Small Beginnings (Part Two) free porn video

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This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is given to the author at the time of posting. All other rights, including, but not limited to, those of adaptation to other media and formats, reserved to the author. Contact: [email protected] Small Beginnings (Part Two) Jack awoke to Alex's crying. He rubbed his face and got up and went straight into the baby's crib. "Hey! big guy!" he stage whispered. "Shhhhh. Daddy's here," He picked up the baby and glanced at his watch. "We got an hour and a half, dude. That must be some kind of record." He walked past Tommy's room to see him stirring. "Dinnertime soon," he thought. "Great, another juggling act," Taking Alex into the kitchen he noted the plates of food on the table. He opened the fridge to find three bottles of formula made already. "We have a guardian angel Alex, and I was too sleepy to even get her name." Jack took one of the bottles and began to heat it. Next, he went to the dining room and sat down at the food. All he had to do was microwave it. She had even set out a much smaller and cut up portion for Tommy. "Ann," he mused, shaking his head, "you really have been an angel." Jack got Alex his bottle just as Tommy made his appearance. Rubbing his eyes and dragging his blankey. "Hey, Buddy! Are you hungry?" Tommy mumbled incoherently but shook his head. "OK sit down; let me finish feeding your baby brother and then we can eat." Tommy lay down in the middle of the kitchen floor. Soon, Alex was content and sitting happily in the bouncy chair, while Jack was stepping over Tommy to heat up their dinner. Ann was lounging in satin her black satin PJs and pink marabou mules. Yes, it was ridiculously retro, but she was after all a crossdresser. Full time or no she still enjoyed the pleasure of the most feminine clothing. The phone rang, and she answered. "Ann? This is Jack across the way; I hope I'm not bothering you?" he started. "Oh no, not at all," she replied. "Everyone ok after your adventure?" "Yes, fine," he chuckled. "In fact, I'm calling to thank you properly. You were a godsend. The kids are asleep so I was wondering if you wanted to come over. I... uh, have a gift for you." Ann laughed, "Already! You've been busy. It's only been a few hours and most of that you were asleep I bet." "Well, no. It's something my wife and I had, and well, I thought I'd share it. To know... thank you. And truth be told, the past three months have been awful and I need some adult conversation time. Just to see if I remember how before I go back to work." "Well, I think you are doing fine, and I'd be a fool to turn down such a wonderful invitation," she replied, all the while thinking to herself "Who is this person and what have you done with Ann! Go over to a man's house? I've lost my mind!" "See you in ten?" Jack asked. "Uh" the jitters started. "Well I'm not dressed for going out though, I'm in PJs." "I'm not one to be formal, not with two little ones. I've picked up most of the toys and all of the throw up towels are in the hamper. Just come over in what you're wearing," he pleaded. "Ok," she relented. "Ten minutes." She hung up the phone and decided that what she had on was good enough if she put on her robe. She scurried into the bedroom and kicked off her slippers and slipped off her bottoms. Grabbing a black gaff she tucked everything back safe and sound, and then slipped her bottoms back on. She kicked her heels over and slipped into them then checked herself in the mirror. Her makeup was still fine and she teased her hair a bit to exaggerate the carefree look. She grabbed her cell and house key and scampered out the door. "What the Hell am I doing?" she asked herself for the tenth time in thirty seconds. "He is just getting over his wife's death. And you are making sure your hair and makeup look good?" Still, she clutched her satin robe to herself and knocked on his door. Jack answered the door wearing sweats and a faded World Series t-shirt. "WOW!" he said. "I didn't think you were going to get dressed up?" She chuckled and looked down in slight embarrassment brushing her hair behind her ear, and scurried passed him as he motioned her in. "Actually, I didn't," she answered somewhat defensively. "I was going to be treating myself to a facial mask and relax with some wine and a movie. You know pamper myself tonight." "Well I don't think there is anyone who doesn't deserve it more after your good deed today," he said. Ann blushed. Jack asked her to sit so she chose a comfy corner of the couch and tucked her legs under her. "My wife and I were going to celebrate Alex's birth with this when she got home," He explained. "She and I really got into wine before Tommy was born. It's a Stag's Leap Cabernet." Ann giggled. "You could serve me wine from a box and I wouldn't know." "Oh! Well, you are in for a treat then. You will taste the difference here," He said as he poured the wine. Handing her a glass he sat in the stuffed chair catty corner from her. She realized he chose that deliberately. He wasn't ready. Sitting on the couch would have implied an intimacy they hadn't known each other long enough to share. Sitting away from her would be stand offish, his choice implied friendly openness and willingness to learn more. "Jack is a smart man," she decided. They clinked glasses and toasted new friendships. Ann asked about the boys and how they were getting along. She learned that Tommy misses Julia terribly and wakes up terrified his father is gone too. Usually he ends up in the bed with him for reassurance. Ann was touched. She explained her background and job carefully avoiding gender pronouns speaking of her past. After ninety minutes Ann realized it was time to go. "You were right Jack. That wine was wonderful. I'm sorry Julia never got to share it with you." "I'm glad I got to