Story Of Creation Chapter 1 free porn video

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Chapter 1 part 1 – The Story of Creation

Long ago, before the dawn of intelligent life, before the wills of petty and miserable gods, before the stars and their giving light, before creation itself, there was Oblivion. A solitary and lonely being, content to float in the eternal black abyss without the chaos of emotion or thought, for in the unending abyss there was nothing, and thus nothing to feel for, nothing to think about. This is how it was for eternity, this is how it should have been for eternity ever more, but even in the dark of the abyss chaos stirred and a light began to form. At first it was just a spark but soon turned into a blazing light as the whole of the abyss began to shine, exposed its nothingness to the light of the all illuminating entity. This beckon of mystery was not unnoticed in the void as Oblivion was near, it making her eyes squint to its bright glory, it made her wonder, it made her think. Awash with new, her first emotions, she id feel fear, she felt joy, she felt curious. Moving towards it, she floated threw the black abyss to inspect this intruder and felt upon her skin the warm glow of it and did bask in its warmth. But the closer she got towards the light the warmer she became, became hot in its glow, a discomforting feeling but a tolerable one. “Maybe it is afraid”, she had thought, to give off such a discomforting sensation. So reaching out to comfort the thing her eyes did see, her hand, she had a hand to see, she could see. A novel thing yes, but ever so important as she ignored the light once more to see upon herself, and know herself. Her hands, her feet, her body, she inspected it all to know it all and found it interesting, she had never before seen herself to known herself to be anything but a consciousness in the sea of the void. Becoming more aware her mind was a flood with new thoughts, questions, more so of the light then herself as her curiosity again peaked. Reaching out once more to comfort the light she meant to caress it with her hand but instead was burned by it, made her skin hurt and renew her fear as she did run from the light. Retreated back to a safe and warm distance as she did cradle her hand, screaming and crying in her agony, a pitiful thing, she knew now of pain. A pain that despite her attention would not cease, would not go away, it filled her with such emotions of fear, such sadness, but more so such great and fearsome anger. She was kind yet this light did harm her, she was innocent yet this flame was so violent, she hated the light and wished it gone. Charging the entity she meant to scare it with her roars, claw at its form and send it away, but for each attack did it burn her skin and make her scream, make her all the more angry. And as her pain grew, so did she become more violent and lashed out with all her might, but to no avail. It was when her arms did become tired and her pain became too great that she did make one final attempt to destroy it and swallowed the light whole. As final attempt to vanquish the miserable light forever, as it did seem to work, the light had gone. But in her innocent stupidity the light took place inside of her belly, shined through, and forged new, more devastating pain. Deep inside her the light did burn like nothing she had felt before, it was pure and unending agony as she did cry out and scream to make it stop. Roaring and vomiting from the agony, the light did spew out from her, it flew across the void before shattering and becoming dim. Creating in its place a vast galaxy of stars, planets, moons, life, Oblivion had unwittingly, unknowingly, devoured the very flame of creation itself.

With this her agony was not over, as she did still hold the flame within her, and roared out in pain, spewing out more and more light, more and more flame. Creating in her wake the very universe itself, thousands upon thousands of galaxies before the flame within her belly did finally settle and grow calm, the pain inside replaced with a feeling of dull fullness as she did burp and groan from the ordeal. The pain upon her skin having vanished as the flame inside her belly did become tame, no longer the bringer of agony and hate she had once feared, she felt victorious and proud. This feeling of pride however was soon forgotten as she did see new lights, so much smaller then the one she had consumed, she did not fear such small lights, she felt powerful. But more then this Oblivion was again curious, “What had the flame created?” she thought, as she moved forward towards one of these lights and peered upon it. Seeing in the small form of these galaxies the many stars, their worlds, and the life they held, ever growing and evolving, she felt overjoyed from it as she watched it so. Watched as little bugs became large beings, those beings created societies, and begrudgingly the gods. Petty and weak things that coveted the souls of those who worshiped them above all else, much to the annoyance of Oblivion herself as these gods did spirit away the lives of these many beings for power and pride, their prayers and worship making them strong. But Oblivion would not let the whims of miserable gods sour her joy at this entertainment, ignoring them as she watched only the life she had created grow and change before her eyes. And as these many beings grew and learnt, so did she, Oblivion absorbing the knowledge and ways of a million worlds as she peered on in only growing amusement and amaze.

In their mutual ignorance of one another, Oblivion did ignore the gods, as they did ignore her, both willing to stay out the others way as long as Oblivion could watch, as the gods could steal and covet the many souls. This is how it was for millions of years, how it was to be for billions more, if not for love, Oblivion feeling inside her the stirring of a new emotion she could not account for. Knowing of it only, having never experienced it first hand, as smart as she was she was still very unaware of herself. But what was the source off this love? A tiny and insignificant thing, an unimpressive soul that lived like any other yet held Oblivions attention to no end. She had now felt love, and did covet this being more then any other, feeling now the same covetous joy the gods did feel. She longed to hold it, to embrace it and give it all the joy and love she could, but restrained herself to only watch it grow and live, not wishing to disturb its development, like a ripening fruit upon a tree. But then did said fruit become full and ripe, and pass its time, coming to the end of its life as it did live and was now about to die. Oblivions eyes widened as the god of its world did beckon said soul to it, it would like so many others steal the soul away from the eyes of Oblivion, never to be seen again. Realizing this she did growl, did roar as she reached out her hand and stole away tiny soul from the god and brought it to her side, not willing to part from her love and joy.

