The Jones Family, A Continuation Of Collin Doe free porn video

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The Jones Family The continuation of Colleen's story By: Malissa Madison Colleen and Tammy rode in the back seat of Stacy's car as the new family headed for dinner. "So where would you like to eat?" Stacy asked. And got blank stares back. "Love, I don't think we should make it any place too fancy. They aren't used to this much attention," advised Tim. "How about we go to Shoney's? It's a family restaurant." She kept glancing in the rearview mirror afraid the children would disappear. Seeing their mutual agreement she said, "That sounds great Honey." She stifled a little giggle, "We really are a family now, aren't we Tim? I'm not dreaming this, 'My Girls' are really in the backseat and we're going out to eat?" "Yes and everyone will see that they belong to us and will be envious because they are both so beautiful." He looked up. "You missed the turn." She gasped and giggled as she pulled into a parking lot to turn around. "Maybe you should let me drive, you're definitely distracted." A minute later he was pulling into traffic headed in the right direction. Shortly after that he pulled into the parking lot and held the door for the girls as they got out, then went around and held Stacy's for her. Stacy led the way holding Colleen's hand who held Tammy's who held Tim's. at the door Tim let go of Tammy's hand to hold the door for his beautiful wife and Daughters. "Good Evening, Welcome to Shoney's," said a waitress as they were sitting down at a vacant table. "Thank you, let us look at the menu a few minutes and decide what everyone wants, please," Tim said as she sat four glasses of ice water in front of them. "Take your time, I'll be right back with an appetizer," said the girl with Theresa printed on her name tag. "Stacy, is this just a visitation?" Giggling Stacy looked directly at Tim and said, "No Theresa, Mom Signed the papers less than an hour ago." "She didn't even tell me it was a possibility when I left the house this morning. Hi Girls, I'm your Aunt Theresa." They were both looking at Stacy. "Mommy, we didn't know the judge was your Mommy," Colleen told her. "I have an Aunt and a Mommy and Daddy," Tammy said. "Mom Adopted us both, not at the same time obviously," giggled Stacy. "Theresa is going to college and working here after school." "You get to go to school?" both girls eyes lit up. "Theresa, I thought you were going to get Appetizers," reminded Tim. She playfully smacked his arm and said, "Meany I was just talking with my customers." She made a show of walking off trying to look mad. And everyone at the table laughed. They ordered their meals and then Colleen said, "Mommy I have to go potty. Which rest room should I use?" "You are a girl, so you use the girls room, would you like for me to come with you?" "Yes please." "Me too," Tammy said getting up from her chair. "We'll be right back Tim." Sshe kissed his lips and the girls giggled. In the rest room Colleen asked, "How do I do this Mommy?" Tammy had already found a stall and was wiping the seat off with toilet paper first. "Just the same way as your sister, or you can watch how I do it, but it's the same." Hugging her Colleen said, "Thanks Mommy." And went into a stall. When they returned a few minutes later there was an even younger girl than Theresa sitting next to Tim talking to him. "Brandy? What are you doing here?" Stacy asked. "Are Mom and dad here?" "I got my license last week silly, so when Theresa called and said she's just met our nieces I had to come too." she looked out in the parking lot and said, "Oh crap there?s Robert hide me.? ?I thought you two broke up?? Tim asked. ?We did but he won?t take no for an answer. He still thinks he can get in my, umm, get on my good side.? ?He won?t bother you while I?m around,? assured Tim. The young teen boy started toward their table then saw Tim and left in a hurry. Theresa brought them their meals and a hamburger for Brandy who had taken the last empty chair. She seemed to be intrigued by Colleen, and kept telling her she was pretty. ?Brandy, you?re making her nervous,? Stacy told her. ?She doesn?t know that you and Theresa aren?t real girls yet.? ?Speak for yourself Sis, I was born a girl in the wrong body,? huffed Theresa. ?I don?t need to flirt with everyone like Brandy does.? ?Ladies,? said Tim, ?there are children present.? Both Colleen and Tammy were looking at the three sisters now. Colleen?s mouth was hanging open in disbelief. Brandy giggled, ?Wait till she meets James, now that?s going to be fun.? ?Our brother used to be our sister,? explained Stacy. ?He?s going to Harvard, so it?ll be thanksgiving before you get to meet him.? Looking out into the parking lot they saw a girl riding up on a bike. Colleen watched as the girl dumped her bike against the bushes and ran inside. ?Kiki Ferris, you get your butt out there and put your bike in the rack,? Stacy said. ?But I want to meet my nieces,? she pouted. ?Doesn?t that seat hurt sitting on it?? asked Colleen. ?What? Why would it hurt? Ohhh,? she giggled. ?No it doesn?t hurt. But if you?re like my sisters we can get you a special one that won?t pinch in the wrong places.? She hurried out the door to put her bike in the bicycle rack. Then rushed back inside. Both Kiki, and Brandy said no they couldn?t eat. ?Mom will be upset if we don?t eat dinner, and then she finds out we were here with you four tonight,? explained Brandy. ?Of course ice cream isn?t really a meal,? Kiki giggled as she slurped on her spoon. When her cell phone rang she looked at it before answering it, ?I?m sorry Mom I was riding and forgot what time it was. I?ll be home in about ten minutes.? She said. ?It?s going to take longer than that to get home from Shoney?s, don?t you think?? Kiki looked shocked, ?Mom what makes you think I?m at Shoney?s?? she asked rapidly scanning the parking lot looking for their mothers Lincoln. ?You really are Na?ve aren?t you? It?s called Family locator, it?s the latest in Smart Phone apps. Did I say that right? Apps?? There was a slight pause, ?Tell Brandy to put your bike in the trunk. I expect you both home in twenty minutes. Now leave your sister and nieces alone to get settled in please.? ?By the look on your faces I?d say you two just got busted by Mom again,? Theresa said as she came to bring the girls another round of Hot Fudge Sundaes. Stacy giggled, ?I didn?t really think she?d add the App to her phone when I suggested it.? ?You, you did this to us?? Kiki complained. ?Hey young lady, if it hadn?t been for Tim you would have been in big trouble last week. You?re lucky he recognized your bike in the bushes of that Frat house before anything happened,? Stacy reminded her. ?I love you both and I?d hate to have to track down a bunch of Jocks and make them sing Soprano if they touched either of my baby sisters.? ?You did what?? Brandy was shocked. ?I?m surprised Mom didn?t lock you in your room for week.? ?I didn?t tell her about it,? Tim said. ?And I think Kiki learned her lesson.? Kiki blushed, ?Yes I did, and thank you for telling mom I was sleeping on your couch after raiding your wine stash.? It was said with only a slight touch of sarcasm. ?Mom knows we don?t keep alcohol in the house,? Stacy said. looking at Tim she asked, ?How is it you convinced her?? ?It wasn?t hard, all her clothes reeked of Frat House Punch. The ones we could find anyway, and then there was the vomit, and the hangover.? Tim said. ?Whoa, back up a minute. You found my Baby sister naked in a frat house and didn?t tell me all of the story until just now?? Stacy asked. ?You had your own problems to deal with trying to find out where those two boys disappeared to and you were way up north for three days. I told your Mom she was there checking on me for you.? ?Would grandma really lock her in her room?? Colleen looked scared. ?No Honey,? Kiki assured her. ?But I?d have been grounded and not allowed to go anywhere or use my phone or computer for a month of Sundays. She would probably make me wear that frilly pink dress to church too.? Tim was dialing his phone, ?Hi Mom, please don?t be mad at the girls. We kept them talking. I think it?s helped both Tammy and Colleen to see how much of a family they have around them now.? ?Tim you?re probably the Sweetest Son in law I could ever hope for. Have they eaten yet?? asked Agnes Ferris. ?Just some ice cream,? he answered honestly. ?They said you?d be expecting them for dinner.? ?Well since I doubt you and Stacy can?t exactly do the deed tonight, would it be ok if I asked you to Babysit?? ?You know we?d love to have them spend the night. You and dad haven?t had any time off together for months, why don?t you go up to the cabin for the weekend. I?ll make sure they get to school in the morning.? ?Thank you Tim,? Stacy was smiling, ?My little sisters are staying the weekend with us?? ?You don?t mind?? Kiki asked. ?Really we get to spend more time with our Favorite Nieces,? Brandy asked. ?You, put your bike in Brandy?s trunk. Brandy, the two of you will go home and get your Sleepover bags and bring your dresses for Sunday morning.? Stacy said. They both groaned. ?It won?t kill you, you know. Besides I think reverend Hart likes seeing you both there.? ?Church? Like a real church with singing and everything?? both Colleen and Tammy were excited. ?Do you like singing?? asked Stacy excitedly. ?Well not like in front of everyone, but it?s fun and makes us happy.? ?Your Mommy sings in the choir, she has a very pretty voice.? Theresa told them. ?You go to church and you aren?t afraid they?ll stone you, or you?ll go you know where?? Colleen asked. ?Oh my, is that what people have been telling you?? she nodded. ?Colleen, god knows who you are, what?s in your heart. And as long as you are true to yourself, God will look after you. Just like you were guided to us.? ?You really think god guided us to you?? Colleen asked seriously. ?Well you tell me, you both took off in the middle of the night. You had no clear destination other than getting some place safe right?? ?Yes Mommy,? answered Colleen. ?And you end up in the very house of the two people who have been trying to adopt you for months. And here we are together, what do you think now?? Colleen was smiling, ?I think maybe that I?ll study on it some more. But do I have to believe the same way as you and Daddy?? ?Sweetie, Tim and I will tell you what we believe in, but it?s up to you to decide what you believe in. there is no