A Trip To The Mall - Chapter 3 free porn video

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FLASH. I wanted to turn away, turn over, anything to go back to the wonderful sleep that didn't have all this pestering brilliance that forced me further and further into wakefulness. FLASH. Why did I want to go back to sleep? A distant sensation suddenly made itself known to me, and it made me want to flinch. Pain, that was it. Back to sleep, away from the pain. I began to thrash helplessly as the sharp stabs of pain began to resolve themselves into waves of agonizing cramps that tore through my being. From far away, it seemed as though I could feel someone grabbing one of my arms, and then there was a sting that radiated a warm, liquid fire through my veins. As it spread though, the pain also began to diminish, and was soon replaced by a comfortable feeling of lightness, as if I were drifting through clouds. Another flash overhead, and I slowly began to realize what they were - light fixtures. Fixtures? As my mind started to gradually make it's way back to cognizance, the sensation of speed suddenly crept up on me. "...examination room three...not the main elevator damnit! Not enough room..." Fuzzy lights swam around, forcing me to blink. I tried to sit up, but a pair of hands held me down firmly. "...not yet honey, you just stay down for the moment." I began to notice a bunch of hazy figures around me at the same time I realized I was somehow moving, being pushed along. "Where the hell is the doctor...?! This one isn't going to wait..." As the world around me came into focus, I realized I was lying prone on what seemed to be stretcher - and one that was flying down a hallway at breakneck speeds too. "Wha-? Where am I?" I said slowly, having trouble concentrating. Karen's face suddenly appeared above me, her features animated, anxious. "I'm right here baby, everything is going to be okay." She squeezed my hand tightly. "The nurses say that you're doing fine." My confusion must have shown on my face, because she continued in a soothing voice, "Remember? The bathroom? Your water broke and so we rushed over here..." I had broken my water? I hadn't realized I was carrying any water. As I stared up into Karen's beautiful face, I realized what must be going on - we were doing a roleplay. Karen had always loved kinky roleplaying games. "Sure honey, I'll be your waterboy," I slurred cheerily, my head rolling to one side. I couldn't seem to control my body very well, but I did manage a faint smile. This only seemed to make Karen look even more worried as she looked up at the man on the other side of me, her face contorted with panic. "What is he talking about?" The serious-looking man in scrubs shook his head. "He's fine, just delusional. Lot's of mothers come in that way." "Hey buddy, don't mess with the waterboy, I broke my water, I can break yours too," I slurred, flopping my head over to the other side. This was kind of fun actually - the world swam and then reassembled itself, making me giggle. We passed through a set of double doors then, and the stretcher jerked to a halt. There was a flurry of activity and I could vaguely feel myself being lifted up, and then set back down hurriedly, Karen still squeezing my hand all the while. "Damnit, where in the hell is Dr. Keans?" the serious-looking man demanded of a nearby nurse. "She was paged nearly thirty minutes ago!" As one of the other nurses helped him into a set of surgical scrubs, he turned to Karen and his demeanor softened slightly. "Don't worry Mrs. Mathews, even without the head of the maternity ward here, we still have some of the best trained staff on the east coast." Maternity ward? Aha! I was in a hospital. Wait, why was I in a hospital? Oh yeah, I remembered with another giggle, the roleplay. Karen had really gone all-out on this one. I lost sight of her then, as what seemed like a tidal wave of nurses quickly stripped me of my sweatpants and then my shirt. "Whoa, hey ladies, there's enough of me to go around, no need to be in a hurry," I murmured playfully, grateful that they'd at least left me my underwear. That much, at least, earned me a momentary foul look from Karen and a sharp pinch on the arm. Although the pinch didn't hurt very much, I still briefly winced at the gesture. Grinning stupidly up at one of the nurses, I said, "See? That's my girl over there." By this point, Karen was looking almost hysterical with worry. "Hot, isn't she?" I slurred, my eyes losing focus for a moment. As my head rolled lazily back the other way, I mused whether I was supposed to be in costume. What exactly did a waterboy wear, anyway? "Hey baby, do you remember that one time when we did the Batman and Catwoman roleplay...?" I murmured, having to search for a moment to find her face amongst all the hospital staff. "You were so feisty, rawr!" I said, making a weak clawing motion at her with a faint smile. My underwear finally did go at that moment, to my slight embarrassment, and I was quickly draped with a hospital gown. Karen looked worriedly at the doctor once more, but he merely shook his head and leaned over to whisper something in her ear. Although it didn't seem to make her any less worried, she nodded and replied, "If you think so, Dr. Malvon." With a nod, Dr. Malvon stepped back and finished tying on his surgical mask before moving to kneel between my spread legs. I shifted slightly as the Dr. Malvon knelt between my legs, trying to be joking about the whole thing. "Hey, hold on a sec, I didn't think I had to get a colonoscopy until I was forty..." I yelped as I suddenly felt a cold touch in between my thighs, very close to...well, my nether regions. "What's that?" I was starting to get really uncomfortable with this, roleplay or not. Karen feeling me up was one thing, having a strange man I'd never met before crouching between my spread legs was something entirely different. I tried to sit up again, more forcefully this time, only to be held down by a trio of nurses. And not just the nurses - I seemed heavier, weighted down somehow. Fuzzy and scattered as my thoughts seemed