Beetlesmith’s Ch. 11 free porn video

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My fears lessened when Karen and I were at the mall.

We were in her favorite store, and Karen spent a lovely time, at least for her, modeling different outfits for me. I played along as she wanted me to, throwing in my opinion about each outfit she tried on. I could tell she was getting aroused, but I didn’t think it was due to residual effects of the elixir. It was just her normal, turned-on conditioning whenever I played fashion critic to her fashion show.

One of the store clerks was helping Karen. She was an attractive woman. A little younger than Karen and I, but not by much, and as far as I could tell she was single. Between the brief interludes when Karen changed into a new outfit, I would try and sexually arouse the clerk with my thoughts, just as I had supposedly done in the coffee shop and in the car. To my relief, I didn’t see any change in her behavior, just a slight, rose coloring in her complexion at times. I attributed that to the warmth of the store, and nothing else. Even Karen noted that it was unusually hot in the dressing rooms.

I laughed at my foolishness earlier in the day. Beth had been an anomaly, and nothing more. It was one of those wonderfully spontaneous encounters that do happen on occasion. They never happened to me before, but there’s always a first time. She was attracted to us, and we to her, and things happened. Maybe in our over-sexed state Karen and I sent out some vibe that Beth picked up on, but there wasn’t any telepathic power I had used to coerce her into having sex with us. How could I have thought such things? All those feelings I had in the car and my altered perception of reality were just due to coincidence mixed with drug-induced paranoia. They were the same factors that occurred with my fit of ‘clairvoyance’ from the other night. It was nothing but coincidence and paranoia.

Even though my fears were alleviated, the next day I plan to talk to Mr. Beetlesmith about the ‘peculiarities’ I’ve been experiencing. I also wanted to tell him I was going to discontinue using the drug, at least for now. After Karen discovered that my cock had grown nearly an inch, I decided it was time to cut back on its use before a worse physical malady manifested itself. Besides, Karen and I showed no signs of reduced sexual excitement toward each other, which was the most important thing. Given that our libidos were elevated and remained as such, I saw no need to continue using the drug.


It was Monday. Overall, I was feeling good about the day ahead and the decision I was making. As I made my way to the car for work, I saw our neighbor’s daughter, Barbara Grant, cutting the lawn. Karen and I have been good friends of the Grants, Bob and Lisa, ever since they moved next door when Barbara was just fifteen. The Grants were a typical married couple with an only child. Naturally, they were proud of their daughter and her accomplishments, although I thought they doted on her too much. The last time Karen and I had them over, Bob and Lisa went on and on about Barbara’s scholarship to the local university that she had earned. The whole time Barbara rolled her eyes in embarrassment. I got a kick out of the whole scene: Barbara’s natural and overt, young adult embarrassments toward her parents, and Bob and Lisa’s obvious parental pride in their daughter. I couldn’t blame any of them for their reactions.

Barbara and I always had a good rapport, even when she was a teenager. She seemed more mature than most kids her age, and because of that, I always treated her more like an adult rather than a child, especially compared to her doting parents. I think that was why she was always friendly toward me and never surly as she was with her parents and other adults on occasion. That wasn’t quite fair to Bob and Lisa, though, I could afford the luxury to treat Barb as an adult, whereas they couldn’t, or wouldn’t.

When she saw me, she cut the lawnmower off, and waved, ‘Hey, Mr. Henry.’

‘How’s it going, Barb? How come you’re not in class?’

‘It’s Spring Break,’ she yelled back.

Ah yes, Spring Break. That time of year when all college twenty-somethings flocked to all points south to make idiots of themselves, usually on national television.

I asked, teasing, ‘Then how come you’re not in Florida?’

She rolled her eyes and tipped her head toward her house. It was a not too subtle hint that her parents weren’t going to pony up the money for her debauched week away from home, particularly without a chaperone.

I had to laugh, and silently commended Bob and Lisa on their good judgment. Chances are if Barbara had gone, she would probably be waking up in a hospital about now recovering from alcohol poisoning, or worse. She may be mature for her age, but a week spent away from home surrounded by a bunch of drunk and horny frat boys was just asking for trouble. I just smiled knowingly at her, and headed off to work.

