Swimming Towards the Secretarial Pool
[Authors Note: This story is loosely based on a caption made for me
over at Rachel's Haven by the great Dee Mentia of Dee'lusions of
Grandeur at http://deelusionsofgrandeur.blogspot.com/. I was looking
to write something out of my comfort zone and her caption provided me
with an angle I do not typically use].
A triumphant smile crept across Geoff Niekro's face while he stared at
the open bedroom door. He rubbed his hands together, certain that his
plan to undercut his longtime rival had worked perfectly.
Demi Mentis had been a rival of his dating back to when they worked at
the same brokerage. Demi had since left the brokerage with some of the
other brokers to start her own rival brokerage firm. While Demi had
quit her job at the brokerage, in large part, because of the frat house
atmosphere that was encouraged by their boss, Geoff embraced the
culture and remained with the brokerage as its most profitable broker.
Despite his constant desire to destroy his rivals, Geoff was attracted
to Demi. He frequently tried to seduce her when they worked together,
but Demi was keenly aware of Geoff's real intentions. She knew that
Geoff did not want a real relationship. Demi was well aware that,
instead, he only wanted to get into her pants to claim her as another
trophy. That became even clearer to Demi when Geoff entered into a
long term relationship with his girlfriend, Meghan, but still went out
of his way to attempt to seduce her until she left the firm.
Once Demi quit, Geoff did not give her much thought until he realized
that she was stealing some of the brokerage's business. After he
realized that she was targeting the same potential client that he was,
he decided it was time to step up his offensive.
Geoff tracked Demi down and resorted to his typical smooth talking as
he tried to charm her into giving up her secrets. As usual, Demi
rebuffed him, but Geoff sensed that she was playing hard to get this
Demi's reactions to his advances made Geoff wonder if her brokerage was
not doing well.
'She's probably looking for me to jump ship to save her ass,' was
Geoff's first thought when Demi agreed to let him buy her dinner.
After the dinner, Geoff brought Demi back to his place, as his
girlfriend was out of town on business. Demi stepped into his home,
and they shared a bottle of wine. When she stepped away to use the
restroom, Geoff managed to steal her phone and swipe the information
from her system, sure that Demi would never notice.
When Demi came back out, she saw Geoff resting on the couch with the
two glasses of wine still in his hands. Demi brushed her long dark
hair out of her face and sat down.
Geoff placed a kiss upon her lips, sure that he had just secured the
company secrets that would destroy Demi's business and leave his boss's
brokerage the undisputed leader in the region.
Their lips parted and Geoff said, "So do you want move this party to
the bedroom?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Demi replied.
Geoff picked Demi up and carried her towards the bedroom. Geoff loved
the feeling of her silky tights as his hands crept up under the hem of
her mid thigh length, patterned, black and white dress as he carried
her through his open bedroom door.
After he placed her down on his bed, he ravished her for a short while
until he felt himself ready to cum. Feeling himself on the brink, Jim
pulled out of her and smirked, knowing how frustrated Demi likely was
by the brevity of his performance.
He could sense it in her eyes as he thought, 'My girlfriend doesn't get
my best! Why should you, bitch?'
"Where's my IPOD?" Geoff asked as he rolled off Demi and noticed that
his IPOD was not where he remembered leaving it.
"I thought I saw it by your computer," Demi answered, clearly
exasperated by his conduct and comment.
"What? I could swear I brought it in here."
"What do you need it for?" Demi inquired.
"I want to listen to this book," Geoff replied honestly.
"Listen to a book? How lazy are you?" Demi asked with a grin while she
shook her head.
Geoff glared at Demi before he said, "It's a book by a potential
"I didn't know they still made books on tape," Demi replied.
"They don't. They're MP3's. Books on tape are like 8-tracks.
Remember, babe, if you don't move forward you go extinct."
"There's the cutthroat businessman I know."
"You better believe it," Geoff said as he rolled over and got out of
"Do you have to get it, now?"
"What's the difference?" Geoff responded.
"Don't you have anything better to do than listen to some guy read you
his book?" Demi asked as she patted the bed.
"No," Geoff answered, trying to destroy whatever little confidence he
was sure the shaken girl had left.
Demi glared at him as she got out of the bed and said, "You're still a
real selfish dick, Geoff."
"Whatever, Dee," Geoff replied, careful to use the name that he and the
other guys at the brokerage often called her, knowing how much she
hated having her name Demetria shortened to Dee. He smirked to himself
as he watched Demi get dressed. He was sure that she was humiliated
and ashamed of herself for having fallen for his charm, but he believed
that she was going to soon realize how much more that free dinner was
going to cost her.
Shortly after he heard Demi peel away from the curb, Geoff walked out
of his bedroom and into the living room. As He strolled towards his
computer, Geoff gave it a strange look as the desk looked slightly
askew. Nothing seemed to be missing, however, and his computer showed
no evidence of being touched.
Geoff shrugged as he figured that he must have shuffled something
around on the desk in haste earlier and forgotten about it. He then
reached down and disconnected the IPOD from his computer and carried it
towards his bedroom.
As he walked through his bedroom doorway, Geoff put on the MP3 of his
potential client's, Matt Butts, self-help book. Geoff laughed to
himself as he heard the motivational phrases that his potential client
had come up and thought, 'What a complete load of shit. At least this
will help me fall asleep.'
The next morning, Geoff woke up and walked into the bathroom. He
pushed the toilet seat down and began to relieve himself. When he
finished, Geoff reached for the toilet paper and gently dabbed at the
tip of his member before he stood up and flushed the toilet.
As Geoff washed his hands, his girlfriend walked up to the front door.
Meghan placed her key into the lock and pushed the front door open as
she called out to Geoff.
"I'm in the bathroom," Geoff shouted as he shut off the faucet.
Geoff's heart raced for a moment before he breathed a sigh of relief,
knowing that Demi had not stayed the night. He was surprised that
Meghan was there at all that morning since he believed that she was not
coming home for another two days.
Geoff stared down at the sink before he looked in the mirror and
exhaled while he said in a quiet voice, "Close one."
Meghan walked through the home, prompting Geoff to open the door to the
bathroom. He kissed her while she heard the running of the toilet
behind him.
Meghan blinked twice as she noticed the toilet seat was down. She
sniffed the room once more and realized that there was no trace of the
pungent smell that Geoff typically left in the bathroom.
"Did you just go to the bathroom?" Meghan asked.
"Yes, silly. Why do you think the tank's filling up," Geoff responded
as he playfully pushed her.
'When did he start calling me silly?' Meghan thought to herself before
she wondered about when her boyfriend also began to playfully push her.
