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CARLTON CLINE by Throne It was a simple enough case, at least on the surface. Carlton Cline got the call and a sultry female voice told him that her lover had gone missing and that it would be his job to find her and bring her back. Well, he thought, a lesbian couple would certainly make for an interesting job. He had always had a special attraction to lesbians, probably because they were ultimately unavailable. And the idea of two lovely women together, being physically intimate, was his secret turn-on. So of course he took the case and arranged to meet the woman who had hired him, Vanessa Mondell, at her home. When he got there he was immediately impressed by the scale of the estate that confronted him. He went to the hand-carved teak doors, knocked, and waited. His attention was captured by the intertwined figures of naked women that were the main design of the carvings. Just as he was taking in the details of a particularly erotic depiction of three females simultaneously pleasuring each other, the door swung inward and he was confronted by a tall imposing butler -- a woman with short hair, serious mien, and the body of a voluptuous stripper. She looked down at him and said, "Yes?" Cline caught his breath and managed to say, "I'm here to see Ms. Mondell. On business." She gestured toward the interior and said, "This way, please." He was awed by the opulence of the furnishings and d?cor. His new employer was obviously wealthy and he saw visions of an unlimited expense account. Not that he would abuse it but, well, why eat hamburger when you could suddenly afford steak? He followed the liveried female through a long hallway to a great room that featured tall book cases and a wide fireplace. Sitting catlike on an antique sofa was an elegant woman wearing lounging pajamas that suggested an earlier era. She said, "I certainly hope you can help me, Sir." "Oh course," I said in my most professional voice. "I'll do everything I can. My rate of success is very high. And I do specialize in cases concerning delicate matter of an... intimate nature." "That is why I called you. A dear friend gave you her highest recommendation." I asked her a dozen or so questions and got a pretty clear picture. She was older than her lover, whose name was Joyce Miko. The younger girl was rather adventurous and had run off like this before. Vanessa said, "I might be able to go to her myself but, you see, when she's in one of these moods, she's like a petulant child. I'm the last person she wants to talk to." "I understand. Now from what you've said, she likes to go to a private club. You said it's called Club Indigo. I've heard about it. And as I imagine you know, only women are allowed to enter." "Yes," she said resignedly. "I'd rather you went yourself, but I know you'll have to use someone who works for you." "Actually," I said with a note of resignation, "I won't. You see, Ms. Mondell, I have someone who can transform me so that no one short of a medical doctor giving a full examination would be able to identify me as male." "Really?" she said disbelievingly. "Yes, Ma'am. It's a lot for me to go through, naturally. Not something that I seek out. But when it's necessary to get the job done, well, I'm willing to do it." "Fascinating," she responded, putting a strong accent on the first syllable. We agreed to terms and she gave me a generous retainer to get matters started, as well as the cost of having myself made over as a female. I left and drove halfway across the city before I parked and made the call as I had twice in the past, to Missy Jones, the expert on making men into completely passable women. She said she would be happy to help me but then chidingly reminded me what had happened during that case involving the prostitution ring and then the one with the professional Mistress. I didn't like thinking about either of those happenings and told her, a bit brusquely I'm afraid, that she only had to be concerned about doing her job. When I got there she was prepping things for what needed to be done. I went into the small changing room adjacent to her work space and stripped down. I've always been touchy about being seen in the nude but knew it was unavoidable. Not that I have anything to be ashamed about. I'm a bit shorter than average, not carrying any extra weight, with somewhat fine features and a full head of thick brown hair. And I'm quite manly, if I can be blunt, where it counts. Even so, I'd rather keep my clothes on. That what I was thinking as I finished getting naked and stood there calming my breathing. Then I pushed aside the red curtain and tried not to let my discomfort show as I went toward Missy. She gave me a professional smile with just a hint of mischief behind it. I wanted to apologize for being abrupt with her earlier but she had her apparatus set up and ready to go. A moment later she was holding a plastic bottle with a nozzle attached. A rubber hose ran from it to a small pump. "This is a change from when I had to put the depilatory on you by hand, isn't it, Carla?" "I... My name is Carlton," I said a touch too firmly. "Mee-ow," she jibed as she adjusted the control on the device. "And you should get used to your new female name