By about ten that morning, Jack dropped by my office informing me that the Board approved of my promotion into Kendall’s old position, as well as a handsome raise in salary. I drank the news in for a moment, knowing that Karen and I would want for nothing from now on. However, by about ten o’ one Jack was harping on me for information about the next ‘dinner party’ I was going to stage. I deflected his curiosity, telling him it would be at least a couple of weeks. He made it clear that when the ‘party’ occurred, he had a couple of female business clients he wished to bring. He made no mention of Denise in his plans. I figured he didn’t want the wife to interfere with his ‘fun time’ the next time. I smiled to myself thinking of this coming Saturday.

As the company’s support staff set about moving my stuff into Kendall’s old office, I spent the rest of the day in meetings with members of my division, trying to determine how badly Kendall had fucked things up. One thing I learned, besides the fact that it would take me weeks to straighten out Kendall’s mess, was that everyone universally disliked him—surprise, surprise. The only one who didn’t seem thrilled by Kendall’s departure was his office manager, Candice.

Near as I could tell from her personnel file, she had been his office manager for the past four years, and received glowing fitness reports. This surprised me, because relative to other managers with similar years of service and competence, she was grossly underpaid. It seems Kendall liked to twist the knife into everyone who worked for him. She had to know through typical office gossip that her salary didn’t match her contemporaries. As such, it surprised me further why she stuck with him for so long. I needed to talk to her about this, as well as inform her I was bumping up her salary to match her colleagues.

Candice was thirty-two. She was taller than Karen, with flaming red hair and a round, cupid face—another freckled face girl, I mused. She was on the heavy side. Not fat really, but plump. What I considered voluptuous. However, I gathered she was always self-conscious about the extra pounds she carried, because she always wore unbecoming, loose-fitting, blousy clothing buttoned all the way up to her collar and cuffs in an attempt to hide the extra weight. It was really too bad, because even with her bulky clothes I could tell she had a seductively, shapely figure, with large, heavy breasts and wide hips—voluptuous, indeed. It was nearly four that afternoon when she poked her concerned head into my office, ‘Mr. Henry, I know you’ve been busy, but could I have a moment?’

‘Sure Candy, have a seat.’

‘Oh, please don’t call me that.’

‘Sorry…Candice…And please call me Will during these informal settings.’

She ignored my suggestion, and asked, ‘Sir, what’s going to happen with me?’ I looked at her quizzically before she clarified herself, ‘Usually when there’s a new boss they bring in their own support staff, and I’m wondering if I should start looking for another position elsewhere
in the company.’

Funny, it never occurred to me to kick Kendall’s office staff and manager to the curb. I took this opportunity to ask her about her feelings toward Kendall. Maybe she was one of the few that liked him, and keeping her as my office manager would cause me problems down the road. ‘How did you and Kendall get along?’ She was apprehensive to answer me. I assumed she thought I was asking a more indelicate, personal question than I was, ‘What I mean to say: what was your working relationship like?’

Her eyes rolled around the room, as if she were scanning for hidden cameras and microphones, before answering, ‘To be honest, and I mean no disrespected to you or any of the other executives, but Mr. Kendall was kind of a monkey dick.’

Well, that answers one question. I chuckled, ‘Well, anyone who thinks Kendall’s a monkey dick is okay in my book. So, unless you want to go somewhere else, I don’t see any problem with you staying as my office manager.’

I saw her heave a sigh of relief. I was going to ask her why she stayed with the ‘monkey dick’ for so long, but decided to wait until I got to know her better. She was about to get up to leave, when I said, ‘I don’t know why, but Kendall really wasn’t paying you very well. So effective immediately I’m increasing your salary by thirty percent. That should put you a little bit ahead of the other managers in pay.’

She sat dumbfounded. It was easy to read her mind, so I said, ‘Kendall ‘was’ an insufferable monkey dick. Fill out all the necessary paperwork for me to sign on your salary increase. Make that the first thing on your ‘to do’ list tomorrow. Right now, however, I want you to take off what’s left of the day and go celebrate.’

She left the office floating on air. I still couldn’t figure out if she and Kendall had an office thing going. Her whole, former situation didn’t add up in my mind, with or without an office fuck. Oh well, can’t worry about that now, I needed to see Beetlesmith before he closed for the day.


