Carlton Cline 2 free porn video

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CARLTON CLINE 2 by Throne The man who was giving me a ride introduced himself as Edgar Majors. He leaned toward me and said, "I'm fascinated by you." When he pressed a button on the back of the front seat, a panel slid aside to reveal a mini-bar. He offered me a drink but, when I declined, gave me a stern look. I quickly said, "Well, maybe just one." He relaxed and said pleasantly, "Of course. Just a little something to help you relax." To the driver he said, "George, we're in no hurry. Please drive us around for a bit." I wanted to object but felt trapped and afraid of displeasing him. Majors told me, "You caught my eye instantly. There's something special about you." If he knew how special, I didn't know what he might do. And with George waiting to carry out his orders, I didn't want to find out. As we cruised along he handed me a tall slender glass and then laid his hand on my thigh. I cringed but tried not to let my revulsion show. When his hand moved upward I drank everything in my glass. I told him, "I... um... wish you wouldn't go any... higher." He smiled slyly and asked, "And why is that? What would you like me to do? Or what would you like to do for me? Hmmm?" I remembered that line about never getting into cars with strangers. Majors inhaled the perfume Missy had sprayed on me and complimented it. I tried desperately to think of something to stall him, to prevent him from exploring between my thighs. Even with the false pussy he might discover my male bits. With trembling fingers I undid the top button on my dress. It had been revealing too much cleavage to begin with. Now it was showing even more. His interest shifted, so I opened a second one. Major's hands came up and cupped my globes through the thin material of the dress. He felt my uncovered nipples against his palms and switched to rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers. The effect was immediate and electric. I was seized by an erotic power surge. A current of stimulation buzzed through me and, instead of continuing to try to think of ways to discourage him, I leaned toward him and, to my shock, began to purr. The wealthy man grinned and unbuttoned my dress enough that he could bare my chest. Those healthy melons were temptingly displayed in the half- cups of the bra. He licked each nipple and then sucked. I became more and more helpless and -- what was worse -- needy. The part of me that Missy's treatments had created, this wildly depraved female libido, was out of control. I slid back and around so Majors could put himself atop me. He kept playing with my boobs as my passion mounted to impossible heights. The problem was that, at the same time, I was still trapped in that insidious cock cage, unable to get an erection and definitely incapable of gaining an orgasm. My balls started to ache. I wanted more and more stimulation even though I was paying a painful price for it. He had me bucking under him and vocalizing like a cat in heat. His hands occasionally went to my round bottom but kept returning to my spheres. We rode like that for what must have been a half hour. At last I hit an impossible peak and cried out, before slipping into a swoon. I heard him chuckle and tell George, "All right, let's take this pretty lady where she wants to go." He sat up and straightened his clothes. He said to me, acting the perfect gentleman all of a sudden, "That was so much fun. I'm sure we'll see each other again." I didn't want to discourage him after he had gotten his kinky kicks and had decided that was enough, so I gave him a sweet smile and fluttered my eyelashes. Soon we were at the club and George opened my door. I got out, still feeling a touch dizzy. Then I threw Majors a grateful smile and sashayed toward the door. As soon as I was inside I was confronted by a tall, dangerous looking woman with muscles and tattoos, as well as several visible piercings. Her outfit was a sleeveless shirt, its narrow shoulder straps showing plenty of skin, short cut-off jeans that did the same, and black running shoes. She gave me a wolfish look and said, "What can I do for you, sweet stuff?" Without thinking I said, "My name is Carla," as Missy had called me. "Well, Car-lahhh," the door watcher said with an exaggerated pronunciation, "there's a cover charge." "Oh. I... sort of don't have my money with me right now." "No?" She paused, letting me squirm inside my new form. "Well," she continued, "then how are you going to pay? We could work a trade." Again, I was stuck. If I didn't complete my case, I might end up stuck as a bosomy fem-figure, my genitals inside that confining false pussy, for who knew how long. I asked meekly, "What did you have in mind?" "You know, my legs get kind of achy from all this standing, so how about if you kneel down and massage them while I work?" "B... but, everyone will see me," I practically squealed. The tall door keeper shrugged and looked past me as the door opened to admit a pair of lipstick lesbians. My shoulders sagged in defeat. I sank to my knees and began rubbing her solid