"The Public Adventures Of Mark" A Day With Cindy free porn video

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"The Public Adventures of Mark" A Humiliating Day With Cindy "Come on Mark," Cindy said as they pulled up in front of the nail salon in the shopping center. "Time to get your nails done," she laughed and patted him on the shoulder. Cindy was so good at this public humiliation game that she played for Mark. It was because she cared so much about him and knew it was such a deep passion and turn on for him once she got him out in the public. She always took care of him and he trusted her. He also knew that she would push his limits. Mark opened the van door and walked up to the salon with Cindy. This was the first time she had taken him on one of these public humiliations without feminizing him in some ways before going into the establishment. When they walked into the small nail salon the owner, Pat greeted them. "Hi I'm Pat," she said with a smile, offering her beautifully manicured fingers to Cindy. "Hi Pat. I talked to you earlier and here's your client. This is Mark," she said gesturing to him. "Nice to meet you. Mark" she looked at Mark then to Cindy. "Ok, I understand that Mark here wishes to have his fingernails and toenails done and he wants red nailpolish on both his toenails and fingernails. Is that right?" she said making sure there was no misunderstandings. "Yes, well it is actually me that wants him to have his nails done, but yes that is correct," Cindy said with a grin. "I just think painted nails on a man are so sexy. It is such a conflict with that masculinity thing you know. I guess it is a fetish of mine you could say," They both laughed. "Because of friends and relatives, it is difficult to find opportunities for Mark to wear his fingernails painted except around the house. You know what I'm saying?" Pat nodded. "Oh absolutely. So you are out of town for awhile then?" "Yes. A couple of weeks. No family or friends that we need to worry about so...there is absolutely no reason Mark can't wear red nailpolish on his fingernails just for me. Isn't that right sweetheart," Cindy said hugging Mark and giving him a kiss. Mark had said nothing and was so humiliated already being talked about like that in front of Pat and she hadn't even started painting his nails yet. As Pat finished the prep work and was ready to polish his toes she asked the question. "What color of red do you want your toenails," she said smiling looking at them both. "I want a bright red," Cindy said quickly. "Bright red! Good ole red. The perfect color for toenails," she said holding up a bottle of nailpolish. "How's this one?" she said. "Oh yes. That's pretty. I like that. Don't you like that color honey," Cindy said. Mark just grinned and nodded as Pat opened it and took Mark's big toe and then one at a time she painted Mark's toenails. Mark sat with the toe spreaders in while the polish dried and Pat started his fingernails. "You did say you wanted him to have nails. How long would you like his nails to be?" she said now asking Cindy directly. "Just make them oval and 1/2" passed the ends of his fingers. That would be great," Cindy said and then watched as Pat went to work. She worked the nails onto Mark's and soon all Mark's nails were lengthened and uniform ready to be polished. Pat gave a big smile and then asked the big question. "What color would you like his fingernails to be," Pat said to Cindy but she was looking at Mark smiling. "Oh, I think they should be the same color as his toes. Bright red! Don't you honey?" Cindy chimed. Then the phone rang and Pat had to step away for a moment. Cindy could here Pat talking in the back. Cindy immediately vigorously began rubbing Mark's crotch while Pat was on the phone. "Cindy, what are you doing? She might see you," Cindy continued rubbing his crotch feeling the stiff erection inside his pants. "Hush, you're about to get your fingernails painted red. I wonder what she really thinks about all this? Hmmm?" Cindy grinned as she kissed him and continued to rub his crotch. "Cindy please," Mark looked around nervously. "Do you want me to unzip your jeans and pull your cock out right here in the salon? I can always ask Pat if she minds if I stroke your cock while you're getting your fingernails painted red like a sissy man. Hmmm? What do you think?" Only sissy's get their toenails paint red in a salon Mark," she smiled and felt his crotch thrust forward, his submissive inner self giving away his true thoughts about her statement. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind," Cindy said as she gripped his zipper and pulled it down quickly. "Cindy!!" Mark said in a hushed panic feeling her touch his underwear clad erection with her fingertips. "It's ok Mark. You have to trust me," Cindy laughed at Mark's panicked reaction and quickly zipped his pants back up as Pat was getting off the phone. She moved her hands from his crotch just in time, as Pat came back. "Sorry. So you are going to have red fingernails for your entire vacation," Pat said as she began to paint his fingernails red. "Are you planning on getting out much while your away?" Pat asked Cindy as she worked. "Sure. We get out quite a bit actually. We usually have dinner out at a nice restaurant in the evenings, and do a little sight seeing during the daytime," Cindy said. "I've had this salon for seven years, and I've never painted a man's nails like this before for an everyday public look," Pat smiled at Mark as she took his pinky and polished the fingernail. "But you have painted men's nails in here before?" Cindy asked noticing Mark squirm a bit from the stimulation of the conversation. "Pedicures," Pat grinned as she looked up at Cindy. "You would be surprised at just how many men have had me put colored nailpolish on their toenails. They wear it everyday hidden from sight. That's why when you called me it wasn't really anything unusual for me to do Mark's nails for him," Pat gave Mark's hand a little pat. "Just hold still while these dry," she said getting up to go to the counter. A FedEx truck pulled up and a woman came in with a package for Pat. She looked over and smiled at Mark who was sitting with his fingers spread wide on the table facing her and his toes spaced with the toe spreaders. Mark blushed with embarrassment. "That is so nice of you dear," Cindy leaned over and said in Mark's ear. "You gave that pretty young lady something tell all her friends about tonight," Mark squirmed in the seat his erection desiring some kind of stimulation. "How often do people