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Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun

Chapter 1 - Dreams in the Heat


In the silence… drip… within the warm stone walls… drip… Harry could hear every sound… drip… from every room… drip… and could not sleep… drip. The rain, which only moments earlier had roared outside the castle like the hidden waterfall of the Forbidden Forest, left only the lingering drip of water into shallow pools collected between rock and mortar. Uncovered and naked on his bed, he was still hot in the humid air as tiny beads of perspiration pimpled his entire body. He turned and laid his hand flat against the sheet next to him, wondering if she too was awake, listening to the echoing pings of dripping water and the ebb and flow of the night air’s breath as it warmly wheezed down the empty corridors. He turned over on his back, brought his hands behind his head and sighed. It was their first night apart since they had left Little Whinging three weeks earlier and, tucked away into a far corner of his godfather’s castle, he couldn’t help but feel very much alone.

During those three weeks, try as they might to blend in with the Muggle population, word of Harry’s arrival always seemed to precede them and witch and wizard alike, people he’d never seen before, would hug him in the street and kiss him on the cheeks.

The Boy Who Lived. The wizard that had defeated Voldemort once again.

Often, he would use his developing power as a Metamorphmagus to hide his true identity as they travelled together across the Mediterranean and Gabriella showed Harry all she knew of home. Barefoot, they walked the beaches of Lebanon and watched the sun plunge into the sea, flashing its myriad of colours; they travelled the stone streets where she once lived, and walked the grounds of her old wizarding school, Al Bsahri, which was being built anew. Together they visited Gabriella’s grandmother, Soseh’s mum, in Armenia at the base of Mount Aragats and listened for hours as she wove a fabric from tales of magic and mythology, and, slowly, Harry came to know more of the mark on his right forearm, the mark of the dragon Asha with whose family he was now forever bound.

Three weeks of joy, three weeks of careless wonder, three weeks of love -- just the two of them as Gabriella showed Harry a part of her being that was the earth itself.


Alas, they were no longer alone. Yesterday, Soseh and Remus had journeyed together to meet them at Sirius’ castle in Greece. Tomorrow, Ron and Hermione would Apparate in and the lot of them would travel together north of Hungary high into the Carpathians to see the birthplace of Asha. There Harry would face a challenge far more demanding than the Triwizard tournament. There he would speak to the dragon Singehorn and ask for its blessing.

Harry rubbed his forehead where once was emblazoned a thin red lightning bolt - the mark left by his nemesis, but cleansed by the magical waters hidden deep in the Forbidden Forest. The motion was purely habit, and Harry wondered if he’d ever not press palm to forehead whenever something was bothering him. Throughout the summer, his head had been free of the burning sensation he’d felt in Voldemort’s presence or when the Dark Lord was feeling emotional. He’d been freed of the splitting pain in his skull, apart from the one time it rocked him to the floor just after he’d returned to Privet Drive -- a pain he dismissively attributed to the virulence of his Uncle Vernon.


Harry sighed and sat up, sliding his bare feet over the bed’s edge. The air was warm, but he was feeling cold. Thoughts of Voldemort were crawling into his mind and he didn’t know why.

“He washed away,” he whispered to himself, again rubbing his forehead for no particular reason. “I saw him wash away. He’s gone.” But then memories of Dumbledore’s words splashed cold water upon his face.

“Perhaps, Harry… perhaps.”

The young wizard stood and began to pace the room. Soon, he didn’t know when, the Centaurs would call him to help them battle the Dementors. As the great comet Ebyrth grew brighter in the night sky, marking the ever cyclical battle, Harry remained ignorant of how such a battle would take place, or where. What he did know was that he would return to Hogwarts in just over a week, and he felt certain that the time for action was near at hand.


He stopped at the mirror and looked at the young man before him. A year ago, perhaps, he would have looked forward to battle -- a chance to prove himself a great wizard. Now, however, he had nothing more to prove and his heart had turned toward other things. Visions of a raven haired beauty with copper brown skin and ebon eyes brought a smile to his face. He turned and faced his empty bed at the far side of the room and imagined Gabriella at his side. His stomach grumbled… hunger.

“Accio wand!” he called.

His wand, which was resting on his nightstand, flew into his hand. No, he had nothing to prove to anyone. With hard work and lots of practice, his gift was returning. Last year, Gabriella’s father, thinking Harry a Muggle, cursed him with a spell to protect her at all cost. It had given him powers such as the ability to use magic without a wand, but it also made him irrational, jealous, and prone to fits of rage. Harry had nearly killed Seamus Finnigan because of it. The curse and its madness, like the scar on Harry’s forehead, had vanished in the Cleansing, a Centaur sacrifice Dumbledore had called it, that burned the evil from Harry’s being. All that remained was a mark on Harry’s right forearm placed by Gabriella’s mother, Soseh, a symbol of unity among all people, a symbol that he was both servant and master to the dragon.

“Silly worries and stupid fears,” he muttered to himself. He would face his future when it stepped up to greet him, not in bed staring at the ceiling, or pacing about his room. Wondering if there might still be some shepherd’s pie left in the fridge, he slipped on a gauze robe, tying it loosely about his waist. “Lumos!” His wand lit brightly as he made his way out his bedroom door and down the long stone corridor toward the kitchen of Sirius’ castle.


There was a slight flow of air down the corridor that sent a chill over his damp body. It was refreshing and freed his mind from the thoughts of war and darkness to focus on love and passion. He had come of age, and was seriously considering if Gabriella was the one. His parents had married just out of school, and the last three weeks had only strengthened Harry’s resolve that soon he would ask Gabriella the question. First, he wanted to talk to Ron, and the fact that his best friend would be arriving tomorrow seemed to quicken Harry’s heart. He was nearly to the kitchen, his mind firmly fixed on his last night with Gabriella, when he saw the flame, the glow, and a puff of smoke. Harry turned toward a side door and came face-to-face with Draco Malfoy.

In contrast to Harry, who was wearing the plain gauze wrap falling half-way down his thigh, the blonde was wearing long, fine robes of green satin; his long hair was meticulously coifed back, and his steel eyes were bright with mischief. No remnants of the scar he bore on his face last year remained; his skin was as silken white as ever. He took a long drag on his cigarette and let out a long, slow puff of smoke that billowed toward Harry’s face. Harry stood frozen stiff.

“Damn, Harry,” drawled Draco with a sly smile, as he eyed Harry up and down. “Were you expecting me?” Harry’s back went rigid as he clenched his wand. His eyes darted in every conceivable direction. “No, Potter” answered Draco without being asked, “I’m here alone.” Draco took one more puff and flicked the cigarette into the air, only to vanish it with his wand before it started toward the ground.

“What… what are you doing here?” whispered Harry, not sure if he really trusted what Draco had just said, and still holding his wand firmly, all thought of Gabriella draining from his mind. Draco drew a step closer, his grey eyes shimmering in the light of Harry’s wand.

“You had a fanatical spell over the Dark Lord,” breathed Draco. “It was his ruin.” He took another step closer to Harry, forcing the bespectacled wizard to pull in his wand ever so slightly. “Now, every time Father looks at his fabricant arm, I see the same crazed look in his eyes. Beyond all reason, he wants to destroy you.”

“I’m done fighting wizards, Draco.”

“Done? I think not. We had a deal, Harry,” said Draco with a thin smile on his lips. “You gave me your word that you were in it all the way. The game’s not over.”

“Game? What are you talking about, Draco? There’s no game. Half the wizarding world thinks you’re dead, and the other half is looking for your father to complete the set.”

“You’re a fool, Harry, if you think that the Centaurs can win. The Dementors already have Father and the remaining Death Eaters on their side.”

“But wizards aren’t supposed to interfere in the affairs of—”

“P-lease, Potter,” said Draco, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. “When are you ever going to stop being so damn naïve? Already we’ve regrouped after the loss of the Dark Lord, already we’ve made new plans, and what have you been doing, playing Snap with members of the Order?” This time Harry, his jaw set firm, stepped toward Draco, but the former Slytherin gave no ground.

“If you’re so damn sure you’re going to rule the world, then why are you here?” he spat under his breath. Draco let out a slight laugh, the burst of air brushing against Harry’s face. The mirth and mischief that were present in Draco’s eyes a moment before flickered, and faded.

“You know… you know what it’s like, Harry. They’re dead, black shells of darkness; they almost killed me, and now I’ve got to be their chum? Never!” Draco hissed, and then his eyes narrowed and his face revealed a glow of pure hatred. “Father’s a fool; he always has been. They’ll turn on us the instant we help them defeat the Centaurs just as they turned on the Ministry, and his collection of pure-bloods won’t stop them. I’m not going to have him ruin everything again.” Draco cast a glance at Harry and, in that instant, could not hold Harry’s gaze. Instead, he turned and leaned against the stone wall, looking down at his own two hands.

“This isn’t what I am, Harry. You know that, don’t you?” The question was almost a plea, but the tone was unnecessary. Harry did know. There were nuggets of goodness in the Slytherin standing before him, waiting to be mined. Perhaps, in another life…

“Come back to Hogwarts, Draco. I know Dumbledore—”

“No,” said Draco abruptly. “Knowledge is power, Harry,” he whispered to himself. “Together, we can—”

“Draco, if you go down that path—”

“I HAD YOUR WORD!” Draco cried out. His voice echoed down the corridor and reverberated in Harry’s ears. Slowly, reluctantly, Harry nodded his head.