legs. She peered down at me, her face unreadable. As she took the cover charge from the newcomers they stared at the submissive picture I made. One of them said to the door watcher, "Is that a fringe benefit from this job, Shawna?" They all laughed at that, and at my lowly role. Shawna had me back up some, so that I had to lean forward to reach her. My dress rode up in the rear and I felt cool air on my bare buns. The next person to enter, a tough biker chick, ran the tip of her boot up and down the cleft of my bottom. I made a shocked sound that turned into a sustained moan. That provoked more laughter. The two of them chatted for several minutes as if I wasn't there. Than the leather-and-denim clad biker said, "You, me and her would make a great threesome. Two Masters and one slave. Have her working double-time." Shawna said that might happen and then the other woman went inside. I was still working on Shawna's long legs and, despite my upset and shame, was getting aroused. That led to another round of frustration and discomfort. Other women made comments about me. Shawna offered my massage services to a few of them and I had to do it for them, too. They all had softer underpinnings than her and my level of stimulation rose until I was whimpering from need and pain. After about an hour Shawna hoisted me to my feet, planted a kiss in my cleavage, and shoved me through the door and into the club. My legs felt weak and my head was swimming. I went to the bar, leaned on it, and asked the butch Black girl who was serving drinks for a rum and cola. She made it and set it before me. I took a swallow and thanked her. She said, "You're welcome, but I'm not buying it for you." OMG, I had gotten myself into money trouble again. This time I ended up having to work serving tables. I was sent to the back room where an older woman helped me out of all my clothes and gave my my 'work uniform', a tiny pink apron that tied in a flouncy bow in the back. It covered my crotch but only half contained my bust, with the constant threat that my burgeoning boobs would be exposed by a wrong move on my part. She said my odd look, with the pretty girl make-up and tough girl hair, should get me plenty of attention, which was exactly what I didn't want. Slipping back into my heels, I walked self-consciously onto the club's floor. At once I was called to a table where a mannish woman put her arm around my waist and fondled my bare bottom. Her other hand pawed my thigh. She even licked my hip. She passed me to her three friends. As I made my way around the table, taking orders, I was touched all over, even made to sit on one woman's lap while she toyed with my ears and kissed my neck. I finally returned to the bar and was given their drinks on a silver tray. I carefully wended my way back across the floor, aware that every eye was on me. Then I got my tips. There was a pocket I hadn't noticed in the front of the apron. Each time one of the females slipped a bill into it, she took the opportunity to rub or finger or even pinch my fake pussy. I could feel every contact clearing against my constrained cock. My poor balls throbbed with yearning. I served another half dozen tables, with lots more of the shameful treatment I had suffered already, along with some inventive variations. At one point I was crouching under a table checking well-dressed females' panty crotchbands, running my nose up and down them, to make sure they didn't have any wrinkles. That touching, along with inhaling so much feminine musk, elevated my flustered passion to impossible heights. I came out from under there with my face beet red. That earned plenty of laughs and several smacks on my bottom. And more tips. And the fingering that went along with them. I was totally overcome and feeling faint when I saw Vanessa Mondell's girlfriend, Joyce Miko. Maybe all my adventures with Edgar Majors and George, Shawna and the women at the door, and now being made to wait tables full of lesbians with free hands and occasionally mouths, were finally going to pay off. I handed in the money from my latest delivery to the bartender and then headed straight for Ms. Miko. She was with three other women, a pair of Latinos in tight jeans and tube tops, as well as a Mediterranean beauty with long black hair and dark glinting eyes who wore black leather pants and a matching vest, buttoned over her full bust, with nothing under it. She also sported motorcycle boots. I leaned close to Joyce and her date, the leather les, gave my thigh a hard pinch. She wasn't being seductive or having fun, she was protecting her lover from my appeal. I yelped but the woman, who Joyce addressed as Tia, feigned innocence. I took their orders and hurried back to the bar to have them filled. When I returned to the table the Latino gals had gotten up and were circulating, gabbing with friends. The leather girl pulled me down onto her lap, reached around from behind, and squeezed my heavy boobs, less with affection or lust than with sadism. I mewled, which Joyce seemed to mistake for arousal. The torturous feel-up went on and on as Tia explored my new body, all pink