walk in on a sissy getting his nails painted red like a girl?" Cindy laughed and stood up. Pat came in again. "I hope you didn't mind," Pat said smiling on her way back. "You're probably more comfortable wearing red nailpolish in front of her than I was," she chuckled. Pat helped Mark stand up. "There you go Mark. You have pretty red fingernails and toenails now. You've done this before I assume?" Pat said as she looked him over. "Oh yes. We've done this several times. He has a nice pair of sandals to wear. I'm not ashamed to have him seen out with me with his nails all polished red. I actually prefer it that way," she gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I think he looks sexy myself," Cindy was pushing the issue now that they were near leaving. "In that case, you should be good to go then," Pat laughed. "Thank you so much Pat. You have been so very helpful. His nails are beautiful. Do you like them Mark?" Cindy asked. Mark smiled and looked at his fingers. "Yes," he said in a choked voice, then clearing his throat he said, "Thank you Pat for doing my nails," Cindy could see the bulge in his pants and knew he was happy. "Oh it was my pleasure honey. It's no problem. I was glad to do it for you," she smiled looking at Mark again standing there ready to go now. They left the salon and got back in the van. Cindy told Mark to take his pants off and sit in the back seat. He looked at her at first but then did as she said. "Underwear too," she said looking in the rear view mirror. Mark exposed his throbbing erection and sat in the seat. He looked at his fingernails. He felt so excited as he relived what had just happened in his head. Cindy parked the van, and put the sun screens in the windshield leaving the van running she now came in the back with Mark. "Cindy I......." "Shhhhhh," Cindy said putting her finger to his lips and without another word began giving Mark a very sensuous oral massage. Mark felt the warmth of her mouth and the twinges of excitement building deep inside his loins as sat with his legs spread allowing Cindy to perform as his girlfriend now. Cindy continued nonstop for ten minutes, and then she pulled away and looked him in the eye, "We have other places to go baby. You're not done yet," she gave him a knowing smile and headed to their next destination. Mark closed the van door and followed Cindy into the discount department store. It was cold out, there was even some snow still on the ground, and Mark was wearing his jacket, and keeping his hands warm and his red fingernails hidden in the pockets. As usual, Cindy liked Mark's fingernails to be of an elegant length and painted bright red. Without his jacket it was much more difficult to conceal his fingernails from other people around him. Cindy opened the door for Mark and he nervously walked in the store. Cindy began shopping as the Mark stood close by surveying the store. His balls hurt from the off and on erections he was having and the near orgasm that Cindy had just done to him not twenty minutes earlier wasn't helping either. "Just relax Mark, we're in the women's section. Painted fingernails are normal here," she said with a smile pulling a red dress from the rack. Cindy turned and held it up to Mark's chest. Mark moved back and looked about to see if anybody was looking. Having fantasies of being publicly humiliated in this manner was not the same as actually doing it. If it weren't for Cindy and her being so supportive of him, he would have never experienced such things in the first place. He always feared the initial reactions of people to his unusual look. "Cindy. What are you up to," he said under his breath as he looked about noticing a woman shopping in the next aisle. "Be still Mark. I want to see how this dress looks for you," she said holding it up again to his chest and appraising it. Mark tried to move back, but Cindy held him by the shoulder. "Mark. Stop fidgeting about. It's ok." "That woman over there might see this Cindy," he said in a small panic. "So. I don't care if she see's us sweetheart. She can look all she wants," Cindy pulled the dress back and quietly scolded Mark catching him by surprise, "Here I'm trying to pick you out a few nice dresses and all you can worry about is if some woman you don't know is looking at you. Do you want me to buy you pretty things? Do you still want to be my sissy boy?" she asked knowing he did and it was the fear of being embarrassed in front of the other women that had him so uptight. "Yes Cindy I do, but......." "Ok then. Stand still and let me take a look at you, and let that woman look too, if she really wants to. Embarrassment is part of being a sissy. Here hold this to your shoulders right here so I can step back and look at it," she said. Mark held the dress up to his chest while Cindy looked it over. "I like it Mark. It's a good length for you and I like the color on you to. Do you like it?" she asked still seeming to seriously be studying the dress. "Yeah Cindy it's fine. Can I take it down now?" Mark said hearing for the first time the giggles of two high school girls who had been in the aisle behind him watching as he held the dress up to himself. "Here, hold this one up," she said handing him a black cocktail dress. He looked pleadingly at her. "Go on, hold it up so I can see it," The girls giggled again while Mark held the dress up to himself. After a few minutes of total humiliation, Cindy said, "Let's take these three here and go try them on," she handed all three dresses to Mark and he carried them to the fitting rooms while trying to get Cindy to change her mind all the way. At the dressing rooms, the woman at the desk gave Cindy a card for each dress. Cindy took Mark by the hand and they went into the first dressing stall. Cindy laughed after she closed the door. "What's the matter sweetheart? Feeling a little excited and nervous at the same time," she said knowing she was right. "Yeah. I'm more scared than nervous," Mark said hanging the dresses on the wall hook. "Oh really. How cute. I want you to strip off all your clothes now. Totally 100% naked," she opened her purse. "Why Cindy?" It always seemed to be his first reaction but then, he was always so scared of what she might do next. "Does it really matter sissy boy," she said taking out the vibrating butt plug from her purse, and slipping on a rubber glove. She also took out the lube. "Hurry up now. I know how you like having this butt plug slid up your bottom." "Cindy not in a public dressing room," he said looking at the plug. "Strip them off and bend it over sissy