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Snow Bunny By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Myers Chapter 3 The alarm sounded as Mike barely opened his eyes, seeing the light in his face. "Wake up and go take a shower, blondie," Ginny shook him awake. "You might want to take off the shoes first," Beth teased him as he staggered while standing up, realizing he was still in his lingerie and heels. "And put this on, as they'll do whatever with that mop when you get there." Mike quickly pulled the sheet back over his nude crotch area as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. He slipped off his shoes, hose, and bra before putting on the shower cap and immediately immersed himself under the hot water. He scrubbed his body and face and washed his hair as he stepped out, looking at himself in the fogged up mirror. He wiped it and brushed his teeth, seeing the remnants of makeup and stubble. "Hurry up in there or you'll be late." Ginny pounded on the door.. "But I have to shave and wipe some of this shit off," said Mike, trying to reason with her. Ginny grabbed some small facial wipes and then pulled off his false eye lashes. She scrubbed his face, helping him before he lathered up and shaved. "I put your clothes are on the bed," said Beth as she changed places with him in the bathroom. "Change and move your ass, or you'll be late to see Vicky." "Please just do it," said Ginny, giving him a nasty look. "We've seen it all already, and we're four girls with one bathroom, so we're going to need to share whether you like it or not." Mike walked past her and slipped on his off white panties and tucked everything away. He then put his arms through each bra strap before struggling to buckle it. "Where's Lisa?" Mike quizzed her as he slipped a brown top over his head. "She went to work out," said Ginny. Mike pulled on his jeans and then his boots before putting his messy hair in a pony tail. He then slipped on his jacket and sunglasses as he prepared to leave. "We'll meet you at the slopes," Ginny told him, handing him his purse. "Text us when you are on you way. Lisa put your phone in your purse." "I'm walking there by myself?" Mike asked, surprised. "Duhh girl!" said Ginny, getting pissed off. "Do I look dressed to go out? Walk to the salon and then walk to the slopes. It's not a big deal. Your ski clothes are in your duffle bag. See ya later." Mike picked up the duffle bag and headed out of the room. He walked through the lobby and down the street seeing people wandering about getting their morning newspapers and coffee. He walked into the salon and was immediately greeted by Brittany as she saw him. "So, I heard you did so well last night," said Brittany hugging him and helping him off with his coat. "I'm so happy for you honey." "Thanks," said Mike. "Who told you that?" "Miss Adams told me last night," Brittany said as she lead him to Vicky's chair. "Plus, I saw some of it because I was working with the band. You are really a wonderful dancer. That I noticed." "Good morning, sunshine," said Vicky, inspecting his face as she moved it around before wrapping her cape around his neck. "Good job on the stubble." She began blotting foundation all over his face and quickly began smoothing it with her sponge. She then began powdering him and again blending. "So I have to be careful here so that you look flawless under the sun and the glare of the snow," Vicky explained herself as she worked. "I'm also using some waterproof foundation, and it'll take me just a little extra to give you a fresh and natural look, so be patient honey. Lucky you really don't have much of a shadow." Vicky blended away and then got to work on his eyes with her pencil and mascara, jumping back and forth as she studied him. She then rubbed up her blush brush and gently added color, framing his face. When she finished, she lined his lips with her lip pencil and then painted at his lips with her brush. "Smoosh them gently honey and then smile for me," said Vicky, stepping back and admiring her work as she waited for his reaction. "Big smile, come on. You look so pretty. When Brittany's back in a few minutes, we'll wash your hair and you can hit the mountain." "Ok," said Mike, sitting and patiently waiting as he stared at himself in the mirror. "Oh Tyler, come here," said Vicky, seeing Tyler had come in with his morning deliveries. "So, I really could use some coffee and I'm starving today," said Vicky, taking some money from her purse. "How about you take my friend Monique and go over to the diner. I'll buy you two breakfast, and then you can bring me back my mine." "Oh that's ok, I just need you to finish my hair and I'll be off to the slopes," said Mike. "Please, relax Monique," Vicky pulled out his pony and bushed his hair back a little bit. "Nothing is open yet, and you really need a good meal before skiing. When you get back, Brittany and I will be ready for you and we'll have you to the mountain in plenty of time to be one of the first girls out there." "Cool, let's go Monique," said Tyler as Vicky slipped a white head band over his head, pulling his hair back off his face. "Go ahead sweetie," Vicky told him as Tyler was holding Mike's coat open as he took it off the rack. "Ok, I guess," said Mike as he slipped on his coat. "Come on, because it's slippery over there. The diner's side walk doesn't get much sun," said Tyler, taking Mike's hand as he opened the door and they were on their way. "You can hold my arm and you'll be fine." Reluctantly, Mike held Tyler's arm as they walked a few blocks to the diner. They went inside and were seated at a small booth as they ordered their breakfasts. Mike relaxed and enjoyed his breakfast as they made small talk together, killing time. Lisa, Beth, and Ginny walked through town carrying their skis and bags as Lisa stopped dead in her tracks as they passed the diner. "No way," said Lisa. "What the hell is this?" "Is that Mike?" asked Beth as Lisa tapped her shoulder to look in. "What's happening here?" said Ginny, curiously looking in as they could see in but not hear. "I thought he was getting his hair and makeup done this morning? This is interesting." "So you enjoying your time here in Aspen?" Tyler asked as the girls moved behind an evergreen and peeked in. "Yes," said Mike shyly and unaware they were being watched. "I'm looking forward to skiing today." "Cool. The skiing here is awesome," said Tyler. "Yes, I heard that," Replied Mike, staring down at the pink lipstick ring he made on his coffee cup and trying to avoid eye contact. "So are you like one of those high maintenance girlfriends," asked Tyler. "I mean you've been in town two days, and been at the salon twice." "Maybe?" said Mike, cracking a smile, almost embarrassed as he peeked up at Tyler. "Sorry, don't take that the wrong way," said Tyler, laughing as he took Mike's free hand off the table and gently squeezed it, softly rubbing his finger for just an instant. "I'm only teasing, but whatever time you are spending there with Vicky is time well spent. I mean you have got some sexy nails among other things." "Holy shit, he's laughing with that guy," whispered Ginny to the other girls. "And did I just see them hold hands for a moment?" "Very funny," said Mike, chuckling as he took his hand away and fanned out his fingers as he started at his perfect manicure. "Well, I guess I am the type that needs some maintenance." "Well your boyfriend is a lucky guy," said Tyler. "Unless you are just here to find a nice rich guy?" "Tyler, I'm just here for work and skiing," said Mike, giving him a look. "I don't have a boyfriend. Not looking for a boyfriend! And really not into being hit on! Check please, waiter." Tyler took the check and paid it as Mike headed for the door. "Shit, here they come," said Lisa, fully ducking behind the tree. "Don't let him see us." "Sorry, wait up Monique." Tyler paid and grabbed the food and coffee for the girls. "Come on, please." Mike turned and stopped as Tyler hustled next to him. "Don't be pissed. Sorry, sorry!" said Tyler as he caught up and turned Mike so that he was facing him. "I was just making conversation. I just think you're an awesome girl. That's all." "Fine," said Mike, looking him in the eyes and shaking his head as he turned and started walking again. "It's slippery, Monique," said Mike, putting his right arm around him as they walked together. "Ok, whatever," said