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Halfling The peddler stretched his legs out, the sore on his upper calf where his legging strap had been wound too tight, had plagued him since late afternoon, and now, with the days walking done and the strap loosened, it had at last began to relent. His son slowly stirred a stew of dried meat and some roots they had foraged during their days walk. The battered kettle with its cracked enamel had been hung on a stake over the coals and now bubbled and occasionally spat savory odors at the night sky. He was reaching for the steaming bowl his son had ladled full when they both heard the slap of bare feet on the dusty road alongside their camp. The old short sword he had scavenged from a forgotten battlefield rasped from its sheath on his pack while his son stretched his bowstring tight as he listened for the target his fire-dazzled eyes would not see for some moments. A moment passed then another. A log popped as sap ignited, the sparks showering upward nearly causing his son to blindly loose his shaft into the darkness beyond the firelight. The footsteps ceased "Who comes?" the peddler called into the gloom wishing for a moment there had been a caravan ready when they passed out of the walls of Fyodor onto the trade road. "Only a pilgrim who would share your fire until the Dancers rise," answered the traveler. From the voice it was a woman, but it wouldn't be the first time bandits had used that ruse to allay suspicions before striking "Come into the light then, but come slowly," he answered not yet lowering his scavenged weapon. The cowled shape of a Sorbuth pilgrim emerged through the bushes and stepped into the edge of the firelight, the peddler and his son relaxed, lowering their weapons. No need to fear that they would be slaughtered by some traveling cutthroat and the gods would smile on them in the next town for their hospitality tonight. The old peddler replaced the sword in its sheath mounted inside the pack and dug another bowl from his pack, filled it and offered it to her as she sat down. "You must pass the night with us, devout one, the wind is cold tonight even for one whom the gods protect. Tell us of your wanderings, my lout of a son could use the council of a holy one such as you". The son snorted at this but turned away rather than face the glower his father sent to him for his disrespect. "I can only stay until the Sky Dancers rise," she answered. "My vow is to pass only the rise of the night with others so that in the deep night the gods will come to me and grant me a glimmer of their secrets, but perhaps I do have a tale I can give for your kindness". The son leaned forward at this, pilgrims traveled farther even than peddlers and were even more welcome; what she spoke of could be helpful in many ways other those purely spiritual if one only listened to the details. She finished the stew, belched in appreciation and placed the bowl on the ground before her. The embers sent slivers of light across her as she leaned forward so only her mouth was seen in the shadows she spoke. "You know of the mountains of Ixat, on the border where the cliffs overlook the Eothain plains in Ponistal?" The peddler nodded to her. "Hard people, difficult to trade with if you don't know their ways. I knew a man who tried to trade there twenty years ago, I haven't seen him for years but he told me they scorn all who live in softer lands but they have a taste for lowland goods occasionally." "They love wine and bright linens because these they only know from traders and the memories of when the scattered clans of the Kethians were driven from their lowland homes by other more merciless tribes. They fought their way into the heart of the mountains driving all before them with torch, steel and the keening of widowed women. The tribes there had no place to retreat to, so they stood with their backs against the mountains, sang their death-songs and slew all who came at them until they themselves fell. When the last fighter of a glen that stood against them slid lifelessly to the gore soaked earth all that was left was rapine and looting; the Kethians needed the women to replace so many of their own that were now bearing lowlander sons. Over the long months of the conquest they hunted out their foes; either exterminated or absorbed them for there could never be any peace with these reavers. For them peace was something that came balanced on the blade of a sword and only those who could balance their blades in furious opposition to them were worthy of respect. Over the long years, the mountain lands became more the land of the Kethian and less the place of their rivals. The Hwat stood the longest against them but even they fell beneath the dripping Kethian blades leaving Kethian steel to rule the mountain glens unmolested even by Ysth- Jarouth, the mad ruler of Ixat who so feared that the Kethian reavers would leave the hills that he nearly ruined his kingdom seeking to prevent it. Only now are his people starting to leave their land and seek trade. It remained so over the long years in the rugged lands where Kethian tribes warred, traded and feared no living creature. In