This action however was not ignored, the god had become furious, had sounded its call to war against the mighty Oblivion for such a tiny soul, as in its pride it was a foolish and petty thing. Attacking Oblivion in its anger the god was in comparison a speck of a thing, even with its many souls to call its army. So bellowing out with a single roar Oblivion did scatter the god and its many souls into the endless cosmos like dust in a gust of wind. And this should have been the end of it but for the fears and insecurities of the gods, seeing now the power and might of the once docile Oblivion they now wished only for its destruction. Banning together under a pact of war the gods did rally and attack, crashing into oblivion with all the force they could muster. Yet still in comparison to the flame of creation, their pain was nothing more then an annoyance as Oblivion roared out once again and scatter many of the gods and their warriors to the cosmos. But the forces of the gods were many, if not endless, as they attacked without end. Knowing this Oblivion did hatch within its mind a plan, and struck out finally at the many gods, destroying billions upon billions of their kind as the bodies did float about the void. Showing her glory and her might as she struck out again and again until the horns of retreat were sounded, surely the gods were not finished with their petty war, but moved to plan and scheme their next strike in the safety of their havens. In this moment of peace did Oblivion rest and gathered to itself the many bodies of the gods to it, piled in its palm a mountain of the dead, and breathing out a spark of flame did she imbue these dead with the power of creation, and molded them to her liking. Creating in her hands a grand and vast sphere, yet empty and hollow, the surface of which was created with the morbid stone figures of the many naked bodies of the slain, the gods who once thought themselves Oblivions betters. Placing her coveted soul inside this morbid globe she did then crawl inside with it and sealed themselves away from the universe and the vengeful plans of the gods. Inside this home all her own did she spew out light and create from her love, a galaxy all of their own. Made sure that nothing grew, that no life took place, and no gods other then her own visage took precedence. Finally having time to admire and embrace her tiny soul, that which she coveted above all else, Oblivion placed the soul upon a singular world and grew upon it all manner of bestial life to amuse and entertain. Still a soul without a body was nothing more the an observer to the corporeal, and thus gathering up the many weapons and armors of the gods she had once slain, oblivion did forge at the center of a sun the body of her beloved. Made it perfect and beautiful, powerful and yet flawed, breathed into her own dark power and made it her own, and once it was finished placed the beloved soul inside. But not before removing from her beloved a tiny sliver of its essence, its soul, and placed it inside of her womb so that she would never lose it, her beloved. Then Oblivion did reach inside her self and tear out a small part of her own essence and melded it into the larger portion of the soul, made it in a sense, her very own. In this way even if her beloved did ever die, that he would return to her and be reborn within her womb, forever and always, without fail, without falter. As thus was the nature of her love, one of unyielding motherly embrace, and yet one of unending desire, as if from a lover. Wishing to pour upon her now awake and curious son, all of her love, she formed from her being a woman to whom he could call mother, could call lover, and wife. But as she did try to create for him a single solitary woman, someone to hold him and guide him along his new life, her love was to great and in her attempt she did instead create six wives, six mothers, six separate and yet linked personalities and selves. These women nothing more then an extension of Oblivions very being, much like a finger or toe to any other, they would move and act to her whim, yet each a representation of her, separate from her to be her will and yet a part of her.

Outside of their morbid home, their paradise, the gods did strike and clamber against the surface of the morbid orb. Their rage and desire for Oblivions destruction becoming dull and dim only after countless millennia of pointless strikes upon the faces of their fallen comrades. In their begrudging defeat the gods would finally disperse, ignoring again the existence of Oblivion as she would not emerge from her abode, a welcomed alternative it seemed. Inside the morbid globe however, while the gods did indulge themselves with petty useless violence, Oblivion had found peace, love, as both her and her son did create their own paradise undisturbed.


Chapter 1 part 2 – A New World

What was it he felt first? The chill of the wind upon his skin? the grass beneath his naked form? It did not matter as when he awoke, opened his eyes for the first time in his new life, the first thing he noticed was the clouds, like any other they were a familiar sight, the sun surely hidden behind them but safely so from his new virgin eyes. Standing to his feet all he could do was think, mind ablaze with questions. “Where am I?” he thought, “Am I dead?... I was dead, I died, I remember that much at least. Then if I am dead is this heaven or hell?” looking around he saw nothing but lush greenery, the sound of wild birds, no fire or brimstone to speak of. “Yeah… hell alright.” He thought sarcastically. In life he was a good man, thought of himself as such anyway.

His line of thought however was cut short as from his head did fall the whitest of hair, curtained his eye as he became perplexed. Reaching up he felt it and saw his hand, it was not his own as it was much to pale, much to slim, finger nails were but claws, this revelation kicking him back and onto his shapely ass which he also did discover. His body, the one he used to have anyway was no more, instead replaced with a far more feminine and fit one. If only he could have seen his face at that moment he would have known but if not for the cock between his legs he was surely more female then male. But the exploration of his body, his train of thought, was lost again as all at once his senses seemed to take hold. It was for lack of a better explanation, as if they were possessed, At one second he could taste the very air and all it carried, the next his eyes flew away from him as he could hear every rustle and heartbeat of every animal within a mile’s radius, his nose smelt such things he could not describe. Indeed this new form of his was something demonic, he thought, “Maybe I am in hell.” He thought. “Help!” he shouted, taken aback once more by the sound of his voice, it to like his body sounded undoubtedly feminine, no it was feminine, “h-Help me! Somebody!” he shouted again. He wasn’t going to let his current form distract him from the task at hand. But after several minutes of this with no avail he finally stopped and sighed with unhappy realization… He was alone.