Meghan shook her head while she said, "I'm sorry the bathroom usually
doesn't smell this nice when your through with it."
Geoff glared at her for a second before he shook his head, sighed and
said, "I was just taking a tinkle."
"A tinkle," Meghan replied with a laugh before she realized that Geoff
was doing exactly what she had long begged him to do. Geoff gave her a
strange look, unsure of why he called it a tinkle. He usually called
it a piss, which annoyed Meghan as she believed it was a crude and
vulgar term.
Meghan then gave Geoff an approving look before she kissed him and
said, "There's nothing I like better than a boy with good hygiene."
"Cleanliness is godliness," Geoff replied, using a saying that Meghan
was fond of.
Meghan laughed as she walked away and said, "I'm going to cook my
cleanly man a nice meal then."
"Can't wait," Geoff replied.
Meghan rubbed her hands together while she walked towards the kitchen
and thought, 'He's not going to piss on the seat anymore. Sweet Jesus!
You were wrong, ma! You can change a man!'
Geoff got dressed and followed her into the kitchen. He gingerly ate
the eggs and bacon that Meghan placed on the table in front of him,
leaving over half of it on his plate.
"Is something wrong?" Meghan asked, knowing that Geoff rarely ever
failed to clear his plate.
"No. I just started a diet."
"A diet?" Meghan replied with a laugh.
"Yes, what's so funny about that?"
"You don't need a diet."
"I know you may love me for who I am, but there are others out there
that judge me for my figure."
"Am I speaking to one of my girlfriends?" Meghan asked with a laugh as
she looked around.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're a guy. You're not a teenage girl with?"
"It's impossible to talk to you."
"What?" Meghan said as she threw up her hands.
"I'm going to the gym."
"Honey, I just got home. Can't we spend the morning together?"
"Yes, sure, so you can sit around and take pity on the fatty."
"You're not fat!"
"Tell that to my love handles."
"You have a six pack stomach!"
"Nice term for a beer belly! Real mature! You're so cruel," Geoff
retorted as he slammed the bedroom door and began to change into his
gym clothes.
Meghan shook her head as she began to clean up in the kitchen, unaware
that Geoff was about to make a radical change in his exercise routine,
shifting from weight training to an all cardio exercise regimen.
Once the changes became obvious to Meghan as the weeks passed, Meghan
struggled to understand why her boyfriend was shifting to a cardio only
exercise program. It did not make any sense to her.
Meghan never got a straight answer from Geoff about it when she
inquired. Each time she asked about it, he got defensive, believing
that she was mocking him for being fat. While no one ever called him
fat, Geoff was embarrassed by his muscular legs that he believed were a
source of derision.
Geoff was desperate to get rid of his extra weight and hit the
treadmill and exercise bikes everyday as he tried to tone his legs.
That made his decision to stop all of his weight lifting easier as he
felt that he needed to conserve his energy to focus on shedding ever
more weight.
Exercise, however, was only part of his program. Geoff also undertook
a radical change in his diet, cutting out fatty foods and meat in favor
of a largely vegetarian diet. His large breakfasts of eggs and bacon
were replaced by quick breakfasts of plain oatmeal. He no longer went
out to lunch when he was at work. Instead, he carried a brown paper
bag to work each day containing water and Greek Yogurt.
Geoff's red meat heavy dinners were replaced by meals consisting of
chicken, fish and, increasingly, salad only. Meghan shook her head at
Geoff's efforts believing he was thin enough, but she was happy to see
that he was eating healthier since she often pushed him to do so
without success in the past.
It was only when she saw him eating a salad for dinner for the first
time that she raised a question about his new diet. It seemed so
strange to see her boyfriend eating a salad for dinner, as he
frequently did not even eat it as a side dish.
Meghan wondered if something was wrong as she asked, "Geoff, are you
going to have anything else with that salad?"
Geoff shook his head as he replied with a straight face, "I'm trying to
watch my figure."
Geoff's response made Meghan laugh. She remembered how Geoff often
mocked men as being effeminate for watching their weight and how salad
was not even food. She shook her head as she replied with a chuckle,
"Yah, like you're trying to watch your figure, hun."
The hurt look in Geoff's eyes brought Meghan's laughter to a sudden
stop. 'Is he serious?' Meghan wondered.
Geoff put his head down, prompting Meghan to blurt out, "Oh, come. I
never thought that you had to lose any weight! You look great."
"I may look great in sweats or something else that hides my disgusting
body, but you haven't seen me try to get into skinny leg jeans."
"Those are for girls!"
"They're for guys too," Geoff countered.
"Gay guys, maybe," Meghan muttered to herself as she walked away
shaking her head.
Meghan was hardly the only person who noticed the changes that Geoff
was undergoing. His coworkers and boss found them to be impossible to
ignore as well.
Geoff's boss immediately realized that Geoff was becoming less
aggressive, but he was, simultaneously, becoming far more reflective
and better at gauging risks. Although the quantity of his transactions
was decreasing, Geoff was obtaining a greater rate of return from his
investments. Consequently, his boss decided to tolerate the evident
changes in Geoff's behavior.
His boss and peers also noticed that Geoff's manner of speaking seemed
to be growing ever less coarse by the day. His tendency to curse was
practically eradicated within a period of two weeks as his angry
outburst grew evermore rare and were punctuated with "darn" and "shoot"
instead of the language that was typically heard in the frat house like
atmosphere of the brokerage.
Geoff's coworkers, who had been friendly with him before, began to
distance themselves from him once he began to use words like darling,
cute, sweet and lovely. Given the coarse male culture that dominated
their firm, they knew that they could not risk looking a sissy like
Geoff as not a single one of them had his record of accomplishment at
the brokerage.
Geoff could not understand why anyone thought he was changing. He felt
the same as he always did, and he believed that everyone else was
talking the same way he was.
In addition to the changes in his everyday vocabulary, the
modifications Geoff was making to his wardrobe were increasingly overt.
After a few weeks, Geoff made scant effort to hide the fact that his
outfits increasingly had a unisexual look.
He got his ears pierced over the objections of both Meghan and his
boss, but neither of them retaliated against him. Meghan did threaten
to breakup with him when she caught him in her salon having his hair
Geoff calmed her down, however, by pointing out that she was the one
who wanted him to put more effort in his appearance. While she was not
happy with the way he was doing it, Meghan decided that she had to
tolerate it, and hoped that her boyfriend's gelling and highlighting of
his hair was only a phase.
Despite her unease with her boyfriend's increasing effeminacy, Meghan
was still attracted to him. Indeed, she found thought that his new
look made him look cute.
Given the modifications to his appearance and vocabulary, Meghan grew
alarmed, however, when Geoff began to change how he walked.