and smooth, enjoying those overly full curves but getting even more pleasure out of hurting me. Then she slipped out from under me, easily stood me up, and produced several leather straps from her boot tops. With practiced moves she bound my arms snugly behind me, my elbows drawn toward each other painfully, and lashed my wrists together for good measure. Then she looped a strap around my neck and tied it off to the back of her chair, so that I was bent forward uncomfortably. Tia said with a sneer in her voice, "I have to use the little girls' room. You stay right there, my pretty-pretty." She gave my exposed buttocks a half dozen loud slaps with her bare hand. I jerked and yelped, drawing plenty of attention. Then she left me like that, my reddened butt thrust out, fighting back girlish tears. I swallowed with difficulty and whispered to the remaining female, "Joyce, I need to talk to you." She said, "Do you now?" Her hand cupped one of my breasts and stroked it lightly under the apron, triggering another wave of unwanted stimulation. I whimpered and squirmed. That turned her on and she got her other hand into the action. By the time she finally stopped I was panting with lust. "So," she went on, "what did you want to talk about?" "I..." My feminized voice sounded so weak. "I was sent here by your friend. Vanessa. She... wants you to come back." I sniffled. Prettily. "Reeeealy? And you're a little bribe to get me to return?" "Well... no." "Then I guess we don't have anything to talk about. Let's see, what can I use to gag you with?" She put both hands under the table and did something that involved wriggling her hips a lot. Then Joyce produced a pair of panties. She had gotten out of them and... Oh no! Before I could respond she shoved them between my artificially puckered lips and lodged them inside my mouth. I couldn't work them loose and I definitely couldn't speak. Worse, Tia was returning. Joyce told her what I had said. She acted amused but also maybe a bit jealous. Still, I got the impression that Tia was more interested in a fun evening than in a long relationship. So she went along with it when Joyce said they should have some fun with me before returning to Vanessa. Their idea of fun was to untie the length of leather that held me to the chair and march me, with my arms still trapped behind my back, onto the low stage at one end of the room. Tia called for everyone's attention and then Joyce said, "We have a bad girl here who needs to be punished. The first one to contribute a hundred bucks to the club's dungeon fund, to buy new toys for the Wednesday night shows, can administer her correction. There were a lot of calls from the floor and three women came forward, all of them looking butch and hungry to administer discipline, waving cash overhead. Joyce laughed and declared it a three- way tie. So I was going to get it from a trio of nasty bitches. Everyone at the tables and bar watched with interest. The women went backstage and produced a variety of equipment, which I guessed was from the Wednesday night stock the club already possessed. There were crops and paddles and a foot long metal ruler. Also bondage gear and shoes with ridiculously high heels. And finally a box that they showed me, so I could see that it contained clamps, gags, blindfolds and more. First one of the hundred dollar contributors removed my bonds. Then the other two removed my tiny waitress uniform. I flexed my arms but only for a moment, because the first quickly replaced the old ties with a leather sleeve that contained my limbs even more snugly. The second woman picked a stiff collar that forced my chin up and made me keep it elevated. The last one selected a corset that she delighted in tightening until my waist was well compressed. They had me walk around the stage, making me rise up on my toes, as if I was wearing heels. The bizarre sight I made met with the audience's approval. Being like that, rosy skinned, hairless and naked, was endlessly humiliating. But what came next was worse. The ladies picked their instruments and went to work on my bottom and thighs. My nipples were put pinched by metal. A vibrator was fitted between my bottom cheeks and turned on, so that I felt pleasure along with the pain. The event went on for over an hour, during which I had to kiss boots and butts and strike any pose that was demanded. At last Joyce and Tia came onto the stage and jammed a gag into my mouth before applying a blindfold to my eyes. Those impractical heels were slipped onto my feet. I felt myself being led away while cheers filled my ears. There was a rush of night air against my bare skin and then I was helped into a car. My arms were getting cramped in their bondage. The vibrator was still buzzing. My penis continued to strain toward erection and to fail totally. I held myself together with the consolation that I would soon be back at Vanessa's, get paid, and return to Missy to have the changes she had wrought reversed. Soon we arrived and I was walked inside. I had to stand there in those towering heels as the hands that had been aiding me let go. Then I heard Vanessa's