a single night all these things changed, an ancient witch named Tasheal appeared in the mountains; it was an evil night, the kind of night when people say the elder folk shake off their lethargy and stride the trembling earth. When the Wild Hunt rides in storm lashed skies and the mortal who ventures beyond the shelter of the steading is seldom seen again. For the first time the abhorrent summons was heard, heaving and gibbering, on a wind now venomous; to those frightened glen dwellers, the malevolent wind promising fearful agonies in return for defiance to She whose word was now the law in these hills and whose heart was ice. The Kethian warriors did not conquer the mountain glens to fear an old woman living alone in a cave then, but they learned to fear her that night. Seventy warriors of the Rhobdar Glen mounted the path to Tasheal's cave kill the old witch. None of the tribes knew why all the fighting men left to do what they thought one or two should have accomplished, later they would understood that Tasheal wished it to be so, that she may set such an example that none would dare defy her again. For days the Kethians of Rhobdar waited, as time passed they felt the dread of Tasheal grow until the night the survivors of the assault stumbled back, gruesomely changed. Some were fused with the beasts of the hills to create terrifying hybrids, others were more fiends than man and others were no more than animated corpses. The grisly horde lurched on its semi-human feet back to the Rhobdar Glen, tore through the towering palisade as if it were rotten cloth and slaughtered every living creature within between dusk and dawn. When morning illuminated the charnel house the Glen had become, though no rider had been sent for aid, all the Glens knew what had been done and why. Strength and power they understood but now the savage Kethians learned fright at the hands of one who was its mistress. No further demonstration of power would be needed, in time none would remember when her presence was not felt or could have even said when she arrived. The wilderness reclaimed the rotting darkness of the Rhobdar glen and nothing moved save the beasts that had made homes in the ruins and built their dens from the desiccated bones of the damned. The dread of her made the savage warriors of the Kethians wail in horror when the evil wind that brought her commands sliced throughout the Glens. The Kethians, having yielded so long ago yielded again and again until none would stand against her now or imagine it was ever any other way. At the height of Frostmoon, when the wind howled south and men cowered in their pitiful homes of wattle and mud, a summons was heard on the wind in Borun's Glen. The Borun was racked with such terror that only fear of her retribution moved him from the illusionary safety of the Glen. He left the Glen that morning trying to hide his fear behind the mask of his pride. For the sake of those he led he strode from the village with boldly; a warrior chief of a race that had seized their lands in fire and steel but within his breast his heart quaked with such fear as to nearly unman him. Through the long miles past the domain of the Mek and the Ghuar-noth he walked. Those he passed did not hail him or offer the hospitality of their Glen; they had heard the wind and hoped that its demands would be satisfied with the Boron's glen and not grow to include them. As he passed the ruined Glen of the Rhobdar his shoulders drooped and his step faltered. He mounted the rocky path to Tasheal's cave like an arthritic old man, painful in his progress for such a short distance. There, at the stained granite that served her for an alter, he blanched as he heard the will of the mistress of the mountains and stumbled away from it trembling with loathing at what he must do. When he returned to the glen the ones who saw him raised the alarm for at first they supposed they had been set upon by one the wild men who wander the wilderness and according to legend are more beast than man. He bolted upon them from the northern hills, his hair matted like a cave troll's with his clothing tattered and his humanity all but vanished. His mad eyes sparkling like a pair of ancient jewels hidden beneath his craggy, dirt smeared brow. He raged through the steading from house to house bellowing a terrible senseless roar. In the house of Wilmar the charcoal burner he tore the couples newborn son from his wailing mothers arms and vanished with the howling infant back into the wilderness of the northern hills. A few days later he returned; a broken man with ancient eyes who spent the remainder of his life with the hatred of a daughter who would spit at him whenever she saw him. On night when the wind was heard he lay in his bed racked with a festering regret that he had surrendered his grandson to the red robed witch who stood arrogantly silent beside a cold granite slab. Even as he scurried away, howling with grief like a soulless haunt, he knew there never had been a choice when Tasheal had told him that the price for the people of his Glen to remain in human form was the life of this infant surrendered to her before Bloodmoon's