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by The Technician (A Long Time Ago)

It was just before five on Friday evening.  I looked angrily at Darlene's reflection in the mirror.  Her

hands were stained with various colors of ink.  Her white dress had large splotches of chocolate

across it.  Her face was smudged with ink where she had pushed her hair up out of her eyes.  She

looked just like she felt, all messed up.

Darlene had been a very bad girl today.  First she went out at lunch and picked up a cheeseburger

and fries rather than drink the diet mix she had brought from home.  Then, because she was running

late, and against office rules, she brought her milk shake back to work to finish at her desk.

Naturally, she spilled it not only all over herself, but also all over a stack of overhead projector

transparencies on her desk.  One of the salesmen had left them there for her to put in protectors so

he could use them at an important out-of-town sales presentation tomorrow afternoon. 

The transparencies were all smudged, and when Darlene attempted to clean them, the ink smeared

and most of them were ruined.  Mr. Ericson had very, very kindly let Darlene come home early and

clean herself up after she had printed new slides out of the computer and prepared a special overnight

delivery package to be sent to the salesman's hotel.  Without the transparencies, the presentation

would be wasted.

"Because you went out to lunch", I began, "you will wear your slave chains all weekend and clean

the apartment in the nude with all the curtains open for anyone to see you like the useless slut that

you are.  Because you spilled your milk shake all over your good dress, you will wear nipple clamps

until the apartment is spotlessly clean." 

I looked Darlene directly in the eyes and continued, "Mr. Ericson should be the one to punish you

for ruining the transparencies.  The salesman had to leave without them in order not to miss his

plane, and overnight packages are not cheap.  The package will even cost extra because it has to be

a Saturday morning delivery.  That little mistake will cost you twenty-five hard ones with the paddle.

Now strip and prepare to receive your punishment."

Darlene quickly removed her clothing and stood naked in front of the mirror.  I got out the "special

purse" that I make Darlene keep in her closet.  It contains the slave chain and other necessary items

for Darlene's punishment.  It also contained a large vibrator with various attachments for those rare

days when Darlene is a very good girl.

I began by locking on the slave chain.  The slave chain is actually just a length of solid chain and two

padlocks.  First it is put around the waist like a very tight belt with one of the locks connecting it in

back.  Then, the remaining length of chain is brought forward between Darlene's legs and locked to

the front of the chain. 

When I first bought the chain, I made Darlene go back to the hardware store twice to have links cut

off so that it would fit exactly.  The clerk wondered why she blushed such a deep red when he said,

"I hope this fits tightly now." 

Today, because Darlene had been such a bad girl, I pulled the chain extra tight so that two links were

hanging loose past the lock.  The chain fit between Darlene's buttocks and pressed tightly against her

puckered anus.  In front, it dug deeply into her pubic hair.  Looking in the mirror, Darlene could see

that her tender cleft was split by the chain.  She could feel the coolness of the links pressed against

the insides of her labia. 

I was just getting ready to attach the nipple clamps when the phone rang.  "Darlene?"


"This is Mr. Ericson.  Where is that package you were supposed to prepare for the sales


I suddenly realized that in my hurry to clear my desk so I could leave I had put the overnight package

in my desk drawer with my other work.  "Oh, It's in my desk."

"YOUR DESK IS LOCKED!!" screamed Mr. Ericson.  "And because you lost your key last week

and I loaned you the original,  you have the only key to your desk.  I need you to come back here

immediately before the courier has to leave."  Then he added, "And I do mean IMMEDIATELY!!!"

"Mr. Ericson," I said, "I just got home.  I'll be there as soon as I change into something more


"I don't care if you come down here naked," he replied.  "I want that key here in five minutes or there

will be hell to pay like you have never seen before in your twenty-three years of life on this earth."

It normally took me almost ten minutes to drive to the office so I stammered, "Yes sir." and hung up

the phone.  I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment and then thought, "What the hell, the coat

covers everything."

