- 3 years ago
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This story is a mix between romance and magic. Can a Bunnies save a man’s tortured soul? Constructive comments are very welcome. EVERYONE in the story is at least eighteen years of age and willing participants.
Thanks to Headitor for editing support and creative assistance. Without them the story would never have made it - any remaining errors we missed - we don’t need to be told.
I was headed home from my cousin’s house; they had thrown their yearly Easter cookout. Food and drink had been heavily indulged in for most everyone - but me. I’d drunk a few of course, but never having been one to drink much, I was still on the right side of sober; most of the others had drunk enough to make up for my lack. I’d downed well over a gallon of water - I’d retired a year ago, but still drank gallons of water like I was in the desert somewhere.
Our family had got together today over at Patricia’s and Eddie’s to cook, let the kids hunt Easter eggs and such, Patricia preferred everyone to call her P.P. I’d missed so many of these over the years. P.P. and Eddie had a few folks I did not know there also, fact is I did not know a lot of people, having been gone twenty years.
P.P. was my older cousin on my mom’s side, but we’d almost become brother and sister along the way when we were young. A lot of folks got confused because she’d call me Bubba all the time, making them think we were actually brother and sister.
The majority of folks had left when it got dark, but a few of us stayed and hung around enjoying being outside till late. Outside is where I spent a lot of time anyways; believe it or not, having a roof over your head is something odd at times when you’ve spent a lot of your life without one.
I’d decided to leave just before eleven. Not like I had to be up and at work tomorrow; my pension covered what little we needed, and I’d been smart enough to avoid marriage and kids while in the service. I’d got out at thirty-eight with my twenty and a few months in, so my retirement was that, mine.
Thorns and I were taking our time heading home, driving down some back-country roads about fifteen miles from the house. It was April in Texas, which meant you might get snow, heat, rain or like tonight just warm enough that when you hit low lying areas in the road you got that quick chill.
My granny would say it was ‘haints crossing’” when you’d get the chill. To her it meant you drove through a misplaced spirit, sending their deathly cold through you.
I had the windows down enjoying the night air, Thorns with her head out her window. Thorns is my Belgian Malinois. I’d had one named Gunner a few tours in overseas and fell in love with the breed. I’d found a reputable breeder just before my Final Out, took a few days leave and picked her out when she was three weeks old.
By the time I got back home and found a house to rent it was time to pick Thorns up from the breeder at three months old. I’d done right by her and made sure she, and I went to training daily as soon as she was ready. She was as good as Gunner maybe even better. Her one flaw, she was jealous.
My mom had even said Thorns was more jealous than any girl I’d ever dated. She wouldn’t harm anything or anyone without command, but let another animal near me and she’d whimper, whine, pout and carry on like you never heard.
Her actions alone were about to make tonight an odd one, even without what I was about to step into. It would leave anyone to question their own sanity, and trust me, twenty years much of in one third world hot spot or another, I needed what sanity I still had.
We’d hit the bottom area where Bogey Stanley lived when I was a kid, when my bladder got the best of me. Old Farm to Market road this late there was no traffic, so I pulled the truck over to drain the vein. I’d made it to the passenger side when Thorns went to raising sand. She was barking her head off, but it wasn’t an aggressive bark, more of a pleading bark. Maybe she needed to pee with daddy, so I opened the door and she shot out like she’d been dropped out the door of a helo. Problem is I had Johnson out and had started pissing.
I could hear her moving through the woods barking, but it still wasn’t aggressive, so I figured I’d let her stretch her legs while I peed. Finished up, I went to calling her to come back. Her bark had turned into a whine. I’d never heard her whine quite like this, but for some reason my brain knew it was an urgent begging.
I grabbed my light from the glove box and started toward where I heard her. She’d made it about one hundred meters in. My light hit the reflective strips on her vest up ahead. She was laying down just whining. Thorns never looked at me or the light as I came toward her through the briars and branches.
There were damn Aralia spinosa, devil’s walking cane as my granny had called it, and it was everywhere. Whatever Thorns had found had protected itself with briars and trees that tore at my clothes and flesh.
Thorns may not have sounded aggressive or been postured that way, but I’d still unholstered my Glock 15 about fifty feet from her. Something had her like I’d never seen, and as I got close my light hit what had her attention. I had no idea what it was. All I could see was a strawberry-pink colored ball of fur rolling around. What the hell kind of animal had pink fur?
“Thorns Komm her, Komm her!!”
She would not move, so I had to go to her. I was down on my hands and knees getting under the brush to get there.
“What the fuck?!?”
It was a rabbit. A pink rabbit. The poor thing had been snared at some point and had managed to pull the snare free, but the wire was caught in the briars.
“Easy girl. Easy”, I told the rabbit.
Why it was a girl in my mind I had no idea, maybe because it was the pink, maybe ... Fuck who knows, it’s damn near midnight, I’m cut and scratched to pieces, and on my knees in the woods, with a loaded pistol in one hand and an attack dog who’s acting like a worried mother. It’s a girl, alright.
Soon as I touched her, she went still and let me work the wire off her leg. I set the animal down to try and crawl out so we could go home. Thorns wasn’t having it. She just whimpered and nudged my hand then the rabbit. My hand then the rabbit. The rabbit just sat there, why had it not run?
I sighed, “OK girl she comes with us.”
Picking the rabbit up again, I got the bark I wanted, the happy ‘let’s go home’ bark.
“OK girl take us home,” I said undoing her lead attached to her vest straps and clicking the light off.
I held the lead with the hand I used to walk on with my knees, the other clutching the still rabbit to my chest, Thorns guiding us out. I was covered in sweat and ripped to shreds by the time Thorns led us back to the truck.
Only then did I realize it had been a good thing nobody came along, the passenger door was open, and the keys were in the ignition, my truck ripe for stealing. Thorns loaded up; I closed the door behind her. ‘What the hell am I gonna do with this rabbit I wondered. If I set it down Thorns is gonna raise sand again.’ I looked the rabbit eye to eye in the dark.