voice as she said, "Well, Carla Cline, you've really gotten yourself into a fix. I know what you would say if that gag wasn't between your inflated lips. You would tell me that you brought Joyce home. But she would have come anyway. You see, I wasn't entirely honest with you. Those previous two cases in which you had to pass for female, the prostitution one and the Dominatrix one, well those both caused me a bit of bother. You see, I owned that prostitution ring and the dungeon. So tonight's events were all a set-up to amuse me and to remove you as a pesky annoyance." She asked that my blindfold be removed. As I blinked against the light, I was stunned to see Edgar Majors and his hulking driver, George standing there. Alongside them was Shawna and the bartender from Club Indigo. Also smiling at my predicament was -- OH NO -- Missy. Vanessa went on, "So here's the deal, Miss Cline. Or Carla. Or maybe I'll change it to Carlene. Whatever. For the foreseeable future, you will work for me... for no pay. I can use a sexy maid. Plus, I've always wanted to have a male lesbian available 24/7. There will be a few papers for you to sign, putting me in control of all your assets. I'll have someone pick up your entire male wardrobe. And drop it off at a charity collection box. You'll be with us for a year. Minimum. And then I'll decide if you're still a menace to decent, law- breaking citizens." She put her finger to her chin and mused, "Was there anything else?" Missy waved excitedly and said, "Remember those new drugs we just imported?" "Oh yes," Vanessa said with an evil grin. "The mind control substances. If those work, we'll be able to get someone hooked on any behavior we suggest to them. Like always walking and talking in an overly feminine manner. Or lusting after rough, muscular men in leather. Or maybe just needing to dress as a female all the time. But we don't want to test those drugs on some poor innocent. So, because you're guilty of being a pain to me, you just volunteered to be our lab rat." She chuckled. "Any objections, Carlene?" With the gag still filling my mouth (and those worn panties behind it) I couldn't utter one word. George stepped behind me, grabbed a handful of my hair, and moved my head in a nodding motion. He also stood so close that I could feel is big body against mine, and notice that he was getting excited. Vanessa said to him, "I see you still enjoy frottage with girly boys like our Carlene here. Well, you and everybody else can have turns with her. Edgar, I know you'll want to play with her supersized titties every chance you get." There was laughter and comments all around the room. The imposing female butler I had met on my previous arrival appeared. She announced that my 'spot' was ready for me. George, managing to keep himself in contact with me from behind, assisted me to walk in the towering heels. It turned out that my 'spot' was a tiny room, a walk-in closet actually, carpeted in something thick and furry, like a dog bed. The walls were pink and so was the small overhead light globe. Near one side was a three foot tall post with a ring attached. From the ring extended a thin metal cord with a smaller ring at its end. George's thick fingers opened that second ring and he forced me to lean far over before deftly clipping it into my nose. Two sharp points bit into my septum and a strong spring held it that way. Vanessa entered the small space and began rubbing my backside, which was still sore from the abuse it had suffered earlier. She removed the vibrator so that I couldn't even enjoy that modicum of pleasure. "Missy?" she asked, "If I wanted Carlene's boobies even bigger, could you do that? And maybe make her face cuter, so cute that no one would ever recognize her as you-know-who, which is a name we won't use around here. In fact, let's call her Carlene Cute. Would those additional changes be something you could handle?" "With pleasure," Missy replied. "And I'll throw in a better, girlier hairstyle for free." Vanessa chortled. "Money is no object. After all, the funds from Carlene's old identity will be paying for all her new alterations." What could I do? Bent over helplessly, with everyone eyeing me. Prey to those two men. A bedroom slave to however many lesbians my new owner shared me with. And at the mercy of Missy's ministrations and those experimental mind drugs. It would continue for at least a year and after that might go on indefinitely. Even if they gave me back my old body, would I still have unnatural cravings that they had induced? I was doomed. All I could do was to try not to displease Vanessa, or any of them, because that could make my fate even worse. A shudder ran through my sexpot body. Vanessa patted my rump consolingly. "There, there, Carlene. Sure you've been turned into a male lezzie with a killer bod, lost all your assets, soon won't be recognizable to even your best friends, and can expect endless sexual servitudes, humiliation, and physical mistreatment. But look at the bright side." What was that, I had to ask myself. She told me. "You'll have all of us and our friends to take care of you." THE END ?

