From Master To Maid Pt2 free porn video

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"Stevie, dear," Daphne explained. "One of our rules here is that anyone on this platform longer than five minutes must be spanked. You've run out your time likea naughty girl and now must be punished!" "But I didn't know!" I protested. "The rules are clearly written on the paddle here." She showed me. "And you don't want to break any of the rules--do you Honey? Now be a good sport." Encouragement came from the crowd that gathered about the platform. Fear gripped me. I was certainly in no position to argue! Feminized and scantily-dressed as I was, I must have seemed a tempting target to the crowd and I definitely didn't want to give then any excuse for further action! So, the very picture of meekness, I allowed Daphne to pose me for a spanking, in front of at least fifty people. "Turn to the audience and bow, dear. Now just stay bent over like that. Hold your head up and let everyone see that pretty face. Bend your knees slightly... that's right. Now, be a nice girl and reach behind you and hold up the back of your naughty slit skirt. Don't you dare drop it!" She walked behind me. 'Now ask me very nicely for a spanking, dear, and loud enough so everyone can hear you!" "Please, Daphne, would you...uh... spank me, please?" "I may," she mused, "Where do you want me to paddle?" "Uh,... right on the bottom, please." "Where?" "Ahhh,... right on my pantied bottom, please." "Excellent, but honey, would you like me to take down your fancy panties?" "Oh no! I-I mean, please...please don't... Uhh, can't I have a g- good spanking just... uh, with my panties on? Please?" "Just your panties, dear? You mean that you want us to strip you down to your little black panties? What a naughty girl!" "Oh! Please no! Not that!" The spectators were really enjoying this humiliation! Waves of giggles and laughter answered each question. "Okay, young lady, you must really love those clothes, even if they are a bit risqu? for such a proper young lady. Are you really fond of this 'maid' business?" "Oh yes! I'd hate removing these things. Please let me keep then on! Please!" "Let you keep what things on, young lady?" "Oh please, let me keep my lace apron and little cap on. And please, can I. keep my black dress on and my high heels and stockings, and my..." "If you want to look like a maid so much, I'll insist that you act the part. Otherwise, those things come off right now! "Yes. All right. Anything." "WHAT?" "Mistress, please -uh- please spank my pantied bottom and let me act as your maid." Heavy sarcasm dripped from her voice. "Since you ask so sweetly, dear, how can I refuse?" Three vigorous swats cracked against my swaying bottom. For the second time this evening, I was being spanked! Pain shot through my tender buns as she applied the paddle to my reddening, pantied ass. Then, mercifully quick, it was over. Everyone applauded. A few shouted "Good Sport!" "Now thank me, Steven," Daphne commanded. I curtsied. "Thank you, Mistress, for spanking my naughty bottom and for letting me keep all my wonderful clothes so that I can be your maid. What can I do for you?" The words were hard to say, but this looked like my best way out. "Very good. Now come help me in the kitchen." Obediently, I. followed. This looked even better. If I could just slip out a kitchen door... Freedom! The right moment was a long time coming, however. Daphne immediately gave me a tray of cocktails and canap?s and had me circulate among the guests, serving and smiling like the good maid I was to be. Twice I had to go back for refills. Finally, I returned to the kitchen when Daphne was away. My chance at last! I only knew that I had to be quick and hope that no one, especially Daphne, learned of my escape until I was safely behind the wheel of my Porsche on my way back into town! If they caught me I'm, sure I'd be dragged up on the platform and horrible humiliations forced on me. The thought of being stripped and bound before the crowd as David was brought a chill fever to scantily-clad body! As I scampered to the door, however, I made a terrible discovery; my Key Charm Bracelet was gone. My keys! I must have lost it out in the Ballroom, probably when I was bent over for my spanking like a school girl. Now how could I ever get home? My stomach fell at the thought. Suddenly I heard Toni behind me. "Well Stevie, did you enjoy your chat with Therese?" I whirled. She was lounging in a corner, holding a drink. Then I saw that she was wearing my bracelet! "You know," she was saying, "a name like 'Steve' sounds so inappropriate for you, now that you're a maid and all. What a macho name, for a little girl in black panties! A name like 'Eve' would suit you much better, even if you're stil not dressed for the part. Although I really thought Daphne was going to give you your chance! Wouldn't that be fun, having to do a little strip-tease for all of us?" "That...that bracelet," I gasped. "Where did you get it?" "This little thing? I found it lying around out there,underneath the platform if you must know. Like it?" "It's mine. Give it back!" She arched an eyebrow. "That's no tone of voice for a maid, dearie. But since you're also my date for the evening, I guess I must give you some consideration." "Please, please give it back!" "Well, let's see," she mused, "if you were to kiss and lick my nice sexy ass for about an hour, I might give it to you as a sort of thank-you gift. But I can see that you don't want to do that, so I'll give you a chance to win it back. But be warned: if I were you, I'd just get down here and enjoy it!" "A chance to win it back? What do you mean?" "Follow me." Turning imperiously, she led me out across the ballroom and up a winding stairway. More revelry could be heard up here, but it was more subdued. "Many women have a gambling fetish," Toni said as we entered large carpeted room. "And it's quite common here to gamble for sexual favors." We approached a group of women near a card table and Toni raised her voice. "Break out the cards, Girls! Stevie here seems interested in an item of my clothing and I'm fond of his dress! It is a rather darling number wouldn't you say?" She turned to memockingly and called out, "Strip Poker, baby!" I had her now. "Right!" I snapped. A man like me, with lots of time and money on his hands, naturally turns to cards and I fancied myself an expert. Seated at the table, we cut for deal. I won. 