I grabbed my keys and my coat and headed for the car.  I was half-way to the office before I realized

that because I was so flustered I had grabbed my special purse rather than my regular purse.  The

only keys in the special purse were the ones to the padlocks on the slave chain.  Luckily my desk key

and my car keys were on the same ring. 

It took me eight minutes to get to the office.  Mr. Ericson was pacing furiously up and down next to

the front door all the while talking rapidly to the courier.  "Open the damn desk!"  he barked as I

came through the office door.  I had never seen him so angry. 

I quickly opened the desk and handed him the package.  He gave it to the courier, looked at his

watch,  and said, "Only five after five.  It still goes out tonight, correct?"  The courier nodded and

walked quickly to the door.

I turned around to leave when Mr. Ericson's voice stopped me in my tracks.  "You're not going

anywhere.  I am going to lock the front door so we are not disturbed while you take off that coat and

wait for me in the office.  Then you and I are going to have a little talk about your future with this


"But..., but Mr. Ericson," I sputtered.

"Don't give me any buts, young lady.  Those transparencies mean keeping or losing a major client.

I had to give that courier fifty dollars of company money to convince him to wait for that package.

I am still trying to decide whether that fifty comes out of your regular pay, your severance pay, or

the skin of your ass.  Now take off that coat and go wait for me in my office.  I expect to find you

standing in front of my desk when I come in there."

She didn't know what to do.  At first she was filled with fear and panic, but then a sudden calmness

came over her as she realized that years of fantasy were suddenly becoming reality.  She wasn't

standing in front of a mirror in her apartment telling Darlene what to do or telling Darlene how she

would be punished.  Mr. Ericson was doing the telling and Darlene was going to do as she was told.

Darlene did exactly that.  Darlene did what she was told to do.  She dropped the coat off her

shoulders as she walked into Mr. Ericson's office.  There was a surprised gasp behind her and hurried

footsteps as Mr. Ericson quickly locked the front door and then came into his office.  He was

carrying Darlene's coat when entered.  He set it on the desk as he sat down in his chair.

"That's quite an outfit, Darlene.  Do you care to explain it?"

"It's a fantasy game I play with myself, sir.  If Darlene has been a bad girl she has to wear this slave

chain and clean the apartment in the nude with all the curtains open.  If she has been a very bad girl,

she has to wear nipple clamps while she cleans."

Mr. Ericson looked at Darlene's naked breasts.  "Did you think that what you did today was only a

little bit bad?"

"No sir, I was a very, very bad girl today.  But you called just as I was about to attach the clamps to

Darlene's nipples.  I had also sentenced her to a hard spanking."

"How do you spank yourself?"

"There is a paddle in the purse in my coat.  Darlene's offense with the transparencies called for

twenty-five hard swats on the behind."

Mr. Ericson opened the purse and dumped the contents on the desk.  He picked up the shiny black

paddle and slid it across the desk.  "Do it," he ordered.

The paddle looked like a leather footprint lying there on the glass desk top.  I reached for the stiff

piece of leather, but I couldn't bring myself to pick it up.  No one had ever seen me spank myself

before.  The humiliation was overwhelming.  I turned a deeper shade red than I ever thought

possible.  "Do it NOW!" ordered Mr. Ericson.

I leaned forward on the desk with one arm.  With the other I picked up the paddle.  I closed my eyes

and began to spank Darlene.  After two swats, Mr. Ericson said, "You don't even know how to spank

someone.  Start over and make Darlene count them out loud." 

"One, Two, Three, ..." 

As I counted, I felt Mr. Ericson's hand on my right breast.  His touch caused a sudden,  almost

electric, feeling between my legs.  He rolled the tip of my breast between his fingers and murmured,

"You forgot something, didn't you?"  Then I felt the sudden bite of the nipple clamp.  As I felt the

other clamp close down on my left nipple I heard him say harshly, "Did I tell you to stop spanking?

