Booster_X free porn video

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This is a work of fiction. All characters in this story are made up and all similarities between this story, the characters in it and the situations described, and any real life situations or people is purely coincidental. It is of course only suitable for readers of 18y and over. If you do not like stories of this nature, please don't read it. I have tried to expand on the sensations of both the male and the female characters. Of course I have only one side of the story to relate to, so it's up to you to decide which side of the gender gap it is. I am not your typical author though... *wink* _______ Enjoy! __________ It all started yesterday evening. As usual on Friday I was downtown and on my way to have dinner with some old time friends. As a single male, I don't have much more to do that run my business and hang out with friends. I do occasionally do some sports in the gym, but since my work as a chiropractor involves a lot of fysical work I don't need to do it. I love my job, not only because I'm good at it but also because I make a lot of money and I get the occasional chance to touch a beautiful body of a young woman. Most of the time it's the elderly that I work with, half of them male and they don't rock my boat. And I am very strict about work ethics anyway... Yesterday I was going to have dinner with my highschool buddy Mike and his wife Jennifer. They have the same taste in food as I do and we go eating out quite regularly. It was going to be Ronaldo's again, our small Italian restaurant. The owner knows us by now which is a good thing, we must have spent a fortune there over the years but it's cosy, the food is good and we always get a starter on the house. When I walked in Mike and Jennifer were not yet there. Ronaldo, the owner, saw me enter and welcomed me to our usual table, next to the window and I chose the seat with my back against the wall. I got myself a nice glass of wine to enjoy the time until Mike and Jen would arrive. I was a couple of minutes early so that gave me the chance to look around at the few other guests that were there. Some I recognized from other times, also regulars probably. But on the table facing the other wall were two women. They were dressed to impress, classy and clearly with an expensive taste in clothing and purses. They were clearly enjoying themselves, takling, joking and looking at each other. Looked as if they were old time friends but something was unusual although I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe they were leaning in too much, too many glances, I just couldn't figure it out. I thought for a second that they could have been lesbians and that thought excited me. Exactly two minutes later Mike and Jen walked in. After a quick hug and a kiss from Jen we all seated ourselves and Ronaldo was at our table in the blink of an eye. He handed out the menues and took the orders for our drinks - my wine was good so we ordered a bottle, and in no time our choices were made. I got involved in our conversation and forgot about the two women until just after our starters were put on the table. At that time one of the two ladies dropped her napkin and bent over to grab it. But that wasn't the only thing she did. I could clearly see that she used her hand to relocate her panty - all the way off and into her purse. She wasn't even aware that other people were there and kept her focus on her friend. No need to say that her action caught my attention and as we were talking I kept glancing at those two. They were subtly making out, sitting closely together and knees rubbing against each other. Every now and then they did something not too obvious as grabbing their purses, tidying their dresses or rubbing their calves - but always it took a bit longer than necessary with hands lingering under the table. Oh boy, if only the tablecloth was shorter, I would have had the view of a lifetime! And I have to admit, I got aroused by glancing at them... Conversation between Mike, Jen and me was pleasant and although the urge to keep glancing at the other table was strong I managed to keep my attention at my friends. We talked about our jobs, their relation and my being single at my age. I don't mind, ms Right will show up one day and until that time I am having fun, but that doesn't stop most of my friends from "helping" me with advice, and the occasional blind date with women they know. As dinner progressed and the couple at the other table kept subtly making out, I realized I was having a great time. Just before we were about to order our deserts I felt an urge to go have a pee. As I was getting up, the two women were also leaving their table. Their dresses were tight and covering most of their legs up until their knees and there was no sign of what they had been doing. Had I been dreaming? Well, the thought of it happening was nice anyway. They were ready and had paid their bills and were getting ready to leave but they made it to the restroom shortly before I did. Being the perfect gentleman I considered myself to be I let them in first. This restaurant is so small they have only one unisex toilet there, the first woman went in and the other one and me stood at the sink. She smiled at me and asked if I liked what I had seen. Apparently my stares had not been so casual, bummer... I became red in my face immediately! As the first woman walked out of the bathroom, she gave her friend a can of energydrink and tossed an empty one in the bin. Her friend raised her eyebrows nodding towards me as she walked into restroom. Her friend smiled at me, a friendly smile. She said that they had seen me glancing at them and that they liked it. Her friend downed her energydrink as well and they asked if I would like an experience like theirs. I didn't understand it but I stammered yes - the first of the two opened her purse and gave me an two energydrinks. One was named Booster_X and the other one was named Aftermath. They looked like the Monster cans only considerably smaller and I didn't see a logo anywhere. They