“OK girl you’re coming with us. What’s your name huh?” No answer. Was worth a try, I mean it’s a fucking pink rabbit, come on, you know.
“How about Bunny,” I asked. Her ears just twitched.
I know, creative. Again ... it’s a pink fucking rabbit, midnight in the woods of East Texas, I was stone cold sober, and I don’t do drugs, cut to shreds by trees and briars, so gimmie a break.
Bunny rode snuggled into the side of my leg the rest of the trip. I’m not sure what amazed me more, the pink rabbit in my seat or my usually jealous dog licking it and not bitching about another animal near me.
Getting out in the garage, I realized both myself and Bunny had blood on us. A quick gentle cleaning of the pink fur proved all the blood to be mine. I’d been punctured a few dozen times, still had a few thorns in me thanks to the Devil’s Walking Stick and a bunch of scratches from the briars. I cleaned Bunny up, sat her on a towel on the floor, then stripped and showered. Some peroxide and a few Band-Aids here and there for me and we were clean.
Thorns just sat watching the whole time, looking at me like ‘dude it’s a pink fucking rabbit, what’d you expect’. I ended up laughing which made Thorns tilt her head like I was crazy, which made me laugh harder.
I was with the girls in the kitchen when P.P. texted.
“Hey Bubba, you make it home OK?”
“I think so,” I text back.
“What the hell does that mean LOL”.
“Tell you tomorrow” I text. “Nobody there spiked the drinks, did they?”
“Naw, you OK?”
“Yeah P, I’ll call you tomorrow if you’re gonna be home”.
“Hell, I’m here every day,” she sent back.
I sat Bunny on the floor and opened the fridge. ‘Do rabbits really like carrots,’ I wondered. I felt Thorns nudging my leg. I looked down, she pushed Bunny towards me with her nose. I sighed and picked up Bunny. Thorns sat watching me.
“Girl, you OK,” I asked? She looked at me like yeah, you’re the one holding a pink rabbit, I’m fine.
Listen, I know if you have an animal you make up what they are saying when they look at you too, so don’t act like you don’t.
Well I had some baby carrots, I liked them in stew. Bunny seemed to agree and worked on one with her paws and teeth. I put her down by Thorns’ bed, about to head to bed myself.
More whimpering and nudging Bunny from Thorns. I knelt and loved on Thorns, she just leaned into me licking as usual.
“You OK baby girl,” I asked? She just licked my face. “OK girl, I get it.” I picked up Bunny, and Thorns laid down in her bed.
“Looks like you’re with me,” I said to the ... Pink fucking rabbit. I’ve lost my damn mind. Someone spiked my drink, slipped me some shrooms, I’d finally flipped...
‘Well when I wake up it should be worn off, till then I’m sleeping with a pink rabbit... ‘
To say my sleep was restless would be an understatement. It was never too great, due to some issues hanging on from the service, but at least the dream tonight was filled with a beautiful girl.
She had long, pink, curly hair spilling outside the hoodie on her sweatshirt. Wearing cut-off shorts, her legs looked really long and shapely for her height. I’d guess maybe 5’5”. From the few glimpses I could catch of her face she was beautiful, and well-proportioned up top and bottom, as I chased her through the woods.
Well chase is the wrong word, more followed her. She’d turn her head and smile now and then, and just as I would be about to place my hand on her shoulder, she’d be gone. I’d catch movement out of the corner of my eye, and she would be going through the trees somewhere else and I’d move toward her. This played over all night, me in constant pursuit of this elusive beauty.
I came to a clearing; there was a small white building in my dream, the paint weather-worn on its exterior. Somewhere in my brain I remembered it was ol’ man Kollier’s dairy barn, I’d played there as a kid. He’d chase me off cursing. The barn, even then, was old and dangerous.
The girl was standing in the doorway just peeking out. She extended her arm and wiggled a finger to make me follow. As I headed into the clearing in front of the dairy, I heard a melodic giggle as she stepped back into the door and disappeared.
Inside was dark, but a search of the barn turned up nothing. Again the melodic giggle and I saw her move past a window outside heading in the woods again. Time had stood still in the dream; it seemed to always be dusk.
I woke up hearing the theme from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly on my phone.
“Hello,” I managed feeling groggy.
“Hey Bubba.”
“Hey P.”
“You OK,” she asked.
“Yeah, just waking up,” I said.
“Waking up now? You? It’s almost eleven”
“It’s what?”
“Eleven. You sure you’re OK,” she asked again.
“Yeah P, had a weird dream...” I spun, looking in the bed - no pink rabbit. Shit it had all been a dream or hallucination.
“Bubba? Bubba?”
“Uh- yeah P. Say you sure everyone there last night is on the level I asked?”
“Yeah, I know them all well, why?”
“I think I’ve been hallucinating since last night,” I said.
“You ain’t taking no meds from the damn V.A., are you?”
I laughed, “no they say I’m fit as a fiddle.”
“I’m gonna get dressed, feed and let Thorns out, shower and come on over. I gotta tell you about last night,” I said.
“OK Bubs I’ll be here.”
It was weird Thorns had let me sleep that long, usually she’d wake me up wanting to be out or fed if I stayed in bed past five.
I heard her yip somewhere in the house, she seemed to be playing probably with one of her toys, so I figured I’d just shower. The hot water hit me and burned. Shit I did have scratches and cuts. I had been in the woods last night. I guess chasing a hallucination. No wonder Thorns left me alone, she’d probably been freaked out by my actions.
Dried and dressed. I put my watch on, a Zero Tolerance pocketknife in both front pockets of my jeans and slipped my Glock 15 inside its IWB holster. It was a damn comfy inside the waistband holster too. I’d managed to quit showering with it since discharge, but I still felt better with it on me. Better to have and not need than need and not have. For all you that don’t understand, when your life revolves keeping yourself and your friends alive basically for twenty years, just not carrying a gun is impossible. Carry your ass through someone else’s shoes for a bit.
Thorns was still happily yipping now and then when I headed into the kitchen getting her food bowl ready, filling her water dish.
