The Stalker - Part 4 free porn video

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The Stalker (Part 4) – Tag Teamed 

I have never been comfortable with the fact that my employer keeps a confidential personnel file on me; it has always felt like a gross invasion of my privacy and the security arrangements to prevent unauthorised individuals from accessing it inadequate. Therefore, a little while back, I decided to liberate my file and relocate it to the safety of my own home. There is little of interest in it and certainly no documents of which I wasn’t aware, but I sleep much happier of a night knowing it is well hidden.

Those employed to staff personnel departments seem to me the very last people on this planet I would entrust to guard my personal secrets. I know it is a generalisation, but is it not a residing place for chattering women of a certain age who speak in faraway voices, attire themselves in loud floral print dresses, Birkenstock shoes and insist that they’re “people persons”?

The department always has that lightheaded airiness that I used to think was the special preserve of libraries; it is as if they have all overdosed on Yoga and Pilates. Maybe one day they’ll float down from the ceiling, get their cosmic energies aligned correctly and get some work done.

Needless to say, reclaiming my file was a doddle.

It was shortly after this that I began to notice my stalker and his accomplice. Now, as a child I was an avid fan of The Famous Five and, to a lesser degree, The Secret Seven. Enid Blyton had taught me at a very young age that a little bit of sneaking, a pair of prying eyes and a notebook and pencil would soon reveal many hidden secrets ... and either a band of smugglers or a German spy ring to boot. Enid knew what she’d been talking about and in less than 48 hours I had two names, their job titles and internal telephone numbers.

Satisfying as that was it really didn’t help me very much. If knowledge is power then job titles and telephone extension numbers are the equivalent of a single AA battery. I was no longer entirely in the dark but all I had was a rather dimly glowing bulb. Fortunately, I knew exactly where to find the information to light my way, and the next day two further confidential personnel files relocated themselves to the safety of my home.

Their security arrangements really are totally inadequate.

Let us take a moment to investigate those manila files, to browse through the assembled papers, to shine a light into the darkness so that we might better know what sort of people have become infatuated with my every movement.

My assailant of this morning goes by the name of Jonathon Swift. He was born in Carshalton, Surrey and was educated at Ribston Grammar School where he performed respectably both at GCSE’s and A Levels yet for some reason failed to move on to any form of higher education. A Libra who has recently turned 20, this is his first permanent job. His Application Form lists a number of temp agency positions and six months voluntary work at The Victoria and Albert Museum. He says his hobbies are reading, archaeology, rock climbing and orienteering; but I reckon at least three of those are made up.

He currently resides at 17 Rowcroft Villas, Clapham Common. Telephone number: 0208 642 3891; a number which when called is usually answered by a middle aged woman. Whether she is his landlady, his lover or his mother I was unable to ascertain. His mobile number is: 0776 843 8342; but I haven’t called that yet.

He has been employed as a Services Administrator for 14 months and earns £13,172 per annum. There are no records of any disciplinary or performance problems but his supervisor adopts a generally dissatisfied tone throughout his annual appraisal, particularly bemoaning Jonathon’s lack of motivation. His performance related pay award was, at 2%, fairly derisory.

His broodingly good looking accomplice, Robert Hooke, by contrast, is going places. He has been promoted twice in the last 18 months and now has the grand title of Assistant Maintenance Manager. His appraisals have been glowing in their praise of his work and commitment but do give him a little slap for being a mouthy smart Alec. Actually the phrase they use is “Robert should take time to reflect on his opinions fully before expressing them and understand the importance that successful political and networking skills will have on the development of his career,” ... but it means the same thing; less mouth. Nevertheless, at the last pay award his salary rose to £21,428.

He seems to have lived all his life in Wood Green. Schooled at The White Horse Comprehensive; he left with a mixed bag of GCSE results and enrolled in Practical Mechanics at Hackney College of Technology. He doesn’t seemed to have gained any qualifications and within a year of starting had quit for a job as a cycle courier.

A Virgo who is now 24, he flitted from entry level job to entry level job until landing here nearly three years ago. His mobile is 0781 440 3204 and his home number 0208 737 3104. I have his home address, but as a general rule I try to avoid going north of the river for anything other than work, clubbing or shopping and I would have to be really, really desperate to even think about going as far north as Wood Green. The only hobby he listed was Arsenal Football Club ... so at least he didn’t bother lying.

So, now that we have investigated the paper trail, why don’t we meet them in the flesh? And seeing that it has just gone 1pm, the place to find them will be the canteen.

The building doesn’t really have a canteen, though we call it that. When the offices were originally muted some far sighted person proposed assigning part of the ground floor for retail use and subsequent plans amended this to a restaurant/cafe. All around us are other mid-sized office blocks and industrial units which are often let to a plethora of small business; none of which have the staff numbers to warrant onsite catering and, with the exception of the tired run of convenience stores that line the exit routes from The Underground, the area is devoid of local services.

