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CHERYL'S JOURNEY By Betty Noone At the age of 25 Greg Benson, newly married to his college sweetheart, Marcia, was struggling to make a living. He graduated with a degree as a Certified Public Accountant, and found upon graduation that jobs in that field were not that easy to find. In desperation he rented a small office that was already furnished with a desk, three chairs and a filing cabinet and opened for business. The amount of rent and utilities were not particularly high, however, it was all out of pocket. Greg was not lazy, and with business cards that he printed out on his own computer, went from business to business looking for clients. No major company would even consider engaging him considering his lack of experience, but he found clients who were small business entrepreneurs as himself. The drycleaner, run by Asians, a Dunkin' Donut franchise, and a gasoline filling station were typical of the kind of customers he began to accumulate, one by one. After six months he had enough customers so that the business was breaking even, and from this point on, he would be in the black if only he could get more business. The biggest problem he had with his clients were that they for the most part were not sophisticated merchants themselves and did not have the vaguest idea of bookkeeping. So, they put all of their bills and receipts in paper bags and brought them to Greg at the end of the month to sort out. This took a lot more time than he wanted, and this type of client was unaccustomed to paying large fees for bookkeeping services, so Greg was kept busy and for the moment, grateful for the clients he had. At least the business was now breaking even and not losing money. Marcia had a job at the local bank branch and was assistant manager. Banks give out fancy titles but are low on the scale when it comes to compensation. Nevertheless, she was employed and for now, the major bread winner. By being careful, renting a small one bedroom apartment and staying home a lot they managed to pay their bills. Marcia, an outgoing and friendly girl, one who made friends quiet easily, was always on the lookout for getting a client for her Greg. One Friday night at dinner Marcia said to Greg. "I think I can get you a pretty good client, but I'm not sure you would want to take him on." "Yeah? Who?" "My hairdresser. He is doing his own books and it seems to me that he is too busy at the shop to continue on." "Why wouldn't I want him as a client?" "Well, he is a little femmy. How do you feel about that?" "Honey, I am in no position to turn anybody down. Even if we were doing really well, I don't think it is good business to turn customers away." "I'm glad you feel that way. I'm having a comb-out tomorrow, I'll talk to him. I think he could be one of your first clients that you could charge a decent fee." "That sounds good to me." Marcia did talk to Paul the next day, and as it happens, he really liked the idea. He hated doing books and it took too much time from his work at the shop. He felt that he could expand his business if he didn't have to spend so much time with paperwork. A meeting was arranged and Paul liked Greg's sincerity and they came to an agreement. Greg had his first decent paying client. Once each month Greg would come to the Salon and for as long as it took got the books in order, saw that all income was accounted for and that all bills were paid. He worked in a little cubby hole of an office in the back of the shop, and he didn't care. Greg did not find Paul's femininity offensive. He figured that goes with the territory of running a ladies beauty parlor. Every once in awhile, if things were slow in the shop while Greg was there, Paul would come back with a cup of coffee, and they would have friendly conversations. Greg always pressed Paul to let him know if he knew of anyone else who could use his services and Paul always said that he would see what he could do. After about six months, Paul came back and said to Greg. "I think I have someone who is looking for an auditor. I'm having a little gathering at my house a week from Saturday. My friend will be there, and if you are interested, why don't you come and I will introduce you to him. Actually, he makes a lot of money so don't be bashful when you quote him your fee." There is no question of Greg's willingness to meet this person. Time and addresses were exchanged. Paul's shop was an established business and was doing quite well financially. So it was not a surprise when Greg drove up to Paul's home in the suburbs that it was a nice home on a large lot in an upscale neighborhood. He arrived promptly at eight o'clock and was surprised at the number of cars already parked in the area. Greg walked to the front door, which was ajar, but he rang the bell anyway. Paul came to the front door and exclaimed, "Greg! So good of you to come." And with that Paul moved into Greg's body and gave him a hug and a peck on his cheek. That was not the only thing that surprised Greg. Paul was dressed in a yellow satin blouse, with a full-length flowery skirt. On Paul's feet were jeweled sandals with a small heel. His hair was upswept and he had on full makeup. It took a moment for Greg to realize that this was not a woman but Paul. Paul grabbed Greg's hand and led him into the living room where there were another eight males dressed as females. There were also four males who were not so dressed and Greg noticed that everyone seemed to know one another and also, seemed to be having a good time. "Girls!" Paul called out for attention. I want you to meet my auditor and I hope friend." Everybody in the room raised their glasses in salute. The Paul said, "Greg, these are my friends. Get yourself a drink and mingle. Later on I will introduce you to what I hope will be your new client." Greg went to the self-service bar, and poured himself a gin and tonic and turned around to survey the room. Of the eight males dressed only two could really pass. Greg could have supposed that they were women but seeing the type of party this was, decided that they were not. The others could not pass, but seemed quite comfortable in their role. One 'female' came up to Greg and said, "Let me introduce you. You won't remember all their names now, but by the end of the evening you probably will" And with that took Greg by the hand and walked him through the room giving introductions. About a hour later Paul brought out the food, buffet style, and everyone grabbed a plate and filled their plates on what was obviously a beautifully prepared meal. By this time Greg was aware that Paul was now called 'Paula' and when he spoke to him, called him by that name. This was the first time that Greg was in such close proximity to cross- dressers. At college he always suspected that there were two or three feminine males in his classes, but they kept to themselves. The rest of the class didn't bother them nor did they bother the rest of the class. Between the alcohol and the good food, Greg found himself strangely at ease being with these people. They all seemed to have regular lives but this was an outlet that they needed to have. It was almost ten P.M. when "She" walked in. A stunning black woman. No, more a girl than a woman. Designer clothes, and done to perfection. And such poise. When Paula saw her he ran over to her saying, "Darling. I was worried that you couldn't make it." "I can't stay long" she said. "I have to get to work in an hour." "Come," Paula said, taking her by the arm. "There is someone I brought in special for you to meet." And with that he shouted, "Greg! Where are you? I want you to meet someone." Greg immediately came over and was impressed with what he saw. "Greg, darling, this is Cleopatra. Cleo, this is the guy who I want you to hire to take care of your finances. He is good. I can vouch for him. Why don't you two go into one of the bedrooms, shut the door, and Cleo you can hire him!" They did find a room that was empty and Greg asked, "Cleopatra?" She said, "That's my stage name. I'm an entertainer. As a matter of fact I have to leave shortly to get to work. I really did come by to see you, because I do need someone to handle my money and help me with my investments. Can you do that?" "What kind of money are we talking about?" "Well, I am making about three hundred thousand a year, and my problem is, at the end of the year there isn't that much left over." "Three Hundred Thousand? What kind of entertaining is it that you do?" "I work at the Club Fuzzy Pussy, have you heard of it?" "No, I haven't." "Well, it is a club that does female impersonations." "Wait, you are not a female?" "In a lot of ways, but I still have some equipment that makes me male." "Wow!" Greg exclaimed. "You really have taken me by surprise." Cleopatra gave Greg her