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Angela had just graduated from high school near the top of her class. A bright future ahead of her, the support of a strong family, and the love of a good man. Life was great. After graduation, the summer found Angela working at the local convienience store to help add to her savings for any unforeseen college expenses and give her a little "fun" money to spend throughout the summer. After work she would spend most of her time with her boyfriend of two years, Mike. He had graduated from the same school just the year before and had just finished his freshman year at State. About three weeks into summer, Angela and Mike were partying with friends, and had a bit too much to drink. One thing led to another, and soon they were taking their relationship to the next level. That next morning, Angela was a bit shaken. She couldn't believe that she let herself down like that. She had planned quite some time to lose her virginity to Mike - but she had imagined and planned that it would be a romantic, wonderful experience. What she could remember of it was not nearly as romantic and wonderful as she wanted. Mike was a bit confused as to Angela's tears and distance, but he tried to reassure her of his love for her, only to be shrugged away. The distance between Angela and Mike seemed to grow. She harbored a resentment toward him for his part in their drunken antics. Mike tried for awhile to understand her distance and coldness towards him, but eventually started to feel wronged by Angela. This mutual anamosity grew with the days... hours, that ticked along. Angela tried not to let her anger spill over and affect her work, but it was easy for everyone to see her once perky personality tarnished with sadness, disdain, or distant indifference. This is where my journey started. ~~~~~~~~~~ I had just finished work, and popped into the local country store to grab my usual seeds and a drink, for a snack on my way to my second job as night-watchman. The gal at the check-out, Angela, seemed a bit distant and saddened - not her usual demeanor. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I doubt you'd understand," she replied. Intrigued, I countered, "Perhaps, but that doesn't mean that I can't offer some great advice on how to fix it." "You can't fix stupid," she said bluntly. I chuckled, "True. But you can fix the way you deal with it." She considered what I said, before replying, "Maybe." Now she's just a girl I only somewhat knew. It's a small town, nearly everyone here at least knows of nearly everyone else. But I had no real relationship on any level with this youngster. Still, I could tell that she was troubled, and being the nice guy that I was, I couldn't resist the opportunity to help her out if I could. "Well, if you want to talk about it, or perhaps some advice from a wise old man - you let me know." Knowing full well that she knew where to find me... everyone in town did. That night, while I was working my night-watch shift at the local factory, I heard that she was on the outs with her boyfriend Mike, and rumors were that she was pregnant. That made me raise an eyebrow... but as the old saying goes, "Beleive only half of what you see... and none of what you hear." It was difficult to refrain from offering unsolicited advice, or attempting to verify if the rumors were true. One look at her, and you could tell the kid was having a rough go of it. So for the next few weeks, it was just business as usual. Then one afternoon, as I'd done recently with most of the kids I saw, I asked her, "Are you ready for college?" I could see her eyes tear up as she answered, "I don't know." I felt like an ass. Even though I didn't know what I thought I knew, was I supposed to have known? Were the rumors right? "I'm sorry. What happened?" Now I wanted to know. Hell, I made her cry - anyone would want to know what was going on. "I got drunk at a party, things happened, and now I don't know if I'm going to be able to go to college. I don't know if I even want to now." "Well kiddo, I haven't heard of any murders, so it can't be that bad," I smiled. "You're just like everyone else, you have to decide what you want, and figure out how to get it. If you want to go to college, go to college." "I'm not ready to have kids. But... I don't want to... you know." I guess I should have been ready for that revelation, but I was woefully unprepeared. "Okay, well..." I wasn't sure what to say at the moment, so I paused to think. "So, what are your choices then?" I asked. "Abortion is out. I... I just can't," she stated. "Okay, one option down," I replied. "Any other option will have me having this baby in the middle of the school year. Unless I skip going to college." "Why don't you just put college off for a year?" I asked. "My scholarships," she replied. "Oh." "I'm sorry that I'm bothering you with all of this," she apologized. "Hey, I pried into it," I smiled. "And it's no bother." "What's Mike think about all of this?" I asked. "He's an.... He wants me to get an abortion, HE isn't ready to be a father. We're pretty much not talking anymore," she paused, "I wish I was a guy, so I could just not have to deal with pregnancy and child- birth." I really wish she hadn't said that. She was young, healthy, and cute - with a bright future ahead of her. And I envied her, for I'm a curious soul, seeking knowledge... and I knew little about the lives of the fairer sex. If I