Thus the canteen was born; the hub of our little workday world, descended upon by all those desperate to escape the sterile environs of their office and breathe the roasted coffee bean air of freedom.


A scruffy and bedraggled middle manager holds open the door to allow my entrance, his red-rimmed eyes sliding up and down my body. It’s been an hour or so since my little adventure in the toilets and I’ve used the time to ensure that I am once again perfectly presentable. I return his gaze, confident in my own appearance, my eyes noting the stain on his lapel, the rim of grime that edges his shirt collar and the random stalks of facial hair that his blunt razor avoided shaving that morning.

I allow our eyes to meet; glimpse the hope twinkling behind his irises and watch with glee as it withers and dies beneath the intensity of my disdain. Raising my nose, I stride away leaving him to shuffle through the open doorway and into obscurity.

The canteen throbs with humanity and my eyes skip from face to face searching for my twin lovers. They’re sat together mid-room and, as is usual, Robert is talking expansively whilst Jonathon nods along his mouth stuffed with some form of breaded goods. To my chagrin neither of them noted my entrance.

I make a bee line for them; stepping through the assorted clutter of chairs, bags and people; wriggling and shimmying, pushing myself up on to tiptoe as I slide my bottom and sheer nylon clad legs through the smaller gaps until, on reaching their table, I put one hand on my waist, set myself in a jaunty yet provocative posture and wait to be noticed.

Robert stops his narration and looks up. Jonathon, alerted by the sudden silence, glances my way then quickly ducks his head back down, rests his chin on his chest and stares at his plate.

“Hi Jonathon. Hi Robert.”

Cheery, bubbly me greeting old friends.

“Err ... Hi.”

Robert is nonplussed; he doesn’t know me, has never noticed me, knows nothing of my little tete a tete with Jonathon that morning and hasn’t been informed about his evening invitation. I fight back my irritation with Jonathon, fix my smiling, cheerful mask across my face and focus my attention on Robert.

“I thought Jonathon might have told you, Robert ...”

Both of us glance sideways to note Jonathon’s reddening face trying to disappear inside his shirt collar.

“... that he and I had a little liaison together this morning. It’s not for me to break confidences and I can see that Jonathon doesn’t want to tell you about it but ... um ... I did invite both of you to mine this evening. I thought I’d have a little soiree; just the three of us.”

I’m forcing my voice to speed up; feigning nervousness. I drop a hand to the hem of my skirt and start to fiddle revealing the lace tops of my hold ups in the process.

“I promise it will be fun and ... err ... it would make me so happy if you could come. I ... I’ve done an invitation for you both.”

I root in my bag and carry on talking with my head down.

“I’ve put my address on it and my telephone number ... oh, where are they?”

They are sat at the top of my bag exactly where I placed them 10 minutes ago and my deceitful fingers are deliberately rummaging beneath them.

“Ah, here they are.”

I produce them with a flourish and place the pair of them in front of Robert.

“Look, see, here’s my address ...

I’m using a perfectly polished fingernail to highlight the relevant details.

“... and telephone number and ... um ... Jonathon said you might have a problem ‘cause you lived somewhere up on the Picadilly Line, but ...”

Here I put a little stammer into my voice.

“...i-if you want to y-you could ... err ... stop over.”

The last two words are delivered soto voce, my eyes looking down and off to one side, my fingers dragging the hem of my skirt upwards and my feet twisting inwards; nervousness personified.

Then I’m off again in a rush.

“So, can you come?”

Robert picks up the card; studies it closely as if trying to reveal a hidden code.

“It says 8.00 for 8.30. What does that mean?”

I giggle a response.

“Oh, it’s sort of posh. It means that you are invited to arrive at 8.00 but that the entertainment will start at 8.30. So will you? ... Err ... Come, I mean.”

“What entertainment?”

“I can’t tell you that;” fake affronted tone. “It’s a surprise.”

Robert glances across for assistance but Jonathon has developed a fascination with the table top and isn’t meeting anybody’s eyes. Left to make a decision he doesn’t understand, Robert goes for evasive.

“We’ll let you know.”

“Well, okay then;” disappointment reverberating through my voice, “um ... my mobile number is on there so if you could just text me either way that’d be great.”

I make as if to leave; hoisting my bag onto my shoulder, checking my watch on my wrist and even going so far as to take a single step away before turning back, placing both hands on the table and staring directly at Jonathon. This time I get his attention.

“Oh, and Jonathon, I scooped up all your cum with my fingers and sucked them clean. Thank you, it tasted divine.”

