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Details By Ellie Dauber © 2013 All right, I'll tell you the story, if you insist - really insist, but you gotta promise that you won't ask any questions, while I'm talking, _and_ that you'll let me finish. It's hard enough to say what I'm gonna to say. The last thing I want is for you to interrupt me. Mmm, and no kissing me like that, while I'm talking, either. We can just go screw some more; you did pay for the whole night. Or I can tell you how I came to be here. One or the other, Lover Man, but not both. Aahh... oh, yeah - not both. Please. Good choice. Besides, we can... pick things up later. You certainly look like a man who can _rise_ to the occasion again. And again and again, I'm thinking. But now, let's get on with the tale. `* It was - what - maybe two years ago, spring of 1864. We was a five-man squad, one of who knows... Yes, I said a five-_man_ squad, and _you_ promised not to interrupt. Quantrill sent a few squads, out every day by to reconnoiter for supplies. That mean hunt down any food or weapons or anything else that could be useful and bring it back to camp. If whoever had any of them things didn't want to... share, they had two choices. We could shoot 'em as Yankee spies, or we could shoot 'em as traitors to the "noble" southern cause. The Sarge - Tom Garrity, his name was -- he liked to toss a coin to decide which, ah, reason to use. Sometimes he even let the farmer we was taking the stuff from call the coin toss. "You decided to die," he told one man. "Least I can do is let you decide why." Laugh a minute, the Sarge was. He wasn't a big man, but he had broad shoulders and fists the size of two hams. If he ever hit you, staying down was your best bet. I still remember that day. We'd been riding since late morning without much luck. We passed a grove of apple trees, but it was May. You can't eat blossoms, no matter how good they smell. We hadn't seen no animal bigger than a squirrel the whole damned day, and, personally, I'd eaten more than enough squirrel stew, thank you very much. Now the sun was getting low. Mick O'Bannon said we should head back to camp. "Maybe somebody else found something," he said, "and if not, well, hardtack and salt pork is better 'n' nothing." Mick was another Irishman, one of them Fenians, in fact. Helping us drive out the Yanks - it was practice, he said, for driving the Brits out of Ireland. Almost bald, he was, except for a mass of bright red hair over each ear, that stretched down into enormous matching mutton chop sideburns. We all agreed and started back. Except just then, Billy Tatem yells out, "Over there!" It was a light off in the distance half hidden by some trees. He pointed, and we all saw it. A light meant a house... people. And all those things that we was supposed to bring back to camp. Billy started galloping towards the light, but Garrity called him back. "We don't wanna warm 'em," he told us. "We ride in slow, quiet like, we got a better chance o'surprising 'em. Some folks get downright stubborn when soldiers come for stuff they don't wanna contribute." We rode in slow, trying real hard not to make any noise. There was forest almost all the way to the house, big trees, oaks and elms. They're not there now, but they were then. - No, don't ask why. When we got in close, about fifty yards, the Sarge had us split up. Him and Mick kept on going straight. Billy and Sam Fox and me -- I was a corporal -- circled around towards the back. Two riders are less scary than five, and the three of us would be ready in case whoever was in that house made a run out the back way. I took a look at the place while we were riding around it. The place was a big farmhouse, two stories and lots of shuttered windows. There was a henhouse by the back door, and I saw a couple of birds scratching for food inside a wire mesh yard. We could hear them clucking; heard a cow mooing away, too, inside a barn about fifty feet from the house. "Hoowee," Sam hissed at me. "We's gonna eat t'night." Billy and Sam was a couple of big, old farm boys, lifelong friends who'd joined up the same day. They was tall, all muscle - including between their ears - and they could eat more than any other _three_ men in the platoon. We got off our horses and tied them to a post near the barn. I had Billy take a quick look inside the barn, two cows and, better yet, no people, he said. We moved into place. Billy stayed by the barn. Sam ran over near the henhouse. I stayed in the middle. We drew our pistols, and I nodded for Sam to make his magpie call. That was the signal to the Sarge that we were ready. Somebody must've been watching 'cause the backdoor opened a crack. We froze, weapons aimed at the door, waiting to see if anybody was coming out. Then there was a bright yellow flash, like a big bomb or something going off. I felt myself falling, and things went all black. `* Next thing I knew, I was spread out on something soft, that Persian rug you must've seen in the parlor room downstairs. I opened my eyes and looked around. My head was at an angle and I could see Mick on the floor to the left of me. I tried to move my head, to see who else was there, but I couldn't do that no how. All of a sudden, there was a face staring down at me, a darkie. She looked older than the hills. Her face was shriveled up and full of wrinkles like an apple still left in the barrel at the end of a long winter. Her hair was stray wisps of snow white hair. She poked me in the chest and said, "Dey's all awake now." in a voice that sounded a lot younger than she looked. "Git up, boy," she ordered. Just like that, I could move. In fact, it felt like I _had_ to move. Without knowing why, I rolled over and scrambled to my feet. The rest of the squad - they was all there - was doing the same thing. Only once I - once we -- was standing, we couldn't, none of us, take another step. "I am Honor? deLancie," a second woman's voice said, and we all turned to face her. You've seen the Madame, so you know how she looks. This was the first time I'd seen her, and, as always, she was something to see. She was sitting in a highback wicker chair that looked like a throne, wearing a long, deep purple gown with a tight fitting bodice and a low, V-shaped neckline. Between them, they showed her athletic, womanly figure: ample breasts; waist almost small enough that a man could put his hands around it; and wide, childbearing hips. The only jewelry she wore was a silk collar the same purple as her dress. It had a dark yellow gem in the center. Her face was long with a long, aristocratic nose, full rosy lips that were