Beetlesmith’s Ch. 11 free porn video

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My fears lessened when Karen and I were at the mall.

We were in her favorite store, and Karen spent a lovely time, at least for her, modeling different outfits for me. I played along as she wanted me to, throwing in my opinion about each outfit she tried on. I could tell she was getting aroused, but I didn’t think it was due to residual effects of the elixir. It was just her normal, turned-on conditioning whenever I played fashion critic to her fashion show.

One of the store clerks was helping Karen. She was an attractive woman. A little younger than Karen and I, but not by much, and as far as I could tell she was single. Between the brief interludes when Karen changed into a new outfit, I would try and sexually arouse the clerk with my thoughts, just as I had supposedly done in the coffee shop and in the car. To my relief, I didn’t see any change in her behavior, just a slight, rose coloring in her complexion at times. I attributed that to the warmth of the store, and nothing else. Even Karen noted that it was unusually hot in the dressing rooms.

I laughed at my foolishness earlier in the day. Beth had been an anomaly, and nothing more. It was one of those wonderfully spontaneous encounters that do happen on occasion. They never happened to me before, but there’s always a first time. She was attracted to us, and we to her, and things happened. Maybe in our over-sexed state Karen and I sent out some vibe that Beth picked up on, but there wasn’t any telepathic power I had used to coerce her into having sex with us. How could I have thought such things? All those feelings I had in the car and my altered perception of reality were just due to coincidence mixed with drug-induced paranoia. They were the same factors that occurred with my fit of ‘clairvoyance’ from the other night. It was nothing but coincidence and paranoia.

Even though my fears were alleviated, the next day I plan to talk to Mr. Beetlesmith about the ‘peculiarities’ I’ve been experiencing. I also wanted to tell him I was going to discontinue using the drug, at least for now. After Karen discovered that my cock had grown nearly an inch, I decided it was time to cut back on its use before a worse physical malady manifested itself. Besides, Karen and I showed no signs of reduced sexual excitement toward each other, which was the most important thing. Given that our libidos were elevated and remained as such, I saw no need to continue using the drug.


It was Monday. Overall, I was feeling good about the day ahead and the decision I was making. As I made my way to the car for work, I saw our neighbor’s daughter, Barbara Grant, cutting the lawn. Karen and I have been good friends of the Grants, Bob and Lisa, ever since they moved next door when Barbara was just fifteen. The Grants were a typical married couple with an only child. Naturally, they were proud of their daughter and her accomplishments, although I thought they doted on her too much. The last time Karen and I had them over, Bob and Lisa went on and on about Barbara’s scholarship to the local university that she had earned. The whole time Barbara rolled her eyes in embarrassment. I got a kick out of the whole scene: Barbara’s natural and overt, young adult embarrassments toward her parents, and Bob and Lisa’s obvious parental pride in their daughter. I couldn’t blame any of them for their reactions.

Barbara and I always had a good rapport, even when she was a teenager. She seemed more mature than most kids her age, and because of that, I always treated her more like an adult rather than a child, especially compared to her doting parents. I think that was why she was always friendly toward me and never surly as she was with her parents and other adults on occasion. That wasn’t quite fair to Bob and Lisa, though, I could afford the luxury to treat Barb as an adult, whereas they couldn’t, or wouldn’t.

When she saw me, she cut the lawnmower off, and waved, ‘Hey, Mr. Henry.’

‘How’s it going, Barb? How come you’re not in class?’

‘It’s Spring Break,’ she yelled back.

Ah yes, Spring Break. That time of year when all college twenty-somethings flocked to all points south to make idiots of themselves, usually on national television.

I asked, teasing, ‘Then how come you’re not in Florida?’

She rolled her eyes and tipped her head toward her house. It was a not too subtle hint that her parents weren’t going to pony up the money for her debauched week away from home, particularly without a chaperone.

I had to laugh, and silently commended Bob and Lisa on their good judgment. Chances are if Barbara had gone, she would probably be waking up in a hospital about now recovering from alcohol poisoning, or worse. She may be mature for her age, but a week spent away from home surrounded by a bunch of drunk and horny frat boys was just asking for trouble. I just smiled knowingly at her, and headed off to work.