Now I do go; wriggling, shimmying and pushing myself up on to tiptoe to slide my bottom and sheer nylon clad legs through the smaller gaps; intensely aware of the two pairs of hungry eyes that devour my every steps.

I am oblivious to them now. Though I can feel them watching me, though my ears burn as their conversation inevitably focuses on me, though my heart races and my pussy pulses at the thought of their stiff cocks filling my every orifice, though my mind clouds at the vision of me on all fours between them my upturned arse being pounded brutally by Robert’s mighty member as I slide my lips along Jonathon’s slender tool in time to every thrust.

No! I am oblivious to them. I keep my eyes fixed forward as I select a pine nut and apple pasta salad and a bottle of water with a hint of cranberry. I make only the teensiest of peeks in their direction as I turn from paying and carefully place one foot in front of the other, toe to heel, with perfect six inch gaps as my bottom wriggles seductively beneath my skirt and my humid pussy dribbles its special nectar onto my dampened thighs.

It is a few steps; fifteen or twenty perfectly spaced paces to my destination, a table for two with a single occupant who has ogled my every affected movement since I entered. I pull the spare chair out slightly, deposit my lunch, place my bag on the floor and slide myself on to the seat facing her. She reaches out to me across the table, palm upwards, and I take her fingers in mine and give them a gentle squeeze.

“Hi, Clara.”

A watery smile flits around her eyes, broadens her mouth and causes dimples to appear in her cheeks. We eat.


Aren’t boys rotten! You give them a simple instruction; “text me;” and can they do it? No! It’s exactly the same with first dates; they promise you the earth as they spread your creamy thighs and slide their thick cock into your lustful, warm, wet pussy but come the morning the fingers that danced so adroitly across your shivering skin can’t seem to find their way around a mobile’s keypad. Sometimes I despair of men, I really do ... but it usually passes by the morning.

I am vexed and fraught by the time I arrive home from work, the possibility of rejection preying on my every insecurity. Of course they want me; how could they not? Am I not desirable? Am I not a perfectly packaged personification of every red blooded male’s fantasy woman?

I scuff my feet across the carpet, push myself into the kitchen and fix myself a Vodka & Tonic. Sipping at my drink, I wander aimlessly back through my home, my fingers picking at my belongings, until I find myself stood before the full length mirror in my boudoir, delectable little me returning my enquiring look.

I push out my chest but can’t convince myself that my breasts aren’t too small; too much décolletage and not enough mammary maybe, but my abdomen is washboard flat and my waist nips delightfully before curving out to the fullness of my hips. I turn and survey myself in silhouette; dainty feet, finely turned ankle bones, slender calves, kneecaps that fit snugly into my leg and firm thighs that taper gently outwards; my legs are slender toned and perfectly proportioned. My eyes wander up to the roundness of my bottom. Though hidden beneath my skirt, they are perfect globules, their skin flawless with just enough flesh to quiver delightfully when I walk yet still firm and young enough not to suffer the tell tale sag of aging.

I turn back and face myself once more, my eyes sparkling, my mouth breaking into a smile, my elfin face enlivened and mischievous.

“My, what a fine filly you are. I bet you’re a good ride.”

I toss my hair, give a pretend neigh, giggle at my silliness and then reply in my best country maid voice.

“Oh yes, fine sir. I was made to be ridden and can go at quite a gallop for many an hour.”

Instantly the laughter dies in my voice, my eyes harden and my mouth thins as I continue.

“And I’m quite sure I can satisfy two young colts who don’t seem to know how to use their bloody mobile phones.”

But they will come. How could they possibly not?


There is nothing as soothing and luxuriant as a hot bath. Rose scented billows of steam fill the room from the bath bomb that fizzles across the surface of the rapidly deepening water. I strip aside my romantic woes, discard them to lie bundled with my soiled clothing; encase myself in my largest, fluffiest towel and, once I have created the perfect mix of hot and cold water, immerse myself and allow the delicious heat to soak into my skin.

I close my eyes and allow myself to drift as my fingers explore their way across my skin. Time jerks forward, somewhere a clock chimes eight and suddenly there I am answering a tentative knock on my door to find my handsome lovers stood awaiting my attentions; faces filled with desire, pouting lips urgently in need of tender kisses and stiff cocks straining within their too tight trousers.

Time flits; a slideshow of delectable moments yet to be enjoyed project themselves across my mental synapses.

I am on my knees, hands fumbling with buttons and zippers, releasing their throbbing gristle to stand proudly before them. I encircle them with thumb and forefinger, marvelling at their swollen girth and the heat that pulses against my palm. I pull them towards me so that their smooth heads rest prettily side by side caressing each other as I run my dripping tongue across them, soaking them with my saliva and leaving them shimmering in the light.