'Five card. draw," I said, "No limit and anything opens." "Fine," Toni smiled, removing her belt and placing it on the table as I dealt. "Ante up." I removed my apron and put it on the table, then looked at my cards. Jeeze! Two jacks, two kings and a deuce of hearts! I decided that things couldn't be better and I'd be a fool not to press my advantage. "All right," I said, "Let 's cut out the fat. I want that bracelet and I'm willing to bet any part or all of my costume against it!" "Hmm, rather bold," Toni looked at her cards, "That's very tempting!" She laid the bracelet on the table. "Start with the dress and the stockings." "Okay, I call you." "Oh no, dear. You're not even through betting. The stakes go on the table before any cards get shown!" The onlookers assented. "You mean to denude me whether I win or not. Is that your game?" I flashed angrily. "Your game, dearie," Toni replied. "You agreed to this and you'd best follow the rules, Missie Stud-Card player! Besides, I don't want all your little frilly clothing, just the dress and the stockings. You can keep your dainty little panties on, they don't really interest me at all." I stood up and in angry silence began the unfamiliar process of removing a dress. No one offered to help as I fumbled at the skin tight back, undoing snaps and zippers. The thing would not go down over my hips (I tried, to the giggling amusement of all) and I had to wrestle it over my head. How embarrassing! My costume had no bra or slip, and the petis wer swen to the dress, so there I stood in tight panties, heels and stockings...with a silly maid's cap on my head! "What a cute little bottom dearie has... W0000! Just you look at those panties-- they look so tight that, well how can the little maid bend over to dust or sweep? Mmmmy... the little dear has been clean shaven everywhere... everywhere?" As the crowd whistled, I stepped out of my heels, unsnapped the satin ribboned garters and roiled off my sheer black stockings, then squeezed back into my shoes. I felt totally humiliated, a ridiculous picture of false femininity, standing in my panties beneath the tittering coments of the crowd. "Let's get this over with," I snapped, turning over my cards, "Kings and Jacks!" "A good hand," Toni smiled as she turned over her cards. "But it doesn't beat four mean Queens!" My stomach dropped out as I gaped at her hand. How could she pull that off? She'd won my dress! Now I didn't even dare to walk home! I stammered a protest as Toni calmly folded my party clothes into a bag, saying, "This will make a nice outfit for my overnight guests! But it's getting late and I should be going. Nice meeting you, Stevie, and we just must do this again sometime--but next time, honey, wear pink panties, OK? Why, what's the matter, Hon?" "Play me another hand. Please!" I begged. "I still have some clothes to bet!" I was desperate, if 1 lost again, my full nudity would be visible to the entire party, how would I even make it out of that scene alive? "Yes, you do, dear, but as I told you, those clothes don't interest me. I have more than enough panties! Sorry." "Please," I begged, "I'll do anything, really, anything.... Just give me another chance." "Mmmmm...." she reflected, "Anything? Well, you certainly do beg effectively ! Why don't you get down on your knees and kiss my heels as you ask me again to 'give you another chance!'" As the crowd laughed I bent down on my bare knees, forcing my pantied bottom high in the air as I kissed her patent leather heels. "Please, please let me have another chance, just one more hand!.I'll wager my panties and heels against-against anything!" "Well, I might consider another hand with different stakes. How's this: If you win, you wear whatever you want; if I win, you wear whatever I want!" To make the story short, I agreed...we dealt...I drew... I lost! Trembling in my panties and heels, I stood there, the center of attention as Toni savored her triumph. "Looks like my party! Inez, get that extra set from the back room! Little Miss Stud-card-player seems to have had a bad run of luck! Tsk! Tskl Tsk!" Inez hurried off as Toni turned to me. "OK, loser! Take off that ridiculous hat!" she ordered. Frightened and now totally humiliated, I obeyed. She put then in her bag as Inez returned, carrying something. Now Toni walked up to me and toyed with the waist band of my panties. "Why what darling little black panties! Do you like your cute little panties?" "Er-uh... Yes! Yes, I do." "Yes you do what?" "Ahh, yes- yes I do like to wear my black panties!" "Louder so everyone can hear, honey." "Yes, YES, I DO LIKE TO WEAR MY BLACK PANTIES!" The crowd burst into mocking laughter as I was made to repeat this humiliating sentence. But I was not through yet. Toni began to savor fully my sexual humiliation--after all it wasn't every day that a virile, popular, well-known Playboy appeared as a helpless young maid, stripped to her panties, begging for that last bit of modesty before her cruel mistress! Her fingers snuck into the waistband of my panties again. "What do you have in your cute little black panties, dearie?" The crowd snickered at this lewd question. I blushed red and mumbled, "Ahh, I have ahh, please, please don't make me show you what I..." "Poor dearie, poor little maiden, have we gotten you all upset with our dirty little questions? Maybe we should stop and let our little girl just scamper on home in her cute little panties!" "Please, please's just that I can't--I can't help it... please just let me keep my panties on!" Suddenly she shoved me against a nearby table. Grabbing my legs she swung than around so that I was helplessly face-up on the cold polished-wood surface. "Now stay there on the table; keep your head hanging over the edge." She forced my head down over the edge, the room began to swim before me in an upside down-view of the large party roan. My body felt cold and vulnerable. What were they going to do? A told chill flashed up my loins...what if they ripped off my panties and - and everyone saw... please no! Toni stepped up and her tight jean-covered crotch filled my view. She purposefully pressed her loins against my upside-down face almost smothering me in her! "There, that should keep you nice and quiet while we..." I felt something sticky pressed onto my bare chest. Minutes went by as bands deftly stroked my shoulders and chest, seemingly arranging and positioning something. What, I could not tell, and was only too afraid to guess. "It's done!" someone said finally. Toni stepped back. "Help her up, girls!" Hands pulled me upright and turned me towards a mirror. Suddenly the blood rushed from my head almost causing me to black out, yet somehow I could see a reflection in the mirror... of a woman, a real woman, with black panties, long shimmering hair... and... I had breasts! They had glued a set of life-like rubber and silicone boobs on me, as convincing as the ones Dave had on! The huge things swayed and jiggled enticingly with my every move. They must have been 38 or 40 D-cup titties! Since I was wearing only shoes, panties, and make- up, my bare breasts seemed to flaunt themselves mercilessly as I tried to hide them with my arms. My hands cupped