A Dream Comes True Ch 14 free porn video

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A Dream Comes True. Ch14. By Julian Irwin. "Would you like to help Mummy get dressed this morning Jessica?" I was asked as we headed upstairs, still wearing our nighties and gowns. "Oh yes I'd really love to help you. Can we dress each other?" I asked with much enthusiasm. An answer wasn't needed; the glowing smile and the pulling of my hand towards her said it all. I felt so much more at ease now. I helped take off her nighty, seeing this attractive woman standing naked before me, even without me blushing. But still I couldn't lower my eyes to her undraped sacred womanly part. Acting as this is a normal everyday occurrence. I took the jag of 'Freesia' perfumed talcum powder and large fluffy powder puff, lightly I dusted over Mummy's upper body. About to put the talcum powder away when I got asked, "Haven't you forgotten somewhere that needs powdering?" I just froze in my tracks; I blushed knowing where she meant. I knew I had to do it, I knew it's not going to bit or eat me up. Taking the powder puff, dabbing it freely in the powder, I began patting softly over Mummy's lower region. With each dab I seemed to relax a little more knowing I can do it. On finishing and looking up smiling triumphantly to Mummy, as to say *I did it* "Now that wasn't so bad was it sweetheart?" With that I received a warm embrace and kiss. If this is going to be my reward every time, I'm happy to make it a daily habit. I love Mummy's kisses. I was allowed to pick out underwear for Mummy to wear. You can imagine the fun I had sorting through her drawers finding the most adorable bra, a pair of equally elegant French Knickers with a good inch or more of fine lace adorning each leg opening. The suspender finished of the set beautifully. The whole set was in a lovely lemon shade of silk and fine lace. Then I took great delight in helping Mummy into all these pretties, yes, everything even holding the adorable knickers while she stepped gracefully into them. Oh how I longed to kiss them as I knelt before her, gently I proceeded raising them up her elegantly shaped legs. I made sure they sat just as neatly as did each bosom under the silk bra cups. I felt really proud of myself, all my inner tensions have at long last vanished, for good, I hope. It must have been the nervousness of helping which kept my clittie in a deflated state. I was so happy watching, admiring Mummy as she viewed the image in the full length mirror. Letting her hands caress lovingly over the knee length petticoat, from pert breast downwards. I know it was mostly for my pleasure she did it, but hey! Who am I to say anything? Mummy is the most wonderful loving person in the world as far as I'm concerned. I took a couple of steps closer to be beside her. Wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my head on her right shoulder the best I could under the restrains of my breast pumps, I told her. "You look so beautiful just in your lingerie, would you stay like that all day?" I asked, wondering what the response would be. Turning slightly and pulling me to stand before her, she then asked. "Don't you think I look feminine enough wearing a dress or skirt? Plus I have housework to do." "Oh yes, I think you look beautiful in whatever you wear. But......" I didn't quite know how to finish my statement encase it sounded naughty. So I answered the second part by saying, "You know I love doing housework, once I've got the washing done I can do that. So you don't have to do anything, except make sure I do it the way you want," as I rested my face between her silk and lace covered breast. While stroking lightly over my hair I was told, "I will think about it darling. Now what is this 'BUT' you couldn't finish." "Well don't take me wrong. Your petticoat is so pretty and it would be a shame to hide it under a dress when you don't have to," As I looked up hoping my reply satisfied. It must of as my lips were kissed. Once I'd brushed, combed and re brushed her hair to my satisfaction, yes Mummy's also. I was over the moon when she asked, "Would my lady in waiting care to do my makeup?" "You mean me, do your makeup for you?" as I jumped to the side looking straight into her eyes. Thinking I've only done my own maybe twice, now Mummy is trusting me!! "No my dear, the excited girl in the mirror is who I mean," giving a cheeky smile to me, "You have to learn sometime Jessica, and there is no time better than the present." With much excitement, concentration and advise each step of the way. Make- over was completed in about 30 minutes. And may I say, it wasn't too bad either for a beginner. Well I will get better I was assured of that. Must say I felt like a proper girl while doing her makeup, even with pumps getting in the way. To finish off my assignment I was asked, "Can I at least wear a robe over my pretties if I'm not allowed a dress?" "Yes I can allow that, only if I choose which one," I tried saying while giggling like the girl I feel I'm becoming. With much pleasure I took a lovely satin and lace ivory negligee from the wardrobe. The sleeves and top portion were full rich lace in a floral pattern, while the shimmering satin of the skirt flowed gracefully from a little below the bodice. Standing behind Mummy holding the negligee daintily in my hands while she slid each arm into the appropriate full length lace sleeves. Satisfied I came to the front fluffing around making sure it sat sweetly, but not hindering the view of one beautiful silk petticoat beneath. "I think it best if we leave the ties undone. It shows of the contrast between the lemon and ivory superbly," was my feminine belief to Mummy. "You know, I think my Jessica is becoming a real feminine girl now, isn't she?" Mummy said while pulling me into a warm motherly embrace. "Yes I really feel I am also. You don't think I'm naughty for wanting to see you dressed just like this, do you. Because I really just think the petticoat is so beautiful and it's a shame to cover it if you don't have to." "No Mummy knows you're not thinking naughty things. You are just one lovable Transvestite who loves beautiful clothes. Isn't that true?" I just nodded my head in complete agreement. "Now what say we release these pumps then makes this girl look even prettier?" "I think that's a wonderful idea, then I can do the washing and start my housework." In no time I was standing dressed in all my pretties. Makeup applied in a much shorter time than I had taken. A lovely pale green [almost an eggshell shade if you look at a colour chart] crepe short sleeve blouse was buttoned up, under the collar a long silk teal scarf tied into a lovely floppy bow. Lying on the bed waiting to cover my lower body, one above the knee length teal floral patterned seersucker skirt. In no time my eyes were focussed on the girl in the mirror. My hands caressing lightly over my breast, as I wondered how long they will take to show out proudly for all to see. "Do you think it's these pills I'm taking that are helping me act and reason more femininity?" I asked. "As the Doctor said, they are to help you come to terms with your girly emotions. In your mind you want to experience all the elegance of being a beautiful feminine girl. So these pills are to help you along this electrifying path. Which I know you're cherishing every morsel of, would I be right?" "Yes you are so very right, I never realized how wonderful I was going to feel within myself than I do right now. It's so hard to explain," as I looked to Mummy, guessing she already knew the answer, after having Denise. I was so taken with the image before me and my thoughts, that I didn't notice Mummy now standing waiting to adorn my head with a white satin mantle. One of which sweet Annabel had given me to wear while doing housework. "Would you like to wear this which doesn't quite go with your clothes or a matching bow in your hair?" I was asked while she held both in her hands. "I can't wear a bow; Annabelle gave me the veil for this very purpose," I made known. "I thought you would say that, that's why I had to ask. She means a lot to you doesn't she?" "Yes almost as much as you and Denise do. I'm so lucky having you all, aren't I?" with that, the white mantle covered my hair ready for me to start being the housemaid. But not before I donned ones frilly white pinafore and had the bow tied at the rear. With the main washing flopping gently around in the machine, I went to work doing all the delicate hand washing. It gives such a wonderful feeling having all these dainty feminine treasures swilling lovingly between your caring fingers. The knowledge that these articles covered the most intimate parts of Mummy's, Denise's and my bodies, it's so different to doing boys under things, they always went in the machine with all the rest of the washing. Don't get me wrong I loved hand washing Shane and Andrews silk shirts and satin boxers when they needed it. With all these little things hanging in the drying room, I went to work dusting and vacuum cleaning the lounge. Only to be interrupted by Mummy carrying two cups of tea wanting to have a we talk. Sitting so very ladylike, saucer resting in the palm of my left hand, cup held ever so daintily by the thumb and forefingers of the right, little finger bent slightly pointing outwards. I listened as Mummy firstly asked. "Have you seen girls while they are having their periods?" I was asked. "I don't know, I must of I guess. Like at work guess they must of had them also wouldn't they of?" not wanting to mention my real mother or sister's name. "I take it that you don't really know much about them, wouldn't that be true?" "Yes very true, but I do know girls start them, sort of like when boys start puberty and you know......." thought it best not to finish that line of thinking. "Well you know how we said about Denise having a period. Well she started this morning, so you may find her a little touchy at times or even she might just want to take off to the bathroom. Just remember her sensitive body parts are very touchy at this time." "Yes I know that, that's why we can't do anything together isn't it? At least it'll show me what I could be in for if I decide to have them, ah!!" "Now that's all settled, but for a start just play her moods by ear. Ok?" "Yes I wouldn't want to do anything to upset my big sister," I said smiling over the 'big' part. "I've been on the phone to my Solicitor to see what is happening about your adoption. Do you still want to go through with it?" she asked, like I was having second thoughts about it. "Oh Mummy you know I don't want anything else but to belong too you. I love you so much," as I got out of my comfortable armchair to kneel at her feet. Wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my head on her petticoat enwrapped lap. I was about to try and plead my case further to be hers, when she lifted my head to look at her. "You look so cute at times like this sweetheart; I know you want to be with me. But I couldn't resist seeing your reaction. How could anyone not want you?" Oh God, such a wimpish sissy I am, tears came to my eyes on hearing Mummy say, "How could anyone not want you," knowing how I wasn't wanted. I was helped up onto her knee as I cuddled into her, all I could say was "I don't want to just be with you, I want to belong completely to you Mummy." "Yes I know sweetheart and you will, now listen to what I have to say. On Tuesday morning we'll be going to see my Solicitor. The thing is he thinks the best and quickest way around it is just to change your name by Deed Poll. He'll explain it fully to you, so don't worry yourself about the adoption. You will still be all mine and this way the Burnets won't have to be involved. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "Yes I think so; I'll be Meredith Jessica Peterson forever more." "Well what about Meredith Jesse Peterson. Jesse is both male and female? So think about that. Because at times you will have to fill in forms using your full name, like when you start work, it could be embarrassing signing up as Jessica wearing a suit and tie. Just think of the nasty comments you'd get. Even more so than what you got at school just for being Gay." "I think it's a super idea, as long as Richard is not part of it. But I'll still be known as Jessica Peterson by all who matter won't I?" Roll on Tuesday. I had just gone up stairs to make the beds when Denise arrived home. Amazing how quick the day went. Well thinking about it, most of the morning was spending quality girly time with Mummy. I was interested to see if I could notice any difference in Denise now she's started her period thing. Mind you I didn't know what I'd be looking for, as I don't think I've seen any woman displaying signs, saying "Hey look I'm having my period," So guess it will be just within the person, or something. But over the rest of the evening I noticed how she wasn't quite as 'romantic' for want of a better word. I'm sure she must have got cramp a couple of times, as she sat quite then took off to the bathroom. Looking to Mummy I had to ask, "Is this what happens when you're having your period? Is she in pain?" I had to know. "Yes only a little, but not the sort of pain you're thinking of," I was informed with a smile, then taking hold of my hand giving it a little squeeze. "Will I be able to take it like Denise is?" I wanted to know. "Yes I'm sure you would, so don't worry about it. It's not like you have even decided to go through a menstrual cycle yet is it? At least you have Denise to observe before making your mind up. And just think a real girl has no choice in the matter. Plus they have babies which is far more painful than anything you can imagine right now. Then a beautiful baby arrives taking all that agonizing pain away." I didn't know what to say to that, but I know I have some thinking to do. Waking on Saturday morning, realizing today is the day I'm to face up to Andrew and Shane. Seeing me for the first time wearing a dress, makeup and smelling like only a girl would. I began to think what will they say, what will they be thinking. Will it be too much for them to handle. After me living with them for so long as another Gay Boy enjoying our gayness together, now for me to look and feel so much a girl. I cuddled into my teddies for security, telling them I don't care what they or anyone else thinks. Knowing I have Mummy and Denise who love me the way I now am. But really deep down I do want Andrew and Shane to still love me the way they did and treat me the way they did, as I still love them very much. My thoughts were broken as Mummy entered the room. "Good morning darling, did you have a good sleep?" she asked before offering me a kiss. "Yes I did thank you, I hope you and Denise did also." "Yes we both did and I told Denise all about our lovely day yesterday. She's so pleased you're getting more relaxed seeing my naked body. Now let's get these mittens off you as it's after seven and we have to be leaving by 9:30. I bet you're looking forward to seeing the boys again, aren't you?" "No not really, I've been lying here thinking about what they might think of me now, seeing me as a girl." Pulling me into her motherly arms like a protective mother would, kissing the top of my head while stroking over my back, before pushing me out a little. "What is the trouble sweetheart, you are all tensed up because of visiting your friends?" as she looked at me. I just nodded my head while taking Cuddled into my arms. I was assured in no uncertain terms that I'll be accepted for who and what I am. That I'm the same person who lived with them, the same person they loved dearly and thought an awful lot of. It isn't clothes that make you who you are; it's what is inside the person that they and we all love. Mummy said she knows first hand how much they think of me. How she almost had to swear on the bible that nothing inappropriate would happen me when I came to live here. With that over, Cuddles and I got pulled back into lovely embrace. Once my clit had been tucked safely away under my gaff, Mummy proceeded to dress me in my prettiest white satin and lace lingerie, even to wearing Denise's silicone boobs in my bra cups. Over which I wore a beautiful long puffed sleeved white chiffon blouse. My skirt was above the knee length pleated grey silk with a multi coloured floral pattern through it. Around my neck a lovely red satin square was rolled diagonally then knotted sweetly so both ends hung ever so daintily to the left side over the collar, in turn covering my little boy's apple beautifully. The final touch was a silver trinket anklet around my right ankle. Looking in the mirror all I saw was one pretty teenage girl of my age, not the younger girl I dream of being dressed as. Mummy said this look will give a much better impression to Andrew and Shane. After one final kiss to Denise, who I must say wasn't really looking her radiant self. I wonder if it's her period thing she's going through. I didn't like to ask till we were in the car. "Isn't Denise feeling very well this morning Mummy?" "Yes she's fine, it's just the way she has woken up this morning," I was told with a smile, which in turn left me still wondering if it is this period she's going through worth it. Guess I'll find out soon enough. About 9:45am we arrived outside my old flat. Fortunately a car had just pulled out of a parking space right handy, so didn't have to walk the length of the street. As keen as I was to see Andrew and Shane again, my stomach had other ideas. While taking the cases from the boot of the car, I was told to just take a deep breath there's nothing to be scared about. I didn't have time to even take that deep breath, as standing right beside me was Shane. "God, you look so beautiful girl," while opening his arms ready to embrace me in the same manner we always did. Even that we act of love shook any nervous uncertainties I had away. The first lovely sign of being a girl was when Shane insisted on carrying the cases. Yes I know he would of even if they were full. On entering the doorway, there stood Andrew with camera in hand ready to take Mummy's and my photo as we entered. I felt like a Princess being pursued by the Paparazzi, I loved it. Satisfied he then handed the camera to Mummy to take a photo of him and Shane either side of me. I was then engulfed by Andrew saying how stunning I look. Again I realized all my earlier trepidations of what my ex flatmates would think were groundless. Andrews kissing was as loving as it had always been. Well don't think he could change that in only a week. He's got a long tongue you know. It was so lovely the way he then took my hand leading me into the dinning come sitting room. No Mummy hadn't been forgotten, they both took turns to embrace her in much the same way, only she missed out on any kisses that were on offer. I don't think they quite knew whether to offer her a kiss or not so being the gentlemen they are, best to refrain. Mummy got offered a seat, but I was told to just stand there, "let us have a good look at our Jessica," Shane said, in turn sending my face a deep red with embarrassment as they appraised the girl before them. I couldn't help but say, "Both of you have seen girls before, you even work with some." "Yes my Dear, but you are different to those they work with or on the street," Mummy had to say in their defence. After having a cup of Tea and little chat, Mummy said she wants to have a look at some shops in Tooting. Which I guess was a way of leaving us to have a good talk about what I've been doing. So she said her goodbyes for now saying she'll be about an hour. Andrew led her to the door and I could hear them having a we chat before the door closed again. "Right now Jessica we want to know all that has been happening over the week. But firstly now we're alone, let's see what pretties girls wear underneath," Andrew said looking straight into my eyes. I had no option as Shane was about to unzip my skirt. I knew there would be no point in trying to act all modest, they both know me far to well for that. So was happy to let Shane remove the skirt. Even under my gaff, I couldn't help but get an erection try to develop, as hands fondled over my petticoat. I just closed my eyes letting them touch where they wished. But with one warning, "As much as I love you both, please don't make me cum, will you?" "No we won't do anything like that; we only want to see your pretties," Andrew assured me. "You've even shaved your pubis off," as his hand caressed all around. "It still feels just as good, what do you think Shane?" next think another hand started fondling around and who am I to stop them doing what they like. "Just think no more pubis to spit out Andrew," Shane had to cheek to say. "You are so rude, to think I was living with a couple of cock hungry sluts, hope you don't molest Justin like this. [The new flatmate] Yes all my body hair has now gone and gee it feels so good being hairless," I told them. "These are so pretty," Shane said as he raised my petticoat bring my beautiful white satin and lace panties into view. "You are one lucky girl aren't you Jessica," he said. "But why have you got this thing covering your cock?" he had to know. "Yes I know I'm lucky," fortunately my answer about the gaff satisfied them without any impolite remarks to a "girl." "Have you got Boobs already?" Andrew asked as his hands started caressing up over my blouse. Without even asking now he began undoing the buttons. "We must have a look at them also," he said. "No I don't have Boobs yet. I'm wearing Denise's breast forms," I informed him. I felt so wonderful having them both fondling over them, saying how real they feel. I told them to take the pads out to see my little