to be, my brain was finally beginning to send out warning signals letting me know that there was a dump truck full of strange new sensations and feelings hurtling my way and planning to do considerable damage to my male ego. "He's six inches dilated already," Dr. Malvon murmured, standing up quickly and turning to one of the nurses. "Go page Dr. Keans again, these babies may just deliver themselves before she gets here," he said, before once again kneeling between my spread legs as the nurse hurried away. Karen's face was next to mine, and she gazed at me with a look on her features that was full of both fear and love. "Baby, I need you to look at me," she whispered, her fingers gentle on my cheek. "You're going to need to start pushing in a few minutes, okay?" I blinked again and tried to focus in on her, and ever so slowly started to become more aware of my surroundings as well. "Karen...?" God, but I had a headache. No, that wasn't right. There were sharp pains, cramps, and they were coming and going. Coming and going? My thighs tensed horribly as another wave of agony rolled over me. I'd never felt so heavy and full in my entire life - if I was constipated, I must have shut down a local McDonalds for a week. "What," I grimaced as another sharp contraction slammed into me and passed, "What's happening?" I asked weakly, looking up at her. "Oh baby," Karen whispered, looking down at me as she held my hand. "You really don't remember?" I shook my head. My thoughts were still jumbled, but whatever they had given me was apparently beginning to wear off, and reality was starting to come back in bits and pieces. Brushing a stray hair out of my face, Karen tried to smile at me comfortingly, but it was easy to see how scared she was. "Your water broke a little while ago, just after we got home from our shopping trip," she said, squeezing my hand. "I managed to get you into the car, and now we're at the maternity ward in St. Armenicus Hospital." My water broke? But that was something that only happened to... I gritted my teeth as another terrible cramp rolled through me, and it was then that my gaze finally fell upon my midsection. Or at least, what would have been my midsection, if there hadn't been a round and very swollen belly arching proudly upwards where I had been expecting to find it. A yelp of surprise escaped my lips as the last vestiges of cloudiness got banished from my mind in an instant. What the hell was that?!?! Looking frantic, the nurse that had gone to check on Dr. Keans a few minutes ago burst back into the room and ran up to Dr. Malvon and whispered something in his ear. "What do you mean, she's stuck in traffic?" the doctor roared back at the nurse, standing up in surprise, as the nurse fell back. "How can she be stuck in traffic, it's not even rush hour yet," he added with a frustrated sigh, before again addressing the nurse. "Get ahold of the Myers OB-GYN Clinic immediately and have the patient's records sent over, we may never have delivered a baby this way before, but I'll be damned if I'll go into it blind," Dr. Malvon muttered, once again kneeling between my legs, only this time I had a very good idea what he was doing down there. I frantically sought out Karen's face again as another contraction hit, and I realized for the first time that birth was just a word - and couldn't begin to describe the feeling of a real, honest to goodness baby about to come out from between your legs. "You're pregnant honey," Karen said with a tender smile. "You're about to give birth to our children." Reality finally came crashing down at that moment, impossible as it was, and I was left lying in the middle of it - pregnant, in a place I'd never seen before, and apparently about to give birth. To say I was scared was an understatement. I felt like a hen in the foxhouse. Screaming at the top of my lungs, I clutched at something, anything, whatever was within my grasp as an overwhelming urge to push ripped through me. "Ahhhhh.....!" "The head's crowning," one of the nurses told me soothingly, and Karen's eyes were as big as mushrooms as they stared, captivated, by something just out of my sight. Patting my forehead with a damp cloth, the same nurse gave me a reassuring smile and said, "Just one more big push and the head will be out." Panting and wheezing red-faced, I tried to nod, but it seemed like every muscle in my body was part of one solid contraction that refused to unclench. "I can't do it!" I finally wailed, sagging in exhaustion after the millionth attempt. There was no way I could do this - I felt like I was trying to force a beach ball through the neck of a sweater. I'd never wanted to give up on something so much in my entire life when I felt a gentle touch on my hand, and Karen's face came into view. "It's okay baby, I'm here," she whispered, kissing my cheek. My eyes sought out hers desperately. "I can't do this," I pleaded, tears dripping down my cheeks from the pain. Karen's eyes began to brim with tears as she met my gaze, but she never let go of my hand. "I know baby, but you have to try," she whispered lovingly, squeezing my hand. I strained until it felt like I was going to pass out, but for all my effort, the horrible pressure at the center of my hips barely budged. "The head's out!" one of the nurses called excitedly as I collapsed back onto the sheets, a newborn infant's cry resounding throughout the room. ~~~~~~~~~~ I shot up off the bed, chest heaving. In the cold darkness, the sound of my breathing seemed terribly loud as I sat soaked in perspiration, my heart thudding painfully fast in my chest. I clutched myself tightly as I stared up at the ceiling for a minute, trying to let my pulse settle down from it's furious rhythm. The bedsheets clung to my body like a second skin, they were so wet with my sweat. Glancing over worriedly, I saw that Karen was somehow still blissfully asleep, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Again. It was the third time this week. I was almost scared to look down, even though I knew it couldn't be there; but phantom sensations still trickled over me, and I could swear that heavy, yet yielding weight sat comfortably on my thighs. After a couple of minutes, I dared to sneak a peek down at myself. "Baby, you okay?" I practically catapulted myself straight up off the bed at the sudden break in the silence. Karen shifted slightly on the bed as she moved closer to me. "Another bad dream?" My breath going out of me in a slow exhale, I put my head in my hands as I once again let my pulse settle down. "Yeah." I hesitated for a few moments. "Just another bad dream," I added, softly. A moment later I felt her arms wrap around my chest, and then the soft warmth of her breasts pressing into my back. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Karen asked softly, resting her chin on my shoulder as she held me. I shook my head. "I'll make an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, maybe it's just stress or something," I said with a faint smile. It was more than that of course, but even after weeks of thinking about it almost nonstop, I still couldn't figure out how to tell her. "I'll be alright, don't worry" I added, turning and likewise wrapping my arms around Karen. Although she'd had to switch from one to the other, I could still feel her soft breathing as she rested her chin on my shoulder, the rest of her body warm in my arms. "You promise you'll go and see a doctor tomorrow?" she asked. I couldn't help but smile into her hair a little bit. Karen was such a worry-wart, but it was one of the things about her I found so endearing. "I promise," I replied, hugging her tight. "You need to get back to sleep though, you've got that job interview tomorrow morning," I added, pulling back slightly. "God, you had to point that out, didn't you?" Karen asked, pulling back a little herself and throwing her head back in weary resignation. "Just trying to take care of my lady," I pointed out with a small smile, rubbing her back. "Mmmm..." she murmured, closing her eyes for a moment. "You know, if you really wanted to do that, you could just win the lottery," she added, with what I suspected was a faint smile, although I couldn't be sure since she was still leaning her head back. "Funny funny," I replied, still kneading the small of her back. "I mean it, you should get back to sleep, you want to be at your best tomorrow." Pausing for a moment, I pulled my hands back and sighed, lowering my head. "I'm sorry I woke you." "It's okay," Karen replied a moment later, straightening up and raising my chin to where my gaze met hers. "I just want you to be alright." She met her lips to mine then, and as her arms wrapped around my neck, my arms once again found their position on the small of her back. It wasn't a passionate kiss; just something gentle and loving that lasted for a few moments. But it did make me feel better. "You," I murmured foolishly, and relishing it, "are one awesome woman." "Nice of you to mention it on occasion," Karen whispered in reply, resting her head on my chest for the next couple of minutes. "Well, I'm also awesome that way," I replied, still foolishly, and, you guessed it, relishing it. I wanted to stay that way for a lot longer, but biological urges and the still-present sweat from earlier precluded pursuing it any more. Pulling back and (regretfully) disentangling myself from my wife's embrace, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and got to my feet. "Well, I guess since I'm the one that wet the bed, I'll change the sheets," I said, going over to the linen closet and grabbing a towel in addition to the spare set of sheets that we kept. "Ho hum," Karen replied softly, her gaze remaining on my figure as I wiped myself down, drying off the sweat from earlier. It didn't take long to change the sheets - we kept a spare set in the bedroom closet, and with Karen's help it didn't take more than a few minutes to get the spare sheets changed out for the one's that I had literally soaked in sweat. As Karen climbed back under the sheets, I hesitated, somewhat weary on the one hand, but not-yet willing to go back to sleep on the other. "You're not coming to bed?" Karen asked, looking over her shoulder. I shook my head. "I've still got a bit of adrenaline left in me," I said, bending down and then hefting the sweat-soaked sheets in my arms. "I'll go throw these in the wash and then see if I can't get a head-start on our taxes," I replied. April was a little less than two months away, and we'd been hoping to itemize our taxes this year. Karen's face as she looked back at me was a mix of both worry and love. "Okay, but don't stay up too late, you've also got work in the morning." "Aye aye, mon capitan," I replied with a cheesy smile and a salute. Not bothering to dignify my stupidity, Karen simply turned over and went back to bed. Carrying my load down the stairs and into the laundry room, I stewed in the cauldron of my thoughts. Ever since the incident at the mall, I'd felt somewhat off-kilter, and I had a sneaking suspicion (read: I'm clueless, so a certainty) that Karen could tell something was the matter. The vivid, and somewhat terrifying dreams that had become the norm over the last few weeks probably weren't helping either. It was coming up on the one-month anniversary since that shopping escapade gone-awry, and instead of gradually fading into the back of my mind, it seemed to be intruding more and more into my daily life. My work wasn't suffering yet because of it, but I was worried that if these dreams kept up, that might not be the case soon. Add in all the anxiety and the worry on my part and it was a surprise that I hadn't gone nuts yet. Of course, the pinnacle of irony was that I still hadn't gotten fitted for that suit that we had gone to the mall for, nearly a month before. But then again, crazy as it might all have seemed, I had to wonder whether I was just making mountains out of molehills. What had happened at the mall could have just been some kind of freaky allergic reaction, and like I'd told Karen a few minutes ago, the dreams could have just been the result of stress. I was, perhaps, even more screwed over by the fact that Karen's mother had recently