had her life, oh the things I would do. "I understand. But be lucky you are who you are. Things could be worse... You could be me." I smiled once again. "I wish," she replied. So do I, Angela, So do I. "Well, wouldn't that be something. Anyhow, I've got to get going - you have a better night, okay?" I said to her before I headed off again for my night-shift job. That night, all I could think about was what would I do if I was in her shoes. I think I'm probably on the same page of not getting an abortion, but what do I know - I've never been in a position to be in that position before. And what of college. She'd either have to have the baby while in college, or skip college, loose some scholarships, and have to reapply for grants and other financial aid next year. The solutions to Angela's problems continued to plague me into my very dreams. I dreamt of Angela and I at the counter of the country store considering solutions to her problems. We went back and forth over vague details about generic scholarships and grants and financial aid programs. We discussed how pregnancy and child-birth would affect her class schedules. We discussed the various aspects of how having a child would affect her qualifications for other programs, and how childcare would affect her class and study schedules. I began to think she was right... College might be impossible. ~~~~~~~~~~ I woke up feeling something ticklish on my face. I was able to brush some off, but some of it fell back over my face, some of it getting caught in my fingernails. I opened my eyes and brushed the rest of the offending something off of my face. I then took a look at my nails to see how badly they needed to be trimmed. I had to blink my eyes a few times, my nails looked pink - hot pink. Blinking my eyes only verified that my nails were not only hot pink, but long... and on longish fingers that didn't seem right. As I was trying to make sense of things, I noticed that I was wearing a shirt, and my room was different. I sat up, and felt a weight shift on my chest. As I examined myself and my surrounding, I realized I must still be dreaming. This wasn't my room, this wasn't my body - I seemed to have a girl's body. Now this is something I'd dreamt about once or twice before - but this seemed so real. I got up and walked over to the mirror I could see hanging on the door. As I did, I felt as if I was gliding... the movement of this body seemed different than I remember. When I approached the door, I started to recognize the reflection... it was young Angela. Our mouths drooped open in somewhat of a shocked reaction. Her reflection mimiced every movement I made. Well, if I was going to dream about being Angela, I was going to live it up a little! The first thing I did was to strike a few poses in front of the mirror. It was kinda' fun to see all the different stances that this body modeled well. The strange part was that I could feel the lay and the pull of the pyjamas and underwear... and the hair kept getting in the way, and in my mouth. I was beginning to wonder if this were a dream. If this was a dream, my hair wouldn't be getting in the way (especially in my mouth), and I don't think I'd be simultaneously feeling all the various nuances of body mechanics and clothing limitations and fabrics. But this had to be a dream, there's just no possible way I could actually BE Angela! My mind reeled over this for a few seconds... minutes, perhaps. Then I decided that I should brush this unruly mane of hair and pull it back out of the way... dream or not. The constant struggle with tangles while brushing was really leading to the thinking that this was NOT a dream. It felt too real. Then I felt something familiar and unwelcome. I looked around the room and found what I needed, just in time too. I heaved into the trashcan as unnerving nausea had overcome me. One minute I was fine, then next... Oh how I hate vomitting. A little more sickness and it seemed to be though. I grabbed the trashcan and sought out the nearest bathroom. I found my way down the hallway and to the bathroom where I let go of another round of heaves. I rinsed my mouth out and used a little mouthwash to deaden the aftertaste. My underwear was a bit damp as I must have pee'd myself a little while in the midst of the heaves. I decided that I should probably try to relieve myself, just in case. I pulled down my pyjama bottoms and underwear, then sat on the toilet seat, relaxed a little and just like normal, started to feel my bladder relieve itself. I really didn't dwell on things or explore - I was too shocked by the heaves to really think about anything else. I finished my business in the restroom and headed back to the bedroom with the trashcan. After a short search, I changed into a fresh pair of undies and t-shirt and sweat shorts. I headed down to the kitchen to find a new trashbag for bedroom, and to see if I could figure out where to put the pukey one. After looking through a few cupboards I found the trashbags, and decided to twist the old one up and dispose of it in the garage bin. The sickness was fortunately very short-lived and I seemed to be feeling fine once again. I checked around the house. This was definately not someplace I knew or had visited before. This was looking and feeling less and less like a dream. After determining that I was home alone, and that it was close to the time that I normally wake up - I decided to try a novel experiment. I found a