By about ten that morning, Jack dropped by my office informing me that the Board approved of my promotion into Kendall’s old position, as well as a handsome raise in salary. I drank the news in for a moment, knowing that Karen and I would want for nothing from now on. However, by about ten o’ one Jack was harping on me for information about the next ‘dinner party’ I was going to stage. I deflected his curiosity, telling him it would be at least a couple of weeks. He made it clear that when the ‘party’ occurred, he had a couple of female business clients he wished to bring. He made no mention of Denise in his plans. I figured he didn’t want the wife to interfere with his ‘fun time’ the next time. I smiled to myself thinking of this coming Saturday.

As the company’s support staff set about moving my stuff into Kendall’s old office, I spent the rest of the day in meetings with members of my division, trying to determine how badly Kendall had fucked things up. One thing I learned, besides the fact that it would take me weeks to straighten out Kendall’s mess, was that everyone universally disliked him—surprise, surprise. The only one who didn’t seem thrilled by Kendall’s departure was his office manager, Candice.

Near as I could tell from her personnel file, she had been his office manager for the past four years, and received glowing fitness reports. This surprised me, because relative to other managers with similar years of service and competence, she was grossly underpaid. It seems Kendall liked to twist the knife into everyone who worked for him. She had to know through typical office gossip that her salary didn’t match her contemporaries. As such, it surprised me further why she stuck with him for so long. I needed to talk to her about this, as well as inform her I was bumping up her salary to match her colleagues.

Candice was thirty-two. She was taller than Karen, with flaming red hair and a round, cupid face—another freckled face girl, I mused. She was on the heavy side. Not fat really, but plump. What I considered voluptuous. However, I gathered she was always self-conscious about the extra pounds she carried, because she always wore unbecoming, loose-fitting, blousy clothing buttoned all the way up to her collar and cuffs in an attempt to hide the extra weight. It was really too bad, because even with her bulky clothes I could tell she had a seductively, shapely figure, with large, heavy breasts and wide hips—voluptuous, indeed. It was nearly four that afternoon when she poked her concerned head into my office, ‘Mr. Henry, I know you’ve been busy, but could I have a moment?’

‘Sure Candy, have a seat.’

‘Oh, please don’t call me that.’

‘Sorry…Candice…And please call me Will during these informal settings.’

She ignored my suggestion, and asked, ‘Sir, what’s going to happen with me?’ I looked at her quizzically before she clarified herself, ‘Usually when there’s a new boss they bring in their own support staff, and I’m wondering if I should start looking for another position elsewhere
in the company.’

Funny, it never occurred to me to kick Kendall’s office staff and manager to the curb. I took this opportunity to ask her about her feelings toward Kendall. Maybe she was one of the few that liked him, and keeping her as my office manager would cause me problems down the road. ‘How did you and Kendall get along?’ She was apprehensive to answer me. I assumed she thought I was asking a more indelicate, personal question than I was, ‘What I mean to say: what was your working relationship like?’

Her eyes rolled around the room, as if she were scanning for hidden cameras and microphones, before answering, ‘To be honest, and I mean no disrespected to you or any of the other executives, but Mr. Kendall was kind of a monkey dick.’

Well, that answers one question. I chuckled, ‘Well, anyone who thinks Kendall’s a monkey dick is okay in my book. So, unless you want to go somewhere else, I don’t see any problem with you staying as my office manager.’

I saw her heave a sigh of relief. I was going to ask her why she stayed with the ‘monkey dick’ for so long, but decided to wait until I got to know her better. She was about to get up to leave, when I said, ‘I don’t know why, but Kendall really wasn’t paying you very well. So effective immediately I’m increasing your salary by thirty percent. That should put you a little bit ahead of the other managers in pay.’

She sat dumbfounded. It was easy to read her mind, so I said, ‘Kendall ‘was’ an insufferable monkey dick. Fill out all the necessary paperwork for me to sign on your salary increase. Make that the first thing on your ‘to do’ list tomorrow. Right now, however, I want you to take off what’s left of the day and go celebrate.’