boy," Mark slowly undressed. Cindy seemed unsympathetic to his concerns. Mark pulled his underwear off and stood there totally naked with bright red salon fingernails and toenails. Cindy massaged Mark's semi erect penis making it grow. "That's right lover. You're going to let me put this up your ass and then your going to put on these dresses and step outside the dressing room so I can look at you and see if I like them. Of course I can't control who else is looking at you. Can I," Mark's erection was rock hard now. Cindy pushed him over and he squatted with his hands on his knee's, grunting as the plug worked it's way into his anus. Once in, Cindy had a strap device that she put around his erect penis and and pulled it so his erection was pointing almost straight down. It was uncomfortable at first, but the vibrating egg on the strap just under the head of his penis felt great. Cindy turned both on remotely. She took the red dress off the hanger and held it for Mark to step into. The physical and mental stimulating was tremendous. Cindy zipped the dress up in the back, turned Mark around and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "It's time sweetheart. Come on let's go. I'll be with you," she said opening the door and leading him out to the sales floor mirrors. Mark walked out wearing nothing under the dress. The vibrators stopped as he came out. Cindy changed her tune to the way she was before. As Mark walked out the woman behind the counter had shocked look on her face, and then smiled. "Oh my, I'm sorry. I thought the dresses were for you. I didn't realize he was trying them on," she said to Cindy with a grin. "Oh my goodness," she now laughed. "Oh, I probably should have said something," Cindy said as she took Mark to the three mirrors and looked at the dress. Several women walked by and glanced at Mark while Cindy discussed the look. "I don't know Mark. I mean it looks good, but there aren't many places you would really be able wear a red dress that's cut like this," Cindy said loud enough for the woman behind the counter to hear. "Why don't you try on the black one." She had Mark go back to the dressing room and change into the black dress. Cindy came in as he was zipping it up and helped him with the zipper. She smiled and clicked on both vibrators again. Mark immediately swooned into the physical stimulation and his eyelids drooped as he felt twinges that would only get stronger. "Doesn't that feel sooooo good sweetie?" she cooed in his ear. "Now you are going back out there and stand in front of that mirror again.....," she gave him a soft kiss as she paused, "and let me humiliate and embarrass you even more than you are right now sweetie. Then you are going to have a wonderful," she gave him a kiss, "earth moving orgasm, standing right there in front of those mirrors, and that woman out there." Mark had a panicked look on his face, but the vibrations had control of him now. "Try not to make a scene. Ok sweetie?" she said then she walked him to the door that led into the dressing area and massaged his balls with the vibrators on high. Mark's legs tensed up and his toes curled under. Cindy knew he was about to have an orgasm any second and then pulled his arm and led him back out to the mirrors. The initial shock of being pulled out saved Mark for the moment, but he found it hard to stand still. "I really like this one on you Mark. A nice basic black, knee length skirt," she said as Mark fought the urge to have orgasm right here in the store. The woman at the counter could only see Mark from the thighs up right now as she was seated behind the counter. Mark's knees shook and he curled his toes again. "Oh my god, that guy is trying on a dress," one of the girls gushed to her friend from a short distance away. Far enough not to be overly obvious, but close enough they stood and watched this boy trying on dresses. Cindy stepped up to Mark and pulled at the material on his chest. "I think so honey, once you get your padded bra on and a pair of black pumps I think this will look real nice on you," Cindy continued. Mark fought with all his might flexing his fingers against his hips, holding himself as best he could. "What do you think?" Cindy said bringing the woman behind the counter into the conversation. "Well, it's a very pretty dress, and it does seem to fit him well," she said not really knowing how to react. "I think so," Cindy agreed. Mark now curled his toes against the carpet his red toenails digging at the floor and his right leg shook. He made a fist. "I really think you look darling in this dress Mark." That was it. Mark lost control and tried to stand as inconspicuously as possible as a tremendous orgasm began in his loins. Mark felt the ejaculation of his semen hit his thighs and run down his inner leg. His knee's buckled a bit as he stared in the mirror. His eyes half closing, as the next load of semen hit the skirt of the dress and fell on his red toenails on his left foot. Cindy saw the the cum as dripped to his toes and on the floor next to his foot. She turned the vibrators down, and then off. "Ok sweetie. Why don't you get changed back. I think that is the dress we want," While Mark was in the dressing room he could here Cindy telling the woman how Mark liked wearing women's clothes since he was in his early teens. It was humiliating for Mark to come back out and face this woman after she was told this. It wasn't true, but he was so humiliated by her knowing smile when he brought the dresses out. They left the store and Mark collapsed in the seat of the van. "Wasn't that a nice orgasm sweetheart? You looked like you were enjoying it so much. Wearing dresses in front of those girls. You should be ashamed of yourself," she smiled then said, "You were ashamed weren't you Mark. I mean a grown man trying on dresses in a store and then masturbating in public. Naughty boy," she now started the van. "I want to stop over here at WalMart right quick," she smiled as Mark rolled his head over and looked at her. "Slide your shoes on honey. Don't want those toes exposed, till it's time," Mark slipped on the dockers he had brought with him and put his hands in his coat pockets and walked in with Cindy. Cindy walked him straight back to the women's shoes. She smiled as Mark stood and looked at her almost exasperated now. Cindy picked up a pair of patent red 3" high heels that were on the shelf. She gave a big grin and looked at him and with her finger gave a come here signal. "Give me your jacket Mark. Come on, lets see those fingernails," she laughed as Mark once