set in stone interpretation of the bible. Otherwise everyone would read it and get the same thing from it,? Stacy said. ?But even among preachers who?ve studied it their whole lives, no two get the same meanings from every passage. Besides, the book itself was written more than a hundred years after the facts that are supposedly recorded. And those have been translated from the original language. A language that no two religions can agree on the meanings of the words.? ?Reverend Hart is rare in that he simply reads them as they are written and lets us add our own meanings. He tells us what he thinks, but lets us know that it means something different to everyone,? added Theresa. ?That?s why we like going there. That he believes god made us special like this for his own reason, and he wants us to be happy and find ourselves.? Tammy was looking worried now. ?What?s wrong Sweetie?? asked Tim. ?I don?t have a Sunday Dress, Daddy.? ?I?ll buy you one then, both of you. But you don?t have to wear fancy clothes to impress God. God is more impressed by you being yourself,? he told them both. ?Brandy and Kiki have to dress up because Grandma Ferris say?s they do.? ?Would you tell on them if they don?t?? Tammy asked. He smiled at that, ?No, we wouldn?t tell on them. As long as they don?t try coming in looking like street walkers.? They all made it home safe and Brandy and Kiki chose the floor to roll out sleeping bags. At one AM Tammy crawled into bed between Tim and Stacy. Then at Two AM, Colleen joined the group. Tim got up early and fixed breakfast for Kiki and Brandy. Then started in on breakfast for Stacy and the girls who woke up right after his Sisters in law left for school. The two youngsters wearing their little lace trimmed nities, followed Stacy who was wearing her pretty Black Baby Doll and the matching lace and satin wrap, into the kitchen. ?Ah, my Princess? have awakened,? he kissed each one on the cheek. ?So what will my Ladies have this morning? Scrambled eggs, toast, Bacon, Grapefruit, Oatmeal, Malto Meal, or plain Cereal?? He looked at Stacy, ?Your usual my Love?? and handed her a cup of coffee. ?I?m sorry but you have to eat more than toast this morning, you have two energetic young ladies to keep up with.? He was interrupted by the sounds of a school bus half way down the street honking. ?That?s the bus picking up Roger.? Stacy said. ?He?s your cousin. The next one will be the Middle school bus to pick up Mindy and Mandy in about twenty minutes.? The second bus stopped two minutes later then honked as it pulled away after barely stopping. ?That son of a,,,,,, He?s running early and didn?t stop long enough for them to even get out the door.? Tim jumped up and headed for the door. When he returned he had two young girls about Colleen and Tammy?s age following him. ?He keeps doing that Uncle Tim. And then we get in trouble for not being ready on time when we get to school late because Mommy or Daddy have to come home and take us in.? ?Well you won?t be getting onto trouble today.? He picked up the phone next to the coffee maker. ?Trish, it?s Tim. I just wanted to tell you that that Bus driver honked as he drove past the house five minutes ago.? ?Damnit, now I?ve got to head home to get them to school.? ?Stacy and I will take them when we take Our girls to get registered,? he never got to finish the sentence. ?Take Your girls? You got them finally? Why didn?t you call Timmy?? ?Trish, don?t call me that, please. And we thought Mike would have told you.? ?Mike knows and didn?t tell me?? Tim mouthed the words ?Oh Crap,? to Stacy who giggled with her hand over her mouth. ?Sis, he probably didn?t say anything because it was so late when everything was finalized. And he knew we?d be over this afternoon.? Stacy took the phone from him, ?Trish, it?s Friday, would it be ok if I took the girls shopping with us today instead of school? We really want to buy them something they want for their birthdays this year.? ?Oh shit, I forgot that?s Sunday. Damnit, I?ve been working too hard lately.? ?So it?s ok with you then?? ?Sure, look I gotta go I have a meeting about to start.? Her daughters were so happy they didn?t have to go to school, they got to visit and shop with their new cousins. They picked out Princess Canopy beds and matching bedroom suites. All the while Tim noted the way they looked at the glass toped vanity set which Stacy had looked at so many times in the past but always told Tim was too expensive. This time was no different. They made arrangements to have everything delivered to the house at 4:30. Then crossed the street to the paint shop where they picked out the new colors for their rooms. While they were at it Tim went back to the furniture store, on pretense of seeing if they would also set up as well. ?Excuse me, I?d like to add that vanity my wife was looking at to the order,? he said. ?You wouldn?t happen to have a couple similar ones suitable for my daughters would you?? The lady smiled, ?We have three of those, but I?m sorry nothing smaller. Besides the chair adjusts as do the legs. So they can grow into them.? She lead him over to show him how they adjusted. With a huge grin he said, ?You just made a sale, I?ll take all three of them.? He couldn?t help smiling like the cat that stole the cream as he rejoined them. Stacy noticed and asked, ?What are you up to Timothy Jones?? ?I bought your Anniversary present a little early, and I won?t let you talk me out of it this time.? He just realized he?d given up too much information. ?You Didn?t, Tim please tell me you didn?t buy it for me.? ?Nope, not exactly.? He grinned. ?The girls need a proper place to learn their makeup skills.? ?Oh, so you bought it for me and the girls,? she smiled and kissed his cheek. After getting the paint and supplies, they went to Bed Bath and Beyond, to find the girls sheets and comforters. Stacy was having as much fun as the four girls were, she giggled and laughed with them, and Tim couldn?t remember ever seeing her more happy. They found dresses for Sunday, and little Sunday hats with flowers and ribbons, and gloves to match the hats and purses. Stacy was shedding tears of joy seeing her girls all dressed up in their Sunday finest. She too got a dress to match her girls. They got back home at ten after four and walked their cousins home. Where Trish reminded them that they had to go to the lake on Saturday for the twins birthday party. When the delivery truck arrived Tim told Stacy to go ahead and take the girls to get swim suites and he?d stay to supervise the setup. Kiki was happy that Stacy was letting her be responsible for herself till they left for the lake. And she and Brandy headed home for the night. The delivery truck was gone by the time Stacy and the girls got home, and they?d brought Pizza with them. They ran to their rooms to see their new beds and Tammy squealed in shock, frightening Stacy who ran to see what was wrong. ?Look Mommy,? she was jumping up and down. Daddy bought me a vanity!? ?Me too Mommy, Oh Mommy look you have one too.? ?Tim you shouldn?t have, I mean the girls yes but I don?t need one.? He smacked her bottom playfully as he kissed her, ?It?s too late they already set yours up. And I put all your makeup in it too.? she was crying hugging him tightly. The girls giggled, ?Mommy?s really happy.? Turning her head she looked over her shoulder, ?Yes I am I have the two prettiest little girls in the world and the most wonderful husband ever.? She held out her arm to them and they joined in the hug. When they?d eaten, the girls hurried to finish getting their beds ready. And got their dresses put away. Then they watched Stacy organize her vanity. Every so often she would giggle and hold something up to one or the other, then say, ?Here go put this in your Vanity.? ?You?re giving us Makeup?? they were excited. ?Just the simple basics for now until you get older. And I?ll help you both do your eyes for Sunday.? At Eight PM they got ready for bed without having to be told, ?Thank you, would you like to stay up till ten?? Tim asked them. They made popcorn and watched Finding Nemo together. And Tammy fell asleep laying her head in Stacy?s lap. Tim carried her to her bed and tucked her in, and they each kissed her goodnight. Before he turned out the light Tim checked to make sure the nightlights were working so she wouldn?t be scared if she woke up. Then they led Colleen to her bed and tucked her in after she?d gone potty and brushed her teeth. ?The night lights are on for you if you wake up and need the bathroom or something. And there are no locks on the doors. We?ll leave them part way open for you ok?? ?Yes Mommy, thank you for loving us.? ?How could we not love the two of you, you are everything we could ever hope for,? they assured her. Stepping into the master bath Stacy took her nightly doses of hormones, then with a giggle slipped in her piercings. The ones she?d taken out before going to work on Thursday morning. Then slipped back into her nitie before turning out the light. Getting into bed she snuggled up to Tim, ?You?ve been a naughty boy, and made me so happy. So I?m going to be a naughty girl,? she climbed on top of him pinning him down. She lost track of the number of orgasms she had that night. Or how many times she?d gotten Tim to cum. But she lived up to her promise, she was a very naughty Girl in bed. She woke up the next morning with Colleen lying next to her, her head propped up on one hand staring at her pierced nipples. A look of fascination on her face. When she realized Stacy was awake Colleen blushed, ?I?m sorry Mommy, you were uncovered.? Stacy made a decision right then, she wouldn?t try to hide anything from her daughters about her body. ?Do you like the way they look?? Giggling she answered, ?Yes Mommy they look real pretty. Does it hurt?? it looks like it would hurt.? ?It did a little bit when I first had it done. But now it feels good and special.? She rolled over to get out of bed and Colleen giggled again seeing the flash of silver when she stretched one leg over the edge to find her slippers. Colleen sat in the bathroom talking with her as she showered, and she did her best to be open and honest with her about why she?d gotten the piercings. And was proud of herself for steering the young girl?s curiosity away from the subject of sex. Stacy got dressed in panty?s and bra then sat at her new vanity while Colleen sat watching intently as she did her makeup. Then she got dressed and went back to the medicine cabinet and took