Boobies. Explaining how I use hormone cream twice a day plus the pumps every morning. In doing so Andrew said, "And to think how flat chested you were. At least let me have a little nibble on the new you," as his mouth went straight in. "Don't bit them this time like you used to; they are still a little sensitive," I had to warn him, knowing first hand how he loves using his teeth. Satisfied with the pretty underwear I'm wearing the fashion show came to an end with Shane insisting he puts me back together again. "You're really happy being a girl now aren't you Jessica," Andrew asked "Do you think you could be just a boy again?" "I'll still be wearing male clothes at times, like when I start work, just as Denise does. I know I'm very happy being this girl, I just adore wearing all these gorgeous clothes and being treated as a girl. I know I've still got a lot to learn, but I don't think I could be a normal sort of boy again. I really don't know even though my cock is still there and operates just the same. I don't want to start taking hormone pills or anything like that. I don't know what else to say, I've never thought about it like that before. It's only been a week really and I'm feeling so wonderful inside, if you know what I mean," while looking from one to the other. "But you guys will treat me just the same as always, won't you? I'm still very much the same gay boy," I almost pleaded, not wanting to be abandoned by them, my saviours. "You know we would never do that to you, we love you like our little brother or should I say sister. You know I'd love to take you out some night as my girlfriend," Andrew informed me. I felt quite flattered hearing him say that. "Now we've seen what lovely underwear our girl wears. It's time to tell us what you've been doing," Shane said. Well with so much happening to me I didn't quite know where to start. Even more so, not knowing what to leave out, like having to wear mittens to bed, going to bed to explore Mummy's nakedness. So started my telling them about springing myself at the dress shop, which they thought hilarious, yes I really see the funny side of it now, but at the time no! I also told about going to have my voice-box operated on come next Tuesday, which they both think is a good idea. Oh yes, that I'll also be starting school again, again that brought laughter from them. I had no sooner finished telling them how I want to be adopted by Mummy, to be hers and no longer a Burnett when the door bell rang. Yes it was Mummy returning; gee an hour can go very quick at times, well no it was almost two hours by the cloak. With our promises to keep in touch as they are dying to hear the new Jessica speaking in her new girly voice, but for Andrew to then come out with, "Be a good little girl at school you're there to learn, so keep your hands off all those boys, just give them our address." Even trying to be the good girl in front of Mummy, I just had to advise Andrew that I'll be keeping them busy or sharing them with Annabel. With that there were hugs and kisses all around this time. As Mummy said if it's good enough to kiss my daughter it must be good enough to kiss her, which they both did, on her cheek. In the car I apologized for saying what I did to Andrew in front of her. But said, "I can't let him have the last word can I? Isn't it a girl's prerogative to have the last word?" giving a big smile towards Mummy. Who in turn said "Yes it is in most cases if the man thinks he's getting on top." I was so happy telling her how well the visit went and how pleased I am that they still love me just the same. Even though it's only been a week and have met just a few people, everyone has been so kind and accepting of me. That I know I'm doing the right thing in wanting to live my life as Jessica. The next few days went as normal with me doing the washing of all our delicate undies, nighties, even some of the blouses that Mummy says shouldn't go into the washing machine. Really I don't know what I like the most, doing the washing or later having to iron every item making sure they look as pretty and fresh like new, watching as I go that none of the lace gets creased in the process. It was also noticeable the slight mood changes in Denise. One minute she's as happy as, then she seems to get hot flushes or cramp around her lower stomach area by the way she would hold down there. Mummy told me that Denise is having a hard time with her period this month. Just watching her makes me wonder if I would ever want to go through this for a week in order to experience this side of womanhood. Somehow I don't think so. On Monday night Mummy sent me off to get ready for bed as normal at about 8:30pm. Saying she'll be in shortly to do my breasts [she knows how I like having her or Denise massaging the hormone cream in for me] then tuck me in. No sooner had I finished cleaning and applying my night time lotions when she arrived. Turning to say how she'd timed it nicely, as I sat wearing only my panties and bra, but unable to mouth a word. I could only look and admire, seeing her standing there in only her dazzling pale turquoise just above the knee length shimmering satin with richly laced bodice petticoat. My eyes couldn't stop from scanning her beautiful feminine form, albeit covered. But I was reassured she was wearing panties by the noticeable outline in that region. Still no words seemed able to part my lips, only an appreciative smile. Like it was an everyday occurrence to come and tuck me in wearing only her petticoat. All she said was, "Let's take your bra off and see how those budding boobies are coming along." Thankfully she wasn't about to remove my panties also, as I had sprung one beautiful stiff erection on seeing her state of 'un'dress. Standing behind me while massaging both breasts together, I knew my predicament had been noted, as Mummy said. "I think you're loving this aren't you sweetheart?" "Yes I am, it's much better than doing it myself," trying to cover up what I knew she meant. Looking at her through the vanity mirror a big 'you know what I mean' smile reflected to me. There was no point in trying to hide what was obvious to all, as I stood to remove my panties. Mummy gathered my nighty ready to let slither over my now warm touchy breast. Still unable to hide one standing clitty as the nighty made its downward descent, coming to rest on one protruding obstacle. As to say 'look at me, can we play tonight Mummy?' Quickly I pulled the nighty free, letting it fall a little further to just below my knees. After receiving a lovely kiss I was helped lie on the turned down bed, ready for my mittens and to be tucked in. Sitting on the bed beside me Mummy started caressing softly over my hair, her fingertips made there way slowly towards my cheeks. My breathing had become laboured; my clitty was now twitching quite noticeable. Looking up to Mummy giving her an *Oh, Yes Please* smile. Smiling wantonly back at me before saying, "I think my Jessica will be a lot more comfortable if we take her nightgown off for a while." I didn't have to be told twice, as I stood to quickly disrobe. At the same time Mummy was making herself more comfortable, like sitting even a third pillow up at the headboard to rest against as she lay in the middle of the bed. Wondering what is going to happen as I looked on with much interest. "I want you to lie across Mummy's lap sweetheart," at the same time indicating how, to me. With a little help I was soon lying across her lap, my head resting in her left arm facing her lace covered motherly breast. Oh my god, this is so tantalizing that my already throbbing clit is now leaking those first drops of clear fluid. "Would you like to kiss Mummy's breast little one?" she asked knowing I'm sure the answer. Without a word my lips went adoringly to the lace enclosed taut nipple closest to my mouth. Kissing was not enough, as I let my tongue encircle one erect nipple, flicking teasingly over it at the same time. The soft moans I heard, the gentle way my head was being fingered, I knew I was pleasing my Mummy. After about a minute or so I guess, it was suggested I lie back a bit while she adjusts her petticoat. Something I wasn't quite ready for, as I watched her free the left breast from its pretty enclosure. Helping me back to nestle into her like a baby to its mother's breast, my mouth directed to one darker shade of erect nipple. No instructions were needed as to what I'm to do, after licking, kissing her firm breast showing her much love and adoration. Instinctively my lips went to work suckling carefully, making sure to keep my teeth out of harms way, while savouring this precious moment. The knowledge of feeding at Mummy's smooth full breast, the warm silky touch of her luscious satin petticoat on my naked body, along with the erotic sensual touch of soft satin scarf fondling my genital area. Lovingly between my thighs, over my stomach this seductive square of fine satin fabric left its wanton imprint, before caressing tenderly the length of my clitty, filled me with indescribable lust. All the while my hands were fondling the best they could over my satin sheathed mother beneath me. Wanting to cry out in carnal lust, but not wanting to take my mouth from Mummy's erect nipple. I soon got the impression she's been down this road before, as she took my lips to hers while still fondling gently on my throbbing clit. Guiding my mouth back to her taut nipple which I delightfully licked and kissed lovingly, before placing my lips securely over it once again. Finally I got to the point where I could hold off no longer. My head fell from Mummy's breast as I cried out. Thrusting my lower body upward in uncontrollable spasms, my sissy clit seemed to grow thicker before spurting out volley after volley of hot sissy juice to such heights. Thankfully I didn't have my lovely silk nightgown on; it would have been soaked in sweet sissy cream. Lying across Mummy completely spent and exhausted, but still able to smile to her. I watched as her fingers uplifted some of my spent juice, offering it to me to savour, before repeating the process. Only this time those same two fingers entered her own hungry mouth. "I think my pretty little girl really cherished her new experience, would I be right?" "Oh yes I really, really did," I said while letting my own fingers wander over one sticky body. "Uuummm Mummy........ can I........ umm.... kiss you....... you know where?" I then asked, but looking down towards her panties, then back waiting an answer. "Yes certainly you can sweetheart," came with a charming smile. I wanted to please Mummy as she had me and after so many tries. I knew this has got to be the time. Lovingly I stroked over her elegant petticoated body, offering little kisses as I did so. Kneeling adoringly beside her legs, I looked back for her approval to continue. But all I saw was my gracious mother lying there with eyes closed. By that image I knew I had her consent. Kissing sweetly on each satin covered thigh before gently raising the petticoat bringing into view her matching luscious fine satin and delicately laced embellished French knickers. On seeing them my heart almost missed a couple of beats. They looked so beautiful, so exquisitely feminine. Even if I go no further, I knew I had to touch them, to kiss them in the most devout way possible. As I did so, my mind kept thinking how wonderful it is being so feminine, to wear such delicately divine lingerie. After one last adoring kiss, I could linger no longer; my heart was racing as never before. Putting my fingers gently under the narrow elastic waistband, I slowly began lowering these entrancing knickers. In doing so a little help came from Mummy, as she raised herself to enable there removal. Letting them come to rest just below her knees, I now looked at Mummy's exposed sacred area. I knew I could do it, but before lowering myself, I looked up to her saying, "I love you so very much Mummy," Resting my hands either side of her legs, I bent down to kiss in the most worshipful way I knew how. Not one, but two soft adoring kisses I placed over Mummy's virginal lips. In no time I felt her hands stroking just as lovingly over my head. I know she said something, but what I couldn't make out. Feeling ever so proud of myself for what I've at last accomplished, but not wanting to over stay my welcome. Raising her knickers before kneeling back up displaying one beaming ear to ear smile, I fell into Mummy's waiting arms for a wonderful mother daughter cuddle. "That was so beautiful darling, you've made Mummy so happy," she whispered in my ear. Back in my nighty I lay quite contented with teddies either side of me, while Mummy tied my mittens on for me, before tucking me in for the night. After one last goodnight kiss she said, "I am so proud of you Jessica, now have a good sleep." As the light went out I couldn't help but pull Princess and Cuddles into my arms telling them what I've just succeed in doing. In no time Tuesday had dawned with Denise happily playing her fingers over my face, like I'm a piano keyboard. "Wakey, wakey, a little girl has to be up early this morning if she wants to go with Auntie to the Solicitors. You do still want your name changed don't you?" she asked while I was trying to workout how the night went by so quickly. Guess that's what happens after a most gratifying night. I just had to tell Denise some of what happened, how I even suckled pleasingly on Mummy's breast like a small child while she gave me another amorous milking. And the greatest news of all, how I at last kissed her down there, even taking her knickers down to do it. I know Mummy would have told her all about it, but I was still feeling so elated with myself. Denise was also very pleased about it saying, "It wasn't so hard now was it and those lips didn't bite did they?" With all the morning bathroom duties and breakfast [for want of a better word] over it's now to see what I'll be wearing today, something pretty to excite this Solicitor I hope. Well Mummy had other ideas, suggesting male attire would be more appropriate for my first visit. Plus we can't have him getting sidetracked by having a pretty girl sitting there. So it's to be my navy suit, lilac shirt at least I'm allowed to wear a blue and silver silk scarf tied in an ascot knot under the collar in place of a tie, and yes!!! Underneath, all girl, well that is some consolation I guess. Once dressed I may look all male, but inside of me I still felt very feminine, not quite the girl and not the male the suit is trying to portray. But once I started walking oh! What a differences that made, the flutter of the little fringe hanging from the satin garter around the base of my clitty, along with the ever present pulling between stockings and suspender. Something not even this Solicitor guy can take away from me. So I left home feeling not quite so bad and with the knowledge. That on our return I?ll be one or more steps closer to being Meredith Jesse Peterson. Our visit went wonderfully well, Mr Watson or Simon as Mummy called him explained everything to me, the difference between being adopted and deed pole. So being a person of my age adoption would be a waste of time and money, as I?m of legal age anyway. Yippee so I?m a grownup, must tell Shane and Andrew, well maybe not I liked them treating as a kid brother or sister now. Anyway seems I have to wait a couple of weeks for all the paperwork to be finalized. I didn?t realize these law people could be so nice and friendly. Rather good looking also for a man in his fifties I would say by all the grey hair. On the strength of that being sorted Mummy and I went for a coffee before heading home again. Oh yes, I was able to have a sandwich and for a special treat a piece of chocolate cake. On our arrival home it took me no time to change from this well dressed English boy named Meredith back to being an English girl named Jessica. Well I might have looked to all outside as an English boy, if they only knew what a girlish thrill I was getting. The sensation of silk stockings caressing against my trouser legs, along with the heavenly touch of my satin and silk undergarments. Yes it was 30 percent boy they saw 70 percent girl was the way I felt. I couldn?t wait to send an email to Annabel letting her know I?ll soon be Mrs Petersons daughter my name. It was Friday morning, Denise had left for work, and I must say looking and acting her normal self again. Seems her period is all but finished, I still can?t see myself going through that discomfort for seven days, just for a female experience. As Mummy and I sat at the breakfast table I was asked if I?m getting excited about going to school on Monday. Well with so much happening in my life these days I hadn?t given it much thought. Even Annabel mentioning it in her email the other day it still seemed a week away. Well guess that week has almost passed; now the reality of it has arrived. Along with it comes my so called little operation to help me talk like a sweet girl, I hope. ?Now to help you get through the weekend without worrying about the thrills of starting school again on Monday along with your operation on Tuesday. I?m sending you away this afternoon until Sunday afternoon. How does that sound sweetheart?? I got asked with a smile. ?No Mummy please, I?ll be alright I don?t want to leave you and Denise for anything. I only want to be here with you both. It?ll be bad enough not being with you next week, so please don?t. Where did you want to send me anyway, to some halfway house?? I said feeling sad and not knowing where she wants me to go. ?Well, I guess it could be called a halfway house. You see I was talking to Helen, she was saying Annabel will be home this weekend, so we thought it would be a good time for you two girls to get to know each other better. Remember how Annabel wanted you to go and stay with them for the weekend? If we said yes that will be fine, well know Annabel she would get nothing done at school thinking about this weekend to come. This way she doesn?t know and if I told you I couldn?t see you not dropping a hint or more. So best to keep you both in the dark, but seen as you want to stay here that?s OK I?ll give her a call and say Jessica doesn?t want to leave her mothers side.? ?No you don?t have to do that, I think the break away will be good for me. Also it?ll let you and Denise have uninterrupted time together again, without me hanging around," I said with her and Denise foremost on my mind, well not quite. ?You seem to be in a habit of changing your mind lately darling. First you didn?t want to go back to school for only a couple of weeks, then you hear about the boys, so now it is a wonderful idea. Next you didn?t want a weekend away, now suddenly you do," Mummy said before inviting me to go sit on her knee. That I didn?t have to think twice about as I put my arms around her for a nice big hug. ?Well you see, I don?t want to disappoint Annabel by not going, having her there all weekend alone," was foremost on my mind, if you believe that pigs fly. ?She doesn?t know anything about it yet, that?s why I haven?t told you till now.? ?You know I wouldn?t say anything, remember you check my emails before I send them.? ?That?s true, but thinks of the state you?d be in all week, knowing you?ll be going to stay with Aunty and Annabel?? I couldn?t answer that, so decided a lovely kiss would do the trick. After cleaning away all the breakfast things, it was time for a shower and hair wash. ?We?ll give you a nice bubble bath later. But for now I want to put your hair in rollers, so you look the sweetest little girl going to stay with her Aunty.? ?And Annabel," I had to remind her. I felt so excited on hearing that, as I haven?t had my hair put in curling rollers before. Quickly I showered then shampooed my hair using a lovely perfumed shampoo and conditioner. After putting my breast pumps on, I was back sitting in front of Mummy?s vanity watching with great interest as six heated rollers were rolled then pinned tightly into place. Yes they felt a little uncomfortable at first before a hairnet went over them to hold everything in place. I was beginning to realize what girls go through you make themselves look beautiful. The rest of the morning went so fast, sorting out what I?m to take with me. I asked if I could take my scrapbooks to show Annabel. Yes Mummy was curtain Annabel would love them. Also I had to take my sachets of powder to make up my girly food and of course one large yellow bib with rabbits and teddies all over it. I know it sounds babyish, but I?ve loved wearing it since that first day I arrived at Mummy?s house. Wearing it was my first act of being feminized. Although I don?t have much in the way of girls? clothes, as yet, I was told I wouldn?t need much anyway. Aunty has plans to dress me and Annabel up in pretty sissy clothes, ?like you told Annabel how you wanted to dress like her, when you first met," Oh did hearing that put delicious thoughts in my head. Annabel and me dressed as two luscious young sissies all weekend. Before I knew it, I was back sitting in the bath full of bubbles and sweet smelling bath oils. Lying back letting Mummy lather me up with ?Elegant Rose? soap, the smell was heavenly. I sat there completely lathered till Mummy had washed every part of my body, to let the fragrance penetrate deep into every pore. ?I know you?ll want to smell as beautiful as you?re going to look for your weekend with Annabel. So a good dusting of Elegant Rose talcum powder and body spray won?t go a miss, will it my lovely?? I was asked while being patted dry with a large white fluffy bath towel. ?I?m really loving being a girl Mummy, smelling so beautiful, dressing in all these adorable clothes and able to wear the most exquisite perfumes. Things I dreamed