again nervously looked around as his last defense, his coat was removed. "Take these pumps and go to the end of the aisle and take your shoes off and try them on," Mark hesitated and Cindy took him by the hand. "Come on twinkletoes. Time to show everybody who you really are," Mark walked to the end of the aisle and sat down on the bench. He removed his shoes and sat quietly with his salon painted toenails now exposed. Cindy smiled as she stood looking down the aisles for customers who were in the area. She then looked at the distressed young man and said, "It's time baby. Go ahead and put the pumps on," As Mark was placing the first pump on his foot a young woman pushing a cart appeared from the other aisle. She saw him right away as he placed his second foot in the other heel and then stood. He looked in the mirror with Cindy at the shoes, as the woman looked on. "How do they feel?" Cindy asked where the woman could hear. "Fine I guess." "Well walk around and let me see," Mark walked about five paces away and then back, trying so hard to ignore the woman. "The look ok, are they too tight?" she inquired. "Not really." "They would look nice with a pair of jeans you know," Cindy said as she pulled out another pair. "Here try these," she said handing him a pair of black 3" heel open toe pumps. "These are fine," he said softly his voice trembling from nervousness. "Oh just try them on. I think I like these," Mark reluctantly sat down and now pulled off the pumps revealing his painted toenails for the woman to see. She was making a call on her cell phone and giggling as she pretended to be looking at some kids shoes close buy. Mark slipped the open toe pumps on and stood up. "Oh yes. I like those much better. Walk around and let me see," Mark walked about as another woman walked up and almost bumped into him as he was not paying attention to where he was going. "Oh sorry," Mark said as he just stood there in total humiliation. The woman looked down at the black open toe pumps, with the red toenails that were so obvious in this image. The woman gave a startled laugh and looked at him. "Trying on a pair of pumps today?" she said with a sense of humor. Mark didn't know what to say. "I thought I might get a pair," he said thinking how stupid that sounded. "I think they look very pretty on you, especially with your toenails painted," she sounded as if she was trying to diffuse the tension a bit, while also making it obvious he was crossdressing in her eyes. "Thanks," Mark said and turned to walk away. The woman went about her business shaking her head as the girl was laughing on the phone. "I think these will look real nice with that new dress you just bought," Cindy wanted the girl to get full enjoyment as she just mortified Mark. He took the pumps off and put them in the box. He purchased the shoes with his red fingernails exposed. though he knew people noticed, nobody said a word and he was more than happy to get out of the store. As they got outside Cindy grabbed his arm. "Put them on," she said looking him seriously in the eye. "Here?" "Now. Over on that bench. Put those pumps on and meet me in the car," she said as she walked away. Mark waited till no one was coming and quickly slipped his shoes off and then slipped the pumps on. He through his shoes in the bag and then hurriedly minced in his high heel out into the parking lot. It was no use trying to hide it. He just looked straight ahead and walked as fast as he could. he walked by a young girl with a stroller. He didn't want to look her way but she smiled and said "hi," as he walked by. He wanted to just melt away right now. An older man walked by and didn't even appear to notice, but two high school girls were creating a scene as they squealed loudly as they walked by at the man in high heels. Mark got to the van and Cindy was waiting with the engine running. "So, how was your walk?" she said as if he had just had a delightful stroll. "Just fine. Can we go now?" he was almost shaking from his nervous walk. "Put the dress on." "Cindy no. This is too much." I will be the one who decides what is too much Mark. Put the dress on," Mark got in back of the van and took his clothes off and slipped the new black dress he had bought on and zipped it up. "And the pumps," she said looking in the rear view mirror at the reluctant crossdressed young man. Cindy drove the van up to the front of the store. "You can get out here honey. I will be parking at the other end of the parking lot at the back. Have a nice walk, and then we can go home. Doesn't that sound like fun?" "Oh god Cindy people will laugh at me dressed like this." "I know. I hope they do. That's what happens to little boys who wear mommy's dresses shopping, isn't little Markie," she said in a humiliating baby voice. "Now get out of the van." Mark reluctantly stepped out of the van and was noticed by a couple right away. He closed his eyes at he closed the door and began walking his way back to Cindy and the safety of the van. It was cold in this dress and heels, but the anxiety overroad those physical feelings as Mark experienced many stares, and shocked looks as he made his way across the lot, wearing a dress and high heels, his nails painted red, but otherwise he was a man. Mark lay on the bed after his shower wearing a frilly pink teddy. Cindy had set his hair in curlers. He rubbed his crotch lightly as he recalled the now very exciting events of the day, that his mind could adjust with fantasy to become an even better day. Cindy walked into the room and pulled his chin up and kissed his lips. "Did you have fun today, my sexy man," she said kissing him again her hands on his curlers. "It was wonderful Cindy. Thank you." "Your welcome honey," Cindy had just gotten out of the shower and her hair was up in a towel and she wore a white terry cloth bath robe. She pulled the bed back and then dropped the robe, exposing her nude body. With the towel still on her head she got into bed, propping herself up with pillows, sliding her feet back so her knees were up, she looked at Mark and without saying a word she spread her feet apart and allowed her knees to open exposing her pussy to Mark. She gave her pussy at pat as she looked at him and he crawled toward her. Cindy reached over and picked up her book and put her reading glasses on as Mark's curlered head now filled the void between her legs. Cindy placed her fingertips on the top of Mark's curlers with one hand, and held her book up with the other and began reading her newest romance novel. Cindy was now relaxed and enjoying her evening.