“Come get it you hungry hound,” I called. She didn’t come but was yipping in the living room where her bed was.
I went in the living room sipping a glass of orange juice and froze, cup hitting the floor. Thorns and Bunny both just staring at me. There was my dog and a pink rabbit playing on the floor.
I actually said out loud, “you are real.”
Bunny hopped over to my feet and raised her front paws up on my leg. With a shaking hand, I picked her up. She nuzzled into my chest; Thorns rubbed on my leg then headed to her dish.
I took Bunny to the counter and sat her there, “stay” I said. I got her two baby carrots and a small bowl for water. She eagerly attacked the food and then the water. I stood watching this pink rabbit, forgetting about the juice on the floor.
How do rabbits let you know they need to potty I wondered? I ran a quick search on my phone, Google suggested newspaper. I had a stack that was delivered daily: I guess the previous resident had a subscription. I decided on a spot and placed some down.
Both girls finished I told Thorns, “Weg hier”.
She headed to the back door, while I scooped Bunny up and we went out the back. Thorns headed to her normal spot over at the back corner of the fence. I put Bunny down and watched her hop around till she found a spot to relieve herself. It dawned on me: I wasn’t sure if she was a she. I’d need to check.
She hopped back to me, I picked her up and checked. Nothing male, just the tiny slit, she seemed to be a girl. I examined her fur. I’d been sure it had to be pink dye but could find no evidence. I put her back down, leaving her and Thorns to play around. In the storage building I and found a chest rig I’d worn in the service. A few adjustments, Velcro pouches removed, and I was confident Bunny would fit just fine.
“Wanna ride girls,” I asked? Thorns bolted to the door, she knew riding, she loved it as she got to hang out the window. Inside I got her vest on her, packed her lead in the straps on the back, removed thorns and briar burs from it, and put a spare pistol mag and knife in the pockets of her vest. I put the chest rig on me: it normally would have carried spare rifle mags, first aid and a smoke grenade, and tourniquet it now carried a pink rabbit.
I packed a few bottles of water in my backpack and grabbed a hank of paracord from a drawer, figuring I’d make a collar and leash for Bunny today. Putting the items in my backpack, I realized with a little reluctance, that I had accepted the fact I now had a pink rabbit. I mean what else was I gonna do with her. I couldn’t turn her loose, Thorns would lose her mind. Thorns was at the front door sitting, while Bunny, seemed comfortable with her front feet and head hanging out the chest rig.
I just needed a minivan and I’d be mister mom to animals. Maybe I needed a blue cat and orange hamster to round this family out, I laughed to myself, still unsure I wasn’t losing the rest of my sanity. We headed to P.P.’s, Thorns hanging out the passenger window and Bunny peeking over the chest rig.
I pulled up; P.P. heard me slam the doors.
“I’m around back,” she called, “come through, I’ll get you some tea.”
I made it around the back and sat Bunny on the patio table, while P. was inside making me a glass of tea. Thorns had hopped up in a chair, P. always let her sit in a chair at her house. I didn’t at home, but I let P spoil her.
She came out, “hey Bubba,” she hugged me handing me the iced tea. Her eyes got big, “where the hell did you get a pink rabbit?”
“Thank god,” I cried out.
“What?” P asked.
“You can see her.”
“Hell yeah, I can, it’s a pink rabbit.”
I felt my hands start shaking as I sat down.
“Bubba you OK?”
“P, I was sure I was losing my mind, I thought she was a hallucination.”
“Naw, I see her plain as day.”
I filled P. in on the trek to get her.
“Sounds like some kind of fate,” she said.
“Yeah sure. Think about it. You peed over there,” she pointed at a tree across the yard, “right before you left. You went a route you don’t normally go and had to pee again. Thorns,” P said reaching over to pet her, “hears Bunny and takes off making you go get her. Fate she said, or destiny, whatever you wanna call it.”
“For what though?”
“Baby we don’t know yet, but I feel like it’s right. You hurt inside. You won’t say it, but I’ve known you since the day you were born. Something happened your last tour and you still got it buried inside. That’s why you retired. You didn’t have to tell me, I knew,” she said as I just looked at her. “I mean you’re still young, strong, capable, and shit. Maybe Bunny is here to fix it,” she said.
I told her about the dream; she nodded along as I explained.
“It’s Bunny,” she said.
“It’s what,” I asked as Bunny hopped across the table and into P’s lap.
“Such a pretty girl,” P said petting her. “You went and got a pink rabbit from the woods.”
I nodded.
“Then you follow a pink-haired pretty girl through the woods in your dream.”
I nodded.
“Two pretty pink girls? Case, it was Bunny.”
“OK, but even if I accept that, and I’m not sure I do, what does it all mean?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “Let me call Linda Sue.”
Bunny seemed happy in P’s lap. I got a ball out of the truck. Thorns would chase it down, she brought it back, and I’d throw it again, while P talked to Linda.
I felt weight on my foot, looked down; it was bunny. I picked her up and nuzzled her. The fur was so soft. It was then I noticed her eyes in the light the first time. They were a violet color.
“She’s on her way,” P said.
“Linda, she wants to see Bunny and you together.”
“Oh P ... I mean ... what the hell.”
I sat down with Bunny.
“Let me see her,” P said.
She examined her. “Her fur does not seem to be dyed, it’s really pink,” she said.
“I thought so too,” I agreed.
“Case, nobody ever heard of a real pink rabbit. Fate,” she said matter of fact. She handed Bunny back to me.
“Why are you here?” I asked Bunny as I looked at her. Her ears twitched.
Linda Sue was there in less than ten minutes.
I’d known Linda most of my life. She was P’s aunt on her dad’s side.
“I be damned,” she said sitting down.
“What?” I asked.
“I was sure Pat was pulling my leg. May I?” she asked reaching.
Bunny went right into her hands. “Amazing,” she said, “her fur is softer than normal rabbit fur and it appears it’s its natural color.”
“Tell me exactly what happened,” Linda said.