Closing his mouth and eyes he shut off these senses as best he could and tried his best, for the time being, to tame his ears, then his nose, if he was stuck with this form, then he wished it to be his own in that regard. Standing to his feet once again, it was getting darker, he had to find some form of shelter before nightfall, and wasn’t a survivalist in any regard. So taking stock of himself and heading out into the wild he had hoped to find a cave of some sort… but all the hope in the universe would not make such a thing happen as it had son enough become nightfall. Yet in the dark he was not lost, the stars were bright yes, but more surprising was his eyes, he could see perfectly. Like a cat his eyes reflected the light, he was not more lost then as if in pure daylight. His senses were a benefit as his ears did lead him to a stream at least, drinking from it the taste of it was delicious to his new tongue, gulping down with abandon. Still a meal it would not make and he wasn’t going to find food any time soon, resolving to walk down the stream in hopes that it would lead him to a river, fish, maybe civilization.

He must have walked for what seemed like hours, looking to the moon to judge the time he was again, like before knocked upon his ass… two moons. One large and green, the other much like the one he was accustomed to, his chest heaved, heart raced. “Where the fuck am I?” he spoke out loud, finding is voice again, as he just took in the sight of what he could only cal hopelessness. Wherever he was, be it heaven, hell, if it was even the afterlife, or just some distant world, he knew from the sight before him that he was undoubtedly not home anymore, this wasn’t his world. Contemplating the worst, depression gripped his body and mind as he was on the very verge of tears, ready to give into the hopelessness and misery of the moment, and possibly death. Or at least he was about to, but on the edge of his ears something sung to him, well maybe not to him specifically, but it might as well had. The sweet sound of other people as all he could hear now was the song of several siren voiced woman singing something akin to a angelic tune, which might as well have been a rescue siren to his ears. Not wanting to waste time, he got to his feet and with an almost frightening speed, ran threw the forest like a panther, he wasn’t going to let salvation escape him.

Having run for several minutes the sound of song did not fade, if anything the closer he got towards it the better it did sound to him, he didn’t care who it was, as long as it was some form of intelligent being. And like the wind had carried him he was there, bursting out of a tree line as the edge of the path turned to an edge in and of itself. Falling face first into a lake as all he could see was water, splashing into it with the accidental force of a cheetah running at full speed. Finding his footing he lifted himself out of the clear clean water to beg for aid, “P-please help me, I don’t know what’s going on here. I woke up in the forest, there are two moons which im pretty sure shouldn’t be there, and… and” As he cleared the hair from his eyes and swept away the water from his eyes, his eyes did greet them, the singers of angelic song, six vixens draped in nothing but moonlight. All of them compared to their visitor were giants, standing at what he guessed was between seven to nine feet tall from shortest to tallest, and compared to his five and a half feet tall, he was the shortest f the lot.

From what he could see from is waterlogged eyes, the shortest of them was pale skinned, black hair, slim, and had… four arms. Widening his eyes at this visage of an oddity, he would find a loss for words as they came closer to their intruder on what had been their bath. The one closest to him was much more normal… he had hoped, looking to a moderate sized blonde bombshell she had a kind blue eyes and huge… horns… what? The one behind her was the tallest of them, seemingly hiding behind her shorter companion, this one also sported horns, his had bright pink eyes and brunette hair. In front of her to her was another. This one dark green hair, olive tinted skin and huge, gigantic milk cannons…. WHAT? He had had enough of them, he feared them, intending to run his slipped fro his footing and fell backwards into the water. Clambering to his feet he moved to run, but instead of the shoreline he had fell from, he was instead great by both heaven and hell as he pressed himself into- no slammed into two sets of very large, very warm breasts. Yet with the force of his charge his body was propelled backwards, bounced from the very melons he had plowed into, and into the larger chest of the dark haired howitzer titted titan. Still looking forward he could see those who blocked his escape, one was dark skinned, like chocolate, had white hair, and bright yellow eyes, and antlers, the other was a red headed, pale skinned woman with ram horns. Still none of this mattered, he was doomed, for if these women were not demons who would surely eat him for breakfast, then he did disturb their bathing, and he in another sense was doomed. Closing his eyes to accept his fate, he awaited what he surely imagined would be his untimely, unwarranted, inescapable demise…. Again.

“My my my.” He heard from behind and above as the big breasted green haired demon wrapped her arms around his chest, surely to keep him still. “Such an energetic one aren’t we?” she would say.

The dark skinned miss speaking up, having a much more energetic and outspoken voice, “Hahaha” she laughed. “Look at him, he is so cute! I wonder how he tastes.” She would say with a devious smile.

The blonde one spoke to reassure as from the chocolate ones tone did seem to scare. “Now now, Kagura, don’t scare him. He has had a long day.” Leaning down gently clear the hair from the prey’s eyes she spoke. “Do not fear us young one, we will not harm you. I, Lilith, promise it so.” She would say before the arguable male visitor felt his capture fall backwards and into the water as the green haired vixen prompted herself against a large rock. Looking down she spoke “You may call me Minerva my young morsel.”

The red haired one spoke up as the six woman seemed to circle and come closer to their now well entrapped individual. “This ones name is Gethwen little bird, heehee” she spoke in a odd demented manner. The shortest speaking next, “And I am Sophitia, as you may call me such if you like.” And then speaking for the tallest, who also seemed to be the shyest, “She is Althea.”. Not seeming to happy with her introduction being taking from her as she spoke up in a shy manner “H-hey… I could have told him myself sister.” She said stammering.

It would be mere seconds before our protagonist found himself surrounded, all he could see was the stars, faces, and the many tits in front of him. “My my, what do we have here?” Minerva spoke, reaching out a hand as the pressed her fingers edge to the tip of a rather engorged male member, much large then what he was previously used to. Making him blush and shudder from the stimulation.