Robert’s oozes precum. The poor boy has yet to experience the delights of ramming his shaft past my tonsils to the silky accommodation of my throat and the anticipation is causing him to pulse expectantly with every flick of my tongue across his head. I give Jonathon a little “don’t worry, I’ll be back for you” suckle, slide my tongue across both heads as they rub together, pull back my teeth, spread my lips wide and impale myself on Robert’s thick cock.

My mouth is being pulled wide, two cocks slide across each other at diagonals like a pair of pistons pumping in perfect synchronisation, ramming into my hamster-like cheeks, my chin soaked as saliva bubbles uncontrollably from my bottom lip to drip down and create Pollock patterns on the plain carpeting.

Cum covers my face, trickles down my nose, pools in my eyes, dribbles into my mouth as my hungry tongue extends in every direction in a vain attempt to lick myself clean of every last drop and all the while Robert slaps his mighty meat against my bespattered cheeks.

Jonathon pushes me down onto all fours, presses my head into the soaking carpet, his hand wrapped in the damp tendrils of my hair. My beleaguered, yawning, empty pussy begging for attention as his saliva coated tool spreads my twitching anus and drives down deep into the depths of my intestine.

I’m kneeling before Robert, cum seeping from my well-fucked arse to lubricate my calves, my little tongue sliding down his balls, across his perineum to probe his puckered hole as he masturbates himself back to full rigidity so that I can have the fucking I so richly deserve.

Deposited on Robert’s cock, my pussy lips stretched wide to accommodate his girth, arms coiled around his neck, legs wrapped around his abdomen, feet clinging to his buttocks, back sliding up and down the smooth wall, arse smacking against the plasterwork, eyes staring unseeingly, mouth agape in a silent ecstatic scream as he ravages my ejaculating pussy with his throbbing muscle.

Collapsed in an exhausted heap on the floor, body twitching and coated in sweat. Hands entangled in my hair dragging me half crawling, half stumbling, carpet burning my knees. Picked up and skewered on Jonathon’s loving muscle, my tiny breasts quivering like well set jelly as he thrusts deep into my squelching core.

Pushed forward, my mouth suckling at Jonathon’s lightly haired male treat as Robert slowly but remorselessly feeds his thickness into my cum slick arse.

Someone’s hands pull my head back, sweat drips from every pore of my body and my cum juices soak everything. Jonathon’s fingers fill my mouth and I suck frantically as I feel them slide into my throat. Pussy filled. Arse filled. Twin cocks riding me in unison, they’re swollen cockheads rubbing fervently at the thin membrane between vagina and anus, ramming into each other, tips kissing deep inside my wondrously pleasured body as I spiral towards orgasmic oblivion.

My eyes snap open and I am returned to the here and now; to cooling waters and wandering fingers that have inflamed my need. I ache desperately but this is an itch that even my trusted fingers can’t scratch. No, this is the excitement of the hunt; that final adrenaline rush that all victims experience just before the predator pounces.

And I can’t wait to be devoured.

Exiting the bath I wrap my towel around me, its every tickling touch teasing my skin. Carefully and gently I pat myself dry, my ears deaf to my bodies pleading cries. Slowly but surely I run the fluffy fabric across every tiny crease and remove every sign of dampness from my flesh. My synapses quiver expectantly and my weak legs shake beneath the weight of my lust.

There are no messages on my phone but my doubts have fled to darken other doorsteps. They will come I am certain. They will avail themselves of this body whose sole purpose is to be a receptacle for their glorious cocks. They really are quite smitten and once they have quenched their parched throats with the nectar of my cum I’m sure they’ll never want to leave.

I throw open my wardrobe and pick through my clothing for the perfect outfit but somehow none of them feel quite right. Too long, too conservative, too last season, too daywear ... none seem appropriate for the message I wish to send. Then, from some dark unused crevice of my brain, a simple thought springs to life.

“It pays to advertise.” 

“It pays to advertise.” 
40 minutes later I am sat in my favourite chair, sipping at a second drink and trying to avoid contemplating the passage of time. Day has turned to night, curtains have been pulled shut and a standard lamp in the far corner throws oblique rays of red tinged light to give my sanctuary a warm glow.

I sit upright; chin up, shoulders back, straightened hair flowing half way down my back, buttocks perched on the edge of the seat, heels together and my hand gripping the glass that balances on my knees. I am coiled and ready; like a sprinter in the blocks or a tigress stalking her prey, my eyes burn unnaturally bright and the dull ache of tension squeezes at my stomach.

Time crawls onwards; the ice in my glass becomes water and the second hand continues its inexorable revolutions of the dial. At 8.52 and 36 seconds I contemplate crying but figure that it will only ruin the makeup I spent so long getting just right. Instead, I settle on drowning my sorrows in alcohol and have just entered the kitchen when the doorbell chimes.