her morning Hormones. She had to explain to Colleen what each one was, how it worked. And then explained how dangerous it could be to take them before she was ready. ?When will I know I?m ready Mommy?? ?We are going to go see Doctor Roberts on Wednesday, and she?ll give us a good idea of when you can begin. She?ll have to run some blood tests first and see if you?ve reached puberty yet. That?s when it will be safe to start.? ?And then my Boobs will grow pretty like yours?? ?Breasts, Yes you will begin to develop breasts like mine.? She hugged and kissed her on the forehead. ?Now go wake up Tammy so we can get breakfast.? ?Her and daddy are downstairs already,? she giggled. ?Alright then, after breakfast we?ll come back upstairs and I?ll begin teaching the two of you the basics of makeup. Just a little eye liner and mascara for now though,? she smiled. She poured herself a cup of coffee after kissing Tammy and then Tim, who squeezed her bottom playfully to the giggles of both girls. When her nipples grew hard against the inside of her bra he raised his eyebrows with a smile. ?I love the Barbells,? he said and she blushed. ?I think you?ll like the Door knocker once we get to the lake,? she whispered to him. He looked toward Colleen, ?Yes she knows about them. She even watched me change them.? ?Mommy say?s when I start puberty I can take hormones and grow my own breasts,? Colleen said proudly. ?I can be just like you when you start growing to Tams.? ?Yes and there are some things that are more grown up that you?ll have to wait until you are Seventeen to decide on. And then you have to be eighteen for the bottom surgery if you want it.? ?Bottom Surgery?? ?Yes where they operate to turn your boy parts into girl parts like Mine.? Tim fixed the waffles, and everyone ate their fill. Then Stacy led her girls up to their rooms and taught them the basics letting them do it for themselves so they could learn that much faster. On the way to the lake she asked Tim, ?Do you think I?m going too fast here? letting them start to learn makeup?? Laughing he said, ?You started wearing makeup when you were ten remember?? they both laughed. ?But your nieces don?t get to wear any yet.? She pointed out. ?They have different parents Love. Less understanding of young girl?s needs.? It took them forty five minutes to reach the lake. And then after a brief getting to know each other Stacy led her girls into the cabin to change, and Tammy saw the Barbells through her nipples. And she hurriedly explained them the same way she did with Colleen. Tim?s parents, Roger and Felicia Jones were ecstatic over the girls. And then Agnes and George Ferris joined them along with Theresa, Brandy and Kiki. ?Stacy, don?t you think you?re a bit exposed to be wearing that much jewelry?? asked her mother meaning her body piercings which she didn?t approve of. But wouldn?t say anything directly about. ?Agnes, leave her alone,? said her father. ?Or I?ll tell her about you having little Agnes pierced.? He said it just loud enough for Stacy to overhear. ?Momma!? Stacy pretended to be shocked. ?You naughty little Slut,? she giggled knowing her girls were out of earshot. ?what are we talking about?? asked Tim as he brought his Father and Mother in law two cold Root Beers. ?Momma?s Hood latch,? Stacy giggled. ?Ewwww, not what I wanted to know,? giggled Theresa. ?Traitor,? Agnes said. ?You gave me the card.? ?Well I got it from Stacy,? she turned to her sister. ?Darren says thank you very much for that by the way,? She giggled and rolled her shoulders back to show her own pierced nipples through her bikini top. ?I could never do something like that,? said Trisha. ?Don?t put on Airs love or I?ll tell them about your Hood Ornament,? promised Mike her husband. Then he asked, ?So why is Kiki wearing a one piece this time?? Both Stacy and Theresa shot him a shut up look, but it was too late. ?Kiki! Come here!? shouted her mother the Judge. ?Mom, please. If you have to blame someone blame me,? Tim said. ?I took her to get it done.? ?You did what? Why?? ?She was all set to have one of her friends at school do it. and we?ve both seen how those turn out. I didn?t want her to end up in a hospital.? ?Yes Momma?? Kiki was biting her lip looking down at the ground. Lifting her chin with two fingertips her mother looked directly into her eyes, ?I believe you have something to show off.? She said after seeing the bulge at her belly button. ?we?ll have a talk about it after we get home. But for now you need to show it to me. So go put on your bikini.? As she turned to run to the cabin, her mother swatted her backside. ?And don?t try hiding things from me again.? ?Tim I know why you did it, but you still should have told me about it.? ?They were going to use an Ear Tagger, Mom.? She finally hugged him, ?You did the right thing. I forgive you.? When the fourteen year old Kiki returned to show her Navel piercing to her mother she was met with a smile. ?At least you show good taste in jewelry. And no I?m not going to ask you who did it. now go have fun.? The girls had fun riding around on the Tube behind the boat, and watching the older girls and Stacy Skiing. On the way home Colleen asked, ?How old do you have to be to get a piercing like Aunt Kiki?? ?Fourteen with parental consent,? both Tim and Stacy said together. ?So Aunt Kiki snuck out and did it without permission. She was naughty.? They talked about all the things that could go wrong and how important it was to go to a licensed piercing expert. Then Stacy shocked even Tim by saying, ?When you are Fifteen come to me and we?ll decide, Ok. Both of you.? Both girls were tired and nearly asleep when they got home, and Tim carried Tammy into the house then returned to collect Colleen. ?They really had a lot of fun today,? Stacy pointed out. ?I doubt they?ve ever had that much fun before.? Tim helped Stacy get them ready for bed, then tucked them in and they kissed them goodnight. Tim went to the bathroom first then let Stacy take her time. She was grinning as she crawled into bed. Then when he pulled her to him, his tongue sliding into her mouth she giggled. Their tongue piercings bumping and rubbing together. She quickly sat on top of him with her feet tucked up on his chest, her knees pinning his shoulders down. ?Show Momma what a naughty boy you are,? she said huskily as he slowly dragged his pierced tongue up her furrow letting the silver ball catch in the ring of the Door Knocker. Her orgasm hit in a sudden wave as he sucked on her clit, while she made little grinding bounces on his tongue. As soon as he unhooked from the loop, she slid down his body, giggling as she watched his face while her tongue slid up and down his stiff shaft. She almost giggled as he gasped when she finally took him full into her mouth. He knew what she wanted. He wanted it too, to see her pretty face covered in his seed before he kissed her as he slid deep into her. Stacy wanted to feel him on her face, then feel him slamming into her hard from behind. This was actually her favorite way to be taken by Tim. He was hesitant the first few times that she?d wrapped his hands around her hair. But now he really got off on holding it tightly, knowing he wasn?t really going to hurt her. As she lay beneath him bucking her hips she wound her hair up into pigtails. His sign from her that she really wanted to play naughty tonight. She was up before anyone else the next morning, Charged with the joy of satisfying sex. She giggled to herself, ?Thank you God, for the things you have given me. A loving passionate Husband, and two wonderful daughters.? Her eyes sparkled back at her from the bathroom mirror, just before she got into the shower. She carefully took out her piercings, then slipped on her panties and bra before checking on the girls. Then she made her way to the kitchen and started the coffee, before going to the fridge to get Bacon, Eggs and Butter. When she turned around she almost jumped as Colleen hugged her harder than ever before. ?I love you Mommy,? said the girl. ?I love you too Sweetheart, are you scared about today?? ?A little bit Mommy. Are you sure God won?t be mad at me?? Stacy sat down and pulled her into her lap. ?I know how frightened you must be. I was terrified when my Momma and Daddy adopted me and took me to church the first time.? ?How old were you Mommy?? ?I was only Eight, but I had Theresa and James to help reassure me,? Stacy giggled then. ?I hid behind my Momma every time the old Reverend Simmons would look at me.? ?What happened?? Colleen asked her own fears forgotten. ?He walked right up to me and said, ?Don?t be afraid little girl. God loves you no matter who you are.? Then he kissed my forehead and said he knew that god had made me special.? Stacy told the girl just the way she remembered it happening. ?That?s the day I met your Daddy. His Momma had made him wear a suit and tie. And even made him sit up straight. He blushed a lot when he looked at me though so I knew he liked me even though he kept flipping my ponytail from behind. He got scolded for that.? ?What did you do? You just let him do it and get away with it?? ?No,? she laughed. ?After the service was over I chased him down the aisle and caught him by the door and kissed him in front of everyone saying, ?That?s for flipping my ponytail.? ?And that stopped him from doing it again?? ?No Honey,? Tim said from the doorway. ?She wore the cutest pigtails I?d ever seen the next Sunday, and I couldn?t reach them without getting out of my seat,? he was smiling. ?Yes and you put a grasshopper down the back of my dress in the parking lot,? she giggled. ?How else was I supposed to let you know how I felt? Besides I did bring you a flower the following Sunday.? ?You stole that from old lady Barton?s hat, I saw you.? They both laughed over that. Tammy finally stumbled sleepily into the kitchen, ?What?s everyone laughing about?? Colleen quickly told her the story. ?I?m going to wear pigtails to church, I don?t want some strange boy flipping my hair around while I?m trying to sit still. I?d probably pop him one in the eye.? ?That?s my Girl,? beamed Tim proudly. ?Don?t ever let boys push you around because you?re a girl,? he told Tammy After they?d eaten they got ready for church. Stacy painted the girls nails a pretty soft pink. Then watched as they both did their Mascara. They were doing things the same way she did, putting on their dresses last. She gathered their hair up in loose pigtails, and tied them with long lengths of pink yarn. Both