“Now Minerva don’t be so rude vulgar and rude.” Lilith would say, making Minerva retract her hand and pout. “What is your name young one?” she asks.

“I…” he strains to think “I don’t remember, I remember a lot of things, the names of others, who I am, where I am from… why cant I remember my name?” he asked with annoyance in his voice “Who forgets their name of all things?”

“Well it will com back to you… how about for now, we call you… Cidius?” she would say before moving in closer, laying in beside his form. The boy nodding his head at this reluctantly, but still needing something to be called.

Still even this depressing thought was whisked away as he fell something press against him, press against his hairless nutsack. Looking down into the water to see Kagura, sucking lovingly at his balls as her tongue lashed out and licked along it, her hand reaching up and stroking vertically up his blood engorged shaft which only served to make it harder.

Lilith speaking up at this vulgar display, “Kagura! You slut, no restraint at all.” She would say sighing before giving into to her own growing desire “Well, no use in holding back now.” Lilith would say sporting devious and delighted smile as she moved to his lap and took firm grip on hard cock. Opening her mouth as she licked lightly at the head of it, lovingly at the tiny slit poking out from the uncut foreskin. Any and all reluctance taken away from their now meat puppet as on either side Sophitia and Gethwen took place, taking his hand in their and guiding them downward to their mounds, sliding their fingers along is as his did feel the moist regions of their pussies.

Any vocal protest son lost as when her opened his mouth, it was soon given pause by the inserting of Gethwens nipple. And would have removed it if not for a sweet taste… milk… breast milk, it was so delicious, so warm, it was like drinking heaven itself. Still one was missing, as looking from the corner of his eye, he saw near them, leaned against a tree, with just her feet left to dangle into the water was Althea. Spread eagle and exposed, she pulled upon a nipple as her hand worked furiously rubbing at the pussy lips and clit, gasping and moaning at the sight of such erotic behavior.

Lilith’s head bobbed up and down in the water as she took his member deep, what he felt was almost a foot long, his cock was entirely engorged and inserted deep into the throat of this blonde vixen. She didn’t even come up for air, neither did Kagura, who was still lovingly cleaning his nutsack, sucking in and washing one nut at a time in her warm wet mouth. Maybe they didn’t need to, but for Cidius… his new name, still unsure of it, it did not matter, he was in sexual heaven.

All of his thoughts, his worries, and misery’s faded soon as on the edge of think a finger was placed at the edge of his virgin asshole and slide inside with such ease and slow form. Instantly he was set over the edge as his body stiffened and from base to bell he came, spurt after wonderful spurt. Lilith moveing her head from base to bell as well to taste the love juice he had so preciously given her, drinking it down, swirling her tongue to taste it. And when it was finished, lifted her head from the water, as did Kagura, the finger from his rear sliding out as she did so, naming her the culprit, both pausing before Lilith did give Kagura the most in depth and deep of cum soaked kisses, saving for her a taste of what she had savored.

Despite this however all was not done as while ejaculation was over, the orgasm was not as it writhed still within the body of Cidius. Tongue hanging out as his body shook, snuggling deep onto the bodies of those around him. Milk running down his chin as Sophitia moved in and licked it away, and into a deep entrancing kiss. Never in his previously life had he felt such pleasure, such wonder. Yet more was to come as the bodies of the vixens moved aside to give full view of Althea, her arms out stretched and body spread. “Please..” she begged, him, it was heart breaking as not only her but her eyes seemed to beg his affection. And who was he to say now, still rideing in the orgasm of before he was of only one thought, sex. He needed to fuck them, he wanted to fuck them. It was going to be a long night.

Crawling towards the spread vixen before him he was far to cum drunk to function beyond humping at the air. Minerva coming behind him as she gripped and guided his shaft, giving it a few reassuring jerks before placing its head at the entrance of Althea’s honey pot. And as she did let go, so did he, planting his eleven inch monster, balls deep into the now gasping beauty. Only set for a second it seemed before his hips began to work, the wet slapping of flesh against flesh was all that could be heard in the night air as Cidius ravaged her, pounded away like a dog in heat. On the faceoff Althea however was one of pure bliss as her tongue hanged loose, expression that of a fucked silly whore. Her hands reaching around and griping the firm yet femininely round booty of her consensual rapist.

But with this new opening came a new sensation as Kagura, the dirty thing that she was, placed lips and tongue against his exposed dark cherry. Lips kissing the dark mark as her tongue found home in the reaming of his anal passage, tongue fucking his ass to all her delight, fingering her soaking wet pussy with index, middle, and ring finger as to better find her pleasure.

Althea once the shy sister found perverted voice in the nonsensical ramblings of a fucked silly slut “So good, Fuck me baby, pound that worthless pussy. Fuck me good and hard baby. Fuck me! Fuck~!” Her orgasms were more frequent then his, a male versus female biological difference as she was far more sensitive and thus far more likely to cum, wave after wave, then he was.

Yet coming to his senses minutes ago he did not stop, his previous orgasm lasting what seemed like forever, he assumed it must have been six or seven minutes long at least. Ad yet he wanted more, pounding hard into the first pussy he had ever felt, he was a virgin before this world, a virgin in his old life, but now, now he had six beautiful bombshell babes wanting every inch of him. And again he felt the still feeling in his body and balls, pouring again more and more cum into the open and accepting cunt of this brunette bitch in heat. He didn’t care if he made her pregnant, and by the way her arms held in ever so close, with face planted firmly into her round warm tits, she didn’t either.