curled in a mischievous smile, and framed in a mass of curls, black as night, that flowed down over her shoulders. Now the only women any of us had seen in the last two months was dried up old farm wives, wrinkled and skinny and brown from working too hard in the sun. If they was ever juicy young gals, it was too long ago, and if there'd been any daughters even close to old enough to fuck, they was long gone, hiding from us. Now here was this... goddess sitting there right in front of us. All but asking for it, she was. Lemme tell you, mine wasn't the only pecker - yes, _my_ pecker - getting hard. She just smiled even more broadly. "What _interesting_ thoughts you men have." She chuckled, amused, like she knew something we didn't. And, Lordy, was I right on that. "The rape I would _never_ allow, and, while one or two of you might _barely_ be capable of the level of male ardor I require, that will not be the situation for very much longer. "What the hell are you talking about?" The Sarge was mad. He took a step towards her, his hands curled into fists. "If you th --" His lips kept moving, but no sound came out. He started to gasp, grabbing at his throat like he couldn't breathe. After a minute or so, he sunk down to his knees. He was still gasping, and his face was turning blue. "Shall I re-open your windpipe, Sergeant Garrity," the woman asked in a firm tone of voice, "or would you prefer to suffocate for your rudeness?" Sarge managed to grunt something and shook his head "No." Madame Honor? made some sort of gesture, and he took a big gulp of air into his lungs. He took a couple more and tried to get back on his feet. He was still a little shaky, though, and Billy and Mick had to help him get up. "For your presumption, you shall be first, I think." She pointed at Sarge who was now standing on his own, next to a big, black walnut chair. He seemed to freeze in place, not able to move. He just stood there with a surprised, kind of angry look on his face, while his clothes fell off. No, I mean it, his shirt and pants, even his boots shredded into scraps and dropped to the floor around him. Them scraps turned to dust and... blew away. He was just standing there in his underwear, a pair of baggy, calf-length gray cotton drawers and a long sleeve shirt made of the same dull gray cloth. It was drafty in that room, and he shivered, maybe from the cold or, maybe, from what was happening to him. Then, sudden like, he started to shrink. I told you that he wasn't too tall, five foot seven, maybe, but he dropped down to just barely five foot tall. He got thinner, too, a lot narrower in the shoulders, and all the muscle in his arms and torso just sorta melted away. He's balled his hands into fists just before she froze him, and now them fists wasn't half as big as before. They was almost... dainty. The crazy part was, his clothes still fit. Then they started changing. The gray just bleached out of them till they was pure white. The legs of his drawers moved up till they was just below his knees. The cloth looked softer, and, all of a sudden, there was lace trim at the bottom, where they tied off. The ties was a couple of strips of lace, too, and so was the ones at his waist. They same thing happened to his shirt. The sleeves faded away, like they was made of smoke. And the collar got bigger. It started off close around his neck, but I stretched out so it was almost to his shoulders. It moved down a few inches, till you could see his collar bone clear as day. All that was left above that was two thin strips that went up over his shoulders, And they was all lacy. There was rows of lace trim on his shirt, too. And the brown button, they was white now, too, covered with cloth and looking like a row of little flowers. He wasn't in a man's shirt and drawers, no more. The top was one of them ladies camisoles, all satiny cotton with a little blue bow in the center of his collar. And them drawers was still drawers, but they was soft and silky, gal's drawers all trimmed with lace. The Sarge looked down, trying t'figure what happened to his body and his clothes. "Any o'you no-account A-holes say one word, I will --" All of a sudden, he stopped talking. He looked like he was trying to, but nothing came out. His eyes got wide and his arms stretched out, like he was trying to stop something. And he began to change some more. His hair got thick and curly... and long. It crept down over his ears, down 'round his neck, and halfway down his back. His bulldog jaw rounded out, so his face went from square to... I don't know, heart-shaped, I guess you'd call it. While that was happening, his bushy eyebrows got thinner and his big, hawk nose got smaller. His lips got bigger, too, full and luscious. He looked younger, too, no more'n twenty, if he was a day. He was already thin, but now, his filled out, some. It got rounder, curvier. His waist was narrower - and the camisole shrank to fit that. His hips was wider now, too, and his legs was longer now and supple, with a sweet curve to his calves, and tiny little feet. Except for the bulge at his groin and the lack of any bulges on his chest, Sergeant Tom Garrity of the Army of the Confederacy looked like a sweet, little gal, posing for us in her dainty under things. Then there was more changes. The bulge down between his legs, it looked _so_ outta place there in them girly drawers. Hmmm, not like yours, da-darling, your looks like it's almost right where it belongs. Yeah - giggle - I said almost, 'cause it looks good where it is, and it _feels_ good when you and me, well, you know... Back to the story, I guess. The Sarge's head jerked and, best as he could, he looked down. That bulge, it got smaller and smaller, and smaller, till it was gone. Till, the place down there between his - or was it _her_ legs, was as flat and smooth as any other gal's. And her - I gotta call the Sarge her - her chest was as _unflat_ as any other girl's. First there was tiny bumps that you could barely see, no bigger than a couple of grapes. Then they got bigger, plums, apples... melons, sweet, juicy, round melons filling the bodice of her camisole. I think that camisole had to grow some, so it'd still fit after she got so big. I could see the top of them pretty tits displayed for all the world t'see. But something else was happening. The Sarge got a funny, scared sorta look in her eyes. Her mouth fell open, and she started t'make noises in that high, girly voice she had now. She was gasping, and moaning, shaking her head like something was happening to her. Her face got red, and her head was moving back and forth. Her face was getting