Ainee's Makovers 5 free porn video

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Aimee's Makeovers Part Five By Jena Corso "Don't say a fucking word!" Aimee said as she re-entered the room. She was now wearing a black leather dominatrix outfit, and carrying a large duffel bag. Her makeup was dramatically done, with large bright red shiny lips, and dark black eyeliner. She looked expressionless, yet sexy as her dark razor sharp chin length bob haircut now seemed to fit. She wore black shiny boots which were folded above her knees, with platform six inch stiletto heels, and her amazingly tight leather corset barely covered her breasts, which were just about popping out. She led him in front of the bed and slapped a handcuff around his right wrist and secured it to the left post of the bed. Without saying a word, she grabbed the other wrist and secured it to the right post as he put up no resistance. "Wow, now this is hot!" said Tony, as Aimee smacked his face. She reached back in the duffel bag without saying a word, and pulled out a ball gag and shoved it into his mouth forcefully as he gasped. Without missing a beat, she pulled off his pumps, stripped off his stockings, and unbuckled his bra, leaving him nude and restrained. "Relax bitch, this is just temporary, until I dress you up the way I want. I didn't want to have to gag you, but you wouldn't shut the fuck up!" she said. "Now do everything I ask and look straight ahead until I tell you, otherwise you'll be sorry. Now breathe in, and hold it." Tony could feel something constrictive around his waist, and could feel her tugging at it, tightening it. He felt the bra straps being threaded above and below his arms and her adjusting and pushing at his cleavage. Next, he felt stockings being rolled up his legs and heard two snaps at each side as he could feel them tugging at his hips. She then slipped on some form of very high heels on his feet, which were tougher to stand in than the ones he had on before. From behind him now she was fussing with his hair, as she was rapidly sectioning it, spraying it with some liquid, and inserting hot rollers. Tony could feel the heat from them on his head and the tugging at his scalp. Next he could feel something tight being led up over his hips, which was forcing his legs together tightly as she once again pushed his testicles into his body cavity and pulled his manhood backward. At each ankle, he could feel her tightly fasten cuffs, and his feet were suddenly shackled to the bed. "Now, let me move your arms a little," she said as she removed one cuff and pulled what felt like something silky up his arm, and quickly re- cuffed him, but this time with his hands behind his back. "You are going to look adorable in this, you little bitch." She was now an artist as she continued working on Tony, as it seemed she took forever to change his makeup. She put a few fresh coats of mascara on his eyes as she ordered him to open and close them multiple times. She was using eyeliner and blush as the brushes and pencils touched Tony's skin, as she worked slowly and precisely. She seemed to enjoy putting on the eye shadow, finally smiling as she worked, and even changed his lip color a few times until she was satisfied with the effect she wanted, as she removed and then reinserted the ball gag. She stepped back and stared as she marvelled at her work with a devious smile, which made him nervous. He felt her remove the rollers and pull his hair back tightly before securing it as she sprayed it. He then felt her changing his earrings and necklace as she circled him a few times. He was now once again confused as this seemed like a lot of detail this late at night just for the bedroom. She exited the room as she left him bound and unable to move for about fifteen minutes. When she returned, she held a long black leather whip in her hand, which she began rubbing it gently on him which aroused him but made him quite uncomfortable, as he was imprisoned. "So today was a big day for my girl," said Aimee as she continued to circle him. "Today you experienced the joy of being a pampered woman in the salon. You experienced the feeling of being sexy and looking sexy. The thrill of being wanted by men. The anticipation and taste of your first kiss as a woman, and the thrill of gorgeous guys touching you. I'd say that was quite a crash course, wasn't it?" Tony nodded his head as he wasn't sure where she was headed with her thoughts, but knew it couldn't be good as he noticed her seriousness had been replaced by a smirk on her face. "Plus, they say blondes always have more fun!" Aimee laughed. "Well, it's just lucky for you that I have decided to finish off your day by allowing you to experience the ultimate pleasure a woman can have. I'm sure you are quite curious, aren't you?" Aimee walked across the room and rolled over a large mirror and placed it in from of Tony. Looking at himself, he was once again amazed at what she could do to him. She stood next to him as he was stunned. "Holy shit," he seemed to mumble through his gag. "You know, I couldn't just let the salon women have all the fun making you up, honey," she