Changed By My Sister free porn video

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CHANGED BY MY SISTER by Throne I was home from college for Spring break. My older sister Gwenn acted glad to see me but she was a bit reserved. And why not, after I had been a total pain to her while we were growing up. One thing I had taken special delight in was ruining dates for her, and even breaking up her relationships with guys. To me it had been fun, and I guess I never lost that attitude. I was still comfortable taunting her about it, along with tormenting her about her silly interest in magic. So when I was sitting there on my first evening back, wishing she would let me borrow her car, which she didn't want to do in case she needed it (and because I'm an irresponsible driver, I guess), I was determined to pull one of my dirty deeds on her. The opportunity came when her boyfriend Alex called and said his plans had changed and he would love to see her that evening. I knew at once what I was going to do. She went to get herself ready upstairs and I waited near the door. When I heard his car pull up I casually strode out front and sat on one of the chairs on the porch. As he came up the walk I said, "Hey, you must be Alex." He was a tall rangy guy with blond hair worn short. I told him Gwenn needed a little time and invited him to sit down. We chatted about sports for a few minutes and then I casually mentioned that my sister wasn't a fan, which was a shame, I added, "... because a lot of the guys she's been with are into it." He said, "A lot? I've never seen her with anybody. I mean, I just moved into the area six months ago but..." I acted mildly upset and said, "I'm sorry, I guess I should have let her tell you personally." I shook my head. "But maybe it's better for you to know before you have a chance to get too close." He was momentarily confused before finding new determination. "Well," he decided, "I'll let her tell me herself. I'm sure there's some explanation." That's when I saw I would have to spread it on a bit thicker. I resumed, "That's fair. But it might be kinder if you don't pry too much. There are a couple guys who have done a lot of prison time. And this one was a pimp. I'm not saying that he got her to, you know, do any work for him, but..." I let that disturbing thought hang in the air for a moment. Alex appeared really worried by then. Which was when I spotted my sister peering out the living room window, which was slightly opened. She gave me an angry look and then came out the door. Alex stared at her, goggle- eyed. He started to say, "Uh, Gwenn, maybe we shouldn't go out tonight because... um..." "Oh," she said with a sudden smile. "Has my silly brother Mike been exercising his so-called sense of humor again?" All at once Alex looked relieved. I had to think of something to save the situation, or rather, to ruin it for Gwenn. But she went on, unperturbed, "You see, Mike has a rather -- shall we say -- non-traditional sexual orientation." Without being obvious about it, she took a very small drawstring bag from the pocket of her jeans and, as she affectionately put her hand on the back of my neck, pressed it against the bare skin. All at once a tingle ran through me and I felt powerless. My sister told Alex, "You see, Mike wishes he was a girl. Or more correctly, something between a guy and a girl. Go ahead, Mikey, show him how you had all the hair removed from your chest." With no willpower I began to unbutton my shirt while Alex stared, fascinated, as I uncovered the center of my chest, which had suddenly become smooth and pink, without a sign of the hair that had been growing there. I wasn't muscular anyway, so the effect was totally swish. She added, "He gets nervous around good looking guys like you and starts making his lame jokes." As if suddenly having an inspiration, Gwenn said, "Hey, your friends whose place we're going to, do you think they're liberal enough to have a gender bender like my brother there? Mike's a bit of an exhibitionist and it might be a kick for everybody to watch him flaunt himself." She stepped close to Alex and gave his upper arm a squeeze, saying, "It'd be kind of like free entertainment for them." Alex shrugged and, looking from her to me, said, "Sure. I guess they'd think it was cool." "Super," she enthused and then, to me, said, "Now Mike, you scoot upstairs and put on some of my things. Comb your hair down in front and put on a little of of my eye liner. I know you don't want to be TOO girly, just kind of... sissyish." She giggled at my obvious discomfort and even more at my inability to resist. As I turned toward the door she told Alex, "One other thing. When he gets prettied up, my brother prefers to be called Mink." And as I stepped inside she purred at him, "You're being a good sport about this. I guess that's because YOU are a real man." I stole a glance back and saw