red, too. She started to shake, trembling all over. Her fingers twitched like she was trying to move her hands or her arms, but she couldn't. She staggered a couple of steps and collapsed down into the chair. Her head rolled back. She grabbed the arms of that chair so hard her knuckles almost went white. She didn't seem to be hurting, though. She was smiling, almost grinning, like she was sure as hell enjoying herself. And her tits, I could see them nipples o'hers poking out the front of her camisole. All of a sudden, she started moaning, "Oohh... oohh..." over 'n' over again. Her legs was wide apart, and her back was bowed like she was pushing against something. Her hips was jerking back and forth to the rhythm of her moans. Them moans got loud - she was almost shrieking. Then sudden like, she let out a howl. She trembled and shook for a minute or so, before she stopped moving and just sank back in that chair like her whole body'd gone limp. She closed her eyes for a second and let out a deep sigh. Then she smiled, a big, happy smile like she'd just done something wonderful. She had, but we didn't know that... yet. She stood up and started walking towards us. She didn't walk like the Sarge had, all stiff and strutting, almost like a march. She walked slow, her hips swiveling back and forth like they was on springs, and her smile was big as ever. Billy Tatem was the closest. She got in real close, almost close enough that her and him was touched. "Man..." she said in a husky voice that almost sounded like a purr. She put her hands on his arms, palms touching him, and slowly moved them up to his shoulders. Billy tried to move, to get away, but he couldn't. "What're you doing, Sarge," he asked in shaky voice. "I ain't your sergeant, Tom Garrity, no more," the gal said. "I used t'be him, but he's... gone." Her voice was still low. It still had that husky purr in it. "I'm... Thelma Garrity now, and I want you." Her arms slid up and around his shoulders, pulling him down. And when his head was close enough t'hers, she kissed him, kissed him hard. Billy tried to fight it, but he was only human. His arms wrapped around her, and he kept on kissing her. She was moaning and rubbing her body against him like a cat in heat. "That is enough, _Thelma_." That deLancie woman's voice rang out loud and clear. Thelma stopped the kiss and stepped back. Billy, he just stood there, hunched over, his arms stretched out like he wanted to yank her back into them for another kiss. The lady chuckled. "You are dismissed," Thelma did a little curtsy. "Yes, Madame." She turned and walked, hips swaying, through a door that I hadn't seen a moment before. "Thelma has chosen who shall be next to transform." She pointed at Billy. Well, to keep the story a _little_ shorter, in a couple o'minutes, there weren't no Billy Tatem no more. Instead, there was Belinda Tatem. She had long, brown hair, done up in a couple of braids, and deep blue eyes. She had all the curves that the Sar... that Thelma had, and hers was tucked inside a pale blue corset that made her tits look even bigger than they was and drawers that barely got past her hips. Her stockings was the same blue as her corset, with dark blue garters holding them tight. And she was kissing me. One arm was up around my neck. The other was reaching down, so them new long fingers o'hers could play with my pecker right through my trousers. I was shitting a brick 'cause I figured I was gonna be next, but, damn, Belinda could kiss! Her tongue was in my mouth, playing tag with my own, and she got that pecker o'mine feeling as long and as hard as my Enfield rifle. Don't you look at me like that, I told you, I was a man when this whole damned thing started. Anyway, Madame deLancie must've said something 'cause she broke the kiss and stepped away. I tried grabbing for her, but I couldn't move. She gave me a smile. "Bye, bye, Clarence, sweetie." She kissed me again, a quick peck on the cheek, and walked out through that same door. Don't look at me like that. Yes, my name _was_ Clarence. Yes, _that_ Clarence; now lemme finish the story. We can talk about the other stuff later. "You are next," the Madame told me, a wicked smile curling her lips. Then she made that same damned gesture at me that she made at the Sarge and Billy. Even when you know it's gonna happen, it's not an easy thing t'watch your uniform turn t'dust and blow away. Or t'watch your long johns turn from scratchy, gray wool to soft, white cotton. I had my arms out t'grab for Belinda, and I saw the sleeves of my long johns just... disappear. Then, sudden like, I felt a sorta prickling under my skin. The room seemed t'get bigger, but I knew it was me getting smaller. I was still feeling that funny feeling when I stopped shrinking. Well, stopped getting shorter. My arms was still shrinking, all the muscles I had from all them years of hard work just melted away, my arms was thin, supple. My hands was smaller. My fingers was longer then; so was my fingernails. The hair on my arms was getting more 'n' more sparse. Hairs was falling off or getting sucked back in under my skin. I don't know what, but in a counry minute, my arms was hairless and smooth. I figured my whole body was changing now. My scalp itched, and I felt my hair grow out, tickling my ears, and then coming down 'round my neck. My face felt funny, too. My jaw hurt, and my lips got all puffy. The prickly feeling moved on down to my shoulders and my body. It was sorta like being in a vise, getting squeezed, especially at my waist. My hips and my ass felt like they was stretching. The old nigra woman laughed - it was more like a cackle, t'tell the truth. "This one's gonna be a real money maker when she's done." Madame deLancie, she agreed. The prickling hit my chest. I felt like something was growing out - my new tits - pushing against the soft, cool cloth of whatever my long johns shit was now. They got bigger 'n' bigger, like Thelma's and Belinda's - shit, I realized that I couldn't even _think_ of 'em as the Sarge and Billy no more. And I could feel the weight of my tits, now. No telling how big they got. And the worst was coming up next. I got me a bodacious hard on. It felt like there was a foot-long piece of steel hanging down b'tween my legs, and I must've had a gallon of cum in my balls. It felt good, so damned good. Until that feeling started t'go away. My dick started getting numb, and, pretty soon, I couldn't feel it at all. . My balls was drained, too, and they sorta climbed up inside me. All sorts of things was going on down there, but none of 'em had anything t'do with the prick that I knew in my heart