girls wore Mary Jane shoes over lace trimmed Ankle socks. Their Pink dresses were adorned with ruffled eyelet lace, and they wore matching sun hats, with little white gloves, and carried matching purses. Tim wore dress slacks, a dress shirt without a tie and his best highly shined shoes. He held the door for them and helped them climb into the SUV then helped Stacy as she giggled and climbed in. ?what are you giggling about Mommy,? asked Tammy. ?I?m taking my girls to church. And we?re going in Daddy?s car today instead of mine as usual.? As they drove past Mike and Trisha?s house the twins were just coming out to get in the car. ?Oh my goodness,? Stacy said. They were all dressed to the Nines, and the twins were obviously not the only ones unhappy about it. Roger kept tugging at his little tie. They all waved at each other as they passed. The twins making save me gestures behind their mothers back. After the introductions were made at church and the girls welcomed, Stacy browsed the program for the services. ?Oh good heavens, I totally forgot about today.? ?Mommy, is this you they have listed to sing a song?? Tammy asked. ?Yes sweetie it is, and I forgot about it I didn?t even decide on what I was going to sing.? Just then the choir began singing. By the second song both girls had relaxed enough to really sing out loud. By the fifth song they were dancing in place and clapping along as they sang happily. Stacy and Tim joined in with them. When it was over, it was Stacy?s turn to take the stage for her solo. With no musical background she began singing ?Joyful, Joyful?. No one could miss the way she kept looking at her small family. Or the girls singing along with her. First Colleen and then Tammy and Tim joined her as they all had tears in their eyes. Without realizing it Colleen had joined Stacy singing her happy song, and she continued singing even after Stacy stopped because she didn?t know the words. It was just Colleen and Tammy singing at the end and everyone stood and clapped, both girls blushed smiling, and crying at being accepted by everyone. ?We need to get that girl in the choir,? said Agnes. ?Mother, it is going to be her choice. If she wants to join the choir she will, but please don?t pressure her.? ?You?re right, I, I just hate to see such a sweet talented young voice wasted.? ?You really think I have a pretty voice Grandma?? Colleen asked. ?Yes you do Honey,? said Reverend Heart as he came up behind them. ?I have something for you and your sister.? He handed them both their very own pink bound Bible, in a zippered cover. ?I would like to hear you sing again sometime. But don?t let someone make you do it. You sing because you feel like it ok?? she nodded. ?Just tell your Mommy when you want to and I?ll make sure you have the opportunity. Now do either of you have any questions about what we talked about today? Or anything else you don?t understand?? ?Does god really love me even though I?m not a real girl?? Colleen blurted out. Dropping to one knee he caressed her cheek, ?Sweetie, I don?t know why he made you the way you are. But I can promise you this, he intended for you to be a girl. Otherwise he wouldn?t have made you so pretty or given you that pretty voice. In his eyes you are a girl, and in my eyes and everyone else who saw you today.? She threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly. ?Thank you.? ?You are most welcome, and thank God for bringing you to us.? He said. Colleen was happy, and said she?d never been in a real church that accepted her. She talked excitedly on the way home. Then as soon as they got home she hurried and changed out of her Sunday dress along with the rest of the family. ?So what would my Ladies like to do today?? asked Tim. ?We can go to the Zoo, or go get new bikes.? ?We can wander around and I can show off my girls to the world at the City Park,? Giggled Stacy. ?Do you and Daddy have bicycles too Mommy?? asked Tammy. ?We sure do, that?s what the rack on the back of Daddy?s car is for. We like to go riding on the bike trails.? ?I never rode a bike before,? said Tammy. ?Will you teach me Daddy?? ?I sure will Tams, how about you Colleen?? ?Can I wear a skirt?? ?As long as it?s knee length so you aren?t flashing your panties while you ride,? Stacy said. ?Tim why don?t you get the bikes loaded up. My Girls and I are going to change. Then we?ll go find them some pretty bikes too.? Tim?s eye?s went wide when he saw his three girls. Stacy dressed to the nines in a very low cut T-top, knee length flounced skirt, and her pink Nike?s, her hair in a ponytail high on the back of her head. Colleen and Tammy wore similar outfits, with their hair in loose pigtails, and matching shoes. It didn?t take long for the girls to find bikes they wanted. Tim laughed seeing that they were smaller versions of Stacy?s bike. He bought a bigger rack for the back of his car, then after everything was adjusted for the girls he loaded them up and they took off to the park. Colleen put her purse in her basket the way Her mom did, and smiled as Tams did the same thing. ?Daddy, why didn?t you get me training wheels? You can?t teach me to ride and ride your bike at the same time,? Tammy said. ?Just watch Honey, your Daddy taught me to ride. And he?s taught a few other children here how to ride as well.? Stacy said holding her bike for her to get on it. Tim pulled up beside her on his Eighteen speed, and stopped. ?Whenever you?re ready Tams, I?ll be holding onto your seat so you don?t fall over ok?? ?Ok Daddy I trust you,? she kissed his cheek giggling. ?Did she just call you Daddy, Tim?? asked a young woman walking past with two other young women wearing super high heels. Beaming with pride he said, ?Yes Beth she surely did. This is Tammy, Tams for short. And the other young lady there is Colleen.? ?You got them finally, oh Tim, Stacy we?re so happy for you. Aren?t we girls?? the one named Beth said. ?Hi, I?m Bernice. Clarice and I are so happy for your Mommy and Daddy.? The other girl blushed and nodded enthusiastically as she smiled happily. ?Are you meeting Kiki? She?s just down the path a ways.? Said Beth. ?Mommy can I go catch up to Aunt Kiki and show her my new bike?? asked Colleen. ?Yes but tell her I said to wait for the rest of us,? Stacy told her Daughter. ?You go ahead Stacey, Tams and I will catch up in a minute,? he kissed his wife who took off after Colleen. ?Clarice, I?m sorry you still can?t talk, I?d hoped the doctor could help you.? ?I, I can talk Tim, it?s just sometimes I forget I know how. And then there?s my voice to consider.? Tammy looked at her in amazement. She sounded like she was about six or seven instead of a grown up. ?You have a pretty voice Miss Clarice, it just means you?ll be young and pretty forever.? ?Thank you Tammy I sure hope so,? she giggled. ?Then Mistress Beth will always want to keep me around.? She blushed. ?You better go catch up to your Mommy and sister, it was very nice meeting you.? They hugged and then waved as they began walking again. Tammy started off slow, with Tim holding her seat. ?Daddy, why did Clarice have such a little girl voice?? ?Something happened to her a few months ago, and it damaged her voice box.? He explained. ?She?s like Colleen isn?t she? her and Bernice?? ?Yes Tams, but not quite,? he was trying to figure out how to explain the difference between Trans-Gendered and Sissies, and took his hand off the seat for just a brief second. ?Daddy? What do I do? I?m not ready yet,? she said frightened. ?Just keep pedaling, I?m right here beside you and I can grab the seat if you need me too.? They made it around a curve and started down a gentle slope. After the curve he decided she was ready to solo. He let her get ahead a bit. ?You?re doing fine. If you start to wobble just peddle a bit more.? She giggled and started pedaling trying to keep up with the wheels. She saw her mommy and sister up ahead with Aunt Kiki. ?Daddy!? She cried out. ?I can?t stop!? He effortlessly caught up to her and grabbed the seat letting himself slow her down. ?Squeeze the right brake lever,? he started to say when she panicked and squeezed it tight. Realizing what was about to happen he grabbed her around the waist lifting her from the seat. She squealed in laughter as they both plunged into the duck pond on his bike. They were laughing as he carried her to shore and sat her on her feet then went back to get his bike. ?Are you ok Tammy!? Stacy rushed to her, but she was laughing. ?Did you see Me Mommy, Daddy saved me.? ?Yes I saw that, you were riding all by yourself and everything.? She giggled, ?I got scared and squeezed the brake too hard. I didn?t even get wet.? She giggled then saw Tim drenched. ?Oh daddy I?m so sorry.? ?I?ll dry Pumpkin, don?t worry about that. just as long as you?re ok that?s all I worry about.? Kiki arrived quickly pushing both bikes, ?Wow Tammy that was so awesome.? And Tammy giggled. ?But Daddy got all wet,? she giggled. ?It?s just my pants legs Sweetheart, and you know the best way to dry those off?? he asked her. ?Riding bikes?? ?Yes absolutely,? he hugged her. ?I?m happy it didn?t scare you away from riding.? Just then another officer on bicycle with a radio and a flashing light showed up. ?Oh it?s? he said with a smile then spoke into his radio, ?That bike swimmer is Off Duty Officer Jones. I suspect he?s trying to teach swimming along with bike riding.? They could hear the laughter at the other end. They spent the rest of the afternoon riding around the park, taking breaks when the girls needed a rest and getting popsicles from the vendors. Finally Stacy said, ?We really should be thinking of getting back. I know two little girls that are going to need bathes and Dinner soon.? ?Can I help you make Dinner Mommy?? asked Colleen. ?You sure can,? Stacy hugged her feeling the tears threatening to break free. ?Me too Mommy,? Tammy said. ?Yes and then I think we should get you set up with chores so you can earn your allowances.? ?Allowances? What?s that they both asked at the same time and giggled. ?Allowances is where Daddy pays you each week for doing things to help out around the house. Like keeping your room clean, helping with Dinner and Dishes. And things like that.? ?Wow we never got paid to do that before,? stated Colleen. They helped Stacy make Spaghetti with French Bread and her homemade sauce. Then after eating Stacy asked who was going to help with the dishes. Suggesting they take turns. Colleen decided she?d go first, and Tim said, ?I?ll wash and you can