told me to drink the Booster_X one which I did. It tasted like raspberry with a hint of jasmin tea. Not too bad, and it only took me two big gulps to down it completely. They giggled and told me that my experience would start in about fifteen minutes and adviced me to be somewhere with a lot of privacy in about an hour because "the fun would truly start then". And if I had enough I only had to drink the second Aftermath drink and within the hour my "experience" (giggling) would be over. With that, they walked away and I would never see them again... I was shocked about what I had just done and expected myself to get high or so. Well, I could be back at my place within ten minutes from here and if needs be I could always escuse myself for migraines and leave. I did my number one in the restroom quickly, put the Aftermath can in my vest pocket next to my cellphone and wallet and went back to the table. My friends had already ordered deserts and they ordered tiramisu for me, perfect since that was what I always have. Ronaldo makes the perfect tiramisu and you would be a nutter if you ordered something else. As we were eating I started to notice that I was getting horny. My penis was getting erect and I was thinking about those women all the time. Thank god my vest was loose and covering my crotch area preventing my bulge from showing. But I started to feel hot too. After we finished our deserts I told Mike and Jen that I was really tired and that I would take a raincheck on my visit to a club. I did feel too aroused to actually do much else that stare at, fantasize about or hit on women. And I wouldn't want to do that with Jennifer being the only woman around. I left enough money on the table to cover half of our total bill and then some and I excuses myself. After some hasty goodbyes I walked back home and started to notice that I was still feeling hot, my dick was still erect but it didn't make such a bulge in my pants anymore. And I noticed something else too. I was feeling my nipples move against the fabric of my tshirt. It was by now about 25 minutes after drinking the Booster_X drink and for the first time I thought of drinking the Aftermath one but I was also curious about what kind of drug I was experiencing. It was having only physical effects so far, no hallucinations or feelings in my head occured and somehow that calmed me. If I would stay clear in my head I could always decide to drink the Aftermath one when I started to freak out - not needing to worry that I would end up stoned or in a delirium and wake up in hospital. Or worse... And the feeling of horniness in my body was actually nice, I felt hot and energized at the same time. As I got home, I closed the curtains and poored myself a glass of water. I was feeling hotter that I expected. The water helped a bit but I was still hot so I emptied my vest pockets and took it off. I noticed that my nipples were showing through the fabric of my t-shirt! Finding erect nipples on women very attractive, I was amazed at seeing those on myself. Without too much of a thought I took of my t-shirt as well and stared at my nipples. They were thicker and more erect than I ever did see them. Once a woman I was having sex with was getting herself off by licking and biting my nipples and although it felt nice it didn't do much for me - she on the other hand was getting hot by doing it and that was working for me as well - always nice to have someone sitting on your lap fingering herself to yet another orgasm after great sex while getting on on your nipples! But now mine were almost female, without the breasts that come with them. I touched one and my goodness that was intense. I felt it all through my body - as if the heat was up by another notch. No need to say I kept rubbing them, licking my fingers and hoping my neck was flexible enough to lick them. I got soo hot rubbing myself and got immersed in that for some time, that I almost failed to notice that my breasts started to swell a little. Almost, but not completely. My chest was swelling! Those hot thick nipples started to protrude forwards. I got a shock from that, but it only added to my state of arousal. I got up and walked into the bathroom to get a good look at myself. And that is when the second shock hit me. It was me staring back, but not quite. It was a slightly more feminine version of me. My stubble, any hint of a beard, was compeltely gone. Which was unusual because I have dark hair and normally a shadow of a beard is starting to show at night. But nothing there. My shoulders and arms, although still muscular, were slightly more delicate. As I noticed that, my face was also more delicate, smoother in some way. And my waist was shrinking. Nothing much, my small sixpack was still there but under my ribs there was an inundation. I looked at my jeans and noticed how my skin was starting to fold itself ever so slightly over the top. I always wore tight jeans so I didn't notice any change in tightness there but decided to take it off to get a better look. And there too changes were taking place. Apparently I had been so immersed in playing with my nipples and the alien sensations that came with that, that I forgot about everything else... As I took off my jeans I noticed that my boxers moved themselves up towards my groin. My hips, although they too kept their muscular shape, were getting wider and more feminine. And I noticed that although I had been constantly aware of my dick being erect and demanding attention (but with those nipples I chose to ignore that so far), its bulge was not so prominent as what I expected. I did notice walking home that it was not forming such a big bulge but for now it was even smaller... Curiously I moved my boxershort down and was treated by the most amazing sight I could have ever imagined... My balls were gone! There was only some loose hanging skin there - it looked as if they moved back into my belly on their own accord. And my dick, although still erect, was thin and small. It was still demanding attention though and for the first time since coming home I decided to wank it. I was slightly