rising. The Kethian elders are ignorant as to what occurred that night under Bloodmoon's red light, some say the witch was brought to bay by a powerful enemy and after defeating that enemy now sleeps a healing sleep in the heart of her mountain. Others say she died of old age or the child was to be her apprentice; reared from infancy in the paths of darkest magic he would be heir to Tasheal's legacy of terror. They passed the long nights waiting for the wind that will call upon them once more to do the bidding of the mistress of the wind. The years passed and the wind was only the wind, in time the elders agreed that the ancient witch who ruled these hills from before living memory had vanished and would be heard from no more. However they say happened is wrong. Ancient beyond reckoning, the old witch had either slain her enemies long ago or was thought already dead by them now. Sorcery's disciples do not have many whose age is forgotten along with their birth names; vanished with the dusty thoughts of those long dead mortals who bore them into this pitiless world; nor did she require or yearn for a novice. Far older than even her fellow sorcerers reckoned Tasheal was weak now; her great powers had slipped from her with the remorseless years so that now she found herself unable to even summon minor demons to do her bidding; the bitterness ate at her that she, who had in millennia past, commanded the princes of the hells had not the strength now to summon even their minor slaves. In her weakness she resolved to craft her own daemons, as she had when she dealt with the hotheaded tribesman of Rhobdar. This child would be the first, the herald of her return to the paths of magical power. Others would follow this child's wake, unknowns doomed to slink down the nighted trails gathering the vigor Tasheal would need to restore herself, power torn from the unwary souls they would prey upon. Mortals turned daemonic were easier for the weakened sorceress to control; creatures weaker than the mindless pawns the hellprinces whelped in their lightless pits were still creatures she reckoned worthwhile, since they could never drag her before the underworlds dark lords should they ever escape their bonds. They would never be welcome in those pits and without the strength numbers would bring them they would be hunted by men infesting the glens who would no longer fear servants of a dead sorceress. These she would have no reason to fear ever and before long their offerings would make her impervious to fear for another thousand years. As the Borun laid the tiny body of the infant on the altar's cold granite, the evil wind that had served Tasheal so long shrieked through the rocky heights and the Borun turned and left to howl his grief to the trees as he stumbled home. Tasheal dismissed him from her thoughts as she removed the howling infant's wrappings and clothed him in a blanket of demon's skin. She anointed the tiny body with a hell beast's blood and slit the child's palms with a wolf's dewclaw that the blood might then mingle and give direction to the coming change. The wounds were stuffed with bogwort and the crushed bone of a weasel that her creature may gain cunning. A serpent's tongue was placed upon his brow and the fresh heart of a cat placed in his delicate mouth so men would be fooled by the glib speech that would flow from this creature's lips. The necessary wards were already in place for Tasheal to begin before the Borun arrived bearing the child. With anticipation in her icy heart she cast the incantation that sealed the circle and called upon the remnants of her magic to exchange the child's soul for the enchantment that would animate the infant's flesh and bind the mutilated mortal to serve the old witch for the remainder of her existence. As her words echoed off of the fire painted rocks she watched the magic she summoned bite deep into the tiny form laying on the stone. The boy howled as he began to stretch and grow. Years danced over his frame as his form swelled from infant to child. Even at this tender age someone who knew him would say that he was heavily favored by his grandfather the Borun. He had the same prominent nose and ice grey eyes. His hair was his father's though as were his cheekbones and in his child's frame could be seen the hint of a powerful build that would serve him well as a warrior of the Kethian clans. The boy was almost ten years in form when other changes began. As the witch chanted and directed the powers wrapping and warping him his undeveloped male parts began shrinking and fading away within his body leaving only the prepubescent form of the girl he had become. The prominent nose and cheekbones softened and rounded and the march of years began again. The girl became taller and slender, her hips bloomed and breasts blossomed. The magic washed over her and in its wake any physical imperfection were washed away with it. As the major changes left the young woman in place of the infant son the magic turned on her again and began infusing her with the qualities that the witch desired in her servant. Millennia had made the old witch overconfident though. When the last dread syllables echoed