Mike, realizing he was right as he slid a little bit on the icy street. "See, that was innocent," said Beth. "He's not into him." "Then why was he there?" said Lisa. "How the hell did he meet a guy and even get asked out to breakfast. He's barely even been a girl for a day, and now he's getting asked out!" "Well to me it looked like he wasn't into it, but I'm not sure," said Ginny. "I mean it is kinda weird though. We've done nothing but work since we've been here, and you were with him the rest of the time. How could he have met someone?" "Just say nothing about this and let's just keep our eyes open," said Lisa, as they now headed down the block to the slopes. Mike and Tyler walked back into the salon as Mike took off his coat and headed for the back, seeing Brittany. He sat in the chair waiting to be washed as Tyler came around and handed everyone their breakfast. "Thanks Tyler," said Brittany, kissing his cheek as she took her coffee. "You are the best." "So I thought you'd like more coffee so I got you an extra one," said Tyler, handing it to Mike. "Wasn't that sweet of him Monique?" said Brittany, subtly kicking Mike's ankle. "Yes, thank you," said Mike, rolling his eyes as Tyler leaned in as Mike reluctantly kissed his cheek. "Well anyway let me get running ladies," said Tyler waving goodbye. "See you around Monique." "Oh, he's is so fucking cute," said Brittany, placing her cape around Mike and pushing him back. "If I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd make a play for him." Mike felt the warm water washing his hair and then the conditioner, as Brittany hummed as she worked. When she finished, she wrapped a towel around his hair and brought him to Vicky as she began spraying some gel into his damp hair. She began blow drying it and then brushing through it as she circled him. When she finished, she took her flat iron and began stretching it section after section as she worked quickly now. She brushed all of it in front of his eyes before parting it down the middle and using her flat iron on small sections, turning it under slightly as she finished. She stepped back now spraying it before touching up his lips. "All done cutie." Vicky tapped his thigh and pointed to a dressing room. "You can change in there. Brittany put your ski bag with your clothes on the chair inside." Mike stood and walked over to the room and closed the door. He quickly undressed, anxious now to hit the slopes and unzipped the ski bag. He reached in, first pulling out some black Nordica stretch ski pants and bright pink Under Armour turtleneck. He then found some fuchsia ski socks, which he slipped on and slid the turtleneck over his head. He carefully pulled his hair through the hole and placed it on the back of his top, and slipped his legs into the ski pants. He tucked the top into his pants and adjusted the stretchy material before buckling them and then put his arms through his black vest, before zippering it. He then opened his boot bag, removing some large furry white flat boots which he slipped onto his feet before hearing a knock on the door. "You ok, Monique?" asked Brittany nervously. "Can I come in?" "Yes, I'm dressed," said Mike, unlocking the door. "Looking good girl!" said Brittany, closing the door behind her and kneeling in front of him. "I think this should really be good for you!" "Brittany, wait!" said Mike as she unzipped his pants and tugged them off his hips. "I can't." "You're kidding, right?" said Brittany, laughing as he grabbed her hands. "You do look sexy hon, but I'm into the big strong type if that makes you feel better." She lifted a flesh colored cutlet shaped item with thin round edges up towards him, waving it in his face and then peeled the clear plastic off its underside. Within a moment, he was feeling extremely embarrassed as she positioned it perfectly over his right hip and smoothed the edges as he felt it adhere to his flesh. When she was satisfied with its placement, she repeated the process on the other side before siding his ski pants back up and closing them. "Now you look a little better in ski pants, cutie," said Brittany, straightening the seams on his stretch pants before slipping in one last sarcastic remark. "Sorry it wasn't what you expected, but I guess you'll need to adjust your mind set, because right now you're on the giving side instead of the receiving side." Mike just shook his head and rolled his eyes as Brittany stood up and took out a large wire brush. She gave a final brushing to his hair and then slipped a white furry head band over his ears, as he instantly felt the warmth. She adjusted it to expose only his large 2 carat diamond studs, and to make sure his hair looked perfect under it. She then held out his extremely bright fuchsia Obermeyer ski jacket ,which had black trim and designs across the arms and seams and slipped his arms into it. She zipped it for him and then buckled the jacket belt tightly, giving him some shape. She spun him around so he could get a good glimpse of himself as she was grinning from ear to ear. "Come on now," said Brittany, opening the door. "Time for you to hit the slopes honey. She looks so sexy in that, doesn't she?" "Ooohhh I love her in that!! You look amazing Monique," said Vicky, seeing him walk out of the room. "That Claire has some very good taste. Have fun today, honey." "Enjoy, and I'll send your duffel bag and your clothes back to your room," said Brittany, handing him his purse and sliding on his sunglasses. "See you tonight." Mike strolled through the streets towards the mountain, staring at his own reflection in the various shop windows as he walked. He noticed that his complexion did look smooth and flawless, and his lips glistened in the sunlight. He turned the corner, seeing the lift ticket window and spotted the girls in line. "Hey," said Mike, attempting to kiss Lisa as she turned her cheek. "Ah, hello Monique," said Lisa, giving him a look and whispering in his ear. "We are in public, remember." "Sorry, kinda forgot," whispered Mike into her ear as Lisa now looked him up and down. "Last night was awesome and I missed you this morning." "Amazing," said Lisa, looking him in the eyes as she stepped back and tilted up her sunglasses, shaking her head. "You really are amazing in so many ways." "The bitch has some outfit there," Ginny teased him. "I'm borrowing those boots whether you like or it not, honey," said Beth. "Those are gorgeous." "No problem," said Mike, sharing a laugh. "Give me your voucher, Monique." Lisa held out her hand. Mike searched the pockets of his jacket and then vest, and then his pocketbook. "In here, honey," said Lisa, getting frustrated and pulling it from his wallet inside his pocketbook. "Sure you weren't born blonde? It's a wonder you can find anything with all the crap in here? Why do you have this big hairspray and all this makeup?" "I have no idea. I didn't load it with anything?" said Mike. "Whatever," said Lisa, turning her back. Lisa handed in the vouchers and gave everyone their lift tickets. She rented a locker for their shoes and purses while Beth grabbed their ski boots. They then walked over and sat down, preparing to put on their boots as a large young man knelt before Mike. "Monique, this nice young man will measure you for your rental," Beth smilied. "But I have my own stuff," said Mike, immediately objecting. "No, Monique," said Lisa, giving him a dirty look. "You'll need to rent. Remember we discussed that old stuff is no good for Aspen." "Oh, of course," said Mike, as the man slid off his boot as held his foot on the fitting chart. "Wow, big feet mam," said the man. "But no worries. I have your size, and I'll put you down for a three day rental as requested." The man returned and gently massaged his feet before sliding some Salomon metallic boots onto his feet. He clipped the buckles and stood up, handing him a pair of purple and lilac K2 women's skis. He stood, holding his new skis as Ginny could barely contain herself as they headed out to the slopes. They got outside and all slipped on their skis and headed toward the lift. As they waited in line, he could see the guys checking all of them out as they were decked out in their bright outfits. The line moved quickly as they got onto a quad chair as they all boarded and began chatting as they were finally headed up the mountain. "OMG," said Beth as they began ascending. "This place