come into a green tea diet in the last couple of weeks that seemed nigh on the verge of fanaticism - at least, from the perspective of anyone not chugging the substance. She'd been on a rigorous green tea diet since then, which, of course, when Karen called her to get advice for my 'stomach pains' got passed onto me. Normally I didn't have a problem with green tea, but after two liters a day of the stuff for the last two weeks, I was about ready to declare unending war on our teapot. Flipping on the light switch for the laundry room, I dumped my load of linens on the floor and was about to get started on the wash when my eyes landed on hung picture frame in the hallway. It was one of our wedding photos, with not only us and our immediate families, but also our extended families gathered around. Standing next to Karen was her cousin Miranda, her belly generously swollen with her second child. All of the womenfolk had of course ooh'd and aah'd over her, and made a great, happy fuss each time the baby would kick, Karen included. When Miranda had told her that she couldn't wait until Karen was also pregnant, Karen had shyly smiled and said she couldn't wait as well, but I wasn't so sure. Far from being enamored with the thought, I was pretty sure Karen was actually scared of it. She'd never told me as much of course, and I'd never asked her about it, but I just had a hunch. The way she'd get all uptight and nervous whenever anyone asked her when we were going to start a family, heck, even the look of detached calm that she'd had the first time we talked about it, just after our honeymoon. It was kind of funny actually - Karen was great with children, although she always protested the fact vehemently. And she had plenty of brothers and sisters; truthfully, I'd been overwhelmed the first time I'd met all of them at one of her family reunions. But I still had a hunch that my wife was scared of getting pregnant. Biting my lip, I glanced down at my pajama-clad stomach. "You know, we don't even have the money to raise a baby right now, and we both are" I paused, "well, hopefully going to have full-time jobs, so it's not like there'd be anyone to take care of you," I muttered, still staring down at the flat slenderness of my stomach, which, like most stomachs, didn't say much. "And besides, Karen and I were planning to wait a few years before..." I trailed off, my gaze going unfocused. I was going to say, 'Before starting a family' but I suddenly realized that nearly two years had passed since Karen and I had talked about that. Had it really been that long? The last time we'd spoken about it, Karen had just been finishing up her master's degree, and Liv had been about to start high school. "Holy crap, it really has been that long," I muttered, rubbing a hand across my face. I'd been so preoccupied with my increased workload at the office and, more recently, with Karen's near-meltdown over working on her doctoral thesis that I'd lost track of time. Although two years might have been closer to Alzheimer's than losing track of time. As my gaze drifted back to my middle, I had to wonder - had I really been putting it off? I didn't like to think of myself as one to put things off, even if I didn't like the possibilities that ensued. But still - over seven-hundred and thirty days. What else could I call it? As I stared down at myself, another thought occurred to me. I had worn a thirty-four inch waist since high school, and even throughout college that hadn't changed. But as I began to visualize what it would be like for that number to begin rapidly ballooning upwards, I started to worry more and more. Most guys probably thought of it changing by a few inches albeit, and I was thinking of dozens, but still. The thought suddenly seemed absolutely terrifying, as if my entire life would crumble around me if it somehow came to pass. I was a guy! Never mind the rest of society and the kind of stir it would create there - what would my friends think? What would my parents think? What would Karen think? My heart suddenly clenched as I imagined the look of disgust and horror that would probably grace her features upon finding out. Taking deep breaths, I forced those thoughts out of my mind. First, guys couldn't get pregnant; crazy dreams or no, that's all they were, just dreams. Second, even if I were to somehow impossibly get pregnant, Karen was a very open-minded woman, and I didn't think she'd react that way. Well, I hoped. Still though, there was a lot to think about, and from what I'd heard, now matter how much you tried to prepare for it, parenthood was a lot like jumping out of a window with a condom on - whether you came inside or outside, it still created a gooey mess for someone to clean up. Not to mention our mortgage and the utility bills, how would we pay for those? And finally there was Karen's student loans, which I probably shouldn't even have been worrying about, but there it was. "So there you go, kiddo," I said softly, staring once again down at the flatness of my stomach, at this point really more to convince myself more than anything. "We're just not ready for you yet." Once again, my stomach played the sage, just staring back at me inscrutably. It's a funny feeling, being stared at by yourself. With an exasperated sigh, I turned and gently banged my head against the wall a few times. I was a man who was talking to his phantom pregnant belly. Yup, I'd gone off the deep end, alright. As I stood there with my head pressed against the wall, my gaze wandered about the laundry room until finally landing on what had brought me down there in the first place. "Well, idle hands make the devil's work," I said with a sigh, grabbing the washing powder off the shelf and getting to work. After I'd finished tossing all the sheets and pillowcases in the washer, I turned and leaned back against it with a sigh. I'd shared all kinds of crazy dreams with Karen over the years, and she'd taken them pretty well, most of the time with humor even. And she'd done the same thing with me, too. So why couldn't I bring myself to tell her what was going on?