rinse.? Stacy went upstairs and Tammy showered with her, then stood as she was dried off. ?Mommy, no one ever did this for us before. It felt really nice having my hair washed.? She slipped on her nitie and then said, ?It felt really nice washing your hair for you.? Then she softly patted her butt and said, ?Go get your hair brush and let Daddy brush it out for you. Tell Colleen I said come up and get her shower, and I?ll wash her hair as well.? They were sitting in front of their new parents watching the Disney channel having their hair brushed when Tim asked, ?Are you ready to go to school in the morning?? ?Will it really be ok for me to be a girl in school, Daddy?? ?Yes it will, and if anyone gives you any problems I?ll deal with them.? Stacy said, ?I think your Grandma Ferris wanted you to have these tomorrow but I?m giving them to you now.? She got up and crossed to the sideboard table., then returned with two pretty pink flip phones. ?Just in case you have any problems,? she said. ?Everyone?s numbers are already programmed into them. Go ahead and give it a try. Just open it up and say the name of who you want to call.? Colleen opened hers and said, ?Mommy.? A second later Stacy?s phone began to ring with the Barbie girl ringtone. She smiled, she?d never had her own phone much less a cell phone. Stacy and Tim showed the girls how to silence the ringer, so they could leave them turned on at school in case of emergency. And taught how to use the voice dial. Stacy and Tim were both up the next morning well before the girls, Stacy had their lunches made even though she planned to give them money for school lunches. She packed each girls backpack, while Tim made sure they each had a key to the house. ?You never can tell what might happen,? he told Stacy. ?Better prepared than not? ?Are you sure it will be ok? I mean putting them on the bus first thing.? Stacy was being a nervous Mother she knew, but she was afraid of something happening. ?It?s not too late I could still drive them in myself.? They heard the alarms going off upstairs and sat drinking their coffee, after a few minutes they heard both girls upstairs getting ready. Stacy started to get up and go check on them. ?Love, they?ll holler if they need help,? Tim told his wife. ?We agreed we?d let them do things for themselves. Or do you want them growing up like my nieces?? Tim?s nieces had their clothes and everything picked out for them every morning they knew. Twenty minutes later Tammy made her way into the kitchen wearing a light pink T-shirt and a short pleated flannel skirt. Her hair was brushed back in a ponytail, and tied with pink ribbon. ?Good morning Daddy, Mommy,? she kissed them both before sitting down to a good breakfast of scrambled eggs with hash browns and sausage. A couple of minutes later Colleen entered, she was nervous. ?Mommy, does this really go together?? she was wearing a knee length ruffled skirt and a V neck blue T-shirt with a kitten face stenciled on it. Kissing her Stacy said, ?Yes it does, I like the way you did your eyes this morning.? ?Thank you Mommy,? she kissed Stacy then Tim and began eating her breakfast. Both girls ate like they?d never eaten real food before and Stacy smiled seeing the clean plates. They?d both drank two large glasses of milk, and Stacy wiped off their Milk mustache before they asked if they could talk with Mandy and Mindy. Of course the twins came over to wait for the bus with Colleen and Tammy, they were in the drive way next to the car when the bus arrived. But as usual it just honked and kept going. This time Tim was on the porch with his CamCorder recording the event. Seeing the bus turn the corner they started walking down the driveway. Only to have it speed on past. The twins began hurling insults at the driver, but then started laughing when a unmarked traffic unit turned on its lights and pulled the driver over. He was cited for doing Forty One MPH in a Twenty Five MPH Zone. A ticket which meant the school would have to send another bus to pick up the children. By the time he was finished writing it the girls along with Stacy and Tim had walked the distance to wait for the other bus. ?Tim, Stacy, Ladies,? Officer Harris greeted them. ?Were you supposed to be getting on this bus?? ?Yes Sir, all four girls answered.? ?Well you?ll be the first to get on the next one, this one doesn?t have a licensed driver anymore.? He smiled. ?I think Ramona should be here soon though.? The elementary school bus stopped and picked up Roger then paused long enough to use his radio to make sure another bus was enroute to collect the middle schoolers. ?Officer Harris?, The other bus is running the route again, picking up the kids this Bozo left stranded.? The other driver informed them. Twenty minutes later the other bus arrived right on time. O well-dressed young woman got off and saw the children safely onto the other bus. Then as it was driving on to continue its route to school they heard her say, ?Brady, you?re fired. I warned you enough times about not waiting. And now you?ve lost your license for Speeding and Child Endangerment. You can pick up your last check when you reach the school. Now get off of my bus.? Officer Harris would escorted her to the school leaving Brady standing on the side of the road. ?Hey could you give me a lift to school?? he actually asked Stacy and Tim. ?Doesn?t feel to good being left stranded on the side of the road does it?? Stacy asked sarcastically before they turned and went back to the house. ?You?ve got a sassy Wiggle going there Mrs Jones,? Tim said as they turned up the driveway. She winked looking over her shoulder at him, ?We better hurry then, my husbands a cop,? she giggled and dashed for the house. He caught up to her at the front door, grabbing her playfully as he pushed her inside. ?Ok Lady cooperate and I won?t have to get rough.? She giggled as she playfully struggled with him, causing them to fall over the end of the couch. He easily pinned her hands behind her back, sensing her excitement as he lifted her skirt to find she wasn?t wearing any panties. He slid his hand up under her thin top to caress her excited bare nipples. ?No bra or Panties, looks like you were expecting me.? He raised the front of her top up over her head, ?Now what am I going to tie you up with,? he asked as her fingers began trying to work open his belt. Grinning he pulled off his belt then made a loop around her hands, if she really wanted free it wouldn?t stop her. But he knew she wasn?t going to try as he let her hold the end keeping it tight. ?Please, I?ll do anything you want. You don?t have to force me,? she batted her eyelashes trying not to giggle. An hour later they lay resting in the middle of the floor, he rolled over to look at the time and felt something cold and metallic as it clicked closed around his wrists. She did giggle then as she slowly straddled his face. ?You?ve been a naughty boy, and if you cooperate I?ll go easy on you.? And they began one of her favorite games. He was on his knees, hands cuffed behind him with his own cuffs as she held his hair. One foot up on the coffee table she ground herself against his tongue. They never heard the door open, they were both so engrossed in their playing they didn?t know anyone was there until Brandy gasped then giggled, ?Excuse me,? as she backed out onto the porch. ?Trust me, you don?t want to go in there right now,? they heard as Stacy quickly search for the keys. She was giggling hysterically, he was frantic. ?My god you should have seen it, it was huge.? They heard both Brandy and Kiki giggling. ?Hey you two, you better hurry up the bus is coming,? Kiki said. ?Oh crap, hurry up Stacy, just grab my gun belt I have one there.? ?You naughty boy hurry up stairs and Mommy will come up and turn you loose in a minute.? She was hurriedly throwing on her clothes as the bus screeched to a stop in between the two houses. Tim dashed for the stairs as Stacy pulled her top back on and adjusted skirt. ?Aunt Kiki, Aunt Brandy,? the girls squealed in delight seeing them standing on the porch giggling. Hair mussed, makeup smudged and barefooted Stacy opened the door. The two older girls tooking one look at her burst out laughing. ?You caught me taking a nap, come on in.? without losing stride she asked, ?How was your first day of school?? Both Colleen and Tammy launched into a dialogue of their day, ?Jimmy Sanders smells like Pizza,? Colleen was saying. ?And he got in trouble for pulling Mindy?s hair in class. But then she got in trouble for popping him in the eye. He?s going to have a real shiner for sure.? ?Daddy?s really messy, leaving his clothes laying all over the house,? Tammy said. and both Brandy and Kiki burst into hysterical giggles. Smiling and blushing Colleen said, ?Tams, I think Mommy and Daddy were playing house.? ?Oh,? she giggled. ?Should we go over to Mandy and Mindy?s for a while?? ?No just have Mommy bring me my pants,? called Tim from upstairs. When the girls looked confused, Kiki produced a handcuff key from her purse and said, ?They were playing Cop and Robber.? ?I?ll be right back, and then you?ll tell me why my baby sister has one of these keys in her purse,? Stacy said. ?They go with these Sis,? both her sisters produced handcuffs from their purses. ?Do I even want to know?? she headed up the stairs. Kissing Tim she said, ?That was fun, but we gotta watch the clock or set an alarm next time.? She giggled. In the living room Stacy said, ?Now tell me where you got your cuffs, did Tim give them to you?? ?No Momma gave them to us in case we got into trouble on a date and needed to be able to get away.? ?Ok, now why are you two here? not that I don?t enjoy seeing you both.? Stacy asked. ?Oh, Dr Roberts said to tell you he has an opening at Five today if you?d like to bring Colleen in for her initial tests and stuff before her actual appointment on Wednesday.? Brandy informed them. ?Mommy, will it make things go faster? Trudy Moore?s wearing a bra already, and she?s our age.? ?That all depends on the Test results. But I think it won?t be long for both of you,? She said. ?I really should have gotten you both training bra?s.? ?Pretty ones like yours Mommy?? asked Tammy. ?Yes with matching panties,? Stacy answered. ?Do I have to wait till I start to grow before I can wear them?? asked Colleen hopefully. ?Do you really want to start wearing bras?? Stacy asked her smiling in delight. ?Yes Mommy I do.? Tim smiled at Stacy. ?Sounds like my girls are goin shopping again,? he yawned.