When you stop you have to start over.  Begin again."

"One, Two, Three, ..." 

I knew Mr. Ericson was sitting in his desk chair watching me spank myself.  I tried to imagine myself

back at my apartment. I tried to tell myself that this was just like the many other self-spankings I had

given Darlene, but I couldn't.  This time everything was different from any other time before.  Maybe

it was because I was at work in the office.  May it was because my boss was watching me.  Maybe

it was because I had dreamed of Mr. Ericson spanking me every time I had messed up something at

work in the three years I had worked here. 

For whatever reason, this spanking was different.  Each swat seemed to add fire to the chain between

my legs.  The warmth moved up my belly, and my hips began to move involuntarily with each swing.

I could feel the padlock bouncing against my clit.  The chain was beginning to get moist with my

own juices.  It started slip a little deeper into me with each slap of the paddle.  It felt like the insides

of my thighs were wet almost down to my knees.

"... Twenty-four, Twenty-five."  I knew my ass was bright red.  I could feel the heat of where each

paddle had stung the flesh.  But I didn't care.  I didn't want it to end.  I leaned against the desk,

breathing heavily, my eyes closed tightly.

"Open your eyes and look at me."

Mr. Ericson was standing beside me now.  He turned me slightly so he was looking directly into my

eyes.  "I trust your judgement.  You gave yourself twenty-five for what you did at lunch.  How many

swats do you think you deserve for making me waste company money on a courier and for forcing

me to make you come down her tonight to unlock your desk?"

I lowered my eyes to the floor and whispered, "Fifty."

"Look at me when you answer.  And speak up when you are asked a question.  How many?"

I looked straight into Mr. Ericson's eyes and said firmly, "Fifty, sir.  I sentence Darlene to an

additional fifty swats with the paddle."

He walked around his desk and sat down on the couch.  "I will execute sentence this time.  Bring the

paddle to me."

I walked over and handed him the paddle.  "Lay across my lap", he commanded, and I stretched

myself out over him.

"Remember to count each one or I will start over.  And, if you make me stop, we begin again.  Do

you understand?"

"Yes," I answered weakly, and he began.

"One, Two, Three..."  My ass was already burning from the first spanking.  Each stroke seemed to

explode against the flesh of my cheeks.  Of course, Mr. Ericson could spank harder that I ever could.

And he changed the strength and time of each stroke so I didn't know when it was coming or how

hard it would be.  And sometimes between strokes he would tweak my nipples or pull on one of the

nipple clamps.  It was excruciating, but at the same time it was ecstacy. 

"Thirty, Thirty-one, Thirty-two..."  I could no longer feel the paddle on my skin.  It was as though

each stroke was liquid fire going directly into my clit.  I pressed myself against his lap and could feel

him move beneath me.  Suddenly I felt the beginnings of an orgasm boiling up faster and faster

within me.  I could no longer count.  I could no longer think.  All I could do was scream with each

swat, "Oh... Oh... Oh... "

Suddenly it was over.  I don't know when the actual spanking had stopped, but my orgasm seemed

to continue long after I could no longer hear the crack of the paddle.  After a few minutes, Mr.

Ericson said, "Get up."

I stood and faced him.  " I should make you start over," he said, " because you lost count.  But, you

have an apartment to clean.  And when you are done cleaning your apartment, you have my whole

house to clean.  Do you agree to that?"

I silently nodded my head.

Before you clean your apartment, however... before you show all your neighbors what a slut you

really are, there are two things you need to do here."

"First, I want you to sit down at the receptionist desk - yes, the one out front by the windows - and

I want you to type out everything that happened today.  Let me look at it on the word processor

before you print it out and sign it.   I think the world should know what your slutty fantasies have

brought you to.  So, I am going to mail your story to my favorite magazine and share you with the

world.   Do you agree to that?"

Again I silently nodded my head.

"After you finish that, I want you to type out your resignation effective three months from today.