about for so long," I told her while standing in a far away dream world, where everything is full to overflowing of sophisticated sissies. After another application of hormone cream I was helped on with a most stunning new palest of lavender satin bra. It was edged completely around the cups in inch wide ruffled lace. Sitting so daintily between the bra cups, one bold violet satin bow with the ends hanging a good couple of inches below. Even though my hands got smacked away, there was no way I could stop them from caressing gentle over this most desirable feminine article of underwear. It feels so right now for me to be wearing a bra and I have to make sure it is for real you know. I could only give Mummy a big smile, as she said how all girls love touching over their training bras once they notice their swelling developing. The suspender belt was a blue one that I?ve worn before, with six suspenders dangling, excitingly waiting to do there obliging job of holding my fine tan nylon stockings taut, to delight the wearer as she walked. ?I was going to put a lovely big white bow around your clitty. But by the looks of it, I think your gaff will be best suited," ?Oh no please! I?ll try to get rid of the problem quickly, only I?m so excited about everything. Look at my hair in these rollers; you can smell how radiant the perfume must make me feel, I?m not even dressed yet either. Plus I?m to spend the weekend with the most gorgeous girl around, who wouldn?t want to see me all tucked away under a gaff. Would she?? Case closed. With that Mummy did the most unthinkable, unladylike act upon a girl?s clitty. Yes, grasping it firmly near the base and giving one unbearable agonizes squeeze and twist. Coursing gasps of anguish to eject from my almost muted mouth, the pain was so great. In no time any elation my clitty had, had quickly abscond. I tried to explain to her how I know of a much more pleasurable and painless way of achieving the same result. ?Yes, but wasn?t this quicker and don?t you want to keep it all, to share with Annabel?? I decided silence with a smile the best responds. One flaccid, docile clitty now sitting in the way Mummy said they should sit. She went to work wrapping an inch wide white satin ribbon firmly around the base, either side of my cherry basket, before tying it off in a lovely big bow. I love wearing pretty things on my clitty it gives me the sensation of being so much a complete sissy. Satisfied there would be no more erect clitty I watched open mouthed as a pair of lavish panties which matched my bra were held before me. Around each leg opening hung a good two inches of scalloped violet lace. Sitting sweetly to the side and over the lace of each leg a lovely matching satin bow, another sat just as sweetly at the waistband with its ends hanging a good couple of inches below. They seemed to be calling out ?I?m for a sissy girl-boy to wear? and I?m that sissy girly-boy who is salivating at the mouth craving to wear them. I asked if I could just hold them gently before putting them on, to savour the soft shimmering fabric on my smooth face, to offer them a loving kiss at the same time. Well would you in all honesty let them be put on you without being able to hold them to your face to feel there shimmering fineness. At least I remained under control down below this time. They felt so soft and delicate against my face, after a couple of tender kisses I held them out gently for Mummy to take back. As they were being raised up my legs, I could only shiver in delight, the thrilling touch against my stocking enclosed legs before coming to rest a my slim waistline. God I am becoming such an emotional girl. Once my equally luscious short satin petticoat sheathed my body, it was time to work on making this girls face look just as graceful. It wasn?t till Mummy had removed the rollers and worked her magic with my hair, that I had lipstick put on. A pretty ?purple heart? shade which went beautifully with the ?pearly pink? vanish of my well manicured fingernails. Isn?t it amazing how lipstick makes the face look a hundred times better than before? Standing looking in the full length mirror, I was so jubilant seeing the result of having my hair put in those circling rollers. Turning to Mummy wrapping my arms lovingly around her waist, I couldn?t thank her enough. ?Jessica sweetheart, the way your hair is growing, the next time I promise you it will be done at a beauty salon. Where you?re going to get the full treatment, in the way us girls love to be pampered.? I couldn?t stop little tears of happiness come to my eyes. My arms remained firmly around her waist as I tried to say thank you and I can?t wait for that day to arrive. I got sent off to my room to fetch my ankle socks and the wide lace garters with the lavender ribbon threaded through. I love wearing them; they sit so daintily over my little white socks, plus my black two inch high heels shoes. Oh! The thrill that awaited me on my return, lying on the bed one beautiful pale lavender silk half-slip, overlaid from about a third of the way down two layers of a netting, with another stiffened layer between. The top layer had two rows of inch violet satin ribbon surrounding it, at the hem and between the rows of satin ribbon; inch wide lace also encircled the slip. My mouth watered wondering what the dress is going to be, having an extra under skirt such as this. You can imagine the delight as this darling half slip was ever so teasingly guided up over my nylon stocking covered legs. My hands were quivering; my legs were trembling with enthusiasm as the slip came to rest over one exquisite satin petticoat. I don?t know what I?d do without hands, as they went straight down taking hold ever so delicately between my thumbs and fingers. The soft silky texture, even of the fine net was like magical. Somehow my brain forced me to face the mirror, holding my slip in such a sissy manner, while I performed little twirls, even a few little curtsies. ?I don?t think I?ll put your dress on just yet, if you can?t control yourself with a petticoat," Mummy said while standing at the wardrobe door, displaying a radiant smile. Knowing how I must be feeling, with every day a new stimulating feminine experience. ?Oh yes I can, you wait and see. Let?s put the dress on so I can show you," I said knowing I couldn?t wait to be in what ever dress it would be to have such an underskirt. ?Well be a good girl and close your eyes till I tell you to open them.? I did obediently, not even little peeps. At least I didn?t have long to wait. ?Now take a deep breath, and then open your eyes," I could tell by Mummy?s tone she must be excited as I am over this dress. Good job I took that deep breath, in seeing what hung patiently in Mummy?s hands. Just looking at it got my heart racing, my hands all jittery. In a flash I was beside her holding this dress lovingly in my arms, not knowing what to say. Looking up to Mummy I asked, ?This is so beautiful, when did you get it, isn?t it one I tried on at Aunty Sues shop. But you said I wouldn?t wear it enough to buy?? I asked with much eagerness to be wearing it. ?Yes that is true. Then remembering you?ll be going to Aunty Helen?s this weekend, I decided to make a call to see if we could hire it, so Denise picked t up after work yesterday.? ?Oh you are so kind to me," as I tried to embrace her, while not wanting to let go of this gorgeous dress. ?What say we put it on you before it gets all crushed; I don?t think you?ll want to waste time ironing it first will you?? Without another word I handed the dress back to Mummy. Watching with great enthusiasm as she gently fed each arms into the little puffed sleeves, before slowly guiding this darling of girl?s dress down over my beautiful lingerie. With the journey complete, I stood quiet while the buttons were fastened up the back, followed by the three inch wide satin sash being tied into a lovely big fluffy bow at the rear. I could tell Mummy was just as enthuse as myself by the way she then fussed about making sure the collar, little sleeves and finally the skirt all sat just perfect. A beaming smile came across my face as I looked at this young girl in the mirror before me. ?Oh Mummy it is so stunningly beautiful, I look like a thirteen year old girl now don?t I?? I asked wanting confirmation, at the same time touching all over, taking the lovely full skirt between my thumbs and forefingers holding it up slightly to view the pretty slip beneath. Doing little twirls and curtseys as before, believing I am now this young girl, a princess in her gorgeous dress with a softly made up face. ?Yes Jessica you do look so much an adorable young girl now. What say you sit on the ottoman darling while we put your socks and shoes on to finish off.? Like any good girl would do, I sat patiently watching as socks, garters, and then shoes went on my feet. Not quite finished, instead of the pretty lace garters sitting at the top of each sock. This time they sat down just over the shoes, in turn leaving top of my socks to have a lovely lavender satin bow attached to the outsides. I couldn?t wait to stand before the full mirror again to admire the now fully dressed young Jessica. Mummy stood behind me caressing lovingly under my collar telling me what a charming young girl I am. ?This is what you want to be isn?t it sweetheart, Mummy?s little girl?? she asked. ?Oh yes I do, I really do," as I looked to her with immense happiness through the mirror before turning to give her the biggest hug ever. My arms around her waist, my head enshrined between her firm breasts. Fortunately the tightness of the ribbon around the base of my clit put pay to any erection that was trying to develop. The dress is a divine lilac silk, embellished with a violet floral pattern over it. The short puffed sleeves were gathered in and cuffed in a bold but narrow scalloped lilac lace. The darling knee length full skirt gathered in at the waist sits gracefully over my stiffened under slip. Around the hem the same scalloped lace almost finished off one gorgeous dress. To finishing the dress off to its absolute beauty, the prettiest two inch round violet satin collar, edged with a narrow delicate floral lace. The collar in turn matched the elegant wide sash. The prettiness of it all makes one wonder why girls these days don?t like dressing up in these gorgeous girly feminine clothes. I asked Mummy if she would take a couple of photos of me in this most adorable dress before Aunty and Annabel arrive. As I waited for her to get the camera, I found myself skipping around the bedroom holding the skirt in the most girlish fashion possible. But it felt so right for me to be acting this way. As I told Andrew and Shane, no I don?t think I could be ?just? a boy again. I?m sure these little pills I take are helping me realize that also. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 14 coming soon.