said, smiling from ear to ear. "But I think you'll recognize the outfit, because you picked it in Penthouse magazine. Here take a look at it and read the caption, because I really think you made a wonderful choice." Tony glanced down at it and immediately felt ready to pass out when he read the headline. It read "What should she wear the night you take her virginity? This is the perfect outfit for your girlfriend when you want her to feel pure, yet sexy and innocent." Tony looked up at his reflection in the mirror and then down again at the magazine and back up at himself. He was dressed in all white, in something that appeared to be leather or vinyl. His waist looked amazingly thin, as it was extremely pinched in a tight corset with his false breasts, which created cleavage being pushed outwards to the limits. Around his hips, he had on an extremely short white flared skirt that seemed to be leather and lace, and was decorated with some delicate pink bows. On his feet, he wore white stiletto platform pumps which were secured by a few buckled ankle straps. He looked incredibly long and thin he thought, as his shoes made him six inches taller when combined with the short skirt. He could see the ends of the garters peeking out from under the skirt as they were attached to his sheer white hose, which had matching pink bows on each thigh. She had modified his makeup and his hair a bit he noticed, as he now started at his face. His face he thought looked whiter and more porcelain as she had done something to his foundation. He eyes were lined very thinly, but his lashes looked huge as he batted them while blinking. His eye shadow and cheeks were pink, yet very pronounced as he looked almost doll like in his mind. His lips were shinier than he had ever seen them, even behind the ball gag as they sparkled in the mirror. His hair was now slightly teased on top of his head to a one inch crown, and pulled back off his face with the exception of some stray curls, which hung on each side. He was now accessorized in pearls with teardrop pearl earrings, bracelets, and a large pearl chocker necklace. "So, you're soaking it in, I see," Aimee said as she startled him from behind.. "Let me show you the rear view." In the mirror he could see her opening some large drapes, which revealed large mirrors behind the headboard of the bed, displaying fully his reflection from behind. Immediately, he could see that Aimee had created a mass of curls behind his head and secured them with a large pink bow at the nape of his neck, exactly like the picture from the magazine. He could also see the laces tied tightly on his corset, and another large bow which was located at the rear of his panties. "So what do you think?" said Aimee as she walked out in front of him, waving her whip. "I like the detail of the cute pink bows with the white outfit. You've picked some things that look really good on you. You've got some interesting taste, but I bet you didn't realize some of your ideas would work so well on you, did you?" Tony was becoming nervous now as she was pacing back and forth and looking at him very sternly. She walked behind him and snapped her whip against his buttocks, causing him to jolt forward a little as he saw her smile in the mirror. She promptly twisted his right wrist, un-cuffing it from the bed post and followed with the left one. Quickly she pinned him firmly as she re-cuffed them behind his back and then pulled them up tightly, folding them behind his back. She then secured the cuffs to a metal link at the top of the corset, folding and pinning his arms in a useless position behind him. "Is it a little too tight?" she said smiling as Tony nodded in agreement. "Well, that's the idea you little sissy! Now I'll be right back!" Tony stood there with his arms restrained tightly behind him and his ankles secured in front, as he waited nervously for her return. He knew nothing good could be coming next as he stared at himself in the mirror for about ten minutes, until Aimee returned holding a large pillow in front of her, and her whip in her right hand. "For tonight you will now refer to me as Mistress Aimee. Do you understand?" she said in a nasty tone. "I know that you have always fantasized about being with a dominant woman, and tonight I will grant that wish. I have modified your fantasy to include my own, and now you will experience it full hand. I will warn you only once that any resistance to any of my wishes is futile, and will result in me taking this even further. Now again do you understand, bimbo?" Tony stared at her, unable to speak with the ball gag in his mouth as she slashed him with her whip across his thigh. "Do you understand?" shouted Aimee. "Yes," Mumbled Tony to the best of his ability, as he nodded as well. "Good, now look straight down at the floor and close your eyes and kneel down on this pillow, bitch!" said Aimee as she dropped the pillow in front of him. He immediately followed her direction, closed his eyes, and knelt down, feeling the pillow under his knees. He then felt her rubbing her fingers through his hair as she teased him and scratched his back lightly. "It's training