Unbeknownst to either of them, the middle chapters of Matt Butts' book
seemed to be pushing him to walk with more of a wiggle in his gait.
The girlish swaying of his hips made his coworkers sick to their
stomach. Their boss continued to tolerate it only because Geoff had
managed to remain the most efficient trader in the brokerage and losing
him would result in a significant dent in the brokerages bottom line.
When his coworkers finally complained to his boss about the changes in
Geoff's behavior, he retorted, "That boy's the golden goose. You don't
kill him."
"He's a glittered covered fairy," one employee retorted.
"He's also carrying the lot of you, so who do you think I would fire
first?" Geoff's boss responded prompting Geoff's coworkers to begin to
ignore him more and more, knowing that they were not going to rid
themselves of him.
Meghan, however, decided to confront Geoff with the changes again the
minute she saw him sashaying as he walked away from her.
"Geoff, can we talk?" Meghan asked.
"About what?"
"Just have a seat, please," Meghan replied.
Geoff scurried towards the chair Meghan was standing next to. Geoff
then smoothed out his pants before he took a seat.
Meghan's eyes widened as she watched him and thought, 'Does he think
he's wearing a skirt?'
Meghan sat down across the table and asked, "Geoff, are you feeling all
"Sure. Why? What's wrong?"
"I don't know. My boyfriend has never said the word enchanting since
I've known him until yesterday and, now, you're..."
"It's just a word. I say it all the time, silly girl," Geoff replied
with a giggle while he patted Meghan's hands as they rested on the
Meghan stared at her boyfriend with an open mouth, sure that he was
oblivious to the fact that he giggled like a school girl.
"Am I wrong?" Geoff asked to break the silence.
"No," Meghan struggled to respond.
"Good. Now, I've got to get going. I've got an appointment I just
can't miss."
"What for?" Meghan asked.
"I'm going to the tanning salon, but I've got to get waxed first."
"What?" Meghan exclaimed.
"What's wrong?" Geoff asked, perplexed by Meghan's response.
"You're going to get waxed?"
"Yes, you need it to get an even tan," Geoff replied. Hearing his
reasoning out loud, Geoff paused for a second to reflect on his
'Why the hell do I care about that?' Geoff thought before he was sure
that being evenly tanned would help him feel more confident.
"Okay," Meghan replied after a long pause as she processed Geoff's
"Can I ask you a question, Meghan?" Geoff asked as he stretched his
arms out in front of his waist with his palms towards the ceiling.
"What do you tip a waxer?"
"Oh, shoot! I'm going to be late. Fiddlesticks!"
Meghan stared at Geoff with her mouth agape as he hastily collected his
wallet and keys and headed out the door in his graphic t-shirt, skinny
leg jeans and unisexual sandals.
"What the fuck just happened?" Meghan exclaimed to herself as Geoff ran
out the door.
Geoff hurried towards his car and pulled it away from the curb. He
drove towards the main business district in town where the salon was
As he continued on his drive, his favorite One Direction song came on
the radio. Geoff instinctively reached for the volume and turned up
the song and began to sing along.
As his car came to a stop before a red light, he turned and saw a group
of teenage boys laughing and hollering homophobic slurs at him.
Geoff shook his head as they drove away and said to himself, "Freaks!
Rock music is rock music," before he broke into song again.
Geoff pulled into the parking lot and exited his car. After he gave
his name to the receptionist, he walked over to the reception area to
wait to get waxed. The girls who recognized him from his haircuts
waved at Geoff, prompting him to say, "Hey, girls," with a wave before
he sat down and picked up one of the gossip magazines on the table.
Geoff flipped through the pages a bit confused why he found the details
of random celebrities lives so involving, but he figured there was
nothing wrong with it. After all, his girlfriend was practically
transfixed by episodes TMZ, so Geoff assumed there must be nothing
wrong with it.
When his name was called, Geoff wiggled his hips as she hurried towards
the waxer. She smiled at him before she took him into a backroom where
he stripped down to get waxed.
The ripping of the hair away from his skin made Geoff wince, but he
dealt with the pain the best he could as he made idle small talk with
the waxer as she removed every hair from below his neck.
When they were done, Geoff paid his bill and headed to the neighboring
tanning salon. Geoff got into and out of the tanning bed with the help
of the shop's associate before he headed home.
Meghan waited for Geoff to return with a scowl on her face. She gave
him an angry shake of the head as he entered, freshly tanned and
Brazilian waxed.
Meghan wanted to give him a piece of her mind, but Geoff placed a kiss
upon her lips and said he was going to make her dinner.
Not one to pass up the chance to have her boyfriend make her a meal for
a change, Meghan decided to put off confronting Geoff until after
dinner. She watched as Geoff made it and served it to her with a smile
as he hummed a tune that she did not recognize, but she felt that it
sounded quite catchy.
Meghan's concerns about Geoff were pushed to the back of her mind as
she ate the food that he prepared. It tasted like the best meal she
ever had. She stared across the table and thought, 'Maybe this isn't
so bad?'
After their meal, Geoff cleaned up and joined her in the living room.
They watched the shows that Meghan wanted to watch, which Geoff
typically stated his hatred for.
Meghan smiled as she noticed that Geoff was seemingly as interested in
the reality shows as she was. 'This just keeps getting better,' Meghan
Around 11, they headed for their bedroom. Meghan decided to take the
lead after the wonderful meal Geoff had made for her.
She grinned as she felt Geoff's smooth legs wrapped around hers.
Although it felt so strange to her, she could not help but feel a bit
turned on by how silky Geoff's body felt beneath her.
As she pulled off of him, panting, Meghan thought that while the
changes Geoff was making were strange, she could certainly get used to
them. That decision was made all the more easy by Geoff's seeming
fixation on her needs.
Geoff was more attentive to Meghan than he had ever been before. He
almost seemed to not care about getting any pleasure for himself when
he was with her.
Given Geoff's devotion, Meghan was willing to overlook the changes that
he had already made in his life. This grew harder, however, as she
noticed his unconscious decision to begin walking with his hands out to
the sides when he rushed and his use of a higher, breathier speaking
style that made everyone he worked with conclude that he had come out
of the closet.
The changes became too much for Meghan to continue to tolerate without
comment once she saw the new pants he had bought for work. As he
stepped into the black silk pants and pulled up the rear zipper, Meghan
shook her head and said, "Those are girls' pants, Geoff."
"What are you talking about? Pants are pants," Geoff replied with a
Meghan clutched her head as Geoff put on his button down blouse. The
only thing that gave away the gender specific nature of the top was the
placement of the buttons, but that gave her pause too.