She left the office floating on air. I still couldn’t figure out if she and Kendall had an office thing going. Her whole, former situation didn’t add up in my mind, with or without an office fuck. Oh well, can’t worry about that now, I needed to see Beetlesmith before he closed for the day.


Beetlesmith was sitting in his usual spot when I arrived, and I was glad to see he was alone. His face lit up when he saw me, ‘Mr. Henry, my but it’s been awhile since you were last here. Usually my first time customers are back for more elixir before the end of the first week. You’re showing remarkable restraint, I must say.’

‘Well, I have been cautious with it Mr. B, given your warnings to me the last time. It’s about those warnings as to why I’m really here.’

He gave me a quizzical look. Funny, but after all that thinking, musing, pontificating, and fretting about the elixir, I found myself having a hard time voicing the ‘peculiarities’ I had experienced now that the expert was in front of me. Worse, as I started to explain my fears aloud and in the full light of day, I thought they sounded ridiculous in the extreme. When I finished with my explanations, I really felt like a jerk when I saw the look of befuddlement unfold across Beetlesmith’s face.

He scratched his chin, and said trying to be as polite as possible, ‘Well, those are strange occurrences Mr. Henry, and I don’t have a ready explanation for them. I will say, however, that your increase in size sounds in keeping with the probable physical side effects. You should thank your lucky stars it’s your…*ahem*…We can always do with a little bit more in ‘that’ area. For most of my customers, it’s usually the feet that start expanding, as it were. As for your clairvoyant episode and the incident with the little tart at the coffee shop, well I’m at a loss. Are you sure these things really happened the way you describe? The elixir is a rather powerful hypnotic. Sometimes you may perceive things differently than how they actually occurred.’

I wasn’t sure about anything anymore and just shrugged my shoulders.

‘Now as far as your increased libido and sexual stamina even when not under the elixir’s direct effects, remember, there’s a lag in the body’s mental and physical readjustments. These things can’t just be turned off as a light switch. The physical and mental effects may last for days, even weeks, although they will lessen over time. That is until the next administration of the drug.’

‘I don’t know Mr. B, it was pretty amazing what was happening, and I certainly felt no slacking in the effects of the elixir. It was as if I had just administered it to the three of us, yet hadn’t done so for at least twenty-four hours.’

‘Twenty-four hours? Well, there you go Mr. Henry. That’s hardly enough time for the body to readjust fully back to normal. Also, remember, once you administer the elixir to a person, they will be more receptive to your advances in subsequent days, even when not on the drug. It stands to reason that your wife and this other woman, Denise, would still be compliant the next evening.’

Beetlesmith’s explanations were persuasive. I was probably overanalyzing and overreacting to many of my so-called, ‘peculiar incidents.’ That is except for Beth and Cope, who weren’t administered the drug. They remained two, very large anomalies in my mind, and I said as much, ‘I understand what you say about former participants and their continual willingness, and it makes sense. However, that doesn’t explain what happened with Beth.’ I left out telling him about the Cope incident for obvious reasons.

He thought for a moment, then suddenly snapped his fingers and smiled, ‘Funny, I should have thought of it as a possibility before. Mind you, Mr. Henry, this is just a possibility, however, I have quite an extensive cliental that live in the immediate area. Now, I don’t know who this Beth person is, but it could be possible that one of my other clients knows her, if you get my meaning.’

I did, and it made perfect sense. Someone else had given her the drug before, maybe even the day before. As such, she would have been far more compliant when Karen and I happened along. It sounds improbable that I crossed paths with a random stranger who also had recently taken the elixir, but it was a more logical explanation than what I had been thinking.

As for Cope, I reasoned that maybe he swung too heavily from the other side of the plate, and I happened to tap into his kink at just the right moment. His supposed bisexuality would explain a lot, particularly his lackluster performance the other night. It may even be the real reason he and Linda divorced. Of course, it had to be that.

After listening to Beetlesmith, it really was idiotic to think I could control Cope’s or anyone’s actions with my suggestions or thoughts. No, what was going on in my mind was nothing more than paranoia interspersed with occasional happenstance and coincidence. I laughed to myself and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that it was nearing his closing time, I gave Beetlesmith a hearty handshake and was about to leave, when he requested, ‘Half a moment Mr. Henry, before you leave I have something for you. I’ll only be a minute.’