her kissing him. When I reached Gwenn's room I found a note taped to the mirror. It said, "Still think my magic is stupid?" I couldn't believe it was true and yet what other explanation could there be for why I went to her dresser and picked out a pair of her slacks, lime green, and then from her closet a pale yellow, sleeveless top. Numbly I got undressed. There wasn't a single hair anywhere on me, at least not below my eyebrows. Without wanting to, I found a pair of Gwenn's panties, pink ones, and slipped them up my sleek legs. I was slightly consoled by the large bulge my junk made in the crotch of the unwanted garment. At least I had that proof of my masculinity. After I got completely dressed I was unsettled to look in her full length mirror and see how fruity I looked. Then I dutifully brushed my hair forward in the front, creating something like ragged bangs across my forehead. Next, though I tried to stop myself, I took her eye liner and outlined my eyes, which really amped up my fairy factor. I realized that others would view me as a 'fruit' and 'fairy', and suddenly those words and others like 'swish' weren't anything I wanted to think about. Unfortunately for me, I was able to fit into a pair of Gwenn's slip-on shoes, so my new look didn't have a hint of maleness. I even picked up a bottle of her perfume and put just the slightest hint behind my ears and at the base of my neck. When I came downstairs I wanted to sneak into the rec room and hide, but couldn't stop myself from going back out onto the porch. Alex's mouth dropped open. Gwenn smirked evilly as she inspected me. She told her date, "Those things you mentioned Mike -- I mean Mink -- telling you. About me being with ex-cons and pimps. Those are what he fantasizes about happening to him. In fact, he uses sissy body language that he hopes will attract somebody dangerous like that." She looked me right in the eyes and said, "Don't you, Mink?" I froze only for a second and then found myself putting one hand on my hip and the the other against my beardless cheek. I wondered fearfully how long she intended to keep me that way but, before I could think further, we were headed for Alex's car. All too soon we were at the party. As we entered, everyone near the door looked to see who had arrived. They recognized the happy couple but at the same time gaped at the obviously fey guy with them -- ME. It was my sister's circle of friends so nobody there knew me well, but I was sure several of them recognized me and would most likely spread the word about my 'feminine side'. With good intentions, I guess, one of the young women offered to get me a drink. In a soft whispery voice that didn't even sound like me, I said, "I'll just have a white wine, thank you." Whatever spell Gwenn had used on me certainly was detailed. As I stood there delicately holding the stem of a wineglass between my fingers and taking tiny sips, more party goers noticed me and openly gawked at my effete posture and the way I couldn't keep from patting my hair. I even noticed Alex running his eyes all over me. I cringed inwardly at being the center of undesired attention. I wanted to yell loudly, but in my former voice, "I am not really like this." Instead I fluttered my eyelashes and pursed my lips, not at anyone specific, but just to be noticed more, which in reality was the last thing I wanted. A few late guests arrived. One of them was a tall guy in worn jeans and a tank top. He had jet black hair and a buzzed, sandpapery beard. I couldn't resist stealing looks at him. And everyone could see what I was doing. I rubbed my palms on my hips and inched them toward my crotch. The guy got the signal but didn't respond. I moved closer to him. He was sizing me up when Alex came over and lightly touched my wrist, then said, "May I get you a refill, Mink?" I accepted, still speaking in that whispery voice. When I turned back to the butch stud he had stepped away and was moving further into the house. I was relieved. Wasn't I? Gwenn's spell was confusing me, I guessed. Alex returned with the drink and asked me if I was comfortable. I licked my lips and said that I would like to get some fresh air. He led me to sliding doors that gave access to a patio. Outside there were a few other people standing around chatting, so he walked me further, into the yard and deep shadows. He wanted to know if that was better and I told him it was. Alex said, "Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring you here. I'm sorry. I just wanted to make Gwenn happy but, well, I guess I was trying too hard." I accepted his kindness with a hushed thanks. We stayed for a while longer and then they decided to head home. Back at our house, my sister and Alex sat on the porch's wicker couch. I perched on one of the chairs, pressed my knees together, and put my hands on them. The couple chatted for a while and then Alex cleared his