“Yes,” Harry said, “we had an agreement. And as long as you’re here to help me see that the Centaurs are victorious, well, I guess—”

“You still don’t get it, do you? It’s not about the Dementors and the Centaurs. You think the darkness is gone? If we don’t join together and—”

“Harry? Harry, is that you? Is everything okay?” It was Gabriella, calling from down the hallway; dressed in a white nightgown, she was headed their way. Draco straightened and slicked back his hair with one hand.

“You’ve put on weight,” he said to Harry, who was looking down the hall. “It suits you better.” There was a hiss and snap, and he was gone. Harry turned to see the empty wall just as Gabriella reached his side.

“That was an Apparition,” she asserted with nervous confidence. “Who was here? Is everything alright?” She placed her arm around his waist and pulled him next to her as she looked up into his eyes. He could not lie to her; he would not lie to her.

“Draco,” he whispered.

“Asha!” exclaimed Gabriella. “Did he try to hurt you?” She pulled her wand to the ready. Harry smiled. She would defend him to the death; he knew that with his very soul. He extinguished his wand and pulled her close in the darkness. Her hands slipped around his bare back, and whatever apprehension he had felt moments before melted away.

“There was a time,” he whispered, “when I’d look into his eyes and see someone that would sooner see me dead as anything else.” Harry gazed at the stone wall where Draco had stood, the smell of smoke still lingering in the air. “Now… now it’s something quite different, Gabriella.” Harry took in a long breath, and then exhaled. “He wants to help me win the war when it comes. But which war? I think, maybe, he has some sort of scheme to bring himself into the good graces of the Ministry -- a scheme to bring himself to power somehow.”

“But nearly everyone thinks he’s dead. How can he imagine such a thing?”

“He’s a Malfoy, love,” said Harry as another light appeared down the hall in the direction of Sirius’ bedchamber. “Don’t think he’s done for, any more than his father is. What’s more, he’s the most sneaking and conniving Slytherin I know, next to you of course.” Harry smiled and kissed her quickly before she could protest.

The light from Sirius’ wand grew bright and Harry had to shield his eyes as his godfather approached.

“Are you two crazy?” he exclaimed. “Screaming loud enough to wake the dead -- which around here isn’t saying much I know… bloody ghosts.” He dimmed his wand and walked closer. “Harry, you’re more than half naked. Do you have any idea what Gabriella’s mother would say if—”

Too late. Soseh appeared from around the corner. Without saying a word, the small woman looked at Harry, and then at her daughter. For an instant, Harry thought he saw a smile, but then her face turned cold as she stepped over to Gabriella’s side. Sirius’ wand cast an eerie shadow across Soseh’s face that distorted her features, making her look more angry than ever as she grabbed Gabriella by the ear, cursing something in Armenian. There was another snap and the two women had Disapparated.

“We weren’t doing anything!” cried Harry to the air, as if maybe Mrs. Darbinyan could hear him. “Honest! I was just hungry.” Sirius just laughed in disbelief.

“Hungry, eh? Come on then, Harry. Let’s check if there’s any shepherd’s pie left; maybe there’s another Mythos or two in the fridge.”

“Mythos?” asked Harry.

“It’s a Greek beer; bottled in Salonica. It’s not bad when you’re eating cold shepherd’s pie and telling your godfather what the hell you’re doing up in the middle of the night.” His words were very matter of fact; the two men were about to have a talk. “And it’s a damn sight better tasting than Veritaserum.” For a moment, Harry thought to ask Sirius when he had tasted Veritaserum, but thoughts of Azkaban pushed the question aside.

They were about to enter the kitchen when a ghost passed through the walls just in front of them. It was a young girl with a sad face; Helena was her name. Sirius immediately lifted his wand and shot a blast at the wall, missing as the ghost passed through the other side of the hallway. Sirius cursed.

“A thousand castles in this country, and they have to pick mine to live in.”

“Wasn’t Helena born here?” Harry asked.

“That’s not the point,” growled Sirius as he made his way to the icebox and summoned out a snack and two beers. He wasn’t much of a cook, but he could heat leftovers with his wand, almost as easily as he could remove bottle caps. By the time Harry was finished, Sirius had yet to take two bites. He was trying to be patient, but Harry could tell he was about to burst. Harry smiled to himself, thinking that Sirius looked better now than Harry had ever seen him, but Sirius took the look as a smirk, pushed his plate forward and looked straight at Harry.

“Well?” he asked. “If you weren’t out for a midnight rendezvous with Gabriella, what were you doing? Who yelled?”

Harry looked down at his plate and then brought his eyes up to meet Sirius’. Here sat the man who had offered his life to protect Harry’s in more ways than imaginable and who, like Remus Lupin, bore a spark that was the essence of Harry’s father and mother. There was nothing that Harry would not share with Sirius, and there was nothing that Sirius would not do to ensure Harry’s safety.

“Draco dropped by to call in a debt I still owed him.”

“Draco Malfoy? That’s not possible,” Sirius asserted. “I charmed the castle myself and there’s no way anyone passes the barrier unless… unless you consider Draco a friend.” The statement turned into a question as Sirius drew closer to the table, staring intently at Harry’s eyes.

“I’m in his debt,” Harry answered, trying to avoid the real question.

“You made a wager?” Sirius asked.

“He and I had an agreement to secretly share information in an effort to bring down Voldemort.” Harry didn’t need to wait to see the reaction on Sirius’ face. The veins bulged out on his neck instantly.

“Do you have any idea how dangerous—”

“Voldemort’s dead isn’t he?” Harry interrupted with a confidence he would not have had the year before. “And you’re sitting here drinking beer and eating shepherd’s pie with me. A year ago, if I had made that prediction, they’d have sent me to sit with Gilderoy Lockhart at St. Mungo’s for evaluation.” Harry’s mind faded back to his confrontation with Voldemort in the Ministry’s Death Chamber.

“If it hadn’t been for Draco, Ron would certainly be dead. Hell, we might all be dead.”

A glint of ghost passed through the corner of the kitchen on its way to the upper stories of the castle, but Sirius paid it no heed. Instead, he pushed his plate aside and clasped his hands together on the table.

“What does he want?”

“They’re regrouping, the old Death Eaters. They’re going to join the Dementors to destroy the Centaurs in the upcoming battle. Draco wants to stop it, and he’s willing to betray his father to do it. But it has to be kept secret; no one can know he has anything to do with it.”

“We’ve got to tell Dumble—”

“We can’t,” Harry interjected. The two wizards held each other’s gaze. “I gave my word.”

Harry expected a lecture at this point, and he was ready to argue against whatever Sirius had to say until the sun rose, but none came. Instead, Sirius nodded his head, took a last swig of beer, pulled the plate of shepherd’s pie in front of him and began to eat. About halfway through the dish, Sirius finally lifted his head up to look at Harry.

“I think Remus fancies Soseh; what do you think?” asked Sirius with a devilish twinkle in his eye. “An odd twist if he becomes your father-in-law, don’t you think?”

“Fancies Soseh?” asked Harry incredulously. He knew they liked each other, but the possibility that their feelings ran deeper had never really entered Harry’s mind. “How can you tell?

“He’s acting just like James did around your mother, always trying to impress her at every turn. Did you see him after dinner tonight, when he offered to clean the dishes? I thought I’d never stop laughing after he broke the fourth plate. Canines just aren’t meant for housework.”

Harry looked around the kitchen and decided not to make a comment. Soseh had been kind enough to clean in here, but the rest of the castle was still pretty much a disaster since Sirius had sworn off house elves.

“Well,” yawned Harry, stretching his arms about his head. “I think I’m going to head off to bed.” Sirius nodded, flicked his wand and levitated the plates into the sink. They could wait until tomorrow to be cleaned.

“Harry, with Ron and Hermione arriving in the morning, this is probably the last chance we’ll have to be alone together. What you’ve told me tonight, I won’t share, but don’t think for a moment that no one else knows, particularly Dumbledore.” Sirius then leaned forward in his chair. “The day will come, when Draco asks you to do something you know is wrong; you know he will, Harry, and when he does, please talk to me first, okay?” Harry nodded. “I’m serious, boy; don’t be rash. If you think you see two moves ahead, wait until you see four more. There’s a reason they call them Death Eaters, and wiping the likes of you from the wizarding world is top priority on their list. Be careful; be deadly careful.”

“I will, Sirius. I swear.”

Together they walked halfway down the hallway, and then Sirius turned toward his own room. Harry watched as his godfather disappeared into the darkness, cursed, and then shot a blast of light at a passing ghost.


When Harry put head to pillow, he had an overwhelming urge to use Occlumency. With Voldemort gone, he hadn’t cleared his mind all summer; there was no need. Despite the heat, a cold shiver ran down his spine. All the evening’s conversations had his thoughts swirling and, with no Pensieve, Harry chose to clear his mind as best he knew how. Thoughts of war and dragons would wait until tomorrow.