phone and call my own number. After a few rings a familiar, yet groggy voice answered the line. Holy Shit! This isn't a dream! "Hello... Angela?" I asked hesitantly. "Yeah," was the reply followed by some unsuccessful attempts to fix the frog in her throat and, "Who is this?" "Look in the mirror." After a short pause and some sighing, I heard a non-directional, "What the... Where the hell am I?" followed by, "What the hell is going on?" "I'm not sure, but I think we switched bodies." "No Way! That's not possible! Is it?" "I didn't think so... but, what other explanation do you have?" "Hmmm. Interesting." I didn't like the sound of that. "I guess I'll give it a try. It's gotta be better than being me," she said. "Hey, whatta' ya' mean, 'give it a try,' That's my body you've got there... that's my life!" "Yeah, well... It's not like we have much of a choice, now do we? Besides, you've probably already perved-out on mine" she stated frankly, as if she knew for a fact. "Hey now! I'm not that type of guy. I'm trying real hard not to think about or look at things that I shouldn't... it isn't right to do that to you." I paused for a moment, then added, "I don't want you to ruin my life, and I don't want to ruin yours. We need to meet." We decided to meet right away. Since she lived in town, and I live a couple miles out, I drove to my place. We discussed what happened and how - but neither one of us could come up with specifics. We just kept coming back to her wish... and mine. As impossible as it seemed, that was the only thing we could think of that could have done this to us. Neither of us broached the possibility to wishing ourselves back, I could see that she didn't want to... and frankly, neither did I. It was going to be an interesting day, to say the least. We decided that we should exchange notes on how to be the other person, and what we would likely encounter through the day. Interestingly enough, we both had the day off - she just the day, I was on a 2-week paid vacation. So we got to spend plenty of time coaching the other about our own lives. ~~~~~~~~~~ Even with the extensive coaching session, I still had no idea how to be a teenage girl. The choices were so overwhelming. The nice thing about being Angela though... everyone chalked up *my* new strangeness to either the break-up with Mike... or being pregnant. Yeah... pregnancy. That's an interesting thing. I'm not sure if I should feel any different at this point or not vs. being a normal girl. I'm supposing not. But it does take some extra effort to make sure that I'm being as healthy as I can be and avoiding things that might harm the baby. It's different in that even thought I don't really feel much different, I still have to be cognizant of the child growing inside of me. That makes me smile - who'd have ever thought that I would have a child growing in me. Of course, the 'bouts of morning sickness suck - I really hate that part. Tomorrow is the last day of my vacation. While I've taken to her life as well as I can - I'm afraid of what she's going to do to my life if I don't get my body back before that vacation is up. So I head out to my place before work to visit with Angela. "We need to swap back." "Why?" "I don't want you to lose my job or screw my life up." "You think I can't handle it?" "You don't have the years of technical education and professional experience that I do. I'm sure you can handle everything else - but you can't fake that knowledge and experience." "You just don't want to be me... you don't want to be a pregnant girl." I smiled... and frowned at that. "Don't you say that. Being pregnant is a wonderful gift. I wish I could just keep being you and go through the whole shebang." I was shocked at what I had just said. "Then why don't you?" "Because, I'm not you. I'm not going to ruin your life and I don't want you to ruin my... even if you do your best not to." "You could be me... You could be Angela. You'd have a wonderful opportunity to have a beautiful life. If you were Angela, you wouldn't have to worry about Ol' Joe here. You just need to worry about Angela and that baby of yours. And I, well, I would only have to worry about myself, Joe. It wouldn't be your life I ruin, it would be my own." I was speechless for a moment. The thought of getting a second chance at life... the thought of actually getting to remain in Angela's pregnant body and feel the baby grow. How could she not want these things to herself... how could I even think about taking them from her? "How can you not want to feel the baby grow inside of you? How can you be so willing to give up your future, your youth?" "Because I'm a man now. And seeing a young woman so happy with life, how can I deny her that?" "It's not right for me to take your life." "You're not taking it, I'm giving it to you." "It's not right for you to take my life." "It's *YOUR* choice, Angela. Remember how unhappy I was being Angela. Imagine where I'd be if I was forced to be Angela again. Right now, I'm happy being Joe. I can always find another job if I have to. But I'll be happy, and so will you." My eyes were tearing up. But he was right, he seemed so happy with his new life. And I had to admit that I was pretty happy at the idea of remaining where I was. I guess that whatever higher-power had granted the wish, knew what it was doing. But now, I had to get my butt to work. And then tonight, try to figure out how to deal with class schedules and this baby.