I watched as Beetlesmith disappeared into a back room of his shop, and waited…And waited some more. A few minutes soon gave way to twenty, and Beetlesmith had yet to return. I was beginning to wonder if the old eccentric had forgotten about me, when I noticed a neat pile of papers and old ledgers stacked on the counter. What caught my attention was an oddly misplaced sheet of paper that overtly stuck out of the otherwise neat pile. I don’t know what possessed me, but I pulled the sheet out to look it over.

It was actually three sheets of paper stapled together, composed of a list of names. It was similar to the list Beetlesmith had given me, a list of all his clients who purchased the elixir. What he called his ‘insurance policy.’ However, I didn’t recognize anyone’s name between this list and my own. I assumed that what I held must be an older list. Then I remembered Beetlesmith telling me that he had to cut off several cohorts of clients due to some breech of propriety by one of its members.

‘Jesus,’ I
said aloud, ‘All these poor assholes were cut off the elixir.’

I heard rummaging coming from the back room. For some reason, probably out of morbid curiosity, I folded the old list and put it in the breast pocket of my suit jacket. Moments later, Beetlesmith emerged from the back room. As he waddled up to me, he slid two vials of his elixir across the counter, ‘Sorry it took so long Mr. Henry. It takes time to prepare.’

I stared down at the vials, ‘I’m sorry Mr. B, I didn’t come here to buy any of your elixir, and certainly not two vials worth.’

‘It’s a special deal for my very special clients, two for the price of one.’

‘Really Mr. Beetlesmith, I can’t. I don’t even have enough money with me to buy one of your vials.’

‘You can pay me later, Mr. Henry. I insist.’

Immediately, my antenna went up. I didn’t get it. When I first met him, Beetlesmith was adamantly, ‘cash payment up front, or no deal,’ and now he was literally giving his elixir away. As I continued to stare down at the vials, I remembered the question that’s haunted me from when all this began. I looked up at Beetlesmith with a jaundiced eye, and asked, ‘Why am I deserving of such generosity?’

Beetlesmith looked at me with surprise, ‘Mr. Henry?’

‘Oh, I don’t mean just this, your ‘two for one’ deal. But, there’s always been something I’ve been meaning to ask, what made you single me out in the first place?’

‘I don’t follow, Mr. Henry.’

I collected my thoughts, trying to think back to that day, that first warm day of spring when all of this just fell into my lap. The day I was privy to a great secret and awakening—a secret that people with greater means than I would give their eyeteeth and right arm to know. Why was I so blessed?

‘I don’t know Mr. Beetlesmith, but good fortune has never just come my way. I’ve always had to work for it. So when good things just happen to me out of the blue, I tend to look suspiciously at it, and wonder, why me? I’m a cynic in that regard, things that are usually too good to be true, usually are.’

‘I still don’t…’

‘Here I was, entering your store, a man of obvious modest means by my dress, and behavior. Yet you offer me this…this gift. Why bother? Why bother cluing me in? I’m a man who couldn’t provide you with the kind of monetary reward like some others could. Certainly, you have many patrons of obvious wealth come through your shop, yet do you hawk your product to all of them, as you did with me? Based on the list you gave me, I would think not.’

‘Mr. Henry, I think you are making quite a few false assumptions, the first being that I’m in it for the money.’

‘Why then? Why me?’

‘I don’t know. Let’s just say I liked the look of you. Different people strike me in different ways. Someone may enter my store having obvious wealth, as you say, but I don’t like the look of them. Maybe they’re too haughty and put on airs, or maybe I get the feeling they would be unreliable with secrets, so I stay mum about my elixir. Others, such as yourself, strike a particularly good cord in me, so I ‘clue’ them in, as you say. I really can’t explain it better than that.’

Stupid questions breed stupid answers. What else was he supposed to say? Now I really felt like a jerk. It was the old saw that had been plaguing me these past couple of weeks: my emotions were running in total opposition to my rational thought. In my mind, all of Beetlesmith’s explanations concerning the elixir made perfect sense, but none of this felt right to me in my heart. In the end, I was like a child grasping at straws in a whirlwind of changing reality.

