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Darlene By: Malissa Madison 6/16/2013 Daddy and Momma Jill loaded up my Mustang on the back of TooTall's Mack by the time we emerged from our motel room the next evening. My Momma's and Daddy were there and my brother's Wolf and Red Wing. My sisters Rose, Flower, Night Wolf and Lorelei, and it seemed like everyone was about to start crying. And then Momma Missy started crying and I started crying. Then I noticed Momma was driving Beauty without the blower, I looked up at her. "Momma where's your Blade?" "Darlene, Rose has asked to go to Clara's," she told me. "She has to be there by Sunday." "Momma you're not sending her there so she doesn't get married like I did are you?" "No Sweetie." "No I asked her if I could go. They teach a lot of important things there," Rose told me. Her arms gripped me tight around the neck. "I'm going to miss you Sis." "I'll miss you too." I never remembered seeing Daddy cry before, but he had tears in his eyes as he helped me up into the truck. Then he lifted Dark Shadow up into my lap, and ruffled his fur. "You two take care of my little girl now." TooTall and I spent the rest of Friday to drive to Cheyenne, where we got a motel for the night. Then as we were leaving the next morning we spotted another Truck at the diner across the road. It was a big Kenworth T660 like Reds but with a wolf pack painted on the sides. Under the door it read, 'Jake Lightfeather, Ute Trucking.' It was one that hadn't been on the run to Branson, and I was curious. "TooTall?" I got his attention. "Oh that's my Uncle Jake, I bet he'll be surprised to see us." TooTall led me straight to him in the diner. "Uncle Jake, this is my Wife, Chasing Shadows Lightfeather." When he stood up I saw that his left hand was a Prosthetic device. But he ignored it so I did the same as he hugged me. "Don't tell me he picked you up in Alaska." I giggled. "Actually sir he did. But we were already in love before that." He looked out the window and saw Shadow sitting on the back deck of the truck next to my car. "You're the Wyoming girl he's been going crazy over," his smile was huge. "I was about to ask you if your mother's know, but of course Mother Fox will have seen it already." He bought us breakfast and even insisted on getting a steak for Shadow. Then when TooTall asked what he was doing this far up north he said, "Coming to visit my Granddaughter before I go South East again. She doesn't talk to anyone." I could see a great sadness in his eyes. "Your Momma thinks maybe a change of environment will do her good but she's too young to send to one of those fancy schools where they teach sign language." It was the first I'd heard of Daffodil, she was there with TooTall's family as a fosterling. Her parents having died in an accident with a drunk driver over the summer. Jake was already widowed, and Sherylin was his daughter and only child. He'd already been to the house and was headed back out onto the road for another three week round trip. "The best way to learn how to get somewhere, is to drive it yourself," he told me as he put me behind the wheel. He was giving me directions as I made each turn, logging them in my memory. I saw the large gate standing open with the cattle guards to drive over. Then I followed the dirt and gravel driveway almost a mile before it ran up to a little Stone house. Standing in front of the house were his Family, or most of them anyway. He opened his door before I had it shut down, and was standing at the foot of the driver's door waiting for me when it opened. I felt his hands close around my waist as he lifted me down before catching Shadow as he leapt from the open door. The first persons I met were his Momma's, Fox the head wife, Beaver her oldest sister, Otter his birth mother, and Swallow, Otter's younger sister. Daisy and Primrose his two oldest unmarried sisters had been living there keeping his house clean and doing his laundry until either were married or he brought a wife home. I knew it was going to take time before I learned everyone's names. So just concentrated on the main ones. His mothers' lead us into the house and showed me around. "Now Daughter, it is time for tradition," Daisy and Primrose both stood before me holding a new broom. "What do I do now Mother?" I asked. "Take it from them, and sweep it at their feet. it is tradition for the wife to chase the sisters from the home and claim her rightful place as First wife," she whispered into my ear. Taking it I began swishing it around their feet as they hurried, giggling in front of me out the door. "Well done daughter." I turned to see Otter with a video camera recording the event. "Are, are you going to stay as witness to the other tradition as well?" I blushed and giggled. With a giggle Beaver said, "Leave no room untouched." And they all stepped out the door together. TooTall hugged me from behind. "You know we don't really have to do it in every room don't you?" To answer I twisted in his arms sinking to my knees in front of him as I hurriedly ripped open his jeans. "I want to at least do one thing in each room." I giggled as I took him right there in front of the door. It took us about two hours to really get it worked out of our systems as we performed at least one act in each room of our own house. I'd just barely managed to get my top and skirt back on when he picked me up in his arms. "Come on, it's time for one last tradition. I hope you really do understand that I love you though because you were very naughty earlier," He carried me out onto the porch and pulled me across his knees. "Oh god," I tried to hide my excitement. This was going to be my first public spanking to show that he was in control of his wife. I grabbed my skirt as I squirmed on his lap, then pulled it up out of his way. "Pay attention girls, a good wife always accepts her punishment for being naughty," Fox said. I got five stinging swats from his bare hand. Then I kissed him and thanked him for my spanking as they came forward to offer me soothing creams. Giggling I said, "Thank you. But Momma forgot to remind you that a good wife also knows when to be naughty." I blushed. "Oh how fun it is going to be to have you around," Swallow said. It was late evening when we finally made our way back outside. I'd fixed us a light supper after we'd taken a long nap in his bed. Then he led me outside to find someone had already unloaded my car from the back of his truck. Seeing the lights on in one of the huge barns he walked me down that way as Shadow paced alongside us. We found his Dad and Lightfoot working on a truck that looked like old Hatchetman's wrecker. As we got close I could see the diamond emblems in the shape of a 'T', this I recognized as a 'Diamond T'. "She's beautiful," I said and heard a noise from the cab. Looking up I saw a very young girl about four years old holding a doll sitting in the driver's seat. She scurried out the other side but kept watch as we moved through the rest of the barn and he introduced me to the trucks I didn't already know. When we came to a huge Kenworth, T2000, he said, "Darlene, this is Big Dog. Big Dog, Chasing Shadows my wife." It was very touching the way he introduced me to his other truck. With a giggle I admitted I had thought we were going to a horse barn. "Oh the horse barn is the one at the end with the corrals," said Old Elk. The young girl came just a bit closer. "Daffodil, come meet Chasing Shadows," prompted TooTall. "That's a pretty doll you have there," I said as I knelt on the cement floor. "Can I see her?" "I thought she turned her loose," my husband said. "Well you remember what they say about if you love something?" his father said. "Yeah well if she doesn't start eating she'll starve," commented TooTall about the little