Even if I do own the company, there is a company policy against my wife working in the office.  Do

you agree to that?" 

It took a moment for his last statement to sink in, but then I nodded happily and said, "Yes.  Yes!"

"Good.  If you do a good job writing up what has occurred today and if you clean my house properly

tonight, I will see what kind of reward I can think up for you being very good.  Tomorrow we will

go shopping to see if we can find an appropriate silver chain for you to wear under your wedding


I stared at him for a moment and said, "OK."

So, here I sit - naked except for a slave chain and nipple clamps - in front of a window where anyone

driving by on the highway can see me - trying to write out the long story of what has happened to

me today.  I could have made it much, much shorter by just saying that today my best fantasy ever

has become reality.  But, after all, Mr. Ericson wanted to share me with the world, and maybe there

is someone else out there waiting for their fantasy to come true.  Mine has.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


For the record, I never made Darlene and her apartment mates dinner, but I did have to explain to

campus security why I was sitting on a bench in the middle of the quad at 2:00 in the morning with

a blouse, skirt and pair of panties laying on the bench next to me.  Luckily, he didn't look too closely

at the bushes around the back side of the flagpole, but he did have me accompany him back to the

security office and he took the clothing "as evidence in case something is going on."  Darlene ended

up having to sneak back home wearing nothing but a pair of sandals.

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Seducing My Elder Sister Didi 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, this is the second part of my story. Those who haven’t read part 1, please read it first. It was August at that time (rainy days). I had started my plan to seduce my didi. My didi, her friend Suzu and I went shopping on a Friday. My sister was very excited as it was the first time that she could buy any dress that she wanted. We are from a middle-class family and our parents always put restrictions on what she wears. We took a cab to the mall which was around 40 minutes from our...

4 years ago
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Carlton Cline

CARLTON CLINE by Throne It was a simple enough case, at least on the surface. Carlton Cline got the call and a sultry female voice told him that her lover had gone missing and that it would be his job to find her and bring her back. Well, he thought, a lesbian couple would certainly make for an interesting job. He had always had a special attraction to lesbians, probably because they were ultimately unavailable. And the idea of two lovely women together, being physically intimate,...

1 year ago
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Gosias Propositon

Her name is Gosia and she studies Biotechnology at a small technical university in Poland. Today she has a meeting with the new director of studies in her chosen field. She has been very depressed and sad this past year because she wasn't able to pursue her studies. She failed a few courses and that caused her to miss out 1 year. She is hoping to find some kind of solution today with this meeting. This new director of studies is a foreign man from Senegal. Gosia lived in London for 3 months a...

2 years ago
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Freshman Year Girlfriend

Freshman Year Girlfriend==> PrologueI met Jacquelyn about two months into my freshman year of college.  I look back now on the wild relationship we had now that it's over and I have the benefit of perspective.  We were inseperable for nearly eight months, thirty-two weeks spanning the calendar between Halloween and the Fourth of July, which was the weekend it all ended and she was committed to the mental facility that still is her home even now, almost a year later.I thought of her yesterday...

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Study Break

It was the night before the big exam and I had no motivation to study. I had been studying for the last three days, shutting everybody out of my life. I needed to pass this exam or my chances of graduating on time would disappear before my eyes. Reluctantly, I wandered through the building looking for an empty classroom to study in. It was about 8pm and I figured that everybody would be gone for the night, but I was wrong. Each classroom I passed was filled with people hunched over books,...

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A Poor Mountain Gal Transitions

A Poor Mountain Girl TransitionsMature and Young, Flashing, Upskirts, Kinky, Extreme, Fisting and Group SexEva watched Billy 40ft in the tree top installing her “Thunder Stick” CB antenna. It had taken 2 years of turning her ass up to have her own Mobile Home. She rented it from “Ole Larry” 70, a widower, small “dirt farmer”, with 6 acre's including a 1 acre pond/swimming hole. With a roadside stand to sell his product's, cheap fishing and a Silver Tongue, he survived. Eva's rent paid her light...