He took in a deep breath, closed his eyes, and exhaled. Drip. As he had done all summer long, he tapped the spot where Greg Goyle had skewered his chest with a Quidditch broom, and said a short prayer for the souls of his lost friends. Slowly, he let all thought of the day’s events leave his mind. Voldemort swirled away into a cloud of nothingness, the Centaur and Dementor wars evaporated, concern over what Soseh would say in the morning vanished. Drip. Finally, he was aslee— there was a snap, sharp and short.

“AND I DON’T CARE IF I NEVER SEE YOUR RAT LOVING FACE AGAIN!” Something… someone stomped on the stone floor. “Never… ever…,” the voice got weaker, “…ever.” A lit wand in her hand, Hermione Granger crumpled to the ground and began heaving deep sobs into the sleeves of her dark red robes. Harry, who had half reached for his glasses, and half dove for his wand, also found himself in a heap on the stone floor, thankful that his sheet came with him.

“H-Hermione?” he asked groggily, smarting from having banged his knee on the stone floor. A small splotch of blood began to spread against the white sheet. His eyes focused on his friend, folded in two in the centre of the room. As she continued to cry, her hands covered her face, and her bushy brown hair covered her hands. “Hermione, what’s wrong? Where’s Ron?”


Hermione turned to see Harry on the floor, blood staining the sheet and concern filled her face. At once she went over to offer Harry her assistance and reached to remove the sheet so that she could have a closer look at his knee. But the sheet was the only thing clothing Harry, and he held it fast.

“I’m fine,” he assured her. “If I’m not mistaken, you’re early. Where’s Ron?” he asked again. The name flushed her face scarlet.

“That foul mouthed ferret farmer can eat Blast-ended Skrewts for all I care!” She was about to cry again and stopped herself. “Socks! Can you believe it, Harry? He wanted to bring more socks!”

“And that’s bad because…?” Harry asked, still not quite able to focus thanks to his throbbing knee and his overwhelming lack of sleep.

“It meant a bigger pack, of course,” Hermione answered in a tone that reminded Harry a bit of Mrs. Weasley mixed in with… well, Hermione. “He can barely Apparate as it is; the last thing he needed to do was to increase his load by carrying more socks.”

“So you insulted his wizardry, by telling him he didn’t know how to Apparate?” Harry asked, pricking the point of the argument with his question. Hermione raised her finger to argue, turned the thought over in her mind, and burst out crying again.

“Oh, Harry!” she bawled, and lunged at him wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulders, wrenching the sheet away with her foot, and burying her tear-strewn face in his neck. Suddenly the room filled with light and, for a moment, Harry panicked, thinking that it might be Ron. If only it had been the redhead.

“Harry?” came a familiar voice from the door. Trying to quickly cover himself with a bit of Hermione’s red robe, he turned to see Gabriella, flanked by Sirius, Remus and Soseh. All of them had their wands at the ready, but none was more ready to put wand to use than Gabriella herself.


Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun
Chapter 2 - Friends in the Dark
The soaked sod stuck to the bottom of Harry’s boots as he strode over to the stables, and each step from the castle became more laborious than the one before. The air was warm and moist as bits of blue sky sprouted between the clouds. Still, even wearing full wizard’s robes, visions of dragons swirling in his head, Harry felt cold. About halfway across the field he grabbed a stick and began to scrape his boots, and then realized that he was of age and could use his wand. A small smile creased his lips and he dropped the branch of olive in favour of his own holly and Scourgified his soles. It was the first smile to cross Harry’s face all morning.

He looked at the stables knowing that Sirius had told him to hurry, but he was not eager to take further steps. Instead, he took in another deep breath of fresh air, cleansed by the night’s rain and watched as the sun peaked out from between the clouds above. The skies were still threatening rain and, unlike his Caduceus, Hippogriffs did not have spells to keep you warm and dry. He looked back at the stables to where the four Hippogriffs waited to carry them on their journey north. Last night before dinner, Harry was thrilled to see that Buckbeak and Sirius had been reunited. Together, Harry and his godfather had flown around the castle grounds, Harry flying on the back of Frayfeather. As the sun dipped from view and the stars began to sprinkle the sky, they snuck a splash along the ocean’s shore; it was wonderful being with Sirius again. How did things get so complicated so quickly? Harry sighed again and started once more across the field, his feet squishing in the mud.

When he arrived at the stables, he was surprised to find Gabriella alone. She was wrapping a small leather harness around Buckbeak’s neck to make the flight north feel safer; the other three Hippogriffs had been similarly strapped. She looked up at him for the briefest of moments, and then continued to fasten the harness without saying a word. There were so many things he wanted to say. He’d tried to speak to her last night, but couldn’t put three words together before she Disapparated in a rage. Harry took a step forward. He was of age. He was brave enough to face Voldemort and his Death Eaters. In a few hours he would stand face-to-face with a dragon. He could do this; he could set things straight right now. He took another step forward, and cleared his throat.

“I… erm…. Where’s Sirius?” he asked weakly, his posture falling somewhat.

“Looking for you,” Gabriella said curtly without looking at Harry.

“I just came from the castle,” said Harry, “and I didn’t see him.” Harry didn’t know why his words were sharp, but they were.

“Are you calling me a liar?” she asked coolly, again not looking in his direction.

“I’m not calling you anything! All I’m saying is that I just came from the castle and I didn’t see Sirius.”

“Then your Apparations passed each other!” she snapped. The tone didn’t please Buckbeak and he reared away from her twisting her finger awkwardly in the leather strap.

“Ayyy!” she called, grabbing her right hand with her left. Harry was at her side in an instant.

“Here, let me see if—”

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of my own injuries, thank you very much!” She jerked her arm away from Harry’s touch and walked toward the corner. Whispering something in Armenian, she healed the finger and then turned toward Buckbeak bowing low.

“You’re not going near him again,” said Harry. “It’s too dangerous.” She turned to look at Harry and fire raged in her eyes. She strode away from Buckbeak and toward him like a freight train, and Harry began to back away.

“Danger?” she spat. “You want to know about DANGER!” She was on him like a lioness. A poke in the arm, a slap to the chest, a swipe across his legs that brought him to the floor. Harry did not resist as her heel pressed against his sternum. “I could crush you!” she yelled.


“It was bad enough I had to listen to such a ridiculous story last night! Was it really Draco you were meeting with in the corridor? Or her?” Gabriella’s heal pressed harder. “And now with Ron gone, Hermione has to fly with you to the Carpathians! How convenient!”

“I told you that Sirius could—”

“NO! We must take all four Hippogriffs; I will ride alone and so will Sirius, and while we fly for hours in the cold you and Hermione can decide where your loyalties lie. I can only imagine what Ron would say. If he doesn’t kill you, his brothers probably will.” She lifted her foot and went back to attend to Buckbeak. Harry sat up on the straw covered floor.

“You’re not being rational. If I could just explain, you’d see that—”

The room filled with snaps and pops. Soseh who could not Apparate on her own was holding Remus’ hand as they appeared near the entrance to the stables. Hermione stood a few feet behind Sirius and everyone had their pack, everyone, that is, except Harry who had left his in the castle after his earlier argument with Gabriella. Remus and Soseh walked over to the largest of the four Hippogriffs, Flameclaw, so named because of her brilliant red talons.

“Harry, you’re a mess!” cried Sirius, and he was right. Harry was coated in mud and straw. “What were you trying to do, make adobe bricks?” Harry stood, slapping the muck from his robes. “Here,” said Sirius in exasperation, and he pulled his wand cleaning the younger wizard’s clothes. “Where’s your pack? We’ve got to get there before dark.”

“Well, I er…” Harry sputtered.

“I’ll get it,” said Hermione. There was a sharp snap and she was gone.

“Look Harry,” said Sirius in a low voice, “it was your idea to fly, and there’s no way I can get a portkey ready now. Are you sure you want to go through with this? I don’t care what sort of future Soseh sees for you; if you want to change your mind, do it. You’ve already faced dragons before; you have nothing to prove.”

Yes, it was Harry’s idea to fly, but that’s when he thought he’d be soaring over the Aegean Sea with Gabriella. He was going to face the fire of the dragon, and his second thoughts were having triplets. He pulled back his right sleeve and looked down at the mark on his forearm – a dragon born of the four houses of Hogwarts. Soseh had said it was Harry’s vision of unity that made the moment possible, a vision that would spread to all the magical creatures of the earth.

“Maybe… maybe you’re right Sirius,” Harry whispered. He lifted his eyes and was surprised to see Gabriella looking back at him, her own eyes wide with concern. She glanced over to Soseh who was also looking at Harry, but her face was as placid and pleasant as ever. He was used to being stared at, but suddenly he was feeling quite uncomfortable. “Excuse me,” he whispered weakly. He pulled his wand and Apparated back to his room in the castle.

He was pacing about, trying to gather himself when the ghost, Helena, appeared through a wall. She hovered for a moment and then took notice of something she hadn’t seen before. Looking intently at Harry, or through Harry, she turned to face him.