throat. "Gwenn," he said, sounding very serious. "I have a confession to make. Like your brother, I've had some issues with my... sexual identity. I've been seeing girls and I really like you but, well, none of it has led anywhere. And now, after being with you and Mink at the same time, I feel like I know what I really want. Would you mind if we called it a night and I..." She smiled with happy surprise. This wasn't part of her magic trickery. I went cold inside. No, no, no. I wasn't really like what he was seeing. I didn't want him to like me. Not that way. But he was standing and then moving closer. He held out his hands and I took them, rising slowly, keeping my elbows pressed against my sides, gazing longingly into his eyes. He said, "I guess I'm not as tough as some of the guys you dream about, Mink, but I'm no weakling either. Would you like to go for a little drive?" I told him breathlessly that I would. Before long we were parked at the edge of a shady grove, with no one else around. He got out of the car and came around to my side to open the door. I got out and he took me in his arms, a touch roughly, believing that was what I craved. I melted against him and rubbed my thighs against his. That was all the encouragement Alex needed and he immediately pressed his lips to mine in a passionate, probing kiss. I accepted it and even returned his ardor. He ran his hands up and down my back and freely fondled my bottom. He was treating me like a girl and I dizzily accepted it. What was happening to me? It was as if the spell had made me vulnerable to this new experience, even open to it, so that my physical needs could be awakened and make me want it more. The cycle of acceptance prompting desire which encouraged more acceptance spun faster and faster as he unbuttoned my blouse and toyed with my responsive nipples. I suddenly understood that if this went much further, I would be re-programmed to accept and even desire it, though my masculine self would still try to reject it. I would be trapped in a sexual interzone, being pulled both ways, perhaps never able to escape. All I had to do was resist. I somehow knew that if I could just fend off his advances, just not go too far, I would be able to save myself from that fate. Gwenn probably hadn't intended for it to reach that point but now, without her present, the magic was running itself. Just a while longer. Don't let this go to its passionate conclusion. But then Alex, resuming his roughhouse role, clutched my shoulders and ground his pelvis against me. I could feel the hardness between his legs. He got his hand into the juncture of my thighs and cupped my genitals, which made me shudder with unfamiliar sensations. In a voice that was suddenly gruff, he said, "I can see why you want to have a big man. I mean, because you have so little down there yourself, Mink." What was he talking about? When his hand moved higher to stroke my bared, hairless chest, I sneaked my own fingers down there and felt myself. That hungry magic, wanting to carry itself to its limit, had -- nooooo -- reduced my proud cock to a useless remnant of its former glory. I felt helpless as Alex kissed my neck, bit the softness there and, I was certain, left marks. He pressed downward on my shoulders and my knees folded. I sank down and my fingers went to his fly, unzipped it, found his meat, and freed it. Panting, I parted my lips and did what the magic wanted. Part of me hated it but the newer part of me was starved for it, and was already becoming addicted to the need. I would never be able to reverse what was happening. I did to him what I had always wanted a girl to do to me. He moaned and groaned and pumped his hips in slow motion. Instead of trying to get it over with, I prolonged his pleasure for as long as I could, partly to make him want me, but also to satisfy the part of me that lusted for what I was getting. But I'm not Mink, I told myself, I'm Mike. I'm a straight guy. I don't want to dress like this, look this way, or do this. It was an inner conversation I knew I would be having over and over. Alex froze and then let out an animal cry, his hands gripping the back of my head. I felt so used as I swallowed his generous output. But I wanted to feel that way. I needed powerful men to use me however they pleased. I kissed and nuzzled his softening organ through a long afterglow. At last he was sated and zipped himself up. He stroked my hair and told me, "You were fantastic, Mink. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other a lot." As he helped me to my feet I tried to think clearly. Was there anything positive I could take away from that night? And then I realized that I had achieved what I had tried to do earlier. I had ruined Gwenn's date. But I knew she wouldn't really mind. THE END (Hope you will check out my other Fictionmania stories and let me know which are your favorites.)