real name and home address and they came to a quick agreement on an hourly rate for the services. This was going to be a plum for Greg as it would be the first time that he had a client who wanted his money-managing expertise in addition to bookkeeping services. This one account would begin to bring in almost as much revenue as the rest of his clients combined. What a good start. Cleo went around the room greeting everyone with air kisses and hugs, and with that she was out the door. Greg was so anxious to get home to tell Marcia about this night that he had to force himself to stay another half hour and then made his excuses and said good-by to everyone. Cleo turned out to be a good client. She also turned out to be a friend. Greg invited her to his home where Marcia prepared a nice meal and they had a nice time getting to know one another. At the dinner table, Greg noticed that Cleo was staring at him from time to time. Finally, he had to say to her, "Is there spinach in my teeth? I see you are looking at me quite closely." "I'm sorry, Greg. But your face intrigues me. I think that you would be able to make a nice living as an entertainer. Did anyone ever tell you that you have a very nice face?" "I know that I have even features, and no-body ever accuses an auditor about being a macho-man, but no, no-one ever told me that I would be able to pass as a female.' Marcia was fascinated listening to this conversation. She never thought of her husband as anything but male, but suddenly she took another look at his face, and she realized that he did have somewhat delicate features. But she kept quiet. The next month while at Paul's salon, Paul popped in and opened the conversation with, "I hear that Cleo is trying to recruit you." "Well, I don't know if recruit is the word, but she did say she thought I could make some extra money working at her club." Paul then said, "I'm having another party next Saturday, why don't you come? And if I would help you out the day of the party to make you feel comfortable, will you let me?" "What do you mean, 'help out?'" "I would get you ready with a makeover and some clothing so that you would feel comfortable being with the others." "I wasn't uncomfortable that last time, Paul." "I know. But why don't we do this to satisfy Cleo...and me?" "Can I talk this over with Marcia and let you know?" "Of course, darling." That night Greg and Marcia had a long, long discussion. Greg wasn't for it at all. In the meantime, Paul called Marcia and told her that if Greg would come he thought he could find him another client. With that as an inducement, Greg reluctantly agreed to attend the party dressed up. He was unaware that Paul asked Marcia for a complete list of Greg's sizes including shoes. At 5 PM the day of the party, Greg appeared at Paul's salon. The shop already had the 'CLOSED' sign in the window, and Greg rapped on the door, and Paul let him in. "This is going to be so fun," Paul gushed. Greg was not so sure. Paul had one of his operators stay on to help him with Greg, and they proceeded to give him the works. First they had him remove all of his male clothes and put on a nylon smock. As instructed he already arrived clean shaven, but they worked on his body hair. Soon he was devoid of all of his body hair, Greg felt a shiver from the cold feeling. They operator, after cautioning Greg not to be silly about the procedure, rubbed a soothing lotion all over his shaved body and after it evaporated, Greg was surprised at how nice it felt when he rubbed his skin. Paul helped him into a garment which Greg later found out to be a gaff which kept his penis firmly tucked between his legs. "You will now have to sit in order to pee," Paul instructed. Working fast it took an hour and a half for the makeup, nail extensions, pedicure and wig to be in place. He was then dressed with bra, and a long pencil skirted dress. It was a deep blue satin and was close fitting to his body. The slim skirt forced him to walk with shortened steps and Greg was aware each time his shaven legs touched the satin of the gown. A pair of two inch pumps with ankle straps were then strapped on his feet. It felt funny when he first got out of the chair, but he soon found walking in the shoes to be quite comfortable. Finally, a spritz of perfume, clip on earrings, watch, bangles and several rings, and Paul removed the sheet covering the mirror, so that Greg could see himself for the first time. Greg wanted to tell the girl to get out of the way so that he could see himself in the mirror, but quickly realized that the girl was him. Cleo wasn't wrong. Paul drove Greg to the party and when Greg entered, the guests all turned to see him. And they burst into spontaneous applause! Greg was flustered, and smilingly, gave a quick dip. All of the guests, most of whom were there at the previous party, clustered around Greg asking questions, to see if this appearance was a deep seated thing as it was with the others. Fifteen minutes later, Paula appeared dressed similarly as before but with a different gown. Greg found himself to be the star at this party, and was bombarded with questions. He found that he also had three new prospects for clients, who suddenly wanted him to be their auditor. Pictures were taken. Drinks were served and dinner was delicious.Greg found that he was having a wonderful time. It was almost midnight when the last guest left, and Paula drove Greg home, telling him that his car was safe and that he could pick it up in the morning. It was almost 1 AM when Greg put the key in the door. The back of his calves were now beginning to ache as a result of the heels. Marcia was waiting for him at the door, waiting to hear all about the party. She already had some idea of how Greg looked as Paula Emailed some of the pictures to her. But Greg was too tired and excited from the evening. He said he would tell Marcia all about it at breakfast and went upstairs. Marcia followed him. He took off his clothes, wig, and removed all of the makeup as best he could. He then went and took a shower, and found that while soaping himself in the shower, the events of the evening were too much and he had a terrific hard on. Soaping himself, he masturbated in the shower and found relief. When he got out he slipped on his terry cloth robe and found Marcia holding a shorty nightgown in her hands. "Slip this on. Just for tonight," she said. Greg was too tired to argue, slipped it on, and got into bed and fell right asleep. It took Marcia an hour before she went into a troubled sleep. She didn't know why, but this evening was troubling to her. Greg didn't waken until ten. This was very unusual as he was always an early riser. Marcia was quiet in the house until he came downstairs, and she had his juice and coffee ready for him. "I can't believe what a lovely girl you make." Marcia began. "I have to tell you, Marcia, it surprised me too." "How do the clothes feel on you?" "Okay, I guess. Nothing special. They made me wear what they call a gaff and it holds the penis tight between the legs. This makes you have to pee like a girl, but it also doesn't allow the penis to get hard either. It also gives the clothes a smooth front, like a woman." "So, how was the party?" "That was something else. Everyone made a big fuss over me. I felt like someone special. For awhile it made my head spin. We are not used to so much noise at home and it was getting to me. But I guess I have to confess that I sort of liked the attention that I got." It was now getting close to noon, when the phone rang. It was Cleo. "I heard you were a smash at the party last night! I'm just five minutes away from your house. I'm coming over. Have some coffee ready." And with that she hung up. When Cleo arrived she, Greg and Marcia were sitting in the kitchen. Cleo had with her 8 x10 blowups of Greg, not only from the makeover but from the party. Obviously she has been in collusion with Paul-a. She spread out the pictures on the table and the enlargements showed just how nice Greg made up as a girl. "I know you are struggling in your business," she began. "Couldn't you use some extra money? I already talked to my boss and showed him these, (pointing to the pictures) and he would like to talk to you." "What kind of money are we talking about?" "Well, you know what I am making, and you won't be able to make that, because I am special, but a lot." "What is a lot?" Greg pressed. "It depends on how much you work and how far you want to go. There are tricks to every trade, and this is no exception. We have our ways to make the customer spend a lot. A lot more than he expected, but we also want him satisfied so that he comes back. And the 'girls' make a commission on everything that is sold, plus their tips." "How much?" "Between fifteen hundred and two thousand a week." "Are you kidding