I relayed the story of getting Bunny, then the dream.
She remained silent and nodded the whole time.
“You have to catch her in your dream,” she said, like I should have known what it meant all along.
“Then what,” I asked?
“I don’t know. I know this, you aren’t really chasing her in your dream. She’s chasing you.”
“She’s chasing me?”
“Yes, the inside you. In your dream you are after her but never catch her. Your physical self is after her but her mental part, or maybe her spirit, is after you. I don’t know what will happen when you come together but that’s what it means,” Linda said.
“Fate,” P said again.
“Case, what happened?” Linda asked.
“I just told you,” I said.
“No what happened to you last tour.”
I sighed. Could I tell them? Should I tell them? I’d not spoken of it since that night...
“We were a few kilometers outside a village, had been a few months. We would, on our own, provide medical aid and food to the indigenous people along with running our reconnaissance and other missions from our outpost.”
“I’d go into the village with Doc every week to help him. There was a young lady in the village,” I said. “Prettiest girl I’d ever seen less than five foot tall. Eyes so green they looked like emeralds against her brown skin. She could not say Master Sergeant, she called me Masag.”
She’d come running every time she saw me and jump up into my arms. Doc said she had a crush on me. I called her...”
It hit me like a truck, tearing another hole into what little soul I had left. I lost it right there and felt the sobs rack my entire core. What was left of my soul ached. “Bunny...” I finally managed though my tears.
“Because she jumped into your arms?” P asked.
I could only nod, I could not speak yet.
Finally under some semblance of control of myself again. “I had a necklace I’d been given by some girl on R&R,” I said. “Cheap piece of metal with a Star of David. Bunny loved it so I ended up giving it to her.”
“A few nights later, the village was lit up by small arms fire. We called asking permission to go in. The man with the star on his collar denied repeated requests. Finally our Colonel, Samson, said fuck it and we headed in, him with us. By the time we got there they were gone. Sun was just coming up.”
“Doc found Bunny.” I broke again, I’m not sure how long. I came back to myself feeling Bunny jump from the table in my lap and rub against me. Her right hind leg beating my lap over and over fast.
“So Doc found her. She’d been beheaded, after all seven had gang raped her, and cut off her legs and arms. The tribal leader told our interpreter it was because she had the necklace on, from an American. So ... I... , “ I breathed a sigh. “That’s all I can say. I’m home and not in a third world or American prison, so I’d like to keep it that way.”
P and Linda had both sat quietly while I’d told the tale. The only two people outside my group that officially knew some of what happened in that village. But they could never know what happened that night after sunset when I caught up with those responsible; only two people had that knowledge. Like I said, legally, if less so morally, I should be rotting in prison somewhere. Nobody could know what happened with Samson, sitting with me on a Tundra tailgate that afternoon.
“Let her catch you,” P said, “in your dream,” breaking me from my thoughts
“How?” I asked. Neither had any clue, but both were adamant this Bunny and the other Bunny were connected.
“That’s why the V.A. gave you a clean bill of health,” P said. “They can’t drug you and expect you to not slip up and say something about what happened to that girl.”
“No P., Americans don’t care what happens to those people over there, things like that happen every day. That’s what they live every minute there. Here they are all too busy worrying about dumb shit: what celebrity died, some barista in a hat, some asshole holding up the line, their internet not loading fast enough ... First world problems ain’t shit compared to that.”
“The V.A. though? No, I know how to play the game with them. No drugs can clean a man’s soul. Mine’s damaged, if I still even have one. Not by what I’ve done in my life, but what I caused letting her have that necklace. I’m as guilty as the ones who done it to her. My actions caused it,” I said near tears again.
“Honey,” Linda said. “A kind heart is not what caused it. Evil men who do evil things caused it. You gave love and happiness to an innocent. They took it from her, and you.”
“You two should work at the V.A.,” I said.
“Hell no they are pill pimps,” Linda said. “Jerald was a mess when he got back ‘till I got him off their dope. The kids wouldn’t even go near him. He was a good man. You are too honey.”
“I try,” I admitted.
We talked and such ‘till a little after five when Eddie came home.
“I be an egg sucking dog,” he said. “I seen me a ton of rabbits, used to raise them, but I never seen a pink one.” He took Bunny and looked her over. “I ain’t no Veterinarian but we raised these till I was grown and this one here is as healthy as can be from what I can see.”
I told them I’d thought about taking her to Thorns’ vet but wasn’t sure I wanted it known I had a rabbit nobody had ever seen before.
“Don’t blame you,” Eddie said, “she’s fine though.”
“What you feeding her?” Eddie asked.
“Well I had some baby carrots,” I said.
“Be careful they’re high in calcium,” Eddie said. “Get her some quality pellets, good hay, some bok choi, dark leaf lettuce. No iceberg though. They can eat strawberries, bananas and pineapples for snacks.”
“Hay though,” I asked?
“Yep. Helps with digestion, helps reduce hairballs too. Alfalfa is what you want.”
I pulled out my phone, found the number and called the local PetSmart. They had what I needed.
“Wanna rabbit sit,” I asked P? “I don’t wanna take her into the store.”
She laughed. “OK Bubba.”
“You’re afraid she’s so unique someone will try to take her from you.”
It hit me she was right. They’d have a fight though. “I will take her,” I said, “I’m not living in fear of it.”
“Oh hell, I’ll go too; we can pick BBQ up on the way back,” she said. “No need for you to go to that empty house and not eat,” she said. “You need a woman Case.”
“I got two,” I said.
“That you do,” P agreed. “Thorns is not even jealous,” P said, stroking Thorns head.
“No she isn’t, Thorns made me take her to bed, wouldn’t let me leave her,” I said.
We headed off, P, Thorns, Bunny and me to PetSmart.
The clerk tried to sell me a cage and bedding. Bunny freaked out at the cage.
“No sale,” I said.
We tried a small animal bed, again she wasn’t having it. We got her a water system, and all kinds of food. The food she seemed OK with. I got her a small harness and purple leash with bling on it. P insisted on the bling for a pretty girl. Thorns got a bunch of treats and some new chew toys. She was rough as hell on toys.