"Why are you shopping in the lady's department?" Meghan exclaimed.
"I don't think these are from the lady's department."
Meghan shook her head and pulled at the back of Geoff's pants and saw
the lady's size and pointed it out to Geoff.
"I didn't know these were girls' pants when I bought them," Geoff
replied honestly.
"How could you not?"
"I don't know. Well, how could you pick out those man's pants?"
Meghan glared at Geoff as she stared down at her jeans and said, "These
are from the lady's department too."
"Maybe from the butch department," Geoff replied.
Meghan gave Geoff a hurt look and rushed away from him and headed to
her parents' home to rethink their relationship.
Meghan was not the only person in Geoff's life who was contemplating
ending their relationship with him. His male peers at work no longer
wanted to be seen with him. He was, now, permanently cast off by his
male coworkers. His boss still simply tolerated his continued presence
because of his good performance.
Fully alienated from the men in the office, Geoff found himself more at
home with the secretaries as the two female brokers left at the firm
believed that Geoff was weak and did not want to be associated with him
for fear that they would be judged as weak too.
The secretaries did not judge Geoff the way the others did. Geoff felt
comfortable going out with them to grab light lunches and dish about
celebrities and their coworkers together.
As they ate out lunch together one day, Demi walked into the
luncheonette and saw Geoff and the girls. Demi immediately recognized
the two secretaries beside Geoff from her own time at the brokerage.
Demi smirked knowing that everything was working perfectly as she
walked towards them. She saw Geoff giggling with the girls as he
gingerly ate his salad and flailed his limp wrists while he told a
story in his high, breathy voice.
'He hasn't even gotten the lisp yet? He's sure taking his sweet time
getting through the book. Well, something's never change,' Demi
thought as she approached him. She nodded as she saw Geoff sitting
with one leg of his powder blue pants tucked beneath his body with the
other leg crossed over it and dangling over the floor.
"Hey girls," Demi said, not making an effort to differentiate Geoff
from the two secretaries.
Geoff thought nothing of her greeting as he said hello to her, before
the two secretaries he was dining with did so as well. Geoff wondered,
however, about what Demi wanted from them, and he was more than a
little concerned that he would bring up their date in front of the
Geoff stared at Demi as she began to talk to one of the secretaries
that had worked directly with her. While he chewed on his salad and
listened to them reminisce about the old days, Geoff looked Demi over.
The dress Demi was wearing was not much different from the dress she
had worn on their date. Geoff admired the pattern of the dress and
daydreamed about having one like it.
Geoff was unsure of what he would do with the dress, but he felt that
it was pretty and longed to have pretty things himself.
Demi caught the look in his eyes as he looked over her outfit. She
smirked remembering how the man she had known could not care less about
the details of what a girl was wearing, and who had been, instead,
fixated on only what was beneath it.
"Do you like my dress, Geoff?" Demi asked.
"I love it. It's so pretty," Geoff gushed.
"Oh, you're too sweet."
"It's so cute. I love the patterns and that belted silhouette. It's
The girls laughed at Geoff's gushing over Demi's dress before they
asked if he liked their outfits as well. Geoff squirmed a bit before
he praised the outfits his two secretaries were wearing. Once he
finished, Demi said, "Well, Geoff, I love those pants you're wearing.
They're such a great color for you."
"Thanks. The guys at the firm are really giving me some grief over
"Oh, what do they say?" Demi asked.
"They don't say it to my face."
"That's because they're cowards," Britney, one of the secretaries added
as Demi nodded along with her.
"You have to be true to who you are," Demi responded while she stared
at Geoff.
Geoff blushed as he ran his fingers along his powder blue, ankle pants.
"They're great looking too. I have a pair just like them," Demi added
prompting Geoff to squirm further.
'Why am I wearing something that she wears?' Geoff thought to himself
before he looked down and said, "I know they're so cute."
"I know, and they look great on you."
"Thanks," Geoff replied, beaming about the praise his outfit was
"I love your shoes too," Demi added.
Geoff smiled as he looked down at his black metallic loafers and said
"Oh, you're too kind."
"No, they're nice," Britney said as the other secretary and Demi nodded
in agreement.
"Maybe for men's shoes, but they're just totally blah when you compare
them to yours."
Demi smirked as she struggled not to laugh as she thought, 'This sissy
thinks those are men's shoes.'
Geoff exclamation of his jealousy of girls' shoes did not escape
notice, but the girls did not find it to be particularly strange given
their beliefs about Geoff. Britney and the other secretary with them
concluded that his apparent transvestitism was likely carried on to a
greater extent at home.
"Well, I've got to get going girls. It was great to see you all
again," Demi then said as she checked her watch.
Geoff and the girls said goodbye to Demi as Geoff, again, failed to
take issue with her decision to lump him in with the girls. While
Geoff joined in the girls' discussion about the latest Real Housewives'
episode, Demi turned away from them with a smile on her face as she
went to get a meal for herself.
While Geoff was bonding with the girls at work, Meghan was growing more
conflicted about her relationship with him. It was only because of
Geoff's continuing devotion to her that Meghan decided that she could
not bring herself to breakup with him, even as she found many of his
new traits to be repellant.
Meghan returned to Geoff's home after she was forced to admit to
herself that she never had a friend as good as Geoff, and she was not
prepared to lose that. Geoff was happy that Meghan took him back while
he was enjoying his blossoming friendships with the girls at work.
Geoff was surprised, however, to be invited to Britney's bachelorette
party. While he was conflicted about the invitation, he did not want
to let his friend down, so he told Britney he would go if it was okay
with Meghan. The girls from his office were a bit perplexed to
discover that Geoff was still dating Meghan, but they assumed that
Geoff was simply lying to himself about his sexuality. The girls found
that to be sad, but they still felt unthreatened by Geoff.
After getting the invite, Geoff asked Meghan if he could go out with
his friends for a pre-wedding celebration. Geoff was careful not to
use the term his new friends used to describe the party since he feared
what his girlfriend would say if she knew that it was bachelorette
Meghan was happy to let him go, believing that a bachelor party might
be just the thing to help straighten him out.
'A night out with the boys just might fix him,' Meghan thought as she
watched Geoff head out the door to go the bachelorette party.
Geoff met up with the girls before they went to a salon to get their
nails done. While the girls had their nails painted in different
shades, Geoff went for clear as he usually did when he got a manicure.
After getting manicures and pedicures, Geoff and the girls headed to a
restaurant for dinner. Geoff was happy to make small talk with the
girls as they playfully kidded Britney about her pending nuptials and
spending the rest of her life with only one man.
'I wonder if I could do that,' Geoff thought to himself as he
fantasized about being in Britney's shoes.