from the stony hills she retired to her cave to rest and await the incantation's completion. In the cave's depths lit only by the flickering of the magic outside she dreamed of when nations would again tremble at the hushed utterance of her name as they had so long ago; when she would again bend empires to her will instead of this collection if ignorant hill clans that feared her now. Lost in her lustful dreams of power and youth returned she missed the ember of white-blue flame that drifted up from what had been the child's still silent form. She never saw and could not prevent the energy that rose from the child to ensnare the flame, to drag it back, and bury it deep within the shimmering elongating shape that the child's body was wrenched into. When she arose from her dreams Tasheal sensed that the sorcery was complete and left the cave to see the instrument of her restoration The star-eyed succubus lounging on the scarred granite of the altar awaiting her command. Its beauty would ensnare those men she found, her own lost maleness would give her an unlimited appetite for what had been wrenched from her. An insatiable and endless craving - its power would drain them to lifeless husks and with each new offering flowed into her, Tasheal would gain in vigor and youth. She made a sign of power to bind the succubae to her as she lurched closer to the stone. In a rasping hiss she muttered, "You who have no name and whose mother is the night, I name you Zha- reth. By the Bloodmoon that rules your birth I charge you to hunt; by the law of Fyoder the Damned you are bound and by my will you live. Go! Now seek the offerings you owe your mistress. Bring me the lives of the mortal children of the gods". From the altar's surface the star-eyed succubae uncurled herself with the grace of the cat whose heart she bore beneath her own and dropped to her knees in submission. She crawled across the rocky dirt until she reached Tasheal's feet. The old witch, pleased with this demonstration of loyalty, closed her eyes basking in the worship her creature was paying her. Tasheal never saw the creature rear up in front of her but she felt the succubae plunge her hand deep within her withered breast. She felt the blazing hate as the hand closed like a vise on the piece of dirty ice that the witch's heart had become over the long centuries. As it was ripped from her chest she heard with fading ears as the succubae hissed, "My mother Dontira named me Shilith and I-Will-Never-Serve-YOU!" The darkness held at bay for so many centuries welled up within Tasheal as she dimly felt her body strike the rocky earth and heard the fading footsteps of the creature as she left bearing the milky shard of ice that was her heart. The peddler stirred the coals of the snapping fire with a branch, satisfied that they were now more evenly distributed, he tossed the branch on the fire to add its wood to the embers already ablaze there. He looked from his son to the pilgrim who shared the flickering heat of the small blaze. "An interesting tale," he mused. "Well worth a meal and a place by the fire. Are you sure that you will not pass the night here. There are bandits in this region and it would be far safer than the empty roads for you with us." "No," answered the pilgrim softly. "The Dancers have risen and my vow forbids me to tarry, though I thank you for your kindness." The pilgrim rose and picked up her staff and with her dusty robes swirling about her stepped into the darkness. The peddler's son rose and followed a few steps. "I don't understand why the daemon slew the witch rather than serve her?" The pilgrim half turned in the moonlight, the motion causing her hood to slide back slightly. "Only because the child kept his soul-- the soulless creature Tasheal strived to create would have served her as she'd intended with no reservations, but the creature she created-- the one that kept what she should no longer have had could no sooner serve her than it could take the lives of innocents as Tasheal intended her to. That souls power, with the power granted by Tasheal's sorcery was too much for the pitiful geas the witch thought sufficient to bind the creature to her. That one could never be bound, even by the power of a Prince of hell; the soulless are lost forever, but those that for some strange jest of the Gods keep their souls can only avenge the innocence that was taken." The pilgrim turned and was swallowed by darkness within a few steps. The peddler's son walked back to the fires warmth with the sound of her bare feet on the road receding into the night. When he could no longer keep awake, he tried to tell himself, as he shivered beneath his blanket that the pilgrim's hood didn't hide the star-shaped eyes of a succubus and the moonlight that flickered had not shown her staff was tipped with a stone that resembled a dirty shard of ice. This is a little thought that I had one night when I couldn't sleep. Don't expect to hold me to magic standards if you follow that way. This is just the direction that I felt the story take so I make no apologies since I was not trying to offend. It's just a piece that I had a little fun with on dark night.