scared in the back of my mind about my balls but the feelings of lust and arousal took over. And curiosity - I had the Aftermath drink so everything should be getting right in the end. It must have been well over an hour since I drank the Booster_X drink. I was still clear in my head, but my body was in a total state of transformation. I was feeling hot, horny and confused. But I wanted to jerk off so I grabbed my tiny dick. I could only get three fingers around i tand I started to move my hand up and down just under the head. That is my favorite way of jerking off and it only added to my arousal. WIth my other hand I rubbed one of my nipples and boy was I getting hot! I had to sit down on the toilet, spreading my legs as not to bump into my inner thighs while rubbing my dick. And as I did that, while pulling and kneading my penis, I started to notice a movement inside my ballsack. It was not exactly inside it but more where it met my pelvis. It felt as if my balls were in the cold, like they were pulling themselves up only this time there were no balls there. The pulling continued upwards and inwards. Not unpleasant at all, only it should be getting too tight around there but it didn't - that thought scared me. What was happening there? I wanted a mirror but didn't have one - only the one above my sink. I walked back towards my bedroom and looked in the standing mirror that was on my door. I could see myself from almost anywhere in the room so I laid down on my bed and spread my legs. To my shock there was no sign of my ballsack any more. The pulling sensation was still happening only now more inside of me. As I spread my legs even wider I saw the outlines of something familiar. Only not on me! I clearly saw the outline of a pussy! I was still rubbing my nipple, it was extending from my body by a fair amount now because the breasts that are supposed to come with these female nipples had been growing more and more. And the combination of all those sensations - rubbing my big sensitive nipples, jerking off (or more accurately rubbing around) my shrinking dick and the sight of a vagina under it with an ever intensifying feeling of movement and pulling inside my vagina - was too much! I orgasmed from pure frustration and arousal. And although my little dick twitched and pulsed nothing came out. The feeling just connected towards my pussy and surprisingly towards my inner thighs and my breasts and nipples. It continued longer than I expected and it basically only added to my feeling of general horniness. I was not cooling down at all, no I wanted more. I kept looking in the mirror, mesmerized by the pussy I saw between my legs. And involuntary, my hand moved from my dick towards the pussy. I started doing to it what I always did to the women I had sex with. They loved it if I would rub my fingers along their pussylips, gently stroking from back to front without touching their clitoris or entering their pussy. For me it is a big turn-on to see a woman leaning backwards, her pussy pushed back with her legs spread ever so slightly. I turned around, pressing my breasts in the matress, looking along my body at the pussy visible in the mirror. It was only 2 feet away from the mirror and I could see it clearly. I moved my hand over my back and started stroking those pussylips again, rubbing them from back to front, keeping them between my finger and thumb. One side first, then the other, and so on and so on. And I was greeted by the most amazing feelings - I understood why any woman that I had foreplay with was wet and horny as hell when we started to have sex. After a while I overshot and touched my penis. But looking in the mirror it was nowhere to be seen anymore. On the front of the pussy I saw a small, stiff clit, glinstering from the wetness that had formed. And with a shock I realised that what I was looking at, what I was seeing in that mirror, was me! I had that pussy, I was touching my own clit and I was getting myself off by doing so! I started to rub my clitoris in a frenzy, hearing the familiar slopping sound of the wetness around it. And I started to move forwards and backwards on the matress, rubbing my breasts and nipples on the bedcover. And I got hotter and hotter. As I started to feel some unfamiliar pressure building in my groin, I took two fingers and moved them inside of me. There was something hard and skinny behind the opening and with a small sharp twitch that gave way - I had broken my hymen. The feeling ebbed away and I moved my fingers in and out, feeling the wetness and alien sensations but it also made my arousal go down a bit. I needed a finger on my clit. Oh my god, my clit! That thought, combined with the sensations of me having fingers inside me - and of my other hand finding my clit and rubbing it - all the while looking at that hot babe in the mirror fingerfucking herself (me, that is me! Ohhh, I am sexy, I am a sexy babe in heat fingering herself, err, myself!) was enough to put me over the edge completely. While the previous time it was some sort of failing attempt at a male orgasm (twitching in my mini dick and heat building up in my groin and breasts), this was a full scale, all the way official female orgasm. Electricity coursed through my body, from my inner pussy walls to my pussylips to my clit and taking a direct route to my breasts rubbing over the doona. Muscles in my back, my groin, inside my pussy and around my clit contracting. Even my sphincter muscle in my ass joined in. Tightness and relaxation, on and on. And the ever increasing wetness in my cunt. I couldn't stop rubbing my clit and fingering my pussy, looking at myself in the mirror, my ass up in the sky and my thighs spread ever so lightly for my hands to have access. And I rode the orgasm. All the way, maybe thirty seconds, maybe five minutes. Time litteraly slowed down and had no meaning. I was feeling, hearing and rubbing, fierce and gently. On and on. And I heard myself moan, heard the slurping sounds of a wet pussy being rubbed. And I smelled the faint but specific smell of a woman in heat. It all added to this. To this