is amazing." "It's just gorgeous here. It's just natural and beautiful," said Lisa. "Yeah, like your boyfriend," Teased Ginny. "And he's also hidden under a few layers of powder." "Stop, he's so sweet to do this for her," said Beth, defending him. "You're just jealous that you don't have a boyfriend that would do it for you." "That part is true, bitch," Ginny laughed. "How many guys actually could pull this off? I really do give you credit, Monique." "Thanks I guess," said Mike. "Oh, and by the way I was just curious about something?" Teased Ginny. "Did you remember to wear your Hello Kitty panties to match that outfit?" "Stop Ginny," said Lisa, stepping in now but laughing. "He's more the Barbie type, but secrets like that will have to stay between him and his boyfriends." Lisa kissed his cheek, seeing him turn red as he was ready to kill Ginny, who was a great help to him when it was just the two of them, but just so sarcastic when with everyone. The lift reached the top and they looked down from the summit, gazing at the amazing views and trails. They set out skiing as a group as they bobbed and weaved their way down the steep slopes for twenty minutes, before jumping right back on a lift line. Each time they skied their way down more and more challenging slopes. After six runs, they finally stopped, unsure if they could handle the very challenging double diamond trail. "So what do you think?" asked Beth, staring down at the trail. "This looks nasty," said Mike, smiling. "Count me in!" "I'm dying to try the moguls. Let's fucking do it, girls," said Lisa taking off first. "What the hell!" said Beth, taking off next. "After you, princess," said Ginny, teasing Mike. "I always thought it was age before beauty, but I guess we can change that today," Teased Mike as he took off, leaving behind her. They now all bounced in and out of the sharp moguls, enjoying the skiing. After ten minutes of challenging turns, they finally came to a large sharp drop as Ginny took the liberty of quickly passing Mike. "See you at the bottom, Barbie," Shouted Ginny as she cut off Mike. "Very funny" said Mike, shaking his head as he lost his balance. "Oh shiiittt." Mike wiped out badly, taking a spill and losing his poles and flipping over a few times, as one of his skiis flew off. He rolled over on his back, writhing in pain as he felt a bump on the back of his head and felt dizzy. "Are you ok?" asked a man, skiing over to help him. "I ah I ah!" said Mike, wobbling as he tried to stand up. "I guess so." "Easy mam," said the man as he grabbed him to prevent him from falling. "Easy. I'll help you. I've skied here my entire life. I'm Johnny. I'll take you to first aid. What's your name?" "I think I'm ok," said Mike, quickly catching himself from mispeaking. "I'm ah Miiikk - ah Monque." "Oh boy," said Johnny, holding him upright and picking up his skis. "I'm taking you down to first aid, and I'm not taking no for an answer." "Whoa easy!"! said Mike, as he was being lifted into Johnny's arms. "I'm ok." "Just hold on, Monique," said Johnny, as he began skiing. Mike now grabbed around Johnny's neck as he skied, cradling him with both arms. As he got to the bottom of the mountain, he carried him right past his stunned friends as they watched, wondering what had happened. "Hey Monique," yelled Lisa, hurrying over. "What happened? Are you ok?" "Miss, please wait here," said an aid, as he stopped Lisa as she watched Johnny carry him into first aid. Lisa waited outside nervously, until Johnny came out after ten minutes. "Is she ok?" Lisa asked Johnny. "What happened?" "Your friend fell and banged her head," said Johnny. "She was a little delirious, so I took no chances and carried her down. She barely knew her name for a few minutes." "Thank you so much for helping her!" said Lisa, hugging him and looking up seeing Mike's lipstick on his collar and neck. "She's my best friend." "It's no problem. She's going to be ok. They are just icing her and she'll be out in ten minutes," said Johnny. "Here's my card. Give her my number and make sure she calls me, so I know she's ok. I'm a local, and ski here every weekend, so if you girls need anything just call me and I'll show you some better ski trails." "Cool thank you," said Lisa. "I'll make sure she calls you." "I'd be happy to give her some personal lessons no charge, if she wants to ski again," said Johnny. "Oh I'm sure she'd love to ski with you again. She doesn't have a boyfriend if that is what you are asking us?" said Ginny smirking as she butted in. "I wasn't. No," said Johnny laughing as he put his skis back on. "But ok." Johnny skied off as Lisa went inside now. She waited outside the first aid area until the aid finally allowed her in. "Hey, are you ok?" said Lisa as he entered, hugging him. "Yeah it's just a bump on the head," said Mike, removing the ice bag. "I'm ok. I think everyone overreacted." "What happened?" said Lisa, voicing her deep concern. "I just lost an edge and had a hard fall," said Mike, shaking his head. "I was just woozy for a minute that's all." "You hurt your hand too?" said Lisa, holding his bandaged fingers and kissing his hand. "No, I just broke two nails," Mike snickered. "Let's get out of here!" "Definitely," said Lisa, as she looked over her shoulder before kissing him deeply. They went back into the ski lodge and rented some storage for the equipment and headed back to their rooms. When they got back, they were both physically and mentally exhausted as they quickly changed and sat back, relaxing a little. Lisa helped Mike change into a simple mauve juicy jogging suit with some little pink ankle socks and she changed into navy blue one. They sat back together, falling asleep in each others arms until the alarm sounded after they had taken a nice two hour cat nap. Mike smacked the snooze button, falling back to sleep before it sounded again fifteen minutes later. "Shit!" said Lisa, jumping up. "Put on your boots and get over to see Vicky. You can't be late, or Miss Adams will flip!" Mike staggered awake, splashed some water on his face and hurried out the door. He arrived at the salon only maybe 10 minutes late as Brittany grabbed him the second he walked through the door. "Monique, nice of you to show!" said Brittany sarcastically. "Come on, let's get you to Vicky." "Hello sweetie," said Vicky as she wrapped her cape around him. "I was getting worried?" "Sorry I'm late. I broke two nails and bumped my head," said Mike, explaining and holding up his bandaged fingers. "Just had a little spill and was resting and overslept." "Oh no worries, honey," said Vicky smiling. "It hurts when they break, doesn't it. We'll fix you up and you'll be as pretty as ever in no time. I was going with a new color tonight anyway to match your outfits. Brittany, can you come over here please." "I should have known you'd fix them right up," said Mike smiling as Brittany unwrapped his fingers and got to work. This is going to be a little odd, but I'll explain it and you'll get used to it," said Vicky, spraying some liquid onto his hair. "We won't be washing your hair again. It being a little dirty and tacky is what we want." Brittany got to work on his nails, soaking off the remnants of his extensions on two fingers as he sat back closing his eyes. He could feel Vicky now firmly brushing all off his hair upward on top of his head as she clipped it. He opened his eyes now curious as he watched her insert one pink plastic roller after another and adding pin after pin. After fifteen minutes, she stood in front of him, putting a mesh hairnet over his head as she stepped back getting to work on his makeup. He looked down, seeing now that his nails were being painted blood red as Brittany had now placed his left hand under the little portable dryer and was working on the left. "Don't touch anything or you'll ruin them, and we have no time," said Brittany as she stood him up. "Come on." Brittany led him over to the chair against the wall and he sat down as she pulled the large bonnet dryer over his head. She switched it on and set the timer as she took his wrist, continuing to work on his nails. Mike closed his eyes, relaxing under the warm heat still somewhat exhausted from skiing and lack of sleep the night before. After a nice rest the timer rang as the dryer turned off and Vicky returned lifting the bonnet. She felt his hair and led him back to her chair. She removed the hairnet