As I turned to go, I said, ‘I’m sorry to have taken up your time with this nonsense, Mr. B.’

Beetlesmith stopped me in my tracks, ‘Mr. Henry, don’t forget your elixir.’

I stared down at the two vials, as that plaguing conflict nagged at my conscience again. My emotions screamed for me to leave the vials where they sat, run, and not look back. Yet, my mind murmured another seduction, a truth was contained in those two, small vials, the truth of numerous pleasures with untold partners for Karen and me to do with as we pleased. ‘You’re a fool for even questioning to take them,’ I heard my mind say.

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A Fuckin Witch at My Door

I was luxuriating in the shower. Harriett and Annie were out socializing at a neighbor's Halloween party. Annie was a princess. Harriett was an ogre and she didn't even need a costume. I had no interest in dressing up. At my age, they don't offer candy when you ring the bell. Ding-dong. Great! Harriett probably misplaced her key again. "Hold on, I'm coming. Keep your pants on." That was Harriett's natural state of affairs anyway. Ding-dong. I was almost done with my shower anyway. I...

3 years ago
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She Knew My NameChapter 3

Even though Ellen had invited me to come back the next day I avoided even walking by Ellen’s house for three days. I jumped and held my breath every time the phone rang. When Mrs. Farrow and the police did not show up at our doorstep I started to think I had gotten away with it. Of course, the thought of Ellen being my girlfriend constantly preyed on my mind. I finally had the nerve to walk down the street in the direction of Ellen’s house. When I didn’t see anyone on the porch I have to...

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DeborahChapter 12

Thursday brought Sharon and she arrived with a rush. No-one would have thought that she had gone through a severe emotional experience only forty-eight hours beforehand. "I've started me research and I've got some results," she announced proudly. "Go on then." "Well, Louise knows Annette and likes her. They're not mates or anything but they're both in the same Hockey team. She's little, like her mum, and has the same blue eyes. She's very shy and Louise wonders why her mum...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning

I was sitting at the kitchen table filled with an overwhelming sense of despair, looking back at my life and wondering what to do next. Mike and I have been locked in what Jamie calls a “Cold War” for the last couple months and I’m at the end of my rope. We aren’t really fighting …. in fact, we haven’t spoken to each other at all in quite some time … but the tension is continuous. I dread going home after work because I never know what kind of mood he’s going to be in when I get there. Will he...

Love Stories
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A Crush Of Seven Years

It was actually kind of sad really. I had had this MAJOR crush on my ’s brother for, hm, I’d say about …. 7 years now. I mean, I wouldn’t go to my room and “pine” about him all the time. Just every so often, I’d dream of seeing him, having him touch my skin, laying my head upon his chest… Oh, these dreams were driving me crazy. I had liked him since the fifth grade, but being the shy girl I was back then, I never even said a word so. He moved to Kentucky during the summer between his eighth and...

4 years ago
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Jessica and Grandpa Pt3

Chapter 3 - Jessica On Saturday, Grandpa and Grandma visited in the afternoon, as they often did during the weekend. It was always nice when they came over, the whole family together: Me, my Mom and Dad, and of course Grandpa and Grandma. Usually, we would all have dinner together. Smiling, I greeted them both as they arrived, and gave them both a hug, lingering a little longer than usual with Grandpa. 'I've got some homework I'd like some help with later, Grandpa, to do with music in the 60's....

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Assignation 3

It’s the wee small hours of a hot humid night. One of those times when the air-con doesn’t seem to do very much to make things better. I’m lying naked on top of the bed, trying to sleep with a zero chance of it happening. I love the US, but temperatures when you’re from a small maritime-climated nation are a heck of a problem, and I sure as hell am not use to them! A shower, or a swim? In my current state the swim seems like a better bet. What’s more it’s the dark of the moon, so there’s only...

Straight Sex
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Country girls like it dirty

It was a hot July day in Texas, but there was work to be done. Luke was on his way to the shop next to the house to work on the ranch pickup that had broke down the day before. He wasn't looking forward to it. Luke was a tall man, mid-twenties, good strong build, but not bulky. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He opened the big roll up door, grabbed some tools and a creeper. He threw his weathered grey cowboy hat on the bench and slid himself under the truck and got to work. It was about noon...