Beetlesmith was sitting in his usual spot when I arrived, and I was glad to see he was alone. His face lit up when he saw me, ‘Mr. Henry, my but it’s been awhile since you were last here. Usually my first time customers are back for more elixir before the end of the first week. You’re showing remarkable restraint, I must say.’

‘Well, I have been cautious with it Mr. B, given your warnings to me the last time. It’s about those warnings as to why I’m really here.’

He gave me a quizzical look. Funny, but after all that thinking, musing, pontificating, and fretting about the elixir, I found myself having a hard time voicing the ‘peculiarities’ I had experienced now that the expert was in front of me. Worse, as I started to explain my fears aloud and in the full light of day, I thought they sounded ridiculous in the extreme. When I finished with my explanations, I really felt like a jerk when I saw the look of befuddlement unfold across Beetlesmith’s face.

He scratched his chin, and said trying to be as polite as possible, ‘Well, those are strange occurrences Mr. Henry, and I don’t have a ready explanation for them. I will say, however, that your increase in size sounds in keeping with the probable physical side effects. You should thank your lucky stars it’s your…*ahem*…We can always do with a little bit more in ‘that’ area. For most of my customers, it’s usually the feet that start expanding, as it were. As for your clairvoyant episode and the incident with the little tart at the coffee shop, well I’m at a loss. Are you sure these things really happened the way you describe? The elixir is a rather powerful hypnotic. Sometimes you may perceive things differently than how they actually occurred.’

I wasn’t sure about anything anymore and just shrugged my shoulders.

‘Now as far as your increased libido and sexual stamina even when not under the elixir’s direct effects, remember, there’s a lag in the body’s mental and physical readjustments. These things can’t just be turned off as a light switch. The physical and mental effects may last for days, even weeks, although they will lessen over time. That is until the next administration of the drug.’

‘I don’t know Mr. B, it was pretty amazing what was happening, and I certainly felt no slacking in the effects of the elixir. It was as if I had just administered it to the three of us, yet hadn’t done so for at least twenty-four hours.’

‘Twenty-four hours? Well, there you go Mr. Henry. That’s hardly enough time for the body to readjust fully back to normal. Also, remember, once you administer the elixir to a person, they will be more receptive to your advances in subsequent days, even when not on the drug. It stands to reason that your wife and this other woman, Denise, would still be compliant the next evening.’

Beetlesmith’s explanations were persuasive. I was probably overanalyzing and overreacting to many of my so-called, ‘peculiar incidents.’ That is except for Beth and Cope, who weren’t administered the drug. They remained two, very large anomalies in my mind, and I said as much, ‘I understand what you say about former participants and their continual willingness, and it makes sense. However, that doesn’t explain what happened with Beth.’ I left out telling him about the Cope incident for obvious reasons.

He thought for a moment, then suddenly snapped his fingers and smiled, ‘Funny, I should have thought of it as a possibility before. Mind you, Mr. Henry, this is just a possibility, however, I have quite an extensive cliental that live in the immediate area. Now, I don’t know who this Beth person is, but it could be possible that one of my other clients knows her, if you get my meaning.’

I did, and it made perfect sense. Someone else had given her the drug before, maybe even the day before. As such, she would have been far more compliant when Karen and I happened along. It sounds improbable that I crossed paths with a random stranger who also had recently taken the elixir, but it was a more logical explanation than what I had been thinking.

As for Cope, I reasoned that maybe he swung too heavily from the other side of the plate, and I happened to tap into his kink at just the right moment. His supposed bisexuality would explain a lot, particularly his lackluster performance the other night. It may even be the real reason he and Linda divorced. Of course, it had to be that.

After listening to Beetlesmith, it really was idiotic to think I could control Cope’s or anyone’s actions with my suggestions or thoughts. No, what was going on in my mind was nothing more than paranoia interspersed with occasional happenstance and coincidence. I laughed to myself and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that it was nearing his closing time, I gave Beetlesmith a hearty handshake and was about to leave, when he requested, ‘Half a moment Mr. Henry, before you leave I have something for you. I’ll only be a minute.’