and inserted her finger between curlers at a few locations feeling his scalp and roots. He watched her tugging at a curler, unrolling it before rerolled it as she was satisfied. "So I think you hair has taken nicely to this set," said Vicky, inspecting it everywhere now. "It's going to be a little odd for you tonight until I take these rollers out later, but once you get busy witnessing, you'll probably forget they are even in your hair." "What? I'm going to walk around in curlers?" said Mike, getting nervous. "Oh please, it's just part of the look for tonight's agenda." "So you are saying that all of these girls will be walking around in rollers while working?" said Mike. "I'm very confused?" "Well acting confused is part of being a blonde," said Brittany, teasing as she walked by. "It works with the boys anyway. Trust me, try it and you'll see." "Stop Brittany, he's nervous enough and he's doing so well," said Vicky, defending him as she was now gluing false lashes on him. "If you really look closely, you'll notice your hair is pulled on top of your head and the curlers are held in place there. That's because we'll be putting your fall right over them before I take them out for later." "I have no idea what that means?" said Mike, confused. "I know," said Vicky, laughing as she was working on his eye shadow. "Just pucker and let me finish and you'll understand in just a little while. I'll be with you backstage anyway." Vicky worked on brushing on his lip color and then pulled off her cape. She took a silk kerchief and tied it under his chin, carefully covering the rollers. "Ok honey," said Vicky, tapping his thigh to get up. "I'll see you over there in about forty five minutes. You better get over there to get your assignment and get dressed." Mike got up and Brittany helped him slide on his coat to get dressed. He walked back through the streets, staring at his now bright red shiny nails as he headed for work. He actually arrived a few minutes early this time, before most of the other girls and was greeted by Miss Adams. "Don't you look just darling, Monique," said Miss Adams. "Keep up the good work honey." "Yes, of course mam," said Mike shyly. "I'm sure you will dear. You are just wonderful, young lady," said Miss Adams, gently tapping his shoulder as she passed him. "And don't worry dear, I'll always try to keep a friend in your group so they can assist you." The girls walked in as Ginny had to turn away, cracking up as she saw Mike sitting alone with the big kerchief on his head, awaiting his assignment. Lisa immediately sat next to him, peeking under his kerchief and smirking at the sight of her boyfriend in curlers. "Well this should be an interesting night," said Lisa, puzzled but amused as the assignment cards were being handed out. "We'll be working together, tonight," said Beth, looking at their assignment cards and smiling. "I'll be helping you whenever I can. Come on, let's get dressed." Mike followed Beth down the hall and grabbed the garment back with his name on it as they entered the changing room together. He stripped off his clothing as she took out their identical outfits. "OMG, so retro," said Beth excitedly. "This should be fun." Mike's eyes widened, seeing the old fashioned waitress outfit as Betty handed him his stockings and some white ankle socks. He sat down, rolling his hose up his legs and then the socks, which ended in little lace ruffles just above his ankles. He stepped into the black ruffled panties and then into his black patent leather round toed 3 inch pumps before standing up. He ducked his head down as Beth gently slid the outfit over his head, carefully avoiding contact with the rollers before zipping it for him in the back. She then quickly changed into her matching costume and held her long hair off the back. "Zip me up, hon," said Beth, as he slid up her zipper and she released her hair. "Thanks, now let's get to Vicky. She has to do 6 girls like this." Mike followed Beth out to the lighted vanity area, where a number of the girls were getting their hair and makeup done. He sat down on a stool and looked at himself, realizing he was dressed in a very old fashioned type outfit. His costume was a pink form fitting stretch satin button front dress, with sequin trimmed black collar. It had short sleeves with single black trim on each sleeve, three cute round black buttons, and black trim on the open flat collar. It had a small attached apron with sequin cherry appliqu? detail, ending in delicate black ruffles and thick black elastic sewn in belt. The pink A-line skirt ended in few layers of black crinoline and ruffles flaring out high on his thigh, looking very short. "I'll do your hair first, Beth," said Vicky as Beth sat in front of her. Mike watched as Vicky brushed Beth's long brunette straight hair and then quickly twisted most of it into a tight bun on top of her head ,yet left some long strand and her long bangs hanging loosely. She then opened the top of an adjacent container of hot rollers and slid two large ones into her bangs rolling them under and clipping them. She stood up, opening a large oval hat box and took out a cone shaped wig, placing it on top of Beth's hair. Quickly now, she began pinning it to her hair and then blending the long loose strands upward, blending them into the wig. She now circled Beth, spraying her with Aquanet and hitting her with the hair dryer before releasing the two hot rollers. "You ok with me just trimming these bangs a little?" said Vicky. "I'll leave them long so they'll be past your eyes when they're straight, but the vintage style back then was shorter. I'll sweep them to the side a little and give them a big curl and they'll be fine, if that's ok?" "Sure, that sounds good," said Beth. "Just not super short. I like them like more side bangs anyway." Vicky quickly shetrimmed Beth's hair and sprayed it before turning her attention to Mike. "Your turn, sweetie," said Vicky, removing the kerchief from his head. Mike gulped, watching as Vicky began removing some bobbi pins and pulling down the ends of his hair, circling his head. He could tell she had carefully not included certain small sections in the rollers set, as some of his blonde locks were now resting thinly on his shoulders. He knew what was next as he watched her open the large oval box and pull out a Styrofoam head with the attached cone of blonde hair. She now carefully placed it on his head, hiding his roller set beneath it except for two larger rollers in front, and began pinning it everywhere, circling him. She now began brushing his dangling strands upwards, blending them into the hairpiece and removing any sign of pins of wig ends. After some adjustments, she now began spraying him with Aquanet and softly setting it with her dryer. She now removed the two front rollers and began stretching his hair downward in front of his eyes. He felt the cold metal of the scissor resting against his nose and without uttering a word, she snipped his hair across his face. Startled, his eyes looked down, watched about six inches of his front layer float down towards the floor as she quickly inserted the thick barrel of an iron into his hair in front. Within seconds, she released it and was spraying before sliding some black lens less horn rim glasses on his face. She then held up a polka dot Chiffon scarf which matched his apron and tied it around his neck, slightly offsetting it to the right side. "One last touch honey, and this with help hold the big hair in place. It's more for insurance, and it looks cute on you anyway," said Vicky as she placed a little thin pink headband with a small offset bow between the piece behind his bangs and digging its clear combs on both sides into his head, before quickly moving on to some other girls. "Ok knock 'em dead girls, and don't worry, those won't pop off when you bend." "Look at this shit," said Mike, looking in the mirror at himself. "You make such a cute vintage Cherri cola girl," said Beth, standing next to him and looking at their reflections together. "We would have had so much fun being waitresses together in this era. I can picture you handing out a coke and a smile from your little tray. This is so much fun tonight anyway." "Very funny. It's so stiff and sticky," said Mike, gently touching it. Mike couldn't believe his reflection, with a huge blonde bouffant now on top of his head. He pushed the fake glasses