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NewSensations Coco Lovelock Coco Gets Deeply Creative In Class

What a blast in class it was for bubbly blonde cheerleader and creative writer Coco Lovelock. But not for her professor T. Pistol. He is not happy, nor will he approve of her “so called writing”, calling it filthy porn and not good. So Coco does what she does best, letting him know she has been thinking long and hard about his balls slapping her wet pussy as he is balls deep inside her hot, tight teen pussy and especially when both his balls and cock are swallowed by her cock-hungry...

1 year ago
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Zhara Part 1 A New career

Zhara – Part 1 - A New Career Chapter 1 – IntroductionWearing a French Maid’s outfit, waspie and seamed stockings and tottering on 5? high spiky heeled lace up calf boots, Zhara was a provocative site as she exited the chauffeur driven car and entered the up market beauty salon.For someone who had two weeks ago been unemployed and living on the generosity of her flatmate, this was a sensational change.Chapter 2 – The Ad Zhara had been out of work for a month and things were getting tight. Her...

4 years ago
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Prom Week 3

Fred was having his usual shitty day. First a jock name Eric Hastings pulled his pants down when he said hello to Amber Smith.He had to admit thou that exposing his raging hard on to the young beauty was an extreme turn on.Than there was that stupid rumour about him jerking off in the bathroom, spread by that red headed freckled bitch Ashley Down .Lastly he had been caught by Mrs. Pearls staring at her ample cleavage. For that he had been ordered to help the Head Janitor after school for a...

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Ambers First Time

It was a summer day; the sun beat down heavy-handedly, it was a hot day. Jason he was in High School at the time, I remember watching him get out of his car with his sunglasses and his school jacket one time he looked so hot and cool. I used to watch him all the time he was so hot and so cool, that’s why I think I swooned He was paying attention to me, he was pleasing looking with a muscled hard body, he worked out a lot, his big huge arms, big hands, strong facial features,...

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Curse for black shecock

Brad was like any average college age guy. He wasn’t too muscular but was tone enough to have a define shape. He wasn’t mr universe type looks but wasn’t a one out of ten either. If anything he was like what most guys would’ve probably looked liked in the early 2000s. One night, Brad decided to go out for a bit of fun at the local pub near the campus. It wasn’t anything special but after a pretty long week of work and school he felt like a need to release some steam. However his self made...