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I finished drying my hands as she put the last dish on the drying rack. She put her hand on my upper arm and said, “Let’s have a glass of wine and chat.” I smiled back at her smile, pleasantly surprised at the contact, which she had studiously avoided during the last two weeks. As we walked past the table, she said, “Thank you for helping me wash up.”“Thank you for the dinner. It was very good.”She nodded, “Of course.”I held the kitchen door open for her and watched her as she walked gracefully...

2 years ago
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Deep Sex Nine

"Persönliches Computerlockbuch Cmdr. Jadzia Dax. Seit einigen Tagen habe ich eine Veränderung an der Crew der Station festgestellt. Alles begann damit, daß Chief O´Brian und ich die Überreste eines alten klingonischen Bird of Prey geborgen haben und einen toten Klingonen an Bord der Station gebracht haben. Ich kann nicht genau sagen, was schief gelaufen ist, aber seit diesem Zeitpunkt verhalten sich viele aggressiv und gereizt. Fähnrich deCurtis mußte von Odo in eine Sicherheitszelle gesperrt...

3 years ago
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Continuing with Mandyrsquos educationhellip

After that first encounter, when Mandy and I had had our first taste of each other, she had become a lot more confident and even a little seductive when she was with me….She would often turn up to our place wearing a cotton dress, and, when the opportunity arose, she would give me just a little flash of her bare pussy, just to show that she’d “forgotten” to wear panties that day! She even took to surreptitiously fondling my cock when no-one was around, and called it her “toy” whilst I called...

4 years ago
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My StepMum Convinces My Dad to Pop My Cherry

My father and mother had divorced as my mother recently decided to live with a man who organised work for women as call-girls or escorts.I live with my father as I didn’t feel safe with my mother's new partner. He had made a few suggestions to me about having sex with him, even though he was living with my mother. I am seventeen and a virgin. I have a job in an office in town.My father soon found a new partner, from the sounds that they were making in the bedroom, they had sex a lot. Julie was...

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InterracialBlowbang Chanel Camryn 01302023

Camryn seeks the help of a psychotherapist when her constant dreams of black men flaunting their massive penises at her are causing her to not sleep. It’s all she thinks of. Dream after dream of big black cock waving at her. She’s only had a single cock at a time. Could this be early stages of Cockaphobia? How will she get over this fear of cock? Seeking the help of acclaimed psychotherapist Dr. Freud he suggests she confronts her fear head on. Just grab it by the base and jerk if...

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Flirty chemist assistant

About five years ago I suffered enomously with insomnia, on my fifth day or night without sleep I decided to go for a drive, I ended up about 40 miles away from my hometown, it was 9:30 in the morning and I parked up in a village and looked round, finding a chemist I went in and asked the assistant if she had anything that would help me sleep.She was a petite blonde haired girl around 20 years old and when I asked she was very flirty. She said she'd give me something to help relax me, and I...

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Becoming a bisexual cunt

Just for background, I’m 26, black, and have been blessed with a good height at around 6’5 with an athlete’s body. Muscular chest and shoulders, big arms and good abs. I guess it’s the years of sport and copious fucking I’ve done in my time. Anyway, there is was in my hands, light blue with a soft rubber feel, raised dimples and ridges lining the shaft in rows spiraling to the engorged head. The cock itself was smaller than my own in both girth and length, but that was not what interested me....

1 year ago
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Office Drinks

I'm walking over to the kitchen when I hear Lisa call "Selfish!" in that half mocking tone she loves so much. She looks at my mug and gestures to me with her own. "Ah, shit, sorry Lisa, tea or coffee?" I reply, with a melodramatic bow. It's a running joke we have, me being her skivvy. I've been working for her on this project for over six months now. You couldn't want much more from a boss, she knows her stuff but doesn't lord it over us. Keeps the teams happy, backs us up when it counts but...

1 year ago
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Park Lane Escorts

I was browsing the Park Lane Escorts menu all morning, ostensibly just so I could review their site for ThePornDude, but I’m not sure I can just sit on this information without doing anything. It’s kind of like finding out a local shop has a killer deal on that ice cream you like, but you actually get to bust a nut for a few bones instead of licking up some melted dairy product. I was supposed to take my grandma out to dinner tonight, but I think she’d totally understand. Sometimes things come...