down the bridge of his nose for a moment and noticed the big dark lashes and eyeliner on his upper lid, yet barely a trace of mascara on the lower lid. He pulled at the hair on his forehead, realizing it was his and not part of the wig as he was now sure that it was some of his hair that had been trimmed and not just the wig. "Two minutes, girls," said Miss Adams, gathering everyone. Mike took his tray and followed the procession of girls into the Saturday appetizer hour. He smiled as he passed out treats until he saw Lisa, who was dressed as a bar maid in her black satin outfit staring at him with her mouth open as she passed him. "You look so incredible," said Lisa, who was just stunned. "Now you know how freakin' hot your grandmother must have been." "That's too weird to actually even think about," whispered Mike, as he passed her and continued working. The guests were finally ushered into the main dining room as Mike and Beth worked together serving the first course and then the salads. As they finished, they were ushered back stage as the speeches began, allowing them time to change. "Thirty minutes, girls," said Miss Adams. "Not a minute more please." Vicky immediately grabbed Mike and began removing his bouffant extension. She quickly removed the pins, combs, and spun him around. "Nice job honey," said Vicky, unzipping the back of his dress before helping Beth. "Go start changing and come right back in your bathrobe." Mike hurried down the hall holding the costume so that it would not slip off. He hurried into the changing room, where he was greeted by Claire. "You're doing so well, Monique," said Claire. "I'm a little surprised but pleasantly surprised!" "Hi Claire," said Mike as Claire helped him out of his dress. "Thanks I guess, but I'm just trying to do my job and blend into the background. So what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you for now?" "Well, this outfit requires a perfect fit and it was close, so I didn't want to leave it to anyone else to help you dear," said Claire, quickly stripping him down fully now. "These undergarments will work for this outfit, and the dessert costume. Once I put you in them, you can go to Vicky and get your hair done before you finish dressing." Claire now wrapped a flesh colored corset around his waist and fastened the small metal clips in front. She carefully adjusted his cleavage and then twisted him around. "Hold your arms straight out and lean on the wall," said Claire. "Grab that towel rack if that helps you not to move. I'll be tugging a little as I bring you in. This will feel very tight at first, but within five minutes you'll forget about it." Claire started pulling at the laces of the corset as she constricted his waist. As she tugged , he hung on trying not move as the tension at his waist was becoming incredibly uncomfortable. "Holy shit. This sucks," said Mike, wincing as Claire had her tape measure around his waist. "Are you kidding me here? It's way too tight Claire. I won't be able to work like this." "Shut up and breathe in. Maybe one more inch honey," said Claire as he held his breath. "You'll be fine in a minute." Claire tugged even harder now as he was holding in his breath, as she finally began tying and tucking in the laces. Claire now knelt in front of him, attaching a small piece of fabric onto the front bottom of the corset and then wrapping it around his penis. "Breathe in again and try now to jump," said Claire as she now pushed his testicles inside his body cavity and pulled back his penis sternly. She now pushed his cheeks open, pulling the thin fabric between them and clipped it at the back of the corset, snapping it tightly. "I know it's tight and feels constrictive," said Claire, comforting him. "This was designed by some drag queens to allow you to keep your shape and still be able to use the bathroom. It's pulled back in a sleeve and tucked away so that you can pee just like any young lady." "That's just great," said Mike, rolling his eyes. Claire rolled his nude stockings up his legs now and clipped the four garters in place. She dropped some pink slippers in front of him which he stepped into, and then helped him on with his peach pastel colored bathrobe. "See you in a bit," said Claire, opening the door. "Send Beth back here if she's ready and I'll help her." Mike struggled down the hall, not used to the corset and sat down next to Beth as Vicky was circling her with hairspray. "Ok sweetie," said Vicky, tapping Beth's thigh to get up before moving to Mike. "Your turn honey. Let's get these out now." "I'll see you in a few minutes, Monique," said Beth, checking herself out in the mirror. "Thank you Vicky. I really like it." Beth spun, looking at the rear view of her long hair as it was now tightly pulled into a silky smooth French roll. It was parted on the left side, her long bangs were flipped across and turned outward. Her makeup was now also much more dramatically done and her lips shined like glass. Mike watched as Vicky placed pin after pin on the table next to them and eventually roller after roller. She then began picking at his hair with a small pick and only her fingers, before beginning to pick up pin after pin again. She worked quickly now before pulling on the ends of his hair, using her curling iron and humming as she worked. "Just two more minutes, cutie," said Vicky. "I just have to do something with the ends that we had covering the seams of the wig," said Vicky. "Your hair holds a set pretty well in case you're curious. Most girls would kill for your texture." Vicky stepped back, spraying and picking at his hair now before turning her attention to his eyelids and lips. She then outlined the inner portion of his eyes, thickening his liner and then tapped his thigh as she was finished. "Hurry along honey," said Vicky. "You look beautiful. See you before the next change in two hours." Mike hurried down the hallway, feeling the strange sensations of the pinching corset and now some bouncing curls. As he walked into the room, he was greeted by Beth who immediately helped him off with his bathrobe. He kicked off his slippers and Claire knelt in front of him as he sat down while she buckled the criss-crossing straps around each ankle. Claire held out a royal blue dress as he stepped into and she gingerly slid it up his body and slowly zipped it up from behind him. "Whew!! Perfect fit," Claire smiled. "That was too fucking close. Walk slowly and carefully. I know you are not used to being in anything like this. Don't forget to smile when you are announced honey, and wiggle your way out there carefully!" Claire now changed his jewelry and stepped back, admiring her work and gave a quick rub on his back as she opened the door. Beth held Mike's arm, slowly leading him from the room as they walked down the hall. "I can barely move between the corset and this dress," Mike complained to Beth, wiggling down the hall. "How am I going to work like this? I feel like it's going to rip." "Price of beauty as they say, Monique," said Beth, holding out her hands. "I love being dressed like this. Makes me feel rich for a moment, anyway." Mike looked at Beth as he was almost drooling, seeing her in a long mustang red form fitting strapless ball gown, which she was almost popping out of. Her dress dragged across the floor as she moved gracefully in red strapless stilettos. She had on long white elbow length gloves, and her hair had been done in a sophisticated French roll. Around her neck she had a large pearl chocker and huge pearl tear drop earrings. They lined up in position with the other girls as Vicky walked, stopped them holding a plastic mask over his face while she sprayed his hair and then moving the mask to Beth and spraying her. "You look so mature now, girls. Separate your fingers for me honey. Sorry I ran down here when I realized I forgot to put these on you," said Claire ,pulling Mike in front of the floor length mirror. "Take it in girlfriend while I add the final touch." Mike's chest pounded even harder now as Claire rolled a white glove up his left arm. He stood watching as she straightened the gloves on his lower bicep before repeating the process on the right arm. He stood motionless, studying himself as he noticed how accentuated his curves looked in his tight form fitting dress while Claire pressed her fingers between his, tightening the ends of the gloves. He was in a