“You have died,” she said in Greek. “A part of you still tarries in our plane.” She smiled and floated closer to Harry who sat down on his bed. For a ghost she was elegantly dressed – almost royal in stature. “I thought I sensed a new presence, but there are so many here now. Who brought you back from the brink?”

“Albus Dumbledore,” answered Harry, his mind still wondering why he ever wanted to be joined with a family of dragons. Insanity, he thought. Besides, what does she care now, anyway? But then, was he really doing all this just for Gabriella?

“I have heard of him,” Helena said with greater excitement in her voice. “He’s Headmaster now at Hogwarts… a great wizard.”

“Yeah,” said Harry, rubbing his right forearm. Unity? Bah! I should just have this thing removed. Maybe Fred and George can—

“Harry,” Helena whispered to herself. “Harry Potter?” she asked with excitement. Harry just rolled his eyes and nodded. “I have waited millennia to touch, once again, the hand of a mortal.” She reached out. “May I take yours?”

“You’re a ghost,” Harry said dismissively. “You can’t hold my hand any more than I can hold yours.” He held out his palm in a gesture to demonstrate. Helena reached out and held it fast. The touch was cold, a sensation Harry had felt many times with ghosts, but he could also sense that her hands were soft and it was this sensation that caused him to jerk his hand away.

“That’s not possible!” he asserted, holding his hand as if he had just been bitten. Helena floated closer and sat at Harry’s side. She patted his leg and rested her hand on his thigh. For the first time since his first year at Hogwarts, Harry found himself frightened of a ghost.

“Don’t be afraid, my child,” she whispered. There was something calming about her voice, something compelling in her beauty, and Harry sat fast. “Your crossing to our realm will certainly become legend one day. I have roamed the world since I was laid to rest at Therapne, and I know no souls that have returned from such depths without resorting to the Dark Arts. The ethereal hue rests upon your brow.” She touched his forehead, only this time the touch was warm, comforting. “Hmm, you carry a burden with you. Does it concern your visit with Singehorn?” Harry nodded.

“I’m not going,” Harry said flatly. Helena floated up and stood before Harry. She appeared more radiant than ever, and Harry wondered why he hadn’t noticed her beauty earlier.

“Are you afraid?” she asked.

“No!” said Harry emphatically. “I… she… if she…” and then he let out a long drawn out breath, dropping his head.

“Ah!” Helena smiled. “The girl.” She floated down to one knee and lifted Harry’s chin. “Listen, Harry. I know quite a bit about what lengths men will go to for the love of a woman. Such motives are never as noble as they first appear.” The mist that was her eyes glowed bright with mischief. “From what I’ve heard, your waters run deeper than that, Harry. If not, the mark on your arm would have faded to nothingness.” She chuckled to herself. “If not, you will certainly be turned to ash when you face the dragon lord, Singehorn.” She floated back towards the closed door. “That assumes of course, you’re still going?” she questioned, already knowing the answer. “Your affairs have yet to be settled.” Her face bore a small smile, but was tainted with sadness. It took some moments before Harry responded.

“The darkness isn’t gone yet, is it?” he asked, but she did not answer. Instead she bowed her head and started toward the door.

Harry wasn’t sure if she spoke or if he simply knew her thoughts when he heard, “If ever you are in need, Harry, simply call. One of us is always near, and don’t forget… you are one of us.” She faded through the door just as Hermione walked through coming from the other way.

Hermione let out a short shriek. “Yikes! I hate it when that happens,” she muttered to herself. She rubbed her shoulders trying to warm herself from the chilling sensation and gazed about the room looking for Harry’s pack when she saw him sitting on the side of his bed.

“Harry?” she asked. “Why aren’t you at the stables? I said I’d get your pack; I thought it was in the kitchen, but no luck.” She spotted it at the foot of Harry’s bed. “Ah! There you go.” She reached down, picked it up, and offered it to Harry. For a moment, he hesitated and then finally took it into his own hands.

“Thanks,” he said dully, and Hermione recognized his mood at once.

“I’m so sorry, Harry,” Hermione said. “I’ve made a mess out of everything. Maybe it’s best if you just don’t go through with it. Come back to Hogwarts and forget this whole thing ever happened.”

“I can’t go back, Hermione. I have to go through with it.”

“Why?” replied Hermione. “To impress Gabriella? That’s hardly a reason to risk your life, Harry.”

“Draco was here last night,” said Harry as he stood, taking in a breath of resolve. “The Death Eaters are regrouping, while we’re still celebrating Voldemort’s death. I have to do everything I can to finish what we started last year. The Centaurs and most of the giants are with us; we may need the dragons too.”

“Ron told Charlie what you intend to do, Harry. He says it’s suicide. There’s no such thing as a tame dragon.”

“And is there such a thing as a tame Wizard, Hermione?” Harry asked. “Come on, it’s time we go. And don’t worry about last night. I’ll work things out with Gabriella… somehow.”

When the two Apparated back to the stables they found everyone else ready to go.

“Well,” said Sirius impatiently, “that took longer than it should have.” Harry looked at Gabriella wondering what she was thinking seeing Harry and Hermione arrive together so late, but her expression hid all emotion.

“It took just as long as it should have,” Soseh said with a calming tone. “Come, let us be on our way.”

Soon they were out over the Aegean Sea and turning northward toward the Carpathians. Remus rode with Soseh, Harry flew with Hermione, and Sirius and Gabriella each flew alone. The Hippogriffs flew swift and strong, and the rushing wind made it nearly impossible for anyone to speak. The rhythmic swoosh-swoosh-swoosh of the animals’ wings was almost hypnotic. Harry dozed often and, at one point, Hermione had to wake him as Sirius began to dive toward the Osam River in Bulgaria. The Hippogriffs lit without difficulty, and Harry noticed that the sky was darkening – it would rain soon.

“We’ll let them rest here for a while and then be on our way,” said Sirius. There was no comment of hurry from his mouth, but one could tell from the edge in his voice that something was bothering him, and Harry preferred the more vocal Sirius to the silent, brooding one. Frayfeather took a deep drink from the water’s edge as Harry stroked the creature’s neck. In a flash, the Hippogriff snapped at the water and pulled out a large fish, swallowing it with one gulp. The motion splashed water over the lower half of Harry’s robes. He was about to curse when he checked his emotions and slowly stepped away.

“Unbelievable,” he hissed under his breath.

“Here, allow me,” offered Remus as he pulled his wand.

“I can do it myself!” Harry snapped, immediately regretting the tone as he pulled his own wand.

“I never doubted you could, Harry,” Remus answered calmly. “It’s just easier for someone else to reach the back, that’s all.”

“Yes, of course,” said Harry. “I’m sorry.”

“We’re all a bit edgy,” replied Remus as he scanned the tree-line surrounding them and then dried Harry’s robes. “We’ll all feel much better once this whole thing is over.”

“Assuming he survives, eh, Remus?” said Sirius with a tone Harry wasn’t sure was humour.

“True,” answered Remus. “I suspect we’ll feel much worse if you’re fried alive. You do have your affairs in order, don’t you, Harry?” At that, Harry chuckled grimly to himself, at least a little.

The owl from the Ministry had arrived promptly in the morning on his seventeenth birthday. The properties belonging to his parents had officially been released into his name. Their fortune, which he had always had access to in small quantities, could now be spent at will. Also with the letter had come an assignment of inheritance form should Harry die. Who should he leave his estate to? He had no family to speak of. He had thought of Sirius, but the wizard had all he would ever need. He had thought of Dudley and realized he’d never be able to spend galleons or fly brooms. Instead, he had scribbled the name of his best friend, and sent the paperwork back.

“And he won’t even be there to watch me die,” said Harry, darkly at the river’s edge. “I would have thought… Oh, well.” Harry skipped a stone across the water, turned and walked back to Frayfeather.

“We can turn back at any time, Harry,” said Soseh. “The choice is yours.”

“Hermione, let’s go,” Harry called out. “We won’t make it there by nightfall if we keep dallying.”

Harry was right; they did not arrive before the setting sun, although they never saw the sun sink in the evening sky because the air was too thick with rain. Indeed, they could barely see each other, let alone the ground, when Soseh called for everyone’s attention.

“THERE!” she cried, pointing her finger toward the earth below. Flameclaw dropped her head and plummeted as the others followed. The rain began to ease, allowing Harry to see smoke rising from the chimneys of a nearby town, but they passed that town and flew into a dense forest of trees about a mile away. The canopy of the forest swallowed them whole, and they found themselves in utter darkness; nearly everyone lit their wands simultaneously, save for Soseh who carried none. The combination of tiny lights fought back against the darkness revealing a thick, green undergrowth.

“It’s a Confundus charm,” said Remus raising his wand. “These trees aren’t really here. Aspicio!” he cried out and the trees in this portion of the forest slowly receded away like a lifting fog, revealing a stone road and then old wooden and brick buildings. “The village was here long before Chata Zverovka to the south, and the locals chose not to move when the Muggles arrived.”

They were at the edge of a small village about half the size of Hogsmeade. Gas lamps lit the cobblestone streets, their teasing glow left Harry wanting more. The rain stopped and, leaving his wand stashed away, he pulled off his glasses and dried them with the wave of his hand. Still, he was unable to see into the many darkened corners. Not a soul walked the streets, and the air was dead and silent, save for the heavy breathing of the Hippogriffs.