Resting a moment he felt a familiar tongue leave his anal passage as the waters behind him moved about. A set of arms reaching out and pulling him the limp grasp of a well fucked Althea. His semi hard cock pulling out from massacred cunt with a noisey pop as all Cidius could to was shutter and writhe in ecstasy. Finding his body placed firmly into the arms of chocolate skinned Kagura, moving now to the side as before his eyes was presented to him a very round and large posterior. Minerva exposing her rear with all the intention of being the next to receive Cidius’s monster cock, shaking and wiggling her large rear intot eh air to excite and entice, Cidius’s cock growing harder at the sight. Made all the more hard with her words, “Come on abby, do you want to fuck mommies ass? Hmmm? Stick that big cock up mommies guts? Momma needs her baby’s big hard cock.” She would say, her words being all that he needed. Kagura placing him at the end of Minerva, sliding him onto her back and his cock firmly and easily into her ass.

It took him a moment to adjust, to calm his empty mind long enough to stand on his own two feet, that as soon as he did so was he again fucking away. This time however taking the time to enjoy what he was doing, taking it slow, sliding in and out with slow ease. Minerva could be heard moaning and panting, moving in time with her fucker, pussy juice running like a river down her legs. So focused was he that all the others were a second thought, looking around he watched as Sophitia and Gethwen pleasured each other, a 69 of pure bliss, but for their eyes fully fixated on Cidius himself. As so to was the eyes of Lilith and Kagura who were placed, ass first against the face of a tree, fucking themselves on the smooth somehow carved branches of the tree, one branch for each hole. Splinters… apparently weren’t a concern… and Althea? She was still reeling from having her pussy pounded, her hands frantically working at her pussy, both to make pleasure and to keep the milky goo inside her battered twat.

This view alone was enough to send him into high spirits as he increased his pace, his strength, pounded are Minerva’s ass as he had with Althea’s cunt. “Pap, pap, pap pap” was the song of their love making as Cidius held back none of his lust, slamming into Minerva like nothing more then a welcoming cum dumpster. She beneath him moaning loudly, screaming even “Oh FUCK! OOOOOOHHHhhhh yeah~! FUCK MY ASS! Oh GAWD! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” not the glazed over fuck slut that Althea had been but more the screamer.

Minutes passed before Cidius finally felt familiar welling in his body, sticking her deep and he planted his metaphorical flag deep within Minerva’s bowels and came. Making her collapse and fall flat into the grass as Cidius came tumbling down after her, both him and her moaning and shivering from the pleasure.

Catching his breathe Cidius turned and fell from his mattress, his cock pulling out with a loud pop as this made Minerva moan again before groaning in ecstasy. Still, he was done Cidius was spent, he could take no more, he wished to sleep, closing his eyes to do so he felt the cold air blanket him as he started to drift into sleep. Or rather so he had hoped if not for a familiar feeling of pussy propelling itself down sem hard shaft, opening his eyes to see above him, Lilith, smiling down at him with his cock firmly planted into her cunt. Laughing before she spoke, “heehee now darling, don’t you dare fall asleep yet… you’ve only fucked three of our holes tonight, and there are fifteen more to go. Heehee” she said with beautiful smile, masking behind an entire night of fornication and love making… it was going to be a long night.

It was a blur, last night, all of it, at least to the groggy morning of one so steadily and relentlessly used. Waking up in what he could only think of, at least I his dazed morning state, as a cave. He made his way out of it and to the surface, finding the mouth and the entrance. Moving to the bushes he took a very long, very well deserved piss, the product of the night’s events without rest. So then wakeing up, or more awake then he had been before, he stammers back to the cave and into it. Takeing in the sights as before him laing on mattresses of animal furs lay his conquerors, Minerva, Lilith, Kagura, Sophitia, Althea, and Gethwen. Finding a firm and pleasant place between Lilith, and Sophitia, he cuddles in, slides into them without worry, for if this was hell, then it was alright with him.

A half asleep Lilith, with eyes half opened smiled down to her bed mate, shifted closer and cuddled, place his lips along her breasts and begged with the taste of her nipples warm milk to suck. And he did, planted his lips around her breast he drank from her his breakfast, cock growing hard as he did so… Maybe… just a few more times before he got up.


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Ashley's Creation Part One Man that first time we met was so odd, Ashley had happened to drop her work materials and I was there to help her pick them back up, from there we chatted for a minute or so then she asked if I would like to have a drink that evening. Of course I accepted without hesitation as she was quite a good looking woman, I would have been crazy to have said no to her. She handed me her business card, I scanned it and saw she was a make-up artist/stylist and a...

3 years ago
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The Creation of Cheryl

The Creation of Cheryl By Jessica Martin Author's note: The concept of a man buying makeup and women's clothing and 'passing' with no preparation or experience is similar to blindly investing in the stock market and making a killing - it's not going to happen. I considered adding sex to the story, but decided at the end that it was unnecessary. The concept of "forced compliance" won't happen and the actual conversion is (at least for a very long while) a fantasy, too. This story is...

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Story of Creation Chapter 2 This is my artwork so far on Cidius and his realm of things, also pics of Cidius's semi naked "Wives" if you will, so please, Enjoy! *Authors Note* Chapter 2 part 1 – The Sound of Music It had been mid day before Cidius again stirred to wake, having in that morning filled Lilith four more times with his love making. Now however he was wide awake and restless, sitting up and running his slender fingers threw his twisted, messed...

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The Creation of my Slave Chapter 22

The morning after, Nic was so excited he woke up well before 9 am. What if she didn’t come? He wasn’t quite sure what he would do. At two minutes to 9, he heard the door open quietly and someone coming into his apartment. He lay there, listening to the sounds from the his kitchen. He heard the frying pan, he smelled bacon and he could hear the water boil. It would seem she was doing her job. After a while he heard her movements stop and the room go quiet. He knew she was done, and that she...