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Mom Teaches Her Mall Slut Daughter

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall…the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love. Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

3 years ago
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Daughter Shopping mall slut

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall...the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love.Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

1 year ago
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Mom Teaches Her Mall Slut Daughter

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall...the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love. Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

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Henry and Bobby Go To The Mall Part 2

Ilene Curtis and her assistant, Felicia, gladly struggled with the loads of clothing and shoes in their arms as they made their way to the nearest checkout register. The lady they were serving was strange, to say the least, but she was shopping with total abandon. That meant a sizable commission for both Ilene, the store manager, and her attractive salesgirl. Upon reaching their destination, the women began ringing up the peculiar shopper's purchases. It took the saleswomen several...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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small 1 of 6

Introduction: A shopoholic finds a dark new high as another bizarre Minus Three romance begins. || {s}mall 1 of 6 || 1:1 My arms felt like rubber and my knees were weak and I no longer felt like a man. The dull throb in my head was turning into a screaming pain in slow, even, measured paces. It had gone on for weeks now, never ceasing or letting up for a second. The pinky finger on each of my hands was tingling, the pins and needles getting worse. It was like this all the time now and I...

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LimitsChapter 34 at the Mall

a) Scenes from A Mall While their classmates were buzzing around the lunchroom, 13 Carson High students, the school librarian and the mother of one of the students, Laura Sharpe, waited nervously near the loading dock area where Tanner and Kaitlyn made their escape a short time earlier. They talked in whispers, but were mostly silent as they awaited instructions from the freshman girl they were now all pledged to, body and soul. But it was just a few minutes after they all had gathered,...

4 years ago
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Mom Teaches Her Mall Slut Daughter

Melissa noticed that her daughter was not dressed as she was when she left for school. Yet she knew Tatum often packed a second set of clothes in her back pack for after school, for a trip to the mall. Tatum looked a little like a mall slut with her tiny jean skirt that showed off her tight and tanned thighs and was low enough to reveal her pierced navel. Tatum was also wearing a pink tank that left nothing to the imagination. Like Mellissa, Tatum had big boobs early in life and had the...

1 year ago
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Strutting at the Mall

Copyright© 2005, Amnesia "Oh God, Julie, let's knock it off. If we take one more trip around the mall, I'm going to soooo wet my new panties from laughing!" giggled Lisa as she held on to her friend's arm to keep herself steady. "Mee-heee-heee toooo!!!!" shrieked Julie, tears of laughter rolling down her reddened face and leaning against Lisa for much-needed support. "Did you... pfffrrtt hahaha... see the look on that boy's face?... bwwaaahahaha..." Lisa almost choked. Julie...