the real-feeling forms and I got a terrible thrill asI rubbed the false nipples and felt a tingling vibration on my own nipples! I blushed once again as the crowd applauded. I felt faint and weak-kneed. "Please, let me out of here...please..." Then Daphne entered the room. "There you are, you naughty maid. And lost your clothes, I see. Well, never mind, I don't want to hear the sordid little story of yours. Return to your duties. I have some new guests whom you just must meet!" "Please...please," I begged, "Daphne, Toni... please don't make me go downstairs and wait on people like this!. Please take me home! I'll pay you;, look you can have my credit cards and buy all the clothes you want! I'll pay! Please!!" "Are you serious, Dear?" Toni asked. "You really don't want to go downstairs like this, do you? Well, I can't really blame you; there are some crazies down there who would just about eat you up alive, if you know what I mean! Haha ha! Well, perhaps I'll get you out of your maid job if you'll help me get my ass kissed... that's just about the best pleasure I can think of!" "Anything! I'll do anything! Please let me help you!" "Even if I decide to take you to my place? And keep you there awhile? I might have you tied up in the corner in corsets and spike heels all night! I might decide to teach you the demanding feminine arts of oral love! Or I might just be cross and decide to take out my frustrations on your tender white bottom!" "Anything, anything, just don't make me be a maid for everyone! I feel so naked, so humiliated and helpless! I don't want to be raped... I don't want to be hurt anymore! Please!" "Oh, very well, you really are quite the sissy now aren't you?" "Oh thank you, Toni, Thank you! Yes, yes I am a sissy! A sissy in black panties!" "Okay, a bargain than. Now you're going to put something else on that will help get me pleasured, is that all right with young miss Sissy?" "Oh yes, Oh yes, Mistress. Whatever you say. Wearing anything, anything at all again just thrills me! Oh thank you Mistress!" With a cryptic smile, Toni rolled two strong rollers tightly into my hair in the back, pining them in place and combing the hair down to hide them. Then she passed a long black leather cord through the rollers. At her command, I put my hands behind my back. She tied the ends of the cord to my thumbs and began tying the knots in the center of the cord, between the rollers, shortening it, pulling my hands up behind me! "Oh!" I gasped as she pulled, twisting my arms up into my shoulder blades and pulling my head back, back, until I could only stare straight upwards. This cruel bondage forced me to thrust out my hips and pelvis, creating a lewd sluttish pose. I could only blush at what I must look like: false breasts bare and jiggling, my poor manhood confined in that tiny latex device and hidden in my scanty panties thrusting my groin forward in a pathetic attempt to keep my balance. "Bend at the waist and see yourself in the mirror, honey," Toni ordered. I did... the sight of me as a woman, topless, helpless and now in bondage--just like the girls in Nick's magazines!--made me blush furiously. Then, to my shock, Toni waved a gleaming pair of scissors before my face. "These scissors are very sharp my dear, sharp enough to cut something very very naughty off! what could that be?" I visibly sobbed and trembled.. "Oh no! Not that! You can't; you just can't... it' s... it's...." "Don't be such a cry-baby!" She slapped me hard across the bottom and quickly snipped off my panties! Imagine! A man of wealth and influence like myself, now totally feminized, whimpering and begging, bound bare-breasted and now bare- assed, wearing only high heels and the tiny flesh-tone latex device that hid the only evidence of my real sex. "Toni," I cried, "this is too much! What are you going to do to me? I can't stand it anymore! Please, I can't, I can't, I ca--!" 'Shut up! I thought you'd make a very pretty Eve and I was right. That ' s your new name--Eve! Ooo look, I. snipped off your pretty black panties!" She waved them in my face. "Now what should we do with them? Let's see..." She began to rub the silken panties across my face, eyes, throat and titties. It was too much, too perverse... too humiliating... too shocking...I began to whimper and sob, out of control. "Yes, that's your new name--Eve," she cooed, "And you're certainly dressed for it!" I looked in the mirror as laughter rocked the room once again. In the bent-over posture that Toni made me assume, my red bottom jutted out temptingly. The bondage of my thumbs, forced me to arch my back, displaying my boobs just as prominently. I could have wept with shame! Next, the cruel girls delighted in making jokes! At a time like this I was nothing more than their sexual plaything. Someone pulled the leaves off a Philodendron and glued than to the front of my latex modesty-device for a foolish fig-leaf effect. "There now at least she's modest, won't get any Adams too excited now will she?" Then another of the girls thought up a devilish use for the cut panties. "They'd make a delightful blindfold. Here Eve, you mustn't be so nosy, let me tie your panties around your head, there... can you see anything at all? Hahaha!" The black lace panties formed a perfect blindfold, cutting off all but a dim haze from view. One girl grabbed my elbows and began spinning me around on my heels. "Around and around she goes and where she stops no one knows!" As I frantically tried to keep from falling I felt a blunt rubber or plastic form bumping into my bare bottom. What was it? I would find out all too soon... "Okay, girls, straighten the poor thing up. Okay, Evie, eyes blindfolded? Mouth open!" "Wha... ?" Before I could say another word a large rubber dildo was placed against my lips! I shrieked and tried to spit it out. "No, no! I won't do it, I won't...Please, don't make me suck it!" "Shut up Sissy! You're nothing but a nude Eve and if we want you to suck it, you Will!" With that a loud SLAP shuddered my bare bottom as Toni began mercilessly spanking me with her leather riding quirt! "Please, Oh, OH, it's OH!, it HURTS, PLEASE STOP, I"LL DO IT! PLEASE STOP, I"LL SUCK IT!" They finally stopped whipping my tender bottom and once again I felt the warm bulbous dildo against my lips. I slowly opened my mouth as the huge rubber cock was inserted fully inside. "Here, now Eve, just suck on this, doesn't that taste just so yummy? An ex-male like you should have something like this to remind him of his former status. It's so big and manly, why I wonder if Steve was this big? Hahaha!" "Would you like to get out of here, Eve darling?" Toni asked. With the choking dildo in my mouth, I could only nod vigorously... Toni slipped a dog collar around my neck and snapped a short leash to it. "Very well, little one, follow