Once they finished eating, they paid the bill and went back to
Britney's home for drinks. As Geoff and the girls drank together, they
heard a knock on the door.
"Oh, no. girls, I think we've been a little too naughty," Britney's
maid of honor said as she opened the door.
Geoff laughed and cheered with the girls as a muscular man walked in
wearing a policeman's costume and announced in a baritone, "You ladies
have been a causing ruckus. I'm here to tell that you have the right
to remain fine."
As the music started, Geoff cheered with the girls as the stripper
slowly removed his shirt before he threw it at Britney. The man began
to gyrate in front of her while Britney put her hands over her face,
struggling to not fall over from her laughter.
Geoff crossed his legs and rubbed his hands against his silk pants as
he felt strangely turned on by the muscular man. Geoff could not pull
his eyes away from the man's sculpted physique.
"Now, that's a man," Geoff said after one of the secretaries from the
office elbowed him as she saw the look of longing on his face.
The girl laughed before she cheered as the stripper pulled off his
belt. While the man's pants dropped, Geoff's eyes fixated on the man's
large member that was poking at the front of his Speedo.
The stripper moved on to dancing before a few of the other girls before
his Speedo dropped to the floor as well. His eyes then turned towards
Geoff and lit up.
The stripper was surprised to see a man to at a bachelorette party, but
Geoff was not the first he had seen. The stripper beamed as Geoff was
just the kind of man he liked.
Geoff squirmed as the man began to dance and gyrate in front of him.
The girls in the room all laughed at Geoff's discomfort, which wilted
away in seconds. While at first Geoff wanted to run as the feelings
inside of him grew to be almost too much for him to handle, he gave
into his desires and gave the man an uninhibited hungry look.
Geoff struggled to keep his hands from clasping the man's member, which
he felt the strange, desperate need to place inside of him. The
stripper then began to shake his rear in front of Geoff's face.
'What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm straight!' Geoff tried to convince
himself as he watched the man's muscled rear shaking in front of him.
Despite his struggles, Geoff pinched the man's rear making him jump a
little as Geoff squealed. The stripper grinned as he turned around and
began to thrust his member closer to Geoff's face. To his horror,
Geoff's member began to poke at his pants as he tried to not humiliate
himself further by fondling himself in front of his female friends.
'I've got to control myself,' Geoff thought as he tried to think about
his girlfriend to get his arousal to subside.
"I wonder what his girlfriend would think if she saw this!" Britney
said as she turned towards another secretary at the brokerage as
Geoff's eyes once again became fixated on the man's package.
"His girlfriend has to be the most oblivious girl in the world," one of
Britney's friends interjected.
"No doubt. That girl either has no gaydar, or she's really desperate
for a man," Britney's maid of honor added.
"Well, he's cute, dresses well and is super sweet. I can see why she
puts up with the act. All the good ones are gay," another secretary
from the firm chimed in.
Britney and the other girls nodded as Geoff rubbed his nose into the
tip of the man's thick and long dick. The dancer then moved onto
Britney and the other girls before his routine came to an end.
As the stripper exited the party, he stuffed his number between Geoff's
waist and the waistband of his pants. Kissing his cheek, Geoff blushed
as the man said, "You're a really cute twink."
"Thanks," Geoff replied with a giggle, wondering what the hell the man
he found so oddly attractive meant.
The man winked and kissed Geoff on the lips and said, "Call me."
Geoff nodded and squealed before he remembered that he had a
'I'm supposed to like girls. Boys like girls,' Geoff repeated to
himself in desperation before he hurried out of Britney's apartment
without saying goodbye to the girls.
Geoff began to cry as he thought about what he had done while he got
into the car. He tried to put his attraction to the man aside as he
drove home to his girlfriend.
Geoff woke Meghan up as she stumbled into the bedroom. Meghan rolled
her eyes at him as Geoff crept into bed and began to cuddle with her.
Meghan was happy, however, to feel his arms around her. Part of Geoff
wanted to make a move on Meghan to prove to himself that he was still
straight, but, as he focused on her, Geoff found that he could not get
Geoff's mind wandered to the stripper, and he felt his member growing
engorged. He whimpered as he rolled away from Meghan, not wanting to
make love to her with the thought of a man in his mind.
The next evening, Geoff decided to try again to prove to himself that
he was really straight. Geoff started off by making reservations at an
exclusive restaurant and surprised Meghan by taking her there. Meghan
appeared genuinely joyful as they were seated at a small table. They
made small talk until another young couple walked in.
Meghan stared at the stunning woman before her eyes were drawn to her
tall and handsome companion.
'Lucky girl,' Meghan thought before she blushed, realizing that she was
gawking at him with a lustful look. Meghan was deeply embarrassed by
her behavior, and expected Geoff to say something about it. Geoff,
however, was silent, prompting Meghan to turn towards him.
Meghan gave him an inquisitive look as she saw Geoff leering at the
next table.
'Well, that girl would make any guy?wait,' Meghan train of thought came
to a sudden stop as she stared vacantly at Geoff, realizing that he was
ogling the pretty girl's date.
Geoff was giving the man a transfixed look of longing that was even
more obvious than what she had given the man.
"Geoff," Meghan said in a stern, but quiet voice, not wanting to draw
the other couple's attention.
"What? Sorry? I was a bit?"
"Distracted," Meghan finished his statement as she struggled not to
Meghan took a sip of her wine that had been placed before them as they
waited to order their dinners before she managed to muster the courage
to ask her boyfriend, "Are you gay?"
Geoff stared at her in silence for a moment before he responded with a
defensive giggle as he answered, "Well, that's silly a question."
"Why is it silly?" Meghan asked, trying to understand what he meant.
Geoff blushed as he realized that he was no longer fooling anyone.
Geoff's silence and blushing gave Meghan all the confirmation she
Meghan shook her head as all of her growing fears about Geoff were
proven to be true. At that moment, Meghan knew that she had spent
years building her life around the lies that Geoff created to hide his
latent homosexuality.
Meghan dabbed her eyes with her napkin while she said, "This was nice,
but we have to go."
"Oh, come, let's just have dinner?"
"No. No. It's too late. We?oh, god! How could I have been so blind?
We have to go, now," Meghan replied, losing her composure.
Meghan struggle to keep her emotions in check brought Geoff to the
verge of tears as he paid for the wine and told the waitress that an
emergency had come up. Geoff then drove Meghan home, pleading with her
not to leave him as they made their way to his door.
Meghan remained silent until she went into Geoff's home and cleared out
her belongings. While she packed, Meghan called her mother to tell her
that she was moving in until she could find a new home.
"You don't have to go," Geoff said as Meghan began to pack up her car.