time, my little bimbo!" she said as she stepped back from him. "Open those baby blues of yours, bitch!" As Tony opened his eyes, he saw his dominatrix girlfriend now had on a large strap on penis, and was standing ten feet away and watching his reaction. Stunned, he couldn't believe she was wearing something like this, and even worse, she was walking towards him, stroking it. "So you want to taste Miss Aimee, don't you?" Aimee teased him as she rubbed it on his face. "Now don't say a word, and take your training like a good girl." Immediately Tony tensed up as Aimee removed his ball gag. He began to shake as she slid her right hand under his curls and grabbed the back of his neck, forcing his lips to make slight contact. "Kiss it gently, dear!" said Aimee softly as he froze and she was rubbing it all over his face with her left hand. "Do it! Do it now!" Tony knew he had no choice, but was resisting as he felt her squeeze his neck tighter and tighter by pulling the pearl chocker until he complied. "That's better bitch!" she said nastily as she released her grip a little. "Kiss me everywhere like I do to you. I'm sure you remember!" Tony began kissing the strap on everywhere and could taste its cherry flavored surface as he was moving his lips all around it as she seemed to make him do it forever. "Good girl. Now open and relax your throat for Mistress," said Aimee as she immediately rammed it into his mouth, forcing him to choke as she held his neck firmly. "Nice and easy, and slow now, Antonia. Up and down, slowly. Come on!" Tony couldn't believe it as he was now bobbing his head up and down slowly on the strap on as Aimee was guiding him as she held it firmly in his mouth. She began to moan as he realized it was double sided with its reverse side planted in her vagina, as it was now sliding in and out. She was quickly thrusting now and forcing him to bob his head as her grip on his neck was extremely tight as she got more and more excited. "Suck harder now, bitch!" she screamed as she was forcing him to move faster and faster. He was struggling to take it deeper as she was obviously both thrilled at him sucking, and feeling great pleasure before suddenly she pulled back and kissed him. "Good girl," said Aimee smiling as he was panting now. "I think you may end up being good at this. Wait.... I really didn't want to stop, but I had too. If I didn't pull out, you would have won." "Please, no more of that Aimee," said Tony whining. "I'm mentally and physically exhausted. I'll do whatever you want, please just let me relax." "Silence bitch!" said Aimee as she shoved the ball gag back into his mouth and circled him again. "You will refer to me as Mistress Aimee as I have ordered. But it is good to know you will do whatever I ask like a good girl. Now stand up!" Aimee now slid a large ottoman from the sitting area in front of him and sat down, staring up at him. She removed a large scissor from her duffle bag and held it out in front of him, making a cutting motion. "So is there anything that is down here that a slutty girl like you may not need?" she said as she rubbed her left hand across his crotch and opened and closed the scissor repeatedly with her right hand. Tony's eyes almost popped out of his head as he was panicking as she was scaring him to death. "No, please!" mumbled Tony from under the gag as his body tensed up as she lowered the scissor below his line of sight. "Please, no!" As he heard the snipping sound, he almost passed out until she smiled and held his panties up to his eye level. She stood up and sniffed them as Tony breathed a sigh of relief. "I hated to ruin a good pair like this, but I'll get you more, plus I thought you might have just soiled them," she said laughing as she began stroking him a little to wake up his manhood. "You know, if I didn't cut them I would have had to uncuff you and we wouldn't want that just yet! Would we?" Aimee now reached back into her duffel bag and took out a tube of something and began rubbing it all over her strap on and stood up. She pushed the ottoman closer to Tony and walked behind him as Tony watched in the mirror, lifting her boot and resting it on his back. Suddenly he felt the sharp pain of her spiked heel in his back as she kicked him forward. Tony landed with his chest softly on the ottoman as he was pinned leaning forward. Laying there, he now felt something being rubbed on his anus as he could feel her fingers pushing at him. Scared now, he knew what was coming as she mounted him from behind and began slowing pushing into him. "Try to relax and just enjoy this, sweetie," said Aimee, moving very slowly as Tony tensed up. "You'll learn to love this, and need it, like I do from you. Plus, I think you'll understand what size means. In case I forgot to mention it while you were sucking it, this is exactly what your size feels like!" Aimee then started pushing harder as she penetrated him now and was hurting him as he moaned in discomfort as she moved slowly but was pushing deeply. She was slowly but surely allowing his muscles to loosen, forcing him to take in the full effect of the strap on. Suddenly, as she pushed, he