Same as The Jones Family, a continuation of Collin Doe Videos

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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract

Thursday afternoon, 2:00 pm  "Come on, Mark, fuck me… get on with it… yes… yes… oooh… that's it, Mark, let me feel it deep in me,” Dana moaned as Mark's searing hot flesh pierced her pink wetness. Her ragged breathing filled the office as his huge, thick cock jack-hammered into her silky hot tunnel. "Ooh, you fucking bastards," she groaned, head hanging down in a gesture of submission. Dana Jones, a tall, lithe, attractive 32-year-old, stood in front of her desk, her skirt and panties discarded...

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Mrs Jones p11

It was Friday evening when I got a message from Mrs Jones, my hot blonde thirty something neighbour.'Come over!' it read, so slipping out of the house so my parents didn't see me, I climbed over the back fence like I had done several times now, and then made my way to the back door of Mrs Joneses house.As I reached the door, it opened and Mrs Jones stood there in just a white fluffy dressing gown, with her hair up in a bun and smiling at me eagerly."Come in!" she said and stepped into the...

1 year ago
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Training Mrs Jones

"Mrs Jones could you come to my office" "Yes Sir"About 10 minutes goes past before she arrives. Standing in the middle of my office."Mrs Jones sit down. We need to talk about your job performance. Frankly it's bad. Your typing is full of errors. Your at least 10 minutes late each day and then... You leave early. You have let your appearance become scruffy. What do you have to say for yourself?" "My husband lost his job and I don't have the money to spend on nice clothes any more. Please don't...

2 years ago
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Mrs Jones p5

It was a hot day, the sun was shining and I sat in the back garden in my shorts and t-shirt wondering when Mrs Jones, my hot blonde thirty something neighbour was going to call me next.It had been a few days since I had last fucked her and her friend, and as a teenager I was really begin to feel horny again.As I sat staring at my phone waiting for something to happen, I thought I heard some noise coming from Mrs Jones garden, and moved to the fence to see what was happening.Peering over I saw...