“Bogden should be here,” said Soseh quietly, her voice tinged with concern.

“Perhaps he went in as it grew dark,” offered Remus.

“No,” answered Soseh, looking about and cautiously stepping from one spot to another like a bloodhound sniffing out its quarry. “No,” she said again, only this time with more urgency. She began moving swiftly away from the village and toward an opening in the trees. Walking without a wand, she would have been swallowed by the darkness if Gabriella and Remus hadn’t followed quickly behind.

“I don’t like this, Harry,” said Hermione, taking hold of his arm.

“It’s my fault,” whispered Harry. “We should have been here over an hour ago.”

“Stop it,” Sirius snapped, “and pay attention. Keep your wands ready… follow me.” He started after the dim glow ahead, and Harry and Hermione followed. As they pushed through the wet branches Sirius added in a whisper, “We were never meant to leave on time, Harry. It was the damn rain.” Harry was about to ask what he meant by that, when they came upon the three in the lead. They were standing in a circle, if you could call it that, looking down at the ground. Hermione was first to join them.

“What is it?” she asked. “Have you found—” She let out something between a shriek and a scream, and wrapped her hand across her mouth gripping her wand tightly. She had just given away their location within the trees.

Harry steeled himself for what he was about to see, but when he and Sirius joined the others he worked hard to suppress the scream escaping from his own lungs. Bathed beneath the white light of their wands, an alabaster face wore a masque fixed with horror. His eyes were wide, his mouth open in a scream, his arms thrust forward and fingers extended as if trying to still push the attacker away. His throat, however, was gone. It had been completely ripped away revealing his spine from his jaw down to his broken collarbones. It was as if a great beast had taken a single enormous bite, but there was no blood. Not a single drop stained his light blue shirt, and no blood had spilt to the forest floor. Harry began to kneel to take a closer look.

“What could have—”

“Vampires,” Hermione whispered.

“Yes,” Soseh affirmed. “He was a dear friend, and knows these woods and their inhabitants better than any. I don’t understand why he would be a victim.”

Remus reached down and pulled Harry to his feet. “Vampires don’t leave kill behind for anyone to see,” he said briskly. “We’ve interrupted the demon; and he’s likely near. We must go.”

“We must bring Bogden back to the village,” demanded Soseh. “His family must know.”

Harry’s heart was pounding and he began to hear strange noises in the trees; he wondered if his imagination was getting the better of him.

“It wasn’t a blood kill,” said Sirius drawing close to Harry and bringing his left arm around the younger wizard’s shoulder. “It was an execution.”

“They know we’re here,” said Hermione.

“Draco,” Harry whispered.

Quickly, Remus levitated Bogden’s body and they began to briskly step toward the village like a large scrum moving through the trees and undergrowth. “Stay close,” he whispered.

There was a loud fluttering sound above followed by the breaking of branches some ten yards into the darkness. Harry was certain he saw a flash of white eyes reflect back the glow of wandlight. There was another great beating of wings. Was it the nearby Hippogriffs, or something much more terrifying? They were nearly back to where they started, but the Hippogriffs were nowhere to be seen. Harry turned his eyes toward the sky, but only saw darkness.

“They are upon us,” spoke Soseh as calmly as if she were describing the weather. No sooner had the words left her mouth than an enormous figure cloaked in black robes appeared from above, grabbed Soseh from behind, and disappeared with her back into the darkness above.

“MAMA!” Gabriella cried out, but it was too late.

A great swooshing filled the air and Sirius yelled for everyone to run toward the village, and everyone did -- everyone that is but Gabriella. Harry didn’t notice until he was only a few feet from safety. He turned to see her still standing there, calling for her mum. The clouds above burst open in a great torrent of rain.

“Gabriella!” he screamed, and ran back toward her.

“Harry! NO!” yelled Remus, but Harry didn’t listen; he kept running.

He was thirty feet away, twenty feet away, and then it appeared above her head like a dark billowing cloud ready to spit lightning. Only it was Harry that spat the first bolt.

“Stupefy!” he commanded, sending an enormous bolt of red light straight into the dark bundle. There was a tremendous screech that filled the air with a horrible noise, and Harry’s hearing harkened back to the Mandrakes from his second year that caused Neville to faint. The creature landed in a heap against the base of the tree just as Harry grabbed Gabriella in his arms.

“Are you alright?” he asked. She was trembling, oblivious to his presence and pulling away from him to enter the wood in search of her mother. “She’s gone, Gabriella.”

“No she’s not!” Gabriella yelled back.

The sky filled with flashes of red, and Harry looked back toward the village. Six vampires were descending upon Remus, Sirius and Hermione. The three of them had followed Harry back toward the forest, and were now caught in a tremendous fire fight. For a moment, he found himself watching as Hermione cast spell after spell knocking two to the ground. Still, the three were being pushed back past a stone wall and into the dense foliage. Then he saw the two that Hermione had dropped to the ground rise again and join the other vampires into the darkness as the trees glowed bright with the explosion of wand power. How could they recover so quickly?

“Quick we need to—”

It was too late. The vampire that Harry had stunned, like its brethren, had risen. It grabbed Harry by the shoulders and, with a great thrust of its wings, pulled him skyward. Gabriella turned in time to grab him by the waist, but the creature lifted her as well, the beating of its wings swooshing through the air.

“Potter,” he heard the creature hiss from behind, its rotten breath warm against the side of Harry’s face, “the stone is ours. Tell me where it is and you may—”

Another screech filled the air, but it was a sound Harry knew well, a friendly sound. Frayfeather appeared from high on the left just as the vampire carried Harry above the canopy of the trees, and then Buckbeak joined him from the right. They were fast and they were vicious as they struck at the vampire’s back. Harry felt Gabriella loosen her grip, and he dropped his wand so that he could hold her fast with both hands.

“Fool!” she yelled at him. “Arripio!” she called, casting a gripping charm that held her fast to Harry.

“I would have thought you’d thank me!” he yelled back. The vampire was cursing in Harry’s ear as the Hippogriffs continued to claw at its back. The three were starting to lose altitude and began to sink back into the trees.

When they fell to the forest floor Harry heard a snap as Gabriella released the gripping charm and dropped to her feet. Her kick was swift and true striking the vampire squarely on the side. It was enough to make it let go of Harry, but no more. An instant later, the creature had thrown Gabriella backward thirty feet through the air and held Harry by the neck. It was his first chance to see the creature’s face.

He had seen drawings of vampires in the blood state, and always thought they were embellished to illicit fear in the students. If anything, this creature was far more horrifying. Its two eyes were white, streaked with slits of red, but beyond the two eyes its resemblance to humanity vanished. There was nothing that could be called a nose. Instead, the face was a marbled mass of flesh designed for stretching when the creature opened its enormous mouth. Holding Harry fast in its arms, water dripping down its face, the vampire smiled to reveal long rows of ragged teeth that grew progressively larger as they came to the fore, both top and bottom ending in one large fang, the pair resembling a great pincer that would have easily fit around Harry’s thigh. The stench was almost too much to bear.

“Where is the stone?” the Vampire asked again, from where Harry could not tell.

“Go to hell!” Harry spat in its face. The vampire simply laughed a great rolling laugh.

“You’ll join me there soon enough!” it sneered, and the great jaws began to open wide and reach around Harry’s neck.

He was about to cast a spell without his wand when there was a swift, single swoosh, a thwump, and the creature stopped cold. Still holding fast to Harry’s robes, it pulled away and the wizard saw a tremendous look of surprise in the creature’s eyes. Finally, it released Harry and stepped back revealing its reason for concern. In its chest was an arrow that had certainly pierced the vampire’s heart.

“Centaur?” Harry asked to the darkness, trying to look about in the rain and seeing nothing.

Cloaked in darkness, the vampire fell to the ground flailing at the arrow, but unable to pull it free. At last, the thrashing stopped and Harry walked over to the vampire’s side ready to cast a stunning spell with his hand if need be. But, the vampire was gone. On the ground laid a man, not much older than Harry, and certainly no bigger. He had dark hair and clear brown eyes that gazed forward to the sky. He seemed ridiculously dwarfed by the large black cloak surrounding him.

“Thank you,” he breathed without looking at Harry. Wincing in pain, the man heaved in one great breath; his eyes fell on Harry’s. “He calls again,” he whispered, and then vanished in a pulse of light and smoke. Harry placed his hand on the empty robes to convince his mind what his eyes were saying. Then quickly he rose and ran to Gabriella’s side.

“Accio wand!” he called out, retrieving his wand from the forest and lighting their way back down toward the village. They were just passing a small shed not much bigger than an outdoor privy, when two more dark figures appeared in the sky above. “Not again,” Harry moaned.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with arrows. A door of the shed opened and the head of a stooped, old man poked out.

“Quick, in here!” he whispered as loudly as he dared. Gabriella and Harry darted into the shed, but when they entered they found it enormous inside, reminding Harry of the tents at the World Cup. There was a small kitchen at the far end of the flat with something boiling on the stove. To the side was a space for a single bed and chest of drawers. They stood in what would be called the living room, a couch, two stuffed chairs, and coffee table in its centre.