Escort Sites
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ISS Reader Met Me And Took Me Home

One of my readers Sandhya contacted me after reading my story in ISS. Initially, it was on hangouts. I suggested Whatsapp and soon we were texting, sexting. After a few days I openly asked her if she was interested in meeting me for fun, she agreed and we decided to meet. I reached the coffee shop and saw her. She had deep brown eyes, voluptuous lips. she was wearing black tights that hugged her curves and a big, loose top. “Are you Sandhya?” I asked her. She nodded and extended her hand. I...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 103 I Have a Tough Morning Shopping

Saturday, April 23, 2005 (Continued) Julia needed to tell her parents that we had to leave Ava behind so we could rush out to do our very important shopping (I thought of it differently), so Julia steered us to her parents' bedroom. They weren't there, so we headed downstairs. Meanwhile, Julia was explaining, "I was just setting her up for some attitude adjustment. Ava will be good if she can be trained the way I want. Of all the girls we know so far, whether you've 'initiated' them or...

2 years ago
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A Woman Waiting to HappenChapter 12 Carrie

I couldn’t believe the way Mike was spending money. The boutique he surprised us with was top shelf, and he spent more on us than we would normally spent on clothes for both of us than we would have in years. Of course, most of our stuff came from the Salvaton Army and Goodwill. We bought a couple of real nice bikinis, one set was pretty racy. The lingerie stunned us. We had never seen such beautiful things. We both got matching teddies, in black and white, and I got a corset and thong set...

4 years ago
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Naked Wet Daughter Part 4

The following morning, Carol and her older sister, Barbara, sat alone in the kitchen, lingering over the remains of their breakfast. The entire family had eaten breakfast together and then they had all gone off to one place or another, leaving the two girls alone. Mike had gone to work. Fran had gone shopping with Jerry. And, Greg had gone to a family friend's ranch to go horseback riding. Ordinarily, Carol would have gone riding with her brother for it was one of the girl's...

1 year ago
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Everyone fucks Susan

I run a small I.T company with about 15 full time staff and two part timers. It had been a good week for the company so I decided to shout everyone some drinks at the end of the day. We went to a local bar that was not far from the office and relaxed with a round of cocktails. I knew most of the staff quite well except for Susan who was one of the part timers. Since she was quite new and only worked a few hours per week I didn’t know that much about her except that she was married. She was...

Group Sex
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Erin and Erica pet Pete

Pete was pretty wasted with two teens on him and coming twice into Erin.Erin and Erica were fresh from their shower and decided to elegantly quit Pete.Re-living in his dreams what just had happened to him, Pete sported a hard-on.The teens giggled and with an eye-wink decided to wake up Pete by small Pete.The teens giggled louder when Pete gasped. And woke up with pets on his prick.The teens whispered unisono in his ears: "Wake up big Pete and small Pete.It´s time to freshen up and shower. We´ll...

2 years ago
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Bad Accounting

Katie had been working for the Hobson family business for some fifteen years. She was now fifty seven years old and had lived by herself since her husband's premature death two years earlier. They had no children. Katie had decided after her husband’s death that she might not have another relationship with a man and had increasingly become aware of her attraction to other women. Katie's boss Geraldine Hobson was just two years older than herself but had recently retired leaving the running of...

2 years ago
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Sandwiched Between Love

The fantasy of a threesome was constantly playing in my mind. Ever since I had gotten pregnant the idea just wouldn’t leave my head. If I ever wanted to do it, now would be the perfect time. I wouldn’t get pregnant by any man’s cum, and I didn’t have a family to leave behind at home just yet. After much discussion, my fiance gave me the ‘okay’ and I began to plan my first threesome experience. I already had the perfect couple and they were definitely up for the new experience: Emily and Joseph....

1 year ago
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MilfBody Christiana Cinn Fleshlight Aerobics

Christiana Cinn was looking super hot in her retro workout gear. She was ready for her daily aerobics workout via video instruction. She needed to pause the routine to find her dumbbells, but she had no idea where she had left them last! She could not find them after a few minutes of looking, but she did come across her husbands shake weight, or at least what she thought was a shake weight. She was shaking that thing like a tambourine until her husband got home and saw that it was actually his...

3 years ago
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Tanned All Over

Penny and I have been in rut for some time. We tried to stimulate, spice up and entice our lovemaking. Nothing seem to bring back the old spark until we both got ‘tanned all over’. We were watching some television, when an old singer we grew up listening to, Frankie Avalon, was introducing his easy-to-use tanning lotion and cream. We decided to try it, and ordered the kit. It arrived a few weeks later it. Initially it was to be mine alone, I soon convinced my honey that I’d apply it onto her...