thinly strapped royal blue silk floor length gown, which seemed to barely clear the floor. It had small single rhinestone straps on either side of the v-neck, revealing his now bodacious looking cleavage and ending on a straight line zipped back. His severely pinched waistline looked so tiny now, giving him a more hippy look and he could barely separate his thighs in the tight mermaid shaped dress which flared out below his knees allowing him to move his lower legs. His hair was arranged in a gorgeous updo, and filled with cascading curls which sparkled every which way from the glittered hairspray that Vicky had just added. Above his left ear, it was pulled back tightly, as all the hanging curls had been flipped to the right side as a few ringlets scratched against his right shoulder. His earrings were now very heavy oversized rhinestone dangling clusters, and his large v-neck necklace ended in a severe point between his amazing cleavage. Mike now broke his trance of staring at himself as the girls began scurrying into position, getting back to work. He followed behind Beth in line, out into the main dining room and waited as the girls began joining their dates. He could see Ginny across the room in a pink evening gown, holding the arm of her scientist as they walked together to his table. He now noticed Lisa looking so mature and glamorous in a tangerine strapless gown with her hair slicked back into a tight bun. He could again feel some jealousy running through his bones as she was whispering back and forth with George Clooney as they laughed together. "You're next. Have fun and see you later," said Beth, as she was began walking towards her massive football player partner. "And next the world renowned Sebastian Allane, and his lovely escort again this evening, Miss Monique," said Miss Adams. He slowly wiggled his way towards Sebastian, immediately grossed out as he was being kissed on each cheek and then softly hugged. "You look radiant this evening, my dear," Sebastian said as he held out his arm. "Thank you Mr. Allane, and it's a pleasure to see you again sir," said Mike politely as he gently hung on his arm walking with him to his table. Sebastian held out his chair as he carefully sat down in the tight dress, as Sebbe slid his chair a touch closer to Mike's. Sebbe attentively listened to the other guests speeches, but made sure to give Mike some attention, whispering every now and then into his ear. It was an odd feeling for Mike, realizing that Sebbe would gently touch his thigh or wrist from time to time as they whispered to each other. After an hour of speeches, fake smiles, and small talk, the speeches finally ended as the band finally began playing again. "Ah finally," said Sebbe. "Was it actually this boring when I was speaking yesterday, Monique?" "Of course not," said Mike smiling. "Well at least you're a better date than you are a liar," said Sebbe, chuckling as he leaning in and kissed his cheek. "Let's dance my dear." Mike held Sebbe's arm as they headed for the dance floor, holding on like he was his trophy. They danced slowly and gracefully as he enjoyed dipping and holding Mike as he struggled to move in the tight and unforgiving mermaid gown as the music picked up a little. He turned his head to the left, seeing Lisa dancing next to him with George as he made eye contact with her. "Royal blue is a fabulous color on you, Monique," said Lisa, giving him a weird look as she continued dancing. "It brings out your blue eyes, especially with your hair up." "You look amazing tonight, Lisa," said Mike, smiling at her. "Sebbe, wonderful to see you," said George, looking up as they danced. "And I see you two girls know each other. So listen, why don't you come to my party tonight at my ski house. Sebbe, you're still coming right?" "Of course! Your parties are legendary," Sebbe smiled. "Have I ever missed one out here in Aspen yet!" "Sounds wonderful Mr. Clooney, but we are not supposed to socialize with guests other than work," said Mike trying to avoid issue. "We would love that more than anything, but unfortunately we'll have to pass." "Don't worry, honey. It's just a party, and trust me you wouldn't get in trouble for attending anything with Sebbe. He practically owns Aspen," said George. "Lisa's already said yes, so you'll know her and Sebbe." "Oh, I didn't know that," said Mike, giving a look that could kill at Lisa. "I thought we were just going clubbing tonight." "I just haven't seen you to tell you about our little change in plans, Monique," said Lisa, turning away and now with her arms wrapped around George's neck, looking into his eyes. "We'll be there and I'll be bringing a few friends like we talked about. We'll just need a little time to change into something more comfortable." "Fabulous!" said Sebbe. "This will give us a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other better without all the formality." Mike closed his eyes as they continued to dance as he was fuming at Lisa. After two more songs, the music ended as Sebbe kissed his wrist and he went off to change into his dessert costume. He was silent as he met up with Beth and they walked down the hall into the dressing area to change. Beth unzipped him as he gently wiggled out of his gown and hung it on the hanger as she did the same. He gingerly slid off his gloves and then removed his earrings and necklace. He sat down, taking off his shoes as Beth handed him a pair of fishnet stockings. "Clip them to your garters and then I'll help you with your costume," said Claire, doing the same. "Put your black shoes on from earlier. After those last shoes, these will feel like slippers." He rolled the fishnets up his legs and clipped the garters as he then slipped back into his black pumps from earlier in the evening. She opened his garment bag, holding out his dessert outfit as he slowly stepped into it as she quickly zipped him up. She then slipped into her matching costume and helped him with his jewelry and added a piece to his hair. "Ok, let's move honey," said Beth. "Then we can party. It's going to be so much fun tonight!" "Isn't that just great," said Mike, sick to his stomach, staring at himself in his new outfit. Mike's dessert outfit was now that of an old fashioned Burlesque style saloon girl. His dress was a strapless one piece red satin and lace corset top, with black stitching and weaved ribbons at the boning with an attached miniskirt with black lace petticoats. The garters of his underlying corset were barely hidden, as the entire black fishnet stocking were on display right up until their thick folded band. His curly updo was now decorated with a red and black feathered headpiece, which was now clipped into his hair and around his neck was a single red rose chocker, which was slightly off center on the left. His earrings were now large black beaded dangling clusters, and on his wrists were delicate see through fingerless black lace glovettes, covering from the back of his hands to his forearms. "Come on," said Beth, leaving the room as they walked down the hall. "Have fun with all this stuff. See what you missed being a boy! You would have loved playing dress up as a little girl." Mike was handed a dessert tray filled with cake and pie slices as he began serving customers. He then delivered coffee and tea, looking over seeing Ginny and Lisa who were dressed much more conservatively than he was, in long Victoria gowns and hats walking towards him. "Nice boobs, bitch," said Ginny as she flicked his garter strap, snapping it against him like a rubber band pinching him. "I didn't think you have enough to hold that top up." "We'll talk later in the room," said Lisa, whispering to him as she passed him. "Don't be mad. I was going to tell you about the party later. You know a lot has changed since we've been here." "Like what," Whined Mike. "It's only our second day." "Socialize later please, ladies," said Miss Adams, nastily interrupting them. Lisa turned ,getting back to work as Mike did the same. He cleaned off his tables before quickly returning to change into his casual clothes as he headed back to the room with Beth. "So, this should be fun tonight," said Beth. "For who, you? Lisa? Ginny?" said Mike nastily as he opened the door to their room. "I think I'll pass!" "Ah Lisa," said Beth, pointing to Mike. "I think Monique is having a little mood swing here. I am not getting involved in this shit."