Same as A Dream Comes True Ch 14 Videos

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Dreamscape I

Part 1 of a multi-parter. Dreamscape 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche No, this isn't right! None of this is. I stopped in mid bite, then chewed the pancakes more slowly, straining my senses to search for the qualities that I loved in them so well. Nothing. It was not that they were bland in the traditional sense, they were completely devoid of taste altogether. Impossible. I picked up the glass of orange juice and brought the pulpy liquid to my nose, inhaling vigorously for a...

4 years ago
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Dream Come True

Hello Friends, My name is Sulochana Devi and I am 44 yrs old, I am married for past fifteen years and I have two children studying in boarding, my husband is a very nice man, So far we had a very good married life. I am very cautious about myself; I take care of my body very well. I am not very fat nor lean. I am 5’3” tall and I weigh 62 kgs. I have a very healthy sex life but as everybody says as the days by woman loses interest in sex but its reverse on my side. Day by day my sexual urge is...

3 years ago
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Dream Comes True With Priyanka Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, this is Rohan. I have been reading the stories in ISS since last 2 years and I am a big fan of it. But never really got a chance to write my own sex story, though I have had several small oral counters with my gf and ex-gfs but they weren’t that steamy and hot. About me: currently I am in my last year of graduation from a reputed college in bhubaneswar and I am a resident of it. I am a friendly guy. I am tall enough for any lady highest heels (6ft 2in) and so does my d**k (7) to...

2 years ago
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Dream Come True

Hi, I am Aman Khurana, aged 25 years…needless to mention a punjabi boy with great appetite for sex..having fair complexion, medium height of 5 ft 8 inch.. I am a commerce graduate working at some MNC at Delhi.. I was asked to go on an audit to Roorki, where my cousin bhaiya and bhabhi lived along with my aunt. I was really excited as I would be meeting my bhabhi..She is damn hot, having two great looking headlights and two sweet and soft bumpers..I usually jerk off often thinking of her.. I...