felt her reach under and feel that he was hard as she was pumping him very hard now. "So, I see you like this?" said Aimee, teasing him as she massaged his manhood. "Well your little friend is turned on by it, I see," she said as she stroked him in rhythm as she pumped from behind. "This is so hot! You might actually win!" He was now whining in pain as she suddenly pulled out and lay down on the bed, behind him. After a minute, she pulled off the strap on and walked behind him and removed the ball gag. She surprised him by passionately kissing him and removed his cuffs. "That was amazing," said Aimee. "Ok, mistress time is over. I love you, and you have finally won! You're in control now, but that was worth it!" "Oh finally!" shouted a relieved Tony. "You are killing me with this stuff. I'm exhausted! Can you just get this stuff off me and we can sleep a little." "Of course!" said Aimee as she released the laces of his corset and helped him off with his shoes. "But I want you to know that these last two days with you are probably the best I've ever had. I think you experiencing your feminine side is really something that will benefit our relationship in the long run. Here, wear this long t-shirt to bed. At least you'll be warm and comfortable in it." Aimee unbuckled Tony's bra and slid a long Victoria Secret purple night shirt over Tony's head, which stopped just above his knees. She lovingly embraced him and kissed him again as they lay down in each other's arms. As Tony's head hit the pillow he was out cold in seconds, with Aimee falling asleep only seconds behind him. When morning hit, Tony was awakened by the smell of coffee that he badly needed as he glanced over, noticing that Aimee was absent from her side of the bed. He sat up, noticing that the bedroom looked incredibly neat as she had picked up all the clothing and left him a lilac bathrobe with matching slippers and a note which read: "When you wake up come downstairs and have some breakfast. I love you, XOXO Aimee." Tony who was half awake now, slipped on the bathrobe and the slippers and exited the guest suite. He was blinded by the sun light shining in through some skylights as he wandering into the kitchen to find Aimee, Melissa, and Shawn having coffee. "Good morning, sunshine," said Aimee as she jumped up and kissed him immediately. "Morning everyone," said Tony as Melissa handed him some coffee. "Looks like you had a fun night, from the look of you," said Melissa as she touched his hair, which was standing up pretty high on one side. "Yes, well it was a different kind of fun than I was used to anyway," said Tony, trying to be at least a little bit polite. "It's ok, babe. I know you hated some of it, but I'm sure not all of it," Aimee teased. "So what's on the agenda today for you two love birds?," said Melissa. "Well whatever Tony wants," said Aimee smiling at him. "He won, so he's the boss right now!" "Honestly it's Sunday and I've been waiting for this game for months. All I want to do today is enjoy football and figure out how I'm getting myself back to normal for work tomorrow." "Wait you are a big football fan?" said Shawn. "Are you a giants fan?" "Yes, big time!" said Tony. "Why you couldn't tell he lives for football, just because he's such a sexy blonde," Melissa teased. "Shut up, you bitch!" said Shawn as she teased Melissa. "What I'm saying is that I didn't know he was such a big fan, but that's great because my brother just called and has the flu. So Tony you can take his ticket and come with me if you want to!" "Are you kidding me?" said Tony. "That would be awesome!" "Done deal then, cutie!" said Shawn. "My seats are in the third row on the fifty yard line. You'll love them. These seats have been in my family for 40 years, and I go to most of the games. Well, go take a shower because we are leaving in a half hour, and I don't think you want to go there looking like that!" "Damn right! Half hour, shit!" said Tony. "But what about clothes or this crazy hair!" "Go, run up and jump in the shower and I'll find something you can wear, and we'll do something with that hair that'll let you blend in and enjoy the game." "Awesome, thanks!" yelled Tony as he kissed her cheek and ran up the stairs and jumped in the shower. "Aimee?? He has no clothes like that here?" said Melissa, quizzing her. "And of course you know that, don't you?" "Why Melissa, I'm glad you've brought that to my attention," Aimee smiled. "But I'm sure I can put a cute outfit together from what we bought for him!" "Oh you are an evil little scheming bitch, Aimee!" said Melissa as they cracked up. "I certainly am not! And this was not my idea!" said Aimee. "Blame Shawn." "Me?" said Shawn smiling. "I had no clue, but if you are telling me you are going to make him look like the hot chick I saw last night, than I am really into that! Trust me, I won't argue with you, but I may not want to give him back to you!" Melissa and Aimee grabbed the shopping bags the driver had carried in and brought them upstairs to the bedroom. They quickly began rummaging through them until they selected a few options and laid out their choices on the bed. As Tony quickly