skunk. "Can I see her?" I reached gently to move the blanket away from the dolls face to discover a very pretty skunk wrapped in the blanket. "I won't hurt her I promise," I scratched the skunks chin and ears. Gradually taking her into the crook of my arm. Still Daffodil said nothing, just looked frightened. As I scratched gently along her jaw humming soothingly I felt something odd. The poor thing was very week, and I let my finger gently lift her lip enough to see what it was. "It's a fish hook," I said. "We have to get it out TooTall." "Darlene, if you start trying to pull that out you're going to get sprayed and bitten," warned my new father inlaw. "Get me a clean rag and some starting fluid. Daffodil, I'm going to help her ok? Don't be scared. But I need your help," I pulled out a stool next to a work bench and she climbed silently up onto it. "Now hold her gently," I sprayed the Ether onto the rag and let her get about three whiffs of it before she fell asleep. Then grabbed a pair of wire cutters and clipped off the barbed end before pulling it out. Looking I could see where it had been and I used a bit of water to rinse the wound before handing her back to daffodil. When she began to wake up Daffodil hugged me then scampered over to a refrigerator to find it something to eat. Old Elk said, "Thank you, she wouldn't let anyone else have a look." We were looking over the back deck when I heard a giggle, everyone stopped. The girl, daffodil was sitting at the bench feeding strips of bologna to the skunk. "Elk, have you seen daffodil? It's time for her bath, and her medicine," Fox called from the doorway. The girl scooped up the skunk and disappeared through a side door. "She was just here Fox, maybe she's headed to the house," he told her. "She'll come in when she gets cold," she said. I was looking around for Shadow who had seemed to disappear as well. We spent a few more minutes looking over the beefed up hydraulics then headed back toward the house. "Shadow," I called. He came out of the shadows near the front of the barn to follow us then raced ahead to the house. Inside I asked TooTall if he was hungry. "Sure love. You want me to fix you something?" he asked. "Mmmmm," I kissed him. "I'm going to get into something sexy for you," I looked over my shoulder at him. "Be right back." Shadow had crawled up onto the bed and curled up, and I began changing into a nitie. Then turning I leaned over to scratch Shadows ears when I saw her, she was sound asleep in our bed curled up with the little skunk. Going to the door I asked in a low voice, "TooTall, could you come here a minute?" He rushed to me his hands going to my hips as he began kissing me. I giggled. "I think we may need to use a different bed tonight." "What? Why?" he asked. "Shhh, you'll wake her up." Our arms around each other we crossed to the bed and he looked down then started to reach for her shoes. She was wearing one of my T-shirts for a nitie. I just pulled the covers up and began tucking her in. "Momma, Daffodil is here asleep. No it's fine, really. I think Darlene kind of likes her being here. Yes Momma she did giggle when we were in the barn, Dad wasn't imagining it." I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and found her dirty clothes in the floor and a damp towel. "She even took a bath before getting into bed," I commented. And he handed me the phone. "Darlene honey are you sure you don't want me to come and get her?" asked Fox. "No Mom I think she's happy where she is for now. But what kind of medicine is she taking?" I was worried just in case she needed it in the night. "She gets panic attacks, and really bad dreams. Are you sure you don't want me to come over. You two don't need that happening so soon after getting married." "Mom, TooTall and I are going to have the rest of our lives together. If we can't make one little sacrifice for a little girl, what kind of parents will we turn out to be?" after a moment I added, "She really is very sweet." TooTall and I used one of the smaller rooms and though it was a bit cramped, we made love in the twin sized bed until we both fell asleep. Waking to hear her agonized moans I rushed into the room, when I began caressing her forehead and cuddled up to her she quieted down again into a peaceful sleep. TooTall snuggled in from the other side and we cuddled her between us. I felt something poking my arm and opened my eyes. Daffodil was staring at my face. "Are you hungry?" she nodded. "Do you have to potty?" another nod. I slipped out from under the covers aware that I was only wearing pantys. Grabbing a robe I slipped it on and then holding her hand I led her to the bathroom. "I'll go see what we have to eat. Do you like eggs?" she smiled. "Your," I caught myself before I said Daddy, "Uncle TooTall likes eggs too." I fixed toast eggs and hash browns, and TooTall had joined us at the table. I'd just shown her how to put grape jelly on her eggs when Beaver showed up. "I just came to get daffodil," she said. The reaction was instant, the girl slid out of the chair and scurried around behind me. "Daffodil, come on we don't have time to play games. You need to take your medicine." TooTall looked from Beaver to daffodil to me then back again. "Nooooooo," she hugged me harder. "What, did, did you just talk Daffodil?" "No medsun," she cringed behind me. Beaver just stood there mouth open. "Mom, she'll be ok with us. Tell Momma we'll bring her by later, ok?" "She talked, she really talked." "Daff, the doctor says you need to take your medicine to get better," TooTall tried to reason with her. "NO!" she stomped her foot and Shadow growled low from his vantage point under the table. "Beaver, we'll bring her by later and we can sit down and talk," I said. "We need to get her some clean clothes to wear anyway." "I'll, I'll let Fox know so she can get her some ready." She left in a hurry. I sat down with her in my lap and began to eat. "Daffodil, why don't you want to take the medicine?" "They, Gramma says it make me forget what happen. I done wanna forget my Mommy and Daddy." She was crying. "Oh sweetie, you shouldn't forget your Mommy and Daddy. But you should remember the good things mostly, ok?" "Can, can I live here with you?" she clung to me, little tears streaming down her cheeks. I kissed her tears, looked at TooTall, then said, "Yes when we aren't out on the road driving." "Absolutely," TooTall confirmed. How about we get Shadow and your little skunk something to eat, then go to Grammas and get you something to wear though?" she smiled at him and leaned over to be hugged. Later as I entered his parents' house for the first time Fox asked, "Are you two sure about this? You're both so young, and I promised your Momma that you young lady would finish high school." "Yes we're sure," we both answered together. "And I am going to finish high school still. I'm just going to be taking care of a child a lot sooner than expected is all." "So it seems I made a mistake earlier. I saw daffodil finding happiness finding peace in Wyoming. I was just seeing the wrong Wyoming. But what about that little skunk. Are you prepared to handle the grief when she is gone?" "Fox, is Daffodil here, her skunk is out here trying to get in the door," Swallow said as she opened the door. "Cookie," she slid off my lap into the floor as the skunk ran into her arms. "Is that the same skunk?" asked Otter. "That thing was near dead last night." "Mommy maked her better." She smiled. "And you're really talking again Squirt," said Nika excitedly as she was getting ready for the school bus. Field Mouse and Porcupine rushing along right behind her grabbing up their lunches on their way out the door. Fox raised her eyes at me, and mouthed the question, "Mommy?" I caressed her hair, where she sat in the floor