unique longlasting feeling of coming... And then I got back to my senses... There was a massive wet spot on the bed. My fingers were wet. My pussy, inner thighs, even a small drop of juice dripped down towards my navel. And to my surprise, there were drops on the mirror. Did I qsuirt? I didn't even notice... I turned around, on my back as I pulled my fingers out of my pussy. I sniffed them. Yeah, nice. I still liked it, women turn me on. Does that mean that I am a lesbian now? Well, the feeling of my fingers inside of me, was promising to say the least. And I know dicks from my own experience. Don't necersarily need the man that comes with them though, but somehow a big erect penis does have its pro's. On the other hand, I would so like to lick a pussy now, fuck one (although that temporarily (?) isn't an option) or at least rub one - I decided that I would be a lesbian who was ever so slightly bi-curious. I licked my fingers off (yummie), walked back to the bathroom (a little sore, walking was peculiar anyway with those breasts dangling and nothing down there) still feeling horny. I took some toilet paper and dried myself off (glad that there was no sperm dripping out of my pussy, I suddenly felt for the women I had had sex with). Still smelled like sex, so I took a washcloth and some showergel and rinsed myself down there. It felt better, but I still was aroused. I had nothing that I could wear, except for my dressinggown. I put it on and walked back downstairs to the kitchen. I looked at the second drink, Aftermath. Not much information on it. Not even a barcode. No contents. Just the brand and some sketchy lines. And a best before date - two years from now! Good... I decided to look up that brand and the Booster_X one on the internet. Sitting down, having something to do took my thoughs off of my ever continuing state of horniness. It was from the start a pretty futile search and I didn't find any references for this drink. Only once someone mentioned an aftermath drink on some kind of message board but one had to create an account to read it. I registered myself and got an email saying that the supervisor would look at my application within the next 72 hours and I would be notified when I was accepted. Since I had no chance of recreating this experience at this point and since I still was mentally clear and stable, I decided that I'd better enjoy it as it was now and leave the second drink for the future. I thought about what I had just done and how good an orgasm had felt as a woman. And I decided that I'd like to do it again. But this time with a woman! I was going to have sex with another woman. Soon a plan started to form in my head. I was a woman. And it was Friday evening, about 10 pm. I had enough food in the house for a long weekend inside and had no other appointments planned for the next two days. So all I had to do was find someone and have her come here... Me being a woman meant that for the rest of the world I would have always been one. And a straight one on that account. And if I wanted to have sex with a woman as a woman, that would make me be bi-curious. That offered opportunities! I went back on the internet and logged in as a woman - I chose the name Zenna - on an adult chatroom. Immediately all the guys started hitting on me. But I ignored them and contacted the first woman I saw in the list. Sent her (Brenda) a private message and got a reply. We opened a private chat window and introduced eachother. I asked her if she was into women and she said yes. We got into a conversation about our experiences with women but after a while she escused herself and signed off. Back at the mainscreen I contacted another woman with a promising nickname - Nina-bi?- and got a reply in a private chat screen immediately. We introduced ourselves and she took initiative straight away. She asked me if I was hetero or bi or lesbian. I told her I was hetero but told her what I had witnessed in the restaurant earlier that evening, all from the perspective of me being a woman. I told her that it aroused me so much that I started wondering if I was actually having bisexual feelings. I didn't tell her anything about turning into a woman, only that I was turned on by seeing those two in the restaurant making out. She told me she was bi, mostly with men - she had a boyfriend, for eight years - but on times she would indulge herself into making love with a woman. She told me she got a kick out of turning women bi. Our chat continued by us asking eachother how hot, wet and horny we were and how much we turned eachother on. We even took some photo's of ourselves (I was back to fingering my clit by then with one hand) and sent them to eachother. It was such a turn-on. Talking with a complete stranger about how wet our pussies were, what we would be doing to eachother and taking photo's for eachother. It turned me on immensely. Sometimes I realized I had only been a woman for less than two hours but it felt so good and natural to feel myself like this! I only then realized that those women in the restaurant were probably men too, they acted completely natural so that could explain why I felt like this. There certainly was something special in that Booster_X drink. After a while, getting all worked up and wet, I asked Nina if she knew where one could find a date in my town. And to my surprise, she turned out to live fairly close to me, in the same town! Her husband was out with friends and she was to have a date with a friend who got sick, so that left her at home doing her pre-relation thing again - finding women and seeing if she could turn them bi. And since her boyfriend would probably only be back tomorrow, she was free to do with noone bothering. She asked if I wanted to meet her. She would give me her adress, some personal info that I could use to check her on the internet, which I did and it seemed legitimate, and I decided to invite her to my place. She said she was going to take a quick shower and change into something nice and she expected to be there in under half an hour. I decided to look my best too and decided to shave myself