1 year ago
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Fucking my husbands best mate

I always liked Jack.He wasn't Marks best looking friend. Or the coolest. Or the trendiest. But...he was... I don't know ? He was nice. And kinda cute, I suppose. But Mark, my husband was always always bugging me for us to have a 3some with him. I thought about it for a while, but every bloody time we had sex,he'd bring it up.What would you do if Jack was here,what would you do if Jack was fucking you,you want to fuck Jack don't you. Every time.Every bloody time.I got sick of it.Then I started...

1 year ago
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My Fucking Family

Beginning of Prologue: When most people think of inbreeding they think of rare disorders and deformities that range from the terminal to the comical, but there is another side. When the genetic pool goes from Olympic sized to backyard, those rare positive mutations also have a chance to take hold. That is what happened to Hawk’s family. His ancestors lived on a crazy hippie commune called New Eden. The Edenians wanted to live “sin free” which to them meant that they should live as nudist on a...

1 year ago
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The Masseur 8211 Part 3

Hello Everyone! This is MasseurCJ back again with yet another adventure of my life! This time we go international! ;) Sorry that I posted it so late as I was a bit caught up. For those who don’t know me, I am a professional Masseur from Mumbai but only on appointments. I have my own well settled business and I do this just out of my passion for sex. I have posted the prequels to this story earlier (see top for links) So coming back to the story, I was sitting in my cabin one fine day. It was...

3 years ago
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Tims New Job

I'm Tim and my girlfriend is Tina. At the time I was 18 and she had just turned 17. In our home state she had just become legal to fuck. I'd been patient and had waited because she was stunningly beautiful and a virgin too. I may only be 18 but I'd plucked my fair share of virgins already. I lost my virginity at the age of 16. My father took me to a brothel on my birthday and organised with the madam for me to have the experience of my life. I'd been shy around females until then, but soon...

2 years ago
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Eventualities Allison Ch 03

The circus got off to a roaring start from the moment that I walked off the plane. A fellow in a good suit, expensive shoes and a chauffeur’s hat was holding a sign with my name on it, ‘Mr. P. Wells’, or at least most of it. He asked for my Texas Driver’s License and actually examined it closely (another sure sign that he was really FBI), then he grabbed my one carry-on bag and we were soon driving off towards downtown in a large black SUV that couldn’t have screamed ‘Government’ more if it...

4 years ago
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Why Feminize

In BDSM fantasies I get to play out the reverse of female objectification and sexism and turn the tables on men. In real life, I am not a sexist. I like men and see them as my equal unless they give me reason to believe otherwise. I am able to separate fantasy role-playing from my real feelings as a person. I know that in my real life I would never make a person into an object, label them or humiliate them as I do when I feminize them, however, in fantasy, feminization and objectification are...

1 year ago
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Bring Your Master To Work Day Ch 02

Elle gave Master Dylan a guided tour of the office while Megan got Team TORA together for the next funtivity. Mostly this consisted of her trying to explain various office functions while calmly tolerating him sticking a finger in her mouth, reaching a hand up her dress. Or down her dress. It didn’t take long — the office wasn’t that big, and Elle wasn’t hot enough to distract him for that long. (She was one of the plainest girls in the office — a 7 at best, as the guys said.) Luckily, Team...

4 years ago
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Life Worth Living

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* The sound keeps ringing through my ears as the morning sun seeps through a hole in the blanket I use to cover my head. Reaching over to shut off the alarm clock, I find that my hand is just slightly out of reach. Therefore I have to I have to roll just enough to turn it off. The plan is simple and if executed properly would allow me maybe 5, possibly 10 extra minutes of sleep. However I manage to overestimate the roll and knock the alarm clock off of the end table....

3 years ago
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The best job ever

He give me the directions and I packed my stuff and headed that way. It was a few counties away and it took a while. Then off the highway a few miles and down a long gravel road. Then I drove down a long drive way. I pulled up to a nice big barn with a small cabin next to it. There was a pickup there and a guy stepped out of it. We shook hands and he asked If I could run a tractor. I told him yes and he showed me the barn. He said all you have to do is bush hog when the grass gets high. Feed...