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Best Experience With ISS Reader In Hyderabad

Hello friends, It’s me raghu back with another real life telugu sex story story. Thanks for the feedback and comments for my previous story with an aunty. I am ready for gigolo plays. Ee story kuda chadivi mi feedbacks ni pampamdi. Aunties and girls evaraina best experience for sex kavalante mail cheyandi and feel free to share your feeling. Fantasies and desires vunna mohamatam lekunda adgandi. 100% secure and preivacy. This is my mail id – I got a mail from a lady who is married saying...

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Fun With Girlfriend In Movie Hall

This is my first story on ISS, so let me first tell something about myself. My name is Mukul from Delhi. I am 28 year old who loves to have fun chats and discussions with females. Coming to my story, this story is about how me and my girl friend had fun inside a movie hall. Before that, let me tell you a little about my girl friend, her name is Ritu, she is of the same age as mine, fair, 5’4” in height, and a nice body of 32b 28 32. Now on to the story, it was the week of valentine and I...

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Birth of a Wizard

At sixty I was not moving as fast or as nimbly as when I was younger. At least my mind was still sharp and clear which a lot of others could not say. I had been and done a lot over the years. I was a farmer and a rancher, a carpenter and an electrician, a soldier and a mechanic. I have been a clerk and a cook, hell I was even a fireman for awhile. What I was now was late and walking through an alley. I stopped in the shadows when I heard the roar and crashing explosion. There was a flash of...

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The Black Room A Halloween Story

1The Black Room - A Halloween Storyby The TechnicianHalloween, Bondage, Pain, Myth  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = One of the blue devils of Ireland stops by with a special request. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions,...

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Amanda visits Lana at the Gentlemens Club

The girl who was dancing saw me and gave a big smile. I smiled back, and sat mesmerized by her movements. She was in the middle of her routine, and was down to just a tiny g-string, gyrating her hips and sensuously stroking her own body. She was a slim light with large, obviously "bought" breasts with large areolas. Her nipples were erect and her tongue was darting in and out of her red lips, in rhythm with her dance. Soon she tugged at the bows at her hips and the g-string floated to the...

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The New Boy In The Office

Liam Tabram had only been left school a month and he was delighted to have obtained employment in a medium-sized office. He was not long past his eighteenth birthday when he arrived for his first-ever day as an employee.He was greeted by the office manager, John Stewart, who had a brief chat with him in his office and put him at ease before introducing him to the eight other employees, five female and three male, in the main office. The first seven welcomed him before John introduced him to the...

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Copyright © 2003 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. I was two glasses of wine into a bottle of crisp, dry cabernet when I spotted her trying hard not to look at me. It was one of those glances that shift way immediately, only to come right back again. By then she realized that she had been caught...

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The Drug Mule LAX. The world’s busiest origin and destination airport, it was built in a mid-century modern architectural style in 1928. It wasn’t the prettiest of airports, but that didn’t matter to me. I’d studied this airport, had pocketed all its secrets and had learned how to get around without being spotted by airport security. In the early days, I’d traveled by the private terminal, my organization paying over two thousand per flight, and an annual membership fee of four thousand...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 5

“Hello, Frank; Ember,” Frank Senior said, greeting the engineering officer and his son. “How’s it coming? Did you find out anything about the device that dead soldier was holding?” “Hello, Mister Tabor,” Ember, the Chief of Engineering, said. “I sure did! This little device is quite remarkable. It doesn’t affect normal people, it only affects those who have been receivers of her alien blood.” “So this device is meant to disable Béla’s people?” Frank asked, confused. “It seems so,”...