down there. Took my razors, found a tiny mirror in a drawer somewhere and used it see what I was doing. I soaked my hairs (I kept them trimmed all the time) and applied some shaving foam. Then I took out my blades and started shaving myself. It was easier than as a man, especially those hairs that grow on your shaft and at the backside of your balls are always a pain to shave without cutting yourself. This was easier as there was less to get in the way, but it also was more scary - a pussy does make for a vulnarable feeling! I managed to shave the underside, all the way to my butthole, and the sides along my inner thighs. Then I decided that I was going to have a little patch at the front so I removed most of the excess foam and trimmed it neatly. Not bad for a first time, soo much easier without a dick standing up. I shaved the rest of my pubic area and dried off - added some babylotion (always necessary after shaving your balls) and was ready. I noticed that the anticipation and all the frolicking around my pussy had gotten me wet again. For a brief moment I wanted to back out but then I decided to be a man (hah!) and go boldly where no man had gone before. In no time the doorbell rung. I put my dressing-gown back on and went to open the door. She was pretty, dressed in a stilish short dress with a small purse. I let her in and we kissed eachother briefly. I noticed she was tense too, so I invited her to the livingroom. We chit-chatted a bit for a while, I poored her a drink and as I brought it to her I put my hand on her shoulder. I asked her if she was nervous and she said yes - she admitted that she was afraid of the consequences of this, she loved her boyfriend and wanted to know if I was after a one night stand or more. As I told her I just wanted the experience for now, she relaxed. I asked her if she wanted a massage from me and she liked it. I invited her up and asked her to lay down on the bed. She first took her dress off, she was wearing a beautiful bra and string under i tand nothing else. I asked her to lay down on her belly and got some massage oil. I applied it to her neck and shoulders and slowly started to rub it in. As I worked my way around her neck and shoulders I could feel her relax. Slowly I worked my way down to her upper back - her scapulas and her upper spine. I slowly and ever so gently opened her bra and let the straps fall to her sides. She shuddered lightly as I di dit but didn't move. Ever so slowly I massaged her back and sides. As I worked my way to the sides of her breasts she moaned and turned a bit to give me more access. I teased her by rubbing them from the side but did nothing more. Then I worked my way further down, towards her lower back. She started to move with me as I massaged her lower back, and her breathing got heavier as I got my hands around the top of her pelvis. I then started to massage her buttocks, moving her tiny string aside when I needed access. She let me do it and spread her legs a little to grant me access to her inner thighs. After some fifteen minutes of massaging her, working my way from her shoulders all the way to her calves, I decided it was time for the next step. I dropped my dressing-gown and layed down next to her. As I ever so slightly rubbed her neck I started to lick the back of her ear. My other hand was lingering on her inner thigh and before long she started to move. She raised her bum and got her string off, taking my hand and moving it directly to her pussy and pressing it in her lips. She had turned her head and as I squeezed her neck, we kissed. It was so good! She was clearly getting turned on and she turned me slowly on my side, all the while kissing me, gently nibbling on my lip and probing my mouth and toungue with hers. I rubbed her neck, caressed her shoulders and togehter we moved our fingers up and down her pussylips, our fingers intwined. With her other hand she moved her bra from under her side and tossed it on the floor. She reached for my breast and started to rub my nipple. It turned me on and I moved my breasts closer to hers. As we kissed and as our hands worked their way around her cuntlips, she started to position herself above me. She leaned so that her bottom was in the air, her legs wider and one leg between mine, our hands repositioning themselves as we rubbed her down there. She started to push her nipples against mine, left side first, a quick push and then to the right side. On and on, rubbing, pushing, kneading and kissing. And I felt myself opening my legs more and more, bending upwards to meet with her groin to alleviate the fiery need that formed there. I felt my pussy opening slightly, the moisture on it making it cool and I involuntarily twitched. I hit our hands and she moved hers from her pussy to mine and started rubbing it with a frienzy. I bent so that she got access to my pussy opening but she kept teasing me by reaching there and then backing off towards my clit. Having myself being touched there by someone else was awesome! I couldn't stop myself from grinding my pussylips and clit against her able and supple fingers, she started drawing figures and shapes over my cunt and every now and then she went even further south towards my ass. I noticed that we both started to move in unison, many of our erogenous zones stimulated. I felt that unbearable fire starting to burn in my groin again. It went to my breasts, to my hips, to my neck and to my mouth, every part of my body that was stimulated - either by our bodies moving against each other, our fingers playing around, our lips and tongues working overtime or simply by my back grinding over the bed - added to the fire. And just as I started to breath heavier and felt like I was ready to come, she stopped. She sucked on my tongue really hard, removed her hands from my body and lifted herself so far up that her delicious breasts were out of reach for mine... She smiled at me and said that I was one of the best women she had ever been with. She asked me it I wanted to help her fulfill a fantasy that she had had for a long time and I was so hot and worked up that I