exited the shower, he walked into the bedroom with a towel around his waist and was stunned to see all three girls. "What's happening? Why is everyone in here?" he said surprised as he instinctively covered his false breasts. "Is the game off Shawn? Your brother changed his mind?" "No, why?" said Shawn. "I just wanted to watch how they put you together, but I have to say you even look pretty good wet." "We've only got twenty minutes, so sit down and let Melissa and I work together!" said Aimee as Melissa began brushing his hair. Aimee quickly slid a navy blue bra on Tony as he immediately resisted and stopped her before she could fasten it. "Hey, what the hell!" said Tony, standing up. "I'm not wearing a bra to the game. You have to help me get these things off now. I won and I'm going to the game as myself!" "Yes, you won dear. I agree, but I don't think men with big breasts and blonde hair are normally at football games!" said Aimee lecturing him. "We only have twenty minutes, and the only way to get you to the game that fast is for you to stay a girl for now." "No way," said Tony, now frustrated. "I can't. Its football, and they'll kill me if they knew I was a guy pretending to be a chick. They'd kick my ass!" "Tony, don't worry about it," said Shawn. "The only one there that would know is me, and I couldn't tell when I met you. Look, everyone that sits around me knows I'm a lesbian and a football nut. They are my friends for many years and trust me they're cool. They have never bothered me and I'll protect you like I would any other girlfriend. All you have to do is relax and enjoy the game. It's for first place as you know, and against our rival Dallas. Guys will be trying to figure out their defensive schemes, and not whether or not you are a dude." "Honey, it's your call here!" said Aimee, looking him in the eyes. "The only clothes we have here are girl's clothes. There is no time to shop or go home for other things, and it's going to take a few hours to soak off those nails, remove the adhesive on the breasts, and cut and color that hair." "Oh but come on," said Tony. "This girl stuff doesn't seem to stop. This is like a dream game and I'm dying to go now." "Relax, we'll do a basic daytime makeup look just like when you played softball, and I have jeans that will fit you," said Aimee. "I can make you just blend in and you can enjoy the game. But it's your choice! This time it's you, and not me choosing! I'd rather go to the mall with Melissa than sit around and watch football anyway!" "Ok, fuck it!" said Tony. "I've always wanted to sit on the fifty yard line. After all I've been through, I can't pass this up." "Good, then it's settled! You chose wisely, skinny bitch! Put him in the sexy Cheerleader outfit we discussed, but make sure it's not the Dallas cheerleader outfit, or they'll tear him apart whether he's pretty or not!" said Shawn laughing as she left the room. "I' ll be back for him, I mean her in twenty. I'm going to go get some snacks for the ride." "Don't panic, she's kidding. She's very sarcastic," said Aimee as she fastened his bra. "Let's get to it Mel." Melissa switched on the blow dryer and began by picking through his hair with her fingers. Aimee went to work on his face as he felt her rubbing on his foundation. They worked together like a well oiled machine as Aimee's concentration seemed to increase on his eyes as Melissa was now pulling at his hair with a brush as she dried it. When she switched off the hair dryer, Aimee stood him up and had him step into his matching lace panties and quickly tucked in his penis tightly. She had him step into and out of three pairs of jeans before she got the ones she liked. She then put a little ivory camisole on him, pulled a white girly gold glittered top over his head and followed it with a heavy sweater. She stepped back to look as Melissa was almost done pulling tightly at his hair with an iron that was producing some heat. Aimee then went to work changing his earrings and adding a few accessories before slipping some boots on him. "There! That should do it, and with three minutes to spare!" said Aimee as she pulled away her lip gloss. "What do you think Mel?" "You rock Aimee," said Melissa, getting excited. "He looks great. I don't think he has to worry about any dude comments!" "Stand up and take a peak Tony!" said Aimee. Tony stood up and walked over to the three way mirror near the walk in closet. Standing there he saw himself looking a little dressy for a football game, he thought. He noticed his black leather boots which stopped just below his knees. They were highlighted with silver buckles and had a low 2 1/2 inch thin heel. His slightly faded blue jeans were tight and form fitting, yet comfortable he thought as he turned to look at the rear view. He was starting to feel a bit warm as he was clearly dressed for being outdoors as he tugged at his white turtleneck, which was underneath his heavy navy v-neck sweater, which both had long full sleeves. He relaxed a little though when he studied his face and noticed that his look was actually quite reserved. She had given him a girl next door type look, with simple