me?" Greg exclaimed. "No. My boss would like to meet you. Today. I will be there to help you. He would like you to give it a shot for one night and for you to see how it goes." "I wouldn't know what to do." "We have a stage manager. He will help you with your routine. Most of the singing is lip-sync to a record. You just have to pretend you are singing. But the real money is made on the floor." "Listen, we haven't got time to talk about it. Paula told me that your car is at his shop, so I will drive you there and you can follow me to the club. My boss is really anxious to talk to you.: "Marcia?" Greg asked. "What do you think?" "Lord knows we sure could use the money." "But my business..." "At best you will only be working Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights for about six hours a night. You can still run your business in the daytime." Greg didn't know what to expect when he met Anthony Castillo. It sounds like a mafia name, but in fact 'Tony' was really a nice guy. He ran a business that made him a lot of money. If there were mafia guys in back of him, one couldn't tell by looking at him. He was very charming at the meeting. He arranged for Greg to meet with the floor manager who would not only arrange an act for Greg to perform, but to outfit him as well. From Monday to Thursday, for no less than six hours a day, Al would teach Greg the fine arts of female impersonation. Bump and grind, a few simple dance steps, how to act while lip sync-ing. Greg had no problems with that and after the first day of pain in his calves from the three inch heels, he learned quite easily. What concerned Greg the most was being taught how to dance closely with a man. He was told that to get man to spend the most, which means more in commissions, one had to tease a little. So that when dancing, one not only smiled and made pleasant conversation, but allowed ones body to be close to the other. The right hand should be in back of the male's neck gently petting the nape. There was a system of tokens. The customer goes to the cashier and prepays what he wants to spend and gets tokens in exchange which he spends with his 'girl'. Everything had a price. The minimum charge for anything was $20.00. If a man wanted to dance, it cost him $25.00 for one dance. A bottle of champagne starts at $100.00 (of which the 'girl' gets $20;00) Sitting at the table just having a conversation is $40.00 every fifteen minutes. Sitting on his lap is twice that. And that is how the money is made. All this was new to Greg. And he was uncomfortable about the prospect of playing up to a man while dressed as a woman. But he overcame it when he thought of the money that would be or could be coming in. So for the first four days, Greg spend the entire day working on his act with the floor manager. At home he spent time working on his makeup, and practicing his dance moves and body language while doing a song. Paul-a came over several times and assisted and corrected him. Marcia wanted to come and watch her husband, but Greg pleaded for her not to come as he was nervous enough the way it was. Friday was to be opening day for Greg. At the outside of the club hanging there is a huge blowup of Cleopatra as she is the star. Greg parked his car in the parking lot at seven PM. The first show doesn't go on until nine but there is a lot of work to do to get ready. Greg was met at the door by Cleo who was waiting for him, and took him to the dressing room to meet the other 'girls'. And they all could pass. There were five other girls besides Cleo and it looked like they all had breast augmentation surgery. They were very nice to Greg, and he was told that his stage name was to be "Tania." Cleo handed Greg a little white pill, saying, "Nervous?" Greg nodded his head. "Take this. It is nothing but a light tranquilizer and it will calm you down." Greg downed the pill with a little water. After about fifteen minutes, he realized that the butterflies in his stomach went away. Greg was dressed in an off- the shoulder floor length gown, strappy shoes and a blond wig styled in an up-do. It was quite elegant looking. It was almost eleven before Tania was called on stage to perform. She sang her number and it was received quite nicely by the audience. She had to do an encore, and did the same song again as that was the only one she prepared for. The audience didn't seem to mind. Afterwards, in the dressing room, Cleo said,"Put on your street clothes. We now go out and make some real money." "Street clothes?" "Yes. Slip on a blouse and skirt that is hanging on the rack. Your shoes are OK. Then come with me." Greg followed Cleo out to the bar where they both sat on a stool, and turned around and faced the room. Soon a man came up to Cleo and asked her to dance. She held out her hand and he put a $40.00 token in it, which she placed in her purse. They went onto the dance floor and Cleo nestled in close to the dancer, tickling the nape of his neck, as she had shown Greg. She turned toward Greg and winked, as if to say, "see, this is how it is done." Almost immediately a man came up to Tania and asked to dance, and for the first time ever, Greg/Tania found himself snuggled close to a man, dancing and teasing his neck hairs. After the dance Tania was invited to sit at his table with his other two friends. Tania discovered that they were all in for a convention and out for a good time. This table happened to be on an expense account and were big spenders. They ordered Champagne, (the bartender always sees that the 'girls' drink seven-up otherwise by the end of the evening they would be looped!) Tania found herself sitting on his lap, all which had a price and was paid for in advance with tokens. On Friday's the club closes at 2AM. All the girls lined up at the bar and emptied their purses with the tokens that they accumulated during the evening. The bartender paid them out in cash for the value of the tokens, less 20% for the house. It was almost 3AM before Greg put the key into the front door lock of his apartment. Marcia, tried to wait up, but fell asleep on the sofa, but woke when she heard Greg come in. "I am so anxious." she said to him. "How did it go?" "I made $740.00 tonight!" "Are you kidding me?" "No. Look." And he dug into his purse and drew out a wad of cash, waving it in the air. "...and I could have made a lot more if I knew what I was doing." Exhausted he went upstairs to remove the makeup and shower and again found himself so excited that he masturbated in the shower. He hadn't masturbated since his marriage and this disturbed him a little, but he was so tired, he just relieved himself and went to bed. He found the nighty waiting on the bed for him and he slipped it on and promptly went to sleep. This time, the hour being late, Marcia went right to sleep as well. On Saturday morning, he slept almost until noon. Working nights creates the need to get one's sleep at different times than people working day shifts. He came downstairs, still wearing his nightgown and he found a peignoir robe that matches it and wore that as well. Marcia couldn't wait to hear about Greg's wonderful night, however when Greg told the story to her about the events of the evening, he omitted that he danced and sat in the laps of men. He really was conflicted about that part of it. It was too late to eat much of a breakfast, so he just had his orange juice and cup of coffee. He still felt tired from the night and was sitting talking to Marcia at the kitchen table. He told her that they named him Tania for the night. Marcia was thrilled about the money but she sensed a foreboding. She was sitting at the table in the kitchen talking to her husband who is dressed in a nightgown and robe and she realized that she is looking at him as a female and not a male. It wasn't as if Greg was acting particularly feminine, but Marcia had to shake her head a couple of times to get rid of the feeling. She was thrilled for the money, but... Again at 1 PM the phone rang and it was Cleo. "Tony wants to see you now." she said. "Now? I'm not even dressed yet." "How soon can you get to the club. Tony is waiting, and he doesn't like to wait." "OK, I' ll be there within the hour. Can I bring Marcia?" "Sure. Why not?" Tony's office was small but neat. Everything was in its place This made Greg happy because as a CPA he loved neat. Marcia and Greg were ushered into Tony's office. Cleo was already seated there waiting for them. "I have a proposition for you, Tania," he said, calling Greg by his stage name. He continued. "After your trial last night, I can see that you have potential. I would like to offer you a contract to work here. Let's say for one year to start. I have some ideas as to how to promote you but for now, what do you think about my proposition?" Cleo interrupted and said to Tony. " I want Tania