share it. It was a bottle of celebration, and I have a new friend." Ann got up and so did Jack, She stood on tiptoe to hug him and he hugged her back. "If you need anything I'm right across the lot," she said. "You may regret that," he smiled. "Never." Fall had arrived on the calendar but you couldn't tell by the weather. Ann had come into her own at the Gallery. She sat at her desk going over the final details of this big move. The gallery was moving the latest sales out to customers and Ann was supervising the packing. She wore a black suit, which was almost the Gallery uniform, with a scarlet top. Its plunging neckline was enhanced by a silver necklace and Ann had worked hard this morning to create some cleavage with tape and makeup. The art handlers had a soft touch for moving art but were rough around the edges elsewhere. Ann used every trick in the book to have these guys' respect. And being pretty, well that didn't hurt either. Some respected her brains, some she just manipulated with the damsel act. Either way she always got what she wanted done, done. On her lunch break she went out to a local place with the receptionist, Cindy. She and Cindy had developed a fast friendship since she started. Cindy was a recent art history graduate with dreams of her own gallery and "Sex and the City." She didn't care that the Miranda to her Carrie was really a boy underneath. She just wanted to enjoy living in the big City, naturally lunch was a big affair. This day was no different as the ladies sat in the warm fall air at a sidewalk table. Cindy was chatting about something Ann was only half paying attention too. "Cindy? Hey!" He said as he walked into Ann's line of sight. He was tall, dark hair, green eyes. He was dressed in a deep purple shirt and an open vest, black slacks and shoes. He was fit, and Ann's gaydar was going off. "Ian!" Cindy squealed. "Oh, my God? How have you been I haven't seen you since my internship. How's things at the Museum?" she rattled on. Ian rolled his eyes. "Cindy, one thing at a time" he turned to Ann, "I'm Ian, by the way." "I gathered that." Ann smiled, taking the offered hand. "You work at the Museum?" "Yes," Ian replied. "I'm the Assistant Registrar." "Assistant TO the Registrar," Cindy chimed in. "Not anymore, Cricket," Ian shot back. "Still that was better than being the unpaid intern to the Assistant to the Registrar." "IAN!" Cindy cried. "You promised not to use that nickname!" Ann smirked at "Cricket's" embarassment. "Well you were being a little bitch," he said. Ann watched the banter back and forth. "Oh yes, He's gay, and adorable," she thought silently, watching the two friends needle one another playfully. Ian joined them and soon the topic shifted to that evening's activities. Cindy was ready to go on the town with Ian immediately. Ann wasn't so sure, but was soon convinced. It had been a long week and she wanted to reward herself for getting this project completed with her sanity intact. She agreed to meet up with Cindy, who she was now teasingly calling Cricket too, at eight thirty at Slip, the new club they'd heard so much about. She headed home to prepare for a fun evening. It had been a long time since Ann got laid last. She hoped Ian was open minded, she wanted him to get in her pants and be pleasantly surprised. She chose white jeans that she practically had to paint on her body. Her top was a deep blue sequined top with open shoulders. On her feet she went with silver strappy sandals and threw her ID and stuff in a matching clutch purse. Ready, she stepped outside. Jack was pulling in from work just as Ann reached her car. He stepped out, to get the boys from the back when he saw Ann. "Wow!" he called to her, "Big date tonight?" Ann laughed, "Just going out with some friends. But, you never know," she added mischievously, and gracefully slipped inside the car. She pulled out of the spot and waved to Jack who watched her speed off. Ann had been coming over to help with the boys, and babysat them occasionally for months now. He had no call to be jealous. In fact, he didn't have the right. He still pined for Julia. So why did he feel like this? She's young and free, I have two boys that need me. He said as he got the two in the house and closed the door for the evening. Ann met Cindy and Ian at Slip. Ian stood up, Ann bent down an kissed Cindy on the cheek, She hugged Ian hello. He held on to her a moment longer, and whispered in her ear, "Cricket, told me. I'm looking forward to tonight." "Me too," Ann caught herself saying. Then smiling she decided to go with it. Cricket was drinking something fruity. Ann ordered a Bombay Safire and tonic. Ian had the bar tender put it on his tab. Ann thanked him and they all clinked glasses. A short time later they were out on the dance floor. Cindy and Ann were bumping and grinding for Ian's entertainment. Ann maintained eye contact with her prey. She wanted this guy. She danced and flirted with him. She loved it when he finally grabbed her waist and pulled her close. She could feel his hard on pressing against her while her own penis ached as it strained in its tucked position between her thighs. She thrilled to his touch. The DJ transitioned the music to the next song but Ann decided she wanted to chat with Ian. She begged of the dance took Ian by the hand off the dance floor. She managed to find a couch open in a relatively quiet spot. She sat down and crossed her legs; Ian sat down next to her and put his arm around her. His other hand went to her knee. "Ian, have you been with a girl like me?" Ann asked, rather loudly, but even in this relatively quiet part of the club it sounded like a whisper. "Truthfully, no," Ian said. "But I do like effeminate guys," he grinned. "I think you set the gold standard. I had no idea when we met at the caf?." Ann blushed and brushed her hair back over her ear. "It's not easy for me to meet men," she