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Sneak Peak Part 2 the Mall

I went to bed dreamy and happy. When I woke, I could feel the heaviness of the makeup on my eyes. I had pulled off the dress but still had on the tights, panties and bra. The evidence was there. It had to have been a dream, but it wasn't. WHAT HAVE I DONE! Oh, and Mom had seen me! She must have heard me stirring and I can imagine she couldn't wait to talk to me and find out what in the world I was doing dressed like that last night. Before I could get out of bed, Mom knocked twice...

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Breeding Day at the Mall

Cassandra was mad. She didn't like that she had to chauffeur her little brother around town. After all it was his fault their parents had been forced to drop him from their insurance. If he had been a more responsible adult then that fender bender would never have happened. Not bothering to park Cassandra pulled right up to the curve. Showing his typical mannerism her brother threw the car door open without looking. Nearly hitting a woman on the sidewalk. "Thanks sis. I'll text you when I'm...

Mind Control
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The Mall Santa

This story was edited by my friend, ‘Chantal’ who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and ‘Happy Holidays’. * I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren’t many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...

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Ladds Exchange MallIndex

INDEX for LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL SERIES by Jennifer Sue TIME LINE CHRONOLOGY BOOK ONE 01/03/00 - Gwen catches her brother and Dr. McAnnally in bed 01/26/00 - Robert Edwards born 05/04/00 - Louis Bloom born 05/14/00 - Tommy Endress born 08/12/00 - Jimmy Clipp born 09/12/00 - Brenda Fairchild born 09/27/00 - Tracy Freidman born 11/22/00 - Eric Halteman born 02/18/00 - Marc Halteman born 03/30/02 - Heath Martin born 05/14/02 - Nicholas Chestnut is...

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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 4

PETTICOATING: OFFICIAL POLICY LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK FOUR BY JENNIFER SUE Sister Justine Kane smiled with smug superiority as the executive committee of the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY reviewed her plans for the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY. The detailed plans not only included the physical layout of the buildings in the high security compound to be constructed next door to the campus of ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. The months of...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Midtown Meat Mall 1 of 5

Danielle and Teddy were fraternal twins born to a wealthy family in Midtown. Their father, Mike, was a scientist who was credited with creation of many machines and techniques to make the human meat industry very successful. Their mother Brandi, stayed at home and raised the children, enjoying the riches amassed by her husband. At the age of 18, young adults earned the rights to vote, drive, and enter the upper floors of the local meat mall. Prior to 18, children could only enter the...

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The Great Switch Christmas Shopping At the Mall

The Great Switch: Christmas Shopping At the Mall By Caleb Jones Written 12-22-00; rewritten 6-5-1 My sister Jack and I drove into the parking lot at the Buena Vista Mall. We locked up the car and made our way into the main entrance. He held the door open for me as we went inside. Considering the holiday, there were very few people around the mall compared to last year. But that was before the Switch. You remember the Great Switch, of course. Who can't? For those in future...

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A to Z in the Mall

Walking through the mall last Friday, I thought of you. I thought of how much fun it would be to go shopping with you out of town, as a friend. As a fellow shopper.  I thought of how much fun it would be on a day when you can get away without time constraints. On a day when I will play hooky from work - because I can. And because I would. And because I will. A promise. To go shopping with you. To leave early - and to be able to spend the day in Target, and in the mall, and then to share some...

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SRU The Big Mall

SRU: The Big Mall Edmonton isnt the first place you think of when you think "tourist destination" But there is one site that brings people from all over the world to see it - The Big Mall. Its real name is West Edmonton Mall, but nobody calls it that. Its always just been - The Big Mall. At one time, it was the biggest in the world, and I think its still in the top three. I'm not sure if words do it justice, but the place is ... HUGE. It has a rollercoaster, an enormous wave pool, ...

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Midtown Meat Mall 2 of 5

Over the course of the next week Teddy and his father made several trips to the meat mall to perform their duties and impregnate the cows. In that short time, Teddy had become quite the celebrity around the mall amongst the employees. Whenever he and his father stopped at the diner, there was always a catfight amongst the servers over who would get to serve the table. A part of it was that all the girls wanted to see and feel the Teddy’s gigantic dick they had all heard about. But more so...

4 years ago
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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Mall

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Mall By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over...

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An Uninvited Mall Guest

An Univited Mall Guest By Monsta A man in an outdated brown suit appeared in the middle of Park Plaza Mall near the GAP store, but no one happened to be looking in that direction at the moment he appeared. His attire made him appear as if he had just walked in from 1983, and in a way he sort of had, in a technical aspect anyway. The mall had been a lot busier in 1983, of course, but Park Plaza still got a fair share of customers these days even in the age of online shopping. A...