to get the same as the other 'girls'. That is 80% of the tips and 20% of the drinks. And I want you to give her a salary, too." "Cleo, let me finish, "Tony said impatiently. "I am offering you the following. You will work Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays" I will pay you $200.00 per night in salary, plus $300.00 on Saturday, which is our biggest night. In addition, the commissions as Cleo just mentioned. You will have to do two songs per show, there are two shows a night and three on Saturday. Plus you have to work the pole at least 15 minutes per show. I know that the pole doesn't produce much revenue, but the patrons like it. If you agree, I will advance you the money necessary for you to get the proper clothes. I want you to go to Paul and let him do what he wants to you so that you look your best. I promise that whatever you have to spend you will more than make up in the first week. "What will Paul want to do to me?" "First, he will make your face as feminine as possible. That means at the very least that your eyebrows will be thinned and arched. You probably have already noticed that the 'girls' all have beautiful lashes. That is because they have extensions that are permanently glued on. Every once in a while you have to go back and have those that have dropped off replaced, but you see how much a difference those thick lashes make. Then I want you to be blond. I have an idea for your costume and blond is the way to go. Here is a company credit card. Just charge anything that you need for now. I expect to be paid back but it doesn't have to be in one lump sum. Don't worry, we'll work it out." "If I allow this, won't I look strange?" "That depends on you. If you continue to wear men's clothes in public, then yes, you will look like a fairy. But if you modify it with ladies slacks and light foundation and light lipstick you will pass as a female quite nicely." "I really hadn't thought about wearing women's clothes full time." "As I said, that is up to you." At this point Marcia broke in. "Just how much money are we talking about, Tony?" "I would almost be willing to guarantee her $150,000 per, but I really think it could be much more. (Neither Greg nor Marcia thought it wise to correct Tony's use of the feminine gender in referring to Tania.) I really think 200 or better. Marcia turned to Greg and said, "Honey, we simply can't turn down that kind of money." "Do you think I could still operate my business at the same time?" "As long as it doesn't interfere with your hours at the club, why should I?" Greg said, "OK. But one final thing. I hate the name Tania. Can it be something else?" "Did you have a name in mind?" "I always thought Cheryl was a nice name." "OK. Cheryl it is. Why don't we shake on it.? I will have the contracts prepared by tomorrow, and I suggest you take them to your lawyers just to satisfy yourself. You will find that I treat my 'girls' fairly and don't try to cheat them." At this point Marcia said, "Tony, may I make a suggestion for Cheryl?" "Sure. What is it?" "Look at him. He has a baby face. I always heard that men were crazy about having sex with little school girls. What about dressing him up with a little peter pan collared blouse, a plaid skirt about three inches above his knees, with white knee sox and black patent leather Mary Janes. He should be blond but have his hair in braids that come down the front of his chest with nice satin bows tied to the ends. The men so inclined will go crazy over him." "Jesus. What a great idea. For sure that will be a money-maker. Cheryl, you are going to be a little eighth grade Catholic school girl. The men will love it." It was almost 3 PM by the time the negotiations were over and Marcia had to ask. "How do you feel about all this, honey? You are going to be spending the better part of this coming year being a female entertainer. I don't know how you will look when Paul gets through with you, but you certainly will have to expect to look more like a female than you would expect. And what do we tell our friends and parents?" "Well, insofar as our families, tell them the truth. Tell them how much money I will be making. That we can start paying off our student loans, and have enough money to live any kind of life that we want to. And as for our friends, we tell them the same thing. One of two things will happen. They will either accept me or they won't. I hope they will, but, if not, well....." That night they went out to a nice restaurant for the first time in a long time to celebrate their good fortune. "I guess I should start calling you Cheryl, now." Marcia said at dinner. "Why not Cheryl just when I am Cheryl, but when I am Greg, not." "Are you going to be able to be Greg?" "I really don't know," he admitted. Before bed, Greg took a tub bath instead of a shower. He soaked in a scented mist and he enjoyed the aroma. After getting out, he began to dry himself. Marcia was standing by and showed him how to pat himself dry instead of wiping. She then applied scented lotion all over Greg's body and handed him his nighty. Greg made an amorous move toward his wife, but his wife rebuffed him saying, Cheryl, this is coming all so fast. I think I need some time to get used to you not being Greg anymore." "But, I'm still Greg," he protested. "No. You're not. You know you're not. Tomorrow you are going to look quite different than the man I married. I need a little time to get used to it. Please help me with this Cheryl. Would you mind sleeping in the guest room until I can get used to this?" How does one answer something like that? Of course he had to agree. He went to the guest room got into bed, and in frustration masturbated. He realized that he has been masturbating for several days now, and he was feeling guilty about it, but tonight, he didn't care. In the morning, Greg called Paul at his shop and arrangements were made for him to come right over. Paul did all the makeovers for all the 'girls' and the club was a source of good business for him, so he arranged to have his appointments spread among the other operators so that he could devote his attention to Greg. Tony had already called him telling Paul what he wanted for Cheryl. The first thing that Paul did was to attach permanent eyelashes to his own giving a very theatrical effect. Then he waxed the eyebrows giving them a fine arch. Finally he shaved off Cheryl's sideburns and changed his hair color and what was left of the brows to blond. Full body waxing was not only long and tedious but quite painful Cheryl was given a pill to mask some of the pain. It helped, but not by much. Then the a gaff. Paul fitted Cheryl with a bra. First he had expensive glue-on breasts attached to his breasts. As a school girl they were only a small B cup. It took several hours for Cheryl's hair to become blond. And with his complexion it was a perfect match. Cheryl's hair was short on the sides but with a lot of spray and a brush, Paul brushed it upward until he was satisfied that it was the best he could do with it for now. He had Cheryl slip into a blouse and a just- above -the -knee skirt Shoes, without stockings, as the weather was still warm outside. He showed Cheryl how to apply his makeup. Eyeliner and eye shadow was out because the look that was desired was virginal, not vampy. Short nail extensions were installed on his hands and painted in a delicate pink. Cheryl removed all his personal belongings from his male pants and placed them in the purse that Paul had for him. "Remember," Paul said. A girl doesn't go anywhere without her purse. Keep it with you at all times." With that Paul had Cheryl look at the full length mirror and Cheryl turned her head this way, and that way, inspecting herself, and was satisfied. Greg was gone. Greg never got any sexual thrill in donning feminine garments. On the other hand, he found that wearing them didn't feel strange, either. He seemed to accept that the person he was looking at in the mirror, was Cheryl. And he was fine with that. Paul and Cheryl were off to the mall. The first stop was at a place that sold wigs. Paul insisted that Cheryl spend the extra money for a human hair wig. They found one in the blond color they wanted, and had the owner style it in braids, while it was on Cheryl's head. After placing two satin bows at the ends, it again changed Cheryl's appearance. She was now looking more and more like an eighth grade Catholic student. Finding the rest of the clothing was easy. Black patent leather Mary Janes, white knee sox, short pleated and plaid skirt and a demure short sleeved blouse with a Peter Pan collar completed the outfit. Cheryl put the clothes on in a changing room and when she came out, Paul was pleased. He knew that Tony would be as well. They bought two of everything so that one set could be cleaned and pressed