confessed. "Nice straight men, don't want what I've got. Tranny chasers, well they can be scary. And gay men, tend to look down on those of us who take femininity seriously. Drag Queens are the jesters of the gay court." "The Gay Court!" Ian laughed out loud. "Cricket was right you really do have the medieval world on the brain. It is a fair analogy though." "So why the interest?" she asked hesitantly. "Does it matter?" he asked as he got very close to her their lips almost touching. Ann realized she didn't care. "No," she breathed, as they kissed. She felt like she was melting into the couch as he pressed down with his mouth. She opened her lips slightly and allowed his tongue to enter. Her free hand went to his head and grabbed a handful of hair. He was delicious. She allowed his free hand to roam across her body as he pulled her shoulders into his kiss. It had been so long since Ann had made out with anyone, she nearly swooned at the intensity of her feeling. "Would you like to go some place quieter?" he asked. She nodded. "I lost Cricket though; I need to let her know we're going," she fished out her phone and texted Cindy. LEAVING WITH IAN. CALL TOMORROW, BE SAFE. As they walked out into the night air, her phone buzzed. She took it out and wrapped an arm around Ian's. YOU BE SAFE TOO. SLUT ;-) Ian had a loft apartment a few blocks from the club. He opened the door and she pounced on him kissing him aggressively. "I want to see if Cricket was telling the truth," Ian said in between wild kisses, His fingers fumbling with her jeans as she unbuttoned his shirt. He yanked her jeans down to her thighs and reached in her panties. She moaned, as her penis was set free and immediately sprang to life. "Oh!" he said "so you are a boy!" he smiled as he crouched down. Ann ran her hands through his hair as he took her penis in his mouth. She moans and rocked back on her high heels and was saved by the wall. Her knees began to buckle as he sucked her he reached up and grabbed her ass and supported her with her thighs on his forearms. She was helpless, all she could do was grab the back of her head with both hands and spread her hair out. Masterfully he took her just to the edge of climax then stopped sucking and stood up and kissed her. She tasted her own precum on his tongue. Taking her by the hand he led her to the bed. She helped him remove his shirt. She sat and removed her heels so that she could shimmy out of her jeans. He removed his pants as she took off her top and then crawled onto the bed next to her. "Take off your bra and tits too," he said gruffly. She complied but was too excited to object to his tone. She felt uncomfortable with a guy without her breasts on her chest. He rubbed her naked chest. And began to kiss her forcing her gently back on the bed. She felt his rock hard cock rubbing against her's, and needed this so badly. Ian kissed her ear sucking on her earlobe, she gasped as chills went rocketing down her spine. She arched her back grinding her penis into his. "MMMmmm, my pussy boy liked that?" Ian whispered into her ear. "Oh, Ian," she groaned, enjoying the sensation if not the pillow talk. She kissed him hack, digging her nails into his back. He reached down between her legs and touched her pussy. Again she gasped and groaned. I want you she cried. Ian sat upright. Took her leg in hands and rubbed them. Then sucked on her toes, and licked the sole of her foot driving her wild. He fingered her hole some more making her giggle and moan. Ian paused and got a condom and lube from his nightstand. Deftly he slipped the condom on then spread a dollop of gel on her hole. Ann felt the coolness on her skin and the heat from his body. She kept her eyes closed. "My femboy want his pussy stuffed?" Ian asked as seductively as he could manage. "Mmm Hmm," Was all she could reply, as he held her hips pulling her to his cock. He aimed the head of his dick at her opening and massaged the head in. Her body opened up to accept him, and she gasped. Ian reached forward and grabbed her wrists and held her arms down. He kissed her as he thrust forward causing her to cry out, but her cry was muffled in his kiss. He held her down and roughly began to pump inside her. She bucked her body against his as they wildly fucked. She wrapped her arms around him and followed his moments. Soon his rhythm grew ragged. He slipped out of her and laid her on her side. Ian grabbed her leg and held it high as he slid in behind her and began again. She felt her own stiff dick bouncing in the air to his thrusting. She moaned with every collision of their bodies. She felt wonderful as he filled her. But Ian couldn't keep up this position long. Again he shifted. He stood up and pulled her by her ankles across the bed to the edge, lined himself up and drilled into her body again. This time his thrusts were so powerful she couldn't help her cries. She was so close, her tortured libido had been on the edge since Ian had nearly sucked her to climax. Soon she was passed the point of no return and out of control. She came in a torrent and shot hot cream all over his belly, she screamed loudly with every wave of pleasure. Moments later Ian pulled out of her and ripped of his condom stroked himself twice and shot his load all over her chest and face. Sated he collapsed next to her. Their sweaty bodies lay entwined as they gasped coming down from their exertions. He kissed her gently as he held her. She felt the hot cum cooling on her skin. Ian got up abruptly. "I'll get you a towel, "he said. Going to the bathroom he tossed her one without looking from the bathroom. Ann wiped the cum from her skin, trying to identify the emotion she felt. She desperately needed this, but she was terribly uneasy about Ian. Listening to him use the bathroom, she felt the sudden urge to run away. The door opened, and Ian came back to the bed. "Would you like to stay the night?" he asked.