I watched as Beetlesmith disappeared into a back room of his shop, and waited…And waited some more. A few minutes soon gave way to twenty, and Beetlesmith had yet to return. I was beginning to wonder if the old eccentric had forgotten about me, when I noticed a neat pile of papers and old ledgers stacked on the counter. What caught my attention was an oddly misplaced sheet of paper that overtly stuck out of the otherwise neat pile. I don’t know what possessed me, but I pulled the sheet out to look it over.

It was actually three sheets of paper stapled together, composed of a list of names. It was similar to the list Beetlesmith had given me, a list of all his clients who purchased the elixir. What he called his ‘insurance policy.’ However, I didn’t recognize anyone’s name between this list and my own. I assumed that what I held must be an older list. Then I remembered Beetlesmith telling me that he had to cut off several cohorts of clients due to some breech of propriety by one of its members.

‘Jesus,’ I
said aloud, ‘All these poor assholes were cut off the elixir.’

I heard rummaging coming from the back room. For some reason, probably out of morbid curiosity, I folded the old list and put it in the breast pocket of my suit jacket. Moments later, Beetlesmith emerged from the back room. As he waddled up to me, he slid two vials of his elixir across the counter, ‘Sorry it took so long Mr. Henry. It takes time to prepare.’

I stared down at the vials, ‘I’m sorry Mr. B, I didn’t come here to buy any of your elixir, and certainly not two vials worth.’

‘It’s a special deal for my very special clients, two for the price of one.’

‘Really Mr. Beetlesmith, I can’t. I don’t even have enough money with me to buy one of your vials.’

‘You can pay me later, Mr. Henry. I insist.’

Immediately, my antenna went up. I didn’t get it. When I first met him, Beetlesmith was adamantly, ‘cash payment up front, or no deal,’ and now he was literally giving his elixir away. As I continued to stare down at the vials, I remembered the question that’s haunted me from when all this began. I looked up at Beetlesmith with a jaundiced eye, and asked, ‘Why am I deserving of such generosity?’

Beetlesmith looked at me with surprise, ‘Mr. Henry?’

‘Oh, I don’t mean just this, your ‘two for one’ deal. But, there’s always been something I’ve been meaning to ask, what made you single me out in the first place?’

‘I don’t follow, Mr. Henry.’

I collected my thoughts, trying to think back to that day, that first warm day of spring when all of this just fell into my lap. The day I was privy to a great secret and awakening—a secret that people with greater means than I would give their eyeteeth and right arm to know. Why was I so blessed?

‘I don’t know Mr. Beetlesmith, but good fortune has never just come my way. I’ve always had to work for it. So when good things just happen to me out of the blue, I tend to look suspiciously at it, and wonder, why me? I’m a cynic in that regard, things that are usually too good to be true, usually are.’

‘I still don’t…’

‘Here I was, entering your store, a man of obvious modest means by my dress, and behavior. Yet you offer me this…this gift. Why bother? Why bother cluing me in? I’m a man who couldn’t provide you with the kind of monetary reward like some others could. Certainly, you have many patrons of obvious wealth come through your shop, yet do you hawk your product to all of them, as you did with me? Based on the list you gave me, I would think not.’

‘Mr. Henry, I think you are making quite a few false assumptions, the first being that I’m in it for the money.’

‘Why then? Why me?’

‘I don’t know. Let’s just say I liked the look of you. Different people strike me in different ways. Someone may enter my store having obvious wealth, as you say, but I don’t like the look of them. Maybe they’re too haughty and put on airs, or maybe I get the feeling they would be unreliable with secrets, so I stay mum about my elixir. Others, such as yourself, strike a particularly good cord in me, so I ‘clue’ them in, as you say. I really can’t explain it better than that.’

Stupid questions breed stupid answers. What else was he supposed to say? Now I really felt like a jerk. It was the old saw that had been plaguing me these past couple of weeks: my emotions were running in total opposition to my rational thought. In my mind, all of Beetlesmith’s explanations concerning the elixir made perfect sense, but none of this felt right to me in my heart. In the end, I was like a child grasping at straws in a whirlwind of changing reality.

As I turned to go, I said, ‘I’m sorry to have taken up your time with this nonsense, Mr. B.’

Beetlesmith stopped me in my tracks, ‘Mr. Henry, don’t forget your elixir.’