The girls working there were all fawning over Bunny and Thorns. P told them she was pink because I rescued her from a family that dyed her for the kids Easter and then didn’t want her. I would have never thought of that.
I spent some time looking at fish tanks and talking to a girl about them. She seemed like she knew a lot about them and offered to come help me set one up if I bought one. They had two, both over 45 gallons, I liked. I agreed to think about it, and she gave me her card.
We got out to the truck and loaded up everything.
“You are out of practice Bubba,” P said.
“I’m what?”
“Out of practice. Those girls don’t offer to go set up guys tanks.”
“She was hitting on you silly.”
“What? No P, I don’t think so.”
“So you think she offers to go set up everyone’s tanks?”
“Well ... I don’t know. Besides she’s what twenty and I’m near 40.”
“Yeah near 40 and still in great shape, look younger. You need to get back to working too,” P said.
“I don’t have any skills that don’t involve hurting someone,” I said as I started us down the road.
“Let me talk to Billie, her fiancé works at the chemical co here. You have a lot of leadership experience,” P said.
“I’m sure they won’t’...”
“Let me see Bubba.”
“OK if you think.”
“I do,” P said plainly.
“Yeah, I do need to do something. But I have the girls...”
“Those girls will be just fine with daddy at work. Heck you may find another girl who needs daddy,” she laughed.
“Oh god P, that’s all I need, a woman with a daddy issue.”
“Hell all us girls have a little daddy issue,” she laughed harder. “Why do you think Eddie is older than me.”
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Porn AggregatorsAre you an Ink Bunny, or is that just something you think about when you’ve got the ol’ Johnson lubed up on your lunch break? Some folks might call it weird to masturbate to images of rabbit girls, reptile bitches, and your little ponies. That is why it’s always nice to find a community of like-minded perverts who aren’t going to look at you sideways for wanting to see Twilight Sparkle’s puckered butthole. Hey, it isn’t my usual breakfast fap material, but with enough weed and viagra, I can...
Hentai Porn SitesThe rest of the San Francisco trip was pretty much a blur, we shopped and went sightseeing every day, ate at a superb restaurant every night. No one wanted the visit to end and we all left little bits of our heart behind at that wonderful city by the bay. We’ve thought often about moving back there but the timing hasn’t ever been right to do so, although we certainly hope to someday and we all visit at least twice a year now. There was really now only two pieces left of important unfinished...
My neighbor, Madison, had done me a major good deed. First, she gave me the best loving of my life. Then, she brought out the real side of my wife, Natalie. All of this effort brought rewards to Madison, too. She was getting all the sex she could handle from both me and Natalie. She was one happy young lady of twenty-three, and she showed it as much as possible in as many ways as possible that involved acts of sex and lust. Natalie still had to go to work everyday. She was a major corporate...
Three weeks passed before I heard from my abnormally well hung client, John. He booked me for an entire week and wanted to fly me to Mexico to spend the time with him at a private resort. His visit was once again to be about his medical business and education, but it was just a ruse to allow him to have time away from his wife to spend with his favorite escort, Velvet Crush. It made me wet all day thinking about John and that helped as I held my ass in the air and allowed Ralph, my boyfriend’s...
People think that because everyone is nude then sex is rampant. That is not the case, yes sex is there but not rampant, it is easier, but it's not for everyone, as naturists, the true ones, don't see the naked body as a sexual stimulant, but that's not to say, we dont get horny at the sight of a nice cock or pair of tits.I have been a naturist since the ripe old age of three, introduced into the commune by my parents, a pair of party a****ls and swingers, and yes I can remember things that I...
I thought it was horny to see that man smelling my panties,it gave me a warm feeling inside.as I watched it all through the opening of the door, I began to caress myself.I grabbed my breasts and started rubbing between my legs.I felt my nipples getting harder through my blouse.he was so enjoying my worn panties, he made a sort of growling sound. His hand disappeared into his pants.I lifted my skirt a little and felt how the panties that I now wore became wetter.I pulled it aside and started...
I know right when it happened, I was the head of the high school cheerleader squad. I had just reached the age of consent for my state. I was young, popular, and hot as hell and all the guys wanted me. Sure I had had sex before. I was up to four guys now, but it really was not doing it for me. I had a couple of people I would babysit for. This couple I loved, they would go out all happy and come home drunk as heck. They would stumble in and go straight to bed and fuck. A few times I would...
Bait and Switch By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Alyssa casually pulled her skirt up to better show off her shapely legs as she sat at the bar. She had been sitting at the bar of the hotel for nearly an hour, observing every man who walked in. Glancing at her watch, she saw that it was still quite early, only nine-thirty; there was plenty of time. As...
My wife and I are in our fifties now and started dating in high school. I’ll refer to us as Doug and Megan. We were the stereotypical football player/cheerleader couple. I quickly started realizing Megan was very different than any other girl I had dated. Her appearance to me, in the beginning, as well as her friends and family, was very straight-laced and intellectual.Her sexual side, however, was totally different. From the beginning of our relationship, I was amazed at her craving for sex....
CuckoldChapter Eleven: Rough and Gentle (M+/f, F/f, blackmail) ************* Tina awoke screaming. Ice cold water was spraying down on her body. She lashed about, trying to keep the water out of her face, but strong hands restrained her. She gurgled as water rushed into her mouth. She couldn’t move, couldn’t get up from her sitting position. Her strong slender legs flailed about helplessly as someone laughed gleefully at her plight. She was in the shower, at home at her trailer, she...
I started drinking when I was way too young. By the time I hit the legal drinking age, I had already been to rehab twice. When I got to 21, I was sober if sober is defined as “does not drink alcohol, but in order to not drink alcohol, frequently abuses every manner of illicit substances.” Yeah. I was sober. Needless to say, I was a black sheep. My family was wealthy and the rehab didn’t put them in some dire financial strain. But my parents always threatened to not give me any support as...