2 years ago
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My relationship with Kate

Even since i was started watching porn, i starting liking incest porn. I used to watch alot of brother sister porn. It was then i wanted to fuck my sister. I never did anything until I was 20. We used to sleep together, we had separate beds but the same bedroom. I used to jack off looking at her ass. One night she was sleeping and in her sleep she ended up sliding her tank top. I could see her left boob slip out on the side. I got up and stood next to her bed. I was jerking myself off on the...

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Being owned Part 9

Panting I sat up in bed. It had just been a dream. “At least a different nightmare”, I muttered while I tried to free myself from the entangled sheets. Nothing like this had happened to me. But seeing the girl raped by the two werewolves had made a deep impression. My owner had kept me in his room for the rest of the stay. He himself had been out, only returned that day to bring me some food. In the evening I had heard the howl, that had followed me into my dreams. The whole pack had been...

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Wifes first time threesome

MY FANTASY ABOUT MY WIFE'S FIRST THREESOME (Part 1) - One of my long term fantsies - as with most husbands I suspect. Sue and I had been married for over 10 years, sex is great and our relationship strong, but I have always wanted to go a bit further in our sexual experiences....so this is what may have happened..I have always fantasized about is arranging a meet with another guy or sexy couple in a bar or club...(it's pre-arranged with me and the couple, Sue does not know). I had discussed...

3 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 24

Our first stop was to Esmerelda, to check in and see if there were any quests, or the like, now that I had completed my trial. The lines were not that long, so we didn’t have to wait long before we were ushered to the back offices. A few minutes later, we were seated across from Esmerelda, who, as always, had a welcoming smile on her face. “Hello everyone,” Esmerelda said in a singsong voice. “I am happy to see you all here and you have gained another companion.” I smiled, “Yes this is...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 43

Johanna's turn: Friday! I was never one of that 'TGIF' bunch who LIVES for Fridays before. Before Stoney. Now? Maybe. Just a little bit. We swapped vehicles this morning. He drove my little hatchback to work. I took his SUV to campus. And at three, after class, I was loading bags into it at the apartment. That way, when he got home, we'd be ready to head to the marina. I can't wait. Yes! I get excited. I know, really, we have as much privacy as two people could possibly ask for here...

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PrologueShe was stretched out stark naked on the bed, and knew well what she was doing. She closed her eyes, let her head roll back on the pillows, and surrendered to her fantasy. She needed to come too badly. She had to stop but she just couldn't. With the tip of her index finger she began to circle her clit, the most sensitive spot of all. She felt delicious rushes of pleasure as she rimmed the throbbing lump, and her hot cuntal juices began to seep out and run down the crack of her ass. She...

2 years ago
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The Bimbo TreatmentChapter 6 Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang

Alice I knelt in the back of the gray van, the shag carpeting lining the floor tickling my legs. I ran my fingers through the delightful fibers as the undercover cop, a handsome Black man with a huge cock tenting the front of his sweatpants, climbed in after me. "You drive, Demarkus," he said to his partner, another Black man who had dreadlocks. I giggled. "Ooh, I love shag carpet. It's so soft on my fingers." The sirens grew louder as a police car approached the mall. My heart...

1 year ago
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Malifulia Bia Ku Darkar Jaghanya Giha Part1

Namaskar. Mun Steve Austin, mora bayasa 22 barsa. mo ghara Bhubaneswar,Orissa. Mun ISS ra gotae regular reader. Mun madhya mora gotae satya ghatana apana mananku kahibaku chahen. Prathame orissa ra samasta bandanku mora salam ebang samasta bia ku mo banda ra salam. 6 masa purbara katha. Mun setebele nua bhubaneswar ku asithae. Paying guest hisaba re rahuthae BBSR re. jaha ghare mu rahuthae semane kebala swami, stree ebang tankara budhi maa. Mun tanku Uncle, Aunty ebang dadi dake. Jehetu tankar...