I stared down at the two vials, as that plaguing conflict nagged at my conscience again. My emotions screamed for me to leave the vials where they sat, run, and not look back. Yet, my mind murmured another seduction, a truth was contained in those two, small vials, the truth of numerous pleasures with untold partners for Karen and me to do with as we pleased. ‘You’re a fool for even questioning to take them,’ I heard my mind say.

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Maybe Its Magic Chapter 3

Maybe It's Magic - Chapters 3 by RH Music Chapter 3: Morgen and my new responsibilities I am sitting on the floor of Morgen's bedroom, using her bed as a backrest, trying to study for my math mid-terms. I'm having a hard time of it. Morgen is in bed on her stomach reading a new book, "Fear of Flying" by Erica Jong. Her arm is draped over the side of the bed and her hand is inside the collar of my shirt, gently playing with my nipples. "What's it about?" I ask, referring to...

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Chapter One My Friend Carries Beginnings

My name is Carrie and I was the product of a very well-to-do family. I was one of four siblings who were raised by extremely strict parents. After all we were the upper classes, and not expected to mingle with those below us. I was a plump girl, fat actually and not particularly attractive. At least that’s what I came to believe, although once away from home and with the help of make-up and a different hairstyle, I was quite passable. I never had many friends as a result, so became a bit of a...

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The Conquest of Alison the Cruise Director

The Captain addressed the passengers yesterday to explain the risk transiting the Gulf of Aden. The Seabourn Pride was on a five-day cruise sailing from Muscat, Oman to Safaga, Egypt. The large map projection in the ship’s main theater displayed Yemen to the north and to the south, Somalia. He used a laser pointer to show a high-risk area, but he reassured all aboard that the high-risk area did not constitute a major risk. Not to make light of the situation, he concluded that cargo ships had...

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Sexy Teacher1

Ashley rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her breasts to hide the white lace bra that now was the only thing that covered them. "Mike this isn't a very good start, you know part of your problem is that you try to rush things," she said as she walked over to her desk where she kept her gym bag for after school. She reached in with one hand to pull out her pink workout top and slid it over her head. "Now sit down." She waited until he did this then said we are going to play a little...

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We Met On A Plane Part 3

Joan and I met during my weekly commuter flight from Newark to Milwaukee. During that flight, she favored me with the distinct privilege of fingering her pussy to orgasm. Afterward, we had dinner and then retired to my hotel room for a night of exhibitionist sex. Our viewers were a couple of coeds whose room had a window not twenty feet from my hotel window. Then, two nights later, she invited me to her home and we had sex in the hot tub and her bed. She made me promise to give our hotel...

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The FavorChapter 26 Anne

Anne was a girl that I knew only slightly. We were more acquaintances than friends. After September, however, she started to say hi to me a little more, and she seemed to always be looking at me. Anne was a cute girl, but she didn't work at it. She had blondish/brown hair, and with a little work could have made herself look real pretty, but she never wore makeup. The way that she dressed made her look mousy and she was almost pathologically shy. That was why I was surprised when, on a...

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An Eye for an Eye

Laura and I had been married now for over five years and to me it seemed like we were still on our honeymoon. We were still making love daily and sometimes more than that; we still cared for each other as much as we did on the first week we were married. I was so much in love with her that when I was quietly working (I am a translator of law books and other official documents) I would often take a break and dream about her and how we were going to make love when she came home back from...

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Cave Trap Part 3

Although the storm wasn’t the onset of an early monsoon season, the rain continued throughout the night and the winds abated little. Craig and Miri’s stranded yacht, the ‘Queen Of Jade’ held secure at three points. Never the less, she lifted and fell with the continuous motion of the waves. The couple rewarded Jack for his good-natured acceptance of their sex trap with a sumptuous evening meal. Craig fried shrimp and laid it over a bed of rice with ‘Komatsuna’, (a local mustard spinach),...

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All mine part 1

“Eric.!? Eric.!? Eric? Where are you?” I could hear my stepdaughter, Sabrina, calling for me as she walked down the hall. I was laying in bed recovering from my hangover. One of my buddies from work had invited me out for drinks last night. I figured what the hell. Might as well. My wife had to work the next day and I would be at home alone all day to recover. We ended up going to a bar that I would frequently go to before. Becky was work. Becky is this hot beautiful bartender. She is very...