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Breastfeeding Sister

Her stats are 36C-29-34. When she walks, her firm boobs bounce up and down and her taut butt sways like tides. Her strong thighs protrude through the saree when she walks. Many times I thought that di is very sexy and beautiful and always thought that my jiju is lucky to have her. Though I thought my sister was sexy, I never lusted for her. One day, I and Anu didi were sitting in the hall and watching the movie on TV. The movie was a suspense thriller. At this hour, the baby cried. Didi...

2 years ago
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Ugly Sister

The Ugly Sister "Hold still," Stella said to me as she glued on massive lashes to my upper lids. She followed up with smaller lashes on the lower lash line. There was a thick black line drawn around my upper and lower lids extended at the corners. I was wriggling in my seat. Earlier, Stella had used lots of bright blue eyeshadow over my lower lid with a lighter grey on the top lid; then darkened my brows and outlined my lips into a smaller exaggerated bow in black pencil. My whole...

3 years ago
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My Friend Fuck Hard My Younger Sister

By : John7 Hello friends John here back with another hot story. Thanks to all of you who mailed me and like my story. Here is another hot story for you’My friend fucks harder my younger sister’. Jaise ki aap sab jante hai k kaise maine apni dono sister ko choda or aap sab ko story batayi unki. Ab mai kuch naya karna chahta tha jisme or zyada maza aaye. To mere dimag me ek idea aaya k kyo na apne frnd se apni sister ko chudwaya jaye or mai uski ek movie record karu. Jaisa ki aap sab jante hai...

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Village brother sister

Hi, readers. This is Mukesh. This is the true story(little bit fictitious) of me and my sister. It describes our love life. I have written this story in English for readers’ universal convenience. I used Tamil(mother tongue) to express my feelings and stance in my own language which may excite the Tamil readers. I have plans to write more if you people love it. The story is bit long, so please tolerate and am damn sure this story will wear your briefs and panties. Here it goes….I am Mukesh 23...

1 year ago
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My Hot Sister

Hi! My name’s Vishwa (Name changed). I want tell you guys this interesting incident that happened with my sweet sister Preeti.(to get more arousal use your sister’s name in the place of Preeti) I was 23 and Preeti was 25. After my Engineering I got a job in Chandighar. Initially I stayed there as PG (paying guest)being a south Indian I preferred rice to chapatti So I decided to take one room with kitchen so that I can prepare my food. I communicated this to my parents. They also agreed and my...

3 years ago
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John sat on his porch, smoking a joint as he watched the young girls walk by. Friday meant the teenage disco down the road and a bit of idle purving. He reckoned they were all around sixteen or s*******n, and the parade of tight asses and young tits was better than watching the news. He wondered why girls didn’t dress like that when he was young, but then everyone thinks that.He was really waiting for his sister Anna, who was going to the disco and planned to change in his house. His parents...

2 years ago
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Watching my stepsister

Watching my I was 17 at the time and was dating a lovely girl name Cassi. My stepsister was 19 just out of school and was dating a guy name Marc. Our parents went away for the weekend on a with two of their friends leaving the thursday afternoon, leaving my sister and I alone at home till the Sunday. The Thursday evening my sister and I while having dinner discussed what our plans where for the weekend. She was going to be out with her boyfriend as well as at home and I told her that I would...

2 years ago
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How Do You Spell Sister

How Do You Spell Sister? By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Ashley Carlton wasn't in a very good mood. She tried to act as if nothing was wrong, but on the inside she was seething. Two months ago her mother, Olivia, had remarried. This wasn't what was bothering the attractive seventeen-year-old auburn haired girl. She was pleased that her mother had finally gotten married again. Her birthfather had divorced her mother when she was three. He had stopped sending his...