weren't there no more. I was a gal. And something was sucking on my earlobe, tickling me. And - oh, Lord - it felt good. Something else was kissing its way down my throat. My body started t'feel warm and tingly - good tingly - all over. I couldn't see it, but something was rubbing my new tits, now, playing with my nipples. I liked it. I liked it a lot, and I pushed out my chest, so whatever it was could do more. It felt so good, that I couldn't help but sigh 'n' moan. There was invisible hands all over my body, rubbing my tits, squeezing my ass, plucking at my new pussy. It got better 'n' better, and I was shivering and shaking from the way I was feeling. Then, all of a sudden, something _big_ started poking at my pussy. I was so wet down there that it slid in easy. I felt a little pain. I weren't a virgin no more. But then that prick started moving in and out and in and out. I was trembling. My hips was rocking back 'n' forth to the rhythm of whatever was fucking me. I felt so lightheaded that I wanted to hold onto something. to anchor myself down. I felt so good, I was afraid I was just gonna float away. My head was spinning. I saw my old self, Clarence Parker, standing there at attention in his army uniform. He smiled at me and waved goodbye. Then he just faded away. All the color drained outta him. He got so I could see through him. Then, he was gone. And it didn't bother me, 'cause that was Clarence Parker, and I wasn't him no more. It almost felt like I never was him. I was... Clarice Parker now, and I was horny. I couldn't wait t'get another man in me. Mick O'Bannon and Sam Fox was still standing there. Mmmm, I never knew how handsome and _male_ they both was till that moment. I was always a little partial t'red hair, so I picked Mick. I walked over t'him, swiveling my hips t'show how ready I was t'fuck him. He looked so scared that I had t'giggle, but that fear went away quick enough when I put my arms around him and shoved my tongue into his mouth. He managed to get his arms around me, and I could feel his big, rock hard man meat pushing against my new cunny. "Enough, Clarice," the Madame said in a firm voice. I pouted and let go of Mick. I saw the door open, and I walked towards it. I swiveled my hips as I walked, trying t'give Mick one last, sweet memory, even if I knew that _Michele_'d be joining me in the other place beyond that door in a few minutes. She did, giggling and twisting them bright red curls o'hers. And not too long after that, Samantha Fox came in, a tiny, blue-eyed blonde with the biggest tits - for her size - of any of us. "Welcome to your new lives," Madame deLancie told us. "You will be working for me, pleasing our many male guests for... a long time." She gave us all a sly smile. "And these guests come here for pleasure, not for mystery. " The nigra woman continued. "That being so, you can't tell nobody you meets here who you was or how you got t'be the way you is now." A bell rang three times. "And speaking of guests," deLancie interrupted, "here are some now." The nigra opened a door. I could see a city street, gaslights blazing bright, and carriages and people going by. Three men in suits came in, and the door shut behind them. "My ladies," the Madame told 'em, "have been awaiting you. Select your partners and go to." We shoulda been scared, running for the door or screaming for help. We wasn't. We was just hornier than hoot owls. We smiled. Michele and Thelma giggled. We stood there, posing, hoping that we'd get picked. That's what I was hoping, and, sure enough, one man, a tall fellah with gray hair, come over and took my hand. I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. Madame deLancie smiled. "Clarice will show you the way." And I did. All of a sudden, I was leading him down a hall to what I knew was _my_ room. This very room, and it was done up just like it is now. He told me to undress him, and I did, stopping to kiss him all the while. He sat on the bed, his pecker pointing up at the ceiling, while I shucked off what I was wearing. And then we - well, you know what we done. You done it with me yourself, twice, you old goat. `* Every day was like that, men and fucking and more men and more fucking. I don't know how long it's been. Me and Belinda and the rest don't talk about how we got here, and we sure don't talk about getting free. We just - giggle - enjoy it too much. "I am sure that you do, Clarice," Madame deLancie was suddenly standing in the center of the room. "And yet, you have somehow disobeyed me." She made a gesture and Clarice and the guest found themselves unable to move. The Madame studied the guest closely for several minutes. "Or, perhaps, you did not. This gentleman did not ask you who you were, or how you came to be employed in this place. No, he asked if you had ever heard of your former self, and if you had any idea where he might be. Those are very different questions. What is more, you certainly did not meet him here. You knew him long years before you joined my establishment." "Y-Yes, Madame," Clarice answered nervously, and managing to do a curtsey, as she spoke. The other woman thought for a moment. "No, you have not disobeyed me, but, nonetheless, you have told this gentleman far more than he should know. I cannot allow anyone who knows so much about me - and you - cannot be allowed to leave." She chuckled. "And so, he will be successful... in a way. He will find the Clarence Parker he had sought. And he will join him." She gestured at the man. In his eagerness to have Clarice, he had left on his shirt, merely unbuttoned it. The two halves of the shirt flowed together, merging into one piece as the buttons disappeared. The sleeves faded away, as the starched cotton of the shirt became a delicate silk. The shirt grew longer, flowing down past his hips, his knees, stopping only a little above his ankles. The collar widened and widened. Soon, it was down to his pectoral muscles, with only two thin strips of lace going up and over his shoulders. What had been a man's shirt was now a silky, lace-trimmed woman's nightgown. As the man began to shrink, Clarice sighed, knowing only too well what was going to happen to the man she knew so well and who she _had_ betrayed. "Do not feel sad, Clarice. This man will soon share the life that you have come to know and to love. You told him this yourself just minutes ago. The two of you will, of course, have your own... callers, but there will be times when, for enough money, you will work together to please a guest. And, as twin sisters, you shall be far closer than you ever were as father and son." Details Page 9 of 9