Alan led me into the house, not to his bedroom. I knew by then the approximate steps and directions, and he turned opposite. I presumed we were in his living room, which was confirmed when he helped me to sit, which turned out to be on a couch. He sat down beside me and a moment later, I felt his hands in my hair, releasing the gag from my mouth. I could do nothing except stare into the darkness straight ahead of me, but at least could move my jaw and close my mouth.“I think we’re through with...
Wife LoversAlso read my other true Stories of our swinging get together's with other men.Although I was both stag and cuckold during our sessions there always were moments that lent on the side of some humiliation for both myself and wife. Even though the times were over the top hot you really can't get away with that fact so, I'm going to tell of the humiliating side of sharing my wife for all those years.Our discretion was paramount, if friends and family found out what we got up to would have been the...
30 years ago I was lucky enough to marry the sexiest lady I have ever known. I was 9 years older and had been around the block a time or two but she was what many men would just pant for. Liv was 5’5” tall, nice firm 36C’s, hard erect ½” nipples that seemed to always be begging to be sucked, long brown hair, nice legs and a firm stomach. She was erotic just to look at and a lot of guys would turn around when we passed. We had been married for about 6 months and she was always ready and willing...
What's in your night stand? A drabble by RH Music "May I look through your night stand?" "Ahh, well, there's some strange stuff in there..." "I hope so! I hate boring night stands." Sifting through the contents, she found the pornography, the dildo, and the bra. "How delicious!" she giggled. "Let's check out your closets." "Wait!" "Yes?" "We just met... where is this headed?" She stepped close and caressed my cheek. "I want your life to be laid bare. I want to expose...
When I was 22 and a senior in college I had the great fortune to go out with an 18 year old named high school senior named Julie. Julie was tall, 5'7', and buxom. She had at least C-cup breasts with a nice, curvy ass in perfect proportion. The most memorable thing about Julie, however, was not her height, age, or Amazonian build, but her labia minora. I have always avoided the use of this term as it is really too profane for polite company, but here on xhamster, I will tell you that these...
I was in what sociologists would call an “at risk” group. You’ve read the same stories I have and know the type: long dirty blond, some would say red hair, great figure, married to a sweet guy who makes plenty of money, two children in preschool. I was ‘ well a lady never tells her age, but I’d hit that time in life we all know is coming, when women start to get horny enough to “do” things. I had been a virgin when we married, as was my husband, Gary,...
Karen converts another into watching ir sex. It has been a couple of months since Karen has been doing her Wednesday workout at the “gym”. We don’t much talk about it since this is strictly Karen getting her black dick fix. It usually goes like me asking if she had a good time and her responding by sticking my hand between her legs so I can feel how wet she was. Best part is I get to eat her then fuck her before she takes a shower. We both shower together and again my hard dick is rubbing up...
It was a dark Friday evening, just a little passed 10pm. I had been sitting in my patrol car all night. I looked around outside. I could see a light out above the old gas station. It was your typical slow boring, small town night. I had moved from the big city a few weeks ago. I graduated from the Police Academy. Worked two years on the mean streets of NYC. I needed a big change in my life. I decided to move down to Maryland. Out on the Eastern Shore. As far away from civilization, I could...
Varsa is a top business development executive with a renowned company which deals in outsourcing and services. She is young, dynamic, and ruthless in her approach to work and also towards life. Even at 29 she had outgrown a lot of her senior colleagues with her ruthless and result oriented approach. The leadership of her company was extremely happy and satisfied with her work and the kind of results she achieved. She had been rewarded equally too with attractive perks, promotions, and aspiring...
After two years of flirty texts and phone calls Stacy and I had finally met up and had sex. She lived with her boyfriend but it seemed that the idea of no strings sex appealed to her. It was Friday afternoon and I was sitting outside a coffee shop enjoying the warm summer sun. Stacy and I had been flirting on and off all week since the last time we’d met up, spending all afternoon and all night naked at my house. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Stacy. Stacy: I’m horny!! Me: Really? ...
Straight SexHi, pornasaxena ki ek aur story apke liye. Patience rakh ke padhiyega. Ye mere ek khash female friend ki sacchi kahani hai, jise email me usne bataya. Mujhe acchhi lagi to mai ise apne bhasha me apko batane wala hu. Roshan ko school se lekar ke ghar ayi to pasine se meri saree tak bheeg chuki thee. News me ab cuttack ka temp 43 degree bata raha tha. Maine apne sare kapde khol kar bed pe fenki aur sower me ghus gayi. Nahate huye jab mere hath mere chuchiyo ko saf karne gaye to mere badan ki...
I had a sick feeling that I had made a very dumb move. I had thrown away twenty-two years of work and experience and loyalty in a fit of pique over a stupid comment from a stupid man. It didn't matter that I was right and justified, it was the consequences of my actions I had to answer for. I had two children ... well ... young adults ... for whom I was responsible. That and a mortgage and a number of other debts. How the hell was I going to pay for them? Should I eat crow and beg for my...
----- 3 -- I woke up to a pair of my jeans being thrown into my face. I pealed them off and looked at them. Ean was in the doorway. I was soo tired. “Get ready for school.” “Aaaaah,” I groaned as innocently and sickly as I could. “You’re going to school. Mom said to make sure you go no matter what. If you’re not ready in half an hour, I’ll carry you there in whatever state you’re in; even if I have to drop you off while you’re still in your night gown.” He turned and walked...
Returning to www.private.com today is Amalia Davis, a cute teen with big natural tits and she has come to Private Specials, Two Girlfriends are Better than One alongside debutant Mia Richi for a hot threesome with their shared boyfriend Frankie G. After some skating it’s time for this horny teen duo to take their man back home for some more fun as they both treat him to some foreplay and a sloppy gagging blowjob. Then watch and enjoy Amalia and Mia put their busty bodies and big asses to work...
xmoviesforyouHi… This is Anshu 28 yrs male from Hyderabad. This was my first narration in Indian Sex Stories and its been fun to express something which happened in my life. I am a cool guy never worried about the present and the past or never tried to judge people as it leaves me in trouble. This incident happened when I was in the first year of my graduation. She was my cousin who came to my home for enjoying summer holidays. We used to play a lot I used to cuddle with her. In the beginning, I never had...