would have said yes to anything she'd asked me. She told me she was going to be very gentle on me and she would stop if I said so. I agreed and she explained that she would love to tie my hands together to the topboard of my bed and then she would sit over my face, fingering herself. She asked me to not touch her, only watch as she fingered herself and she wanted to come with my head between her legs. I got even more turned on by her idea than I already was so I readily agreed. She tied my arms, not too tight but so that I couldn't move and turned herself with her buttocks towards me. She spread her legs carefully, placing either leg next to my stretched arms and she ended up bending forward so that her pussy was about five inches above me. I could see it clearly, it was slightly opened and I smelled her. It was such a turn-on to lay there, if I'd stick out my tongue I would have been able to lick her but I promised her to not do anything but watch. She slowly moved her finger down there and rubbed herself. I gasped and as she heard that, she laughed. She took her finger, covered in her juices and ever so lightly moved it between my lips. I sucked it dry and saw her react - a slight spasm in her cunt as I sucked on her finger. I did it again and saw the same reaction. Then she withdrew her finger from my mouth, lifted her ass up even more, allowing her cuntlips to spread even more and she started rubbing herself. It didn't take long before she started to moan and I saw a small bead of juice forming between her lips. She kept rubbing herself, unaware of this, but I was mesmerized by this and felt myself getting wetter and wetter, and saw the drop dripping down slowly towards my cheek. It was so erotic to feel myself being wetted by her pussy juices, I could not control myself and started to buckle my hips in a desperate attempt to find some relieve. She laughed, aware that she was turning me on, and started to rub herself faster and faster. Alternating between her clit, her slit and inside her pussy, I watched mesmerized and saw her ass sphincter muscles contracting more and more with her ever ongoing fingering. After a while she started to raise her ass even highe rand kept her hand still while riding herself over it. The smell of her wet cunt above me, the slopping sounds, the sight of her pussy being stimulated and everything glinstering and contracting and moving as of its own accord, and at the same time being unable to do anything myself but bucking my hips up and down, it was fantastic. Then suddenly, without a warning, I felt her between my legs. She moved something over my pussy. It felt cold and it grinded but as she coated it in my juices it glided more smoothly. I went crazy as I didn't know what it was she was doing. In a hoarse whisper she moaned "I got a dildo with me, grabbed it from my purse as I tied you up. You looked as if you could do with some serious fucking, are you ready my love?" I moaned yes and then I felt her stick the dildo between my pussylips. She turned and wriggled it around my opening and then in one smooth move she lifted its end up and plunged it in. Not all the way down at once, but enough to open me up. She took it out again and made me beg her to put it back in again. And once more, she pushed it in. She kept doing that all the time, me begging her to put it back in as she took it out and pushing my groin up as she pushed it in. Then, finally, she pushed it all the way in and I screamed from pure extacy. Earlier this evening I had been the one who would do the entering, and now here I was, a woman myself, tied with my hands, a pussy inches from my face being rubbed to a climax while the owner of that pussy was laying on top of me, her breasts just touching mine as she was forcing a dildo into my pussy. My cunt. My vagina. My female sex organ. Ohh, to realize that as I was laying there. It added to the overall arousal I was feeling and I realized I loved being a woman having sex. And I was about to come. To orgasm, one major orgasm. And she knew it, she felt it too. Just as I started to moan and shiver she lowered her mouth over my clit and started licking it for all she was worth. Needless to say I came. I was hardly aware of anything else besides the feelings of my muscles, the firing of my nerves forming connections from all over my body, intensifying and easing up again. Like the waves of an ocean, on and on. I felt my groin being molested by that beautiful fake dick deep inside me. I rolled under her tongue licking and sucking my clit and nether lips. I screamed, I shouted, I moaned and I was so aware of her pussy pulsating and wetting itself even more as she herself started riding the waves of her own physical tsunami. I couldn't help myself, I just had to lick her too. I raised my head slightly, just as she moved down, and as a result she rubbed her clit against my teeth in my slightly opened mouth. She screamed. Not from pain, but from pure extacy. She started to twitch and shake uncontrollably and then... she started to squirt. Three big waves over clear, delicious fluid were spunked over my face. I couldn't believe it, it added to the total feeling of lustfulness and I basically blanked out as I rode my orgasm. Minutes later I came too again. My face as wet as if I just took a shower. My arms freed, she laying next to me, slightly caressing my face and breasts. Her face was as wet as mine. She smiled at me. Slowly licked my face. And I did the same with her. We licked each other dry. I was still horny, there was a longing, to be under her pussy again and to watch her rub herself to orgasm again and again. But I also felt tired. I asked her if fulfilling her fantasy was good. She just smiled and nodded, licked some more of her own juices off my face. And said that as she felt herself come, spraying her lovejuices all over me, I did the same and she knew then in that instance that she wanted to repeat that. We cuddled up, hands on strategic places and pulled the doona over ourselves. We kissed, hugged and slowly let ourselves fall asleep... __________ The end, for now. __________