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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 6 New Beginnings

SATURDAY I woke up to Speckles licking my face. I opened my eyes and pet her. The sun was streaming through the window. I slept pretty good. I got up to let Speckles out. But first, I changed into one of my old t- shirts, and grabbed a pair of Kathy's shorts. Passing my height mark on the door jamb I noticed I didn't shrink. Cupping my breasts told me those have not grown either. I grabbed the back of my hair. It seems to have stopped growing right at the middle of my...

1 year ago
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

2 years ago
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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Part One Small Town Big Problems

Adrian Grody sat watching the night sky in his patrol car. He was a few minutes away from ending his shift. Adrian hated his job as a security guard at the mall, but someone had to do it. He took one more drive around the building. He wanted to make sure the teens he had spotted earlier smoking weed and hanging out had left as he had asked them.When he pulled around, he saw one lone sports car left behind. One of them had stayed behind it would seem. Adrian took a deep sigh and drove over. The...

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Early Beginnings Part Two

I was feeling very pleased that i had taken the plunge and rung the doorbell of Arthur`s upstairs neighbour. I could still taste his come in the back of my throat and fancied i could still smell and feel his bushy pubic hair encompassing my lips and nostrils.I had bits of pubic hair stuck between my teeth which felt very weird, but i was elated with the whole experience and thought i had aquitted myself rather well. I knew now that this was for me and that i would want do it again and...

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Beginnings Chapter 4 Room For Change

Later that evening I chased like a child through the wide-open meadows of my mind, carefully sweeping as many of my butterfly thoughts into a delicate net as I could. The beach was now empty and only the sleepy ghosts of happy days remained. A tired sun, its dwindling energy spreading like a worn, burnished cape around it, was balancing uneasily on the far horizon. The darkening sea was giving up cool hints of her salt-scented breath, which every so often lifted wisps of hair from my face and...