while the other was in use. Paul was not through. He had Cheryl try on dresses and skirts. Slowly they began to accumulate a wardrobe. Cheryl was so into the buying spree that she had no idea as to the amount of dollars she was spending. But she knew that she needed clothing, either get it today, or some other day, so why not today? It was getting late, and Cheryl called Marcia at the bank and told her that he was going to have dinner with Paul, but that he would be home as soon as dinner was over. Paul was so excited at his being able to convert Cheryl. While they had dinner, he place his hand on Cheryl's and Cheryl did not pull it back. Paul could see that Cheryl was indeed becoming what she appeared to be. He was amazed that Cheryl had to be told only once and that instruction became fixed. When Cheryl sat, she always smoothed her skirt behind her before she did. It seemed so natural. They went back to Paul's shop where they transferred all the purchases to Cheryl's car and Cheryl drove home. It was almost nine when Cheryl finally arrived home, and spent the next 45 minutes bringing packages up to his room. It was too late to unpack them tonight and put them away. This was the first time that Marcia saw Cheryl with her long lashes, arched brows and blond hair. Cheryl was wearing a skirt and blouse combination along with the two inch heels and the first thing that Marcia said to herself was, "Where did Greg go?" For his part, Cheryl began to speak more softly and slowly. When he talked to a client, they often questioned if they were talking to Greg at all. And he assured them that they were, even though they could not see that he was dressed as Cheryl while talking to them. Cheryl no longer found it necessary to seek new clients, and except for Paul's Salon, the clients all brought their work to his office. Most of the time they merely dropped the stuff in the door slot and never saw Cheryl. Thursday was the first full day of Cheryl's employment at the Club. Cheryl ate a very light supper at five, and arrived at the club by seven. The first show was at 9 and Cheryl supposed the other senior 'girls' would go on first, so that she would not go on until maybe after ten. But that did not happen. Tony wanted to show off his new attraction. First, Cheryl had to be in bra and panties doing her fifteen minutes on the pole. This was a time when the patrons were at their loudest. They stuffed cash in her panties or bra, but the amount that was earned was small compared to what was earned on the floor. Then, Cheryl changed to her little school girl outfit, and came onstage singing a school song. The place went wild. She had to do two encores and even though another girl replaced her on stage, some in the audience still were demanding 'more'. After her set, it was time to go to the bar. She did not change out of her school girl costume and as soon as she sat down at the bar, men came up to her to engage her. For a moment there was a bidding war as to how much would be paid for the dance. Finally one guy offered $100.00 in tokens for a $40.00 dance. The dances were timed to last exactly three minutes. During this time Cheryl did her bit by dancing close, feeling her dancing partner's erection and tickling the back of his neck. He paid another $100.00 for a dance, and finally he had to let others offer their tokens. They were crazy about Cheryl. Tony was watching from the wings and was pleased that his judgment about Cheryl's success was vindicated. "She will be a real money maker, " he said to himself. When Cheryl came home that night it was with over $1600.00 in her purse. He was a little disappointed that Marcia was already asleep in her bedroom, but that the next day was only Friday and a work day for his wife. He removed his makeup, stripped off his clothes and showered, again relieving himself sexually. He realized that it has been a long time since he had sex with his wife, but she already told him she needed some time to adjust to Cheryl. For Cheryl, he began to think of himself as 'she' because everything about him was now turning feminine. Masturbation became a nightly event and she no longer felt any guilt about it. When Cheryl awoke past noon on Friday morning Marcia had long left the house for work. After a light breakfast, Cheryl checked her messages on her office voice mail, and finding none, was too tired to even go to the office. At about 3PM Cheryl got hungry and found that there was little in the fridge to eat. So she donned her male clothing and was about to leave the house when she looked at herself in the mirror. With her blonde hair, thin arched brows, and lustrous lashes, she looked like a sissy. She took off the clothes, found a nice dress and sweater, and again looked at herself in the mirror. The short hair do was a little butch, but the overall impression was female. She applied light make up and went to McDonald's to get a salad and iced tea. She ate in the restaurant and no- one looked at her as if she didn't belong there. With every outing Cheryl developed more confidence about not being 'read'. What did worry her, was her driver's license. It was in the name of Greg and looked like Greg, and if she was stopped or in an accident there would have to be a lot of explaining to do. Not all of the 'girls' at the club were happy about Cheryl. There was just so many patrons attending at any one night, and just so much money for them to spend. Too many were spending it on Cheryl, causing some of the other 'girls' to go home with less than they were expecting to make. But that soon overcame by itself, because the word got out that a little Catholic school girl was performing and every man in the community with such a bent suddenly found himself a patron. Even if he didn't splurge on Cheryl as those conventioneers did, he did attend, and dropped a couple of hundred bucks during the evening. Their income soon recovered, and they all tried to be nice to one another. Cheryl was warned that Sundays were the worst nights of the week to make a lot of money. By Sunday morning the conventioneers were on their way back to their homes. Sundays brought out the real girls. Groups of girls and women loved to come to these clubs, drink, laugh and generally have a good time. But they didn't buy bottles of Champagne nor did they spend money to dance with the entertainers. But even so, each entertainer usually took home no less than $500.00 for this night's work. It was an easy night too, as the real girls did not care for the pole dancing, and very often, if there were not too many men in the audience, Tony would cancel that part of the act, to the 'girls' delight. But the first Sunday that Cheryl performed, Marcia came. She made sure she was not spotted by anyone in the cast who may know her, but she was curious to see just what Cheryl did to bring in that kind of money. She was pleased at how well Cheryl performed her school song. This Sunday, even though the place was loaded with groups of real women, there was a cadre of men who came to have contact with Cheryl. When Marcia saw her husband dancing, flirting with the male customers, doing lap dances, and nibbling on ears, all for tokens, Marcia had misgivings as to what she was secretly watching. True, the money was unbelievable, but she knew that she was losing her husband, and was the money worth it? On Monday morning, Marcia left for work long before Cheryl awoke. There were some business phone calls to return, which Cheryl did while wearing her nighty. She just needed to rest from her hectic first weekend at the club. When Marcia came home at 5:30 that day, she was surprised to find that Cheryl had made dinner for them. She was also surprised that Cheryl was dressed as Cheryl. She wore a simple skirt and light sweater, a faux pearl necklace, jewelry and perfume. Other than telling Cheryl that she looked very nice, Marcia made no other comment. At dinner they discussed that it was time for them to reveal to their parents the events that had taken place, and to let their friends know and see Cheryl for themselves. Since Cheryl now worked evenings from Thursdays through Sundays, it was decided that they would visit their parents the next Saturday morning. That day Greg put on his male clothes and while he knew he looked like a sissy in them, said nothing. It was Marcia who, after seeing him so dressed, said, "That will never do. You look ridiculous in those clothes with that hair and face. Go get changed and put on something nice." It was what Cheryl really wanted to do, but was reluctant to push Marcia where she wasn't ready to go yet. So the two girls went to visit each of their parents to show off the new Cheryl and to explain that the money was too good to miss. Needless to say, both sets of parents were shocked when Cheryl appeared at their front door, and while