at my feet cuddling the little skunk, who apparently was named Cookie. I just smiled, feeling something inside, "Come on Daffodil, and let's get you something to wear for the day." She got up and handed the little skunk to Fox, then grabbed my hand and led me to where her room was. Running to a dresser she got out clean pantys and a T-shirt. Then pulled on a pair of jeans, and a long sleeve sweatshirt then pulled out a little denim skirt and pulled it on before grabbing a pair of cowgirl boots. There was a heated discussion going when we returned to the living room. "TooTall, you have to talk some sense into your wife. She is both too young and inexperienced to be a mother," Beaver was saying. "You need to stop trying to decide what is best for Daffodil," said Primrose angrily. "Can't you see how she's taken to Shadows?" "She takes to anyone she doesn't see all the time," countered Beaver looking to Otter and Fox for support. "Sorry Beaver, if she wants to live with Chasing shadows and TooTall and she's happy, then I have to agree with Primrose." "Well I'm the one who's been taking care of her the last eight months. And I even got her the medicine to stop her anxiety and nightmares." Daffodil started to cry and bolted out the front door, running as fast as she could. "ENOUGH!" Fox stood up still holding the little skunk. "Daffodil has made her choice, Chasing shadows has made hers, and now i am giving you mine. You will not interfere with Daffodil's choice." "But, what are they going to do when they're on the road together? Who's going to look after her then?" "Beaver, I know you only want what's best for her," I said. "But until she starts school, she can ride in the truck with me, the way my Sisters and brother do. I won't be hauling anything hazardous," TooTall and I were pulling our coats back on. I gently took Cookie from Mother Fox, "Thank you Momma I was afraid I was going to have to fight, I still will if I need to." I looked straight at Beaver as I started for the door, but Otter caught my attention and I paused. "She'll be in her father's truck," she said quietly. "Thank you Mom." I hugged her quickly as I rushed from the door. "You're going the wrong way," a very old woman said, then pointed toward a smaller barn. "That's where she is." "Thank you," I rushed off following the tiny foot prints in the snow, half wondering who the old woman was. "Thank you Grandmother," I heard TooTall say as he quickly followed me. The doors to the barn were locked when I got there, but it was easy to follow her footprints to the loose boards in the back. TooTall held them out for me as I slipped inside. Then he was there with me as we made our way to the cab. The door was standing open but either the batteries were long dead or the lights were burned out. We found her laying on the bunk curled up crying and as I gathered her in my arms she tightened her arms around my neck. "Shhh, shhh, its ok. You're mine now. Mine and TooTall's," I was gently rocking her back and forth as he joined us. "You get to stay with us," he told her and she reached for him too. "Mother Fox said so," The way he said it, it sounded like law. Only his grandmother could dispute Fox's decision. After a bit he said, "Come on we gotta teach Mommy how to pull the big trailer." She stood watching big eyed as we hooked up the trailer. Then in the cab with me as I began pulling it out of the barn. I heard a loud pop and lost pressure on the main pump. I reached over and hit all the controls killing the trailer hydraulics. By the way everyone was acting I knew it wasn't good. "How bad is it Dad? How much did we lose?" "Not much Son. I think you got it shut down faster this time than when we practiced last year, though." "Wasn't me driving it Dad that was Darlene?" I got out of the truck reaching up to grab Daffodil. Only to have TooTall grab her and lift her onto his shoulders. She giggled as she held on while he retrieved the little skunk. "So you really can giggle," Elk smiled. "How's the little critter doing today?" He asked about the skunk. "Cookie is doing a lot better Dad," I said. "Cookie?" he looked surprised. "Well let's get it set up again and we'll go up onto the road this time." "Dad, that wasn't a planned failure. We need to find out where it blew out," TooTall said. The huge tank in the middle of the trailer was for the system failure training. The controls on the front could randomly select which suspension system to drain, to simulate a line failure. We started looking, and finally found the leaking line near the back right side on the second rear set of tandems. "How bad is it?" I asked. "Well until we get a new hose on there, training is over for the day," I was frowning because we'd just gotten started. It would take half a day to drive into town and get a new line, then get the old one replaced. "So no more training today?" I asked. "What were you thinking?" he was half grinning. "We need to go to the store and get some groceries. And I want to buy our Daughter some new clothes," I said. "So she doesn't have to wear jeans under her skirts." Daffodil looked excited and leaned forward towards me. I caught her in midair. "Mommy," TooTall looked at his dad nervously. "Your Momma already told me at three this morning, son. She also said your mother and wife were going to have a bonding moment today," He chuckled as he looked past me toward the house. "I thought it was that little stand off earlier, but now I'm not so sure." "I'm sorry Dad, I kind of know how Daffodil feels. And I wasn't going to let Beaver push her into something more drastic or dangerous," I told him. "More dangerous or drastic?" "I, before My Momma found me I, well I wasn't very happy and I," I pulled the sleeves up on my arms turning the underside up so he could see the crisscross of old scars. I heard Otter gasp. "After my Mother died the pain was like the only thing that proved everything was real." I didn't even realize I was crying until Otter began wiping at my tears. "Why don't you two go get your hose line thingy, I'm going to show our Daughter the best places to shop," offered Otter. I actually had to giggle at her description of a hydraulic line. Then Daffodil touched my arm, "What happened Mommy?" "When Mommy was a little bit younger than I am now my Mommy died and I was so sad just like you," I kissed her cheek, before finishing, "I couldn't feel anything but hurt inside and no one would listen to me. the only way to feel anything, to know that it was real was to make myself hurt on the outside," I pressed my forehead to hers. "Just like you I stopped talking first because no one ever listened." "And then you met Daddy?" she asked. "First I met my Mommas and Sister and brother and Daddy who showed me I really did matter and I could be happy again without forgetting my Mommy. Then I met Daddy, and now I have you." "And you're special like Aunt May too," she smiled. "When I get bigger will you teach me how to drive a truck?" "Of course we will," Old Elk said he was slowly walking us toward our house. "Ladies, have fun shopping," he kissed Otter passionately squeezing her bottom. I ran and got my purse, then Daffodil and I drove the short distance to pick her up in front of the main house. Turning on the CB I switched over to the channel I knew Momma would be on hoping to hear her or Daddy. We were almost at the main road before I finally heard familiar voices. "That was a really good idea BJ, I think if the weather holds another two days we can have this pass cleared," Nikki was saying. "Hey Stardrive, what's happening? Anybody hear from my Momma and Rose yet?" "Well I'll be damned, hey Ice Pack you hear who's on the air?" "Shadows, honey are you ok?" "Yeah Momma, I was kind of hoping to hear Daddy on the radio too," I admitted. "I'm here