pink cheeks, eyelids, and natural yet glossy lips. His eyes actually stood out most as she had lined them darkly and thickened his lashes, yet mixed in a blue color at the edges, which highlighted his deep blue eyes. Melissa walked up behind him as he studied himself and began spraying his hair, which was actually quite different yet simple this time. She had straightened and flat ironed his hair and swept it across in front as it was parted on the right side. He had on huge silver hoop earrings he noticed as she moved his hair while spraying it. The three silver Bengal bracelets on his right hand jingled when he moved, as Aimee was fastening a large offset silver belt, slipping a few rings on his fingers, and closing the clasp on a silver delicate watch on his left hand. "So?" whispered Aimee into Tony's ear as she rubbed his ass gently. "So, I don't know what to say." Tony stared at himself. "I don't know if I'm so excited about the game that it doesn't matter that I actually look like this, or just have a little confidence that I look passable. I actually feel fairly relaxed, except maybe for the boots." "Well then, that means you are just getting used to the new you. You look great! You are just a pretty girl, basically," said Aimee. "I know it's hard to accept, but its true. I'm sure you remember I always wear boots like that to outdoor stadiums." "Here, let's try this on!" said Melissa as she re-entered the room. "It's mine, but I think it'll fit because I bought it big to wear over a jacket!" Melissa gathered and pulled back his hair, slipped a jersey over his head, adjusted it and fussed with his hair a bit as he watched without moving. "Now that's a perfect touch," said Shawn as she entered the room. "Is he ready, because we gotta go, like now." Aimee quickly stuffed a number of things into a purse as Tony stood there motionless. He was now staring at the fact that he was wearing a white and pink authentic Giants jersey, like the ones the girls typically wear to the games. Aimee quickly handed him the purse and kissed him gently as they walked down the stairs. "Have fun and enjoy yourself, because I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom when you get back!" whispered Aimee as she took a quick nibble as she handed him off to Shawn and closed the front door. "Have fun with Shawn! I think it's a great experience for you to be at the game as a girl, and especially with a lesbian. Try to enjoy being a cutest girl at the game." Immediately, Shawn held open the car door to her hocked up SUV and took Tony's hand as he stepped up and in. Shawn quickly ran around to the other side, jumped in and they were on there way. She was wearing jeans, construction boots, a Giants hat, and a flannel jacket and looked more like a tough laborer than your average lesbian from the city. As they drove there, Shawn was mostly talking on her cell phone as not much was said to a nervous yet excited Tony. "So, this is going to be a great game!" said Shawn as she pulled into the parking lot. "I'm glad you decided to come out with me. Our tailgate party is just over there. Sorry one sec ok, since I have to answer this call. Hello." "Tailgate party?" said Tony, questioning her but she was now on the phone again. "Hey, what's up Jerry. Yes I'll be there in a few minutes. We are just a little behind," said Shawn as she was on the phone. "No, don't be a jerk! I'm bringing a new girl. She's very nice and let's leave it at that asshole. Goodbye." "Everything, ok?" said Tony. "Yes, sorry. It's a great tailgate party and you'll enjoy it!" said Shawn as she parked the car and stepped out. "I've been going to the same one forever." "Ok, cool," said Tony as Shawn came around and opened his door. Shawn took his hand as she helped him out, and suddenly slipped her fingers between his, holding hands. Surprised, Tony looked up at her as she smiled. "Sorry, I just love holding hands and Aimee approved of this date, so I figured you'd be more comfortable walking and holding hands with all the guys around," said Shawn, smiling. "I expected a game. and not a date," said Tony as he took away his fingers. "I'm really not." "Suit yourself, but I figured you'd be more comfortable with me than with everyone thinking you are a single girl!" said Shawn as she walked ahead. "But no problem!" Tony followed behind her as they entered the huge group of people at the tailgate party. which consisted of mostly older men. Quickly. Shawn began socializing and ignoring Tony as she was clearly insulted. before a few drunken guys started hitting on Tony. "So. you're new here," said one guy. "Damn. I love Giants fans in pink." "So. I don't see a ring sexy. Are you married? What's your name?" said another as Tony was navigating the crowd. "Have a drink with me?" Tony certainly understood what a bunch of drunks at a game were like as he had been one of them from time to time. but realizing it was not much fun being on the other side as he ignored some cat calls. He knew the guys in the crowd were purposely rubbing against him and attempting to cop a feel as he squeezed through. He felt someone actually pinch has ass fairly