1 year ago
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Dream Needs To Come True

Hi to all ISS readers, this is my first story which i dreamt for many a days and years. Am new here so please bear few grammatical errors…. I don’t want to take much time so directly entering into the story. I am Sanjay age 24 working in an MNC and an average Indian guy….This is my fantasy story which am wanting to come true….How i fucked my sister and my friend in same bed…Lets me describe about my sluts. My friend has 32-28-34 structure, fair complexion and nice round boobs….I have touched it...

1 year ago
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Dream Come True

I enjoy watching porn websites where the secretary satisfies the boss. I always think it is a natural thing to do since these two people are always together in the office for about 8 hours if not more, a day. The more I watch the scenes, the more I want to do it with my boss. Occasionally, when I touched myself, I imagined my boss touching me. It really felt so good and I definitely enjoyed it. My boss is actually a nice guy and he jokes a lot in the office. He trusts my most of the time even...

First Time
1 year ago
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Dreams Do Come True

Hazel had been my next door neighbour for over a year and although we'd got on really well from day one, nothing sexual had ever happened between us but it didn't stop me dreaming. She wasn’t what you'd call a raving beauty but she had something special. She had a latent sex appeal!!! She didn't seem to do anything to push the point but it was just there. Each time, after we'd spent time together, I'd go back to my own flat and imagine how it would be to undress her and find out what sort of...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Dream Comes True

Hi, my name is Sneha. I’m 34. I was married to a 26 year old guy from a rich family when I was 15. He fucked me like a wild animal. He made me pregnant. I gave birth to my son, Vignesh when I was 16. Using his money he married another woman and divorced me. When I turned 21, I was longing for sex like a child longing for chocolate. My son was the only male who I see daily. I received many love proposals but I can’t accept them considering my son’s life. I looked young even after 27. I...

3 years ago
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Dream with my student comes true

My name is Aneesh and I’m staying in Kerala. This incident happends 2years back and now i’m working in chennai. I completed my engineering in 2007 and by that time i was placed in CTS. But i was not too interested to join in a software company and waste my future for money. So i was trying for some other jobs here in kerala itself. Luckily i got in one engineering college. At that time my mothers friend one Aunty seeked my help to teach her daughter. TO be frank she is a girl wearing spex and...

4 years ago
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Dreams comes true

After my first time I had cathced my wife to had a sex with her boyfriend in office.I started used hidden recorder everydays and have captured her sex with his lover in sauna.It was amazing and very horny, but I like to get more.I tried to speak with her about threesome but she refused me. Then I have sent some notes to her lover by e mail. He was frightened and start informs my wife about me.She convinced him that I am very dangerous person and not reliable. He is going to avoid contacts with...

3 years ago
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Water rushes in to meet her toes, wiggling things in the sand, petite and pretty. A wistful sigh escapes her as she turns her eyes to the horizon and wonders once more where he might be? What he might be doing? Her Dreamer. Does he think of her like she does him, she wonders. Does the night caress him with the softest brush of its lips, the darkness creep over his skin all shadows and longing and prickle his flesh with a kiss? She smiles as she closes her eyes and turns her face into the...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Dream escort Comes True

Damn it! Why wasn’t this cunt answering her phone? I had called this escort an hour and a half earlier and she had agreed to the time. Now it was a half an hour after our meeting time and since it was nearly 1:00 a.m. likely too late to meet up with another provider. Worst of all she wasn’t answering her phone and I had driven across town to meet her. I hit redial one more time and finally got an answer. She quickly apologized and said she’d understand if I wanted to cancel. I told her I was...

1 year ago
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Dream comes true

Hi, I am Rinku. This is my first story. I am 28 yr old married Indian male, currently based out of US. I called craigslist.com. One day I saw an a posting from 45 yr old married Indian lady, who was going to visit my town on a business trip and needed someone for Friday night in her hotel room – no strings attached. I responded with a pic, got hers in return (though her face was covered). We exchanged some emails and then she agreed to talk using a conference call number. We talked about our...

2 years ago
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Dream Life Of Divya Came True

Hi guys this is Vikram after so longtime. Sorry for the late as I was so busy guys. Firstly, I have to thank you all for your valuable comments and compliments and above all your suggestion and naughty chats on my previous stories and this is of the one who complimented me and had a regular sex chat and became a nice friend of me and invited me for the real fun world with her to have naughty stuff Dear aunties, girls, divorced or widowed and aged all of you are welcome, who is not having a...

4 years ago
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Dreams Come True

Dreams Come TrueFinally, I split with my long-term partner of 15 years and she had custody of our two c***dren.As a secret female wrestling addict since first fantasies aged 10 I decided that my new freedom was going to give me the chance to make fantasy a reality. My first move was to join a dating site and own up to my wrestling obsession. Surprisingly I received a lot of response from women living in the same coastal city as me and even more to my surprise, many were around the 30-40-age...

2 years ago
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Dreamscape III

Dreamscape III By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 3: Kirk, Janet and Betty I pulled into the parking lot a full 45 minutes early and sat in my car. I needed to get my mind around the idea that I was actually going to work. Never had I been this nervous reporting to a job, but never have I done so in a body, which was not mine. Craig Morton, my former self, was an advertising executive at the tender age of twenty-five - a well established wunderkind with a reputation throughout...

3 years ago
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Dreams Can Come True

I dreamt of you last night… There we were walking through the woods, the wind catching our laughter and carrying it away. The late evening autumn sky streaked with all the shades of red and orange, filling us with a warm cozy feeling. Arm in arm there’s no need for words between us, as we step into the cabin we had rented for our rendezvous. Closing the door behind us, I turn to find you just inches from me and I smile. Your strong arms pull me to you and softly you kiss me, parting my lips...

4 years ago
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Dream come true

Sooo once apon a time lol, I was dating a girl for quite some time very attractive girl with a high sexual hunger any mans dream we tried it all and took every opportunity to fiddle with one another by opportunity I mean she was 20 but studying and still in parents house (strict rules) anyways after a year of going to her place and sleeping over I began to get a sexual lust filled hunger for her mother(40) the more I stayed there the more I saw felt and dreamed about ( ,) my I add she was what...

1 year ago
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Foot Fetish Fantasy Finally Comes True

Foot Fetish Fantasy Finally Comes True!This story I'm about to tell you is very much true, and it has changed my foot fetish forever. Hope you enjoy!I have to say, I'm a very lucky man with my girlfriend (whom we will call her, Sarah). She and I have been together for 3 years at this time, and she absolutely loved my fetish for feet. With this story, you'll see just how much. She was always very fond of the idea, and she had the prettiest feet on the planet.She is 5' 4" and very attractive with...

1 year ago
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Dreams do come true

I slid my cock into her slowly, enjoying how the head of my cock spread the inner hole of her moist love pit. Her pussy lips closed around me, grabbing hold of my shaft as it inched inside her. I started to pump finding a perfect rhythm as Iris and I joined as one. “Oh you feel so good! Wow you wrap yourself around me. It’s so tight in there. So tight.” I said as I worked inside her. Being the national marketing manager of Prestige Inc. had its perks. 5 star hotel rooms, unlimited credit and a...

4 years ago
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A Dream comes True

A Dream comes True. Ch 1. By Julian Irwin. This is a story about an 18 yr old sissy boy. Who can't stop having lovely dreams and fantasizing about being dressed as a young girl. He finishes up trying to find a Mummy that will help his dreams become reality. I hope you like it as much as I have writing it. It isn't heavy on sex. But, Remember you're meant to be 18 or older to be reading on this site. *************************** Let me start...

3 years ago
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Dream come true

Jenny stood outside the door smoothing her hands over her skirt nervously. “I hope I look good,” she thought taking out her compact to check her makeup. “It’s been such a long time.” She applied a little more lipstick and pushed her dark brown hair back off her shoulders. She checked her eye shadow also, it was perfectly setting off those bright green eyes and long eyelashes. Jenny shut the compact with a snap and dropped it back in her purse. She was wearing dainty black heels and a hip...