My wife was always ragging on me about my posture. She said I slouchedand needed to stand up straighter and pull my shoulders back. I triedto do that, but as soon as I stopped thinking about it I guess myposture reverted back to what, for me, was 'normal' and then she wouldget on me again about it.We had been married for five years and I think her good cooking got thebest of me as I had gained about 20 pounds since the wedding. Myweight was her other pet peeve. If she wasn't nagging me...
The city folk were coming up with innovative solutions to the lack of time in building a proper finished stone wall. Now, after the euphoria, was a renewed understanding of why they needed defensive walls. The following weeks would increase the work; ideas would be floated, discarded. People talked over their breaks. The final design to replace the broken walls was a wooden palisade with an earth rampart inside that. But there would be a gap left between the two, as the clay and mud was...
Christy told me that, the following morning at eight fifteen, Greg knocked on their bedroom door.“Kevin called him in and he brought coffee to us,” she went on, “I was laying down and the covers were down enough to expose my naked breasts.”“So, he saw your tits again?”“Yes, Steve, he saw my breasts again.”She told me that she sat up in bed and the covers were now down to her waist as she drank her coffee. Greg was sitting on the bed and talking to Kevin. She told me that he kept looking at her...
Wife Lovers"Mr. McDonald, I'm glad you could speak to me." "My pleasure, Mr. Daniels." Evan McDonald smiled leaning back in his chair. Jack's face floated in the holo screen over his desk. "To what do I attribute the honor? Is everything all right? I hope you haven't had any trouble since that, ah, misunderstanding we had. That was bad form on my part," he said with a shake of his head. "No excuses. I should have learned by now not to take anything for granted." "No problem with that,"...
*This isn’t my usual style, but it comes from the heart – I hope you enjoy!* The wind howled across the plains as the wolves sang their woeful evening song, making the desert sand seem endless. The warrior closed his eyes and let his mind go. Soon he was aware of her presence. Although he knew it was only a dream, it was a dream he was very familiar with. He had been having the same dream his whole life. And this time was no different. He felt her beneath him, his long dark hair falling around...
Or A day in the life of a sheepdog. Oh! Fuck this, thought Rambo. Rain was hitting him like miniature scythes, bouncing off of his head and back, running into his eyes, dripping of his black and white coat, matting his fur into sodden strands that looked like a Rastafarian hair do. A cold wind kept blasting him from any direction it felt like and it was as much as he could do to keep from shivering to bits. The weather wasn’t the worst of his problems though. The flock of...
Authors note: Thank you all for the encouragement. A point of clarification. You may have seen that the first two parts were reposted. This was not in error but was done after I proofread and edited some parts again. If there's any more typos I apologize. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Shit Shit Shit" screamed Andrew from outside his apartment door. A half asleep Emily came to the door, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand, "Shut up Andy....
3 pm, I am looking at my laptop screen trying to get things done. The to-do list was just on my side, there were still a lot of things undone for the day. The ac was at its best, and the dead silence in the office made it more difficult to finish the list, I could see everyone glued to their chairs and screens. My eyes slowly started shutting, my mind, not focused and after few sec… minutes…. I realized I have already slept, my eyes had closed. I open them fast, looking around if someone had...
"Hey. I've got some bad news," I said to my brother. "You talked to AM, right?" asked Dave "Yeah." "She told you she wants to break up with me?" "Yeah. She said that since you both are going to different colleges..." "Her college being ten miles away from yours," he sneered. I didn't bother to respond. "That's why you should end things now," I finished. "Why?" I responded, "Because she knows that you like somebody else ... somebody who'll be going to State with...
Halloween Part 2: Chapter Three: Wearing it: So I woke up on 31st October in a hurry to go to the toilet. My bedroom was dark and at first I thought I was still wrapped in our bedsheets when I sat up in the bed but as I moved to the door I realised I was still wearing the same black silky chemise with the lace trim and the matching panties that Leanne had pegged me in last night. (I have since learnt that phrase at the time I thought it was just described as made love to...
Disclaimer : All characters in the stories are fictitious. The story has extensive homosexuality. If your name is used as one the character it is a coincidence. If you are against anything stated above please quit reading. The ideas for this story are taken from many others, as I’m regular reader to many erotica blogs. For any comments and ideas Email me – Mera naam Rajat hai. Ye baat meri shaadi se ek din pehle ki hai. Meri shaadi Jodhpur ke ek 5 star hotel mein thi. Mein apne 5 (Akash,...
Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...
I'm dumbfounded, my lovely wife and daughter are on the floor next to me fully nude, like I am, sharing a deep kiss swapping the cum I had just deposited into my daughters mouth. I can feel my erection quickly coming back. My name is John and here are the events leading up to this amazing happening. My wife Adele and I were married 16 years ago while in our senior year of High School. We did the "right" thing after Adele got knocked up during a wild night of sex. I still remember it like it...
I worked in an office at a college and was able to have my own office and the privacy needed to fulfill my fantasies. I am a bisexual male and was able to meet with several educated professionals who had the same desires. I'm on the submissive side so I needed to meet the right person. This one such experience.I met this person first by contacting hs company seeking information. Surprisingly, while on a m4m web-site I met the same person again, he was an educated professional who was in...
Tonight I am staying over my best friend Jane's house. Her Mum is away so we've got the house to ourselves. Tammy is coming too. OK, just to inform you, my name is Lola. I'm 18 and I'm a bisexual. I have long blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm thin with E breasts. To be frank, I'm stunning. I know this and everyone else in the school knows this. My friends Tammy and Jane are pretty too. We are the most popular girls in school no doubt about it. Jane has brown hair cut short into a bob and she has...