Straight Sex
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Continued 2

So there I was, riding Andre. Slow, at first, but building a nice rhythm as I got used to the size of him. I was locked in on him, ignoring the two other guys in the room - did one of them have his cock out? I don't know - and just slowly easing myself up and down on that monster. And I started doing one of my favorite things to do. Which is just to go so ... damn ... slow. When I'm on top of a guy, I like to tease him with my pussy, too slow to get him off, too slow to build momentum, but I...

3 years ago
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DistributionChapter 9 Another surprisefilled week

I delivered Paige to the bus station, saw her off, and was on the way back to the house when the enormity of what we'd just talked about struck me. She'd first wanted to talk about the sex between us, and when I characterized what we had together as a short-term fling, she took exception. She talked about the short time we would have if we finished the bulk of the distribution by Thanksgiving. I asked her to call me that evening and we would discuss it then. "I don't want to discuss it...

1 year ago
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Our Vacation to Puerto Rico

My partner and I went to San Juan, PR about a year ago. We stayed at one of the better hotels there, and then hit the gay bars and gay bathhouse. Our second night there, we went to the gay bathhouse. First we checked in and went to our little room. Men were walking around, some older than us, some younger. I am 42 and my parnter is 37. I love to watch my partner get fucked my other men, love it. First one man probably in his mid-20's came into our room. I began sucking his cock, while my...

2 years ago
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GayMaker topping a Straight Man

Now let's get something straight (pardon the pun). I love girls. I love looking at them; I love their lips wrapped around my cock; and I love the feeling of my cock buried deep in their tight pussies or round asses. But I still get a major thrill from taking a straight man and making him a cocksucking faggot and bottom loving homo. Philosophically, I am not gay. I have never sucked a cock or taken a cock in my ass...although I have fucked many, many men. My cock doesn't see a distinction...

1 year ago
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Escort Girls Part I

To be young and single in Paris might seem to be a dream come true for any girl just out of high-school and finally free of a mother's oversight. But sometimes dreams turn out to be other than expected, as I will relate in this story. I was in the City of Lights and free for some weeks before beginning classes at the university. Although my senior class trip to France had been a great success, I'd had a good deal of trouble convincing Mum to let me come for such an extended period. But as I'd...

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Georgia on My MindChapter 8

Jamie couldn't wait to get back to Aunt Ellie's the next summer. Emily had been writing him about the good stuff her sister was telling her. She had asked, "Can you get any rubbers. I suppose you get them from Walgreens or some other drug store. I can get the K-Y jelly." This latter caused Jamie to put the letter down and go into his bathroom. Upon returning to his bedroom he took up the letter and finished reading. "Mama just got a new baby that they named Olivia. Henry was thinking...

3 years ago
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Stuffed Pig

Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold. Black garters trailed down her thick thighs. They contrasted nicely with the healthy peach tone of her light skin. The leather strips clipped to stockings just above her knees, framing the rest of her legs in irresistible see-through black silk. Between her legs hung a long, thick cock, framed base to tip in shiny, black vinyl. The stretchy sleeve felt wonderful around her hypersensitive length. She...

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AnnieChapter 4

Sandy's mouth opened and Johnny thought she was going to scream at him. She didn't. She sat down beside him. "So where do we go from here? I was going to have to talk to you eventually, so I guess there is no great damage done. The damage was done when Gordon approached me to give the FBI a hand again." "When did this happen?" "A little over three weeks ago. Gordon came to town and came to the house. I am the only agent who knows what Abdul looks like. I thought he was dead until...

2 years ago
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Futures PathChapter 5

Elena stares at her bedroom ceiling with disgust. It's a beautiful summer Sunday morning; a perfect time to laze in bed, daydream, and plan out exactly how far she's going to let a certain boy get the next time they're alone. But, after a night of apparently dreamless sleep, she is now completely awake, and cannot lie still. Sighing, she rolls over, and cranes her neck to see the clock on the nightstand. 7:38 AM. Gross! She rolls on to her back again, and closes her eyes. Even more...