Meghan sighed as she looked at the man she had loved for years, the man
who had become her better friend to her than any person she had ever
known. She brushed his cheek with her hand as he begged her once more
not to leave.
Meghan hugged him as she said, "I'm sorry, Geoff. I've have to go. I
can't do this anymore. We can't do this. We have to move on."
Geoff sniffled as he nodded in response to Meghan's words.
Meghan kissed her cheek and said, "Be strong. We can still be friends.
It's just going to take me some time. I loved you."
"I still love you," Geoff replied.
"Yes, but I loved you like a soul mate, not a sister. I have to learn
to love you, the way you love me," Meghan replied before she kissed his
cheek and went to collect the rest of her things.
Geoff felt heart broken as Meghan put the last of her belongings in her
car and pulled away from his home. Geoff closed the front door behind
him and slumped against it as he sobbed.
When Geoff got to work the next day, the brokerage's secretaries could
immediately sense that something was wrong. The girls felt that Geoff
was clearly an emotional wreck.
The girls tried their best to comfort him as Geoff struggled to get
through the day. Geoff's boss and his male colleagues, however, shook
their heads at him, wondering how he could be surprised that his
attractive girlfriend had left him given his undeniable homosexuality.
The girls took Geoff out for lunch to try to lift his spirits. Geoff
struggled to get his salad down as he did not feel as if he had much of
an appetite that day.
Demi entered the eatery not long after Geoff sat down with the girls.
She saw the devastated look on Geoff's face, which quickly brought a
smile to her own.
Demi had heard from Britney that Geoff had broken up with Meghan and
was eager to see the continuing blossoming of the fruits of her labors.
Demi nodded to herself as she decided to not go over to them, since she
knew that the time was right to confront Geoff alone.
That evening, Demi knocked upon the door to Geoff's home. With
reddened eyes, Geoff drew the door open and stared at Demi's face.
"What do you want?" Geoff asked, still viewing Demi as a rival.
"I just want to see if you're all right, dear. Britney told me what
happened," Demi replied.
"I'm fine. Just leave me alone."
"You don't look fine," Demi responded as she stepped into Geoff's home
and placed her arm around him.
"What are?"
"No. No. Don't worry. You just tell Demi all about what's going on."
Geoff sniffled as he told her about why Meghan had broken up with him
and his own struggles to accept his homosexuality.
"I never thought I was gay?until?" Geoff said before he trailed off.
"It's okay, dear. You must have repressed it deeply. I mean, you
don't just turn gay, do you?" Demi said.
Geoff shook his head and said, "No. I know. I just hid it so well,
that I guess I hid it from myself."
Demi patted Geoff on the shoulder before he placed his head on her
shoulder. She stroked his arm and said, "How's work going?"
"It's so stressful. You know how it is."
"I do, and I know that being a broker is not something a delicate boy
like you should be doing."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Geoff asked, feeling what was left of
male pride rise up inside of him.
"You're a sweet boy, Geoff. A sweet boy. You don't belong with those
rough and tumble, arrogant assholes. You're better than that."
"I know, but I need a job."
"Well, you need a job that suits you better, one with less stress and
more camaraderie."
"Like what?"
"Well, how about my secretary?"
"Your secretary? I don't know about that."
"Oh, come on. The girls at your job love you, and the girls at my firm
would love you too. You'd fit right in, and there wouldn't be all that
judging from all those guys who bought your old straight act."
"But what about the guys from the old office?"
"Oh, they all knew you were gay."
"They did."
"So did I. It was those meat heads that we left at your brokerage that
bought it because they didn't want to deal with the truth. The guys
that came with me, are more accepting, hell, one of them is gay
"God, I was like the guys from my brokerage, wasn't I?"
"I know, but you're beyond that, now."
"You're right."
"Of course I am. One of the best things about this is that you can
start over completely."
Geoff nodded before Demi added, "You can be who you want."
"What's that?" Geoff asked.
"You can be who you want to be. Don't lie and tell me that you're
wearing that black cashmere sweater and those white Capri pants because
you want to be a boy."'
"I am a boy," Geoff responded with a pout as he rubbed his hand along
the soft fabric of his sweater.
"Right, now, but what if you had a chance to live as the girl you want
to be?"
"How do you know?"
"I used to see how you looked at other girls. I knew that wasn't lust,
it was envy. A girl can tell the difference," Demi lied.
"I can't be a girl though."
"I can clear it with my partners, but I can promise you that they won't
have a problem bringing you on as the new office girl."
Geoff blushed as he daydreamed about working in a skirt and heels like
the girls he worked with at the brokerage. Geoff's envy for them was
impossible for the girls to miss, and they knew that they were what
Geoff wanted to be more than anything.
"I guess no one would make fun of me for being effeminate if I was a
girl," Geoff said with a faint smile.
"No, that's not a bad thing for a girl," Demi replied as she turned and
hugged him. Geoff felt safe as Demi hugged him. He felt an almost
instinctive trust in her that he did not feel towards anyone else. It
struck him as strange, but he was happy to have someone in his life he
could feel such total trust in.
"Is it wrong to want to be pretty?" Geoff asked.
"Does it feel wrong?"
"Then it can't be wrong," Demi responded, struggling not to laugh at
what had become of the man who had sought to destroy her.
Geoff nodded in agreement, prompting Demi to ask with a grin, "So does
this mean?"
"I'll do it."
"Wonderful," Demi said as she got to her feet and said, "I'll draw up a
contract, and you can give your two weeks notice."
Geoff nodded, excited about entering a new stage in his life.
Geoff signed the contract shortly after Demi brought it to him. He
then put in his two weeks notice, which was greeted by sadness from the
administrative staff and cheers from his fellow brokers.
Geoff's boss tried to convince him to reconsider, but Geoff noted that
his decision was final. Geoff's boss was saddened to see him go,
knowing that he would likely have to restructure his company if he
could not find another broker as successful as Geoff.
With his change in jobs, Geoff decided to put his home up for sale and
found a small apartment that he could afford on his greatly reduced
salary. Geoff decided that his home was a luxury he could not afford
any longer and was tied up with too many memories of the man he
believed he had pretended to be.
Geoff spent a large portion of his savings on his new wardrobe for the
woman he was trying to become, and whom Demi had hired under the name
Sara Malone. Geoff was a slightly upset about not being able to pick
his own name, but he figured it was a small price to pay to live the
life he wanted.
Geoff was far happier about Demi's willingness to help him shop for
Sara's wardrobe. Geoff loved to model the clothes for Demi, especially
after he got his nail and hair extensions.