Baby, are you ok? You sound a bit strange." Holding the mike keyed I said, "Daffodil, say hi to your Grampa Tim and Gramma Jill." "H, hi." "Well hi there Sweetie," Daddy said. "Where did you find her? You didn't steal her did you?" Taking the mike Otter said, "No I think my granddaughter stole your daughter's heart first." "Does your Momma know about this yet?" asked Jill. "No Momma, I was going to surprise her on Friday when we roll through there on our way out east." "So I take it you're doing well with the Super HET training?" asked Daddy. "Tim, she's doing really well," Old Elk cut in. "We lost a hydraulic line on the training trailer and barely lost a gallon before she had it shut down. I think pushing a blower is her biggest asset in this regard" "So she's getting used to the way the trainer does things randomly, that's good." "Tim it wasn't a training incident, we actually lost a line. We're going to get a new one now, while Otter and Darlene take her new Daughter shopping." "Hey Jumper, any word from our oldest yet?" Momma called over the radio about twenty minutes later. "Jumper to Shadows, you listening Sweetheart?" "Yes Daddy, Hi Momma." "You sound different, positively giddy. What's happened?" Momma asked me. Handing the microphone to Daffodil I said, "Go ahead sweetheart." "Uhh, Hi Gramma." "Gr, Gamma?" "You're my Mommy's, mommy right?" "Uh, yes but I didn't know your daddy had a sweet little girl waiting at home. Darlene, did you know about this?" I pulled into the Mall parking lot. "No Momma and neither did TooTall, so don't get mad at him," I said. "I'm not mad just very surprised. When did all this happen?" Otter took the microphone. "Missy, Daffodil is the niece Fox talked to you about last Thursday. She really took to Darlene and TooTall, and they didn't know about the arrangement. So they," she had to stop and giggle still holding the mike open. "Darlene put her foot down and decided they wanted her and nothing was going to stop her." "She did?" "Yes, she's going to be a wonderful Mommy too." Momma called my cell phone and we began talking as we started shopping for daffodil some new clothes like mine. She wanted leggings and warmer tights to wear under her little skirts like mine. Otter kept taking pictures and little videos as we went along. Pausing to send them to Momma and Fox, she was positively delighted to know that the girl was going to be her first granddaughter. And that on some occasions she would be allowed to take care of her while we were out on the road together. We'd finished buying clothes and shoes, and were buying groceries when Momma Jill called. "Darlene, I want to ask you a favor," I could almost picture her biting her lip. "You're taking daffodil with you on this big run right?" "Yes Momma we are," I answered. "Oh, you mean all the way up north? Up where it's really too dangerous to have a child her age with you on the road?" I actually began to laugh, "No not all the way up there. We were going to drop her off to help keep you company until we came back. Besides that will give her a chance to meet Billy. But you need to teach him how to play with skunks." "Skunks? Why would he need to know that?" Daffodil was asleep in the back seat. "Because Momma, where ever she goes, Cookie goes. Of course Cookie and Dark Shadow are at home waiting for us since it was just a quick run into town." I could tell Momma Jill was relieved to know that she was going to get some quality time with her first Granddaughter. When we got home Mack Attack had been moved into the barn. Now sitting in line just inside the huge barn doors was 'Big Dog' and 'Bull Elk'. Bull Elk was my father in-laws big Kenworth T2000. Over dinner at the big house as I thought of it, I was told that by the way I handled the training trailer without being told how it worked, they were sure I would have no problems with the real thing. "So what are you saying?" I asked. "We can leave in the morning, that way we can stop and give you a couple of days with your Momma and visit with Rose and May. Dad wants to stop and pick up Longreach to ride with him though." "What about Tom Cat's truck, is he taking out on another run?" the Kenworth T660 was in line behind us, and I was curious. "No he's going along as the support driver. He was Dads Co-Driver last summer. And our umm, support team died in an accident right after we got back," He looked nervously at Daffodil. I realized then why the hookups and hydraulics on her father's truck in the small barn looked all wrong, as well as why it had a huge tank back behind the sleeper. The tank was hooked up to a secondary hydraulic system. If they had a failure out on the road. The support truck had enough fluid and pumps to run the system from the back of the trailer. Daffodil was looking hurt and sad seeing that we were going to be leaving in the morning. "Daff, Sweetie. Do you want me to help you get some clothes together for the trip? And we'll need a little box for Cookie to sleep in while we're on the road," I suggested. Her smile was bright as she wrapped she wrapped her arms around both of us. She was jumping up and down happily, "Well I know one little Princess who looks happy," I turned to see Fox, Primrose and Beaver. "Are you happy to be staying with me while they're gone?" Asked Beaver. Daffodil turned and stuck her tongue out at the older woman. "I get to ride with Mommy and Daddy," she said. "Here you go Daffodil, I made this for Cookie. Do you think she'll like it?" asked Swallow holding out a wooden sided box with a padded blanket. "We can put her a clean blanky in on top and then I can wash that old one while you're gone." "Thank you Gramma," she hugged the youngest of my new mother in-laws. "I can't believe you are actually going to take a four year old out in a truck," said Beaver sarcastically. "You know how dangerous the roads are up there." "Beaver, she is their child now, by all of their own choice. It is not or you to say or interfere anymore. Or do I need to remind you of your place in the household?" my father in-law told her. "It isn't fair, I'm the only one that ever cared about what happened to her. I was the one who took her to get her medicine. She should be mine to raise, not someone who is herself barely old enough to drive a car. She doesn't know the first thing about raising children," Beaver fumed. When Old Elk started to reprimand her though Fox intervened. "Beaver, you might be my oldest sister. And the Great Spirit knows I love you, but you are out of line. I expect you to be waiting for our husband's just punishment by the time we get to the house." "No, you can't do this. She needs me to protect her." Grandmother Smoke Rising gently took hold of her chin. "Child, have you forgotten how your smothering, over protective love turned out for your own child? Where is he now?" I could see the stinging hurt filling Beaver's eyes. The tears that were there ready to flow unbidden. It was the first I'd heard of her child and really wanted to know more, but she turned and fled toward the family house. "You know how I really hate having to spank one of you before I go on the road," Elk said. I helped Daffodil pick out several outfits to wear, and even found a few games we could play as we rode in the truck. "What kinds of games did you play Mommy?" asked my new daughter. "Well we had Hangman, and connect four. But my favorite was license plate bingo." "How do you play that one Mommy?" "Someone picks a States license plate, and the first person to spot one yells bingo. Of course there's the version where you use a US map and put stars on each state as you spot that states license plate. That's more fun than the original," I told her. "Then at night we would play Crinkle and Crunkle." I eyed her curiously, "Missing headlights are