My hand shakes as I place the tumbler down on the counter top and I can feel my thighs quivering as I step on uncertain feet towards the front door. I pause in the hallway suddenly full of doubt and amazed at the recklessness of my own actions. I consider my ‘outfit’; a pair of 4” diamante studded ankle strap heels, my body prepared with glittering moisturiser, my pubis and breasts decorated with shimmering body dust; every inch of me brazenly naked and displayed for their delectation; everything available for them to fondle caress and paw; every fibre of me screaming for their attentions.

I am moments away from inviting two near strangers to invade my inner sanctum, my refuge, my home and I’ve dressed like a desperate slut to do it. I freeze transfixed by my own stupidity and slowly count to ten.

I’m on six when the doorbell chimes again. I reach the door before seven, flick open the latch, swing the door wide and announce in my best imitation of Eva Herzigova (minus the Wonderbra):

“Hello Boys.” 


Author’s Note

My Oh my, dear reader, she does seem a rather brazen little hussy; not quite the sort of character I expect to appear in one of my happy little tales.  

In truth she has almost made me afraid to put pen to paper ... she is, after all, my creation and I feel awfully responsible for her. I mean, how would I feel if something terrible happened to her ... I really don’t think I could bear it.  

But then again, it might be rather deliciously enjoyable to watch her little body writhe helplessly as those big bad boys have their wicked way with her.  

Mmmmm! That would be very nice indeed.  

Thank you for reading. Please do vote, comment or write if you so desire.  

Your humble servant, 

Cum Girl x

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The stalker Visit Two Day One0

Chapter: Visit Two, Day One Friday Evening Mike hid in a side room in Sally’s home. He knew she would come straight home, and get in the shower. He would surprise her there. This way he could go make sure the door was locked behind her. The things he had brought were vicious. She would learn to obey weather he was there or not, but soon when construction on the basement was done she would live with him. He had talked to the contractor today he had said a month which meant really two. But he...

2 years ago
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The Night Stalker

The Night StalkerA Gothic TaleBy Freddie CleggHe had always had a thing about medics. Maybe it was that whole ?caring for other human beings? thing. Or maybe it was just the starched white coats for the doctors and those cute uniforms for the nurses. Anyway, as always in these matters, motives don't matter.At least they didn't matter to Frances, the focus of his attentions.He'd been watching her for over a month. On the pin board in his cellar was a shrine to his latest obsession. There were...

4 years ago
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The Stalker Part 7

The Stalker – Chapter 7 If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your manYou win some, lose some, it's - all - the same to me Lemmy, in all his Jack Daniels fuelled wisdom, has decided that my skull is to be the venue for Motorhead’s latest gig. The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you sayI don't share your greed, the only card I need is And as the black, leather-clad, skinny jeaned trio launch into ‘Ace of Spades’ the audience of Heffalumps stomp frenziedly in the mosh pit of my...

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The Psycho Stalker Who Blew Me 8211 Part 3

Hello everyone . I thank Indian sex stories for giving me this opportunity to share my experience with you all. This is Aadristh from India.This is my next submission to ISS . For feedback and comments I will be reachable at “” About me : am Aadristh, studying at Bangalore (India). This is a true experience of mine.This is continuation of the previous parts in  ” the psycho stalker who blew me ” series . You will not understand anything in this part without reading the previous parts of this...

2 years ago
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The Stalker

The Stalker    Author’s disclaimer: The characters depicted in this story are all 18 years of age or older. The language used is designed to reflect the state of mind of the central character. The sole and heel of my 4” stiletto courts meet the Underground platform in unison giving of a satisfying click. Steadily I work my way along revelling in the rhythm of my feet on the echoing granite. There is an art to walking properly in heels, not the hip swinging parody of Marilyn Monroe in “Some...

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The Stalker Epilogues and Author Notes

The Stalker – Epilogue 1 The twin metal shards beneath my heel clatter discordantly down the concrete steps and onto the platform, their normal staccato rhythm off-beat and out of time. Carefully I place one foot the required 6 inches before its partner in a perfectly straight line willing my hips to wiggle and my pert, toned buttocks to undulate seductively beneath my fitted skirt. Gradually, I make my progression amongst the assembled throng, my feverish eyes darting hither and thither,...

4 years ago
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The Stalker Part 7

The Stalker – Chapter 7 If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man You win some, lose some, it’s – all – the same to me Lemmy, in all his Jack Daniels fuelled wisdom, has decided that my skull is to be the venue for Motorhead’s latest gig. The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say I don’t share your greed, the only card I need is And as the black, leather-clad, skinny jeaned trio launch into ‘Ace of Spades’ the audience of Heffalumps stomp frenziedly in the mosh pit...