me." Kindly she untied my pantie-blindfold and instead fashioned me a black pantie-collar! I followed. I had no choice, really, as she pulled the short leash firmly, keeping it at waist level, forcing me to stay bent over and hobbling. My ass swayed wildly as I walked in the high heels this way. I'm sure the red welts of my previous spanking mist still be visible. Where was I going? To my dismay, she led me dawn themain staircase and into the Ballroom! I tried to protest but all that came forth was a pathetic series of mumbles--it seems a large dildo also functions perfectly as a gag! Such a clever mistress! Once again I blushed at the sight that I must be, wobbling on my heels, nude except for my tiny rubber modesty device, with the obscene dildo sticking out of my red-lipsticked mouth! Daphne swept up to us. "Here are the special guests I told you about. Girls, this is Eve! Eve, meet Inga and Kiki!" INGA AND KIKI? Here? Seeing me like this? I almost choked as I tried to spit out the rubber cock out--to no avail. They stood arm in arm. Kiki laughing loudly as Inga surveyed me with cool calculation. Then I noticed, through my terror, what they were wearing: two of my best tweed suits! "Envious of our clothes, Eve dear?" asked Inga. "But of course you are! These fit us veil with only minor alteration, but ve had to send out ze rest for major work. Und naturally all ze shoes, sox, underwear, and other things had to go to ze Salvation Armee. Darling, you are zust darling in your heelz! Und.vhat is dis? Das cock? Hahaha!" Seeing my distressed look, Kiki broke in. "Don't be so upset, Eve. I filled the closet with all kinds of wild and kinky things so you'll be able to entertain quests when you come back to work for us--won't that be a change, dearie, working for us?" "If I let her," Toni said, "and right now, she's promised to do me a very big favor. Haven't you Eve?" I nodded as best I could, grimacing around the dildo. "Oh Toni!" Kiki laughed. "You and your sexy buns! Is that what she's going to do? You little devil, you, we should have known..." "Not quite. Come and watch." Toni led me to the center of the room, helping me up onto the platform where Dave still stood, ass red, his panties now in shreds. "I told you I'm no sadist, Eve," Toni said. "And I just couldn't force you to ass-lick me like I'm sure you'd just enjoy doing. But Therese here is wonderful at it! I trained her myself. You love ass-licking me don't you Therese?" "Oh yes, Mistress Toni! I would love to kiss and lick your lovely rear! Please Madam, can I, please can I?" "Anxious little minx, isn't she?" "It would mean leaving your post here, Darling," Toni teased. "And if you were really good, I might dress you up in a sexy little maid's uniform I have and take you to my place. Aren't you afraid the guests might miss you?" "I-I guess you're right, Mistress Toni." He bowed his head, the long black hair sweeping over bare shoulders and across the realistic breasts. "Don't be so disappointed, dear. I have a splendid plan. Eve will stand here in your place! Yes! I think everyone's ready for a change of scenery and Eve has already promised me a very special favor. Haven't you, Eve dear?" My eyes went wide with shock, but I could say nothing, sucking on the realistic dildo. Swiftly, Toni unfastened Dave's collar and secured my leash to the post. I couldn't move from the platform! Toni fixed the leash so that I was forced to stay bent over, "for everyone's convenience!" I stood there in my high heels and fig-leaves, arms pinioned at my shoulders, huge boobs bouncing and ass raised invitingly. I felt so open and vulnerable, especially my smooth, pink and red bottom! Even with my head forced back as it was, I could see no higher than Toni' s hips. She was standing quite close, with her back to me, talking with Daphne. Now and then her rear, her beautiful creamy, pantied rear would brush lightly against my nose, filling me with mixed emotions of fear and lust! The perfumed satin ruffles of her panties tickling my nose... Finally, Toni turned to me "Well, Eve, see you later. The party's just getting started and Daphne says she won't mind breaking you in if I decide to keep Therese for a while. Whatever I decide, you'll find out one way or another." She turned to Dave. "Therese, I think it would be so sweet of you to give Eve here a good-bye kiss, and wish her luck!" Without hesitating, Therese stooped, drew the wet and shiny dildo from my lips and planted a long, deep kiss on my red lips! "These Lezzies are shameless!" Someone laughed. "We must get than to do tricks together for us!" another agreed, "After all they seem to be getting a lot of practice on their dildo-toys! What cute little dolls...hahaha!" "Later, Girls," Toni said as she quickly re-inserted the rubber cock into my gasping mouth and turned her back to me again. "Line up now, everyone! While Therese here takes care of my ass, you can take care of Eve's!" And she walked off with Dave in tow, shredded panties hanging loosely around his hips. Behind me, I heard a swish and a fearsome crack! Something hot burst over my bottom. The first of many. The force of the slap made me sway in my tall, tight, gleaming heels. The green rubbery leaves tickled the insides of my thighs. I could feel my breasts, my shamefully naked and swaying breasts, bounce with the shock. My arms began to ache in the uncomfortable thumbs-and-roller bondage. Chills ran over my naked flesh. And then slowly I could feel my manhood stiffen and try painfully to erect deep within the confining rubber modesty belt. I swooned as the warm bite of the paddle once more rocked my reddened bottom, forcing me to bite down on the thick phallus between my gasping lips! I arched my back even further, pushing my ass up higher and higher to meet the raining blows, swinging my titties harder and harder. Beads of perspiration began to flow down my neck and bosom as I strained to stay upright on my tottering heels. The cruel rubber squeezed my cock and bit into my tender thighs. Again and again I felt the sting of the paddle. Again and again I felt my bottom rock and sway as the warmth enveloped my groin. I began to rock suggestively back and forth on my heels, grinding my crotch against some invisible goal. "Look, everyone, Eve loves it! She's really getting into it, the little slut!" My eyes had narrowed to slits as I. began to furiously suck on the now familiar warm dildo. Someone, someone dressed all in black leather grasped the protruding end of the rubber cock and began to guide it in and out of my wet and sucking lips. "That's right, little Eve, let it come all the way out and then suck it all the way in, just like a little maid, just like a very sexy little maid!" I heard a familiar voice, "I haf vaited a long time for zis!" The line stretched far behind her. ThEnd!