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Gym Pleasures

My life has gotten super busy since my move. I love my newjob, I’m decorating my house. I joined a gym, and have started to work my ass off. I’m finding muscles I didn’t know I had. That was where I met her, at my gym. I was in the locker room, mid-afternoon, on a Wednesday, getting ready to do my circuit. I had seen Marcy around the gym, but never really took notice. Until I realized my locker was right next to hers. I was unbuttoning my blouse when she came in. I couldn’t help but look up...

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Seducing My Straight Best Friend Loved Getting Gay Head

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Did It Really Happen Part 1

The build-up had been gradual at first, but suddenly it came with a rush. It had been so long since this had happened. Yes, my vibrator had often brought me to this point, but the young body slowly moving above, and within me, held me at the edge long enough to have me crying out loud, and shuddering in an orgasm that went on and on.I felt the gasp of hot breath on my neck, as his hips bucked, and his cock thrust deeper. The feeling of his cock jerking, and the warm sensation of his semen...

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USA Mein Group Chudai Part 1

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Fun Time With Menaka

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The demonic portal Chapter 2

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A man and his maid Part 3

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Sex Service Lead To Pregnancy

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My Polish Neighbour

I was just 13 and aware that I was having exciting preoccupations with women, and to a lesser extent, girls. Girls made me uncertain as I did not know how to approach them in a sexual way. If I did I usually made a complete mess of it, not knowing how to make advances showing that I was interested in them. The only chance I ever had was with other boys who usually knew how to get away with saying something which got the interest of the girl. My first ever feel was at a little used park near...