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So yesterday I needed to drive to the bay area to have my car serviced, and left early , so I didn't get a chance to rub one out before I left, so after an hour or so I started getting a there I am on I5 with a boner in my very loose shorts. As I drove on I decided to take it out and play with it...what a great feeling....stroking my cock and driving....I started to approach and semi-truck on my right and just kept on stroking....right past the truck...that was kinda fun so I did it...

4 years ago
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Busty Girl Banged On Dental Chair

Hello everyone. I have been following Indian sex stories since 4 years. I am sai name changed obviously and I am from Hyderabad aged 23 years . I look lean with athletic body of height 5’10 and weight 68kgs.I am cool looking guy with 6″In uncircumcised dick and I am very fond of big tits and round asses.By profession I am a doctor.The story I am narrating is about a girl named ashreya. I was doing my internship,its was in the month of February 2016,after completing college and was going back to...

2 years ago
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The Widow Wore BlackChapter 5

(The Paris Express) It had become far too dangerous to keep the radio in the farmhouse any longer because the Nazis had begun to search every farmhouse in the area. Several of the rural community had already been put on transports to the East just for not being able to prove non-Jewish roots or for having some sort of contraband like a World War I captured weapon or a radio capable of bringing in the BBC. Honey was certain eventually the Gestapo would stumble on the resistance group because...

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The City Girl BluesChapter 3

It’s quite possible that the first step on Mandy’s journey to healing after being left at the altar was that shopping trip. She’d already decided she wasn’t going back to her apartment, at least for the foreseeable future. She planned on calling her landlady and arranging to continue paying the rent, but she honestly didn’t know when she’d return. Bob’s offer of “diversion” was the island she had swum to after this particular ship wreck and all she could think about at the moment was...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 15 Rewarding the Naughty Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Wood burst, drawing me out of sleep. I groaned, groggy. Men shouted. Fear jolted through me. I sat upright to see men...

2 years ago
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Swinging Couples Sensual Message

I've been trying to get my wife to swing for five years. We've been to a few swing clubs but it always ends with us just having solo sex. I once dared her to do a three way kiss with a couple and she did it. Unfortunately, she was too drunk to remember it. We've had sex in front of other people at the clubs but I can never talk her into allowing other couples to join us.I've offered her a male stripper several times but she's too afraid. I confessed to her my desire to see her with another...

3 years ago
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Hungry for black cock

Hello ISS readers and viewers. This is Ravi back to tell you all how I got an invitation to fuck a woman who has just got married. Her name is Shriya (pseudo name). I must thank to the Indian Sex Stories website which is of great help in finding sex partners and as a result it has enhanced my sex life. As my last story was published I received mails saying that the way I had sex was totally beyond imagination. Once when I reopened my e mail box to check my mails, I saw that there was a mail...

2 years ago
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Dads Ex part 2

Introduction: Read Dads Ex before reading this story To fully understand the sexual and emotional rollercoaster I went through during this story, I recommend you read Dads Ex before reading this one. Same event, same date as last year and my Dad was having the same party as he always does and all the same people were coming, including my Dads ex. (Kathy) I didnt know if Kathy was going to be there, nor did I really even think about it. Maybe I didnt want to. I was inside the house, putting...

4 years ago
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Heathrow Ch 02

Thanks so much to BGMISFUN for the editing assistance with this story. All mistakes are my own! This is a continuation, it will make more sense if you go back and read Heathrow: Chapter One. Jenna and Tom were introduced there. Tom poked his head out from behind Jenna. ‘Martin! You’re awake!’ ‘As I’ve been half the night, actually. You are aware that the wall you kept using for leverage is the same one that we both share?’ Jenna looked down at this. She knew they had been raucous, but it...

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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 14

Did you ever notice how life never gives you straightforward, black-and-white situations? Everything is always shades of gray. Or worse, plaid. Take waking up, for instance. When it comes to waking up the bad way, it's hard to beat being jolted awake by a nightmare so horrible that you're glad you can't remember the details and wish you also couldn't remember that it had been a nightmare that horrible. When it comes to waking up the good way, it's hard to beat opening your eyes and...

1 year ago
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When Mistress Shoheli Decides To Be Kind To Her Slave

This is a somewhat loose continuation from my previous stories involving Smriti and Kritikaji (). “Loose” because after three months of being their rent-a-slave bitch, Smriti sort of lost interest in me having seen much worse depravities and much richer men at the club. Soon enough, she ditched us for a nice, rich businessman who had a tiny penis and was willing to let her dominate him. Kritikaji had a couple of more weeks of depraved and exclusive sex with me before she too decided to move on...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Ivy Lebelle A Gooey MILF Goodbye

Beautiful MILF Ivy Lebelle is living a double life. She is a loving, devoted wife who cannot wait to move to Spain with her husband and start a family. But she also has a naughty side, one that craves young dick in her MILF pussy. So, just before she leaves the States for good, she has one last go around with her secret lover. He slips his limber dick inside her eager pussy, stroking passionately as she cherishes every inch. She licks and slobbers on his girthy dick and then turns around to...