3 years ago
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The Stalker Part 2

The Stalker (Part 2) – A Masturbatory Interlude I’m trying to walk away but it’s so difficult. I’m placing one foot in front of the other, toe to heel with perfect 6” gaps, my head is raised and my eyes fixed forward but my mind is entrapped by the soft eyed temptation that pants nosily behind my stiff back. I’ve become entangled by the cleverness of my own designs and the wantonness of my pussy. I step onwards, walking through treacle like air, my heels catching in every crack of this crazy...

4 years ago
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The Stalker Part 3

The Stalker – Part 3    I don’t think I’ve spent many happier mornings at work. I slump unseen behind the ‘privacy screen’ at my workstation and although my computer screen flickers before me, all my eyes can see is his pulsing, trapped cock standing exposed in the morning light. Sliding down in my seat, I replay my morning’s adventure, the weight of his cock on my tongue, the touch of his pubic hair against my skin, the saltiness of his precum dancing around my saliva soaked mouth. Somehow my...

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The Stalker Part 4

The Stalker (Part 4) – Tag Teamed  I have never been comfortable with the fact that my employer keeps a confidential personnel file on me, it has always felt like a gross invasion of my privacy and the security arrangements to prevent unauthorised individuals from accessing it inadequate. Therefore, a little while back, I decided to liberate my file and relocate it to the safety of my own home. There is little of interest in it and certainly no documents of which I wasn’t aware, but I sleep...

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The Stalker Part 6

The Stalker – Part 6 Stale beer and chips. “So you got some beers then, hun?” They are slumped on my gorgeous couch, worn, scuffed trainers soiling the carpet beneath their feet, denim clad legs thrown wide, crotches thrust forward, bollocks and cocks pressing against the unattractive, well-worn fabric. Robert has flung his arms possessively wide along the top of my cerise cord upholstery, has his head cocked to one side watching me and it is from his beer soaked, grease smeared, salt and...

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The Stalker Part 5

The Stalker – Part 5 Interlude There is a picture that hangs in my living room, dominating its surroundings. It is famous and I’m sure it will be familiar to you. It is called “Le Dejuner sur l’Herbe” and was painted in 1863 by Edouard Manet. The original hangs in the Musee d’ Orsay in Paris where they have a security system adequate enough to prevent its liberation, so unfortunately mine is a cheap print … though now that I am an accomplished thief I hope that someday that will change. Cheap...

4 years ago
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Raped by a Stalker

Sasha darted clumsily down an alleyway, hoping somehow she could lose her stalker. He loomed intimidatingly a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than her. This offered him an unfair advantage plus his intrepid motivation to kidnap the little slip of a girl. Preston guessed by the look of her, she had to be about fifteen. Her dark black mane of hair whipped over Sasha's shoulders as they sprinted across busy streets, through parking lots and over footbridges. He spotted an...

2 years ago
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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 03

A Stalker Vs Serial Killers: Dawn Breakers Chapter 3 Part 3 Reconnection. ~Lily~ It took some fast talking for Rachel to convince Lily to come home with Teddy. The girl refused to be under the same roof as the man who had insulted the man her hero. That was something that her mother may be able to accept, but Lily blatantly refused to even consider the possibility. It wasn’t until her mother agreed that she would ask Matt to apologize that Lily agreed to return home. When they walked...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 01 Ch 01

Fear and Loathing. Disclaimer. This series shows disturbing scenes of violence done to both men and women, a young woman being stalked and insights into the demented mind of a Serial Killer. You have been warned. If this type of thing is not your ‘cup of tea’ turn back now, for those brave enough to venture in, welcome and we hope you enjoy. ***** Rachel May Pierson was sitting on a bench overlooking the beautiful Folsom Lake and enjoying the afternoon air. When she was a little girl...

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Don stared through his binoculars, watching the upper window as she came into view. Her tan skin was hidden only by the sheer moo-moo that floated around her, weightless. She had beautiful, perky tits; they bounced with every move she made. He watched as she worked the straps down before shimmying from the light garment. Standing bare in front of the mirror on her wall meant she allowed Don the perfect view of her tight ass and curl-clad pussy. She was the shape of his very desire, his erection...

Straight Sex
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Fucking my Stalker the worst sex ever 5 Ashley

HEADS UP: IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO GET HOT AND BOTHERED BY THIS STORY, THIS IS PROBABLY NOT FOR YOU. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A LAUGH, WELCOME FRIEND!It was a cool fall night, football season for the local school had started. Most of the games were boring because... 1. the local school was typically 5x bigger than the school they were playing 2. While winning is fun, you gotta lose to appreciate the wins. We always won so I would get bored at the games, knowing the results would be predictableSo, I...