hard. making him screech slightly, but made sure not to turn back and kept walking as he could hear some of the guys laughing. "Hey blondie," said a huge drunken guy who grabbed his arm firmly. "I've been waiting for you all morning. Have a beer with me." "Sorry, I'm here with someone!" Tony replied as he quickly realized it was better to be looked at Shawn's date. Tony pushed through the rest of the crowd and took Shawn's hand as she handed him a beer and smiled. He quickly figured out Shawn was right and was more comfortable being viewed as a lesbian than a single girl at a football stadium. "Ah, there you are honey," said Shawn as she squeezed her fingers between his. "I was looking for you. Everyone, this is Antonia!" "Hi," said Tony meekly as he waived and sipped his beer. "Wow, Shawn you are really stepping up in the world," said one of her friends, John, as he poked some fun at Shawn. "Honey, you are too cute for her. Her girlfriends usually don't look like you." "Well, thank you," said Tony as he downed his beer. "Heads up!"! yelled someone in the crowd as an overthrown football sailed right at Tony's head. Instinctively, he reached up and blocked it with one hand and spilled his beer on Shawn as everyone cracked up laughing as Shawn was drenched. "Sorry, honey!" said Tony as he actually had to laugh a bit with everyone as he felt some pain in his left pinky finger as he flipped the ball to the kid who overthrew it. Looking down, he realized he broke a nail and it slightly cut his finger, which he realized was more painful then he imagined as he examined it. "Good for you, butter fingers," said Sawn as she was laughing as she dried herself off. "Maybe next time you'll learn to let the pass go and save the beer and your expensive manicure." Shawn then shockingly put Tony's finger in her mouth and cleaned off the blood as she whispered in his ear. "You have five second nail glue in your purse. Take it out and I'll give it a quick fix before we go in." Like an expert, Shawn immediately glued Tony's nail back on and took his hand as they walked into the stadium. This kind of surprised Tony as he figured she wasn't much of a girl and probably didn't know how to do things like that. They sat down in Shawn's seat and Tony was amazed as the seats were simple incredible. As the game started, Shawn ordered them more beer and some snacks as they were enjoying the game. When the second quarter started, Shawn was finally done eating and before Tony knew it, Shawn had her now free arm on the back of his chair and around him. He felt her twisting his hair playfully and then rubbing the neck softly as Tony was concentrating on the game. As the fourth quarter was getting ready to start, they were standing and cheering as the cameras were panning the crowd and showing excited fans on the scoreboard. "Holy shit, look up!" yelled Shawn in his ear as she shook him. As Tony looked up, he saw himself on the Jumbo screen with today's fan of the game frame as the crowd whistled for him as Shawn nudged him to wave and smile. Suddenly she grabbed him, forcefully dipped him, and surprisingly kissed him as the crowd went crazy before the scoreboard cut back to the field as the game was about to resume. "Now that was worth having a beer spilled on me," said Shawn, smiling from ear to ear as everyone around her was high fiving her. "I've always wanted to get on that scoreboard. I'm going to have to bring you more often!" As they left the game, Shawn put her arm around him as they walked to the car. Tony was noticeably embarrassed as they walked through the parking lot, as a few people recognized him from the scoreboard and yelled to him. "Did you have to embarrass me in front of 75,000 people?" said Tony as he was almost tearing up. "You know I'm not a girl, and now the whole stadium thinks I'm some little fucking blonde princess!" "I'm sorry, that was just so hot. I couldn't resist it," said Shawn, feeling bad as she whiped away a tear from his face. "Look at me Tony. I'm used to dating girls that would die to be as pretty as you. You may not have been born a girl, but I think you were meant to be one! You're just that beautiful, honestly!" "Thank you, I guess?" said Tony as he calmed down. "But I'm not one!" "I know honey. And now there's only you and me. And no matter what you think, I'll all woman. Let me show you," Shawn then reached across and kissed him passionately as she put her hand directly between his legs and rubbed feverishly. They kissed for ten minutes before coming up for air as Shawn started the car and began to drive away as Tony sat back, confused but surprisingly excited and fulfilled. "Aimee is a lucky girl, Toni," said Shawn. "Thank you and so is Melissa!" said Tony as this time he put his hand in hers, finally relaxed. "And I'm glad they are willing to share," said Shawn, as she cracked them both up. "Why are we stopping here now, Shawn?" said Tony as her truck pulled into the parking lot of a sports bar. "This is where I always watch the 4:00 game!" said Shawn as she stepped out of the car and opened Tony's door. "I figured you rather watch football then go back and do girly things."