the explanations made sense, they found it difficult to accept. What they also found difficult to accept was that this woman before them who calls herself 'Cheryl' is indeed their daughter's husband or their son, The same situation was with their friends. Some of them refused to believe that the kind of money they were talking about was really true, and that it was merely an explanation for Greg's fetish. But it soon became apparent that the Benson's style of living changed. They moved to a larger apartment in a better neighborhood, and for the first time were able to trade in their beat up college cars for late model ones. They went out as two girls to restaurants. Cheryl was dressing as a woman full time now. He had a standing appointment at Paul's salon for manicures and pedicures. His hair needed touching up from time to time, and monthly he had to endure a full body wax. Cheryl found that he really began to like Paul as a person now, and that his friends, (most of them having visited the club at Paul's urging) were really nice, too. Cheryl hardly ever thought of Greg now. Her room was decorated in whites and pinks, with lacy bed skirts and pillow shams. With every passing day, Cheryl's personality and mannerisms were that of a female. There was not only plenty of money in the bank, but there were now investments and more cash coming in each week. The auditing business was flourishing. Cheryl got rid of the little mom and pop stores that took too much time for too little money, and began to be a money manager for the other 'girls' in the cast. In time Cheryl's parents accepted that this was their son, but refused to accept that he was in fact becoming Cheryl. They continued the illusion that he was doing it only for the money. At the club, Cheryl was a quick learner, and soon knew every trick in the trade to get the most cash out of the customer. This made Tony happy, as well as Cheryl. Some of the 'girls' for a $500.00 fee, would take a customer out to a van in the parking lot and give a blow job. Tony permitted this as long as it wasn't done on the premises and he got his 20% cut. Cheryl watched the others do it, but did not do it herself. She did start to kiss his clients for $100.00 a kiss. She would have preferred that the kisses be lipstick kisses, but for $100.00 the man wanted tongue. How long does a kiss take? And it is 100 bucks. Soon Cheryl was averaging over $3,000 a week. Actually, Cheryl was quite happy with her life. She missed having sex with Marcia, and if truth be told, even though they went out together frequently, the relationship between them was strained. Cheryl now felt female, even though she found that she needed to continue to masturbate to relieve herself. It was six months before Marcia made her decision. She had not had sex with a man in all this time, and she was getting horny. Having sex with Cheryl was out of the question in her mind, as she no longer saw a person named Greg, but a woman called Cheryl. A woman that took away her husband. Cheryl soon found that she was more comfortable with those in the transgendered community and began to develop friends of her own. It was on a Tuesday, when Cheryl was now relaxed from her work week, that Marcia told Cheryl that the marriage was not working out. That a divorce was the only thing that was left. It was not as if Cheryl was unaware of Marcia's feelings, but she was so happy doing her own thing that she put it out of her mind. But here it is On the table. The one thing that was left to resolve was alimony. With the kind of money that Cheryl was bringing in Marcia decided she was entitled to a share of it, so that she could continue to enjoy the new life style that they had adopted. Cheryl then told her that she could not expect that she would always continue to be able to make the same kind of money as now. As one gets older, the baby face goes away, and if you develop a new act, it may not be as successful as the old one. Statistics, he told her, is that one can expect to get five good years out of and then the income decreases proportionately. Marcia hadn't thought about that aspect of it and was willing to be reasonable, saying that when the income came down, so would her demands. And so it was decided that it would be Marcia who would find another apartment and start divorce proceedings. It was also decided that there was no animosity between them and that the divorce should be amicable, as amicable as divorces can be. In all this time Cheryl had resisted taking hormones as most of the other 'girls' did. Tony was always pressuring her to get breast implants, and that too, she resisted. But now that Cheryl was 'free' both thoughts came into her mind. Paul was not surprised at the news. He liked them both, but by now was more partial to Cheryl than to Marcia. Kissing a man was no longer a novelty, and now, whenever Cheryl met a friend she greeted them with a kiss. The divorce took only six weeks. It was now Lent and the slowest time of the year in the business. It was during this slow time at the club that Cheryl elected to have her own breasts. She still wanted to play the little school girl, and she opted for small breasts, but real breasts they were. Her parents no longer had any doubts as to what was happening to their Greg, but what could they do about it? Cleopatra furnished the name of her doctor and soon Cheryl was taking shots and pills. It happened on a very slow night. None of the 'girls' were making any real money. The place was half-empty, and who knows why? Tomorrow would be jumping. After giving a $100.00 lap dance to a John he offered her the going rate of $500.00 for a blow job. Cheryl excused herself and went to find Cleo. She said she never did it before but she needed to make some money tonight and it just wasn't happening. What should she do? Cleo clued her in. First, don't forget there is AIDs and STD's out there. So whether he likes it or not, use a condom. Then he must pay you up front, and leave your purse with the bartender. Then make sure that Bruno from security goes outside with you. Sometimes for $500.00 these guys want more than you can give them and will try to hurt you. But otherwise, you go, girl!. And for the first time, Cheryl took a man to the van in the parking lot, and with Bruno standing guard proceeded to give him a blow job. After all, that's what women do, isn't it? Cheryl found the taste of the condom rubbery, but her John was so enamored by being sucked off by a little Catholic school girl in uniform, that he was not complaining. The first time is the hardest. Once Cheryl got over her mental block about doing it, the next time was easier. And soon she was making even more money than ever before. The divorce arrangements were that the Club would divvy up the proceeds and send what was due Marcia directly to her. Suddenly Marcia began to get more money than even before, but she had no idea what Cheryl had to do to get it. After the divorce, Marcia decided that after all, Cheryl was really a nice person and would make a nice friend. She renewed their friendship and often had lunch together. There was a time when Marcia had a date that had an extra man, and she fixed up her ex-husband with a date and they went out double dating. By this time Cheryl had no problem dating men, or doing what it took to pleasing them. He still had his penis but it was not functioning as it used to as a result of the hormones. The hormones softened Cheryl's face even more than natural, and the fat distribution around her body became more female. Yes, Cheryl was now woman. Sexual re-assignment surgery was out of the question, for if she was to have it, she no longer would be a female impersonator, but a female. So for as long as she was working at her trade, and she expected it to be for a long time, she had to keep her male parts. The double date that Marcia arranged, blossomed into love. Drake was not aware of his date's condition as neither Marcia nor Cheryl told him. But he fell in love with Cheryl, not even knowing that she was an entertainer, thinking that she ran her own auditing and money managing business. Cheryl was able to have sex with him not finding out as there is a gaff that resembles a vagina, that the male can enter and if the color of the gaff matches ones skin close enough, it takes a really close examination to find out otherwise. So, Cheryl was able to pleasure her man. By the time Cheryl finally revealed her secret to Drake he was so madly in love with her, that after about one week of getting used to the idea, he came back to her and they began to set up house as husband and wife. Marcia married her date, and legally married him. Drake and Cheryl are waiting for their State to finally come around and legalize same sex marriages, and when they do, wow, will there be a fine wedding.