“Put her over on the bed,” the old man said urgently as he locked the door behind them using his wand. Harry obliged and then reached down and touched Gabriella’s forehead.

“It’s my ribs,” she said with a grimace. “They’re broken.”

Harry knelt low next to her and closed his eyes.

“You can’t use it on me,” she whispered.

“I don’t need to use it for broken ribs,” he answered, and then he bathed her side in a splash of blue light from his wand. “What do you think I am, a fool?” He tried to smile, but his mind was filled with concern for the others.

Her ribs quickly healed, and when they did she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Then, unexpectedly, she rapidly gripped Harry by his soaked robes and slowly pulled him close. He was expecting a kiss, but instead she whispered in his ear.

“Harry, the old man standing by the locked door… he’s a vampire.”

Harry Potter and the Birth of a New Sun
Chapter 3 - A Tutor Denied

The only sound in the room was the crackle of the fire and the pounding of Harry’s heart. You could smell hints of pipe tobacco mixing with the herbs and spices emanating from the dinner being prepared on the stove. The old man shuffled over and began to stir the small pot, then he tapped it with his wand and it tripled in size. He wasn’t much to look at; his frame was thin and frail. His posture was stooped and the wand in his hand trembled as he stirred the oversized pot. How could this wisp of a man be a vampire?

“I suspect you’re all hungry,” he said with a thick accent and a deep scratchy voice. His wrinkled skin was an earthen brown and his hair white. “I must say, I am not much of a cook.”

Gabriella squeezed Harry’s arm as her other hand slipped down to her wand. Harry wasn’t surprised; he was reaching for his own wand. All summer, their thoughts had often mixed together without the two saying a word. It wasn’t mind reading, but it was more than mere intuition. They would fire together. In unison, they jumped to their feet and thrust out their wands.

“Petrificus Totalus!” they cried together. Beams of orange and yellow light erupted from their wands. The old wizard, or vampire, or whatever he was, caught a glimpse of the light heading his way. Harry was sure that they had him when the shuffling old man flicked his wand with the most subtle of wrist movements.

“Áreddotu,” he whispered.

By the time Harry’s mind processed back to the Defence Against the Dark Arts class he had when Snape was substituting last year, it was too late. The spells were reflected back upon the casters, and both Harry and Gabriella went rigid and fell to the floor like nine pins. Harry fell facing the old man as he returned to the pot and continued to stir as if nothing had happened. Suddenly, his stooped figure became more erect; his white hair turned grey and then black. He was clearly now taller than Harry and the age that racked his body a moment earlier was wiped from his face. Somehow, from somewhere, Harry knew this man.

“I should drain you now for killing Bogden,” the man whispered, still stirring the pot. His head snapped up and looked to the side of the room, to a place Harry couldn’t see. “Yes, I know,” he answered apologetically, as if answering someone who wasn’t there, “for Antreas.” The man then slipped his wand away and stood, fully facing Harry and Gabriella in the light. He was quite tall and looked, perhaps, forty years old.

“It hardly seems possible,” he said, his gravelly voice scraping like a tin can across bare pavement. He poked Harry with his foot and turned once more to the spot Harry couldn’t see. “It can’t be done,” he said waving his hand in the air dismissively. “He’s too young. I won’t—” He stopped as if interrupted by his own thoughts. A smile appeared across his face, but Harry could see no fangs.

“Marek has the other three,” he said. There was another pause, and then a sigh. “Yes, that is good news, very good news, indeed.” There was a long period of silence; finally he said, “Very well, but if I release them they’ll want to blast me again. I can see it in their eyes, especially that young one of yours.”

There were steps across the floor as someone else moved out from the shadows. The figure stepped in front of Harry and Gabriella so that they could both clearly see her. She then bent low.

“Yes, my dear,” Soseh said softly to her daughter, “I am still alive, and no, I am not under his control.” Soseh reached down and slipped Gabriella’s wand out of her hand, and then did the same with Harry’s. “Release them, Dakhil.” An instant later Harry and Gabriella were free. Gabriella jumped to her feet and wrapped her arms around Soseh.

“Mama, I thought...” and she buried her head in her mother’s shoulder. Harry rose with more caution, looking to see if perhaps he might Accio the wand from Soseh’s hand.

“Dakhil flew to protect me against the beasts,” Soseh answered. “He is an old friend, very old.” Soseh smiled saying these last words.

“What did you say about Sirius and the others?” Harry asked. “Who’s Marek?” He turned and faced Dakhil. “And who are you?” His tone was not meant to be biting, but Harry did not like the man standing before him, and Harry never liked to lose a duel.

“And I see he has the memory of a gnat,” sneered Dakhil, turning his back on Harry and returning to the stove. Gabriella released her mother and looked closely at the large man before her.

“Mr. Barghouti?” she asked slowly, and then Harry remembered – he had met Dakhil at the Darbinyan’s last year during Christmas vacation. He had been smoking with Gabriella’s father, and was introduced as a colleague of Grigor’s at the university. Harry didn’t care much for him then either.

“Do you not see the fire in his eyes, Dakhil?” asked Soseh.

“And you think this is enough for him to be accepted into the Votary of the Dragon?” Dakhil squealed, his deep voice pitching higher.

“Green fire,” replied Soseh calmly. Dakhil’s eyes widened, but Harry took no notice.

“Where are the others?” Harry asked with irritation. “Tell me now! Are they safe?” Soseh stepped over to him and smiled.

“Yes, Harry,” she answered, looking into his eyes and then handing him his wand. They are but a few doors away.” Harry moved at once to the door.

“Where?” he asked, failing to open the lock. Soseh took him by the arm.

“It is not safe,” she said. “The beasts still fly overhead.”

“Then we’ll Apparate,” said Gabriella.

“Not through these walls you won’t,” growled Dakhil. “If you could Apparate out, they could Apparate in, at least some of them.”

“We will have to wait until morning,” said Soseh. “Right now, we should eat.” Harry was still not sure he should let down his guard. Was he any more than a prisoner? He stepped close to Gabriella, took her by the elbow, and walked her over to a corner of the room. It wasn’t much privacy, but it’s the best they could do.

“I know they’re a long way off, but can you sense them?” he asked. “Sirius and the rest, are they okay?”

“I know Mama,” she replied, “and she speaks the truth. They are safe.”

“Unless she is under some kind of vampire spell,” said Harry with concern. At this Gabriella laughed and walked over to her mother and hugged her again. Soseh handed Gabriella her wand. Harry was feeling very trapped, but slipped his wand away a

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Chapter 21 - Family ~~~***~~~ The balls Harry had been juggling in the air began to crash down to the floor. One by one, precious orb by precious orb, each and every ball was being sundered. No sooner had he plugged the dyke with one finger than a new spout of water burst forth from somewhere else. And all around, in every direction, those he loved, those who loved him were dying. “I DIDN’T WANT THIS BLOODY WAR!” Harry flung his cup of tea against the stone wall and it smashed...

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Chapter 6 - Too Close an Encounter ~~~***~~~ When Harry shut the door to his room and descended the stairs he was, perhaps, the happiest he had ever been in all his life. The sun sent golden rays streaking through the coloured windows above and cast a golden image on the floor below, tinged with enough red to make Harry think fleetingly of Fawkes. His hair a tangled mess, he was wearing a T-shirt, boxers and socks, one with a rather large hole through which the large toe on his right...

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Chapter 51 - The Truth Revealed ~~~***~~~ With the help of Gabriella, Harry wore a two-piece black pinstripe suit and polished black shoes. Unfortunately his hair, which started out the morning better than normal, was now as disheveled as ever. The manager at Marley’s Men’s Shop had told him that a black handkerchief was a poor idea, but Harry thinking it appropriate for a funeral didn’t listen. Now, he understood why it was a poor idea. It was strange being fitted for a Muggle suit...

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Chapter 41 - A Reason to Be ~~~***~~~ Harry set his quill down on the desk next to the parchment. His hand was cramped, his back ached, and he was so tired he considered laying his head down and going to sleep. Still, it was as if a great weight had been taken from his shoulders. The sky was blue and the sun bright as it streamed into the classroom. An odd contradiction to the subject matter he’d just finished describing--astronomy. He had completed his last end of term exam and was...

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Chapter 21 - Protecting the Snake ~~~***~~~ Outside, the rain continued to pour down as Harry made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen this much rain. The conditions were miserable, and Harry had to sneer, thinking of Malfoy and what he’d have to do to return to the castle. By now, the Slytherin would be up and about in Hogsmeade. What would he try to do? Harry stopped to look down through a window to the Hogwarts grounds below. Through...

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Chapter 11 - An Unhappy Inheritance ~~~~***~~~~ It was dawn, but still quite early. The sky was a glowing deep purple and in the dim light it took Harry a moment to adjust his eyes and clear his head. He slipped on his glasses and patted the edge of his bed where Hedwig hopped to his side. He untied the post from her leg and held it in his hands. The dreams of the night before were washed from his mind as he looked at the writing. It was addressed simply: Harry, My Love. His heart began...