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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Chapter Ten Ms Rebecca Gets Help Preparing Daisy to Meet Her Master

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Ten - Ms. Rebecca Gets Help Preparing Daisy for Her Master Ms. Stephanie brings her sissy Prissy to Ms. Rebecca's home and they contribute to the preparation of Daisy to meet her Master that later that night. While Prissy is left to complete some of the necessary preparation, Ms. Rebecca and Ms. Stephanie retire to Ms. Rebecca's bed from some fun. "Prissy, introduce yourself to your new sister sissy, Daisy," the woman with Ms. Rebecca...

2 years ago
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Maid and Master After Hours

Maid and Master: After Hours Lara drew shaky breath through a bright red ball gag as she teetered precariously atop a wooden sawhorse. A rope and pulley system ensured that she did not fall off. A cat o' nine tails blossomed from her anus and twitched ever so often as her rectum dealt with its invasive presence. Maria watched patiently as her slave squirmed, absently stroking the six inch dark brown phallus protruding from the zippered opening in the front of her black latex...

3 years ago
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From Master to Maid pt1

FROM MASTER TO MAID The Story of Steve. by Steven VanRoc The expensive depilatory had removed every trace of my beard and body hair without unduly irritating my sensitive skin, and now I finished rubbing on a luxuriously soothing ointment that left me silky soft and gently perfumed all over. I posed, seductively nude, before the floor-to- ceiling mirror and admired my expertly styled blonde...

1 year ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt2

What a night I thought. I’m pretty sure I had more sex last night than I have had all year. As I crawled out of bed I noticed Emily still passed out sprawled across the bed. I decided to head into work early so I could go for a run. I threw on some sweats and a T-shirt, packed my bag, and headed out of the house. I haven’t gone for a morning run in ages. It was a beautiful morning, and with the night I had last night, I was looking forward to clearing my head a bit. There is a great trail...

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My master and his slavept2

It all started in the kitchen. He grabbed me from behind slide his hand down my body and back up. He grabbed my tits and played with them. He started kissing and sucking on my neck. He said slave do you want this I side with pleaser. I grabbed the back of his head and kissed his lips softly. I smiled at him. He grabbed a hand full of my hair and pulled my head over to one side. He went back to kissing my neck. He slide one hand down my body again hitting all the right spots. Making me so wet...

2 years ago
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Black Daddy Cock Master Pt2

I was instantly embarrassed, terrified, uncomfortable and stammered quietly, “You can’t be here, my wife is home.” I hear Rachael right behind me say “Yes your wife is at home and who is he?” Black Daddy Cock Master informed her we’re friends and he hadn’t seen me in awhile. A few minutes later we’re sitting in the living room fresh beers in hand and Rachael asked me if I was going to introduce them. And the dumbass that I am, without thinking I said Rachael this is Black Daddy Coc and stopped,...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Maid Marion Pt2

  Once again comments and suggestions welcome.       Marion road out from her family hall towards Sherwood hoping to catch a glimpse of this notorious bandit they called Robin Hood. Anna her handmaid accompanied her as Marion got close to the woods her called " Careful milady lest the bandits snatch you away". Marion heard but ignored the warning riding forwards into the edge of the forest she knew this area well she had oft played here whilst her father had ridden further in to hunt deer...

2 years ago
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House Maid PT2

“I want you to come over to the office today. We need to talk about a few things, okay bud” he told his son Chad. Chad was happy to have a chance to sit down with his dad even if it meant meeting him at his office. Chad’s father, only 55 years of age, and few years older then Chad’s mother was a spry middle aged man. But he was more then ready to take an early retirement even though he was only 55 years old. “You mom already knows this, okay?” he told Chad. “I’ve banked all of it and its all in...