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My Journey

It was mid-April a few years ago. I was home, lonely and bored. The kids were sleeping. I had recently become single, and I needed something. I really wasn’t sure what that was though. I had spent a lot of time on Facebook. There were a few groups on there that I was in at the time that pertained to BDSM.There were always a few men that would come on and say hi to me. There really was no one I connected with though. It was late one night, and I was about to log off. I received a message from...

2 years ago
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My faggot journey

Let me begin by telling you a little about me. I am 54 years old and married for 30 years. I guess I have always been attracted to men but about 20 years ago it really grabbed a hold of me. I started surfing the net looking for a hookup. Not really sure if I was serious, I did start talking to a man that lived close to me. After talking a bit, I agreed to drive to his house on evening. I remember how excited I was driving there. As I pulled into his drive, a little apprehension crept in. I...

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Lonely Journey

It was the first time in my life that I am traveling alone for an international Journey. We (me and my husband) came to India on vacation together. But my husband has to return back early as he didn't have enough vacation. I wanted to stay little longer so that I can spend more time in India. Now, I have to make my journey from Delhi to San Francisco alone.Winter in Delhi is very cold and the visibility on the roads is very less. My parents and my in-laws accompanied me to the airport. We...

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Christmas Journey

Christmas Journey************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2011The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.It was the day before Christmas Eve in the mid 1960s. I was facing a boring Christmas sitting in my office in Devonport Dockyard waiting for...

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Mommy Sexual Journey

I will give a brief details about me. Myself Shradda on my 9th standard. I’m from Jabalpur it is in Madhya Pradesh. Our family consists of 3 members’ mom and dad.My dad works as a taxi driver and mom is a house wife as our great grandparents left much money for us we are living happily. My mom’s name is Archana. She got married to dad when she was young and within one year she got pregnant and gave birth to me and our happy family.Now my mom’s age is 32 now s dad is a taxi driver he comes very...

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My Hot Mother Malini And Me 8 Bus Journey

It was the month of February. One day Abhi’s mother received a marriage invitation card from her parents’ village. It is from one of her distant relatives. Malini’s father and mother have died a long back. It is almost 12 years that she had visited that village. Hers is a small village in Vishakhapatnam dist. Few km away from the sea. As it had been a long time that she had been to the village. Malini decided to go the marriage and asked her son to accompany her. Abhi wanted to book Railway...

2 years ago
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Kamal Ke Bus Journey

Mera naam jayet hai mai dehradoon ka rehne wala hun. Meri age 27 hai aur gym type built hai. Mera tool 6.5ich ka hai aur I like to talk dirty flirting. Aap mujhe feedback de sakte hai per aur koi bhi female friends without any hesitation can msg me for nice aswell as flirty chitchat. I will keep it complete secret and long lasting. Ye kahani meri bus journey ke hai jisme maine apni co-passenger ke sath sex kiya. Mai meeting ke liye gandhinagar gaya hua tha. Aur agle din mujhko mumbai...

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How I met a sexy girl in journey

Helo indian sex stories dot net readers.. I’m also one of the readers of ISS, here I’m sharing my true experience.. I’m very poor in English.. That is why I would like to narrate the story in Telugu, naa name Karthikraj Maadhi Vizag.. E incident 2011 lo jarigindhi.. Nenu just naa experience ni share chesthunna extraga Raayadam Naaku raadhu.. So please be patient. Appudu naa age 18, Chudadaniki Baaguntanu Adhe na confidence, fair complexion, 6ft height. Nenu Kakinada lo chadhukune Vaadini, oka...

1 year ago
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Treacherous Train Journey

Hi, sex story readers. It was my first assignment as a professional trekking manager. Trekking was near Mumbai, the details of which I cannot share with you but I can say that I was leading a group of 30 young men and women. I had to catch Vidarbha Express from Nagpur for the overnight train journey to Mumbai. I boarded the train and settled on my birth. There was a group of men, an old man, a young woman probably in her middle twenties in my compartment. We all got acquainted as the train...

2 years ago
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Met A Girl In My Bus Journey

Hello, Greetings!! ISS authors and Readers, Thank you for reading my story, I hope you will enjoy for sure. This is my 5th story in ISS. Those you not read my stories please go through them so that you can know more about me. I posted my real experiences and fantasies. Those who are new to me, let me introduce myself hemo from Hyderabad, 23 years old, completed my bachelors and working in a social service organization (part time), with my interest on sex and to satisfy our ISS readers I...

3 years ago
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Dual Blowjob On A Crowded Bus Journey

It was a bus journey from Delhi to Jaipur on one fine winter night. I did not have any gayish intention at the time I boarded the bus although I am always in a search of men who can have a little secret one night affair with me. That night was too dull and exhausted for me to even try anything on any man in the bus and if not lucky, get rejected. Hence, I decided to board the bus, settle in my seat and go to sleep as fast and as soundly as possible. I did not know luck has something else in...

Gay Male
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Festival Journey Made My Sex Journey

Once I was traveling by train after my Dussera, there were 2 girls sitting in a side seat nearby us. I was reading a book all the night and observing them. Around 1.30am I asked one of the girls whether she want to occupy the berth. She said that’s ok to sit, then I asked about what she do in Chennai. She was working for Accenture. I suggested her to sleep since she needs to attend to office in the morning. She thanked and occupied the berth. Since she wasn’t sleepy started conversation and...

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Brumaks Journey

Brumak's Journey By Lyrissa A sunbeam trickled in through the shabby curtains and played across Brumak's strong-jawed face. The orc grunted a bit in his sleep and tried turning over on the bed to get out of the offending sunlight. This however only made the ray tickle his neck instead, and soon the orc's eyes fluttered open. He grunted as he swung his muscular legs down onto the floor, looking back at the female orc still soundly asleep on her half of the bed. Brumak got to his feet...

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Enjoyed Journey

Hi All, My Name is Ritesh. I am 21 years old. This incident happened before a month. I was moving back to my hostel from my home. It’s around 70KM away. That evening I got late and I started my journey at around 8:00PM, and waited for bus for a long time. But didn’t got any luck, at around 9:00PM a truck passed by me and a person shouts at me, “Kahan Jana hai?” I told him the place and he said Ok, come aboard. There in the truck there were two persons only, a Driver and a Cleaner. Driver was...

Gay Male
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The Journey

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION                                                        !!!!!!!!NEITHER DID I EVER DO THINGS LIKE THAT NOR DO I ENCOURAGE OTHER PEOPLE TO DO SO   !!!!!!!!IN REALITY PAIN DOES NOT ENHANCE A WOMENS LUST                                    !!!!!!!!DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME                                                          ...

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A Shimoga Girl8217s Hot Night Bus Journey

Hello everyone. This is Ankita, a 21-year-old girl from a strict traditional family who had come to Bangalore to search for a job and I would be narrating to you the story of my journey from Bangalore to Shimoga in a sleeper bus that took place during the pandemic. This incident took place on April 26th night 2021, when the Karnataka Govt suddenly announced that there would be a lockdown imposed from April 27th for the next 14-days. Since I was staying temporarily with my relatives in...

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The World Of BDSM 8211 Part 1 A Couple Begin Their Journey

Little Intro before starting my journey into the world of BDSM – I’m Aditya, 43 now. I am a highly respected and successful investment banker specializing in international markets. I stand 5.5, slim and fair. Not stud or hunk. My wife Poonam (now Mistress Poonam) is 35 now. She helps in my business and is co-owner of our investment banking company. She is 5.6, BBW, with great curves at all right places (38d-30-36). She has big expressive eyes and jet black, silky, straight hairs that proudly...

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This is the GRA edit – a revision that cleared a major continuity error Cadet Colonel Alex Flowers stepped out of the shimmering field that marked the terminus of the transporter and into bedlam. After taking just three paces he stopped, not knowing what to do and unable to see anyone in charge. Behind him he heard a curse, then Captain Roberts, Confederacy Space Marines, stepped around him and bellowed “Halt!” His voice, commanding and loud enough to reach the far corners of the room,...