2 years ago
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Kolchak the Nylon Stalker

KOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. (Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice.) By Way Zim. June 18th, 2005. Cleveland, Ohio. If and when this story hits the wire, the name within the byline will be quite different from the old war horse of a reporter, virtually at death's door while covering the strangest event, ever to occur in the erratic history of my career. But although a succession of occult incidents since the early seventies, had...

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Kolchak The Nylon Stalker Not To Praise But To Bury Him

KOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. (Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice.) By Way Zim. CASE TWO; NOT TO PRAISE BUT TO BURY HIM. Oct 4th, 2005 Cleveland, Ohio. Karen Foster Klein's Journal; I had once told a good friend 'The Weird just keep getting weirder. ' It was never more true than the events which involved the funeral of my former Ego, with an old acquaintance held hostage by the darkest specter ever. At least since a small skirmish Kolchak and...

4 years ago
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Lesson for a fetish stalker

I had just parked my car on the 5th floor of the car park when I saw in the rear-view mirror how a lady, dressed entirely in black nappa leather, got out of the Mercedes behind me. Wearing a fitted leather blazer, gloves and tight leather trousers, she strutted along the corridor on the probably 10 cm high heels of her knee-length leather boots. Strictly tied back long black hair framed her beautifully cut, stylishly made-up face, whose dark glowing eyes sparkled. In her mid-40s her body was...

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My Private Stalker

The first e-mail I got simply said "Listen white boy, you are a racist woman hating pig and I will make it my mission in life to own your ass!" "Wow that was kind of harsh" I thought, "I will put that with my others." I get a lot of that shit. A few days later there was another one. "White boy I have been reading your stories and don't you know any black women who are true and faithful?" Ok that was not too harsh, but how the hell do I answer a question without a return address?...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 39 Stalker Strikes Again Pam Has The Experience

Mark I stood in my study with Lucas, Elsa, Cindy, Sheila, and Don. Elsa spoke. “I think it videoed Don and me making love. James and Sheila were on the patio too. We could also see inside into the living room; there were two couples in there too. Everyone else was either in a bedroom or the TV room.” Cindy asked, “Newspapers? Paparazzi?” Lucas shook his head. “I doubt it. The penalties for collecting news and gossip this way on individuals, even celebrities, is fraught with legal problems...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 46 Games At House Site Catching the Stalker

Mark Melanie worked the bank transfer for me, and suddenly I was the owner of 640 acres in Dillonville, about eight miles southeast of the city airport. A commute into the city outside of rush hour would take about twenty to thirty minutes. Moreover, I expected we’d use the condo in Worthington Towers on weeknights, and the ‘farm, ‘ as we’d started to call it, on weekends. I didn’t like the name ‘the farm, ‘ but for the time being it was an apt description of the place, although no farming...

3 years ago
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Ori WarForest stalkers

I was born in the northeast and my mother died giving birth. My father raised me in the forest where we hunted, trapped or collected herbs and spices. I fired my first weapon when I was five and killed a Liger when I was six. They were huge forest cats that hunted more than animals. By ten I could track anything that walked, ran or flew. By fourteen I was hunting on my own to support my father. He died before I turned eighteen and that was when war came to Alexander. I joined the foresters...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Stalker Inbetween times or The Dance

Monday The alarm rang and Sally woke up, turned it off as fear seemed to wash over her and for a second she was not sure why; then it all came back to her, the violation, and the stranger every detail of the weekend. She looked at her clock realizing she had not set the alarm, but it had been set for her and correctly, how did he know what time to set it for? Her thoughts were all jumbled as she...

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The stalker A shark took the rape bait

Date: 4/23/2070 My first experience being (almost) raped has stuck with me for the last four years and I desperately want to live it again. One summer night of four years ago, me and my (ex) boyfriend were making out in his car, parked on a hill in the outskirts of my rural home town. It was something like a hundred degrees outside so we had cranked down the windows and mosquitoes were flying inside, drawn by the interior lights and sucking blood from our naked skin. The car kept shaking...

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The Stalker II

My police interrogators used the hackneyed ‘good cop, bad cop’ technique at my three interviews. “Didn’t you realise how dangerous it was to go bathing in the lake after dark?” “Why was Mrs Reinhart-Hernandez not wearing any clothes?” “Had you both been drinking?” “Why didn’t you report the accident; there are numerous Help Point telephones located in Green Park?”I certainly got off extremely lightly at the Inquest. Although the Coroner made no specific reference to my involvement, I couldn’t...

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The Stalker

As 2020 marked the 150th anniversary of the death of Charles Dickens, I had decided to take a trip to London to visit the famous writer’s old home, which is now a small museum filled with Dickensian memorabilia. Sadly, I’d picked a busy day in August for my visit and there was very little elbow room in the cramped four stories of this narrow Victorian townhouse.I sought temporary refuge in the attic nursery, mercifully free of Chinese students. From my vantage point, I looked through the sash...