Crinkles, and tail lights are," she started. "Crunkles," We both said at the same time. Later after I knew she was asleep I asked TooTall about Beaver's child. "She isn't dead is she?" I was worried. "Honestly, we don't know. Beaver sheltered her from everything, wouldn't let her do anything where she might get hurt. Then when she was thirteen Spider Silk snuck out and got involved with a boy from school. When Beaver forbid her to see him, even going so far as to pull her out of school, Spider took off. She ran away from home, we still look for her everywhere we go." "You've never heard from her?" "She'd be eighteen by now. Dad took off one day when he heard some drivers talking about a girl calling herself Spider at a truck stop. But she was long gone when he got there." "And your Momma, Fox can't find her?" I knew Spirit women had some very amazing powers, and was surprised that they didn't extend that far. "No, she's tried," he fell silent. We made love long into the night and I fell asleep thinking about Spider Silk, where she might be. In my dream I saw a very pretty girl as she climbed down from the cab of a truck. She looked over her shoulder at me, her long black hair wafting in the breeze. "Leave me alone, I'm not interested in your kind little girl," her words stung me as if she was speaking to me, but this was only a dream right? "Hey Silk, you heading up north this time?" someone asked. "You know they're paying extra this time around, because they lost a bridge over the Tooiik." The girl in my dream spun around, her hand shooting out toward me, "I said leave me alone, whoever you are! I don't care who sent you," And just like that TooTall was holding me. "Love are you ok? You gasped and jerked like you were falling or something." "Oh, I was just dreaming," I looked at the clock it was five AM. "I better get breakfast started," I giggled. "I'll go see if Daff is awake yet," he said before he leaned over placed a kiss gently on my bare bottom. The giggles from the doorway told us she was not only awake, she was about to come check on us. "Did you see her too Mommy?" she asked. "See who Sweetie?" TooTall asked. "She's very pretty, and very sad Daddy. I think maybe she's trying to find her way home like Alice in wonderland." "What did she look like?" I asked my daughter. "She was big like Daddy with really long silky black hair. And she was driving a black truck with a spider on it," After a minute she said, "I see her lots in my dreams, but she doesn't like me being there." Daffodil climbed up on a chair next to the stove helping me fix breakfast, and soon our dream was forgotten as we sat down to eat. I was fixing us all some sandwiches for the road, while TooTall took her into her room to get ready for the first day of driving. I was grabbing our bags out of my room when I heard them talking. "Daddy, Mommy's really like aunt May, isn't she?" "Yes she is, I hope that doesn't change how you feel about her." "No Daddy it just means she's going to really love me even more than everyone else does." Daisy showed up as we were leaving the house. "Don't worry, I'll keep it from freezing up while you're gone," she promised. Smoke Rising was there to bless the trucks before we left. "This will certainly be an interesting journey for all of us," she said. "Mother, what have you seen?" Fox asked. "Happiness Daughter. Great happiness, and lots of snow." Perhaps the most wonderful addition to the big Kenworth was the middle jump seat that Elk and TooTall had installed while we were out shopping. It wasn't something cheap that you could find in some automatic parts magazine. This was something that the two had built with great care and thought. It wouldn't come loose in an accident. More important it had its own retractable seatbelts, and its very placement meant more protection for its occupant. I was just about to say it was too low for her to see where we were going after strapping her in, when she bounced up high enough to see out the front. She squealed with delight. "Thank you Daddy, it's just like my other seat." "I hope you don't mind, we kind of used that one as the plan for this one," he told her. Giggling she pulled up the captain style arm rests, then spun it around. "Well I better put these in the back," I said easing past her to the little fridge in back. As I passed through TooTall smacked my bottom. "No moving around until we're on the main road Love," he said. "Think of the example you're setting." I yelped and sat down in my seat as we watched Old Elk pulling away. "Seatbelts Mommy," Daffodil reminded me. As soon as I had it fastened we began moving forward. Shadow howling his agreement that it was about time. I looked and saw Cookie curled up next to him. "I'm sure glad you finally got things sorted out," I heard and looked at my husband. "My Dad talked with your Dad, we're installing the open links in our trucks too." "Yeah be sure to turn it off tonight so I don't have to hear you two," advised Tom Cat. "Like you aren't going to pick up Zoey Brightfeather at the truck stop. I suggest you remember the same thing son," Advised his Dad. "Tell me son, is she more than just a pretty seat cover?" I heard Momma Swallow ask over the open link. "Momma I didn't know you were coming along this trip," he said. "Someone has to keep him warm at night. Besides you forget son, I taught you how to drive." We engaged in playful banter as we drove along headed for the truck stop that just like the Tomahawk was both on the very edge of the reservation, as well as Indian owned. I could hear my father in-law on the radio. "Jimmy Brightfeather, you there?" "Yeah Elk, I'm here. What's up?" "We need three pumps side by side. But you better lock up that daughter of yours, Tom Cat's on the prowl," advised my Father in-law. As we pulled up to the pumps I saw a group of people standing there watching as I got out, then reached up to help Daffodil down. "Tall, is it ok if Shadow gets out to stretch his legs?" I asked. "Cookie too Mommy," I reached up and lifted the little skunk down then caught shadow as he jumped into my arms. As soon as they were on the ground I twisted the cap off the passenger side fuel tank and started it filling. "No way, now that's just not fair," "I can't believe he married some bimbo that already had a kid," "That isn't just some Lot Lizard with a kid, that's Darlene Wyoming!" "No way, you heard that kid call her Mommy. Darlene's too young for a kid that old." "Mommy, they're talking about you," Daffodil said. "Yes, but that's because they're jealous. I have the two things they want. My loving husband and your Daddy, and I have the prettiest little Ute Princess for a daughter," She giggled as I took her hand. "Shadow, watch out for Cookie," I said. "Tall, I started this side, but I'm going to take daffodil and visit the little girls' room," She giggled as I grabbed my purse off the floorboard before closing the door. "Chasing Shadows, Shall we?" Swallow reached for Daffodil's other hand. "Shake it ladies, show those poor girls why they don't stand a chance," I was almost shocked as my mother in-law began to wiggle her ass in the most seductive manner. "Mommy?" "It's ok sweetie. But only because your with me and Gramma," She giggled and began overly exaggerating her own little wiggle. Daffodil was giggling as we pushed open the door to the diner. "Swallow, is that? Oh my word, it is." She knelt in front of daffodil. "Aunt Patty," Daffodil wrapped her arms around her neck. Looking up at me as she slowly stood holding Daffodil the woman said, "So you are Chasing Shadows Wyoming." She hugged me tight. "And did I hear my niece call you Mommy out there?" "Yes Patty," Swallows confirmed. "I am Chasing Shadows Wyoming Lightfeather," I corrected. "I see you are riding with your husband this