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Train Journey

It was the start of a long train journey — all the way home to London from Edinburgh, where I'd been visiting my aunt and uncle for a week during the school holidays. I settled down in a window seat at the back of a block of pairs of seats all facing forward and got out my magazine to help pass the time. The journey would take more than four hours so I'd be needing it! As the train pulled out of the station, crawling through the Edinburgh suburbs, I sat there musing briefly over the time...

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Captain GoldChapter 10 Journeying

Skryben winced. Rand knew the cause; momentary twinges of intense pain throughout her body as she jumped. "Jump completed." Tasca's voice was calm. So short a jump; she hadn't even felt any shock from it. Their third so far under command of Captain Jeryth, with thousands more to go before they reached their goal. "Jump completed," he gave his report. He hadn't felt the jump, either. What was wrong with Skryben? "Coordinates logged into data banks." "Excellent." Captain Jeryth's...

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Marys Unexpected Journey

Mary's Unexpected Journey “MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE!” the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on the wooden table, causing the flame from the candle in the centre to flicker. He and his three companions guffawed loudly and joined in a chorus of shouts for more, laughing, stamping their feet on the flagstones and banging their own tankards. With a benign smile, Mary filled two pitchers of ale from the barrel of beer behind the bar counter and then, ducking under the oil-lamps...

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Marys Unexpected Journey

Introduction: This story was originally written for a competition on the XNXX Stories forum and is a relatively short story at 12,000 words. I hope you enjoy it. Authors note: This is a story, and the author is aware that it is not 100% historically accurate, although efforts have been made to ensure some degree of realism. It is a work of fiction, however, and intended to be no more than that. Marys Unexpected Journey MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE! the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on...

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The train journey

The train was waiting at the station to begin the last part of it’s journey, the four Bengali boys were the only passengers in the end carriage, they all looked when the well liked Cindy boarded the train, they noticed the top three buttons on her blouse were open. Cindy went and sat a few seats from the boys just as the train pulled out of the station on it’s two hour journey to the next station. After a short while Abdul went to the toilet as he passed Cindy he stole a quick glance and saw...

4 years ago
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Janets Journey

He'd be coming again...Janet stared into the dark and couldn't think of anything else...It'd only been a week but she'd learned so much about herself and him in that short time...At 12, she knew things and it was freely discussed among her classmates but she wondered what they'd say if she blurted out that her father was taking her into womanhood while they just tittered and speculated...He hadn't fucked her yet but that was only a matter of time and she wondered if her...

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Former Playboy Playmates Part 7 Alyssas Journey

Introduction: Escaping an abusive husband, making friends, sending letters to her son, and loving black cock. Authors note: Fictional former Playboy Playmates. Each have two stories. First story is Interracial. The second will be Incest. I experimented with first person POV story telling. I separated the jump from 3rd person to 1st person with a series of seven asterisks. I think it turned out fine. Former Playmates Pt. 07: Alyssas Journey Chapter 1 Ulysses ran his fingers through Alyssas...

2 years ago
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DARK Submission A Bisexual Journey

Introduction: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. DARK Submission: A Bisexual Journey Summary: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. Note 1: This story is dedicated to TheOriginalAnonymous who suggested the idea and was a sounding board as this lengthy tale developed. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, LeAnn and TheOriginalAnonymous for their editing. WARNING: Although this is in the INTERRACIAL category, there is a fair amount of gay sex (white...

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Train Journey

Bill and Chuck, a successful couple who had been married for five years, decided to take the train en route to visit Chuck’s parents for a brief ten day holiday. Neither of them could remember the last time they had been on a train and revelled in the idea of doing so. They were a loving couple and the thought of having splendid sex to the rhythmic clattering of train wheels excited them enormously. Having booked their first class tickets, both were delighted with the sumptuous accommodation...

Gay Male
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Nudist pokemon journey

Are story begins with Jesse a 18 year old girl who finally begin her pokemon journey.Normally trainers start their journey at the age of 10 but do to health problems (gone now) so her parents made her wait. Luck was in her favor when she saved professor birch from three poochyena. Now she gets to choose a starter. Their is one other thing about her that no one knows. She want to be a nudist; she loves being naked and has no shame, plus she wants to be the first nudist champion with a nude...

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The Journey

I pulled into the long, tree-lined driveway of her rural home around 10pm. She was standing in the rain, it had only been five minutes since I ordered her by text to wait outside wearing nothing but the plain white T-shirt I'd left for her with my scent on, but she was clearly soaked through and freezing. Her nipples were glaringly apparent, even in the dark and through the tinted windows of my car. I stopped beside her and she climbed into the passenger seat.'In the back.' I commanded her.She...

Oral Sex
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Abbys desperate bus journey

It was going to be a close run thing, and she knew it. Abby had double booked herself. It was her best friend Mike's 18th birthday, and they had been planning a night out for so long. It had been the topic of conversation since they were about 14, their first, legal night out. Problem was, she had also agreed to go on a team building session with work, and it had happened to fall on the same day.  The session was a boozy lunch, followed by the normal team building activities. The problem was...

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We were at the movies enjoying ourselves of course with the naughty play we do sometimes there. The teasing, the wanting, the squeezing of your cock which in return has you caressing me and grabbing my hair. We are so worked up that usually we head back to your place to relieve our built up sexual tension. But tonight was different. Tonight started our newest journey, especially for me. Tonight started breath play. Let me explain.You see sometimes we will every now and then play around with...

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The Train Journey

She boarded the train at Paddington and moved down the carriage to her seat, as she sat down she took off her coat and gazed out of the window, a little smile adorned her face as she knew that in less than an hour she would be with him again, and this time it was for a whole weekend.The train jolted as it moved out of the station and just at that exact time her phone vibrated in her pocket,the vibrations sent a tingle all the way around her body, again she began to grin as she knew the message...

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Dhanya8217s Diary Chapter 1 The Erotic Train Journey

Dhanya stared out through the window of the train. It was raining heavily outside. “Taking the train and not the bus was probably the best decision I had taken all week”, she thought to herself. But on the downside, the seat wasn’t comfortable at all. But it was only till the morning and she would reach Kasargod by 5 am. She also hated the fact that she got the middle seat and knew that these narrow seats and armrests wouldn’t make the journey any easier. Taking a deep breath she braced herself...

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Ayesha Khan 8211 The Beginning Of My Sex Journey

Hello Everybody, this is my first story. My name is Ayesha Khan (real name), the sexiest girl you will ever see. I am 26 years old now and working in a big MNC in Hyderabad. My hobby is to show off my body and temp every one around to the extreme. This is the story about how my sexual journey started. I am writing down true stories that happened in my life. This is going to be lengthy and detailed so please be patient. Let me describe myself in full detail as I want you guys to paint a clear...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable Bus Journey

Hello everyone This is my 1st story, kindly ignore if grammatically wrong. I’m Rahul 23, doing my post graduation in one of the reputed colleges in Hyderabad. This incident took place in the bus while I was traveling to my hometown Vijayawada for holiday vacation. As I’m not sure when I will start, so I didn’t reserve a seat. On the day of journey, asusually buses are full due to vacation, So I was trying my luck. In one bus, a passenger didn’t come so the seat was vacant. But it is a ladies...

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