The hair and nail extensions helped him achieve an unambiguously female
appearance, along with his waif physique and the padding in his shaper
undergarments. Geoff found that strangers were much kinder to him,
now, that they believed he was a woman instead of a sissy while he
walked around in public.
Being able to pass himself off for a woman helped make Geoff feel that
a sense of normalcy had returned to his life since he no longer
received disapproving stares from others. He was largely ignored,
except for the occasional guy checking him out as he walked by in his
dresses and heels.
Demi often could not hide her urge to smirk as she saw how eager Geoff
was to buy a wardrobe that was based on his fashion idol, Zooey
Deschanel. He had modeled his haircut on hers as well, and Geoff got
frequent compliments that he looked a fair amount like her too.
Whenever he heard those comparisons, Geoff felt as if his heart was
nearly pounding out of his chest while he flaunted his thrift store
chic style of dress on his 5'8" and 125 pound frame. Geoff frequently
found himself brushing his hand against his bangs as he thanked those
who complimented him. Geoff felt so at ease as he moved about in
As they shopped together, Demi often smiled at his total
transformation, remembering what Geoff had been.
'The boy who hated hipsters is now trying to look like their dream
girl,' Demi thought with a triumphant smile on her face as she marveled
at how the final chapters of the MP3 series had finished guiding
Geoff's transformation from a brash, strong willed straight male into a
submissive, girly-girl trapped in a gay man's body.
In addition to helping Geoff get a new job with her company as a
secretary and build a new wardrobe, Demi also got him a waitressing job
at a local pub on nights and weekends to help him earn extra money.
The promise of the additional income relaxed Geoff as he realized that
he would be able to keep supplementing his wardrobe and keep up the
maintenance of his long, brunette hair.
Geoff felt grateful for all of Demi's help and was eager to start
working for her. He knew that given his new jobs, he would not have
much time to dwell on losing his best friend. He was hopeful that
Meghan would come around and they could become best girlfriends, but he
knew that that was a long way down the road.
When the day he was scheduled to start his new job came, Geoff walked
into Demi's brokerage dressed in a cap sleeve, d?grad? dress in black
and fuchsia hues, fashion tights and black patent leather, Mary Jane,
platform pumps. Demi took to introducing him to everyone shortly after
he arrived.
Geoff's former coworkers did not even recognize him as he said hello to
them en femme. The transformation Geoff had undergone had rendered him
unrecognizable to them, even though they had spent years working beside
After greeting the partners, Geoff was seated beside the other
administrative staff. Geoff made small talk with the girls before he
was given his first task. Geoff nodded as he was told to open up a
file for the firm's newest client, Matt Butts. Geoff shook his head
and remembered listening Matt Butts' self-help tapes for business
'Those tapes were useless,' Geoff thought to himself as he shook his
head and opened up the file and brought it into Demi's office.
"Thank you, Sara," Demi said as she took the file from his hand and
placed it on her desk.
Geoff gave her a deferential nod before he hurried out of her office to
get back to work. He sat down at his secretary's desk and began to go
through the tasks that Demi assigned him in order.
Geoff read off the first task and headed for the filing cabinets with a
large number of documents to file away. Geoff went through each of the
cabinets as he figured out the firm's filing system before he went back
over to his desk.
Geoff picked up the large stack of documents that Demi left for him to
copy. Geoff processed through them as he stood next to the copy
machine listening to it hum. He felt right as he picked up the warm
copies with his manicured fingertips, feeling his feet shift in his
heels beneath him before he carried the bundles into Demi's office.
After the mail came, Geoff opened each letter and reviewed each of
them. He then sorted the mail by whom it was intended for and by how
urgent it seemed before he carried it to Demi and her partners'
As Geoff sat back down, one of the secretaries transferred a call for
him to take a message for Demi, who was in a meeting with the partners.
Geoff nodded while he listened to the familiar voice of his former
client on the line before he took down the man's name and number.
"I'll give her the message the moment she comes in , Mr. Aaron," Geoff
replied calling the client he had shared more than a few drinks with by
his last name, believing that it was too forward for a secretary to use
the man's first name. Geoff then hung up the phone, typed up the
client's message and forwarded it to Demi.
Not long after, Demi emerged from the meeting and asked Geoff to come
in and take the lunch orders since the meeting was running long.
"Right away, Demi," Geoff replied as he picked up a yellow legal pad
and a purple pen as he minced towards the open door.
Geoff stared at the partners' grinning faces without a hint of knowing
what they found so amusing as he stood their waiting to take their
"Well, who wants to start us off?" Demi asked.
The first partner gave his order, which Geoff dutifully wrote down.
The man shook his head as he stared at Geoff, who looked nothing like
the man who had intimidated him with his skills and mastery of office
Most of the people in the room knew who Geoff was and had been. Those
who had worked with him had hated him for his arrogance, poaching of
their clients and the way he cut them down in front of their boss to
make himself look good.
They each knew that the cutthroat, crude man they had feared because of
his access to their boss's ear was gone. In his place was a lowly,
hyper feminine secretary, who seemed to be genuinely eager to serve
The next partner gave his order, which Geoff took down before the man
changed his mind. Geoff promptly crossed out the order before he took
another one down before the man added with a grin, "Oh, wait on second
The partner paused to the laughter of the others in room as they all
knew that Geoff was hanging on the man's every word as his implanted
need to make sure that the needs of his betters were fulfilled was
dictating him to do. The partner then gave Geoff his order before Demi
gave Geoff her own.
Geoff gave Demi a dutiful nod as he wrote down her order and turned to
the final partner, the flamboyant Carl Jenkins.
"What can I get for you, Mr. Jenkins," Geoff said as he stared down
into the man's dark brown eyes that made him squirm.
As Mr. Jenkins gave Geoff his order, Geoff cracked a smile and said,
"Right away, Sir."
"Sir? I like that. Why don't call me Sir from now on," Carl replied as
his partners laughed.
"Now, we don't want to have too formal of an office," Demi lectured.
"Oh, okay. Sara, you can call the other partners by their first name,
but I'd like you to call me Mr. Jenkins. Okay?"
"Sure, sir?I mean Mr. Jenkins. I'm here to serve you," Geoff replied,
instantly regretting how he ended his statement.
"Good, then go call in our order," Demi replied for Carl.
Geoff nodded and scurried out of the room with his pad of paper pressed
up against his chest as he fantasized about going out on a date with
Carl. Geoff sat back down at his desk and picked up the phone. While
he ran one hand along his tights covered leg, he called the order into
the eatery up the road from the office.
The eatery told Geoff when he would be able to pickup the order. Geoff
thanked them and headed back towards the conference room. He gently
knocked on the door before he heard a partner say, "Come in."