time. How are our sisters? And how did Shadows manage to get this one away from Beaver?" "I tell you it was almost a real cat fight. But Darlene never backed down a bit. If anything I think Beaver is a bit afraid of her," bragged Swallows. "Momma, I better take Daffodil to go potty," I said. We all went into the bathroom and freshened up, when we came out our men were there settling up the fuel bill. "Excuse me Dad I'll be right back," Cat said. Then made a bee line for the group of girls who had been talking about me. He pushed his way past them and grabbed a short brunette, throwing her over his shoulder. Then turned and walked to the counter before asking, "Dad do you have it?" Old Elk passed him a folded leather pouch. "Jimmy Brightfeather, I intend to marry your daughter Zoey, and we will discuss how I plan to provide for her and the children she will give Me on our way to pick up this next load," he didn't wait for an answer, he carried her kicking and giggling out to his truck. "Oh my god, that's so Neanderthal," "I'd kick his ass if he tried that with me." "Trust me girls, the only people who would carry you out to their trucks are the ones who rent you by the hour," The woman who had been sitting at the booth, then stood and came over to us. "I will talk with Fox about the wedding plans," She opened the leather pouch gently to reveal a single owl feather. Holding it aloft she yelled, "Iiiiyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yeeeeeeee yeeeeeee." The call was repeated over and over again through the diner's kitchen. "Zoey's sisters are happy for her," we were told. When we approached our trucks though there were two men and three boys standing arms crossed in front of his truck. "Son's," Jimmy made a leave motion with his hand and the boys left. "Our Wife has consented, our Daughter has chosen of her own free will," he told the other two grown men who then stepped back crossing their arms before nodding for Cat to proceed. "Husband, I will ride with them until our next stop," Swallow said. "Those two have been chasing each other for years," TooTall said. "It's good he finally decided to bite the bullet." "Oh is that what you did my husband? Bite the bullet?" "No I spotted you, cased me objective, determined my competition, then I went after you. No pussy footing around about it. I knew I wanted you the first time I saw you." Daffodil giggled sitting between us. We made good time pulling off at Topeka for the night. It was a bit awkward at first but finally Daffodil fell asleep and then I had to bite the pillows to stifle my squeals of pleasure. Cat and Zoey on the other hand seemed to be doing their best to let everyone know what they were doing. I was up early. "I'm going to go give Zoey a bit of advice that might help her this morning," I told my husband and Daughter. Then I ran into Swallows at her door. "I think maybe she is going to be a bit sore this morning," she said before knocking on the door. Zoey giggled and blushed a lot as we told her that we would do what we could so she could have a good thirty minute soak to ease away the soreness. "We will wait for you two to head for the diner before we check out," Swallow told her. In the diner Cat tried to apologize for making us have such a late start. "Nonsense Son, if I can't make such a minor accommodation for my newest daughter in-law what kind of father would I be?" Zoey blushed bright red but he smiled at her. "Hold your head up high young lady, you are a Ute Princess as well as a Lightfeather now." Again we made good time, as I started out driving for the day. We listened to the conversation from Cat's cab as he began teaching Zoey more about driving. "If I didn't know it I might think she's been getting driving lessons all along, I commented. "She's been sneaking off to make short runs with him since he started driving. She just told her parents she was having sleepovers at her friends houses." "Yes and they believed it until she said she was visiting May when they knew she was at school," my mother in-law stated. "After that they kept a lot closer eye on her." We talked through the open link and I found out she was seventeen, a year older than I was. And then it was touching when she found out we were stopping in at Clara's. We'd stopped just off the interstate to refuel before making the short drive to the school. "Shadows, I'm not sure how much you know about their sister May. She's like a really god friend of mine and I hope your people feel about her the same way ours does." Zoey, what are you trying to say?" I caught Swallow grinning out of the corner of my eye. "May is a Blessed Spirit, and the school we're going to is a special one where they accept girls of all kinds, even the ones that were born boys like May was. But in her heart and in her soul she's all girl. Do you understand?" "Zoey," my mother in-law interrupted. "Darlene, Chasing Shadows, is a Blessed spirit also." "Oh, I'm sorry I hope you don't think I was." I hugged her tight. "Trying to protect your closest friend. And I am flattered to know that you feel that way." "My Momma, is the same as May and I, but my sister Rose Petal was born a girl like you were," I explained. "But Momma wasn't going to tell Rose about Daffodil, so that's a surprise, ok?" It was just after noon when we pulled through the gate. Our three trucks pulling in beside Momma's truck and shutting down. "Shadow, stay close to the trucks, we don't want to scare anyone," I told the wolf. Then holding daffodils hands TooTall and I walked towards the Guest housing. "Mommy, whose pretty truck is that?" she asked. "That's Beauty, she belongs to your Gramma Missy," I told her. then looked up to see Momma standing at the end of the sidewalk. I knelt down and took Cookie in my arms, "That's your Gramma Missy", I said. she took off at a full run. "Gramma, Gramma," Momma scooped her up swinging her up and around as they both collapsed into the freshly shoveled snow laughing. "Are you really my Mommy's, Mommy?" "Yes I am." "Please don't be mad at her for making you a Gramma, she couldn't help it." Momma laughed. "As pretty and precious as you are I don't doubt that one bit," Momma looked up at us from the snow bank. "Is that your pretty baby doll your mommy's holding?" she held out her hands for it, and I said, "Momma meet Cookie, your Grand skunk." "She was real sick but Mommy helped her so she could eat." Halfway across campus the history teacher was saying, "Miss Lightfeather. Please focus your attention on the subject. Not those delivery trucks." "Sorry Ma'am but that's my Daddy, and brothers," May said. "Then after class I'm sure you can get permission to go visit. But for now, you are in class." In another building a similar conversation was taking place. "Miss Wyoming, what is it you find so interesting out the window?" "I heard trucks Ma'am." The other girls giggled. "My sister might be here early." "You still need to finish your assignment before you run off to find out who it might be." Rose bent her attention back to her Algebra book. As Miss Trudy went back to explaining the assignment. Ten minutes later a four year old girl walked into the room carrying a note. "Miss Wyoming, you may be excused." Rose saw the girls eyes light up when she gathered her books and started for the front of the room. "See I told you we'd let you know when they got here." Out in the hallway rose asked her, "Who are you, are you one of TooTall's little sisters?" "No he's my Daddy." Daffodil took her hand. "Close your mouth little sister, you'll catch flies," Darlene said from the top of the stairs. "Come on daffodil, Gramma's waiting for us." "Yes Mommy," Daffodil towed Rose along until she was beside her Mommy. "It's a long story," Darlene said. "But she's mine now. Mine and TooTall's."