3 years ago
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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

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Professor Jones and His Student

“But Professor Jones, there has to be another way! I’ll do anything else to make up my grade, anything!” He shook his head, patting his lap once again. “Be a good girl and take the punishment you deserve, Maggie. If I have to tell you again, I’m afraid I’ll have to fail you.” Shaking with excited, nervous anticipation, Maggie stood up and walked over to the desk. She tried to think back, wondering how this had happened. Just weeks ago, Maggie Collins had been a normal college sophomore in her...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jones p9

It was a quiet day as I sat playing a video game, and was just beginning to wonder what my sexy hot older neighbour was doing, when my phone began to beep, and glancing at it, the text read 'Robbie, come over, I have a surprise!"So I quickly slipped out of the house, climbed over the back fence again, and made my way up to Mrs Jones's back door."Hey baby!" she said smiling, as she greeted me at the back door "Come in!"I stepped into the house, and then followed her through the kitchen and...

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Mrs Jones p2

After fucking my hot thirty something blonde neighbour Mrs Jones, I could hardly think about any thing else, and for the next few days I hung at every window in my parents house waiting for her to call me over again.But to my frustration Mr Jones was suddenly spending time at home, and even though I caught her eye several times over the next few days, she never once indicated to me to meet her.Finally I couldn't take it any more, and slipping out of the house one afternoon, I climbed over the...

3 years ago
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Taking Aunt Val to meet Mrs Jones

To give you a little background on me, I would have to say that I do not judge. I am here to give pleasure and help women achieve their ultimate fantasies - no matter how kinky or deviant they might be. I get off on helping women get off. I hope you enjoy exploring your deepest, darkest fantasies. That is the short note that I left for Aunt Val before heading out to work. I was still a bit weak from showing Aunt Val a taste of what she could expect. Today we had to finish up a job over at the...

1 year ago
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Mr Jones

Mr. Jones has lived next door to my mom and I for a couple of years now and we have become good friends with him. Mom is always complaining to him what a bad girl I am and how I need someone to teach me a lesson. I never quite understand what she means by this, she is always saying to me that if I was Mr. Jones daughter he would know how to deal with me. She will even say that when I am standing right next to him and he just looks at me and grins. I like Mr. Jones, he is a good looking strong...

2 years ago
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Mrs Jones

The year I turned 14 I got my first job. My father had died 5 years earlier, and mom had her hands full, providing for me and my sister. There was never enough money to go round, and a weekly allowance was out of the question. Not that I complained much. I loved my mom and my sister, and our family was a good place to grow up. So when the need for money turned up, a ticket to a movie, a fancy add-on for my bike, or whatever, I got myself a job every afternoon. 'Office messenger boy' I believe...

3 years ago
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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 2

Thursday afternoon, 12.40 pmDana Jones stood in front of the vanity units in the office restroom and regarded herself critically in the enormous mirrors. Her dark shoulder length hair normally pulled back into an ugly bun, was loose and wild looking. The tiny amount of make-up she usually wore wouldn't have turned any heads in Los Angeles more popular singles bars, let alone the office, and that was fine. However, Dana was anticipating something a lot more exciting than an afternoon of looking...

2 years ago
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Miss Jones Part Two

Miss Jones P2 F/MBy [email protected] This is now the second evening that I need to report to Miss Jones' house at seven P M. I didn't want to be punished anymore than I had to, so I arrived on time. I knocked on her door and Miss Jones opened it. "Good to see you, again, Clyde. It is also good that you are right on time. Come on in so that we may begin your lessons for tonight." Instead of leading me to her living room, she led me to another small room in her house. This room had two...

3 years ago
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Jan Jones

Cast: Jan, Paul, Peter, Penny, Mrs Haig. The new teacher arrived in town and her name is Miss Jan Jones. She is a very conservative person, age 28. Usually dresses in white underwear, white blouse, Grey skirt around the knees, and a cardigan for school. She does this to cover her figure of 36dd, 22, 30. Because of old school teasing, she tries to hide her body from others. She had been in the three teacher school for the term and was happy her first term was finalised. Two weeks...

1 year ago
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Jughead Jones and the Curse of the Bauble

The characters are properties of Archie comics. I am just playing with them in this fan fiction. No infringement intended. As always, a big tip of the hat to Editor Steve Zink. Nobody does it better! Jughead Jones and the Curse of the Bauble By Eric Jughead Jones had finished his volunteer work at the children's hospital. He usually dressed up in a silly costume and went around telling kids stories or playing silly magic tricks that usually didn't work and made kids laugh....

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 25 Mrs Jones Departs

Suzanne arrived at Mrs Jones house at 9.00 am. Mrs Jones was waiting for her to arrive. Dressed, packed and keys in hand, gave Suzanne a big hug. Then handed over the keys saying please enjoy your new, and my old, home. She has a few tears but was happy to leave. On the dining table was a package wrapped in brown paper. Mrs Jones requested Suzanne to hand the parcel to her good friend Helena. This is my thank you to Helena for her kindness and gift of the cruise. Mrs Jones said to Suzanne,...

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The Jones Account

Kristina stood staring in the mirror trying to convince herself that she was ready for this. She’d been working at Blackwell & Collins for a while now, and she had finally gotten the call she had been waiting for. Mr. Blackwell had called a meeting with her to discuss the Jones account. The Jones account was one of the biggest pieces of business to come into their office and Mr. Blackwell himself was brokering the deal, and now he was asking for her help. Finally, all her hard work would pay...

Office Sex
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Mrs Jones Teaches Me How To Be A Girl

My next door neighbour when I was growing up was Mrs Jones. She was a fairly young divorced lady in her early thirties, a little chubby but her face was beautiful and she always dressed incredibly sexily.I remember noticing her clothing when I first saw her. She would always wear short skirts and dresses with pantyhose and a pair of little heels. I adored the outfits that she wore and would often watch her from my bedroom window.This was during my teens when I was around sixteen or seventeen. I...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 4

Thursday afternoon 2.20 pmThe two men timed their thrusts, one pushing in while the other pulled out. It meant there wasn't a given moment when Dana’s orifices weren’t being ravaged by hard cocks. The double-barrelled action created a sensual roller coaster ride and wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her body. Unable to contain the depth of her ecstasy, Dana threw her head back and, with eyes closed, moaned loudly as the studs got into their stride.She couldn’t decide which cock was...

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Mrs Jones

I grew up in Gold street, a nice neighbourhood in a nice part of a town, and for many years we lived next to the Jones.Mr Jones was a big guy in construction, he did a lot of work around the town, built a lot of new buildings and was always fairly busy, Mrs Jones however was always at home, she was a trophy wife, a hot blonde thirty something with an all over tan and what looked like a pretty impressive cleavage that was always fighting to get out of her top.When I reached my later teens I soon...

2 years ago
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Miss Amanda JonesChapter 2

It’s my wedding day. The ink is drying on the proper lines, and the seals are embossed on the documents, so I’m legally a Mrs. now. It’s a little bizarre and surreal. I’m fourteen and married, and tonight I get to legally make love to my husband and best friend. After our honeymoon, I have to be back in school. I’ll undoubtedly be the topic of most of the gossip at school. I’m hoping no one gives Randy a bad time about having a fourteen-year-old wife. The principal knows about our wedding,...

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Little Big Man the story of Mrs Jones

My mind raced with the memory of my mom fingering herself by the stairs.I looked over at Karen, her cum-covered face smiling at me, and ran my hand up her leg. I pushed one leg to the floor and lifted her other up on top of the couch, spreading them wide, and put my finger on her wide-open pussy. She giggled as I ran my fingers through the light curls of brown hair that surrounded her pussy. I stuck it between the big, pouty lips and ran it the length of her slit. Her freshly fucked snatch was...

4 years ago
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Little Big Man the story of Mrs Jones

My mind raced with the memory of my mom fingering herself by the stairs.I looked over at Karen, her cum-covered face smiling at me, and ran my hand up her leg. I pushed one leg to the floor and lifted her other up on top of the couch, spreading them wide, and put my finger on her wide-open pussy. She giggled as I ran my fingers through the light curls of brown hair that surrounded her pussy. I stuck it between the big, pouty lips and ran it the length of her slit. Her freshly fucked snatch was...