LesbianSensations started to flood, surrounded by a misty dream-like inability to process precisely where I was. One minute I thought I thought was at home in my bed. Then I thought I was hanging out of a spaceship. Finally, I managed to process that I was tied up and naked on a floor. My first thought was that this was going to make it exceedingly difficult to use a bicycle and that I would have to learn how to ride a unicycle. Then I remembered that I already could ride a unicycle. Then I remembered...
BDSMOn Friday evening I told hubby that I was organising a little dinner party for Saturday evening, so he must cook a nice meal for four people. I added that although he must cook and serve the meal, he would be permitted to dine with me and my two guests, and hopefully he would have fun. He became really excited about this, I assume thinking the guests would be female, or maybe a couple. The evening arrived, and I instructed hubby to stay naked, and I tied a little bow on his chastity cage. It...
After my previous visit to Northwich Sauna a few months ago I booked Wednesday off work to make another visit on TV/TS day. I had arrange to meet up with a TV called Julie in there in advance, so headed off quite early to spend a good few hours there.I paid up and striped off, taking my towel with me. As I usual do I walk round the upstairs area to see what action is happening. Plenty of guys walking around or sat down watching porn. The porn room had a couple of guys in there.The large...
The last gray wisps of sleep fade away as I feel you snuggle into me, your hand sliding across my tummy to rest against the curve of my breast."Good morning, sleepy head," you murmur into my neck with a kiss."Same to you," tousling your hair, knowing we always wake within a minute of each other.You jostle against me, shifting your hips."What's the matter? You got bugs?""Ass hole's a little sore, if you must know.""Well, I told you to put the lube under the pillow last night. Besides, I didn't...
Incest“Of course I am, my sodding idiot.” I said with a smile as I walked past him out to the car. “You know, you can’t call me that while we’re in England. People will think you’re yelling at me.” He followed me to the car and loaded it up. “Of course I know that you sodding idiot. I am just using it as much as I can before we go. It is on my ring after all.” I said with a big smile and kissed him before getting in the car. “See that last one didn’t sound like a pet name. That one...
Hello Friends, Your appreciation for my past 2 stories has given me the motivation to write a story once again. I am Rohan (name changed) from Guwahati, Assam and I write only about my real life experiences. I don’t like fiction and therefore I narrate only what has happened in real. Today, I am writing how I had sex with colleague. I was working for a reputed company for 4-5 months. After that, a new girl joined the company. Her name was Sanchita. She was 1-year elder to me at that time. While...
“Oh, shit!” he groaned. “Oh, SHIT! Ohhhhuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” She felt him cumming, shooting streams of thick, hot fluids deep inside her. Her stomach constricted and she felt the bile rising in her throat. She had to fight down the urge to vomit as she felt the warmth spreading through her. Still he pounded into her, over and over until he had drained the last drop of his cum into her. Then, with a groan and a shiver, he collapsed on top of her. Heather felt him gradually softening inside...
The only direct feedback on the first chapter was to shorten the paragraphs and make greater use of dialog. The feedback was greatly appreciated and I hope, effectively applied. Let me know what you think. * * * * * Chapter 2: Where Do I Go From Here? My success with Jan should have had me on cloud nine. After all, the time I spent buried in all those books was finally paying off and I got my first taste of how good true control could be. I could truly be her master if I really wanted to be....
Just as Lynn was daydreaming about that hunk she saw at the gym last night, she hears the phone ring. A little annoyed, because it was just starting to get steamy, she shuts off the water and hurrily wraps a towel around her tanned, curvy body. She answers the phone, in a bit of a huff. It is Glen on the other end, her good friend and sometime lover. He tells her that he just bought a new Harley and wants to take her for a ride. She loves bikes, so tells him to give her about fifteen minutes...
Janice, my next door neighbour, left to visit her mother for a week, and her husband started hitting on our home, where I, a divorcee, and my teen daughter live, he thinks we are 'Fair Game', and if I am honest, it's laughable, but dangerously possible.My Daughter called out for me to come to her bedroom, which I did. Upon arriving there, she was looking out her bedroom window, so I went across and looked out to where she was looking, and my heart almost stopped beating, Brian, the neighbour I...
Vicky didn't stir a muscle when the alarm rang. I quickly shut it off and reluctantly left the warmth of our bed. After a quick shower, I dressed in the dark and headed out to the arena, leaving a note for her. I said hello to John but we kept quiet as we got dressed, not feeling the need to talk. I finished first and went out to warm up. After our shooting practice, Fred had us gather around for his regular Monday morning speech. "Good morning gentlemen, I trust you relaxed yesterday...
It was in the fall of my junior year, I had made the track team and was also the favorite cum receptacle for Bruce, Charlie Daniel and a host of their friends and compatriots...I had just run three miles on the schools quarter mule track. Tired exhausted and barely able to stand, I entered the shower. It was late on a Wednesday even and no one was in the gym at this time of day. The janitors and maids were all in the other wing of the school and would only come through to lock up. I stripped...
Note-the entire work is not erotic, so if you are simply looking for the sex scene, scroll to chapter two. Thank you for reading! Chapter 1 It was another cold night in Greenwood Vale. While the snow was yet to arrive, everyone could feel it's presence clutching the breeze of the late-autumn air. Lanterns were lit bright in most households, and hearths were ablaze in an attempt to shut out the bitter draft. An impossible task, however. Greenwood Vale is a small village built beside...
Life sucked! Staci could not believe how bad things had gotten. When she and Don had married life had seemed so full of promise. They were crazy in love, Don had a good job, they lived in a nice part of town and everything was coming up roses. Then, in the blink of an eye everything went totally to hell. Don had helped pay his way through college by joining ROTC and after graduation he had served three years on active duty and then come home and gone into the reserves. He and Staci had met,...
I noticed, after catching Rob masturbating over my wife, that he had trouble taking his eyes off her. When he thought no one was watching, he would stare at her small, tight bottom and pert breasts. On occasion, I saw him rearrange his cock in his shorts, obviously getting hard looking at her. As the holiday progressed and we got a little more used to the heat, we started to stay out later at the local bars and restaurants. We had a favourite where we would usually end up at the end of the...