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I guess its genesis occurred more than 25 years ago, before I even knew my wife, Louise. Its rebirth took place a few months ago at Roy and Jill’s and has changed our lives. We get together every Friday evening with Roy and Jill, our friends of more than fifteen years, alternately hosting dinner followed by a movie. On this particular occasion Roy had something to show us before the main feature. He explained it was a homemade video shot in a hotel room by a husband filming his wife with two...

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All In A Nights Work

ALL IN A NIGHTS WORK"Ray what time are you at work tonight?" Annie asks her husband of twenty years. "Starting at ten" he replies "and working all night till six in the morning". "Ok, why are you working alone? I thought that was i*****l" . "Well I suppose it might be, but the jobs are late for delivery and we can use the extra cash, so everyones happy" he said. " I know but be careful those machines are dangerous". Ray is a CNC machinist working nights for a small aerospace company. Work...

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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 2

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Masturbation on subway train

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Pleasant party

I’m an imaginative girl, but what with teaching and the extra exams I’ve decided to mark I simply haven’t the time to enjoy owning my new slave as much as I should. I must admit that while I’m in the middle of a lesson and I recall his face as I last kicked his balls or made him drink a cup full of my spit I start to giggle and the kids always ask me what I’m laughing at. It’s good for them to know that their teacher is a bubbly young woman of 26 who enjoys life. Let’s just hope they never...

2 years ago
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Hottie at Work Pt 5

It took me a couple of days to recover completely. Katie and I had talked and scheduled a good time for us both, I told her we would need about 10 hours and her eyebrows went up. The planning had already begun. I had made the plans, purchased the items I wanted, and everything was set. Katie arrived at my house around 9AM. Right on time, I thought to myself. I was actually surprised she showed, but true to her word, here she was. Opening the door, she was dressed casually, jeans and a plain...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Tale of a Virgin Babysitter

“Your father and I recognize that, but we’ll be gone for almost a week and you wouldn’t be able to take care of yourself that long” “Well maybe if I had a goddamn license I could.” “Well you don’t which is why we’re getting an able bodied baby sitter to take care of you those five days we’ll be gone. This wouldn’t have been a problem if you had decided to come along, but you said no. So this is the alternative.” “Please don’t tell me it’s a guy.” “We would never be so mean. It’s a...

3 years ago
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Heart of DarknessChapter 3

“So have you seen the new guy?” Carrie asks, stuffing another lettuce leaf into her mouth. “No I haven’t yet,” Anne replies. “But I heard he was going to start today. I don’t know why he just didn’t wait until Monday.” “Maybe,” Carrie says, pausing long enough to swallow the lettuce. “Maybe, he wants to get an early start, you know, meeting people and making friends.” “Maybe,” Anne agrees. “So, tell me, how is it going with you and Cameron?” “What?” “What’s going on with you and...

3 years ago
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I slipped silently into the kitchen where Mom is standing at the sink. Fot a brief momemnt I pause to admire her legs which are short and strong and support her wonderfully solid ass. Without the slightest stimulation I could feel an erection beginning to stir in my pajama pants. There was no stopping it pogression now. She was still unaware of my presence when I moved my hand under the hem of her short nighgown and began to massage her cunt through her panties. Her reaction was similar to...

2 years ago
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Tabby Cat and a Russian Blue

Tabitha kissed Cyn’s boobs whilst she was being rammed up the arsehole by Rob. When first she had moved their Cyn was called the mouse. Cyn’s no longer looked or behaved like a mouse. Hair dyed a more alluring shade of brown was the outward change, the inward was more profound still. Cyn had discovered so many fun things from her naughty neighbours, group sex, lesbianism, anal sex and sexy clothes. At the moment she had on crutch high red PVC boots and matching gloves. Cyn grabbed at Tabitha’s...

2 years ago
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Will Black

Will Black was a 42-year-old, quiet, well-mannered accountant sitting at his desk. He had just been promoted to senior partner in the firm. He was quite proud of himself. It had taken a lot of sacrifice but he was there now. Perhaps he thought, he could maybe start to relax a little.Will is single, never really had a girlfriend. Career man of sorts, but a loner regardless. He lived alone in a condo overlooking the river in the city centre. Quite nice but also very private. Not that Will had...

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