2 years ago
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Mrs Jones

I can't remember her name. She was just Mrs Jones. Her son; Mike and I were fond of motorbikes. He had a Honda XL 75; a 4 stroke trail bike with no muffler, so for a small bike,it made a lot of noise. It had problems. It would hardly ever start. We had to push start it pretty much every time. After that, it ran like a dream.We decided to strip down the carburetor. Mike's dad had a big garage and loads of tools, so I went over one day to start on the business. Mike wasn't home. I knocked at the...

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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 3

Thursday afternoon 1.35 pmBefore approaching Dana from behind, Robert Cranton-Smith had unzipped his fly and fished out his erection in anticipation of her reaction. After wrapping his arms around her, he pushed his huge manhood into her shapely rear-end.Dana felt the hard flesh nestle between her buttocks, despite her tight skirt. She reached for it, and even with Robert's body pressing against her, she slipped her hand easily between them. Then her delicate fingers encircled his flesh. His...

3 years ago
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She Ms Jones

Note: Completely fictional, like all of my stories.My name’s Melissa, and I have a problem. I’ve known Ms. Jones for years, her daughter Vicki is my best friend. Ms. Jones lives alone, she’s single, and she kept the large house from the divorce. Vicki was about to go to Europe for grad school, and she invited me over for a sleepover, a throwback from our grade school days. When I was 19, Vicki invited me over for after she had a bad break-up. I left to use the restroom down the hall, and I was...

2 years ago
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Whatever Happened to Summer Jones

Whatever Happened to Summer Jones? By Callie Messenger The call came in from a French woman. I could tell by the accent. She sounded pleasant, but she was an odd combination of angry and sad. Her story was common in that her husband had committed adultery. It was uncommon in that she had not heard from him since. As there was the matter of the possessions, money and insurances she needed to find him. She wanted to talk to him too. I put straight on that. Leopards don't change...

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Juniper JonesChapter 3

It was in the wee hours of the morning when I finally drove Juniper home. We said goodnight at her family's front door without any further pyrotechnics. In contrast to my first night taking her to this door, this time she wasn't flirtatious or eager to bestow a kiss on me before we so much as left the car. We just walked up to the front door, she said goodnight, and that was the ballgame. Speaking of ballgames, I was due at Camden Yards in approximately eleven hours. It would behoove me...

1 year ago
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The Education of Mrs Jones Part 1

(Part 1) Lydia Jones stepped out of her beige Camry, tucked a loose strand of her sensibly cut brown hair behind one ear, and hitched her purse onto one perfectly straight shoulder blade. Inside aforementioned purse (which was a very similar shade of beige to her car) was the gift certificate her husband Mark had given her for her birthday. Four hour-long massage sessions at “Le Spa Sérénité,” which was supposed to be the best spa not just in town, or the state of Colorado, but practically...

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Babysitting for Mr Jones

Chapter 1 "Man, he is so hot!" 16 year old Jessie whispered to her best friend, Sara. They sat beside each other in Algebra I. "I know..." Sara replied. The person they were referring to was their 23 year old teacher, Mr. Jones. Jessie had thought he was fine since the first day of class, and every day, she found it so hard to concentrate because of the day dreams she had about her and Mr. Jones. And boy, were they wild ones! After class, Mr. Jones asked Jessie to stay after...

2 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 46 Graham Jones

It was a Sunday morning and Nicola and Ghasaan were on a visit to Gwenllian when they were passing a local park and something caught Nicola’s attention. “Stop the car here,” she ordered. The puzzled chauffeur obeyed immediately. For a moment Nicola stared out of the window and observed the youths who were about Ghasaan’s age clearly being coached in the game of rugby. “Come with me, Ghasaan,” she said as she opened the door and got out. A puzzled Ghasaan followed his mother, as did an...

1 year ago
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Jones Harbor Farm Adventure

Growing up in the small town of Harpers Mill was about as boring as you would have expected. Still, if you discount the fact that the town had no school, meaning that the thirty kids living there had to take a hour long ride from the last pickup to the nearby town of Grover, and that there was more cows then people on any given day; the town was close to the ocean with no real public beaches, but lots of small hiking access to hidden untraveled coves perfect for hidden rendezvous. The town...

4 years ago
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Bull Jones

My name is Bill and my wife is Abby. We both are twenty-six. We’ve been married for four years.It was another one of those hot, humid Southern summer nights. As I looked through the viewfinder of the video camera Abby was even hotter. Before today she had never met Alvin C. Jones. I had not seen the man known as Bull Jones for nearly four years.The video camera was recording Abby’s legs flailing in the air as my former Navy shipmate’s massive cock relentlessly plunged in and out of her like a...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jones

Bev Genes is a pompom girl at West Bell High School. she is two weeks from 18yrs. and in between boys. Going home after a long day on the field she hears moaning and groaning as she opens the door to her house. On the floor is her 42yrs. mom and Kat her mothers new friend. Her mom has her legs spared wide while Kat pile drives her with a huge strap-on both women into it so much they don't notice Bev till after her mother has a orgasm and easies down. Then Bev is sitting there wide eyed and...

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Mrs Jones and her Black neighbor

I guess I should start by introducing myself and giving a little background information about myself. My name is Carol and I'm 48 years old, I have long blonde hair, 48DD breasts, and weigh about 155pounds. I have always had a nice body but as I have gotten older my tits have sagged some, and my ass has gotten fat. However my sexual appetite has not decreased in the least bit. My husband has not been able to keep up with me sexually and his small dick couldn't please me anyways. However we...

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Lynnsett Jones Gets Drugged

Manager of a garage in a rural village near Barnstaple, she had, unbeknownst to her, built herself a reputation as local wank fodder. Thanks in part to her wardrobe of classy and sexy outfits, and, of course, her banging body. Always hands on in her job, she thought nothing of manning the pumps or looking under the bonnet, and was quite a sight to see on warmer days in short leather and plastic skirts, reaching into the engines of those with an issue. In a failing marriage of twenty years, she...

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Juniper JonesChapter 5

We split the four-game series with the Sox and gratefully flew home Sunday night for a welcome open date on Monday to be followed by three night games against the Yankees. I hadn't been called upon again in Boston, but the way the season was progressing, I felt comfortable that I would be getting into games with reasonable frequency. The current ridiculous .200 batting average didn't prey on my mind, because I knew I was only one hit away from .333. Early-season batting averages are...

4 years ago
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Juniper JonesChapter 7

It turned out that Mary Jane Jones (I still chuckled every time I uttered that name) was more than pleased to invite me to dinner. I was to arrive at seven p.m. for dinner at eight. Franklin was to entertain me with old war stories while she and Juniper prepared our meal. When I arrived, Juniper greeted me at the door all cheerful and friendly. I received a little hug and a kiss on the cheek, after which she led me into a very large room where Franklin was watching Jeopardy! on a big-screen...

1 year ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 114

I slept most of the flight; there was little turbulence and good sleeping. The gear touched the runway at 0730. There was already a crowd at Morton. I wondered why? I sent the Secret Service and Abra to go find out while I waited in the plane. My mates and the two little boys came out. They were waiting on the news conference the CIA was going to give. ‘‘Mommy, is this BJ’s new plane?’’ JJ asked. ‘‘I think it might be one of them,’’ Jenny answered. ‘‘When can we go fly on it?” RJ...

3 years ago
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Chatting with Carolyn Collins

Chat Night Guest: Carol Collins On Friday July 30, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal Sapphire's Place is the only authorized site for Carol's "Mind Swapping" and "Toni". We start with Bash finding Julie and me talking! (Julie_1) You caught me! ;) (Bashful) Why is Julie laughing so hard? Editor's Note- I deleted a lot of stuff here, which I am going to add to Julie's log! Tonight is Carol's night! Stay tuned! + Carol Collins has arrived. (Carol Collins) I am almost...

2 years ago
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The Swing and Mr Jones

Well, I wonder what Mr. Jones has in store for me today. It has to be my pussy, because he has put his monster 15 inch cock in my mouth and a-s hole, and that’s all that is left If you haven’t read about my earlier adventures, go back and start with Me and Mr. Jones, so you will have all the background. I went upstairs, and knocked on the door, and he opened it buck naked, with his big old dick sticking straight out. I just smiled and said looks like you are ready for action. Did you start...

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