2 years ago
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New Boobs New Friends Lesbian

Amy was a "cute" girl. That's how so many people looked at her and she was tired of it. People always assumed she was several years younger than she actually was. At 29 she is barely 5'4" and weighs only 105lbs. "Petite" is how most people describe her. Amy had dark brown hair and blue eyes.In her early teens when all the other girls went into their growth spurts, Amy had to watch in envy as her friends developed figures and she didn't. When she graduated from high school, she could barely fill...

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The Pageant Part 5

At the top of the stairs 14 women gathered. Each had on identical outfits. Everyone with the exception of Babbs had been here before. There was a dead silence as they milled about. It was only a matter of minutes before the first name was called. Down the stairs went a tall thin blond who was greeted with cheers and a round of applause. After what seemed like forever the second name was called. The her surprise, it was Babbs. Having been in other pageant as a young girl Babbs knew what to do....

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The Ultimate Submission Jacquelines Story

The Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story) By Gato Medio © 2004 - All Rights reserved " The Ultimate Submission (Jacqueline's Story) " ismy first long story. It's of the size which may justify calling it a book.It is divided into twenty-one chapters and - baring any unforeseen events -will be posted in seven weekly instalments of three chapters each. In a way, " The Ultimate Submission " isreally my first story. I started working on it under the title "Jacqueline'sstory" roughly a year...

4 years ago
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Meeting Greta

I had just come from the swimming pool when I met Greta. Maybe that explains the way I reacted. Swimming has a magical effect on me. I get totally relaxed, even though I get tired. Being tired is actually part of the relaxation. All through my muscles I feel the sweet sense of rest. All the twitchiness is gone, the restlessness, the tension. And my mind is emptied too. What takes over is a sensuous languor everywhere – in my legs, my arms, my back, and…down there. When I’m in the water I just...

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Amazing Sex With A Married Horny Lady

This story is about one such reader only whom I fucked her in Delhi. She is one of the horniest female I have ever met. Her name is Jyoti, 35 years of age, married and has two k**s. Her husband is not interested in sex and doesn’t last long while fucking. He fucks her only for 6-7 minutes and she is left unsatisfied. These all things I got to know after chatting with her through mails. So we both stated chatting and it became one of the hottest chats we ever had. We got to know each other and...

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A Road Trip With Sheila

Sitting there in the conference room, bored by another mid-level manager trying to impress everyone with his thinly veiled, self-aggrandizing remarks, my mind drifted back to this past weekend. Sheila, my 37 year-old girlfriend, had called me from her office early Friday morning suggesting that we make a long weekend of it. She suggested that we cut out from work early and drive down to Biloxi for a long, fun-filled weekend, calling in sick on Monday. Being newly divorced and having an acute...

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You Know I Can See You Right 4

I was awakened early by a knock at my front door. I located the shorts that I had tossed off last night, dragged them on the went to the door."Who is it?" I asked, truly having no idea who could be banging on my door at 7:30 of a Thursday morning."Marianne." Came the sweet voice from the other side. "I am sorry to have wake you?" she asked.I opened the door to the luscious sight of Mari standing there in a short frilly skirt, espadrilles and a loose man's dress shirt casually knotted below her...

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Foot Fetish

The gift card was in an invitation that was as interesting as the establishment I was about to enter. “Happy Birthday, Peggy Anne. We are about to make your fantasy come true. Come prepared for a great pedicure and perhaps a little bit more.” The building was a charming southern cottage with magnolias and old oak trees. The Spanish moss hung like lace from the branches. There was just enough for atmosphere but not enough to make it spooky. There were rocking chairs on the wrap around porch....