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The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill

Have you ever noticed that you can take a fool proof plan, toss a woman into the mix, and all bets are off? I guess all men should expect it when they get married. My plan was brilliant in its simplicity. My problem turned out to be complex. It involved predicting what my wife of 22 years would do. The economy was circling the bowl and sinking fast. My wife, Caroline, had somehow managed to maintain her position as manager of the local branch of a large food chain. I never considered her...

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Once More With FeelingsChapter 16 All Saints Day

The big day was finally here! The first game of the season, and the entire team had the day off from classes to rest up for our game against Catholic Central. Rest, however, was about the furthest thing from any of our minds as we sat around the cafeteria chewing on fried chicken. For the last two weeks we had worked our asses off shaping a group of unexpectedly talented athletes into a coordinated team, and I thought we had done really well for such a small school. Unfortunately, or perhaps...

1 year ago
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A Wolf goes hunting Part 3

Also, if you liked my story, please up-vote it. If you didn't like it, go ahead and vote but leave a comment as to why. Everyone could use constructive criticism. If the only reason you didn't like my story is because you are jealous, don't vote, just move on. If the reason you didn't like my story was because of the subject matter, why did you even read it in the first place? It is tagged properly, if you didn't read the tags, that's on you, not me. Chapter 3 Wolf sat in the café...

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The curse part 1

My name is Sarah, I’m 5’3, reasonable B cup breasts and other than that quite a nice slim body with long blonde hair, my glasses sometimes make me look a bit nerdish but I like the look, it fits in with my interests. I live with my father and 2 brothers, mum died around 10 or so years ago when I was 6 and my brothers were 10 and 12. I go to school where I’m reasonably good but I’m one of the only girls in the year, despite that I’ve not had many boy’s express interest in me. On weekends I work...

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Sex with my elder widow sister

My name is bunny. I have three sisters and one brother. All got married except me. This is the story about one of my elder sister’s. We had a big house. When I was in 9th class, my elder sister is used to stay with her husband and one child in our house. Her son age is also same as mine. That was simmering so all of us used to sleep outside fro cool air. That was around 10pm. All of us went to bed and in deep sleep. Suddenly O woke up and went for bath room. I found that some was bathing in...

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A Night Never To Forget

The house is quiet and I am all alone, every creak fills my ears like the scream of a thousand ghosts. Slowly I rise from the couch and make my way to the back door, upon opening it I am met by the bitter breeze of a dull winter, I look up at the stars only for a moment before I hear the fumble of heavy footsteps inside the house. Growing up in the countryside has made me aware of every minute sound, especially those of an intruder, in the middle of nowhere, where no sound is ever heard. A...

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Playtime For Babygirl

I lay in bed completely naked. Slowly rubbing baby oil all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and my pussy. I begin to pull and tease my nipples, my other hand finds my swollen, tender clit, I feel myself slowly pinching and rubbing my clit. As the fever builds, I stop and tie my tits as tight as I can get them. They change to a deep purple. Next, I clip clothes pins on each nipple as I continue to tease my clit, taking my other hand and fingering my pussy and my ass with two...

3 years ago
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All in a Days Work

It had been a long day at work and youhad been fucking with me all day long. Every chance you gotyou were kissing my neck or shoving me in the bathroom rubbingmy clit and getting me frustrated as hell. It was about 5 o’clock when a man came in and wanted a PrinceAlbert, you asked him if he wanted a male or female to do thepiercing and he stated that he did not care. I came out fromthe back and saw this tall good looking black man; he wasabout mid thirties and looked like a bad boy. I winked...

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The Widow Ch 11

Passion in James County XII: The Widow Chapter Eleven John Farrell steered his rental car into the restaurant parking lot, found an empty parking space, and pulled into it. He got out of the car and stood there, looking at the building he was about to enter with a sad look in his eyes. The last time he ate here, his wife was alive. It was one of their favorite places to eat and John, who was feeling a bit nostalgic, thought he’d eat here. He had arrived in Jamestown from Arizona a day...

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My Sexy Sister Divya Seduces Me 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. My name is Raahul and I am 19 years old with lean body height 5.8″. This story begins when my parents had to leave for a business tour to Australia and it was the time of winter holidays and I and my elder sister had to stay at home alone. My sister’s name is Divya. She is 22 years old, 5.6″, very fair shoulder-length brown hair straight hair and lean body. We were alone for a week with no one in our house. I had nothing to do as all my friends went on vacation so most of the...