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The Creation of my Slave Chapter 10

She came out of the shower in the swimming hall, dried herself off and opened her locker. As she did, an envelope fell out. It hit the floor and was drenched in water. She picked it up quickly and opened it. Inside was a note, and on the other side of the note a picture. She flipped it around to see the picture, and knew she was in trouble. On the note, it read: “You do, by now, realise that you are in trouble. You are going to come to The Mokka Hotel at 8 tonight. Ask in the reception for...

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Creation of a Male Slave Part 1

I married my high school sweetheart in 1969. She was a cheerleader, named Kay, and I was on the football team, my name is Tom. We were the perfect mid-western vanilla couple, young, innocent and in love. I was still in college when we were married but graduated the following year. I took a job with a major advertising agency and began working my way up the corporate ladder. Kay graduated nursing school the following year and went to work for a nearby hospital. For a while we were like a pair of...

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Center of Creation

“My god...that was tiring.” Sighed John, as he shut the front door to his small apartment. Setting his keys on the nearby counter to his left. John had just finished another hard day at work and was ready for some downtime. Walking through his barely furnished home, he lays down on the couch in the center of the small living room. Falling down onto the couch without a care John lets out one last sigh of relief at feeling the comfort upon his tired body. Grabbing the remote next to him, John...

Mind Control
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Porn Script Creation

Nick and Trent were just out of high school when the urge to pursue a life in movie script writing seemed like the best career path for the both of them. Over the next 3 years they had successfully written scripts that had been picked up by low rate Hollywood studios and turned into movies that appeared at the Sundance Film Festival. They hadn't gotten their big break yet, but they knew the time was upon them. Nick was a 6'2" 195 football jock, still built and muscular from his days on the...

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The Creation of Suzy Slut Her Cuckold from

This story starts with events that really happened, and continues with what could have been. If you're not an adult into kinky things stop reading. Names are changed, similarity to real people coincidental, etc.After dinner, couples who are close friends use deception to transform a model monogamous couple, the hostess and her husband, from a prim and proper wife, mother and matron to a cock craving gangbang slut and her unwilling cuckold. I hope you enjoy it.*The Deception:Susan came from a...

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His Emerging Creation Internet Dating part 3

Once again I was at work when my phone alerted me to a text. I have been on a mission the last three months, trying to find someone that I liked, someone who would introduce me to moresomes, help me explore BDSM and my submission, someone kinky,fun,trustworthy and real. I want a relationship, consistency, a partner...I've been corresponding and chatting with several men but I've only met a handful and none of those were men who were interested in helping me explore, they were more interested in...

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Ashleys Creation Part 2

I awoke the following morning, right off I knew this was not my bed as it was quite larger then mine, also the sheets were satin and pink in colour, not even close to what I was used to. I reached out to pull the sheets back and I saw my fingernails, they were long and red in colour, I was also wearing satin pyjamas and when I stepped down I saw that my toes to were painted red, I knew this was not right but I also could not remember a lot from the night before. Hurrying now I found...

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Ashleys Creation part 3

I felt I was still asleep, but I could hear Ashley's voice, she was telling me to remember what Karla had said to me the night before and to ask her permission to work with her and Lisa fulltime as an apprentice. This was told to me over and over by her, I was unable to answer, but she knew her words would be obeyed totally as the drugs Karla had brought to her where now taking hold of my mind. I also thought I heard Ashley speaking with Lisa; together they were talking of how easy it...

3 years ago
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The Creation of a Pussy

Seven wise men with knowledge so fine, created a pussy to their design. First was a butcher, with smart wit, using a knife, he gave it a slit, Second was a carpenter, strong and bold, with a hammer and chisel, he gave it a hole, Third was a tailor, tall and thin, by using red velvet, he lined it within, Fourth was a hunter, short and stout, with a piece of fox fur, he lined it without, Fifth was a fisherman, nasty as hell, threw in a fish and gave it a smell, Sixth was a preacher, whose name...

4 years ago
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Creation Of A Guy Slut

I was working away from home in a little town for a couple of weeks last summer, a quiet little place where not much seemed to be happening. When the first Friday night rolled around, as I wasn't working weekends, I thought that would be a good opportunity to explore the area and check out what kind of night life, if any, there was. After a short walk around I stumbled upon a small, friendly looking pub, with old architecture and modern fixings, it looked clean and pleasant enough inside so I...

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The Lovers Creation

She sat waiting, sitting on a log, staring into the fire before her that was down to it's embers. The chanting in the circle surrounding her was quieting down, and overhead, a faint flapping of wings could be heard. Her head bolted upwards and she saw circling figures, coming to land on the ground. She stood on her feet and looked to the sky, temporarily losing her breathe. It didn't matter how many times she saw these people- her heart felt like it was going to stop when she laid eyes on them....

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ReCreation of the Gods Part 2

Kurt opened his eyes to a new day with a smile on his face, which he hadn’t done for a long time. He lay there on his bed quietly feeling himself and amazed at the calm within his body. He touched his privates lightly and marveled at how hard and strong it was just at the thought of the events he had participated in the day prior. His bare body was warm under the covers. His bottom was very relaxed and had no repercussions from yesterday’s activities. He just lay there remembering it all and...

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ReCreation of the Gods Part 3

When a new day starts, they say it brings exciting adventures and new beginnings to ones person. In the case of James, the beginnings started two days ago. He wasn’t readying himself for new beginnings, but for the extension of what could only be described in his mind and body as nirvana. Surely the gods above were shining on him, and he was pleased, very pleased. Driving to his first official date in a long time, James could only reflect on the past two days adventures. How perfect were they...