as soon as possible. Don't you think... Carla?" This time I didn't take the bait. As calmly as I could I told her, "Just do what you have to." She laughed softly and depressed the handle, sending a jet of spray against my chest. I'm not particularly hairy to begin with, but I do have natural male pride in what I've got, and always hate it when I have to forfeit my hirsuteness to go undercover. Still, I was looking forward to a big payday. Missy happily directed the hair remover all over my body, paying special attention to my privates. Then she pointed me toward the shower stall where I washed myself, regretfully watching all that hair accumulate against the special collection mesh she had over the drain. I emerged all pink and smooth. The towel wasn't on the bar nearby where I had seen it on my way in. Instead, Missy had it in her hands. Again, my innate modesty came to the fore. I blushed. All over. She giggled and held the towel out toward me. When I went to take it she pulled it away. I reacted angrily, telling her, "Give me that. NOW." She pouted theatrically and complied. Then she went and got the equipment for the main, and most drastic, portion of my make-over. There were several hypodermics, along with large vials of liquid. As I stood there with the towel held in front of my hairless genitals she professionally filled the first needle and then stepped very close. She swabbed my chest and made an injection below one nipple, set that needle aside, and repeated all the steps on the other side. Then she turned me around and did both buttocks with a different formula. I stood there feeling warmth spread through those areas as she filled a much smaller hypo, which she proceeded to use on my lips. I was a bit unsteady as the drugs took effect so she put her arm through mine and led me to an examining table. I was very aware of being fully unclothed while she was entirely dressed. Missy aided me in getting onto the sheet-covered table and lying on my side. She said impishly, "Wouldn't want to interfere with your new curves by putting your weight on them." I was liking her attitude less and less. We had experienced some disagreements after my previous case that had involved her. There was an unexpected side effect from the treatments and, while I was involved with that Mistress, well, let's just say that I got a bit too far into my role as a submissive. For nearly a year. Missy swore that it wasn't her fault. And now there was no one else I could go to who could give me what I needed, so I was with her again. She used an atomizer to spray something into my throat. I felt drowzy as she got a curious looking appliance from a sterile case and brought it to me. I wanted to say something but couldn't make my voice work. Missy busily went to work on my crotch. I was used to her simply applying a merkin, a pussy wig, over my taped down organs. But she was telling me this was the new state-of-the-art replacement for that. I was dimly aware of my penis and testicles being compressed and packed neatly into it. She applied a bonding agent that I knew to be extremely strong, in fact, not removable without the use of an expensive, hard to acquire solvent. When I came out of my induced stupor it was all at once. I felt fine and stood up without assistance. Missy gestured proudly toward a full length mirror. I managed to say, "Oh,no." My voice was a girlish squeak of alarm. "That's... too much." Facing me was the image of a sexy female. I had wanted a subtle look, with a waifish figure and ordinary face. But what I saw was a sexpot who possessed oversized boobs and, when I turned to check my bottom, a protruding ass. My mouth opened in a startled 'O'. Except that it wasn't my mouth. I had pillow lips that would have been more at home on a Black woman. "Missy," I said in my almost cartoonishly high voice. "What have you done?" "Well," she said, "you're such a know-it-all and so quick to blame me for things I can't control, I figured I'd give you something to deal with that your big brain can solve and that I'm more than happy to take the blame for. But if you don't like it," she went on, her tone softening, "I know what I can do." In desperation, I asked, "What?" To which she replied, "Nothing. Oh, and those terrific boobs aren't done growing. They'll add a few more inches and a cup size or two. You'll be a real hit at Club Indigo. Now I haven't impaired your super smarts, so the deal is that you have to think your way out of this one. Oh, and solve the case while you're at it. Now how about if I do your hair and make- up, and put you into a sweet outfit that'll have all the girls asking you for dates." Feeling trapped, I could only agree. I asked for something to cover myself with but she said she wanted to admire her work. So I sat in a padded swivel chair while she fussed with my hair, saying that she was glad I wore it collar length. Then she came after me with cosmetics, except that they were applied with a tattoo type needle. When I tried to protest she explained that they were part of her game. If I didn't solve the case, or got myself into trouble -- trouble that was my fault, like last time -- she would leave me that way. It was unthinkable but what could I do. I meekly let her continue until