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Mall Princess

Little Mall Princess"If that were me, I would have found a way to twist him up and then get him underneath my fucking foot."When I heard the girlish voice make this statement as I stood there transfixed on a brand-new HD TV on display near the entrance to the mall Sharper Image outlet, I ignored it, thinking that such a direct statement from such a pretty young voice must be directed at someone else.Afterall, I was a thirty-something dude in Saturday afternoon clothes who'd run into the mall...

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Mall Security

One of my first jobs ever was Mall Security... your basic Rent-a-Cop job. It didn't pay much, but it was in a decent area, so there was relatively little crime involved... so it wasn't exactly like taking my life in my hands, either. In fact, the job was downright boring. The merchants in the mall were glad we were there, but they knew as well as we did that they basically didn't need us. Nothing much to it. But, we did have the security cameras... and that was fun. Of course, they largely...

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Adventures in Mall Shopping

When was the last time you visited a mall? It’s been years for me, which is ironic. When I was a kid, malls were a big deal. You spent the day there. Your entertainment was provided by the video arcade and movie theater. You were fed by the food court. You were watched over by mall security – and every middle-aged lady who had kids of her own and thought your parents were monsters for leaving you unsupervised at the mall. It was fun while it lasted. We cruised the mall in gangs, seeing and...

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My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The Mall

My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The MallMy last story was a detailed account of the day my favorite Milf Sarah, and her Friend Lisa, went to the beach. They chose a distant, and fairly private spot to put down their towels. After enjoying the sun for a while, they became hungry. The remote section of beach they settled on was almost a half mile from the concession area, but the girls, (actually I should say women, because they are both over 50 years old) didn’t mind the walk down to the...

2 years ago
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Bus Ride after humiliation at the Mall

That year I was visiting my aunt in Canada. She was living in a high rise condominium located near the main intersection of Dundas Street and Dixie in Mississauga; the part of the Greater Toronto area. There I met Soumi a very good girl. We soon became closest friends. My aunt was working in the IT industry and she was out at work all day; sometimes she was out of town even on weekends. I was on my own all day and had all-time access to the internet. That is when I chatted with many people...

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One Strange Day at the Mall

One Strange Day at The Mall A Story by Rugburn This story originally written for Alexander091988 who won my Kiriban contest on Deviantart. Dave Cheskey and Simon his son were quite a long way from home. They had been driving nearly non-stop for days, pulling over infrequently to sleep overnight in the car and once at an actual hotel. Dave made sure to keep to the speed limit; He did not wish to be pulled over. Being on the road for such a distance was taking its toll on Dave...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 16 Loose Ends

(Dave’s Story) mc, mf, impreg. voy. It wasn’t until they reached the bottom of the escalators that Dave realized he and Kurt weren’t just being escorted away from the fucking couple. They were getting tossed out of the store all together. “This is so unfair! What did we do that was so bad?” Dave whined. “Nothing,” Shawn replied. “I just can’t have a couple of teenage boys watching live sex shows in my store.” “Can’t we at least hang out on the ground floor?” Dave pleaded. “No. There’s...

2 years ago
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A to Z in the Mall

Walking through the mall last Friday, I thought of you. I thought of how much fun it would be to go shopping with you out of town, as a friend. As a fellow shopper.   I thought of how much fun it would be on a day when you can get away without time constraints. On a day when I will play hooky from work – because I can. And because I would. And because I will.   A promise. To go shopping with you. To leave early – and to be able to spend the day in Target, and in the mall, and then to share some...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Tips n Toes 4 A Trip to the Mall

Tips 'n Toes: To the Mall by CCSondra I have to admit, when I closed the last part of this story I thought: "Same old, same old...boring...shopping...mall...etc." However, this is not a "formula" story; these things, to the best of my recollection, really happened to me, and they are what helped to make me the submissive sissy I am today. As I've said already, I was from Brooklyn, NY, and unlike today there weren't any mega-malls around. In fact, while I could be wrong,...

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LimitsChapter 38 At the Mall IV

On The Scene "This is crazy," Mack said as he jogged into the mall, easily hauling the camera over his shoulder. The hard part was keeping up with Darren, who was a) 6-foot-2, b) owned impossibly long legs and c) was in a big damn hurry. "School's still in session," he was saying. "If a bunch of kids has skipped school en masse, there would have been some kind of alert, right?" "Beats me," she said over her shoulder. "For all I know, this is a cult of some home-schooled bipolar...

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Mall Santa

MALL SANTA Back when I was in high school, I was told I needed a college education if I was ever going to have the American dream – you know, house in suburbia, wife who is even hotter now than before our 2.5 kids were born, a nice SUV for her, a cool truck for me, golfing, maybe a little boat to use for fishing on weekends, all that shit middle-class kids are told they'll want when they grow up. There was one major problem with all of that. I was a decent enough student to get into a...