Geoff pushed the door open and told them when the food would be ready.
The partners nodded before Demi said, "You can go pick it up, Sara.
They have our card on file."
"Will do," Geoff replied as he nodded and closed the conference room
Geoff headed back to his desk and picked up his purse and told the
girls he was heading down the road to pickup the partners' lunch
orders. The girls nodded before Geoff strolled out of the office.
He walked the block and a half to the eatery and gave the name the
order was under to the staff. No one in the eatery that he had
occasionally gone to as Geoff gave him any indication that they
recognized his face.
Geoff took the food when it was ready and carried it back to the
office. The bags felt heavy in Geoff's arms as he made the short walk
back to the office.
The feeling made Geoff long slightly for the stronger body he had once
had. Geoff knew that six months ago, the bags would have felt light to
him, but they were, now, dragging him down as he made his way back to
the office.
Geoff's arms felt like they were dragging by the time he pushed his way
through the front door of the office. The receptionist opened the
front door for him to let Geoff walk towards the conference room
Geoff walked up to the door and knocked upon it. It took two knocks
before Demi said he could enter. Geoff struggled with the bags as he
struggled to turn the handle before he pushed his way into the
conference room.
The partners smirked at Geoff's difficulties as he placed the bags on
the table. As Geoff took the partners' meals out of the bags, the
partners continued the meeting as if he was not there.
Geoff kept his mouth shut while they discussed investment strategies
and opportunities as he often had in the past. Geoff's mind drifted to
various tasks he had to accomplish while he placed the meals down in
front of those who ordered them. As Geoff placed the final meal down
in front of Carl, Carl asked, "Can you get me a glass of water, dear?"
"Sure," Geoff replied as he hastily moved towards the kitchenette with
a smile on his face that effectively hid the discomfort he felt from
spending so much time on his heeled feet.
Geoff fetched the glass of water for Carl before he carried it back
into the conference room. As he placed it down, Carl winked at Demi as
he playfully tapped on Geoff's rear and said, "Thank you, Sara."
Geoff blushed as he felt himself growing aroused by the feeling of
Carl's large hand on his rear.
"You're welcome, sir?Mr. Jenkins," Geoff replied before he was
dismissed from the room.
Geoff practically skipped to his desk and spun in his chair a little as
he sat down and wondered how he never realized how handsome Carl was
until that day. Geoff then typed up a few emails for Demi as he waited
for her meeting to end.
When it did, Geoff asked if he could take lunch. Demi nodded and Geoff
headed out with one of his new coworkers. They walked to a nearby
luncheonette and shared a quick meal as they got to know each other a
little more before they went back to work.
Geoff settled back in at his desk as the workday continued. Geoff
faxed documents for Demi in addition to bringing her required documents
and typing up the forms she asked for. Geoff smiled while he pushed
through the menial tasks Demi had assigned for him, ecstatic that he
felt that he finally was what he believed he had always thought he
should be.
As three o'clock came, Demi yawned and called for Geoff to come into
her office.
"Yes, Demi," Geoff replied.
"Sara, can you get me a cup of coffee?" Demi asked.
"Right away, Ma'am," Geoff answered as he reached for Demi's cup.
Demi smirked at how Geoff called her 'ma'am' without prompting.
Geoff hurried to the kitchen with Demi's cup in his hand. He tapped
his French manicured nails against it as he walked into the kitchen and
towards the coffee maker.
As he went to put the coffee into the machine, he heard the phone in
the kitchen ringing. Geoff reached for the phone and answered,
"Sara?" Demi asked.
"Are you alone?" Demi inquired.
"Yes," Geoff replied with a smile.
"Well, how are you enjoying your first day in the secretarial pool?"
"We don't call it a pool anymore. It's more like a kiddie pool since
they don't need that many girls anymore?"
"I know it's a term of art. Four secretaries is hardly a pool, but how
are you enjoying it?" Demi replied, cutting Geoff off.
"This is the best job ever. The girls are so nice."
"I'm so glad. Is there anything else you like?"
"Sure. The guys are super nice, and Mr. Jenkins is really nice to me.
Do you think you could put in a word for me?"
"Mr. Jenkins?"
"Carl Jenkins? You know what you used to say about him?"
"I was a better trader, but I just didn't realize at the time that he
was so cute. Well, I probably did, but I was just trying to cover it
up by tearing him down."
"So that's your type! Huh?well, he is cute."
"Totally," Geoff replied with a giggle that prompted Demi to laugh.
"Are you still alone?"
Geoff looked around and said, "I think so. Why?"
"It's a wonderful life, Sara."
"Where the hell I am? What the fuck? What the hell am I wearing?" Geoff
shouted as he stared down at his sparkly fashion tights covered legs
that were peaking out from beneath his mini-skirt and the stiletto
pumps on his feet. Geoff gawked at how thin his waist and legs had
become and shook his head, horrified to realize that he had appeared to
have lost 60 pounds of muscle.
"Tsk, tsk, Sara. Salty language isn't appropriate for the office."
Geoff started to take short quick breaths before he exhaled with a
sense of relief as he realized that his bust was not real.
"Sara, calm down," Demi instructed.
"Who's Sara?" Geoff asked as he clasped at the bracelet that was
annoying him as it moved up and down his arm.
"You are, dear. From your long brunette hair, to your pretty, pink
painted toes, and all that nylon, cotton and silk covered body?"
"This is sick, Dee. How could you do this to?"
"How could I? Do you remember when you stole my phone and all my
contacts, well, what I wanted you to believe were all my contacts? We
were just two wolves out for the same prey. It's clear, now, that I
was the alpha of the group, and you are where you belong, as my bitch!"
"This isn't fair?"
"Fair? Now, that's a funny word to hear from you. Was it fair when you
cheated on your girlfriend just to try to steal some clients from me or
how you undercut your colleagues, well, now, your bosses? You tried to
destroy every rival you had. How long did you try to get a chance to
fuck me in bed, while you never missed a chance to fuck me over at the
old job too? Now, you'll be spending the rest of your life getting
Geoff clasped the phone and clenched his eyes as he noticed his painted
fingernails. Geoff felt his large, silver dangling earrings brush
against his neck as he jerked his head and pled with Demi to let him
"Sorry, Sara. Face it! You're a better woman than you ever were as a
"Dee, please?"
"Prissy, Sissy, Sara, Wakeup!"
"Anyway, Demi, do you think you could help me with Mr. Jenkins?"
Demi laughed as she replied, "I'll see what I can do. I have got a
feeling that he likes girls like you. Who knows, girl. I might even
hear wedding bells in your future."
Geoff squealed before he let out a giggle and said, "Thanks, Demi.
You're the best."