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Kelsy Aunt Cindy

Cindy got up from the couch as the doorbell rang for a second time. She strolled across the front room towards the door. She glanced at her watch. 9 AM."Who could be calling at this time" she thought.As she opened the door, a precocious young blonde looked back at her, backpack slung low over her shoulder."Yes?" asked Cindy, her eyes recognizing something vaguely familiar in the young girl."Aunt Cindy, it's me, Kelsy..." the cute blonde answered."Oh my God" blurted Cindy stepping forward to...

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The Corruption of Cindy

The Corruption of Cindy By Geena Cumsalot Chapter One: Beginnings I had been living as a woman full-time for almost two years when I met Cindy. We were both working for a major insurance company. She had been a secretary there ever since graduating high school and I was an IT support person. Our friendship began when I rescued her PC from a particularly nasty virus. She hadn't backed up in a while and a lot of documents were at risk if I couldn't affect a cure. After...

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“YOU SHIT RAY.” .... Jeffery yells at me. I am still laughing when Jeffery leaves the kitchen. He was giving it to me for patting his wife’s ass. Donna is Jeffery’ wife, a cute little thing; I love teasing my friends. I love patting women’s asses. I see Bart and Ron are joking with Cindy at the kitchen table; they look over at me and continue their conversation with Cindy. I would too. I lay on my back smiling, I am having a good time tonight; and feeling no pain. I roll onto my...

3 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 37 The Coffee Bar Part One Meeting Sean And Cindy

We walked into the coffee bar at ten fifteen, which meant of course that we were precisely fifteen minutes late, and were immediately greeted enthusiastically by Ian and Trish Matheson. "You don't know how good it was to hear that you would be here tonight, that you were going to honour that promise you made yesterday," said Ian as he gave Vikki an enthusiastic hug and a more than friendly kiss. Then, when he realised she wasn't wearing panties beneath her short skirt, he moved his right...

2 years ago
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BBC Club Cindy

With a bag of groceries under one arm, Jim Jameson struggled to quietly close the door with the other as he shuffled into the kitchen and set the bag down gently. He removed a single red rose from his mouth. Friday was date night and after a long week, he was looking forward to dinner, maybe a movie, then a long weekend with Cindy, his beautiful blonde wife.   They’d been married for almost ten years and he still liked doing little things to show he cared: flowers for no reason, love notes in...

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Our sister Cindy

It had been over a year since Godfrey's sisters had been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder after their parents had been killed in a car crash. They all lived together in the same big old house they'd grown up in, in a beautiful tree-lined road down near the river. Godfrey needed to be there to care for his sisters as they'd taken their parents death a lot harder, and although they were both 21 years old, they'd mentally receded back to having minds of a young teenager. On...

4 years ago
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Cindy shopped on Wednesday afternoons since that was her day off from answering phones and scheduling appointments for Dr. Weiner, a local dentist. The routine was the same every week; gas up the Chrysler, visit her ninety-three year old mother at the assisted living facility for an hour, meet her old friend Jennifer for lunch, then grocery shop before returning home to prepare dinner for her husband Matt. It rarely changed. There were few surprises or variations, and almost none that were...

3 years ago
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My Threesome with Madison and Cindy

It was Summer and school was out, normally a time of fun and relaxation. For me, it was a time of trauma quickly followed by anger followed by resignation as my girlfriend of a year and a half dumped me. Well, shit. Not only that, the news spread like I’d won the lottery. The only good thing was that I heard right away from two friends who had been in the same boat, then dumped overboard. I had gone through elementary school, then middle school with Madison and Cindy, and we were always pretty...

2 years ago
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My Threesome with Madison and Cindy

It was Summer and school was out, normally a time of fun and relaxation. For me, it was a time of trauma quickly followed by anger followed by resignation as my girlfriend of a year and a half dumped me. Well, shit. Not only that, the news spread like I'd won the lottery. The only good thing was that I heard right away from two friends who had been in the same boat, then dumped overboard. I had gone through elementary school, then middle school with Madison and Cindy, and we were always pretty...

Group Sex
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It started out as an ordinary day, that is if any day could be ordinary for Cindy. Cindy, who only yesterday, it seemed, walked down the aisle with Hal, the love of her very young life. Their story became the stuff of family legend. Hal was the bank president's son and their only child, a cool, poised teenager, new to the community, but already at ease in the high school whose movers and shakers had soon realized that this 12th grader would make a name for himself. And that he did. A bit over...

