalating, Jade...

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Lessons Learned

My name is Jasara. I'm 22 and in college. My skin is the color of coffee. I have jade green eyes and long flowing hair the color of a raven's wing. I stand 5 feet 6 inches tall and have 32DD breasts. My waist is tiny. Last semester, I was in danger of losing a scholarship because I was failing African History. I remember the day that I found out. "Jasara, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Of course, Professor Swanson. What is it?" "Jasara, I hate to tell you this but as things stand right now,...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Epilogue

SIUCRA The last transmissions of the Siucra fleet and Olnatar arrived at the Sicura home world and the First Protector listened to them with great concern. The entire fleet of over a thousand ships had been destroyed, even Olnatar had not returned. The Siucra did not have that many more ships and not enough beings to crew them them. The holy task to protect Koken was in jeopardy. He knew that the Kermac had been here only recently, He decided to disturb the sanctity of the holy place,...

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Luscious Eyes

I stepped out of the shower, my chest heavy from the hot steam. The tile felt cool and refreshing under my red feet as I grabbed the towel and patted down my body. I heard a bold knock on the door followed by a deep, stern voice. "Hurry up in there sis!" Mitchell bellowed. I sighed and responded with a sharp " 'Kay!" Hurriedly I wrapped the towel on my still-moist body and unlocked the door.  Wringing the tips of my hair out I stumbled and was caught by stiff yet gentle hands. Our eyes met and...

3 years ago
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Let Him Cum Oral Training

If the idea of blowjobs or taking some nice warm cum on your face offends you, this is not for you. For me blowjobs are a beautiful thing. Slow, romantic, rough, submissive, dominant - there's so much to blowjobs it'll be impossible to write everything down in one go - so this is about the rough type. Girls, you'll need to be submissive to enjoy this fun. This isn't about you teasing him, you being in charge or anything of the sort. This is about him grabbing your head and ramming his cock...

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Would you like to share a cab

Being stood up by your boyfriend in a discotheque can be quite embarrassing for a girl. But sometimes, bad things happen for a reason. He had promised her that he would meet her at the entrance when happy hour started. She waited there till 7:30. But the lecherous looks of the guys hanging around near the entrance got on her nerves. She went inside in a fit of rage. She sent him a message as she made her way in. The first thing she did was to order her favorite drink. She had just gotten off...

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Second ChanceChapter 2

It was dark when I regained consciousness. The room lights were muted, and my ever present security agents were impatiently awaiting my return to the land of the living. When my eyes fluttered open, one ran to the door and called out, "He's awake." In short order the room refilled with medical, security, and what I guessed to be the Governor's key staff. They arranged themselves bed to door, with the doctor, a different one this time, two nurses, three secret service agents, two State...

4 years ago
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I love to fuck

Introduction: like asian khmer girls fasgfgt gagawrf qwrhjikejhsdfgewARQCGASDFGTJ YJ HQWRDFWGJUJSRGEFWFFFFFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSDSFFEWFSFBHGJSFCsasfbgavngoiptjghwepogj aklb,ov/eajmgpjav,Pgnndakvcba/s,lfvnams,cewfAWHFJHERGFWddasrfgjnrkyrjurg….fuckeajmgpjav,Pgnndakvcba/s,lfvnams,cewfAWHFJHERGFWddasrfgjnrkyrjurgeajmgpjav,Pgnndakvcba/s,lfvnams,cewfAWHFJHERGFWddasrfgjnrkyrjurg...

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Blondie in Wonderland

I felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyon. Yeah, in my head, I’d visited Tuscany, the Amazon, New York, Jamaica,...

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Binita tames the Thakur

The marriage preparations were abruptly stopped. As usual, there was no provocation for it beyond a sharp exchange of words, and egos were bruised on all sides. The boy’s father, Thakur Hari Singh, flew into a rage when his plans for the young couple’s future were challenged by the girl in front of her father and other family elders. But what really set the stage for what happened next was the way in which the disagreement became a war of words. In the typical swaggering style of a feudal lord,...

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Harassment BacklashChapter 2

Wendy woke as a voice called. "Wakie, wakie Wendy, your body is needed for someone's sexual gratification." Wendy blinked at the bright screen above her and saw Judy's face smiling at her. "Turn off the lamp your pussy must be hot enough by now." "What time is it Judy how long before I get out of here?" The screen went off leaving her in the glow of the lamp again. She turned it off and waited for what seemed like a half an hour until the door finally opened. The red light was turned...

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