2 years ago
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The Stringworm Part 1

Tia had figured that the job would be easy money: take sweeping shots of the forest, the occasional shaky sequence as she pretended to run or look around in a panic, then profit. Whatever she filmed, some overly dramatic narrator would voice over it, surely insinuating some terrible creature was stalking the helpless camerawoman. On top of that, the company flew her here for free, so she figured she would get some time to be a tourist between filming sessions. What she had not accounted for,...

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The Anal Olympics getting used at a sex party PA

I was a student at the time and needed the money!So to get a bit more disposable income I decided to hire myself out to sex parties (I'm not going to go into details about how to do this because although I had a lot of fun I've heard some horror stories - not sexually bad, just super awkward and embarrassing).This basically involved getting an agent (pimp, I guess!) who would then send me details about various parties going on around my area. They were usually put on by the rich and elite of...

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Moms Blindfold Pt 3

With Jan secured to the bed Karen and Chris then walked to the garage. Karen said to Chris, look Chris this may be the last time I get a chance like this, but like I said in there, I need some attention. She lifted her skirt, could you suck a little while here? Chris went down on his mothers lover and paid attention the best he could to her quiet directions until she stiffened and held his head in place licking inside of her slit as best he could. Once in the van as they were backing...

2 years ago
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Sex Orgy In Train With Mom 8211 Part 3

In the first part of this series of sex orgy, my mom and I boarded a train to Chennai with the intention of fucking in our first-class cabin. We ended up being joined by a group of young guys who agreed to pay to fuck Sarayu. A few of them also ended up agreeing to be sucked by me, and we were having a great time. Towards the end of this first part, we were interrupted and later joined by a young, black American stud. He also paid money to be able to fuck my mother. In the second part, we all...

2 years ago
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The Saint Agnes PassionChapter 8

Suzie poured the tea down the sink, squirted soap into the pot and filled it with hot water. Wendy watched her from her runway outside the kitchen. "The tea was a bad idea?" she asked. "She doesn't want to drink tea ever again." She put the untouched cup back into the cabinet and the untouched spoon into the drawer. "What about the muffin?" "I left it for her." Suzie came over and worked herself onto Wendy's lap. Her healthy bare legs hung over one wheel of the chair. Wendy...

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Seduced A Girl On A Train

My name is Raj. I am now married. I live in Pune. This true story dates back to my college days. I was studying my masters at Bangalore. Those days I used to travel by train. I was casually visiting home. I boarded a night train from Bangalore. Since I had no reservation, I took an unreserved compartment. There were very few people. In fact none when I boarded. After some time a girl and her father boarded the train. The girl occupied the window side of the seat while her father sat on the...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Kenzie Taylor Lilly Bell Lust Triangles Her Younger Self

A husband, Mick Blue, comes home and is greeted by his wife, Kenzie Taylor. As soon as she pulls herself close and starts fawning over him, Mick’s curiosity is piqued since he’s sure she’s up to something. Kenzie admits that she is and clears her throat, which signals Lilly Bell, who looks and acts just like her, to step into the room. Mick is pleasantly surprised as Kenzie admits that she noticed he was attracted to pictures of her as a young woman. Because of that, Kenzie...

3 years ago
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Young Widow Neighbor Deepa

Hi friends again Harish from Coimbatore. Thanks for your comments in previous story.if any girls or aunties need free haircut,facial,waxing ,sex etc can mail me to the below mail address.my mail address is .com. Please feel free to message. This story is about a newly married girl who starved for sex.lets begin the story. My self of age 22 average height and weight and had did a beautician course( not working as beautician). I have average athletic body with good size dick which every ladies...