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House Maid PT2

“I want you to come over to the office today. We need to talk about a few things, okay bud” he told his son Chad. Chad was happy to have a chance to sit down with his dad even if it meant meeting him at his office. Chad’s father, only 55 years of age, and few years older then Chad’s mother was a spry middle aged man. But he was more then ready to take an early retirement even though he was only 55 years old. “You mom already knows this, okay?” he told Chad. “I’ve banked all of it and its all in...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Maiden Maid Ch 3 First Spanking and Masturbating the Master

Chapter 3-First Spanking and Learning to Masturbate the Master The next couple of days found Sara running into Michael more then pure coincidence. When she was bent over, cleaning, she would look up and there was Michael, watching her. When she was scrubbing the kitchen floor, he came in, sat down at the kitchen table and ate a sandwich, all the while watching as she scrubbed the floor on her hands and knees, her ass pushed up. A few times he suddenly came around corners in the house, bumping...

3 years ago
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A Master A Maid pt 1

The clock read 6:15. I stand in front of the mirror to freshen up because Sir always likes me to look my best for him when he comes home. I apply a coat of mascara, swipe a gloss over my lips and give my brunette curls one last shake, before spritzing a light perfume on my pulse points and heading downstairs into the kitchen. Dinner was almost ready. I am twenty-two and fresh out of college. It was there that I met Sir. He was my professor and I was his best student. When we met it was unlike...

2 years ago
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431 After the passing pt2

431 After the passing pt2He stared hard at the images, flipping the pages, checking each image carefully Ann of Hull, Sarah of Liverpool, and Tina of kings-Lynn all leered at him as he turned the readers wives pages. That took about two minutes as laughing he picked her easily, her face more youthful and smiling but recognisably her, he then looked at the clothed body, now beside him, markedly more robust, but to him still most attractive. She was flattered that he recognised her so easily. “Do...

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416 A SUNDAY SHOP GIRL REMEMBERS (PT2)(See 196 Sunday shop girl 1)Sadly, this is a very true story. It was sent to me by a lass that is now, a nurse in north America, where she moved to too escape these folk as soon as she was able Anne-Marrie (as we know from part 1) had been coached from an innocent young virgin to a used young lady, still a virgin technically but no longer the innocent, unable though because of the trap she had fallen into to tell anyone and wrapped in the shame of the web...

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410 Daves reassuring hand holding pt2

410 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt2They sat at the table she naked, he in PJ`s, coffee and a chip and egg meal, filling empty stomach`s, it was the Sunday evening and she had been sleeping all day after her overnight ordeal. He too had slept after masturbating a number of times watching the video and marvelling at her absorption of the pain she had endured. They were both wondering how to break the massive silence between them. In the end it was Gaye who spoke, “Well? Am I the biggest whore...

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MUM 1 PT2Well it has been 4 week sence life changed with my mum Jean on her birthday when we first moved into an i****tual relationship and most evening mum and I would email or skype each other the on skpe it would normally be with mum and I naked watching each other get off she would always know just when to talk filthy at me telling to shot my load in her slutty whore cunt or start pissing for me to watch and telling me she can't wait till I visit again so she can suck my cock or have me...

2 years ago
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Caught by Mom PT2

Caught by Mom PT2Following on from Caught by Mom- Just Fucked the Most Popular Girl in SchoolSuzy wasn’t in school today. The day after we lost out virginities and being caught by Mom. Although Mom enjoyed having me as a ‘companion’ in her bed last night and despite receiving a very nice blowjob, I’m desperate to get my hands on Suzy again. No Suzy at School! After a very long day at school I reluctantly wander home. Could I have misread Suzy’s intensions? Has she lost interest in me? Dragging...

4 years ago
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274 Visiting a Yorkshire lady. Pt2 They sat talking most of the afternoon, filling in the inevitable gaps while they had the time together reinforced by sandwiches and her home-made cake. She pealed spuds, and prepared vegetables, for the main meal of the day, as they sat surrounded by the smell of a steak and k**ney pudding in the oven. He fetched a bottle of wine from the car, a present for Sharon, and some beer for Mark and himself, while he was away Mary slipped away and returned in a...

3 years ago
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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

1 year ago
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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

2 years ago
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Rachel pt2

.Rachel pt2Just after the summer of fun with Liz and Mark my father got transferred to the other side of the country which really pissed me off . So with heavy heart we packed up and left within a week. I was so depressed I really loved Mark and Liz and was going to miss them so much, for awhile I thought I might never have such fantastic sex again I will always remember Mark hammering my pussy from behind as I would eat out Liz's cunt it was perfect. It took almost three days to get to our new...

4 years ago
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The boys in the group Pt2

The boys in the group Pt2: The meeting...My first time was with my best friend, later known as my boyfriend named Mark. It happened by chance one day after scuool, back at his parents house and he told me to keep it a secret afterwards. Mark even made me promise not to tell any of the other boys in the group, afraid that they might over react so I didn't.We all started hanging out together as a group again during my last year in highh scuool. After a long while of Mark and me doing things in...

2 years ago
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173 Visiting aunt Fiona pt2

173 Visiting aunt Fiona. pt2We left Fiona bound of tits, and cuffed of wrist, laid on the carpet of the living room, Amy beside her had just returned from a multi climax induced faint and the two men were sat naked waiting Amy`s full return Phil just having had a BJ from the cuckolded Rob. The three were glad of the respite, Fiona though found the tender tits a trial, purple like balloons tied and bound, as they had been for near 30 long minutes now, they were causing her some discomforts, the...

3 years ago
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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2 That was Saturday. Then came Sunday. Being dominated completely and being helpless for a 6’3” bull that has been a strength coach is a dream come true. If it is yours as well, Please read. I knocked on the door and she stood there looking at me with a mix of happiness and condescension on her face. She had on black yoga pants that hugged her muscular lower body. Her tanned abs were obvious below the sport bra that fought to control her large breasts. ...