she was thoroughly satisfied with my new face. Only then did she rotate the chair and let me see my reflection. I was stunned. Gaping back at me was a girl with her hair swept back and sprayed into place, as well as a face with puffy lips covered in carnival red lipstick, eyes overdone with fake lashes, too much shade, and way too much liner. My own brows were gone, replaced by drawn on ones that were arched high. There was rouge and everything else a woman might use, but it was the more dramatic effects that upset me. As I tried to gather my wits she filled the air around me with sweet perfume that settled onto my satiny skin. Missy offered her opinion that, "This is a good look for you. The hair is kind of butch but the face is definitely fluff. You look like someone who thinks she's tough but isn't. Those dykes will eat you alive. Or rather, make you eat them." This time her laughter was long and loud. I said something about paying her but she told me, "Let's see if you make it back. In the meantime I'll hold onto your clothes. And wallet. And cash. And credit cards. And of course, your male ID. Now let's get you dressed." What Missy had picked for me to wear was shameless. First there was a pair of panties, high cut, with a very snug crotch that pressed against my faux pussy. She made me move around and I couldn't prevent being stimulated by the snugness of the panties. Then came a bra, or rather half a bra. There were partial cups that went under the bottoms of my new breasts and supported the heavy globes. Both pieces of lingerie were pink and trimmed with lace. Then came a mini-dress that showed maximum cleavage and left my now-shapely thighs exposed almost to their tops. I wanted to start sobbing when I saw how slutty she had made me look. At the same time I still had that babyface make-up. I would be absolute lez-bait when I got to the club. Missy put herself directly in front of me and asked, "Do you know what's great about that bra?" "No," came my high-pitched whisper. "What?" She snickered and said, "It leaves your nipples accessible." With that she reached out and lightly pinched the ends of my breasts through the material, rolling the nubs of flesh between her fingers. It was as if there was a taut wire running from the tips of my boobs straight to my penis. But I couldn't get an erection with that damnable fake snatch containing and squeezing my genitals. I moaned as my organ attempted unsuccessfully to erect. I was awful. I squirmed my hips helplessly. She didn't let up for several more minutes. When she at last released her grip I was breathing hard, making my big bust rise and fall dramatically. Then she had me step into a pair of candy apple red shoes with three inch heels. She said, "Have a good time -- Carla." Missy sent me out the door without even cab fare. She slapped my rear and said, "Mmm. Love that padding." Club Indigo was halfway across town. How was I going to get there? I walked along, gingerly taking small steps, trying to get used to those heels. I was on a narrow, poorly lit side street. As I passed under a street light a car slowed down and the driver, a middle-aged guy wearing a sport coat over a flannel shirt and sporting a baseball cap, called out, "Hey, sweet cheeks. How much for a blowjob?" I froze and refused to make eye contact with him. This was a dreadful development. Of course I looked like a hooker to him, in that revealing dress, the push-up bra, and those bold shoes. Then a car going to other way did the same thing and a Black guy with a shaved head, wearing sunglasses at night, grinned lasciviously and made kissing noises before he moved away. I was totally aware of the sight I made and the risks that had suddenly developed. Step by cautious step I moved toward Club Indigo. Once I got onto a larger avenue the drive-by remarks ceased, but not the appreciative stares and occasional horn honk. I raised my chin to try to look like I was above all that, and had even managed to tell myself I would be all right, when a drunk who was leaving a bar spotted me and said, "Whoa. Sit that thing on my face and ride me to Cleveland. I huffed and hurried away, realizing as I did how much I was behaving like a woman. Then an expensive luxury car with darkly tinted windows pulled up to the curb not far ahead of me. At last, I thought, some good luck. I tugged down the hem of my tiny dress and made sure my ripe melon boobs weren't in danger of popping free before I walked closer, the heels adding a sexy swish to my hip movements and shaping my calves. The back window on my side slid down and a handsome man smiled affably at me. He was middle- aged and very well dressed. With a hint of concern in his voice he asked, "Are you all right, dear?" I told him, "I... I'm kind of stuck," hating the sound of my new voice, and then went on, "I have to get to a place across town. Could you... maybe... give me a ride?" "I'd be happy to." To his driver he said, "George, please open the door for this lady." George turned out to be a hulking figure with a bull neck. I shuddered inwardly as he swung wide the door on the street side and I hurried around to slide in. As he closed the door I looked at my host, who was smiling. It was a leering, predatory smile. END PART ONE.