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Sara at Mardi Gras

Sara and I were down in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. It was late March and the weather was warm and sultry. She and I had planned this trip for a long time. It was to be the first time we were both able to sneak away from our work together. We looked for a long, sex filled weekend of fun. We were walking along Bourbon Street, with the rest of the crowd. Sara was looking great. She had on high heels, a very short skirt, and a thin tank top. And what really turned me on was that she wore nothing...

4 years ago
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What if Starring Captain America

What If? Starring Captain America I am Uatu, the Watcher. It is my task to observe the universe, to record the stories I find, but to never interfere. I also have the ability to look into other realities, to answer the ancient question - what if? For example, Consider the hero known as Captain America. In many worlds, he is Steve Rogers, who as a young man during world war two volunteered for a secret attempt to create a super soldier. That experiment was a success, and Steve...

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 10

[Jack] They flew into the Carrollton airport to be met by Shirl and me and by Bennie's dad and step-mom. It felt good to have them back but I knew something was different. Bennie and Janice talked for a day. I could tell they were troubled about something but waited for them to talk to us when they wanted. Shirl said that I should ask them what was wrong but I counseled that we should wait. They came over the next morning after breakfast and chores. Bennie said, "We need to talk to both...

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The Pet

Alexis Ferguson stood from the leather chair in her office suite overlookingdowntown Manhattan and placed a few papers from her large mahogany desk inthe attaché case beside her. She smoothed her ruffled Chanel suit anddeparted, making her way through the labyrinth of offices on her floor to theelevator. As a founder and senior partner in one of the city's largest firmsthe occupants of the various offices cleared a path when she passed. Afterexiting the building on Park Avenue, Alexis nodded at...

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The sound of crickets and cicadas sounded loud in the dark of the woods. An owl hooted and somewhere in the distance, a deer crashed through the bush. It was just past nightfall and Joshua Gardner was on his way home from his grandfather's farm after helping bale and put up hay. He was sweaty and itchy from the grass and hauling bales up into the old barn loft. It had reached almost ninety degrees today out in the fields. Eighteen year old Josh was a hard worker and a hardy young man, grown...

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the Punishment

The PunishmentThe sorority executive board, all seniors, calledAmy into the meeting room.  They were all dressedin party dresses, and the sounds of the usualSaturday night party, just getting underway, filteredinto the room, mainly the low frequencies of thebeat of the music.  The only other person there whowas not a board member was Britney, like Amy afreshman.  "Amy, stand at attention," said thechairwoman.  Amy did.  She had learned all aboutthat sort of thing as a pledge.  "You stand...

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A Different Susan but Another Wild Night

I seem to have good luck banging horny women named Susan. My last story was about Susan J, who came over for comfort and ended up staying for a facial, anal, and more.This time it's about Susan M. She was an odd soul. Huge breasts, big ass and hips. Definitely a smaller BBW. Susan had a great singing voice and had toured for a while as a backup singer for some folk singer or another. And she sang at small pubs in Dallas from time to time. We saw each other occasionally. From the first night,...

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Sleepover Fun Part 2

Introduction: please go easy on me, this is my first time writing a sex story of any kind. This is the second part to Sleepover Fun so please if you havent read that please do so first Name: Kate (me) Age: 14 Hair/eye color: artificially colored, shoulder length red hair and honey colored brown eyes Height: 51 Body description: short for my age, slightly chubby around the middle, average sized chest (36B) Name: Seth (my boyfriend) Age: 16 Hair/eye color: natural dirty blonde hair and blue-gray...

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The Post Office

Note: Hi to all you Lush Stories readers, my name is Lisa and I have my lovers permission to submit this story under his ID. Before I get into this true story, let me describe myself so you can get the full picture. I’m 44, 5’7′, a solid 132 pounds, long, thick black hair to my shoulders, have been told that I have great legs and hips, a really cute ass, firm 34D’s with nipples that become pencil erasers when appropriately stimulated and a regularly trimmed bush that’s really thick. I always...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 16

The kids filed back into class Monday morning. They were very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive salesmanship. Little Sally led off: "I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30," she said proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success." "Very good," said the teacher. Little Jenny was next: "I sold magazines," she said, "I made $45 and I explained to...