Love Stories
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The Stalker

As I came out of the elevator I saw him again. He was sitting on a bench in the lobby of my office building reading a newspaper. That made the third time in a week that I had seen him around or near where I worked. The first time I saw him he was getting out of his car in the same parking lot I used and the second time he had been talking to the 18th floor receptionist in the office complex where I worked. He looked to be around 40 or so, tall with sandy brown hair. He was in good physical...

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The Psycho Stalker Who Blew Me Part 4

Hello everyone on ISS. I thank ISS for giving me this opportunity. This is Aadristh from India. This is my next submission to ISS and enjoy this story. For feedback and comments I will be reachable at Note : any resemblance of the below story or story’s characters’ names to any person is purely a coincidence . No harm has been inflicted upon any person,animal and for that matter me.This story is not meant to encourage violence onto any person and animals too.This story is not meant to...

2 years ago
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The Psycho Stalker Who Blew Me Middle 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone on Indian sex stories. I thank Indian sex stories for giving me this opportunity. This is Aadristh from India.This is my next submission to Indian sex stories and enjoy this story. For feedbacks and comments I will be reachable at About me : am Aadristh, 25 years guy studying at Bangalore (India). This is a true experience of mine.This has been put up on ISS after telling her so.This happened a few days back.For long,i was chatting on a online forum with a 18 year old girl who...

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The Stalker

When I entered my teen years I started to work out alot along with masterbating. My bedroom was large enough that I able to put a work out bench in there. I wanted to get buff, you know, in the hopes that I would attract lots of women wanting sex. As I worked out I would get the feeling of being watched. Sometimes I would catch a glimpse of a shadow in the upper window of the next door house. I assumed that Mr. Foster might be spying on me and that he might have some kind of fetish for me. ...

4 years ago
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The night stalker

It was a warm summer night. The stars barely visible thru the light of the city. A short brunette about 5' and 145 lbs.we'll call her Janet. Janet is thick in all the right places with large dd breasts is out for a jog. unbeknownst to her, her night is about to take an unfortunate turn for worse. As she heads down the dimly light jogging path down by the river a sinister figure lurks in the shadows near by. what nefarious plans does he have in store for this young woman. Janet has on tight...

3 years ago
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I watched her from the shadows, unseen, unnoticed. She has grown up in the four years since we first met. Then she was a skinny twelve year old with braces, now a beautiful young adult. Four years ago I was homeless, sleeping on park benches and begging for handouts. Unless you have been homeless yourself you have no idea how demoralizing it is. Dirty and hungry all the time, people either ignore you or are openly hostile. You become a non-entity, at the time when you are most in need of a...

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Stalker Story Ch 01

I shivered in the cold as I pushed my way through the thick underbrush toward the outskirts of my small town. The tangled trees that surrounded me blocked my path time and time again, and I had to struggle around them, making my own path that only lasted a moment before the forest overtook it once more. I pulled my cloak tighter around my small frame and I blew on my hands to warm them up before I continued. I scanned the small clearing in front of me in fear. I had been taught to fear the...

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Stalker Story Ch 02

‘Dang it!’ I said as I looked through he archives. I couldn’t find a file on the strange elf that saved me. I had been looking all day for anything on him. The bright sun overhead shone down through the branches of the tree, casting odd shadows across the floor with bright spots of light throughout. I’ve searched through the archives for any male elf from the age 265 through 365. There was no way he could have been and older or younger than that. I was almost 300, Will was almost 301, and the...

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When a Stalker Strikes

Tracey: Tracey lives in a relatively quiet neighborhood. One that until recently had never known much in the way of crime. A spate of house break-ins in the immediate surroundings had seen many of the residents arm their homes with the latest in home protection. This new technology came with a hefty price tag, but it also came highly recommended. After learning that those who had the home security installed already and were all more than pleased with it's performance and that they felt...

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Rocker Stalker

I began following Satbitha on twitter. She posted where ever she was going to be and I made sure I was at every concert. I took notice to just how she left her concerts after the shows. She always left through the back enterance when all the fans left. I started to plan exactly how I would get her and what I would do with her once I had her. Stabitha had done a concert in my area to help raise money for stem cell research. As usual I went to that concert. However this time around I had...

3 years ago
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Anna Meets Her Stalker

What neither of them knew was that someone had been following Anna for quite some time now just waiting for the perfect opportunity like this to present itself and tonight luck was on his side. It was dark out, and late so no one was around, he slips his ski mask on and walks up behind Sara and grabs her arm and shoving a gun into her side “you say one fucking word, or make one sound and you’re going to be just another dead whore” Sara eyes went wide and she was terrified, much to scared to...

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