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Nikki part 21

"Don't see why you're moaning," dad laughs as I pass him yet another handful of pink and silver streamers. "You're the one who insists on hanging out with these celebrities, attending their parties... There's no ducking out of it now just because it's your turn to organise one!" "Give me a break," I sigh. "I've been at work every day this week..." "Ooh, poor you, having to work for a living," Beverly laughs, making me sigh. "Thanks for helping out today, Chris." "My pleasure," dad...

2 years ago
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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 11

Xi Pegasi Aboard the Wells August 5, 2057 “We’re going to be late,” Devin grumped. He corralled his duffel bag and turned to Lenna. “I’m ready now.” “There’s no hurry, you know.” Lenna opened the door and pulled herself into the passageway. “Sijay won’t leave until we are aboard.” She grasped one of the handrails and started aft, toward the hangar deck. “Maybe. She’d leave me in a minute if I was late.” Devin followed his wife toward the waiting shuttle. Ten minutes later, they settled...

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Swinger Porn Fun! What’s worse than finding out your parents are a couple of sexy swingers? Cumming upon them at a party. Well, maybe that’s just a matter of opinion, because I know plenty of you freaks out there would love to get down with any kind of swinger, cuckold or hotwife situation. Not everyone has the confidence to pull off, though, not to mention a wife who’s down to let you have a little strange. Fortunately, sites like SwingerPornFun let you live vicariously through swingers and...

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Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes which we both enjoy. Today, a sunny, lazy Sunday afternoon we are suntanning naked, though I am wearing my watch, on our patio. “Magic sex last night baby, you really are a wonderful lover. And a brilliant fuck,” Roger tells me as he smears my body with...

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Vacation TwoChapter 33

I woke in the morning with a sensation that I had not had in while. A pussy was sliding up and down my dick. When I opened my eyes, Mercy leaned down and kissed me, whispering, "I love you." Sue was lying on her side with her eyes open, smiling at me. She leaned over and kissed me and said softly, "I love you." I looked to the other side and Juanita was also lying on her side, watching. She leaned to me and kissed me and said with a smile, "I love all of you." Mercy continued to move...

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Comfortably Numb Adventures And This Was Just Day One

I have lived in California most of my life. Now I live on my sailboat in Greece and Turkey. It’s 44 feet, strong aluminum hull. I had it custom built as a sort of midlife crisis before I stopped working 10 years ago. After a life of boardroom meetings, lots of frequent-flier miles and high blood pressure, I sold the house, trashed the suits and moved onto the boat that I named “Comfortably Numb”. For those of you from another planet, it’s the name of a Pink Floyd number from ‘The Wall’ that...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Gaby Ortega Ahegao Teen

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? Let’s get right into this new Labs update! Ahegao is a longtime turn-on for porno fans worldwide – what could be better than watching the hottest babes savor every second of a sensational orgasm?! Ahegao is a face made by a woman experiencing pure ecstasy during particularly awesome sex. We wanted to play around with the trend and deliver our take on it to our fans. In this episode, the ultra-cute Gaby receives tutoring from Peter. But she can’t stop thinking about...

1 year ago
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My first time

So my best mate,s mum was a self employed hairdresser when i was growing up in the mid 80s(very handy for a free haircut)So i am at the house on a Thursday my normal day off( i worked in a clothes shop) Anyway carol was a lovely lady very fit in her mid 40s and has given me a lot of pleasure in the wank bank dept, what I hadn’t done to her in my mind was unbelievable.She is giving me a hair cut and was shaving my neck when she caught my ear, carefull was my response, she said whats a matter do...

3 years ago
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Watching My Wife and the Masseuse

A voyeuristic trip to the massage parlor turned up a surprise when my wife arrived for a massage!Martha joined a workout club and also has a massage every two to three weeks at a massage parlor about 10 miles out of town. She has always enjoyed getting massages but is somewhat shy and always has had a female masseuse.Let me describe Martha to you: She has small breasts with thick nipples, an incredibly sexy body and a very thick hairy bush. Her ass is nice and firm and very, very sensitive as...

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A Nice Shower for Two

My man and I had just had the most passionate dirty sex and we were dripping with sweat and cum so I asked him to take me to the bathroom and shower with me. He picked me up and carried me into the nice bathroom. I could still feel his cock on my pussy, which made me hot again. He set me on the toilet and knelt down to turn the water on; I got horny just by watching his naked body move. When the water was warm he picked me up and stepped into the shower. He sat on the shower floor and I...