3 years ago
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Sex In Vienna Austria

Hi Friends I am Rohan from Mumbai age 30 5’7 in height a travel freak loves to explore new places people etc. This is a story of a holiday of mine to Europe I had been to couple of places for 20 days holiday all alone as I am single and love to travel.I had just boarded my flight at the airport in India and I heard a voice Hey Rohan hi how come you here she said. She is actually my client Devina I said a hi too and said was heading on a holiday to Europe starting from Vienna to my surprise she...

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PissieChapter 3

Ever notice how hard it is to keep a secret? Pretty hard, especially if four people know it, and not just four regular people, but like four college girls. That's like impossible. But I didn't know that when I got a little drunk and told three friends of mine, girls who lived in my college dorm that I like playing with pee, and you know, drinking it too. Anyway, I already told you all about that. I was just 19 years old, five and a half feet tall, and very pretty. I mean everybody said so...

4 years ago
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I never expected this

After assuring my wife I truly wanted her to be a hot wife so started having sexy with a buddy of mine Keith. She would tell me in detail about how his cock was more than twice the length of mine and a great deal thicker. Over time she became more at ease with telling me details , she told me she always orgasmed while they had sex. I've never been able to make her cum when fucking. She was in love with Keith's thick cock and the fact that he could last a full hour. I told her that Tim had been...

2 years ago
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Neighborly SeductionsChapter 3

It was something of a surprise when I found out that Paul Dirk had been making love to my daughters. Both Susie and Becky were on summer break from high school. They were just fifteen and sixteen years old. So they must have used their spare time to have fun with Paul. I must admit I was jealous. I had not been well serviced by my husband, Cal, for years now. Oh we often went on cruises and such, but he always ended up playing poker and then getting drunk and collapsing in our room. I hardly...

3 years ago
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Bank Teller

Brian was running a little late but wanted to stop in at his bank before they closed so he could finish some afternoon shopping. The line wasn't too long so he just waited patiently for his turn. He looked around and waited until a teller called out "I can help you." Brian walked over to the teller and asked her to make a few transactions for him. Her name was Pam. She was probably mid 30's or so and very nice looking. She had dark auburn hair and very pretty green eyes. She was sitting on...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 3

Once back at the house, I pulled a beer from the refrigerator and looked at her. “I’m going to watch baseball. I’m having a beer. Do you want one?” “Yes.” Her tone of voice had an imperious sound to it. “It’s proper to say, please.” I waited. “Please.” I pulled another beer out and handed it to her. I went into my den where the TV was located and flipped it on. The Braves game was about to come on and I liked that team. As it came on, I sat straight for the anthem before going back to my...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 06 Losing her Anal Cherry

Sarah woke up energized. She still didn’t have permission to cum, but she didn’t have to make a masturbation video. Despite that, she couldn’t help but rub her pussy while she showered. She didn’t push herself to the edge, but it still felt good to rub her clit. She thought of that giant dick sliding into her rectum and feeling his balls slapping against her pussy. She hoped she would like it. She had to use an enema on herself before heading over and that would be strange all by itself....

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Had Great Sex With My Neighbor Aunty Lakshmi

Hi and hello every one I’m back to go new story again. Let me introduce myself to the new readers. This is second story in ISS. And I’m a big fan of ISS for almost 7 years. I ready almost all the stories which are posted in Indian sex stories. And thanks to the ISS team for getting this great opportunity to share our real life story. I’m Manu from Bangalore. I born and bought up in Bangalore from last 26 years. And my age is 27 working for one of the leading MNC in Bangalore. I’m 5.9 height...

2 years ago
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Oh Becky

Andy and his eighteen-year-old daughter moved in next to me about six months ago. Andy is a lorry driver so is away from home for long periods of time, leaving Becky to look after herself. I hit it off with Andy from the first time we met. As they were unloading their stuff from the van, I took around a couple of beers and some Coke for his young daughter. From that moment, Andy and Becky often popped round for a drink and a chat on a regular basis, and similarly frequently, I went round to...