Same as Snow Bunny 3 Videos

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My Captive Girl Bunny

DAY 1 It was already 2:00 am when I was driving home after a long day of work. Long hours at the office was constant, I never took a sick day and I can’t even remember the last time I was on vacation. Social life was non existent; I’ve been trapped in a routine that consists of waking up, drive to work, work a 12 hour shift, take shit from shitty people, drive home, watch an hour of tv, go to sleep. Rinse and repeat. But on this fateful night my life was going to get a jolt of excitement in the...

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Snow and the River

The thick snow fell slowly on a vanished world, obliterating the joint between earth and sky, erasing the sharp edges of the apartment buildings bordering the park, and obscuring the leafless trees and dark pines in a blur of falling white. There seemed to be nothing left but the stone bridge over the slow gray river like a bridge in the clouds linking blankness to blankness, and that’s where he stood. The sounds of the city were so muffled that he could hear the gentle hiss of the snowflakes...

1 year ago
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Snow White

Snow White was feeling wretched and miserable as she lay naked in the shadows of the tall forest trees, as well she might after her unexpected rape at the hands of the forester. It had seemed such a jolly idea at first when he suggested walking into the woods with her ostensibly to show her what he did for a living, and the fact it was sanctioned by her usually unsympathetic stepmother and guardian made it an especial treat. But then he turned on her, beating her about the face, pulling off her...

3 years ago
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Snow Black

It was my first winter break home from college, and it was then I realised that all my friends in my past were moving in different circles. I found that away from college, I was very much alone. It was nearing Christmas, and so I was always meeting my new friends in town while shopping. It was when I got back to my little suburban estate that backed onto the country that I found myself alone.One morning, I awoke to find it had snowed heavily overnight and that all the buses into town had been...

2 years ago
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Snow White The True Story

the true story. by Miss Irene Clearmont. The wordsmith sits amongst her voluminous black velvet robes and blue silk and pauses before relating her tale. A mask of ivory, edged with ebony sits easily in her hand. It is the mark of her devotion to the muse Melpomene. She is an older woman, still attractive and alluring despite her fifty years. She sighs as she allows her mind to wander over the details of the saga that she is about to divulge. She speaks… ***** Once upon a time...

1 year ago
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Snow White and The Seven Chapter Two The Queens Wrath

Snow ran crying through the corridors of the castle, the wall sconces lighting the way. She had never felt so low, so helpless. For the first time, Snow had no self esteem. How could she fake orgasms, she had tried before and been caught immediately. It was so unfair!! Snow took a left, then a right, her eyes blinded by tears of rage and absolute grief, her beautiful face streaked with tears and mascara. Before Snow knew it, she was utterly lost, even having been raised in this castle her...

3 years ago
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Snow White and The Seven Chapter One The Fuckening

The queen looked into the magic mirror smiling at the deep dark eyes staring back at her, glistening in the rooms light. "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the sluttiest slut of all?" The man in the mirror hesitated for a moment before answering, the queen held that sway over many people. "Y-your highness, if truth be told, it is Snow, even now she is participating in activities that far surpass your own slutty abilities!" The queen was in a rage, her blood boiling, "WHERE IS SHE!?!...

1 year ago
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Snow Angel

“Fuck it. Let the wind clean it off,” he thought as he opened the driver’s door and climbed in. He started pulling out of his parking lot, giving the truck gas to get all of the snow off, but it didn’t move. He tried to look out of the passenger window, but his view was blocked by snow. “God dammit!” he said aloud as he stopped in the middle of the driveway. Martin grabbed his snow brush and spent the next 5 minutes cleaning off his windows before getting back into the warm cab and...

4 years ago
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Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny

Micro Skinny to Chubby Bunny What a total delight that was! I bet that bitch was totally ashamed and embarrassed as all hell when she left. Or should I say he with that massive penis that was raging. I bet he was totally getting off to all of us, perv, serves him right. Jamie was thinking this as she was showering and cleaning up after teaching her morning fitness class. Looking in the mirror thinking oh yes, this is the body that everyone desires and I now have it. She works the mornings...

1 year ago
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Chapter 5 An Old Girlfriend AND Bunny

Chapter 5- Finishing my Education and Beginning a CareerFollowing my Sophomore summer, I returned to school with an improved GPA (I took a B back in French and an A in the Music History course- Sue managed a C even with her sexy notes on her thighs). That got my fine arts requirement out of the way. Academically, things got easier for me as I had that pesky foreign language out of the way and did not need to spend hours in the language lab listening to the drone of French and having to attempt...

1 year ago
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Snuggle Bunny

Snuggle Bunny by Sarah Brandt Life, in general, had not been going well for me, or my friends for that matter. I was very good in physics, a genius really, but my poor showing in phys. ed. put my college scholarship in jeopardy. I was six feet tall, but a bit pudgy. Girls didn't find me attractive at all. In a word, I was a nerd. The only guys on campus who liked me were my best friend and brother nerd Greg, Rick, a freshman who was geekier than me, and Tim, a former jock...

1 year ago
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Playing boy Bunny

I work the second shift as a production manager for a large paper company and have been doing this job on second shift for the last seven years. My best asset is my cock which according to my wife, who measured it quite a few times to ensure it was an accurate measurement, is nine and three quarters inches long and enough so that her fingers just about touch when she wraps her hand around it. My wife is a hair dresser and she made sure of my cocks size, so that she could brag to her friends and...

2 years ago
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Snow Bunny Surprise Ch 01

A big thank you to my editors, FireEye and DawnJ. I will say that any mistakes are mine and mine alone as I don’t always take their sound advice. I hope you enjoy my first of hopefully many stories. ************************************************** Walking up the stairs with Danielle, Barry could feel his palms starting to sweat. The only thing going through in his head was whether she wants him to kiss her or not. Every step forward was making him more nervous. Danielle is one of his...