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Where Witches Walk

They stood on wet ground as the cool breeze of their darkest hour swept past. Most of their numbers were gone. The free lands in the north had all fallen, swallowed up by the black mass of the oppressive Kath’rahim army. Only York stood against them now, one final free people, stretched fabric-thin against a world’s worth of steel. For a year they had managed to hold the untold numbers at bay. Under the leadership of King James Rawlings III, they had used the swift striking movements a...

3 years ago
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An Alien AbroadChapter 16

For a first-timer she was really quite good. Initially she wasn’t sure, but that gave way to finding it was quite pleasurable to have this large cock in her mouth. It was the nerves around the mouth you see. I was stimulating them in an entirely novel way. She told me later that some women had learnt to orgasm whilst giving oral sex to another woman. The intimate contact of lips to lips. I asked if she had and she told me that princesses don’t tell things like that. Meanwhile she was sucking...

3 years ago
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Summer HeatChapter 6

“Would you like coffee with your cobbler?” “Please.” She headed for the kitchen and I followed her to help. Once inside the kitchen, she turned and came into my arms. We kissed for a long, endless time before doing anything else. To my surprise, the cobbler was warm. Beth smiled. I asked Marie to leave it warming in the oven.” The cobbler was very good. Once it was eaten, we moved with our refreshed coffees to the living room and sat together on the couch. “Gerald, I want to go with you...

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My cousin deepa

Hi, this is Shiva from Hyderabad. This story is with my cousin deepa. Reading the Indian stories in the related websites which are very much arousing. Anyway is my story with deepa which happened when I was in college. If you like it please mail me at and I you Have any comments to deepa, you can mail her at as she had commanded me to the story on the net for the ladies who are interested to have sex with me. As it would interesting if we use some local language for the people of Andhra...

2 years ago
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Leigh gets hers

Log in or Sign upHomeStory Archive>In order to comment on a story, you must give it a rating first. This is done to keep the story thread itself nice and clean. We have some changes coming that will provide a better format for commenting, but in the meantime please rate and comment, authors love feedback!Dismiss Notice. Nightclup Pickup 1 voteThreadReviews (1)RickMemberAuthor!Nightclub Pickup by Rick "I like that blouse you're wearing," Rick said. He was eyeing Leigh's black lace bra through...

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Taboo Carlas Story Part One

Bianca and Carla were not only sisters but best friends and had always gone on nights out together. The more academic of the pair, Carla was at college while Bianca worked in a local bar. They both believed in working hard - but playing even harder, which they did as often as possible. They had contrasting appearances, Bianca being dark and Carla fair, but they each had a gorgeous thick mane of hair flowing down to neat waists, framing their petite, pert bodies. Early one Saturday evening, they...

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Field Day

Prologue        Maggie was only eighteen and she still had a lot to learn about sucking cock. She bobbed her head up and down, eagerly taking my shaft into her wide open mouth to the best of her sore, aching jaw's capability. She only made it two thirds of the way down. My pubes could barely tickle her nostrils. I could tell she still found that particular sensation alien and uncomfortable. She hesitated as a fresh tear dripped down her bruised, battered face. I tightened my grip on her scalp,...

1 year ago
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Sharing my girlfriend with an old man

Sarah and I had been dating for five years at the time. We were 23, and she was about 5'3", had beautiful, natural, perky DD breasts with tiny pink nipples and a plump ass that bubbles out. She has beautiful long black hair with bright blue eyes and is a bit pale but she looks good. She's a curvy girl but by no means fat. And a well-kept bush that is thick and gorgeous. She's very submissive in the bedroom and likes being ordered around which was all knew for me but I love it. Sarah and I had...

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My Rashi

HI Readers…. This is Akki from Chattisgarh and Here I’m posting the real story happened between me and Rashi in Feb 2009 when we r in +2 while preparing for our public examinations . About me I’m athletic with muscular body and 6’2 height and Rashi is 1 year old matured body with new beauties developing day by day in her and during that time her stats might be 32 26 30 I guess. As we r neighbors since childhood our parents got confidence on us as good friends as every parents have in the...