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Prologue The golden candlelight flickered off the stone walls, walls built before the founding of Hogwarts, before the campaigns of Charlemagne, before the birth of Christ. These walls endured the battles of Pharaoh, and of Caesar, and saw the creation of magic in the earliest of days. The rhythmic chant of the sixteen, cloaked in black, resonated against the walls, which somehow knew what was to come. A thin, toothless, smile creased her aged face, worn by years of waiting, but now…...

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There was a dark and stifling silence in the small, disheveled bedroom at the top of the stairs. The room wasn’t much to look at, but it was arguably a great improvement over the cupboard under the stairs. The shadows of the room held a troubled boy with dark, unruly hair and an unmistakable lightning bolt scar. In torment, he writhed in his bed as he slept. It was frustration and fear rolled into one. He felt as though he were being held back from something, or perhaps from someone....

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The sun dropped in the sky over the castle, mottling the horizon with swirl of muted pink and gold. The air held the crisp feel of the approach of cooler nights and the smell of fall was in the air. The new school term had begun at Hogwarts again. If it hadn’t been for the sheer weight of things to come, it would have been a very pleasant evening indeed. A boy with dark, untamable hair and an unmistakable lighting bolt scar sat quietly looking out of a castle window from his dormitory...

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________________________________________ It was a nice garden, the garden at Malfoy Manor. At one time the bushes were elegantly crafted topiary, a menagerie of fantastic creatures in fanciful poses, but they had been untended for a year and now they looked just like bushes. Just here or there you could see a shadow of a dragon, the wing of a swan. It was like looking at clouds. The grass had grown up too, long blades that got between your toes. It was half wild but then that was good. It...

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________________________________________ “Harry?” Padma said quietly, standing at the end of the hospital bed. Harry seemed to be sleeping, his chest rising and falling weakly. His eyes were red, like he’d been crying. Perhaps the pain was worse than he let on. She felt bad for needing to wake him. “Harry wake up.” She reached out and tapped his leg. He jerked fitfully, but his eyes flickered open. He didn’t speak though, didn’t acknowledge her. He just stared off into space. What had...

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Anyway as a result I may be slower to post than usual as I try to beat this twisty, hellish yarn I choose to call a story into submission. Sorry, hopefully the story will be better for it. In other news: OVER 200,000 WORDS! HORAY! ________________________________________ “Hello?” The shopkeeper peered, bleary eyed, at the figure standing on the other side of the glass door. “Sorry we‘re closed now.” “Good.” The hooded man pushed the door open roughly. “Then there will be no...

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________________________________________ “One… two… THREE!” Harry yanked up on the broom and tried like hell to hold on as it shot into the air. He saw the stands come into view and screamed, throwing his weight up and scraping over the top by an inch. He tried to slow down but the broom didn’t seem to hear him. He was forced to try and control it as it careened along the ground. All he could do was try to aim the thing like a bull in a rodeo as it bucked and vibrated at sixty miles...

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________________________________________ Harry lay on his back on his bed with his mothers locket dangling above him. The bloody thing was taunting him he was sure. He had run some detection charms over it and been shocked to find that the thing was wrapped up six ways from Sunday. Harry flicked through one of the books laid around him but found nothing he hadn’t already seen before. “What now Harry.” Neville had asked him earlier that day when Harry was dragging his way through some...

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“Someone back up on the street that I‘d rather didn‘t recognise me.” “Oh right. Bloody paparazzi.” Harry stepped back out into the street and did his school shopping quickly. When he walked back past Fortescue’s the wizard was still there, showing the waitress a long scar on his arm. * Harry stood in the country lane and rechecked the letter he held in his hand. He was sure he was at least in the right village and probably on the right road. It was just that the road went a...

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The owl swooped down over sleeping London, a letter, signed and sealed in emerald green clutched in its talons. Even if it had had only the stars to see by it would still have been able to fly true, but it wasn’t necessary. London sleeping was almost as bright as London awake. But light or no light this delivery was a tough one. The post owls prided themselves on being able to find anyone but it didn’t make it easy when the address was simply … London, somewhere… But Dumbledore had given...

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in getting this out, I had an accident with my flash drive and everything on it was deleted including the first draft of this chapter. But things are on track now, so getting back in the swing of things, a rewrite of the chapter from the beginning… Read, review and enjoy! After taking Simon’s wand and returning Luna’s to her, Harry left the boy magically bound on the couch with Jacey to watch over him. Allowing him to gently pull her down the hall to the...

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Ron slammed his fists down on the bed, tired of feeling guilty and mad and frustrated. Maybe he needed a friend right now after all, someone to talk to and help get some of this off his chest. Harry had claimed to want to listen… but that had been while he’d come to defend Luna’s honor. He didn’t really feel like talking about any of this to the guy who was now in all probability sleeping with his first love. He sat up at the sudden sharp knock on his door and quickly strengthened the...

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A/N: Welcome back! Lots to learn, so away we go!   Harry’s words hung in the air between them, full of intentionally unintended emotion. Luna had asked him why, had needed a reason for why he couldn’t just let her be as she was begging him to do. And so he had given her one that had stunned them both into silence. He felt he had somehow put one foot too far over the edge- of what he wasn’t sure. But he had to find a way to fix it. "I could never just leave you like this, I couldn’t...

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A/N: Read, Review, Enjoy!   Harry woke in a panic, clutching at his stomach. He found only a small clean bandage, not the wooden dagger he’d been dreaming of. Trying in vain to look around at his dark and blurry surroundings he began a search for his glasses, reflecting as he moved that while he felt stiff and sore, the terrible gut-wrenching pain he remembered was gone. Where was he? What had happened? His fingers finally brushed against the lens of his glasses as he blindly searched...

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Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...

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This is a work of fiction and any similarity between events depicted and those recently reported in the press is entirely coincidental.                      Harrie"Harry, do you love me?" Rhoda asked suddenly, completely spoiling my mood."No," I replied, as I pulled out of her, with my tool sort of shrinking and oozing slime into the condom without me actually cumming."Why not Harry?" she asked."Cause you're the neighbourhood whore I guess Rhoda," I explained, "That's why I pay twenty five...

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Inheritance Part 3

Inheritance - part 4 We arrived home from the hospital and went into the house - the house that only recently I had owned. Catherine led me into the lounge and sat one of the armchairs. "Take a seat", she ordered. I began to head towards the sofa. "No, over here on the floor," as she motioned towards the carpet by her feet. Obediently I sat on the floor in front of her looking up at her. "The doctor has told me that all this sitting lying around for the past few weeks hasn't...

4 years ago
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Die Englische Gouvernante

Zu "CAPEM?DEL" gab mir Reniar einen interessanten Rat: Belass es beim Anfang - dann k?nne jede(r) in der eigenen Phantasie selbst entwickeln, wie's weitergehen solle! Dort zwar soll ich laut Wunsch der Mehrheit weitermachen - aber gerade so einen Auftakt kann ich Reniar auch bieten: Das war n?mlich mal ein Experiment, ob sich - im Stil etwa der "Lady- Thrillers" a la Mary Steward usf.. - eine Art "TG-Roman f?r Nicht-TGs" schreiben lie?e, in dem sich die Leserin unwillk?rlich mit der...

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Denial Ch. 01I don't believe that there's a man reading this who has been symbolically castrated as thoroughly as I. What began as virtually a sexless marriage for my wife and I, has remained a sexless marriage, but changed drastically in nature. In effect, my wife took a passive withholding of sex and turned it into an active withholding with female domination as the weapon. She is perfect proof that a dominatrix does not have to be born one. She can surely become one.Maxine and I are both 37,...

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Friends and FamilyChapter 2 The Truth

Saturday Afternoon, Evening, and Sunday Morning The others in the camping group, amazingly, fell in behind us just before we hit the highway. I would find out later that they all lived in the same apartment complex, and they were waiting for us along the route. Soon there was a three-car caravan rolling down the road. After about two and a half hours, we made a potty stop so the ladies could lose some of the previous night’s alcohol and pick up some snacks and bottled water. When I got out...

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Table top striptease and more

As you will know, my wife was very promiscuous when she was younger, having sexy sessions with lots of lads, and other men when she was married to her first husband. When she was still single, she and a few friends went to a party; Carole had a sexy friend called Delphine, who part way through the evening, having had a few drinks, climbed up onto a round table and began stripping; she had removed her dress and was making to unhook her bra, when Carole reached up to help her come down off the...

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The York Ranch7Chapter 2

NMT, August, 1901 The blessed event finally arrived and Sarah was greatly relieved. The twins were born! As agreed with Mat, she named them James York and Florence Catherine. No longer did Sarah feel like a walking pumpkin! Now she could walk from her bedroom to the dining room without feeling like she was going to collapse from exhaustion! Even the ten hours of labor were not too much to pay for being able to feel normal, again. Carmelita and Bill were tapped as Godparents and were...