3 years ago
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The Quarterbacks Little sister

This story is going to be long, but I think you guys will like it.They were at it again.Brad and his girlfriend were always very careful when their parents were around, but if it was just his little sister Emily left in the house they didn't have a care in the world. It was funny too, because Emily and her brother never had the 'you won't tell mom and did, will you?' conversation. She could have easily just hinted to her parents what was going on after they left the house.But ultimately, Emily...

4 years ago
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The smell was so good, it made me want inside her more than anything. I heard her shut the water off so i quickly replaced the thong and went back to my room. Later that night i decided to try to seduce her. i took a shower, and began thinking about her pussy, and how badly I wanted it. before long i was stroking my dick, and it was hard as a rock. I shut the water off, and called her to bring me the towel, i purposely forgot to bring with me. i was standing in front of the bathroom door...

3 years ago
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Alone with Stepsisters

It was 6 pm and I was home alone, Kim was out with her friends and Sarah was at her friends for tea, my dad and step mum had left for the airport about an hour ago. It was raining hard outside and was quite chilly inside so I put the fire on to warm the place up. I flicked through the TV, there was nothing on as usual so I went upstairs for a DVD to watch, I looked through my collection, all of which I had seen at least twice so I went into Kim and Sarah’s room to see if they had...

3 years ago
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Teen Titans Sisterlust

"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos," Raven chanted slowly. She was hovering in the air with her lags crosed inward. Her focus was on her center, and properly channeling her energies. Or, at least, it should have been. The Titan was putting in more than her usual effort, but flashes of emotion kept bursting across her mind. Boundless joy, overwhelming confidence, righteous fury, fiery lust. With each of these flashes came images of Starfire: her bright, green, eyes and soft, peach-toned, skin. Struggle...

1 year ago
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My first time The sister3some

I still remember this as if it was yesterday. Walking up the stairs going into my 8th grade free period class. I turn the corner and I see the Martinez sisters standing at the end of the hallway. Turning into the classroom, nobody was there. They come into the doorway and sayy hey! come here. I go and they bring me to the janitor's closet and tell me to get the box off the shelf. As i reach up and I touch the box, I feel a hand grab my cock from in between my legs. I then fling the box further...

2 years ago
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My 7 year older sister continuously leaves her wet panties and nylons in our bath. One day,out of curiousity, I SIMPLY HAD to enjoy the fragranance of her damp pretty pink panties ! Taking them to my face ,I could see the wet spot on her panties and inhaled for the 1st tim a female vaginal secretory soaked pair of satin panties. My cock got hard instantly ! along with the wer pink panties, a nice pair of sheer pantyhose was laying next to them. I quickly picked up her panties and pantyhose and...

3 years ago
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sleepy sisterinlaw

Perhaps I should give you some background on my sister-in-law, Donna, before I start my story.Donna was the oldest daughter in her family and married when she was 17 and is still with the same husband to this day. Wanting to raise her c***dren "correctly" most of her time was spent being the prim and proper mother, wife, and organist at her church. Now in her late forties and 5' 7" tall with a trim figure and B cup breast and all her c***dren grown, another side of her makes a brief appearance...

1 year ago
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As I lay there entwined with my sister I couldn't help but smile and secretly thank my wife for sending her on holiday with me. She rolled onto her back and I gazed in awe at her beautiful body, her full breasts topped with still hard large nipples her flat tummy down to her now smooth bald pussy forming a glorious mound between her shaply long legs. She jumped up playfully slapped my leg and told me to take her to dinner, as she headed towards the shower I followed her and holding her hips I...

3 years ago
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Affection From Eldersister

I recently start reading stories from ISS, it gave me lots and lots of happines that I was eagrly searching for this kind of web sites.Becoz I was waiting for a chance to share my experiences and to hear real stories and incidents of others.Some of the stories are real but some are only fantasies. But now I would like to tell you a real incident happened in my life.This is a true story. Love and affection of a sister towards her younger brother. She gave him whatever he wants, she is not...