3 years ago
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me my husband his friend and my best mate

Before me and my huband married we had know eachother for 3 years we went out togeather he met my friends and i met his and we all grew a great friendship once we got married things changed sex became a ore it was just lay there get it done with and then sleep but i was getting bored we needed to spice things up abit.One night we decided to have a night in with friends he asked his mates and i asked mine we played poker and watched a film had dinner etc come the end of the night all except his...

1 year ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 6 Bottoms Up

With a long, soft moan the thirteen year old girl collapsed forward onto the cool grass. Her mouth dragged down and off David's still spasming cock as Arthur came down full weight n her firm buttocks, his cock still imbedded in her cum-flooded fuckwell. "Did you cum Dave? Did you cum in her mouth?" "Yeah ... oohhh yeah ... and she swallowed it." "It's your turn now ... to fuck her, that is. Can you do it?" "Yeah ... oohhhh God yeah," the younger boy said enthusiastically and the...

2 years ago
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Eye Witnesses

(This is my first submission.I hope it meets the guidelines.)Eye WitnessesDeviant1 Jenna turned the key to the front door lock and followed her younger sister, Amy into living room. They had just returned from the police station following Amy's arrest for destruction of private property. It was another in a long line of offenses for the seventeen-year-old and Jenna knew she had to take matters into her own hands. “I have had it with you. You have gone too far this time!” Jenna fumed as she...

1 year ago
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The BetPart 7 Robert the Bastard

The Universe, having already lost its bottom, proceeded to turn itself inside out and melt into an unrecognizable smear. Sandy stared at Mom. I stared at Mom. Sandy stared at 'Officer Bob' who was now 'Uncle Bob'. I stared at 'Officer Bob' who was now 'Uncle Bob'. Mom Stared at him as though she could disintegrate him with her mind and wanted nothing better. The silence took on an air of solidity that is normally only felt in the movies, in that moment right before the building where...

4 years ago
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Chasity Training Sucked and Fucked

I should preface this story by saying I've never identified myself as homosexual, but sometimes after being locked up in chastity for a long time combined with crossdressing, I must admit to some fantasies involving other men. I never expected anything to ever actually happen, and it's my own fault really. I had been paying a beautiful, very sexually fetish driven woman for her chastity services online. She had a pretty good system. She had me mail her one of the keys to my lock and then she...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 3

When everyone except Sienna was finally gone, I slept like a log. The day had been far too stressful and Ross’ body was in no way capable of withstanding the kind of emotional and physical stress as I had been through. Sienna stayed with me every second. She sat nearby and read while I slept, refusing to slip out and do anything for herself. It was much later when I awoke. For the first time since I arrived into Ross’ body, I had an appetite. Food actually tasted appealing. Ross’ body was...

3 years ago
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A late night wake up

I walk in to the room the only light is from the TV, you fell asleep in the recliner. You must have just gotten out of the shower you are naked under that blanket. The volume is down low, I sit on the couch next to you and watch you for a bit. After a few minutes you let out a little gasp and a moan, it seems the dream you are having is pretty good. You start to mumble softly, harder, faster. A smile creeps across my face watching you squirm under that blanket. You moved around so much that the...

4 years ago
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Sex by chance

Hi all this is raj. I am very passionate for sex and believe in enjoying the life to its fullest. I love and respect woman and think they are the greatest creation of god. Any woman interested in having passionate & wild sex please contact me on my email id given below. I am ur sex gin, ur wish will be my command . The narration of sex given below is my sex style. But just to add up a bit spice i have given a background of a story made by me. I had this very sexy neighbour she was fair height...

3 years ago
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Burying the Hatchet

** Originally submitted as darkeyeddemon while I lived on the east coast of Florida ** This story is not at all what my readers have come to expect. It was initially written entirely for myself, and long after its’ writing it comes to serve a new purpose. I lost a nephew this past Tuesday June the 3rd 2003. He committed suicide, and that makes my black old heart ache to no end. We identified a lot. I can’t count the times we came to each other’s rescue. We were and still are so much alike. I...

2 years ago
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Tricked and Coerced

Tricked and Coerced By Stefanie Flowers Some years ago, it seems like an eternity to me now, I made the fateful encounter which so drastically changed the course of my life. From that moment on I was slowly but surely led down a strange path from which there is now no return. Na?vely, I let myself become entrapped by the guiles of a beautiful woman; led from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell by an enticing smile. Even now I have a hard time believing what I've become and d...

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