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Mark Its Your Mother Im Naked

The following story is fictional and involves a sexual mother - son relationship. All characters are at least 18 years of age.*I was careless, that's all I have to say.I have always been attracted to my mother, she is a very attractive lady for her age; full, round breasts, Rubenesque figure, toned legs (not too skinny, not too fat), just enough make-up to show that she cares and jet black hair in a short, pixie haircut. She has always been very loving with me and very understanding over...

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Bens Instruction

“Summer vacation…great,” I sighed. My girls would be going to summer camp in a couple of days, and the husband will be going out of town for business. Who was I kidding? He was going to see his mistress. Not that I minded. Our marriage was basically just paper at this moment. I would have the house to myself for 2 weeks. What to do? What to do? I made my list of projects to get done, thinking that it would last me more than a couple of days. I needed to spring clean the house, as well as get...

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Ladys Next DanceChapter 28

As the first of the two cars pulled in front of Harry's mountain retreat, Sophia turned to Diane. "Wow. What did we just fall into?" Valerie opened the driver's door. "Wait until you see it in the daylight. I would take half my salary to work out of here, but don't tell Harry. He thinks he has to give me a bonus to leave Seattle and all that I-5 traffic. I want him to think it's a sacrifice." "Your secret is safe with us," giggled Diane. "We girls need to stick together." An...

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Hamida Is Back 8211 Part 6 One Last Time With A Goon

Welcome to the new episode of this series. Please make sure you have read “” series before reading this one. This is the sequel of that series. Now, enjoy the story. ~Story starts~ That night, Arav was at home. ~Sex starts~ As they got alone in the guest room, the husband and wife were looking at each other’s eyes in their shared embrace. It wasn’t long before they one thing lead to another and another and another. They fucked like rabbits and he accidentally came it all inside of her. ~Sex...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 7

Index: 7Once you go black...Jelmer drove his lover to the camping grounds bike shed. And when he had dropped off Chris there he waved goodbye to him as he raced away. Nearly hitting the police car that came the other way.The policeman stopped near Christopher. "Oh fuck... here we go...", thought Chris as he greeted police officer Tom. "Hey, Chris... Tell your friend he needs to drive more carefully. Or I will slap his ass in irons...", laughed the only...

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Summer in USA 2nd part Public Sex 6th part

After great fun by swimming pool Mr. Bailey took me out for dinner. I was flattered by having romantic dinner in nice and prestige restaurant.He was telling me about his life, job and other things and in one moment he said to me “Sandra, I have still to work this week, but after it I am free and on vacation, so we will have more fun. Sorry for this, but I did not expect that you will accept my invitation. Now, as CEO, I need to finish couple of meetings before my vacation starts. Anyway, here...

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A King and His QueenChapter 39 Catrsquos Farewell

Saturday afternoon, Raven and Scarlet sat on the couch watching Cat suck on Andrew’s cock like a baby sucking its thumb. Eyes closed, her head was resting in his lap, his cock was in her mouth, and she was sucking on it gently. There was a look of contentment on her face. Andrew’s head was rolled backwards and his eyes were closed. Little tremors ran through his body at times. The sensation she produced was enough to keep him erect, but not enough to bring him to climax. They had been like...

4 years ago
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Another escapade

It has been a while since I have had anything to write about... well the other day I met a wonderful woman... why she wanted to talk to me who knows... anyway we met in the ranges walking... well in the car park actually. we said a few pleasantries just to pass the time as we both got ready to walk really. As I got myself sorted out I wished her a safe walk (never to careful during the week, few people around and the weather has been a bit hairy!), she asked me which track I was going to take,...

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Christmas Wedding Part 11 Honeymoon and thereafter Finale

In contrast to the blockbuster revelation by Julius Stoner, over at the Finn home things were much calmer for all. The twins managed to sleep in for the first time since they were a year old giving their parents time to get the last of the hidden gift from the office, the one room in the house they had no access to. As they walked downstairs they saw more gifts out, ones that said "From Santa" causing the twins to look up at their parents in shame over making him make a second trip to...

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making a deal with a demon part 2

(Strip, Watch & Wait) I got very nerves, but when I looked up I saw that all the pets where already naked. Each one standing at a point of the star. They acted like I was not even there. So I did as I was told. I striped, waited & watched. Lucas picked up the knife and chalice. He held the chalice in front of him self right over the candle there and said “ Corvendom Levintoria” then let it go. but it did not fall. instead it floated there. He took the knife and chanted “I give of my self to...

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