3 years ago
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Clothing Comdex and Confusion 3 New Beginnings Old Endings

Clothing Comdex and Confusion ? New Beginnings Old Endings Copyright 2004 Beth Williams Sunday, December 9, 2001 I awoke in a hospital bed. There was an IV drip started in my right arm, and I could hear the incessant beep of a heart monitor. The lights were low, and Jeeves was setting in one corner of the room. When he saw I was awake, he left the room. Linda sat next to me, holding my left hand. I felt calm, tranquil, and slightly light headed. "I've been sedated haven't I?" I...

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The Modern Age Part 2 New Beginnings

Viscount Gerald Sykes was sitting at his desk, puffing on a malodorous cigar when his wife Lady Felicia Sykes burst into his office with a frown on her face. "Do you have to pollute the air with those things?” She asked.He bent down and scratched the ears of a puppy lying at his feet, "See what I have to put up with Snuggles. Once you marry them, they can't help themselves. They want to rule every facet of your life. When you get married, pick an old fashioned bitch who doesn't want to try...

1 year ago
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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
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Beginnings Larry was hard at work on a new accounting cost model project. As the newest member of the firm and a recent university graduate, he was fortunate to draw this assignment. Stan stopped by to offer his congratulations. Stan was a long time member of the firm; and, had taken Larry under his tutelage at the firm. Larry was grateful as he was new to the area and did not have family or friends in the town since moving here from college. “Congratulations on your new project assignment....

Wife Lovers
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New Beginnings Part Five A New Dawn

The view was magnificent from up here. Alex had finally gotten out of what he was beginning to call his jail cell. Although he loved his place, he wasn't allowed much freedom to roam. It had been weeks since he had arrived on Solaria's home planet, he had met the Queen of their society, and it had become very apparent that he was essential to them as a human battery.At least six times a day, a female member would come up and drain him of what they were calling life-sustaining fluid. Most of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision

Introduction: This is a Fictional Story, Romance, Love and Sex. Enjoy it but dont take it too seriously My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 58 Black maid Hazel, 33, 56 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 62, white, Derrick, 18, Dominics assistant 60, White Charmaine, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel...

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New Beginnings

New Beginnings (I'd really love an illustrator for this story. If you're interested, please let me know.) I know dad and mom hated each other, and dad had left a year ago and moved to Europe with another woman. But I never thought of him as mean, you know? When they argued, it always seemed as though mom was screaming louder than dad, and was more abusive. But mom kept telling me that he was "out to destroy our family," and wanted custody of me and wanted to take me away from her. Mom...

2 years ago
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My Beginnings As A Woman

MY BEGINNINGS AS A WOMAN Chapter One The Beginning of Being Feminine I am an only child and my parents separated when I was very young, I have not seen my father since their separation. So, I lived with my mother and we were very close. She worked for a very large company and oversaw personnel. Mother was a very beautiful woman and she was also quite feminine. All about her told she was a woman and proud of it. I was always amazed and infatuated when I looked at her as she was...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Part 3 New Eden

"We ain't here to cause trouble. We'll leave peaceable." "Too late, yer trespassin'", came the reply. "Honest, we're just picking up supplies. It looked empty." Another shot hit the counter above their heads. "We have you outnumbered. This is my town. We're defending ourselves and you're thieves." Another shot scattered glass over them. "We don't want a fight. We'll leave everything." Cam looked wistfully at the guitar laying by his feet. "Too late, you got a fight. My...

1 year ago
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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter I Beginnings

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is candy and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated X....

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Sissy Julian Chapter I Beginnings

Here we go again. Some boys simply are sissies. This is the story of one of them. It is not a story of discovery, although there is much of that, but rather a tale of a lovely boy's trip to self-realization, albeit a tad 'forced.' If lots of frilly sissy boy and girl outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex, not to mention dominant women, are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fictional fantasy work. No references...

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Beginnings It started out in such a simple and harmless way. Some friends were having a Halloween party for a Girl Scout Troup and I agreed to provide some entertainment by telling fortunes. For fun, we decided it would be best if I wore a costume so I agreed to become Caroline the fortune teller for the night. I had never worn women's clothing before so it seemed like quite the lark. I did some exploring on eBay and found I could shop anonymously as long as I knew what size to...