1 year ago
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Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2

Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2 In part 1, I took my sexy nymph from the fancy restaurant where we met to the hotel where we enjoyed a very hot evening of sex!!! When I left off the story, we were just getting ready to shower and sit in the in room hot tub. This story picks up just a little while after the tub. I am relaxing she is drying her hair. Can you hear the hair dryer? [/Image]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sitting in my chair I smiled as I swirled the...

2 years ago
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College Visit with Not My Niece Pt2

The college visit with not my niece. Pt2 I hope that you are reading this because you enjoyed part 1 of the story. Ellie and I met a few weeks ago and have shared a few fantasies. I decided to write them down and share them as stories. I do not have permission from her to share her identity, but trust me, she is real and damn.. she is hot! +++++++++ We went back to the hotel by 9:00, washed and changed into jeans and shirts and then hit a club near the hotel I enjoyed the sights of all of...

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Black Mailedpt2

Charlie had positioned himself behind me and was rubbing his huge penis glans over my bung hole. I whimpered as his huge member probed my outer anal muscle ring till it parted and admitted his head to enter my neither region. I begged 'please, don't do me like this, please don't,' Charlie growled 'bitch, you just swallowed my cousins seed, I'm gonna breed this ass pussy, you ain't sucking me dry till I seed your ass.' Charlie pulled his penis back and slid more into me, I gripped the mattress...

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The Roommates Pt2

The roommates pt2When we arrived every light in the house was out. We figured that 2am was a little late for poor Mark and Josh. Mark snoring like a lumberjack and Josh playing soft music and burning inscents burning.Smiling we entered our bedroom and closed the door. The next morning Dash and I had ALOT to tell Mark and Josh, but wehesitated to tell them until we got a feel for what our to new roommates were into, we decided to start doing little things to gauge how comfortable they were with...

4 years ago
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Brad and His Cousin Josephpt2

I looked at Claude's crotch and saw that he was stroking a monster of a penis, Joseph grabbed my feet and Brad held my hands. Claude crawled over my butt and bust my sloppy bung hole wide open with his enormous penis. I cried out all to no avail, Claude grunted and slammed his penis up in my butt without mercy for all of 20 minutes. With a growl deep from with in, Claude erupted a flood of semen that flushed out from around the massive shaft that filled my anus. With each throb of his penis...

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Brad and I pt2

After Bra had left, I filled the tub with warm water and slid down into it. My butt hole was swollen and painful to the touch, the tissue had traces of blood. After I had bath, I dried off and went into my folks room to find something to soothe my aching bung hole. I found some petroleum jelly and smeared a generous amount in and around my tender puckering bung hole. A glance in the mirror told me that it was a bright reddish color and hurt like hell. It was late Wednesday as my folks and I...

3 years ago
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Curious Pt2

For a ... For a recap of the story so far read Curious pt1, and yes I know I have bad punctuation and grammar CURIOUS PT2 By Dake9872 8:05! The clock radio read. There we go! After pinching myself and slapping myself for five minutes it looked like I wasn't dreaming. I really was Brooke Morgan; I felt exactly what beautiful women felt like to touch, from the long hair and killer figure, to the boobs and clit. Hopefully Brooke wasn't me. I mean going to bed Esmeralda and waking...

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Scratch that Itch PT2

Trying to Scratch that Itch PT2 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first installment because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. "Don't take any longer than an hour you slut!" as she pokes her head out of the shower and gives me a wink. I blow her a kiss and close the door. I grab my purse and I wiggle out that door. I put my purse in the crook of my arm and have my elbow down and my wrist up and bent forward and my other...

4 years ago
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Epilogue For 8220Not Maid But Mermaid8221

Hello, I hope readers of ISS might have had exciting reading of my autobiography of how our maid Sudha Rani seduced me to give heavenly nights and then how I got two kids from her after setting a chota ghar. Now I want my readers to w know about Sudharani in her own words. One night while we were completely mated I asked about how come she is so beautiful and also an expert in sex while her parents are not so good looking and also not properly educated. Then she whispered her story in my ear as...

2 years ago
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Young Desi Maid Geeta And Her Master

Hi friends, this is Aryan Batra from Delhi. I am a huge fan of ISS since last 8 years. Today, I decided to narrate one of my real life experiences. Warning: This is my real story and I am trying to narrate it in as detailed as possible. So, this is going to be a long story, kindly bear with me. Let me introduce the characters first. Me – I am well-educated, 24 years old male. I am fair in colour, 5’8″ tall, gym fit guy with some adorable looks and 6″ inch tool. Geeta – My cleaning girl of...

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The Maid and her Master

But she needed the job, she just got into Art School and her parents weren’t about to pay for such a frivolous study. They’d rather she went to Med school or become a lawyer. She needed the money, however she didn’t need to wear her heels, right now, if she’d put them on right before Mister Sullivan would return home nobody would ever know. Or would he be watching from some hidden camera’s. She looked around the room and then shrugged. The Sullivan’s owned about every other building in town...

1 year ago
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Maid and Master

I am naked, freezing, my nipples are hard, cum is crusted on my body, all over my tits, my back, in my hair and between my thighs, on the bathroom floor. I can’t stand up, and I cant quite reach the bathtub. My leash is attached to the pipe behind the toilet, with just enough room for me to manage to crouch over it. I’m still horny. But my Master has locked me in the bathroom, because he had to go to work. He left me a plate of food on the floor, and patted me on the head. Telling me to be a...

2 years ago
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Not Maid But Mermaid

We were then staying at Vadodara and had recently come from Mumbai on transfer. For few months we stayed in Makarpura and then shifted to Tarsali. I was then 38 years old and my wife was 35. I had two children one daughter and one son. Since several months my wife was sick due to multiple reasons. It all started with pelvic inflammatory disease. Then severe stomach ache. Many gastroenterologist conducted many tests like endoscopy, colonoscopy etc and treatment was on. after few months she...