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Gary Finally Marries Cindy

So this day arrived... Cindy and I would often meet for lunch once a month. The only thing we did was hug when we first met and hug again when we left the restaurant. It was July and Cindy wanted to meet for dinner this time. I agreed, since my wife, Ashley, was visiting her mom and dad. They lived four hours away. It was Friday night and we met at the Los Guachos Taqueria Mexican restaurant. Cindy and I sat down at a booth. Cindy was about a foot smaller than me and two years younger....

1 year ago
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My Crazy Life 4 Cindy

In a previous story, I mentioned how my wife had been bothered by my attraction to another woman. One of the things that make our swinging lifestyle work is our ability to discuss matters like this and work through them. Here is a fun little story of one of those encounters.Throughout our swinging career, we have been involved in three bigger groups and a fourth smaller group. The bigger groups are fairly open and can be easily found. They are based in larger cities like Rockford, Milwaukee and...

4 years ago
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My Crazy Life 4 Cindy

In a previous story, I mentioned how my wife had been bothered by my attraction to another woman. One of the things that make our swinging lifestyle work is our ability to discuss matters like this and work through them. Here is a fun little story of one of those encounters.Throughout our swinging career, we have been involved in three bigger groups and a fourth smaller group. The bigger groups are fairly open and can be easily found. They are based in larger cities like Rockford, Milwaukee and...

2 years ago
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                                                                   Cindy     Pamela was yard saleing, Going to yard sales was one of her Saturday morning rituals. She seldom actually bought anything but slowly picking through other peoples junk was a good way to relax and get to look though other peoples lives. The things people thought might sell were amazing and were often as unique and informative as asking direct questions. At least the things for sale didn’t lie and the window into...

1 year ago
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Work Related Fringe Benefits Pt 3 Fucking Cindy

There never has been much of an opening to slide through (sorry for the cheap pun) when it comes to plotting to fuck Cindy. Several men around our office building have made attempts to get something going with her but she always politely refuses any advance, stating that she is in a relationship and isn’t interested. She’ll always thank the men for their interest and tease that if she ever finds herself alone, she’ll dial them up in an instant. It leaves the guys with a faint hope that...

1 year ago
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A Special Threesome for Cindy

Introduction: This story continues the adventures of the Hank and Cindy, from the 1975 A Year to Remember series. However, this story and all subsequent stories concerning them and their playmates from that series, Bobby and Ellen, will not be sequential and will be separate, stand alone tales. The reader is urged to read the first part of chapter one of 1975 in order to identify the participants and what brought them to this particular circumstance. While we normally confined our sexual...

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I am out of town on business and I am ending what has been a long, hectic, stressful day, so one of my favorite ways of relaxing is shopping and browsing for clothes, in particular, LINGERIE. So, I look up a local lingerie boutique and go and check out the merchandise. I chose a small, locally owned shop in the downtown area.Once in the store, a pretty lady approaches and asks if I needed assistance? I tell her I am browsing around and she says her name is Cindy, and she'll check back in a few...

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A Special Threesome for Cindy

After I finished my tour in Vietnam, I had the opportunity to be assigned to Germany where I was worked in the S-3 shop in a supply and services battalion... an "S & S" battalion. Shortly after I got there, Dave came into the battalion and took over as the commander of the GS maintenance company and we began our friendship. We met again a few years later when we sat next to each other at the officers' advanced course at Fort Lee. Dave had also been “RIFfed” from the army at the same...

2 years ago
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My sister Cindy

Cindy is almost two years younger than me and for most of my life she was a pain in the ass.When we were young (elementary school) I had to walk with her to school. Later, in Junior High, I had to stay longer after school while she had band practice. When I had finally gained a driver's license I had to chauffeur her to her dance practices and to visit her girlfriends.My biggest frustration was when she had entered High School and she was obviously popular with the guys. I struggled to get...

1 year ago
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Loving Cindy

Author’s note: I haven’t tried anything like this before. My greatest fear as an author is becoming predictable. Thanks to RoustWriter and Lady Cibelle for their assistance in editing. I guess it was inevitable, the love that Cindy and I learned to share. We were twins born but raised as… just kids. Mother, bless her, miss her, died giving life to us. Dad was lost without her and raised us in a haphazard way – there at times, often not. Early memories: Dad on the floor, asleep? No, the...

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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 3Cindy

Neil looked at the large clock on the wall. "3:00pm Tues. 6/2/04" it said with its bright green digital display. Neil scratched his head with a pencil and got back to work. He was putting the finishing touches on a new schematic of his LMM. A much-improved version; that would be half the size, due to the efforts of one of his schoolmates, who was a wiz with miniaturizing electronics. Neil glanced up when he heard his lab door open; peeking through some equipment he spied a very cute...

2 years ago
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Fun for the Wife and Cindy

After my mother in law left the wife and I were sitting relaxing and I told her I saw the show she was giving danny. She asked me how and I told her I was in the bathroom and heard them talking and looked out. She asked if I saw everything and I told her I thought so, she asked if I enjoyed it and I told her yeah. I told her I would have stayed and let her do more but didn't need her going any father than she did. She laughed and said how far did you think I was going to go. I said I didn't...