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Beginnings Day 5 Harrys Job Offer

BEGINNINGS - DAY 5 - HARRY'S JOB OFFER When I got out of my bath I checked the time. I had a few hours before Harry was due to pick me up. I decided to just relax and play through the last few days. It had been quite an experience. I had gone through a series of steps in adopting a female persona, each of which had a part, large or small, in placing me in my current situation. After liberal lotion, I had simply thrown on a bra and my robe and was sitting quietly in my television...

4 years ago
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Beginnings Day 7 A New Friend

BEGINNINGS - DAY 7 - A NEW FRIEND Driving to Harry's club for my 10:00 appointment, I thought about the days ahead and the enormity of the job I had accepted. So far, living as a woman full time had been nothing short of a spectacular experience for me. I simply adored the sensuous feel of my clothing and felt tingly just thinking about my new found sex life. My goodness, Suzy was an amazing lover! When I arrived at the club I had to focus. I had fallen into the trap...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 3 Dreams Realms and New Beginnings

The changes continue for Alex and friends as their lives seem to be intertwining uncontrollably. Details of the Empress' last mission begin to emerge. Terra's new era finally and truly begins. Episode 4 "Dreams, Realms, and New Beginnings" Waking from my slumber, I turned over and stretched, taking in the smooth, clean feel of the sheets. The light of the new day flooding into the room silhouetted my sleep companion. My arm...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Part Three Time for a change

Adrian sat in the cold room. He stared at the one-way mirror knowing that the military personnel looking at him from behind it were debating on what they were going to do with him. Adrian smiled as he looked at it. Two minutes ago he laid it all on the line. He told them about Solaria and how he met her, and that she had been in his house the whole time. He left out the other sordid details. As he sat in the cold steel chair, he began to ponder on the options Solaria had given him. The moment...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 7

Book 5: New Beginnings Part 2 Chapter 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amber snuggled up against Roland as she slowly woke up. Almost automatically, she ran her fingers down his muscular, if no longer young, stomach searching for his morning hard-on. As she gently awakened her darling husband’s cock, she thought back on the years since they had crash landed in the Colorado Mountains. Roland had driven that under-powered sports flitter while she and her twin sister, Ember, huddled...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 5

Book 5: New Beginnings Part 1 Chapter 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author's note: Please understand that I do not believe that women should be treated the way that Frank treats Tanya in the beginning of this chapter, despite the fact that she loves it! And it's damned exciting to write it. I hope you have fun reading it, and receive it in the 'tongue-in-cheek' manner in which it is intended. Chapter 5 Tanya looked up at her manacled wrists as she leaned back against the...

2 years ago
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INNOCENT BEGINNINGS ‘Did you take your vitamin, dear?’ Ellen called from the bathroom. I rubbed sl**p from my eyes and picked up the pill bottle, rolling a big tablet into my palm. ‘My horse pill? I’m doing it now.’ ‘Have you noticed any difference yet?’ ‘Nah. Vitamins are pretty much all alike.’ She’d gone on a minor health kick a month before, insisting that I needed to lose a little weight and take better care of myself. I hadn’t actually made it to the gym to work out like she was though....

3 years ago
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INNOCENT BEGINNINGS "Did you take your vitamin, dear?" Ellen called from thebathroom. I rubbed sleep from my eyes and picked up the pill bottle,rolling a big tablet into my palm. "My horse pill? I'm doing itnow." "Have you noticed any difference yet?" "Nah. Vitamins are pretty much all alike." She'd gone on aminor health kick a month before, insisting that I needed to losea little weight and take better care of myself. I hadn'tactually made it to the gym to work out like...

1 year ago
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Beginnings and Endings

Beginnings and Endings By Ray Kitten Peter shifted the heavy garbage bag to the center of his back as it had once again managed to slip down towards his armpit. Once the traffic signal changed he trudged again onward, still deep in thought as he plodded right in front of a car that was trying to navigate a sharp left turn. The driver forced his brakes and narrowly avoided running Peter down, as he quick dashed to the sidewalk the driver leaned out the window to holler words which...

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My Beginnings as Denise

The Beginning of My Life Denise Girl Disclaimer: This document is written as an autobiographic experience. It is not to be copied without written consent from the author. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be named. Please enjoy it with happiness and good health. Beginnings As most transvestites; I started early...probably 7 or 8 years old. I could not resist the feeling of my little sister's lace and silky slips and dresses. Having 2 sisters made dressing...

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