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My Virgin sister

My Virgin sister indian sex storyI've been spying on my sister for about two months watching her change her clothes through her bedroom window. I never thought I'd take it any farther than just spying. She is my sister, after all. To me it's just a good way to see some tits, ass and pussy on a regular basis.My sister and I are twins. We get along great, not like some brothers and sisters. Our dad is in the Navy, so we've never lived anywhere long enough to develop close friendships with other...

3 years ago
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Willing Eager Sister

Our families knew each other, and they were supportive of us being together. Everyone figured that we would eventually marry, and it was great that our families were so close as well. We often spent holidays and vacations together, and there was never anything weird about Naomi and I being together as a couple. Naomi 's younger sister Leah, who was now a high school freshman, had always taken a shine to me, and everyone laughed at the way she often flirted. Being a few years younger than...

2 years ago
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I fucked my sister

Hello, readers of ISS! I am Prem, aged 24 and from Delhi. Welcome to all for sharing my naughty experiences with my own sweet sister that I have presented her for her success in her B.A. exams. She is four years younger to me and has very good caring for me. We never miss anything unshared at our home along with our parents. My father works as an executive in a good company and stays at distant place from us and visit us on week ends. My mother takes care of us and family when father is absent....

2 years ago
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Marrying mother and sister

It was 15 years ago my mom and dad had been separated, my dad had left my mom when she was 23, saying he was going for a business meeting and never returned, all she had got was a letter saying he was sorry and he was not happy with her. The event left my mom in charge of her two kids, my sister, Uma, a year older than me, now at 19, a shapely young woman, full of joy and life, a perfect figure you might say, a 36-24-36, and myself, Raja, at 18 just out of junior college, well built, very...

1 year ago
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My first time with sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! it happened when I was 19 and my sister was 21 at the time. We had a love,hate relationship growing up. She's around 5'2" around 115ibs with nice tits and awesome tan skin. My parents traveled alot for their business, so we got to stay home alone alot. That summer our parents left to Europe for 3 weeks and left us behind. My mom has strict rules for us when she leaves. So one night my sister decides to take my moms car out to do some shopping (this is...

2 years ago
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Desire for sister

My name is Anil, engineering graduate and working in abroad. I am from middle class family. My parents are working as teachers in the high school. I have only one sister Amutha who is younger than me. I have completed my 5 years contract from my company and returned for a long vocation to my village. Last 5 years I never visited my village and parents. When I entered my home I wondered about my little sister. She has got very voluptuous structure. Her baby lemons of bosom got enough flesh and...

1 year ago
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Midnight With Sister

This is all completely not true. 12:00 am "Put it in!" she said with and excited grin on her face. "I'm trying," I said, "It's jammed." My sister and I had found my dad's porn earlier that day. It was the end of summer and we were both worn out from partying after graduation. We were both 18 and almost full blown adults, if only we could get past the boredom towards the end of summer. We took a habit up of searching every corner of our house for anything interesting while our parents were at...

1 year ago
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Roadtrip with my sister

Vacations; they were supposed to be fun and relaxing in theory. And they usually were once we got wherever we were going, but dad never seemed to understand the idea of having fun along the way. It was all about getting where we were going on schedule and we could relax once we arrived.This year was a bit different than any previous holiday with my family. Instead of being stuck in the backseat with my sister while the landscape rolled past for hours on end, we had taken two vehicles and Kylie...

2 years ago
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Victoria Has A Sexy Sister

"Fuck, Molly is here, Victoria," I groaned, jiggling around. "Get off me, you damn tart," I whined, pushing her off me.I didn't even look her way, I just got out from under Victoria and rose. "Shit," I whined, falling on the ground and landing by her feet. "I'm sorry, Molly," I apologized, placing my hands on her feet.My heart was beating incredibly hard again and shook around as if I had a heart attack. I kissed Molly's feet all over and cried a bit too. I couldn't think of...


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