2 years ago
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Dream come true

SUMMER 1995 - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA It was somewhat early in the morning, around 7 am and I was downstairs trying to sneak coffee up to my bedroom. It was then that the kitchen phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey you," she said slyly. I knew at once that it was Hannah. She was by far the most beautiful girl in my school. We had even dated for a few months in 6th grade, and I'd known her forever. But, something in her voice was different this time. "My parents are on vacation and...

1 year ago
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Dreams Do Sometimes Come True

Shawn strapped on his gear and prepared himself for another patrol in one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Standing a whopping 6’5” and weighing a chiseled 275 pounds, citizens and hoodlums alike all new Shawn very well. On the mean streets, his nickname was “Big Jack.” Even his fellow officers looked up to him as well. When they got a rough call, they felt at ease when they saw Shawn arrive as their back-up. By no means was he considered one of those types who hid behind his...

First Time
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Dream Come True

You're in your dressing room getting for your match against Tina Armstrong. This is the first intergender match in DOA wrestling history. This match will be in front of a packed arena. You've only wrestled in front of 100 people at most. So naturally you're a little nervous not to mention, youre about to wrestle your dream girl. What a way to make an impression on Tina, you have to defeat her.

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Dreams Do Come True

I awoke late one Thursday night, early Friday morning, and was drenched in sweat. The air conditioning had went out and I had not cracked the window as I often do during the hot spring months. In Grants Hall, the air conditioning often went out during the night and we would surmises that the administration would shut it done to maintain cost. Any way, I got up and d****d myself in a towel and headed off to the common showers. As I opened the shower room door I heard the waters running, slowly I...

4 years ago
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Dream ScapeChapter 2

Wow, I guess I do have a special power of some kind. I started working with it trying to figuring out exactly what I was capable of doing. I didn't let anyone know about it. I just used it. It made me think back about Abby. No wonder she was so interested in my dream. I must have transferred it to her some way. Oh, hell, I dreamt of her again the other day. I wonder if she had that dream too? To began with, I decided to dream about some of the gals that walked, jogged, and rode their bikes...

2 years ago
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Dreams Do Come True

Dreams Do Come True By K.C. Prologue Hi my name is Carl and a few days ago I was a 20-year-old pedophile. I had a very extensive picture collection of little girls. Mostly 6-14 year olds, nude, their smooth supple body there for me to masturbate to. I would almost cream my pants thinking of their breastless chests. One day something strange happened; now my name is Kaci and I am an eleven-year-old girl. This is my story. Chapter 1: Pre Kaci days I had just gotten home...

3 years ago
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Dream Came True

After reading thro’ so many sex stories. I thought I will share one my encounters with a mysore aunty. Before starting off with this let me make it clear that this post is not to malign anyone’s character or to hurt anyone’s feelings. If you find this provocative PLS let me know and I am open to any comments. It all started after almost year settling down in Bangalore with a good job with a dream company. Working 5 days week, partying out on weekends and again back to work. Work was getting...

2 years ago
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Dream come true

I had always had this fantasy of being tied up and men having their way with me. Well, one evening before my husband Louis set out to run some errands, he instructed me to slip into something white and sheer. He wanted it very see through, as if I had nothing on. He wanted me to wear my favorite most seductive perfume. I was also told to wear a pair of sheer pantyhose and black high heels. As I was putting on the items Louis told me to wear, I realized that he hadn't mentioned panties. So, I...

4 years ago
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A womans fantasy comes true

A Woman's fantasy comes true. The story of Chloe .......... by Vanessa It had been another boring day and the idea of ​​getting out of the office in a few minutes and going to the supermarket, made Diana dream as she mentally added to her long shopping list already prepared. So much so that a polite"Goodbye, see you tomorrow",was ignored for a moment until she realized that her friend Judy was on her way home. "Goodbye," she replied. Diana always parked her car in the same...

2 years ago
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Dream Come True

Hi fellas. This isn't a true story... All born from imagination. Enjoy reading :DI always had a crush on this girl named caddy who came to the gym as the same time as me. She is 17, dark blonde shoulder length hair, brown eyes, a slim 5'6" body, 34 sized boobs and a rounded ass. Whenever I saw her, my dick went nuts and begged to be rubbed. She always went along well with me. Most girls did. Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I am 17, a virgin (sadly), 5'10" long, have a semi muscular...

3 years ago
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Dream come true

As a baby brother to 3 sisters I felt alone during the winter months, I was always being picked on and shouted at "what you want,your a boy you dont play with dolls,why you looking at my tits they aint for your eyes, get out of my room" the list goes on. As I grew up I realised things like, women have pussy's and men get hard ons and if you wank it feels good and if you walk in on your sister rubbing her pussy you have a barganing tool that you use when your in a corner.Well the summer months...

4 years ago
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Dream Machine With correct paragraph spacing

Chapter 1: The Machine My fingers shook as I unwrapped the package. Finally. My own Duelling Machine. Actually, I mused as I skimmed the instruction manual, “Duelling Machine” is a misnomer, it should be called a Dream Machine but the wrong name stuck. Unlike Bova’s conception which was brought to life in the DM-90 model and allowed two people to share a dream as a virtual battle, the more advanced DM-92 allows the sharing of a dream without violence and this one, the DM-100, allows one...

3 years ago
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Dream Machine

My fingers shook as I unwrapped the package. Finally. My own Duelling Machine. Actually, I mused as I skimmed the instruction manual, “Duelling Machine” is a misnomer, it should be called a Dream Machine but the wrong name stuck. Unlike Bova’s conception which was brought to life in the DM-90 model and allowed two people to share a dream as a virtual battle, the more advanced DM-92 allows the sharing of a dream without violence and this one, the DM-100, allows one or more people to control a...

2 years ago
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Dream Scape

This story is not typical DG Hear. To be honest with you, I don’t know what a typical DG Hear story is. The readers define it to me that way. This story has more sex than usual. It was just a fun write for me. Hope you enjoy it. I want to thank Techsan for his editing prowess. He is definitely one of the best at his craft. * Chapter 1 I’m just an elderly man in my late fifties who spends a lot of time sitting on my porch and watching the world go by. The world to me is watching all the young...

2 years ago
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Dream Spheres

When I woke up, that’s not right. I didn’t really wake up. When I first became aware of my surroundings, I was standing in space surrounded by billions of stars. Everywhere I looked there were stars and blackness. Something was wrong. I wasn’t sure what it was at first. Then I wished to see one of the stars a little more closely, suddenly I was there next to the star I had wished to be close to. I was surprised to find it wasn’t a star. It was, well, I didn’t know what to call it. It was a...

3 years ago
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It was a brilliant Plan! It was a brilliantly conceived Plan to manipulate my young and na?ve Bride in the most devious yet subtle manner! But, in order for the Plan to succeed, Sally had to be convinced it was all HER idea! All I had to do to put my Plan into action was tell her about the 'Dream' I had last night! This was gonna be a cinch! Right? Dream By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved "It's just so bizarre, Theresa! At first I thought I hadn't heard h...

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Debbies Dream Comes True

Debbie's dream comes true Hi, this is a sort of follow on from my last story and is a fictional account of what I would like to happen to me. I am yet again visiting Steam Works, this time hiring a private room in order to change and make myself ready. I have some new items with me this time; a locking chastity device and a latex mask. Putting the chastity device on is sometimes a problem for obvious reasons, so I have brought some ice cubes to settle things down so I can get it on...

3 years ago
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Dreams Can Come True

It was late Friday afternoon and Melanie and Julie were packing and cleaning up the vacation cabin. They had been there for two weeks and would be leaving for home tomorrow morning. Melanie paused from mopping the kitchen floor to reflect on the events of last week. "You know Jule, in my ten years of nursing I've never come across anything as bizarre as finding that hiker in the ravine." Julie tucked some stray hairs that had escaped from her headband behind her right ear. "I don't think...

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