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Will You Be Our MommyChapter 15

The NFL’s work schedule often ignores traditional holidays. That was true of Labor Day. Coach Tolbert wanted the team to get into our normal weekly routine as we prepared for next Sunday’s game. That meant we reviewed last weeks’ game Monday mornings and went over the game plan for next Sunday’s game in the afternoon. Tuesdays were our one day off for the week. Wednesday through Saturday we would practice our game plan and prepare for Sunday’s contest. Dylan, Jay, Tyler and I spent a good...

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Chachu Ke Bete Ne Chut Mari

Hey friends.., ye meri pehli khani hai agar koi glti ho jaye to please maff karna.. Mai ek middle class family se hun or hm ek village mai rehte hai n ye ek schi ghtna hai jo mere sath ghti Mera nam geetansha hai or pyar se log mujhe geet bulate hai mai jada sundar to nahi hun but mujhe dekh k ldke muth jrur marte hai ..Bht se ldke tont karte hai lekin mai kisi k hth ni aai ab tak..Mere boobs ka size 32d hai..Mere chutad bhi bahut bhari hai jabmai chalti hun tb ldke mere chutdo ki or hi dekhte...

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My FatherInLaws Big Cock Part 2

It would be best to read Part 1 of this story first, to get the full context of the situation and the characters. But I will provide a synopsis of Part 1 in the following few paragraphs just in case you decide not to read Part 1 first.My name is Michele, and my husband Ed and I were twenty-five years old with a nine month old daughter named Alexis at the time of this story. We live in the same small town near Ed’s forty-fiveyear old parents, Mary and Mark, and Ed works with his father in the...

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Solo bike ride becomes a MMF threesome

I mountain bike a lot in the summer. Last week I was on a ride not far from my home when I had a great time. The trail I was on is not part of any marked trail. I don't know who's land this particular trail goes through but I have never seen anyone on the path. At one point, there is an opening in the trees and a view to the west for many miles. There is a flat rock here at which I have seen trash or the remains of a camp fire so I know people use the beautiful spot. As I rode up the steep...

2 years ago
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Looking Through the LensChapter 22 Trampled under Foot

When Lara and I arrived home after the fishing trip, Sarah was awake, reading on the porch. It was after midnight. “Hi, Mom. You didn’t have to wait up for us.” “I know. I just wanted to see how it went.” Lara and I recounted the adventure. I’d never seen Lara so excited about fishing before, so it was a pleasure to watch her eyes flashing as she told the tale of catching her prizewinner. “I’m happy things went well,” Sarah said. “Frej seems like a good man.” “He is,” I agreed. “I’m off...

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The Song Bird CH3

I met Cate in the bar of the Hub restaurant at the Ramada. The smile of welcome as she saw me was flattering, as was the kiss she gave me. From what I had heard, air kissing either side of the cheek was 'de rigueur' for celebrities. Not so for Cate, her lips actually made contact with my cheek. "It's so good to see you Jack. I feel as if it has been a long time since we met in Devon." "It's good to see you too, Cate." I replied. "How do you like Derby?" "I haven't seen any...

3 years ago
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Not wiute family but close Chapter 2

Introduction: Thanks for the constructive comments on the first story, hope you enjoy this instalment To continue with these stories Ill call my brother-in-law Bill and my husband Dave. After the first time my brother-in-law and I were together we found that neither of us wanted to stop. In fact we seemed to be unable to keep away from each other. We began finding places and times where we could be together when no-one else was around. Thoughts of Bill would cross my mind at the worst times,...

1 year ago
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Ive got yummier things in mind

I heard your car pull into the driveway and just that got me excited for what I was going to make happen that day. You used your key and came upstairs to my bedroom. We were both fully clothed and you asked "I thought we were going swimming?"I assured you we were and pretended to go get change in the bathroom. I waited to hear your pants unzip and hit the floor, then I knew it was time to make my move.I came out of the bathroom and pushed you back onto the bed. "I've got some yummier things in...

2 years ago
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Wanted a Real Man

When I awake, I remember every detail of last night's dream, where I was not sleeping but making love. I shudder as my emotions overwhelm me and tears stream down my face. It seems like an eternity since I felt a man's touch, the kind of caress that awakens every part of me. Oh, God, to feel that thrill once more, after all these years, would be heaven. How long must I wait before I find that special someone, a man who will not only capture my heart, but fill every aspect of my life? I...

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Reality Bent School

Jessica always imagined that by 19 she would be working towards her dream career as an architect. What she didn't expect was that, in order to combat the rapidly rising unemployment rate, the government would legislate another three years of mandatory general education for young adults, starting with her age group. Even worse, the process of finding an "institutional college" was out of her control, and the system had sent her to a boarding school that was hours away from her parents’ home. It...

4 years ago
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First Time Sex Stories 6 Basic Instinct

Introduction: A young girl and boy lose their virginity after watching Basic Instinct First Time Sex Stories #6: Basic Instinct By Missy Younglove Authors Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. I grew up in India, the son of two doctors. We were quite wealthy by Indian standards and had a big house with a lot of servants. My aunt and uncle would often come over on weekends and holidays, bringing my cousin with them. Wed known each other since infancy...

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Lena 1

Lena 1The weeks with Saxon had ended and he was on ship again. Preston had seen Lena do things and acting ways he never imagined, kinky, extreme, naughty, filthy, submissive and she loved it all. Tanner had been assigned to China for 45 days helping to start up a new company Branch Office. She walked over to Preston saying, “I'm all yours for a while, what shall we do”? Her short floral print, casual sleeveless pleated Sun Dress barely reached mid thigh, swaying as she stepped. She sat side...

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Jericho was Wild in the West

When the cowboy rode into town everyone knew it had to be Jericho. The silver studded, hand tooled saddle glinted the bright southwest sun into the eyes of the townsfolk as they stood watching him. High in the saddle, he rode down the main street of Dawson oblivious to the eyes of those who stopped and stared. Whispers from pious matronly women went from mouth to ear to mouth and back to the ear of the next person standing on the slatted wood sidewalk. Their hushed whispers kept pace with...

3 years ago
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The Whore And The Gangbang 8211 Part 2

So the boys are on bed and I am on the floor all filled with cum, sweat and saliva all over my body!! All the guys fucked me like a slut for 2 hours !! The boys – Manav, Akash, kumar, Rahul (my manager) and Rohit who used me in that order are now ready for next round!! It is decided that it will be two at a time sex!! it was Aksah and Rohits turn to fuck me now!! I was already wet by hearing there abuse but the though that 2 guys will be inside me now make me more hornier. As soon as Akash came...

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"So how have you enjoyed the process of hypnosis Summer?" he asked.The question was so incongruous that bemusement tugged the corners of her lips, her brows rising slightly."That's a strange question Mark. How have I enjoyed the process of hypnosis? I've never experienced it, so I wouldn't have the foggiest idea what you're talking about."Summer had been delighting in getting to know Mark, their weekly catch up and coffee becoming something that she looked forward to. There was no pretense, no...

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A Little Bit of Force

"No, I won't!" Evie said, as forcefully as she could, considering that she was trembling with fear. She knew that she was not going to be allowed to rise from the couch because I had shoved her back several times already. "I don't care if you want to or not, just do it." "No, it's dirty and disgusting too! I refuse to do anything nasty like that." "Listen! I not only want it. I need it, so accept that and do it." "I don't even know how to do it, and I...