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Something About Pinay Mary Chapter 4

After my picking up the place and allowing the ladies time to get to know each other in this new way I headed up stairs. There was Pinay Mary laying back on the bed and her Niece was sucking on those hard bent nipples. The clothespins were now on the nipples of the Niece as she was slowly kissing her way down her Aunt's tummy. Mary was almost sitting upright with her ass propped up with a pillow to display that smooth, juicy, slit. The Niece got down to her hips kissing and lightly licking all...

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Do ItChapter 7

"Worst mood he's ever been in since I've known him," she said confiding in me. "Whys that do you suppose?" I now asked. "The Grayson account," she said simply. "He's been involved in it on and off now for nearly two years. Every time he thinks he's got it nailed down, something happens, something changes. But we all know, it has something to do with the President of the company herself ... Sybil Grayson. Every time Ted thinks that he's got this one wrapped up, she throws him a...

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A Loner Mentalist Pt 04

Over_Red has found some free time this month and he’s edited this installment of the series. Yay! I’ve already sent him part five and he’ll edit it as soon as he’s done writing chapter ten of Dream Drive, so that’ll be up soon, too. Enjoy! ******* Jack Watts drove to the spot where he picked up Mia after school each day. He was too nervous to sit behind the wheel, so he got out. He paced the sidewalk as he looked off into the distance, hoping she’d come soon. He honestly didn’t know if...

2 years ago
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Jens Summer finally got interesting

It was a blisteringly hot day. Jen had been making the most of this and had been sun bathing in her back garden all afternoon.Jen was a beautiful 20 year old girl, fresh out of university and home for the summer visiting her parents. She had long brown hair and bright green eyes; she was about 5”5 in height and had a gorgeous thin body and flat stomach that she didn’t have to work hard on to keep. Jen hated sports, she ate well but again didn’t deny herself a pizza if she felt like one. She was...

4 years ago
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Father in Law

by Kiran AliThe first time I met my future father in law, Ali Arif, something clicked between us. His eyes flicked over me from head to toe as most men's did, for although I wasn't a classic model beauty or particularly well endowed I seemed to radiate something that attracted their attention. Most times I felt totally unclean after one of those inspections, undressed and somehow violated, but with him it was different. I actually found myself enjoying his frank inspection, even puffing out a...

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The Tortoise and the Zen Garden

My hands shook slightly as I crumpled up the letter. My husband sensed something was off, and turned to me. ‘Is everything okay, honey?’ He asked in concern. ‘I just read a letter from my friend’s mom… He’s finally back.’ I didn’t need to specify which friend since I referred to this particular friend just often enough that my husband knew who I was talking about. When I was a child, from about age 8 to age 12, my best friend in the whole world was the boy next door. He’s a year younger than...

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Best Friends Forever II Eating Out

Best Friends Forever II: Eating Out!Alexa had invited her best friend Amanda over for the weekend with her parents visiting out of town, and it had began like she had hoped in seducing her friend by first taking a skinny dip in their pool, and following up with fingering Amanda's tight wet pussy until she cum hard in her arms.As the two splashed around, and become more and more comfortable with their naked bodies on display to each other, the moonlight glistened down from above upon the gentle...

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Playing the GameChapter 14 Light and Shadow

I got over to Jake's house about three in the afternoon, just as the big softball game was being organized. Most of Jake's neighborhood was there, totaling about ten families, so there were lots of adults and kids running around. There were big galvanized garbage cans filled with ice and sodas, and a couple of coolers with beer and wine for the adults. Most of the moms were not going to participate in the game, but all the kids and a lot of the dads were already out there, setting bases and...

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Aunties th real angels

Hi guys im sunil from guntur , im 22yrs old and dedicated my life to aunties.Im 5’4 height with a great chest good enough to crush aunties.from my child hood on wards im feel crazy about aunties,even today i almost got decided even to marry an aunty only .Especially our andhra aunties looks pretty in saree and i hope very sad when i thinks they are wasting their beauty to old fashioned people .i am saying practically to all aunties that ur beauty should not be wasted and u too definitely enjoy....

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Secrets of The Tea Room Ch 18

Strangely enough, though, Rose and I were approached not long ago for one last commission. It’s the last story I want to tell you about …. although we knew it would require this last separation, we felt obligated to try to help someone one last time. Rose was introduced to a young man through one of her previous clients. She met with the young man, a man I might add, young enough to be her son, to ascertain the feasibility of taking the commission. The young man relayed his story to Rose. Due...

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The Mind Control Device Chapter 4 Wifes Incestuous Game

Chapter Four: Wife's Incestuous Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michaels I pulled my SUV into the garage a changed man. It worked! My mind-control device worked. I had used it at the park, controlling hundreds of people. Most I just made disinterested. They didn't care what was going on while I had my perverted fun. Receiving a blowjob from a beautiful woman while watching a pair of twins stripping, then fucking said twins and...

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Sienna Grace vs Santa Claus

Sienna Grace stepped out of the Lincoln before Uncle Terry could come around from the driver's side to open the door for her. This was as usual for her, as she shunned the trappings of "celebrity-status", especially with her devoted companion, Terry. They had pulled up to parking at Macy's at the Mall to look around at the christmas decorations and gifts, the ever-present christmas music everywhere in the background, both inside and out at the Mall. Uncle Terry dressed in casual tweed sport...