Straight Sex
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Son and mom have sex

100% fiction! So for about the last 4 years my mother has lived with me after she got divorced. I was widowed 3 years prior to her moving in. I never seen my mom sexually. Bit one night I was feeling horny. And thought it would be funny to expose my cock to my mom. So I went to bed on the couch and wore a pair of boxers and let my cock hang out the front door. I knew my mom would wake up and come out at some point during night. But before I could even fall asleep she came out. I pretended to be...

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Open Air Sex With Daddy Mummy and Brother

Every year since I can remember, our family used to take a camping holiday in the English Lake District. Some old university friends of mummy had a farm by Ennerdale Water, and they used to let us pitch our tents on a field down by the lake. It was great – we had the place to ourselves, and we could get basic provisions like fresh milk and eggs from the farm – it was like something out of Enid Blyton! We’d take our old VW Campervan and a couple of tents, and spend a week just chilling out,...

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Basil Frazzled

BASIL FRAZZLED BASIL FRAZZLED Basil gulped miserably as Charlene ran her long nails up and down his drooling shaft. Sure, Charlene was hot, kinda, but this was just so anguishing for him! Constantly did he have to be so humiliated? Basil looked up at his wife, Lucinda, and she laughed. Lindy laughed and winked at him, and he looked back at Charlene. Charlene had just had her hair bobbed,but she really looked good, and was in a lime green top.? But Basil thought he could keep from cumming...

3 years ago
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Love In Liverpool 8211 A Real Life Story

Hello readers, Thank you for choosing this story, I am sure you will not be disappointed after reading it. Mind you, this is a real story and not a fantasy. All the incidents happened are three years old and this is the first time I am opening my mind about it. About me: I am Sam, 28 years old computer engineer and currently living in London, UK. Before moving to London I was working as IT consultant in Liverpool, another city in England. Story which I am going to reveal today happened in...

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My Daddy Says

By Greg My daddy says a person should always start a story from the beginning. Unfortunately, I’m in the middle of something right now, literally speaking I do mean. I’m laying stretched out, flat on my back, with a big black guy under me. He’s got at least a ten incher of a cock stuffed up inside my ass. His friend’s got one that’s at least a foot long, and he is climbing on top of me to drive his prick into my dripping cunt. This black bull straddling me has...

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Kristinas Secret Cleaning Job

Kristina felt her normal sense of foreboding as she walked up the pathway to Heather’s house. It was two o’clock on Saturday afternoon and she knew that although her cleaning and ironing duties should last three hours she was unlikely to leave much before eight o’clock. She wondered whether her bottom would be untouched or stinging when she left Heather's house that evening. That usually depended upon how satisfied Heather was with the quality of her work. Heather did not like imperfections,...

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First Time Story by A Virgin

It all happened when I went to meet her in May…as she had invited me because I never met her after she left to Mumbai..i always used to stay in touch with her in chat and she asked me to come there…and since I was on a long leave here with work..i decided to go there. So allow me to Start…I landed at Mumbai railway station… it was my 1st time in Mumbai, she told she will pick me up..and I when I saw her in the station…she was on a pink saree..and just could not take my eyes of here…i could see...

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The Hitchhiker Stephanie

It had been a long haul from New York to Detroit and as I was putting gas in the tank I was debating on whether to get another couple of hundred miles under my belt or find a motel and sack out. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind me, "Excuse me sir" and I turned around to see a very attractive lady standing behind me. "I noticed the Colorado plates on your car and I wondered if you were going to or coming from." "Going to, I'm happy to say" I replied. "Would you like...

2 years ago
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Stay at hotel

I am working for a quite big company and my work involved touring outside my state or within as well. I was in the state of Gujrat in India. I used to stay in good hotel on company’s expenses. I had only checked into this hotel and on the reception counter was a sexy, gorgeous and amazing looking female called ramani (got her name later on). She was as hot as a pancake all dressed up in a traditional Indian saree. Sometimes sje used to wear a Salwar Kameez. She too was horny it seems. I was...

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