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Prisoners of Love

I was awakened from a deep and dreamless sleep by the sound of the cell door being unlocked. My reaction was one of terror as I did not know if they were coming to take me to another "session" as they so comically referred to it. Dragged down the hall into a brightly lighted room and then beaten or ****d. Sometimes I felt the guards did it just to relieve the boredom. I've lost count how many times that room heard the sound of my screams. It was a new prisoner. I was filled with a strange joy...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Soon Mother In Law

By: Sundarram I told you earlier, I had many sexual encounters, the one which is still green in my mind is the day when i fucked my gf’s mother. My gf was a Russian, 18 years old and her mother was around forties.( I was 19 then, I was in my first year in Hamburg university) My this incident is much similar to yours. I was invited to my gf’s house on her birthday. Her parents didn’t like the idea of an Indian being their daughter’s boy friend, that too a dark guy. Even my gf told me many...

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iXXX Arab

What’s up, horny fuckers? Guess who just got done with another marathon session of babes backing up into some big balls? This guy! And boy, do I have something to share! Have you ever wondered what the Arabian world has to offer other than the hot weather, beautiful architecture, and threats to Western civilization? Hot bitches is what! Yeah, that’s right! If you were ever wondering what was under those straight jackets, you would be pleasantly surprised. It’s usually a hot piece of ass! What’s...

Arab Porn Sites
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One Night StandChapter 2

Kevin slammed the door to his car and hit the steering wheel. "Fucking bitch!" he screamed. The next thing he knew, he was sobbing. The last time he had cried was when Ryan was born. He didn't even cry when Melissa walked out of his life forever. Stacia, however, seemed to have a huge affect on him. He thought that maybe it wasn't just Stacia he was crying about. Maybe it was pent up emotion from the stress of his job and Melissa leaving him alone to raise Ryan. He couldn't fathom how...

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I Enjoyed A Virgin Girl

Hi readers, this is Ranjith with a new story with a new cute virgin girl Swati. She is around 20 years of age, not beautiful but very attractive. Her eyes were so emotional that you can read her mind from it. She is the only daughter of her parents, who came to stay very recently in my apartment. There flat was just next to mine and soon her parents and I became very good friends. Her father was a Government officer, aged around 45 and her mother was a school teacher around 38 years. The couple...

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Smoke gets in his eyes

He sat at the edge of the bed, naked and full of anticipation. She was topless, her full breasts swinging as she moved. She was beautiful, with short, dark hair done in a pixie cut. She bent down to take his penis in her hands, but he stopped her. ‘You know what I like’, he said, pointing at the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand. The woman took a cigarette from the pack and put it in her mouth. Her mouth was painted in deep red lipstick, which stained the end of the cigarette as soon as...

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Im Going to Fuck You

Just thought you should know: I made this up - all of it. None of this ever happened that I know of, even though it would be really hot if it did. Also, I may continue on with the story, but I'll figure that out later. And please, for love of all that is sexy, don't steal this. I spent too much friggin' time on this for someone to get zealous with the copy and paste buttons. Onto the story, Julia out!"Hey, you... in the green shirt with the tits," the girl with the brown, swirly hair said to me...

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HARVEY I submitted this story several years ago on another website and is a true story.  This took place back in 1970. I was still on active duty in the USN, married and fucking a lot of women. My wife at the time was pretty straight laced and to my knowledge, did not fuck around when I was away on cruises at sea. Not that I didn’t encourage her to do that. She loved to fuck, but insisted she could always wait for me to fuck her when I got home. Well, the inevitable happened and she caught me...

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A Secret Wish

At one time or another we all have felt a feeling where you can no longer think about everyday things without one person swamping your mind. Thay take control of your emotions and thoughts, invade in your most private and intiment moments. You yearn for them to touch you and want you. You wonder do they notice? My bestfriend Neale will never know how i feel. how i yearn for his touch, How i imagine his kiss passionate and forceful, caressing my lips gently with his tongue pressing it deep in to...

Straight Sex
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 11 Conrad Leah Myrtle Beach Oct 82

Conrad and Leah knew one another better now at this, their fourth get together. They were in Leah's motel room and, after several drinks and a satisfying sample of cocaine, they got down to business. Monkey business, that is. "Mmmm, have I told you that you've got a nice juicy ass," Conrad chuckled softly, in the pretty blonde hooker's ear. "I like rear ending. Do you, baby?" Still smoldering from the effects of having a smattering of the white powder licked from her cunt, Leah...

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Bedding the Babysitter 2

BEDDING THE BABYSITTER 2 Disclaimer 1: Of course everyone in this story is at least 18. Disclaimer 2: If you want to know how 18-year old babysitter Jenny became the submissive slave of neighbor Megan, please read part one. Without further adieu part two: Last night I had seduced my 18-year old babysitter. Today I hoped to make her greatest fantasy come true. So after my ex-husband came and picked up our son for his usually every second weekend custody time, I msn’d Jenny. It was just after...

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Godless and Faithless 2 God RockChapter 8

Unfortunately for Rayner, this world didn’t have umbrellas. The sheer volume of rain the sky dumped on him and his current companions obscured his vision and forced him to trek up a hill to see where he was going. Rayner found a job thanks to the recommendation of the whitesmith he assisted at the caravan. The job was to protect a monster cataloger named Kata. He researched the twisted monsters that still inhabited the area which the miasma had originally affected. Three others were hired...

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A Business Trip

First off the background: My name is Mike. I am a 22-year-old guy who has moved to Hollywood, California and I bought my own studio apartment. I have just gotten a job in a large corporation, where part of my job is that I need to go around recruiting new models for the company. So these are some of my adventures. However you should also know that I have a many fetishes. One of my fetishes is a girl’ panties, not wearing them or anything, but the smell, touch, and the feeling that takes over...

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Sex with aunty

This happened when i was doing my graduation in Chennai.In Chennai i used to stay with my uncle and aunty.My uncle is a womaniser,he used to come late in the night.My aunty used to sleep alone in her room,i in my room.My aunty looks very sexy,that is she has very big boob’s and also very nice ass which is very handy to squeeze.I used to fantasize about her and masturbate regularly.Every night before sleep she call’s me for watching Tv.We used to watch regularly.In this fashin the life used to...

2 years ago
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She offered to trade her pussy for a brand new lap

Her story:Last week I finally lost it with my old computer and smashed it to bits with a baseball bat. I was extremely furious with it as I had several papers to write and the damn piece of shit kept crashing on me every five or ten minutes. I would spend almost twenty minutes just trying to get the fucking thing to boot back up. It was impossible to get any work done on it. You can imagine my joy and sense of satisfaction when I slammed it with the bat and watched it break into a gazillion...

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