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After the Event

i had started writing. writing about the world as it had been writing about what happened, and how we were surviving. i did this in the evening after the work around the house had been done. one evening when i wasn't writing we were all sat in the living room talking about the old world, how things had been, it was a topic we arrived at often and discussed at length but this time it was different it was about old boyfriends and girlfriends Paul piped up as a joke that the worst thing about...

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I watched as my sons football team made the winning play, jumping up and cheering along with the rest of the crowd of parents, faculty, students and locals who'd come to see the game. My son had done a great job tonight, and hopefully would be offered a scholarship. My wife couldn't come tonight, our younger daughter was home sick, so I had come alone to the game. I gathered my coat and walked to the back of the stadium, waving at my son as I passed. The crowd thinned out quickly, the cool...

2 years ago
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MarlaChapter 8

"Two-Three, stand by for Six." The responding voice was young and his voice broke. Eckert had switched over to speaker so she could listen, but he had turned it way down. They held their heads close together so they wouldn't miss anything. The radio had been answered promptly, they had been waiting for Eckert to call in. A female voice came over the radio "Two-Three this is Six. Sitrep. Over." Eckert was ready. "Secure, Half day food, two days water. Forty-Seven, I say again Four...

2 years ago
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Came back for a fuck

I was meeting my gf for drinks at the W Hotel on a Thursday evening. Dressed sexy for the evening I stepped out. I checked my petite frame one last time. The red dress looked nice. Tight all over with low back, no bra and sexy thongs, I ran my hand over my body. The red heels to match made me feel sexy. I put my favorite perfume on. My friend was already there (a stunning blonde and so much more beautiful) and obviously attracting some attention. A guy was making small talks and once I...

Straight Sex
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my first exp

I was in the service in the 70s and had done a couple of tours in Nam and had been given a nice tour of duty for 18 months in the keys. After I got settlehed I had nice duty that gave me off fri afternoon and sat and sun. So I got to a beach one afternoon, and found a nice spot. Soon two guys showed up, and asked if they could sit there. I said its a wide open spot and they smiled and sat down. They soon dropped their cut offs and were in thongs. Man, they filled them out. Guess I was...

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The StormChapter 13

The good weather had finally arrived and I started getting ready for the construction of the addition. While Jennifer and I had been able to salvage enough logs to build the walls, there were other things like doors and windows and material for the roof that I’d had to order. With all of that material on hand, I asked my friend Fred and Constable Ron to see who was willing to come over to the island for a couple of weeks to help me erect the walls. I’d done the same thing before and between...

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The Crimson Scourge 2

As Captain Toris cast the front of her garment, the one thing still allowing her a shed of decency, into the air he covered her vaginal mound with his hand, disallowing a view of it by his men. Groping his hand, tightly, against it, he swore an oath to heaven, "May the saints protect me!" Thinking his captain was in grave danger, the scurvy mate instantly sprang to his side. "What be wrong, sir?" As the scurvy mate reached for his cutlass, the captain stopped his hand. "No need for that, Mister...

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TANTRIC YONI MASSAGEThe vagina is called yoni in Sanskrit and loosely translates to "a sacred space." In Tantra philosophy, we approach the vagina from a place of the utmost love and respect. Yoni massage is a practice intended to truly honor a woman, to give her selfless pleasure, and to explore the sacred side of our sexuality.This isn't about having one orgasm. It's about trying to feel more and more pleasure that will become waves of multiple orgasms throughout the massage. It can be done...

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Problem and Solution

PROBLEM AND SOLUTION By SsiRuuk25 Dave Lillard, a young, kind, religious man, nervously shifted his weight in the seat. He had just left work, and was driving home. Many things could be said of him. He was a staunch Catholic, but did not let this interfere with his education. He was an engineer, working for a company that designed medical equipment. He generally accepted the evolutionary view, but behind it all was the Lord, in his opinion. He was happily engaged to Laura...

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Rime of the Modern Mother Slut

Wendy Raskin puffed her chest and pinched her fat. The mirror refused to laugh. She sighed after a hard day's work and finished undressing for her bath. Naked and vulnerable, her troubles she hoped to drown. Extra soap and water so hot they dissolved, all but one. One last tick clicked in her skull like a needle lost in a clinic. Her longing cunt was picking away, sapping her puritan ethic. So many years, was her husband gone, buried in another town. Years of single mothering had emboldened...

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Err… Fuck well Err….Fuck well over 5k have now seen you & your cunt full of dick’ & they have only been on for 1hour 38mins’ Why she was in to that some of the men were saying they had been sending photos & vids to loads of they mates all night’ Yes me to, They all had, Not just Xhamster but many porn sites, Holly was now a porn star and didn’t know it. You should see some of the comments’ A lot want to know who this tiny teen fuck slut is so they can look for more of her’...

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One NIght in Bangor

The yearly training seminar always involved two things, boring discussions and a strange (and cheap) location. I opened the e-mail announcing the location for this year's seminar: Bangor, Maine. I googled Bangor and found it was in the middle of nowhere, but it had an international airport so I suppose it was convenient for the Europeans. What do you do for fun in Bangor Maine?The seminars were, as I expected, BORING. But attendance was mandatory, so I sat through them. When they were...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 6 Chapter 10

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 10 After starting Rob's nightly conditioning program, Geri returned to her bedroom. She reflected briefly...