1 year ago
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Snow Storm1

Snow Storm Here in the Adirondack Mountains of New York we are certainly used to harsh winters and heavy snowfalls. So when the local weatherman called it the Storm of the Century I had to laugh. After all it is only seven years into this century and that leaves ninety-three more years for a bigger storm to come by. I figured that the odds were in our favor that this was NOT the Storm of the Century after all. However I also know better than to tempt fate. I live on a small body...

2 years ago
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Snow Flake

Christmas Eve in the Adirondacks, and the snow was coming down hard, big fat flakes that reflected the light from my headlights into a sparkling display. The flakes were swirling gently toward the ground, since the night was perfectly still, but the motion of my truck made them stream past the windshield in a mesmerizing rush, like that computer screensaver that was so popular a few years back. This thought reminded me of my own computer and monitor, firmly belted into the back seats like a...

3 years ago
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Snow Angels

(A slightly edited version of the story previously posted under my pen-name Rebecka) God, I hate the snow. When I was 14 years old, my best friend and I were trapped on a bus in a snowstorm. It was the middle of January, the temperature was arctic (even before the snow), and I'd already seen more snow than an Atlanta girl would see in a decade. The problem was, I was no longer in Georgia. "Minnesota sucks," I grumbled. The boy sitting beside me, Paul, my defacto boyfriend, laughed...

1 year ago
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Snow Bound

The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth.  Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing.  A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers.  Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Snow Bound

The windshield wipers thump fast, back and forth.  Hope could barely see the road it was snowing so heavy now.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she slowly tried to follow the tire tracks in front of her but they were quickly disappearing.  A little smile curved her lips as Johnny Mathis started singing, I'll be home for Christmas, through her car speakers.  Hope hadn’t been home for Christmas since she up and followed Ned to New York, a couple of years ago, as he followed his dream. She...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Snow White and Zorro

Before I tell you my story about Snow white, Zorro and the costume Garden party I feel I need to tell you a bit about myself. I was born in a middle size town of about 100 000 people and had a free upbringing. When I was a teenager horse riding was my passion which meant that the sliding up and down on a saddle aroused my sexual desires early in puberty and made me an accomplished masturbator at age 16. Later in high school I was an A-grade basketball player but as I went to university I only...

2 years ago
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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Snow Demon

"I think he's asleep." Craig's wife smiled at him, her hands gently tucking in the blue blankets around Billy. Their son's arms seemed to hug the stuffed bunny tighter. Even after almost a year, that kind of thing still got Craig choked up. He reached into the crib, touching first his son's head, then the bunny's. "Forget which one's our son?" Eve asked. Craig chuckled softly. "It's the one with less fur." He straightened, wrapping the robe around himself a little tighter and...

2 years ago
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Snow Cat

I did not like the layers of clothes or the wet cold and I really did not like the snow. My family was here to build a warren on what the humans called the high plains. My litter mates had already selected mates and I was alone. Of course I had been the only male in the litter. I was eighteen and several years past our mating age ... as my father constantly reminded me. I had missed the first part of the construction to finish my advance degree exam project. I collected my float and then...

2 years ago
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Snow Shoveling Man

Chapter ONE The snow had been falling steadily for several hours, covering the ground with more than five inches of crystalline flakes. You looked out of the living room window of your new home at the fresh blanket of winter white and frowned at how little of your driveway could be visibly followed from the garage to the street. Night was rapidly approaching, and the mercury vapor street light down the block reflected against the snow, creating a faint reddish-violet glow in the twilight. I...

3 years ago
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Snow Wolf

You have been standing at the window for what must be hours. Your mind can’t grasp exactly why, but something ‘out there’ is calling to you. You stand silently watching, waiting, for what or whom, you have no idea. Mesmerized by the flurries of snow that float upon the cold evening breeze, you feel a slight shiver traverse up your spine and your curious mind wonders why, for it is warm and cozy in the cabin in which you stand. Built long ago, in the days when the wasichu were trying to wrest...

3 years ago
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Snow Day1

As a fifteen year old (sixteen in four months) I was a hard worker. I come from a middle class family but was never given any thing for free. I had to work. If I wanted a new bike I had to raise the money my self. My parents were not unreasonable, if they knew I had a savings project on the go they would inquire about my progress. At some point in the process they would normally pony up a portion of the money as long as I had made an honest effort to secure the needed cash. They said it...

3 years ago
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Snow Whites Story Part 1

She laid there, still, almost as stiff as the hard thick cock she imagined sliding in and out of her mouth. She was trying so hard to resist it. Even though her mind was trying her body obviously wasn’t. Her legs were spread open and her breath was so heavy and quick that she could barely breath. Her large breast propped on top of her body moved with every breath. She clenched her fist tightly to her side. ‘Don’t do it’ She told herself out loud. But she couldn’t resist. She slid her hand up...

2 years ago
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Snow Day

Introduction: Chel finds out the other perk to snowboarding. Whew! That was a close one! Arms gripping the tree Chel wiggles her board around the base of the trunk. The powder is piled up high around her legs almost to her knees. It is the first decent day of snow Colorado had all winter. The mountain is packed but within the trees is her territory. Well… Chels and every other experienced boarders anyway. So far during her morning runs she has only run into a few and they have already taken off...

2 years ago
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Snow Whites Story Part 1

She laid there, still, almost as stiff as the hard thick cock she imagined sliding in and out of her mouth. She was trying so hard to resist it. Even though her mind was trying her body obviously wasn't. Her legs were spread open and her breath was so heavy and quick that she could barely breath. Her large breast propped on top of her body moved with every breath. She clenched her fist tightly to her side. "Don't do it" She told herself out loud. But she couldn't resist. She slid her hand up...

1 year ago
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Snow Angels

When Shelly suggested baking gingerbread cookies and making snow angels, it sounded so wholesome. I'd bring the weed -- because I always brought the weed -- and we knew we'd laugh our asses off, having a good time in the fresh snow.I hung up with her and gathered my things, excited to spend a day playing in the snow on top of studying for tomorrow's exam. I was grateful Shelly and I were in the same class so we could study together.I got to her house quickly, and we got high first, which was...

First Time
1 year ago
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Snow Day0

Chel readjusts her beanie and once again scolds herself for not buying a damn helmet. Spent all her money on a rocker board and a new pair of snow pants. Although she had to admit along with keeping her super warm the pants made her ass look amazing. Board unstuck Chel fixes her snow goggles on her nose and slides out of the tress onto the much abused trail. Worn dow to little more than dust-on-crust Chel drifts over to a section of powder roped off under a stretch of the gondola. Picking up...

3 years ago
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Snow White and the Seven Inches

Once upon a time, in the middle of a dark forest, a young lady was living in a modest hut with 7 dwarves. Her name was Snow White, and the dwarves were named Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, Bashful and Doc. They were all quiet, but hard-working folks; and courageous too, for the queen of the land had tried to kill Snow White despite she was the rightful heir of the king, because she was jealous of her beauty. But the dwarves had accepted to hide her from the Queen's tyranny, and in...

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