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The Last CallChapter 2

By the second day we were back in school the daily routine made it seem like spring break never happened; at least that's what Linda and Char said, I didn't feel quite the same at all. I had way too much on my mind. I couldn't even concentrate on my studies; I was worried about Bobby and me. What kind of a future would we have together if my whole family blamed him for mom and dad's divorce? I was worried that I might someday have to pick between Bobby and my family? How could I do that;...

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Jennifers ToesChapter 3

Martha wanted to make love when I got home that night and as she gave me a blow job I looked down at her bobbing head and realized just how much I did love her. I couldn't — no, I wouldn't — expose her to Darnell and Jennifer. After what had been done to me earlier that evening I knew that things would just get worse for me and that eventually it would get out that I had been sucking cock and had been gangbanged in my ass. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't and I was not going...

2 years ago
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Walking WoundedChapter 4

After waiting for a few minutes to make sure Brian fell asleep, they walked out into the garden and moved the bench seat away from the blood on the ground before sluicing it down with cold water. Still naked, they sat quietly and watched the trees swaying in the breeze and the birds busy hunting for food in the undergrowth. Leslie explained about the romantic trip she had planned for the three days and how Brian’s fall that afternoon had ruined everything. Her explanation was punctuated by...

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The Exchange Student

The Exchange Student By Robyn, the GIRL Wonder CHAPTER ONE: SATURDAY NOON ?Come along, Zoe, dear,? Renee taunted. ?Oh, yes...come on down, where we can all see you,? chimed in Tina. It was my sister Melissa, at the top of the stairs, that gave me a little push. ?Your public awaits, Miss LeMercier,? she giggled. There was nothing else I could do, you I obeyed. Here I was, a fourteen-year-old boy, with curled blonde hair, in white leatherette high heels, wearing flesh...

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Moms 8mm MoviesChapter 2

It was three days later. I am usually asleep when Mom gets home from her 4:00 pm to 12:00 am shift. But tonight I was having trouble sleeping and decided to get up and get a glass of water. It was a little after 12:45 when I went downstairs. The only light on was a lamp in the Den. I was about to go in when I saw Mom turn on the projector and turn out the desk lamp. I hung back in the shadows and watched. The white wall she was using as a screen lit up with a shaky sign in French. Mom was...

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Sams YearChapter 11 In Adnyamathana Country 1

As arranged, Henry picked up Sam at eight. They headed north to North Terrace, east to Princes Highway and then north again. “OK,” Sam said. “Can you take the time to explain what we’re doing?” Henry laughed. “I could say we were driving to some aboriginal sites. But that’s not what you mean.” “No. And I’d have to kill you.” “Right. So, explain. We’ll have two sharp turns and then it’s a straight shot of about an hour to Port Wakefield.” “Fine. Well, you spoke about some Swede and a lot...

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The Big Score

Tom Bennet sat at his desk looking out the window trying not to feel left out of the real excitement that took place outside of his cramped office . The big guy knew that sticking him in this office from hell would make him miserable. The more he sat the more he contemplated putting in his papers and retire. "I'm the best damn investigator they have," he said to himself. "I must be out of my mind to put up with this shit." Feeling nothing but disgust Tom tossed the unread file onto his desk; he...

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Through The Wall

As most of you know, this past summer, I worked part time for a local escort service. Most of the time, I did out call, where you go to where the client is. A couple of nights a month, I'd do in call, that's where the client comes to you. When we did in call, it would always be at a motel that I'm familiar with. The owner is a friend of mine. Normally, it would be myself and two or three other girls. The service pays for the room.On this particular night, there were four of us. This motel is...

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WildOnCam Bianca Burke One Fucking Hot Workout

Busty babe Bianca Burke is ready to get down and fuck! She loves the size of Rod Jacksons big hard black dick and wants to see if she can take it all in her tight little pussy! She gets it to stretch out her pussy lips and all she wants is to cum all over that black dick! She grinds and grinds and even twerks on that dick so you can see that sexy ass jiggle. She knows how much you like to see those gorgeous large tits bounce and how it consumes his cock when she lets him titty fuck her. All she...


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