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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 3

PETTICOATING ENCOURAGED LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK THREE BY JENNIFER SUE Saturday evening Helga Halteman paced back and forth as she surveyed the hard faces of her nephews as they sat in the living room. Her lover and co-worker Margo Spayd sat in her recliner, watching expectantly. Seated in a comfortable chair was the eldest, fourteen year old Eric. Beside him upon the sofa sat his thirteen year old cousin Marc, his twelve year old brother Wendal, and Marc's eleven...

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Mall Rat Whore

Title: Mall Rat WhoreTitle: Mall Rat WhoreAuthor: Syren Julie had tried dating in the months since her divorce papers come through but no one she had met could give her what she wanted.? Even when she was with her husband she had had fantasies of being dominated but had never acted upon them, until the last couple of weeks that is. Tired of going on dates with losers from work and men that her friends set her up with Julie had turned to the internet to find what she craved, and she had found...

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LimitsChapter 36 At the Mall III

Carson Has A Principal? When Julianne Robbins was named principal of Carson High not quite 10 years ago, she was already a rising superstar in the Eastern California education system. The sky was the limit; a state job, maybe even one in Washington, was inevitable. But then a funny thing happened. Julianne Robbins fell in love with Carson High, with Daytown, with the wilderness that lay just outside the city limits. More than once; hell, more than five times, she'd refused an offer that...

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Girls Club Ch 3 A Visit to the Mall

Girls Club - Ch. 3 - A Visit to the Mall The next morning, I wake up in bed around 9 - don't remember how I got from the couch to the bed. The girls club meeting was all just a blur I throw back the covers and immediately realize that I am still wearing the cami and tap pants from last night. They are surprisingly comfortable. I got up and used the bathroom where I found a note from Becky that scolded me for not removing my makeup before bed. It included an article about makeup...

4 years ago
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A Trip to the Mall

I love sex and I've never been in a committed relationship.  Slut is a label I wear with pride and I have the credentials to back it up.  But that day I just felt a little extra wild.As bold as I can be, I've never just approached a stranger for sex.  I usually meet people in gay bars or on dating apps. Some just approach me.  I felt like I needed to put some bait on the hook to make it known I might be open for business.  I looked at the clothing I had hanging in the closet. Most of my...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 18 Daves Ride

(Dave’s Story) As he walked through the mall Dave patted the pocket containing the stolen Breeding Pass. Stealing his friend’s pass may have been a dick move, but Dave felt it was justified. Kurt wouldn’t have even known about Breeding Day if not for him. Having experienced first hand how much potential the Breeding Pass held in a mall full of strangers Dave’s mind was brimming with the possibilities of what he could do with one outside of the mall. The brash teen was so engrossed in his...

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Quickie at the Mall Food Court

I was in the food court at the mall just a few blocks from my office. The mall wasn't doing very well since a new, bigger mall and a series of big box stores had been opened at the next exit, and half the stores were closed. The food court itself had lost two more restaurants, and there was a pretty slim choice of lunch options. I got a soggy sandwich from the deli and grabbed a seat.I noticed her sitting three tables away from me. Dark curly hair cascaded from underneath her hat. I couldn't...

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Flirting at the mallare you sure about that

Before I begin my story let me say that the next time you're at the mall be very observant because there are more of us t-gurls out there than you might think. Since I am one I know what to look for and can pick them out.......so, ask yourself sometime........is that hottie I'm watching for the next few moments a female or a t-gurl??? Wink wink.OK, so, at the mall. Shopping for shoes......everybody does it including us "gurls". The real trick to "doing the mall thing" for t-gurls is to...

2 years ago
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Josie Goes To The Mall

Josie Goes To The Mall By Josie Girlyc "Wake-up Josie," Sarina says loudly. "I have decided what punishment you are going to get for not getting the house cleaned up in time. It seems that you have to learn who your boss is." I wake up. I'm sleeping on my special pillow that is really just a small foam block that fits under my neck so that my updo doesn't get flattened. I've been only in updo hairstyles for the last week. And also I've been getting electrolysis on my...

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Mall Meeting

PART 1 - The meeting Mall MeetingBy Lorgrom Note: This is my first story so email me any feedback at [email protected]. PART 1 - The meeting ?I was walking through the mall late one Thursday afternoon. Not really doing much of anything. Basically looking at all the late-teen tramps, strutting around in their cliques.  ?Group after group slinked by, none of them really caring that they are wearing clothes that would have put hookers from the 1980's to shame. So needless to say, I had...

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