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Escape From Black Bear MountainChapter 10

Juliette Kaiser had the best view of the new act. From her vantage point astride Adolf Thiler's lap she had a clear sight of the modified saw horse where it sat in the center of the stage. Her immediate concern however was with Thiler's hard cock. He had rammed it firmly into her anus and it seemed to grow bigger as he thrust it deeper into her body. His hands now grasped her firm young breasts and he used them as handles to lift her after each penetration. Juliette struggled to take the...

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Mount Up Boy and Girls

There are hundreds of thousands of people who are addicted to sex, in the same way some people must have cigarettes, drugs, or alcoholic beverages. The sex that I'm referring to is far more than just the sex act itself. It starts hours or even days before meeting with the other person. It stirs the imagination. Chemicals are released causing excitement, happiness, even if the meeting has anxious parts, such as sneaking to avoid an employer, or a mate. If for some reason the addicted person...

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Fellatio Friday

Every young boy or man as he grows up hears the phrase; suck my dick, blow me or something like that and it sounds repulsive. But as he grows older he learns it is just a way for guys to k** each other...then as a young man learns about sex he hears guys saying, she can suck my dick or she can blow me and it conjures up a whole new, erotic meaning. It aroused great curiosity for me as a late teen. Then the possibility of experiencing it arose when I became intimate with a favorite aunt, the...

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Wife showing herself in pub

Once, years ago, my wife, a devout exhibitionist, and I used to go to pubs where we weren't known, something we did quite often. Sometimes she would wear clothing showing off a particular part of her body, e.g low cut neckline, split skirt, see-through blouse,  very short skirt with stockings, clothes so tight it was obvious her lack of underwear and the like.This type of evening started with her showing herself to me only, first her breasts, then normally her shaved pussy also. This would...

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Little Robin Redbreast

Her name was Robin, she was a new hire and my boss had asked me to specifically take her under my wing and show her the ropes. I had noticed her sitting outside my bosses office when he called me in, surmising when I did that she was most likely one of the new employee's we'd recently hired on with the increase in workload we'd recently been experiencing. At least I hoped she was, she was very attractive looking, though a bit on the slim side. I knocked and then entered Jim's office...

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Dragon Ball Z Lesbian Style

It was a normal weekend Gohan was spending the whole day at Bulmas house. Meanwhile you fly off to Gohans house because, you know how much he worries about his mom Chi-Chi. You arrive at Gohan's house and knock on the door. Knock, Knock. "Whos there, asked Chi-Chi." Its Videl. She opens the door for you and she lets you in. I hope you don't mind me coming over to keep out company. Thanks. "Would you like a drink, asked Chi-Chi." "Of course that would be great, you replied." "Here you go Videl....

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Speed trap

Lana was furious with the way she was being treating. So what if she had been doing sixty-five in a forty-five? The speed limit hadn`t been postet, or at least not obviously so. Did they lock up everyone who got a speeding ticket in this hick town?Being handcuffed had been annoying enough, but the strip search and body cavity inspection had been positively humiliating. At least the latter two indignities had been performed by a female deputy. She had taken Lana`s clothes, through, and not given...

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Black Knights Club Cuckold

Marcus Is a tall Black man with alethic and muscular features. He and his friends Cal, Jay and Rick call themselves the black knights because of their black skin and muscular toned bodies. They used to run a web site called The Black Knights Club com. On this website they offered a service to a select people who were always married women whose husbands would like to watch their wives be gangbanged by four hung and black men. Marcus and his knights enjoyed what they did in many ways because they...

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Girlfriend Sexy Friend

It was 2010 summer when I had a threesome sex for the first time in my life. It was a dream comes true. My girlfriend, her virgin friend and me had lots of fun on that day. Before coming to the story let me first tell you something about my sexy bitch. We were in relationship for the past two years now and had some fucking sessions too. She was a bitch, always ready to do something naughty. Her Father was an employee who had some important work in some other state for at least a month and so he...