4 years ago
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Exploited Cindy

“You have a nice penis”, the soft voice said innocently from the bathroom door.Jim Thompson jumped at the intrusion, nicking his face with the old safety razor that he was shaving with. “Cindy, what are you doing in here”, he asked his young stepdaughter as he turned to face the small Asian teenager. “I’m sorry”, she replied demurely yet not taking her eyes from his cock. “The door was open.” She intentionally left out the fact that she’d come to her mother’s bathroom hoping to get a peek at...

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Bullying Cindy

Bullying CindyCindy did never even learn why the girls at her new school didn’t like her. She did look good alright, petite body with perk breasts that would soon turning head, flowing blond hair. Yet she always thought of herself as an easy-going girl who tried to see the good in everyone. But it seemed the minute she set foot into that school the other girls just saw her at prey. It had started somewhat simple: being tackled in the hallways, somebody making her trip in the cafeteria, hiding...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 66 Short Date with Cindy

Saturday, April 16, 2005 (Continued) We parked fairly close to the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk. I had Cindy properly attached to my left arm, Julia on my right arm, and Carol to her right. Carol got LOTS of looks and knew it. And loved it. She stood tall, in her already tall high-heeled shoes. I noticed that she was not totally comfortable walking in those shoes, but was managing surprisingly well (even though Carol was two people away from me, I could still see her quite...

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Cindy knew she had entered the wrong bar almost immediately. But before she had a chance to go out, Skye was all over her. Making him feel welcome. Buy his drinks.Cindy wanted to leave, but she did not want to be rude. And Skye was nice to her. And she was definitely intrigued by all the tattoos in Skye. She had never seen a girl so close who had so much ink.When Cindy said she had to use the ladies' room (a pretext to try to leave), Skye offered to escort her. Cindy could hardly say no.is Skye...

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BurrChapter 60 Football Dance and dinner with Cindy

Molly brought a tall glass of orange juice to my room and told me that Ned had already been to the kitchen asking if I was up yet. "He's raring to get started with the pool," she said, showing a mouthful of teeth with a wide grin. "Mr. Oldham and Suzanne are sleeping in late too," she added. I laughed. It was only fifteen minutes past six on Saturday morning. "There's a suit in my closet that's getting too small for me. It's a summer suit but you may as well take it now if you...

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The Making of Cindy

He said it was a family own cabin in the wood near a lake and convinced me to come with him to go fishing and hikingI was waiting for him after school at homeMommy helping me prepare my backpack when Mike rang my phoneshe kissed me good bye and i got out to Mike carHis ford SUV was nice he opened the door and help me get my backpack in the trunk''ready to go ?''''yes ''and we left, Mike driving toward the highway smilling only him knowing exactly the real weekend planningHe light up a spliff...

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My sister Amy and I have been screwing for a little over a month before our k** sister sister Cindy discovered our little secret and wanted to join us. We were a little hesitant at first so we decided to put her through an initiation that might cool her off. We told her that she to first have sex with Amy. She looked at us for a few momennts and said : "Okay". She had called our bluff. Amy had only one previous sexual esperience with another girl, but she couldn't show her own awkwardness as...

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The Legend of Cindy

The Legend of Cindy By Eve Smith The trip had been most uneventful, just as I had wanted it. In fact the plane journey had been very boring. I was not used to travelling economy and the cramped seats were dreadful. The disguise had been perfect and getting through Passport control at Heathrow had been easy. My fake Passport had cost a fortune but was well worth the investment. Even the normally security conscious Americans had not queried my identity and now I was in my hire car...

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The Liberation of Cindy

[ "Don't it always seem to go...you don't know what you've got till it's gone", as Joni Mitchell sang some years ago; and how very true those words are, and for a variety of situations! In this instance, I'm talking about a wife and mother, who's husband (for some reason) lost his ability to truly 'perceive', rather than merely 'seeing' (superficially) what he had in her...until it was far, far too late to save her for his own! ]When Cindy had gone down to Florida to see her mother, and her...

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The Adventures of Samantha Part 1A Movie with Mark

My first few weeks at Rogers were pretty intimidating. This was my first time going to an actual school, having been homeschooled my whole life. I wasn’t used to having to lug around textbooks or go to a different building on the other side of campus for a class; usually, all classes were at my kitchen table. But that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it. Rogers was an all-boys school until about 10 years ago, when it first started admitting girls. It was still largely a boys’ school though; I...

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Farewell To Cindy

Farewell To Cindy "Thank you for flying with us today," the flight attendant said as I exited the plane. I acknowledged her statement with a forced smile. There was no joy in such a smile, as it was hollow and empty at best. This flight to Alabama I knew was to be my last. Ever since cancer had claimed her life, I had made this annual pilgrimage. Each summer I would come to spend time at her graveside. On her birthday, I would spend the day at the cemetery just hanging out and spending time...

Love Stories
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Young Cindy

By Gail Holmes Firstly I can’t tell you my age as you may consider me to young, my sexual activities started when I’d happened to come across my big sister and her boyfriend at it. It was my sister’s gluttony for sex that started me off. A lot of my girlfriends had already had sex, but myself no, ok, from their experiences I feel I’ve missed out, and I mean big time, one actually had had a coloured guy, and from her own experiences they are the biggest, or at least their cocks...