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Shoplyfter Jada Doll Case No 7862661

Case #7862661 – May 22nd, 6:25 PM. Suspect is a black, adolescent female with dark hair. She is brought back to the newly renovated loss prevention office after being suspected of stealing items on the store premises. After interrogation and search, it is revealed that she has not stolen any items. However, she then tries to steal store property while being detained. To avoid law enforcement involvement, she and the Loss Prevention Officer reach a resolution that satisfies all parties....

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A New Life Redone

Last night's dream had been weird, Vanessa thought confusedly. All she remembered was lots of bright flashes of light, a deep voice sounding, and then a flash of blood, before everything disappeared and she woke up again. Deciding to pass it off as a nightmare or a very odd dream, Vanessa rolled off the bed, yawning, giving myself a once-over in the mirror. She wasn't bad-looking, that was for sure, but she wasn't the best. Her boobs were non-existent, really - a small A-cup, which frustrated...

Mind Control
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A Deal is Struck

'Aw, I love my little bitch,' She said, as she ran her hands down my pink chemise and stockings, 'Do a spin for Mistress.' Humiliated, but extremely turned on, I spun for my Mistress. She clapped her hands, 'Very good! Now curtsy. Yes, very good sissy,' She grabbed me then and revealed her power by jamming her tongue down my throat. She grabbed my buttocks and squeezed them. She pulled away and admonished me, 'Sissy! Put your arms around my neck like a girl when I kiss you!' I did and she stuck...

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A Milf Is Born

Linda Harper watched as the tall, well-built defender rose high above the other players and headed the ball strongly out of the penalty area, before being knocked to the ground by a late challenge. By chance, the ball fell to the feet of her son, Robbie. He controlled it expertly and began running it towards the opposing goal. Linda’s chest tightened as, once again, after six years of following Robbie’s soccer progress, her eyes remained on the muscular young man sprawled wide-legged on the...

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Not With My Wife

Rose had seemed a little preoccupied for the last two weeks when she came home from work. Sometimes she would stare off into space and be startled when her husband Mark called her name. If she had her back to Mark and he spoke she would jump and look embarrassed. Almost as if she'd been doing something wrong. Mark began to wonder if she was doing something wrong. Mark Sawyer worked construction and one day when a supplier didn't arrive with the needed materials he and the others of his crew...

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Sissy MandyI haven't left the flat in months. But then, why should I need to? MasterJohn provides all I need, as long as I'm obedient and do as I'm told with asmile. And, I do.For instance, I've been told to entertain his friend this afternoon andit's Alex, the big man who does martial art. He's got blue-eyes, blondehair and a pony-tail, a bit like the one I wear sometimes. And, he's gotmuscles, biceps and chest muscles, so he fills his tee-shirts ever-sowell. Oh, he looks good? and, I felt...

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The Making of A Slut Chapter 2

Our sex life was good but vanilla and I did delve into the world of porn. When I reached 32 my husband began to lose his interest in sex and then he developed physical symptoms of a neurological disease that made him impotent. It was then I started to play online on message boards. My knowledge of sexual taboos increased enormously. As I said my work would take me away and I stayed in 4/5 star hotels in Wales and the North West of England. I would often be “hit on” in hotel bars but...

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toilet fun

A miserable morning. As the train arrived the heavens opened and I was forced to take the closest carriage and share with another passenger instead of finding an empty one so that I could indulge my wont for a morning orgasm alone. The forty five minute journey to school seemed interminable and my fellow traveller did not disembark until the penultimate station and with just a minute or two until my stop, a quick jerk off seemed pointless. Never mind, there would be ample opportunity during the...

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A Visit to the steam room

I’d had a really stressful few days at work and was desperate for a release. I was thinking maybe a massage but then was overtaken with horniness and felt that a full release was required. It was a toss up between a bit of xhamster surfing and masturbation when the thought of a gay club with a steam room came into my mind. I hadn’t been there before so I thought now was the time to try it out.I drove the 20 minutes to get there and parked around the corner, feeling anxious not knowing what to...

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Anna Daniels

It was the summer of '02 and I had just turned 15. In January of that year I had taken over the neighborhood paper route from my older brother who had left for college. He had "willed" his paper route to me and I was thankful because it allowed me to earn some spending money without having to do any real hard labor. Jim, my brother, had indoctrinated me into the ins and outs of his route; i.e., which houses subscribed to the paper, which customers complained the most and when and how to...

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Kissing KeiraChapter 11

KEIRA ROLLED ONTO HER side, a slight soreness between her legs making her smile. Her bedroom was inky dark. It was past one o'clock and she still couldn't sleep. It kept repeating in her head; I made love with Seb! I'm not a virgin anymore! She fluffed her pillow and closed her eyes. When she'd opened the front door at eleven thirty and slipped inside, closing the door quietly, she'd found Mom waiting, sitting quietly with a side lamp on reading a book. Mom had smiled softly....

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Going on Vacation Pt 3

Introduction: Please read Going on Vacation pt 1 and 2 After breakfast, our mom told us that we were going on a hike as a family. This elicited loud groans from Dad and Aaron. They hated hiking. We all went to get dressed, and knowing we couldnt let our parents know our secret, I changed in the bathroom while Aaron changed in the bedroom. We went outside and as a family, filed into the woods on a pre-marked trail. Not far in, we found a tranquil little pond, complete with a tiny waterfall,...

2 years ago
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Airport To Salon To Perfect Sex

Rhea was on a three months event project in Bangalore. It was winter’s time and she was working for Sunburn in Bangalore. I was working in an Advertising Agency as a Creative Director. Finally, the event was a big hit and she arrived in Mumbai after three months. Me: Rhea baby, what time is your flight landing in Mumbai. (WhatsApp) Rhea: Honey, I am landing at 7 in the morning. Rhea wanted to have a vacation in Goa, but I was busy with my office. Rhea was upset. It had been long we haven’t...

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FTL Again and AgainChapter 6

It was her sister June that asked how many kids we were planning on having. Ok, I was in trouble here. I knew I wanted to have my three girls with her. And I knew she should have her three boys. The only difference, would be that I would be the father of all the kids. And she would be the mother. But I had not voiced my desire to her. My sweet baby saved me from having to answer. Annette said, "Why, I think we will start having them a few years after we get married. We'll stop when we...

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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 7 The Note

At about half past ten that sultry night someone knocked at the seldom-used front door of the Williams' dark farmhouse. The air was still warm, stirred only by the slightest breeze. The night was full of the cicadas' song and the churr of crickets. Lightening bugs flickered in the fruit trees, and heat lightning flared quietly out toward the hills. Seth's mother, still dressed as she had been when her younger son had been taken from her, carried a small lamp to the door. "Who is there?"...

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LimitsChapter 33

After I came in Mom’s mouth, I woke her up. Then, I came in her mouth again. It was everything I’d dreamed of. Lucy’s blowjobs were different - they were more slavish; she used every part of her body to serve as she fellated me: her hand, stroking my shaft; her tongue, swirling around my head; her shoulders pushed back, to emphasize her tits. Mom was, weird though it sounds, much more ... inexperienced? I had no idea how many guys she’d blown, and I suspected I’d never know. The pleasure...

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The Maturation Of VinnieChapter 8

The mood brightened from there and we shared a dessert. Neither of us seemed in any rush to end the evening. The conversation hadn't gotten any more personal and I still wasn't any wiser about who she was and what secrets she held. I quit worrying about it. I was just going to enjoy my time with her and think about the other stuff some other time. I wasn't wearing a wristwatch, so I didn't really know how long we had been there, but when I looked around, the restaurant was almost empty...

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A Friendly Little Texas Poker GameChapter 4

Time passed. We must have dozed, Gary atop me and inside me. I awoke to the sound of snoring. I was still on my back, Gary still firmly inside me, with the semi-standard early morning erection that most of the men I have waken up with seem to have. I could tell the snoring wasn't coming from Gary, but all I could see was his face and the ceiling. I began to rhythmically contract my muscles around his penis, and he responded in his sleep. I alternated contracting and thrusting, and he began...

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The Competition Win

Bert heard the doorbell and opened the front door to find a young woman who looked about twenty-five-years-old. She was holding a sports bag and so he reckoned it was a sales call. She smiled at him and asked, “Just checking you are Bert Mason?”Bert, who was thirty-five-years-old, was surprised the young lady knew his name as it looked like a cold call, but, as she did, he replied, albeit in a surprised tone, “Yes, that’s me.”The young lady smiled and said, “Great. My name is Miss Cane and I am...

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He was always a user.John’s particular thing was sex with anyone, male or female. He just wanted to dump his load and leave.We grew up together and throughout our high school and college years he always had a girlfriend.  Of course, that never stopped him from emptying his load into any willing recipient without any remorse.  On occasion, he would even hit on me, hoping to get a quick blow-job or hand-job, but I knew the score and never did, until this incident.  Not to say that I wasn’t...

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House Guest

This is a rough draft. Let me know what you think.------------I imagined that I was a friend visiting you. It was the morning and you were in the shower, but there was only one bathroom and I had to pee really bad. I nervously knocked on the bathroom door and said that it was an emergency, could I use the bathroom really quick. You hesitated, but said yes. I said I'd close my eyes and just look at the toilet. I walked in, but noticed the shower curtain was almost see through. Your back was to...

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