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I Dream of Angels Part 2 Salvation Through Creation0

Chapter 2 For the next several days, I tried thinking up names for the girl in my dreams, but none seemed to fit. Actually, it was like my mind wouldn’t accept and recognize what I picked to be her name. I would think up a name, and when I’d try to say it while imagining the girl and associating her with it, the name would suddenly become inaudible to me. I would hear that sound from my dreams, the muffling sound that always blocked out her name, even when I spoke it. I could feel my...

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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

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Storys I like Fun with My Mother in Laws Sexy Fee

Fun with My Mother in Laws Sexy Feet In the 5 years since I first met my future Mother in Law Kathy, I had had many opportunities to admire her sexy feet in her support tights and had built up a nice collection of her tights, knickers, bras and even a pair of her shoes. Whenever I got the opportunity I would wear and wank into her soiled tights and knickers. Things had moved on and I had married my girlfriend and we had moved into our own place which meant that I was seeing less of Mother in...

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Storys I like Fun with My Mother in Laws Sexy Fee

Fun with My Mother in Laws Sexy Feet In the 5 years since I first met my future Mother in Law Kathy, I had had many opportunities to admire her sexy feet in her support tights and had built up a nice collection of her tights, knickers, bras and even a pair of her shoes. Whenever I got the opportunity I would wear and wank into her soiled tights and knickers. Things had moved on and I had married my girlfriend and we had moved into our own place which meant that I was seeing less of Mother in...

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Creations Forge

Wake up, Tamina Lin. Its time to have an adventure. You sit up groggily. Its too hot here, too noisy. The sheets are filthy. It sucks being poor. At least in this Sphere you might get a random windfall. Or eaten by a sea monster on dry land. You kick off the sheets and dont even bother putting on a top as you walk outside, onto the rocky balcony. Its not like anyone cares about nudity here, anyway. Bodies are sacred. You look up at the sky. You see the shadows of dragons fighting against the...

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song text creations

How to do create a song text ?Mexican Girl SongtextJuanita came to me last night, and she cried over and overOoh, daddy, i love you, you know, and i think it's the moonlight.she looked so fine, well she looked alright, and she moanedOoh, daddy, move overOh, baby, you know what i like and i think it's the moonlightmade in mexico, schooled in france, ooh la lovin' she needed no teachin'Oh man i can say international ways i believe in.mexican girl, don't leave me aloneI got a heart as big as a...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 62 Divine Creations

September, 1984, Chicago, Illinois “Hi Steve,” Patience (or was it Prudence?) said as she got out of the car. “Hi, Patience!” I said, hoping I was right. “Wrong sister!” she giggled. “Sorry Prudence! You’ll have to have patience with me while I figure out how to tell you apart!” She laughed, “Nice double-entendre there, Mr. Landlord! Could you handle it?” I laughed, “Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way! Do you need help moving in?” “No, I think we have it. It’s just clothes, records,...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 7 Mr Fink Checks On His New Creations

Fink hadn't slept well. Not well at all. In fact he'd never slept worse since he had taken over this outfit. He had turned it into this wildly successful BimboTech Incorporation. Its former CEO served as his totally bimbofied personal sexretary now. So what was there to lose sleep over ever again? All had gone smoothly until these god-awful bitches of Wolfram & fucking Hart thought they'd reel in a few of their damn rain checks. It wasn't their demands that made him itchy. Those...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 24 The Biomancerrsquos Creations

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Prince Meinard The Hunter thrashed as duelist surged around him. Acrobats flowed in too, men and women trained by the College of Az to gain complete mastery over the movements of their bodies, bending and swaying them in ways impossible for others. It gave them such dexterous precision with the knives they threw. Blades glanced off the thrashing Hunger’s chitinous hide. The bards music grew louder, the monsters quivering. Duelist and fencers,...

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ReCreations of the Gods

As the blackness of it all dissipated, he could see clearly the white-capped blades of grass and the misty wetness of the day powering it's way in. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary from any of his other days. The nine full-length windows in the front of his home were covered with frost and crackled with ice. The air outside was bitter, wet and left no doubt that the sunny warm days had made way for a new season. The house was empty except for him. The music was playing; the fire on the stove...

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herStory Chapter 1

Admiring herself and smiling for no reason. There she was standing in a red transparent saree in front of a mirror. She was looking damn gorgeous in that saree, underneath it she was wearing a sleeveless blouse, having a deep cut, which was just enough for her 36C size boobs to pop out and flaunts its sexy valley. Giving some more final touches to her makeup she got up and sat in the centre of her bed. By that time it was her daily routine. Dressing in one of her transparent saree, sleeveless...

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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

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Hostory book

The history book gives you complete control of the history of anything any changes you make will be retroactive for example lets say you, wright, that hot chick on the bus has e cup tits then they will always the book also lets you read 24 hours in to the futuer

Mind Control
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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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Herstory 8211 Chapter 5 8211 Memorable Day

Chapter 5 “We are looking like…”, cutting him in the middle of the sentence Rose in her sensual voice, humorously added “Like a nerd”, and both the girls starts to giggle. “Lets do some nerdy thing.” That lucky guy with two of the bombshell one with 36C-28-36 and other with 38D-28-40 were standing out of that old building. Three of them went in separately to avoid any kinds of noticing activities in the entrance. Milky white legs Anamika was followed by curvy waist Rose. Arun went in at last,...

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Herstory 8211 Chapter 4 8211 Caught In Act

“The pain you give me, I am loving it” and starts to throb his flaccid dick. He continues to fondle her breast. “Pain or pleasure, darling!” “Of course pleasure, you naughty bastard.” She got up on him places his cock on her pussy and pushes it in her, which properly fits in her and starts to jump over it. Her melons starts to juggle. He got her melon, over turn her and said “I love to fuck your ass hole.” He places his cock on her cute little hole and pushed himself to the dept. This time it...