3 years ago
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Ginger and Cindy

Introduction: I was out of town on business when I was approached by her husband. I was just sitting there in the hotel restaurant in Wichita, Kansas minding my own business as I usually did when I was out of town on business. I had just finished my meal, paid my bill, and I was enjoying a nice glass of wine when he approached me.He said, “My wife wants you.”I asked, “For what?”He laughed softly and then he sat down at my table, leaned in a little closer, and said, “She wants you to fuck her...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 33 Getting to Know Cindy

At breakfast Suzanne wanted to hear about my date with the Baldwin girl. I told her it was not a date and that it was three Baldwin girls, not just one. This caught Mr. Oldham's attention. "Which one were you with?" He asked. "Cindy, she's the Speedwell girl," I said, hiding my wish that it had been Jessica sitting next to me in the theater and later in the back seat of their mother's car. He went back to reading his newspaper but Suzanne's appetite for the juicy details was still...

2 years ago
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Princess Diaries 03 Cindy

“Wait, wait,” said Cindy. She pointed back to Jasmine, “you were in a private porno and you think I’m a slut?” “Sure,” shrugged Jasmine. “I’ve only been with Aaron. You’ve been around, that’s the rumor, anyway.” Ariel sighed in relief. Jasmine didn’t have any other boyfriends. Aaron and she sounded like fuck buddies, nothing for Ariel to feel jealous about. “I haven’t been around and or on camera,” corrected Cindy dramatically. Then she perked up, with a cheshire smile, “can we see?” Jasmine’s...

First Time
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Loosing Cindy

I'm not sure why I went into the Adult Book and Toy store on Jefferson boulevard. I had only been there once before. It was with a couple of buddies the summer after graduation, a long time ago. The place back then thrived as half sex shop half head shop tended by both male and female clerks. We were young and wild in the shop. A rich selection of colorfully lit exotic and erotic merchandise was arranged on shelves and cabinets. Danny kept turning on the battery operated dildo demonstrator...

Love Stories
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Birth of Cindy

The Birth of Cindy (c) 1995 - Cindy Evans Chapter 1 - Last year I reached my fifteenth birthday with somewhat of a disappointment. My friends had started to grow out and up, putting on muscles while my body remained small, frail and hairless. Fortunately my friends had been friends for many years and this did not change that. We still played baseball, football, cards and other teen male activities. One of these activities was discussing girls. While my body had not...

4 years ago
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Pseudo Cindy

"Pseudo Cindy" It was another Friday night and after my hot bubble bath I found myself once again going through my meager clothing and lingerie collection trying to decide what to wear. That's what I usually did on the weekends. It was a strange hobby to be sure, but since I wasn't bothering anyone and kept to myself I figured it wasn't anybody's business. I just wish I had more money to spend on my wardrobe. I had been living in my townhouse for nearly three...

2 years ago
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Fun with Cindy

Chapter 1 Fucking with CindyCindy was on her knees in front of me, giving me a long, slow and very wet blowjob.? Her hands were rubbing the tops of my thighs.  She knows she is only allowed to use her mouth on my cock.? I slid into her throat and she gagged slightly, producing even more drool.? There was already a puddle of saliva between my legs.? Later, I'd make her lick it up before cleaning my ass with her tongue.? I watched her working for a few more minutes, looking right into her...

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The GiftedChapter 9 Cindy

"Davy what do you mean she has been kidnapped?" screamed Mike's voice in the cell phone. Davy stood there listing to Mike's frantic words. "It means what I said. The bastard who killed my mom has..." Davy cried out. "What does he want?" Mike interrupted. "Nine thousand dollars, I am waiting on his call now," Davy said with despair in his voice. "Davy, snap out of it. "It's my fault Sir..." "No it's not. Now cut that shit out. When you talk with him, tell him I will pay...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Eight Daisy Shares About Being Marks Beta Boi

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Eight - Stevie Shares His Early Days as Mark's Beta Boy In part eight, Daisy shares how she began as Mark's beta boi and she and Rebecca share their memories of how things changed once Rebecca became Mark's submissive and was given control and power over Daisy when she was still only Stevie. "I know you two met at orientation, during the summer before you began classes and Mark had contacted you to ask if you would like to be roommate and...

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One Handed Tales 9 Carla Vicky and Mistress Cindy

One Handed Tales #9: Carla, Vicky and Mistress Cindy By Sarcastic Slut I slipped the long woollen cloak from my shoulders and let Vicky catch it before it fell on the floor. The tight, heavy satin busti?re top showed my breasts and my pretty shoulders to good advantage. I was dressed entirely in black and smoothed my flared velvet mini skirt down over my bare thighs as I accepted the drink handed to me by Carla. "Thank you, slut," I said. She curtsied and replied, "You're w...

1 year ago
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Loving Cindy

Copyright© I guess it was inevitable, the love that Cindy and I learned to share. We were twins born but raised as... just kids. Mother, bless her; miss her, died giving life to us. Dad was lost without her and raised us in a haphazard way — there at times, often not. Early memories: Dad on the floor, asleep? No, the bottle by his hand belies the truth in that. Cindy, one hand, Lee, me, the other. Drag him, pull him. Grunting with our childish lack of strength. "Push... Cindy, Pull! Get...

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