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I was stranded in California at the time and needed to get back to Oregon. So I decided to hitch hike back. I started walking down the highway and put out my thumb. After about 30mins a truck pulled over it had to older redneck guys in it both were on the stocky/chubby side with beer belly's and looked like they were in there early 40's. They said there names were john and tony and that they were going to Oregon and I said great and hopped in the back of the truck. I knew it was going to be a...

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I Wish This Had Happened

This is what I imagined/hoped would have happened many years ago when my wife and I were dating in college. We were young and adventurous then, and experimented sexually but not to the degree in this story. Some of the scenes are based on actual events but the majority of the story is pure fantasy. And I'm going to call my wife (then girlfriend), Louise, from this point on. Obviously this is not her real name but I feel that it is rather stupid to not refer to her by a name in all of my...

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My mom is very hot, she has sexy body with nice brest long legs and sexy ass.If she wears panties its always thongs, in summer she sometimes does not even wear it. my friend told me he really wants to fuck her asshole. On halowwen she was wearing a cat wooman costume and you could see her ass creck.

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 10 Weapons

[ Setting the scene: Éowyn commands the Rohirrim who’ve retreated to the refuge of Dunharrow.] 5 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Inaction. She was deathly tired of it. Month after month of the King’s seemingly unbreakable malaise had — against all odds and thanks to timely intervention of the Wizard — finally been broken. Frenetic activity followed, as if to make up for so much lost time: Théoden and company off to Helm’s Deep, everyone else evacuated to the refuge of Dunharrow. Unless...

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The Prince Bride VI

The Prince Bride VI By Missy Crystal Chapter 6 - Captain Reginald Countess Marlyne arose early the next morning in anticipation of her audience with the Queen. The acceptance she had received upon their first meeting emboldened her to dress as was her usual custom, and so she favored fashion over modesty in her selection of attire. "Yes, the d?colletages blue dress with the silver embroidered bodice and the grey kidskin shoes with silver buckles will do nicely," she thought to h...

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Mysterious Feminisation

After a few months of my ‘relationship’ with Stefan I realised that I had irreversibly crossed over the border between being a straight guy who liked to experiment with cross-dressing into being… well, something else. I am not sure exactly when this realisation hit me. Was it when I was pulling on a pair of tight girly jeans that I would pair with high stilettos and found I was not thinking how I might look in the mirror and how the clothes felt to me, but how sexy my ass would look to him? Or...

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Der Auftrag

„Wo bleibst Du denn Schatz?“ rief der Mann aus dem Pool in Richtung Haus. „Ich komme gleich Liebling.“ und eine Frau mit langen blonden Haaren erschien im Badeanzug und sprang sofort ins kühle Nass. Da Pärchen schwamm ein paar Runden in dem kleinen Pool, bevor der Mann aus dem Pool stieg und sich von der Sonne trocknen ließ. Sie fühlten sich unbeobachtet, doch ca. 50 Meter entfernt schauten zwei Männer auf die Szene. Ihre Gespräche liessen erkennen, dass sie nicht gerade zur feinen Gesellschaft...

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Coyote and the Wolf part 4

“Coyote and the Wolf” Part 4 It was still quite dark when Lucious returned to the camp. As he approached, he noticed the fire was getting low. Unconcerned by the thought, he hollered toward the camp “Hay, one of you idiots bring a torch over here!” He stopped for a moment as the ox continued on. “Alright you stupid shits, one of you get over here with a torch on the double!” Stepping aside to avoid the cart following the ox, he roared once again “Off your asses NOW, or there will be...

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BangBros18 Fiona Frost Rimming Lessons

Fiona Frost was a little insecure about her boyfriend wanting her to lick his ass. So she asked her step dad for advice. He explained it is called rimming and he does it with mom all the time. But obviously, since mom wasn’t home he could show Fiona. After all Sean Lawless was a picture perfect step dad! First he showed her how it feels to have his tongue up her ass. Then it was her turn. It took her a little practice but quickly she got the hang of it. Then she sucked his dick and they started...