Same as Ainee's Makovers 5 Videos

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Family LettersChapter 79

Dear Willow and family, I know that I can't do everything. The question always is: Have I done enough? Have I expended all my effort on something that will help. Or am I just standing in the way? One thing I know is that I don't want to stand in the way. With that in mind I've been looking over the specifications of the armor you described. You or someone sent me a bookmark in the archives so that I didn't have to search for it. That was especially helpful as having to find something is...

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GirlsWay Chanell Heart Gianna Dior A Thing For Bad Girls

Chanell Heart is in her living room talking on her cellphone. ‘Yeah, my last date was a bust… I’m just so frustrated! What does it take to get a girlfriend around here?? …Yeah, okay, I KNOW I always go for the bad girls when I SHOULD be looking for GOOD girls, but, seriously, how can I resist??’ Chanell hears a nearby door open and then tells her friend she has to go and hangs up. Suddenly, a young woman, Gianna Dior, hurriedly walks in wearing baggy clothes, and a...

2 years ago
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Sex Energy Transmutation

Hello guys, I’m Santosh (name changed) after long time I am posting this sex story which recently happened after my past 2 experiences. This story is very different from my past sex stories, through my common friend I met one woman from Hyderabad, she is a cosmic healer her name Divya (name changed), we met in sujana fourm mall, kukatpally. We discussed about our professions and I was excited about her cosmic healings, so I asked for her number and she gave it without 2nd thought. I was also...

3 years ago
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Had Sex With My Mom Before Going Abroad

Hello, everyone. Be patient it is a long story but you will enjoy a lot. I am posting my first story which happened last year when I was going to migrate to canada for higher studies. My name is Gavy and I am a skinny guy having a nice cock size which is 7 inch and my mom is a housewife she has amazing figure 38-28-40. Actually we were living in dubai for 12 years and my was addicted to gym that is why her body was really awesome.We moved to india delhi and my father was still in Dubai. Lets...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Rubberdoll Part I

Becoming a Rubberdoll Part I By: Chloe Latex 69 This story is a work of fiction. I have always fantasized about becoming a woman and in real life that is what I am working on right now. I have also fantasized about being a rubberdoll. That might happen in real life for me as well, but my story will be fun! I plan on publishing this story on some erotica sites like BDSM Library and Fictionmania. If anyone could offer any criticism both positive and negative I would kindly appreciate...

2 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 15 Reunion

Tristan sat in the Captain's ready room, gazing out of the view port at the large planet sized moon. He lent back in the chair, legs resting on a low table. His fingers drummed on the broad arm of the chair belying his relaxed demeanour. The meeting should have started half an hour ago. He resisted the temptation to go and find the reason for the delay. He knew he would be informed as soon as something were known. His heart missed a beat as the door buzzer sounded. He sat up quickly and...

2 years ago
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Paying off a beggar

(This story is entirely fictitious)I was 16. The story is set in India.Just like every other day, i had gone to a public park for a jog. Since it was india, the park had many homeless people. while jogging, I noticed a hot girl in rags, who seemed to be almost as old as me. She was searching for food in the dumpsters when I noticed her, and the wildest of fantasies popped up in my head.... would she let me bang her for money...?I crossed her and continued my jog with the fantasy in my mind....

2 years ago
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Boss Ki Zamin Kharidne Ke Liye Mera Gangbang 8211 Part 2

To mere iss incident ka agla bhag aage iss tarah hai. Thodi der baad Nagji ne apna lund meri pussy mein se nikala aur sofa pe baith kar lund hilate hilate daru pi ne laga. Woh bola, “Amarsinh, Babu. Jo isse chodna chahta hai chodo. Main thodi daru pita hu.” Babu bola, “Main bhi thodi pi leta hu. Amarsinh, tu mar le iski chut.” Amarsinh mere samne aya apna bada mota lund hilate. Haste hue aur mere gaal pakad ke chumne ka ishara karte hue bola, “Janeman, chaal let ja bistar pe. Tange fela kar....

1 year ago
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Nothing’s hotter than a squealing JAV slut getting dicked down in HD. Well, unless I had her right there in front of me. But that just isn’t realistic for most of you sex-starved betas. So, you’ll have to settle for the next best thing. Well, I went out looking for the best of the best. I know you weebs don’t want old videos shot in 480p that you can’t even download to your massive spank bank of Asian whores. So I rolled up my sleeves and went digging for the best damn JAV site that I could...

Asian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Its an Ill Wind

Another sexy little story I wrote as a turn on for my wife.IT'S AN ILL WIND There's an old saying “It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good,” well this ill wind certainly blew me plenty of good. I recently moved into a small sheltered accommodation complex in North Wales which was made up of a small estate of bungalows, some of which backed onto a field leading down the Menai Straits and mine was that did so it was perfect for me to pursue my hobby of fishing. My neighbours were a mixed...

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