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Kirk Creek 3

I woke up the next morning with an intense hard on. I made sure that I did not touch myself one bit over night. After what seemed like 50 slices of bacon and some orange juice, I spent the day helping my father with the farm chores. Shoveling pig shit is a great way to keep the mind off sex.Soon it was 2:30. I showered, put on my bathing suit and headed for the creek. I walked through the corn fields and finally began to hear the frogs croaking. Mosquitoes, dragonflies and bees buzzed all...

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Lurking in the ShadowsChapter 15

A short while later Blake came into the room and just looked at me. "Ok, pull it up, I want to see this letter you sent to Brannon. You had that little drek eating grin on your face when you came back." I pulled up the letter and Blake read it over my shoulder. 'Dear Isaac, ' I had written. 'By now your toes must be sore from stumbling around in the dark. Someone must take pity on you so I am taking this opportunity to give you some information that should prove helpful. Alain de...

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Cheering up Mom

Introduction: Ryan visits his widowed mother for Valentines Day. All holidays are tough but none of them hit quite as hard as Valentines Day. Thats when it really hits me that Im alone. I couldnt get those words from my mom out of my head. It had been three years since my father died and, while it was certainly tough on me and my siblings, I believe that it was hardest on my mom. My parents had a great relationship. Of course, they fought with each other from time to time but it was always...

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Anal sex with the neighbor

This past Saturday my friend Sean was throwing a birthday party for his wife Jane. I’ve known them for over 20 years and they’re one of the few that invite me without inviting Diane. Jane’s sister Theresa was there too and she was 7 months pregnant. I’ve always flirted with Theresa or Tee as I called her. Where as Jane was 41 and overweight, Tee was 10 years younger, prettier and in good shape. I asked where her husband Frank was and she said he didn’t want to come because he’s too busy hanging...

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Mrs Blair

‘Howdy, I don’t want to see you anymore.’ Mrs. Blair said with her head bowed dejectedly. ‘You make me feel dirty, used, insignificant.’ Here she goes again I said to myself. She’s headed off on some emotional rabbit trail. It was more like chasing the rabbit into the mirror. I laid there on the bed, naked, spread eagle facing her direction. My legs hung over the side with feet planted on the floor as I leaned back on both elbows. My flaccid cock draped harmlessly over my balls and still...

2 years ago
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Sally and Jack

Sally and JackI rushed around the house and made sure things were straight. Sally and Jack had emailed me a couple of weeks earlier and said they were coming to town for a visit and asked if they could stay at my place. We had been friends for years, ever since Jack and I had worked together back in our younger days. Sally, Jack, June, and I had been almost inseparable for many years. Things changed though, when Jack got transferred and they had to move to Florida. My wife, June, had died about...

Straight Sex
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Wax Tube? Did Mr. Miyagi create his own porn site or something? Well, I’m a simple man. I want HD porn videos of sluts with big tits riding dick and getting fucked. And I don’t want that amateur shit. Half of those videos are with some ugly broad who couldn’t suck a cock to save her life. I like pornstars. They get paid to do this shit for a reason. Babes like Zoe Wood, Stoya, Sasha Grey, and Sayaka Aishiro. These girls know what the fuck they are doing. I’d kill for a couple of nights with a...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Romping With Elder Sister Sangita

This story is about my elder sister and me. Our family is my father, mother, and then Sister Sangita and I. we are typical middle class family living in this town. My father is worker in the factory and most of the time he is out of home working hard in order to meeting our economic needs. Mother is housewife staying at home all the time busy with her typical housework. My sister is 4 year older than I am. We had normal brother-sister relations. Since I am younger in the family everybody loves...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 01

© 2011 All rights reserved ‘I gotta go, man,’ said Mark. ‘I told Hilary I’d meet her.’ ‘Right.’ Brody grinned. ‘You’re just mad because I was kicking your ass at Madden.’ Mark rolled his eyes. ‘Yeah, that’s it. I’m so pissed about losing that I’m using my girlfriend as an excuse. Jesus, Brody.’ Brody snickered. ‘You have been whipped since she moved in with you.’ ‘Just get out.’ Mark glared at him. ‘Man, I never thought I’d see the day. . . .’ Brody dodged Mark’s half-hearted swing at his...

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How I Became Vanessa Chapter 2

Hello dear readers,I strongly encourage you to read the first chapter of this story to fully grasp the sudden changes which affected my life.I dressed up with a very tight black long sleeves top and a black mini-skirt. I added a choker necklace like the one Elena used to wear. I chose a pair of black fence net thigh highs to show my beautiful legs and stiletto high heels. I also chose to wear my shorter blonde wig (jaw-length) and some heavy make up.I didn't know I wasn't alone. I was starting...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 14

The taxi was well worth the expenditure - we got back to the flat very quickly, rushed upstairs, and rather rudely dashed past Adrian who was drinking tea in the sitting room. "Hello Jon, nice to see you - what brings you up here? Is Julie with you?" As Sheila was pulling me along by the hand, I didn't get much chance to answer him. Sheila made our excuses. "We'll catch up with you later, Twin, sorry - we're in a hurry!" We headed into the bathroom and rapidly stripped off. Gustav...

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Sex With Virgin Mallu Office Colleague

Hi to all ISS readers. This is Arun from Kerala again. I have posted a few stories here. It is after a while I am posting a story again as I had a good experience recently with a 23-year-old colleague who was in my previous organization. The heroine of this story is Lekshmi (name changed). We know each other for 3 years now. She is still unmarried. This story is about how I took her virginity when I got her for 3 days in Bengaluru. Bengaluru is a nice place to have sex. The climate there is...

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