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Couples Play Date

Joanne cleared away the breakfast dishes, poured another coffee and walked to the bedroom. She removed her nightshirt and headed for the shower. As she passed her dressing table, she saw a red envelope with her name printed on the front. She opened the flap and removed the page in Rick's handwriting.“Good morning Love. I thought you might enjoy one of our Play Dates today and I know that I will be aroused all day thinking about you. I want you to take the day to pleasure yourself. When you...

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Confessions of A Small Town Girl College 3 Getting the Grade

By the end of my first semester, I had regained the popularity status that I had been accustomed to in high school. The softball team was coming along good for it being our first season. We had not yet won a game, but we were beginning to gel as a team, which was considered progress. We mainly had games with small colleges around Georgia due to the low budget. Personally, I was having a good season, I thought. I was hitting well, and my pitching was improving. Coach Jared helped me to develop a...

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Hotel Sex With Schoolmate 8211 Part 1

Hey there. My name is John and this is the story of how my friend seduced me to fuck him. This incident happened last year when I was studying in 12th grade in UAE. Mark and I were really good friends since high school and we used to do everything together. After 10th grade, we lost touch as we were in different classes. It all started when the school announced that there was going to be a boys only night stay over at a hotel. We both decided to go for the hotel stay over as everybody was...

Gay Male
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 10 Aid for Heartaches

"Tim?" "Jennifer? What's wrong?" "Jennifer, please... Where are you?" "I'm... I'm home... " "Are you hurt?" "No... My mom... " "Your mom did something? Did she hit you?" "NO!" "Honey, please stop crying long enough to tell me... What is WRONG?" "She... she cut her thumb... " "What? You're mom? She cut her thumb?" "Yes! And then... " "And then what? Jennifer! Tell me!" "She's...

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Medieval ENP

Welcome to the medieval ENP story collection that will work similar to the Video Games ENP story that I have going. Simply come up with a character, and fit them into the theme of Medieval. That could mean a lot of things. There will be two branches. Fantasy and Non-Fantasy. If you’re the person that enjoys stories that include dragons, beasts, sorcerers, etc. then choose the Fantasy branch. If you’re the person that enjoys stories that are more realistic but still take place during Medieval...

2 years ago
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The day a knight turned me

I was mad, I was wet and I was angry. It was the middle of summer and it should not be like this, the day had started so well. Hubby dropped me at the mall to do a bit of retail therapy, shoes, makeup and as always lingerie and toys. Now the bastard had left me to make my own way home, pouring rain and in high heels. Laden with bags I trudged to the taxi rank where I saw a huge line and few cars. Just across the way was a bus shelter, almost empty and heaven sent the right bus arrived. I...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 3 Samantha Zeeks Rough Life

Ten years ago Sam was going to college (Cal Poly) while living with her sponsor when they had a foolish spat. They argued during the car ride from San Luis Obispo to LA with her sponsor getting so upset he left Sam on the dock when he departed on a sailboat for the South Pacific. All she had was the skimpy outfit she was wearing. At the time Sam’s mother was living with a crooked California Highway Patrol cop who figured Sam could “spread her legs and help Mom with the rent” whenever he...

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inspired by lesbian cop f70 part 1

watch in a side window while reading, or check it out after:'d been in Germany for over a week trying to track down Baron Von Hammerschaft for my article. All I needed was one more interview and my damn feature on the Bavarian Purity Standards for beer would be ready to submit for publishing. I thought it would be an overnight trip, but the guy owns so many castles and estates that even his staff don't know where he will be one day to...

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My Mail Carrier

In my life, things always happen when I least expect them particularly with sex. I am an average guy average build with an average cock (6”) and definitely not a player. About three and half weeks ago, I am sitting at my desk as I work from home and travel a couple of days per week for work. The doorbell rings around 11AM, it is my mail carrier Cindi asking to use the bathroom. This is very odd as she delivers mail like clockwork around 2:00 – 2:15PM everyday for the last 14 years – never...