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Sex With Aunty In Her Apartment

Hello friends, I’m Raj (name changed), im 25 years old and today I’m going to share with you my sexual experience with an aunty who lived in the same apartment as mine. During my college days i stayed in Mumbai with my cousins in their apartment, I was over joy to stay with them as they were the only family i had left. And in the same building there was an aunty named Sneha (name changed), who lived below our floor. She was Very sexy and had huge pair of breasts, during that time I was very...

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udaredanae.comBy Charles E. Campbell    It was two years ago this past May. I had just turned twenty-five a couple of weeks before that. It wasn't something I had planned, nor was it something I had ever even fantasized about before then. It's just that it happened that one afternoon after work, and ever since then, it has become the total focus of my life. My purpose, really. I am always thinking about it, where to do it, how to do it, when to do it. It was on that day when I became completely...

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PenthouseGold Savannah Bond Naughty Maid Savannah Bond Does Her Boss

Busty goddess Savannah Bond is one naughty maid that wants to do much more than housekeeping for boss Nathan Bronson – namely taking care of his cock with her hungry mouth and sweet shaved pussy. All professionalism goes out the window with this horny Australian honey so don’t miss out on any of the raunchy fun as the lucky stud sucks on the Penthouse star’s big tits, sticks his face in between her curvy ass cheeks, and then fucks the voluptuous vixen until he cums on her...

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Gracie 04 Fucking the Fat Little Pig

Gracie and I had a Big Day Out on Monday, the Queen's Birthday Holiday. There were events on all over town and we went to a free concert in the Park and I discovered that Gracie shares my love of classical music, especially the baroque. They played Vivaldi, Brandenberg Concertos and Mozart and we lay on the grass in the sun enjoying the music for hours. We had lunch on the Boardwalk and strolled along the riverbank than sat and watched the boats on the river. We stayed till dark and watched the...

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Sleepworkers Revisited

It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of eighteen to twenty one. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor...

Mind Control
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Mindy Proves Shes Not A Prude Part Two

Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother.  He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex.In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple.  He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt.  He never wanted to do anything more than that.  Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored.  They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more...

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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 7

___________________________________________________________ My episode with Tom really must’ve worked me out because after my shower I fell asleep on my bed, wearing only my towel, hair still wet. When I opened my eyes and looked at my phone, it was 3:24pm and I had 7 missed calls, 5 of them from Will. Apparently he had been calling me all afternoon, hoping to escape his mother at home after getting into a huge argument with her over pot she had found in his jeans pocket. He liked to smoke...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 91 Carries Pregnant

When Jessie got in the front door of her own home and had waved the other two goodbye she made her way into her own living room and plonked herself down, with a happy little sigh, onto her own sofa. Bryce Unsworth came in shortly afterwards and plonked himself right down next to the still naked Jessie. “Your mom’s around at Carrie’s aunt’s place” he said. “Apparently there’s been some developments over in Germany that she wanted to talk to Glenda about face to face. I have no idea what it is...

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Colors Ch 07

Colors (1981) – Pt. 7 – Fall Fell today. Took half-second, watched it in slow motion in head. Always the way with falling, isn’t it? Seems like it takes forever. Been ten years, three months, since last time. Know what you’re thinking. Thinking ‘ten years? not eons?’. Nope. Nature unpleasant–sure I’ve mentioned that before. Try my hardest, but nature tries harder. Can’t deny what we are. Never compromise with excuses, never forget. So, yeah, ten years and three months. Only know that...

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Feels Just Like Starting Over

[Just to set a tiny bit of context, as this excerpt has been taken from a longer story I've written - Daniel has just won the Olympic showjumping gold medal.  He's accompanied by his wife Emma plus friends Trudy and (multi-millionnaire) Eddie who are busy engaging in some additional celebrations of their own!]*************Trudy stepped out of the steaming shower, wrapped a warm, soft towel around her body and wandered through to the bedroom. Eddie was lying on the bed in just his boxer shorts,...

Straight Sex

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