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Ghar Ke Pas Wali Aunty Ko Choda

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends ,I am rohit.Me maharashtra me rahta hu.Indian sex stories ki site se me 2 sal pahle juda.Meri age 23 he.So mene bhisocha kyona mere sath jo incidence hua wo apko share karu.Apko storykaisi lagi jarur batana.Mera email id he .com ye story tab ki he jab me 11th me tha.Tab mere ghar ke pas ek hotlady rahti thi .Unka nam hemlata tha.Wo dikhne me behut sexythi.Sawali thi unki height 5.8 ft thi.Boobs behut mote the.Or gand topucho hi mat.Unka fig 43-31-45.Tha...

2 years ago
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MonstersOfCock Whitney Wright Caught My BBC Roommate Spying

Whitney is enjoying some alone time in the shower. She’s so horny and starts to masturbate. Her roommate walks by and sees her. He tries not to look, but her body is amazing. She’s got perfect tits, an amazing booty, and she looks so sexy pleasuring herself. He watches her and eventually gets caught. She reveals a little secret she heard about him. Apparently, she heard he has a huge cock. Obviously, he’s gonna have to prove it. It’s the biggest dick she’s ever...

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SRU The Mousepad

Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more info. Copyright 1999 Elaine Blankenship. All rights not specifically granted above reserved. Email the author at [email protected]. I do not own the SRU universe, I...

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Mother Son

[b[Domestic Bliss[/b]Part I **********I'd had a hard day. It was Monday; I'd got up at 6:30am and did'nt get home till 7:30pm, and by the time I got home, I was beat.My mother greeted me in her usual, perky way. Sometimes it was annoying, but really there was no-one better to lift your spirits when you were down."Rough day, hon?" she asked when I entered the den and slumped down on the sofa, her voice lilting like she was talking to a baby. Well, that's how she always saw me, I guess, even at...

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Tiefgreifende Vernderungen

„Mann so ein Kackwetter“, fluchte Sarah und schaltete den Scheibenwischer auf die höchste Stufe, um den Schnee so gut wie möglich von der Windschutzscheibe runter zukriegen. Aber trotzdem hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die tiefverschneite Straße vor sich noch auszumachen. „Ist doch toll, dass es jetzt mal richtig schneit. Die Fahrt auf die Hütte hätten wir uns sonst sparen können“, meinte Melanie auf dem Beifahrersitz, die vor lauter Vorfreude auf das verlängerte Wochenende auf der Skihütte die...

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My First Experience With Desi Aunty

Hello sexiest indiansexstories readers. I am Shivaji from Hyderabad. This incident is from my real life and my first sex experience. I born and studied in Visakhapatnam. This incident was happen during my 2nd year b.Tech holidays. Without any delay let me start this. For my b.Tech 2nd year holidays I went to my grand fathers home. It was a remote village. There was no transport to near by town, no power during day time, also I didn’t had any friends in that village. So I felt very bore, until I...

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vacation is over

I’d almost always have an orgasm when I fantasize having sex with him. I didn’t know what an orgasm was at the time, but I sure liked it. It wasn’t until my sister caught me finger fucking my cunt that I learned what I had experienced. She told me that I had an orgasm. I finger fucked myself a lot more often after that. The man I fantasized about is Keith. Whenever I knew he’d be around I tried to wear clothes that were sexy, hoping he’d want me. Once I pretended I didn’t know he was at my...

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Gothic Amy And Me Part 11END

Introduction: A Twisted end to the series…thats why my name is Psycho AUTHORS NOTE* SORRY I HAVENT WRITTEN IN A WHILE IVE BEEN REALLY LAZY I KNOW IM SO SORRY BUT IM BACK. Im sorry to say&hellip,this is the end of the series. I have an idea for two series but I dont know which one im going to do first. This is going to be a P.O.V Story SO REJECT AND SHEJECTS THE FINALLY (SAD) FINALLY OF GOTHIC AMY AND ME! 11 A TRAGIC END OR THE TESR OF FUCKED UP LOVE I woke up to the sound of Amy humming some...

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