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Herstory 8211 Chapter 3 8211 I Am Virgin In My Ass

Chapter 3 “Darling, I am still virgin in my ass.” Quickly he turned his gaze directly into her eyes, with a type of happy go merry look. She continued, “I always dreamed of my husband taking its virginity, you are ‘my husband’ so I am giving you the right to take it and make me all yours,” giving emphasis on the word ‘my husband’. He felt that as if he is on the seventh cloud when heard her romantic thoughts. He kept on looking into her eyes without making any movements. Then again she said, “I...

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Lovestory 2K

There are love stories of all kinds: cross-culture, cross-border, cross-religion and so on. This is a double-cross-dress love story. Read it and see if you like it. Hema and Giri met accidentally. Hema is tall for an average woman, with short hair and not much to show off for a cleavage. In spite of her looks she is more feminine and desirable than her more endowed roommates. She lived in a two-room house with two other girls on a share-everything basis. All three of them are working...

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Herstory 8211 Chapter 2b 8211 In The Stall

They moved themselves to the last stall. While moving they continued with their kiss. Closing the door. They started to smooch each other like there was no tomorrow. She started to seize his dick over his jeans. His hand slowly crawled across her body and grabbed her boobs over her dress and started to crush her boobs with his hand. She moaned at his grasp. Their saliva was liberally exchanged between them. She leaned down on the toilet seat and he went on smooching her and crushing her boobs...

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Herstory 8211 Chapter 2a 8211 Movie

Sunlight shines under the door like a ghoul’s grin, yet gives the shutters a halo of golden rays. That’s the new morning, sinner and saint, just like her. Sleep drags her backward until a new thought can penetrate – she has the chance to achieve more than yesterday if she moves now. The bed was warm. Curtains drawn. Cool breeze coming in her room, ‘their room’. Opening her eyes with a wide smile of satisfaction that yesterday she was fucked by a man who is ‘her husband’. “From today a new life...

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RobynSelfStory 01

This lockdown is so frustrating. Not that I ever played a real lot, but having even the opportunity to play removed somehow makes it worse!So I guess a girl has to do what a girl has to do. With too much time on hands, and too much time looking at, er, naughty things; well, what’s a girl to do?Last night, after a lovely lengthy hot shower, and shaving in all the right places, I wondered what I should do. Inspiration soon found me.I dug out my old electro equipment. Now, this is nothing fancy or...

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Warstory version 2

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like boobs. I was a late developer, or must have been because my testicles hasn?t fallen down. Later I found out that I had never developed them. I...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

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Storyline4Chapter 2 Discovered

Lena didn't come over and I waited and waited. Finally, I called over there to see if everything was all right. Pat answered the phone; crying and I wondered what was wrong. She said that she should have called to let me know that Lena would not be able to walk the dog today, but other things seemed more important. Albie, her husband, was called up at the last minute to fly overseas because of a major military screw up that had to have his expertise immediately and they were to take him to...

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Storyline4Chapter 3 Daily Routine

The next two days were uneventful because my wife was at home and we did our running and our chores and shopping. But the following day, she was gone for the day so I opened up her garage door, my signal to the neighbors. I didn't know if they would see it or react to it, and if they did, who would be coming over. Soon I saw Lena coming down the drive by herself. She went in to get Tawny for her morning walk. By the way, if the garage door wasn't up, Lena didn't come over to walk the dog...

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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Backstory Ch 02

Note: This is Part II of the backstory on Jim and Monique, two grieving lovers who find each other on a private island in the South Pacific. In the previous installment, Jim meets Monique, who has anchored on the far side of his island, secretly, to stock up on fresh water before sailing to Hawaii. He tells her that if she had only asked he would have given her all the fresh water she wanted, and cooked dinner for her, too. In this installment, she takes him up on his offer. ———— December 27...

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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter2

Jerry also had an idea, coming from a boast that I could still fit into my wedding dress, I had made during our conversations. Jerry always wanted to fuck a white bride and I still had my wedding dress. “You’ll do as my bride, we will collect you at 4 tomorrow afternoon.” And they shipped me home in an Uber, freshly showered, still slightly high, very horny and naked except for shoes, my long blouse and Jerry’s belt. For the Uber driver this was an added benefit as I knelt in the passenger...

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

When you have been going into chat rooms from earlier than the age you are allowed, you develop a lust for different and more extreme, so by 29 I would admit online to desires for older men, black guys and rough gang bangs and dogs!. Jerry was black, 64 and had a silky tongue for role plays and sex fantasy chats. Over three months I don’t know how many chats we had and he had got me off (and vis versa). I sent him pictures initially of me clothed and then topless holiday shots and finally...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter17

Hailey was meeting the potential guest in a discreet London hotel room which allowed her to undertake a final vetting interview before inviting them down to the cottage to indulge in whatever dog sex fantasy they had. Hailey had already conducted a couple of phone interviews and used the very discrete but very efficient screening service that Julie had introduced her to. Already the company had proved invaluable weening out a couple of attempts by thrill seekers who just wanted to find out...

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Growing Up Chapter3

She sits on the bed and takes me over her knees and gently, with a lot of lube from her nightstand, works her fingers into my butt hole, one and then two. The excitement of being penetrated gets my balls all tingly. Rubbing my crack up and down with lots of slick lubrication she makes sensations zing through my body. I’m grinding into her lap and my dick feels so good through the satin panties I’m wearing added to the silk she’s wearing. “Cindy, do you know where my special drawer is?” ...

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