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Becky and Scott part 1

As Becky began unpacking in her room she was greeted by her new roommate. "So you're my new roommate" Scott said greeting Becky with a hand shake. "I'm sorry who are you?" Becky asked. "I'm your new roommate Scott. Now I know what your thinking 'I thought I was going to have a female roommate' but unfortunately things aren't what they seem. This is one of the few co-ed universities where both a guy and a girl are placed in the same room together. Now I know that may not seem like...

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Was She Ever My Wife

She lay there on the ground, sweat dotting her brow. Her dress was sprawled out beside her now naked form. The man between her legs was thrusting into her hard and fast, grunting as he did. She was urging him on, her face telling me more than anything. Looking at her through the binoculars, I knew that what I was seeing was not a rape. They had walked up to the little knot of trees holding hands like the lovers they were. Deep inside me, my heart was breaking. Proof, in my face, of what our...

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Holiday on Foy

Tony Nash, was now seventeen years of age,. He was a fit active teenager and enjoyed the outdoor life. He stood on the cliff right at the edge looking eagerly at the vague shadowy outline of the island of Foy in the far distance, between bursts of spray thrown up by the howling wind. Unfortunately, it was blowing half a gale, and no boatman, would risk the hour long passage until the weather moderated. In his pocket was a letter written to Mrs. Kate Deehan on the Isle of Foy from his father. He...

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HeadacheChapter 17 Seeing Sicily

Teresa arrived at the hotel a few minutes early and we ate a light breakfast at the hotel before leaving for Taormina. The pastry we ate that morning and at other times was incredible. The one thing we did find out later on was don't save it overnight because they do not use preservatives. Taormina is on the east side of the island, built on some cliffs which overlook the Mediterranean. Teresa had gotten some tickets to one of the last shows held in the Greek-Roman Amphitheater. These plays...

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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 8

Tommy was sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table when we entered the room. He looked us over, glared at me, and then ordered us to line up in front of him on the other side of the coffee table. He probably thought that what he was about to do, or make us do, would be very traumatic. He wasn't aware of the changes that have already taken place in our lives because of him. I hope he doesn't find out, either. I don't doubt for a minute that if he thought this wasn't all...

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The Drink

I closed the door, threw my keys on my end table and walked into my kitchen. Last day of classes for the semester, my last summer vacation before my senior year of college, there was a bottle of some kind of drink on my counter. It wasn't there this morning before I left for class, I pick it up, and it's a glass bottle with some sort of pink liquid inside. The label is faded, but the seal is still locked must be pink lemonade that I must have found last night or this morning and put it...

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The Girl Who Must Not Sing Ch 03

‘Fiye says the roof over the girl’s tower needs fixing.’ ‘That’s why she heads the roof crew.’ ‘No, sire, not maintenance. She says it looks like the frame’s rotting out beneath the tiles. Most of the tar’s gone too so it’ll start leaking if nothing’s done soon.’ ‘Mm, tar is a problem. I doubt there’s much left in the cellar. She’ll have to wait until next week when we can get some up in River Run. There’s already a request in but they’ve been taking their time.’ ‘Then let’s just hope...

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Gang of FiveChapter 25

Once fully seated, she kissed him hard, then said quite calmly. "If you are ever my son-in-law, this will make it even more interesting. Oh, I had my tubes tied. I was checked after the last party, and I made my husband wear a condom since then." Hardly able to believe what was happening and the sudden change in the woman's demeanor, Sean just tried to hold still, resisting the urge to thrust into her. "I was a virgin on my wedding night," Celeste told him. "My second man was your...

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Brothers love Part 2 Getting serious

My mom and sisters and dad came home, and we had dinner together. My sister would look at me and my bro and smile. After the dinner my parents went to bed and my bro, my sisters and me stayed up and watched movies. My sisters went to bed and Donna, my second oldest sister, the one who heard (I really don't know if I spelled that right) us, said: "Psst, hey, you two, come here. I know what you're doing to each other and I'm really OK with the fact that my brothers are gay..." "Um,...

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 7 Life Guard Duty

Friday Got up, took my shower and had breakfast. As I sat there having my second cup of coffee and trying to read the morning paper, I could not get my mind off yesterday. In all my life, I have never had anything even close like that. I should go check the video I got. No, on second thought, this would start the day off bad in a good way. This got me start thinking about today. I tried to wipe those thoughts out of my mind. I am just going to go over and play life guard. OK lunch then on...

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