3 years ago
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The Maidenly Maids

The Maidenly Maids Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Commentator] Rita Lopez hung her head as she looked down at the documents in front of her. She could not believe that Jack had been so reckless. She had known him since he was a young boy. She had watched him grow up in front her eyes. She had never had a child of her own. Watching her business partner raise Jack was the closest she ever came. When Jack got out of college with an accounting degree, Rita...

2 years ago
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Maiden Maid

Author: Powerone Title: Maiden Maid Part: Chapter 8- New Girls from the Orphanage Summary: This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and whatthey are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Keywords: M+F, nc, anal, reluc, humil, oral Copyright 2002, 2003 and 2004 by Powerone. The author can be contacted [email protected]. This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they areforced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old...

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Maiden Maid Ch 5 The Punishment

This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old orphan during the depression and life is hard. In Chapter 1 and 2, Sara is given a job as a maid for Michael. In Chapter 3 she is spanked for breaking a glass and is forced to masturbate Michael’s cock. In Chapter 4, Michael takes further sexual liberties with her young body including teaching her how to suck his cock. Maiden Maid Chapter 5-The...

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Maiden MaidCh 6 John Teaches Sara

Maiden Maid Chapter 6 John Teaches Sara The next morning, Sara walked slowly into the kitchen, her body still aching from the punishment and the fucking she had endured. She had gone back to her room after Michael had fucked her hard and lay on the bed, naked. She allowed her legs to spread, wider and wider as if forced to do so, until they hung over the edge. She let her fingers trace down the flat plane of her stomach until she reached her flaming red bush. She could fill the heat from...

3 years ago
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From Man to Maid

From Man to Maid Donna and I had been living together for six months when the changes started. It was a Friday night and I was the first to arrive at our apartment after work. Then I heard a key in the front door. Donna came bounding into the living room with a huge grin on her face. I rose to greet her. She wrapped her arms around me and we kissed. "How was your day Bill?" "Same shit, different day. Answer the phone. Stare at the computer screen. Process the paperwork. ...

2 years ago
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Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid

Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...

2 years ago
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Real Time Maid Service

Maid had served Ms. Treat for six months. Its training over that time had been rigorous and methodical. After the first meeting with Ms. Treat, maid learned how to address its Mistress properly, how to ask its Mistress questions in the proper form, then to never, ever look directly at Mistress unless so directed, and lastly it learned its positions of "inspection" and "punishment." After instilling the basics in maid, Mistress Treat then instructed maid in the fine art of maintaining...

1 year ago
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Maid in Error

MAID IN ERROR by enduringshades "Good morning Mr and Mrs Eddington, how are you both?" asked DCI Hunter. "Relieved now the trial is over, Chief Inspector," replied my wife Diane. We were shown into a meeting room by the DCI. A woman was sitting at the table. "Stella Brightman is our witness protection liaison officer," explained the DCI. "She is now responsible for you two and I'll leave you in her capable hands. I will no longer be in contact with you so I wish all the best in...

3 years ago
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The adventures in becoming the maid Trish

The adventures in becoming the maid Trish.By Lindsey AnastasiaIt was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived at this place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run by Mistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size and Mistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males into beautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first day I arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off at the front...

4 years ago
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The maid

Becoming the maid..It was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived atthis place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run byMistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size andMistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males intobeautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first dayI arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off atthe front automatic gate. I gave the driver his fare and then...

2 years ago
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Maid to Order

NOTE: The original version of this story has been previously posted under the title "Maid" by JLS and is still freely available on the web. I enjoyed reading the original story and decided that it should be rewritten with a TG twist. I acknowledge and thank the original author and hereby declare that this new version should not be shared with anyone under the legal age of majority and/or distributed for profit or other personal gain. I welcome and implore all feedback and suggestions. If...

1 year ago
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The Story of Lisas Maid

The Story of Lisa's Maid My feet were killing me. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less after standing and working in 5" heels for the last thirteen hours. My "shift" was almost up - only an hour or two left to go - and I still had the bed to turn down, the candles to light, the strawberries to chocolate, and the champagne to pour. Then my aching arches would finally get some relief. I put the last dinner plate into the cabinet, then minced over to the refrigerator to get...

4 years ago
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Me Mother Maid

"Oh God......" Lalit panted. "It feels so good. You suck cock so good."Both a smile and a tinge of embarrassment covered Malini,s face as herassumption proved true. Her eighteen year old son was getting a blowjob. "I wonder who it is?" Malini said to herself as her curiosityovercame her embarrassment.The thought of interrupting them never entered her mind. She knew thatwhen the time came, there wasn't anything she could do the prevent herson from becoming sexually active. No more than her...

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The Pampering of Maid Paula

It has been almost a month since Paul Collin's loving wife made the decree that she would never be Miss Jennifer again. Even with hearing those words and knowing how honest Jennifer was, in a dark dirty crevice of his mind the unsure man knew it was too good to be true. He did not accept the fact that his wife did not look down on him for his urges to dress like a woman. How could she be so loving to him when he was so weak and give into dressing how no real man would? The crevice of...

1 year ago
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Maid On My Own Will

MAID ON MY OWN WILL By Monica Graz CHAPTER 1 APRON, THE INITIAL SEED She startled me as I was doing the dishes humming one of my favourite tunes. She came behind me, put her hands around my aproned waist and whispered in my ear, "Robin darling I loved the dinner tonight, your cooking skills are getting better by the day. And you look so neat in your apron, doing the dishes now. Thank you for being such a jewel". She kissed me again and her tongue played a bit more with my...

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